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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-30nd of November 2009 - 01-30 Kasım 2009∞

Take Charge of Your Life Message from

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 2, 2009 at 11:30pm

Take Charge of Your Life

Message from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

(posted 2 November, 2009)

You have the ability to make a positive difference in the world. This has
been a roller-coaster time of miracles and challenges. It seems as though
these extreme experiences are being used to wake Humanity up at warp speed.

No matter how hard people may try, their I AM Presence is not allowing them
to push the snooze button in order to go back to sleep. It is time for
people everywhere to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during
this auspicious moment. Important changes are taking place, and in spite of
outer-world appearances, we are beginning to see evidence of people in every
walk of life reaching out to make a positive difference.

2009 is numerically an 11-year. Eleven is the Master Number that reflects

the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The many activities of
Light that have taken place this year have provided us with amazing
opportunities to move into the highest level of consciousness we have experienced
since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

November is the eleventh month in 2009, so we are blessed with the

powerful 11:11 numerical frequency throughout this entire month. On November 11
and 29, 2009, we are blessed with 11:11:11 numerical frequency, which will be
an incredibly powerful time for all of us.

Whether we consciously remember it or not, each and every one of us has

been preparing for a very long time to assist during this unprecedented time.
We all have unique skills and abilities that no one else on the planet
possesses in exactly the same way we do. We have volunteered to assist in
helping to change the old, obsolete behavior patterns that are responsible for
the pain and suffering Humanity is enduring. This is being brought to our
attention by our I AM Presence, our God Self, because the time for us to
begin fulfilling our Divine Missions is NOW!

The only reason we have not been cocreating lives of joy, happiness,
prosperity, loving relationships, financially and creatively rewarding jobs,
vibrant health, fulfillment, enlightenment and every other positive experience
is because we have forgotten that we can.

Not only can we create the lives we dream of, this is our purpose and
reason for being. We are Children of God, and we have been invested with the
gift of free will. Our thoughts and feelings are creative. Whatever we focus
our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into physical form.
It is time for us to remember this Divine Truth and for us to consciously
choose to create the lives we want instead of inadvertently manifesting,
through our fears, the experiences we do not want.

It is time for us to reclaim our Divine Birthrights and to fulfill our

Divine Potentials. As we take charge of our lives, we will be effective
examples for our loved ones and friends. We will be positive catalysts, and the
results of our efforts will be exponential. We are all One, and the Universal
Law is "As I Am lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me." We can each
make a positive difference. As we change our lives, we will change the
direction for Humanity and for all Life evolving on this planet. Never
underestimate your ability to be a powerful force of good on this planet.

You have been preparing for a very long time to fulfill the mission you

agreed to accomplish in this lifetime. Not only do you have the skill,
talent, wisdom, courage and strength to accomplish your mission, our
Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness eagerly
awaiting the opportunity to assist you. These selfless Beings of Light are
with you now. From inner levels they guide and protect you, and they
intervene to help you every time you ask them to. You are never alone. If you ever
feel doubtful that you have the power to make a positive difference in this
world, just remember the entire Company of Heaven is there to help you
every time you ask for their assistance.

When you begin to create a plan to make a positive difference in your

life, the first step is to take a good look at your life as it exists right
now. In order to change your life, you must first be aware of what presently
exists. So take some time to evaluate your life as an objective observer.
This is not a time to berate, criticize, or condemn yourself for past
mistakes. That only adds more negative energy to the situation. The purpose of
this evaluation is to help you see what it is you like about your life, and
what it is you would like to change. Usually people know their lives are
not what they want them to be, and they may be aware of some major problems,
such as finances or health, but they have never actually taken the time to
evaluate their overall lives. This is a crucial step toward making a
positive difference, so invest the time to take a thorough inventory of your life.

In order for you to succeed in transforming your life, you need to plan
where you are going. You need to have objectives and goals. Most people spend
so much time worrying and dwelling on the things that they do not want in
their lives that they have not taken the time to figure out what they
really do want. Remember, what you think about, what you hold in your mind and
put your attention and energy into, you draw into your life. So it is time
to stop worrying about the things that you do not want and start focusing on
the things that you do want.

Patterns of thinking and emotional responses are usually habits you have
allowed yourself to develop without much conscious awareness. Now that you
have decided to take charge of your life, you no longer need to just muddle
through the day. Instead, you can deliberately control your thoughts,
words, actions, and feelings. Since it is a natural law that what you put your
attention and energy into, you draw into your life. It is only logical that
you take the steps necessary to let go of destructive programming and
begin creating for yourself a fulfilling, happy, harmonious, abundant, and
peaceful life.

Most people rarely feel that they are negative; so one of the things I
have them do is keep a scratch tally for an entire week of every negative
thought or feeling they experience. Notice I said EVERY negative thought or
feeling. This includes the little, trivial, petty things that you allow to pop
into your mind, such as the person that pulls in front of your car that
you think is a jerk, or the service you received that you feel was lousy, or
the lady at the supermarket that you think is a slob, or the disgust you
have for yourself for overeating, or the anger you feel if the car breaks

down, and on and on.

My experience has been that by the end of the week even so-called positive
people have several sheets of tally marks and are astounded at how often
they were negative and shocked at how oblivious they were about their
negative thinking. So, the next step toward your decision to make a positive
difference in the world is to observe your daily responses for an entire week.
Pay very close attention to your thoughts and feelings and keep a simple
scratch tally of every negative thought or feeling you have. Do not empower
the negative thought by writing it down, just keep a scratch tally of it.

This is a very valuable exercise because it clearly shows how many times
every single day you are misqualifying energy without even realizing it.

Many people are wallowing in the poor me syndrome. They feel that they are
really good people, but all of these terrible things keep happening to
them anyway. What this exercise reveals is that we may not be doing
catastrophically negative things like mugging people or robbing a bank, but we are
often nickel-and-dimeing ourselves to death with trivial pettiness.

Once you complete this exercise and acknowledge that you may not be
controlling your thoughts or feelings, but just allowing them to happen, you can
move on to the next step of changing those bad habits and begin to take
control of your thoughts, words, and deeds.

Each time you put forth the effort to deliberately program yourself into
constructive thinking, the stronger you will become and the more natural the
positive response will be. Before you know it, your pattern of thinking
will automatically be positive instead of negative, and you will have
established a new constructive habit.

While you are going through this process of gaining control of your
thoughts and feelings, you need to be tolerant and forgiving of yourself. If you
find negative thinking or negative feelings creeping into your
consciousness, you need to stop, empty your mind of the negative thought or feeling,
take a deep breath, regroup, and then look for the positive side of the
situation you are dealing with. Don't give any more power to the negative
thought by berating or condemning yourself for the transgression. Just let it go,
flood it with the Violet Flame of Forgiveness, and focus on the positive
side of the situation, no matter how small.

Begin your new habit of positive thinking by looking for the positive side
of every person, place, condition, or thing you encounter. The general
rule is that we can easily spot the flaws in other people, but unless someone
is a genius or looks like a Greek God or Goddess, we rarely notice their
positive attributes. In this exercise you must go out of your way to search
for something good in every single person, place, condition, and thing you
come in contact with. Sometimes this is a real challenge. Some people you
know may seem so objectionable that the only thing you will be able to
appreciate about them is the color of their socks, but you must find something

good in every instance.

After practicing this for a while, you will come to the realization that,
no matter how bad things seem or how degenerate a person may appear, there
is a spark of hope in every situation and a spark of Light in every person.
By consciously putting your attention on that one redeeming quality,
rather than giving momentum and power to the negative, you can turn that
destructive situation into a positive experience, and you can often give the
negative person the incentive he or she needs to find a better way of behaving.
This may sound too good to be true, but I assure you that this is the
natural Law of Attraction, and it is as accurate and as workable as the Laws of
Mathematics, Music, Physics, or any other science.

The next exercise I want to share with you is designed to help you
reprogram your thinking with positive affirmations. People who have used positive
affirmations have always known that they work, but they have rarely
understood exactly why. Now, with more and more research, we are learning how the
process works.

Through positive affirmations, we can deliberately send forth constructive

thoughtforms that will accumulate additional positive energy and return to
us, bringing with them what we are affirming. The difference between a
prayer and an affirmation is that in prayer we are usually humbly asking for
something, and in an affirmation we are actually invoking God and our I AM
Presence to command Universal Light substance to flow through us
constructively to create whatever perfection it is that we are affirming.

There is another very important reason why affirmations work. When we make
a positive affirmation, we begin with the words I AM. These two words
invoke our I AM Presence and connect us directly to our omniscient, omnipotent,
omnipresent Father-Mother God, All That Is. This all encompassing Presence
of God is the Universal Source of All Life.

Everything in the Universe is comprised of electronic Light substance

vibrating at different frequencies with various densities. The words I AM
reflect the all-encompassing Oneness of all Life. "I" represents Alpha, the
beginning, "AM" represents Omega or the ending, meaning our Father-Mother
God, the Universal Source of All Life, is the beginning and the ending of all
that exists.

When we invoke the Light of God by using the words I AM the Light
automatically responds. It flows through our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings
and obeys our affirmations.

Affirmations are designed to help us begin reprogramming our negative

thinking into positive thinking. The longer energy is accustomed to flowing
through the brain in a particular pattern, the easier it is to just keep
flowing in the same pattern. For instance, if we are used to being critical or
judgmental of others, that is a pattern we have developed and the energy
flows very easily into that groove of the brain. If we want to change that

habit, we have to consciously begin developing a new groove through which this
energy can flow. The more we withhold the energy from the negative,
critical pattern and send it forth through the new constructive pattern, the
sooner we will have changed the bad habit.

When we first begin observing our behavioral responses, we are usually

shocked and a little overwhelmed at how ingrained our trivial, petty patterns
are, and it seems as though it will be a monumental task to overcome them.
However, once you begin to consciously take control of your thoughts,
words, actions, and feelings, the changes will take place much more quickly than
you can envision at this time. Once you really develop the habit of
positive thinking, the critical, petty, trivial things that so easily pop into
your mind now will not be part of your consciousness.

With positive affirmations, we form new constructive grooves in our

thinking patterns. For this reason it is important to read your affirmations the
first thing in the morning and the last thing before going to bed at night.
The exercise in the morning will begin the constructive flow of energy
through the brain and set your attitude for the new day.

The exercise at night will help by drawing the positive affirmations into
your subconscious mind; so, you can reprogram yourself while you sleep, as
in sleep learning. Research is proving that what we think about at night
before we go to sleep is carried into the subconscious mind, so it is a good
idea to put your attention on something constructive. For heaven´s sake,
don't watch the news just before going to sleep.


I AM weaving my gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, strength, courage,

compassion and love into the tapestry of the Divine Plan for the New Earth.

I AM responding to my Heart´s Call, and I AM God in Action.

I AM Consecrating my thoughts, words, feelings and actions to be the

greatest force of good I can be on this planet.

I AM making a positive difference every day.

Through the focus of my attention, I AM expressing the following Divine


I AM One with ALL Life. I AM Divine Love. I AM Infinite Abundance.

I AM the Harmony of my true Being. I AM Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally
Youthful. I AM a Peace Commanding Presence.

The actions I take everyday improve my family, my job, my community, my

city, my country and the world.

I have a Healing Touch. I AM communing everyday with my Father-Mother God

and the Company of Heaven.

Through my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings I AM Transfiguring this

planet into the New Earth.

And so it is.

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it

through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
©2006 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age
Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational
organization _www.eraofpeace.org_ ( E-mail:
_PattiCR@aol.com_ (

Nobody should take vaccine for swine flu

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am

This is the mail sent to a friend Dr. Blaylock and now passes to all concerned. Pay attention to
the attached biography of Dr Blaylock.

Dr. Blaylock is the front end neurosurgeon and author of instructor. He attended the LSU
Faculty of Medicine in New Orleans, and completed his internist and neurological practice at
the Medical Faculty in South Carolina in Charleston.

Nobody should TAKE vaccine for swine flu - it is one of the most dangerous vaccine immune
component called (MF-59), which proved to be a component that causes autoimmune diseases
like MS (multiple) rheumatic arthritis and Lupus.

It is a vaccine that is highly associated with Gulf War syndrome, which killed more than
10,000 soldiers and caused 200% increase in serious diseases (murderous) ALS. This is the
H1N1 virus that causes "Chinese syndrome" which means that causes the body immune
system over-react and that is why it kills young people and less affects the elderly (who have
a weaker immune system).

The vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulant and carries a very serious possibility of
developing latent viruses.

The best protection is vitamin D3. would take 5000 IU per day and when the disease develops
should extend dose to 15,000 IU daily. Vitamin D3 modulates the immune response
diminishing the possibility of excessive reactions and stimulates the body to produce cells that

are powerful anti microbiological demolisher of virus which is not included immune system
with increasing dose of vitamin D3 for greater protection.

Fish oil (oil north sea) reduce - reduce immune reaction . One teaspoon a day is different and
stronger and enough for the symptoms of flu.2 tablespoons a day. Antoksidants help in a
variety of cases and help lemon, grape, orange, vit C natural vitamin E.

The most effective are the vitamins in fruits and fruit - - page link.

Cleveland Clinic is a top top clinics in the United States. (examination of 2008 g)


This is an email sent to a friend of Dr. Blaylock and is now being

forwarded to anyone interested. Please pass it along. Also note the
attached biography of Dr. Blaylock. Dr. Blaylock is a board
certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU
School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical
internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of
South Carolina in Charleston , SC.

Thank you Roberto for this important message

HEAVEN #3264 : Keep Your Flame Lit

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am

HEAVEN #3264 : Keep Your Flame Lit

God said:

I give unto you the world to uplift. This is your assignment. This is the purpose behind
everything you do. Atlas held up the physical world. I ask you to uphold the heart of the

world. I ask you to add a dollop of joy to the world. Is there a better assignment? What else
would you rather be given? I say to you: "Uplift the spirit of the world. Make the world a
source of happiness." This is the charge I have given you.
I am not talking about forced laughter, beloveds. I am not talking about giggles. I am speaking
of a joy that runs through all transactions.

Do you not think that the sun has joy shining?

Consider yourself a sun in the world. Shine by your very presence. Light up the world. Do
this quietly without fanfare. No one but you and I need to know what you are doing. Let the
people not know. Let them say: "I feel good today. I don't know why. I feel the sun shining on
me. I feel my heart lifted. I feel a quickening of my step. I feel worthwhile. I feel like I'm
going somewhere that I'm eager to go to. I don't yet know what it is, yet I know that there is
something wonderful that I'm getting ready for. I am on my way."

And so you lift the world. Suddenly, the whole world will be lifted. It will be lit. You will rub
your eyes to make sure that you are seeing a-right. And you will see that you do your part, and
you serve humankind, and you serve Me.

You can consider yourself an electrician, if you like, for you are to rewire the world. All the
lights work now. All the lights stay lit. Now the light is seen everywhere. The sun of the world
has come out. You turned it on. There is not one candle that you blew out. There is not one
lighted heart that you dimmed. You welcomed the world to itself, and you welcomed everyone
to the world. And so you welcomed Me.

Not that I stand on ceremony. I don't wait for a welcome. I give a welcome. I welcomed you
long ago. Before you were born, I welcomed you. I welcome the thought of you, you who are
My very thought.

My love is very personal and very universal. My love is a given. Certainly, My love cannot be
turned off. It cannot actually be turned on either because My love is always on.

Set your love to On. There is no Off for you either, beloveds. You can turn on lights for
others, however. You can shine bright light on everyone else. Your thoughts will do this. Your
thoughts are the switch with which you light up the world. Your thoughts are the signal. Light
the world, and you also light up yourself.

You are the sensor that you turn on. The world depends upon your light. Keep your flame lit.
Remember what you are here on Earth for. You are here to lighten and brighten the world. You
are not here for anything else. The way to serve Me is not through words of adulation. The
way to serve Me is in quiet lighting up of the world. Cast your eye on the world in such a way
that you light it up. Shine the shoes of the world, as it were. Turn on all the heart lights. Give
your light.

Forget your title. CEO or assistant, lady of the house or the maid who cleans the house, you
have one occupation, and that is to serve Me, and you serve Me best by leaving on your light
wherever you are and whatever you do. Leave a trail of My light so that all may follow it and
know that there is, indeed, love shining in the world, and an Earth that is mighty like Heaven.


The misery in which you have been living is

coming to an end - 11/01/2009 by John
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am

The misery in which you have been living is coming to an end - 11/01/2009 by John

The state of full consciousness is living in eternal awareness of your oneness with God and
with all sentient beings. It is a state of brilliant creative alertness, accompanied by the power
and the ability to do anything you could possibly imagine. No limit is imposed on you — you
are free to do anything — and it is God’s will that you avail yourselves of this freedom
because He delights in your eternal joy and satisfaction.It is the state in which He created you
and you have never left it. You never could leave it because it is the boundless infinite Reality,
All That Is, God. There is absolutely no where else you could be.And in that state of absolute
freedom and joy, you built the harsh illusory reality in which it seems that you have your
existence. Your power and intelligence are infinite, and consequently your illusory reality was

cleverly constructed in your minds, and it is not only apparently totally real, but is apparently
so convincingly real that you have succeeded in losing yourselves within it and are unable to
find your way out.It seems that you are alone, lost, and abandoned; and so you live in a state
of permanent, confused anxiety, sometimes verging on extreme terror. You know deep within
you that you do not belong here because this place — this seeming reality — must be unreal.
And yet here you are!What did you do to get here? It must have been something very wicked
to land you in this state, and yet you have no recollection of it. And while you remain lost and
confused in this weird nightmare, you keep experiencing conditions of suffering and despair
that at times assume an intensity so extreme that you can no longer believe it is real. And you
are right! But your fear is so strong that you dismiss that thought and sink back into the
where you think you belong.But, enough is enough. You have spent far too long in your
illusory reality, inventing and constructing devices with which to damage and terrify each
other. It is time for you to leave behind this demonstrably insane illusory construct of strife
and woe. The game is over and you will cease feeling compelled to play.You are beginning to
stir. Thoughts that an existence of joy, peace, and wonder could be possible are beginning to
trickle into your mind. Hope that the interminable pain and discouragement you have been
experiencing could come to an end is raising your spirits. Your awareness is expanding,
allowing you to believe that you do have an unconditionally loving Father waiting to welcome
you into wakefulness. You are sensing that there are loving guides offering to take your hand
and lead you out of the depressing slough in which you have wallowed so miserably for so
long.And you are right! This misery in
which you have been living is coming to an end. You are to awaken into the brilliance and
bliss that God created for you, and which it is His will that you experience eternally. The
wonder of your awakening will engulf you with joy because that is your Father’s will for
you.With so very much love, Saul.

November 8, 2009, The beginning of the

Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld by
Carl Johan Calleman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am
 Send Message View Blog

November 8, 2009,
The beginning of the Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld

by Carl Johan Calleman

Before going into the specifics of the upcoming sixth night of the Galactic Underworld,
November 8, 2009 – November 2, 2010, I feel I should clarify some of my basic points of
departure for understanding the Mayan calendar, since the various ideas that are currently
proposed for this vary significantly. There are for instance those that believe that the end date
of the Mayan calendar only marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new. On my own
part I however think that we are approaching something much more profound than just a point
in a cycle that again will be repeated. Thus, there is overwhelming empirical evidence that we
are approaching a point in time when nine evolutionary levels of the cosmic plan are
simultaneously going to be completed. This is in accordance with the only Mayan inscription
from ancient times, the Tortuguero monument, which describes what will happen at the end
date. This would imply that we are approaching not another cycle or another shift, but the end
to all shifts, something that all evolution has been a preparation for and a build-up towards.
Only such an end to all shifts would conceivably provide the basis for a harmonious eternal
peace on Earth.

What is about to transpire now is in other words not something that has ever happened before
in the history of the universe. Maybe this impending, partially unknown, causes the
widespread denial that I feel dominate many people at the current moment. Rather than facing
a tremendous change in our socioeconomic relationships (since any change in human
consciousness also implies a change in our relationships) many prefer to fantasize about some
physical or astronomical event, that purportedly is going to happen on some specific date. In
reality the Mayan calendar is however not about something that will happen on a singular
date, but a description of a divine plan for the evolution of consciousness where quantum
shifts between calendrical energies bring about shifts in consciousness. Human consciousness
will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the

real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum
state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts
disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.
In this plan for the evolution of consciousness we are now approaching the sixth night of the
Galactic Underworld, the eighth of the nine Underworlds, which will begin on November 8,
2009. If my understanding of the Mayan calendar is correct we will in this coming night be
witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of
mankind. What is exciting about this is that a relatively clear picture of how a new world may
be born is now finally becoming evident. On the other hand, what is also becoming
increasingly clear is that this birth is likely to become very demanding. For this reason it
becomes all the more important to understand how some of the difficulties ahead actually
serve the delivery of this new world even though it may not always seem that they do in the
moment. If people can gain a realistic understanding of how this new world will be born
people may be able to keep a hope for the future, which is based on something more than
mere wishful thinking. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns about the Mayan calendar and
many that present themselves as experts on this deny the ancient Mayan knowledge that there
are nine cosmic forces that are about to manifest, and that it is these, and nothing else, that
explains why a new world will be born.

Thus, what will happen in the time ahead cannot be understood from the sixth night of the
Galactic Underworld alone. The overlapping with the cycles preparing for the ninth, and
highest, level in the cosmic evolution scheme; the Universal Underworld (see Figure) with the
energy of the sixth night will also need to be taken into consideration. Because of this
overlapping, and the speed-up of time associated especially with the latter Underworld, not
only do I think that the upcoming period will be unusually intense, but also energetically quite

At the time of this writing (October 26, 2009, 9 Lamat) we are still in the latter part of the
sixth day, the period of flowering in the process from seed to mature fruit in the Galactic
Underworld, which precedes the sixth night. As I predicted in an earlier article some
economists have now started to say that the “global economic recession” (or the worst of it) is
already over. There are however certain things currently going on in the world that belies this
and are more in line with the prediction I made earlier of a further economic downturn,
especially expressed in a fall in the value of the US dollar, as the sixth night begins.
(November 8, 2009 is when the quantum shift in energy takes places in the Heavens, but there
is always an uncertainty as to when the new energy lands in the world). This prediction was
based on the observation that nights, at least in the second part of an Underworld, usually
mean at the very least a slowdown of economic growth. An indication of such an impending
downturn at this upcoming night is for instance that there has been a rush for gold, which for
the first time passed the magical limit of USD 1000/troy ounce. Moreover, an index of insider
trading shows that people knowledgeable about the actual basis for valuing US stock tend to
think of this as highly overvalued. Most importantly, increasingly higher voices are now
raised in almost all corners of the world for the replacement of the petrodollar system and thus
also of the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. These various indices thus do
not indicate that the “recession” is over, but if anything that an intensification of the economic
decline, especially in the indebted West, is imminent. It seems that investors are escaping
assets in the form of paper or digit values, which is exactly what we would expect from this
late phase of the Galactic Underworld, when a shift in consciousness amounting to a shift
from abstract to concrete economic values is taking place.

I thus believe that what is happening in the world’s economy is something much more
profound and fundamental than a temporary recession. What is happening is instead a direct
consequence of the particular transformation of consciousness that the Galactic Underworld is
bringing. Consciousness in my view is primarily a relationship to the World Tree, which exists
on many different levels of the cosmos and causes synchronized shifts on these different
levels. What this means is that the shifts in consciousness that give new directions to our lives
will also directly affect the world and society at large and how we relate to this. A shift in
consciousness is hence not something that only happens in our heads, but also simultaneously
external changes in the relationships of the world. If this argument is true we should expect an
even further escape from abstract values as the sixth night begins, a shift that may be expected
to especially severely hit the western economies of the United States and the United
Kingdom, which remain the financial centers of the world and control much of its banking
activities. At the present time these nations, and especially the United States, are so indebted
that there really is no need to present an explanation as to why there would be another
downturn in its economy. All that is needed is something to trigger what is going to happen
one way or another. While many things may trigger such a downturn, and the media will place
all the emphasis on this trigger, the deeper reasons for a downturn is in my view best
understood from the Mayan calendar, since this explains its underlying reasons in how the
human mind is influenced by shifts in cosmic energy. From a Mayan calendar perspective the
ongoing decline in economic growth reflects a stepwise adaptation to the end of the economic
cycles that will be associated with the Mayan end date (or beginning date of a new world if
you like).

If the downturn of the economy is part of a process creating the conditions for the birth of a
new world a relevant question to ask is how deep it is going to be. Even if it seems clear that
the value of paper money, and especially the US dollar, will be hit, it is still somewhat of an
open question how far-reaching the consequences of this will be. I think this can only be
understood from a study of what might be the nature of the new world to be born. When it
comes to understanding this it seems however that there are actually no ancient Mayan
sources to consult. The Mayan sources only say that Nine Underworlds are going to manifest
as the calendar comes to an end, but there is no ancient inscription, which talks about what
will follow upon this. Because of this dearth of material I suggest that we turn to sources from
the large Abrahamic religions such as the Bible or the Quran, which do say something on the
matter. If we combine these with our understanding from the Mayan calendar I feel we may
gain some idea of what is to come.

Hence, the Quran says this in Surah 82:17-19: “And what will explain to thee what the Day of
Judgment is? Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? (It will be) the
Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day,
will be (wholly) with Allah.” I believe this disappearance of dominance may refer to the
Universal Underworld, which brings a consciousness of oneness and transparency to our
whole beings and all of our past actions. If we take this seriously it would imply that all
chains to people dominating others would need to be broken before this. The last book of the
Bible, the Book of Revelation 21:4-5 also describes a new world to be born: “And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he
that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” This would seem to imply that
all chains to the past would need to be broken for the new world to be born. Taken together it
would seem that as pre-requisites for the birth of a new earth we would need to free ourselves
from the chains to the past as well as from chains to other people.

To some these changes may look so great that it might even be more comfortable to fantasize
that the world would come to an end than to go through all of the necessary changes turning
our world upside down. Certainly, there is also a tremendous amount of people in power, who
do not want to see such a transformation towards equality and harmony coming about. These
quotes may however give us a hint about how difficult the economic downturn may become.
Will money for instance disappear completely? I think the answer to this is that money will
disappear to the extent that it no longer chains the world to the past. In practice, this probably
means that all thinking about profitable investing etc seem to be somewhat beside the point,
since the emerging new world is not likely to be a growth economy based on the drive for
accumulation of abstract values. More likely, the new world is going to be one based on
sharing and care-taking of all members of society as the unity consciousness of the Universal
Underworld, presumably after much turmoil, eventually is established. The more immediate
time period in the sixth night will then be when the practical expressions of this
transformation will need to be tested out and implemented. This may from the perspective of
the current world seem unthinkable. Yet, we shall remember that there is no such thing as an
eternal human nature and that our perception of reality, and what we are propelled to create,
always varies between the different Underworlds. The human beings of the Regional,
National, Planetary and Galactic Underworlds are completely different in their approach to
life and the universal human being that will be created by the Ninth and Universal
Underworld will represent the crowning step of the evolution of consciousness. Thus, she is
then likely to embody a different perception of the world and different qualities compared to

So how in practice will this transition come about from a human being, who essentially looks
after herself to one that sees the unity of all and shares the fruits of creation? Such a
transformation of our experience of life may now seem as impossible as the fall of the Berlin
Wall once seemed. But similarly to how the fall of the Berlin Wall ultimately was a reflection
of a transcendence of an east-west polarity in human consciousness the new world to be born
is designed to result from a transcendence of the inner and outer walls maintained especially
by the western mind. Thus, my suspicion is that during the first half of the sixth night the
world’s economy will increasingly slow down and the consumption of the US population will
no longer be able to keep the industrial engines of the world going. Yet, because of the
indirect effects of this downturn, no part of the world can expect to be untouched. In this
downturn it will then come a point when it will start to dawn on many people that it will never
be possible to resurrect the old growth economy and that there will be never be any return to a
“business as usual.” At that point very radical socio-economic solutions will need to be
explored for people to survive also in a literal physical sense as it becomes obvious that it is
the nature of the economic relationships and the chains to the economy of the past that cause
this situation. We may for instance ask what will happen if major portions of the population in
economically significant countries like will not be able to pay their mortgages? Will these
people then have to leave their houses in mass so that countless houses owned by banks will
sit empty when people are out on the streets? This is the kind of situation that has already
appeared in the some car manufacturing suburbs of Detroit. Hence, this scenario is not
hypothetical, but has already to some extent happened on a limited scale.

What likely will happen then is that demands will be raised for a moratorium on all debts, so
that people will no longer have to pay to the banks to stay in their homes. Maybe this will be
preceded on a larger scale on a larger scale as some nations see it necessary to push for the
cancellations of national debts as a means of stabilizing the world. If such a moratorium on
debts is instituted it would in fact be like cancelling the power of money as it exists now. It

would mean a shift into an economic system, which no longer is enslaved by the past. This
would then obviously also mean an end to the borrowing of money effectively creating a
break for the growth economy. Instead what would be emphasized is that the needs of people
are met in the present moment (returning to the theme of cutting the chains of the past). This
of course would be nothing short of a revolution, and most likely a worldwide such, since the
worlds’ economies at the current time are so deeply entangled. Most likely this would spread
from the US to much of the rest of the world. Such an enormous transformation of the world’s
socio-economic system would then be likely to take place in the time period between July 17,
2010 (the Cosmic Convergence)* and the beginning of the Seventh day of the Galactic
Underworld (November 3, 2010). Naturally, it would have repercussions for all of the systems
of dominance that the world has inherited especially from the National, but also the Planetary,
Underworld. Energetically speaking this time period, July 17-November 3, 2010, is created
through the overlap of the pre-Universal Underworld and the Galactic Underworld.** What
this revolutionary time period most likely is going to amount to is a corresponding decrease of
governmental and national authority (not that of any particular government, but governmental
authority as such, something which humanity has inherited from the National Underworld). It
will seriously come into question what we need governments and national borders for “when
no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another.” My vision for the time period from the
Cosmic Convergence until the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld is
thus a total overhaul of human civilization. This then would also be a time to make choices of
path individually.

Why would this particular time period, July 17, 2010 – November 2, 2010, bring such a
revolutionary transformation? Well, there are two earlier time periods that are noteworthy as
parallels to this upcoming one. One is AD 1498-1617, the Renaissance, which in a broad
sense meant the overturning of the feudal system that saw the Vatican as the ultimate source
of worldly power and the beginning of the modern era. The other is 1986-1992, which carried
a revolutionary wave of democracy (including the fall of the Berlin Wall) resulting in a world
whose hemispheres were no longer separated. We may also notice that these two
revolutionary time periods gave rise to new expressions of spirituality, in the first case the
Reformation and in the second the Harmonic Convergence*** that became somewhat of a
starting point for the eclectic spirituality of our own time.

I feel it is an open question whether this transformative revolution between July 17 and
November 3, 2010 will be violent or not. What seems clear however is that people will be
divided as to whether they want to flow with the incoming energies leading towards a new
world or if they will resist them and seek to hold on to or go back to the system of the past.
How they relate to this change will however also depend on the understanding people have of
the Mayan calendar and the cosmic plan, which at the current time only a very small minority
is aware of at least in its true form as a manifestation of nine cosmic forces. People at large
may in fact never recognize any conscious warning signals for what is to come. Yet, inasmuch
as they understand that the large-scale changes emanate from a divine plan this would mean
that a spiritual awakening could take place. If this happens they will not be inclined to look at
the changes around them as just meaningless chaotic events as they surely will be presented
by the dominating media.

Considering that this is all about the participation in a process of evolution of consciousness
there is a great danger in people believing that the Mayan calendar is about a singular date
(such as December 21, 2012) when some event will happen, whether this is made up as a
“pole shift”, “galactic alignment,” “Planet X,” “end of the world” or “shift in consciousness.”

This is an incredibly naïve view of an essentially religious, or superstitious, nature where
changes are believed to simply fall down upon the human beings from the sky without their
active and conscious participation in the processes leading up to a state of unity
consciousness. In reality, there is overwhelming evidence that the Mayan calendar describes
sequential shifts in consciousness, which will begin to be experienced at an even higher
frequency after July 17, 2010 and even more markedly so after the beginning of the actual
Universal Underworld on March 8, 2011. Only at October 28, 2011 will the shifts come to an
end and a unity consciousness stabilize that will provide the basis for a millennium of peace.
This frequency increase incidentally also explains such a tremendous overhaul of all systems
of dominance could take place in such a short period of time. A recommendation I would like
to make, in addition to ethical living and telling the truth, is to learn to flow with the ninth
level (
Stay in the middle of the river with a focus on the manifestation of the new world!

Carl Johan Calleman

Berlin, October 26, 2009 (9 Lamat)

* In my earlier books I have vacillated when it comes to the duration of the Universal
Underworld, sometimes thinking that it will be a tzolkin round of 260 days and sometimes
that it would be a twentieth of the Galactic Underworld, which would amount to 13 x 18 =
234 days. As we are now getting close to the final transformation scenario I have come to lean
over to the idea that the Universal Underworld will indeed be 234 days long placing its
beginning at March 8, 2011 and the beginning of the preceding pre-Universal Underworld at
July 17, 2010. The uncertainty with this is that there seems to be no ancient Mayan source
describing such a 18 day oxlahunkin time period, even if it would seem to be the logical one.
On the other hand the ancient Maya did not have to deal with the transformation scenario into
a new world and so may have ignored it, while it still may become very important in our own
time. There is however a precedent to how a cycle only became followed by the Maya as its
effects became a reality. This is the so-called Short Counts of 13 katuns, which were not
observed in Classical Mayan times presumably because their effects were then not yet
strongly felt. Only later in Post-Classical times did the effects of these short counts become so
strong that they became the dominating cycles followed by the Maya and so came to replace
the Long Count as the central calendrical cycle. Thus, if the Classical Maya did not base their
calendars on the Short Counts they would have had even less reason to take a 18 day cycle
into account, which to them would have an effect only in a very distant future.

** What is played out here is the interaction between overlapping time periods produced by
dividing the Galactic Underworld into 13 and 20, respectively, as a parallel to the energetic
overlaps of the trecena and the uinal in the tzolkin. If the Galactic Underworld of 4680 days is
divided by 13 it generates a day or night of 360 days, but if it is divided by 20 it generates a
wave movement totaling 234 days.

*** The Cosmic Convergence called for on July 17-18 is thus a direct parallel to the
Harmonic Convergence in the sense that what the Harmonic Convergence was to the Galactic
Underworld the Cosmic Convergence will be to the Universal Underworld. This means that
the Cosmic Convergence may not only become the beginning of a transformative political
period similarly to what happened in 1986, but also the first breeze of a spiritual awakening
that will later be fully expressed in the Universal Underworld.


Universal Beginnings and the Crysto-

Electric Cosmos Archangel Metatron
Channel via James Tyberonn Greetings !
I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I
embrace you with love, unconditional
love. We e…
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am

Universal Beginnings and the Crysto-Electric Cosmos

Archangel Metatron Channel

via James Tyberonn

Greetings !

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love. We encircle
each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment,
for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you
inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and
sovereign BEING, discern this and any such 'channeled' messages.

There have always been the nay-sayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and
warnings of fear. And these serve a purpose in duality. But it is old energy. And it is not the
role of Spirit. We will never tell you to give up you free will. Our message is to tell you of
your Divinity.

So many of your religions are rife with control dogma, warnings and restrictions. They
program you with erroneous concepts of 'original sin', poverty vows and focus on what not to
do. Their fear based controls have underpinnings of punishment for violators, creating group
thought forms to cage you in. This encourages fanaticism and zealotry. It spawns self-
righteousness and threats of retribution: our way or else. Its old energy, its fear. Masters, you
can never return to states of lesser awareness, life is expansion.

Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its
truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and

what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its
beauty to one grouping. While you are indeed accountable for your actions, that
accountability is to SELF. You are a sovereign spark of the Divine. And true Spirit will never
attempt to scare you.

As you near the Ascension, the polarity flows into balance, the arc of duality will lessen. But
none the less the old energy throes of fear, self-righteousness and zealot dogma will be drawn
into the crucible for all to see. Events are skewed to make them feel exonerated. Look around
your planet and see the old energy in its fight for control. They nay-sayers are doing their job,
and doing it well.

Look for LOVE, Dear Ones, look for freedom of expression within that LIGHT that is true
Love that is the true illuminated path of Spirit. And in duality as Light grows brighter, you
will find that light attracts bugs! But find impeccability and do not be distracted or give into
fear. Life is abundant. Do not seek to impose your will over others, and do not allow others to
impose their will over you. Find sovereignty in LOVE and listen to your heart, your inner
voice, and discernment is key. Love is the frequencial key of First Cause. You are here on the
planet of lesson to grow, and to learn, and we honor you on that PATH. The Cosmology of the
Multiverse & The Sacred Cosmic Pulse

And so Dear Ones, we begin an assay on the Cosmic Pulse and the Cosmology of the
Universe, a truly fascinating topic. Indeed a subject that has intrigued mankind since the
beginnings on Earth. Before we really begin this message, we tell you that mankind views the
Universe from the tunnel-vision of his unique point in time, and that narrows humanities
ability to perceive the full spectrum of the greater Universal reality. We tell you that the great
error in your current scientific studies of Universal formation Cosmology is that it omits the
Divine. Divine-Thought is Prime Creator, it is First Cause. But subsequent to this axiom, there
is a scientific process to the unfurling genesis, it is Second-Cause but it is intricately laced
with the sacred. When acceptance of the sacred first principle is combined with accurate
science, many doors will be opened to you, and you are on the threshold of such an integral

Now, we have already shared with you that there are many Earths, many inner realities and
dimensions within the multiplex Omniverse. That you think of as the 'Angelic Realm'
interfaces with you in what is termed anti-matter. It is far more than anti-matter in the sense of
reverse charged ions like those being engineered in particle accelerators, but rather the full
panorama of the manifold inverse phase of matter. It is physical reality turned inside out, and
each phase has myriad components and layers within and without. We have told you that your
linear-time based perception of reality truly takes place in a nonlinear strobe sequence of
'consciousness units' that are regulated between the shift of matter to anti-matter within
multidimensionality. That in this process the inward shift occurs through macro and micro
'black holes' and the outward through macro and micro 'white holes'. This in-out / push-pull
occurs in a cosmic flash that is the true magno-rhythm of your reality in duality. The
dimension you call Time is not a one way street. It not only moves forward and backward, it
moves in and out in hologramic programs of your dimensional realities in the eternal NOW of
simultaneous time.

As such we tell you again that your perception of the Cosmic Universe is relative to the
distinct point in time in which you observe it. You see there are many Universes in the
Multiverse, and all were formed by First Cause. But we tell you this TRUTH, understanding

the sacred scientific nature of one unlocks the door to the others. You are on the cusp of doing
this, and there is both a sacred and scientific advantage to this. It is more important in
unlocking frequencial doors into your true origin and nature than you realize.

As such the information we are about to pass to you has clues to the science behind
Cosmology and its sacred applications that lead to the quantum leap in consciousness that is
part and parcel of the ongoing Ascension of your planet and mankind Cosmology of the
Present Universe

With those caveats, we tell you that the so called Big Bang never took place as your
Newtonian physicists believe. Indeed many scientists and researchers are seeing challenges
that reveal this.

Your current main-stream theory of Universal (Second-Cause) Evolution is based, generally

speaking, on the work of Newton and Einstein. Newton's concept of 'universal gravitation'
provided a theoretical underpinning for the Copernican revolution, in which the Earth was no
longer the center of the universe, but revolved around the Sun. Newton discerned an
'attractive' gravity based force between all physical objects, a force directly proportional to the
mass of the objects and operating everywhere in the universe. But his theory evolved into the
assumption that gravity permeated space, and that this space was electrically neutral.

A grouping of your forward-thinking scientist are now studying Plasma Physics and the
theories they are putting together in the concept of an electrical force in the Cosmos, an
'Electrical Universe' is getting closer to the verity, but some of the pieces to the puzzle are still
missing. Some of these new theorists conclude that black holes and dark matter do not exist,
and that electricity is responsible for the energy that formed planets and stars. On the former
it's a strike and miss, and the latter - it's a hit, an important one.

In fact black holes do indeed exist, but they are twinned with white holes and their function
and true nature are not yet grasped. We tell you black holes are not the carnivorous all
consuming monster you think. But it is not the black holes or any theorized 'dark matter' that
coheres, gravitates and powers the Cosmos. It is rather something of a coherent cosmic
electrical force, and it is geometric. It is Metatronic. It is in fact a form of refined electrical
energy with induced crystalline attributes, and it is coded with the Divine. It is a function of
the Crystalline-Electro Cosmic Grid.

Intradimensional Crystalline-Electrics

Your current advancements in higher resolution instruments have allowed your scientist to
observe images and evidence of the omnipresent filamentation and cellular structures of
cosmic- plasma. And this is a great nudge of an exciting and important new understanding.

It is leading to a requisite discovery that what you term the void in space is neither truly void
nor electrically neutral. It points to cosmic electricity. Neutral plasma will not organize itself
into cells and filaments. The extra terrestrial Cosmos is not electrically neutral, and the
seeming paradox is that it is charged within a crystalline structure. Your advanced telescopes
are now providing images that reveal strands of electrical currents feeding the core of your
spiral galaxy, the Milky Way. No Newtonian gravitational theorist or their model of orbital
mechanics allow for structures or circuitry of this sort. In electrical terms the filaments are the
cosmic power transmission lines feeding the plasmoid at the center of the galaxy. But they are

much more than that. Your spiraled Galaxy contains a larger sphere of positive charges
superimposed upon a smaller inner-sphere containing negative charges. The Galactic Centre
down to your sun and the planets are electrically charged, and the great central sun itself is the
focus of a great Cosmic Crysto-Electric discharge, and is the source of all radiant energy. All
astronomical bodies are inherently charged objects immersed in a universe that is a
crystalline-electromagnetic fabric .These dynamic charges appear locally on all cosmic
bodies, arising from the plasmic separation of positive and negative ions on a galactic scale.
In fact these electromagnetic forces played a crucial role in sculpting the surfaces and shaping
the orbits of the bodies of your solar system. Crysto- electric discharge created the form, and
is the second-cause of your Universal evolution. It was not the Big Bang as you perceive it.

We add that there are some remarkable Arcturians incarnate on your planet now. These
brilliant men were once scientist-priest in the Atla-Ra of Atlantis at the time of Tyberonn the
Pleadean. They are on the verge of these discoveries. For it is knowledge well known in the
Atlantean era.

The Cosmic Pulse

And so we speak of the Cosmic Pulse. It is an omnipotent source and force of energy that is
Intradimensional and in your current technology, immeasurable. The energy of the Cosmic
Pulse occurs in two formats, one as a conduit of current, and the other as a lattice work, a
living sentient grid.

The Cosmos contains within it what may be termed a Crysto-Electrical circuitry within the
active plasma of the galaxies and intraspace. This circuitry feeds the core of your galaxy. This
'active' plasma is in many forms, both hot and cold, and it is coherent and conscious. This
plasma is not fixed in one dimension or in only one Universe. You see this plasma operates in
a spectrum, not unlike light. It fluctuates and fades in an out of both dimensional realities and
into other Universes. It is in fact the glue that binds them together.

Cosmic Trigger Phase ll

This intradimensional plasma produces a braided helixed current that is crystalline. But how
can a crystalline substance have polarity aspects, ionic charges? Because it is produced by the
Crystalline structure of the geometric Cosmic Lattice, the Galactic Grid. It becomes coherent,
through the 'pinch' of its attraction and compression.

Just as certain piezoelectric crystals on your planet release electrical charge when mechanical
pressure is applied, this plasma is released through something akin to what is termed the 'z-
pinch' effect of compression exerted on the piezo crystalline matrix of the Cosmic Grid.

As you approach the Ascension, this crysto-electrical current is poised to play a major role in
the Crystalline Frequencial Upshift of your Earth, and indeed humanity. It is part of the
crystalline portion of the Cosmic Trigger. We tell you this current is being coded with an
inverse spiral that is requisite not only to the planet but to the quintessential upshift to
MerKiVah. It is imperative to the Metatronic Keys.

Spiraled Galaxies & The Cosmic Pulse

Dear Ones, just as your earth is a living sentience , so your Galaxies within the Multiverse

each have a conscious sentience. But it is a far more advanced, an exponentially higher
refined sentience .

Your Galaxy, the Milky Way is a spinning Spiraled Galaxy. That is a purposed Metatronic
format. It is why your Earth, as well as the Arcturius & the Orion nebula is within this specific
geometric galaxial matrix. The Cosmic Pulse within Spiraled Galaxies forms the creation
pattern that you term the golden spiral. This unique form of spiral is more conducive to both
physical form as well as the duality component of your earth.

The Cosmic Pulse emanates from the Galactic Cosmic Grid. The Galactic Grid in your
spiraled Milky Way is the 'formatted creation server' that allows all that is within its sphere of
influence to dynamically and creatively expand just as your evolving planetary grids do on
your Earth.

Your 144-Crystalline Grid is energized via the spiraled Cosmic Pulse of your Galactic Grid.
And on the March Equinox of 2010, the 144 Grid will be formatted to allow a greater portion
of the Cosmic Pulse into the Earth through a focalized expansion in its geometric format. This
will be phase ll of the Cosmic Trigger. The crystalline electricity that will be allowed to flow
through will be receive into the core of the planet and an inverse spiral will be emanated
outward and made available to the MerKiVic expansion of the human auric form.

Human Beings have an auric energy, in your terms, that is bio electromagnetic. This field
receives energy patterns and codes constantly through induction. The higher geometry of this
field is the MerKaBah, but the prior system of the MerKaBah must be up shifted to
crystalline. It will do so by evolving into a magnificent format called the MerKiVah . The
MerKiVah is Metatronic and will allow vastly greater attributes to the focused seeker. It will
enable the Divine Human to carry the higher frequencies coming into your planet thru the
144-Crytsalline Grid via the Cosmic Pulse. In this process it will upshift your DNA into a
more complex crystalline form. You see DNA is now shifting from magnetic into crystalline.

Alton Kamadon - Crystallization of the Divinity Glands

And so we bring in the energy of Alton Kamadon who is now as the Enochian energy of the
Metatronic field. "Dear Friends, we first brought forth the crystalline visualization of the
pineal, pituitary and thymus glands several years before my transition in the advanced levels
of the 'Melchizedek Method'. This was to prepare for what is beginning to occur now in the
Crystalline Age. We are working with the channel in the teaching of this process, and it will
be available to all of you as Metatronic Keys. There is a new crystalline structure and code to
activate the transformation of the three divinity glands required to move into the higher
geometric MerKiVah. This action will play a role in facilitating the DNA transformation to
crystal energy. We have provided this information and it will be released to you in our
sequential channel. Among the 'quantum' attributes will be a much greater immunity for the
body physical, and an expanded consciousness of your multidimensionality. I leave you for
now, but know that all is well, and I am with you ever"

The New Firmament

In planetary terms the changes that are occurring activate the crystalline emissions that will
form the crystalline aspect of the evolving planetary elliptical Firmament. This shall be shared
in greater detail in a forthcoming communication.

Mechanics of the Cosmic Pulse

Now, the upshifting of the Earth involves, as we have shared, a greater allowance of the
crystalline electrical current into your planet through the lens of your 144 Crystalline Grid.
But the cosmic pulse that occurs in your physical universe is not new. It was as we have
mentioned, well known to the Atlanteans. It was in fact utilized. The filaments of the Cosmic
Electrodynamic current integrate all matter. As such the suns, stars and planets are all to an
extent driven and powered by this current. Accordingly every stellar and planetary body in
space carries an electrical resonate charge, including your earth. This energy is received
through the magnetosphere of your earth and is drawn into the earth's crystalline core. It emits
a blue-wave radiation that provides higher spectrum light to your inner earth civilizations.

Galaxial Ley System

The conduits of this charge are network throughout the Galaxy, and can be compared to the
ley system of the earth, and the nervous system of the human body. Electrics, magnetics,
gravity, crystallization and light are tantamount factors in the Cosmic Grid (and indeed your
developing planetary grid). They are the primary tools of your planetary frequencial
Ascension. They are as yet enigmas to you. They are not understood. Their combinations are
the engines of the Universe and their ratios are the music of the spheres.

Your planetary grids and magnetospheres act as double layered surge protectors, but
occasionally this charge overloads. There is evidence of this, unrecognized, in your solar
system, and indeed on the Earth.

Each planet has a specific parameter of electrical charge it carries. When this charge is
overloaded in a surge, a form of internal electricity will burst out in potent arcs that create
implosion effects both on the physical planet and its intra-dimensional aspect.. This has
occurred on your earth after the breakup of the initial Firmament. This is in fact what formed
the Grand Canyon !

Indeed over-surge implosion of arc-lightening not only formed the Grand Canyon, but also
Meteor Crater in Arizona, and the Tungstoy Crater in Siberia. Neither of the latter two have
revealed iron-nickel meteorite fragments within their craters. Evidence of this is also on the
moon and all of your planets. Jupiter's Fourth Moon and the Valle Marinera Canyon on Mars
are other enigmatic examples of Arc Implosions. Indeed these are understood and recognized
by some of your maverick scientist.

The Reverse Spin of Implosion Fields

Now, to relate this to your earth, we will tell you that the arc lightening emitted from within
the earth that created the implosion scars of the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater and Tungstoy,
have created a unique energy field. All reverse spin of intradimensional light occurs here, and
as such a unique balance-counter balance occurs that spins light in helical and anti-helical
spins. Gemstones and minerals found within these areas have unique properties as a result that
can be very balancing and beneficial in auric expansion. One of the interesting effects within
these areas is the presence of a very beneficial energy resulting from a unique anti-
gravitational field that occurred from the Electro-Arc implosion.

This field has periods of intra-dimensional openings that enable time-program anomalies at
specific astronomical gravity phases. This benevolent energy is very unique on your planet ,
and allows multidimensional awareness and experiences of bi-location more easily in certain
vectors within it. Aspects of your government are indeed aware of some of these anomalies
within the Grand Canyon.
There are other lesser impact areas where this has occurred on the planet, and one of these is
the Andara region of California, the Grimes Point area of Nevada and the mid south central
section of the Ural Mountains.


Dear Ones, in closing, we tell you that the scientific processes of your Universal Cosmology
in the Second -Cause is a key component of your integrating the scientific with the sacred. It
will unlock doors that not only allow you to understand the profound complexities of your
realities, but more easily migrate into the new energies of the Crystalline Age within the

You live in a very special Spiraled Galaxy in a very special solar system. They are Crysto-
Electric. The Earth and mankind will soon experience this beautiful transformation.

You have all specifically planned to experience this amazing graduation. Metaphysics is now
beginning to attract a very special guild of highly advanced souls into its midst. This is a
younger generation of academics and scientist, who have been scientist priest.

They will become known in the next decade..Indeed it is time to embrace the full circle of
'sacred and science'. Wondrous times await you.

Enjoy them Dear Ones, choose to live free, choose to release worry and fear, and create your
well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and
frequency of God.

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS.

And so it is.

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The Council of 12 - 2010 Predictions: A
Time of Transparency
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:00am

2010 Predictions: A Time of Transparency

In the year 2010, it will become harder to hide truth. The walls that separate fact from fiction
will weaken under the force of humanity's emerging light consciousness. Transparency will
become the watchword of the times.

What does this mean? And how is this relevant for you, the Divine Changemaker™?

On a global level, it means that many of the disparities and dysfunctions of your world will
come out of the shadows of ignorance. As this happens, longstanding out-of-balance
situations will be seen and recognized as detriments, even more than at present.

Likewise, universal truths about energy and the interconnectedness of all life will emerge into
the mainstream with increasing speed. There will be a growing sense of awareness across the
planet that many things aren't really as they have appeared to be for a long time.

Until fairly recently, mainstream thinking has been in a box wrapped tightly with string. The
year 2010 heralds a further loosening of the string around that box. Things outside
conventional thinking that you have long believed to be true will receive noteworthy mention
from unlikely sources.

Don't be surprised when you hear that some high-level public figures believe there is probably
life on other planets. Be prepared for announcements of cures for devastating diseases. Some
diseases may even be reclassified as researchers more fully understand how the body's
interconnected energy systems work.

The planet's history will come under a microscope too, as policymakers and scientists grapple
with solutions to the world's growing list of concerns.

People who were seemingly unawake before will begin to connect with a desire for a more
heart-centered life. Underneath that desire will be a remembrance that there is a spiritual force
that is at the core of each being. This is the Divine spark that is within all life.

The early stages of this remembering typically manifest as a general discontent. When the
dissatisfaction grows sufficiently, the person begins to question more deeply and to ask for
different things than they are used to receiving.

Understanding Others

This is being mentioned here so you will more easily connect the dots when your friends,
colleagues and loved ones begin to awaken and act differently than before. You will of course

delight in their waking up, yet their actions may seem bewildering.

Sometimes their questioning will be cloaked in nonsensical debating or complaining. It may

appear that some of their irritation is because of something you did. Oftentimes, what you did
or did not do is only a catalyst for their discontent. So it's not personal. If you can remember
this when you are thrown into the center of the other person's wake-up chaos, it will be easier
for you to find your center.

During the year 2010, you will have ample opportunities to hone your abilities of
discernment. As the prevalence of transparency increases, you will have much to ponder and
examine. Some of the truthful information coming to light will be packaged side-by-side with
lies. This means that part of what you are shown is true, but the overall picture may be
misleading. Some who pretend to be transparent will present a mixture of true and not-so-true

To be sure though, the truth will come out on all things in time.

The veils of deception can no longer be held in place as the planet moves into a higher
consciousness. The hidden-whether it involves the good, the bad or the ugly-will naturally
become increasingly transparent.

You as Divine Changemaker™


Remember that you, as a Divine Changemaker™, have come to Earth now to be at the
forefront of changes involved with shifting your planet into light. To be a Divine
Changemaker™ means that you are moving into conscious creation and taking back your

You are acknowledging spirit and recognizing that you come from spirit. You are finding
ways to return to the heart-centered beingness that is your true nature. You are seeing that
most people have forgotten their Divine heritage. You are observing how people have learned
to be disconnected from each other and from the Divine force that is meant to be the food of

Because of your consciousness and earlier experiences, you are among those taking the lead
during these times of planetary crisis. Keep in mind that being farther along on the path
doesn't make you special or better than anyone else. However, your light and the ways that
you express it can be of tremendous help to others who are in the earlier stages of waking up.

Your light can also be a pivotal beneficial force to other light workers traveling shoulder-to-
shoulder with you. Your comrades need to know that they aren't alone. You give each other
the reminder that this is a group effort. You can help one another to move more easily through
the chaos, and to stay sane. You can be the rock of stability for each other.

The people in your energetic sphere of influence are facing similar challenges you face-great
uncertainty, sweeping changes, economic reconfiguration, ongoing chaos, and strained
relationships. They face these things regardless of whether they are as prepared as you are. In
this lifetime and even in past lives, you've done homework and preparation that some other

people are only now initiating. Your advance preparation will help you greatly in 2010.

One factor that's helping you even now, more than you likely recognize, is that you have been
introduced to many useful tools for coping and you have learned some basics about how to
respond to life with intuitively guided reason. You have discovered that the key to peace is to
learn how to create peace within yourself. You know without a doubt that your relationship
with spirit is the glue that puts all the disconnected pieces together.

Now is the time to put all of what you learned into action. It's important that you act on what
you know. Do this even when you feel that you don't have all the answers. Start from where
you are, and more answers will come to you as needed. Trust that your light-infused actions
will make a difference in what happens next-in your own soul's progression and in the future
of your beloved Earth.

Remember that humans have a distorted idea of time. It may appear as though no one was
preparing for the great shift of life on Earth. To the untrained eye, the current turmoil may feel
like a recent phenomenon. This point of view runs counter to the way your universe really
works. As you will understand more and more, it's really about cycles that are continually in

The cycle of your Earth's current waking-up process has been gaining momentum for many
years. However, now there is a magnification process involved. This means a much faster
parting of the veils that long have kept people in ignorance. It means increasing amounts of
transparency involving all aspects of your society. This is significant.

Transparency and the Great Shift


The trend towards greater transparency has nothing to do with politics, religion, or desires of
special interest groups. Likewise, it has nothing to do with what's right or wrong. The
movement into greater clarity goes hand-in-hand with the great shift of the ages. That shift
involves a thinning of the veils that have long kept the masses in the dark.

Many of the world's problems have been building for a very long time, yet only recently has
this begun to become apparent to the general populace. Likewise, the life journey for people
incarnated on Earth today is a continuum-a cycle of energy put in motion over lifetimes.

There is a tendency each time, including this key lifetime, to forget what happened before and
to have amnesia about one's gifts and character flaws. As remembering is triggered, the
individual response will depend upon how evolved the person is this lifetime and his or her
state of consciousness when being confronted with a reality-shifting truth.

The demystifying of life, on the grand scale it is occurring now, is unprecedented. In no other
lifetime have you been faced with reexamining so much about what's real, what to pay
attention to, and how you fit in.

Even if you are a seasoned light worker, you can become anxious when discovering that your
early life training did little to prepare you for the level of unfolding now under way. Go gently
with yourself and with your human comrades who also are finding their way out of the dark.

It will be easier on some days, harder on others.

The Blinders are Gone


In many cases, it will be a bit like the race horse that after the race has its blinders removed
before being turned loose into open pasture. Sometimes the horse will respond wildly, running
as fast as it can in the direction of freedom, yet having no specific destination in mind.

At other times, the horse will move smoothly and effortlessly into the open field, feeling
confident and in good spirits. On occasion, the horse will stand in place, immobilized and in a
daze. If feeling sufficiently aggravated, the horse may rear up and kick its handler out of
defiance. If it's let loose with other horses, its herding instinct may come into play. The horse
will then follow the lead of the dominant mare.

People often respond similarly to the race horse when faced with the need to make radical
changes and answer questions without external guidance. There's a learned tendency to bolt
away from restrictions, even if there's no clarity about where one is bolting. There could be
more clarity if people had more experience and confidence with accessing their heart's inner
wisdom. With no intelligent plan, the person who bolts ahead is really no better off than

Similarly, people often let fear be an immobilizing force rather than the catalyst to do great

Pack mentality is a serious obstacle as well. This is especially true in times when people are
feeling isolated and crave connection with others.

10 Questions to Ask in 2010


To avoid being like the wild race horse in 2010, here is a list of 10 questions you can ask on a
regular basis. Come back to these questions whenever you desire more clarity, more focus,
more balance, and more inner confidence about your path of light.

1. As I consider an issue or situation, am I looking at both the relevant details and the big

2. What is the key missing piece of information that will allow me to have clarity about an
issue or situation?

3. What is in the way of my seeing what I need to see?

4. How am I sabotaging my own progress?

5. In what ways am I giving away my power?

6. What is the one change I could make in my life to radically shift out of past rigid

conditioning and into a more enlightened state?

7. As I consider the current outer world news and prophecies about 2012, which things are
really true, which are assumption, which make me the most fearful, and which cause me to
feel the most hope?

8. How comfortable do I feel becoming more transparent with myself, my loved ones, and my
outer world?

9. What am I afraid to know about myself?

10. Have I remembered today that I am a Divine Changemaker™, contemplating what that
means in action?

Your One Choice


You really have one choice to make when it comes to change. Are you embracing your role as
Divine Changemaker™ or are you allowing yourself to be a victim of change?

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our
love and blessings.

We are The Council of 12

Selacia: A channel for The Council of 12, is internationally known for her work in the
inspirational/ transformation field. In her book, The Golden Edge, readers are provided with
guideposts and cutting-edge tools for moving out of fear and into joy and wholeness. She
provides private sessions (in person and long distance by phone) to clients all around the
world: channeling, DNA healing, DNA activation, animal communication, animal healing,
astrology. An experienced healer, she offers DNA intuitive healing sessions that incorporate
the Council of 12's energetics, healing energies and wisdom. Also included in the DNA
clearings are rose quartz heart-shaped and obelisk-shaped crystals, energetically infused by
The Council of 12 to accelerate and integrate the DNA work. The Council of 12 has selected a
number of rose quartz and other crystals for their work through Selacia. Each one of them is
infused with the Council's high-vibrational energies and healing. In 2000, she brought the
Council of 12's wisdom to the UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the
United Nations. She offers ongoing teachings and workshops in DNA intuitive healing and
other modalities. A monthly free introductory evening seminar is offered in the Los Angeles
area. Regular circles of healing/evenings of channeling are offered with The Council of 12,
including the annual Wesak celebration. If you would like to facilitate a workshop, order a
copy of her book with personal message from The Council of 12, or to schedule a private
session, contact Selacia in Santa Monica, CA. USA at: Tel: 310.915.2884, Fax: 310.664.6093,
E-mail: Web site:

Message from Artemis October 30, 2009
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:30am

Beloved Lightworkers,

I have come forth this day to speak with you about the powerful
moments of the next few days. This energy is an opportunity for each
of you to connect into the Higher Dimensions that are now opening.
Allow yourselves to visualize yourself as a great Being of Light who
is able to expand into a Higher state of Being and this will help you
to connect. This energy is one that happens every year at this time
and is of the Highest benefit.

Although it appears to you that the World is not moving along as fast
as it should at this time, know that is a deceiving perception, for
the World is moving along its Path to Ascension in the most wondrous
way. Soon this shall become apparent to each of you. There will be
events that occur that will be the signposts to even greater events in
the days to come. All is in flux, all is being changed and re-
calibrated to allow the Ascension of Earth and all upon Her to happen
with as much ease and grace as is possible.

Many of you have had your past patterns from previous lifetimes coming
up for you to acknowledge, work through and release. Know that it is
not required that you immerse yourselves in this old energy again,
that it merely comes forth to observe and then release. This is

creating a challenge for some of you and you are finding yourselves
enmeshed in this energy again and feel that you have lost your way.
Dear Ones, you are all firmly on your Path of Light to Ascension and
it is merely a momentary veering off the Path as you realize this and
then re-align once again to your forward movement.

There is a great air of anticipation and speculation upon the Earth in

expectation of something BIG occurring soon. I say to you, Dear Ones,
that something big IS occurring as I speak and that is the Earth´s
alignment to Galactic Centre. As this occurs it will have a most
Awakening effect upon all on Earth, for in the hearts of all, will be
the confirmation that all that you, the Lightworkers, have worked
towards is coming to pass. The great Cosmic Light is bringing
alignment in every way. This will be mirrored in the activities upon
the Earth plane in all facets of life upon Her. The love of the
Creator will be felt by all.

It is not by coincidence that I come to you today, for all that was,
is and shall be are now aligning and coming together, past, present
and future, into the time of NOW. This is a time of integration of
everyone and everything upon this Planet. This may manifest itself as
confusion and chaos for those who do not yet understand what is
occurring upon their World. This is where the work that you all are
doing will be of great effect. By anchoring this great Light into the
core of the Earth each day, it helps to stabilize the energies that
are now coming forth. You are each doing a greater Work than you may
realize. Your part in this process is of immense importance. So we ask
each of you to continue on in holding fast your Light. We know that
for many of you, these days are challenging as each of you personally
meets your past, present and future but we say that this is a
temporary occurrence and one that will soon pass. In its place a whole
new World will start coming into manifestation.

Know, Dear Ones, that you are loved and honored in the most heartfelt
way and that you are never alone.

I AM Artemis

©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff

"Kisi en buyuk korkularini yendigi zaman
dogan netice huzurdur."
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:30am


Bu da genellikle insanin korktugu seyleri yapmasiyla ve korkunun uzerine gitmekle mumkun

oluyor. Kucukken her cocuk gibi igneden korkardim. Ama korkunun verdigi izdirabin ignenin
acisindan cok daha kotu oldugunu anladigim icin okulda ashi yapildigi gunler siranin en
basina girerdim, korku hemen bitsin diye. Siranin en sonundaki cocuklar ve ashidan kacip
zorla getirilenler en buyuk aciyi cektiler. Eninde sonunda hepimiz yakalanip kactigimiz
seylerin karsisina cikariliyoruz.

Bir yakinim ucaga binmekten korkardi, 2000 km'lik bir seyahate otobusle gitmisti. Sonra en
korktugu hastaliga yakalanip oldu. Keske ucaga binseydi.

Kovalanip kacmaktansa kovalayani kovalamak en iyi savunma secenegidir bence...


Metatron - Transmissions from Home:

Merging Into Completeness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:30am

Transmissions from Home: Merging Into Completeness -Metatron

It is a day of new beginnings. It is the dawn of a new era. It is the light of hope shining
brightly to restore your faith in the
path that has led you through the mire of human mis-creation.
I AM Metatron, greeting you in your vibrational home, that of the 5th dimension.
Welcome warriors.
We, the holders of light and keepers of the flame, come forth this day and on this

unprecedented occasion to present each of
you with your well-earned robes of honor!
You, those who read these words and take them deep into the inner recesses of your lighted
heart flames, step forth in the
name of oneness to herald the new day.
Our beloved countenance has fallen upon you and you have risen to claim it. You have held
your composure in the name of
adversity & great human strife. You have sown the seeds of new life. You have healed the
great divide in separation
consciousness, and you have worn your dignity well.
You, the first wave warriors, are the new leaders, the bright lights that will shine upon the
darkest hours. You are the fallen
angels, resurrected and reborn into your rightful place as forerunners, path-pavers and
pioneers of a new earth.
Brothers and sisters of light, pray tell.
We are your family... we are the realm that you now inhabit and we come with you, to walk
hand in hand into this familiar,
yet foreign land. This new territory that you have dutifully claimed as your own now holds
you in vibrational alignment with
all that is God's glory.
You have presented an opportunity for all of earth's inhabitants to grow toward the light, to
reach out and claim what
rightfully belongs to each and every one of God's children. You are those who have made this
journey possible for all.
Praise yourselves and come together now to praise each other, to hold each other up and to
share your love for and with one
another... for this magnificent adventure could not have been made possible without your
divinely-human strength and blind
endurance in faith of a better world.
We cry tears of joy and dance in fields of greater potential for earth's people, and we come
together this day to celebrate
with you, in honor of you and to show you that you are the ones we have all have been
waiting for!
We are your co conspirators in creation of the higher way, but it is you who has made this
journey possible.
We share that darkness is soon to fall on your planet once more, yet again to shake the
foundation of those who are still
deeply steeped in the depths of greed and .
We say this to you not to heed warning, but as a reminder that in this coming transition, you
are the keepers of the christed
flame, you are those who others shall turn to in their darkest hour. You have been well
prepared for this role and you are
about to exercise your mastery most profoundly.
In the light of the next full moon, there will be a changing of the guard. This change will
commence as a result of new
galactic and interstellar alignments that will precede the entrance of a new cycle.
This new galactic cycle is a pivotal step in consciousness that will again expose the outworn
ways and disrupt the flow of
any system based in separation. We assure you that no stone will be left unturned in the
coming days, months and years. For

this reason it is paramount that each of you, the masters of light, remain diligent in your
thinking, anchored in truth, and that
your actions stem forth from a place of love.
Stay in your space of hopefulness and joy and regard those who begin to awaken as the same
shimmering radiant beings of
light that you have heartily become. For deep down, beneath all of the calamity and chaos
passing thru the heart of every
soul, is the flickering flame of eternal goodness which never ceases to burn.
My friends, stand tall and proud. Your efforts have marked the most significant and
magnificent transformation ever to have
been achieved on this beautiful planet of love.
Yes, Love is the new standard now that you have achieved it. Love is the action that you have
put forth in remembering your is the action that you have put forth in remembering your power...and love is the
action that will heal every
wound, feed every mouth and reunite the world under one God, indivisibly, with liberty and
justice for all.
Let these words seep deeply into the core of your divine essence, your sacred blueprint, for
Love will soon become the
common denominator for all fellow lifeforms on this planet.
Love is the potion, the elixir of all miracles. Love is the feeling of completeness, the
experience of overflowing fullness, of
having it all and sharing it all... for anyone in Love knows that there is always more to be had.
The lives and experiences that each of you knew were yours to have are now attainable...not
by your wanting them, but by
the love that has filled you up to replace all wants, all needs. In the purity of divine love there
is no want, no lack, only that
which is whole can exist in pure love.
Have you never wondered why the human body exists with little, water,
rest....when in the throes of new
romantic love?
Think on this dear ones, and know that the physical release of endorphins activated by new
romance results from the rapid
increase in vibration that sustains you in love, reminding you of what it is to be home again.
Waves of love-filled bliss will surely overcome you here, as you adjust to the new heights.
These waves will continue to
pulsate through every cell of your eternal being-ness, altering your genetic and physical
makeup, resurrecting all in its
lighted path and releasing those same endorphins that sustain you in Love.
And in this space you will want for no longer. It is not as if you will be without, for you will
undoubtedly have it all...but the
difference...the important difference my friends, is that you will not need it all. You are
merging into completeness within
yourselves, that which activates the universal source of abundance to fulfill you in all ways.
Surely you knew where this path was leading, now lets observe how you fare! Surely it will
take some getting used to...yes?
We will be with you to guide you to use your newly acquired powers and we will continue to
offer you ways to grow and to
attain higher and higher levels of mastery... but in truth, you already have all you need to live
& dwell in grace.

Our love for each of you is unending and soon you will understand just how and why you are
revered so dearly as humans of
sublime virtue.
Stay tuned for many life changes arriving to carry you into the glory land. All is divinely
orchestrated and only a force
greater than God could alter the path that each of you have selflessly paved in love of
Sacrifice and commitment to the service of ALL will never go unnoticed or unrewarded, so
we join with you now to
celebrate, to dance, to sing and to praise all the warriors of the way!
It is now.
With great reverence, and in union with our lighted family on earth, I AM Metatron, guardian
of the kingdom of heaven,
keeper of the christed flame.
Again, we are one.
Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at
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Copyright © 2009


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:30am

Theories about Ascension and the Photon Phenomena
More Ashtar transcripts books, tapes, cds and such are available at Cloverleaf Connection
Cloverleaf Connection Materials will be available at the EXPAND YOUR REALITY 2012,
Wednesday October 28, 2009 in Saskatoon SK Canada, hosted by Dieter Braun (Indian in the
Ariana: We often say at Cloverleaf that we are conducting a vast research project including
questions such as “Where did we come from? How did we get here? Why am I here? What is
my mission? What is my purpose for being here? How do we get through the changes? Where
are we going? How do we get there? “
During our two-week summer “Retreat of the Roses,” which included participants from the
United States and Canada Ashtar was asked, through Ariana, to explain more about the
curious phenomena referred to as the “photon belt.”
A Unique Look at the Really Big Picture
Ashtar: I am Ashtar, with you now. I would like to take your questions one by one relative to
the photon belt. We have given you background information and you have had scientific
information from others. We can give you much clarification.
Pat: Ashtar, we are wondering about the origins of the photon belt. We understand how the
positive and the negative particles form the photon belt. We wonder if its source is the Earth
or somewhere in the universe. Is it a phenomenon that occurs only where we are or does it
occur at other times in other places?
Ashtar: Thank you, dear one. We will endeavor to explain this to you. First of all, it is nothing
to do with the Earth. It is not caused by the Earth, in any manner. I will endeavor to explain
this to you by simile because it has been a while since you have been out in the universe

having a look back at the Earth! I will give you the simile of a clock, a very large clock.
Imagine a grandfather clock with a very large face. There is a motor in this clock that turns
the hands. The clock itself can be a simile of the universe; the entire universe is the clock. The
motor behind it is the suns.
Now, there is one central sun in the very center of the universe and then there are other suns.
We are going to talk now about the central sun. It is the motor through which come the hands.
The hands are attached to the motor. The hands are as rays of light or belts of light…in other
words, the photon belt, which comes out from the sun, the great central sun. The hands
rhythmically and by design and very systematically go around the clock. Imagine each of the
time elements, one, two, three, up to twelve; imagine them as the planets in your solar system.
The photon belt is going through each one. The Earth is relatively stable and the photon belt is
going around and around. More clarification is bound to come as we discuss this.
Dianne’s First Vision
Dianne: I’m seeing the photon belt as a cloud, although it isn’t a cloud. This is just a symbol
in my vision. The photon belt is created by the Creator. Photons are throughout the universe
but the concentration of photons is by design in some areas. It’s a concentration of those
photons that make up the photon belt and that is by design.
Ashtar: Exactly! Yes.
Dianne: Are there other instances of this phenomenon in other galaxies in the universes? I’m
not sure of my terminology here. Our immediate local area, our sun, our solar system plus the
whole system of which we are a part, the Pleiades system, is one of the areas where this
phenomenon occurs. There would be one photon belt in our local area. There would be other
instances and different configurations of photon phenomenon, not necessarily in a belt, in
other areas.
Ashtar: Yes, dear one.
Dianne: That’s the best I can get. I don’t understand it well yet.
Dalphiaana: I think the part of the analogy of the clock is tied in with divine timing, as the
galaxy is moving towards the photon belt. It is timed precisely according to divine timing. I
think this is why Ashtar brought in the analogy of the clock.
Ashtar: Yes, because we get here the timing of the 10,000 years and the 2,000 years. It is all
totally timed and this has occurred before. However, it has not occurred with the intensity that
is programmed to happen in the near future!
Angel: Is it caused by people? Did we attract it?
Ashtar: Actually, the photon phenomena would occur even if there were no human life on the
planet, so it is not as if you are attracting it. It is as if these giant hands that are the photon belt
are sweeping across the universe and whatever celestial bodies are in the area would be
affected by it, whether there was human life or not.
Dianne: What I also got in my vision was that other groupings of planets, perhaps other
universes would experience somewhat similar… maybe not in the form of the belt? They
might be immersed in it all the time but ours is quite unique.
Ashtar: Yes! It is unique to have this concentration and it is divine timing. It is this
concentration of energy that is going to push you through the Third Dimension to the Fifth.
You see, you need something very, very strong to do this!
Dianne: Then, if we’ve gone through it before, why are we still in the Third Dimension?
Ashtar: Dimensions have changed on the Earth previous to this. There have been differing
energies as we have mentioned the balancing energies. It is all tied in with the Light and the
dark. Now at this time, the photon is brilliantly light and this is occurring. There is nothing
that those of the lesser Light can do about it, although they try very, very hard. The fact is the
photon belt is so light there is no way this prophecy will not occur, of taking you into the
higher dimensions. (The audience went very quiet in a long pause… )

Participants Endeavor To Understand The Photon Belt
Darryl: Since the photon belt cannot be taken away, can it be increased or just stabilized
where it is?
Ashtar: There is nothing stable about the photon belt, dear one! You are seeing the energies of
it now. In actual fact, they have been coming for over a hundred years. We take a hundred
years as a round figure. The energies are felt at this point; they are not seen. They are not
energy that moves like weather. They are felt within the human being. They are what we are
terming the separating energies. This is what it is, dear one. Something has to cause this
separation, right? We are honing in to what it is that is causing this. Only those of the Light
will be able to see their way through this photon belt into ascension. Those who are not Light
and who are into confusion are going to back away and go the other way. This is fine. This is
no problem. They will go to the point and the place in the Universe that is comfortable to
them for their own system of evolution. It is no problem. This is the separating energies.
Karen: Is the photon belt changing in shape, in dimension, in intensity or is it a phenomenon
that stays within a certain range, in a certain location in space, shall we say?
Ashtar: Back to the clock!
Darryl: Can we affect it by our thoughts?
Ashtar: No, dear one. It is way beyond this. That hand on the clock is steady and stable and it
has a certain velocity, almost like the orbit of a planet. It has its own way of being. You cannot
change it with thought.
Karen: Are there two cycles going on here? Is the universe in a cycle around the Great Central
Sun and this photon belt in a second cycle so they intersect at some point?
Ashtar: Yes, dear one. I do not want you to think that the photon belt is a stable thing in space
that you are going to be going through. It is true you are going to be going through it but it is
not stable. That is why I gave the analogy of the clock. The photon belt is not stable.
Karen: Would you explain what you mean by “not stable?”
Ashtar: It is always moving. Everything in space is always moving. It is always moving.
Thank you; thank you for your thoughtful questions.
Preparing For Ascension is Not Connected With Physical Survival Needs
Dianne: Hi Ashtar! I have a slightly differently slanted question. Being a Third Dimensional
person having a behind I’d like to save, should we be particularly concerned with our physical
body, our physical survival? Are there things we need to know ahead of time?
Ashtar: Yes, dear one and those things have been channeled for the last hundred years or so
and they are continuing at this time. It is the preparation for ascension. There are channels that
have brought through many words and, of course, there are many, many channelings that have
come through Cloverleaf. It is a personal preparation, it is an attitude and it is the teachings of
unconditional love.
Dianne: Okay, so then we need not get mixed up with survival needs, such as packing food
and warm clothing as we do in emergency storm situations. This is not a factor in it?
Ashtar: No, not at all, although having a store of staples would be prudent.
Be A Stabilizing Source For Others
Dianne: Okay. Thank you Ashtar. In that vein, since the preparation is along the spiritual lines
that we’ve been given as Star Seeds and affiliates, can you give us some idea what will
happen to those who are bent on greed and selfishness, those we know as the power brokers
of this world? What kinds of things are they going to be experiencing?
Ashtar: Mayhem! The whole of the countries will be upset and in tremendous confusion. Now
you have seen confusion already but the first concentrated wave of this energy has not even
come through. You can see there is much more to come in the uncontrolled emotional bodies
around this planet. If you can stay stable in all of the afflicted emotional drama that will be
going on around you, then you will be able to be a stabilizing source for many other people

and beings, for even the animal world will be affected.
Bev Nasmith: Are you talking about the governments that are splitting and breaking up and
the inner fighting in the various nations around the world?
Ashtar: Yes, I am speaking of this but also about all of the negativity that you see in the news
and with people.
Bob: Thank you. The destruction of the rain forest in South America and Costa Rica concerns
me a great deal. How is that going to affect the photon belt?
Ashtar: It will not.
Bob: Commander Ashtar, is the first wave of the photon belt the same as the first wave of the
Ashtar: Yes dear one, yes!
Esther: Due to the photon belt, there could be mass confusion. Will there be any nuclear war
in our states?
Ashtar: This is possible. It is very possible. It could be a world-wide confusion concentrated,
no doubt, in the Middle East. There are possibilities that it will not materialize, of course,
since free will is involved. We are working overtime with the leaders of the nations.
Esther: Will anything precipitate Earth changes such as gas explosions in the United States,
specifically New York?
Ashtar: There could be many different occurrences that are very unusual. These things will be
occurring in the cities. Yes! When it comes to the time when there are many fires around, this
could happen. The explosions will be massive. Another thing, when there is a large explosion,
such as a nuclear explosion, even a testing in one part of the Earth, then you will find an
earthquake on the other end of the Earth. This has been occurring for much time. These large
energies affect and balance each other.
Dianne: Ashtar, there has been information released about differences in terms of whether the
Earth goes into the photon belt before our sun or whether our sun goes into the photon belt
concentration area before our Earth. Are these correct?
Ashtar: These are theories at this time.
Dianne: Should we be at all concerned with our eyes? Since this is a light source and
everything will be light, will our eyes be adjusting to accommodate this or should we be
Ashtar: No dear one, this will not be a physical manifestation of light. Although we are
talking in terms of light, it is a different sort than the Sun.
Dianne: Thank you, that’s what we wanted to know.
Dalphiaana: This was causing a lot of problems to people because of the different
channelings, of a frightening nature, that were coming in across our desks. We wanted to be
very clear about truth.
Ashtar: People are using their Third Dimensional minds here and I would assure you that
there would not be a blinding explosion. It is different. It is different.
The Photon Belt In Relation To The Bible
Karen: We have the cold light in the photon belt and the warm solar light of our own sun.
What happens to plant life that is used to going in cycles of light and dark when we have
essentially twenty-four hours of daytime? Will plants continue to function?
Ashtar: The entire planet is changing from the Third Dimension to the Fifth and plant life will
be different. It will not be as you know it.
Karen: How long does this change take place?
Ashtar: With the last wave of the ascension, it is immediate. Now, you see it, now you don’t.
Karen: There is a 2,000-year period where we’re going through the photon belt. Do we have
2,000 years to change?
Ashtar: No dear one, the change is immediate from the Third Dimension and upward. It is all

part of the Divine Plan.
Karen: When will we hit the photon belt and for how long?
Ashtar: You have been within the edges of it for a hundred years.
Dianne: Is it something like passing through a cloud with an airplane? You would perhaps
pass through a thin layer at first, then come out into a dispersed layer and then go into a little
thicker band, maybe come out into the sunlight again and then go right into the cloud?
Ashtar: It is similar, yes, very much similar. Thank you.
Angel: In respect to what you said about the instant changes, that connects me with what
Jesus said, “In the twinkling of an eye, we shall be changed,” and “The corruptible shall put
on incorruptibility.” Is that what this reference is to?
Ashtar: Yes! That is the connection!
Darryl: Will the ultraviolet rays be affected by the photon belt? Will that be a problem?
Ashtar: No dear one, no problem at all.
Darryl: You suggested there will be stable individuals who will help the animals. Will it be
unconditional love that will be the stabilizing influence they will be looking for?
Ashtar: Yes!
Participants Stretch Their Minds!
Bob: Ashtar, I have more of a personal, Third Dimensional question. I know I need to leave
California, as it’s not safe both physically and from an energetic standpoint. I have a lot of
concerns about how to know where I’m to go and deal with the fears of letting go of all that I
would be leaving behind.
Ashtar: It is wonderful that you are so aware, dear one. I would suggest that you work very
hard on your teleportation. (Everyone laughs!) We will get more into specifics with you, dear
one, later. Excuse the joke. It is a very serious matter and we will be with you on this.
Esther: Will there be any weather changes? Can you localize any areas that will be more
dangerous than others in the United States?
Ashtar: Weather changes are happening; you see it everywhere. This will continue with more
and more energy, more and more differences. In the areas where it is normal to have intense
storms, they will become more prevalent and more intense. You will find varying changes that
are unpredictable. It may suddenly freeze in a place that it normally never freezes, for
example. There will be areas where there will be such droughts that the crops cannot come
and cannot feed you. This could happen…
Karen: Obviously, this isn’t the first time we’ve gone through the photon belt, so what was its
function prior to this time?
Ashtar: There were other times that you know of when the Earth was in higher dimensions
and went to the Third and so on. This was the happening of the photon belt.
Karen: Are you saying it came into existence after the Earth came into the Third Dimension?
Ashtar: The photon belt has been here before the Earth, dear one. It is part of creation, the
energies of creation.
Karen: Is it part of the Third Dimension?
Ashtar: Oh, dear no. It is the energy that changes the matter into higher dimensions. It is the
impetus that will do that.
Bob: So, have other planets gone through this same process?
Ashtar: Oh yes, dear one.
Dalphiaana: Does this photon belt have anything to do with a being in the higher dimensions,
using this kind of energy, to come back down the dimensions into the Third again?
Ashtar: It is different, dear one. There are many, many, many planets around many, many,
many stars that are in the Third Dimension that were populated, so to speak, with many
different life forms before Earth was even thought of. It is the Divine Plan.
Karen: So can any planet progress from the Third to the Fifth Dimension with this

Ashtar: It will do that, yes.
Dalphiaana: So, this is the ascension energy. That is why you said the sun has something to do
with the ascension.
Ashtar: The ascension energies, yes! It is so.
Bob: Is it in other dimensions as well?
Ashtar: Those of Light who live in higher dimensions than the Third are also affected by this
energy. It is actually energy of the higher dimensions that filters down into the Third. It is that
energy that can take one right through the scope of the dimensional plan, which I know to
your logical way of thinking must be from one to twelve or one to twenty-four but it is not
like that. We understand that you need these labels!! (Laughter)
Esther: Are other paths of the Light working in conjunction with your command, as well as
Divine beings of the Great White Brotherhood such as Eckankar?
Ashtar: Oh, you mean Third Dimensional societies? Are they working with the Great White
Brotherhood? Oh, many are dear one, many are; indeed, unbeknownst to them! There are
those such as the Alcoholics Anonymous’ Twelve Steps. Yes! It is all very divinely guided.
Dianne’s Second Vision
Dianne: I got another picture that I’d like to explain. The photon belt is something that has
existed since creation and sometime since the initial time of creation and during and after our
solar system was formed. Planets formed around other suns in the Pleiades system. Being that
these are all on an orbit that at some point intersects the photon belt, if we have been incarnate
on other planets in the Pleiades system, it’s occurring to me that perhaps we’ve done this
before!! (Peals of laughter broke out here! Realization finally struck! Below are various
comments from those in attendance.)
(Tentatively) ….Didn’t Ashtar say that?
Exactly! He keeps saying, “You have done this many, many times before, dear one” and we
said, “Well how?”
Because we jump planets!
That’s right! We jump planets when we weren’t even on this dimension. We were out there
practising on all of those planets and this was happening all over the place just like balloons
popping, right?
Well, we must like this! We keep coming back so we can get on the next ride!
It’s a cosmic roller coaster! (Lots of laughter!)
Why is this happening over and over again?
Because we like the ride! (Great peals of laughter)
It’s like getting in line for the next ferris-wheel ride!
Ashtar: Well, dear ones, I think on that note, that happy note, we will discontinue the
questioning at this time and allow you to go into your day.
Dalphiaana: Beloved, we love you and we thank you for all your loving help in our
Ashtar: …and we appreciate that of your questions and your concern. We LOVE your
inquiring minds!
Our answers were from Ashtar
Channeled through Ariana Sheran
Questions by participants of “Retreat of the Roses”
Sunday, June 28, 1992
Tape 239-240
Present: Angel L., Ariana Sheran, Bev Nasmith, Bob S., Dalphiaana, Darryl, Dianne, Esther,
Karen W., Lorene, Pat D., Sandy L.,

“Change brings out our deepest emotions.”
~ Pastor Beth Donaldson
“All of you are masters, coming from the far reaches of forever to be here now.”
~ Kwan Yin, “Your Soul Family’s Role in Spiritual Guidance.”
“If the Earth were allowed to disintegrate, it would also grossly affect your solar system, your
galaxy, your universe and the many dimensions which are unseen by you. That we cannot
allow to occur, and for that reason, we work with those who are receptive in assisting others
to awaken to what they can do, in their part of the world, to assist.”
~ Ashtar
“We do, indeed love to use similes so you can feel our love in a more conventional manner…”
~ Ashtar, Cloverleaf Channeling Catching Up On the Past Billion Years Or So
“What you experience is by your choice, and know that you would not have undertaken it
unless you knew you had the strength and the resolve to come through it.”
~ Channeled by Mike Quinsey, July 5, 2006
“The Universe is not deaf! The Universe is listening, and will bring what you want. That’ its
nature. That’s the nature of God.”
~ Arthur Pacheco
“Attack every problem as if your survival depended upon it.”
~ Author Unknown
“Nothing is complete. This world and our purpose in it is an ever-changing equation of which
each of us is momentarily an integral part. Evolution continues with us or without us. Time
sees us only as a blink of the eye, and it is this impermanence that makes our lives so
~ Dr. J. D. Adamo, N.D., Author, “Eat Right For Your Type”

SaLuSa: Remarkable times are just around

the corner - 23-October-2009
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 1:00am

We see that the good news about the coming announcement travels fast, and it has been
received by many with great joy. It is as though a load has been lifted from your minds, and

now you sit back a bit easier as you wait for what will be the first of many revelations. The
start is always the most important time, and is why the timing has been so critical. The truth
about us and other visitors to your Earth, has to counteract the dark forces and their present
attempt to bring doubt and fear into your minds where Swine Flu is concerned. You need an
alternative subject to focus your attention on, and what could be better than the promise of the
commencement of our activities revealing the truth about us. It will carry you forward on the
crest of a wave of expectation, and firmly plant in your minds that the first contact has begun.
It is then a matter of how quickly you understand how we will work with you, for
commencement of the plan, covering the cleansing of Earth and your upliftment. Certainly the
picture will be clearly given so that every soul can decide whether or not to accept us. In spite
of the completely positive nature of our message, there will still be some who prefer to remain
in your present dimension. However, we expect more of you will find comfort and hope in our
messages, and the answers to the problems that wrack Earth at this time.

