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Paleontological Journal, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 109–116. Translated from Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, No. 2, 2005, pp.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Markov.
English Translation Copyright © 2005 by åÄIä “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia).

On the Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell

A. V. Markov
Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya ul. 123, Moscow, 117997 Russia
Received February 17, 2003

Abstract—The eukaryotic cell appeared 2.7 Ga or earlier as a result of coevolution of prokaryotic components
of Archean microbial communities. The crisis events at the Archean–Proterozoic boundary, which partially
destroyed the Archean prokaryotic biota, may have played an important role in the development of the first
eukaryotes. The separation of the nucleus from the cytosol and the presence of heterogeneous genomes within
the same cell provided the prerequisites for more efficient regulatory mechanisms of gene expression and
genetic recombination, which, in turn, could have become the basis for modification variability, composite life
cycles, sexual process, and, eventually, multicellular organization. The more efficient mechanisms for regula-
tion and modification, which increased their ecological tolerance, probably gave eukaryotes an advantage dur-
ing crises. The new mechanisms supporting and controlling genetic variation associated with the sexual process
(copulation of gametes, meiosis) gave rise to new types of biological systems—endogamous populations and spe-
cies, which stimulated intense biodiversification. The emergence of eukaryotes (as well as other higher taxa)
should be regarded as being the result of coevolution of ecosystems, the biosphere, and even the Earth as a whole.

INTRODUCTION has been achieved through the spatial separation of the

soma from the germ inside the organism.”
The origin of the eukaryotic cell can be reasonably
regarded as the second most significant event of the bio- However, this cannot entirely explain the biological
logical evolution (Martin and Russell, 2003). No direct essence of nucleus separation. The principal distin-
evidence is known as to where, when, how, why, and in guishing feature of eukaryotes from prokaryotes was
what conditions such aromorphosis happened, while their more complex and more efficient genome regula-
the available indirect data allow a wide range of tion. The nucleus is not only storage, but also the area
hypotheses, which are mostly controversial. Direct evi- of transcription and replication of DNA and, most
dence is only provided by specific biomarkers, remains importantly, the zone of active regulation of transcrip-
of steroid compounds specific to eukaryotic cell mem- tion and posttranscriptional modifications of RNA. The
branes, which were found in deposits dated 2.7 Ga appearance of a double nuclear membrane between the
(Brocks et al., 1999). hereditary material and the cytosol subjected to intense
biochemical processes provided a progressive evolu-
It seems expedient to begin the discussion with the tion of gene regulation, which, in its turn, gave rise to
basic characters of eukaryotes, which provided their effective mechanisms for modification variability.
evolutionary–ecological advantages. Eukaryotes became capable not only of biochemical but
also of morphological modifications (e.g., they can trans-
form from ameboid to flagellate form and conversely),
THE ORIGIN OF EUKARYOTES AS THE MOST with their genome being unaltered. This has provided a
SIGNIFICANT AROMORPHIC EVENT: higher level of adaptation potential. Note that the
ADVANTAGES OF THE EUKARYOTIC CELL increasing adaptability (and, consequently, stability) of
living systems is one of the basic trends in biological
The separation of the nucleus (storage of genetic evolution; for example, it manifests itself in the increase
information) from cytosol (a zone of active metabo- in the average life-span of genera (Markov, 2002).
lism) was a manifestation of a global evolutionary ten-
dency, i.e., the separation of the soma from the germ. It was owing to the capability for morphological and
This tendency was best characterized by Rautian functional modifications, depending on the environ-
(2001): “The division of organisms into the soma and ment (with the genome being unchanged due to more
the germ stems primarily from the fundamentally dif- delicate regulation), that unicellular eukaryotes could
ferent requirements of storing genetic information and later develop, first composite life cycles and sexual
of organismal functioning… the maintenance of the reproduction and, subsequently, multicellular organiza-
soma requires dynamics, while the preservation of the tion. In both a protozoan with a composite life cycle
germ with its genetic information requires stability. and a multicellular organism, the same genome pro-
A compromise between these opposite requirements vides the development of essentially different cell types


in different conditions. The ability of prokaryotes for atmosphere of the Earth at the Archean–Proterozoic
such modifications is one order weaker. boundary; however, the fact that these events were rather
The nucleus separation promoted the development significant is beyond doubt. Some researchers think that
of a better system of DNA protection and repair they involved lowering of atmospheric carbon dioxide
(although this system might be initiated by archaebac- concentration, essential fluctuations of seawater temper-
teria in extreme conditions, see below). This resulted in ature and pH, intensive tectonic processes, formation of
less frequent mutations in eukaryotes than in prokary- the first integral supercontinent of the Earth (Monogea),
otes and provided them with an important advantage at and others (Sorokhtin and Ushakov, 2002).
