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(Working Title)

Table of Contents
1 Game Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Game Concept ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Game Goals........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Game Information ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Real World Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Competitors Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 How Are We Different ...................................................................................................................... 4
2 Story .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Story Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Story Overview .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Story Flashbacks ........................................................................................................................ 8
3 Game Design ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Game Modes ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Story Mode ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Gameplay ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Controls............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.1 Foot Controls ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Vehicle Controls ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Environment .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Environment Interaction ......................................................................................................... 11
3.4.2 Destruction.................................................................................................................................... 12
4 Characters .............................................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Protagonist ....................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Allies .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Allied Powers ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Enemies ............................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1 Antagonist ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.2.2 German Army .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.3 Hidden Enemies ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.4 Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5 Sound/Audio ........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Sound................................................................................................................................................ 15
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6 Product Summary .................................................................................................................................. 16
6.1 Key Feature Summary ................................................................................................................... 16

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1 Game Analysis
The Few is a First Person Shooter game with open world elements set in World War II that will
re-create real encounters during this time period through the eyes of an OSS Jed operative to
capture the brutality and emotional trauma that is War through storytelling and moral dilemma.

1.1 Game Concept

The Few is a Single Player First Person Shooter game set in World War II that will take the
player across numerous European countries as an OSS Operative in the group known as the
Jedburghs in an effort to re-create some of the Wars major battles through his eyes while pushing
forward with your mission behind enemy lines to sabotage, gather intelligence, and assassinate
or capture.

1.2 Game Goals

 Experience the emotion and brutality of War

 Massive fire fights from WWII’s greatest battles
 Timed moral choices; do they live or do they die
 Player freedom; open world elements
 Multiple endings based on player actions
 Show war for what it is, graphic

1.3 Game Information

The Few is a first person shooter game that will include massive fire fights, stealth, search and
rescue, sabotage and intelligence gathering, and moral decisions that will help determine the
outcome of scripted and random encounters that the player can choose from set in World War II.
This game will be developed for the Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One platforms.

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1.4 Real World Analysis

This game will be based on real world battles set in World War II, such as Pearl Harbor, D-Day,
and Kasserine Pass to name a few, while creating new stories and battles that would not be
outside the bounds of reality during World War II. The game will use real world locations,
weaponry, characters, and objects used during this time period and we will be doing everything
we can to capture the emotion and brutality that was encountered during this war as war is not
pretty and we want the player to experience the war as if they were there and potentially create a
new sense of appreciation for the sacrifices that were made.

1.5 Competitors Analysis

 Call of Duty Franchise – This franchise has become the most recognizable first person
shooter to date and pushes the realms of possibility with each new installment. 2006 was
the release of their last game set in World War II and since then they have been pushing
for more modern and futuristic type of shooter, while putting a huge emphasis on
multiplayer. Because of this, we would not be in direct competition with them as we are
doing a single player experience set in World War II.

 Battlefield Franchise – First person shooter series that has relied mostly on current
technology for military, but has since reverted back to a World War I setting, thus
becoming our most direct competition. EA is trying to tell more mini-stories in its single
player experience and we will be seeing what works and does not work within their story
telling and try to build upon that within our game.

 Medal of Honor – Last game was in 2012 and had gone to current events and did not do
well. No direct competition. The previous games in the series will be used as reference to
building an engaging single player experience.

1.6 How Are We Different

Unlike most first person shooters that focus on multiplayer aspects, we are focusing on a single
player experience that will capture the emotion and brutality of war through an engaging, non-
linear multiple outcome story and graphic experiences that are typically not shown in a first

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person shooter game. Think Saving Private Ryan emotional storytelling and graphic showing of
what war looks like.
First person shooters are generally very linear in that the player follows a set path with only one
outcome. We want to change this. While there will be linear elements when it comes to real
world battles, Pearl Harbor or D-Day for example, but in terms of the overall story and what the
player is accomplishing, there will be multiple different endings based on what the player
chooses to do, as well as see the rewards and consequences of certain actions, similar to
Dishonor’s system of choosing to kill or let live.

2 Story
Below will be a brief synopsis of the overall story within the game, with many other elements
and side stories to be implemented into the final product.