Our venture lies in your spiritual progress, whilst at the same time ensuring that your physical
needs are met. It is to be a quick conversion from the restraints of the dark Ones, by removing
them from power and ensuring that as soon as possible your sovereignty is restored. You are
to enter the last phase in your preparation in readiness for Ascension. Remarkable times are so
to say just around the corner, and once we can openly address you the details will be made
known. These are the moments we have all been waiting for and have meticulously worked at
over many years. To change your mindset after such a long period of domination and
deliberate manipulation has not been easy, but you have responded well to the wake-up call.

There will be a hundred and one questions arising in your minds, but we will deal with many
of them through our series of presentations that will reach everyone upon Earth. We can
arrange it so that each of you hears it in your own language, and no one shall be left out. Be
sure we have a great understanding of your needs at such times, and we have covered all
aspects of them. The homeless and the hungry will be at the top of our list, and once they have
been satisfied we will deal with health issues that concern so many. It will require a close look
at your way of life, which needs to reflect the needs of your body, and the sustenance for your
soul. We call for flexibility in your beliefs so that a new paradigm can be accepted, as the old
will be inadequate for the new Human that is emerging.

The truth has to be brought out no matter how difficult you may find it to accept. It is not our
way to be other than truthful, but we shall handle it sympathetically and with respect for your
individual freewill. We can but lay the truth in front of your eyes, but we will back it up with
irrefutable evidence where it involves your history. You are to enter the final straight leading
to Ascension fully informed and spiritually ready to take the final upliftment. Gradually let
your attachment to the past move into the background, and let the love and Light occupy your
minds as you rise up in your vibrations. The attraction for you will be the promise of a
fulfilling and happy future, where peace abides and you are no longer subject to the attention
of the dark forces. They cannot follow you into the higher vibrations; indeed they are being
left behind now as you cut your ties with them. Deny them your attention . . . yet send out
your Light wherever you are aware of their dark energies. All of the time you stand fast within
your Light, you are protected.

You are being given everything you need to grow in awareness, so that you may make an
informed choice as to whether you are prepared to accept the promise of Ascension. It will
sound attractive, but those souls who cannot detach from their earthy ties will fear the
changes. Clearly you will need to have reached a certain level of conscious awareness to

understand the implications. However, once you accept that life is ongoing and your
evolutionary path is in the direction of the higher dimensions, you will not hesitate to jump at
the opportunity to leave this closing cycle. We would say that you would intuitively know
what is best for you, and allow others to make their own decisions. There is no pushing or
pressurizing of souls from us or their Guides to move onto the Ascension pathway, and either
way it is so important that it is a totally freewill choice. Do not be too concerned about friends
or family, as there is still time to have a leap in consciousness. The incoming Light is causing
a stirring amongst many souls, and they may yet respond quite suddenly.

Soon we can start our final stages of the plan for your upliftment. It will be the consequence
of the announcement that is coming about the reality of our existence. Following it, only the
most hardened skeptics will bury their heads in the sand. No one readily likes to admit that
they have held wrong beliefs, but of course given time they will soften their resistance to the
truth. Religions are going to be faced with great challenges, and unless they bend with the
wind of change they will be left behind. Again we stress that the truth is not forced upon
anyone, but you cannot remain in a state of imbalance indefinitely. The coming Ascension is a
major change in your evolution, and too important to leave entirely to your own ways of
seeking. Any soul that has declared the intent to search for enlightenment, will attract help and
they can be sure that they will be directed to find those opportunities that will fulfill their

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and with each message the excitement grows at the thought of
becoming so much closer to you. We have so much more to pass on to you, that will prepare
you for the massive changes that are waiting to go ahead. The decline of your civilization will
continue for a while and it is a natural result of the end of this cycle, and when the new one is
ready to emerge. Keep a positive outlook and let your happiness light up the lives of others.

Thank you SaLuSa.

A Surprise ~ As We Stand in Love ~ Planet

Alert - November 2009
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 3, 2009 at 12:30pm

A Surprise ~ As We Stand in Love ~ Planet Alert - November 2009



Web site

Halloween has come and gone. I planned on writing my article sooner but I had computer
problems. The veil is very thin around Earth at this time of year because this holiday lines up
with a black hole on seven degrees Scorpio. Every year this doorway to the stars opens and
we have closer contact with those on the other side of the veil. This doorway stays open for a
few days as we celebrate All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2,
which is also the full moon of this month.

The 13th sign of the zodiac is called Asclepius and is visible this time of year. If you look at a
map of the elliptic you will see that the man/woman holding the snake has one foot on the
elliptic at the time of Halloween and the second foot between November 30 to December 16
when a solar wind comes to Earth from that sign.

The Hopi celebrate Spider Woman as their creator Goddess. This is why Halloween has the
symbol of a spider. The true meaning of Halloween has been hidden. It is actually the holiday
celebrating our creator Goddess, Spider Woman. The pumpkin of course represents the
Harvest. In the story of Cinderella, it represents the changing of a woman from rags to riches
and Cinderella becomes a beautiful shining light. This is what is upon us right now for those
who are ready. They are about to turn into beautiful beacons of light.

I received an email of a channeling from Metatron by Lauren C. Gorgo which said "In the
light of the next full moon (November 2) there will be a changing of the guard. This change
will commence as a result of new galactic and interstellar alignments that will precede the
entrance of a new cycle,". There is a major alignment in force right now as I am writing this
article. The planet Saturn has moved out of Virgo into Libra and is on one degree Libra at this
time. Pluto on 1 degree Capricorn makes a perfect 90 degree angle to Saturn. Pluto square
Saturn brings up challenges with economic, political, and professional power struggles. This
is the time corruption and dishonesty will come to the foreground. Any attempts to use
dishonorable means to obtain personal advantage can result in damage to a person's career or
reputation. Much stuff will surface to be looked at and released.

At this time Saturn lines up with a black hole in space that holds twenty-seven galaxies in
place, which includes the Milky Way. This is a huge black hole (great great central sun) and it
focuses into England and the holy land of Glastonbury. Have you read the book "The Mists of
Avalon?" When things got too bad on Earth, Avalon disappeared into the mist, or went into a
higher dimension. Haven't you wondered why the Da Vinci Code and the Holy Grail became
so popular on Earth? It's because France, England, and Scotland were the lands of the Holy
family and Goddess energy. It was considered Camelot, the place of higher teachings. It was
considered very holy because of all the energy pouring into the sacred sites from the great
great central sun. Most of the crop circles appear in that area because of the energy that is
focused there.

Unfortunately, the dark side took over that area and placed The World Bank in London, a
military base close by, and cameras all over England to spy on the people. This control is
about to change because of the planetary alignment that is taking place right now. The
controllers are in for a surprise because they are about to go down fast. Saturn rules structures
and control and Pluto rules transformation.

I took my two younger grandchildren to see the latest Harry Potter Movie. The setting for this
movie is England. I found it very interesting. I read most of the books a while ago to see what
the attraction was in those books that made them such a huge best seller. I didn't read the 7th
book until after I saw the movie. This book mirrors what is going on right now. It is about the
war between the light and the dark and the final scene is where one group (the light beings)
say, enough is enough and start fighting the dark ones with their magic wands. The dark lord
has taken over the town and the school and it is totally under his control. Then the light ones
decide they have had enough and start to fight. The battle goes on but the outcome is up to
Harry Potter. He has to stand up to the dark lord and face him face to face. Harry decides that
he will stand in his power of love and when they come face to face they both send their power
at each other and the energy sent by the dark Lord goes back to him and he is destroyed. Then
all the people get to live in peace and harmony. Negativity destroys itself. We do not need to
fight. We need to stand in our power.

Let's go back to the changing of the guard. Maybe this means that from this time forward
there will be balance between male and female energy. In other words we will learn how to
balance our brains so we can become neutral and that is where the power is. Won't that be
nice? Libra does rule balance, and Aries, the opposite sign rules the brain. Our brains are
being rewired right now and our brain centers are being activated. We can help with this
activation by using pure oils in aromatherapy. The smells go into our Limbic system and from
there activate the Amgydala part of the brain and the Pineal gland. If you know someone who
works with the living oils you could ask them which ones to use. When our Amygdala is
activated, we will be able to connect with our own Divinity. In other words we will be able to
manifest Christ Consciousness.

I receive many emails that I consider negative that portray a very dark future for mankind. I
know what is going on in our world but the dark is about to crumble because the planets say
so. The dark is holding on real tight and sending out lots of scare tactics to bring us off
balance. This is the time when we really need to keep our balance within and to hold the light.
Don't get caught in the negativity. I know that is hard to do if you have lost your job, have no
money, and cannot see a way out of your dilemma. It's very hard to stay centered when
something like that is going on in your life. Something we could do is send love and light to
our leaders instead of criticizing them and then watch what happens. We might be pleasantly

We are about to enter the Sixth night in the Mayan Calendar on November 8, 2009. Carl
Callaman says in his recent article that we will, in this coming night, be witnessing the most
significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. I like that! He also
says that the birth will be very traumatic. We also have the 11-11-11 this month, which is a
major opening to higher consciousness.

I'm concerned about the energy coming in this full moon, and around the time of the New
Moon on November 16, 2009. At that time the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will be over the West
Coast in a water sign, and Pluto is square Saturn in Earth and Air signs. This means there
could be a large earthquake in the Pacific Ocean that causes a tidal wave on the coast. The
asteroid Nemesis is on 3 degrees Cancer in almost exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.
Nemesis tends to stir things up a bit. Maybe we could send some light to disperse some of that
energy. I have a feeling a large event is on the horizon.

I live on a hill in Seattle but the valley down the hill from me is in danger of flooding. The
Howard Hansen Dam, that holds back the water in the Green River, was damaged in the flood
we had here this past January. It has not been fixed and they say it will take a few years to
repair the dam. There are 30,000 people in this valley that would be in danger if a flood came.
I've been seeing the dam surrounded in the White Christ Light. The White Christ Light
contains all colors in balance, and is also the color of Goddess light. It is a beautiful
shimmering white light with gold and silver specks in it. I would appreciate some help in
keeping that dam in the light during the rainy season.

We do live in interesting times. I don't remember anyone saying the Ascension process would
be this hard. I guess the outcome will be worth the trauma we have all gone through. Hang in
there because we are in the home stretch. I look forward to the New Earth as promised in the
Book of Revelation. Focus on the larger picture, not on all the negativity that is out there right
now. It's always darkest before the dawn. Manifest peace and love in your heart and stand in
your power. All is well in my world! So Be It! I send you my love.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

*****Mahala Gayle *****


Free 5 Day Basics of Meditation Course

 Posted by Sonia Gallagher on November 4, 2009 at 6:03am

Are you ready to experience the focus, concentration, and self awareness that can be yours
with only 10 minutes of meditation every day? Meditation is so effective why don't more
people talk about it when, and why is it that doctors prescribe Prozac, Paxil, and Zanex, but
not meditation? We think it's because there's nothing to sell. If drug companies could charge
your health insurance $200 for you to sit quietly and just focus for 10 minutes we think

meditation would be on the shelf of every supermarket and on the page of every medical

A 2003 study by Psychosomatic Medicine (Davidson, et al) used MRI imaging to show
definitively that meditation triggers specific centers of the brain associated with positive
emotions (the left prefrontal cortex).

In 1973 study by the British medical Journal Lancet showed that hypertension patients who
practiced yoga and meditation for 12 months lower their systolic pressure an average of over
20 points are yet? But that's a whole 12 months! You're right. A New England Journal of
medicine study three years later found that subjects who practiced meditation for only six
months dropped an average of 15 points!

In addition, those who meditate typically report increases in concentration, focus, awareness,
and happiness, not to mention reduced tension.

Maybe this is why a huge list of celebrities have turned their attention to meditation, including
Paul McCartney, Madonna, Halle Berry, Heather Graham, Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson, Sting,
Danny Glover, Jessica Alba, Richard Gere, and many others. It makes sense. Whether it’s
movie stars, musicians, or sports icons, the people at the top of their game are the ones who
are able to live completely in the moment. In sports, they call this being “in the zone”. In
music they call it being “ in the groove” or “in the pocket”. Psychologists and researches call
this “flow”. It is a state of mind where action seems effortless. Call it whatever you want.
Meditation will help you to reach this enhanced state of focus and concentration.

Okay, okay... so meditation is great for me, BUT

I don’t have the time

You're in luck. The type of meditation we will be describing in this program only takes 10
minutes per day. Like brushing your teeth, or taking your vitamins, the big benefits come
from consistency, rather than requiring a big chunk of time. And the time it takes for you to
watch to TV commercial breaks you can experience greater joy and fulfillment in your life.
Anyone can do this.

I can't sit like a monk with my legs crossed all crazy like that.

You don't have to. You can sit in a chair with your back firmly planted against the back of the
chair. That's it.

I'll be too relaxed or be zoned out at work.

You don't have to be a monk to meditate. Applying the techniques taught here will help you to
improve your concentration, focus, and awareness.

I'm not religious front/I am religious. Doesn't this conflict with my religion?

I've tried to meditate, but I keep getting distracted. As soon as I sit down, I start to daydream
plan or run through a flood of other thoughts.

I'm not religious /I am religious. Doesn't this conflict with my religion?

Meditation, though a traditional part of many religions, is not intrinsically religious by itself.
Candles are used as a symbol and many religions. However, a candle by itself is not religious.
It is a tool to provide light in the darkness. Similarly, meditation by itself is also just a tool to
provide light in the darkness.

I've tried to meditate, but I keep getting distracted. As soon as I sit down, I start to
daydream, plan, or run through a flood of other thoughts.

This is fine. It just means you are a beginner. The trick is to gently bring your mind back to
your point of focus, over and over again, as many times as required. Don’t worry. In Day 4 of
our course, we actually cover typical obstacles people encounter when starting to meditate
and offer practical solutions.

Are you convinced yet? Sign up for our FREE 5 day Basics of Meditation Course right

And, if you’d like to continue learning more about meditation and spirituality and how
it can and affects you in daily life, you may want to check out the online meditation
course titled Living Liberation and my personal review of it.

~Allow love to be your ocean....~

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 5, 2009 at 12:30am

~Allow love to be your ocean....~

be still dear one...

allow all that is life

which in truth is only love

to surround you as if you
were one with the ocean itself....

feel its wetness...

allow its crystal glow to fill you
delight you...radiate around you

simply be with the ocean itself...
be one with it...allow its waters
to flow thru you
as if the body were not even there.... are one with the ocean...

no separation between its healing waters
and your earth body....

now.....allow the waves to simply

bathe you....surround you...
flowing thru your crystalline body
as they head to the shore....

the shore is "all of mankind"

my dear one...
you have just bathed all of creation
with the healing waters of home... are the healing waters...

you are the conduits of love...

flood the shores of life

with "you" for you are but love....
you are the perfect expression...
the love song
of "all that is"
be at peace
my heart of hearts

~the voice of love~


**Create Vision**
 Posted by Maria Leinenga on November 5, 2009 at 3:09pm

Never believe anyone who says we cannot change. Vision is one of the secrets of personal
transformation. We are all artists, our mind is the arena of creation and vision is what we are
constantly creating. What is your vision of yourself today – patient, relaxed, positive or tense,
tight and negative? What do you prefer? So be creative – what does patience look like, feel
like, what are you doing that is different when you are patient and you are expressing your
power to …wait? Always start with vision not action. See it and you will be it. Be it and you
will do it. We don’t ‘get a life’ as some would cynically tell us – we create our life.

11:11:11 Star-gate Meditation: Connection

with Our Sun-Star through Solara An-Ra
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 2:00am


In order to connect with your great Sun-star in this meditation, you

may sit outdoors on the body of Gaia. But you may visualise the sun if
you are indoors, or if the day is cloudy, or even if the blanket of
dark has descended in your hemisphere. Remember that the great light
of your Sun shines always on your planet, during every moment of your
24 hours, as you spin with Gaia toward him and away again.

The 11:11:11 star-gate refers to the 11th day of the 11th month, in
your year of 2009 which holds the 11 frequency. The energies present
on this day bring an opportunity for heightened connection with
Source. The Councils of Light ask you to use this opportunity to
connect upward with the great mind of your Sun-star. For your Sun
holds the light of the Creator's love, and connecting with the
Creative Source through his Light assists in your ascension process.
Close your eyes, and breathe deeply now. Settle first into your own
physical bodies, through your breath. Move into a place of inner
connection. Experience connection between your spirit and you body
through your breath.
Send your awareness, with love, deep below into the heart of your
planet now. Send a grounding cord from your belly, spiralling down
through the beauty of inner Earth, into her magnificent crystalline
core. You are one with Her now. The 2 way flow of love and energy
between your body and the crystal core of Gaia allows trust and bliss
to arise.

From this grounded place, focus on the Sun's Light. Experience this
light as shining directly on you now, streaming towards you and
radiating light through your body and aura. Feel immense gratitude for
this light now - that light which allows all life on your planet. The
light which calls the seeds to spring forth from the soil, which

entices the leaves to unfurl. The light which calls the trees to reach
their branches upwards to the skies. The light which kisses your skin
and warms your bodies, even in Winter, even in the hours of the night.
The light which ripens your crops and gives life to all fruits and
vegetables you love.

As you expand your consciousness in gratitude for this light, start to

connect with the consciousness of the Sun-star himself. Just as Earth
is your life-giving mother, Sun is your life-giving father. He is a
sentient being - a Being of great magnificence and higher
consciousness. The time has come to connect with him directly, in
reverence and gratitude, as was done by your ancestors.

Send your love and gratitude directly to your Sun-star now, along the
great beam of Light which you feel or perceive streaming into your
body and aura. As you do this, you start to connect directly with the
mind of your Sun. Let go of all fear of the sun's rays now, for this
has been implanted in some of you in an attempt to disconnect you from

Allow yourselves to travel towards the sun now, along the great beam
of light which connects you and Him. Come to rest in His great aura-
emanation and allow his intelligence to activate you now. Allow him to
show you his portal-like nature, so that you understand that in the
future you will be able to move through his body and emerge into a
different dimension, without harm.

Your sun is your portal or doorway into higher dimensions. Source

energy streams first through the heart of your galaxy, and then
through the portal of your Sun, directly to your planet. This energy
is heightened now - there are waves of heightened energy streaming
towards your planet now, and the solar flares which are detected by
your scientists show this clearly.

Staying connected with the great mind of the Sun, move back into your
body now, and bring your awareness to your grounding cord. Feel the 2-
way love flowing between yourself and Gaia below you. Feel love energy
flowing between yourself and your Sun-Star above you.

Your Sun holds the light of the Creator's love, and beams it down to
you continuously, day and night. Connecting with Him, in a state of
love and gratitude, assists your connection with Source, and therefore
your ascension into the light.

From 'Ascension in the Palm of your Hand'
10 minute meditation

Our Sun is a portal or doorway into higher dimensions. Source energy
streams first through the heart of our galaxy, and then through the
portal of our Sun, directly to our planet. Our Sun holds the light
of the Creator's love, and beams it down to us continuously, day and
night. Connecting with Him, in a state of love and gratitude, assists
our connection with source, and therefore our ascension into the light.

_ (

Aos Sidhe Blessings

Faery Warrior
May the Sidhe Bless you and your Wisdom grow.
E Mail -


NOVEMBER 2009 by Dorene A. Carrel
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 2:30am


by Dorene A. Carrel

November begins with a potent New Moon, a stationary Neptune and the
transition into the sixth night of the Mayan Calendar. Also notable is
the first Saturn-Pluto square in mid-month near the world point
degree. This aspect will be joined by Uranus next year to form a
powerful planetary pattern that will likely bring major world-altering
changes over the next couple of years.

A Full Moon occurs on November 2, at 11 Taurus. It squares both Mars

in Leo and Jupiter in Aquarius, and with the Scorpio sun, forms a
fixed grand cross. This lunation began with the October new moon in
Libra. Since both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, this is a
favorable cycle for examining relationships and personal resources. It
is a good time to work with others to bring about common goals. Taurus
qualities include being practical, patient, dependable, loyal and
stable. The fiery qualities of Mars and Jupiter give us the energy and
confidence to move forward with goals/projects, as long as we don't
overextend ourselves. The Scorpio/Taurus energy also calls for

releasing the old and outmoded, from unused possessions to concepts
and beliefs. The Sabian symbol for this degree is a woman watering
flowers in her garden, which suggests that this release allows us to
make room to cultivate and grow whatever is of real value in our

On November 4, Neptune turns stationary direct, at 24 Aquarius, and

trines Venus. We are inspired to bring more compassion and
unconditional love to our relationships. Any relationship that forms
now has the potential for a higher spiritual and harmonious quality.
This is also a good aspect for artistic expression, such as writing,
composing music or painting. Since Neptune is now moving forward, we
can more easily incorporate our ideals and creativity in daily life.

The Sixth Night of the Mayan calendar begins on November 8 (and lasts
until November 3, 2010), according to Mayan scholar Carl Calleman. In
contrast to the sustained growth during the Day cycles, the Nights
represent a time of resting, adjustment and integration, and often
these periods can bring economic slowdowns. Calleman believes that
this calendar will culminate in the birth of a more peaceful world on
October 28, 2011. More information about the Sixth Night and the Mayan
calendar can be found in his books and on his website, _www.calleman.com_
( .

On November 15, Saturn squares Pluto at 2 degrees of Libra/Capricorn,

which is aligned with the world degree (0 degrees of cardinal signs).
Significant earth changes and economic events will likely occur at
this time. This powerful alignment signifies our need to evolve beyond
outmoded structures. This is a very long cycle that began in 1982 and
will be complete in 2020.

We are in the third quarter of this cycle, which stands for crisis in
consciousness. This third-quarter square amplifies the Pluto effect of
purging what is not needed to make way for the new. This energy can be
used positively for focused actions that are both accountable and
sustainable over the long-term. Those whose charts are impacted will
likely be challenged by how they handle power dynamics and their
capacity for evolution. This alignment will occur again in January and
August of 2010, and will be even more powerful when joined by Uranus
and Jupiter in Aries next year. Also on this day, Mercury enters
Sagittarius to bring more light and levity to this ponderous time.

The New Moon occurs the next day, on November 16, at 25 Scorpio. This
lunation receives a challenging square from Neptune, Chiron and
Jupiter in Aquarius. Since Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the Saturn/Pluto
death/rebirth/release themes are amplified over the next month. This
Scorpio energy can be favorably used for emotional understanding,
eliminating unwanted habits and taking a resourceful approach to goals
and projects. Recycling unwanted items can help us get on the right
track. Since Scorpio is a fixed sign, we will have a new and lasting

resilient feeling from whatever is accomplished now. The Sabian symbol
for this degree is an x-ray photograph, representing the capacity to
acquire a knowledge of the structural factors in all existence. We are
now being challenged to seek even greater clarity and depth of meaning
so we can evolve in our spiritual understanding. A harmonious Mercury/
Saturn alignment the same day assists us in connecting our thoughts
and ideas.

On November 17, Mars activates the August 5th eclipse point, bringing
events related to that period. The Venus/Mars square on November 19
can bring a clash of wills leading to a stalemate situation. There may
also be a tendency towards excess with spending or food. On November
25, a favorable Venus/Uranus aspect brings stimulating people, ideas
and activities to brighten our outlook over the U.S. Thanksgiving
holiday. Several Mercury aspects at the end of the month challenge us
to release stress and restore clarity of thinking.

December begins with a powerful double-header: a Full Moon in Gemini

and Uranus turning direct on December 1 signify change and new
directions. The New Year will be heralded by a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer
on December 31, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January
14. Stay tuned and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Dorene Carrel has been a professional astrologer for over thirty years
and is available for personal readings. Donations also appreciated.
Contact me at _dorenea5@yahoo.com_ ( . More
information and previous
columns can be found at _www.alcseattle.com_ ( .

Eclipse Special: These are personally prepared email readings on the

impact of the 2010 eclipse cycle activations in your personal chart
(beginning with December 31). Also included is the upcoming Neptune/
Jupiter alignment in December for new growth and opportunities. Please
send accurate birth date, time and place. By donation. Email Dorene
for more details at _dorenea5@yahoo.com_ ( .
Payment accepted through
Paypal (use email address) or check/money order to the following

Mailing Address:

Dorene Carrel
P.O. Box 432
Seahurst, WA 98062

Website: _www.alcseattle.com_ (

The Morning Blessing
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 2:30am

The Morning Blessing


The failure to see the truth of who we are and why we are here on this
earth is a problem that many of us will wrestle with at some time in our
lives. It is at these times that we must surrender our will and be willing to be
used as a focal point for the Divine. It is then that we are relieved of
all our drama, trauma, and heartache.

Suffering is a telltale sign that we are playing too small. Suffering is a

sign that we are on the ego's path rather than our soul's path.
We must see our suffering in this light if we are to evolve our souls and
transcend the self-sabotaging behaviors of the ego. Our divine selves
don't implode! They don't ache for more, better, or different. They don't
hunger to be someone they are not. They are completely clear and certain that
they are the sanctity of the highest expression of Infinite Love.

When we admit the truth about our struggles, let go of our agendas and our
well-laid plans, we are lifted above our difficulties into a reality that
will guide us to a higher path. The key is that we must be willing to step
into a higher expression of ourselves every time we find ourselves
Pain is there to tell us that we are not where we want to be. It is there
to tell us that we have lost sight of our soul's dream; that we have
strayed from our highest path.
Where are you in pain? Is there a place where you are living a lie? Do you
ache to be someone other than who you are? And if you do, what could you
do about it this week?
If we are not responsible for how our lives turn out, who is? Have you
turned your life over to someone else, someone who doesn't even know or care?
Are you waiting to take a gigantic leap in your life; waiting for the day
you feel good about it? What if you will never feel good about it? What if
taking that leap feels uncomfortable, scary, foreign, or disorienting? Then
Will you do it now, or are you going to wait?
Don't wait. It doesn't get easier. It doesn't get simpler. In fact, the
opposite is true. Everyday I see people who will not make the shift to their
soul's path; who will not admit the truth about what isn't working; who
won't grow emotionally because it might cause discomfort. But I promise you,
the discomfort is worth the magnificence of living a life of ever deepening
integrity, passion, purpose, and meaning.
Mother Nature is shedding what she no longer needs, how about taking a cue
from her and release any outdated versions of yourself that no longer
serve you?

As I unfold into my own essence, I know I did not get here by
myself. Within me, there is a Power that guides and directs. It
is this unique pulsation that propels me along my rightful path
and gently aligns my being to the cadence of the heartbeat of the
Cosmic I AM. Because I am in rhythm with the one omniscient,
omnipotent, omnipresent Inbreath of God I am awakened to
the joyous nature of life.
I direct my thoughts into the impulse of Divine Delight. This
transformative agent of mental power creates a mighty catalyst
to lift me into the Realm of Cause where I anchor an unprecedented
amount of unselfish love. I successfully magnetize patterns of
Divine joy and grace into my daily life experience through my
words, works, actions, and feelings. I am healed of the perception
that the world of form rules my life; at times it may appear that I
am caught in a place of discomfort but the truth is I am the great
and glorious manifestor projecting and directing the images on the
screen of life. And I do so as an instrument of Divine Inspiration
open to having God's joyous blessings pour through me.
I am grateful to have the floodgates of Heaven open in vigorous
support of every effort I make to improve my life, the life of

Humanity, and the world. With joy, I let it be done now.
And so it is.

SaLuSa: You the Light Beings are the key to

the future of Earth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:00am

SaLuSa: You the Light Beings are the key to the future of Earth

Those of you who are of the Light, cannot fully receive or enjoy the fruits of your endeavours
until Ascension. Meantime however changes will take you nearer to completion, and
gradually there will be a clear line between those who desire to ascend, and those who have
declined the opportunity. This is inevitable and therefore fully expected, and the consequences
of the incoming higher vibrations that lift those of the Light even higher. There will be a co-
ordinated plan between our allies, and us of the Galactic Federation and events will follow
quickly once they get started. At each stage we shall prepare you for what follows, as it is so
important that our actions are clearly understood. We do not thrust things upon you without
due consideration as to how it will affect you. Our ways are gentle but firm where we meet
opposition to what has been planned. In fact, from some higher levels you are getting much
support, as it is seen that without help it would take you many years to overcome the state
your Earth is in. Indeed, without the Creator’s plan for your release from the dark, you may
not have recovered or even survived.
You have no reason to know how near you came to obliteration, but we assure you that on
more than one occasion over the last century you came so close to it. Our intervention was
approved by the Higher Council to ensure that your cycle was completed successfully. So you
will see Dear Ones, that regardless of what was planned against you for your end times by the
dark Ones, it was destined to fail in its aim to enslave you. So please make your way towards
a New Year of many dramatic and uplifting events without any trepidation. You of the Light
are already the victors of a long running battle that has seen many civilisations come and go.
Stand firm, and stand upright when you meet any remaining challenge, and let the truth be
your banner.

In your times on Earth you have had many experiences, which should leave you strong
enough to cope with the remaining years of this cycle. At times it will seem hectic, but the
object is to clear out that which has no place in your future. There are experiences to come
that will be pure bliss, and heaven will become a place that exists upon your new Earth.
Imagine how quickly you will recover from your earlier experiences, in the peace and
tranquillity of the Light realms. It is to be your haven and home where you will create exactly
what you desire, and want for absolutely nothing. Do not therefore worry about short-term
difficulties or shortages, as our plan will put right anything that is out of harmony with it. You

are to receive all that has previously been denied to you, and much more.

Global warming is bringing rapid changes to your weather systems, but they will not be
catastrophic. Naturally physical changes will occur on Earth and we are aware of what will
take place, and are allowed to direct them in ways that will minimise their effects. Be assured
that in the end it will all prove to be in your interests, and the world will experience more
stable temperatures and variations. It will eventually prove to be temperate and ideal
regardless of where you are. As with the Human Race, the animal kingdom will also change
and a number of species will completely disappear. They will be mainly those who normally
live in the more extreme conditions, and are unable to adapt to the new Earth. They are not
lost for all time but will find another planet where they can continue their evolution. All life is
immortal and there are no exceptions, and changes take place all of the time as indeed you are
now beginning to experience.

We know you are just as concerned about your pets as you are your family and friends. They
will be looked after with the same love that is given to you, and you will not lose total contact
with them. They will remember you as you remember them, and mutual love will bring you
together again in the future. Animals are not dumb as some think, and have feelings just as
you do. They also seek love and kindness, and can often teach Man a thing or two about them.
In recent years you have found that animals can show great love for you, and your wonderful
Dolphins are one example of how a species has revealed high levels of intelligence. In the
future you shall regain your ability to communicate telepathically with them, as they do with

As you are beginning to understand, there is much that will change and affect you all
personally. However, it is all part of your upliftment into the beautiful dimensions where
virtual perfection exists, and all works together in harmony. No more suffering or disunity and
instead enjoyment, happiness and fulfilment. You will have time that is yours to spend as you
desire, and the Cosmos will be your playground and by then you will understand your
responsibility to all life. The thought of all of this may be somewhat frightening and you feel
apprehensive, but you will by then be equal to the task of expressing yourself as the God
Being that you are, and always were.

You the Light Beings are the key to the future of Earth, and through your efforts it can move
safely with the minimum of danger to Humanity. You are the beacons of Light that shine out
brightly and bring more to it. You will determine how quickly you rise up, and how prepared
you are for the final step in the process of Ascension. You have done so well against obstacles
that have stood in your way, and we encourage you to maintain those high levels and help
everyone around you. Remember that most of you took this incarnation for that very purpose,
and now you are here you will want to complete your assignment successfully.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and marvel at your resolve in conditions that can be daunting. You
are truly the Warriors of Light, and you carry such a responsibility that it can sometimes seem
a burden. Yet you carry your load without complaining, seeing only the great service that you
are carrying out in love on behalf of all souls. We are truly blessed to have such stalwart souls
on our side, and we shall be with you for the remainder of this cycle, and as your protectors.
Is it no wonder our love for you overflows with great appreciation for your service to us all?
God Bless you all, and may you receive all that is your hearts desire that is wholesome and

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Humanity Poised for Imminent

Evolutionary Breakthroughs
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:00am

Humanity Poised for Imminent Evolutionary Breakthroughs

Expanding human consciousness rapidly heading towards an impending, epic global event!

News | October 28, 2009

Reported by Scott Mowry |

Fasten your seat belts, it is going to be a wild ride!

A great new leap of evolution has begun in earnest for the human race as recent dramatic
events are signaling major breakthroughs about to unfold for humanity, at any time.

Beginning sometime around July of this year, it would appear that the entire world entered
into an accelerated phase of evolution that clearly indicates we are heading towards an epic
paradigm shift. By all accounts, we can expect a grand event or, perhaps a series of events, to
begin to transpire on the global stage.

And we can assume this trend will continue to increase through the end of the year, well into
2010, and on into the conclusion of the year 2012.

Although much negativity abounds, it is most important to be mindful of the overall big
picture. While much of the mainstream, alternative and conspiracy media focuses on either
the rumors of the collapse of the US economy, the swine flu pandemic, the New World Order,
Martial Law, or any of dozens of other horrible scenarios, in the meantime, more and more
people are awakening to the realization of the truth.

This is directly due to human consciousness evolving very rapidly, and it is only a matter of of
a short time before we reach that pinnacle where we will see the entire planet Earth shift into
a higher state of consciousness. This could reach its zenith, as early as the end of the year
2011. Yes, well before, the date of December 21, 2012!

Some have called this process ascension, while others have referred to it as achieving a state

of enlightenment. Either way, there is little doubt that some absolutely amazing events are in
store for all of us within the very near future. As a matter of fact, they are well underway as
you read these words.

And you should know that there is a precise and calculated reason for this acceleration of
truth, wisdom and information unfolding. It is primarily due to the direction of a grand Divine
plan, propelling consciousness exponentially forward, that has its origins all the way back to
the dawn of creation. Some 16.4 BILLION years ago, as a matter of fact.

According to the Mayan calendar, as deciphered by Swedish micro-biologist, Dr. Carl Johan
Calleman, we are currently near the end of the eighth out of nine levels of consciousness or
cycles of evolution. This eighth level, known as the Galactic cycle, began on January 5, 1999
and it embodies the consciousness of "ethics." The ethics consciousness took over from the
prior consciousness of "power," which lasted from the year 1715 AD until January 4, 1999.

The consciousness of ethics is precisely why we are seeing so much of this incredible
information coming to light because, quite frankly, it can no longer stay hidden from us in a
veil of darkness. Therefore, truth is pouring out from all corners of the globe and beyond. And
I mean quite literally beyond this world.

According to Dr. Calleman's calculations, on February 10, 2011 we will leave the eighth level
and enter into the ninth and final level of consciousness, which is termed the Universal cycle
which will embody the "consciousness of co-creation." It will last a mere 260 days when it
will conclude on October 28, 2011. In fact, that is just two years to the day from the date we
have posted this news release!

Then we will enter the time period when miracles will really begin to manifest themselves. At
that point, we will have reached what the Mayans refer to as, "the time of no time," or to put it
another way, the end of linear time as we have come to know it.

And what then? Anything is possible! Perhaps we will see the whole of Planet Earth move
into this ascension process and then into a higher level of consciousness, as if reaching the
very top point of a pyramid, then launching into the unknown.

It has been a long and arduous process for humanity and Mother Earth, but we can now
literally see that the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. We are almost there! And how
exciting it is!

So, even though there appears to be an overwhelming amount of chaos in the world, in point
of fact, it is consciousness moving boldly forward preparing itself for a great transition The
acceleration process is pushing to the surface some absolutely incredible new developments
for all the world to see.

Two of the most hot button issues at this time, that seem ripe to emerge from a long period of
darkness are: 1) some kind of major economic/banking reorganization, which may include the
demise of the US dollar and the Federal Reserve, or other financial scenarios; and, 2) an
official disclosure of extra-terrestrial races by the United Nations, a foreign government, or
quite possibly, by our President, Barack Obama.

These are merely the most likely issues that could see an unveiling, yet there could any

number of other revelations that could breakthrough, as well.

Therefore, it is worth reviewing some of the more remarkable events that have developed over
the last several months that have led us to the point where it seems all but certain, that some
epochal moment for humanity is finally at hand. The balloon is about to pop!

Of course, these events represent only a tiny fraction of what has come out into the open. We
should assume that at least a 1,000 times more is going on behind the scenes and in the higher
spiritual realms that is spurring on the awakening of humanity on a grand scale.

Kryon - “Sır Simdide Kalmaktır”

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:00am

Kryon-David Brown Kanallığı ile

6.Mayıs.2009 Graz, Avusturya,
“Sır Simdide Kalmaktır”

Selam sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon,

Fırtınalı bu gecede, bu akşam Grazda olmak olağanüstü.Bütün Yeni Dünya ışık fenerleri için
Havada çok enerji var, havada çok değişim var ve yeni, Bütün bir Dünya şafağın doğmasını
bekliyor ve Ruh Dünyası bu sürece yardım ediyor.Ruhun bu odaya girmesine ve odayı
doldurmasına izin verin ve izin verin sevgi, bu çok fazla sevgi için içeri girsin.Sevgililer, size
çok yakın olan bu Ruhsal Rehberler bu gece sizinle beraberler.İzin verin size yakın olsunlar,
izin verin sizinle olsunlar.Yeni Bütün bir Dünya doğuyor, saf sevginin yarattığı yeni bir
Siz bu çalışmayı yaparken, iç çalışmanızı, kendinizi özgür bırakmayı kurmaya
başladınız.Ekonomi ve şeylerin nasıl çalışmayacağından çok korku var, fakat sevgililer,
endişelenmeyin! Endişe hissediyorsanı z, endişeye izin verin endişe duyguları gelsin ve
gitsin.Gelecek birkaç ay içinde, korku temelli bir gerçekliğin dışına adım atmak için meydan
okuyacaksınız ve bu kolay olmayacak sevgi temelli bir gerçeklik içine yürüyeceksiniz. Sır
şimdide kalmak ve anda her şeyin tamam olduğunu bilmektir, ahlakın ve yapılan işlerin bir
kenara koyulduğu, öyleki onun daha onurlu ve ahlaklı bir Dünya varsayıldığı bu tarz içinde
gelen bir çöküş var.
Bu yayımın etrafında çok büyük bir ilginin var olduğunu biliyoruz ve bu dünyada çok büyük
bir dengesizlik var ve o ekonomik güce benziyor ve doğuya doğru hareket ediyor, fakat
bilmelisiniz ki, siz bilinçsiniz, insansınız, eğer müptelası olmuş kelimesini kullanırsak,
şimdide kendileri çalışma müptelası olmuş birçoğunuz çok daha bilinçli oluyorsunuz. Bir
çoğunuz iç çalışmanızda çok, çok daha büyük bir sevgi ve çok daha büyük bir tutku
hissediyorsunuz ve sevgililer, iç çalışmanız bir bedel ödeme ile alakalıdır. Söylediğimiz gibi,
yeni bir Dünyanın Işıkfenerleri, siz negatif enerjileri ve yayımları salıverirken sevgi onun
yerini alacak ve onun yerini alıyor olduğu için yeni bir sizdir.

Gezegenler, orada eski bir dünyanın tamamen çöküşü olan ve yerini yeni bir Dünyanın
alacağı, özel bir Takımyıldız içine doğru hareket ediyorlar.Onu ölüm ve yeniden doğum
olarak tanımlayabilirsiniz. Bütün bunlar, kendi ruhunun derinliklerine ulaşanlarınız içindir ve
siz yeni Dünyayı anlamaya başlayacaksınız.Sevgilil er, yaptığınız bu çalışma için derinden, en
derinden onurlandırılıyorsunuz ve kesinlikle herhangi bir nedene bağlı olmaksızın
Şimdi sizden gözlerinizi kapatmanızı ve ayaklarınızı düz bir şekilde döşemenin üstüne
koymanızı ve Dünya Ananın kalbine bağlanmanızı istiyoruz…Ve Dünya Ananın kalbine olan
bu bağlantıyı hissedin ve izin verin, Dünya Ananın kalbinden ruhunuza sevgi aksın ve
ayaklarınız vasıtasıyla enerjiler çakralarınız ve nesnelerinizin, şeylerinizin içinden aksın.İzin
verin, çakralarınız içinde bir helezon çizsin ve Büyük Merkezi Güneşin kalbine bağlanan taç
çakranız aracılığı ile dışarı çıksın.Bedeninizdeki duygulara dokunmaya ulaşın, izin verin
duygular, duygu hükümranlığı sayesinde Yeni Dünya için gelsin ve gitsin…Büyük Merkezi
Güneşin kalbinden taç çakraya bağlanması için bırakın ve İzin verin duygular gelsin ve izin
verin duygular gitsin ve bir kez daha izin verin bütün çakralarınız ve taç çakra aracılığı ile bu
enerjiler aksın ve tam şimdi bu enerjilerin
akmasını gözlemlerken, Dünya Ananın kalbine bağlanıp akması için kök çakraya izin
verin.İzin verin kalbiniz genişlesin, açılsın ve yanınızda, arkanızda, önünüzde oturan kişi ile
bağlantı kursun, tam şimdi izin verin kalbinize genişlesin ve tam şimdi izin verin sevgi
akmaya başlasın…İzin verin sevgi genişlemeye başlasın…İzin verin sevgi hernerede akmaya
gereksinim duyuyorsa aksın…tam bir nehir gibi, izin verin sevgi aksın...
Sevgililer, en önemli şeylerden biri, ki o, kendinizi sevmenizdir; O sizin için kendinizi,
sevginin akmasına izin vermek ve neyin affedilmesine gereksinim duyuyorsanız onun için
affetmektir. Bu kanallıklarda her zaman söylüyoruz, izin verin duygular gelsin ve duygular
gitsin.Hiç bir nehrin kenarında bankta oturup nehire “akışa izin ver nehir, bırak akış gelsin ve
bırak gitsin” diye söyledinizmi? O asla olmaz, nehir daima akar.Şimdi sizce o nedir, o sevgi
akışının durmasıdır ve o, size söyleyip durduğumuz “bırakın duygular gelsin ve izin verin
gitsin”dir.Bunun sebebi iç çocuğunuzun, atalarınızın yaralı olmasıdır, şimdi, onu ve
atalarınızın yaralarını iyileştirmenin tam zamanıdır ve sevgililer, size iyileştirmenin hızını
arttıran yeni bir şifa yöntemi getirdik ve izin verin sevgi çok daha kolay aksın ve bu geceye
Kryonun 7 Sihirli Şifa Enerjisi ile başlayacağız.
Birincisi sorumluluk enerjisidir.Şimdi kendinizi sorumluluk enerjisine doğru açın, sorumluluk
için o neyin görüldüğü değildir.Sorumluluk enerjisine kendinizi açtığınızda, sorunlarınıza
yanıt almaya izin verirsiniz ve ruh size yanıtları getirecektir, sürenin % 99 u değil fakat % 100
ü, her zaman, her zaman, ve her zaman başarısız olmaksızın.Şimdi sorumluluk enerjisine izin
verin, taç çakranız vasıtasıyla ve bedeniniz içinden aksın ve bu enerjiler içindeki bu güzel
enerjiler geldiğinde, serbest bırakılmak zorundadırlar ki sorumluluk enerjisini
desteklemesinler ve onlar negatif duyguların hissiyle serbest bırakılacaklardı r, öyleki, bu
sorumluluk enerjisine izin verirken, herne hissediyorsanı z bütünüyle uygun olacaktır.
O düşüncelerle aynıdır, sorumluluğun enerjilerine izin vermenin neticesi olarak hala negatif
düşüncelere sahipseniz, bu bütünüyle uygundur.Bırakı n duygular gelsin ve bırakın duygular
gitsin, bırakın düşünceler gelsin ve bırakın düşünceler gitsin ve izin verin daha, daha fazla
sorumluluk bedeninizde aksın…Hepiniz ışık ve enerjinin titreşimisiniz ve sorumluluk enerjisi,
bedeniniz içinde onun titreşimine izin verdiğiniz bir başka titreşimdir,ve o, bunu
desteklemesin diye diğer titreşimi serbest bırakacaktır.Şimdi, bırakın duygular gelsin ve
bırakın duygular gitsin…
Gelecek olan özür enerjisidir. Kendi bedeninizdeki özür enerjisine izin verirken, o sizin
affetme ve sevgi enerjilerinizin daha fazla ve çok daha fazla kabul görüyor olmasına izin
verecektir.Bu özür enerjisine izin verin, bedeninizde derine daha derine inerek onun içinden
aksın…bu özür enerjisinin bedeniniz içine yumuşak ve nazikçe akmasına izin verin…İzin

verin bütün dışa ait gürültüler sizi derine daha daha derine götürsün…bedeninizin derinine
daha daha derinine inin ve izin verin Ruh, kendinize ait olan özür için neye gereksiniminiz
varsa getirsin.Sebeplerde n biri çok çok zor bir yaşam seçmiş olmanız olabilirdi;
ebeveynlerinizin, aile içindeki kardeşlerden birinin erken ölümü yada içerde çalışan zor bir
travma olabilirdi.Bu çok kızgın bir iç çocuk yaratabilir; neticede iç çocuğun sizin ile kızgın
olduğu görülür…ve o sizin iç çocuğunuza kızmanıza neden olur ve iç çocuğunuzda
size kızmış olur.İçiinizdeki büyük siz ve küçük çocuk olan siz arasında bir savaş vardır.İzin
verin özür enerjileri size ve içinizdeki kızgın çocuk olan diğer parçalarınıza aksın.Bu
içinizdeki çocuğun sorumluluğunu almak ve o, onu özür enerjileri ile doldurmaktır, öyleki
içinizdeki çocuk sizde bazı şeylerin değiştiğini görebilir ve böylece içerdeki bu 22 tutunma
durumunu bozabilir.Aynı zamanda duyguların gelmesine ve gitmesine izin verir…izin verin
içinizdeki bu bayat arkadaş değişsin.
Bu gelen af, bağışlama enerjisidir. Onun en önemlilerinden ilki, yaşamınızda yarattığınız
bütün zorlukların hepsi için kendinizi affetmenizdir. Sıklıkla yaşam süresini kötü kararlar
etkiler.İzin verin af enerjisi bedeninizin içinde aksın, kendinizi affederek ve birkez daha tam
şimdi duygularınızı gözlemleyerek, izin verin duygularınız gelsin ve izin verin duygularınız
gitsin, izin verin düşünceleriniz gelsin ve izin verin düşünceleriniz gitsin…İzin verin af
enerjisi bütün bedeninizin içinde aksın…Af için neye gereksinim duyuyorsanız izin verin Ruh
size getirsin.Bir kez daha bırakın duygular gelsin bırakın duygular gitsin…
Şimdi gelen sevgi enerjisidir, şimdi izin verin sevgi enerjisi bedeniniz içinde aksın ve sevgiyle
dolmak için kendize izin verin.Bırakın sevgi gelsin ve bırakın sevgi gitsin…izin verin daha
fazla sevgi gelsin ve daha fazlasının gitmesi için bırakabilirsiniz…Tam şimdi izin verin sevgi
gelsin ve izin verin, sevgi üzerinde asmak için, bayat sevgi çevrilsin ve gitsin…bırakın sevgi
gelsin ve bırakın sevgi gitsin, izin verin sevgi bir nehir gibi olsun, bırakın sevginin bir
direşimi aksın fakat hepsinden ilki sevgi size aittir…ve bir kez daha sevgi enerjiler içinde
geliyor ve o, serbest bırakılacak sevgileri desteklemiyor…bırakın sevgi bedeniniz içinde aksın
ve sevgi herhangi bir aşınmayı iyileştirecektir, sevgiye izin verin, hernerede akma gereksinimi
varsa orada aksın…
Bu gelen teslim olma enerjisidir, ki o teslim etmeyi ifade eder.Onun için, hertürlü sorun ve
yayım tam şimdi teslim edilmelidir, onu Kutsal olana bu yayımları çözeceği için teslim
edin.Hertürlü davranış sizin için iş görmez, onları teslim edin…ne türden bir soruna sahip
olursanız olun onları teslim edin…Bu davranışlar ve örnekleri, Kutsal olan ile bağlantınızı
kestiğinizde ne tutuyorsanız onlardır.Şimdi bir kez daha izin verin duygular gelsin ve izin
verin duygular gitsin…Bu Ruhsal yolun en önemli şeylerinden biri iç anne ve babanızın
sevgisi olmak durumundadır ve o bölümde bir yayım varsa izin verin bu yayımlar teslim
olsun.Bırakın duygular gelsin ve izin veriyorsunuz duygular gidiyor…
Şimdiki enerji minnettarlık, şukran enerjisidir. Bir kez daha, bedeninizi sevgi ve zerafetle
doldurması ve onun içinde akması için şukran enerjisine izin veriyoruz.Kutsal olan ile daha
fazla hizalanma içinde bedeninizdeki daha fazla minnettarlık ve zerafet siz olacaktır.Şimdi
izin verin minnettarlık bedeniniz içinde aksın, bırakın duygular gelsin ve bırakın duygular
gitsin…Bir kez minnettarlık ve zerafetle dolduğunuzda, Evrenin sihirli bir varlığı, sihirli bir
çocuğu olarak yeryüzü ve cennet arasında ki sihirli patikada yürürsünüz…Bir kez daha,
minnettarlık olarak bedeninize gelmeleri ve minnettarlığı desteklemeyenlerin salıverilmeleri
için, izin verin duygular gelsin ve izin verin duygular gitsin…
En son ve bitiş enerjisi gitmesine izin vermedir.O sonbaharda, kışın artık kendisine daha fazla
hizmet etmeyecek olan yapraklarının gitmesine izin veren bir ağaç gibidir, onun için şimdi
size daha fazla hizmet etmeyen hertürlü şeyi bırakıyoruz.Bir kez daha izin verin duygular
gelsin ve duygular gitsin, Biliyoruz ki nesnelere bağlanmak bütün acılarınızın
köküdür.Kendinize izin verin, yaşamınızın devreleri ileaksın, gitmesine izin verme yalnızca
almak için yer yaratmaktır.Şimdi gitmesine izin verirken,yeninin gelmesine izin verin.İzin

verin düşleriniz yaşamınıza gelsin ve onların gitmelerine izin vermedikçe daha fazla süre
yaşayamazsınız…bırakın gitsinler…geçmişe bakmayı durdurun, şimdiye gelin ve yerinizi
Sevgililer, gelen Yeni bir Dünya var ve bu Yeni Dünyada bir yer edinmeye gereksiminiz var…
Sizler Bir siniz ve bu sizeYeni Dünyayı getiriyor, siz Yeni Dünyaya giden ilksiniz ve alan ilk
olacaksınız, orada sevgi sayesinde saflaşmış kendi gerçeğinizi yaratacaksınız, mükemmel bir
hava ve çok fazla sevgi ile daha geniş ve daha güzel bir Dünya…Her türlü siz olan düşünüz
sevginin enerjisi sayesinde yaratmaya başlayacaktır.Şimdi sevgililer, bir kez daha sevgi
ibadethanesinin kapılarını açmaya izin verin…
Bu Kryonun imzasıdır.İyi olun ve Tanrı sizi kutsasın, korusun.

ÇN: Süleyman Kaya

Karen Bishop - New Wings

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am

((out of all of Karen's new post, this short paragraph says it best, on a personal level))
This new energy that we are currently being infused with, will align us, connect us to our
"soul signatures," and assist in making everything very clear for what we want to do next. It is
all about what we have always known. It is what we really came here to do. It is finally time.
We are aligning with this higher vibrating energy right now... this is what this latest alignment
and infusion is all about.

11/02/2009 After the Emptiness...Filling Up With the New Energies

Welcome!For the past several days (or longer), there has been a great amount of light pouring
in, and does it ever feel divine! I can literally feel all the cells of my body filling up with an
amazing cushion, drink, tingling, glowing, and a simply amazing feeling of a most heavenly
nature. This new light has arrived in a very timely way, for several reasons. Many of us have
recently been situated somewhere new in regard to our "homes," or geographical locations.
This has manifested as a literal move to a new area or new home, or even a re-building or
remodeling of our current home. In this way, we have been placed somewhere "new" where
we most certainly needed to be for the times to come. (If you have not recently moved, you
are probably right where you need to be already.) As soon as the time was right, and
we were where we needed to be, and as soon as we had let go of so much that we needed to
leave behind, and as soon as enough of us were ready and finally situated, then in came the
light. We are now aligning very strongly with this new light, and this alignment is manifesting
in every cell of our bodies. We are filling up once again after being empty for so long. Many
have recently reported kidney or bladder problems...this usually occurs when we are releasing
the old. Coughing is also common, along with bouts of weeping. We are letting go of all of
the old. We are saying good-bye to the old energies and our old lives because we are finally
ready to create the new. We are now no longer a part of the other world in any way. We can
also suddenly feel as if we are in Neverland, or someplace where we simply feel heavenly,

perhaps even lightheaded, with a desire to never leave or go back to the old reality ever again.
This is the magical energy I have been
writing about, that was due to arrive in October. We are also going into a very new phase that
involves coming back to ourselves. After spending two or so years in very dark or dense
places, as we agreed to go back into these spaces as a final grand effort to raise the vibration
of the planet, we are now coming home to our true and divine selves. And not only are we
coming back to ourselves, but we are also becoming the selves we came to be in regard to our
very new roles. In this way, we may find ourselves "giving back" anything that we created
during this two year period of the recent past, as much of anything created then no longer fits
us now. That time is very far removed from what is soon to come. If we continue to hold onto
these creations from that time, we may find that they feel very unpleasant, that they do not
remotely match where we are now, and also that they may not seem to want to depart on their
own! These creations are hanging
in the space of no space, with no apparent movement. In recent days, many new connections
have been occurring as well. With so much finally behind us, it is now time to begin
connecting to each other once again. Our phones may have begun ringing again after a very
long period of silence, we may be suddenly hearing from others, or we may even be meeting
new people and connecting to very new things. There is a magic in the air, as we are now
ensconced with the energy of the new reality. For a while now, I have been saying the same
things over and over, but have also been receiving letters asking about these very things, even
though I have been saying the same things over and over again and wondering if I am indeed
boring you! What is happening here, is that we are not yet ready to hear all at the same time.
When we are not yet ready to hear something, we simply do not. None-the-less, I will reiterate
some of the basics once again. With the advent of
the solstice of June, everything was thrown out of its groove, and when everything landed, it
landed in new vibrational spaces, which were spaced very apart. Before then, most of us had
ended up congregating at the same energetic or dimensional spot, as we had gone as far as we
could go, waited for as many as possible to catch up, and thus, were finally all at a specific
"finish line" at the same time. Now, we are spaced very far apart, as we landed in places that
match where each of us is now vibrating. The forerunners are at the front, and with far less
company than the majority of others. In this way, many of you reading the WINGS posts, can
no longer relate to all of the material, as we are now no longer all in the same space like we
used to be. So then, some of it fits and some of it does not. In addition, after the final
disconnect of September 9th , each soul had the opportunity to chose where each soul wanted
to be. Some souls chose to go
back into the mainstream and experience a normal life, while others chose to move forward
into a new heaven, and yet others chose to simply depart altogether. In this way, I cannot write
to everyone now, as I simply do not know nor am I personally experiencing what each and
every one of you is now experiencing. Even so, wherever we all are now, we usually
experience similar things in regard to energy, as when energy begins to move, it affects
everything. So then, we may still have the same experiences, only at different levels of
experience, so things may manifest a bit differently, but we can still relate. At other times, the
forerunners are having a very different experience, as they are the original creators of the
planet, have placed themselves within the ascension experience with every fiber of their
being, and are thus, having the most dramatic and life changing experiences of all. Thus, the
wide variety of ascension experiences. Hoping this all
makes sense! And as always, we are all exactly right where we need to be. No one is better
than anyone else, nor is anyone left behind or lost, even though it may have felt this way in
recent weeks and months! To sum things up in regard to those asking for more clarity: We
have been letting go of most of everything, in order to arrive somewhere new that vibrates

higher. We do not get to take suitcases with us, or rather baggage. Our roles of healing others
or the planet are now over, as that phase is now complete. Thus, we are now moving into new
territory that involves creating a very new planet Earth. We were also allowed choices as to
where we want to go and what we want to create. For those who chose to create a new heaven
on earth: Because we are the creators of the new Earth, there is nothing here yet. We are in
new and vast territory. It is thus, empty. It is empty because it is up to us to create something
new. We can no longer create alone,
nor exist alone, as separation is a lower vibrating existence. We will create by connecting to
each other. When we connect to each other, we automatically go into a higher vibrating space,
and miracles occur. We can no longer go it alone, nor be alone, nor make anything happen by
ourselves. We had to really die before we could be reborn into this new reality. In this way, we
may have felt like much decay was occurring within and without, like there was absolutely
nothing left of us, and as if we were living in hell. We may have felt totally and completely
exhausted for the past few years, and we may have felt that we no longer had guides, the
ability to create a thing, or our usual higher vibrating experiences. This is all normal (we are
at the level of our guides now, so we need to rely on ourselves and our inner wisdom. We also
could not create anything, as we could not take anything with us, so we had to be very empty
in all ways). So now, here we
are in a vast new land. For some of us, we are still being held back to the degree that those
whom we will be connecting to, are still being placed in their new spots, or are still "finishing
up." Or perhaps we are still not ready ourselves. I know for me, that I am in a resting phase,
from all the excitement of getting here, along with all of the losses I incurred. Although I am
very aware of my new endeavors, I am not yet ready to jump into them quite yet. I need some
down time. We are also aligning with these new and higher vibrating energies, so all that we
will be creating in times to come, may not yet be in our awareness quite yet. But do know,
that it will be when the time is right. And there are still decisions being made at the higher
levels (our subconscious soul levels) as well, as to how things may unfold in the best way
possible. This new energy that we are currently being infused with, will align us, connect us
to our "soul
signatures," and assist in making everything very clear for what we want to do next. It is all
about what we have always known. It is what we really came here to do. It is finally time. We
are aligning with this higher vibrating energy right now... this is what this latest alignment and
infusion is all about. The higher we vibrate and the more we find ourselves existing in these
higher vibrating spaces, the more we come to realize and experience how great the chasm is
between one dimension and another. If ever we find ourselves interacting with lower vibrating
energies, it can come as a real shock to our systems. Higher vibrating energy moves very fast
and vibrates fast. When it comes into contact with a slower vibrating energy, it can feel like a
real train wreck... like hitting a brick wall going a hundred miles per hour. Shock and
bewilderment at the behavior and energy of these lower vibrating energies is a common and
normal experience. It can
stop us in our tracks, as it simply does not fit in with our current experience or awareness.
These experiences of colliding energies many times occur when we have been very nice,
helpful, extended ourselves, been "giving" or accommodating, and very loving to other
energies. The reason we have a big collision or a very unpleasant experience, is because we
no longer belong in these spaces. These energies do not "see" us, they do not appreciate us,
and they are basically telling us to get out as our higher vibrating energy will only serve to
bring up the vibration, and we are no longer supposed to be doing this. Our days of serving
the old world, of helping the old world, of extending ourselves, and of being present in the old
world are very over. Being the naturally loving souls that we are, this can be a bitter pill to
swallow. Yes, of course we can "visit" the old world for brief periods and be loving, but when

it is time to move on, we
will be pushed out through interacting with disrespectful and unappreciative energies. The
best remedy is simply not to interact at all. If we choose to call these energies on their
seeming rude and arrogant behavior, the fire is only fueled, and these energies become even
more difficult to deal with. Removing ourselves from them is what is being called for, so that
is most always the best thing to do. These are strong reminders that we need no longer be
fulfilling our old is now time for us. As we begin connecting to like energies now, we
will find that pockets of energy will reveal themselves to us that simply feel great. And yes,
we will be creating very new spaces of these feel good energies ourselves, but in the
meantime, there are still spaces available that already exist. I love my Credit Union. Now
needing to visit a new branch as I have recently moved, I love going there. Their philosophy
is that the customers or members are what
matter, as that is what comprises the Credit is made up of members with shares of
the "bank." One teller tells me that he began his job there with quite a commute, but would
not leave for anything, as he really loves the people he works with. Another employee tells me
that she loves it there, as the past year had her working at different banks, she was very
unhappy, and here, the priority is the members, and she would not leave for anything. There is
a real experience of the whole going on there. And they all want to know all about me as well.
And I like knowing about all of them too! They cannot do enough for me, and always go the
extra mile. It is a wonderful place to be involved with. I also have a favorite Target store in the
area. Whenever I am there, the employees are always so happy! They laugh, joke, and help
each other. And of course, they love to help their customers as well. I finally asked to speak to
the manager, as I
wanted to meet whomever it was that was creating such a delightful place to be! These places
of higher vibrating energy will pop up everywhere, and they stand out like a beacon of light
on a dark night. As we begin to connect to each other more and more, we will create these
higher vibrating spaces ourselves, and a new grid will form. Some of these spaces will vibrate
very high (much higher than the establishments mentioned above), according to who is
creating them and what their purpose is, and others will vibrate differently, according to who
has created them and according to what they are about as well. The ascension process has
always mimicked menopause. With hot flashes and night sweats, short term memory loss,
abdominal weight gain, depression, sleep disturbances, loss of our usual sense of place or
purpose, and even temporary hearing loss, the new phase we are now experiencing is yet
another resemblance of menopause. We are done helping and
putting our service to others above everything else. We are now ready to do something for
ourselves. It is now time for us. Our "children," or rather all the souls on the planet whom we
dedicated ourselves to, now need to be on their own. We have done all we can. We are done
parenting and placing their needs before ours, so to speak. In this way, we are now very
poised for creating a very new reality. We can really come into our creativity now, do what we
love to do, figure out what contribution we want to make to the new world that aligns with
what we love to do, and just have some fun and kick off our shoes. This is when the fun
begins. And this is also when our "soul scripts" really begin to activate. As a final note for this
particular WINGS post, some of your inquiries are addressed below. Many of you have asked
the same questions or had the same concerns in regard to store-fronts if you are over 65 years
of age, losing or misplacing
things that suddenly show up somewhere else, and adjusting to the pain of being separated
from your loved ones. If you feel that you are too old or do not fit in with the blueprint of a
store-front, you do not need to. Each and every one of us has a special gift and talent, like no
other. This is our contribution to the planet. Our various gifts and talents are very needed. A
store-front is simply a term I created to refer to our contributions. We need not always have to

make money from them. Some of us still need money, until we are completely sustaining a
new reality without the need for money. In this way, our store-fronts will need to generate
money. Our gifts and talents, or our contributions or purpose, are all that is ever necessary. So
in this way, a "store-front" can simply indicate who you are and what you are about. In
addition, with the advent of the final disconnect, some of us may have chosen to simply be
here observing and just
hanging out. Your store-front, then, is simply what you are about and who you are. Many are
reporting that they put an object somewhere, and suddenly it is no longer there, but
miraculously shows up somewhere else, or maybe never at all. This has been going on for
quite some time. It is simply an indicator of dimensional shifting. Another indicator is seeing
things moving out of the corner of your eye, or hearing voices....or even buzzing sounds.
These are manifestations of moving in between dimensions and of now residing where new
and higher vibrating energies are now residing. We have new company now. And lastly, many
of you are feeling greatly challenged and deeply saddened from being separated from your
loved ones. This occurrence is, I personally believe, one of the most difficult of all the
ascension experiences. These separations happen when there is a vast difference in where we
are all vibrating. When we go somewhere else, not everyone goes
with us. We either let go of our biological families intentionally, or we are denied access to
them. If we choose to sever the connections on our own, because we can no longer tolerate
their behaviors or are no longer in alignment with them, it can still be an uncomfortable
situation. If we are the ones left behind, we are at times being asked to step up to the plate, to
own our behaviors and our vibrations, and to make some needed changes within ourselves.
And at other times, we are left behind because we would never move forward on our own...we
would not leave our loved ones behind, so these souls lovingly leave us, or usually create a
very distasteful situation so that we will be motivated to move ahead without them. They
know that they are not yet ready to go where we are going, so they leave us instead. In any
case, know that it does indeed get better. With the exception of my daughter and
grandchildren (although they recently moved away so Ari
could complete her soul script), I have been separated from every last member of my
biological family and my prior acquaintances. After the extreme emptiness comes a new
filling up, if ever so slowly. When we begin to connect to new members of our family, we will
have relationships and connections that vibrate so much higher than we have ever known, that
our old relationships only pale in comparison. Our soul families will be coming together now.
I have recently met a new person (no, not my new "love interest" companion), and every time
I interact with him I begin to cry....I just cannot help it. I have never known so much love,
caring, respect, and appropriate behavior. This person really sees me, always knows exactly
just what to say, do, and be, and the contrast between this and what I have let go of is
dramatic. He came out of nowhere as a sudden surprise. He held a key as well, that re-opened
a heart that had needed to close while still
living in the old reality. And this is the way it will be as we connect to our soul families and
begin creating very new families of a much higher vibrating nature. It is truly magical having
all the old density now gone, and now being able to connect to others in true and higher
vibrating ways. And our hearts will open once again. Last night I watched a movie where the
female lead lost her husband, the child role lost his mother, and the male lead was not
interested in a relationship. In the end, they all created a very new family, and it was so full of
love! They were very devoted to each other, and had so much caring and interaction, that their
old relationships became a distant memory. It reminded me of our very new was
amazing. As we begin taking our first new steps in this very new reality, we will find the
magic we have always dreamed about. It is indeed here, and we can finally experience it now.
Our gratitude will be immense,

as will our wonderment and surprise....we have indeed earned it...this new heaven on Earth,
miles away from the old world. The old phrase "I think I have died and gone to heaven" will
take on a very new meaning. I know it has for me.With much love and gratitude,

Karen Bishop

Dünyanın tüm dinlerini içeren kelime

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am

Dünyanın tüm dinlerini içeren kelime hangisidir?


Bu basit kelime dünyanın tüm dinlerini kapsar. Güveni kapsar, aşkı kapsar, teslim olmayı
kapsar. Söylenmiş, söylenen ve söylenecek olan tüm duaları kapsar. Eğer tüm kalbinizle ‘evet’
derseniz, söylenebilecek her şeyi söylemiş olursunuz. Varlığa ‘evet’ demek dini olmaktır,
‘hayır’ demek ise din dışı olmaktır.

Bu benim ateist ve inançlı ile ilgili tanımlamamdır. Ateist Tanrı’yı inkâr eden değildir, inanan
da Tanrı’ya inanan değildir. Böyle olması gerekmez. Çünkü Tanrı’ya inanmayan, çok büyük
inançlılar gördük. Bu aydınlanmış insanlar, Tanrı hakkında hiç konuşmadılar. Ama evet
hakkında konuştular, evet üzerine konuşmak zorundaydılar.

Tanrı gereksiz bir varsayım olarak terk edilebilir, ama evet bırakılamaz. Evet dindarlığın
ruhudur. Ve evet Tanrı olmadan da varolabilir. Ama Tanrı evet olmadan varolamaz. Tanrı
sadece bedendir, evet ruhtur.

Tanrıya inanan bazı insanları, ben ateist diye adlandırıyorum. Çünkü inançlarının ardında evet
yoktur. İnançları sahtedir, inançları resmidir, bu inançlar onlara diğerleri tarafından
verilmiştir, o ödünç alınmıştır. Aileleri, rahipler ve öğretmenler onlara Tanrı’nın var olduğunu
Onları öylesine korkutmuşlardır ki, Tanrı’nın varlığını sorgulayamazlar bile. Ve eğer Tanrı’ya
inanırlarsa, harika şeylere sahip olacaklarının sözü verilmiştir. İnanırsanız, cennette harika
ödüller sizi bekleyecektir; inanmazsanız cehennemde büyük cezalar sizi karşılayacaktır.
Korku ve açlık kötüye kullanılmıştır. Rahipler tıpkı psikologların fareler üzerinde yaptığı
araştırmalardaki gibi davrandılar. Fareler cezalandırma ve ödüllendirme sistemiyle kontrol
edildiler. Onları ödüllendirin, ve ödüllendirildikleri şey adına öğrenirler. Onları cezalandırın,
bunu yaptığınızda cezalandırıldıkları şey yüzünden öğrenmemeye başlarlar.
İnançlılar ve ateistler, her ikisi de kurbanlardır. Gerçekten dindar olan kişinin Kutsal Kitap’la,
Kuran’la ya da Bhagavad Gita ile bir ilişkisi yoktur.

Gerçekten dindar olan kişinin varoluşla derin bir paylaşımı vardır. Bir güle evet diyebilir,
yıldızlara evet diyebilir, insanlara evet diyebilir: Kendi varlığına evet diyebilir, kendi
arzularına evet diyebilir. Hayatın ona getirdiği her şeye evet diyebilir; o evet diyen kişidir.

Ve bu evet, temel duayı bünyesinde bulundurur.


After the Emptiness - Filling Up With the

New Energies - Karen Bishop
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am

After the Emptiness - Filling Up With the New Energies

Karen Bishop
Monday, 2 November, 2009

For the past several days (or longer), there has been a great amount of light pouring in, and
does it ever feel divine! I can literally feel all the cells of my body filling up with an amazing
cushion, drink, tingling, glowing, and a simply amazing feeling of a most heavenly nature.
This new light has arrived in a very timely way, for several reasons.

Many of us have recently been situated somewhere new in regard to our “homes,” or
geographical locations. This has manifested as a literal move to a new area or new home, or
even a re-building or remodeling of our current home. In this way, we have been placed
somewhere “new” where we most certainly needed to be for the times to come. (If you have
not recently moved, you are probably right where you need to be already.)

As soon as the time was right, and we were where we needed to be, and as soon as we had let
go of so much that we needed to leave behind, and as soon as enough of us were ready and
finally situated, then in came the light. We are now aligning very strongly with this new light,
and this alignment is manifesting in every cell of our bodies. We are filling up once again
after being empty for so long.

Many have recently reported kidney or bladder problems…this usually occurs when we are
releasing the old. Coughing is also common, along with bouts of weeping. We are letting go
of all of the old. We are saying good-bye to the old energies and our old lives because we are
finally ready to create the new. We are now no longer a part of the other world in any way. We
can also suddenly feel as if we are in Neverland, or someplace where we simply feel
heavenly, perhaps even lightheaded, with a desire to never leave or go back to the old reality

ever again. This is the magical energy I have been writing about, that was due to arrive in

We are also going into a very new phase that involves coming back to ourselves. After
spending two or so years in very dark or dense places, as we agreed to go back into these
spaces as a final grand effort to raise the vibration of the planet, we are now coming home to
our true and divine selves. And not only are we coming back to ourselves, but we are also
becoming the selves we came to be in regard to our very new roles.

In this way, we may find ourselves “giving back” anything that we created during this two
year period of the recent past, as much of anything created then no longer fits us now. That
time is very far removed from what is soon to come. If we continue to hold onto these
creations from that time, we may find that they feel very unpleasant, that they do not remotely
match where we are now, and also that they may not seem to want to depart on their own!
These creations are hanging in the space of no space, with no apparent movement.

In recent days, many new connections have been occurring as well. With so much finally
behind us, it is now time to begin connecting to each other once again. Our phones may have
begun ringing again after a very long period of silence, we may be suddenly hearing from
others, or we may even be meeting new people and connecting to very new things. There is a
magic in the air, as we are now ensconced with the energy of the new reality.