low concentrations of atmospheric oxygen, because, in Whatever the nature of the changes was, they might
ozone-deficient environments, strong ultraviolet radia- have promoted the appearance and expansion of
tion might bring about very intensive mutagenesis of eukaryotes in two ways. First, the rapid and unpredict-
surface water organisms. Thus, the effective repair sys- able environmental changes should have favored organ-
tem might noticeably enlarge a potential adaptive zone isms with more efficient and universal adaptive mecha-
of the earliest eukaryotes, so that they could survive in nisms. The complicated and fine regulation system of
better illuminated water layers. However, there is abun- environmentally dependent gene expression and post-
dant evidence of considerable atmospheric oxygen con- transcription RNA modifications should have given
centration as early as the Archean Time (see below). eukaryotes a selective advantage. Second, sharp cli-
The lower mutation rate and the development of matic changes at the Archean–Proterozoic boundary
mechanisms restricting genetic exchange (horizontal might have destroyed some local prokaryotic commu-
gene transfer) were undoubtedly combined with more nities of the Archean. Particularly, the supposed cooling
effective and controlled mechanisms of genetic recom- and subsequent Huronian glaciation should have
bination (copulation of gametes, crossing-over). The greatly affect warm-water cyanobacterial communities.
sexual process must have provided eukaryotes (as well Carbon dioxide deficiency may have been equally unfa-
as the biota as a whole) with essential advantages and vorable for photosynthesizing organisms. In fact,
produced a complex of important consequences: repro- within the interval of 2.5–2.3 Ga, stromatolitic struc-
ductive isolation, endogamous species and populations, tures were sharply reduced in number (Semikhatov
di- and polyploidy (for details, see below). It should be et al., 1999). The destroyed Archean cyanobacterial
mentioned that the earliest eukaryotes were probably communities were replaced by new (as usual, more
devoid of a sexual process. Many of the eukaryotic complex and more perfect) communities, where
advantages manifested themselves later, in the course eukaryotes were an indispensable component. The first
of evolution. Of most significance for the earliest eukaryotes might have appeared long before the termi-
eukaryotes was probably their increasing ability to nal Archean, but they started to constitute a consider-
adapt to environmental changes through modification able portion of the biota near the Archean–Proterozoic
variability based on more effective genome regulation. boundary. Their records have been known since 2.7 Ga.
Similarly, the appearance of mammals and birds may
be recorded beginning from the Early Cenozoic, when
ON POSSIBLE RELATION OF THE ONSET they became dominating components of communities,
OF EUKARYOTE EXPANSION TO THE CRISIS although they had appeared a long time before.
All the above suggests that eukaryotes emerged in THE THEORY OF SYMBIOGENESIS
the period of biosphere history when conditions were
especially unstable and unpredictable, when the At present, the symbiogenetic theory of the eukary-
prokaryotic adaptation strategy (a high mutation rate, otic cell is best substantiated and commonly accepted
horizontal gene transfer, and selection of resistant (although some researchers argue against it; see, e.g.,
clones) appeared to be excessively wasteful and, hence, Cavalier-Smith, 2002). Mitochondria and plastids were
inefficient. Under these conditions, a more universal convincingly proved to have been originated from sym-
and economical adaptation strategy based on a more biotic eubacteria (alphaproteobacteria and cyanobacte-
adequate (expedient) modification variability might ria, respectively). Regretfully, no other facts are avail-
have gained a great advantage. able. The nature of the host cell, the emergence of the
cytosol and the nucleus are subjects of controversy. An
This supposition is indirectly confirmed by paleon- archaebacterial cell is commonly supposed to have
tological and geological records. The earliest certain served as the host cell (Margulis and Bermudes, 1985;
signs of eukaryotes (hydrocarbon biomarkers, i.e., Vellai and Vida, 1999). This was inferred from the sim-
cholestane, its C28 and C30 analogues) were found in ilarity of archaebacteria and eukaryotes in genome
rocks dated 2.7 Ga, i.e., in the Upper Archean (Brocks structure (in particular, the exon–intron organization),
et al., 1999). replication, repair, transcription, and translation as well
At present, there are different interpretations of as other molecular data (Slesarev et al., 1998; Cavalier-
events occurring in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and Smith, 2002).