2.1 Story Setup

Staff Sergeant Ryan is approached about a new agency that is being formed, called OSS, shortly
after the events of Pearl Harbor in which he sees his wife and kid killed in front of him. Blaming
himself for their deaths, Ryan accepts their offer to join and sees himself traversing multiple
countries and participating in numerous battles, doing everything he can to bring down those

2.2 Story Overview

Walking through the Arlington National Cemetery, Kayla’s grandchildren are wanting to take a
break from walking and during this time they start to question why they are even there in the first
place. Kayla tells them this is where the thousands of men and women have been buried and
gave their lives to protect this country and their freedoms, just like how your Great Grandpa
The year is 1930 and Ryan is just an 18 year old kid who has wanted nothing more than to join
the military once he was done with school. Since he had some experience with guns and hunting,
he was particularly interested in the Army, and because he was not too keen on potentially being
stuck on a ship for months on end in the middle of nowhere. During boot camp at Fort Benning,

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Ryan gained the skills he needed to become proficient in shooting, hand to hand combat, and the
foundation to become a skillful leader.
Eleven years later, Staff Sergeant Ryan is stationed at Fort Shafter Army Base in Honolulu,
Hawaii and is happily married to his wife Amy and has three children, eight year old Jason, five
year old Kayla, and their newborn baby Brian. During his time here Ryan would often do joint
security, as well as training soldiers and sailors in weapons combat around the Naval base with
the Navy. Recently, Ryan had been working the night shift doing security on the USS Arizona.
Every Sunday morning, Ryan’s family would meet him at work and then head to church after his
shift was over, not knowing this Sunday morning would change his family’s life forever.
Sunday, December 7th, 7:15 am Ryan’s family is being escorted to the Bridge of the ship,
where Ryan is waiting for them so he can give them a tour before they head to the church on
base. While he and his family are in the Bridge talking to officers and other sailors, they see an
explosion at the USS West Virginia as sirens begin to rise of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Running
outside of the Bridge, Ryan and the others see the formation of Japanese pilots coming straight at
them. As the ships around them begin to get hit, Ryan’s only priority is to get his family off the
ship to safety. With Ryan carrying the newborn and Kayla, Jason and Amy are right behind him
on the deck of the ship, when the Arizona is hit separating Ryan from his wife and child. One of
the sailors yells that he will take them around and get them off the ship, unable to do anything,
Ryan takes Kayla and Brian off the ship and gets them inside to safety and tells Kayla to watch
over Brian while he goes and gets her mother and brother. Running back up the ramp to the
Arizona Ryan can see Amy and Jason coming from the other side with the sailor leading them, as
Ryan makes his way to the deck and makes eye contact with Amy at the front of the ship,
another round hits the magazine bay of the ship, causing a massive explosion, with Ryan being
blown off the ship into the water and his wife and child dying in the explosion.
December 5th, 1944 Ryan is a part of an operation to dispatch an undisclosed amount of people
into Germany and the surrounding territories behind enemy lines to infiltrate, sabotage, destroy
and gather intelligence to prepare for the Allies victory over Germany to end the war. After
parachuting in the middle of the night, Ryan makes his way to a small town outside of Frankfurt,
Germany, where he meets his contact. Ryan rests through the remainder of the night, wanting to
be well rested as he makes his way to Berlin. While sleeping, Ryan has a flashback to the
Invasion of Normandy and recounts the bravery he saw of thousands of men rushing the beach
head to overrun the German forces. That morning Ryan hears word that there is a convoy of
armaments heading towards one the Axis’ front lines, so he takes this opportunity to take out the
convoy and give him means of transportation.
For the next several months Ryan traverses through the German countryside on his way to Berlin
assisting those he can, while keeping his distance in situations that could compromise his
mission. Throughout his missions, he starts finding information regarding someone known only
as “Sore” and that they were the reason Pearl Harbor and other battles were successful for the
Axis Powers.