For a while now, I have been saying the same things over and over, but have also been
receiving letters asking about these very things, even though I have been saying the same
things over and over again and wondering if I am indeed boring you! What is happening here,
is that we are not yet ready to hear all at the same time. When we are not yet ready to hear
something, we simply do not. None-the-less, I will reiterate some of the basics once again.

With the advent of the solstice of June, everything was thrown out of its groove, and when
everything landed, it landed in new vibrational spaces, which were spaced very apart. Before
then, most of us had ended up congregating at the same energetic or dimensional spot, as we
had gone as far as we could go, waited for as many as possible to catch up, and thus, were
finally all at a specific “finish line” at the same time.

Now, we are spaced very far apart, as we landed in places that match where each of us is now
vibrating. The forerunners are at the front, and with far less company than the majority of
others. In this way, many of you reading the WINGS posts, can no longer relate to all of the
material, as we are now no longer all in the same space like we used to be. So then, some of it
fits and some of it does not. In addition, after the final disconnect of September 9th , each soul
had the opportunity to chose where each soul wanted to be. Some souls chose to go back into
the mainstream and experience a normal life, while others chose to move forward into a new
heaven, and yet others chose to simply depart altogether. In this way, I cannot write to
everyone now, as I simply do not know nor am I personally experiencing what each and every
one of you is now experiencing.

Even so, wherever we all are now, we usually experience similar things in regard to energy, as
when energy begins to move, it affects everything. So then, we may still have the same
experiences, only at different levels of experience, so things may manifest a bit differently, but
we can still relate. At other times, the forerunners are having a very different experience, as
they are the original creators of the planet, have placed themselves within the ascension

experience with every fiber of their being, and are thus, having the most dramatic and life
changing experiences of all. Thus, the wide variety of ascension experiences. Hoping this all
makes sense!

And as always, we are all exactly right where we need to be. No one is better than anyone
else, nor is anyone left behind or lost, even though it may have felt this way in recent weeks
and months!

To sum things up in regard to those asking for more clarity: We have been letting go of most
of everything, in order to arrive somewhere new that vibrates higher. We do not get to take
suitcases with us, or rather baggage. Our roles of healing others or the planet are now over, as
that phase is now complete. Thus, we are now moving into new territory that involves
creating a very new planet Earth. We were also allowed choices as to where we want to go
and what we want to create. For those who chose to create a new heaven on earth: Because we
are the creators of the new Earth, there is nothing here yet. We are in new and vast territory. It
is thus, empty. It is empty because it is up to us to create something new. We can no longer
create alone, nor exist alone, as separation is a lower vibrating existence. We will create by
connecting to each other. When we connect to each other, we automatically go into a higher
vibrating space, and miracles occur. We can no longer go it alone, nor be alone, nor make
anything happen by ourselves. We had to really die before we could be reborn into this new
reality. In this way, we may have felt like much decay was occurring within and without, like
there was absolutely nothing left of us, and as if we were living in hell. We may have felt
totally and completely exhausted for the past few years, and we may have felt that we no
longer had guides, the ability to create a thing, or our usual higher vibrating experiences. This
is all normal (we are at the level of our guides now, so we need to rely on ourselves and our
inner wisdom. We also could not create anything, as we could not take anything with us, so
we had to be very empty in all ways).

So now, here we are in a vast new land. For some of us, we are still being held back to the
degree that those whom we will be connecting to, are still being placed in their new spots, or
are still “finishing up.” Or perhaps we are still not ready ourselves. I know for me, that I am in
a resting phase, from all the excitement of getting here, along with all of the losses I incurred.
Although I am very aware of my new endeavors, I am not yet ready to jump into them quite
yet. I need some down time. We are also aligning with these new and higher vibrating
energies, so all that we will be creating in times to come, may not yet be in our awareness
quite yet. But do know, that it will be when the time is right. And there are still decisions
being made at the higher levels (our subconscious soul levels) as well, as to how things may
unfold in the best way possible.

This new energy that we are currently being infused with, will align us, connect us to our
“soul signatures,” and assist in making everything very clear for what we want to do next. It is
all about what we have always known. It is what we really came here to do. It is finally time.
We are aligning with this higher vibrating energy right now... this is what this latest alignment
and infusion is all about.

The higher we vibrate and the more we find ourselves existing in these higher vibrating
spaces, the more we come to realize and experience how great the chasm is between one
dimension and another. If ever we find ourselves interacting with lower vibrating energies, it
can come as a real shock to our systems. Higher vibrating energy moves very fast and vibrates
fast. When it comes into contact with a slower vibrating energy, it can feel like a real train

wreck… like hitting a brick wall going a hundred miles per hour. Shock and bewilderment at
the behavior and energy of these lower vibrating energies is a common and normal
experience. It can stop us in our tracks, as it simply does not fit in with our current experience
or awareness.

These experiences of colliding energies many times occur when we have been very nice,
helpful, extended ourselves, been “giving” or accommodating, and very loving to other
energies. The reason we have a big collision or a very unpleasant experience, is because we
no longer belong in these spaces. These energies do not “see” us, they do not appreciate us,
and they are basically telling us to get out as our higher vibrating energy will only serve to
bring up the vibration, and we are no longer supposed to be doing this. Our days of serving
the old world, of helping the old world, of extending ourselves, and of being present in the old
world are very over.

Being the naturally loving souls that we are, this can be a bitter pill to swallow. Yes, of course
we can “visit” the old world for brief periods and be loving, but when it is time to move on,
we will be pushed out through interacting with disrespectful and unappreciative energies. The
best remedy is simply not to interact at all. If we choose to call these energies on their
seeming rude and arrogant behavior, the fire is only fueled, and these energies become even
more difficult to deal with. Removing ourselves from them is what is being called for, so that
is most always the best thing to do. These are strong reminders that we need no longer be
fulfilling our old roles…it is now time for us.

As we begin connecting to like energies now, we will find that pockets of energy will reveal
themselves to us that simply feel great. And yes, we will be creating very new spaces of these
feel good energies ourselves, but in the meantime, there are still spaces available that already
exist. I love my Credit Union. Now needing to visit a new branch as I have recently moved, I
love going there. Their philosophy is that the customers or members are what matter, as that is
what comprises the Credit Union…it is made up of members with shares of the “bank.” One
teller tells me that he began his job there with quite a commute, but would not leave for
anything, as he really loves the people he works with. Another employee tells me that she
loves it there, as the past year had her working at different banks, she was very unhappy, and
here, the priority is the members, and she would not leave for anything. There is a real
experience of the whole going on there. And they all want to know all about me as well. And I
like knowing about all of them too! They cannot do enough for me, and always go the extra
mile. It is a wonderful place to be involved with.

I also have a favorite Target store in the area. Whenever I am there, the employees are always
so happy! They laugh, joke, and help each other. And of course, they love to help their
customers as well. I finally asked to speak to the manager, as I wanted to meet whomever it
was that was creating such a delightful place to be!
These places of higher vibrating energy will pop up everywhere, and they stand out like a
beacon of light on a dark night. As we begin to connect to each other more and more, we will
create these higher vibrating spaces ourselves, and a new grid will form. Some of these spaces
will vibrate very high (much higher than the establishments mentioned above), according to
who is creating them and what their purpose is, and others will vibrate differently, according
to who has created them and according to what they are about as well.

The ascension process has always mimicked menopause. With hot flashes and night sweats,
short term memory loss, abdominal weight gain, depression, sleep disturbances, loss of our

usual sense of place or purpose, and even temporary hearing loss, the new phase we are now
experiencing is yet another resemblance of menopause. We are done helping and putting our
service to others above everything else. We are now ready to do something for ourselves. It is
now time for us. Our “children,” or rather all the souls on the planet whom we dedicated
ourselves to, now need to be on their own. We have done all we can. We are done parenting
and placing their needs before ours, so to speak. In this way, we are now very poised for
creating a very new reality. We can really come into our creativity now, do what we love to
do, figure out what contribution we want to make to the new world that aligns with what we
love to do, and just have some fun and kick off our shoes. This is when the fun begins. And
this is also when our “soul scripts” really begin to activate.

As a final note for this particular WINGS post, some of your inquiries are addressed below.
Many of you have asked the same questions or had the same concerns in regard to store-fronts
if you are over 65 years of age, losing or misplacing things that suddenly show up somewhere
else, and adjusting to the pain of being separated from your loved ones.

If you feel that you are too old or do not fit in with the blueprint of a store-front, you do not
need to. Each and every one of us has a special gift and talent, like no other. This is our
contribution to the planet. Our various gifts and talents are very needed. A store-front is
simply a term I created to refer to our contributions. We need not always have to make money
from them. Some of us still need money, until we are completely sustaining a new reality
without the need for money. In this way, our store-fronts will need to generate money. Our
gifts and talents, or our contributions or purpose, are all that is ever necessary. So in this way,
a “store-front” can simply indicate who you are and what you are about. In addition, with the
advent of the final disconnect, some of us may have chosen to simply be here observing and
just hanging out. Your store-front, then, is simply what you are about and who you are.

Many are reporting that they put an object somewhere, and suddenly it is no longer there, but
miraculously shows up somewhere else, or maybe never at all. This has been going on for
quite some time. It is simply an indicator of dimensional shifting. Another indicator is seeing
things moving out of the corner of your eye, or hearing voices….or even buzzing sounds.
These are manifestations of moving in between dimensions and of now residing where new
and higher vibrating energies are now residing. We have new company now.

And lastly, many of you are feeling greatly challenged and deeply saddened from being
separated from your loved ones. This occurrence is, I personally believe, one of the most
difficult of all the ascension experiences. These separations happen when there is a vast
difference in where we are all vibrating. When we go somewhere else, not everyone goes with
us. We either let go of our biological families intentionally, or we are denied access to them.

If we choose to sever the connections on our own, because we can no longer tolerate their
behaviors or are no longer in alignment with them, it can still be an uncomfortable situation.
If we are the ones left behind, we are at times being asked to step up to the plate, to own our
behaviors and our vibrations, and to make some needed changes within ourselves. And at
other times, we are left behind because we would never move forward on our own…we
would not leave our loved ones behind, so these souls lovingly leave us, or usually create a
very distasteful situation so that we will be motivated to move ahead without them. They
know that they are not yet ready to go where we are going, so they leave us instead.

In any case, know that it does indeed get better. With the exception of my daughter and

grandchildren (although they recently moved away so Ari could complete her soul script), I
have been separated from every last member of my biological family and my prior
acquaintances. After the extreme emptiness comes a new filling up, if ever so slowly. When
we begin to connect to new members of our family, we will have relationships and
connections that vibrate so much higher than we have ever known, that our old relationships
only pale in comparison. Our soul families will be coming together now.

I have recently met a new person (no, not my new “love interest” companion), and every time
I interact with him I begin to cry….I just cannot help it. I have never known so much love,
caring, respect, and appropriate behavior. This person really sees me, always knows exactly
just what to say, do, and be, and the contrast between this and what I have let go of is
dramatic. He came out of nowhere as a sudden surprise. He held a key as well, that re-opened
a heart that had needed to close while still living in the old reality. And this is the way it will
be as we connect to our soul families and begin creating very new families of a much higher
vibrating nature. It is truly magical having all the old density now gone, and now being able to
connect to others in true and higher vibrating ways. And our hearts will open once again

Last night I watched a movie where the female lead lost her husband, the child role lost his
mother, and the male lead was not interested in a relationship. In the end, they all created a
very new family, and it was so full of love! They were very devoted to each other, and had so
much caring and interaction, that their old relationships became a distant memory. It reminded
me of our very new was amazing.

As we begin taking our first new steps in this very new reality, we will find the magic we
have always dreamed about. It is indeed here, and we can finally experience it now. Our
gratitude will be immense, as will our wonderment and surprise….we have indeed earned it…
this new heaven on Earth, miles away from the old world. The old phrase "I think I have died
and gone to heaven" will take on a very new meaning. I know it has for me.

With much love and gratitude,


Universal Copyright 2009 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the is included as the resource and this information is distributed
on a non-commercial no charge basis.

Excellent Links On Kundalini

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am

Excellent Links On Kundalini

Posted by: "Jewels Ascend" ONE of the BEST

sites on Kundalini... I have this on my own group.. Every page of it.. Recommend Highly, but
you can spend weeks in there learning about it.

None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to
this whisper which is heard by him alone.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am

Önce evlendiğimizde hayatin daha iyi olacağına inandırırız kendimizi. Evlendikten sonra, bir
çocuğumuz doğduktan hatta ardından bir tane daha olduktan sonra hayatin daha iyi olacağına
inandırırız kendimizi. Sonra çocuklar yeterince büyük olmadıkları için kızar, onlar büyüyünce
daha mutlu olacağımıza inanırız. Bundan sonra, ergenlik dönemlerinde çocuklarla
uğraşmamız gerektiği için öfkeleniriz.

Kendimize, çocuklarımız bu dönemden çıkınca daha mutlu olacağımızı, yeni bir araba alınca,
güzel bir tatile çıkınca, emekli olunca, yaşantımızın dört dörtlük olacağını söyleriz. Gerçek ise
şu andan daha iyi bir zaman olmadığıdır.

Eğer şimdi değil ise ne zaman? Hayatınız her zaman mücadelelerle dolu olacaktır. En iyisi
bunu kabul edip her ne olursa olsun mutlu olmaya karar vermektir. En sevdiğim sözlerden biri
Alfred D. Souza' ya aittir. Der ki;

"Uzun zamandan beridir hayatın -gerçek hayatın- başlamak üzere olduğu izlenimine
kapılmıştım. Fakat her zaman yolumun üzerinde bir engel, öncelikle erişilmesi gereken bir
şey, bitmemiş bir is, hizmet edilecek zaman, ödenecek bir borç oldu. Sonra hayat
başlayacaktı. Sonunda anladım ki bu engeller benim hayatımdı." Bu görüş açısı, mutluluğa
giden bir yol olmadığını gösterdi. Mutluluk yoldur, öyleyse sahip olduğunuz her anın
kıymetini bilin ve mutluluğu, vaktinizi harcayacak kadar özel biriyle paylaştığınız için, ona
daha fazla değer verin. Unutmayın, zaman hiç kimse için beklemez. Öyleyse;

Okulu bitirene kadar,

100 milyar kazanana kadar,
Çocuklarınız olana kadar,
Çocuklarınız evden ayrılana kadar,
İşe başlayana kadar,
Evlenene kadar,
Cuma gecesine kadar,
Pazar sabahına kadar,
Yeni bir araba, ya da ev alana kadar,
Borçları ödeyene kadar,
İlkbahara kadar,
Yaza kadar,
Sonbahara kadar,
Kışa kadar,
Maaş gününe kadar,
Şarkınız söylenene kadar,
Emekli olana kadar,
Ölene kadar…
Mutlu olmak için içinde bulunduğunuz ‘an’dan daha iyi bir zaman olduğuna karar vermek
için beklemekten vazgeçin. Mutluluk bir varış değil, bir yolculuktur."Pek çokları mutluluğu
insandan daha yüksekte ararlar; bazıları da daha alçakta. Oysa mutluluk insanın boyu

Unutmayın; “Yarın kimseye vaat edilmemiştir.”


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 4:30am


Neredeyse tüm sevgimiz küçük yaşta bize programlanan duygusal arzularımız tarafından
güdülenmiştir. Sevgiyle ilgili deneyimlerimizin çoğu bize sevgiye
sahip olmadan önce bunu kazanmamız ya da hak etmemiz gerektiğini öğretmiştir, tabii
diğerleri de bizim sevgimizi hak etmelidirler. Bu koşullu sevgidir-takas
ya da iş anlaşmasına benzer.

İyi niyetli fakat beceriksizce sevme girişimlerimizin ayrılık ve yabancılaşmayla son bulması
hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. BENİ GERÇEKTEN SEVSEYDİN... ve benzeri cümleleri
bitirmek için bağımlılıklarımızdan birini kullanırız.Bu bir takastır, koşulsuz sevgi değil..

KOŞULSUZ SEVGİ SADECE SEVGİDİR. Sadece orada olduğun için seni seviyorum.
Hayatımın şimdiliğinin bir parçası olduğun için seni seviyorum. Bedenlerimiz
düşüncelerimiz farklı olsada bilinç düzeyinde insan olarak birbirimize benzer olduğumuz için
seni seviyorum. BİZ BİR BÜTÜNÜZ, BİRİZ.

GERÇEK SEVGİ, başka birini kabullenmektir. Tamamen ve koşulsuz olarak ! Dünyayı onun
gözüyle görmektir. Ne yaşıyorsa, ne hisediyorsa- yaşamımızın
bir bölümünde biz de oradaydık, bizde aynı şeyleri yaşadık ve hissettik.

Sevdiğimiz zaman başkalarını, yüksek bilinç yolculuklarında gelişen varlıklar olarak

görürüz.Dünyevi beceriler ve kazanımlar için ne kadar yoğun bir çaba
harcarsak harcayalım, bilinç düzeyinde sevgi ve birlik aradığımızı idrak ederiz.

Hepimiz yüksek bilinç yolundayız. Bazılarımız hayatın sunduğu mesajları duyuyor ve

bağımlılıklarımızı ortadan kaldırmak için bilinçi olarak çalışıyor, bazılarımızda
bilinçli çalışmanın ne olduğunu bilmediğinden ilerleyemiyor...


Geçmişteki eylemlerimizin ne denli korkunç olduğunu düşünürsek, düşünelim, HER GÜN


Kendinizi sevmezseniz başkalarını nasıl sevebilirsiniz? Kendinize olan sevginiz ve bir

başkasına duyduğunuz sevgi, gerçek sevginin güzel yapısını yaratmak
için içinizde birleşen bloklardır.

Koşulsuz sevgiyi öğrenmek, programlanmış bağımlılıklarımızdan bağımsız olmak

demektir.Burada ve şimdinin duygusal olarak kabullenilmesidir- daha önce kabul
edilemez olanın duygusal olarak kabulüdür.Duygularımız canlandığında içinde

bulunduğumuz durumu gerçekçi biçimde algılayamayız ve bağımlı programımıza
dayanarak çarpık değerlendirmeler yaparız.Bu olduğunda kendimiz ve diğerleri arasındaki
farkları abartır, benzelikleri bastırırız. Ve bu koşulsuz sevebilme
yeteneğimizi yok eder.

Hepimiz sevme isteğinin yeterli olmadığını biliyoruz. Geçmişe bakarsak her yaşta sevginin
öneminden haberdar olduğumuzu hatırlayabiliriz.

Biliyoruz ki; dünyadaki çoğu mutsuzluktan, insanlarla iyi geçinme konusunda karşılaşılan
güçlüklerden, kirlilik, önyargı, savaşlar ve insanlığa karşı işlenen diğer
bireysel ve grup suçlardan SEVGİSİZLİK SORUMLUDUR.







1- Kendimi; karşılaştığım durumları zorla kontrol etmeye çalışmama sebep olan ve böylece
huzurumu bozan, kendimi ve diğerlerini sevmemi engelleyen
güvenlik, duygu ve güç bağımlılıklarından ÖZGÜR KILIYORUM.

2- Bilincime hakim olan bağımlılıklarımın, değişen insanları ve durumları olduklarından

farklı algılamama neden olduğunu KEŞFEDİYORUM.

3- Robotvari duygusal kalıplarımın etkisinden kurtulmak amacıyla yeniden programlamam

gereken bağımlılıklarımın farkına varmak tüm fırsatlara


4- Bilincimin ölü geçmişe ya da hayal edilen geleceğe dayalı istek ve beklentiler tarafından
yönetilmesine izin vermediğim sürece BURADA VE ŞİMDİNİN
tadını çıkarmak için ihtiyacım olan her şeye sahip olduğumu BİLİYORUM.

5- Kendi programım davranışlarıma şekil verdiği ve çevremdeki insanların tepkilerini

etkilediği için yaşadığım her şeyin sorumluluğunu şimdi burada ÜSTLENİYORUM.

6- Kendimi burada ve şimdi her şeyimle tamamen kabul ediyor ve hissettiğim, düşündüğüm,
söylediğim ve yaptığım her şeyi yüksek bilinç gelişimimin bir parçası olarak
bilinçli bir biçimde YAŞIYORUM.


7- En derin duygularımı içtenlikle tüm insanlara AÇIYORUM.

8- Başkalarına karşı kendi gelişimleri için ihtiyaçları olan mesajları veren kötü ve zor
durumlarına kendimi kaptırmadan, sorunları için sevgi dolu bir ŞEFKAT

9- Uyumlu, sevgi dolu ve kendi merkezimde özgür davranıyorum, fakat sinirli olduğumdu
mümkünse harekete geçmekten, kendimi sevgi ve yüksek bilincin ürünü


10- Çevremdeki insanlarla bütünleşmemi sağlayacak enerjileri algılamak için rasyonel

düşüncenin durmak bilmeyen taramasını YAVAŞLATIYORUM.

11- Yedi bilinç merkezimin hangisini kullandığımın her an farkındayım. Bilincimin tüm
merkezlerini açtıkça enerjimin, algı gücümün, sevgimin ve iç huzurumun

12- Kendim dahil herkesi, koşulsuz sevgi ve birliğin yüksek bilinç düzeyleri için doğuştan
gelen hakkını aramak için burada bulunan, UYANAN VARLIKLAR OLARAK



WHat We Can Learn From The Concept Of

 Posted by Viviana Lee on November 6, 2009 at 5:56am

Does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?Its amazing what psychological
effect wearing a uniform has on the wearer or those who see them,It literally transrforms the
person from a man to a policeman,fireman,military man and the list goes on.The idividual
acually assimilates a new persona based upon the representation of what their uniform
projects.This accompanied by a title,and a identity and the mental transformation completes
the mental illusion that matches the uniform.The word uni-form acually means unique form

from the root word Uni which signifies one.Yet the substance of who the man really was is
still the same,but in the case of both the wearer and the beholder the true identity can become
blurred between fiction and reality.Perception becomes a reality because what we have been
trained to believe based upon mere sight is indelibly connected to what they perceive as

The same belief system can be used to understand the mental perception of race.As various as
the made up names distributed and attached to the human family, are the perceptions that go
along with them.This group does this.... this group does that.But isnt it true that when we look
at the color of skin in the same way as a uniform we miss out on the most important part of
that man or woman namely the real person inside the uniform? the individual begin acting out
a role which is based upon the perception.

Based upon discoveries in the field of quantum physic its been discovered that mankind along
with all life is linked in a unified field a vast web that connects all life.Our mental attitude
impact others with in our energy field.Jesus christ said "Laugh with those who laugh.Mourn
with those who mourn"
In our true human form we intuitively laugh when others around us are laughing and we feel
sorrow when another person is sad..We also yawn when another person in our energy field

But some may say whats the harm in creating names based upon skin colors.?Well history has
testified to the greatest attrocities in human history being directly link to the mythology of
race.But also race prevents the human family from living up to their fullest potential as
spirits...Our truest form is spirit this can not be changed except by death but even then the
spirit [energy] can not be destroyed only changed.This spirtual web complete's a grid that has
a connection with the entire universe.Our very thoughts make up a intricate planetary network
and as we through love expand our light vibrations in that way we more fully activate the grid
of humanity., we place our Earth and the universe , within our own heart so that we envelop
ALL forms of life without exception, for in truth you are all life and all life is you! This
simple concept of the Unified Heart is what we are acknowledging, so that what we create
from here on, includes all of Creation. Once the mythical uniform is removed the expansion
begins.We begin to see the most important part of the man,His content.

The vast numbers of mankind is blinded by their individual and collective illusion. their
uniformity is limited to those who appear to be wearing the same uniform,the one that
inspires, conforms and corresponds with their behavior,just like a literal uniform they act
according to a role that was given to them.

How many people conscious of their true spirtual form engage in war,strife.violence.or
lawlessness I would say none.The spirit of righeousness is attracted to their spirit and they
become a law to themselves. They Honor all Life and in their heart the cry out "namaste"to
their fellow man,To the animal kingdom,and to the earth and every living being.They dont
need a police officer,a politician,or any kind of leader to tell them right from wrong their
connection with source resonates the right conduct within them.They dont need laws to tell
them to love one another.They just do.

Listen to the My Meditation Garden -
Meditation Podcast Episode 1 Now!
 Posted by Sonia Gallagher on November 6, 2009 at 6:00am

The My Meditation Garden Podcast is Here!

I have decided to use technology to the fullest and have begun a podcast!

I created the podcast to spread information about meditation and ways in which it can be
practiced in daily life.

Listen to the My Meditation Garden Podcast today!

or download it to your computer to have and listen to at any time or as many times as you'd
like. Download this episode (right click this link and hit save link as)

The podcast will include information about meditation techniques, benefits of meditation,
scientific studies done on the subject of meditation, ways in which it has impacted my life,
and more. I will also have special guests whom have either benefited from meditation in their
daily professional and personal lives, who teach meditation, or are firm advocates of
practicing meditation. The guests will be regular people like you and me; professionals,
business owners, college students, and parents. The guests will basically be people who have
tried and practiced meditation and are looking to share their personal experiences with us.

I hope you will join me in the podcast and will subscribe to the podcast RSS feed to get the
update episodes which will be published every two weeks!

Listen to the podcast right now by clicking on the play button in the audio player box on top
of this paragraph and let me know what you think!

Also, if you are new to meditation, make sure to get the Free 5 Day Meditation program to
learn how to get started meditating in no time.

The Morning Blessing - 06.11.09

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 9:30pm

Let's end this week with a brief reminder about our daily experiences, the
illusion that is in truth nothing more than a mind game that is here to
serve your soul. An experience is merely a tool for the soul to gain
knowledge. Now, let me say that again: An experience is adding knowledge to your
soul. It is not a revelation. It is not knowing that you are a creative
being. It is not saying, "I am the reality of love." The purpose of all
experience on Earth or in other dimensions is to add knowledge to your soul.

As you gain knowledge at a soul level, this spirit has more remembrance,
more awareness of its creative power. If you could create that experience,
you would have more knowledge to create more experiences, but that does not
mean you would have more awareness of your reality. The soul loves
knowledge. The soul loves expansion, and it expands with new knowledge constantly
by experiencing. For you see, as you experience, you are creating; and as
you are creating, you are experiencing. That is what experience is truly
about. Existence is expressing the creative process. Now when you are creating
in the ego system of illusion, you have experiences that you define, and
you define each experience by judging them as safe/not safe, good/bad, okay,
benign, reckless, careless, hateful, angry and so on.
By defining your experiences, you are placing them in the illusion. This
is only drama. Do not get caught in the drama of your creations. A good
movie, a great drama, tells a great story from beginning to end. This is what
experience is. It is like a movie adding to the growth of the soul. Any
experience you choose will add color and dimension to your soul. What you need
to realize is that it is an experience; it is not the reality of who you

are. It is an experience, it is part of the soul's journey, and when you
become too involved in the drama of an experience, you may lose the reality
of your true identity. Be careful this week not to abandon your true self;
when you step away from the true self you are no longer in control and no
longer coming from your true power.
Let each experience be a blessing in your Life,


The life of God anchors love and light everywhere it goes. To

live is to experience God l 'infini and all his work. I recognize
I am as one in the Divine Unity that unfolds to compose the
many scenarios of creation. I am a divine picture of Eternal Mind
seeded directly within the human mind.
I move as an honored visionary of God's love contributing to the
transition of global enlightenment. My soul's path is to feel, realize,
and stand tall in the reality of truth that all are the collective power
of a Superior One. Today is a time of great opportunity ~ a realm of
transformation, transition, and moving the planet farther into Light.
And I do this by living and knowing that humanity is not controlled
or defined by the experiences that take place each day. I can remember
in each moment that all are the creator souls of the illusion we call
"daily life." We are neither empowered by an experience nor helpless
because of an experience. We are bigger than these daily illusions. We
are the center-point, the momentum of All That Is playing a part in
third-dimensional drama. In this place, from this vantage point, it all
feels good. I can embrace it all; every actor on the planet. As peace and
happiness I honor all souls, their God essence and their creativity. As
with myself, I embrace them for the beautiful roles they are playing in
I give thanks for this experience. To play in the drama and choose to
truly love, my whole world! That is the vibration of global enlightenment,

and the role I easily play this day. And so the experience is. Amen.

DİLEKLERİMLE... Yaşama dair 5 ders
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 1:00am


Birinci Ders:

Okuldaki ikinci ayımda, hocamız test sorularını dağıttı.

Ben okulun en iyi öğrencilerinden biriydim. Son soruya kadar soluk almadan geldim ve orada
çakıldım kaldım.
Son soru söyleydi :
'Her gün okulu temizleyen hademe kadının ilk adı nedir ?'
Bu her halde bir çeşit şaka olmalıydı. Kadını, yerleri silerken, hemen her gün görüyordum.
Uzun boylu, siyah saçlı bir kadındı. 50'lerinde falan olmalıydı. Ama adını nerden bilecektim
ki !
Son soruyu yanıtsız bırakıp kağıdı teslim ettim.
Süre biterken bir öğrenci, son sorunun test
sonuçlarına dahil olup olmadığını sordu.
'Tabii, dahil' dedi, Hocamız...
'İş yaşamınız boyunca insanlarla karşılaşacaksınız.Hepsi birbirinden farklı insanlar. Ama
hepsi sizin ilginiz ve dikkatinizi hak eden insanlar bunlar.
Onlara sadece gülümsemeniz ve 'Merhaba' demeniz gerekse bile...'
Bu dersi hayatım boyunca unutmadım.
Hademenin adını da...
Dorothy idi.

İkinci Ders :

Bir gece vakit gece-yarısına doğru Alabama Otoyolunun kenarında duran bir zenci kadın
Bardaktan boşanırca yağan yağmura rağmen, bozulan arabasının dışında duruyor ve dikkati
çekmeye çalışıyordu. geçen her arabaya el sallıyordu. Yanında durdum. 60'lı yıllarda bir
beyazın bir zenciye, hem de Alabama'da, yardıma kalkışması pek olağan şeylerden değildi.
Onu kente kadar götürdüm. Bir taksi durağına bıraktım. Ayrılırken ille de adresimi istedi,
Bir hafta sonra, kapım çalındı.
Muazzam bir konsol televizyon indiriyordu adamlar. Bir de not ekliydi, armağanda...
'Geçen gece otoyolda bana yardımınıza teşekkür ederim. O korkunç yağmur sadece
elbiselerimi değil, ruhumu da sırılsıklam etmişti.Kendime güvenimi yitirmek üzereydim, siz
çıka geldiniz. Sizin sayenizde ölmekte olan kocamın yatağının baş ucuna zamanında ulaşmayı
başardım. Biraz sonra son nefesini verdi.
Tanrı bana yardım eden sizi ve başkalarına karşılık beklemeksizin yardım eden herkesi
En İyi Dileklerimle,
Bayan Nat King Cole.'

Üçüncü Ders :

Size Hizmet Edenleri Hep Hatırlayın...

Bir pastanın üç otuz paraya satıldığı günlerde 10 yaşında bir çocuk pastaneye girdi. Garson
kız hemen koştu...
Çocuk sordu:

'Çikolatalı pasta kaç para ?'
'50 Cent.'
Çocuk cebinden çıkardığı bozukları saydı. Bir daha sordu:
'Peki, Dondurma Ne Kadar ?'
'35 Cent.' dedi garson kız, sabırsızlıkla.
Dükkanda yığınla müşteri vardı ve kız hepsine tek başına koşuşturuyordu.Bu çocukla daha ne
kadar vakit geçirebilirdi ki...
Çocuk parasını bir daha saydı ve
'Bir dondurma alabilir miyim, lütfen ?' dedi.
Kız dondurmayı getirdi.
Fişi tabağın kenarına koydu ve öteki masaya
koştu. Çocuk dondurmasını bitirdi. Fişi kasaya ödedi. Garson kız masayı temizlemek üzere
geldiğinde, gözleri doldu birden..Masayı sanki akan gözyaşları temizleyecekti.
Boş dondurma tabağının yanında çocuğun bıraktığı 15 Cent'lik bahşiş duruyordu..

Dördüncü Ders :

Yolumuzdaki Engeller...

Eski zamanlarda bir kral, saraya gelen yolun üzerine kocaman bir kaya koydurmuş, kendisi de
pencereye oturmuştu. Bakalım neler olacak diye gözlüyor...
Ülkenin en zengin tüccarları, en güçlü kervancıları, saray görevlileri birer birer geldiler,
sabahtan öğlene kadar hepsi kayanın etrafından dolaşıp saraya girdiler. Pek çogu kralı yüksek
sesle eleştirdi. Halkından bu kadar vergi alıyor, ama yolları temiz tutamıyordu.
Sonunda bir köylü çıkageldi. Saraya meyve ve sebze getiriyordu.
Sırtındaki küfeyi yere indirdi, iki eli ile kayaya sarıldı ve ıkına sıkına itmeye başladı. Kan ter
içinde kaldı ama, sonunda, kayayı da yolun kenarına çekti. Tam küfesini yeniden sırtına almak
üzereydi ki, kayanın eski yerinde bir kesenin durduğunu gördü.
Açtı... Kese altın doluydu. Bir de kralın notu vardı içinde...
'Bu altınlar kayayı yoldan çeken kişiye aittir.' diyordu kral.
Köylü, bugün dahi pek çoğumuzun farkında ol madığı bir ders almıştı.
'Her engel, yaşam koşullarınızı daha iyileştirecek bir fırsattır.'

Beşinci Ders :

Önemli Olan Vermektir..

Yıllar önce hastanede çalışırken, ağır hasta bir kız getirdiler. Tek yaşam şansı, beş yaşındaki
kardeşinden acil kan nakli idi. Küçük oğlan aynı hastalıktan mucizevi bir şekilde kurtulmuş
ve kanında o hastalığın mikroplarını yok eden antikorlar oluşmuştu.
Doktor durumu beş yaşındaki oğlana anlattı ve ablasına kan verip vermeyeceğini sordu.
Küçük çocuk bir an duraksadı. Sonra derin bir nefes aldı ve 'Eğer kurtulacaksa, veririm
kanımı' dedi. Kan nakli yapılırken, ablasının gözlerinin içine bakıyor ve gülümsüyordu.
Kızın yanaklarına yeniden renk gelmeye başlamıştı, ama küçük çocuğun yüzü de giderek
Gülümsemesi de yok oldu. Titreyen bir sesle doktora sordu :
'Hemen mi öleceğim ?'
Ufaklık, doktoru yanlış anlamıştı, ablasına vücudundaki bütün kanı verip, öleceğini
Cengiz'e bu güzel paylasım için teşekkürler...


Stay away from the '''Flu Illusıon''' -

Ingredients in the Swine Flu H1N1
Vaccine; Resources, Risks and Dangers
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 1:30pm

Ingredients in the Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine; Resources, Risks and Dangers
Posted on October 29, 2009 by yellowstaressentials

A trusted friend of mine who happens to work for a chiropractor sent me an email that
disturbed me and piqued my interest into researching vaccines. In the email she stated that her
employer wrote and asked for the list of ingredients in the H1N1 vaccine and received a list
that was surprising to say the least.


In addition to the viral and bacterial RNA or DNA that is part of the vaccines, here are the

* aluminum hydroxide
* aluminum phosphate
* ammonium sulfate
* amphotericin B
* animal tissues: (pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick
embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf (bovine) serum
* betapropiolactone
* fetal bovine serum
* formaldehyde
* formalin
* gelatin
* glycerol
* human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
* hydrolyzed gelatin
* MSG (monosodium glutamate)
* Neomycin
* Neomycin sulfate
* Phenol red indidcator /
* Phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) /
* potassium diphosphate and monophosphate
* Polymyxin B

* Polysorbate 20 and 80
* Porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein
* Residual MRC5 proteins
* Sorbitol sucrose
* Thimerosal (mercury)
* tri(n)butylphospate
* VERO cells (a continuous line of monkey kidney cells washed sheep red blood cells)


If you would like more information on the swine flu and the vaccine to help you to become
more informed, here are a handful of links to helpful sites dedicated to providing you with
information and actions to help you protect yourself and your family.

Barker T., Barrett P et al. The H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) Outbreak: HHS Emergency
Authorities to Respond. Foley-Hoag. April 30, 2009.

Russell Blaylock, MD., Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu. Newsmax. July 7,

David Brown and Spencer S. Hsu. Students 1st in Line for Flu Vaccine. Washington Post. July
10, 2009.

World Health Organization. Transcript of Virtual Press Conference. July 13, 2009. P. 7,
paragraph 5.

Dr. Mercola. Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed. August 4, 2009.

Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment that’s Killing our Soldiers and Why GI’’s are
Only the First Victims. Gary Matsumoto. pp. 339-344. 2004. Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-
04400-X. (Spualene References on pp339-344 posted on

CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Web Exclusive: Sebelius on Vaccine Fears. July 30,


National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Statistics Reports. Awards Paid.

Mike Stobbe. Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Makers. Associated Press. July 17, 2007. (expired) (new linke added


Shari Roan. Lessons from 1976 flu “debacle”. The Seattle Times. April 27, 2009.

Aldo Santin. Flu vaccine may be more dangerous than virus: ethicist. Winnipeg Free Press.
August 6, 2009.

Kathleen Masterson. Swine Flu Vaccine Trials Begin Testing Volunteers. NPR. August 10,

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The Truth About the Flu Shot. Do Flu Shots Work?

Iwami S, Suzuki T, Takeuchi Y, 2009 Paradox of Vaccination: Is Vaccination Really Effective

against Avian Flu Epidemics?. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4915. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004915

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Questions & Answers: Novel H1N1 Flu
(Swine Flu) and You. August 11, 2009. Are there human infections with novel H1N1 virus in
the U.S.?

Maggie Fox. Reuters. Obesity emerges as risk factor in severe flu. July 11, 2009.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Questions & Answers: Novel H1N1 Flu
(Swine Flu) and You. August 11, 2009. How does novel H1N1 flu compare to seasonal flu in
terms of its severity and infection rates?

DO YOU KNOW what’s in a vaccine?


Implicated as a cause of brain damage; suspected

factor in Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia,

seizures and comas. Allergic can occur on

the skin.†

Ammonium Sulfate [ salt ]

Suspected gastrointestinal, liver, nerve

and respiratory system poison.


Known to cause cancer. Suspected gastrointestinal,

liver, nerve and respiratory, skin and

sense organ poison.


Produced from selected pieces of calf and cattle

skins, de-mineralized cattle bones and pork

skin. Allergic reactions have been reported. †

Gentamicin Sulfate

and Polymyxin B [ antibiotics ]

Allergic reactions can range from mild to

life threatening.

Genetically Modified Yeast,

Animal, Bacterial and Viral DNA

Can be incorporated into the recipient’s DNA

and cause unknown genetic mutations.


Poisonous if ingested. Causes birth defects

in experimental animals.

Formaldehyde [ formalin ]

Major constituent of embalming fluid: poisonous

if ingested. Probable carcinogen; suspected

gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, immune,

nerve and reproductive system poison.

Human and Animal Cells

Human cells from aborted fetal tissue and

human albumin. Pig blood, horse blood, rabbit

brain, guinea pig, dog kidney, cow heart, monkey

kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck

egg, calf serum, sheep blood and others.

Latex Rubber

Can cause life-threatening allergic reactions.†

Mercury [ thimerosal ]

One of the most poisonous substances

known. Has an affinity for the brain, gut,

liver, bone marrow and kidneys. Minute

amounts can cause nerve damage. Symptoms

of mercury toxicity are similar to

those of Autism.


Dead and alive viri and bacteria or

their toxins, The polio vaccine was contaminated

with a monkey virus, now turning

up in human bone, lung-lining (mesothelioma),

brain tumors and lymphomas.

Monosodium Glutamate

[ MSG | glutamate | glutamate acid ]

A neurotoxin that’s being studied

for mutagenic, teratogenic (developmental

and monstrosities) and reproductive

effects. Allergic reactions can range

from mild to severe.†

Neomycin Sulfate [ antibiotic ]

Interferes with vitamin B6 absorption. An

error in the uptake of B6 can cause a rare

form of epilepsy and mental retardation.

Allergic reactions can range from

mild to life threatening. †

Phenol | Phenoxyethanol [ 2-PE ]

Used as anti-freeze. Toxic to all cells and

capable of disabling the immune system’s

primary response mechanism.

Polysorbate 80

Know to cause cancer in animals.

Tri (n) Butylphosphate

Suspected kidney and nerve poison.

† When babies are hours or days old it is

impossible to know if they have an allergy.


Risks of the Swine flu vaccine;


thimerosal, squalene, and cancerous animal cells are far from the only concerns. Among other
potentially dangerous chemicals and substances often found in influenza vaccines are
formaldehyde, antibiotics, and even ethylene glycol, known as anti-freeze. Various health
experts have varying opinions about the effects of all of these additives, but many doctors still
warn against them.

Another cause for concern surfaced in the United Kingdom when the government’s Health
Protection Agency sent a letter to senior neurologists warning that the new swine flu vaccine
is linked to the deadly nerve disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), the Daily
Mail reported in an article entitled “Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter
reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America.” The risk of contracting the
paralysis-inducing illness was reportedly eight times greater in those who received the
infamous government swine flu vaccine of 1976, which killed more people than the actual
virus. The leaked letter warned recipients to keep an eye open for GBS and report it

Many vaccine opponents go much further than highlighting the potential risks, with some
making unsubstantiated claims that it will be used as a tool for mass depopulation or eugenics.
Some point to anecdotal evidence like comments by Obama’s science czar, who called for
drastic population reduction methods in a book called Ecoscience. But what is certain is that
the vaccine carries risks — a lot of them according to experts.

The people who seem totally convinced about the inoculations’ safety and efficacy — or who
are at least downplaying the potential risks and side effects — appear to be mostly
government bureaucrats or people with vested interests. Virtually every medicinal product
carries some risk, and these vaccines are no different. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

What is important is that the population be educated about the potential complications and
then decide with their families and healthcare providers what approach they would like to
take, taking into consideration the risks of the vaccine and of the swine flu. It should be an
individual decision without bureaucratic interference or propaganda.

Is the Flu Shot Safe?

The flu vaccine has been available in America sine 1945. The purpose of this vaccine is to
help your body build immunity against harmful organisms that make you sick. Your body,
however, is equipped to do this naturally.

The mucous membranes, the vehicle by which most disease-causing organisms enter the body,
has a defense system of its own called the IgA immune system. Disease-causing organisms
kick the IgA immune system into action to fight off the invaders. When a vaccine is injected
into the body, the IgA immune system is skipped over and your body’s immune system is
jolted into action.

Your body’s immune system being prodded into action this way is unnatural. Do you realize
what is in a vaccine? It could contain either killed or live viruses, thimerasol, antifreeze,
formaldehyde, carbolic acid, Neomycin and/or streptomycin.

Thimerasol, a preservative that is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury, is suspected of
causing some children to become autistic. Other disorders associated with this drug are
attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, as well as speech and language deficiencies.

None of us want antifreeze or formaldehyde injected into our bodies. Carbolic acid is a clear
and sweet-smelling liquid that is poisonous if touched or swallowed. Neomycin and
streptomycin are antibiotics.

According to the news we are in danger of a swine flu pandemic. Everyone is being urged to
get a flue shot. A pandemic is a widespread epidemic that affects people in many different
countries. What are the symptoms of the swine flu? Should we run to be vaccinated?

Symptoms of the swine flu are the same as symptoms of the regular flu – fever, headache,
achy joints, runny nose and/or sore throat, lethargy, no appetite, vomiting and/or diarrhea. So
how do you know if you have the swine flu? The only way to know for sure is by laboratory
verification. It is impossible to diagnosis yourself.

In 1976, a massive swine flu vaccination campaign took place. Only 1 person died from the
swine flu, the vaccine killed 25. Hundreds more were crippled. The government was sued for
a total of $1.3 billion dollars. Now the vaccine makers and federal officials have been made
immune from lawsuits. So if the vaccine has detrimental effects on you or your children, you
won’t be paid a single cent.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2006 – the DHHS Secretary is
allowed to make the manufacturers of vaccines and drugs used in combating a declared public
health emergency immune from liability. Since they have no fear of being sued for billions of
dollars, they have no incentive to test vaccines and ensure they are safe.

You can protect yourself from catching the flu without subjecting yourself to a flu shot.
1) Get plenty of sleep.
2) Don’t stuff your face with junk food. In other words, avoid sugar
and processed foods as much as possible.
3) Exercise will naturally strengthen your body’s immune system.
4) Wash your hands with soap and water to loosen and remove
germs that you have unknowingly picked up.

If you would happen to catch the flu, don’t panic. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids
(my favorite when I don’t feel well is hot tea). Chicken noodle soup has been scientifically
proven to help one get better. The steam from a hot bowl of it helps clear up congestion.
Added spices such as garlic and pepper thin mucous to make breathing easier.

You can receive these benefits from store bought chicken noodle soup, but homemade is still
the best.

I have never had a flu shot and have only had the flu once during my 43 years. I do not plan
on getting a flu shot now. Should you run to be vaccinated? That is a decision you need to
make for yourself, just please investigate first and make it an informed one. The new swine
flu vaccine has not been thoroughly tested for safety. Those taking this vaccine are being used
as guinea pigs. I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to be a guinea pig.


What do Vaccines Typically Contain?

The main ingredient in a vaccine is either killed viruses or live ones that have been
‘attenuated’ (weakened & made less harmful).

Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including ethylene glycol
(antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and

In addition to the viruses & other additives, many vaccines also contain immune adjuvants
like aluminum & squalene.

The purpose of an immune adjuvant is to enhance (turbo charge) your immune response to the
vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the
organism you’re being vaccinated against.

Adjuvants allow a reduction in the amount of vaccine required per dose, and the number of
doses given per individual. Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses
available for mass vaccination campaigns: exactly the goal of government & the
pharmaceutical companies who stand to make $-millions from their vaccines!!

Will There Be Immune Adjuvants in Swine Flu Vaccines?


The U.S. & U.K. government have contracts with several drug companies to develop &
produce swine flu vaccines. At least two of those companies, Novartis & GlaxoSmithKline,
are using an adjuvant in their H1N1 vaccines. The adjuvant? Squalene.

Is Squalene Benign?

Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proved to generate concentrated,
unremitting immune responses over long periods of time.

A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Pathology demonstrated a single injection
into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation,” also known as
rheumatoid arthritis.

What Does Squalene Do to Humans?

Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found
throughout your nervous system and brain. Squalene in olive oil, entering your body thru
ingestion, is beneficial thanks to its antioxidant properties.

The difference between “good” & “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body.
Injection is an abnormal route of entry. It incites your immune system to attack ALL the

squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant!!

Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule WHEREVER IT FINDS IT …
including places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to your nervous system.

Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which
contained squalene!

‘MF59′ (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental

anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered
by countless Gulf War vets.


We are experiencing the most dangerous revolution in the world history: the revolution of the
State against the man. We are experiencing the worst idolatry of all the time: the deification of
the state.
–Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

New Vaccines On “Fast Track” To Cause More Harm Than Good

September 3rd, 2009 | Author: Blake Pertuset

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on June 11 that they had raised the
pandemic level of the swine flu from phase 5 to 6. Phase 6 is the highest level on their scale
which reflects the rate at which a virus is spread, not how severe it is. Recently, more
information on this has come to light. On August 6, the WHO’s website released a statement
in which they confirmed that “mock-up” vaccines have been circulating in an effort to speed
up the process of approving “fast track” manufacturing and distribution of vaccines. What this
means is that people who were lining up for flu vaccinations were instead receiving the actual
flu itself, though it was a strain that hadn’t circulated in humans for some time. The real
purpose for this was to ensure that the virus was widespread enough to approve new vaccines
for use before any testing was able to be conducted. In fact, the WHO itself stated that “Time
constraints mean that clinical data at the time when pandemic vaccines are first administered
will inevitably be limited. Further testing of safety and effectiveness will need to take place
after administration of the vaccine has begun.” GlaxoSmithKline, who is the manufacturer of
the vaccines, has said on record that “Clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide
the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be
required and conducted after the vaccine is made available.” This really boils down to the fact
that anyone and everyone who gets the vaccine for swine flu is, by definition, a test subject.
This new vaccine has been labeled a “strain change” rather than an entirely new one, which
will require much less information on its safety to be submitted before approval. In the US,
manufacturers are allowed to submit safety data as it becomes available when using the same
process to make a vaccine rather than before it is released.

Vaccines are intended to build resistance and immunity to harmful organisms that cause

illness and disease, but your body’s immune system is already designed to do this. The
difference is that your immune system will fight off any foreign objects as they enter your
body through normal means such as mucous membranes. When these organisms are
introduced via atypical avenues, the body’s immune system will essentially switch into
overdrive mode to seek and destroy the object wherever it can be found. Enter squalene, an oil
molecule found naturally in the body with antioxidant properties that can normally be found
through the nervous system, and brain. Squalene is being used as an adjuvant, or additive, to
the swine flu vaccine so that less of the vaccine itself is required, thus allowing more
individual doses to be made available. The problem therein is that once introduced in an
abnormal fashion, your immune system will begin to attack all the squalene in your body, not
just what is introduced via the vaccine. This raises many alarms, because there is now great
potential for damage to be done to the nervous system as the naturally stored squalene is
under fire. This can cause effects like many other auto-immune diseases in which the body
basically begins to attack itself.

On July 29, a letter from the UK’s Health Protection Agency that was intended to reach about
600 neurologists was leaked. This letter was intended to warn these doctors of a potential
increase in Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which can be triggered by the swine flu vaccine.
GBS is a brain disorder that often causes paralysis and inability to breath, thereby making it
lethal in many cases. 500 cases of GBS were detected during the US swine flu pandemic of
1976. During that outbreak more people died from the vaccine and its side effects than from
the flu itself, and the US government was forced to pay out millions of dollars to the families
of those affected. The 1976 vaccine was pulled after 10 weeks, once the link between it and
GBS became so apparent and the payouts continued to grow exponentially.

The WHO, along with many health officials and vaccine manufacturers have been working
since 2007 on this plan of distributing both disease and vaccine, primarily due to the 2006
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) act. For the many that are unfamiliar
with this act, it was designed to protect health officials and vaccine manufacturers from any
legal recourse due to vaccinations or drugs. It states that unless a person can prove that a drug
or vaccine manufacturer deliberately and willfully caused harm by their product, no legal
action can be taken against them. Considering the amounts that were paid in 1976 it’s no
wonder that they would wish to protect themselves in future endeavors of this magnitude;
especially when this vaccine contains ingredients from formaldehyde, antifreeze, and
thimerosal (mercury).

This information is intended solely to inform those who need to be informed, as you’re not
likely to see these facts on the numerous swine flu and vaccine related reports on the evening
news. Once these vaccines are produced they will first be required for school children,
followed by the elderly and health care workers. Another staggering fact is that half of the
health workers in Hong Kong have already refused to be vaccinated over concerns of its
effectiveness, and worry of potential side effects.

Posted in Natural Health News | Tags: antifreeze, fast track, flu, formaldehyde, gbs, guillain-
barre syndrome, h1n1, immunity, influenza, mercury, pandemic, prep act, public readiness
and emergency preparedness acy, side effects, squalene, swine, thimerosal, vaccine, world
health organization glaxosmithkline | 4 Comments »

New Vaccines Contain Various Poisons

August 4th, 2009 | Author: Blake Pertuset

The US governmeny has commissioned two pharmaceutical companies to fast track a vaccine
for the swine flu, and have designated young children as the first in line to receive them. The
problem with any forced vaccine is just that, it’s a forced vaccine. Vaccines are primarily dead
or weakened viruses, with the intent of getting your body ready to fight off the real thing. The
difference is that vaccines include a plethora of other chemical agents, and ingredients
designed to make the body go over the top in searching out and destroying any viruses. Flu
vaccines alone contain ingredients also present in antifreeze and formaldehyde. The additive
in these swine flu vaccines that seems to be causing the most stir is squalene. Squalene has
not been approved for this use in the US, and actually caused rheumatoid arthritis when
injected into rats. The real problem is that squalene occurs naturally in the body, and when it’s
used in a vaccine it will cause the body to seek it out where ever it may be hiding, and destroy
it. This can lead to all sorts of other long term problems. Maybe Alec Baldwin was right.
Maybe it’s time to move to France.

vVaccine Ingredients and Contact Info

Dawn Winkler
Source: 1997 Physicians’ Desk Reference
Toll Free Numbers can be called to obtain product inserts
This is a representative, not a comprehensive, list of the various types of vaccines

Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed
Lederle Laboratories
produced using formaldehyde, thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate,
polysorbate 80, gelatin

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate
Connaught Laboratories
produced using ammonium sulfate, formalin, sucrose, thimerosal
medium: semi-synthetic

Measles Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co, Inc.
produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin
medium: chick embryo

Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals

1-800-366-8900 ext. 5231
produced using aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, ammonium sulfate, washed sheep red
blood cells, glycerol, sodium chloride, thimerosal
medium: porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein

Hepatitis B
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
1-800-633-8900 ext. 5231
produced using aluminum hydroxide, thimerosal
medium: yeast (possibly 5% residual)

Hepatitis A
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
1-800-633-8900 ext. 5231
produced using formalin, aluminum hydroxide, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), polysorbate 20,
residual MRC5 proteins (from medium)
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Rubella and Mumps Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co, Inc.
produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib)
Lederle Laboratories
produced using polyribosylribitol, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal
medium: chemically defined, yeast based

Influenza Virus Vaccine
Medeva Pharmaceuticals
produced using embryonic fluid (chicken egg), neomycin, polymyxin, thimerosal,
medium: embryonic fluid (chicken egg)

Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A&B
produced using gentamicin sulfate, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, tri(n)butylphosphate,
medium: chick embryos

Inactivated Polio Vaccine
Connaught Laboratories
produced using 3 types of polio virus, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), neomycin,
streptomycin, polymyxin B
medium: VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells

Measles Mumps Rubella Live Virus Vaccine
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using sorbitol, neomycin, hydrolyzed gelatin
mediums: M&M – chick embryo
Rubella – human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin
mediums: M – chick embryo
R – human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine
Connaught Laboratories
produced using thimerosal, lactose
medium: freeze dried polysaccharride antigens from Neisseria Meningitidis

Meruvax II
Rubella Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Mumps Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Poliovirus Vaccine Live Oral Trivalent
Lederle Laboratories

produced using 3 types of attenuated polioviruses, streptomycin, neomycin, calf serum,
medium: monkey kidney cell culture

Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using phenol and capsular polysaccharides from the 23 most prevalent
pneumococcal types

Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine
Lederle Laboratories
produced using Diphtheria CRM197 Protein, capsular antigens of Sreptococcus pneumoniae
serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F individually conjugated to Diphtheria CRM197
Protein, soy peptone broth, ammonium sulfate, aluminum phosphate
medium: yeast extract based

Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed
Connaught Laboratories
produced using human albumin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed

SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
1-800-366-8900 ext. 5231
produced using betapropiolactone, aluminum phosphate, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate
(thimerosal), phenol red
medium: fetal rhesus monkey lung cells

Hepatitis B Vaccine Recombinant
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide
medium: yeast (residual < 1% yeast protein)

Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Tetravalent
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
produced using 1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant viruses, sucrose,
monosodium glutamate (MSG), potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, fetal
bovine serum, neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B
medium: fetal rhesus diploid cell line

Varicella Virus Vaccine Live
Merck & Co., Inc.
produced using sucrose, phosphate, monosodium glutamate, processed gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

According to IVAC, (Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition 708-848-0116) all vaccines contain
monosodium glutamate even if not listed in product insert. According to numerous sources, all
vaccines contain thimerosal (mercury). Manufacturers have declared that it is not possible to
produce any vaccine without these two components.

Chemical Profiles and Definitions

Sources: EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) & MME (Mosby’s Medical Encyclopdia)

Ammonium Sulfate: EDF Suspected – gastrointestinal or liver toxicant

respiratory toxicant

Amphotericin B: MME definintion – “a drug used to treat fungus infections. Known allergy to
this drug prohibits use. Side effects include blood clots, blood defects, kidney problems,
nausea and fever. When used on the skin, allergic reactions can occur.”

Aluminum: EDF Suspected – cardiovascular or blood toxicant neurotoxicant respiratory

More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 6 ranking systems
On at least 2 federal regulatory lists

Beta-Propiolactone: EDF Recognized – carcinogen

EDF Suspected – gastrointestinal or liver toxicant
respiratory toxicant
skin or sense organ toxicant
More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 3 ranking systems
On at least 5 federal regulatory lists
Ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%)to humans

Formaldehyde: EDF Recognized – carcinogen

Suspected – gastrointestinal or liver toxicant
reproductive toxicant
respiratory toxicant
skin or sense organ toxicant
More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems
On at least 8 federal regulatory lists
Ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human

Gentamicin Sulfate: an antibiotic

Hydrolyzed Gelatin: obtained from selected pieces of calf and cattle skins, de-mineralized
cattle bones (ossein) and porkskin

Monosodium Glutamate: Normally used as a flavor enhancer in a variety of foods, however,

due to concerns expressed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, MSG was removed from
all products intended for use in infants under the age of one. Injections of glutamate into
laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain.

Neomycin: an antibiotic

Phenol : EDF Suspected – cardiovascular or blood toxicant aka Carbolic Acid

developmental toxicant
gastrointestinal or liver toxicant
kidney toxicant
respiratory toxicant
skin or sense organ toxicant
More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 10 ranking systems
On at least 8 federal regulatory lists

Phenoxyethanol: EDF Suspected – developmental toxicant aka Antifreeze

reproductive toxicant
Less hazardous than most chemicals in 3 ranking systems

Polyribosylribitol: a component of the Hib bacterium

Polymyxin: an antibiotic

Polysorbate: EDF Suspected – skin or sense organ toxicant

Sorbitol: EDF Suspected – gastrointestinal or liver toxicant

Less hazardous than most chemicals in 1 ranking system

Streptomycin: an antibiotic

Sucrose: refined sugar

Thimerosal: EDF Recognized – development toxicant
Suspected – skin or sense organ toxicant

Tri(n)butylphosphate: EDF Suspected – kidney toxicant

More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 3 ranking systems
On at least 1 federal regulatory list

Aslında Geçmiş ve Gelecek YOK
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 1:30pm

Enerji Klinik'ten:

Aslında Geçmiş ve Gelecek YOK

Bizler sayısız yaşamlar yaşamakta olan varlıklarız. Bazılarımız günlük lisanda yaşamlarımızı
şimdi ve geçmiştekiler diye ayırsak da, biz onların hepsini şu anda yaşıyoruz. Onlar bu 'an'a
ve bu 'yer'e paralel olarak var ve hatta gelecekteki yaşamlarımız da var bu paralel evrenlerde.
Biz bunların hepsini sonu gelmez 'şimdi'de yaşıyoruz.
Aslında Ben ve Sen YOK
Yaşamlarımızda çevremizde bulunan ve bir şekilde bizimle bağı bulunan insanların tümü
aslında biziz. Bize kötülük eden de, iyilik eden de, bizden yardım isteyen de, HEPSİ bizim
farklı yaşamlarımızdaki bizleri yansıtırlar. Bütün yaşamlarımızın kayıtları bir bütündür. Biz
bu kayıtları hem ruhsal hem madde bedenimizde taşımaktayız. Bu kayıtlar şu anda
yaşadığımız hayatlarımızın kalitesini oluşturmaktadır.
Aslında Sen ve Onlar YOK
Birine kötülük etmek, kendinize kötülük etmektir. Çünkü yaşamınızdaki herkes size aynalık
etmek için 'var'dır. Biri size kötülük ediyorsa bilin ki farklı bir yaşamınızda siz de birisine
aynı şeyi yapmışsınızdır ve şimdi yüksek benliğiniz tarafından bu deneyim size yansıtılarak,
hatanızı düzeltmeniz için bir fırsat yaratılmaktadır. Bu yaşamımızda yaptığımız bir hata, bir
şekilde kendimizi haklı çıkarıp kolayca işleyiverdiğimiz suçlar; en kötüsü de birisi için kötü
dileklerde bulunmak, bilin ki aynı anda, bizim paralel yaşadığımız bir başka hayatımızda,
yüksek bilincimiz tarafından, yine bir yaşam deneyimi şeklinde hayatımıza yansıtılır ve acısı
bize yaşatılır.
Aslında Dünyamız 'Biz'den ibaret
Dünya diye bildiğimiz yer, aslında bizim kafamızın içidir. Örneğin çevremizi kirlettiğimizde
aslında kendi yaşamımızı, ve sadece bu yaşamımızı da değil, diğer bütün yaşamlarımızı da
kirletmiş oluruz. Bu kirlenme kendisini olumsuz, istenmeyen olaylar şeklinde gösterir. Bunun
sosyal ve duygusal izdüşümlerini hayatımızın her cephesinde yaşarız. Bu yaşantılar, bedensel
sağlık düzeyinde de tezahür eder. Yukarıdaki çevre kirliliği örneği ile devam edersek;
dünyamızı kirlettiğimiz sürece, veya gereksiz, istenmeyen eşyaları göz önünde tuttuğumuz
sürece bedenimizdeki enerji akışını da bir yerlerde tıkamış oluruz. Bu tıkanıklık ise bizim
duygusal yaşantımızda olumsuzluklar yaşamamıza, en sonunda da bedensel sağlığımızda
bozulmalara sebep olur.
Arınmanın Güzelliği
Arınmak, hatalarımızın farkına varmak ve onları tamir etmek üzere çalışmaktan geçer.
Fiziksel temizlik de arınma sürecinin bir parçasıdır. Örneğin, kendini çevreciliğe adamış
kişiler yüksek bilinçlerinin onları aydınlatması sayesinde, bu yaşamlarında ve diğer bütün
yaşamlarında yaptıkları hataları, ve olumsuz anılarını temizlemektedirler aslında. Bu yüzden
çevresini temizleyen insanların içlerinde hep bir huzur ve mutluluk vardır, ve kendileriyle bu
konuda hep gurur duyarlar. Buna 'tatmin duygusu' diyebiliriz. Temizlikle çok haşır-neşir
kişileri, örneğin sokak çöpçülerini gördüğünüzde bilin ki, o kişinin temizlemesi gereken
birçok yaşam deneyimi vardır ve şimdi bu hayatında yapmakta olduğu da budur.

Aslinda Gecmis ve Gelecek YOK
Bizler sayisiz yasamlar yasamakta olan varliklariz. Bazilarimiz gunluk lisanda yasamlarimizi
simdi ve gecmistekiler diye ayirsak da, biz onlarin hepsini su anda yasiyoruz. Onlar bu 'an'a
ve bu 'yer'e paralel olarak var ve hatta gelecekteki yasamlarimiz da var bu paralel evrenlerde.
Biz bunlarin hepsini sonu gelmez 'simdi'de yasiyoruz.
Aslinda Ben ve Sen YOK
Yasamlarimizda cevremizde bulunan ve bir sekilde bizimle bagi bulunan insanlarin tumu
aslinda biziz. Bize kotuluk eden de, iyilik eden de, bizden yardim isteyen de, HEPSI bizim
farkli yasamlarimizdaki bizleri yansitirlar. Butun yasamlarimizin kayitlari bir butundur. Biz
bu kayitlari hem ruhsal hem madde bedenimizde tasimaktayiz. Bu kayitlar su anda
yasadigimiz hayatlarimizin kalitesini olusturmaktadir.
Aslinda Sen ve Onlar YOK
Birine kotuluk etmek, kendinize kotuluk etmektir. Cunku yasaminizdaki herkes size aynalik
etmek icin 'var'dir. Biri size kotuluk ediyorsa bilin ki farkli bir yasaminizda siz de birisine
ayni seyi yapmissinizdir ve simdi yuksek benliginiz tarafindan bu deneyim size yansitilarak,
hatanizi duzeltmeniz icin bir firsat yaratilmaktadir. Bu yasamimizda yaptigimiz bir hata, bir
sekilde kendimizi hakli cikarip kolayca isleyiverdigimiz suclar; en kotusu de birisi icin kotu
dileklerde bulunmak, bilin ki ayni anda, bizim paralel yasadigimiz bir baska hayatimizda,
yuksek bilincimiz tarafindan, yine bir yasam deneyimi seklinde hayatimiza yansitilir ve acisi
bize yasatilir.
Aslinda Dunyamiz 'Biz'den ibaret
Dunya diye bildigimiz yer, aslinda bizim kafamizin icidir. Ornegin cevremizi kirlettigimizde
aslinda kendi yasamimizi, ve sadece bu yasamimizi da degil, diger butun yasamlarimizi da
kirletmis oluruz. Bu kirlenme kendisini olumsuz, istenmeyen olaylar seklinde gosterir. Bunun
sosyal ve duygusal izdusumlerini hayatimizin her cephesinde yasariz. Bu yasantilar, bedensel
saglik duzeyinde de tezahur eder. Yukaridaki cevre kirliligi ornegi ile devam edersek;
dunyamizi kirlettigimiz surece, veya gereksiz, istenmeyen esyalari goz onunde tuttugumuz
surece bedenimizdeki enerji akisini da bir yerlerde tikamis oluruz. Bu tikaniklik ise bizim
duygusal yasantimizda olumsuzluklar yasamamiza, en sonunda da bedensel sagligimizda
bozulmalara sebep olur.
Arinmanin Guzelligi
Arinmak, hatalarimizin farkina varmak ve onlari tamir etmek uzere calismaktan gecer.
Fiziksel temizlik de arinma surecinin bir parcasidir. Ornegin, kendini cevrecilige adamis
kisiler yuksek bilinclerinin onlari aydinlatmasi sayesinde, bu yasamlarinda ve diger butun
yasamlarinda yaptiklari hatalari, ve olumsuz anilarini temizlemektedirler aslinda. Bu yuzden
cevresini temizleyen insanlarin iclerinde hep bir huzur ve mutluluk vardir, ve kendileriyle bu
konuda hep gurur duyarlar. Buna 'tatmin duygusu' diyebiliriz. Temizlikle cok hasir-nesir
kisileri, ornegin sokak copculerini gordugunuzde bilin ki, o kisinin temizlemesi gereken
bircok yasam deneyimi vardir ve simdi bu hayatinda yapmakta oldugu da budur.

İyimserler ve Kötümserler
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 2:00pm

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan - The

heart between two wings
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 2:30pm

Our soul is blessed with the impression of the glory of God whenever we praise Him.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

There is a necessity for praise in prayer, praise of the beauty of God, for man must learn to
recognize and praise the beauty of God as manifested in all His creation. In this way he
impresses beauty on his soul, and he is able to manifest it in himself, and he becomes the
friend of all and is without prejudice. For this reason the Sufi cultivates his heart. The emblem
of the Sufi is the heart between two wings, meaning that when the heart is cultivated man can
soar up into the heights of heaven.

If one asks why God should create beings in order that they should sing His own praise, the
answer is that God does not wish to receive praise. The praise of God is prescription for man,
in order that by this prescription man can come to that understanding which brings him nearer
to God. In other words, by praising God man completes the action in which lies the
fulfillment of the soul's purpose in coming on earth.

Truly we can never praise Him enough; never can our praise be sufficient, but our souls are
blessed with the impression of the Glory of God whenever we praise Him. The soul could
praise God every moment and yet, wanting to praise Him yet more, it is constantly hungering
and thirsting to find the Beauty and Perfection of God. By the praise of God the soul is filled
with bliss; even to utter the name of God is a blessing that can fill the soul with light, joy and
happiness as nothing else can do.

Amulet spell & Amulets
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 5:00pm

Amulet spellItems needed: pen/paper, stone/object, bag/necklace

Take the problem/thing you wish protection from (I.E. negative energy)
and write it down, give as many details as possible (boss at work with
a negative attitude, girl down the hall with bad temper).
Take the paper and visualise the problem, then, visualise a barrier of glowing
light flowing down from Deity and protecting you (some good ones for this are
Athena, protector and warrior, and the God in his protective aspect, also, any
of the Cat Gods (Bast, Sekhmet) have their protective aspect, and the Goddess
as Mother is protective). Visualise a shell covering you in all three dimensions,
above below, in all the directions (the Guardians may be invoked here if you
wish,) also in the astral, and anywhere else you need protection. Take all of
this energy and project it forward into the object you have chosen to be your
amulet (an onyx stone works well).. Let the energy pour through you, and into
the stone. Keep the shell up! It is protecting you, and flowing into the stone.
When you feel the spell is complete, slowly turn off the flow of energy, and
place the circle surrounding you into the object, saying words like
"this circle now is not dispelled, this circle now it is withheld,
this circle now it protects me, as I will so mote it be".
Then, burn the paper, symbolising that the problem has no control over
you, and take your charged stone/object and carry it on your person when

you face that situation.
~Author Unknown
Acorn~ An acorn anointed with musk oil and carried in your purse, pocket, or charm bag will
help attract the opposite sex to you.
Agate~ Agate is a semiprecious crystalline gemstone that attracts good luck, aids meditation,
and protects against accidental falls and all kinds of danger. It is a symbol of health and long,
life and a powerful good luck charm for all persons born in the month of June.
Aladdin´s Lamp~ Wear a gold charm in the shape of Aladdin´s lamp to bring good luck and
happiness in all that do. Rub the lamp amulet to make wishes come true.
Alligator Teeth~ Wear a necklace of alligator teeth to protect yourself from sorcery.
Amber~ Wear Amber as amuletic jewelry to protect against evil influences and accidental
injuries. It´s a good luck gemstone that strengthens the aura. Amber is sacred to the Goddess
Amethyst~ Amethyst is a gemstone of power, peace, protection, and spirituality. It helps
balance the aura, controls evil thoughts, sharpens the intellect, and brings contentment and
sincerity into the loves of those who use it.
Ankh~ (Also known as the crux ansata) is an ancient Egyptian symbol resembling a cross
with a loop at the top. It symbolizes the power of life and cosmic knowledge. When worn or
carried, the ankh brings goo health, promotes fertility, and strengthens the psychic powers.
Aquamarine~ A bluish-green variety of beryl, symbolizes hope and good health and is a lucky
gemstone for people born in the months of March and October. As an amulet it enhances
meditation and spiritual awareness. To attract love, wear amuletic earrings made of
Armadillo~ To protect yourself against sorcery, negativity, and all dark forces of evil, wear or
carry in your pocket an amulet in the shape of an armadillo. Bury an armadillo skull in your
yard or place one over your front door to keep ghosts and demonic entities from entering your
Arrow~ For protection from illness and to guard against the evil eye, wear an arrow shaped
pendant on a silver chain around your neck.
Arrowhead~ Carry an arrowhead for protection against enemies, bad luck, hexes, jealousy,
evil spirits, and all negative forces. Place an arrowhead over your front door (or under the
mat) to prevent burglars from breaking into your home, and keep one in your car to help
guard against accidents and theft.
Bat Amulet~ An amulet shaped like a bat protects the wearer against hexes, enemies, and all
forms of black magic when worn for one month and then thrown into a dark body of water,
such as a lake or an ocean.
Bear Amulet~ Wearing a bear claw amulet will help a woman during childbirth and increases
physical strength. An amulet in the image of a bear can also be used in Neo-Pagan rituals to
help invoke the powers of the lunar-goddess Diana.
Beryl~ Known as both the "Mystic Stone" and the "Seer´s Stone," Yellow or golden beryl
increases psychic ability when placed over the Third Eye Chakra or when held in the left hand
during meditative rituals. When worn as amuletic jewelry, beryl is said to banish fear,
strengthen the intellect, protect against enemies, promote the love of married couples, and
attract the affections of the opposite sex. To promote friendship or reconcile enemies, engrave
the image of a frog on a piece of beryl and carry it near your heart or wear it on a gold
Bloodstone~ Bloodstone is a mystical gemstone possessing numerous magickal properties.
Wear or carry a bloodstone amulet to stimulate prophetic powers, avert lightning, or to
preserve good health. Bloodstone is an especially powerful good luck amulet for all persons

born in the month of March.
Buddha Amulet~ Wear a golden Buddha charm on a necklace or bracelet, or carry a small jade
Buddha as an amulet to bring good luck and wealth into your life.
Bull Amulet~ To increase fertility in women and virility in men, wear a bull-shaped amulet, or
place one under your bed before making love. When worn as jewelry, the symbol of the bull
protects the wearer against maledictions, procures the favor of magistrates, and brings extra
special good luck to persons born under the astrological sign of Taurus.
Carbuncle~ Wear or carry a carbuncle as an amuletic gemstone to increase wealth and power,
to stimulate the heart, or to ward off nightmares, melancholia, and evil or negative thoughts.
Cat Amulet~ The cat is the traditional witches familiar. The cat and its symbol are sacred to
many Pagan goddesses, including Freya (the Norse goddess of marriage, fruitfulness, and
fertility.) Wear any type of cat-shaped jewelry to stimulate or increase telepathic powers,
improve night vision, protect against evil entities, or make secret wishes come true. Cat-
shaped amulets are especially favorable for persons born under the astrological signs of
Capricorn and Pisces.
Cat´s Eye~ To ward off the power of the evil eye, wear a cat´s eye gemstone.
Caul~ The caul (a membrane that sometimes clings to the head of a newborn baby) has been
considered a good luck omen since ancient times. It is used as a natural amulet to protect
sailors and sea travelers against shipwrecks and drowning. According to folklore, a caul can
give its possessor the power to see and communicate with the spirits of the dead. (Note: My
uncle was born with the caul over his face. He cannot sink in water nor can he swim under
water. Family has said he is impossible to drown.)
Coral ~ Wear or carry a piece of pure red coral as a natural amulet to protect against demonic
forces, all forces of black magick, and the destructive power of the evil eye. Hang a piece of
coral (any color) in your home or office to keep away evil spirits and negative influences; on
your bedpost to prevent unpleasant dreams; on fruit trees to ensure fruitfulness. To attract a
new lover in your life, wear or carry a piece of pink coral as a love amulet.
Crab Amulet~ An amulet in the shape of, or bearing the image of a crab brings good luck to
persons born under the astrological sign of Cancer. To increase fertility or to attract love into
your life, carry or wear a pair of crab claws on a necklace.
Crescent Moon~ The crescent moon is a sacred symbol of the goddess, and also a symbol of
magick, fertility, and the secret powers of nature. Wear a piece of pink quartz shaped like a
crescent moon as a love charm to attract a lover or soul mate, or as a woman´s amulet to
promote fertility. Moon-shaped amulets are said to be extremely lucky for all persons born
under the moon-ruled astrological sign of Cancer.
Crown Ring~ Wear a ring shaped like a crown to bring success at work and to attract good
luck when engaging in any form of gambling. A crown ring can also be worn as a powerful
love drawing amulet.
Deer Amulet~ To increase fertility, place the horns of a deer under your bed or hang them on
the wall in your bedroom and rub them for a few minutes before making love with your
Diamond~ The diamond is a highly valued gemstone that symbolizes peace, fidelity,
innocence, and serenity. It is a powerful good luck charm for all persons born under the
astrological sign of Aries. When worn as amuletic jewelry, it prevents nightmares, balances
both positive and negative energies, and brings confidence, divine wisdom, and
Dog Amulet~ To keep all malicious or evil persons and spirits from gaining entrance to your
home, bury five dog-shaped amulets on each side of your house.
Dolphin Amulet~ For protection against accidents when traveling by ship, wear or carry an
amulet shaped like or bearing the image of a dolphin.

