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The Relationship between Steady Shear Viscosity and

Complex Viscosity
a a a
Shu‐Ping Li , Ge Zhao & Hong‐Yuan Chen
Laboratory of Life Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University,
Nanjing, China
Published online: 21 Aug 2006.

To cite this article: Shu‐Ping Li , Ge Zhao & Hong‐Yuan Chen (2005) The Relationship between Steady Shear Viscosity and
Complex Viscosity, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 26:4, 415-419, DOI: 10.1081/DIS-200054555

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 26:415–419, 2005
Copyright # Taylor & Francis, Inc.
ISSN: 0193-2691 print/1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1081/DIS-200054555

The Relationship between Steady Shear Viscosity

and Complex Viscosity
Shu-Ping Li, Ge Zhao, and Hong-Yuan Chen
Laboratory of Life Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Theoretical analysis on the relationship of complex viscosity (h ) and steady shear viscosity (h)
indicates that viscous viscosity (h0 ) measured under linear viscoelastic region equates with
steady shear viscosity at low shear rates, and the Cox-Merz Rule applies only to the suspension
whose viscous viscosity of the system dominates the whole response. From theoretical analysis,
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complex fluids with network structure such as hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTlc)/montmor-

illonite (MT) suspensions are not suitable to the Cox-Merz Rule, and departure from the rule
has been found in all the HTlc/MT suspensions examined. The theoretical deduction and
experimental results from HTlc/MT suspensions show that thixotropic types can be deter-
mined by the change of h0 in the linear viscoelastic region after the system has been pre-
sheared; the increase of h0 with time means positive thixotropy while the decrease of h0 with
time means negative thixotropy. First increase and then decrease of h0 with increasing of
time or vice versa means complex thixotropy. A very useful method to examine the thixotropic
types in the undisturbed states has been found for the first time.

Keywords Viscosity, thixotropy, complex fluids

INTRODUCTION frequency is identical to the functional dependence of the

Dispersions are widely used in various fields, such as paints, steady shear viscosity expressed as a function of shear rate
adhesives, and paper coating and drilling fluids, but the suspen- (Cox and Merz 1958; Doraiswamy et al. 1991). That is
sions are always applied under nonlinear shear conditions, jh ðvÞj ¼ hðgÞjg ¼ v
which means the colloidal systems do not show a linear or 00

Newtonian shear response. Hence, non-Newton viscosity where h (v) ¼ h0 (v) 2 ih (v) is the complex viscosity at fre-
p 0 00

plays an important role in the actual process. Unfortunately, quency v, jh (v)j ¼ h 2 þ h 2 indicates the magnitude of
it is very difficult to measure the viscosity of the system for complex quantity, and h(ġ) is the steady shear viscosity at
some dispersions such as coater, it is less difficult to measure the shear rate ġ.
the linear viscoelastic behavior of the suspension at high fre- But this hypothesis has many restrictions, and there are
quencies. From the point of view of deformation, measure- many reports about departure from the Cox-Merz Rule. (Lee
ments of linear viscoelastic properties probe a much different and David 2002) think the Cox-Merz Rule applies only to
response of the material than steady shear properties. But fluids without a “structure” that can be disrupted by large
from the point of view of deformation rates, the two types of strain. (Miyoshi and Nishinari 1999) consider if the mechanical
experiments may probe similar behavior (Chae et al. 2001). spectra for solutions show a weak-gel behavior, jh (v)j is sig-
This is the thinking behind our theoretical deduction, in nificantly larger than h(ġ), indicating that the weak-gel struc-
which we want to find out the relationship between steady ture can survive small oscillatory deformation but may be
shear viscosity and dynamic viscosity. ruptured by large deformation. Therefore, these solutions
One relevant theory is the Cox-Merz Rule, which is really a tend to depart from the Cox-Merz Rule.
hypothesis stating that the functional dependence of the What is the real relationship between h and h(ġ) and why
complex viscosity’s magnitude expressed as a function of can the departure from the Cox-Merz Rule usually be found
in complex fluids? In this article, we will answer these ques-
tions from the theoretical deduction and apply the deductive
results to hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTlc)/sodium mon-
Received 1 November, 2004; Accepted 13 November, 2004.
Address correspondence to Hong-Yuan Chen, Laboratory of Life
tmorillonite (MT) suspensions.
Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University, Hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTlc) are special kinds of
Nanjing 210093, China. E-mail: compounds that bear positive charges (Constantino et al.
416 S.-P. LI, G. ZHAO, AND H.-Y. CHEN