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Ryan continues making progress to Berlin through the help of civilians, rebels, and other
OSS personnel that he meets up with. After gathering information that the man known as “Sore”
(The One) is near Dresden, Ryan makes his way towards the city to find him and take him down.
Along the outskirts of the city, Ryan comes across a civilian who informs him he knows about
the whereabouts of the person Ryan seeks. Following the civilian through what is left of the city,
Ryan is lead into a trap and knocked out and captured.
Waking up in a dark room, Ryan is continuously beaten, stabbed, and tortured before “Sore”
makes his presence known and reveals to Ryan who he is, a Japanese American Navy
Intelligence Officer and his once thought dead friend from the USS Arizona, Akeno Sato. Just as
Akeno is about to shoot Ryan in the head, another wave of American Bombers fly dropping
bombs in the area, causing Akeno to shoot Ryan in the shoulder. With the building crumbling
around them Akeno escapes as Ryan is left tied up, left for certain death.
After being knocked out by debris, Ryan has flashbacks to before the war with his family. Ryan
sees his wife as they are getting married, their kids being born and holding them in his hands.
Flashbacks to time spent with his kids and then to the day he lost his wife and kid. Not willing to
die before he has is revenge, Ryan crawls through the rubble and is helped by some remaining
civilians left in the city.
Rested and healed, Ryan heads towards Berlin, where he is told Akeno is heading. Meeting up
with other OSS agents, they plan their attack on the bunker where Akeno is holed up. They split
into two groups and make their way through the bunker and as Ryan and his fellow agents reach
the room, they are overrun and captured. After a brief monologue from Akeno, he starts
executing them one by one, leaving Ryan for last. Once he reaches Ryan, he tells him he will
take “good care” of his family and goes to shoot Ryan, but the pistol is empty. After reloading
and gun to his head, the wall blows open as the other team has made their way in and a fire fight
ensues. Unbound Ryan chases Akeno through the bunker, catching up to him at a dead end and
they break out into a fist fight. As Ryan starts winning the fight, another explosion goes off,
knocking the two away from each other. Through the smoke, Ryan sees Akeno across the room
with a gun pointing at him and shoots Ryan in the leg, then shoots again in his other shoulder. As
Akeno takes the final shot, an OSS agent runs in and dives into Ryan, taking the bullet in the
back. With a pistol from the agent, Ryan kills Akeno. The OSS agent dies in Ryan’s arms as they
wait for help, with Ryan counting.
During present time, Kayla and her grandkids are seen looking out into the distance at her father
and brother standing in front of grave and start making their way over. As they approach, they
can hear Ryan say a number, come to attention, and salutes his brother-in-arms. As he turns
around, one of his grandchildren asks him what the number was, and he tells them it was the
number of people who saved his life and died in the process, then stating the ultimate sacrifice as
the camera looks away at the cemetery and a list of every soldier who died during World War II
scrolls up. This would be the generic ending for the game, with other endings being possible
based on decisions, or lack of, from the player, such as Ryan dying or Akeno surviving.

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2.2.1 Story Flashbacks

Throughout the main story, the player will experience flashbacks to previous battles throughout
World War II’s history, ranging from the Invasion of Normandy and Sicily, to the Warsaw
Uprising in an effort to display the numerous different battles and the horrors that soldiers had to

3 Game Design

3.1 Game Modes

This game is a single player experience and will only have a single player story so that we may
be able to put all of our focus into making a great single player experience.

3.1.1 Story Mode

The player will follow Staff Sergeant Ryan through different battles of World War II,
experiencing the horror through his eyes as he travels through Europe in hopes of taking down
the Nazi forces. Throughout their travels, players will experience open world elements in which
they will be able to interact with the civilians in cities and towns they come across, picking up
different missions if they so choose and coming across randomly spawned objectives depending
on where, what, and when the player is doing something. The player will be able to see the
objectives on their map once they have gathered information or if they randomly come across
them, such as convoys or outposts.
The game will use flashbacks as a way to break the game up, with each section having an open
world area that represents the part of the country the player is in. Some of these flashbacks will
allow the player to see effect of where they are at now depending on the choices and/or
objectives they completed during the flashback.
Throughout the story, players will experience some of the wars most brutal and horrifying acts
against humankind, such has one of the most brutal concentration camps.

