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Dealing with Sects deviating from Ahlsunnah in the light of Islamic

Today’s socio-political situation is Minority Muslims, adhering to the correct
creed, in opposition to the majority indulging in deviancy. Henceforth, similar to
times of tribulations cautions is incumbent, harms and benefit wisely weighed
and course of action should be taking context and situation in mind.
Deviation and Its Severity
The ahlasunnah wal jama’a means the people of who adhere to the Sunnah of
the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the community of his companions, and their followers.
However, the term ahlasunnah wal jama, has taken different political annotations
by different groups to give some kind of legitimacy to their own stand. The
general connotation may only exclude the Shia and raafidha from ahlasunnah, yet
the Sufis and grave-worshippers may call themselves ahlasunnah based on their
claims to follow the messenger and accept the caliphate of the rightly guided
No doubt they do not qualify as adherents of ahlasunnah wal jama(taking the
technical definition and not personal definition), cooperation with them should
be selective, situational and based on wisdom.
Factors to be considered while dealing with deviation:
1. Fitan, Great Deviancy and status of Ummah:
Aal sheikh warns, in his book (dawabit al shar’ee) that differing or disagreement
in time of fitna affects everyone, not the unjust alone. The disagreement refers to
difference in creed and adherence to shari’ah.
ٗۖ ٓ ُ
َِ ‫ّللَشدِيد َُٱ ۡل ِعقا‬
َ َ٢٥َ‫ب‬ ََّ ‫ص ٗةَوَٱ ۡعل ُم ٓواََأ َّنَٱ‬ ِ ‫نَٱلَّذِينََظل ُموا‬
ََّ ‫َمنك ۡمَخا‬ ِ ُ ‫وَٱتَّقُواََفِ ۡتن ٗة َََّّلَت‬
ََّ ‫صيب‬
25. And fear an affliction which may not smite those of you in particular who are unjust;
and know that Allah is severe in requiting (evil). 1

Surah Anfaal 8:25
Allamah Aaloosi , on tafseer of this verse states one of the reason for such a fitna
to befall; “compromise and negligence in ordering the good and forbidding the
evil at the appearance of innovation.” (Saleh IbnAbdul Aziz AalSheikh, p. 3)
2. Calling to the correct methodology
It is obligatory upon the possessor of knowledge to clarify, argue and correct the
deviations and innovations of the propagators. The innovators have only to he
accompanied to argue clarify and correct their fallacies, accompaniment of social
purposes alone is detested or even forbidden.( (Saleh IbnAbdul Aziz AalSheikh, pp.
3. Aid and Support of Leaders:
Call to correct methodology and forbiddance of evil are connected to the extent
of support of the leaders. In scenario of leaders against islam and hostile society,
sheikh bin Baaz says, “Invite people to Allah with good admonition, in a good way
and with good words so that what you invite people to will penetrate the hearts
and will affect them, and thus, hearts will be attracted to obeying Allah and His
Under Muslims governments more involvement in call is required, with assistance
from authorities with the cooperation of like minded fellow Muslims bodies,
based on mutual consultation, advising and patience. (Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz,
Second Edition, p. 252)
4. Moderation as touchstone of relations
A caller to islam should take a path of Moderation as prescribed by the religion in
all domains. Moderation requires the caller to refrain from labelling any
group/individual as either heretic (without knowledge) or extolling the status
disbelievers to ‘brethren’. Isolated opinions of individuals or stances on certain
issues should never become pretext of labelling them as kuffar, dwellers of hell-
fire or heretical. moderation requires one from knowledge of a person who is
kaafir as regarded by Sha’riah and a person who does acts of kufr or says
statements of Kufr. (A'rifi, p. 175) (4)
These critical tasks are under the jurisdiction of Scholars, who label only after
thorough insight into the groups or individual. Moderation also requires one to
preach without hatred to the one who is preached, employing means of
harshness, exceeding bounds by disobeying the laws of the Muslim rulers in
correcting innovations rather than leaving the scholars to advice and converse
with the rulers , are destructive techniques of Da’wah.
Moreover, dealing with Non-Muslims authorities requires more planned and far-
sighted methodology. Writing, speaking and inviting through media should be
taken diplomatically with sustained, cautious and patient means. Focus on
dialogue, clarification and discussion should be based on intuitive methods, rather
than defamation and other repulsive methods which may earn one a negative
label of fanaticism or extremist. This in turn may harm the general purport of
Da’wah and even lead to a complete ban by the government. However,
simultaneously the caller should hold on to the truth without wavering from it,
nor be deluded by his desires by apologetic approaches, nor giving into corrupt
and disbelieving ways out of fear of the Majority non-Muslims.(5)