The symbiotic organism had a chimerical (archae- exact, although paradoxical, to state that eukaryotes
bacterial–eubacterial) genome, with many components were derived from a prokaryotic community including
duplicated in function (Gupta, 1997). Subsequently, at least three components: (1) anaerobic heterotrophs
excessive elements were reduced or performed differ- (most likely, archaebacteria with the exon–intron
ent functions (Martin and Schnarrenberger, 1997). In genome design), which obtained energy through anoxic
particular, the development of membranes follows only carbohydrate fermentation; (2) aerobic heterotrophs
one of two fashions, namely, that characteristic of (eubacteria) obtaining energy mostly through the oxi-
eubacteria (in the archaebacteria, the basis of mem- dation of low-molecular carbohydrates (particularly,
branes is composed of isoprenoid esters, whereas in pyruvate, lactic acid, ethanol, or acetate, which were
eubacteria, they are composed of esters of fatty acids). final products of energy metabolism of the first compo-
According to one hypothesis, the nuclear membrane nent); and (3) anaerobic autotrophs, i.e., photosynthe-
was formed as a by-product of expression of eubacte- sizing organisms (cyanobacteria), which provided the
rial genes responsible for the membrane synthesis in first component with high-molecular carbohydrates and
the archaebacterial genetic environment (Martin and the second one with oxygen.
Russell, 2003). There are many other hypotheses, Advantages of such triple symbiosis are evident:
including very extravagant ones, such as the origin of each component benefited from coexistence with two
nucleus of the archaebacterial cell through virus infec- others. Cyanobacteria and archaebacteria got rid of
tion (Takemura, 2001). excessive toxic oxygen and products of anoxic metabo-
A point of concern is that prokaryotes are devoid of lism; archaebacteria and aerobic eubacteria had organic
analogues of characteristic eukaryotic cytoskeleton food, and eubacteria obtained oxygen to successfully
composed of microtubules (mitotic spindle, flagella, utilize organic compounds.
etc.), and related ability for phagocytosis. A hypothesis A surface 1-mm-thick layer of cyanobacterial mats,
for the origin of organisms with a microtubular cytosk- which were widespread as early as the Archean, con-
eleton (in combination with the nuclear membrane) tained oxygen concentration sufficient for aerobic
from symbiosis of an archaebacterium and a mobile organisms to exist even in an oxygen-deficient atmo-
eubacterium is also worthy of attention. Though not sphere (Rozanov and Fedonkin, 1994). Zavarzin (1993)
commonly accepted, it is still attractive (Dolan et al., emphasized that, within a microbial community, oxy-
2002). Another hypothesis suggests the existence in the genic photosynthesis yielded immediately high O2 con-
past of a peculiar group of prokaryotes, so-called chrono- centration and, hence, aerobic organisms might emerge
cytes, related to neither bacteria nor archaeans. Chrono- long before atmospheric oxygenation. It is to be noted
cytes had a cytoskeleton and were capable of phagocyto- that the common opinion on relatively late atmospheric
sis; they swallowed different bacteria and archaeans and oxygenation is the subject of criticism at present; many
gave rise to eukaryotes (Hartman and Fedorov, 2002). facts indicate a high concentration of atmospheric oxy-
Probably, eukaryotes are a monophyletic group, i.e., gen as early as the Archean (Ikemi et al., 2002;
the successful fusion of archaebacteria and eubacteria Watanabe and Ohmoto, 2002; Rozanov, 2003).
