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SCT Mrug Bahar Shedule 2018

Soil Charger technology????????
         *Mrug bahar*
   (pomegranate cropping schedule)
*June july 2018*
(Integrated Management)
It is risky to having new information is used to listen from others;
This is dangerous because the unnecessary expenditure leads to loss of the crop !!
*So everyone has to study this schedule for three times a lot !! Record its notes and improve your
experience!Let us know so much more clarity about the benefit of this!*
Lastly, the farmers who have experience in the field are the ultimate Crytaria !!
*Closing many traditional practices in pomegranate farming and experimenting with new! We are
moving towards sustainable and prosperous pomegranate farming.*
    Hundreds of farmers have been invited to use all the treatments in this schedule, including in to the
home garden also . Successful use of technology, which is a successful treatment for farmers across
India, is in the schedule.
*Our main objective is to save on costs by producing organic, residue free and quality fruit and
DFor uniform fruit setting..
Give proper fertilizers and spray during the rest and stress,. Study schedule for the rest of the day !!
??? we always keep updating in schedule for better treatment ‼
D *After 7 days of pruning, immediately spraying 1% of the bordo on plant and bed and then after 4-5
days give defoliation spray.*
DWhenever there is no stress, when the leaves are green, before 15 days starting the outside of the
planning, ethefon 39%  0.5 ml + water charger 0.1 ml + fruit charger 5 ml per liter + DAP ..5 gm spray.
$  *For the defoliation ..spray ethefon 39% will be..*
If 5% is stress (leaves are yellowing or falling )then 2 ml
If 20% is stress then 1.5 ml
If 40% is stress then 1 ml
If there is 60% stress, then 0.5 ml
*Ethefon 39% + Water Charger 0.1 ml + DAP, 5 gm. Pr liter*

     ̪Farmers' should take into account the importance of basal dose.
*The basal dose should be filled immediately after the harvesting of the garden, then it should be used
for a period of next two months and the rest should be given. At the cropping of garden does not need
to be re-basal again!*
After the fruit setting, the next basal dose can be transplanted into the top 2 inch soils !!
*In such a situation, farmers who come to such practice often come to a lesser problem with the  fruit
Avoid use of water soluble in soil.
   If besal dose not given into rest...  
*Start basal dose in 4-5 days after defoliation.* Probably fill the basal with two-foot length of two feet
length on the two sides of the tree. At least 2 to 2.5 feet from the tree should be on foot. The dripper
should be set on it. Fill the fertilizer in two to three days.
D One thing to remember is that chances of stress is release  So without defoliation, doesn't dig 
pits for basal dose!
"Golden Opportunity"
( Patent Technology, Intrapreneur, Nashik)
   *Pomegranate first basal dose*
Always use plenty of organic fertilizers in the basal dose.
►Basal dose ...
D *Ship manure is better but it is done powder by Rotevetr & with composting by WD and can use this
type of manure 1-3 kg per tree.*

$ FYM Fertilizer, cropping year x 7 kg (rotten)

$ Single super phosphate 150 gm x year of cropping
-- -- -- -- --
$ Krushi Amrit cropping year x 1.5 kg per tree
$ Gruen Gujarat cropping year x 250 gm per plant
$ 10: 26: 26..150 gm x cropping year
$ mop 50 gm x cropping year
$ magnesium sulfate 25 gm x cropping year
$ Ferus sulphate 15 gm x cropping year
$ Mix Miconutrient 15 gm x cropping year
DMix a single super phosphate & FYM mixture on it and put it on it.
*Mix all the fertilizers in Krushi Amrit, together with a batch and mix them in the soil by mixing it with a
batch for 50/50 trees.*
"Golden Opportunity"
( Patent Technology, Intrapreneur, Nashik)
   *water management* 
   Give 3- 4 hours water after 10 days after the first water ,The second day give soil Charger 10 ml pr
plant through drip should be  by drip.
   Give the second water 1or 2 hour after 4-5 days, reducing the days distance further.
Give half an hour after 3-4 days to give half an hour.
   Give the fourth water after 2-3 days
   Friends, when a lot of buds appear, then water should be given at regular interval of 2-3 days. Make
changes like the light soil land. If deep soil, increase water gap for two days.
No water to be provided if it is raining from the occasion. Water needs to be as per need !!
*fertilizers application (per tree)*
DImportant note: -
*If chemical fertiliser is given into the basal dose, give the 10 ml Soil Charger per plant by drip on the
second day of the water and follow the following schedule.*
*To ensure 100% UPTech , apply the fertilizer for the second day and give water for 10 minutes and for
15 minutes fertiliser following by 5 minutes only water.*
*How to give granular fertiliser by drip kindly go through fertiliser schedule at the end will find the
Drip fertigation [all doses are per tree]