Donkey Amulet~ Carry or wear a donkey-shaped amulet when you are in need of extra
special good luck. The figure of a donkey, when engraved on a chrysolite and worn around the
neck on a gold chain will increase the wearer´s psychic powers of prediction.
Dove Amulet~ To bring peace into your home or workplace, wear a dove-shaped amulet on a
chain around your neck. The symbol of the turtledove protects the wearer against death, fire,
and lightning. The dove is a bird sacred to Ishtar, Aphrodite, and other goddesses of love and
Dragon~ The mystical dragon is a Chinese symbol of the male element known as yang. Wear
any dragon-shaped jewelry as an amulet for love and happiness, or to dispel all negative
vibrations and bad luck. The figure of a dragon, engraved on a ruby will attract good health to
its possessor, according to ancient belief.
Eagle Amulet~ The eagle symbolizes swiftness and is a sacred bird of the Greek god Zeus. An
eagle feather or an amulet in the shape of an eagle is said to protect people and structures
against lightning.
Elk Tooth~ Wear or carry in a pocket or charm bag the tooth of an elk as a powerful amulet to
dispel negativity and attract good fortune into your life.
Emerald~ The emerald is a symbol of peace, love, and eternal life. When worn or carried as
an amulet it strengthens love, intelligence, eloquence, and popularity. Emerald amulets
increase psychic sensitivity when held over the Third Eye chakra; and when worn on the
finger as a ring, this gemstone warns the wearer against poisons, strengthens the memory,
protects against demonic possession, and ensures success in love.
Fairy Amulet~ Wear any type of fairy-shaped jewelry as an amulet to increase magickal
powers, enhance all enchantments and bewitchments, attract fairy-folk, and put your spirit in
harmony with Mother Nature.
Fish Amulet~ An amulet shaped like a pair of fish and made of gold or mother-of-pearl will
increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity, and offer you protection from people who
might hate you or have evil intentions. For persons born under the astrological sign of Pisces,
the fish is an especially powerful good luck amulet.
Fluorite~ Fluorite is a gemstone that increases psychic awareness and cosmic understanding
when placed over the Third Eye chakra during meditative rituals.
Four-leaf Clover~ Good fortune will smile on you if you carry a four-leaf clover, or if you
wear a pin, ring, or pendant shaped like one. The four-leaf clover (a highly magickal plant and
a powerful amulet of Irish origin) is believed to be the most powerful of all natural amulets,
and is especially favorable for persons born under the astrological signs of Cancer and Pisces.
It was sacred to the Trinity, and was used by the ancient Druids as a charm against evil and to
attain clairvoyant powers.
Fox Amulet~ Wear or carry an amulet bearing the image of a fox for prosperity or to aid in the
development of shape-shifting powers.
Frog Amulet~ To promote friendship or reconcile enemies, engrave the image of a frog on a
piece of beryl and carry it near your heart or wear it as a necklace. A frog amulet is also good
for increasing fertility and virility.
Garlic~ Garlic is one of the oldest and most famous of natural protection amulets used
throughout the world in a variety of ways to keep away vampires, sorcerers, demonic spirits,
and all forms of evil. It is also used by many Witches and Shamans as a healing amulet. Garlic
is said to be ruled by Mars and under the influence of Aries and Scorpio..
Garnet~ Also known as the "Passion Stone" the garnet is a balancer of the yin/yang energies.
It increases psychic sensitivity and sexual energy. Garnet is an ideal gemstone to use during
meditative rituals, and it can be worn as amuletic jewelry to attract sexual love and soul
mates. When placed under a pillow or worn while sleeping, it wards off bad dreams and evil
spirits of the night. A garnet engraved with the symbol of a lion is a powerful amulet for

attracting good health and success. It also protects the wearer from all dangers when traveling.
To attract a lover, wear a heart-shaped garnet amulet in a red velvet charm bag over your
heart. (be sure to anoint it every Friday night with three drops of rose or patchouli oil.)
Goat Amulet~ The symbol of the goat (sacred to Aphrodite and the Horned God) increases
fertility when worn or carried as an amulet, and especially favorable as a good luck charm for
persons born under the astrological sign of Capricorn. The image of two goats engraved on an
onyx is said to give a magician the power to summon and control spirits.
Hedgehog Amulet~ In Morocco, it is believed that the destructive power of the evil eye
cannot harm a child who wears the jawbone of a hedgehog on a necklace.
Hematite~ Hematite was a sacred stone used by the warriors of ancient Rome and Greece as
an amulet to protect against wounds, and to increase courage on the battlefield.
Horn~ The gold horn is a popular necklace-charm worn by Italians as an amulet against the
evil eye. When worn by a man, the horn (an ancient and obvious phallic symbol) increases
sex appeal and promotes male virility.
Horseshoe~ The horseshoe is a well know good luck symbol in many parts of the world.
According to superstition, nail an iron horseshoe over your door with the convex side pointing
up for protection against sorcery, bad luck, and the evil eye. For good luck, nail it over your
door with the convex side pointing down. Wear any type of horseshoe-shaped jewelry or carry
miniature horseshoe charms in a mojo charm bag to promote fertility, guard against evil, and
attract good luck. To ward off bad luck and negativity, wear a ring made of horseshoe nails.
Hyacinth~ The hyacinth is a transparent red, brown, or orange variety of zircon. Wear a
hyacinth gemstone on a necklace or mounted in a ring to ease the pain of childbirth. The
amuletic powers of hyacinth can also be used for protection against negative supernatural
Indian Head Amulet~ For protection against all negative influences and evil spirits, wear and
Indian-head coin on a chain around your neck or carry one in a purse, pocket, or mojo charm
bag. The Indian-head coin is considered by many to be the most powerful of amulets, and it
can be used also as a good luck charm when gambling. To promote peace in your home, wear
an amulet with the popular symbol of the Indian chief, or hang it in your house to exercise
control over family and the things around you.
Iron Protection Amulet~ To protect yourself against sorcery and all malevolent supernatural
beings, wear an iron bracelet or sleep with a piece of iron under your bed. In Burma, iron
pyrites are commonly used as amulets to protect the wearer against crocodile attacks, and in
many parts of Europe, they are used to protect against lightning.
Jade~ Jade is a mystical gemstone sacred to the Chinese goddess of healing mercy. It is the
symbol of tranquillity and wisdom. It is said to possess yang (the vital masculine principal)
and in China, it was believed to impart immortality. When worn as amuletic jewelry, jade
prevents nightmares, heals many diseases, and prolongs life. Wear a jade butterfly as an
amulet to attract love and good luck. A jade statue placed in the house near a window or in a
garden will avert lightning. To ease pain in childbirth, place a small jade figure of Kuan Yin
over the navel during delivery.
Jasper~ Jasper is an energizing gemstone that strengthens the intellect when worn as an
amulet with certain cabalistic inscriptions. It is sacred to the goddess Isis, and is used by many
to counteract the power of the evil eye, ease the pain of childbirth, and protect against wounds
and hemorrhages. Green jasper repels ghosts, helps reduce fevers, and wards off bites of
serpents. Black jasper is used by farmers in Italy as an amulet against lightning.
Jet~ Jet is a dense velvet-black coal that takes a high polish and is used as jewelry (especially
women´s mourning jewelry) It is often called the "Exorcism Stone" and is ruled by the planet
Saturn. Carry an amulet to protect yourself against the evil eye and to ward off all demonic

Lamb Amulet~ To increase fertility or to fill your home with peace, use an amulet in the shape
of a lamb. (The symbol of fertility and peace.)
Lapis Lazuli~ Lapis lazuli is a powerful love-drawing gemstone dedicated to the goddesses
Aphrodite, Venus, and Isis. It aids meditation and psychic development when placed over the
Third Eye chakra. It is frequently used by witches in love spells and as an amulet against
negative influences and malevolent supernatural forces. Lapis lazuli is also a powerful good
luck charm when worn by persons born under the astrological sign of Capricorn.
Leprechaun Amulet~ The leprechaun is the most famous of all magickal creatures in Irish
folklore. Wear any type of leprechaun-shaped jewelry as an amulet for good luck and wealth.
The leprechaun amulet is especially lucky for those who are Irish.
Lightning Bolt Pendant~ Wear a circular sterling silver pendant with a lightning bolt symbol
painted or engraved on it as an amulet to awaken or increase your spell casting powers.
Lion Amulet~ The lion (or "King of Beasts") symbolizes courage, boldness, and nobility.
Wearing lion-shaped jewelry will help to cure shyness, overcome enemies, protect you against
danger while traveling, and strengthen your emotions.. Throughout the Middle Ages, images
of lions were carved on special amulet stones or stamped on various metals and used to treat
kidney ailments and acute intestinal pains. When engraved on a garnet, the symbol of the lion
brings good health and success to the wearer; and when imaged on jasper, it is said to sure
fever and guard against all poisons. A lion amulet brings exceptional good luck to all persons
born under the astrological sign of Leo..
Lodestone~ Lodestones are magnetized pieces of magnetite. They have long been used by
practitioners of white magic to set up energy fields that block out negative vibrations. In olden
times, amulets made from lodestones were worn to guard against snakebites, and it is said that
a lodestone placed in the right ear will enable a mortal man or woman to hear the voices of
pagan deities.
Mandrake Root~ The mandrake is a poisonous, narcotic plant associated with medieval
Witchcraft and sorcery, and believed to be the most magickal of all plants and herbs. It is
potent in all forms of enchantment, and is regarded as a powerful aphrodisiac by the Orientals.
Mandrake is ruled by the planet Venus, and its human-shaped root is used as an amulet to
increase psychic powers, promote female fertility and male virility, reveal treasures, and
inspire passion and romance.
Moonstone~ To see into the future, according to an ancient grimoire of the magickal arts,
place a moonstone amulet in your mouth at night when the moon is full. Wear a ring of
moonstone (dedicated to the love-goddess Aphrodite) as amuletic jewelry to attract a love.
Carry a moonstone in a charm bag to attract good luck or prevent nervousness. The powers of
the moonstone (also known as the "Stone of Love") are extremely potent when it is worn or
carried by persons born under the Moon-ruled astrological sign of Cancer.
Onyx~ An onyx amulet protects its wearer from danger and misfortune, stimulates the mind,
brings courage and strength, increases spiritual wisdom, and dispels negativity. Onyx is ruled
by the planet Saturn, and therefore possesses a powerful Capricorn/Aquarius vibration. In
India, onyx is used as a charm to counteract the evil eye and also to control amorous desires.
Opal~ A powerful amulet for persons born under the astrological sign of Libra, the opal
increases clairvoyant powers, balances the psyche, sharpens the memory, attract good fortune,
and gives healing power to the wearer. Opal is ruled by the Moon, and is sacred to all lunar
deities. Black opal is considered to be one of the luckiest gemstones in the world for all
twelve signs of the zodiac.
Owl Amulet~ To increase knowledge, wear an owl-shaped pendant made of gold, silver. Or
copper. The symbol of the owl (sacred to the goddess Athena) also brings good luck,
especially to all persons born under an Earth sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Peace Amulet~ To bring peace within and around you, to end conflicts, or to aid in

meditation, wear any type of amuletic jewelry in the shape of a peace sign (a symbol popular
among young people during the 1960s and even today)
Peacock Amulet~ To receive the power of immortality, according to an ancient grimoire of
magick, wear an amulet in the shape of a peacock on a gold chain around your neck. A
peacock amulet can also be used in Pagan rituals to help invoke the powers of Isis, the ancient
Egyptian goddess of fertility. According to old folk-superstition, the feathers of the peacock
are considered to be extremely unlucky and if worn or brought into the house, will prevent a
woman from ever marrying or giving birth to a child. According to the Kama Sutra, a man can
make himself irresistible to the opposite sex by covering the bone of a peacock with gold and
wearing it tied to his right hand as a love charm.
Pearls~ Pearls are sacred to all lunar deities, and are a part of nearly every love charm of the
Orient. They can be worn in the form of amuletic jewelry or carried in charm bags as amulets
for healing, to protect against fire, and to ward off evil. Pearls are ruled by the Moon, and are
said to be powerful lucky charms for all persons born under the astrological sign of Cancer.
(Please note: Pearls must be worn constantly to keep them from loosing their amuletic power.)
Pentagram~ This is one of the most powerful and important Pagan symbols used by Witches
and ceremonial magicians alike. The pentagram (a five-point star within a circle) represents
the four mystical and ancient elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, surmounted by the
Spirit. Wearing any type of jewelry in the shape of or bearing the symbol of the pentagram
will help open your mind to the mysteries of magick, increase psychic awareness, protect
against evil spirits and all negative forces, and strengthen your spell casting powers.
Pentalpha Amulet~ Wear a silver ring engraved with a pentalpha (a magickal and powerful
design formed by five interlocking A´s) to help awaken or strengthen you divinatory powers
or to aid in the conjuration of beneficent spirits.
Phallus~ Wear any type of phallus-shaped amulet on a necklace, or carry one in a charm bag
to increase male virility and sexual magnetism. Phallus amulets were commonly used in
ancient times by various cultures (particularly the Greeks and Romans) to avert the evil eye.
Pheasant Amulet~ Wear or carry a pheasant-shaped amulet for safety and protection when
traveling by airplane.
Playing Cards Amulet~ Wear a gold charm in the image of playing cards on a chain around
your neck as an amulet to bring success and to attract riches when gambling or playing cards.
(To make the playing-cards amulet even luckier, engrave or paint your name, birthdate, and
lucky numbers on the back and anoint it daily with three drops of honeysuckle, myrrh, or
spearmint oil.)
Pyramid Amulet~ Wear a pyramid amulet to improve work habits, increase or re-energize
your psychic powers, or to attract good luck into your life. Crystals shaped like pyramids
possess the power to balance emotional qualities and are said to bring wisdom. When placed
under a bed, they protect the sleeper from all forms of psychic attack, unpleasant dreams,
succubi, incubi, and other evil spirits of the night. The power of the pyramid is also believed
by many to enhance meditations and past-life regressions, speed the healing of wounds and
burns, cure headaches and insomnia, break unhealthy addictions, and even revive ailing
Quartz Crystals~ Also known as "Rain-Stones" quartz crystals are commonly used in the
rainmaking ceremonies of many Aboriginal tribes in Australia. Quartz crystals are used as
divining stones by Cherokee Indians; and in certain parts of Europe and the Middle East; they
are used as amulets to increase breast milk in nursing mothers, and to cure sterility.
Rabbit´s Foot~ The rabbit´s foot is perhaps the most popular amulet used in modern times. It
is usually carried on a key chain or worn on a necklace to ward off accidents and evil, and to
increase good luck, happiness, and fertility..
Ram Amulet~ An amulet in the shape of a ram will increase fertility in women. It also brings

exceptional good luck to persons born under the astrological sign of Aries.
Ruby~ As a powerful amulet, the ruby works best for those born under the astrological sign of
Leo. It brings peace of mind, stimulates sexuality, removes all evil and impure thoughts,
protects against tempests, banishes sorrow, and prevents nightmares. A heart-shaped ruby
amulet attracts love when worn over the heart of carried in a red velvet charm bag filled with
seashells and Venus-ruled herbs.
Saint Christopher Medallion~ This is a powerful amulet of protection. Wear it on a necklace
or carry it in a purple flannel charm bag for protection against accidents and misfortunes
while traveling. (Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.)
Sapphire~ Sapphire is a gemstone with many supernatural powers, and it is the symbol of
harmony and peace. When worn as an amulet, the sapphire brings happiness and contentment
and protects the wearer against misfortune, fraud, the wrath of enemies, violence, the evil eye,
sorcery, psychic attack, and accidental death. Place a sapphire over your Third Eye chakra to
stimulate psychic energies or to see into the future. The sapphire brings exceptional good luck
to persons born under the astrological sign of Taurus and all who are born in the month of
Sardonyx~ When worn or carried as an amulet, the sardonyx stone prevents miscarriages and
guards against sorcery. To all persons born under the astrological sign of Leo, it brings love,
happiness, good luck, and prosperity.
Scarab Beetle Amulet~ One of the most famous of all Egyptian amulets, the sacred scarab is
an emblem of the Great Creator of the Universe. It is a symbol of perpetual renewal of life,
and is sacred to the Khepera. Wear scarab beetle jewelry for good luck and protection against
evil forces.
Scorpion Amulet~ If you were born under the astrological sign of Scorpio, carry or wear a
scorpion-shaped amulet to attract good luck, repel all evil and negative forces, and guard
against enemies.
Seal of Solomon~ Also known as the "Star of David" the Seal of Solomon dates back to the
Bronze Ages and is a powerful symbol with many mystical and magickal qualities. Before
becoming the most prominent symbol of Judaism, the six-point star was used by alchemists
and ceremonial magicians in the preparation of amulets. It is also a part of early Celtic magick
and was employed by druid priests as a magick seal against evil ghosts of the night. As an
amulet, the Seal of Solomon is believed to offer protection against both enemies and the evil
eye, control spirits, and bring good luck in all aspects of life. In parts of West Africa, the Seal
of Solomon is the symbol of ardent love.
Shark Amulet~ The shark symbolizes great strength and the amulet bearing its image is
believed to exert powerful control over any person who comes within its magickal aura. In
Hawaii and other parts of the world. It is believed by some that wearing shark´s teeth on a
necklace will bring good fortune, and keep away evil spirits, and protect surfers against
accidents and shark attacks..
Skeleton Key Amulet~ Wear and old skeleton key on a chain around your neck as an amulet
to open the doors of opportunity and success. Guard against the evil eye, and repel sorcery
and all evil spirits.
Skull Amulet and Spell~ To help break the chains of any addiction, wear a gold skull-shaped
charm on a necklace as a magickal amulet. Rub the skull three times a day while focusing
your eyes upon it and thinking about the misery your addiction brings. After three months,
remove the skull from the chain and throw the amulet into a moving body of water.
Skull and Crossbones~ A symbol of death once used by pirates and more recently as a
warning label on poisons, the skull and crossbones can be used as a powerful amulet to
protect the wearer against Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Santeria black magick. It possesses the
power to reverse any hex and return the evil to the person who cast it upon you. This symbol

is also popular among gamblers, as it is believed to keep their good luck from turning bad.
Snake Amulet~ Wear a rattlesnake´s rattle on a necklace as a powerful amulet to increase
wisdom and sexual powers. In ancient Egypt, red stones carved into the shape of a serpent´s
head were believed to possess the supernatural power to prevent venomous snakes from
biting. Snake symbols were commonly used on ancient Gypsy charms to protect the wearer
from powers of the dreaded evil eye.
Staurolite~ Cross-shaped staurolite crystals (also known as "Fairy Stones") can be worn or
carried as amulets to protect against all forms of evil magick and to attract good luck. Fill a
green velvet charm bag with staurolite and white rowan tree blossoms and wear it on a string
around your neck to attract benevolent fairy-folk.
Sun Symbol~ Carry a gold charm shaped like the sun in a gold or yellow-colored velvet
charm bag if you wish to acquire wealth, good health. Success and/or fame. This is also an
effective amulet to use if you feel that others have been causing you trouble. The symbol of
the sun is sacred to all solar deities, and is especially powerful for all persons born under the
astrological sing of Leo.
Swallow Amulet~ To attract good luck into your life, wear a swallow-shaped amulet made of
sterling silver. To keep your home safe from evil sorcery, ghosts, fire, and lightning. Attach a
purple charm bag dilled with swallow feathers to your chimney or your roof.
Thunderbird Symbol~ Used by Native Americans of the Northwest United States a s a
weather working symbol to attract rain, thunder, and lightning, the thunderbird is a powerful
protection amulet and is reputed to bring good luck to gamblers.
Tiger Amulet~ According to ancient Chinese folklore, to attain physical strength, immortality,
or the ability to master the super natural art of shape-shifting, wear a consecrated silver or
jade amulet bearing the image of a tiger.
Tiki~ Use a tiki amulet to restore or preserve male sexual potency. The tiki is of Polynesian
origin and represents the first man on Earth created from red clay by the god Tane (one of the
chief deities of many Polynesian mythologies) The tiki should be carved from nephrite of
whalebone and worn on a chain around the neck.
Topaz~ Topaz is an energizing gemstone that stimulates the intellect, increases courage, and
dispels negativity. Wear any type of topaz jewelry as an amulet to protect against injury or
attack. A topaz bracelet worn on the left wrist will keep away evil spirits and all forms of
enchantment. Topaz is said to bring happiness, longevity, beauty, intelligence, and good luck
when worn by persons born in November.
Tourmaline~ Tourmaline is a gemstone that symbolizes vitality. Carry one in a mojo bag as an
amulet to protect against illness, or wear a tourmaline as amuletic jewelry to attract a lover
into your life. Black tourmaline deflects negativity, dispels fears, and balances the aura. It
connects the physical with the spiritual, and reduces anger, jealousy, and feelings of
insecurity. Green tourmaline, also known as "verdelite" possesses the power to attract money
and success. Pink tourmaline, also known as "rubellite" calms, reduces fear, protects the aura
against negativity, and induces peaceful sleep. Watermelon tourmaline heals the emotions,
balances sexual energies, and stabilizes the yin/yang polarities. Yellow tourmaline stimulates
the brain, strengthens the psychic powers, and increases both wisdom and understanding.
Tulip Bulb Amulet~ Carry a tulip bulb as a natural amulet to bring love into your life. Wear a
tulip bulb on a string around your neck or sleep with one under your pillow at night to attract
a new lover, increase sex appeal, or induce romantic dreams. Wear or carry an amulet shaped
like a tulip to promote fertility in females and virility in males.
Turquoise~ Turquoise is a mystical gemstone sacred to the Native Americans of the
Southwest United States. In the Orient, it is used as a protective charm for horses and their
riders. In Mexico, it is a popular amulet for attracting good luck. To protect against evil
influences, carry a piece of turquoise in a blue charm bag on a Wednesday. A carved piece of

turquoise brings good fortune into a house and is said to possess the power to hypnotize wild
animals. Turquoise is often worn as an evil-eye counter charm, carried or worn as an amulet
to protect against venomous bites, poison, blindness, assassinations, and accidental deaths.
Turquoise absorbs negative feelings and possesses a strong healing vibration.
Turtle Amulet~ For spiritual protection, compassion, stimulation of creativity, and
strengthening of divinatory powers, wear a gold turtle-shaped charm around your neck as an
amulet or carry one in a white mojo charm bag. To promote female fertility, keep a tortoise
shell under your bed and rub a bit of mugwort tea or musk oil on the outside of it just before
engaging in love making.
Unicorn Amulet~ The unicorn is an ancient symbol of chastity and protection, and its fabled
horn was said to be used in medieval times as an amulet to detect poisons in the food or drinks
of the kings, queens, pontiffs, and popes. To promote fertility or increase sexual magnetism,
wear any type of amuletic jewelry shaped like a unicorn. The symbol of this magnificent
mystical creature also pierces the plans of enemies and keeps the wearer safe from all evil
Venus Pentacle~ Wear a consecrated Venus Pentacle on a silver chain or a braided necklace of
green and red threads as a magical amulet to bring passion and romance into your life. The
Venus Pentacle (which can easily be obtained at most occult supply shops and mail- order
catalogues) also works well for those who desire a loving marriage mate.
Wishbone~ Wear gold wishbone-shaped jewelry (or even an actual turkey or chicken
wishbone on a necklace) as an amulet to attract good luck and to make wishes and dreams
come true. To bring a new lover into you life, nail a wishbone over the front door of your
home on New Year´s Day and thrice say: "Lover, come hither!"
Wizard Amulet~ Wear any type of wizard-shaped jewelry as an amulet for wisdom, strength,
and good luck, to help develop divinatory abilities, and to increase both magickal and psychic
Zodiac Good Luck Gemstones~ Each astrological sign of the zodiac rules one or more
gemstones, known as a "birth-charm." These gemstones are used in mojo charm bags or worn
as amuletic jewelry to attract good luck and to protect against evil, misfortune, and illness;
however, it is considered unlucky to wear a birth-charm belonging to an astrological sign
other than your own. The twelve sign of the zodiac and their corresponding good luck
gemstones are as follows:
Aries: Coral and Diamond
Taurus: Carnelian and Emerald
Gemini: Agate and Alexandrite
Cancer: Moonstone, Pearl and all white-colored gemstones
Leo: Amber, Ruby, and all yellow or golden-colored gemstones
Virgo: Sapphire and Sardonyx
Libra: Opal and Tourmaline
Scorpio: Topaz
Sagittarius: Turquoise and Zircon
Capricorn: Garnet, Lapis lazuli and, all black gemstones
Aquarius: Amethyst and Jacinth
Pisces: Aquamarine and Bloodstone.
From: "The Wicca Spell Book"
By: Gerina Dunwich author of "Wicca Craft"



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 7, 2009 at 5:00pm

TANTRA IS THE NATURAL WAY, the loose and the natural is the goal. You need not fight
with the current; simply move with it, float with it. THE RIVER IS GOING TO THE SEA,
SO WHY FIGHT? Move with the river, become one with the river, surrender. "Surrender" is
the keyword for tantra, "will" is the keyword for yoga. Yoga is the path of will, tantra is the
path of surrender.

THAT'S WHY TANTRA IS THE PATH OF LOVE -- love is surrender. This is the first thing
to understand, then Tilopa's words will become very very crystal-clear. The different
dimension of tantra has to be understood -- THE VERTICAL DIMENSION, the dimension of
surrender, OF NOT FIGHTING, of being loose and natural, relaxed -- what Chuang Tzu says,
"Easy is right." With yoga, difficult is right; with tantra, easy is right.

RELAX AND BE AT EASE, there is no hurry. The whole itself is taking you on its own
accord, you need not make an individual striving. You are not asked to reach before your time,
you will reach when the time is ripe -- YOU SIMPLY WAIT. The whole is moving -- why you
are in a hurry? Why you want to reach before others?

There is a beautiful story about BUDDHA:

HE REACHED THE GATE OF HEAVEN. Of course, the people there were waiting. They
opened the door, they welcomed him. But he turned his back towards the door, looked at the

samsara -- the world -- millions of souls on te same path, struggling, in misery, in anguish,
striving to reach this gate of heaven and bliss. The door-keeper said, "YOU COME IN
PLEASE! We have been waiting for you."

doesn't seem to be the right time. How I can enter when the whole has not entered into it? I
will have to wait. It is just like my hand has reached into the door, and my feet have not
reached yet. I will have to wait. Just the hand cannot enter alone."

This is one of the most profound insights of tantra. Tantra says NOBODY CAN, IN FACT,
BECOME ENLIGHTENED ALONE. We are parts of each other, we are members of each
other. We are a whole! One person may become the peak, may become a very great wave --
but the great wave remains connected with the small waves all around. It is not alone, it
remains one with the ocean, and all the waves there. How a wave can become enlightened


wait. Nobody is an island -- we make a continent, we are together. I may have stepped a little
further than you, but I cannot be separate.

And now I know it deeply, now it is not a story for me -- I AM WAITING FOR YOU. Now it
is not just a parable. Now I know that THERE IS NO INDIVIDUAL ENLIGHTENMENT.
Individuals can step a little ahead, that's all -- but they remain joined together with the whole.

And if an Enlightened person is not aware that he is part of others, one with the others, then
who will know this? WE MOVE AS ONE BEING, and Tantra says, "So don't be in a hurry,
and don't try, and don't push others, and don't try to be first in the queue -- BE LOOSE AND
happen. You don't create an anguish about it." If you can understand this, already you are near
it -- one relaxes. Otherwise, religious people become very very tense. Even ordinary worldly
people are not as tense as religious people become tense.

but not so much as religious people -- because they are tense for the other world. And their
world is very far away, invisible; and they are always in doubt whether it is there or not. And
then a new misery arises: maybe they are losing this world and the other doesn't exist. They
are always in anguish, mentally very much disturbed. DON'T BECOME THAT TYPE OF

TO ME A RELIGIOUS MAN IS LOOSE AND NATURAL. He's not worried about this world
or the other world. He is not worried at all, he simply lives and enjoys. THIS MOMENT IS
THE ONLY MOMENT FOR HIM, the next moment will take care of itself. When the next
moment comes, he will receive it also enjoying, blissful. A religious man is NOT goal-
oriented. To be goal-oriented is to be worldly.

Tantra: The Supreme Understanding
Ch #6: The Great Teaching
am in Buddha Hall


The Mists of Avalon

 Posted by MaRGARITA on November 7, 2009 at 7:00pm

The mists of Avalon ( 18 Parts)
Margarita, Amaitreya

11:11 Gateway by Meg Benedicte

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 8, 2009 at 11:00am

Have you ever looked over at the clock and seen 11:11 displayed? Did
it send a blast of energy through your nervous system? If so, then you
unknowingly activated the powerful dimensional doorway in time to
higher consciousness. We are being granted this month a rare
opportunity on 11/11/2009 (year 11) to enter into the domain of our
ancestors. As the veils of time thin and the doorway opens to our
minds, we can step across to a time when humans embodied the wholeness
of our Creator Source.

It was a grand time of human potential, as the collective mind reached

into the heavens and understood the mysteries of the Universe. The
Original Humans were creation in motion - instantaneously manifesting
their hearts' desires. They were the perfect union of yin/yang tune with the rhythm of nature. All was in divine order!

Savor the glimpse of soul realization on 11:11, for we are entering a

period of history where our untapped holographic minds can break free
of entrapment, and venture into the realm of hidden powers and
abilities. Set your mind free!

During this period allow your mind to open and wander the magical
dimensions of alternative realities...the parallel time/space
continuums that are free of darkness, disease and unfulfilled
potential. We have at our fingertips the capacity to embark on a very
different path...a trajectory away from darkness and into
unconditional love. All it takes is the surrender of ego attachment to
the material world of grandiosity, and the falling within to the inner
sanctuary of the soul presence.

In this timeless space of soul union we can alter our world realities.
By placing our lives in the hands of the Soul, we can break through
the mind matrix of isolation and disconnection. In the stillness of
soul/body union, our minds can break free and soar into a parallel
reality of full integration and empowerment. Leave the prison walls
behind you and sail into the grand horizon of limitless possibilities.

On 11:11 the Universe beckons, will you answer the call of your Soul?

Copyright © 2009 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved

Heart Awakening by LIORA

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 8, 2009 at 11:00am

Awakening the Heart.... Feeling from the depth of your Soul.......

We only ever have the ‘now’....
this glorious moment...this sweet breath....why is it so easily overlooked......taken for

In the timelessness we recognise our true selves...our pure empowered

magnificence....radiating with love...the energy we are made of.....who we truly are.......

This is the Heart Awakening....too simple for the mind ............ Just to FEEL it deeper and
deeper... day by day..... in each now moment.......more and more and

The mind will still try to attach to whatever concepts arise.....looking for so called
answers.....why?.. believing that there has to be some amazing “thing” we have to
understand....... taking us out of our truth..our heart..our essence.....this perfect moment....still
reaching outside of ourselves for some kind of salvation........

However..the more we feel...our truth ...our beauty...our radiance....our love....the more the
mind will still....and truly embrace the glorious eternal now moment....where everything is
total that knowing that full embodiment of higher consciousness and
awareness....we realise everything else is irrelevant now....and we completely surrender to
what is....letting go of any future projections.......

Understanding that everything is happening in the perfect divine order....there is nothing we

have to do...except love....and love some more......Love one another...share our joy and
love....because it just feels so share.. the essence being of such expansiveness and
abundance..........that is the real reason of life...pure love..pure unconditional loving.... that is is LOVE......

Allowing the unfoldment of the inevitable expansion to just BE..........that is true peace and is the are the gift...without you the whole is not complete....
know your true beauty...........fall in love with you.... that is the true power in each
breath....recognise you are the creator.....of anything...and everything....what magic surrounds incredible.....such wondrous beauty to behold.......YOU ARE

Such Heart Awakening...............Now......................surrender to nothingness...............Feel the

Beauty....of you.....................
The Soul knows everything............listen....from within.................

I celebrate the Beauty of what is...

Each moment is made glorious by the Light of Love...

Feel the joy and dance with me in the Perfection.....

I love you
from the depth of my soul
Liora xoxox

Mayan Sixth Night: "Total Bliss for 360

Days ..."
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 8, 2009 at 1:00pm

Mayan Sixth Night: "Total Bliss for 360 Days ..."

as our Divine World Body comes (refines) together!

Millennium Twain

Mayan Calendar and the

Arc of Evolution

January 6, 2005 I attended a mind-blowing lecture on the Mayan Calendar
that finally gave me the "big picture" of the history-and
future-of all creation. The good news is that despite some inevitable
bumps in the road, the period between now and 2012 will be one of
infinitely expanding consciousness-ending in the Golden Age we have
all been waiting for.

The talk was

given by Ian Lungold, an artisan who became fascinated by the Mayans
while making jewelry based on their designs. Information began streaming
through him, which took him on a path of exploration that resulted
in a complex understanding of the Mayan calendar. Not actually a
calendar in the ordinary sense, it is really a meter of the movement
of creation or tool to tune your consciousness to the flow of evolution
to develop your intuition and become a co-creator with the divine.

A calendar
is the dead center of any civilization's consciousness, said Lungold,
representing the intersection of time and place as your point of
view or location of consciousness. The Gregorian calendar (est.
1582) is pinned to physical events - the rotation of the Earth around
the Sun every 365 ¼ days. The Maya, who used a total of 17
calendars, had one like this called the Haab, but it was used only
for commerce and tax purposes. The Tzolkin, or 260-day calendar,
was used most frequently as a personal and astrological calendar,
or chart of consciousness. It was based on the 7 day/6 night cycle
of creation familiar to us via the Old Testament, which came from
the ancient Sumerians. Apparently both the Mayans and Sumerians
had access to the same body of wisdom about the arc of evolution
in this solar system that began 16.4 billion years ago.

In a riveting
four hour talk, Lungold put a chart on the board that looked like
a Mayan pyramid and took us through the precisely-timed stages of
evolution from single-celled organisms all the way up to Oct. 28,
2011, when the Mayan calendar officially ends. Ian went straight

to the Maya to get this info after discovering that the dates and
other "facts" publicized by Jose Arguelles in his book
"The Mayan Factor" were questionable.

I will not
attempt to recount all the historical events that show precise correspondence
with the Mayan timeline; suffice it to say that it all made perfect
sense. Most recently, the "Planetary Cycle" that began
in 1755 with the Industrial Revolution and culminated in 1992 with
the Internet was concerned with the concentration of power. This
was a time when the mind became king, and intuition went out of
style because it was basically a death sentence (witness the burning
of ten million women as "witches.") Lungold made the point
that the mind is not your friend, that at best it's just a tool
like a calculator-but is also a parasite concerned only with self-preservation.
It can only operate at 24 frames or thoughts per second, which is
very limiting in this age of rapidly accelerating technology and
consciousness. Stress has become a worldwide epidemic as the mind
tries and fails to keep up. Suicides are on an upswing and can be
seen as an equipment failure, while many people prefer to go unconscious
through various addictions to sedate the stressed-out mind. Denial
is rampant.

We'll all be
going completely out of our minds and coming into present time,
says Lungold, between now and 2011, when we head into the last year
of the cycle. We're moving past the limitations of the mind and
into the intuitive space referred to as "The Zone" in
athletics, when a player reaches a point of perfect equanimity and
is able to perform superhuman feats like lifting 350 lbs. overhead.
It is the space of "no mind" also found through meditation
and other acts like sex (if you do it right, he says). Science has
found that while in this Zone, your whole brain lights up and every
cell is activated-it's how we're meant to live. The key is getting
centered, which comes from regular practice at attaining this state.
Lungold likens it to a spinning gyroscope with a calm center that
keeps it from falling over. If there is a broken piece, then it
will fly apart. This is basically what we will be challenged to
do in the next six years: stay so centered in our intuitive knowing
that we don't fly apart as consciousness accelerates and world events
grow more intense.

The key to
this centeredness, he claims, comes from integrity. Intuition doesn't
exist if you're out of integrity. This will be the major theme of
2005, as Power meet Integrity head-on on June 1. Ethics consciousness
will slap down Power consciousness in some way on the world stage,
Lungold predicts. We are building a new foundation this year based
on ethics, from Dec. 4, 2004 to Nov. 28, 2005. The knowledge should
also come out sometime after June 1, he claims, of machines that

now exist, which produce energy at no cost. This could turn the
existing power structure on its ear.

Paying attention
and having intention will be key. The Neanderthals died out because
after 100,000 years, they were still using the same tools. They
could not imagine a different future, so they had no future. Suppose
that when you're centered in your intuition, you're actually CREATING
your future. That would explain why our intuition is often right.
Intention will become crucial in the coming time of exponential
change, because there are so many more options available to us than
ever before, and less persistence will be required to achieve our
goals. Instant manifestation will become the norm! There will only
be two choices: Creator or Victim.

The "Galactic
Cycle" began on Jan. 5, 1999 and lasts for 12.8 years. The
dawn of this cycle was the Y2K scare, which was a mass warning or
planting of a seed, "don't trust your systems." Nothing
happened at the time, but by 2007-08 we are entering the Fifth Day
and Night of the overall cycle, a big opening in consciousness but
also a time when we may experience an economic meltdown. Lungold
says to pay attention to the Hopi, who advise: 1) Know where your
food and water are coming from, and 2) Know all of your relations.
Getting out of the cities will be wise, he says, as "shrapnel
may be flying" and the usual sources of food and water won't
be as available. This is similar to other Fifth Days in creation,
such as the period encompassing World War I and II, and prior to
that, the Dark Ages. The coming trial will be shorter and less severe
than the previous ones. Things are getting dramatically better,
he points out.

Also on the
Fifth Day, we will finally "meet the neighbors." We have
been under galactic quarantine as we pass through this power trip
we've been on (which was a necessary phase of consciousness), but
during 07-08 we will know ourselves as part of the greater galactic
community. By 2009 on the Sixth Day (corresponding to the Renaissance
and the beatnik/hippie time period of 1952-72), consciousness will
overcome technology completely and our larger minds will merge with
computers to produce such phenomena as teleportation, time travel
and age reversal.

On the Sixth
Night in 2010, we have total bliss for 360 days. We'll be back to
our roots, attuned to an organic value system. On the Seventh Day,
the "Universal Consciousness" cycle which begins on Feb.
10, 2011 and lasts 100 days, we will finally know ourselves as co-creators
with God, rejoining the Creator as a Creator (though some will achieve
this state sooner.) Anything we can possibly dream of already exists

in the mind of God. As we discover more and more about the inner
workings of Creation, this truth will be known by all. Some will
fall by the wayside and become "mulch" for future growth,
however, as consciousness accelerates too rapidly for them to grasp.

This grand
cycle affects not just Earth, but the entire Universe, which is
evolving alongside us. What happens after 2011? Time and space will
slip away as solid measurements. The best example Lungold could
give of what it will be like is portrayed in the film, "What
Dreams May Come," in which thought creates instant manifestation.
Meanwhile, he advises not investing in anything that lacks integrity,
such as the stock market, and to get out of the way as our culture
falls-similar to what happened in Rome. It will also help to attune
yourself to the daily flow of creation through the Galactic Astrology
Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex (available on Lungold's website, This also shows you how to figure out your
Mayan birth sign and life assignment (different from Jose Arguelles'
version) which is totally fascinating. Knowing your essential purpose
and the intention for each day can attune you to your intuition,
which puts you in sync with the flow of Creation and produces entrainment,
or synchronization with All That Is.

For more information

on this material, Ian recommends the book "The Mayan Calendar
and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Calleman,
whose findings are in alignment with his.


on the following dates will attune your consciousness to the flow
of evolutionary creation:

Dec. 3, 2004
Beginning of Fourth Day: New consciousness, intuition re-emerges

June 1, 2005
Midpoint of Fourth Day

Nov. 28, 2005

Beginning of Fourth Night: Bridge-building to consciousness expansion

May 27, 2006

Midpoint of Fourth Night

Nov. 23, 2006

Beginning of Fifth Day: Budding, breakthrough

May 22, 2007

Midpoint of Fifth Day

Nov. 18, 2007

Beginning of Fifth Night: Destruction, challenge

May 16, 2008

Midpoint of Fifth Night

Nov. 12, 2008

Beginning of Sixth Day: Flowering, renaissance

May 11, 2009

Midpoint of Sixth Day

Nov. 7, 2009
Beginning of Sixth Night: Resting and fine-tuning

May 6, 2010
Midpoint of Sixth Night

Nov. 2, 2010
Beginning of Seventh Day: Bliss

May 1, 2011
Midpoint of Seventh Day

Oct. 28, 2011

Completion of Seventh Day: Oneness with all creation

© Simone
Butler. All rights reserved.


 Posted by Sunyata on November 9, 2009 at 4:18am

Earth-Keeper Chronicles Özel Sayı

8 Kasım 2009

Başmelek Metatron ~ J Tyberonn kanalıyla

11-11, 12-12 ve 12-21

Sevginin Üçlü Yıldız Kapıları

Selamlar, ben ışığın Lordu Metatron’um. Ve sizleri Koşulsuz Sevginin enerjisinde

Ve Üçlü Yıldız Kapıları üzerine konuşuyoruz. Yılın kalan zamanında gerçekleşecek olan üç
büyük frekanssal açılış olduğunu size söylüyoruz.

Bunlar 11 Kasım 2009; 12 Aralık 2009 ve 21 Aralık 2009’da gerçekleşecek.

Bu yıldız kapıları ‘Gezegensel Geçiş’in büyük bir parçasıdır. 3 adet listelenen frekanssal
portallar sizlere güçlü bir geçişte yardımcı olmak için bir araya gelerek çalışacak olan Üçlü
giriş koridorlarıdır. Gezegenin spiritüel mevsimi değişiyor.

11-11,12-12 ve 21-12 korkunun salıverilmesi ve SEVGİ’nin kabullenilmesi etrafında bir arada

kümeleniyor. Bu, Güvercinin Kalbinin Geri Dönüşüdür. Bunlar Sevginin Üçlü Yıldız
Kapılarını getiriyor, SEVGİYİ güçlendiriyorlar ve aslında Kristal Çağının veçhesi ve
fonksiyonudurlar. Buna bağlı olarak gibi dualitenin kavis salınımı azalıyor.

SEVGİ Pro – Aktiftir

Üstatlar Göksel alemlerde, sevginin pro – aktif olan frekanssal bir kuvvet olduğunu
söylüyoruz. Üçlü portallar size, pasif olmak yerine armonik olarak hakkını savunan irade
kuvveti veren sevginin hayırlı bir veçhesini sunar.

Üçlü kapılar insanlığın yürekli eylem vasıtasıyla tutkulu etkisini yeniden oluşturmasını sağlar.
Ürkeklik ve korkunun içsel kapıları kapattığı yerde, Sevginin bu üçlüsü onları yeniden açacak
olan frekanssal uygunluğu sunar. 11-11’de bunlar bireysel olarak mikroda alınacaklar. 12-
12’de grup olarak ve kitlesel olarak makroda alınacaklar. Ve böylece tüm insanlığın aynı
eşikten geçmesi için geçiş kapısını açık tutarlar.

Üçlü Yıldız Kapılarında sunulan enerji, her zaman olduğu gibi sizin seçiminizi ve ayırt
edişinizi kapsar. Ancak ayrıca insanlığın arayış içindeki ruhları için mevcut olan yetkilenme
enerjisini aktive etmek için üstünüze düşen eylemi yapmanızı gerektirir.

Bunlar üst benlikteki güç mevkisine erişim sunarak artık size hizmet etmeyen şeyleri görme
ve bilincinizin çokboyutlu veçhelerinin yönetimi alma yeteneğini sunar. Üst benliğinizin
mevkisi gücün ve Evrensel Gerçeğin merkezidir. Ve Evrensel Gerçek korkunun bulunmadığı,
SEVGİ’nin alanındadır. Evrensel Gerçek, Yükseliş yolculuğunuzda size yardımcı olacak olan
engin bilgelik ve bilgiye erişim yeteneğini mümkün kılar.

Yaşam amacınızın ve bu amacın başarısının birçok yönlerle başkalarının yaşam amaçlarına

bağlı olduğunu keşfedeceksiniz. İnsanlığın, en yüksek potansiyel ve sonucu getirmek için
başkalarıyla işbirliği yaparken, bireysel gerçekliğin sürdürülebileceğini keşfetmesi gereklidir.

Kristal Çağda Armoni

Yükselmiş Dünya’nın Kristal Çağında, korkunun salıverilmesine izin verildiğinde muhtelif

içerikleri olan başkalarıyla partnerlik yapmanın çok mümkün olduğu görülecek. İşbirliği ve
armoni sınırlamalar yaratmaz, bunun yerine genişleme ve yaratıcılık yaratır.

Ancak, bu olasılık sorumluluk gerektirir. Dualitenin sancılarında sinmek veya pasiflik

anlamına gelmez. Sevgi kuvveti üstlenmeyi gerektirir. Bu, başka birilerine zorbalık yapmak
veya korkuyla kontrol edilmenize izin vermek anlamına gelmez. Aslında bu, gerçeğinizde
durmaktır ve nazik ama sağlam cesareti gerektirir.

Bizim yüksek perspektifimizden korku sevginin zıttı değildir, gerçekte tüm ‘engellerin’ sahip
olduğu gibi dualitede amaçlı bir rolü vardır. SEVGİnin kendi başına korkuyu iptal etmesi
anlamına da gelmez. İkisi, insanlığın armonik çözümü bulması için birlikte çalışırlar.

Ancak bizi yanlış anlamayın, dizginsiz korku ayrı olamaz ve olmaz. O bilgeliğe zarar verir.
Dualitede bir katalizördür. Korku, gündemi ve kontrol etme arzusu olanlar tarafından
kullanılır. Birlik bilinci vasıtasıyla korkunun salıverilmesi sizin son sınavınızdır.

Büyük öğretmeniniz Mahatma Gandi’nin söylediği gibi, korku dolu ve kontrol edici olanlarla
birlik ve beraberlik içinde kendi kalbinizi yumuşattığınız zaman, onların kalplerini de
yumuşatırsınız. Teslim olarak değil, gücünüzde ve gerçeğinizde sebatlı olarak, bununla
birlikte başkalarının sevgisinde birliğe açık olarak.

Şiddet şiddeti doğurur ve asla çatışmaları çözmenin yanıtı değildir. Bir süre için karanlık
tarafın kazandığı görülebilir, ama sonunda her zaman hüküm süren sevgidir.

Özünde, Üçlü kapıların onunla başa çıkmanıza yardımcı olacağı korkunun iki seviyesi vardır.
Birincisi içsel korkudur, güçsüz olmanıza neden olan, sizi şüphe ve karmaşa ile dolduran,
Benliğin Sevgisini zayıflatan korku.

İkincisi dış kaynaklardan gelen korkudur. Basitçe söylemek gerekirse, başkalarının grup veya
bireysel olarak sizi kontrol etmelerine ve özgürlüğünüzü sınırlamalarına izin vererek ‘çaresiz

Korkunun zarar verici sonuçlarını ve onun çaresizlik, depresyon ve durağanlık yan etkilerini
yenmek için tüm gerekli olan korkularla kuvvetli olarak yüzleşmektir. Sonra İlahiliğinizden
korku olan ve zararsız olan olasılıklar ve durumlar yaratmasını isteyin ve sonra onlarla
yaşamak için irade gücünü seçin. Aktif olun!

Üçlü Portallar: İçgörü & Yeniden Yüklenme Zamanı

Üçlü Portallar aktif SEVGinin titreşiminde yenilenme, cesaret yenileme ve içgörü sağlar.
Güçlendirilirsiniz. Korkuyla yüzleşildiğinde ve salıverildiğinde, enerji akınını görürsünüz. Bu
enerjide, daha önce uykuda olan yaratıcılık kanallarını açarsınız ve yaratıcılık yaşamınızın
senaryosunu yazma gücüne yönlendirir. Ancak sevginin titreşimi gücün bilgece kullanımını
yönlendirmelidir. Gezegende en büyük gücü gerçekten elinde tutanlar bunu kardeşlik içinde
yaparlar ve nezaket gösterirler. Gerçek güç ayrıca süptildir. Ama buna erişmek için içgörü

11 Kasım’da enerji, gezegendeki birçok insanın çoğunlukla bilmeden içinde kapana kısıldığı
enerjisel kutuları parçalamanıza yardımcı olmaya başlayacak. Bazılarınız karmaşıklıkların
farkında bile olmayabilirsiniz. Engellemenin asıl bileşeni eski enerji korkusudur. Ve bu,
gezegendeki eşzamanlılığın dualite hologramında çokboyutlu olan korku veçhesidir. Yükselen
enerjide yüzeye çıkan veçhelerin çoğu aslında temizlenmesi, salıverilmesi gereken, bireylerin
kesişen yaşamlarındaki kalıntılardır.

Son aylarda birçok Işıkişçisinin geri çekilmesi oldu. Bir durgunluk duygusu. Gezegendeki
birçok insanın geçen son haftalarda yapışıp kalmış hissetmesinin, şüphe dalgaları içeren
düşük enerjiye saplanmasının nedeni budur.

Astrolojik olarak güdülen şu andaki dengesizlik aşamasında, eski enerji yeniden yüzeye çıktı.
Ancak görülen şey sadece görünüşte çok kutsal olan kontrol dinleri değildir. Aslında kontrol
ve intikam etrafındaki yanlış inançların tüm veçheleri, gezegenin temizlenmesi için gerekli
olan arınmada, kaynayıp yüzeye çıkıyor. Aslında bu ‘Kristos Baştan Çıkmanın’ mecazi
sınavıdır ve artık hizmet etmeyen şeyleri yansıtan bir aynadır.

Sevgililer, son zamanlarda size eski dinlerin ve kontrolün eski dogmatik inançlarının son
sancılarında olduklarını anlattık. Işık böcekleri çeker, her zaman böyle olmuştur. Şiddet asla
yanıt değildir. Tüm yanıtlar uyumun kuvvetinde yatar.

Yeni paradigmada hem hükümetlerde, hem de (özellikle) eski enerji dinlerindeki gücün eski
tahtlarından çekilmesi gerekli olanlar, bunu isteyerek yapmayacaklar. Çarpışmadan başarısız

Üstatlar, son birkaç ayda sadece Amerika’da gerçekleşen bunun sıklığına bakın. Bu iki
cephede tezahür ediyor, biri aktif olarak ön plana çıkıyor ve diğeri bireysel ve boyun eğici.
Teslim olmanın uyuşturucu batağına düşmeyin.

Güvercinin Kalbi: Kristos Gülü

11-11, 12-12 ve Aralık gündönümü batağa saplanmayı kırmada size yardımcı olacak olan
enerjisel portallardır. Güvercinin Kalbinin Geri Dönüşüdür. Bazılarınızın ‘Kristos Gülü’ adını
verdiğiniz şeyi sunar, o Güvercinin Kalbidir. Işığınızı parıldatmanızın zamanıdır.

Büyüme yolunuzda birçok geçit yolları ve seçimler vardır. Bilge bir insan, negatifliklerinde
çarpık kendini üstün görmenin kritik perdesi arkasında güveni sarsmaya veya tehdit etmeye
teşebbüs eden muhaliflerin tehditlerine veya eylemlerine kolayca teslim olmayan insandır.

Gezegensel Yükseliş, arayıcıların iradelerine sahip çıkmalarını ve zamanın dualite

eğilimlerinden etkilenmeyen güven fenerinde kararlı niyetlerini parlatmalarını gerektirir.

Yeniden güç kazanmanın zamanıdır. Sevgililer, başınızı çaresizlik ve şaşkınlık içinde öne
eğerseniz, kalp ışınınız zayıflar. Momentum kaybolur ve ileriye hamleniz kısalır. Karşı
çıkanların düşmanlığına ve sert tehditlerine karşı sinerseniz, cesaretiniz kırılır ve aslında bu
onların kontrol etme güdüsüdür. Bu, dualitede onların sizi şüphe ve şaşkınlık içinde kapana
kısma rolleridir.

Spiritüel Savaşçı içindeki uyum ve sevgi katmanlarına nüfuz etmeden, dünyanın

düşmanlıklarına izin veremez, vermemelidir. Teslim olmayın! İtaatkar çözülme bireysel

olarak süptil ve sessiz olur, ancak kollektif üzüntü insanlıkta mikroda ve makroda hissedilir.


Ruh sizi işitiyor. Ruh çok sakin bir sesle kalplerinize konuşuyor. Ruh kendi GERÇEĞİNİ
içerden ortaya seriyor ve aydınlanma yolunuzda her adımda kendi sadakatini gösteriyor. Ruh
din tarafından tanımlanmaz, ne de dogma tarafından bastırılmaz. Ne de Ruh başkalarının iyi
fikirlerinde onay arar. Ruh GERÇEKTİR ve Gerçek formda ve formsuzlukta göz
kamaştırıcıdır. Ruh, Evrensel Yasa içinde kusursuzluğun frekansını sürekli yansıtır.

11 – 11’de (11 Kasım 2009) gerçekleşen frekanssal açılış, bu veçhelerin hepsine ışık saçan bir
açılıştır. Aslında onun kapısı, 2 Kasımdaki dolunaydan bu yana açıldı. 12:12’de mümkün olan
yerlerde gruplar halinde toplanın ve salıverin.

12 – 21’de, sevgiyi yansıtın ve aktif olarak gücünüzü üstlenin. Sevgi pro- aktiftir. Sevgi
besleyicidir. Gezegeninizdeki Spiritüel Kış Kristalin enerjiye boyun eğiyor, yemyeşil bir
bahara yol veriyor. Besleyici ve güçlü SEVGİde Kalbinizin tohumlarını ekin.

Bu enerji, ortaya çıkan 144 – Kristalin ızgara boyunca Üçlü Portallarda parıldıyor. Bunları
kullanın, Yükseliş bu şekilde gerçekleşir!

Ben Metatron’um ve sizlerle bu Gerçekleri paylaşıyorum. Sizler Sevgililersiniz!

Ve öyledir.

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Bu mesajın telif hakkı’a aittir. Bilgi değiştirilmediği ve yazarın ismi

ve website eklendiği sürece, websitelerine gönderilebilir. Earth – Keeper’in yazılı izni
olmadan gazetelerde, dergilerde yayınlanamaz veya basılamaz. İzinler şu adresten istenebilir:

 Posted by Sunyata on November 9, 2009 at 11:42pm

Bu meditasyonda Güneş yıldızınıza bağlanmak için, Gaia’nın bedeni üzerinde dışarıda

oturabilirsiniz. Ama eğer içerdeyseniz veya hava bulutlu ise güneşi gözünüzde
canlandırabilirsiniz. Güneşinizin harika ışığının 24 saatinizin her anında gezegeninizde her
zaman ışıldadığını hatırlayın.

11:11:11 yıldız kapısı, 2009 yılınızda 11 frekansını taşıyan 11 nci ayın 11 nci gününü ifade
eder. O gün mevcut olan enerjiler Kaynak ile yükseltilmiş bağlantı fırsatı getirir. Işık
Konseyleri bu fırsatı Güneş yıldızınızın harika zihnine bağlanmak için kullanmanızı istiyorlar.
Çünkü Güneşiniz Yaratıcı’nın sevgisinin ışığını taşır ve yükseliş sürecinizde yardımcı olan

Işığı vasıtasıyla Yaratıcı Kaynak ile birleşir.

Şimdi gözlerinizi kapatın ve derin nefesler alıp verin. Nefesiniz vasıtasıyla, önce kendi
fiziksel bedenlerinize yerleşin. İçsel bağlantı yerine girin. Nefes alıp vermeniz vasıtasıyla
ruhunuz ve bedeniniz arasındaki bağlantıyı deneyimleyin.

Şimdi farkındalığınızı sevgiyle, aşağıya derinlere, gezegeninizin kalbine gönderin.

Göbeğinizden topraklayıcı bir kordon gönderin, spirallenerek aşağıya iç Dünyanın güzelliğine
insin, onun olağanüstü kristalin çekirdeğine insin. Siz şimdi Onunla birsiniz. Sevginin ve
bedeninizle Gaia’nın kristal çekirdeği arasındaki enerjinin iki yollu akışı güvenin ve coşkunun
yükselmesini sağlıyor.

Bu topraklanmış yerden, Güneşin Işığına odaklanın. Direkt olarak üzerinize parıldayan bu

ışığı deneyimleyin, size doğru akıyor ve bedeninize ve auranıza ışık yayıyor. Şimdi bu ışık
için yoğun minnettarlık hissedin – bu ışık gezegendeki tüm yaşamı sağlıyor. Tohumların
topraktan çıkmalarını, yaprakların açılmalarını sağlayan ışık. Ağaçların dallarının yukarı
göklere erişmelerini sağlayan ışık. Teninizi öpen ve Kışın bile, gece saatlerinde bile
bedenlerinizi ısıtan ışık. Ekinlerinizi olgunlaştıran ve sevdiğiniz tüm meyvelere ve sebzelere
hayat veren ışık.

Bu ışığa minnettarlığınızda bilincinizi genişletirken, Güneş Yıldızının kendisinin bilincine

bağlanmaya başlayın. Dünyanın yaşam veren anneniz olması gibi, Güneş yaşam veren
babanızdır. O hissedebilir bir varlıktır – büyük görkemi ve yüksek bilinci olan bir Varlık.
Atalarınızın yapmış olduğu gibi, saygı ve minnettarlık ile onunla direkt olarak bağlantı
kurmanızın zamanı geldi.

Şimdi direkt olarak bedeninize ve auranıza aktığını hissettiğiniz veya algıladığınız harika Işık
demeti ile birlikte Güneş yıldızına sevginizi ve minnettarlığınızı gönderin. Bunu yaparken,
Güneşinizin zihniyle direkt bağlantı kurmaya başlarsınız. Şimdi güneşin ışınlarıyla ilgili tüm
korkuların gitmesine izin verin, çünkü bu bazılarınıza kaynaktan bağlantınızı kesme girişimini

Şimdi sizi ve Onu birleştiren harika ışık demeti üzerinde güneşe doğru yolculuk yapmanıza
izin verin. Onun harika aura – fışkırmasında dinlenmeye gelin ve onun zekasının sizi aktive
etmesine izin verin. Size portal – benzeri doğasını göstermesine izin verin, böylece gelecekte
zarar görmeden onun bedeninden geçip, farklı bir boyutta ortaya çıkabileceğinizi anlarsınız.

Güneşiniz yüksek boyutlara portalınız ve geçiş kapınızdır. Kaynak enerjisi önce galaksinizin
kalbi vasıtasıyla ve sonra Güneşinizin portalı vasıtasıyla direkt gezegeninize akar. Bu enerji
şimdi yükseltildi – şimdi gezegeninize doğru akan yükseltilmiş enerji akımının dalgaları var
ve bilim adamlarınızın belirlediği solar patlamalar bunu açıkça gösteriyor.

Şimdi Güneşin harika zihniyle bağlantıda kalarak, bedeninize geri dönün ve farkındalığınızı
topraklayıcı kordonunuza getirin. Kendiniz ve altınızdaki Gaia arasında akan iki yollu sevgiyi
hissedin. Kendiniz ve üstünüzdeki Güneş Yıldızınız arasındaki sevgi enerjisi akışını hissedin.

Güneşiniz Yaratıcı’nın sevgisinin ışığını taşır ve bunu sürekli olarak gece ve gündüz aşağıya
ışınlar. Sevgi ve minnettarlık içinde Onunla bağlantı kurmak Kaynak ile bağlantınıza ve bu
nedenle ışığa yükselişinize yardımcı olur.

Solara An – Ra
(Çeviri: Saffet)


 Posted by Sunyata on November 9, 2009 at 11:55pm

Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj



Ronna Herman kanalıyla aktarılmıştır

Sevgili üstatlar, “hizmet”in yükseliş sürecinin bütünsel bir parçası olduğunu hatırlamanız
önemlidir. Birçoğunuz Dünya’ya kozmik mesajcılar olarak çok uzak Yıldız Sistemlerinden
geldiniz. Tekrar tekrar, gerçeğin ve kozmik bilgeliğin taşıyıcıları oldunuz; ancak bu yaşam
için kabul ettiğiniz görev Kutsallığın farkında olan bir Kıvılcımı olarak bireyselleşmiş
bilincinize geldiğinizden bu yana daha önce deneyimlemiş olduklarınızdan çok daha
önemlidir. Yükseliş yolunu yürürken öğrendiğiniz şeylerin çoğu daha önce deneyimlemiş
olduklarınızın hatırlanmasıdır. Sizden istediğimiz şeyleri, ulaşılamaz görünmemeleri için,
daha önce birçok kez yapmış olduğunuz gerçeğini vurguladık. Size ilettiğimiz tarihin çoğunun
ve geçmişin ayrıntılarının bu kadar aşina olmasının nedeni budur.

Şimdi sizin için mevcut olan çok daha büyük miktarlarda Kozmik Yaşam Gücü Enerjisine
sahipsiniz; ancak, bu enerjiyi nasıl kullandığınızdan sorumlusunuz. Sizler ifadenin ince
boyutlarına daha da fazla erişirken Dünya üzerinde sağlam bir şekilde topraklanmış
kalmalısınız ve enerjisel ızgara sisteminizi (aurik bedeniniz veya Işığın Adam/Eve Kadmon
mükemmel bedeni adı verilir) dengelemeyi ve armonize etmeyi öğrenmeniz fiziksel
esenliğiniz için çok önemlidir. Taşıyabileceğiniz kadar Kutsallığın Özünün fazlasını
çekebilmelisiniz; ancak, bunun kişisel olarak ihtiyacınız olan kadarını bütünleştirdikten sonra,
kalanını form dünyasına yaymalısınız. Tanrı Işığını stoklayamazsınız, sevgililer; bunun
herkesin hayrı için kullanılmasına ve paylaşılmasına niyet edilmiştir.

Üçüncü/dördüncü boyutsal ortamın itme/çekme dualitesinde Mor Alevin gücüne ve sihirli

dönüştürücü özelliklerine sınırlı erişim olduğunun farkında olun. Ancak, sizi dördüncü
boyutun ortalarına uyumlayan ahenkli titreşim kalıplarının seviyesini elde ettiğiniz zaman,
Mor Alevin İlahi simyasına erişim kazanırsınız ve ayrıca Yaratıcı Bilincin dönüştürücü
Adamantine Parçacıklarını çekme yeteneğine sahip olursunuz. Sınırlılık ve kaosun alt

boyutlarında var olurken, kalp merkezinizden sürekli olarak koşulsuz sevgi yaymanız
neredeyse imkansızdır. Öğrenmiş olduğunuz gibi, yaşamın Yaratıcı Parçacıkları fedakar, sevgi
dolu niyetinizle aktive edilmelidir. Elde ettiğiniz her Tanrı Işığının yüksek seviyesinde, Mor
Alevin gücünün ve Yaradılışın Beyaz Ateş parçacıklarının miktarının üssel olarak arttığının
farkında olun sevgililer.

Bu zamanda şimdiye kadar Dünyanın aurasını oluşturan negatif düşünce kalıplarının tek bir
türbülanslı girdabı yerine, Dünyayı çevreleyen kollektif – bilinç düşünce formlarının iki akımı
var. Bozulmuş enerjinin negatif bandı binlerce yıllık öfkenin, nefretin, kendine hizmet
menfaatlarının ve eylemlerinin birikmesidir. Bu, Işık ve Gölgenin geniş spektrumunun gölge
yanını yarattı: insanlığın, farkındalığın yarı – bilinçli hali denilebilecek olan şeye düşüşünden
bu yana var olduğu illüzyon dünyası.

İnsanlığın çoğu birçok yaşamlarında zihin kontrolünün üçüncü/dördüncü boyut formuna

yakalandı ve yapışıp kaldı, çünkü onlar hem ırksal, hem politik, kültürel hem de dini olarak
atalarının inançlarının kapanına kısıldılar. Birçok sevgili ruh kendilerinin orijinal
düşüncelerine bile zar zor sahipti. Negatif kitle bilinci inanç sistemi, orijinal, bağımsız
düşüncenin gözünü korkutan derin kötümser bakış açıları, değersizlik, katı kurallar ve dogma
ile ilgilidir, bu herkesi suçluluk, korku ve eylemsizlik halinde bıraktı. Buna, herkesin ne
yapmaları, ne düşünmeleri ve ne olmaları gerektiğini söyleyen kendi dinlerine ve kuralcı
liderlerine bel bağladığı “Sürü (avam) Hali” adı verildi.

Her büyük din insanlığa bildirilecek belirli bilgelik öğretileri verilmiş olan büyük bir Üstattan
ilham edilmiş öğretiler ile başladı. Onlar Aydınlanmış ve Baba/Anne Tanrımızın yönetimi
altında idiler ve yaşamları sırasında kavramlara sadık ve saf kaldılar. Ancak, Üstadın öte
aleme geçişinden sonra, zamanla, öğretiler çarpıtıldı ve yönetici pozisyonda olanların bencilce
menfaatlerine uyacak şekilde değiştirildi. İnsanlar Kendinin – üstatlığının ve aydınlanmanın
belli bir seviyesini elde etmek için çabalarken, Baba/Anne Tanrımız ile kişisel ilişkiyi
geliştirmekte kitlelere yardım etmek üzere belirli bir çağ için tasarlanmış olan ilham edilmiş
gerçek ve bilgelik öğretilerinden saptılar.

Daha önce şunu söylemiştik, “Sizler çok uzun zamandır bir tür hapishane olmuş olan popüler
inanç sisteminin, insanlığın kollektif bilincinin dışına çıkacak kadar çok cesursunuz.” Bu ve
birçok başka yaşamlarda eleştirildiğinizi, dalga geçildiğinizi, dışlandığınızı ve size iftira
edildiğini biliyoruz, sevgililer. Ancak, şu anda azınlıkta olsanız bile, sayınızın büyük bir hızla
arttığını bilmenizi istiyoruz. “Yeni Çağ kavramları” olarak adlandırılan şeylerin çoğu
kitlelerin zihinlerine ve konuşmalarına süzülüyor ve meleklere ve yüksek alemlerdeki Işık
Varlıkları ile etkileşime inanç artık geçmişte olduğu gibi tamamen görmezden gelinmiyor.

İyi haber şu ki, negatif bandın üzerinde Dünyayı çevreleyen yüksek frekanslı duygusal
kalıpların ve düşünce formlarının yeni bir bandı var. Bu enerji bandı Işık, umut ve güçlü bir
kendini – ifade ve üstatlık arzusu ile doludur. Kademeli olarak, Kristalin Izgara Sistemi
Dünyayı kuşatıyor ve daha fazla sayıda insan Işık Şehirlerine erişirken ve Yaradılışın
Adamantine Parçacıklarının taşıyıcıları olurken, Işığın Yaratıcı – Bilinç Bandı her geçen gün
gittikçe daha kuvvetli hale geliyor. Kitleler liderlerini sorgulamaya başlıyor ve eylemlerinden
onları sorumlu tutuyor. Daha fazla sayıda insan organize dinlerin dogmatik kurallarını ve
yasaklarını sorgulamaya başlıyor ve alternatif araçlarla kendi yüksek gerçeklerini arıyor.

Dünyadaki Ruhların büyük çoğunluğunun acının, ıstırabın ve belirsizliğin sancılarını

yaşadığını anlıyoruz. Ne yazık ki, kollektif bilinç inanç sistemine yakalanmış olanlar kargaşa

zamanlarının derslerini öğrenmiyorlar. Deneyimledikleri acı verici durumların aşırı ve
dengesiz düşünceler ve eylemler tarafından yaratıldığını anlamıyorlar. Neden ve etkinin
Karmik yasaları, düzeltilmesi ve yeniden nitelendirilmesi için, onu yaratan “göndericilere”
geçmişte olduğundan çok daha hızlı geri dönüyor. Bu zamanda Dünya üzerindeki her Ruh için
en önemli yaşam görevi, varoluşun hem içsel hem de dışsal dünyalarında denge ve uyuma
geri dönmek için gayret etmektir.

Bu özel zamanda fiziksel enkarnasyona gelmeyi kabul edenleriniz, Ruhunuz veya Yüksek
Benliğiniz ile uyumlu bir şekilde çalışmaya başlayabilmeniz için, armonize edilmesi gereken
fiziksel/zihinsel/duygusal bedenlerinizdeki büyük dersleri veya dengesizlikleri kendinizle
birlikte getirdiniz. Bu yaşama Baba Yaratıcının irade, güç ve otoritesini kullanarak eril ve dişil
doğanızı dengelemek için geldiniz; ama ayrıca Anne Yaratıcının sevgi/bilgelik, şefkat,
besleyicilik, yaratıcı yönlerini bütünleştirmek için geldiniz. Dünyayı deneyimlemek ve
Ruhunuzu fiziksel Varlığınıza ve bilincinize bütünleştirirken, fiziksel bedende tam olarak
bulunmak için geldiniz. Bilgi ve iletişimleri dengelemek, kendi gerçeklerinizin ne olduğunu
sezgi vasıtası ile öğrenmek ve bu gerçekleri başkaları için bir örnek olarak yaşamak; ne
zaman konuşulacağı ve ne zaman sessiz kalınacağı iletişim yeteneklerinin dengesini
öğrenmek; her bir insanın kendi bireysel yoluna ve öğrenilecek kendi derslerine sahip
olduğunu öğrenerek yargılayıcı olmamak için buradasınız.

Ruhun fısıltılarını dinlemiş ve Aydınlanma yoluna adım atmış olanlarınız için, her birinizin
Dünyanın yuvanız olmadığını, burada görevde olduğunuzu hatırlamanızın zamanıdır. Sizler
çok uzaklardaki yıldız sistemlerinden, galaksilerden ve hatta muhtemelen diğer
evrenlerdensiniz. Sizin ve birçok iman dolu Barış/Işık savaşçısının ne kadar görkemli
olduğunuzu ve bu dünyasal deneyin yoğunluğuna inme kalk borusuna yanıt vermek için ne
kadar cesur olduğunuzu bilmenizin zamanıdır. Galaksinizdeki, güneş sisteminizdeki ve
Dünyadaki olaylar hızla ilerliyor ve büyük değişimin eli kulağında. Bundan dolayı,
dünyanızda neyin doğru olduğuna odaklanmanız ve eterlere fışkıran tüm negatifliğe ve
korkuya yakalanmamanız önemlidir.

Kendinin – üstadı olmaya tam olarak adım atmanızın ve İlahi hakkınıza sahip çıkmanızın
zamanıdır. Nasıl olmak isterdiniz? Ne yapmak isterdiniz? İlahi Mavikopyanız ile uyum içinde
olduğu sürece, hayal edebileceğiniz her şey olma veya yaratma yeteneğine sahipsiniz. Kutsal
Zihninizde depolanmış, uyandırılmayı bekleyen bilginin harika Işık paketlerine sahipsiniz.
Sizler Beşinci Boyutta mükemmel Işık Piramidini inşa ederken, yaratımlarınızın çok daha
hızlı bir şekilde tezahür edeceğini göreceksiniz. Örnekle öğretmek, başkalarına nasıl kendi
kaderlerinin üstatları olacaklarını göstermenin en etkili yollarından biridir. Her zaman en
yüksek sonucu ve herkesin hayrını isteyin – yanlış yönlendirilmezsiniz. Rahatlık bölgenizden
çıkmanızın kolay olmadığını biliyoruz, çünkü başkalarının kendinizden ve yeteneklerinizden
şüphe etmenizi sağlamalarına izin verdiniz. Etrafınızdakilere, insanlığın kollektif bilincinin
kültürel inançlarına ve sınırlamalarına yapışıp kalmış olanlara cesur bir örnek olmanızı

Her biriniz hem erkek hem de kadın bedeninde birçok yaşamlar deneyimlediniz. Ayrıca
fiziksel bedenlerinizi çok çeşitli ırklarda, şekillerde ve kültürlerde deneyimlediniz. Sevgililer,
başkalarını yargıladığınız zaman, gerçekte yalnızca kendinizi yargılıyorsunuz, çünkü dünyasal
varoluşun birçok fasetlerinin çoğunu deneyimlediniz. Dünya’da enkarne olmaya izin
verilmesi büyük bir ayrıcalıktır ve her zaman Dünyanın sunduğu fiziksel gerçekliği
deneyimlemeyi bekleyen milyonlarca Ruh oldu. Siz istisna değilsiniz, çünkü dünyasal
yaratımı olası birçok şekillerde ve ifadelerde deneyimlemek için çok istekliydiniz. Bu

nedenle, illüzyon perdesi kademeli olarak kalkarken, Üçüncü/Dördüncü Boyutun çarpıtılmış
gerçekliğinin acı ve ıstırabına yapışıp kalanlar için büyük anlayış ve şefkat geliştireceksiniz.
Etrafınızdakiler için cesur bir örnek olmanızı istiyoruz. Sizler dışarı adım atmaya ve
üstatlığınızı sahiplenmeye cesaret ederken, diğerleri sizin örneğinizi izleyecekler.

Birçoğunuz bu zamanda İlahi bir hoşnutsuzluk ve dramatik yaşam değişiklikleri

deneyimliyorsunuz. Size keyif vermesine alıştığınız şeyler artık tatmin etmiyor ve birçok
arkadaşınızla ortak ilgilerinizi kaybetmiş olabilirsiniz. Bunun nedeni Ruhsal Benliğinizin
ilerlemeniz, vizyonunuzu genişletmeniz ve kaderinizin kontrolünü ele almanız için sizi
dürtüklemesidir. Yaşamınızın yapısı ile ilgili peşin hükümlü fikirleri bırakmalısınız. Sizi
yapısal sınırlara “bağlama” setinde yapışmış tutan inançları salıvermelisiniz. “Salıvermek”
size bilincinizi ve gerçeklik resminizi genişletme gücü verir. Titreşim kalıplarınız ne kadar
yüksek olursa, zaman/mekan sürekliliği veya olayların sıralaması ve zamanlaması o kadar
akışkan olur. Yapılar sizi Üçüncü/Dördüncü Boyutların illüzyonuna bağlayan alışkanlıklar
haline gelir.

Yarattığınız “yapılandırılmış yaşam”a bağımlı olmayın. Gelecek potansiyeli vizyonunuzu ve

farkındalığınızı genişletirken, yeni kavramları dahil etmek için yaşamınızı değiştirmeye istekli
olmanız önemlidir. Hem acının, ıstırabın ve sınırlamaların hem de sevginin, neşenin, huzurun
ve bolluğun birlikte yaratıcıları olduğunuzu asla unutmayın. Seçim sizindir.

Birçok cesur ruhun bu yaşamda kendi Ruh Işını olarak Dönüşümün Yedinci Işınını seçmeleri
tesadüf değildir. Bu kutsanmış Kutsal Ateşin etrafınızda parladığını ve siz insanlığın bilincini
Sevgi/Işık frekanslarına geri yükseltmeye yardımcı olmakta diğerlerine katılırken, gittikçe
genişleyen çemberler şeklinde yayıldığını görün. Hatırlayın, Dünyanın ve insanlığın
tekamülünün hızlandığı bu zamanlarda, fark yaratabilirsiniz. Birçoğunuzun etrafınızdaki tüm
negatiflik ve adaletsizlikten rahatsız olduğunuzun farkındayız. Ancak, içinizin derinliklerinde
gerçekleşen büyük değişikliklerin en sonunda herkesin gelişimi için olacağını biliyorsunuz.
Değişim için bir araç olabileceğinize emin olun. Baba/Anne Tanrımızın sevgisini size
göndermemize, bu sevginin sizde dolup taşmasına izin verin. Sevgililer, diğer ışık
Savaşçılarınınkine eklenen parıltınız ve Sevgi/Işığınız insanlığın ve Dünyanın yarının harika
Yeni Çağına zarafetle girmesine yardımcı olacak. Derinden sevildiğinizi ve korumam altında
olduğunuzu bilin.


Kopyalayabilir ve paylaşabilirsiniz. BAŞMELEK MİKAİLİN MESAJLARINI


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

**Give Time**
 Posted by Maria Leinenga on November 10, 2009 at 4:25pm

Whatever or whoever you give time to, you give your attention to. Whatever gets your
attention gets your energy. Whatever gets your energy must grow. So what will you give your
time to today - who will get your attention? What or who needs your attention? Is it a task, a
process or a relationship? Or are you waiting for these things to give you time and attention?
How long have you been waiting? Why are you waiting? Are you a leader or a follower, a
master or a slave? Mmmm...all questions today!

şambra 11.11 grup rüya deneyine katılmak

isteyenler elini kaldırsın:)) gelecek
potansiyellerinizi görmek için
 Posted by ekin duman on November 10, 2009 at 6:39pm

Şambrayla büyük 11.11 rüya grup deneyine katılmak isterseniz ,sadece yatmadan önce
bağlanmayı seçin .. aynı anda hem sizin için hem group için olacak,not defterlerinizi ve
kalemlerinizi başucunuza koymayı unutmayın !!!

Gelecek yeni potansiyellerinizi ,geleceğinizi görebilirsiniz ,yeni yaratımlarınızı getirebilirsiniz

ve daha pek çok şey olabilir.

Yatmadan önce katılıyorum diyerek uyumanız yeterli ..

Genişlemeye izin verin ve tadını çıkarın

If you want to join 11.11 group dream experiment with shaumbra ,just choose to connect
before go to bed-sleep (dont forget your notebooks and pencils ) There is one for you and for
a group simultaneously. Just say "I'm joining before go to bed "

sonsuz ve tanmsız hayal gücümle

çalışmalarımla ilgilenebilirsiniz ,sayfama bakmak isterseniz

"Energies of The New Moon and 1111"
 Posted by Anat-Elyah Harari on November 15, 2009 at 1:18pm

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

I realize it's not typical for me to write mid-month to you, but life is anything but typical now
isn't it? I have now vowed to move when the energies move me both in big and small ways. In
the moment I have been moved to send you a message about the new energies at play.

The New Moon and the 1111 are worth writing about, as both have dispensed strong energies
to lead us into more resonance with our radiant, authentic selves. The mystical energy that
poured through our central cores was and is meant to give a more genuine and grounded
experience to our present moments and to our future luminous selves. Feel into it. Feel into
your present moments, all of them. Feel into your future luminous self, consistently. Practice
feeling forward, rather than thinking backward.

Everything is energy, as we've all been taught, however energy must be worked with in order
for it to work with you. The energy disbursed from the New Moon and the 1111 portal day,
along with the significant days ahead, is staying to co-create with you long after the initial
dispensations are over. Participate in happy ceremonies, rituals and meditations that fully
engage you with the current energies, your deepest desires, and with those in the higher
realms of consciousness. Let the density peel away from you. Find your happiness.

Pay careful attention to where the energy is leading you. Look for symbols and signs
everywhere. There is meaning for you in every one of them, though you won't find it in your
mind. You are not being led astray; you are being led to have a more robust and expanded
relationship with yourself and life on all levels of your creation. Embrace it. If you feel
uncertainty, give your uncertainty over to God. Use this invocation:

"From the Light of God that I Am

I give my uncertainty to you, God, the Highest Part of myself.
Let me not be tempted to turn to my mind for answers.
Let me not be tempted to stray from love.
I ask You to shed Light along the path, that I am guided to follow.
Dear God, help me enjoy every step of my way as the current energies,
lead me.
Help me embrace the mystery of new paths.
Help me open wide, the portal of my heart.
I am fully willing to participate and collaborate with my Life fully.
Thank you for your constant support.
I love you.

The energies are working and playing with each of us; particularly with those with evolved
enough minds and open hearts that are flexible enough to work with higher concepts
transmitted from the future. This is high velocity fun, if we are open and flexible.

Flexibility is the Master key. Like a great tango, we have to learn how to dance with these
energies, intertwine with the energies, and dip and flow with this latest disbursement. This
particular influx of energy will continue right through the 12-12, moving your spirit, moving
your soul, and moving you to live without rigidity. Ah yes, living without rigidity, a glorious
state of grace for all who tend to lean towards the seeming comfort of control.

If you feel into the energy from these two events, and those on its way, you will feel the way it
steers you, and prompts you to lean towards new directions spiritually, mentally, emotionally
and physically. Don't resist nor rely on what once was your comfort zone. Fly with the energy.

At this point of the shift many of the new directions mean a complete turn about from the
former ones. I know many of you are aware of this. This is a reminder of the good news that
the Universal energies are supporting you right now, so please continue forward. Stay
engaged with the momentum of positive energy. Be patient as the next gust of energies later
this month and into next month moves you even further along new paths.

There is also an alert I've been guided to issue. When the energies move you in a different
direction, if you are not on careful watch, the mortal mind can get frightened and shift into a
state of self produced angst, judgment and limitation. Let me explain.

Third dimensional human beings have a tendency to go into automatic judgment about
anything they have insufficient data about. As such, the tendency is to fall into an archaic way
of processing something new using outdated 'logic' about the possible end results, particularly
if there is a sudden up-swelling of energy guiding you to move in a different direction.

Stop and focus on what is right now. Stay out of the past. Stay away from judgment. Feel into
your heart. Feel into the excitement of the energies lifting you out of a former confined state.
Call on Grace, one of God's greatest partners. Grace is with you always and more than happy
to help you in any way possible. Grace is feminine energy that always seeks to show you her
Divine Expression. Call on her and stay open to the magic. Stay open to the magic!

Trust that the latest energies know how to prompt your soul and your soul knows how to
prompt your heart, which promises to get your attention and lead you in the direction of
everything you need to experience your present day peace and your future luminous self! Will
you let it? Will you let the energies lead you to the Great I Am that you are? Will you dance
with the Elohim of Grace? Will you let the love that you are shine? And will you let yourself
experience life without judgments and conditions?

In closing, both the new moon and the 1111 energies, along with the energies coming in on
November 29, 2009 (111111) and the 1212, are magical and working to bind you to the true
resonant creation of your future self. Work with it. Be flexible as the energies blow away
illusory overlays. Be grateful for final bonds breaking you away from discordant and dramatic
pasts. Be grateful for all the NEW! Embrace and hold your desired state while in the midst of
these fully supportive energies. And don't forget that magical moments gracefully glide
through the strongest waves of changes. Trust.

Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask
that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.

Su gibi
 Posted by onur on November 15, 2009 at 9:44pm

Su gibi
Kırılmamak için bükül,
Düz olmak için eğril,
Dolmak için boşal,
Parçalan ki yenilen…
Lao Tzu

Kimi insan sadece kendi doğrularıyla yaşar. Onun doğruları taştandır. Bu kişinin bir konudaki
fikrini değiştirmek için onu yontmanız gerekir. Fakat “taş insan” bu vakit alıcı eylemi
üzerinde uygulamanıza da izin vermeyecektir. Çünkü ona farklı bakış açıları sunduğunuzda
kendi mevcudiyetinden taviz verdiğini ve eksildiğini hissedecektir. O'nun varlık bilinci de
farklı gerçekliklere olan yaklaşımı kadar serttir. “Taş insan” sürekli kendine inşa ettiği kaleyi
korumak için çaba harcar ve endişe eder. Aslında bir kalesi olmadığını fark ettiği durumlarda
inanılmaz sinirlenir ve karanlığa sürüklenir. “Taş insan” sahiplenicidir. Kimi insan da hayata
çok daha geniş bakar. Onun doğruları “su”dandır. Bu kişi her yeni fikri ve durumu bir kısmet
olarak görür ve yeniliklere şükreder. “Su insan” hayatın durağan ve sert değil, değişken ve
akışkan olduğunu bilir. Korumaktan endişe edeceği sabit bir formu olmadığı için rahat ve
değişikliğe açıktır. Her kaynaktan beslenir ve her durumdan etkilenir. Sanılmasın ki bu kişi
her nabza göre şerbet verendir. Suyu buharlaştırabilirsiniz, buza çevirebilirsiniz fakat ne
yaparsanız yapın o akışkan özünü koruyacaktır. Buz erir, buhar yoğunlaşır ve su kendinden
bir şey kaybetmez. Suyun özü en kalın taşlarla örülmüş duvarlardan bile güçlüdür. Yeterli süre
verildiğinde damla damla akan su en büyük kayayı bile kuma çevirebilir. Suyun acelesi yoktur
zaten. Onun bilgeliği sabrındandır. Gücü de güç düşkünü olmamasındandır. “Taş insan”
kendini korumaya çalıştıkça azalır, “su insan”sa kendini saldıkça canlı ve berrak kalır. Fakat
her zaman su gibi kalmak ne mümkün. Hayat öyle durumlar çıkarır ki bazen karşımıza,
akışkanlığımızı kaybediveririz. Modern gündelik yaşamın sert koşullarında o koşuşturma
içinde kaybolmuş gibi hissederiz kendimizi. Önemli olan özümüzü unutmamak ve her
bulanıklığın bir gün durulacağını bilmek.. Daimi olan berraklıktır.. Hepimizin özü sudur.
Eskilerin dediği gibi: “taşı sıksan suyu çıkar...”