1997), and sodium montmorillonite (MT) is a kind of clay controlled to adjust the pH to about 9.5. The product was
mineral commonly used in agriculture, cosmetics, adhesives, delicate flocs suspended in the aqueous solution of
and so on. MT bears negative charges because of isomorphous NH3 . H2O. Then the product was filtered and washed in the
substitution (Li et al. 2003a), and the HTlc compounds bear filter with deionized water to remove the excess NH3 . H2O;
positive charges. The suspension of HTlc/Na-montmorillonite finally, the filter cake was peptized at about 808C in an oven
shows many novel properties, which have been extensively for about 24 hours to convert it into HTlc sol.
covered in our previous studies (Li et al. 2001, 2003a, b). The chemical composition was found with a 3080E2 type
We found that the suspension of HTlc/MT easily forms automatic X-ray fluorescent spectrometer (made in Japan); a
three-dimensional gel-like structures and that HTlc/MT sus- JEM-100cx II model transmission electron microscope (made
pension is a kind of complex fluid that shows thixotropy, vis- in Japan) was used to examine particle morphology. The
coelasticity, yield stress, shear-thinning, or shear-thickening lattice parameters of HTlc were obtained from X-ray powder
(Li et al. 2001, 2003a, b). So we can conclude that the Cox- diffraction analysis (XRD) on a D/max-g A model diffract-
Merz Rule does not apply to the HTlc/MT suspension ometer using Cu Ka radiation (40 kV and 80 mA). All the
because of the formation of the network structure. chemical compositions are listed in Table 1.
The thixotropic properties of HTlc/MT suspensions have Preparation of MT clay (Mujumdar et al. 2002) was carried
Downloaded by [University of Wyoming Libraries] at 02:57 10 September 2013

been extensively studied in our previous articles (Li et al. out by clay the first being suspended in distilled water by
2001, 2003a, b). The classical definition of thixotropy is a stirring and then decanted, leaving a residue of coarse particles.
kind of suspension behavior where time-dependent, reversible Thirty milliliters of 100 vol H2O2 were added to 4.5 liters of
breakdown of the particulate network structure occurs under 10% clay to oxidize any organic matter. The dispersion was
shear, followed by structural reformation on resting then heated to 708C to remove excess H2O2. It was then cen-
(Mujumdar et al. 2002). In our studies, thixotropy is usually trifuged and the supernatant (containing the electrolyte)
studied by monitoring the recovery process under the low replaced several times with double-distilled water until its con-
shear rates as a function of time after intensive shearing, ductivity was relatively low (4  1025 V21 cm21), indicat-
which is called the “shearing-rest” method. The increase of ing that most of the electrolytes had been removed. The final
h(ġ) with time means positive thixotropy, while the decrease concentration of the clay can be determined by evaporation.
of h(ġ) with time means negative thixotropy. First increase A weight amount of the sodium montmorillonite was mixed
and then decrease of h(ġ) with increasing of time or vice with distilled water (double-distilled water in a glass apparatus)
versa means complex thixotropy. It seems more reasonable using a high-speed mixer (Model GJ-1, Jiangyin Second Elec-
that thixotropy should be determined in the linear-viscoelastic trical Machinery Plant) for 20 min; this procedure ensured suf-
region or in the undisturbed state, than in the linear region; no ficient dispersion of the powder in water. Then, after aging in a
irreversible changes of the structure in the suspension take sealed container for 24 hours, the sodium montmorillonite can
place, then thixotropy determined in linear viscoelasticity can be used in the experiments.
represent inherent properties of the system, and relevant
reports in the literature have not been found. Measurements
Rheological measurements were made with a Haake RS 75
EXPERIMENTS SECTION Rheometer at a constant temperature of 25 + 0.28C. A cone-
plate sensor was used, with a diameter of 20 mm and a cone
Materials angle of 0.5. The sample thickness in the middle of the
The preparation and analysis of HTlc: HTlc was synthesized sensor was 0.03 mm. The apparent viscosity h(ġ) was
by the co-precipitation method. The pre-designed metal obtained with the steady-shear experiments. The oscillatory
chloride was dissolved into the deionized water, then the experiments were also carried out using the controlled stress
solution of NH3 . H2O was slowly pumped into the mixed Haake RS 75 Rheometer, and the computer connected to it
solution of metal chloride, with the amount of NH3 . H2O recorded all measured data.