* ★ 10 days after first water given*

A) Calcium Nitrate - 10 grams + boron . 1.25 gm + soil Charger ... 5ml

* 15 days*
B) Miconutrient .. 2.5g + soil Charger 2.5 ml.

D *if shoots coming more... use MOP or  SOP 10 gm with soil Charger 5 ml pr plant*
D *If need more sprouting, give 18:46:0 . 15 gm  + soil Charger 5 ml. Pr plant*

* ★ 20 days*
C) Flower Charger 3 - 5ml + Sugar 2.5g + Fruit Charger 5ml + Planofix 1.25 ml pr plant

* 30 days*
repeat treatment 'A' again.

* 40 days*
repeat treatment 'B' again

* 50 days*
repeat treatment 'C' again

* 60 days*
12:32:16 ...... 15 gm + soil Charger 5 ml
Soak in 20 liter water together for 12 hours and after filtering give by drip.

* 70 days*
13:00:45 .. 10 gm + boron 1.25 gm soil Charger 5 ml. Pr plant

* 80 days*
DRepeat A, B, C if the setting is delayed due to heavy rain or low storage.
After setting give a second basal dose
*Second basal dose*

★ After setting completed !! (90 to 100 days)

DIn the monsoon season poultry manure with SSP 50 kg per ton and composted with WD, after fruit
setting, 1-2 kg per tree helps for good size !!
(prepared it before giving)

$Krushi Amrit 2 - 3 kg
$12:32:16 - 250-300 gm
$10: 26: 26..250-400 gm
$Mop-150 to 250gm
$Magnesium sulphate is 50 to 100 gm
$Ferus sulphate 25 to 50 gm
*Mix all this and give it under drip area applied in two-inch soil*

*After giving basal dose, give water for 3/5 hours and on the next day, give soil charger 10 ml per plant

*Drip fertigation [all dose per tree]*

To make a dose, *formula :- per plant dose x trees, eg. size charger 2.5 ml x 400 trees = 1000 ml*

   * 90 days or (after setting)*
Size Charger 2.5 ml + Fruit Charger 5 ml

  * 100 days*
Calcium nitrate.. 10 ml +
Boron ... 1.25 g +
Soil Charger 5 ml

   * 110 days*
Micronutant 2.5 g + Soil Charger 5 ml

   * 120 days*
Size Charger ....... 2.5ml + Fruit Charger .... 5ml

   * 130 days*
10:26:26 ......... 15 gm + Sole charger ..... 5 ml + mop ..... 5 gm

* 137 days*
Magnesium sulphate.. 10 gm + ferus sulphate . 5 gm + Soil Charger... 5ml

* 145 days*
10:26:26 ... 15 gm + MOP .. 5 gm + Soil Charger ... 5 ml

* 152 days*
Calcium nitrate .. 10 gm + 13:00:45 .. 10 gm + boron .. 1.25 gm + Soil Charger .. 5 ml

* 160 days*
SSP .. 12g + Soil Charger . 3ml
MOP . 5 grams + soil Charger .. 2 ml
D(Notice - SSP and MOP both mix saperate with soil Charger for 12 hours and give them together by

