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Multiple personality

Dissociative disorders is disorder marked by change of individual feeling concerning

identity, memoery or conscious. An individual having this disorder gets difficultly in
recollecting important event of his self in the past, forgetting his indetity even forming his
new identity (David & Naela in Fausiyah & Widury, 2006:39).

The principle problem in dissociative disorder is an individual feels lost of self

identity, confused of self identity or even having multiple identities at the same time. This
disorder usually ries as slef protection facing traumatic in life. (Kaplan, Sadock & Grabb in
Fausiyah & Widury,2006:40).

There are at least two of different egos and each of them functionally stand alone.
There are two or more different personality in one individual. This disorder is the most
serious and chronic Dissosiative Disorder.

Dissosoative Identity disorder is a chronic and the most serious Dissosiative Disorder.
His existence usually realates to traumatic experience in individual life. Generally sexual
torturing or physic in childhood. An individual with his disorder has two or more of different
personality. Behaviour and attitude shown by individual very depend on which peronality is
dominant at the time and different among others. Commonly, at the number of personality in
the individual with this disorder is about 5 to 10%. When diagnosis is stood, usually just
about two or three personality is also raising (Kaplan, Sadock & Grebb in Fausiyah &
Widury, 2006:50).

Change or transition of one personality to other usually happens in concidence.

Usually individual experience amnesia principlly realate to what he does or what happen
when a personality is dominating (unable to remind everything happend when other
personality is dominant). Now than, there is a personality that does not get amnesia and he
stay having a big conscious of his extence other personality’s activitie (Kapalan, Sadock &
Grebb Fausiyah & Widury, 2006:50).

The raising of other personality can be in spontaneous, from hypnotize, or interview

under side effect medician that is possibly done by therapist. The raising of personality not
only one kind of sex but male and female, variety of ages and race, and also from family that
is almost different from individual’s family that get this disorder (all of this personality can
occur to one individual). In general, the raising of personality something is on the contrary. In
other time an extrovert and in other time raises an introvert individual and keeping of his self

According to Davinson & Naela (in Fausiyah & Widury, 200:51), it is not easy to
decide whether someone has Dossosiative Indentity Disorder or not because in first heck up
usually certain oddity disappears. In addition, problem found is limited to amnesia at several
event. Just by continous interview and high frequency of meeting patieent. A clinist can
detect this disorder. Another of that is by requency patient for writing daily note. A clinist can
decide the disorder that happens after he has checked data in daily note that has been made.
In one side, an analysist believe in that data Dissosiative Identity Disorder is very
least while other do belive in that this disorder has not been detect deeply yet. Therefore, this
disorder possibly is very hidh in individual population. Based on research, in good result
know that 0,5 to 2% of patient with metal illness that is taken care in insane asylum gets this
disorder and ,5 % from all patient who get Dissosiative Identity Disorder (either they are
given good care or not ). From all sample known that 90- to 100% of individual with this
disorder are women. Other sample have beliefs that men who get this disorder are undetected
or unreported because most of them having this disorder are entered in jail and not in
hospital. (Kaplan, Sadock & Grebb in Fausiyah & Widury, 2006:51-52).

This Dissosiative Identity Disorder most often occurs at the end of the age from
teenager to firts of adult. This age is averagely 30 years old. However, victim usually has the
indication five years before diagnoses are done (Kaplan, Sadock & Grebb in Fausiyah &
Widury, 2006: 52).

Other of it also known that 2 per 3 from all individual with Dissosiative Identity
Disorder has ever done an experiment to commit suicide whwther get this disorder.

Causes of Multiple Personality

The case of Dissociative Identity Disorder as far as this time exactly has not know yet, but
according to this story talking about the life of the patient, almost 100% from patient who
have traumatic event. Especially in chilldhood period, traumatic even in chilldhood usually is
concluding phsycal mistreating or sexual torturing. Other traumatic are the death of brother or
friend and showing the death when individual is in childhood. (Kaplan, Sadock, & Grebb in
Fausiyah & Widury, 2006: 53 ).

Multiple prsonality case usually releted to a serious traumatic in childhood. As the

example is a survey done by a therapist to his client who get this disorder, 80 % of his clent
ever have phsycal torturing in childhood and from 70 % among them have continuously
traumatic and pain experience. In the end, the fancy becomes reality for them. The reason is
in the rea, it can help them to avoid the pain scare experince. This case can make the raising
of indication stronger in Disorder. (Kaplan. Sadock & Grebb in Fausiyah & Widury, 2006:
54 ).

Handling for Dissociative Identity Disorde is relatively difficult. It needs a long time.
The purpose of therapy is usually directed to solve variety of traumatic that ever has been
experinced by individual in the begining of this life. Sometime technique of therapy is used to
bring unconscious case to individual’s conscious area. It is necessary to remember that as
long as the therapy goes on to Dissociative Identity Disorder, process of therapy that direct
individual to remind the traumatic can raise the worse Dissociative Disorder. For the reason,
although it has not proved yet significantly, as the example, antidepressant, in several cases
can give a positive result. (Barlow & Durand in Fausiyah & Widury, 2006: 55 ).
Trauma means that someone who has suffered serious and life theatening physical
injuring potentially resulting in secondary complication. Most of us have traumatic
experience that temporarily shattered out feeling of security, adequate, worth, and were
impotant in influencing our late evaluations of our selves and our environments.

Structural element

According to Nurgiyantoro (2012:37) “structure analysis is an analysis of literature

that is done to identify, investigate and describe the function and relation among intrinsic
element as events, plot, characther and charactherization, setting, point of view, etc” .

a. Characther and charactherization

Kennedy (1983:45) said that “ a characther, is presumably imagined person who
inhabits a story. Charactheris as important part in the movie. In this movie the
characther are real because adapted from a true story that tells the daily life someone
who has mental ilnes dosorders.
b. Setting
Definition setting according to Abrams (1981) is the base footing relate with the
place, time, and social environment where the event is happend ( Nurgiyantoro,
2010:216). It consist of setting of place nd setting of time. Setting of place may
be tha name is state, city, regency, or in the house, in the field, in the forest, etc.
While setting of time may be certain day, month, year, or in the morning, in the
evening, in the summer, etc.
c. Plot
According to wellek (1956:216), plot can be classified as the narrative
structure of a play, tale, novel or movie. It is about the growing action from
the beginning to the climactic momentt and end in the resolution of the story.
d. Theme
Theme is the main idea of the story. It is kind of the message sent by the
movie maker to the movie goers. Generally, the author does not state the
theme explicitly. He just give some cluse so the movie goers have to
comprehend and predict through the whole story of the movie to get the

“Literature is a permanent expression in words of some thought or felling or

idea about life and the world”. Its means that, literature refers to any writing
that expresses and communicates thought, feelings and attitudes toward life. It
shows that literature is not only written form, but also can be presented. It
presents some characther to play the story. It can be done by people, animal,
cartoon, etc.

Definition movie
“film adalah karya cipta seni

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