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Karinna Dwi Purnama


Tutor 6 (B1)


References/sources :

- Kementerian Kesehatan RI : Pedoman Nasional Penanganan Infeksi Menular Seksual.2011

- USAID: HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counselling and Testing (Review of Policies, Programmes
and Guidelinesin East, Central and Southern Africa)
- School Health Education to Prevent AIDS and STD. A resource package for Curriculum
Planners. Teachers' Guide and Students' Activities. UNESCO & WHO, 1994.
- EI / WHO Training and Resource Manual on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
Prepared for Education International and the World Health Organization by
Education Development Center, Inc. With the collaboration of CDC, UNAIDS,
UNESCO, UNICEF, FNV. March 2001.
- Unaids

 SEROLOGIC TEST FOR HIV (VCT – Voluntary Counselling and Testing)

Many people who have HIV do not actually know their status because they have
never been tested. Getting a test for HIV is the only way to really know if someone is
infected. The test is called Voluntary Counselling and Testing, or ‘VCT’ for HIV. Let’s
explore what that means :D
VCT is an HIV intervention that includes both voluntary pre- and post-test
counselling and voluntary HIV testing
a. “Voluntary” – This means that getting tested for HIV/AIDS is your choice,without
coercion. You decide if and when you get an HIV test. So, the first step to
Voluntary Counselling and Testing is your decision to seek testing.
b. “Counselling” – Voluntary Counselling and Testing includes counselling before
and after the test for HIV. Pre-test counselling includes a private session with a
counsellor, who explains the testing procedure and how the results will be given.
You will have the chance to ask questions about the test,the risk of HIV/AIDS,and
share any fears or worries. You can then decide if you are ready to take the test.
In post-test counselling, the counsellor will support you as they tell you the
result of your test. The counsellor will make sure you understand the result and
allow you to express how you feel. They will help you make immediate plans and
provide referrals for medical care, ongoing counselling and opportunities to talk
to people who can help you understand more about HIV and AIDS, as needed.
c. “Testing” - The most common way of testing for HIV uses a blood sample, but
there are oral-swab and urine tests available in some places. Your sample will be
tested in a laboratory to see whether there are HIV antibodies in your blood.

Possible results

Positive: If the test detects antibodies for HIV, we know that HIV has entered the body.
When antibodies are found, we say the blood is HIV-positive, or seropositive. Blood tests
are 99% accurate in most places.

Negative: A “negative” result means that antibodies were not found, indicating either
that the person has not been infected with HIV, or, it may be too early to tell. In the 2-3
month period after infection, it is too early for antibodies to have formed. This period is
called the window period. To be absolutely accurate, the test should be taken twice in
three months giving HIV antibodies time to appear in the bloodstream after the time of

The time that is needed to show the result is a few days or a week later.During
this time, you should avoid behaviours that may put you or others at risk. For
example, if possible, abstain from sex while you are waiting, or use condoms
correctly every time you have sex. Also avoid donating blood. Some places use
“rapid tests” where you can get results within hours or even minutes (but if a
test is positive, it still needs to be confirmed by a second test which may take up
to two weeks).
Voluntary Counselling and Testing services can be offered within clinics,
hospitals, health centres, sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinics, or special
VCT centres.



Decision to seek testing

Pre-test Counselling
A counsellor will explain the testing process, assess your risk of being
infected, and answer questions and address any worries

Decision to test

YES NO Preventive

Take the test for

HIV antibodies

Post-test Counselling

HIV-negative HIV-positive
Receive result from Receive result from
counsellor. counsellor.

Make an immediate plan. Make an immediate plan and

Decide whether to get tested receive referrals.

again in 2-3 months.

Have a discussion about Have a discussion about

sharing your result with sharing your result with
others. others.

Follow-up counselling and support

Medical care Emotional support Social support

1. Respect : Dalam pemeriksaan dan pengobatan pasien lawan jenis, perhatikan tata sopan
santun dan susila serta perlu kehadiran orang ketiga (Asisten)
2. Altruism: Komponen penanganan kasus IMS harus dilakukan secara paripurna meliputi:
anamnesis, pemeriksaan klinis, diagnosis yang tepat, pengobatan dini dan efektif,
edukasi pasien, penyediaan dan anjuran untuk menggunaan kondom, notifikasi dan
penanganan pasangan seksnya. Dengan demikian, penanganan kasus yang efektif, tidak
hanya terdiri dari terapi antimikroba (obat-obatan) untuk memperoleh kesembuhan
dan mengurangi penularan, namun secara menyeluruh dan meliputi layanan terhadap
kesehatan reproduksi pasien.
3. Informed consent sebelum melakukan pemeriksaan (Venerologi examination). Apa
tujuannya, bagaimana prosedurnya, Apa efek sampingnya dan bagaimana mengatasinya
4. Menjaga kerahasiaan pasien (Confidentiality), semua nama pasien atau pasangannya
hanya digunakan untuk upaya penatalaksanaan pasangan seksual, dan disimpan dalam
arsip yang dapat dijamin kerahasiaannya
5. Pengobatan :
o Memilih obat dengan tingkat kemanjuran tinggi
o Menjelaskan kepada pasien tentang IMS yang diderita dan pengobatan yang
diperlukan, termasuk nama obat, dosis, serta cara penggunaannya. Bila perlu
dituliskan secara rinci untuk panduan pasien
o Memberitahu tentang efek samping pengobatan
o Menjelaskan tentang komplikasi dan akibat lanjutnya
o Menganjurkan agar pasien mematuhi pengobatan. Jika sulit, berikan dosis tunggal.
6. Memberikan saran atau anjuran kepada pasien untuk mengganti pekerjaan ke pekerjaan
lain yang lebih aman. Namun jika Ia tidak mampu karena finansial untuk berganti
pekerjaan, ia dapat melanjutkan pekerjaan tersebut namun dianjurkan untuk menabung
sehingga di waktu yang akan datang ia dapat berganti pekerjaan .
7. Memberikan saran atau anjuran kepada pasien untuk tidak melakukan hubungan
seksual dengan (banyak) orang lain , dengan kata lain Menjelaskan pilihan perilaku
seksual yang aman. Cara ABCD :
o A = Abstinence (tidak melakukan hubungan seksual untuk sementara
o B = Be faithful (setia pada pasangan)
o C = Condom (gunakan kondom bila tidak mau melaksanakan A dan B,
termasuk menggunakan kondom sebelum IMS yang dideritanya sembuh)
o D = no Drugs Tidak menggunakan obat psikotropik atau zat adiktif lainnya
8. Menghimbau agar mereka sendiri lah yang menghubungi tempat pelayanan IMS untuk
mendapat pengobatan. Upaya ini harus dilaksanakan dengan mempertimbangkan faktor
sosial dan budaya setempat, untuk menghindari masalah etis yang mungkin timbul,
misalnya penolakan, dan kekerasan khususnya terhadap wanita.

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