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Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and


University Examinations
2017/2018 Academic Year

4th Year, First Semester Examination for the Degree if Bachelors

of Science in Civil Engineering

Course Code: ECE2414

Course Title: Foundation Engineering II
Time: 1.5 hrs

Instructions: Answer ALL questions

Q1. Bearing capacity
As a geotechnical engineer, you have been contracted to carry out the design of a foundation for a
10 storey building to be constructed at the Nairobi Show ground. Please describe what the
process that will enable you will undertake to complete the task.

Q2. Retaining wall

As part of a consulting engineering firm, you have been tasked to undertake the design of a deep
retaining wall to protect the excavation for foundation of a high-rise building at the centre of a
highly built up city. How will you go about this task?

Q3. Mat/raft foundation

A construction of a hospital building has been planned for a location that is predominantly a
marshland. A mat foundation has been proposed as a feasible solution. As the engineer in charge,
you have been tasked to undertake this project. Please describe how you will undertake this

Q4. Pile foundation

An offshore rig to be used to explore for oil and gas is to be constructed at the coast of East Africa.
You have been awarded the contract to undertake the design of the pile foundation for the rig.
How will you go about this project?

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