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Five (5) Classes of Fire:

Here are different classes of fire and the key words to easily familiarize them.

1. Class A – consist of ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, plastic and
rubber. This class of Fire usually leaves an Ash . To easily remember this type of fire, just remember the
word “Ash”.

2. Class B – fire from flammable liquids/ gas. The keyword for this class is “Boil”. Just remember that
liquid “boils”.

3. Class C- fire from potentially energized electrical equipments/gadgets. If there’s electricity involved,
think of the “Current” to remember this class of fire.

4. Class D- fire from metals such as titanium, magnesium, potassium, magnesium. Recall that most
metals are dense; therefore, do not forget the word “Dense” for class D fire.

5. Class K – fire from cooking oil such as animal fats, vegetable oils found in the kitchen. The keyword
here is “Kitchen” for class K fire.

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