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3.2 Gameplay

Shooting – Most first person shooters have the player and enemies act as bullet sponges, being
able to take numerous amounts of hits before dying. To bring a more realistic approach, players
and enemies will not be bullet sponges, giving a new level of difficulty that is not found in a lot
of FPS games.
Stealth – Players will need to sneak around in order to achieve certain objectives as the player
would be overrun if they tried to fight. This is something not typically found in FPS games and
we want to show what espionage could have looked like behind enemy lines.
Hand-to-hand Combat – During certain periods of the story, the player will come across
situations in which they need to be quiet, thus needing to down enemies by hand, rather than by a
gun. The combat will involve fist fighting, knife fighting, and other types hand weaponry that
can be used, such as a pipe or baton. Aside from a normal melee hit, these hand-to-hand combat
scenarios will be accomplished through QTE (Quick Time Events) in order to simulate a more
realistic approach to melee combat.
Major Battles – These will take place during flashbacks, which will let the player experience
some of the biggest battles and some of the lesser known battles during World War II. These
battles will be scripted, as we want to show the realism of how these battles played out, with
different objectives throughout each one that would show the effects of those battles and
objectives during the story line, as well as possibly showing objectives and situations that would
not be outside the realm of possibility during the battle.
Open World – While the game will follow a story, players will be in massive areas, which will
include areas such as the country side, towns, and cities, with multiple types of outposts and
checkpoints throughout. Players will come across random encounters and objectives as they
traverse the country, such as destroying convoys to helping rebels and civilians in need. While
not a true open world, players will still be able to choose what they want to do, whether help out
as much as they can in the area they are in, ignore and only kill enemies, or go straight through
the main story. While most open worlds allow the player to traverse the world freely, going back
and forth between areas, the main objective of the player is to eventually get to Berlin, and as
such, once the player has triggered a certain cinematic or flashback in the area they are in, they
will not be able to go back, as the story will be following a timeline that can, and will, take them
to different areas of the country and possible other countries.
Intelligence Gathering – Some missions will only be obtained through finding information,
whether from NPC’s or dossier’s, such as the concentration camp. The camp is well hidden and
in order for the player to find it they will need to do a series of objectives involving intelligence
gathering. Some outcomes and endings would be dependent on finding these hidden objectives.

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3.3 Controls

Controls will be suited for the PlayStation 4 Dual Shock Controller and Xbox One controller.
The mapping of controls will be similar to most first person shooters on console platforms.
Along with preset mapping the user will have full control of how they want to map their controls
if they do not want the default settings.

3.3.1 Foot Controls

Gaming Platform Xbox PlayStation

Move Left Stick Left Stick

Sprint LS L3

Camera Control Right Stick Right Stick

Crouch B Circle

Toggle Crouch B Circle

Prone Hold B Hold Circle

Jump / Vault A X

Journal/Map Back Select

Fire Weapon RT R1

Aim LT L1

Reload X Square

Pick Up Item Hold Y Hold Triangle

Engage / Spot RB R2

Switch Weapon Y Triangle

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Switch Gadget Left or Right D- Left or Right D-Pad

Throw Grenade LB L2

Interact X Square

Accessory Up D-PAD Up D-PAD

Fire Mode Down D-PAD Down D-PAD

3.3.2 Vehicle Controls

Gaming Platform Xbox PlayStation

Steer Left Stick Left Stick

Camera Control Right Stick Right Stick

Gas RT R2

Brake/Reverse LT L2

Get In/Out X Square

Headlight On/Off Y Triangle

3.4 Environment

The environment will be based on real world locations during this time period. The player will
span multiple countries that may include, but not limited to, United States, Germany, Russia,
Italy, Africa, Poland, and France. Each location will resemble what the country looked like
during the time frame the player is currently in, which will include beginning, middle, and end of
the war.

3.4.1 Environment Interaction

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The player will be able to interact within the environment using it for cover, stealth, and
destruction. Not limited to outdoors, the player will come across towns and cities and will need
to navigate through buildings and houses, interacting with doors and objects within. Example of
this would be that whenever the player needs to interact with an object a prompt will be
displayed, such as the square button for the PlayStation 4.

3.4.2 Destruction

Most of the environment surrounding the player will be able to take damage and/or be destroyed.
Explosions will leave craters and leave holes in walls, as well have the ability to knock down
trees and other standing objects. Vehicles and stationary weapons will show signs of damage and
eventually be destroyed. The level of destruction will be determined by the type of weapon being
used, as well as potentially the battle the player is participating in.

4 Characters
Throughout the game the player will deal with many different cultures and characters, both
major and minor through the war. This will cover a wide range of Allies and Axis soldiers and
generals, both major and minor, as well as dealing with civilians from numerous different
countries. Enemies will react based on how the player is playing and will adapt to how the player
is accomplishing their missions.

