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t0 gnow,teqhnolqgy

Whiletele-confenencing has
stillnotneplaced Gmolllruntpondens
tnavel. whether
in P006.

I'D LIKETO start looklngforwardby Videq.confqreneinghas seid blogs to let the tlestof tho world know
looklngback.Whatwerethe develop' good-byeto ISDN and you'd be what gems of wisdom were being
ments In the vlrtual travel arenain hard-pressgdto buy an ISDNsystem given,
2005and wherewill they lead us In today, someoneis offering you
(lf I evan noticedtwo with super small
2006? lP is
one. cheqktheir credentialsl) laptops with built-in videe cameras
SeveralleguesI hlghllghted asthose the standardandthis is mqkingcalls looking likethey were about to launoh
to watchin ?005were: cheaper andapplicetionsmorevaried. into a video eqnfergncewith those
t VolP qnd
Dual-etream collaboration arethe who were unableto attend.
I Convergence andmobility norm. Audio-, web- and video-conferenc-
I Mlcrosoft'sentryintothe market ing havecertainly,converged and one
I Podoasts Gonuergence and Mobility shouldn't expeet to be using three
Here'swhathappened .,.. The best way to overviewdevelop- different service Brovidarg and/or
mentsin thisarenais to providesome sJstems.
ouerlPl realexperiences l'v6hadrecently.l've
Voiceand vldeo orrerlP haveindeed been at no less
than threeconferenoes Microsoft'sEntryintothe Market
beenintegratedinto web-confcrenc-in the pasrtmonth whers wirelesq Wehaven't seenrnuchmovement in
ing In a moremeinstream way in the access allowed delegates to qontinue this arenq,but more
expect in 2006,
pastloarr The eapabilityhas always business as usual. Microgoft's conferencing produc-t
beenthere,butwagseldomused-the Numerousdelegatessat hunched was oJficiallylaunchedmid-yearand
phonefqr voicehas beenthe prefer- over laptopsin the semi'darknesshas had a couple of refinemenlsand
enee.There are now severalweb- tapplng at their keyboards,doing additions since then. Many service
qonfereneingproviders operating goodnessknowswhatl A quickscan providers are now uging Miorosoftfs
in Austalia who use VolPto dellver frorn the backof the room showed web-conferencing product in their
audlo.Thesevary In theirqualltyand that many were checkingemails, suite of o-fferings,but we're srill wait-
operateon a 'press-to-talk'system at othersweregoinglive to websiteson ing to see how the big o.ompany itself
this polnt in time, but we can expect topics iust mentionedby speakers, will enterthe market.
developrnents andlmprovements. whilea few werepostingliveto their

Nililr88 nr$l rlttm

Podeasts Vldeoonfurencing hardware has I Wribboardcolhboralftn
A$ prcdicftd, podca$ils have moved plumm*d -n price bdr ouercm and f Appliationsfnftrg
from audio b vi(bo wiilr ilre reent here- Thisbo will conlinue and yodll f Deshopsfiaring
launcfr of ile vidco itud- ll{oc you *e vendorc providing valueadded f VoieoverlP
don"t need an iFod b play a podcfr, srvftp b gBt your hrilress- f ll"deo and audio conferencing
any llP3 plryer uill dcl eftough Syeenp are also gEtlhg sndbr bofs
podcmts are rut a relrime recftnob- and dreper - suF$Sllllll fur onrpact fufrre rypfi:atiom colifr' le any
gy, duy are starling to have an impact sISrG- number of forms- Fu uamft, a
in ttre dissernirmrirn of inbnrnlirn- drircrwith a rir:lese phorE endled
fuopb can clrre wfrsr $cyrartb Heal-time
and uift GPS (ghbal po*itlnnry ry#nl
lblen b panicuhr mffiE$ rafter FFEsGrGctEcftilOlogu codd be ffi and rent rnercag
iltan havingb bcfterc reoFlimc- This b fte ai|br apd tur 20ln Wlnt es rrnhg doufi ffifrc drlays td
$udr augu$t bodbs as Radb is lf ardnthatc n itdd (TheAeesi> sugtgening dbrnaE rqrrca Among
]{ational are nof, podcdirUl Run a littrs bc{w lErE b€r ad*d from dEr pmribiliEg, urenr of lfrc
Google dr on lodcd ard yodll hur/@ ectnology Gilad h lhe fufire anre-
get cer 9|rrlllbn hitls Fodgitg b Presele t@V is a tlpe d mali.:ally sc* up an imprornpfil
dcfiniblylterE h a bigw$ appliflrtrn d|at mfu it poeeSle funftrcme tf corgitg d ft
b locab rd i(lenifu a srTulhg FdesG$artflrelwieffi
Trends derrb wlnrerer it n*|rt be, a sr b bead*b- hfirrl7 itcrsrl be
The lfSA lrre seon rcUonfuen*u a ilre rs cornects b ilE lHrorL dfresaed W dudq a lif drgre-
pric€s plumrr* tD 3# per lru-nub fur The conputilg dedoe ni$t be a dtwffiooruottuitrypa-
'lib- seryig and aufio onbrcnciu fud declrtop conpubr or a lsrilrdd pfeb #.6fiiqr'llrlr*|nfrrry
drqp c low c hdf a srt per ninrb" tnobfederir- mfltp@tugll/p"
Price trropc uFrE a pedaflon for Bed-rirc cof*ralirn b qilE ilE
lml tnuk in 2005, hn rre fifit frrnet rd pcsc|r Udnobgf O Fredietisns
frr 100$srd Bcyund
plunmet qmr*:rb -ltf
+ drcrn b flre lerGls ddF rilr o-ubls a ilenuqsddr&sfuffi;il
rf$A rhry ne h dF snrc rutL ewl be Ito?, motfy rd pee. fhe
Thefc iDslil a vd rilrgp dpritr:s h if moy rc locaFd qr |ilre ds *b ffirdtubflryara*
Atqhafia wi,th *rviee puuiders pre ddn wld. Re*lnrc of*ontfrm Hftndrspil *rcdfue-
frrtrng b ofrr vatrc..ded servirs inohles -rcrd fhds d spnclronous YqrIInreapheH.'ltfu,
m opnmd b ctcil ungpporEd omricrftnmolssudr c f ldeplne
cal+F But fre drcclin b deftfrely f ffirc1giry f CrrflfrryFglrrls
doun- f Grot+ff Tffi