* 167 days*
Repeat the previous treatment again

* 175 days*
Repeat the previous treatment again

* 182 days*
Potassium Shoenite .... 10g + Soil Charger 5 ml

* 189 days*
Repeat the previous treatment again

* 196 days*
SOP ..... 15 grams + Soil Charger 5 ml

* 203 days*
Repeat the previous treatment again

D(Notice - All the above doses are as per tree)

*Imp guidelines about use of fertiliser: -*

Use of granulated fertilizers like DAP or others: -
*While giving granular chemical fertilizers through drip*
For 12 hours mix fertilizer with Soil charger as per given dose and 20-30 liters of water should be dip
overnight and filter it and give in 150-200 liters of water and should be used as following.

LJA" According to the level & growth of plant stage Fertilizers, . .. (18: 46: 0, 12: 32: 16, 24: 24: 0,
10:26:26, MOP, SOP) are cheap !! The quantity is the same. (400 trees)
$ The year 1-2 ... 5 kg + Soil charger 1 liter
$The year is 3-4 ... 7 kg + Soil charger 2 liters
$The year 5-6 .10 kg + Soil charger 3 liters
$The 7th year, 15 kg + Soil charger 4 liters
LJB". Common Micronutrient (Non chelated) cropping Year x 1 Kg + Sail Charger Half-liter
LJC". magnesium sulphate  x ½ kg +
Soil Charger Half-liter
Ferus sulphate cropping year x 1 kg + Soil charger half liter
LJD".   Calcium Nitrate cropping year x 1.5 kg + Soil charger 1 liter
     All quantities for one acre (400 trees approximate)
The dose of B, C, D should be repeated after every 30 days in The setting period and 40 days after
setting . This dose should be given in the middle of two doses of NPK.
    *Schedules of fertilizers*
After taking the amount, the NPK and other fertilizers should be given 7 to 10 days repeated.
If fruit yield is high, then reduce the days between two application.

ij Flower Charger 1 liter and 2 liters fruit charger per acre should be give after 20th day and 40 days
by drip from first water.
ij Size Charger 1 liter and 2 liter fruit charger per acre immediately after completing the setting and
after every 40 days give it for 2 times by drip.
They should not be offered with chemical fertilizers, give them saperatly.
*Biological fertilizers:-*

1) Azteobacter 2) PSB 3) KMB 4) Micronutrient bacteria 5) EM Solution with a Soil charger two liters
per acre after setting.
"Golden Opportunity"
( Patent Technology, Intrapreneur, Nashik)
*Nutrition & Protection by Spraying*

Remember the importance

[1] One : - Spray any fertilizer or micronutrient with fruit charger only for the quantity given at the time
of spraying.
[] Two : - If the work of the roots is stopped due to continuously raining then the doses provided by the
soil give it by foliar spray. Replace soil Charger by fruit Charger, & Replace water soluble at place of 
granular fertiliser.
Nutrition is a very effective way of protect plant from disease.
After giving the first water,
     *2nd day* 
ʼnSulfur 80%  2 gm + copper oxychloride. 2 gm + deltamethrine .. 1ml +  water charger 0.1 ml per
plant and spray on the bed
   *After 10 days*
Crop Charger 2 ml + Chelated Multi-Micronutrient 1gm + Water Charger 0.1 ml + Fruit Charger 10 ml
spray after sprouting has done.
   *After 15 days*
Imidacloprid 0.3 ml + propinoconazole 0.3 ml + Zyram (cuman l ) 2.5 ml + water charger 0.1 ml
    *After 20 days*  
Fruit Charger 10ml + 13: 0: 45..3 gm + calcium nitrate 1 g + boron spray 1 g per liter
   D *If the shoots are more , they should be stopped by 20 - 25 days for this*
Spray this to stop only if shoots observed more than 75% ; *If you have buds on plants, then  don't take
this spray !!*