A caller work on cooperative terms with wisdom with other Muslims, even if they
are deviant on certain issues, if he is living in a Non Muslim majority. On the one
hand he should continue to give Da’wah through dialogue, discussion and
distribution of material on the correct creed to his deviant brother, and on the
other hand he should work in coordination with him in case of meeting general
enemy of the Non-Muslims. Coalition and aid should be sought by Muslims
themselves, as one body without seeking aid from the disbelievers.(6)
Issues of general protection of Muslims, and other matters like hijab, salah which
most deviant sects agree on, should be factors of working in coalition against Non
Muslim governments and authorities. The deviancies of the Ummah, should not
be made agendas for dispute, striking each other and defamation as Allah warns
us in the Quran.

َّ َٰ ‫ّللَمَعَٱل‬
ََ‫ص ِب ِرين‬ ِ ‫عواَفت ۡفشلُواَوتَ ۡذهب‬
ََّ ‫َري ُح ُك ۡۖٗمَوَٱصۡ ِب ُر ٓواََ ِإ َّنَٱ‬ ُ ‫سول َهۥَُوَّلَت َٰنز‬ ََّ ‫وأ ِطيعُواََٱ‬
ُ ‫ّللَور‬
َ َ٤٦
46. And obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel for then you will be weak in
hearts and your power will depart, and be patient; surely Allah is with the patient. 2

Surah Anfaal 8:46
Dealing with Minor deviancies (differing in Minor issues of Aqeedah)
As we have seen one needs to address deviancies depending on the socio-political
conditions, the climate, the strength of audience and the strength of the aid and
support to the correct methodology.
Da’wah to deviant sects incumbent upon the knowledgeable should be taken up
as according to the precincts without fearing loss of worldly pleasures or strife
from the deviants. (6)
Moreover, wisdom dictates that the chances of success of the call should also be
given appropriate weightage, and legitimate means which are successful,
applicable and fruitful in long term results and produce more benefit than harm
should be given precedence.
Student of knowledge or caller who is well acquainted with the nature of
deviations, having certainty of their occurrence, knowledge of their refutations
and having proper means to spread that knowledge, should by all justifiable and
available means dissipate this knowledge. Refraining from doing so is admonish
able and calling to the right path is an obligation.(7)
Dealing with Major deviancies (difference in major issues of Aqeedah)
A Student should amalgamate three essential qualities Kindness (rifq),
deliberateness (ta’anni) and tolerance (Hulm). (Saleh IbnAbdul Aziz AalSheikh, p.
11) Kindness roots the message into the heart, suppressing any ill feelings and
repulsiveness. Whereas deliberation gives insight into matter, changing situations
are dealt with appropriately and aids in comprehending complicated matters.
(Saleh IbnAbdul Aziz AalSheikh, p. 11)
A good exhortation with targheeb (encouragement and persuasion) and tarheeb
(dissuasion) for those who have deviated far from the truth. (Baaz, 1998, p. 52)
Circumstances and Situational relations with Deviants
The obligations of student of knowledge of calling to islam remain the same, but
may change techniques with changing situations.
Let us analyze different scenarios of a Muslim caller may face:
1. Minority in number
Minor and major deviancies may be co-existing in a Minority Muslim
populations. The adherent to the creed of Salaf faces a challenge and
dilemmatic choice in terms of giving Da’wah. Wisdom and goodness should
be adopted in correcting the major deviancies , giving the major issues of
Islam a priority. However, the minor deviancies should also be addressed,
simultaneously after affirming and congratulating them for being saved
from the major deviations.

