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Accepted Manuscript

Homeomorphisms of Hashimoto Topologies

Małgorzata Filipczak, Grażyna Horbaczewska

PII: S0166-8641(18)30248-7
Reference: TOPOL 6516

To appear in: Topology and its Applications

Received date: 3 April 2018

Revised date: 6 August 2018
Accepted date: 7 August 2018

Please cite this article in press as: M. Filipczak, G. Horbaczewska, Homeomorphisms of Hashimoto Topologies, Topol. Appl.

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Abstract. We investigate homeomorphisms of different types of Hashimoto

topologies based on the Euclidean topology on the real line and classic

1. Introduction
Let us start with a notion of Hashimoto topologies introduced indepen-
dently by Martin in [12] and by Hashimoto in [4].
Let (X, T ) be a T1 topological space and let I be an ideal of subsets of
X, containing all singletons and such that I ∩ T = {∅}. We say that such
an ideal is admissible. Then the family
{U \ P : U ∈ T , P ∈ I}
is a base of a topology.
Under additional assumptions that (X, T ) is a second-countable topolog-
ical space and I is a σ−ideal, the considered family is a topology, denoted
by TI .
This kind of topologies was considered by Lukeš, Malý, Zajíček [11] as
’ideal topologies’, by Jankovic and Hamlet [8] and by other authors (Lindner
[10], Hejduk [5], Terepeta [14], Bingham and Ostaszewski [3] ) as ’Hashimoto
Note that such topologies have some common properties.
Theorem 1. (compare [12],[4]) Let (X, T ) be a second-countable topological
space and let I be an admissible σ−ideal. Then
(1) (X, TI ) is T1 .
(2) The families of connected sets in (X, T ) and in (X, TI ) coincide.
(3) (X, TI ) does not satisfy the first axiom of countability at any point.
(4) (X, TI ) is not regular.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54A10, 54A05,54C05.
Key words and phrases. homeomorphism, σ-ideal, Hashimoto topology.

(5) Every compact set in (X, TI ) is finite.

(6) The family of TI -nowhere dense sets contains I and the family of
T -nowhere dense sets.
Let us mention a straightforward consequence of the property (3) from
the last theorem.
Corollary 2. If (X, T ) is second-countable and I is an admissible σ−ideal,
then (X, T ) is not homeomorphic to (X, TI ).
The most common Hashimoto topology is the one on the real line consist-
ing of sets U \ P , where U is open in the Euclidean topology and P belongs
to the family of all Lebesgue null sets (denoted here by N ).
In this paper we study possibilities of existence of homeomorphisms be-
tween Hashimoto topologies TI , where T is the Euclidean topology on R
(or on the interval [0, 1]) and I is a certain admissible σ−ideal of subsets
of R (or of [0, 1]). We are interested in classic σ−ideals. Some of results
obtained here are rather suprising.
As we stated in the last corollary, none of Hashimoto topologies is home-
omorphic to the Euclidean one, but we can observe even more.
Corollary 3. For any admissible σ−ideal I every continuous function f :
(R, T ) → (R, TI ) is constant.
Proof. If f is continuous, then the image f (I) of any closed interval I is
TI -connected and TI -compact. Then, by Theorem 1 (2) and (5), it is a

2. σ-ideals connected with probability measures

Assume that F is a distribution function, i.e. nondecreasing, continuous
from the right and such that 0 = limx→−∞ F (x) ≤ limx→+∞ F (x) = 1. It is
well known (see, for example, [2]) that there exists a unique regular measure
μF on the Borel subsets of [0,1] for which μF ((a, b]) = F (b) − F (a) .
Denote IF := {A ⊂ R : μF (A) = 0}.
If F were not continuous, IF wouldn’t contain all singletons, and conse-
quently it wouldn’t be admissible. We would have an analogous case (not
admissible σ-ideal) if F were constant on an interval. Hence from now on
we assume that F is continuous and strictly increasing.
Theorem 4. The topological spaces ([0, 1], TIF ) and ([0, 1], TN ) are homeo-