into single organisms, which gave rise to all kinds of Oxygen, a by-product of photosynthesis, was prima-
eukaryotes, was a unique event in the Earth’s history rily toxic for cyanobacteria. In the course of evolution,
(Gupta, 1997). Analysis of mitochondrial genomes also they developed some biochemical protections against
indicated the monophyletic origin of the mitochondria this aggressive metabolite (Paerl, 1996). One of them
of all extant eukaryotes (Litoshenko, 2002). was probably aerobic respiration. It is interesting that
The symbiotic nature of eukaryotes made some the most important part of cellular breathing—the elec-
researchers realize that symbiogenesis is of greater evo- tron transfer chain—appeared as a result of modifica-
lutionary significance than was previously thought. The tion of an enzymatic system of photosynthesis (Naka-
emergence of eukaryotes, lichens, and reef-building mura and Hase, 1991). Modern cyanobacteria prefer to
corals with zooxanthellae are neither oddities nor be associated with oxygen-absorbing microorganisms,
exceptions but probably an apparent manifestation of the rates of oxygen liberation and absorption being
an universal law governing many other macroevolu- strictly balanced (Paerl, 1996). Most likely, the surface
tionary events, although not evidently (Margulis and layer of cyanobacterial mats containing high concentra-
Bermudes, 1985). tions of high molecular weight carbohydrates and oxy-
gen was a “cradle” where communities of, at first, het-
erotrophic (aerobic and anaerobic) prokaryotes and,
A HYPOTHETICAL PROKARYOTIC subsequently, eukaryotes emerged (Rozanov and
The hypothetical bacterial community, including the
It would be incorrect to consider the earliest eukary- three components described above, had great advantages
otes to have evolved from several prokaryotic species over a pure cyanobacterial mat, even without compo-
united into a symbiotic organism. Following the system nents being united under a common cellular membrane,
view of life and biological evolution, it would be more i.e., without the formation of the eukaryotic cell.



Most likely, the appearance of the eukaryotic cell to cyanobacteria, was removed; some amount of carbon
was preceded by a long coevolution of the components, dioxide necessary for photosynthesis was produced
whose increasing interaction led to the transformation (especially valuable because of its presumed low con-
of a bacterial biocenosis into a single quasi-organism. centration in the Early Proterozoic atmosphere); exces-
Microorganism communities can demonstrate a sive organic matter was utilized; the population of
very high level of integration. Owing to horizontal gene cyanobacteria was probably controlled to some degree
transfer, which is widespread among the prokaryotes, by carnivorous organisms; etc. These factors made such
microbial biocenoses composed of various bacterial communities more stable and promoted their expansion
species are similar to the populations of higher organ- during the crisis under consideration. Some modern
isms. The stable existence and functioning of a micro- associations of various (auto- and heterotrophic, anaer-
bial community is maintained by well-balanced trophic obic and aerobic) bacteria can be considered to be anal-
connections, in particular, the optimal ratio and spatial ogous to ancestral communities of eukaryotes. These
distribution of producers and destructors. Occasionally, bacterial mats occur in various extreme environments,
trophic connections may be so rigid that an organism show high ecological tolerance and high integrity, in
cannot develop without its excretions being utilized particular, complicated spatial distribution controlled
immediately by the next component of the trophic by gradation of oxygen content, pH, and other essential
chain (Zavarsin, 1993). Of other mechanisms of parameters (Zavarzin, 1993, 1994; Paerl et al., 2000).1
prokaryotic integration, the systems of chemical sig- Microbial communities should become even more
nals for behavior coordination (i.e., phenotypic expres- stable when they included various true eukaryotes. The
sion) are worth mentioning. Some eukaryotes have appearance of such communities probably stimulated a
learnt to imitate such signals in order to control new outburst of development of stromatolitic forma-
prokaryotic activity in the community (Rice et al., tions after the minimum of 2.5–2.3 Ga (Semikhatov
1999). The mechanism for programmed cell death was et al., 1999).
also developed in a bacterial culture (Endelberg-Kulka An evident advantage of the eukaryotic cell over an
and Glaser, 1999); the ability of individuals to be sacri- association of its free components is primarily the cen-
ficed for the sake of the entire community seems to be tralized genetic regulation of all symbionts. In fact, the
a sign of a high integrity of (individualized) microbial eukaryotic cell is a small compact community with bio-
communities. chemically complementary components under central
Logically, many mechanisms (first of all, signal control. As said above, eukaryotes had developed a bet-
transduction and regulation cascades) providing integ- ter system for maintaining DNA stability and repair,
rity and coordination of parts of the eukaryotic cell which resulted in a lower mutation rate. Such systems
have been developed long before these parts were might be characteristic of archaebacteria that occurred
united under a single cell membrane. The horizontal in extreme environments (Grogan, 1998), e.g., hyper-
gene transfer might be an important preadaptation that thermophiles or residents of surface water layer sub-
afforded a subsequent transfer of most of mitochondrial jected to strong ultraviolet radiation, which caused
and plastid genes into the nucleus (Shestakov, 2003). intense mutagenesis. The endocellular symbiosis
Members of modern microbial communities dem- enabled genomes of eubacteria (eventually, plastids and
onstrate remarkable readiness to form symbioses. Up to mitochondria) to be protected by the repair system of
the present day, unicellular eukaryotes retain the capa- the archaebacterial cell-host. It was the need of protec-
bility of acquiring various (both prokaryotic and tion that might have stimulated a rapid transfer of most
eukaryotic) endosymbionts with different metabolic of the mitochondrial and plastid genes into a nucleus.