0:52:34 ..2.5 gm + fruit charger 10 ml + ethefon39% 0.15 to 0.20 ml pr liter

(For example, 500 gms 0:52:34 and 2 liters of fruit charger + ethefon  30 to 40 ml for 200 water spray
Followed by 4-5 days after spraying above
Micronutrient (chi) 1 g + flower charger 2.5 ml + planofix 0. 25 ml + Water Charger 0.1 ml + sugar
(eating) at 1.25 gm
(These two special spraying should be taken)
     *After 25 days*
Crop charger 2ml + Fruit charger 5 ml + Planophix 0.2 ml + sugar 1.25 gm + water charger 0.1 ml per
   *30 days after* 
ʼn Flonikamid 0.4 gm + thiofinate methyl 1 gm + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
     *After 37 days*  
Fruit Charger 10 ml + 0: 52: 34..3 gm + zink sulphate 2.5 g (zink chelated 1 gm) per liter
    *After 43 days*  
Nimtel 2 ml + Karanj Oil 2 ml + Fungi Cleaner 1.5gm+ Water Charger 0.1 ml Per Liter  
    *After 50 days*  
Flower Charger 2.5ml + Crop Charger 2.5ml + Water Charger 0.1 ml Spray
     *After 57 days*  
ʼn Thimethokxam 0.3 gm + Defendeconazole 0.5 ml + Chlorothalonil 2 gm
+ Water Charger 0.1 ml
    *After 65 days* 
Fruit Charger 10 ml +13: 0: 45, 5 gm per liter + calcium (chi) 1 g + boron 1 g per liter
    *After 72 days*  
ʼn (Chloro & cyper) Hamala 1 ml + Saaf (carbendism & Mancozeb) 2 gm + water charger 0.1 ml
If the floweing is in progress replace this spray with following...
Paste fighter 1.5 ml + fungi cleaner 1.5 gm + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
      *80 days later*
Fruit Charger 10 ml + 13: 0: 45, 5 gm per liter + calcium (chi) 1 gram + boron per 1 gm per liter
     *After 87 days*  
ʼn lamba cylohethrin 0.5 ml + Alite 2gm + water charger 0.1 ml
     *After 95 days* 
Size charger 2.5 ml + Crop charger 3ml + water charger 0.1 ml
   *After 102 days* 
ʼn Acephate 2gm + curzate 2gm + Water Charger 0.1 ml
    *110 days after* 
Fruit Charger 15ml + 13: 0: 45, 5 gm per liter + calcium (chi) 1 grams + boron 1 g per liter
    *117 days after*
ʼn chloro .. 1 ml + kitzin 1 ml + m 45 2 gm + water charger 0.1 ml
    *125 days after*  
Fruit Charger 10 ml + 0:52:34, 5 grams + Size Charger 2ml + Ferus 1g Per liter
   *132 days after*  
ʼn Amabecatin Benzoite 0.25 gm + coside 2000..1 gm + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
    *140 days after* 
Crop charger 2.5ml + micronutrient 1 g + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
     *147 days after*
ʼn Indoxacarb 0.5 ml + Kosavet (sulfer)  ... 1.5 gm + water charger 0.1 ml
Dʼn *star given treatments are given only for pest and disease control !!  Timing of spray farmer's
can adjust as per conditions and advice given by the experts according to the situation, it is not
necessary to give it compulsory!*

     *160 days later*

Fruit Charger 10ml + 0:52:34, 5 grams + size Charger 2ml per liter
    *167 days after* 
ʼn Imabacetin benzoid 0.25 gm + Amistar 0.5 ml + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
   *After 173 days* 
Trichoderma 5 gm + Pseudomonas 5 gm + soil charger 5 ml (better do fermentation for 3 to  7 days)
    *After 180 days* 
Fruit Charger 10ml + potassium shonaite, 5 gm per liter
   *After 187 days*  
Paste fighter 1 ml + fungi cleaner 1 gm + water charger 0.1 ml per liter
   *After 195 days* 
Fruit Charger 10 ml + 0: 0: 50..10 gm per liter

If required, then repeat the last two spray

D *Suggestion: -*
In each spraying take 0.1 liters of water.It means in 200 liters 20 ml water charger !! Due to the
monsoon, winter & summer, loss of medicines , mixing  in to water and absorbing immediately in the
leaves, medicines activates with 100% efficiency !! The only organic tank mixer that satisfies the
requirement of silicon !! Also as a activator of stomata in dormant conditions.
̪ *The water charger has the special ability to absorb drugs in 3-5 minutes during monsoon, the
drugs are not washed out.*

  D *Chemical Fungicide or Pesticides should not be used for less than 15 days intervals*
Use biological or organic medicine if necessary!!

