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Universitas Diponegoro

Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak


Widya Mariyana
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Bidan Desa dalam Pelayanan
Pos Kesehatan Desa (Poskesdes) di Wilayah Kabupaten Kendal
xvi + 92 halaman + 19 tabel + 10 lampiran

Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi di Kabupaten Kendal masih tinggi. Target
pencapaian PWS-KIA yang belum mencapai target, masih ditemukannya
kasus gizi kurang, lemahnya pelayanan yang diberikan oleh bidan desa, hasil
supervisi oleh Puskesmas ke lapangan terlihat sarana dan prasarana
Poskesdes yang masih kurang,supervisi pada bidan desa sudah berjalan
tetapi belum optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja bidan desa dalam pelayanan Poskesdes di
Kabupaten Kendal
Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan metode survey dan
pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan data dengan wawancara
menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi adalah 301 bidan desa di Kabuputen
Kendal, 76 responden dipilh secara random dari bidan desa yang memenuhi
kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dengan teknik proporsional random sampling pada
30 Puskesmas. Analisa dta dilakukan dengan uji chi-square dan regresi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan,persepsi dan supervisi
sudah baik.sedngkan motivasi masih kurang. Faktor yang berhubungan
dengan kinerja adalah pengetahuan (p-value=0,03),persepsi (p-value=0,01)
dan supervisi (p-value=0,001). Faktor yang berpengaruh secara bersama-
sama terhadap kinerja adalah pengetahuan Exp(B)=13,549 (p=0,03) dan
supervisi Exp(B)=3,264 (p=0,001).
Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan,persepsi dan Supervisi berhubungan dengan
kinerja bidan desa dalam pelayanan poskesdes. Faktor yang berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja adalah pengetahuan dan supervisi. Disarankan agar pihak
Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas mengikutkan bidan desa dalam pelatihan
poskesdes yang diadakan oleh intitusi terkait agar meningkatkan pengetahuan
dan motivasi bidan dalam pelayanan poskesdes. Hendaknya untuk
melengkapi dan memperbaiki fasiilitas poskesdes.

Kata kunci : Poskesdes, Kinerja bidan desa, Pelayanan Poskesdes

Kepustakaan : 48 (1995-2015)
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Public Health
Master’s Study Program in Public Health
Majoring in Maternal and Child Health


Widya Mariyana
Factors Influencing the Performance of Village Midwives in Village
Health Post Service in District of Kendal
xvi + 92 pages + 19 tables + 10 appendices

Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates in Kendal District was high.

Monitoring the local area of maternal and child health had not achieved the
target. Some problems like malnutrition cases, poor service provided by
midwives, a lack of facilities at village health post, and not optimal supervision
to village midwives. The aim of this study was to figure out factors influencing
the performance of village midwives in Village Health Post service in Kendal
This was an observational study using a survey method and cross
sectional approach. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Number of
samples were 76 respondents selected randomly from 301 village midwives
who met inclusion and exclusion criteria using a technique of proportional
random sampling at 30 health centres. Data were analysed using chi square
and logistic regression tests.
The results of this research showed that the respondents had good
knowledge, good perception, and good supervision. In contrast, they had low
motivation. Factors of knowledge (p value=0.03), perception (p value=0.01),
and supervision (p value=0.001) significantly related to the performance.
Furthermore, factors of knowledge (Exp(B)=13.549; p=0.03) and supervision
(Exp(B)=3.264; p=0.001) jointly influenced the performance.
To sum up, the factors of knowledge, perception, and supervision
related to the performance of village midwives in village health post service.
Notwithstanding, the factors that influenced the performance were knowledge
and supervision. District Health Office and Health Centres need to involve
village midwives in training of village health post conducted by related
institutions to improve their knowledge and motivation in village health post
service. In addition, facilities of village health posts need to be provided and

Keywords: Village Health Post, Performance of Village Midwives, Village

Health Post Service
Bibliography: 48 (1995-2015)
KESEHATAN lingkungan terhadap akses
kepemilikan jamban sehatdi PUSKESMAS
doplang th 2017
Pirmansyah -, T. Samsul Hilal, Aris Munandar


Excreta disposal is an important part of environmental sanitation, non-sanitary excreta

disposal can result in negative impacts on the surrounding environment such as water,
human and land. Besides it also could lead to a smell that can not be tolerated. In Jambi
province of the results of a home inspection, it appears that the use of latrine coverage
in 2011 was 68.72%. Family latrine coverage (Keep) healthy Sarolangun in 2011 only
60.16%. Lowest coverage contained in Batang Asai health center is 35.58%.

This research is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design. The population in this
study was the entire house that has a toilet with a sample size of 83 respondents, taken
at random with a systematic random technique (Systematic Sampling). Data were
collected using interviews and observations with research questionnaires. Data were
analyzed using univariate and bivariate Chi-square test.

Results of univariate analysis of the 83 respondents indicated that there is, as much as
60.2% of respondents have a sanitary latrine families who are not eligible, 54.2% of
respondents have a poor knowledge, 57.8% of respondents said the role of health
workers is not good. The results of the bivariate analysis showed no significant
relationship between knowledge and the role of health workers to the family toilet

Keywords: Sanitary latrine family, the knowledge and the role of health workers.

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