strategies (Duval and Margulis, 1995; Bernhard et al., The early formation of systems for regulation, stabi-
2000). However, modern prokaryotes cannot acquire lization, and protection of eukaryotic (and partly
intracellular symbionts, being incapable for phagocyto- archaebacterial) genome suggests that ancestral micro-
sis. As mentioned above, this is considered to be a weak bial communities as well as the earliest mixed prokary-
point of the theory of symbiogenesis. However, carniv- otic–eukaryotic associations occurred in environments
orous and parasitic bacterial species, such as Dapto- unfavorable for usual Archean cyanobacterial mats,
bacter, are known to be able to penetrate the cytosol of probably, in unstable shallow-water zones with more
other prokaryotes. Thus, even being devoid of a phago- intense ultraviolet radiation. In these environments,
cytosis mechanism, prokaryotes can acquire intracellu- microorganisms with a more efficient system of
lar parasites and symbionts (Guerrero et al., 1986).
1 Allthese gradients are highly variable (particularly, due to daily
The hypothetical ancestral community of eukary- changes in illumination and photosynthesis intensity) in cyano-
otes was probably a kind of improved cyanobacterial bacterial mats (Pierson, 1988; Zavarzin, 1994). This might induce
mat, including heterotrophic anaerobic archaebacteria development of organs of active locomotion (flagella and cilia).
and heterotrophic aerobic eubacteria as symbionts. In To move actively flagellae needed additional energy, which they
obtained from mitochondrial symbionts. According to some
distinction to a pure cyanobacterial culture, such a com- hypotheses, the flagellum and nucleus emerged simultaneously
munity should have a more balanced composition of through a symbiosis of an archaebacterium as a host and a mobile
various substances: excessive oxygen, which was toxic eubacterium (Dolan et al., 2002).



genome protection and regulation might have a selec- As rare exceptions, some fungi and green algae sur-
tive advantage. This contradicts a hypothesis of a deep- vive at temperature of 60–70°ë (Izhboldina and
water origin of eukaryotes (Bernhard et al., 2000), Galkin, 1999); however, in general, eukaryotes are
which proceeded from the assumption that to live in much less adaptable to high temperature than prokary-
areas exposed to high-energy ultraviolet radiation was otes (particularly, cyanobacteria). Therefore, water
difficult. The supposition of unfavorable environments temperature of the ancestral eukaryotic biotope was
in the ancestral biotope is supported by some authors, unlikely over 40–50°ë. This is in disagreement with
who think that archaebacteria, the basic components of some reconstructions of average Late Archean temper-
symbiotic organism, were acidothermophiles (Dolan ature as 60°C and higher.
et al., 2002). However, it is unlikely that the earliest Summarizing all the above, we conclude that char-
eukaryotes were thermophiles (see below). Modern acteristics of the ancestral biotope of eukaryotes might
cyanobacterial mats that include various kinds of het- have been as follows:
erotrophic symbionts and occur mostly in extreme (1) Unstable conditions, which are typical of shal-
environments (Paerl et al., 2000) can be regarded to be low-water environments. Sharp unpredictable varia-
analogues of the ancestral eukaryotic community in tions of vital parameters (pH, salinity, concentrations of
terms of ecology and structure. biogenic elements, heavy metal salts, and others). The
conditions must have been tolerable for cyanobacteria,
BIOTOPE OF EUKARYOTES (2) Illumination sufficient for cyanobacteria to exist;
(3) Oxygen concentration sufficient for the exist-
A set of environmental changes, including many ence of aerobic bacteria and eukaryotes (as it was at the
vital ones, occurred around the Archean–Proterozoic surface of cyanobacterial mats even in oxygen-deficient
boundary. The nature and scale of these changes have atmosphere);
not yet been established. Therefore, it is hardly possible
(4) Temperature not higher than 40–50°ë.
