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Evaporation and Condensation. Evaporation and Condensation.

Evaporation is the changing of a ______into a gas. Evaporation is the changing of a l______into a

Evaporation happens all around us without us gas. Evaporation happens all around us without us
_________ it. A puddle on the road which begins to k_________ it. A puddle on the road which begins to
‘_________’ is evaporating. Evaporation is speeded up ‘di_________’ is evaporating. Evaporation is speeded up
by the temperature being ______ and by the air moving by the temperature being w______ and by the air moving
more quickly in a ______. You can see evaporation more quickly in a br______. You can see evaporation
taking place when a kettle boils, _____is the gas coming taking place when a kettle boils, st_____is the gas
from the water. Sometimes you can see steam rising coming from the water. Sometimes you can see steam
from the road or the playground after it has ______, this rising from the road or the playground after it has
too is evaporation. Other examples of evaporation r______, this too is evaporation. Other examples of
include warm-air hand driers, _______ on ink to dry it evaporation include warm-air hand driers, bl_______ on
and washing _______well on a sunny breezy day. ink to dry it and washing dr_______well on a sunny
Condensation is the opposite of ___________. It is breezy day.
the changing of a ___into a liquid. This happens when Condensation is the opposite of ev___________. It
the ___________ of a gas drops to a certain point. is the changing of a g___into a liquid. This happens
Examples of condensation are breathing onto a cold when the te___________ of a gas drops to a certain
surface which makes it go ‘misty’ and when kitchen point. Examples of condensation are breathing onto a
windows get steamed up if someone is cooking. cold surface which makes it go ‘misty’ and when kitchen
Missing Words. windows get steamed up if someone is cooking.
knowing warmer rained temperature Missing Words.
blowing steam Breeze disappear knowing warmer rained temperature
liquid evaporation gas drying blowing steam Breeze disappear
liquid evaporation gas drying

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