Sen şimdi su olduğunu düşün, ve kendini su gibi hisset...

Su gibi özel, su gibi güzel, su gibi berrak, su gibi yararlı...
Su gibi hayat kaynağı ve su gibi bitmez, tükenmez olduğunu hatırla...
Ama yine su gibi bir küçük bardağın içine sığdır ki kendini;
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Onur Dinçer Ekim 2009

Caglarin Degisimi-Gerçek 2012 Filmi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 12:00am

Caglarin Degisimi-Gerçek 2012 Filmi

Bugün ABD ve birçok baska ülkede 2012 felaket filmi gösterime girdi. Büyükbaba Cirilo’nun
mesajini sunan 2012 – Kiyamet mi yoksa Yeni Günes mi? isimli kendi videomuzda sunuldugu
gibi alternatif bir görüs sunmaya yardimci olmanizi istiyoruz. Bu video ‘Shift of the Ages’
sitesine ve YouTube’a konuldu:

Youtube ve yasaklı tüm sitelere giriş için dns ayarlarınızı değiştirebilirsiniz....

http://www.ktunnel. com sitesine girip Youtube yazan yere yukarda linki kopyalayip ‘Begin
Browsing’e tiklarsaniz seyredebilirsiniz.

Bu, Dünya’nin dört kösesine umudun ve birligin mesajini yaymaya yardim etmek için Maya
destekçilerine çagrimizdir. Lütfen 2012 video klibini izleyin ve yorum yapin, sonra Facebook,

Twitter, MySpace vs sitelerinde arkadaslarinizla paylasin. Mesajlarimizi ana görüs medyasina
iletecek reklam ve medya kampanyasi yaratma sürecindeyiz.

Iste Elçilerimizden birinin önerisi:

Iki kisinin tasiyabilecegi büyük bir “pankarti/afisi” “ 2012” filminin gösterime girisinde, filme
gelen/çikan herkesin görebilmesi ve böylece gerçek 2012’nin, dolayisiyla Çaglarin
Degisiminin farkinda olabilmesi için hazirlayabiliriz.

Kalbi ve ruhu 2012 için canli olanlarin sinemalarda bir gün olsa bile hizmet etseler, daha
mutlu olacaklarina güveniyorum ve bunun Çaglarin Degisimine çok fazla yardimci olacagina

Belki pankart/afis sunun gibi olabilir:

2012 BURADA BASLIYOR: “Çaglarin Degisimi”. Yakinda gösterime girecek olan

MAYA’lara göre “ 2012” filmi

Daha fazla bilgi için: www.ShiftOfTheAges. com

Bu fantastik bir fikir ve Çaglarin Degisimi projesi vasitasiyla Maya’nin otantik görüsünü
desteklemek için muhtemelen sizlerin daha yaratici yollariniz oldugunu biliyoruz. Proaktif

Iste misyon bildirimimizden bir alinti, bunun gerçeklesmesinin bir parçasi olabilirsiniz:
Çaglarin Degisimi projesinin misyonu, Büyükbaba Cirilo’nun ögretileri ve Maya Kehanetleri
vasitasiyla Mayalarin mesajini aktarmaktir. Bunu audio, video, yazili hikayeler ve
Büyükbabanin ve diger Büyüklerin deneyimlerini yaratarak ve küresel dinleyiciler için özel
ve halka ait dagitim araçlari vasitasiyla bu multimedya mesajlari sunarak gerçeklestiriyoruz.
Asil mesajlar Çaglarin Degisimi web sitesi (ShiftOfTheAges. com) ve YouTube ve sosyal
medya siteleri gibi baska vasitalarla halka açiktir. Çaglarin Degisiminin çekirdek mesaji
“Çaglarin Degisimi” isimli dökümantasyon – filmde formüle edilecek ve 2010’da geleneksel
film dagitim kanallarina dagitilacaktir. Film dagitimi, ürün satisi ve katkilardan elde edilen
gelirlerin bir kismi Büyükbabanin ve Ulusal Büyükler Konseyinin çalismasina, ayrica maya
Bilgelik Koruyuculari kitabinin ve Guatemala’daki Maya Üniversitesi’nin yaratilmasina

Asagida Çaglarin Degisimi filminin yönetmeni Steve Copeland’in mesaji var:

Epik aksiyon felaket filmi 2012 dünyada gösterime girdi. Simdiye kadar hepimiz muhtemelen
reklamlarini gördük. Üzerimize gelen dev bir tsunami gibi 2012 her yerde ondan kaçmak zor.
Filmin sansasyonel fragmani, kadim Maya kehanetinin bizleri 21 Aralik 2012’de Dünyanin
kiyametle sona erisi ile ilgili uyardigini iddia ediyor. Aldatici otantik reklam hileleriyle,
sinemalar insanlari 2012 nin gerçekte neyle ilgili oldugunun merakinda birakiyorlar.

Birçok insan, dünya zaten bir tür büyük geçisin esiginde oldugu görünürken 2012 gibi bir
filmi gösterime soktugu için Hollywood’u yerden yere vuruyor. Ancak, 2012 filmine harcanan
reklam parasi bir diyalog yaratmaya ve gerçek Maya’nin konusulmasi için bir forum
olusmasina hizmet ediyor. Belki 2012 sadece bir diger aksiyon filmidir. Diger taraftan, filmin
hikayesi yüzlerce yildir Maya insanlari tarafindan korunmakta olan kutsal bilgiye güveniyor.

Filmin websitesi felaket görüntülerini gösteren bir tür 3B Maya takvimi ile açiliyor
(ww.whowillsurvive2 Simdiye kadar, Çaglarin Degisimi ekibi Mayalarin dünyanin
sonundan bahsettiklerini asla isitmedi, bir çagin bitisi, evet. Bize su anda olmakta olan, içinde
bulundugumuz sürece Mayalar Günesin Degisimi adini veriyor.

2006’da, 2012 ile ilgili Mayalarla çaglarin Degisimi projesi için birçok video çektik.
Amacimiz filmi 2007’de gösterime sokmak ve dünyaya tanitmakti. Bu projeyi yillardir
izleyenleriniz filmin kadim kehaneti, sifayi, birlesimi ve gezegenin iyiye gidisi için eylemi
kucaklayan çok büyük bir çabanin ürünü oldugunu biliyor. Çalisma ve hikaye süreçte
gelismeye devam ediyor. Çaglarin Degisiminin küçük ekibi 4 yildir internette önemli ve
zamanli video mesajlari paylasmaktadir. Bu videolarin çogu artik gönderilmiyor.

2012 filminin bugün gösterime girdigi bilgisiyle, internette Maya ulusunun Büyügünün 2012
ile ilgili videosunu saglayarak sözü edilen filmin yarattigi korkuya enerjisel olarak karsi
denge olusturmaya karar verdik. Bu ayricalikli gösterinin, bu noktada, Temsilcilerimiz (bilgi
için siteye bakiniz) için olmasina niyet edildi. Lütfen bunu, dünyaya Mayalarin 2012 ile ilgili
gerçek mesajini yayma projesi olan Çaglarin Degisimine yardim etmek için kutsal ve acil bir
misyon olarak görün – arkadaslariniza anlatin – twitter, facebook, sitelerinize paylasin.
Sonraki hafta, Mayalarin 2012 ile ilgili perspektifi hakkinda bir seri resmi basin bildirimi
baslatacagiz, ama simdilik, bu bilgiyi degerli temsilcilerimizle paylasmak istedik. “ 2012”
videosuyla birlikte “Yaratilis” ve “Yanlis kavramlar” videolarini yayinladik, Youtube ve web
sitesinde bulabilirsiniz. Çaglarin Degisiminin yardiminiza gereksinimi var, lütfen sözü
yardimci olun.

Tesekkür ederim.

Çaglarin Degisimi Ekibi

Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC

30159 Rim Rock Place

Canyon Lake, CA

HEAVEN #3278 : Inexpressible Beauty and
Love Dance across the Universe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 2:00am

HEAVEN #3278 : Inexpressible Beauty and Love Dance across the Universe

God said:

We are beyond words. There are no words to fully express that which We are and what We
mean to each other. Even as I say the words "each other," there is no other. My children like
words to state the case, and words are too finite to begin to say what is Our One Heart to say.
There are no words. What words can tell of the Joining that We are. What comes close? We do
the best We can, and yet We know there are no words. We cannot even make up a word that
contains the Immeasurable that We are, that I AM, and that, therefore, you are.

What hand can reach into the myriad of the world and pull out the plum that it is? What
magnificent word can extol Our Magnificence? Name one word. Even the words that come
close don't do it. Words can trip over themselves. Words can climb the heights, and yet they
cannot excerpt the Greatness they want so much to express.

All the beautiful poetry, all the beautiful psalms do their very best. They come close, and yet
they are far.

The word love does all in its power to represent the incomprehensible Oneness it is and tries
to express. Yet the word Love is like a scale played on the piano, going up and down. Not
even music can express this Inexpressible.

There is Great Love to discover, and yet Great Love is too big for any word. No bell can ring
it. No lips can form it. And, yet, there is love in the trying to. Love can cut through ice. It can
cut through stone. It can cut through time and space. And yet love cannot describe itself. It
cannot form the words. Love breaks all boundaries, and love is boundless. Love encompasses
All, and yet no word can encompass love. No word can own it. Words sputter next to the
Great Love they would represent.

The envoy is not the King. Words are like envoys. They are very good, yet they are not the
King. Words can wear the Crown of the King, and yet words, try as they may, brave as they
are, as close as they come, cannot say enough.

In a wordless world, love would be known. Even in the clamor of the world, love is known.
Without the clamor of the world, love is also known. Love speaks and crowns itself, and yet
there are no words for it.

There is no nutshell when it comes to love. There is no summation. There are no sentences or
paragraphs. All the writings are like leaves that fall from the tree, and yet the leaves, as
beautiful as they are, are not the tree. They are a droplet of the tree.

All the colors of words cannot yet express the wonder of color. It is so easy to say blue and
green and golden hue, and yet what are the names next to the wonder they represent? How
can a word express light? A word may represent light, yet no word can express light. No word
can express the wonder of light. No word can express even a teacup of love.

Words have their limitations. To love there is no limitation. Words, as great as they are, can
only go so far. Words cannot reach the extent of what they lovingly try to express. Even the
sound of the word Heaven falls flat next to what the word means to say no matter in what
language it is said. And, yet, the word gives a clue.

A word that comes close to expressing what the heart wants to express is Ah. Ah, what
inexpressible beauty and love and awe dance across the Universe. Ah. Ah, beloveds. Ah.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 15,

22, 2009 Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 2:00am

Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 15, 22, 2009

Received by Marlene Swetlishoff


Once again, I greet you, Beloved Lightworkers!

As most of you have discerned, we have quickly moved into Higher octaves of energy which
is causing even greater purification within each of you than before. Hold fast and keep on
keeping on! Daily affirm and decree the Light and you will be able to traverse these energies
with greater ease. Many of you need to remember to drink more water at this time. Some of
you have been feeling stuck in old energies, some have been releasing great sorrows and
sadness, anger and frustration. Do not judge yourselves for these thoughts and feelings, for
this is part of the process of refining your physical selves to accommodate your Higher
Selves. Let these feelings process through you and keep a firm vision of the greater Light that
you are.

Learn to laugh at yourselves in your processes, for laughter automatically lightens the load

you may be carrying. Your sense of well-being is not dependent on outside circumstances,
rather it is an internal affair. We understand that sometimes it just seems that you must wallow
in your feelings while in the process of releasing them. This is quite acceptable Dear Ones, for
you are in a physical body which is going through tremendous transformation, and sometimes
it will be affecting your equilibrium and sense of balance. We stand in awe of your great
capacity to withstand and integrate the massive amount of energy that is being infused within
each of you.

Humanity stands at the brink of great evolution. The very atmosphere is pulsating with the
promise of something better that is just beyond the horizon and indeed, it is so. Everywhere,
the highest potential for all is just waiting to be fulfilled. It does require willful intent on a
daily basis to hold to this vision, for as yet you have the great cleansing processes to contend
with. But if you continue to persist in these endeavors greater good is accomplished for
yourselves and Humanity, for your Brothers and Sisters are beginning now to Awaken and the
paths that you have walked are now set for them to follow. Many there will be who are
seeking and what they are seeking you can help them with.

As the days go forth it requires each of you to maintain your vibrational level and stay in your
highest integrity. Each of you knows that being a Lightworker is not just talking Love and
Light …each of you have experienced the many, many hardships in your lives that have
sorely tested you in all ways, and always you have chosen to hold fast to your Light, no
matter what you have prevailed, and when someone talks blithely of your great Work as
something of no consequence just walk away. There is no point in trying to plant seeds and
cultivate a garden in the same old patch of infertile ground. Find yourselves fresh soil and
create your Garden of Eden and in this way those who treated you of no consequence will
someday in all likelihood follow in your very footsteps.

Walk always with humble heart for you inherently know that the way forward requires the
simplicity of focus and clear purpose and you know that it is as simple as that. Each of you
knows that you are individual sparks of the Creator and are part of the Oneness of Life. The
most minute action can and does affect the whole. That is why the admonition to love thy
neighbor as thyself in previous days, for your neighbor IS yourself . . . a part of the Oneness
of Life that you all partake in. This will make more sense to you as your consciousness begins
to remember your purpose and origin.

Keep your daily lives simple, enjoy each moment and begin to relearn to connect to the
wonder of Life around you. It has always been there but as a whole. Humanity has been
conditioned to give their attention to non-life enhancing ways of expression and have simply
forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the ‘box’ they have existed in for many lifetimes. Take
heart, Dear Ones, for the veils of forgetfulness are lifting and remembrance comes to all in
ways that reflect each individual, and the ‘boxes’ are being replaced by the "fields of

As ever, we are always with you and you do not walk alone.

I AM Hilarion

©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff

Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following

guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion *
Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:

Gizemli Günes Kapisi ‘Zaman Dalgasi’

Güney Amerika’yi Karanlikta Birakti
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 2:00am

Gizemli Günes Kapisi ‘Zaman Dalgasi’ Güney Amerika’yi Karanlikta Birakti

Sorcha Faal,

Bugün Kremlin’de dolasan ilginç bir raporda, geçen hafta Güney Amerika’yi vuran çok büyük
elektrik kesintisinin Tiahuanaco adi verilen gizemli Bolivya Andlari bölgesinden yayilan
‘Zaman Dalgasi’ nedeniyle gerçeklestigi iddia ediliyor. Tiahuanaco’da gizemli 10 tonluk
“Günesin Geçis Kapisi” monolitigi var (Andezit granitten oyulmus tek parça blok). Bu
monolitigin, CERN tarafindan isletilen Isviçre’deki Dünya’nin en büyük ve en yüksek – enerji
parçacigi hizlandiricisi olan Büyük Hadron Parçacik Hizlandiricidaki ‘anormal olay’
tarafindan ‘tetiklendigi’ ve Brezilya ve Güney Amerika’nin diger ülkelerinde bulunan binlerce
kadim piramit komplekslerine dalga dalga yayildigi iddia ediliyor.

[Not: Bu raporlarda sözü geçen Zaman Dalgalari, Bati Dünyasinda yaygin olarak uzay –
zaman egriligindeki dalgalanmalar olan yerçekimsel dalgalar olarak bilinir.]

Bu raporlara göre, Büyük Hadron Parçacik Hizlandiricidaki CERN bilim adamlari

operasyonlari yeniden baslatmak için hazirlik olarak 1 Kasim 2009’da bir seri deneye
basladilar. Testlerinin Dünyamizin manyetik alanini bozdugunu ve Gezegenimizin
çekirdegine dogru “Zaman Dalgasi” firlattigini ‘sok edici bir sekilde’ kesfettiler, onlarin takibi
‘Zaman Dalgasinin’ yön degistirip Bolivya’nin And Daglarinin yükseklerindeki ‘Günes
Kapisina’ yöneldigini gösterdi.

Ancak ne yazik ki, Büyük Hadron Parçacik Hizlandirici (LHC) tarafindan üretilen ‘Zaman
Dalgasi’ ‘Günes Kapisindan’ püskürdü (patlayarak çikti) ve Güney Amerika üzerindeki uzaya
dogru yöneldi; Santa Cruz, Bolivya’ya inisine baslamaya hazir olan Air Comet tarafindan
uçurulan Iberworld Airbus A330-300 uçaginin yoluna çikip ‘parildadi’, fakat sonra uçak
kendisini ‘aninda ve gizemli bir sekilde’ 8,900 km uzaktaki Ispanya, Santa Cruz göklerinde
buldu. [Not: 170 yolcunun hepsi ve uçus mürettebati güvendeydi ve Ispanya’ya indikten 17
saat sonra Bolivya’ya sag salim geri döndüler.]

Bu gizemli olaydan sonra CERN bilim adamlari bir kusun açik alandaki teçhizatin üzerine bir
ekmek parçasi düsürerek deneylerinin basarisiz olmasina neden oldugunu öne sürerek LHC’yi
kapattilar, daha sonra Arastirma ve Bilimsel Hesaplama Yöneticisi Sergio Bertolucci devasa

LHC makinesinin muhtemelen daha önce hayal edilmemis olan bilimsel fenomeni veya
‘ekstra boyut’ gibi ‘meçhul bilinmeyenler’i yaratabilecegi veya kesfedebilecegi uyarisini

Ancak, LHC kapatildiktan sonra bile, bu ‘Zaman Dalgasi’ tarafindan Güney Amerika’da
yaratilmis olan ‘boyutsal bozulmalar’ hissedilmeye devam etti ve “Günes Geçis Kapisi”
monolitiginin Brezilya’daki binlerce Piramide ve Güney Amerika’nin And Daglari
Bölgesindeki diger “kadim siteler”e Rus bilim adamlarinin “dijital iletisim”e benzettikleri bu
dalgayi göndermesine neden oldu ve sonuçta milyonlarca insanin karanlikta kaldigi muazzam
elektrik kesintisi gerçeklesti.

Bu muazzam elektrik kesintisinin gerçek nedenini saklamaya çalisan Brezilya hükümeti

yetkilileri, “güçlü yagmur ve rüzgarla iliskili atmosferik elektrik bosalmalarini” suçladi.
Rapor söyle devam ediyor; Güney Amerika’daki bu bölgeler için daha kötüsü su ki, Sili,
Bolivya, Paraguay, Brezilya ve Arjantin’deki kadim sehir bölgelerindeki sismik aktivitede
artisi isaret eden Rus bilim adamlarina göre, bu ‘Zaman Dalgasi’nin ‘etkileri’ ‘çok uzaklara
kadar ulasabilir’.

Bu ‘Zaman Dalgasinin’ etkilerine ugrayan bu kadim sehirlerin en sonuncusu, bugün 6.5

büyüklügündeki güçlü bir depremle çarpilan Loa nehri kiyisindaki Calama’ya yakin olan Inka
– öncesi harabeler ve hemen arkasindan 5.8 büyüklügündeki deprem ile sarsilan Bolivya
Tiahuanaco bölgeleridir.

Bati’da çogu insanin yaygin olarak bilmedigi sey, Amerikalarin Dünyadaki en büyük kadim
kutsal site ve piramitlerin yogunluguna sahip olmasidir, özellikle Brezilya’da 1996’da bu
yapilarin en eskisi kesfedildi ve Misir’daki büyük piramitlerden yüzlerce yil önce insa
edildigi belirtildi.

Ancak Misir’daki piramitlere benzemeyen sekilde, Amerikalardaki piramitlerin insacilari

bilinmiyor ve (Dünya’daki en uzun ve en eski daglar olan) Peru Andlarina yakin bulunan 12
Brezilya piramidinin insacilari hala kesfedilmedi.

Güney Amerika’nin insanlarinin kadim kaynaklari ile ilgili not edilecek daha da ilginç olan
sey, onlarin dillerinin temel kökeninin Avrupa’ya bagli olmasidir, birçok Rus tarihçisi bunu
insan uygarliginin Antediluvian (tufandan öncesine ait) “tufan – öncesi” periyodu olarak
kategorize eder.

Güney Amerika And Daglari bölgesinin bilinen yasiyla, orada insa edilen binlerce kadim
piramit ve sehirler birlestirilince, birçok Rus tarihçi uzun zamandir, bu büyük daglarin tufan –
öncesi uygarligin en ileri üyelerinin evi oldugu teorisini gelistirdiler, Rus bilim adamlarina
göre onlar Dünyamiz kendisini son kez ters çevirdigi zaman And Daglari bölgesine

Daha da ilginci, bu felaketsel Yerküre degisimlerinden hayatta kalan kadim insanlarin Güney
Amerika boyunca (“Dünyamizin akcigerleri” olarak bilinen engin Amazon bölgesi), bu tür
korkunç olaylar türlerimizi bir kez daha ziyaret ettigi zaman, insan türünün gelecek nesillerini
önceden uyarmak için tüm Gezegenimize bagli olan bir ‘uyari sistemi’ olusturdugunu ifade
eden teorilerdir. Ve onlarin bu “uyari sistemini” olusturma ‘yöntemleri’ ve Dünyamizin en
kadim geçmisinin anilarini kodlamalari tüm Dünya’da granit ve kumtasi gibi silikonca zengin
piramitler insa etmek vasitasiyla idi.

Su andaki modern teknolojik çagimizin temeli, Dünyamizin en yaygin metaloidi (madenimsi)
olan silikondur. Silikon Gezegenimizde oksijenden sonra en bol bulunan elementtir,
Yerkürenin kabugunun %25.7 sini olusturur ve silikon olmasaydi cam, beton, çimento veya
elektrik cihazlari, özellikle bilgisayarlar olmazdi. Daha önemlisi, silikonun elektrigi hem
depolama hem de aktarma yetenegi, yaklasik iki yüzyildir fosil yakitlar kullanmanin yikici
etkilerine karsi Gezegenimizin uzun vadeli hayatta kalmasi için çok önemli olarak

Bugün bilim adamlarimizin bilmedigi sey, bu kadim ‘silikon uyari sisteminin’ aslinda ne
kadar güçlü oldugudur veya hala ne kadar saglam oldugudur. Ama simdi, bu yeni “Zaman
Dalgasi” ile çarpildiktan sonra, onlarin içinde hala sakli olan hayal edilemez gücün korkutucu
isaretleri var. Su andaki Dünyamiz için hangi amaci tasiyor? Bugünkü bilim adamlari bunu
bilmiyor, ama bu olaylarin gelecegi uyarisini yapmis olan insanlik geçmisimizde çok uzun
zaman önce yasamis olanlar tarafindan biliniyor.

Üzücü olarak, kadim uyarilari dikkate alan çok az insan var. Ama, bu olaylarin en gerçek
bilgisini arayanlar için, onlar taslari dinlemeyi yeniden ögrenmeye baslamalilar.

© 13 Kasim, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved

http://www.whatdoes index1298. htm

(Çeviri: Saffet)

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan -

Wisdom is not in words, it is in
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 3:00pm

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

Wisdom is not in words, it is in understanding.

What a great thing is understanding! It is priceless. No man can give greater pleasure to his
fellow man than by understanding him.

What can one wish for more in life than understanding? Understanding gives one harmony in
the home with those near and dear to one and peace outside the home with so many different
natures and characters. If one lacks understanding, one is poor in spite of all that one
possesses of the goods of this world; it is understanding which gives a person riches. ... A life
without such understanding is like a dark room which contains everything you wish -- it is all
there, but there is no light.

If there is no understanding between two persons, words are of no use. They may talk and
talk, and discuss and discuss, and it will only go from bad to worse, for argument will never
end. As it is said in the Vadan, 'Why? Is an animal with a thousand tails. At every bite you
give it, it drops one of its curved tails and raises another.' Can argument bring about
understanding? Never. Argument only increases argument, and so one can go on till two
persons turn their back upon one another. Understanding is a gift of God, understanding is a
soul's unfoldment, and understanding is the greatest fortune one can have in life.

Morning Blessing: 16.11.09
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 4:30pm

Morning Blessing: 16.11.09

Scorpio's Cosmic Gifts

Reverend Angela is offically part of the Facebook tribe! If you would like
to connect with her in this land of exploration and collaboration click
on the following link: _Angela's Facebook Page_

"I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep
an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance
among the pines." - Henry David Thoreau

Your authentic nature can soar for the next few weeks as it is in concert
with the symphonies of cosmic radiance that are currently pouring over the
entire Milky Way galaxy. Gaia's galactic siblings, the Sun, Mercury, the
Moon, Venus and Ceres have just finished being stationed all together in
Scorpio. This positioning and consequent collective transmission began issuing
new sparks of photon light particles and magnetic pulses.
To add to all this irony they are also taking their turns parading in
front of a black hole that resulted from the collision of two galaxies. This
black hole is one of the, if not the, most luminous objects in our local
Milky Way. This step up energy demands that spirit align with psyche and
propel us to another level of opportunity and awakening here on Earth. The other
worldly messaging that ebbs and flows from dark matter is the latest
push/pull of interdimensional coherence permanently changing our molecular
content by structuring the cell with a crystalline bioluminescence that spins
our electrons through a doorway of expansion.
Overall this week is fortuitous and is the climax of a psychic cycle that
has been delivering divine illumination and orientation. Haven't you
noticed that more and more people are becoming consciously aware of the awkward
human conditions that rob our Soul magnetism and charisma limiting
spiritual expression here? As we gather to us the mandate of light code activations
and our Soul reality we commit to an absolutely uncompromising force that
tunes and shifts our physicality and vibration toward God's own private
mystery and there is no going back now. We have been birthed into a higher
conscious evolution and are receiving the first glimmerings of all the Light
that is to come. We are only a few footsteps into the ascension portal of
expansion. In the next five years we will be accessing encoded places within
ourselves that hold the secrets of the universe. Never in our human
countenance have we entertained such possibilities and promise.
Presently I am witnessing many who feel like letting go of major
responsibilities for just the simple task of staying in a body that is under
renovation has them wanting to lie down and nap most afternoons. Being resculpted
into something more enhanced while working, serving, and being in the
work-a-day world has its drawbacks so remember to be faithful and caring to
your individual system. These saturations of divine intervention can indeed
have us squirming, irritable, and emotional and yet there are things that we
can do to lessen the severity of their incorporation. Ask what is deemed
important for you during the times when the tight fitting energy feels
overwhelming and then follow the guidance you are given.
During this particular energetic tide various resonate frequencies coming
in are harmonizing all the structural layers (grids) of Gaia's field. The
activity I am feeling between the girds is the fluid levels distributing
the new vibrations and instructions for change. When these particles of light
instruction land in my system there is a lot of buzzing and humming and it
feels quite intense. It's a bit like standing outside the fence of a
nuclear power facility. While you really don't see anything going on, sentient
beings hear the buzz from the high tension wires overhead and feel the raw
energy of the nearby nuclear reactions. I am keeping my days balanced
through conscious planning and organizing. This also ensures the holding of a
higher amplified light in every cell because I am not flitting and buzzing
all over the place like a good case of ADHD.

For those of you living in places where the weather is nice enough to
commune with nature a beneficial act for integrating the black hole energies
is to go for a hike among trees. Gaia has been putting the latest energetic
downloads into the "green" content within nature. Because of this the green
nature kingdom is the first earthly intelligence to pick up the new
healing charges. Trees are among the ambassadors that will deliver the newness to
us in a manner that we can embody and then develop within our systems.(And
isn't it synchronistic that many around the globe will be placing trees
and greenery inside their homes within the next few weeks?) To receive, or
balance, the new fluidity coursing through our domain simply place a hand on
a tree! Ask to be a corporate agent of transformation with the gift they
give at this time, and hold to the commitment that you are a vessel of human
service for Gaia's highest and best expression of transformation. Then
move into the world of human reality holding your energies with honor,
integrity, and reverence.
You are not who you were last week. You are now arcing to be part of an
energy that is moving forward at a quickened pace and being worshiped as
never before by Spirit as you move eloquently and humbly through every
experience.Get your bearings straight this week by visiting the stillness of all
that you are and holding counsel with your True Being.Think about your
higher destiny this incarnation; review your thoughts, actions, and beliefs. Are
you walking each day in 100% alignment to the YOU Spirit that is being
realized now? When challenged do you react from an unserving presence of fear
or can you stand confidently in your truth delivering perspective with
compassion. Is the Creative Essence that is your new state of Light the same
warmth and joy that you bring to each day? For the most part are you
centered and coming from the heart in vital sharings?
As we collectively carve a new path of being the dense can feel so dense
now and the crevasse between polar opposites often appears enormous. There's
no need to fall into despair if you become swept into the currents of the
patriarchy (old paradigm) from time to time. The intensity of regaining
spiritual power still pushes many to dig harder and deeper into what they
have always known rather than to dance in the unusual and unknown.
Occasionally we can get pulled along with them for a short distance before figuring
out that we have left your center of calm equanimity.
However, as we traverse farther and farther into cosmic revolution and
radical change a new spiritual maturity and grounded awareness will double as
encouragement to pad your evolutionary experience with the savvy I AM
principles and frequencies. Soon going off on abrasive tangents birthed from
lack and fear will be a thing of the past as the spiritual centers of the
physical radiate with the light code embodiments of a New Living Field. Coming
into oneness and a belief in the Self as spiritualized power is not a
journey for those weak of heart or intent. It is a journey for those who are
brave enough to fuel up their life force and bring the heavenly signatures of
what was promised over 2000 years ago into reality.
The God within you is tired of moseying along the same old worn path. It
is ready to kick off its shoes and run towards something bigger. Let what
is now being issued by a natural cosmic order assist and support you in that
endeavor my friends.
And remember, befriend a tree this week-


There is One life ~ One force of creation that penetrates and

envelops the physical plane with Its invisible presence and
influences. One power which seems to be the material world
itself. This secret consciousness behind all action is God's life,
and this life is my life now. I am its purely objective character,
a pressure of ideas, suggestions, emotional formation. An
impulsion to sensation of this dynamic siege of Universal Mind.
I dedicate this day with clear intention to touch, and be touched
by the twin energies of balance and harmony. The transcendent
power of these unified qualities dissolves all conflict within my heart
and mind. I am awashed in stillness and wholly present to a spiritual
intelligence that is imbued with calmness. Love proceeds me wherever
I go this day, and the living spirit of grace pours forth restoring my
surroundings, my relationships, my body, my intellect, and my emotional
wounds with all manner of its sensory stimuli. In this heightened state of
awareness, it is safe to open my heart and live peacefully in the
of Life. There is no effort here, for what I know, what I know is that my

life is now easy. Because I have invoked a tonal quality of peace and
ease, I can detach from all outcomes, and live in the truth that all my
service, labor, play, and community activity is a balanced serene influx
of the sensuousness of Spirit. I am a center of grace and spiritual light
that passes beyond language and comprehension to the intelligence
of every heart I meet this day.
From the tenderness of my heart I exercise these thoughts over and over
and over until all that is unlike their challenging vibration is dissolved
my life. I let universal mind, the wise one of the law, take up these
and power them into creation. I am a freshness, a love, and an acceptance
of its wielding force. And so it is.

Master Kuthumi Agrippa and Mary
Magdalene Air Gates 114 – 120 to the
Emerald Mystery School Channelled
through Michelle Eloff
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 4:30pm

Master Kuthumi Agrippa and Mary Magdalene

Air Gates 114 – 120 to the Emerald Mystery School
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©
Channelled Johannesburg, South Africa on 2 November 2009
Copyright Notice

To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

To download the audio version of this channelling click here

I am Mary Magdalene and I greet you and I welcome you into the divine presence of light,
truth and magnificence.

This is a time of exquisite celebration for we have now reached the point where all the
energies that have been created for this particular activation now culminate in one powerful
magnificent surge of light. This surge of light, which I refer to, is a powerful beam of energy
coming to each of you from the very core of Father/Mother God’s heart.

This ray of energy has been created to assist every soul currently in human flesh in reaching
the light of their truth, although not every soul will take advantage of this opportunity, it has
none the less been created and still offers all that opportunity.

The light of the Divine is embracing each of you as individuals and as a group of souls
holding the essence of wisdom and love, and assisting this group energy in amplifying the
vibrations of truth and filtering that spirit through the chakras of your physical body. As each
chakra in your body is energised with this powerful light, more and more of the essence of
truth is able to penetrate the density of the lower egos of human beings. This energy will also
dilute the systems which manipulate the ego of human beings.

The reason why this has been brought into activation at this current time is because Mother
Earth does not have much time left. Now before you panic, what I mean by this is the energies
leading up to 2012 are right on your doorstep, this means the time portals that you are having
access to at this time are beginning to close, not diminish in power but close. Perhaps you
could imagine this as the narrowing of a passageway, for when the 21st of December 2012
dawns there are one hundred and forty-four thousand new portals being activated. These
portals hold pathways, pathways which are then accessible by souls in human form and these
journeys will greatly expand the opportunity for human consciousness to be elevated above
the lower vibration of what you will then call the old world, or the old paradigm. This is what
is meant by the words Earth or life as you know it will no longer exist, it does not mean that
Earth as you know it is going to come to end. This is the time of a cycle ending.

For some years now many of the Grand Masters have been working with souls who are
willing to open their hearts to the love and wisdom of the higher levels of intelligence
presented by those who have walked before you, by those who have mastered the path of
human living. Now that this collective opportunity is being anchored, each of you are being
ushered in the direction of your destiny so that you can fulfil the plan of light that you were
assigned prior to this incarnation. This does not mean to say that you are going to end
everything that you are doing in your life right now and become a missionary of service,
giving up all of your worldly possessions to preach the teachings of the Masters, that is
certainly not the pathway you are being asked to take. You are being asked to live your human
life, to do what you are inspired to do, and in doing this to present the light of truth contained
within the collective configuration of the higher intelligence of Spirit and lead by example to
deliver the powerful consciousness, which will be channelled through you, in a manner of
speaking, in your unique way carrying the sacred signature of your essence, which is the code
of your assignment for this lifetime.

Now that we have come to this point where Master Kuthumi is bringing forth a powerful new
energy, assisted by St Germain and the Armies of Light, the Solar Archangels bring forth the
light of consciousness, the rays of the sun, the sun being the light inside of you.

Every one of you hold light, and light is wisdom, it is knowledge, power and above all love.
When you integrate these principles into your life you begin experiencing a different dynamic
in the creation and co-creation of that which you have been assigned to do. Many people have
mistaken the journey of the enlightened ones as being a journey of sacrifice, martyrdom and
compromise most of the time. We tell you now this is not what you are being required to do,
the most important thing for all of you as I said earlier is to live your life and integrate the
sacred spiritual principles into your life. It is vital that humans learn to master the spiritual
principles by living their human life, by being grounded in your physical body and mastering

the elements of the Earthly realm. If one cannot master these elements of the Earthly realm
you will not be able to ascend beyond it, the journey of reincarnation will continue until you
have mastered it, this means it is vitally important for you to be grounded in your physical
body, to enjoy the fruits of the Earth World. It means that you need to master emotions,
emotional intelligence – you have heard this many times before - to gain mastery over the
mind, and of course spirit.

Much has changed over the years, and it is vital that you bear in mind that what was
applicable two or three or five thousand years ago is not applicable now in your modern day
living, it is time for the world to evolve, not just technologically but emotionally, mentally
and most importantly spiritually. The world of matter is held within a matrix, a very inhibited
and limited one, and those of you who have chosen the Pathway of the Authentic Ones it is
your journey, it is your purpose to bring the truth into the modern world based on the ancient
truths and traditions of light.

When these two worlds meet, and each of you recognise the divine inner design of this new
plan, you will understand why it is so vitally important to merge your modern world with the
ancient traditions. You have seen how for many thousands of years humanity has undergone
transitions, developments and changes, however, most of the advancement has been
technological, there has been very little growth in terms of how human beings treat one
another and how human beings treat the other kingdoms of life, most importantly Mother

The elements of your world – earth, air, fire and water are your essence, therefore, when the
elements are disrespected your essence is being disrespected. Everything that you see in
nature around you is a reflection of you, a mirror image of you simply in a different form.
Each of these forms communicate to you, there is a divine resonance that takes place all the
time and the transmissions of love that are extended to you from nature is absolutely
exquisite, but humans must learn, or should we say re-learn, and remember how to reconnect
with that light, with the elements that are inside of you, which are around you and reminding
you of your essence.

The sacred plans of light which develop the systems in which humanity is supposed to evolve
within are now reaching a critical point of development, this is another one of the reasons why
so many of the Masters and great teachers of the ancient world are returning in their numbers,
because now it is time that all of these energies must be pooled together and Lightworkers are
required to collaborate, to support one another in order to infuse this grand design with the
higher principles of light.

Some years ago Lady Guinevierre delivered the Twelve Golden Principles of Life, and this is
simply an aspect of the collective great design of the golden principles of life, these are being
interwoven into the teachings that Kuthumi will be bringing forth, assisted by myself and
other members of our Light Group.

The Golden Temple Teachings embody the essence of Golden Consciousness, in other words
the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra. Tantra being the sacred weave of light and love merged
together in one form, giving birth to light through the essence and intention of love.

Now that each of you have come to this point where you meet the essence of your light
through the eighth key, the eighth Sacred Glyph, which opens the doors to the other worlds

you are now being called to service in in a whole new way. For many of you much will
change in your life, some of you will be moving to other locations, others of you will
completely change the direction of your career, some of you will begin very powerful deeply
connected relationships, and others will be the ones who physically give birth to the crystal
star beings who are coming in after 2011. These particular children who are being born hold
within their DNA the keys to the higher evolution of humanity, and they will bring the
almighty rays of light and that which I spoke of earlier on.

It is important that all of you understand that your purpose on Earth is not merely to be a
human being taking up space, using oxygen and leaving your carbon footprint on the Earth, it
is far greater than this. Each of you are also a code which supports the rebirth of the sacred
geometric patterns of authenticity. The way that these geometric patterns are returned to the
essence of nature is by you living authentically. What does this mean? It means that you live
your life truthfully, honestly and I speak not of doing an honest days work ,or speaking truths
to others, it is about being true to yourself, being honest with yourself, for the more you
ignore those pressing issues inside of you the more you deny yourself the life you are craving
to live, and as simple as this sounds most people find it excruciatingly difficult to apply
because of all the negative emotions which dominate their decisions, their thoughts and their

We have spoken at length over these channellings for Egypt about the energy of guilt, shame,
fear etc. The reason why we have spoken so much about these energies is because of how it
impacts on so many people’s lives, this impact has resulted in most individuals denying
themselves the truth of their existence, the truth which Mother/Father God promised before
your incarnation into this world, and this is what is also referred to as the “Promised Land”.

The world in which you live, your personal world, is your land, how it is nurtured is entirely
up to you. This is the time, beloved ones, where you are being given the opportunity to set
solid foundations in place in order to transcend your fate, and the 12:12:12 (triple twelve
code) is the key which shows you the unique path you are to follow in order to bring your
divine destiny fully into the presence of your Earth life.

Now the energies being brought forth by today’s Air Gates activate the new Twelfth
Dimensional Planetary Portals in the Crystal Heart in Cairo and will be activated through Mt
Sinai. At this moment in time the energies are pulsating from the core of Mother Earth’s body,
from the core of the Galactic Centre and merging as one great impression of emerald light
within the heart of Mt Sinai. These energies are bringing the light of Master Kuthumi back
into the etheric field of Planet Earth, accompanied by the energy of the Solar Archangels.

This rebirth has crowned Kuthumi as the King of Love and Wisdom, and the Solar Archangel
of all Solar Archangels. This energy is known as the Emerald Light of the One Heart, and is
being birthed into your physical world as the Emerald Mystery School releasing the Golden
Temple Teachings.

Mt Sinai is a very powerful planetary portal and a portal into the dimensions of the Solar
Archangels, it is a world through which one passes to embody the Golden Rays of Golden
Consciousness, in other words, the keys of alchemy as you have been learning in the past.

The Cosmic Armies of Light are gathering around us now as I speak, it is time now for us to
open your energies, I have delivered my introduction to you, there are many waiting to

connect their energies with you so I shall not delay this process any further.

Please shut your eyes if you have not already. Take a deep breath into your body and as you
exhale relax your body and relax your mind.

I want you now to imagine yourself being held within magnificent emerald vortex of light
within the heart of Mt Sinai. This vortex is not pulling you down, it is not pushing upward, it
is holding you within a specific realm of higher consciousness. It is a rebirth point, the point
where the Desert Gods and Goddesses meet with you accompanied by the Solar Archangels.

Welcome their presence into your presence, relaxing and surrendering all your earthly
concerns to the light of Mother/Father God.

On your next in breath I want you to imagine breathing in a magnificent emerald light, it fills
the cells of your body and moves into your DNA and as you exhale all of your worries and
your concerns are laid to rest for this moment in time.

Take another deep breath in, this time breathing in a golden energy. It moves into the cells of
your body, into your DNA, relaxing you and instilling a sense of peace and serenity.

Mt Sinai has been encoded with thousands of sacred glyphs, in other words powerful codes of
liberation. Each of these codes have been activated in perfect sequence; the reason for the
sequence is because it creates a magnificent geometric pattern. At this time, with the
activation of the Emerald Mystery School, this sequence of patterns is communicating to your
body. The codes within your body meet with the resonance of those, and the sacred geometric
patterns of authenticity now begin to raise their frequency and emit their sacred frequency out
into the etheric field of all creation on Earth.

I want you to imagine this frequency circling your body creating a beautiful spiral around
you. Each level of this spiral raises the vibration of your consciousness aligning it with the
patterns of the 12:12:12. This spiral will continue to build the energy and light within you and
around you, and support the same strengthening of the energy of the Collective Consciousness
with Mother Earth.

I want you now to imagine the Cosmic Armies of Light entering this magnificent vortex. The
Cosmic Armies bring with them the final essence, which is to be imprinted into the forty-eight
flames which have been assigned, and are the grounding mechanisms of the raw power of
Spirit returning to Earth through the Emerald Ray and the Golden Ray.

Imagine forty-eight flames surrounding you, each flame containing emerald and golden light.

These flames represent the forty-eight sacred aspects of your soul. These sacred aspects
contain realms of love and wisdom which will be revealed to you as you journey on your
personal pathway, and simultaneously working with yourself as an individual mastering the
material world. This means that every aspect of yourself which you heal, every limitation
overcome, every wound healed, every part of you which has been suppressed which comes to
the light will reveal to you the insights contained with those forty-eight aspects.

No one can master the material world simply through the intellect, for unless one feels the
truth of something within their being they are unable to truly move beyond the paradigms of

the old belief systems which governed your world, your life and your way of being, and this is
why the ancestral healing has been so vitally important.

So I want you now to continue relaxing while the Cosmic Armies of Light and the Solar
Archangels continue to fill your human self with the full essence of the forty-eight flames.

Relax, surrender and allow your soul to attract to itself exactly what is needed right now to
open the gateways to your personal heaven on earth.

While those energies merge with you and the other energies we have activated, Goddess
Alchemaya, Goddess Jezebel and the Solar Archangels now activate one hundred and forty-
four flowers of life. Each of these geometric patterns are aligned with the one hundred and
forty-four portals of illumination which are now being activated along your spinal column.
Each of those portals are aligned to the sacred language of light, the holy sound of creation
and will communicate its wisdom to you in a way that you personally perfectly understand.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale the energies of Lord Kuthumi begin to rise from the
core of Mother Earth moving up her being into the heart of Sinai and meets you from beneath,
in this vortex. Feel the energy connecting through your base chakra and very gently moving
into your heart chakra. At that moment another ray of light of Lord Kuthumi's descends from
the heart of the Galactic Core moving through the Seven Planetary Spirits of Light into your
crown chakra until it meets in your heart.

The two energies of Earth and Heaven meeting in your heart now ignites a magnificent
Emerald Flame, which contains the entire network of sacred geometric patterns of the
authentic realms of your divine inner design.

Breathe this in, it does not matter if you do not understand what I am saying just feel the
energies, create pictures out of my words if you must, otherwise just relax and allow us to do
what we have come to do.

The energies which Kuthumi has sent up from the Earth and from the core of the Galactic
Centre emit a pulsation like that of a heartbeat, this heartbeat merges with the heart of Mother
Earth and the Crystal Heart in Cairo. As these energies merge in the heart of Cairo the seven
Air Gates come to life, their powerful light extending out to all of life, their rays of higher
intelligence now moving through Mother Earth’s body from Sinai to the heart of Cairo
weaving its way to Mongolia, to Dubai, merging with the Crystal Heart of St Petersburg and
Moscow, and then extends its energy to Central America.

At all of these locations a powerful golden stairway ascension spiral is activated. This holds
the fresh template of higher consciousness for all of humanity. This golden stairway of
ascension is a planetary one and helps each of you, now, in this moment root the template, in
other words, anchor this template of the golden stairway of ascension in the mountain, in Mt
Sinai, and merging the collective heart and the collective mind of the universal equal through
the powerful grids which we have created over the past months with you, which are held
within the arid and desert regions.

So I want you now to take another deep breath in and relax yourself, and I am now going to
step back so that Master Kuthumi can deliver his welcome message to each of you. Know that
my love and my light is ever present with you. Au revoir.


I am Kuthumi and I return at this point in time to welcome each of you into the world of new

This light, which each of you are now being introduced to is a light which brings forth a new
dimension of creation. You are all now being linked to the Stellar Consciousness which is a
fresh template of light, which humanity needs to integrate. It is truly an honour and
celebration to return at this time as the Solar Archangel of all Archangels and to remind each
of you of the divine teachings of wisdom and love that you have worked towards.

My light comes under a new frequency, beloved ones, and it is with great excitement and joy
that I deliver the new energies which I will be bringing forth to each of you. This energy is
one which I have imprinted on the Earth before in a human incarnation, and it is also the name
of light which I am being assigned which will hold the keys of the teachings of my Emerald
Mystery School and the Golden Temple Teachings.

In my retreat I have been taken into the higher worlds, into places of light that revealsthe
sacred make-up of the geometric patterns of all creation. Each level of this creation demands
of its initiates very important processes of remembrance and rebirth.

It has been vitally important that I merge with these rhythms of light so that I can deliver it to
each of you, therefore, through the light of Christ, through the light of the Solar Archangelic
Rays of the presence of God and Goddess I come to embrace each of you in my new Solar
Archangelic vibration of light and the Solar Archangel name by which I will be known which
is Agrippa.

Yes, Agrippa, you have heard of this name, this is a name which I have carried before and this
vibration now brings very important keys to the worlds of opportunity that all of you have
been waiting for. This has been the main reason why my channel has been assigned the task of
studying the ancient wisdom of astrology. Through the light of the ancient mysteries of
astrology, through the ancient imprinting of magic, symbolism and many other techniques of
awakening, you will be led into the light of what it means to work through the realms of

In each realm of nature there is a signature, a signature which is assigned to each of you, an
alignment of light which reveals to you the mystic and visionary aspects of yourself. Through
this particular journey I will also show many of you the importance of honouring the divine
feminine. It is vital that the Collective Consciousness understand the nobility of the Goddess
in a manner of speaking, the superiority of the Goddess over men. I do not speak of this in
terms of belittling any male, we speak of this superiority of the Goddess through the essence
of nature – Mother Nature.

The power contained within Mother Nature holds one of the most important keys to freeing
humanity’s energies. These energies can only be accessed by understanding the sacred light of
who the Goddess is, what Mother Nature is and how Mother Nature governs everything in
your physical world, and it is through the essence of the Spirits of the planets and the
constellations that these energies work together – Heaven and Earth. When you understand
the nature of the Spirits channelling through you in alignment with the spiritual forces of

nature, you will begin to see a new pattern develop within your own life.

As I speak with you now the Cosmic Armies of Light align their energy with you, it is not just
I, Kuthumi, speaking to you as one entity it is the energies of my Agrippa light, as well as the
forces of the collective essence of the Cosmic Masculine.

The Cosmic Masculine speaks to the masculine inside of you, for it is time now for the
masculine aspect of humanity to see that Mother Nature is a force so powerful that it will rip
down everything that has been created by a masculine consciousness, inhibited by the human
mind. It is that mankind has been assigned a role, a role which has inhibited the flow of the
Goddess, the flow of the feminine and eluded, apologies let me rephrase this, this has in actual
fact deadened the souls of humans, for they have hidden the truths of the feminine from all -
men and women.

When you know what we mean by the superiority of the feminine over the masculine you will
understand that the powerful forces of nature are in actual fact the key to alchemy, for when
you work with the elements, when you respect and honour the forces of creation you
understand the superior force of Mother Nature. When you understand the spirits of the
planets and the constellations you will see how everything is masculine and feminine, and the
energies combined with me now are taking you into those realms, and over the next seven
days I will take you through those realms, weaving your energy through the sacred spiral of
the Seven Spirits of light. This will align your chakras with a new ray of light, one you have
never experienced in this incarnation, and this is what will begin to "blow your mind" in a
manner of speaking.

This is now a process of accelerating the release of the old world from the mechanisms that
have created the constructs, which have lead you to believe that the masculine force is
superior to the feminine force. I repeat, we are not in anyway whatsoever degrading or
belittling the power of the male force, however, on Earth it is the feminine, it is Mother
Nature which holds the power and that is how you discover the power of the divine feminine
inside of you, and when that is discovered you have a greater, deeper insight into the
realisation of why masculine and feminine must work side by side, as equals living out the
purpose of their creation.

The purpose of the creation of the feminine has its signature, as does the masculine, and when
these two try to activate the others purpose chaos ensues, this is why your world is in the mess
it is because there have been role reversals, there has been the suppression of the power, the
supremity of the great forces of nature. Take it upon yourself now and make it one of your
priorities to understand the nature of nature, for then you understand your nature, and this is
how the truth of all the mechanisms of magic will be revealed to you.

The energy of magic is actually very simple, but until you understand the theories of light
through your own personal journey it will be very difficult for you to apply those principles.
So from this time forward each of you are being held within this collective vibration which I
am delivering now, and those of you who have been working with me for a very long time
you will even notice that the way my words are being formed is different to what you have
heard before, in other words the accent is different, this is because of the combinations of
energy I am bringing forth.

So now close your eyes if you have opened them again, and I want to concentrate on the very

inner core part of your being, and in the core of this being is a consciousness which has been
calling out to you, a consciousness which has led you down a specific pathway which has
brought you to this moment in time, and it is in this moment in time that you are meeting your
authentic self, a part of you holding the unique sacred geometric pattern of your entire
authentic blueprint.

Breathe this energy into the chakras of your body, pulling it from the very core of yourself and
directing it into your chakras.

Each time you inhale and exhale, this energy will move all around you and connect with the
environment around you connecting to nature around you, revealing to nature that you have
now come to the moment in time where you have entered the realms of advanced initiation,
the realms of super awareness, super consciousness, super intelligence. This is not being said
to feed your lower ego, this is being said to help you understand that the world you in which
you are now venturing into is a world far greater, and more advanced, than you have ventured
into before. You have chosen to take on an initiation of your entire lifetime, a world which
comes into being only through mastering the aspects of your journey which you have

As I stand before you now as the essence of Agrippa, the energy of the Ascended Master
Kuthumi as you have always known me, and the Solar Archangel of all Solar Archangels I
deliver to you your eighth and final key that you are keeper of. This key, this glyph, whatever
it is that comes to you is my gift to you, and it is the one that unlocks the process of
realignment with the Cosmic Armies of Light not only for you personally, but for Mother
Earth and every other awakening soul on your planet.

This prepares the crystal paths for the souls who are to come after the complete activation of
the 12:12:12 code. This code will imprint Mother Earth with energies which were only active
during the time of Atlantis, but because they were abused they were sealed within a sacred
cavern within the heart of Sinai. Now as we begin releasing these codes it will link up with all
the powerful portals of light around your world.

From Mt Sinai there is an energy stream which connects with Mt Kilimanjaro, there is another
one which moves to Mt Shasta. As these energies connect with Mt Shasta it moves to the
Brandberg Mountain range of Namibia. It then connects to the Drakensberg Mountain Range
of South Africa. From there we extend it along a golden leyline to Table Mountain, there a
holy chalice is activated holding the golden liquid of Golden Consciousness.

As this chalice activates and this golden liquid spills over, moving into Mother Earth’s body,
it now moves off to the Andes Mountains connecting with the ancient wisdom of the
Enlightened Ones of those regions. It is extended to the Swiss Alps and then is taken back to
Mt Sinai. This is the first revolution of the sacred patterns that are being activated, over the
next twelve months more of those revolutions will be activated connecting through other
powerful portals in various mountain ranges all around your world.

As these patterns are brought to life it brings about an emergence of divine consciousness, a
divine consciousness which reveals to you the errors of the ways of the authority figures of
the past paradigms of your old world and the ancient truths are being revealed, the ancient
wisdoms and traditions that brought light to your planet is returning, and each of you are those
beacons of light, each of you hold these flames, and the forty-eight flames which are the

symbol of the Emerald Mystery School delivering the Golden Temple Teachings enlighten
each and every one of you to the truth of your existence, to the truth of your origin and the
future pathways that each of you shall create.

You do not have to go forth and blaze trails for billions of people, some of you might do this,
but if you make a change for one person then you have changed the world that that person
lives in, and so it is that the ripple effect will continue, and we are more focused on creating
those ripple effects through individuals rather than trying to convert masses, because if one is
assigned the role of trying to convert masses there is far too much danger in the lower ego
rising to the fore and trying to take its place in the forefront of Golden Consciousness,
therefore, we spread this light amongst all individuals to create for themselves a powerful
pathway to enlighten themselves and in so doing empowering themselves, and those around
them, and because each of you are so unique you will deliver it in a unique way, it will not be
assigned to one soul, for every soul is different, the truths vibrate at different levels, therefore,
all of God and Goddesses wisdom belongs to every soul who has been created through that
essence, therefore, no soul ever has had the right, or ever will have the right to lay claim to
holding the only truth, or the only pathway home to God and Goddess and this is what I am so
incredibly excited about, beloved ones, because through the Emerald Mystery School the
Golden Temple Teachings will spread its wings throughout the world with the assistance of
every single one of you, and each and everyone of you hold a strand of the Golden Temple
Teachings. These teachings are assigned to every single one of you hearing my words right
now, and whoever reads these words in the future and resonate with what I say you are a
Golden Temple teache,r and you stand under the Emerald Dome of the Emerald Mystery

We have created a portal through which these energies can flow, it is this portal that has
brought all of you together which you have come to know as The Lightweaver, and I wish to
thank each and everyone of you for overcoming your fears, for looking at every single one of
the dark aspects of yourself and embracing it, dancing with your shadow and coming to stand
in the light of the new dawn which you have brought to yourself and as I, Kuthumi Agrippa
stand here with you I give to you a piece of my heart, a golden nugget which you will carry
with you always as a reminder that I am ever present, that I am with you always in all ways,
and that there is never moment where you are required to venture out into the realms of
unfamiliar territory alone. I will be with you every step of the way.

So breathe in deeply now relaxing your body as we amplify the energies coming from the
core of Mother Earth’s body and the centre of the Galactic Core, and we merge this with every
fibre of every level of energy which makes up the person who you know yourself to be, and
beyond that.

I want you to simply allow these powerful energies to weave their magic through you, you do
not have to guide this or imagine it because it is beyond your comprehension, you have never
seen this, you have never experienced it in your human mind or intellect, it is completely new
to you so let it introduce itself to you, allow yourself to familiarise yourself with these
energies and relax.

I now place the golden nugget in your heart chakra and I place the sacred seal of light over
your heart chakra. I bring forth the Emerald Talisman of Divine Consciousness and I place
this over your third eye chakra.
I bring to you the Golden Talisman of Golden consciousness, in other words the Golden

Talisman of Alchemy, and I place this over your solar plexus chakra.

Breathe these energies in. These two talismans work together, they are always connected, they
are created from the essence of sacred love and sacred wisdom, their energies are merged as
one as the flame that you have seen which is held within the forty-eight presences of the
flames which the Cosmic Armies of Light stand with, as do the Solar Archangels.

Over the next seventy-two hours these energies will course through your body at a highly
accelerated rate, it will create a very powerful spiritual detoxification process. This process
will ensure that the intellect and the emotions are aligned with this new concept of light
embracing each of you, taking you through the powerful baptism of light which is brought
forth by the Emerald School of Light.

The Mystery School is called as such for a reason, for it is the mysteries of your soul, the
mysteries of the essence of Mother/Father God which shall be revealed. As each of you
choose to honour the journey of demystifying that which is considered mystical you will find
many of the truths you seek and so will the rest of humanity.

So now, beloved Lightworkers, I, Kuthumi Agrippa stand before you with this almighty cloak
of light which I wrap around you, sealing the 12:12:12 code in all of your chakras. The
presence of light coming from your body is imprinted in the mountain, and your final key
which you have received from me is to be etched on the face of a rock on the mountain. This
will be your solar link to the Emerald Mystery School, and it is through this particular etching
of the symbol that your eighth and final key will be kept safe, therefore keeping all other keys
safe within the realms of the heart of the Emerald and Golden Flame.

Take one more very deep breath in as the Air Gates embrace you in their love and wisdom.

I want you now to invoke the powerful energies of the collective blueprint of your sacred
tapestry of light. Ask that it be merged, or woven with all of your chakras, your four lower
bodies and every other aspect of your essence, and this now merges with the advanced realms
of the divine spiritual teachers of Mother/Father God on Earth as they are in Heaven.

Beloved ones all of that which you have experienced at this moment may be and is probably
overwhelming. Do not concern yourself too much about the technical aspects of what we have
spoken of, it is more important that you simply feel the energies, for now you are being
actively enlightened to discovering the unlimited potential of your emotions, your relationship
with Spirit and with nature and this is how you continue to advance yourself in understanding
the process of building fluid boundaries and merging all aspects of your consciousness with
the great heart, mind and soul of Spirit.

I want you now to take one last deep breath in, feeling this vortex of energy now spin at a
very high rate around you holding you within the centre of its essence.

Give thanks now to all of those beings who have been present. Give thanks to all the energies
which now enfold you and flow through you.

Remember this process will continue for awhile still, so surrender and make peace with the
fact that you have just enrolled as an extreme Lightworker moving through the realms of
human consciousness and into the supernatural worlds of higher wisdom and love, golden

alchemy and authenticity.

Very gently begin bringing your consciousness back into your physical body and we ask you
now to sit in silence for a moment bringing yourself back into your body.

And all you need do is be grateful for that which you have experienced, for everything that
has brought you to this point in time, for we celebrate the pathway you have chosen and
where you find yourself.
I continue to hold you within my heart never leaving your side for a moment for I am vast, I
am present within every aspect of love and wisdom and I assure you of my support, my love
and guidance.

I am Kuthumi Agrippa, King of Love and Wisdom and I hold you in the sacred flames of life.

From the important dates on Michelle's site have noted that the above is

Monday 02 November 2009 @ 6 pm CAT

Final Egypt Tour pre-cording - Air Gates 114 - 120 to The Emerald Mystery School of Lord
Kuthumi - In this channelling Mary Magdalene and Lord Kuthumi activate and open the Air
Gates (114 - 120), which officially activates the new 12th dimensional Planetary Portals in the
Crystal Heart in Cairo through Mt Sinai. This also officially marks Kuthumi return from his
retreat where he has undergone an incredible rebirth and has been crowned the King of Love
and Wisdom and The Solar Archangel of all Solar Archangels. Today his Emerald Mystery
School is being fully activated at Mt Sinai, releasing the Golden Temple Teachings to the
Lightweavers participating in this event, which is where you will receive the completed level
of the original activation of the Golden Temple Teachings, which first took place in Egypt in
2008. Mary Magdalene, Goddess Alchemaya and Goddess Jezebel, the Desert Gods and
Goddesses and the Solar Archangels will be present to anchor this. Kuthumi will announce his
new Solar Archangel name to us.

This activation also completes the building of the bodies of the 48 Flames being assigned to
this group and filters it out to the geographic locations chosen for this particular activation and
rebirths the Sacred Geometric Patterns of Authenticity. This is where you will receive the
eighth and final Key you are Keeper of. This Key unlocks a process of realignment with the
Cosmic Armies of Light for you, Mother earth and the Collective Consciousness. In this
channelling you will “receive” the last Sacred Glyph, which you are to draw and etch into the
mountain if you are travelling with me, as well as receive the new patterns of the 12:12:12
code. This last glyph is your final Key into the advanced realms of the Divine Spiritual
Teachers of Mother/Father God on Earth. All of this activation’s energies are now actively
enlightening you to discovering the unlimited potential of your emotions, relationship with
Spirit and what it means to build Fluid Boundaries of emotional and spiritual consciousness,
merging Heart, Mind and Soul. This continues feeding the new energies coming to us from
the Galactic Core energy into the crystal grids of Mother Earth, where it is transmuted into
unconditional love.
The Council of Authentic Ones complete the opening of our chakras to Stellar Consciousness
and fully anchor your fresh Template and anchor the Golden Stairway of Ascension for our

Planet. We help root this Template on the Mountain merging the collective heart and mind
with that of the Universal Equal through the crystal grids held within the Arid and Desert

These initiation energies are being anchored in the geographic locations of Cairo, Mongolia,
and Dubai, and will be linked to Russia and Central America, which continues to initiate the
rebirth of the Sacred Geometric Patterns of Authenticity for humanity. People participating in
this activation located in these areas geographically will serve as the physical Air Gate
guardians and all other partcipants will serve as the anchoring mechanisms for these almighty
new energies globally.

 Posted by onur on November 17, 2009 at 12:00am

-Sana dilsiz, dudaksız sözler söyleyeceğim.

Bütün kulaklardan gizli sırlardan bahsedeceğim.
Bu sözleri sana, herkesin içinde söyleyeceğim,
ama senden başka kimse duymayacak.
Kimse anlamayacak-


Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan - The
message of God is like a spring of water:
it rises and falls, and makes its way by
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 5:00pm

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

The message of God is like a spring of water: it rises and falls, and makes its way by itself.

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

The key to the secret of the messenger is given in the Bible, but very few will ponder upon it
and reason it out for themselves. The key is in the words, 'I am Alpha and Omega', 'I am the
first and the last.' Can that mean, 'I came only for a time, and then I was called Jesus, and only
then did I give a message: I spoke neither before nor after that time'? Alpha and Omega means
First and Last; always, continually present; never absent from the beginning of creation to the
end. ... God is seen in the one who glorifies Him. But if our hearts are closed, even if we wait
for a thousand years for the messenger to show himself, we shall never find him. ... the
message is like a spring of water: it rises and falls and makes its way by itself, so that no one
can make an imitation of it. If the message is true, it will always make its way to the end of
the world. It is always so with the message of God.

But those who wait, may wait. It is their destiny to wait, and one cannot help them. They
waited while Jesus Christ came and went, and they still wait and will wait for ever. And yet he
has always come; to the individual, to the multitude, to the nation, to the race. He came, and
spoke to the whole world; but did he come with drums and trumpets? No, he came in the
humblest guise, in the most unassuming manner; as our brother, our servant, our friend, our
equal. Man, because of his devotion, has called him Lord; but he said, 'Call me not good. I am
like unto you.' It is not his absence that keeps man in ignorance; it is man's own closed eyes.
The Master has always been present, but man knew him not.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:30pm


We begin with one of the most profound sutras of Gautama the Buddha:

JUST THE OPPOSITE HAS BEEN TAUGHT TO YOU by all the traditions of the world, all
the civilizations, all the cultures, all the churches. They say: Love others, don't love yourself.

And there is a certain cunning strategy behind their teaching. LOVE IS THE
NOURISHMENT FOR THE SOUL. Just as food is to the body, so is love to the soul. Without
food, the body is weak; without love, the soul is weak. AND NO STATE, NO CHURCH, NO

VESTED INTEREST, has ever wanted people to have strong souls -- because a person with
spiritual energy is bound to be rebellious.

high. Love gives you insight into things, so that nobody can deceive you, exploit you, oppress

AND THE PRIESTS AND THE POLITICIANS survive only on your blood, they survive
only on exploitation. They are parasites: ALL the priests and ALL the politicians.


hundred percent guaranteed, and that is TO TEACH YOU NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF.
Because if a man cannot love himself, he cannot love anybody else either. The teaching is
very tricky. They say: Love others -- because they know if you cannot love yourself, you
cannot love at all. But they go on saying: Love others, love humanity, love God, love nature,
love your wife, your husband, your children, your parents -- but don't love yourself.
BECAUSE TO LOVE ONESELF is selfish according to them.

have made their teaching look very logical. They say: If you love yourself, you will become
an egoist; if you love yourself, you will become narcissistic. It is not true! A MAN WHO
without loving yourself, trying to love others, that the ego arises.

The missionaries, THE SOCIAL REFORMERS, the social servants, HAVE THE GREATEST
EGOS IN THE WORLD -- naturally. Because they think themselves to be superior human
beings. They are not ordinary -- ordinary people love themselves. They love others, they love
great ideals, they love God. AND ALL THEIR LOVE IS FALSE, because all their love is
without any roots.

A MAN WHO LOVES HIMSELF takes the first step towards real love.

IT IS LIKE THROWING A PEBBLE INTO A SILENT LAKE: the first circular ripples will
arise around the pebble, very close to the pebble, naturally -- where else they can arise? And
then they will go on spreading. To the farthest shore, they will reach. If you stop those ripples
arising close to the pebble, there will be no more ripples at all. Then you cannot hope to create
ripples reaching to the farthest shores; it is impossible.

And the priests and the politicians became aware of the phenomenon: STOP PEOPLE FROM
Now whatsoever they will think is love, will be only pseudo. It may be duty, but not love --
and "duty" is a four-letter dirty word. Parents are fulfilling their duties towards their children,
and then in return children will fulfill their duties towards their parents. The wife is dutiful
towards the husband, and the husband is dutiful towards his wife. Where is love?

The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha
Vol 5, Ch #5: Love knows nothing of duty
am in Buddha Hall
[part 1 of 9]



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:00pm

LOVE KNOWS NOTHING OF DUTY. Duty is a burden, a formality. Love is a joy, a

sharing. LOVE IS INFORMAL. The lover never feels that he has done enough, the lover
always feels that more is possible. The lover never feels that, "I have obliged the other." On
the contrary, he feels that, "Because my love has been received, I am obliged. The other has
obliged me by receiving my gift, by not rejecting it." The man of duty thinks that, "I am
higher, spiritual, extraordinary. Look how I serve people!"

WORLD, and most mischievous too. If we can get rid of the public servants, humanity will be
unburdened, will feel very light, will be able to dance again, sing again.

But for centuries your roots have been cut, poisoned. YOU HAVE BEEN MADE AFRAID
OF EVER BEING IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF, which is the first step of love and the first
experience. A man who loves himself, respects himself.

TOO -- because he knows, "Just as I am, so are others. Just as I enjoy love, respect, dignity;
so others enjoy." He becomes aware that we are not different -- as far as the fundamentals are
concerned, we are one. We are under the same law: aes dhammo sanantano.

Buddha says: WE LIVE UNDER THE SAME ETERNAL LAW. In the details, we may be a
little bit different from each other -- which brings variety, which is beautiful. But in the
foundations, we are part of one nature.

THE MAN WHO LOVES HIMSELF enjoys the love so much, becomes so blissful, that THE
you live love, you have to share it. You cannot go on loving yourself forever -- because one
thing will become absolutely clear to you: that if loving one person, yourself, is so
tremendously ecstatic and beautiful, how much more ecstasy is waiting for you if you start
sharing your love with many many people!

people, then you start loving animals, birds, trees, rocks. You can fill the whole universe with
LOVE, just as a single pebble can fill the whole lake with ripples -- a small pebble.

The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha
Vol 5, Ch #5: Love knows nothing of duty
am in Buddha Hall
[part 2 of 9]

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:30pm

Only a Buddha can say: LOVE YOURSELF. No priest, no politician, can agree with it --
because this is destroying their whole edifice, their whole structure of exploitation.

IF A MAN IS NOT ALLOWED TO LOVE HIMSELF, his spirit, his soul, becomes weaker
and weaker every day. His body may grow but he has no inner growth, because he has no
inner nourishment. He remains a body almost without a soul, or with only a potentiality, a
possibility, of a soul. The soul remains a seed, and it will remain a seed if you cannot find the
right soil of love for it. And you will not find it if you follow the stupid idea that: "Don't love


with ego. In fact, love is such a light that the darkness of the ego cannot exist in it at all. If you

TURN YOUR LIGHT TOWARDS YOURSELF FIRST, become a light unto yourself first.
Let the light dispel your inner darkness, your inner weakness. Let the love make you a
tremendous power, a spiritual force. AND ONCE YOUR SOUL IS POWERFUL, you know
you are not going to die -- you are immortal, you are eternal.

that transcends time. That's why lovers are not afraid of death: LOVE KNOWS NO DEATH.
A single moment of love is more than a whole eternity. But love has to begin from the very
beginning. Love has to start with this first step: LOVE YOURSELF.

DON'T CONDEMN YOURSELF. You have been condemned so much, and you have
accepted all that condemnation. Now you go on doing the harm to yourself. Nobody thinks
himself worthy enough, nobody thinks himself a beautiful creation of God; nobody thinks
himself that he is needed at all.

THESE ARE POISONOUS IDEAS, but you have been poisoned; you have been poisoned
with your mother's milk. And this has been your whole past. HUMANITY HAS LIVED
how can you grow? How you can ever become mature? And if you condemn yourself, how
can you worship existence? If you cannot worship existence in you, you will become
incapable of worshiping existence in others -- it will be impossible. You can become part of
the whole, only if you have great respect for the God that resides within you.

YOU ARE A HOST, GOD IS YOUR GUEST. By loving yourself you will know this: that
God has chosen you to be a vehicle. In choosing you to be a vehicle, he has already respected
made you not accidentally. He has made you with a certain destiny, with a certain potential,
with a certain glory that you have to attain. Yes, God has created man in his own image.

MAN HAS TO BECOME A GOD. Unless man becomes God, there is going to be no
fulfillment, no contentment. But how can you become a god? Your priests say that you are a
sinner. Your priests say that you are doomed, that you are bound to go to hell. And they make
you very much afraid of loving yourself.

people. The most cunning profession in the world is that of the priest; then he says: Love
others. Now it is going to be plastic, synthetic -- a pretension, a performance.

They say: Now love humanity, your mother country, your motherland, life, existence, God.
Big words, but utterly meaningless. Have you ever come across humanity? You always come
THAT YOU CAME ACROSS -- that is YOU! You have not respected yourself, not loved
yourself. Now your whole life will be wasted in condemning others.

The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha
Vol 5, Ch #5: Love knows nothing of duty
am in Buddha Hall
[part 3 of 9]



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:00pm

themselves -- how can they avoid finding the same faults in others? In fact, they will find
them and they will magnify them -- they will make them as big as possible. That seems to be
the only saving device; somehow, to save face, you have to do it. THAT'S WHY THERE IS

awakened person can give you such an insight.

He says: LOVE YOURSELF. This can become the foundation of a radical transformation.

DON'T BE AFRAID OF LOVING YOURSELF. Love totally, and you will be surprised: the
day you can get rid of all self-condemnation, self-disrespect, self-disrespect; the day you can
get rid of the idea of the original sin; the day you can think of yourself as worthy and loved by

God -- will be a day of great blessing. From that day onwards you will start seeing people in
their true light, and you will have compassion. And it will not be a compassion cultivated; it
will be a natural, spontaneous flow.


because meditation means being with yourself. If you hate yourself -- as you do, as you have
been told to do, and you have been following it religiously... IF YOU HATE YOURSELF,
how you can be with yourself? And meditation is nothing but enjoying your beautiful
aloneness, celebrating yourself. That's what meditation is all about.

MEDITATION IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. The other is not needed at all, one is enough unto
oneself. One is bathed in one's own glory, bathed in one's own light. One is simply joyous --
because one is alive, because one is.

The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha
Vol 5, Ch #5: Love knows nothing of duty
am in Buddha Hall
[part 4 of 9]

Take away all your possessions

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:30pm

Take away all your possessions. Take away all your education. Take away all your money.
What's left is all you are. Today, think about that. Every hour. What are you all about?

Osho - Hırs
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:30pm

Hırs bulaşıcıdır. Hırslı insanlardan uzak dur, yoksa ateşleri mutlaka sana bulaşır. Kendine ait
olmayan bir yönde hareket etmeye, daha önce aklından geçmeyen şeyleri yapmaya
başlayabilirsin. Üstelik sadece birisi ile arkadaş olduğun için. Belki de baban senin bir doktor
olmanı istedi, ve sen bir doktorsun. Sen onun yapmak istediğini gerçekleştirdin. O seni kendi
hırsını gerçekleştirmek için kullandı. Bu sevgi değil, sömürüdür. Hırsın kaynağında çılgınlık
yatar. Hırslarını anlamaya çalış. Dünyadaki herhangi biri olma çaban seni delirtecektir. Sadece
hiç kimse ol, o zaman hiçbir sorun kalmaz. Hırslarından vazgeç ve yaşamaya başla, çünkü
hırslı insan yaşayamaz, o her zaman erteler. Gerçek yaşamı her zaman yarın olacaktır ve yarın
asla gelmez. Hırslı insan agresif ve sert biridir. Ve agresif ve sert insan, delirmeye meyillidir.
Hırsları olmayan insan huzurlu, sevecen ve şefkatlidir. Hırslı insan her zaman acele eder, her
zaman telâşlıdır; orada olduğunu belirsizce hissettiğine doğru koşar, ama aradığını asla
bulamaz. Bu ufuk çizgisine benzer; gerçekte yoktur ama varmış gibi görünür. Hırsı olmayan
insan burada ve şimdi yaşar. Ve şimdi burada olmak akıllıca davranmaktır. Tamamen anın
içinde olmak akıllılıktır.