Muslims in minority should avail help from Muslim governments,

connecting with their delegates, du’aat (teachers and scholars), seek
financial help(building mosques, schools and other bodies) and availing
other forms of aid when oppressive rules are forced by the majority. (Baaz,
1998, pp. 109-110) (10)

A caller never adheres nor inclines to anyone of these sects (major or minor
deviancies) to appease the other, but exhorts both to the path of Allah, His
Messenger and methodology of the Salaf, reminding both of these groups
of promise of eternal salvation for the saved sect

َ‫سبُلَ َفتف َّرق َ ِب ُك ۡم َعنَس ِبي ِل ِهۦَ َ َٰذ ِل ُك ۡم‬

ُّ ‫اَص َٰر ِطيَ ُم ۡست ِق ٗيماَفَٱت َّ ِبعُو َۖٗهُ َوَّل َتت َّ ِب َعُوا َٱل‬
ِ ‫ن َ َٰهذ‬ ََّ ‫وأ‬
َ َ١٥٣َ‫ص َٰى ُكمَ ِب َِهۦَلعلَّ ُك ۡمَتتَّقُون‬
َّ ‫و‬
153. And (know) that this is My path, the right one therefore follow it, and follow
not (other) ways, for they will lead you away from His way; this He has enjoined
you with that you may guard (against evil).

Ibn Qayyim explaining the verse quotes:

“Mujaahid said about the saying of Allaah, and follow not (other) paths. The
innovations and doubts, Bakr ibn al- Alaa said about the saying of Allaah‫ﷻ‬, for
they will separate you away from His Path ..."He meant the devils amongst men,
and these are the innovations and Allaah ‫ ﷻ‬knows best."3 (Jawziyyah, 2014)(11)

2. Opposition from authorities

Kitab ul I’tisam bil Quran and Sunnah(1/40-45) cited in
The masses maybe hostile towards islam, with major deviations , with no
leader on the truth. Such conditions demand, that like minded brothers
should be cooperated with, and message of Islam should be presented with
kindness and good speech to infiltrate the hard utilizing the
allowed means this method makes faith firm in the hearts, hence
transforming societies gradually. (Baaz, 1998, p. 49) (12)

3. Da’wah or disassociation
Muslims caller may be faced with situations and people where disassociation is
called for. The lone person who is known to indulge in major deviations or
disobedience can be left bereft in order to discipline him as the prophet had done
with Ka’ab ibn Maalik. However if this person is a social domineer or influential
over his subordinates or others and his boycott causes more harm to the
community, then such a manner should be refrained from. Such influential
people, though sinful openly and disobedient, should be treated with patience
and kindness, exhorting them to leave evil in the most noble ways possible.
(Abdulah ibn Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz, 1998, pp. 81-82)(13)
Wisdom of Ulema in dealing with deviants
Imam Shatibi
Imam Shatibi preached his message at time of deviating groups opposing his
message vehemently. He took to the sunnah- studying it, enlightening the people
with it and clarifying the creed by it, which helped him show falsehood of the
innovative practices of his times. Speaking against evil becomes and obligation for
the one having knowledge hence Imam Shatibi took to tis method. He laid down
principle distinguishing the innovation from tradition so that generation do not
confuse one for another.4 (14)
Sheikh ul Islam ibn taymiyyah

