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School : SMPN 2 Bangli

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VII/1

Topic : Descriptive text

Time Allotment : 2x40 minutes

A. Basic Competency and Indicator of Competency Achievement

4.7.1 Capturing contextually meaning related to social function, text structure, and
linguistic element of descriptive text, oral and simple writing related to person,
animals and things.

1) Students are able to identify the characteristic of the picture that related with
descriptive text about person, animals and things with their own language.

4.7.2 Making oral and written descriptive text meaning related to social function, text
structure, and linguistic element of descriptive text, oral and simple writing related
to person, animals and things.

1) students are able to make simple and short descriptive texts about
person,animals and things.

B. Learning Objectives
1. When the students are given the material , they are able to indentify social function
about “descriptive text”
2. When the students are given the picture of person,animals and things, they are able to
identify the picture with descriptive text.

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3. When the students are given the topic, they are able to make the descriptive text

C. Learning Material
Learning material can be read on students handbook Chapter 10: “when English rings a
bell for grade VII ” (page 59-125), handout and power point.
a. Social Function
b. Text Structure
c. Linguistic Element
d. Topic

D. Learning Method/Technique
- Mind map
- Collecting and processing word

E. Learning Media
1. Media : Worksheet, powerpoint
2. Tools : Laptop, LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker

F. Learning Source
1. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2017) Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts/ Kelas VII.
Jakarta: Kemendikbud
2. Students Worksheet

G. Learning Activity

(2x40 minutes)

a. Pre-activity (10 minutes)

In pre-activity, teacher:

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1) greets students friendly ;
2) pray together and check attendant list
3) give learning motivation to the students generally and specifically related to the
material to be learned;
4) explains the learning objectives and basic competency which are going to be
achieved; and
5) delivers the outline of the materials and explains about the activity which is going
to conducted

b. Whilist- activity (50 minutes)

1) Observing
In observing activity, teacher:
- ask the students to look the powerpoint and students handout that given by the
- ask the students to identify the picture that headed towards descriptive text
learning material ;
- ask the students to fill the mind map that has been make by the teacher in
white board related at the picture that has been given previously;
- ask the student about the material that will be learn today.
2) Questioning
In questioning activity, teacher:
- stimulates students to ask question about descriptive text
- facilitates and answer student’s question.
3) Exploring and Associating
In exploring and associating activity, teacher:
- ask the students to explore their creativity to make simple descriptive text
based on the contain of mind map that has been write in the whiteboard by the
teacher ;
- ask the students to collect their task to the teacher;
- teacher will choose two task of the students randomly.
- Two students that have the task will write it back the task in the whiteboard

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4) Communicating
In communicating activity, teacher:
- ask student to identify the mistakes of the text from two students that has
been written in the whiteboard;
- give the students score when the students can find the mistakes from the text..

c. Post-activity (20 minutes)

In post activity, teacher:
1) And the student summarize learning material;
2) And the students identify obstacles which are faced during the teaching learning
process (reflection);
3) And gives feedback on the students process and learning achievement which has
been done; and
4) Give the students homework and collect it in the next meeting;
5) And students pray together

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H. Assessment
1. Technique : Written test
2. Instrument : test instruction and mind mapping
3. Scoring Procedure : Scoring Rubric

Table of Assessment Sheet

Basic Assessment Instrument Scoring
Competency Technique Procedure
4.7.1 Written Test Mind mapping, Scoring Rubric
identify the
4.7.2 make a descriptive Scoring Rubric
Written test text

Denpasar, 12 April 2018


Gede Eka Dharma Putra

NPM: 1501882030070

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Scoring Procedure
Student Worksheet


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