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Date: 07/26/18

To: Marketing Coordinator, arcGIS

From: Heather Cochrane
Subject: Suggested changes to instructions on viewing the world population of snow leopards
Distribution List: Marketing Team

This memo is to inform the acrGIS marketing team on the suggested changes to the instructions
on viewing the world population of snow leopards. Three subjects performed a usability test
and their results were used to better the overall usability of the instructions. The results of the
usability tests are as follows.

Test Objectives
The usability test was used to determine whether the instructions were simple enough for
someone who has never used the ArcGIS website before. The instructions consisted of ten
steps and the test was used to determine whether each step was detailed enough or if more
steps needed to be added to make it easier to understand. Also, the test was used to determine
whether incorporating visual aids would assist users in understanding the steps. All three
subjects agreed that the instructions were easy to follow but could benefit from combining
steps and adding visual aids. They also mentioned altering the appearance of the instructions
overall to make it more visually appealing.

Areas of Strength Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"

All three people who performed the usability test agreed that the instructions were short,
concise, and easy to follow. Despite only having ten steps, the subjects had no problem
navigating the website for the first time. The steps including the location of certain items on the
screen made them easier to locate.

Areas for Improvement

To make it easier to follow, there were steps that could be combined so there is less shifting
between the document and the webpage. Having certain steps separated made it more difficult
for the subject to perform tasks because they had to look at the instructions so often. Visually,
the subjects mentioned the instructions being bland and recommending adding something to
make it more pleasing to look at.


The overall opinion of my instructions was that they were early to follow because they were
short and simple. All three answered yes when asked if the instructions were easy to follow.
They liked that I indicated the location of things on the screen, but the majority answered that
pictures would have been more beneficial for someone who has no prior experience with the
website. Most people said that I could simplify the instructions by combining some steps, so
they did not have to switch back and forth between the document and their web browser as

After the conclusion of the usability test, the first change I suggest is adding a visual aid to help
the user locate things on the screen. The user may not read the entire step and miss where it
says the location of the item mentioned. With visual aids, their attention is drawn, and it will be
harder for them to miss. Combining steps four and five will prevent the user from having to
pause in the middle of something that feels like one step. It can confuse the user if they must
pause too often to read more instructions. The final step should be converted to a tip because
it is not a necessary part of viewing the population and is optional for those who wish to do it.
Appendix A: Original

How to view the world distribution of snow leopards using

Assists you in navigating the arcgis website to view the world population of snow
leopards by opening a map and adding the “Snow Leopard World Distribution” layer to
your map.

1. Go to

2. Click on “Map” on the navigation bar at the top of the webpage

3. Select “Modify Map” on the navigation bar at the top right of the webpage

4. Select “Add” on the top left of the webpage

5. In the drop down menu, select “Search for Layers”

6. In the search box, type “snow leopard”

7. Select the second option down titled “Snow Leopard World Distribution”

8. A new window will appear with a description of the layer, the terms of use, and

9. Select the “Add to Map” button at the bottom of the screen

10. To remove the new window that appeared, press the “x” at the top of this
Appendix B: Revised

How to View the World Distribution of

Snow Leopards Using

Instructions on navigating the arcgis (geographic information system) website to view

the world population of snow leopards by opening a map and adding the “Snow Leopard
World Distribution” layer to your map.

Accessing the website

1. Go to Formatted: Border: Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto,
0.5 pt Line width)

1. Creating the map Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 +

Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5", Border:
Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto, 0.5 pt Line width)
2. Select “Map” on the navigation bar. Formatted: List Paragraph
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 2 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,

Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt

2. Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Border:
Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto, 0.5 pt Line width)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt
Formatted: Border: Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto,
0.5 pt Line width)
Searching for a layer
3. Select “Modify Map” on the navigation.
4. Select “Add” then select “Search for Layers” from the drop-down menu.


5. Type In the search box, type “snow leopard” in the search box and press the
enter key.
Adding the layer to the map
Select the second option titled “Snow Leopard World Distribution.”

6. Note: A new window will appear with a description of the layer, the terms of use, and

7. Select the “Add to Map” button at the bottom of the screen.


Note: To remove the new window that appeared, press the “x” at the top of this window.

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