MAGDALI MİRİAM (görünmeyen

alemlerin öğretmeni ve imgeleme –hayal
gücü ile tezahür üstadı )
 Posted by ekin duman on November 18, 2009 at 12:09pm

MAGDALI MİRİAM (görünmeyen

alemlerin öğretmeni ve imgeleme –hayal gücü ile tezahür üstadı )
Ve gerçekten, biz onu tanıyoruz. Biz ona Myriam enerjisi diyoruz (Tobias bunu May-rii-am
olarak telaffuz eder), Myriam… evet, gerçekten….sizin bildiğiniz şekliyle Miriam (şimdi de
onun adını Miir-ii-am olarak telaffuz eder)….Magdalalı Miriam…..Magdanelalı Meri.
Biz onu Myriam enerjisiyle tanırız, İbrahim’in soyundan gelen bir sevgilidir.
O aynı zamanda Deborah olarak da bilinirdi, İsrail’in oniki kavminden birine rehberlik
etmişti, erkeklerin ve kadınların büyük, büyük bir lideriydi.
Myriam da Quan Yin enerjisini kucaklar ve onun yaşama geçmesine yardımcı olur.
Myriam, Yeshua ile birlikte yürüyen bir öğretmen, bir mürit, bir havariydi, önceleri
Yeshua’nın öğrencisi olarak ve çok şey öğrendi, ama sonra kendi gücüne kavuştu ve Yeshua
ile yan-yana durmak için kendi hakkına sahip çıktı….çünkü biliyorsunuz, dişil bir dengenin
olması gerekiyordu.
Özellikle de o zamanlar, Yeshua tüm enerjileri kendine tutamazdı. Böylece Myriam ona
katıldı. Oo, ötekiler, John, Paul, (duraklama)….Ringo ve George – oo, yanlış grup (Tobias’ın
şakayla Beatles grubuna değinmesi yoğun kahkahalara neden olur) – Peter ve tüm diğerleri.
Onlar onu kıskandılar, Yeshua’nın Myriam’a gösterdiği ilgiyi kıskandılar. Ama onlar onun
varlığının tüm nedenlerini de, tüm dengeyi de anladılar.
Kutsal yazılarda çok şey yanlış yorumlanmıştır. Onlar Yeshua’ya yakın olmak isterken, dişil

dengenin nedenini de gerçekten anladılar. Bildiğiniz gibi, kutsal yazılar yeniden yazılırken bu
– nasıl desek – sihir sanatını anlayan….görünmez olanın enerjileriyle nasıl başa çıkılacağını
bilen…Myriam’ı bir yere oturtmak zorundalardı ama çok şey çarpıtılmıştır.
Böylece onu karanlık olarak, cadı olarak, orospu olarak sunmak zorunda kaldılar. Hatta
Yeshua’nın, onun içinden yedi tane şeytan çıkardığı bile yazılıdır. Ve sevgili dostlar, bu
gerçekle en ilgisi olmayan şeydir. Yedi çakranın enerjilerini kaynaştırmada, bunları, bu Yedi
Mührü – bizim sizinle gerçekleştirdiğimiz gibi – gerisinde yatan Eski inançları ve enerjileri
salmak üzere açmada Yeshua onunla çalışmıştır, ve o da Yeshua ile.
Belki de bunlara şeytan diyebilirsiniz. Bunlar sadece yedi çakrada kapana kısılmış Eski inanç
Bunları açmak amacıyla Myriam ve Yeshua birlikte çalıştı….şeytanlar yoktu…bu sadece bir
ve sonra da yedi çakranın tek olduğu bir kaynaşma ve birleşmeydi.
*Ve bütünlenme tamamlandığında, enerjileri yayan tek bir çakra vardı, ve tek bir çakra
olduğunda, Myriam yapmak için geldiği çalışmaya gerçekten başlayabildi.
Quan Yin enerjisini de getiren Myriam, benim anayurduma yapacağımız ve çok
heyecanlandığım yolculukta da bize eşlik edecek. Anlatacak çok öykü var….Cauldre ve
Linda’yı götüreceğimiz çok yer var. Ve ben sevdiğim bazı yemekleri yiyeceğim. Ve Cauldre
hazımsızlık yüzünden biraz kaygılanıyor. Ama ben o zamanlar da hazımsızlık çekmiştim, ve
gerekirse yeniden çekerim (kahkahalar)! Ne keyif! Böylece Myriam, daha birçokları gibi, bize
o gezide eşlik edecek.
Ama Myriam şimdi geliyor. Biz ona – şimdi burada Cauldre ile konuşuyoruz – bu Şaud
boyunca ondan Meri Magdalena olarak söz edeceğiz, o enerjiyle daha tanışık olanlar anlasın
diye. Kilise onu kötü kişi ilan etmek zorundaydı. Ama komiktir, Myriam’ın, çarmıha
gerildikten sonra – fiziksel bedenin ölümünden sonra – Yeshua ile buluşup onunla konuştuğu,
paylaştığı gerçeğini bir biçimde değiştiremediler. Bu olayla ilgili çok şey yanlış anlaşılmıştır.
Biz bugün bunlardan bazılarına açıklık getirmek için burada bulunuyoruz.
Ama biz bu harika öğretmeni getirmek için buradayız. Bu yüzden hepinizin Meri Magdalena,
Myriam’ın enerjilerini solumanızı ve kucaklamanızı rica ediyoruz.
Evet, ve şu filmlerinizle şu anda insan bilincinde çok şey olup bitiyor! Bunda bir yanlışlık
olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? Oo gerçekten, en büyük ıstırabın filmi önünüze geldi, tüm
insanların gözü önüne geri geldi, “The Passion of Christ – Mesih’in Tutkusu” (şu anda
oynamakta olan bir filme göndermede bulunuyor), ıstırabı ve acıyı anlatıyor, filmin temelinde
insanlara soruluyor – sözlerle değil, enerjisel olarak – yaşamında ıstırabı seçmeye devam
ediyor musun?
Yeshua hepimiz adına sadece rolünü oynadı. Istırap çekmeyi ve zulümü, hedef göstermeyi,
ihbar etmeyi sürdürmeyi seçiyor musunuz? Yoksa bunları şimdi salıvermeyi mi istiyorsunuz?
Bazı insanlar bu filmi seyredecek ve dramın içine çekilecek, ıstırap çekmeyi sürdürmeleri
gerektiği hissine kapılacaktır. Bazıları da zamanın geldiğini….Yeshua’yı çarmıhtan indirme
zamanının geldiğini farkedecektir. Istırabı bitirmek zamanıdır. Hedef göstermeyi bırakmak
zamanıdır. Yolculuk için şefkat duymak zamanıdır.
Böylece, Myriam enerjileri bugün geliyor. Çarmıha gerildikten sonra Yeshua ile
buluştuğunda, orada bulunan tek kişiydi. Ve onlar buluştu, çünkü gerçekten candan, ve tatlı ve
sevgi dolu bir ilişkileri vardı. Hiçbir zaman evlenmediler. Myriam onun çocuğunu hiç
doğurmadı. Birbirlerine karşı muazzam bir saygı ve sevgiye sahiptiler, ama o zamanlar o
toplumda, – nasıl desek – evlilikle ya da çocukla birbirlerine bağlanmaları uygun değildi.
Ama sevgi derindi. Hayranlık karşılıklıydı.
Bir denge olmak zorundaydı. Kilisenin bunu yazıların dışında tutması, bunun sadece bir eril
enerji olmasını istemelerinden kaynaklanıyordu. Ama Myriam, Yeshua kadar önemliydi….bir
anlamda, o Yeshua için bir öğretmendi. Tapınaklardaki rahiplerden ve tasavvuf ehlinden

eğitim gördükten sonra,
Yeshua ondan çok şey öğrenmiştir, bugün üzerinde konuşacağımız bir şeyi, bugün
gerçekleştireceğimiz bir açılımı öğrenmiştir.
Yeshua, ölümünden sonra ona dokunmamasını istedi Myriam’dan, Myriam kusurlu
olduğundan ya da değerli olmadığından değil, sadece o anda Yeshua’nın enerjisi o kadar
yüksekti ki ve sevgileri o kadar güçlüydü ki, onun ruhsal biçimine dokunursa, Myriam’ın geri
gitmek isteyeceğinden, perdenin bu yanında onunla birlikte olmak için anında fiziksel
bedenini terk etmek isteyeceğinden korktu. Onun için de, ona dokunmaması için Myriam’a
Öğretmeyi sürdürmesi için, yazmaya devam etmesi için, dişil enerjiyi tutmaya devam etmesi
için ona yalvardı. O karşılaşmada, o toplantıda,
Yeshua ona, dişil enerjinin gelecek binlerce yıl içinde taciz ve saldırı konusu olacağını
söyledi, çünkü insanlık eril enerjide çok köklenmişti. Ve dişil enerji bunun olmasına izin
veriyordu, bastırılmasına izin veriyordu.
Böylece Yeshua, Myriam’dan enerjileri tutmasını…başkalarıyla paylaşmasını…ve onların da
bunu başkalarıyla paylaşmasını…ve onların da yine başkalarıyla paylaşmasını sağlamasını
Erille eşit bir dengeye geri gelmenin uygun olacağı zamana kadar, dişil enerjileri tutanlar
Bazılarınız gerçekten Myriam’la çalıştı, onun, dişil enerjileri hissetmenizi ve tutmanızı
sağladığı – sizin deyiminizle – seminerlerine, toplantılarına gittiniz.
Bazılarınız, burada bulunan az sayıda kişi, o zamandan beri bu enerjileri – bu dişil enerjileri –
tutanlar oldunuz, o kadar ki, o zamandan beri kendinize ait bir çocuk doğurmadınız. Enerjisel
varlığınızda çocuğa yer yoktu, çünkü geride kalan tüm insanlar için, doğru zaman gelene
kadar dişil bir enerjiyi tutuyordunuz.
Şimdi bunu bırakmak için, salıvermek için zaman uygundur. Şimdi zaman uygundur. Artık
bunu kendi omuzlarınızda taşımak zorunda değilsiniz, çünkü şimdi artık sizinle birlikte bunu
yayacak binlerce Shaumbra var. Dünyanın her yanında kendi ruhsal uyanışlarına hazır olan
milyonlarca insan var, onun için bunu salmak zamanıdır.
Myriam’ın enerjisi bugün bu salıvermeyi kolaylaştırmak için geliyor. Çoğunuz o zamandan
beri bu alanı tutan bilinçli kişiler, bu enerjinin destekçisi oldunuz. Artık bu ıstırabı çekmek
zorunda değilsiniz. Bunu da bırakmak zamanıdır.
Böylece Meri, çok ilginç bir açılım için bugün bize katılıyor.
O bir öğretmendi. O, imgeleme üstadıydı….imgeleme…
Yeshua’nın bile imgelemenin nasıl açılacağını, onun nasıl kullanılacağını anlamasına
yardımcı oldu.
Böylece o bugün tüm Shaumbra ile birlikte bir açılımdan geçmek üzere geliyor – eğer izin
verirseniz….bu size kalmış bir şeydir. Buna zorlanmıyorsunuz. Ama zamanı gelmiştir. Biz bu
yüzden geçen ay yaşamı seçmek hakkında konuşmak zorunda kaldık, çünkü siz yaşamı
seçmiyordunuz, ve siz bu imgeleme aramağanının dinamiğini açıyorsunuz.
Oo, bu olduğunu sandığınız imgeleme değildir. O zihinden gelen çok kısıtlı bir imgelemedir.
Bu ise “spiritüel” ya da “öz/can” hayal gücüdür. İçinizde açılmaya hazırdır.
Geçen ayki yaşamı seçmekle ilgili küçük konuşmamızı yapmak zorundaydık, çünkü eğer
yaşamı seçtiğinizden emin değildiyseniz ve bu imgelemeyi açmaya kalkışsaydınız, bazı çok
ilginç geri tepmeler yaşayabilirdiniz. Size geri tepebilir ve gerek fiziksel, gerekse zihinsel
acıya, zorluklara neden olabilirdi. Böylece o konuşmanın amacı sizin bu seçimi yapmanızdı
ki, bu düzeye ilerleyebilelim. Bu farklı bir imgeleme biçimidir.
Biz burada bilginin büyük bir bölümünü size enerjisel olarak aktarıyoruz. Bununla ilgili
birkaç Şaud boyunca konuşacağız. Onu açıklayacağız ki, zihniniz tatmin olsun. Ama biz de
sizinle birlikte bu açılımdan geçeceğiz.

Hayal gücü, fiziksel bedeninizin belirli bir yerinde değildir. Söz konusu olan Ruh ve bilinçtir.
Bu, bir zamanlar sahip olduğunuz, ama oldukça uzun bir zamandır çok kısıtlanmış ya da çok
kapatılmış olan doğal ve özgün bir armağanla ilgilidir. Şu anda bir karar vermeniz
gerekmiyor. O siz hazır olduğunuzda gelecektir.
Ama bu, “Yeni Enerji Hayal Gücü” armağanının açılması için kendinize izin vermekle
ilgilidir. Ve sonra akarak buraya gelen varlıklar – Myriam, Meri, koşucular, Kırmızı
Meclis’ten olanlar – yumuşak, çok yumuşak bir biçimde bunu açmanıza yardımcı olmak için
içeriye akacaklardır. O bir çiçek gibi, bir lotüs gibi, süreç içinde yavaş yavaş ve yumuşak
yumuşak açılacaktır. Ama açılacaktır.
Myriam, Yeshua ile yeniden dirildiğinde konuştuğunda, bunu imgelemesiyle
gerçekleştirdi….anlıyor musunuz. İnsanlar onu sonradan sorguya çektiler ve dediler ki,
“Yeshua’yı fiziksel gözlerinle gördün mü, görmedin mi?” Ve o dedi ki, “Gözlerimle
görmedim, çünkü onlar kapalıydı….ışık öylesine parlaktı ki. Ben Yeshua’yı kalbimle
gördüm.” Aslında gerçekte söylediği şey şuydu, “Ben Yeshua’yı hayalimde gördüm”.
Ve onlar ona dedi ki – havariler toplandığında – ona dediler ki, “Öğretmeni kulaklarınla
duydun mu?” Ve o dedi ki, “Kulaklarım çınlıyordu. Onlar titreşiyordu ve ses o kadar yüksek
ve o kadar güzeldi ki, sözlerini kulaklarımla duyamadım. Ama sözlerini hayalimde duydum.”
Ve onlar dedi ki, “Öğretmene dokundun mu?” Ve o dedi ki, “Hayır, dokunmamamı istedi.
Tıpkı fiziksel bedende olduğu günlerdeki gibi onunla olduğumu, onu sevdiğimi, onunla
paylaştığımı imgelememi istedi. Ama ona dokunmamamı istedi.”
Ve bazı müritler dedi ki, “O zaman sen, öğretmenin sana göründüğünü gerçekten görmedin.”
Ve o dedi ki, “Gerçekten gördüm, çünkü hayal gücü, çok daha mükemmeldir. O, gözlerimin
ve kulaklarımın, ve duyularımın hissedebileceğinden çok daha güçlüdür ve daha fazla
gerçeklik içerir.” Ve ona bundan sonra inandılar, çünkü o onlarla enerjisini, gerçeğini ve o
anki sevgisini paylaştı. Ve onlar anladı.
O imgeleme öğretmeni oldu, görünmeyen alemlerin öğretmeni oldu. Birçoğunuzla bu
yaşamda çalışmaktadır, görünmeyene gitmenize, hayal gücünüzü kullanmanıza yardımcı
Ama şimdi farklı bir noktaya geliyoruz, gerçekten burada farklı bir düzeyin açılmasına.
Cauldre Ben, Tobias ile bağlantı kurduğunda – ve sizinle böyle konuştuğumuzda – bu onun
zihni vasıtasıyla olmuyor. Zihin şu anda sadece bizim enerjilerimizi tercüme etmekle
meşgul…..çok meşgul. Bu ille de sizin kalp diyeceğiniz şeyle de gerçekleşmiyor. Bu,
imgeleme/hayal gücü denen şeyle gerçekleşiyor.
Cauldre hayal gücünü kullanıyor. Bu bağlantıyı kurabilmesi için onunla hayal gücünde
çalışıyoruz. İmgeleme yoluyla ona çok şey aktarabiliyoruz. Bu enerjinin akmasını sağlamak
için Cauldre’nin kendini açması, ve kendine yeterince güvenmesi gerekiyor.
Biz onunla, ve bazılarınızla terminolojiyi tartıştık. İmgeleme, hayal gücüyle ilgili – nasıl
desek – bazı kalıplaşmış ön yargıların olduğunu biliyoruz. Siz ona güvenmiyorsunuz, değil
mi? Ona güvenmemeyi öğrendiniz. Sizin, “Oo, bu sadece senin hayal gücün” dediğinizi
Ama biz buna imgeleme/hayal gücü demeye devam etmeyi seçiyoruz. Bu farklıdır. Bu
Yeni’dir. Bu, “gerçeğe gel”in görüntüsüdür. Bu sizde bir şey çağrıştırıyor mu….Tanrı
suretinde yaratıldığınız kutsal kitaplarınızda yazılıdır. Onu imgeleyin! Tanrı olan sizin, bu
Dünya denen yeri imgelediğini ve sonra da onu tezahür ettirdiğini, insan bedeni denen bir şeyi
imgelediğini, ve onu tezahür ettirdiğini imgeleyin. Bunların tümü imgeleme sonucunda ortaya
Böylece şimdi Tanrısal İnsanlar – topraklanmış Tanrısal İnsanlar – olduğunuza göre, hayal
gücünü yeni düzeylere ve alemlere açabiliriz.
Buna şu biçimde bakın. Bir oyuncu düşünün, erkek ya da kadın, Cauldre açıklamamızı istedi
– içinden seçebileceği birçok senaryoya sahip olan bir oyuncu. Farklı senaryoların hepsini

okuyor. Ve bunları okurken, hissediyor. Bunları sahnede oynamanın nasıl bir şey olacağını
imgeliyor. Onlarca ve onlarca senaryo var, ve oynamayı seçeceği bir tanesini bulmaya
Sonunda bir seçim yapıyor. Sahneye çıkıyor ve oynamaya başlıyor. Senaryolardan birini,
potansiyellerden birini oynamaya başlıyor. Ama bakın…sahne üstünde durmuş oynarken,
sadece özü, ana hatlarını oynuyor, ayrıntıları değil. Bir yandan rolünü oynarken, bir yandan da
doğaçlamada bulunuyor. Oyunun, senaryonun özünü anımsamıştır.
Ama aynı zamanda tüm enerjilerinin akmasına da izin veriyordur. İmgelenmiş enerjilerin ve
yaratıcı enerjilerin kendi yaşamlarına sahip olmasına izin veriyordur. Yoksa oyun, rol yapma
biçimi çok kasılmış, çok kısıtlı olurdu. Hiçbir sevinci, neşeyi içermezdi. Böylece o, bir
senaryonun sadece özünü alıp, sahnede akmasına izin veriyordur. İmgelemeniz işte böyledir.
Bu andan sonra yaşamınızda, içinden seçeceğiniz çok, çok potansiyellere, çok senaryolara
sahipsiniz. Senaryoların her birini siz yazdınız. Gerçi bizim taraftan yardım aldınız ama onlar
sizin yaratılarınızdır. Sonrası size kalmıştır, yani hangisini oynamak istediğiniz, fiziksel
realitenizde hangisinin yaşama geçmesini istediğiniz. Böylece siz tüm potansiyelleri
İmgeleme, bir rüya hali gibidir. Hisler…renkler…tepkiler….sonuçlar…yönler….her bir
potansiyelin içinde daha da fazla potansiyel vardır. İçinden seçebileceğiniz tüm bu
potansiyellere sahipsiniz. Onlar hayal gücünün içinde vardırlar. Kendiniz için ne imgelemek
isterdiniz? Yaşamınıza hangi senaryoyu sokmak istersiniz?
Belki de size zenginlikler sağlayacak, ün ve servet sağlayacak bir senaryoyu yaşamınıza
sokmaktan suçluluk duyuyorsunuz. Belki de buna değer olmadığınızı düşünüyorsunuz, ve
başka bir tanesini seçiyorsunuz. Ama burada işin içinde olan sizin hayal gücünüzdür. Ve sonra
da onu yaşamınıza getirir ve tezahür ettirirsiniz. Onu oynarsınız.
Hayal gücü, insan şartlarında kapatılmış olan, birçoğunuzun içinde kapatılmış olan bu yaratıcı
alandır. Size mantıklı olmak öğretildi, imgelemenin, yaşamını hayal kurarak geçirenler için
olduğu öğretildi, yaşamı yaşayan, gerçekleştirenler için değil. Oysa tam tersi geçerlidir.
Bu yüzden Myriam bugün geliyor, imgelemenin büyük potansiyelini sizinle enerjisel olarak
paylaşmak için.
Hayal gücü, kalple zihin arasındaki bir yerde yer alır. Kalple zihin arasındaki bir yerde,
yaratıcı alan….potansiyelleri araştırabileceğiniz o alan….potansiyelleri hayal
edebileceğiniz…ve sonra da yaşamınıza getirebileceğiniz o alan yer alır. Bu yaşamınızda
Dünya’ya geldiğinizden beri çoğunuz hayal kurdunuz. Hatta bunun için azarlandınız,
cezalandırıldınız da.
Hayal kurmak, imgelemenin bir bölümüdür. Hayal kurmak, imgelemenin bir bölümüdür.
Hayal kurmak, imgelemenin tüm potansiyellerini içermez. Onun sadece bir yanını oluşturur.
İmgeleme çok gerçektir…çok, çok gerçektir.
Bazen hayal edilen alemlere ve eterik alemlere gidersiniz. Orada bir oyunu sahnelersiniz, ama
onu Dünya’ya geri getirmezsiniz. Şimdi olan şudur, biz sizinle bu geçitlerin, bu enerji akışı
otoyollarının açılması üzerinde ve şeyleri bu realiteye şimdi getirebileceğinizi farketmeniz
üzerinde çalışıyoruz. Onları imgeleyebilir, sonra da yaşamınıza getirebilirsiniz. Bakın….siz
şimdi yaşamı seçenlersiniz, onun için de şeyleri yaşamınıza getirebilirsiniz. Ve onları, sadece
nefes alarak yaşamınıza sokabilirsiniz.
Buradaki imgeleme, sevgili dostlar, zihnin kontrol edilmesi değildir. Zihin kontrolünün anti-
tezidir. Hayal gücünün iş görebilmesi için, zihnin yoldan çekilmesi gerekir.
İmgeleme, gözünde canlandırmak değildir. Gözünde canlandırmak, bildiğiniz gibi, zihnin bir
fonksiyonudur. Birçoğunuz zihni kontrol etme ve gözünde canlandırma seminerlerine gittiniz.
Bunlar o zaman için iyiydi, ama bunların ötesine geçmek zamanıdır.
Gözünde canlandırmak, sevgili dostlar….yaşamınızda bir şeyin olmasını istediğinizde size
kullanın, onu gözünüzde canlandırın denilen şeydir. Kapınızın önünde o büyük kırmızı spor

arabayı gözünüzde canlandırın. Bu, zihnin fonksiyonuydu. Uzun, uzun, uzun bir süre içinde
bir kez işe yarardı. Ama çoğu zaman hayal kırıklığına uğrayıp sinirlerinizin bozulmasına,
sizdeki yanlışın ne olduğunu merak etmenize neden olurdu.
Gözünde canlandırmak, bir anlamda size o zamanlar yardımcı oldu, ama onu önermememizin
nedeni, kısıtlı olmasındandır. Yaşama sahip olmak varken, bolluğa, ve sevgiye ve tüm şu diğer
şeylere sahip olmak varken, kendinizi neden kapı önündeki kırmızı bir spor arabayla
kısıtlayasınız ki? Kendinizi neden kısıtlayasınız?
İmgeleme, zihin kontrolü değildir. Eğer zihninizde olduğunuzu farkederseniz, derin bir nefes
alın ve oradan çıkın. Biz kalple zihin arasında bir yerde, yepyeni bir merkez açıyoruz. Biz
coğrafi bir yerden söz etmiyoruz. Biz bilinç düzeyinde bir yerden söz ediyoruz. Bu, yaratıyla
ilgilidir. Potansiyelleri yaşama geçirmekle ilgilidir.
Bu, zorlamanız gereken bir şey değildir. Onunla mücadele etmek zorunda değilsiniz. Sadece
uçup gitmenize….açılmanıza…özgürlüğe sahip olmanıza izin verirsiniz.
Potansiyeli şu anda araştırın. Onun nasıl bir şey olduğunu hissedebilmeniz için birlikte bir
yolculuk yapalım. Bir yolculuk yapalım, basit bir yolculuk. Myriam, Yeshua, Ben, Tobias ve
sizler….sahilde yürüyoruz….geziniyoruz…biz kaftanlarımızın içinde….siz, o komik
mayolarınızın içinde (kahkahalar)….bir sahilde geziniyoruz….suyu…havayı…gevşemeyi
hissediyoruz…hepimizin birbirine duymuş olduğu sevgiyi….birlikte yaşamış olduğumuz
gülmeleri ve sevinçleri hissediyoruz.
Bakın…bu sizin hayal gücünüzdür. Kendinize güvenmeye başladıkça, renkler, belki de
fiziksel gözlerinizle şimdiye kadar hiç görmediğiniz renkler daha parlak ve yoğun olmaya
başlayacaktır. Başka şeyler algılamaya başlıyorsunuz. Bu pek şeffaf (transparan)
olmayacaktır. Derinlik kazanmaya başlayacaktır.
Bu hayal gücüdür, ama gerçektir. Myriam’ın müritlere öğrettiği gibi, bu, insan realitesinden
daha gerçektir. Toplumunuz size hayal gücünü dışlamanızı, ona kulak asmamanızı öğretiyor.
Ona hakkı olan yeri vermek zamanıdır.
Kendinizi açıp da bu merkezin de açılmasına izin verdiğinizde, daha tanımlanmış, daha
ayrıntılı, daha anlaşılır bir hale gelecektir. Yehua’nın size söylediği sözleri duymaya
başlayacaksınız. Sırtınızın ağrıyan yerinde Myriam’ın elinin dokunuşunu….ferahlamayı
Bu gerçek midir Shaumbra? Bunu birlikte gerçekleştirebiliyor olmamız gerçek midir? Eğer
olmasına izin verirseniz!
Burada bir an için hayal gücünüzü kullanalım. Kendinizi şu anda, bedeninizin kendini
yeniden dengeleyebileceği…kendini yenileyebileceği…ve ihtiyacı olmayan toksinleri
saldığı….dokulardan bazılarının içinde süregelen mücadeleyi saldığı….yaşlanma süreci denen
şeyi saldığı – imgeleyin bunu! – yaşlanma sürecinin yavaşladığı….gençlik ve canlılığı geri
getirebildiğiniz Şimdi anına koyun.
Her an sağlıklı hissettiğinizi imgeleyin. Bedeninizin size konuştuğunu, ne tür yiyecekler
istediğini söylediğini imgeleyin – bir gün belki düşük karbonhidratlı yiyecekler isteyecek…
ertesi gün yağlı yiyecekler istediğini söyleyecek….daha ertesi gün kurabiyeden başka bir şey
istemediğini söyleyecektir. (bazı gülüşmeler) Bedeninize konuştuğunuzu imgeleyin, onu
dinlediğinizi, canlılıkla onu yeniden dengeye ve sağlığa kavuşturabileceğiniz bir ilişki
kurduğunuzu imgeleyin.
Bakın…hayal gücü denen bu yer….onu zorlamak zorunda değilsiniz. Mücadele etmek
zorunda değilsiniz. O sadece vardır.
Şimdi bu sağlıklı – her yönden dengeli biçimde sağlıklı – beden imgelemesini dış alemlerden,
eterik alemlerden alıp, onu bu realiteye soluyalım. Tam buraya…hemen şu
anda….topraklayın onu. Kabul edin. Sahip çıkın. Ve yaşayın. Bu, bu kadar basittir….burada
bir hokus pokus….bir sihirbazlık söz konusu değil. İmgeleyin, nefes alın ve
yaşayın….görüyor musunuz.

Bedeninizle tüm o ayrıntılardan geçmek zorunda değilsiniz. O ne yapacağını bilir. O,
imgelediğiniz ve soluduğunuz özdü. Bir potansiyeldi…bakın…onun hemen yanıbaşında
yıkılmış bir bedenin potansiyelleri yatar….hasta ya da kötürüm bir beden
potansiyelleri….bedensiz olma potansiyelleri. Ama biz sizi potansiyele odaklandırdık.
Sağlıklı, dengeli bir beden potansiyelini imgeleyin. Onu seçin….onu nefesinizle içinize alın…
ve yaşam verin. Ayrıntılardan geçmek zorunda değilsiniz. Bu enerjide soluduğunuz zaman
neyin olup bittiğini bilmek için doktor, bilim adamı, ya da doktora sahibi olmak zorunda
değilsiniz. Beden ne yapacağını bilir. Bu sadece yine kontrolü eline almak isteyen zihninizdir.
Yüreğiniz ne yapacağını bilir. Ruhunuz ne yapacağını bilir.
Şimdi, biz bu imgeleme denen basit, basit şeyden söz ediyoruz. Ama o çok, çok gerçektir. Ve
siz onunla oynamaya başlayabilirsiniz. Onu yaşamınızda kullanmaya başlayın. Senaryo yazarı
sizsiniz. Neyi seçiyorsunuz? Nasıl yaşamayı seçiyorsunuz? Ne imgelemeyi seçiyorsunuz?
Tekrarlıyoruz, ayrıntılarla ilgili endişelenmenize gerek yoktur. Bolluk mu seçiyorsunuz?
Bolluk içinde yaşadığınızı….bolluk içinde yaşadığınızı imgeleyin…her ikisini de seçin –
yaşamayı ve bolluğu. Ayrıntıları imgelemek zorunda değilsiniz. Banka hesabınızda ne kadar
para olduğunu imgelemek zorunda değilsiniz. Sadece hissedin.
Biz şimdi sizinle konuşurken, bir an için hissedin. Yaşamınızda bolluğa sahip olmanın nasıl
bir şey olduğunu hissedin. İyi geliyor değil mi? Biraz da suçluluk duygusu var mı? “Ay fazla
bolluk….buna sahip olan çok insan yok!” Şu anda onlar için tasalanmayın. Buna sonra
Bolluğu kendinize verin. Öğretmek çalışmasını gerçekleştirebilmek için ona ihtiyacınız
olacak. Kendinize o bolluk armağanını verin. Bir daha asla faturaları ödemekle ilgili
kaygılarınız olmayacağı bir yaşam imgeleyin. Evet….ihtiyacınız olan yiyeceğin…ve
ihtiyacınız olan araçların sizin için orada olduğu bir yaşam imgeleyin. İmgeleyin bunu!
Siz, İmgeleyenlersiniz. Siz, Yaratanlarsınız. Eğer seçiminiz buysa, O realiteyi şimdi
yaşamınıza soluyun ve topraklayın. Onu soluyun. Ona yaşam verin. Bolluğa yaşam verin –
KENDİ yaşamınızda. Ayrıntılarla ilgili tasalanmayın. Herşey size gelecektir.
Bununla ilgili, bugün kulakların duyduğu ve gözlerin gördüğünden başka, daha çok şey vardır
sevgili dostlar. Bu, yeni bir biçimde yaşamakla ilgilidir. Bu, yaratıcı imgelemeyle ilgilidir. Bu,
yaşamı kucaklamakla ve sonra da nasıl yaşamak istediğinizi seçmekle ilgilidir.
Bakın…siz şimdi enerjilerinizi genişletiyorsunuz. Yeniden hissetmek için kendinize izin
veriyorsunuz, imgeleme denen şu şeyi açıyorsunuz. Bu, Yeni araçlardan biridir. Çok Yeni’dir.
Bazılarınız….burada bulunan bazıları, “Aa, ben bunu daha önce yaptım” diyor. Burada Yeni
bir program söz konusu – biz ona imgeleme diye bir ad verdik – ama o Yeni ve farklıdır. Biz
birkaç Şaud boyunca sizinle bunun üstünden geçeceğiz….ama şu anda sadece temel şeyler.
Bu imgeleme düzeyine açıldığınızda, bazılarınız başlangıçta kuşku duyacaktır. “Oo, bu sadece
benim hayal gücüm” diyeceksiniz. Oysa “bu benim hayal gücümDÜR” deyin. Ve o
gerçekleşecektir. O gerçekleşecektir. Siz Yaratansınız. Özü imgeleyin, sonra da yaşamınıza
Bu imgeleme enerjilerine buradaki insan realitenizde izin verirken, bazılarınız biraz
kaybolmuş ya da normalden daha dengesiz hissedebilir. Bazılarınız zaman zaman biraz
şaşkın, sersem gibi hissedebilir, çünkü siz gerçekten enerji dinamiklerinizi değiştiriyor
olacaksınız. Bu olacak olursa, derin bir nefes alın. Kendinizi topraklayın. Ama kendinizi
kapatmayın. Bu, kendini kapatmakla ilgili değildir. Bu, topraklamakla ilgilidir. Aynı anda hem
kendinizi açabilir, hem enerjinizi genişletebilir, hem de topraklanabilirsiniz.
Çoğunuz, kontrolü ele geçirmek isteyen, ayrıntıları bilmek isteyen zihin sorunuyla anında
karşılacaksınız. Zihninize, bir süre tatil yapmasını söyleyin. O sadece sizi korumaya
çalışıyordur….size yardım etmeye….kendinizle ilgili olumsuz yargılarda bulunmamanızı
sağlamaya çalışıyordur. Ona şimdi görevlerinden kurtulduğunu söyleyin. Başka şeylere
odaklanmalıdır – mantığa ve bilginin depolanmasına. O size hizmet etmelidir, sizi

yönlendirmek ya da çalıştırmak değil.
Zihninize yoldan çekilmesini söyleyin. Siz, imgeleme denen bu şeyle oynamaya
başlayacaksınız. Yaşamınızda tezahür etmesi için onu nasıl getireceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Onu
nasıl kullanacağınızı öğreneceksiniz. Onunla nasıl büyüyeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Zihninizin
kontrol etmeye ihtiyacı yoktur. Hayal gücünü nefesinizle içinize çektiğinizde – hayal etmeyi
seçtiğiniz her neyse – çok güçlüdür!
Ama ona kendi yaşamını da vermelisiniz. Onu kontrol etmek isteme, ve tam olarak ne
yapmasını ve nasıl büyüyeceğini söylemek isteme eğiliminde olacaksınız. Siz bir süre
izleyenler olacaksınız, bir anlamda onun yaşamınıza girişini ve nasıl kendi yaşamını
üstlendiğini izleyenler olacaksınız. Bu, senaryonun özü elinde, sahneye çıkan….ama sonra
özgürce akan…’la akan…doğaçlamada bulunan…. ve hatta senaryoyu zaman zaman
değiştiren ve başka bir hale sokan bir oyuncu gibidir.
Hayal gücünü nefesinizle içinize çekin – ne hayal etmeyi seçerseniz – ve sonra da ona kendi
yaşamını verin. Bırakın kendi yönüne sahip olsun. İzleyin. Olan biteni gözlemleyin. Tüm
çevrenizde ve kendi içinizde olan biteni gözlemleyin. Herhangi bir noktada uygun olanın bu
olmadığına, ya da yaşamınıza soktuğunuz bu imgelemden sıkıldığınıza karar verirseniz,
sadece bırakın gitsin. Onu realiteden çıkartın. Onu siz yarattınız. Realitenizden de
çıkartabilirsiniz. Ama yaşamınızda rol almaya başladığında onu kontrol etmeyin.
Bunu başkalarıyla paylaşmayın Shaumbra. Bu şimdilik kendiniz içindir. Onun başkalarını
nasıl etkilediğini anlamanız için sizinle sonradan çalışacağız.
Hava durumunu değiştirmeye çalışmayın….ama hava koşullarına kendinizi uydurduğunuzu
imgeleyin. Hava durumu, bir nedenden ötürü vardır. Başkalarına da hizmet eder, sadece size
değil. Olduğunuz yerdeki hava durumundan hoşnut değilseniz, kendinizi hava koşullarıyla
daha rahat hissedeceğiniz başka bir yerde imgeleyin….anlıyor musunuz.
Hayal gücü, diğer insanları değiştirmekle ilgili değildir. Bu şimdilik sizin içindir.
Onu zorlamayın. Onunla mücadele etmeyin. Eğer böyle yaptığınızı farkederseniz, bir süre
uzaklaşın. Sonradan ona geri gelin. Şu anda ona kısıtlamalar getirmeyin ve sonuçla ilgili bir
beklentiniz olmasın – kısıtlama yok ve beklenti yok. Bir süre, imgelemekle bir şeyi nasıl
gerçekleştirebildiğinizi ve yaşamınıza nasıl geçirdiğinizi izleyeceksiniz.
Evet, gerçekten, Myriam size yardımcı olacaktır, sizinle çalışacaktır. O, yaratıcı imgelemenin
üstadı ve öğretmenidir. Onun nasıl iş gördüğünü bilir. O, imgelemenin, içinde olduğunuz
realiteyi bile nasıl dönüştürdüğünü bilir.
Bu hayal gücü sizin yeni boyutlara yükselmenize de izin verecektir. Evet, gerçekten, her iki
biçimde de iş görür – şeyleri yaşamınıza getirirsiniz, ama şimdi başka boyutlara da gitmeye
başlayabilirsiniz. Bunu gerçekleştirdiğinizde, topraklanmayı asla unutmayın. Bedeninizi asla
geride bırakmayın. Astral yansımayı gerçekleştirmeye çalışmayın. Siz bir mermi değilsiniz.
(bazı gülüşmeler) Bu, insan bedeni içinde tümüyle topraklanmış halde Şimdi anında olmak ve
bir yandan da enerjilerinizi genişletip başka boyutlara açılmakla ilgilidir.
Bir an için bize hayal gücü enerjileriyle katılın – evet, bu arada bunu doğru yapıyorsunuz. Bir
sonraki – sizin deyiminizle – boyuta geçelim….ama biz bu adı (boyut) sevmiyoruz. Burada
bir an için dördüncüye gidelim. Bazılarınız şimdiden bunun çok ötesindedir ama, Dünya
enerjinize en yakın olan dördüncüye gidelim.
O ilginç bir – sizin deyiminizle – boyuttur. Biz ona enerji bölgesi deriz. Orası bedensiz
varlıkların, fiziksel bedeni terk etmiş olup da daha tümüyle bizim tarafa geçmemiş, dünyaya
bağlı ruhların takılma eğilimi gösterdiği yerdir. Onlar bu boyuta takılırlar. Burası
birçoğunuzun – nasıl desek – kaçmak için hayalinizde gittiğiniz yerdir. Bu, Dünya enerjilerini
çok bilen bir enerjidir, ancak fiziksel bir biçime sahip değildir.
Bu, sizinle oldukça sık buluştuğumuz bir enerjidir. Çoğu kez çok yakına gelmek bizim için
çok zordur, bu yüzden de sizinle dördüncüde buluşuruz. Bununla ilgili bir şarkı yazmalıyız
(bazı gülüşmeler) – “Dördüncüde Buluşalım”.

Bir an için hissedin. Burada hayal gücünüzün özgürlüğüne izin verin, lütfen. Hayal gücünüze
özgürlüğünü verin. Bir süre bırakın uçup gitsin. Biz sizin yanınızdayız. Korkulacak hiçbir şey
yok. Bırakın bir an için uçup gitsin. O harika bir enerjidir.
Evet, gerçekten de, arada bir, burada oldukça şeytani enerjilerle karşılaşırsınız, ama onlar size
hiçbir şey yapamazlar. Aslında hiçbir zaman da yapamadılar.
Ama imgeleyin…evet, sadece imgelemek için kendinize yeterince güvenebilir misiniz?
Buradan, diğer boyutların çoğuna gidebilirsiniz. Ve tekrarlıyoruz, lütfen şu boyutlara sayısal
ya da doğrusal bir sırada bakmayın. Bunu yaparsanız boyutlar-arası yolculukta sıkışıp
kalırsınız. Boyutlar birbirini keser ve üstüste biner. Bir hiyerarşi yoktur. Onlar sadece enerjisel
farklılıklara, aralarında çok alışılmadık farklara sahiptir. Hayal gücüyle oraya uçup
Şimdi, bunu neden yapmak isteyesiniz Shaumbra? Nedenlerden biri, perde denen şu şeyin
salıverilmesine yardımcı olmak içindir. İki tarafa da yolculuk etmeye başladığınızda –
boyutlar-arası içeri ve dışarı – bu, perdenin salıverilmesini sağlayacaktır. Bu – nasıl desek –
hayal gücünüzün bilenmesinde size yardımcı olur. Bazen oynamak için hayal gücünüzle bu
diğer boyutlara çıkıp gelmek daha kolaydır. Ve aynı zamanda, sürekli olarak birlikte
çalıştığınız varlıklardan bazılarıyla da burada karşılaşırsınız. Ve bakın…burada zihninizden
çıkmak….ve kendinizi açmak….kendinizi özgür kılmak…hayal gücünüze kanatlar takmak
kolaylaşacaktır. Yani, burada oynamak uygundur.
Biz size şu anda, daha önce yolculuk ettiğiniz ve maceralara atıldığınız alanların dışına
çıkacağınız zaman, size eşlik etmesi için Myriam enerjilerini çağırmanızı öneriyoruz.
Bakın bu…seçtiğiniz şeyi sonradan yaşamınıza – KENDİ YAŞAMINIZA – geri getirmekle de
ilgilidir. Siz de Tanrı’sınız. Siz, Tanrı suretinde yaratıldınız. Siz, imgeleyebilen, ve tezahür
ettirebilen ve bunu maddeye getirebilen bir Tanrı’sınız.
Böylece sevgili dostlar, eğer seçiminiz bu yöndeyse, bir an durup, hayal gücü denen ve
yaşamı seçmek konusunu konuşmadan gündeme getiremediğimiz güçlü bir araç olan bu Yeni
Enerji alanının açılmasına izin verelim. Biz birlikte bazı yeni yerlere gideceğiz, Dünya
üzerinde yeni bir yaşama biçimi edineceğiz.
Metatron şu anda içeriye dalıyor ve soruyor, “Bu Yeni yerlere bizimle birlikte gitmeye hazır
mısınız? En çılgın hayallerinizin ötesine geçmeye hazır mısınız Shaumbra?”
Böylece biz hayalinizde hepinize konuşmak üzere geleceğiz, gerçekten. “Bu sadece hayal
gücümdü” diyerek bizden ya da kendinizden kuşkulanmayın. Biz geleceğiz. Size konuşacağız.
Cauldre bizimle bu yoldan konuşuyor – hayal gücüyle. Biz sizinle konuşacağız.
Eğer zihniniz araya girerse, derin bir nefes alın. Onu eski görevlerinden ve sarayı korumaktan
kurtarın. Bu Eski Enerji’ydi. Siz şimdi güvenli bir alandasınız. Biz gelip size konuşacağız.
Eğer isterseniz, birlikte yolculuk da yapacağız. Hayal gücünüzün uçmasına izin verin.
Hayal gücü ile hayalperestlik arasındaki fark nedir? Fazla bir fark yoktur! (kahkahalar) Hiç de
fazla bir fark yoktur! Hayalperest dediğiniz insanlar, yüksek bir hayal gücüne sahiptir. Bu,
uygun olanı, uyanı, seçtiğiniz şeyi yaşamınıza geri getirmekle ilgilidir…. anlıyor musunuz.
Böylece, keşfe çıkıp da bu hayal alemlerine geldiğinizde, derin bir nefes alın ve kendinize
sorun, şu anda yaşamınız için uygun olan nedir. Size uygun olan nedir? Neyi geri getirmeyi
seçiyorsunuz? Nasıl yaşamayı seçiyorsunuz? Yaşamı nasıl kucaklamayı seçiyorsunuz? İşte bu
yüzden geçen ay bunlardan söz etmek zorunda kaldık. Ne tür bir denge istiyorsunuz? Ne tür
bir öğretmen olacaksınız? Ve bugün ne öğreteceksiniz? Hayal gücüyle hayalperestlik
arasındaki fark budur – sizin için ne kadar uygun olduğudur.
Gerçekten de, birçok parçaya bölünmüş olanlar, sadece büyük hayalcilerdir. Onlar
kendileriyle harika bir oyun oynuyorlar. Kendi yaşamlarıyla ilgili, varsayılan gerçekliğe
uymayan hayal ürünü öyküler yaratanlar – sizin hayalperest dedikleriniz – onlar gerçekten
sadece hayal kuruyorlar.
Ama onlar dengesiz bir bakış açısından hayal kuruyorlar. Sıradan hayatlarına tahammül

edemiyorlar, onun için de hayal alemlerine gidiyorlar. Ve orada yaşıyorlar. Ama yaptıkları şey,
gerçekte kim olduklarını reddetmekti. Çok fazla şeyi halının altına süpürdüler, çok fazla şeyi
kendilerinden sakladılar.
Bu yüzden toplantının başında “Kendinizin her bir parçasını açın ve bırakın rüzgar esip
geçsin” dedik….anlıyor musunuz. Bırakın güneş ışığı girsin ve rüzgar esip geçsin – bu da
yazmak istediğimiz başka bir şarkıdır. (kahkahalar)
Hayal gücüyle hayalperestlik arasındaki fark budur.
Bakın…kendinize yeterince güvenmek zamanıdır….kendinizle ilgili herşeye güvenmek
zamanıdır. Hayal gücünüzü bir kenara koydunuz, çünkü kendi yaratıcılığınızdan korktunuz.
En büyük korku ve en büyük armağan, hayal gücü denen bu şeydir.
Geçmiş zamanlarda onunla neler yapılabileceğini gördünüz. Ama o zamandan beri çok şey
öğrendiniz. Onu açmak zamanıdır. Hayal gücünü Yeni bir alandan…Yeni bir
Enerjide….güvenli bir enerjide…ve yaşamı kucaklayan bir enerjide açmak zamanıdır.
Sizi o kadar candan seviyoruz ki, ve sizinle hergün hayal gücünde çalışacağız. Orada bize
katılın, ve yalnız olmayacaksınız.
Ve öyledir!

Şaud 8: İmgeleme/Hayal Gücü

Yeni Enerji Dizisi, 03/06/2004 06:57 am
Yeni Enerji Dizisi – 06 Mart 2004
Crimson Circle’de (Kırmızı Çemberde) sunulmuştur

"The Power Of Scent"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 4:00pm

"The Power Of Scent"

Essential oils are the concentrated extracts of herbs, flowers, fruits and trees. And they´re
brilliant. They have a myriad of uses, are easy to obtain and simple to work with. I have been
using oils for about 6 years now, and am still exploring them.

Healing with Oils

This is what most people think of when essential oils are mentioned - Aromatherapy. Oils can
be used for healing purposes in just the same way that herbs can. The most common ways of
using oils for healing are:
* Putting them in a bath (for example, a synergistic blend of rose, ginger and bergamot oils
can be used in a warm bath to help ease pelvic pain)
* Using them for massage (e.g. eucalyptus, peppermint and ginger oils diluted in a carrier oil
make an excellent massage for sore muscles after exercise)
* Using them in a burner (e.g. burning eucalyptus is excellent for clearing blocked noses)
* Applying them directly to the skin: only certain oils can be used this way (most must be
diluted in a carrier oil), for example lavender is brilliant for healing small cuts or burns, neat
tea tree is an excellent spot remedy.
Healing uses of individual oils are well covered in many books, I would particularly
recommend "The Fragrant Pharmacy" by Valerie Ann Worwood - this is the first book I got on
aromatherapy, and it is still the best, packed with information on using essential oils for
healing, beauty and around the home.

Magical Uses of Oils

Oils can of course be used in magical workings, again in a similar way to herbs. Essential oils
are often easier to come by and last longer than dried herbs. For instance, if I was making a
protection charm and wanted to use sage, but didn´t have any sage to hand, I could use sage
oil instead.
Anointing oneself with magical oils is a common practice, for example, to help attune with a
particular deity you may choose a blend of oils corresponding to that deity or his/her
associations. Scott Cunningham´s book "The complete book of Oils, Incenses and Brews" has
a good section of magical oil recipes and lists of magical correspondences etc. Magical oils
are often sold ready-blended from occult shops, but it is simple and easy to make and
empower your own and I find my own blends more effective.
Oils can also be used in rituals instead of incense, ideal if you have a sensitive smoke alarm or
an asthmatic housemate. Whilst burning oils doesn´t give the same smoky charm as good
incense does, I feel it is an excellent substitution for when I don´t what my entire flat reeking
of burnt herbs for the next two days. When I lived in halls and a room full of smoke was out
of the question, oils were my best friend.

Practical Uses of Oils

As well as in healing and in magic, essential oils have a plethora of everyday uses. They can
be incorporated in cooking (for example using fruit oils in cakes or biscuits), used in cleaning
(many oils are antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal), used to treat pets, used to make
homemade beauty treatments (a body scrub can be easily made from ground almonds,
oatmeal and your favourite oils), used to make scented soaps or candles; or simply burnt to
make the house smell nice! Burning a wisely chosen essential oil can alter the mood of a room
and its occupants; lavender is well-known for its relaxant properties, citrus oils are excellent
for an uplift, rosemary or peppermint can help you buckle down to finish that essay!
Essential oils are an accessible, simple way of incorporating the power of plants into your life.
Many specific properties of individual oils and recipes for blends can be found in the books I
mentioned above and on the internet. I hope this short introduction has shown the many and
varied uses of oils, and sparked your enthusiasm for the power of scent.
unknow author

4th Energy Wave- Love and the Ability to

Detach- Lord Melchizedek Channelled
through Natalie Glasson- 16/11/09
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 4:30pm

4th Energy Wave- Love and the Ability to Detach- Lord Melchizedek

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 16/11/09

As I brought forth the 3rd realisation and energy wave from the continuous energy anchoring
named the Energy Wave of Acceptance, I thought that it would be fitting to alert you to the
fourth energy wave that has now anchored into the Earth.

The Energy Wave of Acceptance anchored onto the Earth during 09/09/09, it is a continuous
wave of light holding special qualities that have been expressed from the Creator’s soul to aid
the current spiritual development and advancement of humanity. Many energy waves will
anchor onto the Earth in order to alter and cleanse the energy and consciousness of the Earth
so that a greater percentage of positive light and consciousness is evident in comparison to the
negative consciousness and fears that have held tight to humanity for so long. In anchoring
positive and loving energies onto the Earth, we, the Ascended Masters and Angels wish to
manifest an Era of Love beginning in 2012. This will be a new beginning where humanity
will be able to feel the greater and powerful influence of the Creator’s love, within and around
them as they exist on the Earth. This will be a major process of learning not only leading up to
2012 but also existing and retaining the energy of love once manifest in 2012 and beyond.

The Energy Wave of Acceptance is a level of energy or light that needs to be anchored and
fully experienced in order to manifest an era of love and to allow higher vibrations of love to
anchor onto the Earth. Love is the essence and truth of the Creator, its presence on the Earth
will create tremendous transformations in the way humanity views their realities and
existence on the Earth. The Energy Wave of Acceptance holds several qualities that will and
have been influential in your reality since 09/09/09 but there is also a need to embody their
sacred qualities to empower your being with light and allow new realisations to come forth.
These qualities are unconditional love, balance, acceptance, detachment and mastery. When
you invoke the Energy Wave of Acceptance to anchor into your being you will experience the
most appropriate vibration and levels of these qualities manifesting within and around you,
this will help you to deal with any challenges that may come forth due to the manifesting of
the love on the Earth. When love manifests it has the ability to draw out emotional baggage or
painful memories that have been hidden in order for them to be eternally released, this means

that a great healing process can occur. In order to assist humanity in understanding and
embodying the teachings and qualities that descend from the soul of the Creator onto the
Earth, the energy wave is anchored onto the Earth and then new or higher levels of energy
from the original wave anchor at later dates holding greater volumes of wisdom and teachings
for humanity to accept. This occurs until the energy wave is completely anchored into the
Earth, when this takes place it triggers a new energy wave with new teachings and qualities to
share with the Earth to come forth. On the 9th October 2009 the Energy Wave of Love of a
Neutral Disposition was anchored. This energy wave held the teaching of loving from a state
or temperament of balance, encouraging all to exist and express the love of their inner
energies, heart and soul constantly while remaining in a state of peace emotionally and
mentally as you travel through your spiritual and physical experiences on the Earth. Whilst
this energy and teaching will remain eternally anchored into the Earth and into your being, if
you invoke or ask it to, there is a new energy wave of light holding new teachings from the
Energy Wave of Acceptance that has anchored into the Earth. This energy anchored on the 9th
November 2009 holding the quality of Love and the Ability to Detach.

The energy wave of Love and the Ability to Detach travels on a wave of light of the specific
colours of pink and yellow. The qualities of this energy enhance and empower the loving
energies within you and intensifying the spiritual love that you hold and share with others. As
the energy amplifies your love it may activate your emotions causing you to feel emotional
and slightly insecure as you accept and recognise the power of love within you. As your
spiritual and soul energies of love intensify so you will activate the courage, confidence and
self belief that stems from love and the energies within you. The energy wave wishes to share
with you that love can be powerful and offer you the courage that you need to accelerate
along your spiritual and physical paths on the Earth. A soul or person who is anchoring and
devoting their efforts to unity with the Creator needs the presence of courage to allow them to
overcome challenges that present themselves as lessons of growth and to face fear realising
that fear is only a state of existence when love and faith are not present or activated. Courage,
faith and confidence that stem from love allow you to create positive experiences and needed
actions in your reality. Now is a wonderful time for truly experiencing the energy of love after
experiencing love while in a peacefully and tranquil state. You can allow yourself to
experience in meditation and in your reality the immense power and intensity of the Creator’s
love, simply absorbing it to empower, heal and rejuvenate your being aiding your alignment
with the soul of the Creator. The energy of love and its additional qualities of courage,
confidence and power are held within the pink light of the energy wave Love and the Ability
to Detach.

The intensity of love within this energy wave can cause some people to feel insecure, timid
and apprehensive as they may find the love of the Creator overwhelming but this is why we
didn’t alert you sooner to the new energy wave anchoring, we wished for the energy wave to
have time to settle into the Earth’s energy before humanity began to open their awareness to
the energy and consciously anchor it into their realities. We believed that if humanity was to
be consciously open and receptive to the energy when it first anchored on the 9th November
then you may have been overwhelmed by the power of the love of the Creator, which may
have caused a reaction of connecting from the energy of the Creator due to a fear of being
loved and existing in the truth of love. This is a very real issue that many experience and are
trying to overcome. Now that the energies have anchored into the Earth and the qualities have
began to surround you it will be easier for you to acclimatise to the energies and will not feel
them to be overpowering but truly loving and tender.

Through all your stages of growth we are protecting you and sometimes we shield you from
the immensely powerful love of the Creator until a time that you are ready to accept and unify
with the Creator’s soul.

Over the past week some of you may have felt that you weren’t aligned with the energies as
you usually experience, that you were having a bad day, everything was out of sorts, old
energies came back to face you or you felt slightly timid or emotional. This was all due to the
energy wave anchoring and higher vibrations of love and qualities from the Creator’s soul
anchoring. The energies caused a shift in humanity’s energy and consciousness which may
have resulted in you having to release old energies, overcome challenges or remain centred
due to the experiences anchoring into your reality. Know that as you anchor the new energy
wave into your being it will dissolve any negative experiences allowing you to feel aligned
and balanced once more.

The second aspect of this new energy wave is the ability to detach, this quality of detachment
is held within a yellow light which also promotes mental clarity, clear thoughts and
comprehension helping you to understand your reality and what is truly needed to aid your
progression. It is important to notice that the teachings of this energy is to aid the ability,
process or realisation of when detachment is necessary rather than the actual action of
detachment. It is a realisation of the energy of detachment and how when anchored into your
being it can help you to become alert to unneeded habits, experiences or beliefs that cause
friction with or hindrance to the love that is growing from the Creator within you.

The energy wave asks you to be open to truly experiencing the love of the Creator and
realising that some things in your reality are stopping you from experiencing this pure love. It
is always important to look within when searching for energies, emotions, thoughts, qualities
and experiences that are stopping you existing as love. Remember that your reality is your
own responsibility so blaming another is not an option. Love is attached to the qualities of
detachment, exploration, realisation and taking action in order to dissolve any negativity that
you may place on yourself.

During your integration with the Energy Wave of Acceptance you will have already anchored
the energy of detachment and may have even introduced it into your reality but this energy
will help you to truly understand the ability or how to detach from unneeded energies. This
energy wave promotes self discovery and understanding what is appropriate for you now in
your reality.

Allow yourself to sit quietly and focus on your breathing gaining a peaceful state of existence.
When you are ready you may wish to use this invocation to aid your integration with the new
energy wave, Love and the Ability to Detach. You may find it beneficial to practice this each
day for several days in order to allow yourself to experience, comprehend and embody the

‘I invoke my community of guides, Angels, the presence of Lord Melchizedek and the Creator
to protect me and oversee my process of integration.

Beloved Lord Melchizedek please align me to the most suitable light, vibration,
consciousness and energy from the Energy Wave of Acceptance and the new aspect of this
wave that has now anchored, the Energy Wave of Love and the Ability to Detach. I am open
and receptive to the pink and yellow light of love from the energy wave anchoring deep into

my being and reality allowing me to experience the love of the Creator within me grow, and
my love for the Creator enhancing. Help me to retain clarity within my mind so that I may
realise where detachment is needed and where a greater intensity of love is needed. Allow me
to feel the courage, confidence and faith that stems from the love I hold in order to accelerate
me along my spiritual path with the guidance of the Creator as my support.

Please help me to continue to experience Love of a Neutral Disposition while embodying the
Creator’s qualities of unconditional love, balance, acceptance, detachment and mastery.

I am the powerful and nurturing love of the Creator and hold the ability to detach from
unneeded energies when it is necessary to aid my spiritual growth.

I allow the new energy wave to anchor deep into my being now; assist me in feeling its
vibration and understanding its teachings which stem from the soul of the Creator.

Let it be.’

In Sacred Love,

I am Lord Melchizedek, Universal Logos

There will be no Weekly Message next week due to work commitments. The next Channelled
Message from Natalie will be on the 30th November 2009

For more information on the Energy Wave of Acceptance please visit

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan - If

the eyes and ears are open, the leaves of
the trees become as pages of the Bible
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 4:30pm

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

If the eyes and ears are open, the leaves of the trees become as pages of the Bible.

If one would realize that the world of God, His splendor and magnificence, are to be seen in

the wise and the foolish, in the good and the bad, then one would think tolerantly and
reverently of all mankind, knowing that it represents the messenger, as the messenger
represents God. For no one has seen God at any time, but if there is anyone who represents
God, it is the man who speaks His word. God is seen in the one who glorifies Him. But if our
hearts are closed, even if we wait for a thousand years for the messenger to show himself, we
shall never find him. For he who is always there has said, 'I am Alpha and Omega. I exist
every moment. When you call me, I am there. Knock at the door, and I will answer you.' And
those whose eyes are open do not need to go to a church and look at a picture or statue of the
Lord. In the eyes of every infant, in the smile of every innocent child, they receive the
blessing of Christ.

It only means changing one's outlook on life, and recognizing the divine in man. But man has
ignored the divine spirit that manifests in humanity, and always prefers an idol, a painting, a
picture, to the living God, who is constantly before him. For the sage, the seer, the saint, and
the yogi who begin to see the master, and see him living, there is no place where he cannot be
seen. Then everywhere the beloved master is ready to answer the cry of the soul coming from
friend, father or teacher. And if we go a little further forward, we will find that the teacher
speaks aloud, not only through living beings, but through nature. If the eyes and ears are open,
the leaves of the trees become as pages of the Bible. If the heart is alive, the whole life
becomes one single vision of His sublime beauty, speaking to us at every moment.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 6:00pm

I got this from a friend a while back, however, I do not know the source of this...hope it


Everything on earth is defined by a numerical configuration. All life can be reduced and
explained by numbers. The currents of these numerical sequences bring into alignment a
series of new understandings that will help to adjust and balance every human. The numbers
on all levels align the body so it will be able to handle the higher definitions of photon light
that is making its self known. Each number infusion is personalized to fit the needs of each
individual. Allowing them the necessary ratio of light particles to numerical particles. As the
brain adjusts to these new energies a lifting occurs allowing the individual to exit the
human/animal ratio and be lifted into the human/light equation.

Numbers and humans go hand in hand. From the beginning of time known we have been
defined by a numerical equation whether age, birth date, weight, or the numbers of camels we
have in out dowry, numbers have always seemed to be our silent partners. Nowadays when a
child is born the fist thing they are given is a number that will follow them for the rest of their
lives until death at which time they will be given a new number to define them. The numbers
on our clocks tell us when to go, when to stop when to drink coffee, when to sleep. Numbers
are as much a part of us as our flesh. The numbers are optical downloading....the eyes are an
extension of the brain and when the eyes see these numbers and encoding is activated in the
brain, stop worrying and just enjoy it.

In 1991/1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as an activation number. Escorting us
energetically into a new octave of Solar Light. Creating a numerical signature that follows us
creating a doorway in which we will understand more of our innate self. It is a doorway or
gateway into your highest potential as a human who is seeking divine memory. One is a
singularity within 'all that is'. The 'one' seeks itself through a mirror like reflection of the
world around it. This doorway offers an opportunity to surpass any limitations you have
unknowingly set for yourself. One to one to one enter the oneness hidden deep within your
being at the center point of your soul. This energy stays activated until 2012.

MASTER NUMBERS energetically accentuate the meanings of single digits. They are
considered to be some of the most powerful vibrations known. They are thought to symbolize
raw untapped potential and assist one in achieving illumination. This energy is waiting to be
harnessed by those who have the eyes to see.

When you experience the numerical downloads whether MASTER NUMBERS (all the same
numbers) or PERSONAL CODES (seeing the same mixed numbers over and over again) stop
for one full minute, allowing this energy to be birthed through you. Focus on your deepest
desire and see it as manifest. The universe has just taken a picture of your thoughts. Empty
yourself of any preconceived notions and let the light sew up the frayed edges of your
intentions. Each and every number within your personal universe is triggering your
subconscious into a new pattern of DNA configurations.

00, 000, or 0000.

The great void, the unknown what is to be, that has not been birthed yet. Moving into a higher
dimensional flux, shifting time matrixes. The portal of creation before creation. A reminder
you are always one with the universe. Feel yourself within the center embraced by the Creator
as you are held and loved unconditionally. Walk around the inner circle of self-completing
what needs to be completed.

11, 111, or 11:11

The Gateway to all that is riding within a hair of instantaneous manifestation. Letting go of
man-made manifestation and coming into Christed Creation. Doorways open doorways close
and you are in-between all. Conscious creation with 13 second intervals of thought. Becoming
one with the Oversoul in abundant creation of ones innate hearts desires.

22,222, or 22:22

The highest sequence of manifestation/creation without the frustration. All words thought
deeds and intentions will take seed with or without rain to help them grow. Moving out of the

neighborhood of polarity. Time moves forward with or without you. Do not create by default,
have a say so in your life. Keep a holding pattern with your intent, knowing that what you
have planted by your words, deeds and actions will grow and bloom in accordance with the
heavenly seasons.

33,333 or 33:33
This number offers you a choice. The holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron (3 sided
pyramid)in your DNA structure. This number offers an opportunity to connect with highly
evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ. The trinity is the holiness within all of your
choices. Your body, mind, spirit in agreement with your Soul's evolution. Within this number
you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. Connection with the
wisdom of the Oversoul and seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the

44,444 or 44:44
A foundation of light is being cemented for you. New opportunity comes without being asked.
Build your future thought by thought, brick by brick. Do not allow those of too much wind to
blow down your dreams with their negativity. Believe deeply until you see the proof. Hold on
through all choices and changes. Stay balanced in what you know to be divine truth and the
platform of light will solidify.

55, 555, 55:55

the universe is making changes for you whether you ask for them or not. The universe is
changing your direction with your Souls permission. Hold the vision until you land on the
shore of self. This change may be an answer to some long forgotten prayer. The future is
hidden so see it in your minds eye as you would a long sought after dream. Allow the currents
to take you into a new future full of possibilities still hidden from you at this point of seeing.
66,666 or 66:66
the vibration of 6 has changed into a light vibration that is felt as a holy emanation. For too
long now humanity has been branded with the thought that anything associated with a "6" is
of negativity, darkness, evil, denseness and earth. Well just look at the beauty of a planet that
has given you life since you were born. The number 6 is asking you to come back to the
original seed thought/blueprint of life with a reverence for its numerical explanation. 6 is of
earth but there is a beautiful holiness within earth and within those of earth. The mother earth
begins to move back into her original form not waiting for her children to agree. By aligning
with the true essence of the number 6 you will find a smoothness and harmony while riding
upon an earth-road that is under construction.

77, 777 or 77:77

This is the vibration of the spiritual warrior. One who walks a narrow path within self and
soul. Seven works for the light, by the light and with the light. Sevens eat drink think and
speak the light. Sevens are not allowed to stray outside the boundaries of light for more than a
fleeting thought. Seven brings you home the place where miracles are an every minute event,
where you can fly and dance in the stars while in any and all forms. Seven is a place where
wonder, magic and miracles are seen as natural happenings. Seven is your natural state of

88, 888 or 88:88

AS ABOVE SO BELOW AND WITHIN. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal
escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to

be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your
way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and
big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your
divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly
limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.

99, 999 or 99:99

Cosmic and personal completion, The End! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul
and service to the planetary evolution through healing self. Free-falling from the height of the
nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into
unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this
minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you
believe you have won, you have.


When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history in
the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 56, 74, 92, 83, 65) lives
all answers and even more questions. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine
opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try's and
tests our faith and our belief system and our faith. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet
voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to
help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the
light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.

Within the vibration and sequence of the number eleven and the 11:11 Gateway lives a de-
light-full smorgasbord of experiences. Each experience is designed to offer food for thought
through a maze of learning. Tasting new energies seems wonderful to those that seek the thrill
ride of enlightenment. Tools for transformation are not always what they seem as one
stumbles through the lightless Light to find a friendly shade of gray. 11:11 in all of its glory is
an Initiation beyond what can be seen and felt. It demands 100% of your attention as it makes
its way through your veins and life. Within it lives bio-chemical encodings that house a
dormant DNA configuration that awakens. All gates of 11:11 depart at the same time sequence
since linear time is neither here nor there. Even though certain aspects of the 11:11 encodings
place themselves at the top of the super luminary chain of events, all layers of the 11 are seen
and felt through time sequences of earthly incarnations.


Watching of ones words is animated within the structure of 29/11. The power within the word
and how one chooses to use it. Speaking problems and solutions in and out of existence.
Balancing positive thought creation with doubt and confusion. Wanting to finish but
sometimes afraid to start. The lungs the heart and the throat hold the vibrations of 29/11
stresses and strains in manifestation or creation is seen in these areas. The volcano holds its
tongue until it is ready to let go in fullness. Learning to hold ones power via the spoken word
until it is ready to birth at a higher vibration. Using your heart and head as the Creator would.
Knowing ALL THOUGHTS COUNT! Believing absolutely in your ability to create. Divine
certainty on a DNA level.

Earth is a planetary home for a group of entities that are destined for greatness beyond their
awareness. The announcement of 92/11 asks one to embrace the thought of GREATNESS,
without anything attached to it. God is seen face to face in the reflection of ones deeds and
thoughts. This sacred encoding asks what God do you worship and do you believe there is
more light beyond the level of God that you are aligned with at this time?? Light was birthed
to become more. Seeking more Light, more God, more truth beyond the highest thought of
God and Light you can have. Standing at the threshold of immediate change and shift in
alliance with every expanded thought.

The holiness within the trinity (3) moves into the never-ending creation of infinity. Going
beyond space and time as a defining area. The field of possibility expands into places and
planes yet to be seen by the eye in the sky. The votes are in and counted. Who believes and
who has replaced belief with a cloudy vision on a sunny day? Who still clings to the blood
sweat and tears tale of human toil and trouble? The scales of light tip as the populace believes
and un-believes shifting outcomes over and over again. 38/11 demands a higher potential and
unlimited possibly be reached. It demands that the higher power that guides humanity be
revealed and come out from behind the curtain of time. Creation demands acknowledgement
everyday until it becomes fully materialized. Gateways of the past and future are accessed
within the hidden sequence of proof positive.

The DNA spiral grows restless and seeks a doorway of expansion through the sacred encoding
of 83/11. Redefining and regenerating the living light is demanded of this sequence. Renewal
on all levels of being and living. Releasing the fear of any outcome on any level. Being
comfortable in your creations. Entering the library of all thoughts that are affecting the
biological and bio-luminary aspect of humanness. Purifying through love and wisdom
changing the consciousness of the cell structure. Pointing them towards actively pursuing a
higher knowledge beyond earth based awareness. New information is then bio-chemically
realized which changes the blood template. Oneness is achieved bio-electrically allowing
active awareness to be issued to all inner and outer dialogue and thoughts. Thus changing the
en-titled tables past seasons and logic.

This sacred vibration teaches one to believe in what cannot be seen, but only known. 47/11
comes through the heart not allowing anything to sway it from the destined path of
enlightenment. The four representing all that is of earth and material, dances and tries to
seduce the seven out of his holy place. Material beckons and calls to all that is holy. Only by
acknowledging the God within all things will we make it through this teaching vibration.
What calls is only fleeting and not worth losing the holiness one has accrued. Discipline is
needed to keep peace of mind and keep one from drowning within circumstance. When
Divinity dons her full costume of light one realizes there are no needs... for all needs are fluid
and able to fulfill themselves. Pass thru this gate with a deep knowing.

Standing at the narrow threshold of transformation heavenly (#7) searches for what is earthy
(#4). Time for the Light to get off of its high horse and come on down to earth. Observation is
needed to be felt as the Light looks at life and all of its teachings and learning. Enjoy earth
and her heavenly Essence without succumbing to any entrapment escapades. Knowing one is

of a higher sharper cut and experience life without losing your edge of light. Negativity grows
fast on earth, fed by the systemic seeds of doubt that linger in a humans genetic DNA. Hope
can become an endangered species if not cared for. If you had one month to light the fires of
your life how would you use it?? How are you spending your life light?? Hope needs the
fertilization of your believe system to survive the seasons of earth.

Humanity seeks the keys to total completed awareness through this sacred portal number.
Hallways are exposed to all that are dimensionally astute. Scales shift into a new definition of
balance as the new formation of light plays with the balance of sacred time. Experiences
quicken as the incarnational day shortens. Several lives are experienced within one,
shortening the need for reincarnation on earth. Christ hood is sought on a planet that has never
allowed themselves to experience that. Needs are met vibrationally before the matter can rise
to a new day. Global awareness shifts with this sacred configuration.

Within this gate way the heart dances with the mind and thought double dates with emotion.
Love integrates with so called reason and a balance is attained. One awakens divine
sensitivity interacting with the vibrational encodings of heart that lives within each person and
situation. Looking fore the reason by way of alignment with love instead of just using logic
and judgement. Time for the soul and Oversoul to commit to each other as all levels of self
and soul give each other a hand. Seeing divine guidance from the inner resources within ones
own light awakens a connection that cannot be plugged in any other way. Uniting the head
and heart as they walk through all levels of light and wisdom and life.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 7:00pm

Bir Afrika kabilesinde, bir kadin hamile oldugunu anlayinca, bir kac arkadasi ile birlikte vahsi
dogaya gider ve birlikte cocugun sarkisini duyana kadar dua edip meditasyon yaparlar. Bilirler
ki her ruhun kendi amacini ve essiz varligini ifade eden kendi titresimi vardir. Kadinlar
sarkiya ulasinca hep birlikte yuksek sesle soylerler sarkiyi. Sonra kabilelerine geri donup
herkese ogretirler.

Cocuk dogunca, tum kabile bir araya gelir ve cocuga kendi sarkisini soylerler. Sonra cocuk
egitim hayatina basladiginda, kabile bir araya gelir ve cocuga sarkisini soyler. Cocuk
yetiskinlige adim atinca yine insanlar toplanip ona sarkisini soylerler. Evlenirken de kisi kendi
sarkisini duyar.

Sonunda, ruh bu dunyadan giderken, aile ve dostlar, tipki dogarken oldugu gibi, o insanin
yatagi etrafinda toplanip kendi sarkisiyla onu sonraki hayata ugurlarlar.
Afrika kabilesinde cocuga kendi sarkisinin soylendigi bir baska durum daha vardir. Eger kisi

tum yasami boyunca suc isler ya da dogru yoldan ayrilir ise, kabile meydanina cagirilir ve
halki bir cember olusturup onu ortalarina alirlar. Sonra da ona sarkisini soylerler.

Kabile bilir ki toplum disi bir davranisi duzeltmek icin ceza degil sevgi ve kim oldugunun
hatirlatilmasi gerekir. Kendi sarkini fark edince, baskalarini incitecek birsey yapmak icin
arzun ya da ihtiyacin kalmaz.

Dost, senin sarkini bilen ve unuttugunda sana onu soyleyen kisidir. Sevenlerin, yaptigin
hatalara kanmaz ve sen kendini karanlik gordugunde, seni gercege uyandirirlar. Sen kendini
cirkin hissetttiginde senin guzelligini, ayri, bolunmus hissettiginde butun oldugunu, suclu
hissettiginde senin masumiyetini ve yolunu yitirdiginde senin yasam amacini hatirlarlar.

Siz, hayatinizdaki onemli anlarda sarkinizin size soylendigi bir Afrika kabilesinde buyumemis
olabilirsiniz ama, hayat size, ne zaman kendi sarkinizla uyum icinde olup ne zaman
olmadiginizi hep hatirlatir. Iyi hissettiginizde bilin ki yaptiginiz sey sarkinizla uyumludur,
berbat hissettiginizde ise degildir. Sonunda hepimiz sarkimizi fark etmeli ve onu iyi
soylemeliyiz. Simdi sesiniz biraz puruzlu gibi gelebilir, butun usta sarkicilar da basta oyle
hissetmistir. Sarki soylemeye devam edin, boylece Yuva'nin yolunu bulacaksiniz.

~Alan Cohen~den Sevgiyle cevirdik

Asuman & Torumtay ALTAN

The Opening of 11:11 and the New Energy

Surge by Karen Bishop
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 12:30am


The energies are really moving of late…like a yo yo, with great intensity and at other times
great lulls, things may indeed feel erratic, but as with all things, there is a distinct purpose
behind it all, as we are most assuredly gearing up for the very new beginning that we have
waited for, for so very long.

For the past two years or so, I have been reporting that “next year” will be our year of new
beginnings, and then as we all know, this has not been the case. What has transpired, is that at
the time many of us see and feel this, it is indeed the plan and the reality. But then we get
together at our soul levels and decide that, “Gee…the planet has not raised its consciousness,
nor evolved as we had hoped, so let’s just give it a little while longer. Let’s just see if we can
embrace more souls, or at least, give these souls some more time, so that we can reach a
critical mass.”

We have done this several times, and as we know, even given things a last ditch effort by
going back into the darkness ourselves, in order to achieve the divine plan that we had come
at this time to bring forth. Thus, creating the past two or three years of more suffering and
great pain. But then as we have come to know, we finally had to give it up and depart, leave it

all behind, and cross over into a very new reality of our making. Thus, a massive line was
drawn in the sand, and a chasm created between the old and new reality, which created so
many dis-connections from ourselves and those who were no longer vibrating or living where
we now are.

Because we are now “done,” with no more helping, assisting, and bringing up the vibration of
the planet, and because we are now on a very new and other side, we will finally experience
our year of new beginnings in 2010, and this will be the year of many new and extraordinary
creations for the new world as well.

Currently, we are gearing up. This is manifesting as great surges of energy creating more
purging and releasing, alternating with times of great bliss and happiness. For the first half of
2009, I frequently reported that we would become very grounded into the earth with the
solstice of June. It would be then that we would begin to experience the other side, and life
would become magical indeed. Then the plan changed. We decided to create a split from the
old world instead, to leave it far behind instead of bringing it along with us, so what we
experienced then, was an energy that blew everything out of the water, so that it would land in
its new and rightful place. A massive amount of energy was moved and re-arranged during
this time, and it did not feel remotely good for most of us. (More about who landed where and
why further along.)

But now, the original plan is ready to unfold, if only at the solstice for December instead of
for June. We just had a delay (what else is new?), and are now ready to resume the original
plan after we were done departing from the old.

So then, on November 11, we were given a new opening to a higher dimension, or rather to a
higher level through the portal it created…the portal of 11:11. This created some interesting
dynamics. Instead of feeling great, for some, it created a massive opening. And when we
experience a massive opening, it can create all sorts of wild and crazy feelings, experiences,
and emotions. Being that we were already at a new and higher level of residency, going even
higher through the portal was equivalent to having experiences many of us had not had for a
good ten years.

When we open and expand, we often feel a terrible darkness which is almost unmanageable.
Depression, deep emotional pain, massive darkness, and even suicidal tendencies can be felt
by those who are unusually sensitive. For others, it may have felt like just a bad day. And
some may not have noticed a thing, but perhaps felt very tight or even tense. After we
connected even higher through the 11 portal, we then had a very strange dis-connect, which
was most notable on the 13th. Feelings of fatigue, weakness, lethargy, and just not wanting to
do a thing were common manifestations. No energy. A great lull.

Then along came Monday the 16th, and a massive energy surge arrived. This was the re-
connect energy. This surge was for me, almost more than my body could accommodate…and
I had been preparing for weeks! When so much energy arrives, for some, it can feel like a
massive panic attack, jittery nerves, an overwhelming sense that we may break apart, or even
jump off of a bridge. And for others, they may just feel unusually energized and become
unusually busy. For days prior and during this time, we were also releasing, as all the higher
energy was pushing anything and everything out. The releasing manifests differently for
everyone. Bladder problems, untimely menses, frequent urination, cramping, rashes, back
pain, coughing spells, and such, are but a few of these symptoms. Or perhaps just a feeling of

being uncomfortable, anxious, tense, and out of gear for no apparent reason. Old wounds may
have risen in need of some kind of healing.

Next came Tuesday, the 17th, and we were now in some very high vibrating energy. Great joy,
happiness, freedom, and excitement could be present. We were FINALLY in the higher
vibrating energies that we had been missing for so very long. And know as well, that what
really brings these awesome and higher vibrating energies to the forefront, and what can
intensify them ten-fold, is a connection to others who have crossed over with us. When we
begin connecting to our brothers and sisters, or even to our perfect partners who are finally
arriving for us, these awesomely powerful and higher vibrating energies become magnified to
a great degree. Things will really begin to change now for many of us.

We have not been able to manifest much for the past two years or so, and especially for the
past year, mainly because we could not create anything, as we needed to be free and clear
with nothing to take with us when we crossed over. In addition, because we were waiting and
preparing with nothing left inside and outside of us, the energies were also vibrating far too
low, as we were “in between.” We just could not seem to bring the energies of the old reality
up, and after so many years of trying, our personal energies were very low as well…we were
basically dead batteries at our core. Creating is much more difficult when we are residing in
lower vibrating energies…within OR without!

Now, the energies are much higher, and in this higher vibrating reality, we will find that we
can create effortlessly and very quickly, all that we desire. We can create now once again,
because we are now on the other side and are no longer having to let go of any baggage we
did not want to bring, and also because the energies are vibrating higher. And it can feel not
just lovey dovey, but very intense too when these energies arrive with such a punch. The key
to experiencing these higher vibrating energies, and to having amazing manifestations, as I
have been writing about for so very long, is through the connections to each other. The planet
in regard to our new and higher vibrating space, is beginning to come into form and to really
move into its true and authentic space. We are a part of the planet, we live upon her and
within her, and so we are both going through this together.

Someone recently wrote to ask me about the earth shifting on its axis. As each of us sees
through our own filter of our area of expertise, even though we are all saying the same things,
I can only tell you through the eyes of my particular filter, which is always about energy,
alignments, and our spiritual evolutionary process, so I am sure there are others who have
much more in depth knowledge about this subject. But basically, the earth is tilting and
shifting, thus creating weather disturbances, earthquakes, and such, because she is aligning
with her new position in the cosmos. The ascension process creates a new positioning for each
of us, as well as the earth herself….thus at all levels. So then, she is adjusting her position to
better align herself and to stay in the best energetic groove so that she will fit with her new
position in the universe. And this new position also creates big energy surges as we arrive.

When we are re-positioning, things also tighten. This is because things always become
simpler the more we evolve. We are basically brought into alignment, and anything not in
alignment then gets pushed out. Thus, the earth is being pulled and tightened into her new
position, causing shifts and changes. We, ourselves, can feel tight as well when we are
adjusting to these new and higher frequencies. Feeling tense, or even like we are “walking a
tightrope” as a friend recently described it, are all common symptoms. At times when we have
several planets that all line up together at the same time, we can feel an immense tightness as


As we are finally beginning to feel the effects of our very new residency, we will notice that
we are becoming much more “psychic,” intuitive, telepathic, or even find that we know when
others are thinking of us, or even what others are feeling even if they are very far away.
Ghostly encounters can become an epidemic. We are sharing the space with many more non-
physicals now, and bumping shoulders with all kinds of new and different energies.

HEAVEN #3282 Simply Sail On, November

19, 2009
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 7:30pm

HEAVEN #3282 Simply Sail On, November 19, 2009

God said:

Look, do not always be investigating yourself. Do not always be sizing yourself up. Give
yourself some slack. Do not always be trying to improve yourself. Love yourself instead.
When you are a child, you do not have to make yourself grow taller. You don't have to think
about it. You simply grow.
Perhaps you have been making yourself a project. You read up on this project. You see so well
how much further you have to go. Yet, beloveds, you are not a sweater you are knitting. You
don't have to think so much about completing yourself. You don't have to think so much about
yourself altogether.
Stop weighing yourself every day. It is all right to stop investigating yourself. Hold the idea
before you like a flag that you are naturally growing in the direction you want to grow in
without all the advice from yourself.
It is natural that you want to be wiser, richer, more generous, more receptive, more loving.
Have these desires, beloved, and let yourself be. Set yourself free from your blather. Allow
yourself to be imperfect. Then you will be more joyful. Do not be a nag. Do not be the
albatross that hangs around your neck. Love yourself. That does not mean that you rest on
your laurels, yet you can absolve yourself from the past. You can let go of regret. You can let
I understand that you want to gain insights. Gain insights you will. You are in process of

gaining Heaven. You are at the feet of the world, beloveds. In the arena of the world, you are
not to be a gladiator, nor are you to be the throngs who put their thumbs up or down. Give
yourself a break.
Be friendly to yourself. Be a friend more than you are a critic. Be a friend who likes you. Be a
friend who sees beyond imperfection. Love what I have made. I made you a human being. I
did not make you a chattel.
Do you think I am counting how many pounds you weigh? Or that I mind what color your
hair is, what grade you got on a test. I do not mind if you flunked. I don't mind about the past,
beloveds, nor do I wish you to.
You are not a race horse running to the finish line. You do not have to put spurs to yourself.
Take a walk in the park instead. Allow yourself some leeway. Allow yourself some leisure.
Let yourself be. What is your hurry to remake yourself? What satisfaction does your
dissatisfaction give? Be content with yourself more than you are discontent.
Your conscience is not meant to be the making of you. If you were not stuck in the past, why
would you calculate yourself and find yourself wanting?
Remind yourself that I created you, and I love what I have created. Have you been
henpecking yourself. Do not hold the reins so tight. Improve your self-acceptance. Create
more joy. You are not in school. You are in life. You are beautiful.
You are on a voyage across the High Seas. You steer the ship as best you can. If the winds one
day blow you off course, today you get on course. If you are not paying attention one day, you
pay attention the next. No wasting your voyage on recrimination. Do not go over and over the
route you took. Simply sail on.
Who said that your voyage has to be smooth-sailing the whole time. As you sail, you do not
go over and over the route you took. You are setting sail now. Look to the horizon, and you
will get where you are going soon enough.