Chemical composition and chemical formula of the examined HTlc samples
Sample Raw material
number Sample molar ratio Chemical composition

1 Mg/Al/Fe 2:1:0.1 [Fe0.034Mg0.65Al0.32(OH)2]Cl0.14(OH)0.22

2 Mg/Al/Fe 2:1:0.6 [Fe0.21Mg0.46Al0.33(OH)2]Cl0.11(OH)0.41
3 Mg/Al/Fe 2:1:1 [Fe0.29Mg0.42Al0.29(OH)2]Cl0.10(OH)0.48
4 Mg/Al/Fe 4.5:1:1 [Fe0.16Mg0.68Al0.16(OH)2]Cl0.18(OH)0.14

All the samples examined were kept at rest for 20 min The ratio of the stress to the strain is the complex modulus
before the measurements started in order to reduce the influ- G (v); the following expression can then be obtained:
ence of the mechanical treatment associated with the s G G0 þ iG00 G00 G0
deposition of the sample into the rheometer. h ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼  i ð7Þ
g_  iv iv v v
The mixture of MT and HTlc was stirred by the high-speed
mixer (Model GJ-1, Jiangyin Second Electrical Machinery The complex viscosity also can be divided into the real and
Plant) for 20 min, then aged for about 24 hours before the imaginary part, then
experiments. The mass ratio of HTlc to MT was designated h ¼ h0  ih00
as R, e.g., R ¼ WHTlc/WMT. The montmorillonite contents in
the HTlc/MT suspension studied were 3% by weight, and Hence,
the pH values of the suspensions were adjusted to 9.60 + 0.2. G00 00 G0
h0 ¼ ;h ¼ ð8Þ
v v
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Usually, h0 is called viscous viscosity, which represents the
fluid properties of the system:
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First, we will deduce the relationship between h and h G00 G tm

h0 ¼ ¼ ð9Þ
from the Maxwell system. v 1 þ ðvtm Þ2
For a simple Maxwell model, there exists:
The characteristic decay time is given by the ratio of the vis-
s_ s cosity to the shear modulus:
g_ ¼ þ ð1Þ
G h h
tm ¼ ð10Þ
where G is the shear modulus h is the viscosity of the New-
tonian fluids, and s is the stress due to the applied strain g. Then, viscous viscosity changes to
In order to describe the material properties as a function of h
h0 ¼ ð11Þ
frequency for a body that behaves as a Maxwell model, we 1 þ ðvtm Þ2
need to express the applied sinusoidal wave in the exponential
form of complex number notation: Then
h0 ðv ! 0Þ ¼ h ð12Þ
g ¼ g0 expðivtÞ; g_  ¼ ivg0 expðivtÞ ¼ ivg ð2Þ
For Newtonian fluids, h ¼ h (ġ), but for Non-Newtonian
The term v is the radial frequency, which is equal to 2pf fluids, only under low shear rates does the relationship h  h
where f is the applied frequency measured at Herz. (ġ) stand up.
Then the stress response is shifted through a phase angle d, Then in the linear viscoelastic limit for a liquid, dynamic
which is the phase difference in radians between the peak value viscosity equates with low shear rate viscosity:
of the stress and peak value of the strain:
h0 ðv ! 0Þ  hðg_ Þjg_ ! 0 ð13Þ

s ¼ s0 exp½iðvt þ dÞ; 0
When the viscous viscosity h dominates the material
s_  ¼ ivs0 exp½iðvt þ dÞ ¼ ivs ð3Þ response, and the viscosity contribution from the “elastic-
plastic” region h can be neglected, the magnitude of h (v) and
According to the theory of linear viscoelasticity, the the value of h0 are almost equal. At this condition, Equation (13)
complex modulus can be represented by changes to
G ðvÞ ¼ G0 ðvÞ þ iG00 ðvÞ h ðv ! 0Þ  hðg_ Þjg_ ! 0 ð14Þ
Equation (14) is valid in the linear viscoelastic region, but
ðvtm Þ2 vtm
¼G 2
þ iG ð4Þ for some materials this rule can be extended into nonlinear
1 þ ðvtm Þ 1 þ ðvtm Þ2 response regime, the steady shear viscosity as a function of
shear rates equating the dynamic viscosity as a function of fre-
quencies (Goodwin and Hughes 2000). This is the expression
ðvtm Þ2 of the Cox-Merz rule:
G0 ðvÞ ¼ G ð5Þ
1 þ ðvtm Þ2 jh ðvÞj ¼ hðg_ Þjg_ ¼ v ð15Þ
vtm Then we can conclude from the theory part that:
G00 ðvÞ ¼ G ð6Þ
1 þ ðvtm Þ2
1. According to jh0 (v ! 0)j  h(g)jg ! 0, the viscous vis-
The complex viscosity is h ¼ s /ġ ¼ s /i v g cosity measured in the linear viscoelastic region under
418 S.-P. LI, G. ZHAO, AND H.-Y. CHEN

