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From the novel "Moby Dick", an event which is important is when Queequeg got

seriously ill and he expected that he was about to die. There was an incident when the crew on
Pequod had to change the leaking oil barrels. The barrels were very heavy and only the
strongest man could move them. Queequeg had to do this hard and heavy work for three days.
Then, Queequeg fell very sick. His body was as cold as ice one minute and then as hot as fire.
He couldn't see and speak. Ishmael promised him to stay by his side until he got better. After
two days, Queequeg asked his friends to make a coffin and put his harpoon, some food and
water in it. Queequeg thought he was going to die. Ishmael sat, cried and waited beside
Queequeg because he was very sad.
This event is important because it shows Ishmael is a loyal friend who did not leave
Queequeg when he was in a bad condition. It also shows Ishmael as someone who is
compassionate and a real friend at heart. I hope I will be like Ishmael when I grow up.

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