The Opening of 11:11 and the New Energy

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 7:30pm

November 18, 2009


The energies are really moving of late…like a yo yo, with great intensity and at other times
great lulls, things may indeed feel erratic, but as with all things, there is a distinct purpose
behind it all, as we are most assuredly gearing up for the very new beginning that we have
waited for, for so very long.
For the past two years or so, I have been reporting that “next year” will be our year of new
beginnings, and then as we all know, this has not been the case. What has transpired, is that at
the time many of us see and feel this, it is indeed the plan and the reality. But then we get
together at our soul levels and decide that, “Gee…the planet has not raised its consciousness,
nor evolved as we had hoped, so let’s just give it a little while longer. Let’s just see if we can
embrace more souls, or at least, give these souls some more time, so that we can reach a
critical mass.”
We have done this several times, and as we know, even given things a last ditch effort by
going back into the darkness ourselves, in order to achieve the divine plan that we had come
at this time to bring forth. Thus, creating the past two or three years of more suffering and
great pain. But then as we have come to know, we finally had to give it up and depart, leave it
all behind, and cross over into a very new reality of our making. Thus, a massive line was
drawn in the sand, and a chasm created between the old and new reality, which created so
many dis-connections from ourselves and those who were no longer vibrating or living where

we now are.
Because we are now “done,” with no more helping, assisting, and bringing up the vibration of
the planet, and because we are now on a very new and other side, we will finally experience
our year of new beginnings in 2010, and this will be the year of many new and extraordinary
creations for the new world as well.
Currently, we are gearing up. This is manifesting as great surges of energy creating more
purging and releasing, alternating with times of great bliss and happiness. For the first half of
2009, I frequently reported that we would become very grounded into the earth with the
solstice of June. It would be then that we would begin to experience the other side, and life
would become magical indeed. Then the plan changed. We decided to create a split from the
old world instead, to leave it far behind instead of bringing it along with us, so what we
experienced then, was an energy that blew everything out of the water, so that it would land in
its new and rightful place. A massive amount of energy was moved and re-arranged during
this time, and it did not feel remotely good for most of us. (More about who landed where and
why further along.)
But now, the original plan is ready to unfold, if only at the solstice for December instead of
for June. We just had a delay (what else is new?), and are now ready to resume the original
plan after we were done departing from the old.
So then, on November 11, we were given a new opening to a higher dimension, or rather to a
higher level through the portal it created…the portal of 11:11. This created some interesting
dynamics. Instead of feeling great, for some, it created a massive opening. And when we
experience a massive opening, it can create all sorts of wild and crazy feelings, experiences,
and emotions. Being that we were already at a new and higher level of residency, going even
higher through the portal was equivalent to having experiences many of us had not had for a
good ten years.
When we open and expand, we often feel a terrible darkness which is almost unmanageable.
Depression, deep emotional pain, massive darkness, and even suicidal tendencies can be felt
by those who are unusually sensitive. For others, it may have felt like just a bad day. And
some may not have noticed a thing, but perhaps felt very tight or even tense. After we
connected even higher through the 11 portal, we then had a very strange dis-connect, which
was most notable on the 13th. Feelings of fatigue, weakness, lethargy, and just not wanting to
do a thing were common manifestations. No energy. A great lull.
Then along came Monday the 16th, and a massive energy surge arrived. This was the re-
connect energy. This surge was for me, almost more than my body could accommodate…and
I had been preparing for weeks! When so much energy arrives, for some, it can feel like a
massive panic attack, jittery nerves, an overwhelming sense that we may break apart, or even
jump off of a bridge. And for others, they may just feel unusually energized and become
unusually busy. For days prior and during this time, we were also releasing, as all the higher
energy was pushing anything and everything out. The releasing manifests differently for
everyone. Bladder problems, untimely menses, frequent urination, cramping, rashes, back
pain, coughing spells, and such, are but a few of these symptoms. Or perhaps just a feeling of
being uncomfortable, anxious, tense, and out of gear for no apparent reason. Old wounds may
have risen in need of some kind of healing.
Next came Tuesday, the 17th, and we were now in some very high vibrating energy. Great joy,
happiness, freedom, and excitement could be present. We were FINALLY in the higher
vibrating energies that we had been missing for so very long. And know as well, that what
really brings these awesome and higher vibrating energies to the forefront, and what can
intensify them ten-fold, is a connection to others who have crossed over with us. When we
begin connecting to our brothers and sisters, or even to our perfect partners who are finally
arriving for us, these awesomely powerful and higher vibrating energies become magnified to

a great degree. Things will really begin to change now for many of us.
We have not been able to manifest much for the past two years or so, and especially for the
past year, mainly because we could not create anything, as we needed to be free and clear
with nothing to take with us when we crossed over. In addition, because we were waiting and
preparing with nothing left inside and outside of us, the energies were also vibrating far too
low, as we were “in between.” We just could not seem to bring the energies of the old reality
up, and after so many years of trying, our personal energies were very low as well…we were
basically dead batteries at our core. Creating is much more difficult when we are residing in
lower vibrating energies…within OR without!
Now, the energies are much higher, and in this higher vibrating reality, we will find that we
can create effortlessly and very quickly, all that we desire. We can create now once again,
because we are now on the other side and are no longer having to let go of any baggage we
did not want to bring, and also because the energies are vibrating higher. And it can feel not
just lovey dovey, but very intense too when these energies arrive with such a punch. The key
to experiencing these higher vibrating energies, and to having amazing manifestations, as I
have been writing about for so very long, is through the connections to each other. The planet
in regard to our new and higher vibrating space, is beginning to come into form and to really
move into its true and authentic space. We are a part of the planet, we live upon her and
within her, and so we are both going through this together.
Someone recently wrote to ask me about the earth shifting on its axis. As each of us sees
through our own filter of our area of expertise, even though we are all saying the same things,
I can only tell you through the eyes of my particular filter, which is always about energy,
alignments, and our spiritual evolutionary process, so I am sure there are others who have
much more in depth knowledge about this subject. But basically, the earth is tilting and
shifting, thus creating weather disturbances, earthquakes, and such, because she is aligning
with her new position in the cosmos. The ascension process creates a new positioning for each
of us, as well as the earth herself….thus at all levels. So then, she is adjusting her position to
better align herself and to stay in the best energetic groove so that she will fit with her new
position in the universe. And this new position also creates big energy surges as we arrive.
When we are re-positioning, things also tighten. This is because things always become
simpler the more we evolve. We are basically brought into alignment, and anything not in
alignment then gets pushed out. Thus, the earth is being pulled and tightened into her new
position, causing shifts and changes. We, ourselves, can feel tight as well when we are
adjusting to these new and higher frequencies. Feeling tense, or even like we are “walking a
tightrope” as a friend recently described it, are all common symptoms. At times when we have
several planets that all line up together at the same time, we can feel an immense tightness as
As we are finally beginning to feel the effects of our very new residency, we will notice that
we are becoming much more “psychic,” intuitive, telepathic, or even find that we know when
others are thinking of us, or even what others are feeling even if they are very far away.
Ghostly encounters can become an epidemic. We are sharing the space with many more non-
physicals now, and bumping shoulders with all kinds of new and different energies.
So then, we have new neighbors, but at the same time, as mentioned so many times before, we
have lost many of our old neighbors. There is occurring now an epidemic of situations of
separation between many of us and our grandchildren. I have been blessed to maintain contact
with mine, but they are no longer near me geographically none-the-less. Here is why so many
of us have become separated from our grandchildren:
These little ones need to be near to their parents in order to hold the space, or rather to keep
the vibration high while the parents are coming into their own, or completing what they came
to do before they can join us, as they indeed eventually will. If our little ones, who vibrate so

much higher than most of us, as they arrived this way, were to have joined us, then they could
not have served as the bridge to assist their parents.
When the line was drawn in the sand on September 9th, there were many souls who made
sudden and hasty decisions to come with us. I have never seen anything so awesome and
miraculous before. Many who had previously chosen to depart, very suddenly decided that
they would indeed now follow a new spiritual path, own their “stuff,” or even make some
necessary changes in their lives in order to move forward. In this way, the choices were very
quick, as there was not much time left.
This scenario created some very interesting situations, which are manifesting more and more
each and every day. The souls who were really on the edge, or on the chasm border, and who
made these choices, are now then, on the other side, if even at the furthest reaches far below
us. They jumped across just in time.
So now, we have a group of souls who are ready to move forward, but must complete what
they came to complete for their first phase of occupancy here, before they can join us in their
entirety. I have two loved ones who are currently in this space. Although we converse
regularly, and love each other dearly, and even see each other from time to time, we cannot be
united yet until they complete their soul signatures. This process will take two years. Two
years is a big deciding factor right now for so much. We will indeed be in an interesting and
bit of a temporary pattern for two more years, with much variation within that time frame.
This scenario also brings up some other things as well. Because these souls who are wanting
and willing to move forward are needing guidance and a lifeline, we will indeed serve that
purpose for them, as will our little ones. As they strongly desire to move into our spaces,
during the time that they are “completing” what they came to do, they will also be opening
and evolving as well. Hence, our roles as Earth angels for others will be manifesting more and
more. We will find that many who know little of our ways of being and thinking, will be very
hungry for this knowledge. This situation will create very successful store-fronts for many of
us in times to come. In this way, we will be assisting those at the further reaches of the “other
side,” as many will be clients or customers, as well as some being those with whom we will
unite and eventually even partner with at the end of the two year period. Hoping this all
makes sense.
Because of this situation, we will find many arriving in our spaces who may seem like a mis-
match, but have come to us for soul connection purposes, as it is finally time to unite once
again, even if the alignments of vibrations are not yet a perfect match….eventually they will
be. Hence, all the strange mis-match energy of late (as mentioned in the WINGS post of
November 12). All of these energies are attempting to locate their true and authentic places, or
who and what they will connect with. It is all about everyone and everything that did indeed
cross over, and now must get into alignment with all of it, as all these energies find ways of
joining together. When the right connections become clear, and when they occur, it can feel so
amazing that we can only know that something very cosmic, other worldly (our new world!)
or even truly divine and incredibly amazing is occurring right before our eyes. And there is so
much love between our brothers and
sisters, and between our soul partners! We get to be together once again! We will be so happy
to see each other after all this time and after this long and challenging journey! This is indeed
the beginning of Heaven on Earth. We have finally made it.
So then, our store-fronts will really thrive (for those of you who desire and need financial
security), and at the same time, we will also be offering our services to our brothers and
sisters who are already in our perfectly aligned spaces, in order to create the new reality.
Some are ready to create the new reality and also to assist those who just jumped over to the
other side, and others are catching up with new energetic openings within themselves creating
adjustments in their personal energy so that they can now match the new energy that they find

themselves residing in. In other words, all this new energy is pushing any unhealed or residual
denser energies to the surface for some of us.
Yes, the higher vibrating energy that we now find ourselves residing in, is creating many
interesting scenarios and some chaos, but at the same time, it is also finally creating the ability
for us to manifest what we came to manifest…it is finally time.
With much love and gratitude,


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 8:00pm

This Is Extremely Important Information to know and can make positive changes In your life
or the lives of others :

This Is a great tool to keep negative earthbound spirits, lost souls and negative energies out of
your home and away, from You. Negative earthbound spirts can cause havoc In your life,
especially If your an empath, as you not only pick up the Feelings and emotions of the living
but the disceased. They can Interfere with any health Issues, finances, Relationships And a lot
of other things. I have had a real problem with these type of things, since I moved to this area,
and have Had to do clearing constantly. It was exhausting me and was Interfering with my
sick cat's healing and causing me to Be depressed, sick and weakened till I had no energy to
give to anyone else. Spirit reminded me of something, , Used, Last year to eleviate this
problem. I Immediatly called for a one way Multidimensional Portal to be set up over my
Apartment and property to suck up all these negative energies, and set my Intention that this
portal would suck up Anything that anyone brought onto this property, so that nothing that
was not of the light, could not enter this building.
It worked like magic. We must remember that many , people and animal's are still dyeing
everyday and do not know , To Go The Light and get stuck here. They need our assistance to
help them. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday, who, Has cancer and I checked him and
found out that, He had negative and sickness, pain and disease spirits around him That were
causing him to feel like he was dyeing. I called for help to remove them, as they were making
his condition, Much more severe. He also had negative , Dendrites that were also Increasing
his pain. removed them as well. I have, Sent him this prayer to set up a portal to keep them
away, Permanetly. Here's something else you can do for your , Personal protection. You can
ask to have, a personal portal set up around you, so that when you go out Anywhere this will
protect you from bringing them home, with you. Your light attracts them to you, so by having
a , Personal portal over you, they will be drawn up Into the, Portal and you can rest assured,
they will not be bothering, You anymore. I have set up these personal portals over Myself and
my two cats and It's working like a charm *

This is a good one. It explains how to put up your own Multidimensional Portal. Doing this is
of Great Service to The Planet as well as assisting these lost, stuck souls to get to The Light or
wherever thier meant to go.
Plus your Assisting Lost, Stuck Souls to get to The Light, some whom may be someone you
know and care about.

This one way dimensional portal is designed to suck up all lost souls, earthbound spirits, and
dark energies and that, Would Interfere In our lives or harm us and take them where they are
meant to go. I have been taking my sick cat to, The vetenary hospital and kept coming home
with earthbound animal spirits, some of whom I suspect were dogs, who Were chaseing my
cats around my apartment and scaring them. I now have set up a Multidimensional Portal over
that, Vetenary clinic to draw up all the earthbound animal spirits and send them to the light. I
do not have that problem, When I have to go there anymore. Not only that but It's helping the
sick animals, who have to stay there from being , Bothered by these lost animal souls, who
may worsen thier condition. If you have a sick animal In the vet, and there Are earthbound
animal spirits who died of serious disease, your sick animal's condition could worsen, as
animals are Natural empaths and will pick up these sick and diseased animals energy. I know
this for a fact as I have been going, Through this with my own sick cat for the past month.

Help Clean up this Planet by setting up these Portals * We can place them over any area
where there Is a lot of Darkness. Even If your living In a place that has light, there can still be
earthbound spirits around you. You can set, Up these portals anywhere In the world. How
about setting them up around members of The Illuminati, Justice Systems, Area's where there
Is destruction Etc., Use your Immagination. In Love & Light, krystael


Inspired by: Diane Stein, Reliance on the Light (CA: The Crossing Press, 2001).

Please gift yourself with this book full of many processes to heal your multidimensional life.

Before beginning, dedicate yourself to the Light: “I Decree I Am dedicating myself to the
Light now.”

Next, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Archangel Michael and
the Light Force, the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of
Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine
Director on behalf of __________ now.”

I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal with
__________ for the purpose of automatically removing all lost, trapped, misplaced, and
illegal entities and energies and all demons of darkness from in and around __________ and
transporting them to where they belong now. I am asking you all to station guards with this
portal to ensure its operation as an automatic, one-directional portal with maximum efficiency
and minimum effort now. I am asking you all to make this portal permanent—past, present,
future—throughout time, space, dimension—now.

I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal at

__________ [location] for the purpose of automatically removing all lost, trapped, misplaced,

and illegal entities and energies and all demons of darkness from in and around this location
and transporting them to where they belong now. I am asking you all to station guards with
this portal to ensure its operation as an automatic, one-directional portal with maximum
efficiency and minimum effort now. I am asking you all to make this portal permanent—past,
present, future—throughout time, space, dimension—now.

I ask for this assistance to be fully, completely, permanently, and forever through all the levels
and components, all the dimensions, all the connections, all the systems, and between them,
through all multidimensions and between them of the multidimensional being.

I ask for this assistance through all the levels and all the bodies. I ask for this assistance
through all the lifetimes on earth and all planets, and beyond. I ask for this assistance through
the DNA level. I ask for this assistance through the history level. I ask for this assistance
through the core belief level. I ask for this assistance through the core soul level and beyond. I
ask for this assistance through the karmic contract level. I ask for this assistance through the
ascension level.

I ask for this assistance from beyond the moment of self to below the center of the earth and
from beyond the pure light above creation to below the well of life and the fire of life at the
center of the earth, and all planets, and beyond and between all of these.

I ask for this assistance to be immediate and instant--past, present, future, now.

When complete, I ask for this assistance to be sealed unto the light and unto protection

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 8:00pm

Well good evening everyone … aloha, aloha aloha! We are rather delighted to be here as you
can probably tell. Ah that was beautiful [Elise's meditation], and we know that you are all
feeling the high vibrations of joy and love and connecting with each other and feeling close
with each other, though there may be many miles as you measure distance. Wait until you get
into your ships and there will be not so much distance around Planet Earth as there is right
now, because it is related to the time that it takes you to travel. Of course where we are there
is no time, so how’s that? Think on that. You can instantly be in whatever place you focus
your mind upon or your heart. I guess it goes even faster, did you know that?

Did you know that you can create more from your heart faster than when you think in 3D
terms. Now this may be an interesting concept and somewhat new, but just spend some time
with that. Sometimes we put out a little bit of very deep stuff, we know that gets into the
realm of Quantum physics, and as you all know, we never go there, so we will just simply say
that if you really want to be what you might call a leading edge creator, to do it with your
heart. You can get yourself into a little bit of a meditative state where you quiet or you slow
down the brain waves where you actually come from your heart. You allow your emotions to
come into the mix. For instance, if you can create with a joyful, passionate feeling you are
going to accomplish whatever it is that you desire a lot faster. And while we are on the topic,
if you are wanting to create something and you know what it is that yo u desire to create, you
had best leave your creating moment for when you are in the high vibes. Because if you start
thinking, well, I am really down in the dumpies and I want this or that to change, you know
what you are going to get? You will get more of whatever it is you don’t want because the
universe does not distinguish between don’t have, don’t want and do have, do want, and so

As a matter of fact it’s a good idea to just take want out of it and literally put yourself into
your creative vision. Well that takes a little bit of practice. Sometimes it happens almost
seemingly by accident or you say it’s serendipitous, ooo we like that word. But what it really
means is that you have created in a moment of high vibrational joy or love or passion and so
the universe responds faster. And that’s what you want - speed - speedy delivery of whatever

you are calling forth, because it’s all there for you anyway. You see you are not really creating
it, you are just bringing it to you. But we like to say that you are creating it so that you
understand that it is your responsibility, this creation business you know.

There isn’t anybody who can create a healthy, happy, harmonious relationship for you, except
you. And if the partner in the relationship is putting out some negative vibrations you have a
choice of allowing that negativity into your being or saying, "whatever you do, you do; it’s
not my responsibility to change you, but I can change my attitude. I can be happy and joyful
no matter what you do." If you throw a few "ho-oponopono"s into the mix, you are going to
feel a lot better about the relationship, and quite likely, do a lot of healing, and the partner in
the relationship might also start feeling more happy, more upbeat so to speak about the
relationship as well. You know you have heard the magic words "abracadabra," and there are
some others, "open sesame!", that’s a great o ne, well there isn’t anything better from our
perspective, not to be judgmental, we’re just simply making a recommendation, just use the
"ho-oponopono" and just get out of your own way because you are gonna get great results
with it. In this day and age as you are so fond of saying, and we emphasize age, the Age of
Aquarius, the Golden Age, Lemuria is alive and thriving on Planet Earth, there is no reason
except whatever you choose for yourself if you choose to be down in the dumpies anyway.

Now we understand that there are some people who have the programs and so on that are
very, very difficult to overcome, but they are getting help all the time. Marvelous Margaret is
an example of someone who is changing the energies of the world, or shall we say uplifting
them, by the work that she does which she has passion for so we are going to invent a new
term for your mission work when it is your passion and when you are doing it. So we shall
start leaving the word "work" out of it. We’ll just say doing your passion, how’s that? And that
can help to change. Marvelous Margaret calls in a lot of resources, very large teams in fact.
But you have those same resources available to you and you can learn the method to do it, or
invent your own, create your own, or discover your own or learn from someone else, any way
that you want to do it. But when you call in the team, and invite them to come in and when I
say "them" I should say "Us" of course, because we are all together on it, you will get
marvelous results.

Now we are going to tell you a little secret. Well, some of you already know this, but some of
you do not. One of the most powerful team members that you can possibly have to call in, and
she is always delighted to accept your invitations, in fact sometimes some of you are waking
up and feeling a little scratching on your energy fields and if you do, that’s her. That’s Mother
Sekhmet saying I am here and I can help. Did you know that she was renowned for her
healing capabilities, she still has that; she hasn’t lost any, even though she might appear to be
the fierce warrior and all of that. She of course has the healing side, the healing aspect very,
very prominent in her, shall we say her being, her persona, so if you are feeling as though you
need a little bit of help and you’re not even sure exactly what the procedures should be, it
doesn’t matter, just call her in and ask her and your team of angels and your guides and
whomever else you wish to invite to the party, to come on in and help you with whatever it is.
Now if you can do so with power and conviction in your invitation, so much the better. She is
about empowering you. Feeling yes through your own empowerment to call forth your
wellness. Well I guess that would be the recommendation for the evening. We’ll say that that’s
it. Take it away from there in any way that you choose, and you may have some rather
delightful astonishing results. So we are going to move right along.

Well how about the money situation? Are you starting to feel your bank accounts literally

overflowing with gold and of course silver and platinum? Well if not, that might be a very,
very wise vision for you to focus upon for yourself, because that’s truth. You may not realize
it, but that is the truth of what is going on today. You heard from St. Germain the last time the
family gathered and you were told by St Germain, and we can verify that because we have
been there ourself, that he has opened his bank. It is officially open. And there are many,
many transactions that are going on. And, by the way, in St. Germain’s bank you don’t find
any gold-plated anything, it's all solid and it's real. Now you may have heard that some of it
has been brought in from off-planet. This is truth. You see, what we did was an expansion
program. You know about Nesara and originally the Trust Funds that St Germain established
the first one of, and all of the other trust funds from that one, were intended to distribute
dollars, lots of them, to those participants in the funds and from there they would send money
and spend money to those who were friends and family to them, or just open up the phone
book and pick a few hundreds names, whatever, so as to distribute the money.

But then an improvement came along because we realized there was so much gold and other
precious metals, we call them precious too, available and so we brought more in from what
you call off-planet. Venus was most generous and on Venus it is not necessary to have the
mining procedures which can be quite polluting on Planet Earth. They have been. They have
started on Mother Earth with what you call open pit mining and there have been the
underground mines which often times have provided a tremendous amount of danger to those
who were brave enough to go in there and work. Well, on Venus that’s not quite how it works
so they just shipped a few ships of gold from Venus, and it’s very special gold by the way, and
so the treasury is overflowing with it in the United States of America and other countries.
Well, China nee ds some but its OK, there’s plenty for everybody. And it’s going out to all of
the countries and it will back all of the new world currencies. Everything will be on what you
call par with everything else. There will not be one country that is the ‘have not’ country,
while it’s neighbor is a ‘have’ country.

Nobody is going to be any richer than anybody else with the exception of the trust recipients
who will be so busy spending their dollars for the worldwide humanitarian projects, that they
will not stop to notice that they might have a few more dollars than those who are not
recipients of the trust funds, because those who are not in the trusts are going to get $10
million anyway and because of the even-ing process that will be taking place, that $10 million
is gonna buy what $100 million is needed for in this moment. So everybody is going to be
rich, rich, rich.

Now there are other questions that have come up – well if everyone has got money who’s
gonna get the mansion, and who’s gonna get the hovel, and who’s gonna get the designer
clothes, who’s gonna get the bargain basement? Well we’ve got the answer for that one too.
It’s called Replicators and Robots. Hmmm… the group here was having some fun the other
night having their funny bones tickled by the new meaning of R&R, because replicators and
robots are going to give everybody R&R in the traditional sense you know, rest and relaxation
anyway. So what you got there is four R’s. But that’s OK. You don’t need to dwell on that but
just understand that there are ways for everyone to have exactly what they want. If you want a
crystal palace studded with emeralds and amethysts, that’s perfect, but you are not going to
buy it with your dollars. You can have a lovely home that is already built now, then you can
go on to create what you want or not.

It’s all your choice. You may have seen the movie Star Trek with the holodeck. If you say,
well I have a mission to do at the south pole, (it’s rather chilly there but we will be even-ing

out the temperatures), but if you say well I would like to go to the equator or a place that is
represented as being very, very hot, tropical, you are not going to get on an airplane and fly
there, you gonna go to a holodeck. You won’t need to be constantly jetting around the world.
Well, jets are going to be eliminated anyway, they pollute. You are going to have silent,
moving apparatus, motors and engines and all of those kinds of things. Our ships when they
are not just the merkabah or the energy field of the beings, are powered by clean energy.
Ormes is one of them. Ormes is the highest form of gold. And there are other ways of
powering the ships. Sometimes there is an actual kind of material, perhaps unknown on Planet
Earth, and it is powered by the thought waves of the beings inside of the ships. How about

There is a combination. It’s like a ship that is powered by the merkabah, or by the thought
wave, the energy waves emitted by the beings within the ship. And sometimes there is a
whole command center that is full of computers and keyboards and all kinds of exotic
instruments - fabulous they are. You see you are going to have choices. We started to talk
about you and you come into your ship and what we meant was you are going to have a
choice there too, but it will be somewhat of a reunion for you to rejoin one ship that is the one
that you choose at this moment. Some of you have flown many ships just as in your pilots,
among your pilots there are many pilots who can fly more than one type of airplane. They are
rated for this or rated for that. Everybody of course wants to move up to the big jets and all of
that but those pilots who fly the big jets can still fly little planes as well. So you will have
choices. You might want to take your little shuttle out for a spin, and your little shuttle might
be just you in your little craft, powering it strictly by your thoughts – you might want to fly
the big ship, you know the Captain Kirk type of bridge and the whole bit. And that’s perfect.
So keep in mind that you have choices and you are not limited you are not restricted. You are
not limited to any particular planet and here is another deal for you. You are not going to be
limited to any particular dimension. You can go into any dimension or you can access that part
of you that is in a different dimension anyway and connect and communicate and commune
and literally put yourself there.

Now of course your physical bodies have to be up to speed and after a certain time you will
simply not take your physicality there anyway, you'll just be a body of light. And that’s kinda
fun too. We would probably say the best thing to do is just aim high, higher than 3. You will
be leaving 3 anyway. But you will have the capabilities once you have been to 5 – you will
have the capabilities to come back to 3 and be an assistant if you want to do so. And you can
still, let me see, jet out of there any time that you choose. There will be many, many choices
and opportunities. Right now what we are asking all of you to focus upon is your mission here
in this phase of Planet Earth’s Ascension. We have already told you many times Ascension is
assured, you are all going and its simply a matter of knowing what it is that you are here to do
to facilitate that Ascension, that’s number one, and number two, what it is that you are here to
do in the way of a helping project or mission for the planet.

If you do your house-cleaning and your Q-tipping, and your Q-tipping of the Q-tipping, and
so on and so on and get yourselves ready, and then you look around you to see what it is you
are here to do to help others to make the shift. Now the most immediate mission which is
universal in that regard, is for you to facilitate the announcement that you’ve all been waiting
for and it’s actually a double, a two-part announcement. It will be so close you can call it -
The Announcement Part 1 and Part 2. Of course there is the most joyful news that we are here
in loving service – we are real, and we are here and we have been here and part 2 of course is
what you call the Nesara announcement, because that is going to change officially this whole

monetary system. The entire planet will be freed from the, well, the entire planet i s in all but
the very last step, free anyway because the arrests have been going on and on, no need to
dwell upon, but the entire … all of the provisions, the parts of the Nesara law are going to be
a real shock. So people are going to get the double shock. First of all "hello, yes we are here
and we are real" and secondly well, you don’t owe any money any more, and you don’t have
to pay the IRS anything, and you are free, and by the way your bank account is now full of

So if you already know about these things and you are welcoming them and you are in
anticipation of them, fabulous, but just imagine that perhaps your neighbor, or your brother, or
your mother or somebody you know quite well doesn’t know a thing. Put yourself in their
shoes. Clueless. So just think about that and think about how you might be wanting to help
them when all of this happens. You don’t have to have a script written out, but you would be
very wise to understand it's imminent, no dates as always but imminent, and be somewhat
prepared to reach out. Do you have a group of people - perhaps you have a child in school and
there is a parent organization. Perhaps you go to a church where maybe a few people have
heard about it but for the most part, no one knows. Or perhaps you have some kind of a hobby
group, do you belong to a tennis club or a birdwatchers group or whatever. Can you stand tall
and be courageous and offer to speak to the members of the group. That’s not for everyone
and we understand that some of you may not have such a group or may not feel that that is
your mission. Perhaps there are 2 or 3 people that you know of and the 2 or 3 of you could
stand together or sit at a panel table to simply assure people that all is well. And yes the world
is being turned upside down or however someone views it but the purpose of it is to facilitate
the evolvement, to facilitate peace on earth, to facilitate joy and freedom for all, abundance
and happy lifestyles even though there is going to be, there already is, a very very good film
that will play for people to get the background details and get the full understanding of how
this is all working.

The human touch is a good one. It’s wonderful if you can reach out to someone and say, "It's
OK; this is good, this is wonderful indeed, come on let’s dance in the streets, because this is
confetti day like no other confetti day has ever been." You see if you show your joy, if you
show your willingness to open your heart, if you share your truth and your love you will help
others to be in acceptance so that they too can come to the understanding that they have a
mission, a purpose in their lives. The mother who is working 3 jobs to support her children
doesn’t have to do it anymore. You have the gift of telling her, "You are free. You don’t have
to do that any more unless it gives you great joy. You can spend the time with your children.
You can take painting lessons, you can travel around the world."

There are some new ways that are going to enhance the travel however you choose to do it.
Indeed you can do whatever you choose to do. And so can your children you see, just
imagine, yes they are going to see it on their television sets and we’re going to beam into
movie theatres and all kinds of places so people can get the information, but there is nothing
as real for them as you giving them a hug and saying yes its true, believe it. You are not
dreaming it. It’s true for the entire planet. Peace on earth, love and joy which are everyone’s
birthright, everyone in the universe, it’s just that Planet Earth has been the Planet of
experience, a Planet where everyone has come to live 1000 lives or more in order to
experience all they could possibly dream up, whether it’s been happy or not and so it&rsquo ;s
a different and an all new experience and then if people come to accept the truth of this and
the joy of it and they start living the new lifestyle, the new original lifestyle we should say, all
this money stuff isn’t going to matter. You can decorate with gold, wear gold, you can drink

gold in the right manner, you can do all kinds of things with gold. But it isn’t going to matter
because nothing is going to have to be paid for. So that’s the next phase.

So we are simply asking that you get yourselves ready and prepare to tell others what to
expect. You don’t have to go out and tell them all about it now, but you can be ready yourself
to stand forward in whatever manner is comfortable for you, in whatever manner your
guidance tells you to know, and so we shall simply leave it up to you and your imaginations.
It’s real and it’s true all that has been spoken of that is to come and all that is in the works now
and we will close by simply asking that you remember all the players who are being arrested,
and being put on trial and convicted and sentenced and all of that volunteered long ago to put
on dark hats, and they got so deeply into the programs that they could not take the dark hats
off of their heads. Programs have a great deal to offer, and programs can be tyrannical and
enslaving those who have opened to those programs, whether they have opened knowingly or
not, that is consciously or not, they did volunteer to have those programs guiding them,
programs of darkness.

By the way, you have all taken a turn or two of wearing a dark hat, the difference is that you
simply did not have the programs so deeply entrenched within your beings and you have been
able to come to the light whether in this lifetime or other lifetimes it matters not, you are here
now, the Lightworkers, Lightbeamers and just plain wondrous beings of joy, light spirits in
human bodies you are. And so we ask that you share your light with those who are still so far
into the dark that they see no real way out. They are leaving, many are gone now, we’re in the
final phases of what you might call the roundup. And as you heard the news earlier, there is no
place for them to hide. So it’s done. Consider it done, Beloveds, send them your love, "ho-
oponopono" and prepare for what is to come, because it’s not o nly ordained, it’s not only for
sure, it’s imminent. No dates.

And so we have another speaker,** I shall ask him to introduce himself and I, Ashtar, shall
leave the stage with great love, affection and delight at this coming together in this family
gathering. You are infinitely loved beyond words, you shine, Beloved Ones, brighter than the
brightest stars. When we connect with you it is heart to heart and with such joy we really can’t
even express it in your words, we simply ask that you feel the hugs we have for you, and the
love. Come often, be connected and be one with the All That We Are. And so it is. Salute.

**Part 2 with JFK's remarks will be published later this week (delayed due to phone
disconnection and garbling on the Hawaii end).

Thanks to Deborah Urquhart for these timely notes.

Tags: Ashtar, Road, on, the

Missing the Mark...the Haywire Energies

November 12, 2009


With all the new spaces present in a new dimensional reality, there is an epidemic occurring in
relation to mis-matches, or rather energies that are not hitting their designated targets. From
receiving "wrong number" phone calls, to continued misinformation being given out, to the
usual malfunction of electronics, to the "wrong" this or that, energies are simply not reaching
their intended targets, thus creating a continual feeling of no flow in certain situations. None-
the-less, in other areas, there is a synchronicity present at the highest levels that can feel oh so
magnificent when it occurs, even if it does not make sense at lower levels.

With so many vibrational variations and levels now present, as we are still settling in to new
energetic homes, these glitches, mis-matches, and continued misses are to be expected. And
add to this the massive collision that is felt when distinctly lower and distinctly higher
vibrations meet, and friction may just be the word of the moment.

Even so, things are indeed settling down a bit, and the turmoil energy of all the recent changes
is beginning to wane.

Because all things are indeed connecting at higher levels, it can help if we know that our
needs are being met, even if by strange and unusual circumstances. Navigating through the
lower dimensional reality can indeed be easier if we keep our eye on the final outcome. As we
may feel uncomfortable, dismayed, irritated, or even shocked by some of the manifestations
of the denser energies (and unable to interact or even communicate with them), in the end, we
may find that what we desire, or even a strange support can be the result. The trick is to ignore
these energies that reside in between us and the desire or outcome we are navigating towards,
and to stay focused on the outcome.

What is occurring here, is that we are no longer connected to the old world, but still must
implement it to some degree, as we have not yet created a very new world for ourselves and
for those who have crossed over with us.

In this way, we cannot be touched by lower vibrating energies which may seem threatening,
unpleasant, or even disrespectful and shocking. They may do their dance, but we do not reside
where they do. What we can do is to stay detached, step back, stay above them, and in a
relaxed and loving way, gently put out our intention and then watch as these energies begin to
shift and change. At other times, we may need to simply realize that whatever these energies
are saying, will never apply to us, so in this way, we are indeed unaffected by them.

Because of this scenario of energies existing in very different spaces, we may experience
strange "attacks" in regard to our work…again, with mis-information ever present. Or even
strange attacks with mis-information in regard to anything we are involved with. Lower
vibrating energies are telling us that we no longer belong in these spaces. At the highest
levels, they are encouraging us to get out, as energy is always going in the same direction and
supporting us at the highest levels, no matter how it manifests at the lower levels. And when
we are eventually free of these lower vibrating energies, are we ever so glad to be free of the
feeling of darkness and confusion!

At the same time, some energies of the old reality are none too happy that we have pulled out
and are no longer holding it up. In this way, we may have experiences of being charged
outrageous amounts of money for things, being asked to pay ridiculous fees, feel as if we are
being asked to "dish out" over and over again, when all we want to do is to naturally receive

what is due to us for all of our service as holders of the light. We may feel that it needs to be
"our turn," finally, as we enter our heaven on earth, instead of feeling a struggle to simply
make ends meet, or that the old reality is "taking" instead of giving. The old reality does not
want us to cease the giving and supporting we have done for so very long. When we begin
giving to each other, and supporting each other, these scenarios will cease to exist. We will
hold each other up, as we create the new reality and the new grid.

Feeling a dis-connect from Source or from our guidance or even from all things feeling good
is a very natural result of crossing over. We are being encouraged to now rely upon ourselves,
as we are becoming ever so quickly the angels of the earth. At this point in our spiritual
evolutionary process, we know much more than we did when we began only a few years
prior. In this way, we can now be wise council for those who are ready and who are asking for
our services. We will find that in times to come, we will be guidance to our own special and
specific groups of souls, just as we had our own special and specific non-physical guides
ourselves in times past. These souls will come to us…we will not approach them thinking we
know what they need. They will be willing and ready, and thus ask us for our help. (We are
also in the process of getting very new non-physical guides for ourselves, as we have replaced
our prior guides with ourselves.)

As we find that interacting with the denser energies creates a serious collision energy, with us
almost being rocked to our core or traumatized, we will naturally become hesitant to connect
with anyone or anything, and resistance or fear may be the by-product. We are being
encouraged to now connect to our soul teams, or to those with whom we share similar
vibrational frequencies. At times as well, we will also connect to others who are nowhere near
a match to us, but who can act as "middlemen" between ourselves and the other world, as
interacting with the other world has become now near impossible.

With all these strange and volatile energies present of late, we may naturally seek out our
personal sanctuaries, or at least ways to remain in the eye of the storm. And as I have been
writing about in many times past, we will also naturally begin forming our own groups or
special places of residency for many to inhabit, so as to be residing in good feeling energy as
much as possible. This is simply a very natural phase of creating the new world. We will
begin by connecting to partners who feel great to be around, and then graduate to more souls,
thus forming a group, and eventually, we will begin to congregate in physical places.

All of this ties in as well with feeling a dis-connect from Source. To bore you with the same
old message, we are now embodying so much more of Source energy ourselves, that we will
very naturally seek out the company of each other. In this way, we will help each other in
many ways. We will come together to create whatever we choose, through the gifts and talents
that each of us so naturally possesses. And when we come together, we will feel awesome
indeed! Unpleasant experiences are occurring for us in the old reality so that we will be
encouraged to leave. We need to create a very new reality. We need to come together. It is up
to us.

Stuck in between worlds and feeling lost and alone? Or perhaps not quite sure what you want
to create and where to connect? Many times we can feel stuck in between worlds if we still
have one foot in one reality, and the other foot in another. If we cannot completely remove
ourselves from the old world, what really helps is the energy of love. Love vibrates so very
high, that it will override everything else. Personally, I believe it is a very tall order to be
loving to everyone all of the time, especially when we have been punching bags for so much

of the past year. And now that we are vibrating even higher, our sensitivities make being a
punching bag even more challenging. With so much of our dense outer layer now non-
existent, we may really feel all the pokes and prods to our energetic system like never before.
Even so, when we have to be in the company of denser energies, it can really help to be as
loving as possible.

No one "sees" you when you are in between? There is really not much of a connection? This
is because you no longer belong in these spaces. If at all possible, it can really help to find a
different place to be that vibrates a bit higher.

Where to go and what to contribute or create? Being around our brothers and sisters can really
feel "real." There is a lateral connection present, or at least a connection that is fairly lateral.
And even if we are not in the company of our brothers and sisters (meaning fellow ascension
travelers), simply laughing with others, being in spaces of creativity together, accepting each
other, and loving and respecting each other, can create great feeling spaces as well no matter
who is residing where. In these ways, it does not matter what rung of the ladder anyone is
really inhabiting, as the vibrations of love, respect, caring, fun, and creativity always vibrate
high no matter what the circumstances or setting. Being around the elderly or around children
is usually always a pleasure as well, as these souls are more open and connected as they have
either newly arrived, or are preparing to depart, thus placing them closer to the other side.

If you are wondering what you may want to contribute or create, a good rule of thumb is to
identify what it is that puts you in a space where you forget who you are. It is something that
really gets you out of the way. It is something that is not about you. It is something that does
not represent a contribution you are making because you are needing or wanting to heal
something inside of you temporarily. It is something that you have had a passion for or
something that you have known about for a very long time. It is something that comes easily
for you. It is something that you came to do, but it was not yet time until now.

If nothing is inspiring you right now, you may be needing a rest from all the turmoil and stress
of the past two years. If at all possible, grant yourself this reprieve. It will place you in the eye
of the storm and connect you to the higher energies. Thinking positively, having grand and
positive visions, and absolutely believing they will come about will do the same.

We are still settling in to a degree, from our massive permanent removal from the old reality,
and 2010 will mark a very new beginning in many new ways. For many, we are still collecting
the souls with whom we will be connecting to, and still formulating our new plans. We are
still adjusting to our new "homes." But whatever is occurring with all of us, the energies of
love, respect, caring, and unity will override anything and everything else, and simply negate
all the illusions of how all things are presenting themselves, and what we may believe is really
occurring. Nothing else really matters. Rising above all the illusions will become an easy
norm in times to come.

With much love and gratitude,


SaLuSa - 16-November-2009
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 8:00pm

There is beauty everywhere if you care to look, and it is nature at work. You see the flowers
and trees, animals and birds in the Oneness of the physical forming energy of your Creator.
You peer into your seas and lift your head up to the skies, and all moves in wondrous
harmony and fulfils your needs. Yet it is Man who has upset the fine balance between it all,
and for eons of time has plundered the Earth to feed his insatiable greed. The Earth does not
have unlimited resources, and it is only in recent times that you have understood the necessity
to preserve what you have already. There was ample to meet your daily needs, until your
resources were seen as a means of bringing wealth to those who could market them. Now you
find that overuse has led to serious shortages, and the balance of your planet is being put at
risk. There are attempts to bring about rescue plans, but your big industrial giants prefer to put
profit before yours and the planets wellbeing.

Why do we mention these things now Dear Ones, it is because although there is some grasp
the importance of taking action now, finding agreement between the different countries is
extremely difficult. How you treat your Earth is an indication of how far you have progressed
spiritually, and is also a measure of how you treat each other. Until you accept that you are
reliant on each other, and that you are the guardians of the Earth and all its life forms, there
will continue to be disharmony between you all. However, caring and sharing is something
that will return, as you advance towards the end of this cycle, and it will happen quite quickly.
It will come with the recognition that unless you do so, you cannot overcome the inequality
that now exists. You are one family on Earth working towards the recognition of your soul
purpose, and realizing that you are all reliant on each other for your success.
You are becoming enlightened as to what you need to do to help Humanity through the
process of Ascension. Because of it you now understand that recognizing the divinity of all
life is extremely important, if you are to open your consciousness to the truth. You are not
rising up in isolation, as the new energies are lifting up the whole solar system. The Oneness
that exists extends everywhere in all directions, and this is another reason why we of the
Galactic Federation are here to assist you. We see clearly where our help is required, and
without it the tasks you face would become overpowering and beyond your capabilities. We
can save you so much time, and overcome the problems you would face financing the many
projects to restore your Earth. Our services will cost you absolutely nothing, as we come on

the divine orders of the Universe Overlords, and we happily share with you whatever we
We want you to understand that we come to you not as strangers, but your spiritual family
with the utmost love in our hearts. So many of you are directly related to us, and we come to
find our own so that we may be re-united once again. Your memories of where you originally
came from have long been overshadowed by the dark energies, but now they are being
transmuted by the powerful Light that permeates your Earth. As some of you have awakened
we hear you say that somehow you know the Earth is not your true home, and you look up to
the skies from whence you came. That restless feeling of belonging elsewhere urges you ever
onwards to find the truth.
Dear Ones, you do not have much longer to wait before we appear by invitation, and then
there shall be worldwide broadcasts of our existence. With time the truth of our connection to
you, and our place in your history will be revealed. We have closely followed your journey
through duality, and there have been times when we have been allowed to contact individuals
and groups, who have shown spiritual progress. Your present situation is greatly encouraging
and one of great promise, inasmuch that many souls are reaching out to us. Once again we
find that our presence is allowed through the Law of Attraction. It is further enhanced by the
Ascension process that will come to fruition with or without Man, as a Universal event that is
part of a greater Cosmic Cycle.
For you we are proof of the existence of higher Beings, and we come with the reassurance
that there is a Supreme Creator regardless of what name you might use. There is but the One
of All That Is, and this knowledge should enable the different churches to agree on the
common source of their Gods. There can but be the One Truth, and where you are open to
learning the greater truths they will be placed before you. It would be most pleasing to see
Man put aside his religious differences, to find the truth that would instead draw them
together. It must come in time but there will be no forcing of the issues, as it is your freewill
choice as to what you believe. Yes, freewill is what has created your reality, and it is freewill
that will lift you up so that you can find the true path to spiritual freedom.
As you will no doubt realize, there is a great deal to do to get you on track for Ascension. We
come not to restore the old as you know it, but to help you re-create the perfection that once
existed from the time you first settled upon the Earth. You have forgotten what it was like to
live in complete freedom and harmony, and to go where your fancy took you without any
aspect of fear. What joyful occasions are awaiting you, and all in quick succession as you lift
higher into the new vibrations. Start now to picture in your minds what that will mean, and
how it will feel to be free from the lower vibrations you are in now, that weigh heavily upon
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and even I get overjoyed when I think of the marvelous events that
are to come. I feel your relief and great happiness, when you understand that you are to be
released from the wheel of re-birth. It will have served its purpose, in having brought you to
the point of completion with the closing of the cycle. That opportunity has been placed before
all souls, and allowances should be made for those who are not yet ready to leave it. Send
them on their way with your love and blessings, and they will rise up another day in some
future cycle. Some of you may desire to return to them to fill a roll similar to what we are
doing now. The higher life is service to one another in Love and Light, and a wonderful
satisfying experience.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

The Triad Portals: 11-11, 12-12 & 12-21-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 8:00pm
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Earth-Keeper Chronicles
Issue # 38 -Special Edition

The Triad Portals:

11-11, 12-12 & 12-21-2009

Earth-Keeper Chronicles Special Edition

November 8, 2009

Archangel Metatron via J Tyberonn

The 11-11, 12-12 and 12-21

The Triad Star-Gates of Love

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And I embrace you all in energy of Unconditional

And so we speak on the Triad Stargates. We tell you there are three major frequencial
openings occurring in the remainder of your year.

These will occur on November 11th, 2009; December 12th, 2009 and December 21st, 2009.

These stargates are a major part of the 'Planetary Shift'. The 3 listed frequencial portals are a
Triad of inlet corridors that will work in aggregation to assist you through a potent transition.
The planet is changing its spiritual season.

The 11-11, 12-12 and 21-12 are aggregated around the release of fear and the acceptance of
LOVE. It is the Return of the Heart of the Dove. These bring the Triad Stargates of Love,
invigorate LOVE, and are indeed an aspect and function of the Crystalline Age. As such the
arc swing of duality is lessened.

LOVE is Pro-Active

Masters we tell you that in the Celestial realms, love is a frequencial force that is pro-active.
The triad portals offer you a benevolent aspect of love that will give you the strength of will
to be harmonically assertive rather than passive.

The Triad gates enable humanity to reinstate passionate influence through stalwart action.
Where timidity and fear have closed inner doors, this Triad of Love, will offer frequencial
fidelity that will reopen them. On the 11-11 these will be received in micro, individually. On
the 12-12 they will be received in macro, in group and mass. And as such hold open the
doorway for all of humanity to pass through the same threshold.

The energy that is offered in the Triad Stargates, as always involve your choice and your
discernment. But they also require action on your part to activate the energy of enablement
that is being made available to the seeking souls of humanity.

These offer you the vision to see what no longer serves you and the ability to take charge of
the multidimensional aspects of your consciousness by offering access to the seat of power
within the oversoul. The seat of your oversoul is the center of power and Universal Truth. And
Universal Truth is in a field of LOVE that is in your terms, devoid of fear. It expands as you
enter and enables your ability to access vast wisdom and information to assist you on your
journey of Ascension.

As such you will discover that your life's purpose and its success is in many aspects is linked
to that of others. It is imperative that mankind discover that one can maintain individual
reality while cooperating with others to bring about the highest potential and result.

Harmony in the Crystalline Age

In the Crystalline Age of the Ascended Earth partnering with others of diverse content will be
seen as very do-able when release of fear is permitted and love is not impeached. Cooperation
and harmony do not create limitation, rather expansion and creativity.

This possibility, however, requires accountability and responsibility. It does not mean
cowering or passivity in the throes of duality. Love requires the commitment of strength. This
does not mean bullying another or allowing self to be controlled by fear. Indeed it is standing
in your truth, and that requires gentle but solid courage.

Fear, from our higher perspective, is not the opposite of love, in fact it has its purposed role in
duality just as all 'obstacles' do. Nor is LOVE meant to cancel out fear per sei. Rather the two,
from overview, work in tandem to allow humanity to find the harmonic solution.

But do not misunderstand us, unbridled fear can and does separate. It detriments wisdom. As
such it is a catalyst in duality. Fear is employed by those with an agenda and a desire to
control. Release of fear through unity consciousness is your final test.

As your great teacher, Mahatma Ghandi told you, when you disarm your own heart in unity
with those that are fearful and controlling, you disarm their hearts as well. Not by giving in,
but by being steadfast in your power and truth, yet open to unity within love of others.

Violence begets violence, and it is never the answer to resolving conflict. For a while it may
seem the dark side is winning, but in the end, it is always love that prevails.

So there are in essence two levels of fear that the Triad gates will assist you to deal with. The
first is inner fear, fear that causes you to become weak, filling you with doubt and confusion,
impairing Love of Self.

The second is fear from outside sources. Simply put, being 'stuck' by allowing others in group
or individual to control you and limit your freedom.

In order to overcome the detrimental consequences of fear and its side effects of despair,
depression and immobility all that is required is to face them in strength. Then ask your
Divinity to create possibilities and situations that are fear and harm free and then choose the
power of will to live them. Be active!

Triad Portals: A Time of Insight & Recharging

The Triad Portals will provide a recharging, a revamping of courage and insight within a
vibration of active LOVE. You will be empowered. When fear is faced and released, you will
find an inrush of energy. You will within this energy open channels of previously dormant
creativity, and creativity leads to the power to script your life. But the vibration of love must
ever guide the wise use of power. Those on your planet that truly wield the greatest power, do
so in brotherhood, and exude gentleness. True power is also subtle.
But insight is required to achieve this.

On the 11th of November energy will initiate that assists you in breaking through the
energetic boxes that many on the planet are yet entrapped within, often unknowingly. Some of
you may not even be aware of the entanglements. The primary component of the containment
is again, old energy fear. And it is a fear aspect that is multidimensional within the duality
hologram of simultaneous time on the planet. Many of the aspects being surfaced in the
ascending energy are indeed remnants within the coinciding lifetimes of individuals that must
be cleared, must be released.

There has been in essence a pull back from many Lightworkers over the past months. A sense
of lull. It is why many on the planet for the past few weeks have felt stuck, mired in a low
energy that contains waves of doubt.

In this astrologically driven phase the old energy has resurfaced. But it is not just the pseudo-
sacrosanct control religions that are seen. Indeed all of the aspects of false beliefs around

control and revenge are being boiled to the surface in the purification crucible required for the
cleansing of the planet. It is in essence the allegorical test of 'Kristos Temptation', and it is a
mirror that reflects what no longer serves.

Dear Ones, we have recently told you that old religions and old dogmatic beliefs of control
are in their last throes. Light attracts bugs, it has been always be so. Violence is never the
answer. All answers lie in the strength of harmony.

Those who are required in the new paradigm to abdicate the old thrones of power in both
government and (especially) old-energy religion will not do so willingly. They will not fall
without a fight.

Masters, view the incidences of this that have occurred over the past month alone in America.
It is manifesting on two fronts, one that is actively center stage, and another that is individual
and submissive. Do not fall into the lulled quagmire of surrender.

Heart of the Dove: The Kristos Rose

The 11-11, 12-12 and December solstice are energetic portals that will assist you in breaking
through the mire. It is the Return of the Heart of the Dove. It offers what some refer to as the
'Kristos Rose' it is the Heart of the Dove. It is time to shine your light, and that takes energy.

There are many paths and many choices on your road of growth. A wise human is one that is
not easily surrendered to the threats or actions of nay sayers who will attempt in their
negativity to discredit or threaten behind the critical veil of skewed self righteousness.

The planetary Ascension requires seekers to reclaim their will and to shine their decisive
intent in a beacon of confidence that is unaffected by the duality bias of the hour.

It is time to rally through the mire. Dear Ones if you hang your head in despair and confusion
your heartbeam will be lowered in kind. Lose momentum and your forward thrust will be
curtailed. If you ingest the animosity and acrimonious threats of the nay sayers you will be
discouraged, and indeed that is their controlling motive. That is their role in duality you see,
to ensnare you in confusion and doubt.

The Spiritual Warrior cannot, must not allow the hostilities of the world without to penetrate
the layers of the harmony and love within. Do not surrender! The submissive yielding would
be individually subtle and voiceless, but the collective rue would be felt in micro and macro
across humanity.


Spirit hears you. Spirit speaks to hearts in a small quiet voice. Spirit reveals its TRUTH from
within and exhibits its fidelity through every step along your path of enlightenment. Spirit is
not defined by religion nor hemmed in by dogma. Neither is Spirit constrained by the good
opinion of others or lack thereof. It is resplendent in the form and the formless and you will
recognize it as it speaks the language of Universal Law.

The frequencial opening that occurs on the 11-11 (11 November, 2009) is one that cast light
on all of these aspects. In truth its door has been opened since the full moon of November
2nd. Review on the 11:11. Take inventory. On the 12:12 gather in groups where possible, and

On the 12-21 project love and actively take your power. Love is pro-active. Love is nurturing
but steadfast. The Spiritual Winter on your planet is giving way through the Crystalline
Energy, to a verdant springtime. Plant the seeds of your heart, in nurturing and powerful

This energy is shining down in the Triad Portals through the emerging 144-Crytsalline Grid.
Employ them, it is how the Ascension occurs!

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it is.

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11:11:11- The Master Teacher beyond 2012

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 20, 2009 at 8:30pm


To All Master Teachers! Unveiling the Mystery Beyond 2012

We welcome you on this EVE of 11:11:11, a triple trinity gateway to lifting the veil of scarcity
and fear.
We are the Master Teachers Kuthumi and Pallas Athena and you are all Master Teachers of the
New Now when you choose to embrace all that you are.
Tomorrow the western film industry of fear and control mass releases the film 2012, a film
aimed not at entertainment, but at a global entrainment of fear. We are asking all conscious
beings to embrace the essence of their core now and in every now, which is Love, the
absolution of fear. We are suggesting that you activate more than a counteraction to fear, but a
transmutation of fear and all resulting vibrations that cascade from it tomorrow and in the
days ahead as the new now emerges. You activate this by entering the Sacred Journey of the
Heart, a soul-based commitment to connect from the feeling side of your being to your fellow
beings of all forms, to center your actions in your heart and to Love to the depths of all of who
you are. (For more information on Sacred Journey of the heart, please visit:
Much has been written about the 11:11 portals and the gateways of consciousness that are
opening. What we wish contribute to this growing body of consciousness is another aspect of
the great opportunity that is before you on this day and all the days beyond: What opens
tomorrow is the energy that impels you beyond 2012. The most complete numerology for
11:11:2009 is that of the Master number 33:
November 11th, 2009 (a year of 11) = 11+11+11=33
In numerology, the number 33 signifies the Master Spiritual Teacher. The mastery of intuition
(11) plus the mastery of building new nows (22) combining to the Mastery of Integration of
All Teachings (33).
For a discussion of Pythagorean numerology, please visit earlier posts in the archives of this
website or this link:
Integration as a word form contains the elements of Mastery:
Integration = 60: 30:30
Vowels in the word integration = 30
Consonants in the word integration = 30
Beyond 2012 is simply, in numerology and in your calendar, the year 2013.
What does 2013 equate to when decoded?
33 (2+0+1 = 3) plus 3.
2013 = a year of 33, a full blossoming of the teachings of the Master Teachers, meaning you.
What is the greatest veiling (evil) of all time? What is the greatest forgetting? What is the
memory that is returning? That you, each and every one of you, is already a Master Teacher!
That you are your own Saviour. You are all remembering your Whole Spirit and Whole Being.
You are reuniting the Ultimate Master Teacher, within and without :
What is the vibration of ONE GOD? Why very perfectly, it is 33!
O+N+E + G+O+D
6+5+5+7+6+4 = 33
How does one connect with the One God within and without? You become your own Saviour.
What is the vibration of Saviour? It is 33. You have been waiting for the Messiah, the Saviour
and all along it is you waiting for you to reawaken!
How does one unveil the Mystery that has covered up your inner connection with who you
are, Master Teachers, all united in One God? All Saviours of the World Soul?
We will show you one new way based on ancient wisdom: Love Vedas.
Love Vedas = 33 in numerology, just as does One God. What opens now is the 33 vibration of

Renewal (33) Reawaken (33) and Order (33).
Love Vedas: Teachings to Reawaken the Order of One God
We speak of Vedas because they connect to the Sanskrit word meaning “wisdom” and refer to
the oldest known sacred treaties of awakening.
The Love Vedas serve to transmute fear into nothingness and expand Love within and
without. What if each one of you decided to activate your power NOW and transmute fear for
all those who are still under the veil? Yes, the what if, then becomes the New Now in the form
and substance that you envision. You are that powerful.
Our Beloved Saviours, Master Teachers, first let us tell you what the Love Vedas are not!
They are not a meditation to do in the privacy of your own home. They are the Living Keys of
Transmutative Action. They are wisdom teachings to put into action. They are a waking,
walking prayer.
Each Love Veda begins with the 33 vibration of “I Pray”. I Pray = 33.
When you make your life a living prayer, you are entreating the ONE GOD to emerge from
within and to manifest without. By the word, “prayer”, we refer to the action of re-quest and
entreaty. To pray is to enter the Quest again, to find the Holy Grail within you, and the make
treaty or promise to yourself that you enter into this inner sacred space.
Connect to your heart, to your core, to your soul.
Do this in the beginning, the middle and the end of your day, pray without ceasing, pray
without end. What does this mean? To live in the heart, to act with compassion and to lead
with loving kindness. In this way, everything you do, everyone you meet, no matter how
fleeting the connection, becomes infused with the energy of One God by touching your heart.
If only for a moment, you, in prayer, connect to someone who is veiled in fear, and thus, you
transmute that to something new. Yes.
The Love Vedas:
I pray that I AM Love Expanding
I pray that I embrace understanding
I pray that I know God in me
I pray that I am choosing to be free
I pray that I am Seeing God in You
I pray that my words all be True
I pray that my heart leads my life
I pray for an end to all strife
I pray we are choosing to know peace
I pray that abundance increase
I pray that I know the One Soul
I pray that the broken become Whole
I pray I am guided to share
I pray that I am demonstrating care
I pray that I master loving grace
I pray that I hold sacred space
I pray that I follow Spirit’s sign
I pray I am one with the Divine
I pray that God’s Will Be Done
I pray we know All is One.
~~These are the Love Vedas. See them. Know them. Say them. Become them. When you
interact in the world, they become the Master Teachings of the Master Teacher that you Are,
they become the embodiment of the essence that leads all of humanity beyond 2012 and into
2013 where you will all turn inward and outward for a moment and say “What a magnificent
prayer we have answered”.

Blessed Be the One God within and without
For in Truth and in Life, All is One.
All is One = 33
Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

11-1-2009 Transformation:Renaissance|Ronna Prince Conscious Channel

We welcome you on this day of 11-1 in the year 2009 - an 11 year of choice.
11-1 or 111 is a vibration that signifies making a conscious connection to the choices you are
making in each moment. Many traditions celebrate the beginning days of November as a time
to honor All Saints and All Souls, and a time of remembrance of those who have lived and
died. This tradition is further amplified by the illumination of this full moon in the fixed sign
of Taurus on 11-2 -2009. (11:11:11) This full moon offers the opportunity to examine your
choices and to make changes that will enable you to grow emotionally, spiritually, mentally
and foundationally, meaning in the outer manifestations of your life such as career, finances,
housing, and resources. To do this, you must make a commitment to transformation. With
commitment to transforming old patterns into new and honoring ways of being, you activate
your own Renaissance or Rebirth. Here is an image to assist in knowing where we/you are
Drawing in the Light Heart, (top image) graphic design image created by Nancy Roll,
inspirational graphic artist.
The word vibration, through Pythagorean numerology, of Transformation: Renaissance equals
2+9+1+5+1+6+6+9+4+1+2+9+6+5 : +9+5+5+1+9+1+1+1+5+3+5 = 111
What conscious connection might be the single most important one to commit to? We suggest
that it is to be in the heart and to connect your heart to the heart of earth. In so doing, every
thought, word and action comes into alignment allowing alchemy to assist you in
transforming to a new way of being. This transformation, Conscious Heart Connection, leads
to renaissance of your fully ensouled being.
What is a fully ensouled being? It is the state of being where your soul is directing all aspects
of your life, rather than the patterns of the past, the unconscious, or small mind of ego
otherwise known as fear of change creation.
Now, rest assured that these very words are calibrating your own 111 vibrations of connection
to the Crystal Grids of Trinity, to the Light Network of Ascension and to the Balance of Love-
Wisdom-Power. for more information on 111 visit the 4-21-2008 Sananda article on the link
What do we mean by 111 calibrations? All of the following word vibrations equal exactly 111:
Conscious HEART Connection = 111
Alignment Allowing Alchemy = 111
Crystal Grids of Trinity = 111
Light Network of Ascension = 111
Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power = 111
What do we mean by making a commitment to be in the heart and to connect your heart to the
earth’s heart?
To be in the heart activates these energies:
First, you choose to feel the essence of your being. Regardless of how you came to be in this
incarnation, your essence is the creation energy of Love, pure Love and the desire to express
that love into creative form.

Close your eyes for a moment, focus your attention on your heart center, breathe into this area
of your being, and feel the presence of your life force. Feel the simplicity and the soulfulness
of your heart. Know that you are whole and complete.
From this place of connection, to be in the heart, in its many forms is this:
you express words of encouragement to yourself and others,
you acknowledge the divine essence of self and others,
you choose actions that are based on wisdom and worthiness,
you see the world around you as full of opportunities and new beginnings,
you focus on the abundance available for you to tap into and expand,
you allow yourself to open to joy and gratitude,
you give thanks to all people in your life as part of your soul plan to complete what you have
started long ago,
you believe that you are free of limitation and lack,
you take time to connect with the earth and the abundant supply of life-giving essence that is
shared with you each day and night,
you renew your heart in a commitment to be loving and kind.
you celebrate this new beginning by expressing your love for the earth, and for all creatures
cohabiting the earth with you. On this, 11-1 day and all the days ahead, give thanks to earth,
give thanks to your heart and the heart-connection to others that creates healing and
Renaissance, to be reborn, is to see and experience the world from the inner beauty and
curiosity of newborn. See the world as if you are a newborn, which is to say, see the world
from your heart, not from your mind. Experiment and play with this concept until it is a state
of being. Use the images above to spiral into the center of your heart. Look at everything
today as if you were seeing it for the first time and experience the wonder and curiosity
without the judgment and fear that often colors our perceptions with unconscious heaviness.
See the world transforming in a positive way. When you see or hear the fear around issues
such as influenza, pandemic, economic uncertainty, war, violence or loss, know that this is a
sign of the old ways of being that are ending. Know that you may stay centered in this place
of heart while the old world of fear and control is spinning out of control. The old guard is
desiring to include you in their vortex of lack and loss. When you see the fear in their hearts,
know that this fear serves them in some way. Does it serve you? Are you de-serving fear and
anxiety? Or are you choosing to serve in more heart-centered new way? What if by your
choice, you are here now to create change and to witness the evolutions of conscious love?
(Evolutions of Conscious Love = 111)
And there ARE evolutions of conscious love at work on the earth in miraculous forms. We
give you one example, long awaited and long overdue in the United States of America.
P.L. (Public Law) # 111-33 The Native American Heritage Act of 2009 was passed into law on
6-26-2009 by signature of President Obama. Whatever your belief about Obama and his
presidency is not the relevant point here. What is of significance is that this public law,
enacted for the people and by the people, creates a day of remembering and observation, on
the day after Thanksgiving each year, of the Native American people and their traditions.
What is also of significance is that P.L. 111-33 was passed on a day of 25 (6+26+2009 =
6+8+11=25). 25 is the essence vibration of the word Heart and the word Earth. 8+5+1+9+2 =
Summary of P.L. 111-33:
Encourages the people of the United States, as well as federal, state, and local governments
and interested groups and organizations, to honor Native Americans with appropriate
activities to observe Native American Heritage Day, including regarding: (1) the historical
status of Native American tribal governments and the present day status of Native Americans;

(2) Native American cultures, traditions, and languages; and (3) the rich Native American
cultural legacy that all Americans enjoy today.
In numerology, the essence of creation, 111-33 signifies the Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power
being transformed on earth and in the heart. 111-33 is the Mastery of the Lesson that all
people and all beings, in all space and all time must be honored and respected in order for All
to be reborn in Conscious Heart Connection. This is place that heals and restores to
wholeness. This action is drawing in the Light Heart. It is spiraling in to the center of
wholeness and love.
Know that the heart and the heart beat is in everyone and it is in the center of all things. It is
the connection point and the integration, the source and the solution.
On this day of 11-1 and beyond make a conscious connection to your heart, live in gratitude
and see all things as a newborn in a renaissance of love.
Optimism, peace and joy be with you on this and all the days to come.
Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Copyright 2009 Ronna Prince. All rights Reserved. You may share this article in its entirety
with reference to the author and her website. Thanks you.

 Posted by ekin duman on November 23, 2009 at 1:19pm


Dr. Len’e kendisini iyileştirmekle ilgili ne yaptığını sordum. O hastaların dosyalarına baktığı
zamani tam olarak yaptığı neydi?

“Üzgünüm, ve tekrar tekrar “seni seviyorum” diyorum”, dedi

Senin gibi biri bana geldiği zaman, İlahi Olan’a, “Lütfen, ……….’da bu acıya neden olan
benim içimdeki devam etmekte olan şey neyse, onu nasıl çıkarıp atacağımı bana anlat”. Ve
acınız gidene kadar veya siz durmamı isteyene kadar bana verilen bilgiyi uyguluyorum.
Herhangi bir problemi çözmek istiyorsanız, kendiniz üzerinde çalışın. Eğer başka biriyle
probleminiz varsa, kendinize şöyle sorun, “Bu kişinin canımı sıkmasına neden olan içimdeki
şey nedir?”. İnsanlar yaşamınıza sadece sizin canınızı sıkmak için çıkagelirler! Eğer bunu
biliyorsanız, herhangi bir durumu kaldırabilirsiniz ve orada salıverebilirsiniz. Basittir: “Olan
şeyler için üzgünüm. Lütfen beni bağışla.”

-- Benim ve o kişi için probleme neden olan içimdeki hatalı düşünceler için üzgünüm; lütfen
beni bağışla”

Herkesin düşüncelerinden toksik enerjileri iptal etmek için uygulayabileceği bir düşünce
temizleme aleti; Zihinsel olarak düşünün;

“Işığın Düğmesini benim ve ailemin, akrabalarımın, yakınlarımın ve atalarımın düşüncelerine


Bu aletin kullanılabileceği zamanların sayısının sınırı yoktur. Alet, Zihninizi bölen,

kendinizin, ailenizin, akrabalarınızın ve atalarınızın toksik düşüncelerini temizlemek içim
Sevgiye bir ricadır.

“Üzgünüm. Problem olarak tezahür eden içimde süregiden her ne ise lütfen beni bunun için
bağışla.” Sevgi bunu siler ve düzeltir.

İşte size kendinizi fark ettiğiniz herhangi bir şeyden iyileştirmede kanıtlanmış iki
ho’oponopono uygulaması. Başkasında gördüğünüz her şeyin içinizde de olduğunu
unutmayın, dolayısıyla bütün iyileştirme olayı kendinizi iyileştirmektir. Bu yöntemi sizden
başka kimse uygulayamaz.

“İlahi Yaratıcı, tek olan baba, anne, oğul … Eğer yaradılışımızın başlangıcından şu ana kadar,
ben, ailem, yakınlarım ve atalarım sana, ailene, yakınlarına karşı düşüncelerde, sözlerde,
eylemlerde ve hareketlerde suç işlediysek/kırdıysak, bağışlamanı diliyoruz … Bunun
temizlenmesine, arınmasına, salıverilmesine, tüm negatif anıların, blokların, enerjilerin ve
titreşimlerin kesilmesine, silinmesine izin ver ve bu istenmeyen enerjileri saf ışığa dönüştür
…. Ve oldu”

Bu rica (dua) ho'oponopono olarak adlandırılır ve her dinde rastlanabilir, çünkü “her inançta,
suç işlediklerimiz için bağışlama istediğimiz bir bölüm vardır… Ancak bunun ötesine gideriz
… aile, yakınlar ve atalar… bazı problemler, muhtemelen başka bir yüzyılda birisinin başını
baltayla kesen bir büyükbabadan kaynaklanır. Atmayı istediğimiz şey “saf ışığa” dönüştürülür,
çünkü aksi taktirde attığımız çöple “atmosferi kirletirdik”. Ancak saf ışık olarak, kirliliğe
neden olmaz.”

“Ve oldu” dendiğinde, dönüşüm gerçekleşir, ve “bilgisayar depolanan çöpü otomatik olarak
İkinci olarak, Dr. Hew Len’in iyileştirme şekli öncelikle “Özür dilerim” ve “Lütfen beni affet”
demektir. Bunu bir şeyin – ne olduğunu bilmediğiniz bir şey – beden/zihin sisteminize girmiş
olduğunu kabul etmek için söylersiniz. Oraya nasıl girdiği hakkında hiçbir fikriniz yoktur.
Bilmek zorunda değilsiniz. Eğer fazla kilolu iseniz, sizi bu hale getiren progama
yakalanmışsınızdır sadece. “Özür dilerim” derken, Tanrı’ya içinizden size getirmiş olduğu şey
için af dilediğinizi söylüyorsunuz. Tanrı’dan sizi affetmesini istemiyorsunuz; Tanrı’dan sizin
kendinizi affetmeniz için size yardım etmesini istiyorsunuz.

Bundan sonra, “Teşekkür ederim” ve “seni seviyorum” dersiniz. “Teşekkür ederim dediğiniz
zaman, minnettarlığınızı ifade etmiş oluyorsunuz. Sorunun onunla ilgili olan her şeyin mutlak
iyiliği için çözüleceği inancınızı gösteriyorsunuz. “Seni seviyorum” tıkanık enerjinin
akmasını sağlar. Sizi Tanrı’ya bağlar. Sıfır konumu saf sevgi ve sıfır limiti olduğu için,
sevginizi ifade ederek o konuma gelmeye başlıyorsunuz.

Bundan sonra olacaklar Tanrı’ya kalmıştır. Bir şekilde harekete geçmeniz konusunda içinize
bir esinlenme doğabilir. Bu her neyse, onu yapın. Yapacağınız hareketten emin değilseniz,
aynı iyileştirme metodunu kafa karışıklığınız için uygulayın. Net olduğunuzda, ne yapmanız
gerektiğini bileceksiniz.

Bu, güncelleştirilmiş ho'oponopono iyileştirme yöntemlerinin basitleştirilmiş bir


Zero Limit; Joe Vitale – Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

"Yeni Dünya’da Refah" – Bir Saint-

Germain Mesajı Alexandra Mahlimay ve
Dan Bennack Cluj-Napoca, Romania
6.8.2008 Çeviri:

Halil Gül Pay
bu haber ile a…
 Posted by ekin duman on November 23, 2009 at 5:45pm

"Yeni Dünya’da Refah" – Bir Saint-Germain Mesajı

Alexandra Mahlimay ve Dan Bennack

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Çeviri: Halil Gül

Pay bu haber ile a arkadaş, Buraya tıklayın.

8 Ağustos ve sonrasındaki süreçte, insanlık refah bilincine açılmaya doğru bir fırsata sahip
olacak. Refahın, güvenliğin ve esenliğin, birbirinize verdiğiniz hediyeler olduğunu
bileceksiniz. Bunun bir diğerinden aldığınız veya başkası sayesinde deneyimlediğiniz şeyler
olmadığını bileceksiniz. Ne siz ne de Dünya artık bu yaklaşımı desteklemeyecek.

Şu an çok büyük bir dönüşüm meydana gelmekte ve bunun kaynakların kıtlığı ile hiçbir ilgisi
yok. Bu tamamen bir kurmaca. Yeterli miktar her zaman mevcuttu. Hayati kaynaklarınızın
hepsi yenilenebilir.

Şu an muhtaç olduğunuz bir şey varsa, o da tüm yaşamınızın bir birine bağlı olduğunun
kollektif farkındalığıdır. Siz, komşularınız ve Dünyanız ortak bir kalbin nabız atışısınız.

Refah yardımseverlikle başlar, yardımseverlik ise kalpte başlar

Dostlarım, yakında tüm evrenin halizhazırda bilmekte olduğu bir şeyi deneyimleyeceksiniz
ki : Refah yardımseverlikle başlar, yardımseverlik ise kalpte başlar.

Kendinize vermiş olduğunuz şeyi, bir diğerine de kolaylıkla verebileceğinizi öğreneceksiniz.

Ancak başkalarını mahrum bıraktığınız şeyden sizde mahrum kalacaksınız-cezalandırıldığınız
için değil, kalpleriniz kapalı olduğu için. Kapalı bir kalp, tıpkı sımsıkı bir yumruk gibi, ne
verebilir ne de alabilir.

Kalbinize giden yolları kapatmak hazinenizi korumanızı sağlamaz. Hatta, sizi içe kilitler ve
herşeyi dışlar ve mahrum kalır. Güvende ve emniyette olduğunuzu sanırsınız ancak öyle
değildir. Bir hapiste yaşarsınız, sizi ilgilendiren tek şeyin, hayatta kalmak ve size ait olduğunu
düşündüğünüz, sıkıca korumaya aldığınız şeylerin sizden alınacağı korkusu ile yaratmış
olduğunuz bir hapiste.

Bu haldeyken neşenin ve rahatlığın ne olduğunu bilebilmeyi nasıl ümit edebilirsinizki?

Şunu bilin. Bağımsızsınız. Tanrısal kaynağın büyük yaşamı içerisindeki bilincin bireysel

yansımalarısınız. Neşeniz ve refahınız budur.

Bunu kabul etmeye hazırlandınız mı?

Üzerinizdeki fırsatlar, izin verirseniz, küresel bir toplum olarak sizi daha ileriye taşıyacaklar.
Bu arzuda birleştiğiniz sürece, olacak olan budur.

Birbirine bağlı olmak ve bireysellik paradoksu

Birçoğunuz birbirine bağlılık ve bireysellik arasındaki paradoksu anlamaya başladınız.

Öncelikle, Bir olan Tanrı’nın bağımsız, sınırsız ve eşsiz yansımaları olduğunuzu kabul etmiş
durumdasınız. Ve bundan dolayıdır ki, hayatınızı tıpkı ruhunuzun yaşamakta olduğu şekilde
( size olan sevgisinde merkezlenmiş ve kaynağa olan bağına demirlemiş ) yaşamaya
başlıyorsunuz. Bu Yeni Sizsiniz.

Ayrıca, ilişkilerin doğasını da anlamaya ve kabul etmeye başlıyorsunuz. Neyin elzem

olduğunu- herşey olduğunuzu ve hiç kimseye hiçbir şey için ihtiyacınız olmadığını-
hatırlıyorsunuz. Bu bilişle, ne kendinizin başkalarına bağımlı olmasına, ne de başkalarının
size bağımlı olmasına izin vermezsiniz. Bunun yerine, Tanrısallığınızı paylaşmayı
hatırlarsınız. Kendinizi, mümkün olan tek şekilde- Tanrı’nın sevgisini bir diğerinizle
paylaşarak- genişletirsiniz. Yeni ilişkilerin anlamı budur.

Sonunda, birbirinize bağlı olduğunuz anlayışını kabul edip, kucaklıyorsunuz.Tıpkı bir

senfoninin birleşik bir müzik deneyimi yaratmak için tüm üyelerine duyduğu bağlılık gibi. Bu
yüzden İlahiliğinizi tam anlamıyla deneyimlemeniz, her birinizin kendisini tam olarak ve
bütünle uyum içerisinde ifade etmesine bağlıdır. Tanrısallığınızın birleşik deneyiminin,
bireysel deneyimlerin toplamından daha yüce olduğunu biliyorsunuz. Tıpkı Tanrı’nın olduğu
gibi – ve bu size haz verir.

İnsanlığın tümü Ortak Yaşamınızın anlayışına gelmeli. Bunu başarmanın tek yolu doğrudan
deneyimdir. Bu teorik bir şey değildir. Bu kadar basittir. İnsanlık kitleleri yakında refahla ilgili
sorunların karşılıklı dayanışma ile olan gerçekliğini deneyimleyecekler.

Refaha neden olan şey nedir?

Refahla ilgili kendi sorunlarınızla bir dereceye kadar başarılı olduğunuz şekillerde çalışmış
olmanız muhtemeldir. Örneğin, bilirsiniz ki, yaşamınıza bolluğu çekmek netlik, odaklanmış
niyet ve kendini sevgiyle kabul gerektirir. Ama bundan da fazlası vardır. Bunu bir vakumda
yapamazsınız. Kendinizin boluk içinde olmanıza neden olmak için bir diğerinize vermeye ve
almaya niyetli olmalısınız. Bunun başka yolu yoktur. Kalbinizi açmalısınız.

Bu neden böyledir?

Çünkü, refahınızın kaynağı Tanrı’dır ve kollektif olarak sizler de Tanrı’sınızdır. Bunlar

yadsınamaz gerçeklerdir. Birisi bir diğeri olmadan varolamaz. Birçoğunuzun halihazırda
yaptığı gibi, bunu bireysel olarak hatırlamayı seçebilirsiniz, ancak tek başına bu yetersizdir.
Kollektif olarak bu şekilde yaşamaya karar vermelisiniz. Ve tekrar, bu bu kadar basittir.

Refahınıza Uyanmak

Hepinizin Tanrı olarak paylaştığı bu hayatın, refahınızın kaynağı olduğunu hatırlamak üzere
bu küresel uyanışta oynadığı roller var. Beden hücrelerinizin kalbinizin beslenmesini
reddetmeyeceği, veya damarlarınızdaki kan hücrelerinin oksijeni taşımayı reddetmeyeceği
gibi, siz de bu rolü reddetme durumuna gelmezsiniz.

Gelecek zamanlarda hepiniz rollerinizdeki bölümleri oynayacaksınız. Bazılarınız diğerlerine

daha büyük miktarlarda verirken, diğerleriniz daha çok alabilirsiniz. Bu geçici bir durumdur.
Dengesizlik yanılsamasına saplanmayın. Önemli olan, rolünüzdeki bölümü oynayarak
kendinizle ilgili çok önemli bir gerçeği ( refahınızın kaynağının birbirinize olan bağlılığınız
olduğunu) kollektif olarak hatırlayacak olmanızdır.

Bir gündem olmaksızın, gizli bir niyet olmaksızın birbirinize vermeyi ve almayı öğrendikçe,
hepiniz refaha kavuşacaksınız. Ve böylelikle, gezegeninizde böyle bir tacize bir daha asla izin

Ben Saint-Germain.

joy and clarity turkce cevirileri asagidaki linkten bulabilirsiniz turkce ceviriler

“Bilinçli Yaratım: Öz’ü Tezahüre

Dönüştürmek” – Bir Saint-Germain ve
Yeshua Mesajı
 Posted by ekin duman on November 23, 2009 at 5:47pm

“Bilinçli Yaratım: Öz’ü Tezahüre Dönüştürmek” – Bir Saint-Germain ve Yeshua Mesajı

Alexandra Mahlimay ve Dan Bennack

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Çeviri: Halil Gül

Pay bu haber ile a arkadaş, Buraya tıklayın.

Aşağıdaki mesaj celsenin, danışanın izni ile yeniden düzenlenmiş bir bölümüdür.

“Merhaba. Bilinçli yaratıma dair net bir görüş rica ediyorum. Deneyimlemek istediğim şeyi
nasıl tezahür ettiririm? Hangi adımları atacağımdan emin değilim. Bana bu konuda rehberlik
yaparmısınız? Teşekkür ederim.”

Sevgili Dost,

Bizler Saint-Germain, Yeshua, senin destek takımın olan Melekler, Alexandra ve Dan olarak

Lütfen şimdi bizimle birlikte nefes al. Nefesinle birlikte Tüm Olan Sen’in sevgisini içine al.
Sessizliğinde merkezlen ve Ruh’unun fısıltılarını dinle.

