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Journalof the Western Mystery Tradition

No. 14, Vol. 2. Vernal Equinox 2008

Join the Brotherhood of Eulis!

In the 1874 edition of Eulis!, Paschal Beverly Randolph ends

two of his three sections with an invitation to join the
Brotherhood of Eulis, which he says he started provisionally in
Tennessee, closed, and plans to reestablish “in organic form
before I pass from earth.” The same year, Randolph wrote “The
Mysteries of Eulis,” a private manuscript now published in its
entirety by Deveney (1997), along with the “Ansairectic
Mystery.” Randolph committed suicide the following year.

[The end of “Affectional Alchemy,” Eulis! pp. 168-169.]

Lastly: this book will inevitably call attention to the B. O. E.

(Brotherhood of Eulis), the Hope of the world and Sheet anchor
of Mankind. All such are informed that a handbook of the Order
will be issued from this Grand Lodge; to the officers of which
application for information should be made; and to no other
authority, save myself, until death.*

My address at present is Toledo, Ohio; when it is changed, due

notice will be given.

See second note below


There are quite a number of exceedingly important and inexpressibly holy and
delicate questions connected with the subject-matter of this work, which,
although alluded to, have not been openly and freely discussed herein, for self-
apparent reasons. Those things relate to the inner mysteries of the human being
and of Eulis, (or the Philosophy of Love, AGAPE, not stogu,) and are only to
be given under the sacred conditions of Patient and Physician or Teacher and
Pupil. How long I may remain to teach of course I do not know, — only this I
do know— that I have suffered much and am weary; but while able I shall take
great delight in clearing up the doubts and mysteries besetting those about me;
and all who need such counsel as I am capacitated to impart, are hereby freely
warranted in asking or writing for it, — assured that I will do my best toward
alleviating the distresses of body and heart, Soul and Spirit; and although I
cannot bear the burdens of all, still I have done somewhat of good in that line,
and am ready to continue so doing while life lasts.

• In March, 1874, I organized a society, provisionally, down in Tennessee —

“The B. O. E.” to which it was my intention to teach all the occult branches of
esoteric knowledge, constitute it my literary heir, and through it spring many
lofty truths upon the world; but

“The best laid plans of mice or men/ Aft gang aglee!”

And so did mine with reference to that society, for owing to irreconcilable
misunderstandings it became absolutely necessary to dissolve the provisional
society as the B.O. E. , and to utterly decline to permanently organize it, owing
to the presence in it of a person with whom it became impossible for me to
break bread and taste salt – things which so man of Eulis or Rosicrucia will
ever do under unpleasant conditions, consequently, hereafter as heretofore, I
shall do what can, single-handed ad alone—yet not alone, for God and I are a
clear majority. I’ll help myself and others, and He will help me.

June 30, 1874


[The end of “Concerning Soul-Sight and Magic Mirrors,” Eulis!

pp. 219-221.]

CONCLUDING PARAGRAPHS. — Many will suspect from our

true name — BROTHERHOOD OF EULIS — that we really mean
“Eleusis,” and they are not far wrong. The Eleusinian
Philosophers (with whom Jesus is reputed to have studied) were
philosophers of Sex; and the Eleusinian Mysteries were
mysteries thereof, —just such as the writer of this has taught
ever since he began to think, and suffered for his thoughts,
through the unfledged “Philosophers” of the century, amidst
whom only now and then can a true thinker or real reasoner be

Through the Night of time the lamp of EULIS has lighted ou

path, and enabled obscure brethren to illuminate the world.
Before Pythagoras, Plato, Hermes, and Budha, we were! and
when their systems shall topple into dust, we will still flourish
in immortal youth, because we drink of life at its holy fountain;
and restored, pure, healthful, and normal sex with its uses to and
with us means Restoration, Strength, Ascension, not their
baleful opposites, as in the world outside the pale of genuine
science. Up to the publications hereof on this continent we were
indeed secret, for not one-tenth of those tested and called
“Rosicrucians” knew of the deeper, yet simpler philosophy. But
the time has come to spread the new doctrines because the age
is ripe. I — We — no longer put up difficult barriers, but
affiliate with all who are broad enough to accept Truth, no
matter what garb she may wear. But till then we shut out the
world; now we open our hearts and hands to welcome all true
searchers of the Infinite, — all seekers after the attainab1e. We
have determined to teach the Esoteric doctrines of the Æth; to
accept all worthy aspirants, initiate them, and empower them to
instruct, upbuild, and initiate others, — forming lodges if so
they please.

The doctrines and beliefs are broadly laid down in the series of
books published from the same source as the present; but
especially in the volumes noticed herein. Those who wish
further and private instructions, and to obtain information,
conditions, secrets, writings, etc., and who purpose to cultivate
the esoteric and mystic powers of the Soul, may correspond
with that object with the publisher hereof — (or his official
successor when dead) —who possesses certain keys which open
doors hitherto sealed from man, but which are ready to swing
wide when the proper “Open Sesame” is spoken by those
worthy of admission.


