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The reading and the lecture are both about ___ , which is ____.

The author of the reading believes that ______. The lecturer casts
the doubt on the claims made in the article. She thinks that ___. Body 1st

First of all, The author points out that _____. It is mentioned that ___. The points are challenged by the lecturer. She says____.
Furthermore, she argues ___.

2nd Secondly, The author contends that ____. The article notes______. The lecturer rebuts this argument. She suggests __. She
elaborates on this by mentioning that_____.

3rd Finally, the author states that ____. The article establishes that __. The lecturer, on the other hand, posits that ____. she puts
forth the idea that ____. In conclusion, the lecture effectively casts doubt on the all of the claims and theories presented in the

The reading and the lecture both discuss --- which is… . The article states that .. and provides three reasons of support. However,
the professor explains that .. and refutes each of the author’s reasons.

First of all, the article states that.. It is mentioned that However, the lecture argues that… Furthermore, the professor explains that

In addition, the reading claims that … the article notes that… The professor objects this point by stating that.. According to the

Lastly, the author avers that the article establishes that.. The lecture, on the other hand, posits that ,, he puts for the idea that,

The reading and the lecture both discuss.. which is.. The author states that and provides three reasons of support. However, the
professor explains that and refutes each of the author’s reasons.

First of all, the article states that .. It is mentioned that. However, the professor objects this point by stating that.. Moreover, the
professor says that

In addition, the reading claims that .. The article notes that .. According to the professor

Lastly, the author avers that.. The article establishes that .. The lecture, on the other hand, posits that.. He puts forth the idea that..

Lastly, the author avers that .. The reading establishes that.. The lecture, on the other hand, posits that.. He puts forth the idea that..

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