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Does pH levels in the water effect crayfish skeletal 

structures in regard to growth?   

Author: Bella Rivera 
This proposal covers the structure of a student curated experiment on the 
connection between pH levels in water and the effects it has on skeletal structures 
of crayfish. The Pacifastacus leniusculus will be maintained in a way where the 
levels of pH will stay precise and consistent, maintaining at 9.2.  
Introduction & Background: 
As of today, it has been proven that many aspects of the crayfishes life cycle 
relies on the pH values in their tanks or bodies of water, and are even mainly found 
in high pH conditions all over the world from Germany to California. Known as one 
of the most mobile freshwater invertebrates, they are most comfortable in alkaline 
waters that can range from 6.5 to 9.0. This means that while Crayfish are naturally 
more tolerant to higher pH levels than other freshwater species such as trout, these 
fluctuating numbers that occur in the wild happen naturally over time, while 
testing for the same outcomes in a controlled, classroom setting can possibly affect 
how the crayfish’s skeletal structures weigh as well as how they adjust to the 
constant rise of pH in their tank. Research has been done to show the breakdown of 
soft vertebrates of species with shells, however, being sensitive to other chemicals 
in the water such as low pH levels has lead to many studies surrounding crayfish 
and the effects of both high pH levels as well as ocean acidification.  
Ocean acidification is a process in which low pH levels cause acidity in the 
water and as a result, salt water that has more hydrogen ions is also more acidic and 
contains a lower pH level and can have negative effects on sea life as well as ocean 
ecosystems; dissolving the shells of species due to the acidic seawater. The opposite 
side of the intended experiment gives insight as to how crayfish adapt overtime 
when met with different environmental changes of the water's pH and give a base 
as to how to measure their data as we increase their pH levels.  
My overall goals for this experiment is to bring new information about the 
relationship between crayfish skeletal structures and pH levels in which they grow 
up in and add a little more insight to the bigger picture of the scientific research 
that has already been built upon.  
Methods/ Materials: 
In order to test the subjects, there must be a previously set up lab. I will have 
one tank, (tank “A”) filled with room temperature water and a average pH level. This 
will be the control tank. In another tank that will work as an experiment tank (tank 
“B”), there will be water with higher pH levels that will differ based on the week and 
slowly increase over time (maintained at 9.2). Once the crayfish arrive, they will be 
split up into the two tanks to ensure that the crayfish are in the two different 
environments from the moment they're in the classroom space. The control tank is 
14 inches in depth, 14.25 inches deep, and has 42.6 gallons. It will house 3 crayfish 
with a quarter inch of rocks substrate. In the experiment tank, the pH will be 
maintained at 9.5 while the tank itself is 10x20 inches and is 8.4 galleons. Crayfish 
will be weighed weekly to record data on their skeletal structure by calculating 
bone mass using a mono bloc scale. All crayfish will be provided with the same 
nutrients at the same time due to other experiments, as well as same tank 
structures. Crayfish who will take part in experiment will be marked by nailpolish 
on their shells. Each week, the experiment will be tracked by a daily schedule in 
order to consistently increase the pH levels. 
For my final product, I want to build a model of the crayfish with an 
interactive element to present at exhibition. Working with the materials in the 
makerspace the final product would be a 2D wooden crayfish model etched into a 
board with the laser cutter. Once the single panel of the crayfish is finalized,paint 
will be added to showcase the accurate coloring and make up of the crayfish we 
worked with in the classroom. Then a second layer will be added on top of the wod, 
fitted by magnets on the backside of the shapes and the wooden panel, each will fit 
over specific areas of the crayfish. These will be laminated and painted as well to 
match up with the layer underneath as well as the areas exposed. The layer 
underneath will showcase the acidification process as well as any other findings 
from the experiment such as the growth or decay of the organisms bone weight. 
Essentially, the top and bottom layer will show the crayfish in different stages of the 
experiment. The model will measure 12 inches tall by 12 inches across.  
❏ Tank “A” (control tank)  
❏ Tank “B” (experiment tank, 10” x 20”) 
❏ Subjects (3-4 crayfish)  
❏ pH buffer 
❏ Weight scale  
❏ White PVC pipe 
❏ Fish food  
❏ Water filter 
❏ Pebbles (various) 
Week #  Product/testing plan 

3  Complete proposal and finalize 

questions. Start reading first paper. 

4  Fine tune experiment as needed and 

draft final product (talk with 
makerspace teacher)  

5  Read second paper and finish final 

product outline. 

6  Acquire about experiment supplies and 

ensure that testing space is in order 

7  Start experiment write up (outline) and 

continue with consistent logging of 

8  Outline of write up rough draft and 

gather experiment data 

9  Work on final product model and focus 

in on gathering supplies and setting 
realistic goals 

10  Complete the second draft of write up 

as well as charting experiment 

11  Get peer critique on paper and finalize 

the model (includes painting, finishing 
touches, and getting it approved by 

12  Finish biology write up and product, 

prepare short presentation on 

13  Deadline for all work 

Literature cited:  

1. Bell, Frank. “Crayfish .” Crayfish, Melissa Kaplan, 1 Jan. 

2. Huxley, T.H. “Chapter I The Natural History of the Common Crayfish.” 1: Natural 
History, The Crayfish, T. H. Huxley, 1879, 
3. Panksepp, Jules B., and Robert Huber. “Ethological analyses of crayfish 
behavior: a new invertebrate system for measuring the rewarding properties of 
psychostimulants.” Behavioural brain research, U.S. National Library of 
Medicine, 12 Aug. 2004, ​ 
4. Gregory, Alicia. “In the Society of Crayfish.” In the Society of Crayfish, 
University of Kentucky, 11 Oct. 2001, 
5. Fitzgerald, Alicia. “ Virtual Nature Trail.” Crayfish, Penn State New Kensington, 
8 Oct. 2013, 
6. Haddaway, Neil, et al. “Effect of pH on growth and survival in the freshwater 
crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes.” Freshwater Crayfish, vol. 19, no. 1, 2013, 
pp. 53–62., doi:10.5869/fc.2013.v19.053. 
7. Waters, Hannah. “Ocean Acidification.” Ocean Portal | Smithsonian, 
Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, 16 Oct. 2017,  
8. Tembo, Rostern. “The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Aquatic Organisms.” 
Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, vol. 07, no. 03, 2017, 
9. Newcombe, K. J. “The PH Tolerance of the Crayfish Parastacoides Tasmanicus 
(Erichson) (Decapoda, Parastacidae).” Crustaceana, vol. 29, no. 3, 1975, pp. 
231–234. JSTOR, JSTOR, ​ 
10. Holdich D (2003). Ecology of the White-clawed Crayfish. Conserving Natura 
2000 Rivers Ecology Series No. 1. English Nature, 
11. Mohan, Chandra. “ Buffers.” Calbiochem, Merck KGaA, 2006,
CRUSTACEA.” The Biological Bulletin, Harvard University, 
13. Okhandiar, Neha. “Crayfish study provides complicated web of interactions.” - News and Articles on Science and Technology, 18 Feb. 2014,  
14. Morgan, D.O, and B.R McMahon. “Journal Articles.” Acid Tolerance and Effects 
of Sublethal Acid Exposure on Iono-Regulation and Acid-Base Status in Two 
Crayfish, 14 May 1981, ​  
15. “Aquatic Invasions! A Menace to the West .” Species Guide,  
16. Ramalho, Ricardo & Mcclain, Ray & Anastácio, Pedro. (2010). An effective and 
simple method of temporarily marking crayfish. Freshwater Crayfish. 17. 


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