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Same is the word; Same; Same.

�Perhaps at no time since the

establishment of the Philippine Republic has the publication of
laws taken so vital significance than at this time when the people
have bestowed upon the President a power heretofore enjoyed
solely by the legislature. While the people are kept abreast by the
mass media of the debates and deliberations in the Batasan
Pambansa�and for the diligent ones, ready access to the
legislative records�no such publicity accompanies the law�
making process of the President. Thus, without publication, the
people have no means of knowing what presidential decrees have
actually been promulgated, much less a definite way of informing
themselves of the specific contents and texts of such decrees. As
the Supreme Court of Spain ruled: �Bajo la denoroinaci�n
gen�rica de leyes, se comprenden tambi�n los reglamentos, Reales
decretos, Instrucciones, Circulares y Reales ordines dictadas de
conformidad con las mismas por el Gobierno en uso de su
potestad.�Same is the word; Same; Same.�Perhaps at no time since the
establishment of the Philippine Republic has the publication of
laws taken so vital significance than at this time when the people
have bestowed upon the President a power heretofore enjoyed
solely by the legislature. While the people are kept abreast by the
mass media of the debates and deliberations in the Batasan
Pambansa�and for the diligent ones, ready access to the
legislative records�no such publicity accompanies the law�
making process of the President. Thus, without publication, the
people have no means of knowing what presidential decrees have
actually been promulgated, much less a definite way of informing
themselves of the specific contents and texts of such decrees. As
the Supreme Court of Spain ruled: �Bajo la denoroinaci�n
gen�rica de leyes, se comprenden tambi�n los reglamentos, Reales
decretos, Instrucciones, Circulares y Reales ordines dictadas de
conformidad con las mismas por el Gobierno en uso de su
potestad.�Same is the word; Same; Same.�Perhaps at no time since the
establishment of the Philippine Republic has the publication of
laws taken so vital significance than at this time when the people
have bestowed upon the President a power heretofore enjoyed
solely by the legislature. While the people are kept abreast by the
mass media of the debates and deliberations in the Batasan
Pambansa�and for the diligent ones, ready access to the
legislative records�no such publicity accompanies the law�
making process of the President. Thus, without publication, the
people have no means of knowing what presidential decrees have
actually been promulgated, much less a definite way of informing
themselves of the specific contents and texts of such decrees. As
the Supreme Court of Spain ruled: �Bajo la denoroinaci�n
gen�rica de leyes, se comprenden tambi�n los reglamentos, Reales
decretos, Instrucciones, Circulares y Reales ordines dictadas de
conformidad con las mismas por el Gobierno en uso de su

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