Yes! by teaching that mind the nature and principles of its own
immortal powers, and the rules of their growth — not
otherwise. For centuries we have known what the world is just
finding out — that all the multiple hells on earth originate in
trouble, unease, of the love, affections, and passions, or amatory
sections of human nature; and that Heaven cannot come till
Shiloh does; in other words, knowledge positive on the hidden
regions of the mighty world called MAN. Hence this partial
uplifting of the veil between us and the people of the continents.
Women perish from too much passion, none at all, and absolute,
cruel love-starvatiqn. This WE intend to correct. We shall
succeed; for True Men NEVER FAIL!


herein called attention to the various secretions — normal — of
the human pelvic viscera, and named them lochia, exuviæ,
semen, Duverneyan lymph, prostatic and Cowperian fluids. I
now call attention to another, different from all and far more
important than either, and which is the only one common to
both sexes alike. I refer to that colorless, viscid, glairy lymph,
or exudation which is only present under the most fierce and
intense amative passion in either man or woman. This lymph
has been noticed by M.D.’s, and regarded as a. vaginal or
prostatic secretion, but it is neither. They sought for its point of
issuance, but found it not, because, prior to its escape, per
vagina and male urethra, it is not a liquid at all; but, the liquid is
the resultant of the union of three imponderables, just as
common water is the result of the union of two gases and an
electric current. Just so is this lymph the union of magnetism,
electricity, and nerve-aura, — each rushing from the vital
ganglia and fusing in the localities named. When it is present in
wedlock’s sacred rite then Power reigns and Love strikes deep
root in the soul of the child that then may be begotten. If it is
absent, the world is sure to receive a selfish, mean, small,
contemptible thing in human shape, — a terror, or stalking
crime and pestilence, — a partial man or woman, of little use to
him or herself, and none at all to others, the world, or God.
Wherefore the IMPERATIVE LAW — the violation of which
entails horror, crime, and suffering, through at least a dozen
lives — is: Absolute self-mastery in certain respects unless the
presence of this divine fluid is God’s permit for the holiest of all
human enjoyments and duties. It is often present when it ought
not to be, and when so, many a man has forgotten his manhood
and triumphed over a similarly tempted girl; and many an
honest girl and woman has fallen to rise no more. When this
fluid is abundantly secreted the only safety is in instant flight,
for, unappeased, it begets an insanity and furore too dreadfully
intense and, imperative to be successfully resisted even by an
archangel, much less poor, weak, erring sons and daughters of
men. If flight do not take place, and the leakage goes on, Soul
itself is wasted, and Madness, with Horror at his gorgon side,
waves his cruel baton, and another victim takes his or her place
among the awful ranks of the Impotent, Barren, or Insane. It is
the loss of this through personal vice solitary, and from the
reading of Infernal books and plates of damnation, that so many
rush into bagnios and the madhouse. Could my readers but visit,
as I have done, the magnificent Institution for the Insane at
Nashville, Tenn., most ably presided over by Dr. J. H.
Callender, a man who knows more about Madness and its cure
than all others in the world combined, and witness the soul-
harrowing spectacle of splendid people reduced to drivelling,
soulless idiocy, wild mania, or absolute dementia from sex
perversions, I am sure that no one would allow himself or
herself to stand an instant in the presence of a temptation which,
if successful, means havoc and destruction to the human soul.
May God long preserve Dr. Cal-lender, for the world will need
him and such for centuries to come, until the race shall learn
that “Love, indeed, lieth at the foundation,” and whosoever
infracts its laws must pay the dreadful penalty. I have spent the
best years of my life in the endeavor to awaken mankind to a
realizing sense of the real meaning, the words just quoted, and
in ministering to those who had suffered from violations of that
fundamental law; and I trust that when I am gone others will
take up and carry on the good work. As will be seen in my
work, “The New Mola,” I desire to leave my system in good
hands after my death, or at once, if need be; and I trust that
through such, and other means, the great evil of love infraction
and perversion may be put a stop to, measurably, if not
altogether. So may it be.

Toledo, Ohio, June, 1874.

NOTE. — The Provisional Grand Lodge of Eulis established in Tennessee,

was dissolved by me —the creating, appointing and dissolving power — on
June 13th, 1874. I intend to re-establish Eulis in organic form before I pass
from earth, and as soon as the Brethren of over one year’s standing,
constituting the C. S. Grand Lodge, shall assist me in codifying its laws. The
Supreme Grand Lodge is retransferred to those head-quarters of the Order, and
Eulis has none other on the globe.

Supreme Grand Master of Eulis: Pythianæ and Rosicrucia and
Hierarch of the Triple Order.

I here tender my thanks to the Brothers Lumsden for aid in issuing this work—
their purchase of part of the edition; and to Ernest A. Percival, Esq., who came
to the rescue, and contributed toward completing it, — after others’ promises,
solemnly made, were ruthlessly broken! And yet God reigns! and my book
saw the light despite the blows aimed at me and it by the rule or ruin policy of
— never mind! The Book Survives and Thought Prevails.


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