to reveal a single chief cause and conditions (water tem-
perature, salinity, pH, composition) of the eukaryotic
emergence. Modern protists (unicellular eukaryotes), EARLY STAGES OF EUKARYOTIC EVOLUTION
especially primitive groups, can inhabit a very wide
range of environments. They show only slightly lower There are no proved paleontological records of the
ecological tolerance than prokaryotes. In particular, initial stages of eukaryotic evolution. Therefore, we can
they can produce a large biomass under conditions judge them by only indirect evidence.
close to those of the Archean, i.e., at high heavy metal 1. Was the acquisition of mitochondria a basic
salt content and very low pH values (down to 0.5); aromorphosis? Contrary to previous suppositions on
moreover, unicellular eukaryotes occasionally exceed the relatively late appearance of eukaryotic mitochon-
prokaryotes in abundance and diversity in such hostile dria, there are strong grounds to believe that aerobic
environments (Edwards et al., 1999; Zettler et al., 2002). endosymbionts (mitochondria) were acquired earlier
than the nucleus. Possibly, the acquisition of mitochon-
Unicellular eukaryotes can endure wide salinity dria rather than the nucleus was the turning point in the
fluctuations. Thus, the ameba Platyamoeba pseudovan- eukaryotic emergence (Vellai et al., 1998; Vellai and
nellida grows at salinity from 0 to 138‰ (!) and easily Vida, 1999). Coexistence of two different genomes
adapts to very rapid salinity variations by changing within the same cell required a perfect system of their
pseudopodium shape (Hauer et al., 2001). Eukaryotes composite regulation and coordination to be developed.
survive in both the ice-cold Antarctic lakes almost lack- Thus, the acquisition of endocellular symbionts might
ing biogenic elements (Laybourn-Parry, 2002) and hot be an essential stimulus for emergence of nucleus and
salt-rich water of marine hydrothermal vents. For gene regulation systems. The supposition that the earli-
example, the thermophilic infusorian Trimyema minu- est eukaryotes possessed efficient signal transduction
tum is capable for reproduction at temperature up to and regulatory systems of a eukaryotic type was con-
+52°C (optimum +48°C) (Baumgartner et al., 2002). firmed by molecular data (Janssens, 1988). This agrees
Deep underground waters contain yeast cells growing with the above assumption that the nucleus was formed
at pH ranging from 4 to 10, temperature from 4 to 30°C, to provide perfect regulatory mechanisms. In addition,
and salinity from 0 to 70‰ (Ekendahl et al., 2003). the transport of substances, in particular, proteins,
The most probable constraint is extremely high tem- through the double mitochondrial membrane should be
perature conditions where informational RNA mole- acquired at the very early stage of symbiosis. The
cules become unstable. In hyperthermophilic bacteria, development of this transport system combined with
iRNA exists for a short time (from transcription to the appearance of double-membrane organelles might
translation), whereas the eukaryotic cell must have a serve as an important prerequisite of nucleus formation.
long period of iRNA stability (needed for RNA mole- Molecular data confirm the acquisition of mitochon-
cule transportation from nucleus, place of synthesis, to dria at the early eukaryotic evolution. Modern mito-
cytosol for translation) (Forterre, 1995). chondrion-less protozoans apparently evolved from



organisms having mitochondria (their nuclear DNA be considered as a single, vast polymorphic quasi-spe-
contains mitochondrial genes). It was interesting to find cies. The morphophysiological discontinuity of
nuclear genes of eukaryotes that encode cytosol proteins prokaryotic taxa is in general supported only by the dis-
and show nucleotide sequences similar to the genes of continuity of ecological niches or biochemical func-
protebacteria (presumed ancestors of mitochondria). tions. Apparently, uncontrolled horizontal transfer
This indicates that mitochondrial symbionts could have slowed down the evolution of the prokaryotic biosphere
had greater significance in the development of the entire (Rudi et al., 1998). The interspecific reproductive iso-
genetic and biochemical structure of the eukaryotic cell lation of eukaryotes had first become the main factor
than was previously thought (Roger, 1999). regulating the biodiversity and providing its rapid
increase. The increased rate of diversification might
2. Dispersal from the ancestral biotope. Until the
have greatly contributed to the higher stability of com-
partial pressure of atmospheric oxygen increased to 10–3
munities and the biosphere (Ponomarenko and Dmit-
of the modern level, aerobic organisms, including
riev, 1993).
