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I know about American Symbols Landmarks A d Landmarks are famous places to visit. They are big. They might be a HUGE statue or a mountain. like Mount Rush- more. You can see a landmark from far away. This is because they are so big. Landmarks are important. People who live near a landmark are very proud of them. The Statue of Liberty is a landmark in New York City. Mount Rushmore is a landmark in South Dakota. You can visit landmarks and take a picture with them. You can visit a landmark. yes no A landmark is not important. yes no Landmarks are big. yes no This is Mount Rushmore called an election Kids can choose the President yes Adults can choose the President. yes Voting is making a choice. yes An election is choosing leaders. yes Your leader is not important yes Leaders make decisions. yes Voting for leaders is called an election no. ‘no no no. no ho. Voting happens all the time. Voting means making a choice. Some votes are small like when your class decides what game to play PE. Some votes are big! Right now, America is choosing a President. He will live inthe White House. This leader will make decisions to help America. This is a big and important choice. Only adutts can vote for President. Voting for leaders is country ee 2

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