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Noun Endings

Nomina dapat dikenali dari akhiran yang menyertainya, misalnya akhiran –cy, –er, -or, -ism, -ist, -ment, -
ion, -ty, -ce, -ness, -dom, -hood.

Perhatikan beberapa contoh nomina yang menggunakan akhiran tersebut.

e.g. autocracy, accuracy, bureaucracy, vacancy, etc.

e.g. computer, driver, painter, writer, etc.

–or : actor, investor, orator, translator.

–ism : criticism, heroism, individualism, racism.

–ist : artist, capitalist, journalist, scientist.

–ment : development, establishment, government, management.

–ion : competition, confession, foundation, invitation.

–ity : nationality, regularity, purity, tranquility.

-ty : certainty, difficulty, faculty, safety.

-ce : appearance, assistance, confidence, existence.

-ness : business, blindness, happiness, sadness.

-dom : boredom, freedom, kingdom, officialdom.

-hood : brotherhood, childhood, neighbourhood, parenthood.

Nouns Ending In -ing, -ed, Or -er

Kata Benda berakhiran -ing, -ed, atau -er

About half the nouns in this course may have the endings -ing, -ed, or -er.

Sekitar separuh dari kata benda dalam pelajaran ini berakhiran -ing, -ed atau -er.

If the ending is -ing, it is an action;

Jika berakhiran -ing, itu adalah sebuah tindakan.

If the ending is -ed, it is the thing receiving the action.

Jika berakhiran -ed, itu adalah hal/benda yang dikenai tindakan.

If the ending is -er, it is the doer of the action.

Jika berakhiran -er, itu adalah pelaku tindakan itu.

Nouns with -ing

Kata Benda dengan -ing

train give ear to the training of your father.

didikdengarkanlah didikan ayahmu

live let us overcome them living.

hidupmari kita taklukan semua yang hidup

runtheir feet are running after evil.

lari langkah mereka mengikuti kejahatan

cry Wisdom is crying out in the street.

teriakhikmat berteriak di jalanan

soundher words are sounding in the meeting places.

bunyi perkataannya terdengar di ruang pertemuan.

laughIn the day of trouble I will be laughing.

tawa dalam kesusahan aku akan tertawa.

Nouns with -ed

Kata Benda dengan -ed

train to be trained in the ways of wisdom.

didikuntuk dididik mengenai jalan hikmat.

mind to make the simple-minded sharp.

pikiranuntuk mencerdaskan orang bebal.

stretch to no purpose is the net stretched out.

rentangtanpa sebab jala itu tertarik.

guide the man of good sense will be wisely guided.

bimbingorang yang waspada dibimbing oleh hikmat

controlyou were not controlled by my guiding.

kendalikamu tidak dipimpin oleh tuntunanku

store he has salvation stored up for the upright.

simpandia menyimpan keselamatan bagi orang benar.

Nouns with -er

Kata Benda berakhiran -er

hate a delight to haters of authority.

bencikesenangan bagi para pelanggar hukum.

sin the evil designs of the sinner.

dosarancangan jahat para pendosa.

rule having no chief overseer or ruler.

kuasatidak memiliki penguasa atau raja.

wise give teaching to a wise man and he will become wiser.

bijakajarlah orang bijak maka dia akan bertambah bijak.

workthe hand of the ready worker gets in wealth.

kerjatangan orang yang cekatan mendapat kekayaan.

Defining a Subject Pronoun

Pronouns are versatile words that can substitute for many nouns. The word “pronoun” comes from the
Latin word “pronomen” which breaks down onto “pro” and “nomen.” They mean “in place of” and

The key benefits of pronouns is that they are useful in making our language not be so repetitive and
keeps it from bogging down. If it weren’t for pronouns, when you were talking about someone, you
would have to keep repeating their name over and over.

There are many types of pronouns - including the subject pronoun. Each type of pronoun can be
classified according to their function. For example, subject pronouns function as the subject of a clause
or sentence. The subject pronouns are:

I, we, he, she, it, you, and they

An example of a subject pronoun at work would be: She is too funny.

Examples of Subject Pronouns

Here are a few sentences using subject pronouns:

 She watered the plants.

 I wanted to go to the party but he wouldn’t let me.

 Sometimes, they act crazy.

 You can go to the game, as long as you finish the dishes.

 It isn’t possible.

 We are finished with examples.


Gerunds as Subject

Gerunds as Subject

Gerunds adalah kata kerja (verb) yang ditambah ing (verb + ing) dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda
(noun). Gerund hampir sama seperti bentuk dalam present participle/V-ing, Perbedaan antara present
participle adalah bahwa gerund merupakan kata benda sedangkan present participle adalah kata sifat.

Apabila Gerund sebagai Subject, maka Gerund dapat berdiri sendiri atau berbentuk sebagai frase.

Bentuk dari Gerund adalah: VERB 1 + ING Smoking, speaking dan reading, swimming, shopping, talking,
playing, sleeping, eating, dll.


- Speaking too long makes us bored

- Reading is not his hobby

- Shopping in this town is good

- Smoking is not good for health

- Talking too much made Shinta thirsty

- Hunting tigers is dangerous.

- Flying makes me nervous.

- Playing football is not Jack’s hobby.

The to-infinitive as the subject of the sentence

This is a formal usage and is far more common in written English than spoken


 To be or not to be, that is the question.

 To know her is to love her.

 To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.

 To understand statistics, that is our aim.

Many verbs that end in -ize can also end in -ise in British English. For example, in British
English, all of the following spellings are acceptable: finalize/finalise; organize/organise;
realize/realise. In American English, the only correct spellings are finalize, organize, and

In both American and British English, there is a small set of verbs that must always be spelled
with -ise at the end. The main reason for this is that, in these words, -ise is part of a longer word
element rather than being a separate ending in its own right. For example: -cise (meaning
'cutting) in the word excise; -prise (meaning 'taking') as in surprise; or -mise (meaning 'sending')
in promise.

advertise compromise exercise revise

advise despise improvise supervise

apprise devise incise surmise

chastise disguise prise (meaning ‘open’) surprise

comprise excise promise televise

There are also a few verbs which always end in -yse in British English.

analyse catalyse electrolyse paralyse

breathalyse dialyse hydrolyse psychoanalyse

In American English, they are all spelled with the ending -yze

analyze catalyze electrolyze paralyze

breathalyze dialyze hydrolyze psychoanalyze

You can read more about the use of ‘ize’ and ‘ise’ on the Oxford Dictionaries blog. Here you
will find more information about the historical usage of ‘ize’ and ‘ise’ and the difference
between the two in the context of British English and American English.

Most verbs of this type end with -ify. Some of the most familiar are listed here:
rectify; intensify; justify; beautify; certify; modify; signify; clarify; mystify; simplify; classify; amplify;
exemplify; falsify; notify; specify; pacify; glorify; purify; qualify; unify; fortify; testify; identify; terrify;
diversify; verify; horrify; ratify.

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