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Jokim H.

Lagan BSMT 3A blood vessels and it contains some smooth

muscle cells, but is devoid of fat cells.
Male Reproductive System
-Glands of Tyson is located in the undersurface
The Penis
of the prepuce and in the proximal portion of the
-consist of three cylindrical masses(Cavernous glans penis. The secretion of this glands often
muscle; made up of erectile tissue) accumulates and forms a cheesy materials
(smegma) in the space between the prepuce and
 Two corpora cavernosa penis glans penis in the circumsized penis.
-structurally identical
-occupy the dorsum of the penis where Accesory Glands of the Male Reproductive
they lie aside by side System
 Corpus spongiusum penis Prostate Gland
-lies on the median plane, ventral to the
corpora cavernosa penis -chest-nut shaped prostate gland is the largest of
-it enlarge distal portion forms a conical the accessory glands.
structure, the glans penis, which is -its substance is traversed by prostatic urethra
covered by a fold of skin, the prepuce. that passes through the center of the gland.
- Tunica albunginea binds the three cavernous -the stroma of prostate gland consists of dense
bodies together and forms a capsule around irregular connective tissue that is richly supplied
each one. with smooth muscle fibers- the reason why the
-Erectile tissue consist of labyrinthine system of prostate is often referred to as a fibromuscular
anastomosing blood channels that are lined by organ.
endothelium and separated from each other by - the parenchyma of the prostate gland consists
connective tissue that contains elastic and of three groups of compound of compound
smooth muscle fibers tubuloalveolar glands that are arranged
-the vascular of channels in erectile tissue is are concentrically around the urethra:
ordinarly collapsed, but in the presence of erotic
 Main prostate glands
stimuli, they rapidly fill up with blood.
-comprise the bulk, and occupy the
-the penile erection occurs when the smooth peripheral two-thirds of the prostate
muscle in the erectile tissue relax and allow gland. Their secretion is collected by
blood from the two deep cavernosal arteries that about 20 ducts that open independently
run down the length of each cavernous bodies to of each other into the prostatic sinuses
fill the vascular channels of the cavernous on the sides of the urethral crest on the
bodies. As the corpora cavernosa fill with blood, posterior aspect of the prostatic urethra.
they press against the veins in the outside walls  Submucosal glands
of the corpora cavernosa, compressing them and -occupies the whole inner third of the
stopping the blood from flowing back out of the prostate gland
penis. As more bloods flows in and less flows out,  Mucosal glands
the penis erects. -comprise a small group of glands that
occupy the area that immediately
-hypodermis is the loose connective tissue that
surrounds the urethra
envelops the penis. It is richly supplied with
-the epithelium that lines that alveoli of the o Thin inner layer – circularly
prostate gland is often simple columnar but in arranged
some areas it is sometimes simple squamous, o Thicker outer layer –
simple cuboidal, or pseudostratified columnar. longitudinally arranged

- the secretion of the prostate gland is an alkaline III. Adventitia

fluid that contains enzymes, fibrinolysin,  Connective tissue with elastic
prostaglandins, and a compound with antibiotic elements
properties.  Epithelial cells
o Produces secretion that contains
fructose – an important source of
JOHN RHEL DENQUE BSMT-3A energy for the spermatozoa,
prostaglandins, and fibrinogen
Seminal Vesicles
Bulbourethral Glands (of Cowper)
 Pair of sac-like structure (Right &
Left)  Pair of pea – sized, yellowish organ
 5 cm long  Location:
 Location: o Embedded in sphincter
o Between the fundus of urinary urethrae muscle; lie behind and
bladder and the rectum, above lateral to membranous urethra
the prostate gland
 Each vesicle has narrow and long  Compound tubuloalveolar mucous
tubes gland (each)
o 10-15 cm long o Enclosed by a thin connective
o Numerous coils are wrapped tissue capsule
together by connective tissue
(externally), also forms a  Connective tissue septa – divide the
capsule for the organ gland into small lobules that contain
externally the alveoli and ducts of the gland

 Walls of the tube (3 histologic layers)  Alveoli

o Mucosa, Muscularis, o Lined with simple cuboidal
Adventitia epithelium
o Drained into ducts that are lined
I. Mucosa by simple tall cuboidal or
o Forms numerous branched columnar epithelium
folds that give the lumen the
appearance of a maze  Confluence of the ducts
 Epithelium: o Gives rise to the main
o Nonciliated excretory duct – lined by a
pseudostratified columnar pseudostratified columnar
(or cuboidal) epithelium, contains smaller
patches of mucus cells
II. Muscularis
 Consist of smooth muscle fibers  Main excretory duct
o Long (2.5 cm to 3 cm)
o Opens into the proximal part
of the spongy urethra

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