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The papers MUST be TYPED and follow the format; 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins unless
otherwise noted. All position papers must include a bibliography! If you have more than one topic you must write a
separate Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 for each topic!

It should be written in a business memorandum format. A business memorandum makes its main points up
front, in the summary, followed by details in the balance of the report. It also is written in a tone that is succinct
and confident. Position memorandums, in particular, should be written with a persuasive and confident tone
(although you must always back up your position(s) with research and facts). It should be typed, with one and one-
half line spacing (e.g., in between single and double spacing). The detailed business memo format is as follows,
including guidelines for length:

1) executive summary (one - one & one-half pages)

a. brief description of the issue and its importance
b. brief description of alternative positions on the issue
c. brief description of writer’s position on the issue and reason(s)
2) background (two – three pages)
a. background information/details surrounding the issue
3) alternatives (two – three pages)
a. detailed discussion of alternative positions
b. detailed discussion of reason(s) for writer’s position
4) summary (one page)
a. restate the importance of the issue
b. restate position
c. mention additional research/discovery needed from others that would be helpful to furthering
knowledge on the issue
5) works cited

What are the objectives of writing a position paper?

 Formally inform others of your position or viewpoint in an issue
as a foundation to build resolution to difficult problems.
 Present a unique, though biased, solution
or a unique approach to solving a problem

 Frame the discussion in order to define the "playing field."

This can put you in an advantageous position with those who may not be so well prepared as regards the
issues behind their positions

 Establish credibility
Here you are demonstrating that you have a command of the issues and the research behind them, and
can present them clearly

 Let your passion be demonstrated in the force of your argument

rather than in the use of emotional terms

 Consistency is a key here

“The better prepared you are

the more disadvantaged are your opponents
and more likely they will defer to you”

 Develop supporting evidence for both sides

including factual knowledge, statistical evidence, authoritative testimony
 Identify the issues and prejudices keeping in mind your audience
List these as appropriate and anticipate counterclaims

 Assume familiarity with basic concepts

but define unfamiliar terms/concepts or state meanings that define your point of departure

 Refer to those who agree with your position to assist you in developing your argument

 Familiarize yourself with those who disagree with you to prepare your defense.
Summarize their argument and evidence, then refute


Consider your audience:

start with a topic sentence or two that attracts attention and summarizes the issue
Inform the reader of your point of view


Focus on three main points to develop

Each topic is developed with

 a general statement of the position

 an elaboration that references documents and source data

 past experiences and authoritative testimony

 conclusion restating the position

Establish flow from paragraph to paragraph

 Keep your voice active

 Quote sources to establish authority

 Stay focused on your point of view throughout the essay

 Focus on logical arguments

 Don't lapse into summary

in the development--wait for the conclusion


 Summarize, then conclude, your argument

 Refer to the first paragraph/opening statements as well as the main points

o does the conclusion restate the main ideas?

o reflect the succession and importance of the arguments

o logically conclude their development?

*note: your position paper could be in an outline form or a full blown paragraph form.

David Markowitz
Al Filreis
English 285
December 4, 1995

I. Introduction

___A. Introduce the topic

___B. Provide background on the topic

___C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue)

II. Counter Argument

___A. Summarize the counterclaims

___B. Provide supporting information for counterclaims

___C. Refute the counterclaims

___D. Give evidence for argument

III. Your Argument

___A. Assert point #1 of your claims

_____1. Give your opinion

_____2. Provide support

___B. Assert point #2 of your claims

_____1. Give your opinion

_____2. Provide support

___C. Assert point #3 of your claims

_____1. Give your opinion

_____2. Provide support

IV. Conclusion

___A. Restate your argument

___B. Provide a plan of action

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