4.1 Protagonist

Staff Sergeant Ryan – This is the main protagonist of the story and who the player will see the
war through. Ryan loses his wife and kid during the Pearl Harbor attack, so has a more invested
reason to participate in the war and uses his guilt as a reason to justify going on what others
would deem suicide missions. To give the player a better sense of emotion and feeling like they
are there in the war, the player will never see his face.

4.1.1 Allies

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OSS Jedburghs – Primary force of OSS agents behind enemy lines. The player will have limited
interaction with other Jeds during normal play, with more scripted events involving them during
story line missions and cinematics.
Rebels – Throughout the story, the player will encounter numerous rebel soldiers during story
line missions and random encounters and objectives. Rebels typically have very limited combat
training and are used more for the distraction they can make.
Civilians – Depending on what the player chooses to do can turn civilians into an ally or an
enemy. Most civilians will have some form of interaction, either through information gathering,
objectives, or listening to stories about the atrocities they have witnessed.

4.1.2 Allied Powers

The player will have very limited interaction outside of scripted flashback battles in dealing with soldiers
and personnel from the Allied Powers. Most interaction during these events will be either in the form of
cinematics or in scenarios/objectives where the general is acting in.

4.2 Enemies

Enemies will range from the typical foot soldier to highest of SS ranks. Enemies will create challenge in
that they will adapt to how you have been playing and what you are currently doing as news regarding
your interference will spread.

4.2.1 Antagonist

Akeno Sato / “Sore” – Main antagonist through the story. He is a Japanese American Navy
Intelligence Officer stationed in Pearl Harbor that is a very good friend to Ryan. While no body
was every found, the Navy believed him to be dead. Throughout the story Ryan will start to
come across information regarding a person that is only known as “Sore”, which Ryan reveals to
be his old friend Akeno.

4.2.2 German Army

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Foot Soldiers – Basic and most common enemy the player will encounter. Capable of adapting to
what the player is doing, they will take cover where provided and tactics such as using covering
fire to allow for possible flanking.
Sniper – Snipers are few, but deadly. They have excellent peripheral vision and are usually found
in outposts and high security areas.
Officers – Officers direct and give orders to the soldiers around them and typically do not enter
the fight. Taking out an officer before or during a fight can cause chaos and disorganization
within the enemy ranks.

4.2.3 Hidden Enemies

Throughout the story, the player will have opportunities to uncover information regarding some
of the deadliest and sadistic Nazi members in World War II. Very little information is given
regarding these people and it is up to the player to discover the whereabouts of these people.
Some of the people the player may deal with are as follows:
 Adolf Hitler
 Friedrich Jeckeln
 Herta Bothe
 Eugen Fischer
 Josef Kramer and Irma Grese
 Odilo Globocnik
 Oskar Dirlewanger
These are just a few examples of the possible people the player could deal with depending on the
information they gathered and objectives/missions done.

4.2.4 Vehicles

Vehicles will play major parts in the story and missions the player can come across, ranging from
transport to tanks. Vehicles are subject to destruction.

Transport – This will be used as the primary means of carrying addition supplies and personnel while in
the enemy hands. The player will have opportunities to acquire one and use it as a means of
transportation and to carry additional supplies while traveling.

Motorcycle – Used by the enemy for faster transportation. Player is unable to use motorcycles as they
are trying to be discreet.
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Tanks – Tanks will be used by the enemy and Allied during flashbacks. Tanks are very deadly and
unusable by the player.

5 Sound/Audio

5.1 Sound

Sound is a key part in getting authenticity and with that, each weapon, vehicle, and ambient
noise will mimic its real life counterpart. In light of that, every weapon that will be used in game
will be recorded and if unable for any reason, will mimic or get as close as possible.

5.2 Audio

The audio in the game must be appropriate to the time period. Any music in the game will match
what was listened to and played during the 1940’s and dependent on which country you are in as
well. Given with how differently people talked back then, the voice acting must match, even
down to slang that was used.

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6 Product Summary
The Few is a First Person Shooter game with open world elements set in World War II where the
player will experience some of the wars biggest battles, while experiencing the graphic nature of
what made this war so deadly. Follow in the footsteps of Staff Sergeant Ryan has in goes deep
behind enemy lines. Experience the brutality of war on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

6.1 Key Feature Summary

 Non-linear Single Player experience

 Massive fire fights from WWII’s greatest battles
 Open World elements, giving players freedom of what missions to do
 Multiple Endings

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