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### Hardware setting ###

# Set number of 1-8 for 'gpu count'.

# 'thread count' is number of the total usable threads.
-gpu count =1
-thread count =4

### Time contorol setting ###

-main time[sec] =0
-byoyomi[sec] =5
-emergency time[sec] =15

### Thinking setting ###

-japanese rule =off
-komi =7.5
-symmetrical index =8
-use pondering =on
-mimic go =off
-never resign =off

### File settings ###

# Use 'self match' mode on console for debug.
-self match =off
-save log =on
-pb path =pb
-resume sgf path =

### Cluster settings ###

# Not need to change.
-master =off
-worker =off
-worker count =1

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