low frequencies equates with steady shear viscosity at low

shear rates. Usually, we determine the thixotropic proper-
ties according to the recovery viscosity measured under
low steady shear (Li et al. 2001), and we also can judge
the thixotropy by means of the viscous viscosity in the
linear viscoelastic region; the thixotropic types determined
by the two different methods should be identical.
2. Only when the viscous viscosity h0 of the system dominates
the material response and the contribution from “elastic-
plastic” region can be neglected may the Cox-Merz Rule
be applied. Lots of complex fluids show high elasticity,
and the contribution of the elasticity results in jh j . h(ġ),
which leads to departure from the Cox-Merz Rule.
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Experimental Results FIG. 2. Evolution of viscosity of Fe-Al-Mg-HTIc/MT (sample 4) suspen-

First, we applied the Cox-Merz Rule to different HTlc/MT sions with various R values. R(w/w): A ¼ 0.013, B ¼ 0.051, C ¼ 0.091.
suspensions, with the R values of the systems examined all
designed as 0.17. Figure 1 shows the steady shear viscosity
and complex viscosity as a function of shear rate or frequency R values are respectively 0.013, 0.051, and 0.091. From
for four systems. In the dynamic measurements, the exper- Figure 2, the apparent viscosity recovers in different ways;
iments were all carried out in the linear-viscoelastic region. according to the definition of thixotropy, they belong to
From Figure 1, the values of h (v) and h decrease monoto- positive, complex, and negative thixotropy, respectively.
nically with the increase of frequency or shear rate, and h (v) Figure 3 shows the recovery process of the three systems
is larger than h. Clearly, and as expected, the rule does not under the linear viscoelastic region after being pre-sheared at
apply for any of the HTlc/MT suspensions because of the for- 1000 s21 for 20 s. It must be emphasized that the experiments
mation of the network structure. Closer examination of were carried out under low frequencies (0.1 Hz). From
Figure 1 indicates that the slopes of the viscosity and Figure 3, h always increases with time, indicating the for-
complex viscosity data for different HTlc samples are nearly mation of network structure (Li et al. 2003b), but the change
identical; similar reports have been found for the magnetic of h0 with time is almost the same as the change of h with
ink dispersions (Doraiswamy et al. 1991). time under low steady shear. On the basis of theoretical
Figure 2 shows the recovery process of HTlc/MT suspen- analysis, the thixotropy can be judged from the change of h0
sions under the low shear rate (3 s21) after being pre-sheared in the linear region. For the system with R ¼ 0.013, h0
at 1000 s21 for 20 s. Three different thixotropic systems have increases with time, showing positive thixotropy; for the
been selected; the HTlc sample is fixed as sample 4, and the system with R ¼ 0.051, h0 first increases then decreases with
time, showing complex thixotropy; for the system with
R ¼ 0.091, h0 decreases with time, showing negative

FIG. 1. Dynamic and steady shear viscosities h (v) and h, as a function of FIG. 3. Recovery of h and h0 after cessation of steady shear for the
frequency and shear rate for HTIc/MT suspensions with different HTIc HTIc/MT suspension with different R values: 1, R ¼ 0.013, 2, R ¼ 0.051, 3,
samples, 1–4. R ¼ 0.091.

thixotropy. The thixotropic results obtained from two different REFERENCES

methods are the same, which proves the coherence of the two Chae, B.S., Lane, A.M., and Wiest, J.M. (2001) J. Rheology, 45: 1193.
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probably the shear rates destroy the structure to some degree, Cox, W.P. and Merz, E.H. (1958) J. Polym. Sci., 26: 619.
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It is more suitable to judge thixotropy in the linear visco-
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This article has described a new and most useful way to Shu-Ping, Li., Wan-Guo, Hou., Chun-Xiao, Jia., Ji-Fan, Hu., and
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Shu-Ping, Li., Wan-Guo, Hou., and Ji-Fan, Hu. (2003c) J. Dispers.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sci. Technol., 24 (5): 709.
This work was supported by Jiangsu Planned Projects for Miyoshi, E. and Nishinari, K. (1999) Colloid Polym. Sci., 277: 727.
Postdoctoral Research and Chinese Postdoctoral Science Mujumdar, A., Beris, A.N., and Metzner, A.B. (2002) J. Non-
Foundation. Newtonian Fluid Mech., 102: 157.

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