r,-,a o -

I C o n t a c t sl i s t o n e o f t h o s e c o n f e r e n c e sI a t t e n d e d i o r s t a f f i n a g l o r i o u s ,s u n - d r e n c h e d
I Diary r e c e n t l y . Y o ur p r e s e n c e t e c h n o l o g ylocation,but short, sharp messag-
I C a m e r a- s t i l l sa n d v i d e o willtell y o u w h e t h e rt h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e e s d e l i v e r e d r e g u l a r l y b y p o d c a s t .
I A n d g o o d n e s sk n o w s w h a t e l s e ! by text, audio or video and whether D o e s n ' tr e a l l y h a v e t h e s a m e a p p e a l
Yes, I know many of you have this t h e y c a n c o l l a b o r a t ea t t h a t m o m e n t i n - b u t n o - o n es a i d i t w a s g o i n g t o b e
a l r e a d y ,b u t e v e r y o n ee l s e i s a b o u t t o t i m e . L o o kf o r b i g m o v e s i n t h i s a r e n a better!
j o i n t h e e a r l ya d o p t e r s . from Microsoft.
V o l P w i l l b e c o m e m a i n s t r e a ma n d P e o p l ew i l l i n c r e a s i n g l yw o r k f r o m
services such as Skype will expand a v a r i e t y o f l o c a t i o n sa n d t e l e - w o r k -
their offeringsand drive servicepro- i n g w i l l b e c o m em o r e c o m m o n . ( T h e
v i d e r s t o w a r d s c r e a t i v e b u n d l i n g c o m m o n w e a l t hg o v e r n m e n t f o r m e d
d e a l s . A l r e a d y w e h a v e a C a n b e r r a - t h e A u s t r a l i a n T e i e w o r k i n gA d v i s o r y
b a s e ds e r v i c eb u n d l i n gt e l e p h o n yg. a s C o m m i t t e e i n m i d - 2 0 0 5- l o o k o u t f o r
and electricity. their report.)
P r e s e n c et e c h n o l o g yw i l l a l l o w y o uR e a l - t i m ec o l l a b o r a t i o nw i l l c o n t i n -
u e t o b e p a r a m o u n t ,b u t w e ' l l s e e t h e
t o c o n n e c td i r e c t l yf r o m t h e d o c u m e n t
y o u a r e w o r k i n go n t o a n y c o l l e a g u e s p o d c a s t h a v e a b i g i m p a c t . l m a g i n e
w h o a r e a v a i l a b l e .T h e y m a y b e a t C E O m o t i v a t i o n asl e s s i o n sn o l o n g e r
t h e i r d e s k , i n a c a f 6 ,o n t h e r o a d o r i n b e i n g t h e a n n u a l c o l l e c t i o no f s e n -


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