eukaryotes, must have been intimately connected with
the surface layer of the cyanobacterial mats. Only after The development of sexual process (copulation, cell
this point could they leave their “cradle” to occupy dif- fusion) inevitably led to the diploid stage in the life
ferent ecological niches. According to some hypothe- cycle and meiosis, which brought about new, more per-
ses, this happened about 2.0 Ga, because at that time fect mechanisms for maintaining genotypic variability
termination of mass iron ore deposition of the Early at necessary level. It became possible to increase cryp-
Proterozoic enabled a rapid increase in the atmospheric tic genotypic variability through the accumulation of
oxygen concentration (Sorokhtin and Ushakov, 2002). recessive alleles in the heterozygous state. On the one
At that time, there was a burst of diversification of hand, this innovation brought the threat of the growth of
microfossils, some of which might be eukaryotes genetic load of harmful mutations, but, on the other
(Semikhatov et al., 1999). hand, some alleles harmful in present conditions were
preserved and could have become useful in different
3. Development of the sexual process is of prime environments. The meiosis probably brought about lin-
significance for genetic recombination. As discussed ear (noncircular) chromosomes and crossing-over, an
above, there are many records of oxidization of the effective means of developing and maintaining recom-
Earth’s atmosphere as early as the Archean. In this case, binant variability. In general, eukaryotes have more
the diversification burst at 2.0 Ga could have been effective and regulated mechanisms of polymorphism
induced by other factors, for instance, by the develop- control than prokaryotes (intense mutation process and
ment of the sexual process. Although this principal evo- irregular horizontal transfer). This, along with modifi-
lutionary event is difficult to date, it must have been a cation variability, should have provided higher adapt-
powerful stimulus for biodiversity increase and acceler- ability and stability of eukaryotes and their communi-
ation of progressive evolution. ties. The sexual process, as it is, emerged as a means of
Horizontal gene transfer of eukaryotes proceeds in surviving in changeable environments (Krassilov,
an essentially different way than that of prokaryotes. 1986), as confirmed by many modern primitive eukary-
Prokaryotes usually undergo an irregular exchange of otes: in favorable conditions they exercise asexual
DNA fragments, including that between different, unal- reproduction (descendants being precise copies of par-
lied taxa (Shestakov, 2003). Interspecific gene ents), but as conditions deteriorate copulation takes
exchange is retained by eukaryotes, especially primi- place. A zygote with a double reserve of nutrients and
tive forms. Horizontal transfer was established between frequently under a dense cover has better chances of
all three superkingdoms: Archaea, Bacteria, and survival in unfavorable conditions; owing to recombi-
Eukaryota (Paul, 1999; Andersson et al., 2003; Koonin nant variability, cells produced by meiotic division dif-
et al., 2003). However, this mechanism of variability fer from their parental cells. This can be interpreted as
and adaptation apparently plays a less significant role in a way of increasing variability in emergency situations,
eukaryotes than in prokaryotes. Instead of and in paral- which is more efficient and less wasteful than the cha-
lel to it, eukaryotes developed the sexual process as a otic genome alteration of prokaryotes.
more efficient, more controlled mechanism of intraspe- Thus, the origin of eukaryotes and the development
cific gene exchange. Remarkably, according to some of the sexual process made the variability and diversity
hypothesis, the sexual process evolved through alter- structure more discrete and regulated, which must have
ations in transposons, transposable or mobile dispersed increased the rate of diversification, as well as evolu-
elements (Hickey, 1992). This cardinal change in the tionary plasticity and ecological tolerance of species,
method of biotic genetic integration had far-reaching communities, and the biota as a whole.
evolutionary implications, and affected the structure
and dynamics of biodiversification. The eukaryotic
biota first gave rise to new classes of organized biosys- CONCLUSIONS
tems, that are, relatively endogamous populations and The origin of the eukaryotic cell can be regarded as
species. The prokaryotic biota is not composed of true a standard aromorphosis. This event is a brilliant mani-
endogamous biological species; in some senses, it can festation of the general progressive trend of biological



evolution, which is exhibited not only in the organiza- 9. S. Ekendahl, A. H. O’Neill, E. Thomsson, and K. Peder-
tional complexity, expansion of the adaptive zone, sen, “Characterisation of Yeasts Isolated from Deep
increase in biomass, abundance, and autonomy of Igneous Rock Aquifers of the Fennoscandian Shield,”
organisms, etc. but also, more importantly, in the Microbiol. Ecol. 46 (4), 416–428 (2003).
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