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The Smart School

Paper: Science Assessment: 2 Marks: 30 Time: 1 Hour

Name: ___________________________________________ Roll # ________________

Q. 1: What name is given to the change of state from?

a) A liquid to a gas:

b) A solid to a liquid:

c) A gas to a liquid:

d) A Liquid to a solid

Q.2. (a) Write a word equation for respiration:


(b) Write word equation for an aerobic respiration in animals:


(c) Write a word equation for an aerobic respiration in plants:


Q.3: write short answers of the given questions:

a) What are decomposers? And why are they useful?
b) What is fermentation?

c) What is an infection?

d) Name two diseases caused by: a) bacteria b) viruses c) fungi


e) What is breathing and what tubes carry air to the lungs?


f) What is Mucus and Cilia?


Q. 3: Write down the long answers of the following:

1. (a) What is the immune system?
(b) What does immune and antibodies mean?

2. (a) Explain why in hot countries, houses are often painted white?
(b) On a hot summer day the inside of a white car is cooler than the inside of a black car?

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