Proof. The function F is a homeomorphism ([0, 1], T ) → ([0, 1], T ). Since

F is a bijection to show that it is also a homeomorphism ([0, 1], TIF ) →
([0, 1], TN ) it is enough to prove that image of any set from IF is a Lebesgue
null set. Let A ∈ IF and fix ε > 0. Byregularity of μF there exists an open
set U such that μF (U ) <  and U = n∈N (an , bn ), where intervals (an , bn )
are pairwise disjoint. Then F (U ) is open and, denoting by λ the Lebesgue
measure, we have
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ ⎛ ⎞
λ(F (U )) = λ ⎝F ⎝ (an , bn )⎠⎠ = λ ⎝ F ((an , bn ))⎠ =
n∈N n∈N

⎛ ⎞
= λ⎝ (F (an ), F (bn ))⎠ = (F (bn )−F (an )) = μF ((an , bn )) = μF (U ) < ε,
n∈N n∈N n∈N

so A ∈ N . 

Note that if F is absolutely continuous, then IF = N and the last result

is trivial.
If F is singular, i.e. λ({x ∈ [0, 1] : F  (x) = 0}) = 1, then μF and λ have
disjoint supports (see [2]) and consequently, IF and N are incomparable.
In this case the last theorem gives a really interesting result. It is worth
mentioning that if we consider two Borel probability measures μ, ν with
strictly increasing continuous distributions and different σ-ideals of null sets,
both orthogonal to the Lebesgue measure, then corresponding Hashimoto
topologies are homeomorphic.
Classic examples of such measures are measures "generated by throwing
a coin". For a fixed p ∈ (0, 1) let X1 , X2 , ... be independent, identically
distributed random variables such that P {Xn = 0} = p and P {Xn = 1} =

1−p. Let X := Xn /2n . We denote by Fp (x) = P {X ≤ x} a distribution
function of X.
The function Fp is everywhere continuous, strictly increasing on [0, 1]

and (see
[2]). Therefore
for p, q ∈ (0, 1) the topological spaces
[0, 1], TIFp and [0, 1], TIFq are homeomorphic. It is worth underlying
that only one of the σ−ideals concerned here is shift invariant (if p = 1/2),
whereas the others are not. It makes this homeomorphism unexpected.

3. Shift invariant σ-ideals

In this section we will show that for classic shift invariant σ-ideals we get
Hashimoto topologies not homeomorphic to TN .
We begin with two lemmas.
Lemma 5. Assume that A is a family of subsets of R such that for any
nonempty open interval J there exists a set A ⊂ J belonging to A \ N .
Let h : ([0, 1] , T ) → ([0, 1] , T ) be an increasing homeomorphism.
If there exists a finite positive derivative of the function h at a point
x0 ∈ (0, 1), then there exists a set A ∈ A such that h (A) ∈ / N.
Proof. If h (x0 ) > 0 then there exist positive numbers a, b, δ such that for
any numbers x, y ∈ (x0 − δ, x0 + δ) , x > y we have
h (x) − h (y)
a< < b,
(1) a (x − y) < h (x) − h (y) < b (x − y) .
By the assumption there exists a set A ⊂ (x0 − δ, x0 + δ) belonging to A\N .
Since A ∈/ N then there exists ε0 > 0 such that for any sequence of intervals
{In } covering A we have
(λ(In )) ≥ ε0 .
Consider now h (A) and any sequence of  intervals {Jn } such that Jn ⊂
h ((x0 − δ, x0 + δ)) for every n ∈ N and ∞ n=0 Jn ⊃ h (A). For any n ∈ N
−1 −1
∞ set h (J n ) is connected, open and h (Jn ) ⊂ (x0 − δ, x0 + δ). Hence
n=0 (λ(h (Jn ))) ≥ ε0 . By (1) we have
aλ(h−1 (Jn )) < λ(Jn ).

(λ(Jn )) > aλ(h−1 (Jn )) = a (λ(h−1 (Jn ))) ≥ aε0 ,
n=0 n=0 n=0

i.e. h (A) ∈
/ N. 
We need also a classic result.
Lemma 6. ([13]) If f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] is a strictly increasing function, then
the set f ({x ∈ [0, 1] : f  (x) = 0}) has the Lebesgue measure zero.