Golden Opportunity "
( Patent Technology, Intrapreneur, Nashik)
*Pomegranate Disease and pest Control*

Do not use this spraying less than 15 days at any circumstance during the control of the disease, keep
in mind... by breaking this rule you are helping the disease for spreading by spraying such low spacing
pesticides spray with your own expense!!
Secondly, unnecessary spraying the immunity of insects and fungus strengthen the disease.
Use Organic or biological insecticides & fungicides is better option for every 10-12 days during the
setting period.
Eg Paste fighter, neemoil, carrot oil, cinnamon oil ,Veriticilium or others
If there is a short hole borer or  other insect in the garden, then after washing stem ,apply 2-3 liter
solution to the root surrounded by stem
Chloro 50% .. 2 ml + Carbendizam 1 gm + Water Charger 0.2 ml, Neemoil 10,000ppm is also best
option for this.
*Chemical pesticides: -*
   (pests and insect)
Before bud formation and after setting
IJ DESIS 100, 0.5 -0.7 ml IJ chloro 1.5 ml IJ carbosulfan 1 ml IJ karate 1 ml IJ monocrotophos 1.5
*Chemical fungicides: -*
  Bordo 0.5 % & 1% ;
Blitox 2 gm, koside 2000 -1 gm (copper);
M 45 .. 2 gm (manganese, sulfur and zinc);
  Z 78 ... 2 gm (zinc) ;
Kuman L 2.5 ml (sulfur and zinc);
(Carbendizm + Mancozeb) 2 gm;
Antrcol 2 gm (sulfur and zinc);
Redomil  1-1.5 gm ;Benomil 1.5 gm

*high molecule fungicides*  

Along with the advice from expert in serious situation, the following molecules can be taken:
Fosetyl 2 gm; Propineconezol 0.5 ml ;Defendeconazole 0.5 ml + Chlorotholonil 2gm; Thyophinate
methyl 1 gm ; hexaconezol 1 ml ; Natio 0.5 gm ; Amistar 0.5 ; Rivas 0.8 ml
   For petals, stains and oil spot ... Fungi cleaner 1 kg of water + Water charger 50 ml 200 liters of
water drenching into roots !!
*Organic control: -*
Thrips, Aphids, Jassids: -
Nim 10000 ppm 1 ml, Paste fighter 1.25 ml, Bio303- 1 ml, Spinosed 0.3 ml
*White fly: -*
Past fighter 1½ ml, Acitamapride 100 gm / 300 liters, Thimethokxam 100g / 400 liters, Diafenthiyuron
*Milibug: -*
Past fighter 1.5 ml or beufrezine 1 ml + Soil charger 5 ml,
Verticillium 5ml + Metarizium  5 gm + Soil charger 5 ml  wash
*Spiders: -*
Sulfur 2 gm, Paste fighter 1 ml, Spiromesifen 1.25 ml, Propagate  2 to 3 ml                   
*Fruit borer :*
Spray for every no moon day for insects !
Paste fighter 1½ -15 days, carbosulfan 1 ml, chloropyriphas 1.5 ml, Quinolphos 1 ml, Imabectin
benzoate 100 gm / 250 to 300 liters
*Biological pesticides: -*
1) Verticillium 5 ml
2) Bivheria  5 gm
3) Metazerium 5 gm
4) Bt (Busillus thurigenesis) 2-3 gm
5) NPV 1 ml
Take 5 ml Soil charger + water charger with 0.1 ml.
*Organic fungicides:* Organic fungicides work very efficiently when chemical medicines are washed in
a rainy season. They can be spread by nourishing them in such weather.
1) Trichoderma 2-5 gm 2) Pseudomonas 5 gm 3) Bacillus 5 gm + milk 10 ml + Soil charger 5 ml good
after 24 hours fermentation.
Do not spray chemical fungicides 5 days and 5 days before when apply biological fungicides.!!
*For Bactericidal use: -*
Take it once (in a similar manner) after 30-45 days, for example
*Biological Bactericidal:* -1) Pseudomonas 2) Bacillus
Along with this, you should use the usual monitoring schedule
  Pomo drug schedule
(Patent Technology, Intrapreneur, Nashik)
*Oily spot control (Bacteriall Blight)*
When you observed symptoms of bacterial blight, follow this complete treatment ..
First, cut off the infested fruits and water shoots outside of garden and burn them.
Immediately after that
1. Hydrogen peroxide 50% ... 2 ml Soil charger for 5 ml liter spray..(give this spray in cool time only.)
Two days later
2. Garlic pest  (crush it by hand only no mixi or grinder ) with 2.5 gm and Fruit Charger 10 ml per liter
deep it together through out night and mix it with water in the morning. For example, 500 gm of garlic
should be mixed in 2 liter fruit Charger with  5 liters of water in the morning and filter it in 200 liters
and spray.
Eight days later

