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RES290 COM3 3Q1718 Chapter 3 Answered: 5

2001129903 15January 2018 Assigned: 5


1. Define ethics.
Ethics, is a process of reasoning in terms of the right thing to do.
2. Name and briefly explain key ethical issues.
Do no harm – From conceptualizing to carrying out the research project it should be endeavored and
prioritized to do no harm.
Integrity – both researcher and research process should be incorruptible and unbiased in every aspect of
the study.
Plagiarism – It is essential to give proper credit and and reference to other peoples work, failure to do so
is an offense and would question the integrity of the study.
Validity – The concept of validity in research is a question of how logical, truthfull, robust, reasonable,
meaningfull and useful the research is as well as its contribution to to knowledge.
Power - to every research lies a degree of power and influence since this implies a high degree of expert
skill and knowledge, it is important to be careful with this influence.
Transparency – It is of utmost importance to be open,honest and maintain clear communications with
every involved in the research so as to avoid potential harms in the design and development of the
project, since thru this transparency all potential issues can be acted upon avoiding potential problems.

3. What is meant by the term ethical reflection?

Ethical reflection, is a powerful tool to develop a respect for the concern of others, by reflecting on your
research and openly discussing your research with all participants and stakeholders. Ultimately this
process will help avoid potential dilemmas by acknowledging issues, discussing them and resolving
them in an ethical manner.
4. How does one become a reflexive practitioner?
The process of reflexivity in research will encourage you as a researcher to reflect on your research and
to openly discuss your research with all of the participants and stakeholders in the research project. Thru
this essential reflexive process the issues problems and ethical dilemas real and potenial in your research
project will be acknowledged, discussed and resolved, actively and critically engaging in this process
will help you become a reflective ethical research practitioner.

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5. Name and explain two ethical concerns in each step of the research process.
Planning stage of the Research
From the development of the idea, it should be evaluated if it will contribute to knowledge and
do no harm.
As a researcher asses yourself if you have enough knowledge and skill for the research idea.
Literature Review
Asses if the review of literature has been done thoroughly
Asses if all pertinent information has been thoroughly checked on perpective and their sources
Population and Sampling
Ensure that the population chosen for the research is appropriate, ensure representative sampling.
Ensure appropriate sampling method
Research Methodology
Ensuring the appropriateness of the research methodology
Does it fit with the aim of the research and with the population of he study?
Data Collection methods
Are the data gathering methods chosen appropriate for the research project
Ensure the accuracy and precision of the data gathering methods
Data Analysis
Asses yourself as a researcher if you have the necessary skills for gathered data analysis and
Ensure that the conclusions and interpretation are all based on the gathered data
Completion and Write Up
Asses if the conclusions are insightfull
Asses if the proposed reccomendations are reasonable and achievable

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