Theorem 7. Let I be an admissible shift invariant and closed under multi-

plication by positive constants σ-ideal contained in N . Assume that for any
nonempty interval P there exists a set B ⊂ P belonging to N \ I. Then the
topological spaces (R, TN ) and (R, TI ) are not homeomorphic.
Proof. Assume, on the contrary, that there exists a homeomorphism h :
(R, TN ) → (R, TI ). We can assume that h is a homeomorphism ([0, 1] , TN ) →
([0, 1] , TI ).
By property (2) from Theorem 1, h is also a homeomorphism ([0, 1] , T ) →
([0, 1] , T ). Then h is invertible and h and h−1 are continuous. Hence h is
strictly monotonous (assume - increasing), so it has almost everywhere a
finite derivative. As a homeomorphism, h changes sets from N into sets from
I. Observe that the family A := {h−1 (I) : I ∈ N } fulfils the assumptions
of Lemma 5. Indeed, for any nonempty open interval J the set h(J), being
also a nonempty open interval, contains (by the assumption of the theorem)
a set B belonging to N \ I. Hence h−1 (B) is contained in J and belongs to
A \ N . By the definition of A there is no set A ∈ A such that h(A) ∈ / N.
Therefore, by Lemma 5, there is no point x for which h (x) is positive.
Then E := {x ∈ [0, 1] : h (x) = 0} has Lebesgue measure 1.
Moreover, by Lemma 6, λ (h (E)) = 0.
The set C := [0, 1] \ E, as a null set, is closed in ([0, 1], TN ). Moreover,
every subset of the set C is TN -closed. Since λ(h (C)) = 1 there exists a
nonmeasurable subset D of the set h(C). As TI -open and TI -closed sets
are measurable, the set D is not TI -closed. However h−1 (D) ⊂ C, so the
set D should be TI -closed - a contradiction.

We can give many examples of σ-ideals satisfying the assumptions of

the last theorem. For a given α ∈ (0, 1) it can be the σ-ideal of null sets
for α-dimensional Hausdorff measure or the σ-ideal of sets of σ-finite α-
dimensional Hausdorff measure or the σ-ideal of sets with Hausdorff dimen-
sion not greater than α ([6]). Other examples are a σ-ideal of microscopic
sets ([7]) and a σ-ideal of strong measure zero sets ([1]).
We would like to focus our attention on the smallest σ-ideal satisfying the
assumptions of Theorem 7 - the σ-ideal of countable sets, denoted here by
Iω . Of course (R, TN ) and (R, TIω ) are not homeomorphic, but it is possible
to prove a stronger result.

Theorem 8. Let I be an admissible σ-ideal containing Iω . Assume that

for any nonempty interval J there exists a set C ⊂ J belonging to I \ Iω .
Then every continuous function f : (R, TIω ) → (R, TI ) is constant.

Proof. Our proof starts with two remarks about the topology TIω .
Firstly, it is easily seen that every TIω -closed set is the union of a closed
set and a countable set. Hence, by Cantor-Bendixon Theorem ([9]), every
TIω -closed set may be written uniquely as a disjoint union of a perfect set
and a countable set.
Secondly, if every interval centered at a point x contains an uncountable
number of points from a certain set A, then x belongs to the TIω -closure
of A (denoted by clTIω (A)). Indeed, if x ∈ / clTIω (A), then there exists a set
B ∈ TIω containing x such that A ∩ B = ∅. Hence there exist an open set
C and a countable set D such that B = C \ D, so (A ∩ C) \ D = ∅. This
contradicts our assumption.
Now assume that there exists a continuous function f : (R, TIω ) →
(R, TI ), for which there exist points a, b ∈ R, a < b such that f (a)
= f (b).
By Theorem 1 (2), the sets [a, b] and f ([a, b]) are connected in TIω and
TI , respectively. Hence f ([a, b]), as a connected set, is an interval with a
nonempty interior.
Let C be a set contained in f ([a, b]) and belonging to I \ Iω . Then the
set C is closed in TI , so f −1 (C) as a closed set in TIω can be represented as
F ∪ P , where F is perfect and P ∈ Iω .
Put C1 := {y ∈ C : f −1 ({y}) ∩ P
= ∅}. Of course C1 ∈ Iω and C \ C1 ∈
I \ Iω .
Fix y ∈ C \ C1 . Then f −1 ({y}) ⊂ F and, since {y} and C \ {y} are
TI -closed, the sets f −1 ({y}) and f −1 (C \ {y}) are TIω -closed. Moreover
f −1 ({y}) ∩ f −1 (C \ {y}) = ∅.
Observe that for every x ∈ f −1 ({y}) there exists ε > 0 such that