3. Third spraying (start preparation 7 days before )

2 kg or lit  Pseudomonas + 2 kg or lit basilus + 2 kg of gaggery (possibly black &old) + 200 liters of
water for 7 days in shade stir it 3 times a days and add required more water on the 8 th day and spray
with the Soil Charger 5 ml pr liter!! (Fir Exa u need 700 liter water to spray.. then add another 500 into
200 solution. Also mix 700 × 5 ml soil Charger= 3500 ml .
Keeping 20 liters of same solution balance, you can add 2 kg of new gaggery and 180 liters of water to
start new batch!
  D *Important notice ..*.
1) Soil Charger 3 lit of water per acre twice per month or with a liter of 1 ½ liters per week !! So there is
chelation of fertilizers, white roots stay healthy and the soil does not get spoiled !! Soil Charger is
organic food.
2) Crop charger should be sprayed alternately every 20-25 days after spraying 2-3 ml, flower charger 2-
3 ml, fruit charger 10 ml and size charger 2-3 ml of as per stages.
This will save 35-50% of the cost of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides , and the plant gets
vigorous forever.
D *In special condition:-*
1) During the continuous rainy season
2) During extreme cold and high heat
3) Hydration of water during a drought situation
At such times the plants stops or slows down photosynthesis means process of food production, if
the garden is in the setting or on the fruit, the flower and fruit circle starts !! Because of the lack of
oxygen & nutrients in the Dormancy.
Soi charger 2-3 liters or fruit charger 3-4 liters pr acres drip gives in 200 liters of water will protects the
crop during the adverse conditions !! As per the situation and the environment, the necessary changes
should be done according to the expert advice.

Contact for more information directly

ĩĩ ĩ
Shri Ram Mukhekar
(Organic carbon and integrated farm management guides and experimental farmer)
ģ we are happy to say that with the help of patented technology .
*We have established this group with regard to the "sustainable and prosperous farming"* campaign
of farming.
By 2020, under this campaign, we are implementing a campaign to educate every farmer through
knowledge and wealth through the medium of "Golden Opportunity".
You will hereby be guided by the latest technology about the farming which helps in increasing the
fertilization of the soil and helping in quantifying the yield and enhancing the immune system in the
, Golden Opportunity to participate in the "rich pomegranate farmer" in the whatsapp group, on
*Your full name, address, type of crop and condition of current crop should be send whatsapp

*For the availability of products*

Mr. Aniket Sahane
Agriculture Petented Technology, Intrapreneur Golden Opportunity, Nashik

*Krushi Amrut and Green Gujarat.*

Mr. Rishikesh Hadavale
Golden agro, palase !! Golden Opportunity "

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