Imam Shatibi in know to have erred in certain issues of Aqeedah, inclining to the Ash’aaira. However, hiss sincere
approach toward establishing sunnah and killing innovation, has lot od ideals which we can learn from
He was an excellent example of patience, wisdom and steadfastness in
establishing the true religion in face of adversities, trials and vehement
oppositions from major deviations. An ideal model, amongst scholars teaching us
to adhere to truth and Allah makes such an adherent, victorious and makes His
way clearer and manifested to the people through such scholars.
His Da’wah to the Sufis of Egypt and subsequent trials due to it, gives us a
valuable lesson that trials should not be feared in ones path to Da’wah, for they
only purify the caller and remit his sins, as he is treading the path of the
prophets- the most tested of the people. (A'rifi, Some of the Trials and
Tribulations faced by Ibn Taymiyyah, pp. 88-90)(15)
Sheikh Albani
As most scholars in a any era, Sheikh Albani too was opposed for following the
Sunnah, plotted against and accused of being a rebel. His sternness in speaking
against falsehood of the rulers, did not entice him to lead a revolution against
them. He life was filled with seeking knowledge, gaining insight, travelling and
preaching by advising those who were calling to the religion. (Bayyoomi, 2011, p.
(1)Saleh IbnAbdul Aziz AalSheikh. (n.d.). Islamic Principles of Muslim's Attitude During Fitan. Quran
Sunnah Educational Project.

(2)Al Fawzan, S., Sheikh. (n.d.). Concerning the Various Sects, Groups and Parties and
Interaction With Them. Retrieved July 01, 2010, from
(3)Al Fawzan, S.Sheikh. (n.d.). Writing and Warning Against Deviant Sects. Retrieved
October 01, 2013, from

(4) Al A'rifi, M. A., Sheikh. (n.d.). The Essential Pearls of Ibn Taymiyyah- Selections from
writings of Ibn Taymiyyah (N. Khattab, Trans.). Riyadh , KSA: Darussalam Publications.
(5) Al Fawzaan, S. (2012, September 15). The True and Real Fitnah is Leaving Alone the
People of Falsehood and Evil and Remaining Silent About Them - Refutation of
Muhammad Munir Muftee and Others. Retrieved from

(6) Munajjid, S. A., Sheikh. (n.d.). Can a Muslim be sincere friend to a Kaafir.
Retrieved September 01, 2011, from
(7)Ibn Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (n.d.). The significance and merits of Da`wah. Retrieved
December 27, 2016, from
(8)Bin Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (1998). Chapter 37:Being Concerned About Muslim
Minorities (1st ed.) (Z. I. Sa'doon, Ed.; B. F. Din & B. Abdul Ghafoor, Trans.). Birmingham,
UK: Al Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, p. 110.

(9)Bin Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (1998). Chapter 17: The Way to Give Da’wah to Different Types
of People (1st ed.) (Z. I. Sa'doon, Ed.; B. F. Din & B. Abdul Ghafoor, Trans.). Birmingham,
UK: Al Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, p. 52.
(10) (9)Bin Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (1998). Chapter 17: The Way to Give Da’wah to Different
Types of People (1st ed.) (Z. I. Sa'doon, Ed.; B. F. Din & B. Abdul Ghafoor, Trans.).
Birmingham, UK: Al Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, p. 110-111.

(11)Qayyim, I. (2000). The Path to Guidance. Retrieved from
(12)Bin Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (1998). Chapter 15: Da’wah Differs Depending upon
Societies.(1st ed.) (Z. I. Sa'doon, Ed.; B. F. Din & B. Abdul Ghafoor, Trans.). Birmingham,
UK: Al Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, p. 49.

(13) Bin Baaz, A. A., Sheikh. (1998). Chapter 22: When should the Da’ee disassociate
himself with the disobedient.(1st ed.) (Z. I. Sa'doon, Ed.; B. F. Din & B. Abdul Ghafoor,
Trans.). Birmingham, UK: Al Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, p.81-82


Retrieved from

(15)AlA'rifi, M. A., Sheikh. (n.d.).Some of the Trials and Tribulations faced by Ibn
Taymiyyah. Essential Pearls and Gems of Ibn taymiyyah-Selections from Writing of
Sheikh Ul Islam (N. Al khattab, Trans.; H. Khattab, Ed.). p 88-90.Retrieved from

(16) Bayyoomi, M. (2011). The Plans of the Malicious and Spiteful Ones. The Life
of Sheikh Albani: Question and Answers (1st ed.) (A. Abu Turaab, Trans.).p
35.Retrieved from

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