(F \ f −1 ({y})) ∩ (x − ε, x + ε) ∈ Iω .

Indeed, in the opposite case by the remark from the beginning of the proof,
x ∈ clTIω (F \ f −1 ({y})), which is impossible, since F \ f −1 ({y}) ⊂ f −1 (C \
Therefore, since F is perfect, for every x ∈ f −1 ({y}) ⊂ F there exist
points ax , bx such that ax < x < bx and ax , bx are two-sided condensation
points of F and (F \f −1 ({y}))∩(ax , bx ) ∈ Iω . Obviously for every y ∈ C \C1
there exists an x ∈ f −1 ({y}), and so for every y ∈ C \ C1 there exist

points ay , by such that ay , by are two-sided condensation points of F and

(F \ f −1 ({y})) ∩ (ay , by ) ∈ Iω .
Moreover, for different y1 , y2 ∈ C\C1 we get disjoint intervals (ay1 , by1 ), (ay2 , by2 ),
because if (ay1 , by1 ) ∩ (ay2 , by2 ) = (c, d)
= ∅, then (c, d) ∩ F
= ∅, which is
impossible, since (c, d) ∩ F ∈ Iω and F is perfect.
Therefore we have an uncountable number of disjoint intervals, a contra-
Corollary 9. The Hashimoto topology (R, TIω ) is not homeomorphic to
(R, TI ) if I is
- the σ-ideal of Lebesgue null sets,
- the σ-ideals of α-dimensional Hausdorff measure,
- the σ-ideals of sets of σ-finite α-dimensional Hausdorff measure,
- the σ-ideals of sets with Hausdorff dimension not greater than α for
α ∈ (0, 1)
- the σ-ideal of microscopic sets,
- the σ-ideal of strong measure zero sets (under CH),
- the σ-ideal of meager sets.

4. σ-ideals orthogonal to the σ-ideal of meager sets

We consider now σ-ideals orthogonal to the σ-ideal of meager sets, de-
noted by K. It means σ-ideals I for which there exist sets I ∈ I and J ∈ K
such that R = I ∪ J.
Theorem 10. If J is an admissible σ-ideal orthogonal to K, then the topo-
logical spaces (R, TJ ) and (R, TK ) are not homeomorphic.
Proof. Theorem 4 from [4] says that for an admissible ideal I if every
nowhere dense set belongs to I, then I is equal to the family of TI -nowhere
dense sets, so the σ-ideal K is equal to the family of TK -nowhere dense
sets and, consequently, to the family of TK -meager sets. Hence R is not
TK -meager.
However, by orthogonality of K and J the space R is a union of two sets:
A ∈ K and B ∈ J . By Theorem 1 (6) the family of TJ -meager sets contains
K ∪ J , so R is TJ -meager.
Therefore (R, TJ ) and (R, TK ) are not homeomorphic. 
Corollary 11. The Hashimoto topology (R, TK ) is not homeomorphic to
(R, TI ) if I is
- the σ-ideal of Lebesgue null sets,

- the σ-ideals of α-dimensional Hausdorff measure,

- the σ-ideals of sets of σ-finite α-dimensional Hausdorff measure,
- the σ-ideals of sets with Hausdorff dimension not greater than α for
α ∈ (0, 1)
- the σ-ideal of microscopic sets.

Proof. For orthogonality of these ideals to K compare [1], [7]. 

Observe that despite of the fact that the σ-ideal of countable sets is not
orthogonal to the σ-ideal of meager sets we concluded in Corollary 9 that
(R, TIω ) and (R, TK ) are not homeomorphic.

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