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JH Drama Course Syllabus

INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Leslie Infalt


COURSE DESCRIPTION This year-long, activity-oriented course is designed to introduce students to the art of the actor.

Students will:
• study basic principles of acting
• study character analysis
• learn basic stage and rehearsal terms
• learn about theatre etiquette and the audition process


1) Respect Theatre is the most collaborative of all art forms. Respect and be sensitive to the ideas,
opinions, and property of others.
● Observe all American Leadership Academy standards and rules.
● Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration.
● Use appropriate language: absolutely NO swearing, inappropriate subject matter, name calling, or physical abuse is
● No food or drink (water is okay).
● Do not write on/deface or ALA property (ie: sets/props/costumes) or anyone’s personal property. Report any vandalism.
● ALA Dress Code strictly enforced. No exceptions permitted. Remove hats and hoods.
2) Responsibility Take responsibility for your work and your actions.
● Report to class ON TIME with all required materials and wait to be dismissed before leaving.
● Late work follows ALA policy (Refer to student handbook- an A paper submitted 1 day late = a B paper)
● Be in your seat and ready to begin instruction when the tardy bell rings (that’s the 2nd one).
3) Effort You must work inside and outside of class in order to be completely successful in
this course.
● Accept assignments without complaints and do your best on everything.
● Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will
result in an immediate "F," a parent conference, referral to the dean, and possible dismissal from class.
● Keep your ipods & cell phones out of the classroom. If used, these items will be confiscated.
● You will get out of this class what you put in.
● There WILL be homework and classwork. This is not just a class for doing improv games. You will be asked to use a
computer for some assignments. If this is an issue please have a parent email during the first week of school.
Consequences for not following these rules: 1. Verbal warning/Loss of class points. 2.Yellow card yellow card and email to parents.
3. Referral to Dean of Students. *Unsafe behaviors will result in an immediate referral .
Parent Initial_________

Materials Needed: Students will need to bring the following materials on a daily basis:
1. Writing utensils (pens or pencils) – students must provide these
2. 1- folder with 2 pockets. One side must have lined paper. The other side is for assignments.
3. Necessary performance materials (scripts, costumes, props, etc.) as needed

Evaluation Methods:
Students will be evaluated based on participation in classroom exercises and activities, preparedness for performances,
performances, and demonstrating effective ensemble work skills. Assignments will come in the form of in-class
performances, formal play critiques, self critiques of those performances, class discussions, games and improvisations,
written worksheets and homework, and tests.

Grading Scale:
● Classwork (participation) = 20%
● Homework= 10%
● Tests, assessments, and large projects= 50%
● Final assessment= 20%
Course outline and schedule: Due to the ensemble nature of this course, this course outline is a living document,
subject to change according to the needs of the particular class.

Purpose: Drama is focused on both process and product. The students will gain an understanding to the
fundamentals of theatre arts. This course is geared toward exposing students to a craft that: combines all of the arts;
provides a link to other cultures; supports the understanding of literature through performance.
UNITs of Study:
1) Intro to Theater and Terminology 2) Pantomime
3) Voice and Diction 4) Monologues
5) Improvisation 6) Character Analysis
7) Directing 8) Group Scenes
9) Roles in Theater 10) Classical Theater
11) Areas of a stage 12) Technical Theater
13) Script Analysis 14) Playwriting
15) Auditioning

***One other requirement is that each student attends one play, and completes a written critique. The play needs to
be high school, college, community, or professional. There will be an outline given- this is a LARGE part of the semester
2 grade. We have several productions here at ALA, which would fulfill this requirement. I encourage them to attend
these plays to support our program and I offer extra credit for their attendance as well! These are done after school and
students must audition to be in them. Parent Initial_________

Class fees All Theatre classes have class fees of $25 a semester. These fees are required to be paid in order to
participate in class field trips, competitions, and other fine arts extra curricular activities. Fees pay for supplies directly
used by classes. Parent Initial_________

Tax Donations and Usable Items Greatly Needed

I am asking for prop and costume donations. If parents have any costumes/clothes/props around the house
that have been gently used, they can be dropped off at the classroom. Ideas include: hand-held items, hats,
halloween costumes, button up blouses, etc… if you are unsure if we could use it, please ask! You can also
donate directly money to our theatre program and receive a tax credit (yes, you get it back but the theatre
department benefits- a win/win!)

Policies and Expectations

❖ This year is all about you!
❖ Keep everything positive- save the drama for the stage!
❖ Be KIND, be RESPECTFUL, do your BEST every day!
❖ We are family and here to lift each other up!

General Classroom Expectations:

★ Encourage each other and participate every day.
★ Be ready to work when the bell rings.
★ Be respectful of everyone and everything-absolutely no bullying.
★ Don’t be afraid to give a wrong answer- I want to see you TRY. You cannot opt out.
★ Allow others to finish speaking before you start speaking, raise your hand.
★ Before you leave the room clean up all trash and personal belongings.
★ No food is allowed in the classroom. Water is ok.

Arriving to Class:
★ When you arrive at the classroom please line up quietly outside the door along the wall.
★ Please wait outside until you are greeted by me at the door.
★ When you enter the room get out your class folder and form a QUIET circle for warm ups.
★ Students will begin warm ups as soon as the bell rings- off task students will receive detention.

Expectations during Instruction:

★ Please give the teacher your full attention.
★ Have pens and paper out ready to work.
★ Do not talk while the teacher or other student is talking.
★ Please wait to be recognized by the teacher before you begin speaking.
★ Stay seated unless you are given permission to be up.

Expectations during Team Activities:

★ You will be assigned by the teacher for most group activities.
★ Be respectful of all ideas and team input.
★ No sidebar conversations during team activities, all team members focused on the task at hand.
Students off task will lose weekly points or sit out of improv on Friday.
★ You must contribute proportionately to your team.

Turning in Assignments:
★ You are responsible to remember to turn in your work.
★ All homework will be turned in at the start of each class unless otherwise indicated.
★ Late work will have a 20% penalty for each day late. After the 4th day the max amount earned will be
★ If you are absent you have 1 day per excused absence day to make up the
★ assignments.
★ If you are absent and miss a test you must schedule a time to make the test up. You must take the
test within 3 days of the absence.
★ Assignments with no name will receive a zero.
★ It is YOUR responsibility to ask for work that was missed.

Grading Policy:
★ Classwork (participation) = 20%
★ Homework= 10%
★ Tests, assessments, and large projects= 50%
★ Final assessments= 20%
★ Participation is graded as a weekly grade.
The participation grade is 4 points: one point meeting each of the following criteria:
○ Preparedness: Student brought all necessary materials.
○ Bellwork/Warm-up: Punctually came to class, began work, and remained on task
during bellwork.
○ Individual Work: On task during individual work time without redirection.
○ Group Work: On task during group work without redirection.

End of class dismissal:

★ Do not pack up before the bell rings.
★ Exit classroom in a single file line.
★ Be sure to take all belongings with you and throw away all trash- keep your theatre clean!

Contact Me:
If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me! I am available after school for tutoring by

*Return this portion of the page of the course syllabi to Mrs. Infalt by August 16, 2017

JH Drama Course Syllabi Agreement & Video agreement

I, (print your name) ______________________________________ understand the class requirements for Drama.
I further understand that participation is very important in this class and I will be expected to participate in both
memorized and improvised performance. These may be recorded for adjudication and grading purposes.

Print Student Name _________________________________Student Signature__________________________________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date __________________

Parent Name______________________________________________________________

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