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Search: ketogenic diet; fasting; teas; journaling;

Body: power-breathing. Hollow rocks, whim hoff, hard-style planks, decompress

the spine; domino food; J-curls; thoracic bridge; shoulder mobility; one-arm
swing; turkish getup. Goblet squat; elevated workstation; breaks: 1. Golf ball; 2.
Resistance band for shoulder stretch; 3. Hanging;

Programs/Apps/Websites: Zen Castr; Ecamm Call Recorder;;

boomerang; Freedom App; Stay Focused App;

Quotes: “Calm is contagious”; “Go first”; “Show up, do the work and go home”;
“Tonight, I’ll be in my bed”; “Be your unapologetically weird self”; “Strong views,
loosely held”; “Confidence comes from vision”; “The best plan is the one that lets
you change your plans”; “Don’t be a donkey”; “Lack of time is lack of priorities”;
“Business is a form of laziness”; “It’s what you do consistently”; “Questions
determine your focus”; “Suffering comes from loss, less and never”; “Stories let
us lie to ourselves and those lies satisfy our desires”; “One foot size doesn’t fit
all”; “Be a meaningful specific”; “The quest for a single purpose has ruined many
lives”; “Don’t be afraid to do something you’re not qualified to”; “Everything in your
company breaks when you triple”; “The minutiae fits around the big things, but
the big things don’t fit round the minutiae”; “Greatness comes from humble
beginnings”; “Help yourself by helping others”; “If you live your life as planned,
your potential will never exceed your expectations”; “Sometimes, you need to
stop doing things you love to nurture the things that matters most”; “In the wrong
environment, creativity is compromised”; “If you don’t measure it, you can’t
improve it”; “In reactive mode, maker mode is impossible”; “In excess, most things
become their opposite”; “Life favors the specific ask and punishes the vague
wish”; “If I’m not saying ‘hell yeah, I’m saying ‘no’”; “The power of the visit is just
visiting”; “Wisdom is courage to explore and commitment to stay”; “You discover
your dream walking the path”; “Discipline equals freedom”; “The purpose of life is
a life of purpose”; “There’s power in not taking things seriously”; “Wisdom is taking
your own advice”; “Inaction is the greatest risk”; “There’s more freedom to be
gained from practicing poverty than to be chasing wealth”; “Perfectionism lead to
paralysis”; “People-pleasing is a form of assholery”; “Value your uniqueness”;
“Happiness is a choice you make and a skill you develop”; “Desire is a contract
you make to yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want”; “There are no
adults”; “Enough is as good as a feast”; “The little things are the big things”; “In
every situation, you have 3 options: change it, accept it or leave it”; “We’re afraid
and brave at the same time”; “A person’s success can be measured by the
number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have”; “We are
gods and worms”; “Learn to dance in the rain”; “It’s easy to blow things out of
proportion”; “Art is imperfect”; “Failure is not durable”; “You must want to be a
butterfly so badly, you’re willing to give up being a caterpillar”; “If information was
the answer, we’d be billionares with perfect abs”;

Questions: Is it a dream or a goal?; What gets you excited?; What nobody wants
to do?; What advice are you ignoring because you think is cliché?; What are your
beliefs costing you?; What am I unwilling to feel?; What if I did the opposite?;
What’s the worst that can happen?; What’s the least crowded channel?; What if
I let them make decisions?; Is it an itch or a burn?; What am I embarressed to be
struggling with?;

Practices: meditation: gone, kindness, horizon and stargazing; the ONE

decision; attend high-level environment; minimalism; say yes to things on the
beggining; go for 43 min, not 45; doing 80/20 often; get 20 bad ideas, not 10 good
ones to develop creativity on demand; focus on projects and habits that gives you
transferable skills; be top 25% on 2+ areas; 1000 true fans; “I don’t understand”;
ask yourself “how can I help this person?”; recognize the foul and adress the
criticism to hate-proof it; adress concerns and admit problems to gain rapport;
draft ugly, edit pretty; schedule/pay for things in advance; scratch your own itch;
detach yourself from the situation; find 3 people: senior, equal and subordinate;
binge reading; momento mori; use pride as a tool for action; think “i love you”
before conversations; put things in perspective; for creative work: swear loudly
for 10 seconds before starting, do it while everyone is sleeping; dealing with
haters: 1. 10% will get offended, 2. ignore 90%, 3. don’t over apologize when
answering; choose your 5 chimps carefully; focus on what and how before doing
the hard work; talk about something people weren’t expecting; create space for
yourself minimizing distractions, obligations; finish with quality; learn to turn
yourself on and off; be vulnerable to gain trust; treat it like a test; trust to flow;
tetris for visual processing; sauna/cooling down; affirmations; jar of awesome;

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