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Experiment No.


1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to impart an alternative method for preparation of disturbed soil samples.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• prepare disturbed soil samples for future laboratory experiments.
• distinguish standard practices in preparation of soil samples

3. Discussion:

The method of wet preparation of soil samples is an alternative method used to prepare soil samples in
various laboratory experiments such as moisture content determination, particle size analysis and in
determination of Atterberg limits.

For cases wherein removal of fine-grained soil that are attached to coarse particles is difficult, wet
preparation is more appropriate than dry preparation. This is also applicable for coarse-grained particles of
the sample are soft and pulverize readily.

4. Resources:

1. Digital Weighing Scale.

2. Oven.

3. Pans with at least 300 mm f and 75 mm deep.

4. Standard Sieves #10 and #40.

5. Filter Paper
5. Procedure:

1. Allow the soil sample recovered from the field to dry thoroughly on room temperature. Using a
mortar and pestle, break up the aggregations thoroughly.

2. Select about 120 grams of the sample for the conduct of particle size analysis. For the
determination of Atterberg limits, set aside the soil fraction passing Sieve No. 4 and weigh about
150 grams of the sample. Select a portion of about 50 grams for the determination of moisture

3. Separate the material set aside for the Particle size analysis into two portions using Sieve #10.
Set aside the portion passing Sieve #10 as washing is to be performed on the portion retained
4. The portion retained is to be soaked in a pan until particle aggregations become soft. Place the
Sieve #10 on a clean pan. Allow the soaked soil with water to flow to the sieve until the height of
the water is about 12.7 mm above the mesh of the sieve. Crumble any lumps observed on the
sieve using the thumb or the fingers. Transfer the washed material on a clean pan before placing
another increment of soaked material into the sieve.

5. Dry the materials retained on Sieve #10 and add the material on Procedure no. 3. Set aside the
material for use in the Particle size analysis.

6. Remove most of the water in the washings by allowing it to pass through a funnel fitted with a filter
paper. Remove the moist soil in the filter paper and allow to dry at a temperature not exceeding
60oC. Combine the soil with material obtained in Procedure No. 3.
Course: SOIL MECHANICS Experiment No.: 3
Group No.: 2 Section:
Name: Date Performed: July 4, 2015
Date Submitted: July 11. 2015

6. Data and Results:

Sample # Weight (g) Purpose Description

Particle Size
2 Soil Constants

7. Conclusion:

In this experiment we have learned that separating the soil from the pieces of rocks
retained in Sieve No. 10 is by washing it in the water and the separation of the soil from the water is by
filtration. This experiment is essential when we needed to conduct a soil analysis for their properties. We
have concluded that rock particles contains several amount of soil that are needed for some experiment.

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (1999). Wet Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size
Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants (D-2217). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

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