Birçok kez Ruh ile bağlantı kurma arzusuna sahip oldun. Oturdun ve sana ilham ve umut
veren, yaşam hazzı ile dolduran bir bağlantıyı bekledin. Bir parça açılım deneyimledin, ama
tekrar kapandığını hissettin ve neler olduğunu merak ettin.

Rehberlik Almak

Belkide sessizliğinde ortaya çıkan küçük sesin daha fazla konuştuğu anlarda, yaratımla ilgili
rehberliğin seni tıpkı bir yıldırım çarparcasına yönlendirmesini bekliyorsun. Bu senin
Ruh’unun sesi. Senin, endişelerle ve mevcut durumunu geliştirme arzularınla dolu olmadığın
zamanlardaki sesin.

Zihnindeki beklentiler ve buna eşlik eden ne yaratmak istediğine dair güçlü arzular, seni
yorgun ve kafan karışmış halde tutuyor. Zihnini karıştırıp duygularını yoğunlaştırarak, seni ne
yapacağına dair net bir fikrin olmayan bir halde bırakıyorlar. Bu, bir işe yaramazlık hissi,
tükenmişlik, doğru davranışı kavrayamama ve buna uygun hareket edememe durumunu

Buraya Ruh’un sesini işitmek üzere geldin. Ruh’un sana özgürce sunduğu sevgi ve bilgeliği
paylaşmaya geldin. Bu konuyu Ruh’una devret. O tam olarak ne yapılacağını biliyor. Senden
beklenen tek şey O’nun ne söylediğini sesizce dinlemen.

Ruh’unu duyabilmek için, öncelikle zihnini sakinleştirmeli ve arzularının yoğunluğuna gem

vurmalısın. Çalkantılı sular, ne yukarısındaki netliği yansıtır nede derinliklerini açığa vururlar.
Ruh’unla olan iletişimin için de böyledir. Sessizliği arama. Bırak o seni bulsun. Bu doğal bir

durumdur. Zihnin ve duyguların sessizliğe ve sükunete büründükçe, gerçek arzularını tatmin
etmene yardımcı olacak rehberliği alabileceksin.

Sükuneti Temin Etmek

Sessizlik alanına ulaşmak ve Ruh’undan rehberlik alabilmek için, çevrendeki herşeyi, onlarla
özdeşleşmene gerek olmaksızın hissetmeye istekli olmalısın. Herhangi birşeyi hissetmeye dair
bir korkun varsa, bu korku Tanrısallığının çevrendeki mevcudiyetini hissetmene engel olabilir.

Ruh’unla olan iletişim kanallarını tekrar açmak için, içinde barındırıyor olabileceğin eski
duygusal yaralara dokunmaya da istekli olmalısın. Bunlar geçmişinde izole edilmiş ve
sevgisiz kalmış olan parçalarındır. Bütünlüğünü tekrar hissetmek ve parçalanmış benliklerini
tekrar biraraya getirmek için, travmalarını, onlarla özdeşleşmeksizin tekrar deneyimlemelisin.

Geçmiş yaralarını bu şekilde hissetmek için kendine izin verdiğin zaman, sevgisiz kalmış,
istenmediğini hissetmiş veya yeterince iyi olmadığını hissettiğin taraflarını güvenli bir şekilde
kucaklayabilirsin. Onları kabul oldukları gibi edersin, sevginin onları daha iyi birşeye
dönüştürmesine izin verirsin. Geçmişini şifalandırmak duygularını korkusuzca hissedebilme
yeteneğini sana tekrar kazandırır, ve böylelikle Ruh’undan gelen rehberliğin akışını ve onu
algılayış düzeyini geliştirir.

Duygusal yaralarına dokunduğun zamanlarda, lütfen kendine karşı nazik ol ve kendi

Tanrısallığından gelen sevgiyi kabul et. Seni kucaklamasına ve içine almasına izin ver. Bu
sana yalnız olmadığını, gerçekten sevildiğini ve güvende olduğunu hatırlatacak.

Kendini olduğun halinle yargısızca, beklentisizce, geçmişini reddetmeksizin sevebilmeye

başladığın zaman, ancak o zaman, kendini yardıma ve rehberliğe genişçe açmış olacaksın.
Ruh’unla tekrar bağlantının ana noktası olan, sessiz bir tefekkür alanına gireceksin. Buradan,
Ruh’un seni, geçmiş acılarının ve yalnızlığın sana getirmiş olduğu tüm engellerden öteye
taşıyacak. Kendini tekrar bağlanmış ve heyecanlı hissedeceksin.

Akışa Girmek

Bu sükunet alanından, kendini yaratıcılık anlamında olsun, ilişkilerde veya tüm diğer şeylerde
ifade edebileceğin en iyi yolu gösterecek olan Ruh’unla birlikte, sevgi ve uyumun akışına
gireceksin. Sükunet deneyiminden yükselen bu zarif akış, dünyanın, onun güzelliğini ve
gerçeğini özgürce keşfedebileceğin güvenli bir yer olduğuna dair şüphelerini giderecek ve
sana neşe getiren, ilham veren şeyleri yaratmanı sağlayacak.

Sana uygun olmadığını hissettiğin, veya ilham vermek yerine seni bitkin düşüren hiçbir
durumun içine düşmeyeceksin. Ve “duygusal, fiziksel veya ekonomik olarak hayatta
kalabilmek için bunu yapmalıyım” şeklindeki hatalı inancın tetiklediği aynı deneyimleri
tekrar yaratmayı bırakacaksın.

İlişkilerin de değişecek. Şimdi farklı bir şekilde yaratabileceğine dair, veya şimdiye kadar
meydana getirmiş olduğun şeyleri kaybedebileceğine dair korkularını saldıkça, ilişkilerin de
değişecekler. Bu korkuları saldıkça, kendini güvende hissedebileceğin güvenli bir mekan inşa
etmeye dair sahip olduğun yanılsamaların ötesini görebilecek, ve hayatını yenilenmiş bir
güven ve sorumluluk içinde yaşamaya başlayacaksın.

Bilinçli Yaratım

Halihazırda biliyor olabileceğin gibi, bilinçli yaratımın temel birkaç basamağı vardır. Şimdi
seninle bunlara tekrar göz atacağız.

1) Öncelikle, dünyaya ve kendinin kim olduğunu sandığına dair inançlarına karşılık gelen
kişileri, şeyleri ve deneyimleri yaşamına çektiğinin farkına varmalısın.

2) Bu çoğunlukla bilinçsiz olarak yaptığın birşeydir, ancak bunu bilinçli hale getirebilirsin.

3) Bilinçsizce yaratıyorsan, çözümlenmemiş korkulara veya yaşamında birşeyin eksik

olduğuna, tamamlanmamış olduğuna dair inancına karşılık veriyorsundur.

4) Ama bilinçli olarak yarattığında, zihninde, birşeylerin eksik olduğuna dair inanca yer
yoktur. Tanrı’nın bir çocuğu, kendisi olduğunu, Tüm Olan olduğunu bildiğin için kalbinin
arzuladığı herşeye sahip olabileceğini bilirsin.

5) Bereketli ve zengin bir deneyim olsun, özel bir an veya nazik bir kelime olsun, arzuladığın
herşeyin Şimdi içinde olduğunu kendine ifade et.

6) Hiçbir şeyi dışlamamış olduğunun kesinliği içerisinde, yaratmak istemiş olduğun şeyin –
bolluk, ilişki veya herhangi birşeyin- ÖZÜNÜ zaten halihazırda içinde nasıl deneyimliyor
olduğunu gözlemle.

7) Arzulamış olduğun şeyin özünü zaten halihazırda nasıl deneyimliyor olduğunu tespit
ettiğinde, DAHA ÇOĞUNA sahip olmayı seç.

8) Bilinçli yaratımın anahtarı budur: hoşlandığın şeyin özünün yaşamında zaten mevcut
olduğunu kabul edip onaylayarak, daha çoğunu iste.

9) Bunu yaptığın zaman, Öz’ü kolaylıkla Tezahüre dönüştürdüğünü göreceksin. İstersen bunu
yeni şekillerde yapabilirsin, veya basitçe şimdi hoşlanmakta olduğun şeyi muhafaza edebilir
veya çoğaltabilirsin.

10) Detaylardan önce Öz’e odaklanmayı hatırla.

11) Örneğin, yaşamında daha çok huzur deneyimlemek istiyorsan, halihazırda zaten
hissediyor olduğun huzuru tespit et, ona şükret ve dahasını iste. Daha fazla huzuru nasıl
yaşayacağına dair tercihlerini belirt, ancak gelecek olanı kabul etmeye istekli ol. Ruh’unun
sana en uygun olanı sunacağına güven.

12) Tanrı’nın bir çocuğu, kendisi olarak, Tüm Olan olduğunu asla unutma. Böyle olduğundan
dolayı, şu an arzulamakta olduğun şeyin özünün zevkini çıkarabilirsin. Gerisi sadece çekim ve
genişleme ile ilgilidir.

13) Hatırla, birşeyin eksik olduğu yanılsamasına sahip olmadığında, Bolluğun Gerçekliğini
onaylamış olursun.

14) Bu, tezahürün kapılarını açarak, kalbinin arzuladığı herhangi birşeyi yaratmanı sağlar.

Ve Bilinçli Yaratıma dair sunacaklarımız bunlardır.

Kalpten sevildiğini ve yaratmayı seçtiğin herşey için desteklendiğini bil.

Saint-Germain ve Yeshua

joy and clarity tr çevirileri

Dünya(!)sal Evren(!)sel Görevler

 Posted by DEFNE UNAL on November 24, 2009 at 5:55pm

Şu görevli olmak terimine hasta oluyorum..'Ben bu dünyada görevliyim..' bir sen görevlisin
çünkü geçiyorduk uğradık..bakıp çıkıcaz çok kalmayacağız..
ya da
'E görevli geldik, kolay mı?..Zor oluyor tabii..' Abla sen konkene falan git ya, altın günlerine
katıl bak daha eğlenceli..yormayalım biz seni..

İkinci uyuz olduğum kelime de : seçilmek..'ama beni onlar seçtiler..' Bir yanlışlık olmuş abla
kusura kalma gari :)))
Tövbe Yarabbim..

Nedense yıllar içinde dünyasal olmak ve evrensel olmak, evrensel görev yapmak gibi tuhaf,
anlamsız söylemler türedi..Bir şekilde dünya işleri, gaileleri boş, gereksiz...evrensel (!)
görevler pek mühim olgular şeklinde bir algılama yaratıldı dünyasal sorumluluklar, günlük
işler hani dünya telaşı dediğimiz tüm o uğraşlar basit, değersiz ; bu tür işleri ve koşuşturmaları
olanlar da 'evrimsiz', 'ruhsal evrimi düşük' gibi sıfatlar aldılar..Hatta maalesef öyle bir noktaya
geldi ki olay, 'ay şu çamaşırı, bulaşığı halledeyim..çocukları da başımdan savayım da evrensel
görevimi yapayım..böyle işlerle uğraşmaktan evrensel görevlerimi aksatıyorum ayol!'
diyenleri bile duydum..

Dünya, evrenin bir hücresi, mikroda bir yansıması, bir suretidir..Zaten kendisi 'evrene ait',
onun içinde ve hatta onun bir prototipi,çekirdeği olan bir oluşum, nasıl 'evrensel' olmayabilir?
Dünya gailesi diye küçümseyip attığımız şeyler, bizim burada beden alma amacımızdır..Biz
dünyada insan OLmayı deneyimlemek için bulunuyoruz ; yani insan olarak yaşamak
için..daha da açarsak; yemek, içmek, nefes almak, gezmek, çalışmak, aşık olmak, dost
olmak,hasta olmak,sağlıklı olmak,savaşmak,sevişmek, anne olmak, baba olmak, patron
olmak, çalışan olmak, sevinmek, üzülmek, insana ait duyguları hissetmek, kazanmak,
kaybetmek, hatırlamak için..tümüyle ve birçok şekilde insana ait olguları
deneyimlemek için..

Her birimiz, birbirinden farklı boyutlardan, zamanlardan geliyoruz..elbette ki oralarda asıl

kimliklerimiz ile başka başka görevlerimiz var..belki de gerçekten çok güçlü, pek bir statü (!)
sahibiyiz geldiğimiz yerlerde..ama işte hepimiz aynı kıyafeti giymişiz ;dünya bedeni..demek
ki burada böyle olmak gerekiyor..

Ağlayabilmek, kahkaha atabilmek, acıkmak, karnımızı doyurunca yaşadığımız o büyük keyfi

yaşabilmek, birine dokunabilmek, sarılabilmek...o kadar eşsiz duygular evrende bu
duyguları yaşayamayan o kadar çok varlık var ki..bizim burun kıvırdığımız eylemlerin tümü,
aslında burada bulunuş amaçlarımız..

Bir değerlendirilmeye tabii tutulacaksa hayatlarımız, öte alemde (ki hem evet tutulacak hem
de tutulmayacak aslında) bu değerlendirme dünya işlerine ayrılan süreler çıkarılıp geri kalan
zamanda ne kadar evrensel misyonlarımızı gerçekleştirdiğimize bakılarak olmayacak..sabah
uyandım, dişimi fırçaladım, kahvaltıyı evde/dışarıda/işte yaptım..işe gittim..yol sürdü bir
saat...işte her zamanki koşturmaca, telefon, evrak trafiği derken akşam olmuş..çıkışta
sevgilimle sinemaya gittim..bitap düşmüşüm günün sonunda..duş alıp hemen yattı
zaman evrensel görevlerime zaman ayıracaktım?? Bu değil işte..

Ne yapmak'tan, nasıl yapmaya hatta aslında ne OLmaya geçtiğimizde tüm sırlar çözülmüş

İşte murat edilen ve bizden beklenen, zaten olmamız gereken yerde, olmamız gereken
insanlarla, olmamız istenen kimliğimiz ve kişiliğimizle olduğumuzun farkındalığı ile tüm bu
günlük işleri dengeyle, sevgiyle, neşeyle, uyumla yapmaktır..
Aslında ötesi; mesleğimiz ve rollerimizi (anne,baba,eş,sevgili,arkadaş,çalışan,müdür...) araç
kılarak Tanrısal ışığımızı,sevgimizi,özümüzü yansıtmak için buradayız..

Öyle : 'ancak fırsat buldum..oturayım da (hani benim manyetik alanım geniştir ya) biraz
dünyaya şifa, huzur yayayım da evrensel görevimi yerine getireyim'ler birşeyleri yanlış
anladığımızın göstergesidir..Tüm canlılar ve maddeler dahi bir auraya sahiptir ve boyutları,
alanları birbirinden farklı olsa da her anda bir enerji yayarlar..zaten varlık ile yokluğu ayıran
da onun enerji ile ilişkisi değil midir? Sıradan bir günde karşılaştığımız her insan, her telefon
konuşması, internetteki her türlü chat, mail ortamı, evde, işte,dışarıda dokunduğumuz her
nesne, madde...tüm sesler, görüntüler, kokular bir şifa aracıdır büyülü bir yaşam sürmek ise
niyetimiz..doğduğumuz andan itibaren giydiğimiz tüm giysiler, oturduğumuz tüm koltuklar,
yemek yediğimiz evdeki ve dışarıdaki tüm masalar, her kağıt, her kalem, her bilgisayar, her
bardak, her para, yediğimiz her çukolatanın çıkarıp attığımız paketi...yani bir şekilde
değdiğimiz tüm maddeler bizi başkalarına taşır..bazen denge ve şifa olarak..bazen karışıklık,
dengesizlik olarak..

Dokunduğumuz eşyada bıraktığımız bir doku parçasından kimlik tespitlerinin yapıldığı, tek
bir hücreden insanın kopyalandığı bir devirdeyiz..bir hücrenin taşınması, tüm hücre
bilincimizin, tanrısal enerjimizin, evrimlerimizin, tüm genetik şifrelerimizin taşınması
Söylediğimiz her kelime hatta çıkardığımız her ses ve tüm diğer kendimizi ifade şekilleri
(yazı, çizim, resim, müzik, beden dili, mimik, tiyatro, ürettiğimiz her iş, eser....) bizi
başkalarına taşır..bazen sevgi ve aşk olarak bazen de korku olarak..
Tüm düşüncelerimiz birilerine ya aşı olur bir yerlere uyum getirir ya da bir hastalığı körükler,
bir uyumsuzluğu arttırır..
Ve dahi, aldığımız her nefes, süzüp dışarı verdiğimiz hava, üzerine bastığımız tüm toprak
parçaları, bedenimize giren ve atılan tüm besin ve gıdalar..her bakışımız, hayattaki her
duruşumuz, edamız, havamız, tarzımız, gülüşümüz...birilerini, bir yerleri ya ışıtır..ya
O kadar iç içe yaşamlarımız, evrimlerimiz aslında..

Bu nedenle, ne OLduğumuzdan başkaca yüce bir görev yoktur..

Önce kendimize şifa, aşk, şevkat olmamız...sonra başkalarının yüreklerine SU serpmemiz,

ilaç olmamız, neşeye, dengeye, huzura bir vesile olmamız dileğimle...


Herşeye rağmen ..kryon (gerçekten herşeye
rağmen başarmadık mı? ekion )
 Posted by ekin duman on November 24, 2009 at 6:20pm



Bu canlı kanallık Montreal, Quebec, Kanada’da verildi

17 Ekim 2009

Selamlar sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon’um.

Oh, İnsan Varlıklar, size anlatacağım, bu gezegende çok yeni olan bir geçiş yaratıyorsunuz.
Bununla ilgili bir şeyler bilmek ister miydiniz? Gerçekte, sadece geçmişteki o şeylerle mi
uzlaşıyorsunuz? Bugün odaya size ne getirildiğini bilmek ister miydiniz? Belki burada dönen
enerjilerin bazıları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isterdiniz? Bu geceki mesaj incelemeniz
için bir gözden geçirme ile ilgilidir. Bunu işitmenizi istiyorum.

Bu akşam burası tatlı bir yer. Etrafınızda çalışan varlıkları hissetmeye davet ediyoruz.
Dinleyiciler arasında yakın zamanlarda sevdiklerini kaybeden iki kişi var, burada kimlerin
olduğunu biliyorum… ve kim olduğunu biliyorum ve kalbinize hitap ediyorum: Ölüm diye bir
şey yok. Bu bir geçiş enerjisidir. Gezegendeki en devamlı ve en harika şey asla yok olamaz. O
sevgidir. Bir şekilde bunun gittiğini hissediyorsunuz. Ama öyle değildir, çünkü gitmiş olan
sevilen kişi hala buradadır. Tüm yaptıkları şey perde ve siz arasında hareket etmektir.

Onlarla ilgili gördüğünüz rüyalar gerçektir; aldığınız mesajlar gerçektir ve bu sevilen kişilerin
ruhları bu gece burada. Yanınızda oturuyorlar ve size bağırıyorlar ve diyorlar ki, “Üzülme,
çünkü yaşamının kalanı boyunca buradayım”. Bunu işitmeye ihtiyacınız var ve belki de bunun
için geldiniz. Bu benim için çok gerçek! Boyutları, perdenin her iki tarafını görebiliyorum.

Size bir şey açıklamak istiyorum: Bu gezegende her şeye rağmen gerçekleşmiş olan olaylar
vardır. İnsan Varlıklar bunların ne olduğunu görmek için bunlara yeterince bakmıyorlar.
Sizinle son 20 yılın mucizlerinde yürümek istiyorum.

Geçişin Başlangıcı

1987’deki Harmonic Convergence (Armonik Yakınsama) yeni enerjiyi biçimlendirdi ve

dünyayı geçişe hazırladı, şimdi tam buna girdiniz. Olaylar hızla gerçekleşmeye başladı.
1989’da partnerim gelmeme izin verdi ve kanallığa başladı. Ona aktardığım ilk bilgi 1993’te
yayınlandı. Gezegenin manyetik ızgarasının değişeceğini söyledim… büyük ölçüde. Aslında
sizin ömrünüzde gerçekleşti, ebeveynlerinizin veya büyükanne – büyükbabalarınızın
zamanında olmadı. Her şeye rağmen onun büyük ölçüde yer değiştireceğini size anlattım… 10
yılda, son 100 yılda olduğundan çok daha fazla yer değiştirdi. Her şeye rağmen, sizin
ömrünüzde, bu gerçekleşecekti. Sonra gerçekleşti. Bugün bile ölçülebilmekte. Bunu bir
pusula ile yapmak kolaydır. Her şeye rağmen o yer değiştirdi ve biliminiz fark etti.

Bilimsel kayıtlarda güneşin heliosferinin de büyük ölçüde değiştiği bir gerçektir. O azaldı.
Güneş sisteminize gelen, Galaktik Hizalanmanın parçası olan manyetik bir kaynak vardır, siz
şimdi bunu deneyimliyorsunuz. Tüm bunlar zamanında, programında, hepsi uygun sevgili
İnsan Varlıklarım.

Tüm bunlar Mayaların size anlattıklarıyla uyum içindedir: dünyada şimdiye dek görülen en
yüksek titreşimlerden biri bu geçişte geliştirilmek üzere. Ve bu 2012’de gerçekleşmeyecek.
Bu 1998’de gerçekleşti! Siz geçişin içindesiniz. 2012’de gerçekleşecek olan tek patlama,
korku yaratmaya çalışan batı dünyasının mitolojisinin patlamasıdır! Siz tam şu anda geçişte
oturuyorsunuz ve manyetik ızgara bunun bir parçasıdır, hepsi bunun parçasıdır. Bunu 20 yıl
önce söylemiştim ve şimdi o burada. Her şeye rağmen siz bunu deneyimlediniz.

“Pekala, bu yine de gerçekleşecekti. Bu astronomik bir olay olduğundan benim için etkileyici
değil.” diyecek olanlar vardır. İnsanlar bunu yapar. Çok özel bir şey olduktan sonra bile,
bunun zaten olacağını söylerler.

Bu doğru. Gezegendeki İnsanlar bundan hoşlanmasalar bile, Galaktik Hizalanma yine de

gerçekleşecekti. Ama buna eşlik eden ezoterik titreşim değişimi hoştur ve bunu her yerde
görüyorsunuz. Belki bunun hepiniz için eşsiz bir geçiş zamanı olduğunu anlamaya
başlamadan önce birkaç tane daha “her şeye rağmen” vakasına ihtiyacınız var. Bu farklıdır.
Sizler kadim atalarınızın bile asla görmedikleri olayları görüyorsunuz. Bu değişim zamanıdır.

Yine 1993 yılındaki aynı mesajlarda, hava durumu modellerinin büyük ölçüde değişeceğini
anlattım. 20 yıl içinde bunu dramatik olarak göreceğinizi söyledim. Herhangibir şey gördünüz
mü? O burada. Ayrıca bazı anahtar sözcüklerin söylenmemiş olduğunu fark edeceksiniz.
Isınma ile ilgili asla hiçbir şey söylemedim, öyle değil mi? Isınmanız gelmekte olan
soğumadan önce gerçekleşen doğal döngüsel bir olgudur! Bunun gezegenin su döngüsü ile
ilgisi vardır ve jeolojik olarak hızlandı. Zaman görelidir ve en iyi bilim insanlarınız böyle
olduğunu söylediler. Bu gezegenin titreşimsel geçişinde, zamanı hızlandırdınız – mekanik
saatlerinizdeki zamanı değil, radyoaktif izotoplarınızın salıverilmesiyle ölçülen zamanı da
değil… bu tür zamanı değil. Bunun yerine, bu zamanın boyutlar arasılılığıdır… boyutlararası
geçişten kaynaklanan bir şey. Siz onu hızlandırdınız. Zaman çok daha hızlı ilerliyor ve
bedeniniz bunu biliyor. Bunu hissediyorsunuz. Daha hızlı olduğunu biliyorsunuz, öyle değil
mi? Ve dünya da biliyor.

Jeoloji hızlanıyor. Jeologların sonraki 100 yıl gerçekleşeceğini beklemedikleri olayları

alıyorsunuz. Bu, iklimi etkileyen su döngüsünün değişimidir. Bunu anlattık ve siz bunun
içinde oturuyorsunuz. Her şeye rağmen, iklim değişti! Bu anne babanızın veya onların anne
babalarının zamanında olmadı. Her şeye rağmen, bunu görmek için buradasınız.

Sonra, “Pekala, bu bir şekilde olacaktı. Herhangi bir şeyi kanıtlamaz, Kryon. Bana bundan
fazlasını göstermek zorunda kalacaksın.” diyecek olanlar vardır. Peki, göstereceğim. Bunu
yapacağım zamana kadar, bunu açıkça görmenizi istiyorum. Bu geçişe dahil olan bir çok
tesadüf var ve bunlar gerçekleşmeden yıllar önce bunların çoğunu anlattığım gerçeği bunu
daha özel yapıyor, öyle değil mi? Eğer oturup entellektüel olacaksanız, öyle yapın. Ama bir
noktada, zeka gerçeğe teslim olmak zorundadır.

Eski kehanetlerin hepsi Armageddon senaryosu düzenledi. Hepsi son bin yıl değişiminizin
yaklaşık zamanı ile düzenlendi. Enerjinin birlikte akması dünyadaki iki büyük süper güçle

birlikte gelecekti, her biri diğerine atom bombaları atacaktı. Sonra dünyanın sonu dediğiniz
şey olacaktı veya en azından bildiğiniz şekliyle sonu. Birçok kahin size bunu verdi. Bu
Kryon’un bu tartışma için uydurduğu bir şey değil ve siz bunu biliyorsunuz. Kendi
dinlerinizde görmek için yazılı olarak oradadırlar. Ayrıca Nostradamus’un
dörtlüklerindedirler. Hatta yerlilerin geleceğin potansiyelleri yazılarında bile vardır.

Sonra, her şeye rağmen bir şeyler oldu; mantıklı ve entellektüel seviyede gerçekleşemeyecek
bir şeydi, ama gerçekleşti. Bir gecede, Dünya sahnesindeki devlerden biri politik olarak çöktü.
Sovyetler Birliği varolmaya son verdi. Eğer anne babanıza bunu sorsaydınız, “İmkansız”
derlerdi. Yirmi yıl önce, Pentagon’a bunun potansiyelini sorsaydınız “İmkansız” derlerdi.
Kremlin’e sorsaydınız, “Komik” derlerdi. Yine, her şeye rağmen bu gerçekleşti. Bu geçişin
parçasıdır. Önünüzde olan enerjinin yeniçağının parçasıdır. Süper güçlerin birinin
eliminasyonu gerçekleşmeliydi. Tek bir bomba bile düşmedi. Hiçbir savaş olmadı. Fark
ettiyseniz, bunu bilinç yaptı.

Bununla ilgili ne düşünüyorsun, İnsan Varlığı? Sadece bilinçle süper bir gücü devirmek? Bu
listemin üçüncüsüdür, her şeye rağmen bir şeylerin gerçekleştiğini görmeye başlamak için kaç
tane olaya ihtiyacınız var?
Üç yıl önce, size kehanet olmayan bir kehanet verdim, falcılık olmayan bir nitelik,
gerçekliğinizde mevcut olan en güçlü potansiyellerden birinin raporu. Bunlar gelmekte
olduğunu görebildiğimiz olaylardır, çünkü siz bunları yavaşça yaratıyorsunuz. Bu sizin
göremediğiniz, yaratmakta olduğunuz şeyin potansiyellerini görme yeteneğimizdir ve bunu
gördüm, size verdim ve anlattım. Bu, ABD’nin en büyük şirketlerinin istikrarını kaybedecek
olmasıydı; finans kaleleri çökecekti. Bunun sigortacılık ile başlayacağını söyledim ve öyle

Gerçekten Amerikan rüyası olan bu şirketlere baktığınız zaman, dünyanın geri kalanı için
otomobili icat eden ve yaratan şirket… bunlar bugün “normal ticaret”in dışındalar. Herşeye

20 yıl önce bir otomobil şirketi yöneticisine bunun olup olamayacağını sorsaydınız, “Hayır.
Biz güçlüyüz. Hiçbirşey bunu yapamaz” derdi. Her şeye rağmen, bu gerçekleşti. Ve neden
olduğunu anlamanız önemlidir. Sevgililer, burada cezalandırma yok. Bu iş sektörü yozlaştığı
için çökmedi. Yanlış bir şey yaptıkları için çökmedi. Bu şekilde işlemiyor. Eğer bu şekilde
işleseydi, uzun zaman önce birçok şey çökmüş olurdu, öyle değil mi? Bunun yerine,
dürüstlükten bahseden finans ve bankacılıkta değişim tohumlarının başlangıcına sahiptiniz.
Kitlelerin bilinci bankerlerin bankalarını işletme şeklini, sigortacıların paralarını işletme
şeklini yeniden oluşturmaya karar verdi. Kurallar değişmeliydi ve değişiyor! Birçok insan
hala neler olduğunu merak ediyor. Bu gezegende, Kuzey Amerika’da başlayan, devam
etmekte olan finansal budama vardır ve yıllar önce bunu anlattık. Her şeye rağmen, dediğimiz
gibi gerçekleşti.

Şimdi bu bilgiyle ne yapacaksınız? Bu size verdiğim altı olay serisinin dördüncüsüdür. Her
şeye rağmen, bunlar geçekleşti. Buradaki resmi görmeye başlıyor musunuz? Kaçınız
ekonomik gerilemeyi kutlayacak cesarete, olgunluğa ve içgörüye sahipsiniz? “Bizi
batırabileceğini bile düşündüğümüz bu olaylarda biraz bütünlük ile ilerlediğimiz için teşekkür
ederim Tanrım” diyebilir misiniz? Komplocular onun bunun olacağını ve hepinizin kıyameti
olduğunu söyleyeceklerdir. Ve kanıt ironik şekilde ekonomik gerilemedir! Yaptığınız şeyin
bütünlük için sistemi budamak olduğu anlayışı hala yok.

Size ABD den daha fazla bahsedeyim. Her şeye rağmen… renkli bir başkanları var. Bunun iki
nesil daha olmayacağı sanılıyordu. Bunu bir sosyoloğa sorun, çünkü onlar potansiyeller ile
ilgili çalışmalar yapıyorlar. Irklar arasında bunun olmasına izin vermeyecek çok fazla nefret,
çok fazla önyargı, çok fazla sorunlar ve problemler vardı. Buna rağmen gerçekleşti. Tüm
ırksal sürtüşmeyle, belki bu ırksal sorunları nasıl çözeceklerini merak ettiniz? Yine de her
şeye rağmen, renkli bir adamı seçtiler. Size bunun sadece bilinç değişimi ile
gerçekleşebileceğini söylemek istiyorum. Bu şeyleri inceleyenlere göre, bu zamanından önce

Bunlar ezoterik olaylar değildir. Bunlar gerçek yaşamda etrafınızdaki olaylardır ve bunları
incelemeniz için vermemin bir nedeni vardır. Bunlara bakıp görebilirsiniz, çünkü yedi
numarayı aldığınızda inanmaya ihtiyacınız olacak, çünkü o mümkün görünmeyecek. Bu
beşinci idi.

Altı numara ancak gerçekleşmeye başlıyor ve bu yıl bunun kanıtını gördünüz. Yine size bir
falcı olarak gelecek kehanetini değil, bir potansiyeli verdim, yalnızca göremediğiniz
çalışmalarda olan şeyin potansiyelini. Bu toplantıyı organize eden (Martine Valeé) kişi
tarafından derlenen Büyük Geçiş kitabında, İran’da bir devrim olacağını söyledim. Oldu ve
şimdi hikayenin gerisini vermek istiyorum.

Bunu gördünüz mü? Bu yıl başladı. Büyük İran devrimi için tohumlar orada. Oh, bu
bastırıldı… ya da öyle mi? Sizinle şu anda konuşurken bile büyüyor. O ülkede çok az kişi çok
sayıda insanı kontrol ediyor. Bu garip değil mi? Sovyetlerde olduğu gibi, bakın neler oldu.

Tarih neler olacağını size göstersin, bunlar şimdi size verdiğim potansiyellerdir. Bu altı
numaradır. İran’daki devrime Büyük Devrim adı verilecek. Mollalar uzaklaştırılacak. Bunu
göreceksiniz. Potansiyeller bugün olduğu kadar güçlü ise, bunu göreceksiniz. Ve mollaların
uzaklaştırılmasıyla, imanları olgun olan, ne istediklerini bilen ve istikrarı yaratacak olan genç
bir İran uygarlığı göreceksiniz. Aslında, o kadar istikrarlı olabilir ki – bu ifadeye hazır
mısınız? – İran’ın istikrarı en sonunda istikrarlı bir Orta Doğu’ya götürebilir. İran etkisi size
yedi numarada (aşağıda) vereceğimiz şeye neden olabilir, çünkü İranlılar İsrail’e barış
getirmeye başlayabilir.

İşte tam çember: Yirmi yıl önce “Museviler nasıl giderse, Dünya öyle gider” dedim. Ve bir
çözüm beklemekte olduğunuzu ve birçoğunuzun düşündüğü gibi bunun Kuzey Amerika’dan
gelmeyeceğini söylüyorum. “Sadece Kuzey Amerikalılar bunu bir araya getirebilir. Birleşmiş
Milletler bunu bir araya getirebilir” dediler. Nasıl bir araya geldiğini izleyin! Bu, Orta
Doğulular ile Orta Doğulular olacak. Daha önce söylediğimiz gibi olgun, istikrarlı bir İran
etrafındakiler ile barış yapacak, hatta belki İslam devletleri birliğini kuracak ve onların
kaynakları ve finansal olgunluğu ile, İsrail’de tek bir devlet çözümünün işe yarayabileceğini
görecekler. Bölgede barış olmasını arzu edecekler, çünkü bu kendi istikrarlarını etkileyecek.

Bu sizin için bir anlam ifade etmeye başlamıyor mu? Oh, size yedi numarayı vermedim.
Tereddüt ediyorum… bunu işittiğinizde çok inanılmaz. Dinle partnerim: bu senin ömründe
gerçekleşmeyebilir, ama burada olacaksın.

Bu bazılarınız için anlamlı olacak ve bazılarınız da kafanızı kaşıyıp “Anlamıyorum”

diyeceksiniz. Dinleyin: Kudüs’te Süleyman’ın Tapınağının son yeniden inşası, İsrail’in
destekçilerinden gelen fonla birlikte, İslami finansman yardımıyla ilerlemeye başlayacak.


“Şimdi çok ileri gittin, Kryon. Bu her şeye rağmen ve çok safça bir ifade. Bu cahilce ve
Museviler için biraz onur kırıcı.” Gerçekten mi?

Aslında çok fazla gerginlik değil. Bu anda neye sahip olduklarını açıklayayım. Kudüs’te şu
anda bir tür statik barış var, çünkü gerçek şu ki nefret ölçeğinin iki zıt ucunda üç büyük dinin
oyuncuları var, en kutsal şeyi paylaşmak zorundalar, her biri için var olan kutsal toprak. Ve
hepsi için tam olarak aynı yer. Tapınağın yeniden inşa edileceği o yer, İslam peygamberi
Muhammed’in astral yükselişinin olduğu yer. Temple (tapınak) Dağı, burası Museviler ve
Hristiyanlar için de değerli.

Museviler İbrahim’in oğlu İshak’ın orada katletildiğini iddia ederler. Onların tarihi bu konuda
açıktır. Hristiyanlar bile buna inanır. Ancak İslam dünyasında o, Dağda o deneyimi yaşayan
İbrahim’in diğer oğlu İsmail idi. Böylece onlar aynı kutsal yerleri paylaşıyorlar ve zorunlu bir
barışta birlikte varoluyorlar. Dikkat ettiniz mi? Bu, İsrail’deki rahatsızlık noktası değil.
Bunların etrafında, ama onlar Temple Dağını kutsal tutuyorlar. Gerçekte, bu yeri iki nesildir
paylaşmaktalar, görüyor musunuz?
Şimdi, yeni enerjiyi dahil edeyim. Size şimdi verdiğim şey zaten devam etmekte ve
Musevilerin ve Arapların bir araya gelmeleri ve Süleyman’ın Tapınağının yeniden inşasına
kaynak sağlamaları çok uzak görünse de, bunun tohumları önceden mevcut idi. Her iki grubun
inanılmaz kaynaklarını bir an düşünün!

Bu, Musevi tapınağı için üçüncü kez olacaktır ve bunun ortasında İslami Tapınağın ihtişamı
için izin olacaktır. Birlikte paylaşabilecekleri ve paylaşmaya devam edecekleri bir şey inşa
ederlerdi, ancak süreçte bunu öncesinden çok daha büyük yaparlardı… belki de şimdiye kadar
inşa edilen her şeyden daha büyük! Birlikte kendi kesimlerini ziyaret edebilecekleri ve
Filistinlilerin kendi bölümlerini özgürce ve açık olarak ilk kez ziyaret edecekleri yollar
yaratırlardı. Müslüman olmayanlar bile sorun olmasına karşı silahları ile orada duranlar
olmadan ilk kez gelip bu kutsal yerin güzelliğinin keyfini çıkarabilirlerdi.

Her şeye rağmen ve tarihte ilk kez, Musevi ulusu ve İslam ulusu kendi anlaşmalarıyla ve
İran’ın yardımıyla nötr bir bölgede bir araya gelirlerdi. En sonunda istikrar gerçekleşirdi.
Bundan gerçekten kimler yararlanırdı? Orta Doğu’daki en büyük ve en istikrarlı ulus olan İran

Partnerim, Orta Doğu’nun ve oradaki rahatsızlığın uzak bir anı olacağı bir gün gelecek.
İrlanda ve onların problemleri ile ilgili anıların nedir? Almanya, Japonya veya Rusya’dan ne
haber? Yarım yüzyılın eski düşmanları şimdi birbiriyle özgürce ticaret yapıyorlar ve birbirine
geçmiş ekonomileri var. Bu aynı niteliği Orta Doğu’da görmenin zamanı. İmkansız mı? Her
şeye rağmen?

“Museviler nasıl giderlerse, Dünya öyle gider” demiştim. İsrail’de bu potansiyelin tohumunu
gördüğünüz zaman, Dünya’da barışa doğru gittiğinizi bileceksiniz. Bu potansiyel nitelikte,
gezegende neler olabileceğinin başlangıcını görebilirsiniz. Binlerce yılın düşmanları
birbirlerinin gözlerine bakıp, “Birbirimizden hoşlanmıyoruz, ama işbirliği yapalım ve özel bir
şey inşa edelim. Hepimizin ondan zevk alması için onu eşsiz yapalım. Bir yol yaratalım.
Anlaşamıyoruz ve birçok savaşlar yaptık. Ama bu Kutsal yer bu şekilde nefret içinde
bırakılamayacak kadar çok güzel.” diyebilirler. Daha berrak zihinler bekleyin, çünkü enerji
değişiyor, her şeye rağmen. Bu yedi numaradır.

Tüm bunlar gerçekleşmeden önce potansiyel vardır, ayrıca bu bölgelerde hala başka bir
alevlenme olacak… bu eski enerji ve gezegeni enerjide geriye çekmek isteyenler. Dünyayı
karanlığa geri getirmek ve bilinci temel, başlangıç ve aydınlanmamış haline geri getirmek için
memnuniyetle ölenler var ve bir süreliğine var olmaya devam edecekler. Ancak size gelecek
zamanın bir bakışını verdim… bir şekilde uzakta, ama sizin için gerçek olacak kadar yakın.

Tüm bu bilgiyle ne yapacaksınız? Birçokları gülecek, problemleri ve şu andaki nefreti işaret

edecekler ve size bunun sadece “her şeye rağmen” olduğunu söyleyecekler. Eğer bunu
yaparlarsa, gülümseyebilirsiniz, çünkü tam olarak konu budur. Her şeye rağmen günün
enerjisidir ve geçişi temsil eder.

Kişisel yaşamınızda her şeye rağmen nedir? Burada kimlerin olduğunu biliyorum. Bu
ailenizle mi? Sağlığınızla mı ilgili? “Yapamam” dediğiniz şey nedir? İmkansız olduğuna karar
verdiğiniz şey nedir. Bu, insanların sahip olduğu üç – boyutlu listenin parçasıdır, yapılabilirler
ve yapılamazlar. İnsanlar bunlara sanki fizik yasaları imiş gibi muamele ederler!

Bu akşam benimle boyutlararası olmanızı isteyeceğim, çünkü kim olduğunuzu görüyorum ve

sandalyelerde oturanların ihtişamını görüyorum. Hepinizin sahip olduğunuz yaratıcı yeteneği
görüyorum. Yapamayacağınız şeylerin listesini fırlatıp atın. Eğer listede sekiz numara olsaydı,
bu siz olurdunuz! Her şeye rağmen yapamayacağınıza karar verdiğiniz şey nedir? Bu şifaya
sahip olabilirsiniz. Belki bu sevginin şifasıdır ve kiminle konuştuğumu biliyorsunuz.

Ailenizin hangi parçasıyla artık konuşmuyorsunuz? Belki onlar değiştiler. Belki siz
değiştiniz? Sevginin bu gezegende ne yaptığını biliyor muydunuz? Sevgi barışın yaratıcısıdır.
Bittiğini düşündüğünüz bağlantıları yeniden oluşturun. İmkansız mı? Her şeye rağmen? Bu
toplantının eşzamanlılığında bugün kiminle karşılaştınız? “Tanımadığım birine gideceğim.
Belki ihtiyacım olan bir şeyler vardır? Belki onlardan alacağım bir şey vardır?” diye
düşündünüz mü? Bu eşzamanlılıktır! Yaşlı ruhların bu nedenle bir araya geldiklerini biliyor
Bunun gibi bir toplantıya bu nedenle geleceğiniz bir zaman gelecek. Oh, konuşmacıları
dinlemek için değil, birbirinizle buluşmak için! Ama bunu henüz gerçekten fark etmediniz,
değil mi? Burada saklanan çok şey var. Çok fazla potansiyel var… her şeye rağmen.

Bu Kryon enerjisidir. Bir erkek sesi tarafından verilen dişil enerjidir, ama bunu biliyordunuz,
öyle değil mi? Bu Anne – Baba enerjisidir. Bu nedenle buradasınız, her birinizin içinde olan
şeyi görmeye yardımcı olmak. Kim olduğunuzu hatırlattığımız şey budur ve bunu hatırlamaya
başlamanızı istiyoruz.

Ve öyledir.


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Osho - Eğitim Sistemi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 25, 2009 at 1:30am

Bir gün ormandaki hayvanlar bir araya gelerek okul açmaya karar verirler.’, ‘Bir tavşan, bir
kuş, bir sincap, bir balık ve yılanbalığı yönetim kurulunu oluştururlar. Tavşan, müfredatta
koşmanın bulunmasını istemektedir. Kuş, uçmanın dahil olmasını; balık, yüzmenin dahil
olmasını ve sincap, ağaca tırmanmanın mutlaka zorunlu dersler arasında olması gerektiğini
söylemektedir. Bütün bunları bir araya getirip, bir müfredat programı yaptılar. Ve bütün
hayvanların bu dersleri görmesini istediler.

Tavşan, koşu dersinde A alıyor olmasına rağmen, ağaç tırmanmak onun için çok ciddi bir
sorundu. Sürekli kafa üstü düşüyordu. Bir süre sonra beyni hasar gördü ve artık eskisi gibi
koşamadı. Artık koşuda A almak yerine, C alıyordu. Ve tabii, ağaç tırmanmada ise her zaman
zayıf alıyordu. Kuş, uçmada çok başarılıydı; ama sıra toprak kazmaya geldiği zaman, o kadar
başarılı değildi. Sürekli gagasını ve kanatlarını kırıyordu. Bir süre sonra, toprak kazma notu
hâlâ F olmasına rağmen, uçma notu C’ye düşmüştü. O da ağaca tırmanmakta çok

Sonuçta, sınıf birincisi olan hayvan her şeyi yarım yapabilen, geri zekâlı yılan balığı oldu.
Ancak eğitimciler çok mutluydu çünkü herkes bütün dersleri görüyordu. Ve buna “geniş
tabanlı eğitim sistemi” dediler.


The Movie 2012 - Carl Johan Calleman

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 25, 2009 at 2:30am

Last week I made a presentation at a conference on 2012 organized by the Foundation for the
Study of Cycles in Albuquerque. Since this was held at the day of the release of Roland
Emmerich’s movie 2012 (intentionally released at a Friday the thirteenth) most of the
participants went to its first showing after midnight on the same date and so did I. At that time
the movie theatre was full and the audience larger than at the 2012 conference we were in
where people were discussing the real story of the Mayan calendar. As one might expect
nothing was right in the movie 2012 and, what is also noteworthy, it seems that no effort

whatever had been made to get it right either. To begin with it supports the urban legend that
the Maya predicted that the world would come to an end. This of course is not true. The
contemporary Maya do not say that and there is no ancient Mayan source that says this.
Instead, what the only existing ancient Mayan inscription says is that when the calendar
comes to an end then nine cosmic forces will descend and these nine forces is what serious
students of the Mayan calendar are interested in. Hence, this is not a movie I would
recommend to anyone, but since I am so involved with the topic I felt I had to see it. I should
say however that the movie was not as scary as I had expected based for instance on having
seen Independence Day that was made by the same director in the nineties. 2012 is simply a
standard Hollywood product with the typical ingredients of presidential worship and
sentimental family dramas, that does not give anyone a reason to think more deeply about the
topic and maybe this is exactly its purpose. It does however present a few observations that
seem relevant from a more serious perspective such as the precarious situation of the US
dollar and possible demands for a cancellation of debts. Yet, these phenomena do not really
seem connected to the Mayan calendar or results of the cosmic plan in this movie.

The Mayan calendar as a serious description of a cosmic plan is of course not even mentioned
or that the real end date has to be something other than December 21, 2012. In fact, overall I
cannot say that the movie 2012 is on a more silly level than most New Age ideas of an event
happening on the particular date December 21, 2012 (pole shift, Nibiru, galactic alignment or
solar flares). In reality no such event could ever have been predicted by the ancient Maya, but
to many who do not want to think outside of their existing box these have become urban
legends that Hollywood is tapping in to and reinforcing. What the ancient Maya would have
been able to do however would have been to sense the shifting energies of time in the same
way as thousands of people today are rediscovering the daily use of the Sacred calendar and
that there is a reality to the shifting energies that it describes. But to highlight this is far from
the purpose of the simplistic interpretations of this movie. The 2012 movie seems to primarily
have the purpose of distracting people from the ongoing transformation of consciousness and
the associated socio-economic transformation. The best way of doing this is to focus on so-
called Earth changes that we really have no reason to believe will happen in the years ahead
but yet seems to be the line of thinking to which many people have been wired.

A curious result of the movie, and the fact that at least in one form the Mayan calendar goes
mainstream, is that academic scientists have become engaged in debunking its validity and so
for instance NASA, and some Mayanists, have issued statements that the world will not come
to an end in 2012. While I may agree with that conclusion it seems odd to me, to say the least,
to think that astronomers or Mayanists, who have never studied the evolution of
consciousness would have anything of relevance to say on the matter. To understand the nine
levels of evolution described in the ancient description of the end date it is not sufficient to be
an expert in any particular academic discipline such as Mayanism. What is required is that
you take a holistic approach integrating knowledge from historical and biological evolution in
all of its aspects. To understand the big picture of the Mayan calendar you have to be able to
see the patterns of evolution of consciousness and there is no way you will do that by
directing telescopes to the sun or the center of the galaxy. Hence, while these astronomers
may be able to debunk, and rightly so, a galactic alignment (which happen every year and
does not mean anything in particular in 2012), Nibiru or a pole shift, they are not even aware
that these are misinterpretations of the Mayan calendar to begin with, which is really about
the evolution of consciousness. This shadow boxing where astronomy experts are debunking
what the Mayan calendar is not about shows what a strong grip materialism has on people at
the current time. The mainstream scientists and the media are simply not letting in the serious

research about the Mayan calendar as a consciousness phenomenon and keep emphasizing the
date December 21, 2012 to distract people from co-creating a new world. It is so much easier
to concoct some simple idea about what will happen in 2012 such as a giant solar flare, a
galactic alignment or a magnetic pole shift than to communicate our higher purpose and the
necessity for people to participate in the manifestation of the cosmic plan if this is to manifest.
This also attests to the difficulty of conveying the existence of a divine plan that operates
through quantum shifts in consciousness that are really not directly measurable, but clear from
all the effects these have had over billions of years.

It is worrisome that plans are said to be underway by Emmerich to create some kind of a
television series on the topic of 2012, since this surely would continue to keep people in the
dark about the socioeconomic transformation that is meant to result from the transformation
of consciousness. Nonetheless, the very fact that this film was made and some superficial
knowledge about the Mayan calendar has reached the mainstream does reflect the fact that
people, at least on some level, are becoming aware that this universe has a purpose. Hopefully
many will go on to explore this in more serious ways and see that there is indeed hope for
humanity if we are willing to co-create it.

NESARA and trust funds for lightworkers

 Posted by ekin duman on November 25, 2009 at 12:35pm

NESARA's History

From the Middle Ages�

Ed. NESARA stands for �National Economic Security and Reformation Act.� While
originally an American law, which was passed but not signed into law as of 2000, and then
temporarily buried under the rubble of the Twin Towers on 9/11, the acronym �NESARA�
has come to stand for the global prosperity arrangements decided upon by the Earth�s
spiritual hierarchy and its Earth allies, assisted by the Galactic Federation.

From 2008
Right now, many critical events are happening that are to profoundly affect your world. These
events involve the remaking of those corrupt institutions that put your realm in peril. The
current fiscal crises demonstrate clearly now the urgent need for global financial reform, not
least because what hitherto has been considered appropriate remedies for these problems is no
longer viable.

All is interrelated, and the growing consciousness of the world needs to be reflected in
suitable change. The proposals of our Earth allies fit this bill. Your world requires that the old
beliefs in limitation be abandoned as these resulted in a society in which some are extremely
wealthy while the majority struggle to maintain a decent living.

A solution is to utilize the vast abundance sequestered away by the ultra-rich centuries ago.

These special funds, or trusts, have matured and are now ready to be distributed according to
the directions of the originators of these funds.

The Ascended Masters used their shrewdness and wisdom to have the wealthy crowned heads
of Europe set up a series of special trusts that were to mature at the turn of the millennium.
*They were intended for the Light workers and those enlightened ones who deeply desired to
bring in a new age for Earth's humanity.
At this most appropriate time in your history, we observe how this grand plan superbly
heralds the very essence of these contemporary times. In support of this, our Earth allies put
into play a backup program that supports the payouts prescribed by the Ascended Masters.
These programs, too, have reached the payout levels decreed by the Masters. Further, our
Earth allies initiated a number of actions that can legally remove the governments that have so
far blocked these initial mass payouts.
These funds together with the establishing of more agreeable political regimes are to be united
with a new system for conducting global banking and the day-to-day operations of your
world's business.
(Update for the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, Nov. 4,
2008, at

From 2003
This time will also be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due
largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many
centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters:

Count St Germain, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian.

These Holy Beings were able to bring to this realm a financial and monetary plan whose
secret purpose is to enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time. Although St
Germain is ultimately responsible for its success, each of the Ascended Masters we have
mentioned has played a significant role in its present-day preparation.

Although what happens on Earth affects the universe, the free will law of the Creator is what
governs above all, and it is YOUR free will that is at issue here.

“ It is YOUR desires for your world that must be expressed, and the increase in the desires for
NESARA's announcement have been bringing that event closer. !!!!

A remaining block still must be removed, and this requires that your requests for divine
assistance be made loud and clear. This is why:
People of Earth have been deluged with DISinformation about NESARA by the Illuminati,
the powerful group whose tentacles reach the highest levels of governments; banking
establishments; all media outlets; churches; multinational corporations; royal families;
educational, medical and drug, law and justice systems - NOTHING of influential nature on
your planet is free of Illuminati control.

All of their control will crumble with the implementation of NESARA. Thus they are fighting
with all the power they can muster to prevent your awareness of the truth of NESARA as well
as to prevent its announcement, which must precede its implementation .

Lamentably, the Illuminati efforts have been successful to date, including sabotage by double

agents in the ranks of the crucial intelligence-gathering and the action workers who must
prepare in many vital ways prior to and after the announcement. Yet there is reluctance to
accept the offers of divine assistance that would instantly reverse this course of ongoing
successful Illuminati interference.
With every moment of delay in accepting these offers, the intense suffering of Earth's people
continues. For us to see the desperation of billions of our beloved souls and to know that the
divine help that can relieve that suffering is NOT being requested, is heartbreaking. The
masses whose way of life is endemic disease, starvation, slave labor and brutal rulers is NOT
all perfect, it is NOT all in divine order!
For most in these masses, karmic completion has been surpassed, and the "divine order" -
which is their RELEASE from those conditions! - has been delayed by the free will of the
Illuminati who retain control over these lives. The soul agreements of the most powerful
Illuminati call for relinquishing their control and joining the ranks of the light beings to share
the world's resources, to end wars and violence, corruption and deceit and tyranny. But they
have knowledgeably and willfully refused to honor their agreements and have refused the
abundance of light constantly beamed to them.
We continue to beam love-light to all and pray that invitations will be extended to your
universal brothers and sisters to help you bring in the vast benefits of NESARA. But in this,
the laws in your world must be observed as well. Evidence of your desire for divine assistance
to the International Court of Justice will give the judges legal authority to act on your behalf,
and that is why, in a unique departure from urging any measure as specific as writing a
postcard of your intent, collectively we are doing this now. When the judges have such cogent
requests in sufficient numbers, they can legally accept the assistance that will remove the
Illuminati block to peace, love and harmony coming into your world. (Matthew's Message,
Nov. 10, 2003, received from email, Jean Hudon to Steve Beckow, 1 Oct. 2008.)

NESARA ışıkişçilerine bolluk projesi

nedir ? st germain güven fonları nedir?
 Posted by ekin duman on November 25, 2009 at 6:30pm

NESARA ışıkişçilerine bolluk projesi nedir ? st germain guven fonları nedir?

St Germain, Üstat Hilarion, Seraphis Bey ve Aziz Paul un birlikte yürüttüğü , tüm yükselmiş
üstatlar ve Galaktik Konsey tarafından desteklenen ve oluşturulmuş bolluk projesinin adıdır.

Bu realiteye-dünyaya uygun zamanda , yeni enerji öncülerine ve ışıkişçilerine büyük bir

bolluk getirmek için yaptıkları finansal ve para projesidir.St Germain nihai olarak
başarısından sorumlu olsada bu yükselmiş üstatların tümü bu projenin yürütülmesinde önemli
roller üstlenmiştir.

Bu kaynağın ışıkişçilerine ve daha önce aydınlanmış olan ,yeni enerjiyi dünyaya getiren (yeni
çağı getirmeyi derinden arzulayan ) öncüler için kullanılması niyet edilmiştir.

Dünyada olan her şey evreni de etkilediği için , özgür irade yasası gereğince , bunu
gerçekleştirecek şey sizin Özgür iradenizdir.

Bu sizin arzunuzla ,arzunuzu göstermenizle olacaktır ,NESARA için daha çok çağrıda
bulundukça , onu kalpten çağırdıkça o yakına gelecektir.

* Bu nedenle kalbinizde yankı yaptıysa ,bu duyuruyu dağıtmanız sizden rica edilmektedir *

Benim notum:

Bu tıpkı diğer şeyler gibidir ,

Ör: nasıl ışınlanmayı milyonlarca insan kalbinde her hayal ettiğinde ,filmlerde izlediğinde onu
arzusuyla yakına çektiyse ve sonunda gerçekleştiyse (22.7.2009 daışınlanma deneyi

ve tüm insan bilincinin gerçekleştirdiği her mucize gibi

kryonun "herşeye rağmen " mesajında söylediği örnekler gibi

bu da aynı şekilde gerçekleşecektir ,bu nedenle bunun tüm ışıkişçilerineve yeni enerji-bilinç
öncülerine hatırlatılması için dağıtılması gerekmektedir ,çünkü zaman şimdidir.

ve öyledir

Thanks for Giving!

 Posted by Les Nisbett on November 26, 2009 at 7:41am

Wishing everyone a day of Abundance and Thankfulness!
Oceans of Love....

SaLuSa: Seek The True Purpose In Your

Life - You Are In A Period Of Great
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 1:30am

We believe it is becoming noticed by many more people, that the pressure to bring out the
truth about events such as the Iraq war is paying off. It is just the start of a number of
enquiries relating to many covert actions carried out by the dark forces. For some years since
9/11 there has been a call for an independent enquiry, as the amassed evidence of what really
occurred is unquestionable. Have we not told you for some time that the incoming energies

are increasing the Light upon Earth, and you are now seeing its effect in uncovering the truth.
At a certain level which you will reach after Ascension, the point comes when only the truth
can exist. In any event it is necessary, as part of your increasing awareness that you know the
truth about your history. It will answer many questions about the downfall of Man, and why
until now your progress into the Light has been so slow. You must realise by now that you
have been deliberately held back, and every attempt made to keep you in the dark about your
true purpose in life.

You may not see full justice carried out, because of the extent of the dark ones activities over
the last century. However every soul concerned with them, will eventually answer for what
they done that has gone against the Laws of the One. Each of you review your lifetime’s
thoughts and actions, and normally you are your most stern critic. You do not therefore have
to concern yourselves too much, about the fate of those who masterminded your experiences
to make you their slaves. The days of the lynch mobs are well past, and revenge is not
something we advocate. Indeed, we are against all such reprisals and remind you that you are
the Children of God, and dwell in Love and Light. Your most rewarding response to such
matters would be to see all souls as part of yourselves, needing your love as much as any one
else. Perhaps Dear Ones, more so if they are to return to the Light quickly as all will do so
eventually. Even though you may be well placed in the Light now, like everyone else you will
have gone through many experiences that have also included the dark side. Think upon the
occasions that you may have been helped to rise up, and the love that you must have been
given to heal the damage to your soul, and be generous to others.

We are here for you all, but if some reject us that is their choice and we will be there
whenever a different one is made. No one is pushing you into something you do not want, but
we do encourage you to seek the true purpose in your life. Beliefs can be very powerful, and
all we ask is you acknowledge that you are in a period of great changes that can benefit you.
Your awakening is coming even if it is painfully slow, and each of you will take just as much
as you desire and can handle. You have Guides who know you better than you know yourself,
and if you will but listen to that quiet voice within you will not be mislead. It is when you are
in conflict with yourself that you sometimes lose your way, but be assured you will always get
back to the Light. The path can be as easy or hard as you make it, and it will get easier once
you understand that all experiences are for your souls evolution. Learn your lessons and move
on, and they will not come back to you again. However, if you do not they will return many
times until you do, but there is no sense of needing to hurry as life is infinite and it is you who
set your goals.

There are so many souls that are involved in your Ascension to ensure you have every
opportunity to rise up. They are both on and off Earth, and of course we ourselves form one
part of that group, albeit a very important one that concerns your immediate future. Although
you may consider progress as very slow, it is in part because you have had to be gently
awakened from your great sleep. Too much too soon could do more damage than good, which
is why even now so much consideration is given to such events as First Contact. For those
reasons we are continually adjusting to what is happening on Earth, and according to how you
are accepting such a possibility. There are many factors involved, hence there is always going
to be “a right time.”

Whatever happens around you, keep calm and know that you will see us eventually when it is
safe to be amongst you. We refer not so much to ourselves but you, who are generally
speaking unaware of the extent to which the dark ones will go to stop it happening. If we are

unable to meet you within a specified time that we are not allowed to reveal, there is an
ultimate date by which we shall take a different course and go ahead. So Dear Ones you have
nothing to fear, as we will by one means or another, follow the announcement of our presence
with official landings. It is not the first time you have been informed of our plan, but we like
to remind you of it and keep you cheerful.

The game of duality is a really serious one where you are concerned, so you wonder why you
elected to take numerous lifetimes in such low vibrations. You knew in advance that it would
be tough, and you would find yourself in circumstances where you would feel detached from
the Source. In reality that cannot happen, but when the vibrations are low it is much harder to
lift yourself up into the Light. Consequently you have felt separated from All That Is, and
have fought to preserve your lives at the expense of others. You were encouraged to do so by
those who knew the truth, but had turned to the dark side for their own power and control over
you. We know some will ask why God allowed it, and the simple answer is that you readily
volunteered for the experience. You were comforted by the promise from God, that you would
be helped to rise up again. Now you are about to complete your time in this cycle, and have
acquired immense knowledge and understanding of Duality. You will never need to tread this
path again, and Ascension will enable you to leave in glory and success rightly deserved.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we of the Galactic Federation realise what a most volatile time
you live in, as the new paradigm gains ground on the old one, which has served its purpose. It
can be very confusing particularly for those who have little knowledge of what is behind the
changes. As Beings of Light you have the ability to lift up such souls, with your assurance that
in the end all will work out satisfactorily. Peace will come when the guns of war have been
quietened, and we can ensure that once it is agreed all weaponry will be made unusable. We
will protect you from any attempts to disrupt any part of the program to restore your Earth,
and establish your path to Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Leaving 2009 - A message from The Council

of Light channeled by Gillian MacBeth-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 1:30am

a message from The Council of Light channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Wednesday, 11 November, 2009 (posted 27 November, 2009)

We come on this day to accentuate and to activate the light that you are, the light that you
have always been and the light that you are about to become. For many years, we have told
you that this next level of Light will be vaster than your memory, vaster than your awareness,
and vaster than you knew before your journey into humanness. This past year has been a year
of clearing, of cleansing, of healing, and of letting go. It has been a year of coming full circle
into your heart, into your truth, and into the hidden corridors of your mind. It has been a year
when finally many things have been exposed to you that have always been in front of your
eyes, but that you have refused to look at. And now everything stands blatantly in front of you
beckoning you forward.

Step by step you are on a playground, a playing field where every point of your virtual reality
has now become reality. You must walk softly and slowly as one who walks through mine
fields, because emotional explosions come forth at each entrance and exit of each thought that
no longer serves you. You are being asked to walk through the mind field of the memory, of
the brain, and of the understanding of human capabilities. Letting go of all that you have
worshiped in the past. Knocking the icons off the pedestals, as well as the little “g” gods that
you have placed far above you.

Do not look to the heads of your world, the heads of your companies, the heads of your
countries as gods. For each and every one of you walks into the Christed-ness, the god-ness of
their own divinity. You have all been certified as divine since birth, but you have chosen not
to allow that divinity to be birthed. You are being issued diplomas and certifications that say
YES you are 100% divinely responsible for all of your creations, everything from the past and
everything in the future and it can be no other way.

You are responsible collectively as a nation, as a country, as a planet, and as a people. You are
also responsible – personally – for every thought. For each thought of fear that you have is
then escorted into a coagulated collaborated venture of fear being made manifest. Each hate
that you have is escorted into a room filled with hate. A room that is dispensing hate on a
planetary level. Each thought of love that you have is escorted into a mansion filled with that
same vibration of love. Each essence of self-doubt, of self-fear, of self-worth is also escorted
into a resort where all the essences of self reside.

Every single sentence of every single word, of every single thought is being escorted into one
doorway or another. You all are participating unanimously on every level as a people, and as a
planet to continue to create chaos and upheaval and war and death and suffering. Because all
of that is a mirror reflection of what is going on inside of you. When you do not love someone
from your past that has hurt you or caused you pain – you are then escorting that level of hate
multiplied times the speed of light squared into a doorway of manifestation and creation. For
creation is amplified. Thought is amplified. Deeds are amplified. Desires are amplified.
Dreams are amplified. Joy is amplified. Everything has on it a broadcasting system that is
turned up all the way to the other side of the dial.

So as you walk thought these mine fields in your thoughts – walk carefully. Examine your
thoughts. If you have a thought of anger at another, examine it – take time as one who is
spiritually forensic – to examine the clues as to why such a thought about such a person brings
such an intense emotion to the surface. Do not allow that thought of anger or hate at another
that you have held internally to become external and taint the future of your planet, taint the
future of your family, of your children, of your water.

You are in the creation fields. There are many levels of light that are awaiting instructions, but
you have to be at a place of knowing how to instruct. You have created what this world looks
like. You have created the reflection. Re-create your thoughts into a place of seeing peace – no
matter what – trust in God.

Each of you will be pushed forward as a reluctant donkey as you move into more of your light
and more heart. You cannot move into more light unless you move into more love. And you
cannot move through more heart unless you have moved in more light. You're light houses
divine truth. It houses the potential for peace. It houses the potential for love. And it houses
the potential for healing.

Every single person gives you a part of yourself that you have forgotten about. You are a
multi-dimensional being that is being birthed into their multi-dimensionality. It is not an easy
birth. And some days it is a breach birth. Look at your world that shows you what you have
learned and take your clues from it.

All of the clues are there. You need not be Sherlock Holmes to understand what is being
taught you, what you have created, and what you are responsible for. Sweep in front of your
cosmic porch first. Line up your life. Do your part by starting with you first. We are the
Council of Light. Think responsibly, act responsibly, and create responsibly from the heart.
Live your light and live your heart and it will be heaven on earth, We leave.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

Restructuring of Ascension Groups/waves is

now done
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 1:30am

Restructuring of Ascension Groups/waves is now done.

Mark/Beth's Questions on Restructuring of groups: Nov 24, 2009

One of the concepts, about the recalibration of those ascending/not ascending, are three
different groups:
"Go Alongs/Not Go Along/First Wavers/Second Wavers/Third Wavers."
Do we have a three zone process going on here?
What is the New structure? Are there 1,2,3,4 Groups?
Ones not going to Terra Nova: that will happen with the arrests, they are leaving, the 13
families are leaving, most if not all of the Royals are leaving.

Will there be a breaking off of the Crust of the planet, from the Terra Nova part, or will there
just be a frequency barrier? They wouldn't be able to cross that.
Where will the groups that need more time in the illusion go? The citizens of Terra Nova and
the other Earth; The Helpers and the Helpees--Helpers being the indigo children choosing
with compassion to stay behind to help the others come up to speed--or will there be anomaly
How long will it take?
You told us some weeks ago that the Watchers on 172D have restructured the Ascension
Groups. Please tell us the current arrangements.

~Ashtar Answers:

The Ones Going with us are about 70% of Earth's population, about 4.7 Billion will join us in
Terra Nova.

About 2.9 Billion will be 'walking in another dimension', on a different TimeLine.

Of those 2.9 Billion, half [1.4B] will be leaving immediately and permanently.
The other half, about 1.5 Billion, will have a chance to join the new timeline, within a period
of time. After a certain point, the other timeline will be too advanced for them to join
The Other Dimension of Earth where these 2.9 Billion will go, will be an innerdimension of
Earth and they will not know anything at all has changed. They will carry on life just as it was
About a Half Billion of those [Indigo-Crystals] will be called Helpers. Almost all voluntary
helpers are Indigo-Crystal Children who will stay back in the innerdimension of Earth to help
wake up as many of the other 1 Billion remaining behind as possible.
They will have a time period of current Earth years in the hundreds, but not the thousands, to
join with us again.

This is a 4 Tier system:

1)Those darkhats leaving immediately to carry on at Herculobus, or leaving permanently to

go beyond the void.

2) Those walking on the innerdimension of Earth that will stay there hundreds of years, about
1.5 Billion, they will never rejoin Terra Nova, but will go on to do their own thing.

3) Those who are helpers, with the potential to rejoin Earth, plus the one's who decide to wake
up and go with them (between 0.5-1.5 Billion).

4) Those who decide to stay behind, after all, they will continue their path with those from
Tier 2.

Remember! We have done this before. We have run these scenarios through the computers at
the 172nd Dimension, and we are working with the Lords Most High Governors Council to
retrieve this data. These numbers are changeable, but these are close estimates with little
chance of changing much.
Every soul has been accounted for. Every soul has been reviewed and has been given a
Every soul has been shown alternate choices and each one knows that their decisions are
binding. We treat these souls with compassion and love which is beyond measure. Each One
is a spark of the Divine and each one is considered in equal measure with the others.

~Quan Yin

It is at this time of profound Planetary change that I find my work the most challenging. I am
on the Team of Galactic Workers who ministers to the Souls who have contemplated going or
staying. They must weigh their ability to change and accept new ideas, as well as overcome
the blocks in place by their programming. There is the whole range of individuals falling into
this category.

There are affluent people who carry ignorance and prejudice in their heart. There are those
living in war torn areas who have been treated as slaves. There are those who have less
education and less self-love than needed. There are unfortunate ones addicted to substances or
thoughts which block their growth.

I go out to the Earth daily as a Galactic advisor and overlight these souls as their options are
weighed. This is a very tough job, because each soul is loved more than words can say. It can
be heart breaking, but it is done from a place of neutrality.
I work with Anubis. Anubis weighs the soul {he has a balance scale and places a feather on
one side and the soul on the other}, and in doing so, determines the options available in each
individual case, and alternative choices are offered, when available. The utmost care is given
to each case.

We ask that you view this part of Earth Ascension as something very necessary.
Mother Sekhmet works with her Team to see that each one of her children receives exactly
what they need. This is the most equitable way to continue with Planetary, Universal, and
Cosmic Ascension. The computers at the 172nd Dimension take in all the information to help
determine the best outcome possible for All That Is.
Please continue to think of these Ones, in each Tier, and Bless Them as they continue down
their next appointed path. Use Ho 'opono pono in every situation where it is helpful, to
yourself, and to others.

Forgive all that has happened, and forgive YOUR reaction to these events.
Self-Love is the starting point for all Love, and loving detachment is a Divine Truth which all
ascended Masters use as a Guide Light on their path. Love these dark ones even more.
Continue to weigh these Truths and raise your thoughts to a place of loving detachment.
Know the information and re-center your joy, your bliss, and your excitement in the imminent
changes. Lift up your thoughts, for as you do this, you light the Path of Ascension and more
and more and more will follow in your footsteps.


Quan Yin

Posted by MarkH at 7:37 PM

Karen Bishop:The Crash Landing is

Over..We Are Finally Home November 27,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 1:30am

Karen Bishop:The Crash Landing is Over..We Are Finally Home

November 27, 2009
On the week-end of the 21st and 22nd, we finally landed securely in our new homes, our very
new spots, and in the places that the tumultuous energies were guiding us towards. Feelings of
a very new grounding, a wonderful contentment, and most certainly, a very new and
welcomed feeling of "home," could be felt in many ways. Finally, a calm…..finally a
peace….finally a sense of security and safety.
To recap: June's solstice threw everything up and out, so that anything and everything could
land in a very new space, some on one side, and some on a very new "other side," while
creating the start of a chasm between one reality and another. A MASSIVE movement of
energy was required to accomplish this result. For many, it felt like an energetic bomb had
exploded. So then, the anchoring in and grounding that was supposed to occur in June, is
finally occurring now. The required change of plans that most of us are now familiar with,
resulting in the separation of the worlds, created this delay.
From the equinox of September until now, massive amounts of energy were moving once

again, but this time, the purpose was to align everything with where it would ultimately end
up. Thus, intense energies were pushing everything into alignment. This pushing created
strong experiences and feelings of panic, anxiety, depression, tension, racing hearts,
hyperventilating, and an inability to focus and concentrate, to name a few symptoms.
Alternating with break periods of lethargy and very low energy, darkness, and confusion, and
then joy and happiness, the see-saw and erratic energies created great mis-matches in the
beginning, as all the energies were trying to navigate to their ultimate connections and new
locations. Everything was being pushed every which way.
A huge amount of energy was present and required to create this new alignment. This was a
massive and required undertaking. The planet was being navigated and re-routed to its very
new location in the cosmos, all the while being pushed and guided with a very strong hand, to
where it would now reside. The planet had to leave one old and very familiar groove, and
arrive in a new and yet to be resided in, new space. We reside on the planet….we were
affected... and we are ourselves, the planet as well.
The pushing energy was so intense, as this was a MASSIVE and very pivotal movement, that
it also pushed up residue energies within many of us that appeared to need healing, in addition
to pushing up and out a large amount of darkness. This is why things appeared chaotic and
dark for a while and at specific times.
We are now vibrating above darkness, or the denser energies, and have been for quite some
time. So what really occurred was not that we needed to purge and release again, but that the
so called darkness was moving as well, and being that it was up and out, it triggered within us,
anything dense and dark that had since gone dormant. We never really "heal" everything
within us….we make a certain amount of progress and we get to a point where we reach a
threshold and no longer require healing. This is why after a certain point, healing can prove
detrimental as it only serves to put us to places where we no longer reside. So then, eventually
the denser and darker energies within us simply go dormant, as we are vibrating much higher
than they are, and they can no longer survive or thrive within us.
In addition, as we progress through the ascension process, we slowly begin to remove
ourselves from any denser or darker energies outside of us, as we can no longer tolerate them
or share their space. So in addition to vibrating higher ourselves, we are also no longer in a
physical or energetic space that houses darkness; this creates a situation where any residual
denser energies within us can no longer be activated, as there is no bridge or corresponding
energy dance that can occur from within to without. Hoping this all makes sense.
With all the energies moving so intensely the past few weeks, and changing positions, there
was then energy everywhere and anywhere, as nothing had yet found its designated home. In
this way, we really felt a darkness within us at times, and some old and dormant energies were
then activated once again by the darker energies that were passing by. And being that we were
not in our "homes" yet, we were fair game, to some degree. So then, many little lower
vibrating pranksters were able to wreak some havoc with some of us, or at best, to make us
feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason. This scenario is now over, as we have finally
arrived home.
Home at last.
Now things will be very different indeed. We are now in some very high vibrating energies.
Some very magical energies. Some very loving and caring energies. Some very gentle and
soothing energies. Now we can exhale. Now we can breathe once again. Now we can relax
and feel safe and protected. Now we can really begin to connect to our new families and to
our brothers and sisters like never before. And now that we are in such higher vibrating
energies, we will begin to experience things like spontaneous healing, renewed health and a
new vigor and energetic self (as opposed to an exhausted self), and a very new re-birth in all

All the energies that were flying around, decided where they would ultimately end up during
this time of great movement. So in this way, there may still be some connections that have not
yet manifested in their entirety quite yet, even though they have touched noses… but their
journey has now been marked, and in time, before 2012 or rather within the next two years,
they will begin the process of uniting to their completion, if even in slow and steady steps.
This time we are now entering will be like no other. It is indeed the time we have been
waiting for, and which we have only dreamed about. This new space is now seeping into
every cell of our bodies, filling us up with its presence, and allowing us to bask in the beauty
of this amazing and graceful energy of the higher realms. We are thus BECOMING this
energy ourselves, in every way.
Now we will experience the unity of our very new families, of whom we were intended to
come together with, and with whom we will share a great love, respect, caring, and joy we
have yet to have experienced. For those with whom we had to part, a strange yet comfortable
detachment can be felt, as we have indeed died while we are alive, creating a distance and
chasm from one reality to another.
Even though we may feel oddly detached and emotionless in some ways, many are reporting
that they are re-uniting with friends that have been nearby, but with whom they had not shared
a connection with for quite some time. Detaching and yet connecting, all at the same time. It
is a matter of who now shares our vibrational space.
Recently I moved into a new house. My very first purchased home after 55 years of moving
around the planet, doing my soul work. This house is quite large for me, and has taken some
getting used to, but I was most assuredly guided to it, and so, know it is where I need to be. As
I attempt to unpack, I am finding that pretty much NOTHING from my old life or house fits
here. A continual mis-match every time I turn around or attempt to put something away.
We cannot bring our old selves and our prior lives with us to the new reality. The new reality
is expansive, big, a very new and vast territory, and within it, we must now create something
very new and different. I knew when I purchased this house, that it would not be just my
house, but a house for others, thus, the reason for it being so large. We will indeed be uniting
now with our brothers and sisters, and connecting in such a profound way, that these unions
will replace any unions we may have lost in the recent past. These new soul unions have a
very different feel to them. They feel very alive, energized, blissful, exciting, and other
worldly, and serve to connect us at our core. And the gratitude for these long awaited
connections is immense.
The vibration that we feel the most now, and the one that we crave, is the vibration of love. It
supersedes all else. No matter what the circumstances or what may seem to be occurring, if
there is love present, we are most certainly home and intact in a higher vibrating experience.
This new grounding in also places us in a very new position of our true and rightful power.
We have now anchored into the earth. We are the true and rightful caretakers of the earth, as
many of us created her and in addition, created the ascension plan. This is not an arrogant
posture, but one of rightful stewardship. We deeply love the earth and all her inhabitants. And
have taken every possible precaution and step to ensure the greatest love and respect for each
and every soul who is residing here, along with the earth herself.
There will indeed be more grounding yet to come. We have only yet begun, and the solstice of
December will only serve to pull us in even further. One by one, and ever so slowly, we will
find each other…we will come together with the greatest love and joy possible, and we will
begin to create together in slow and steady steps.
Focus and visualization will be paramount now, as what we choose to fill our minds with and
what we choose to believe will manifest for us like our own personal movie. Our focus and
visualizations, or our dreams and desires, will come together to create a very new grid of the
new reality. In this way, we can very easily come out of a "downer," simply by choosing to

see that what we may believe is occurring, simply is not. Or even that we do not choose to
have this particular experience, and are now able and willing to navigate ourselves elsewhere.
Everything is in divine and perfect order for the creation and experience of a new beginning
in the higher realms. Anything else is simply an illusion, fear, or even a belief that what has
occurred for us before we finally arrived is still the norm.
These experiences in the higher realms are now possible because we are now out of and free
from the lower vibrating energies. Arriving in a higher vibrating space, surrounded by higher
vibrating energies, changes things dramatically. Very dramatically. If we are ever feeling
perplexed or confused about our new path or new connections, we will find that a perfect
message just for us arrives within the lyrics of a song, the theme of a movie, in a dream, or
perhaps within a book. Something is trying to connect to us and to speak to us. We are being
guided very strongly now, and supported in many ways.
Magical messages then, will serve to validate and reassure us, if ever we become doubtful or
have feelings of "just the same old, the same old." We are being told to hang in there, as
things will indeed be quite different this time. This also means that the long period of nothing
manifesting, of nothing seemingly "good" arriving, and most importantly having the
experience of none of the predictions we have received ever coming true ARE NOW OVER.
Our true and rightful paths can now manifest…in all ways.
This very new reality has now received us, is surrounding us with its incredible and magical
energy, is welcoming us and beckoning us to fulfill our purpose here, to step up to the plate, to
bring forth what we came to bring forth, and to come together as never before as we begin to
create a very new heaven on Earth.
From one of my favorites, Martina McBride's Shine cd, "Wrong Baby Wrong"…she says it
"Wrong baby, wrong baby, wrong...It aint the end of the world ...It won't be long, baby long,
baby long;
Come on now
Everyone falls down
Everyone crawls now and then
Then they get up again
You cry if you want to
That's what we all do
But if you think you'll never move on you're wrong baby wrong
You're wrong baby wrong
Wrong baby wrong baby wrong."
With much love and gratitude,


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 2:00am


Only Tantra allows you total being and total flow. TANTRA GIVES YOU
CAN BE. Tantra keeps no boundaries on you. It does not define you, it simply gives you total
freedom. The understanding is that when you are totally free, then much is possible.

This has been my observation that: PEOPLE WHO ARE SEXUALLY REPRESSED
BECOME UNINTELLIGENT. Only very, very sexually alive people are intelligent people.

have damaged it very badly. When you are really flowing, and your sexuality has no fight and
conflict with you -- when you cooperate with it -- your mind will function at its optimum. You
will be intelligent, alert, alive. THE BODY HAS TO BE BEFRIENDED, says Tantra.

body... or you remain as if you are encased in a dead thing? That is what is happening. People
are almost frozen, they are carrying the body like a casket.
t is heavy, it obstructs; it does not help you to communicate with reality. IF YOU ALLOW
BODY FLOW, it's electricity to move from the toe to the head; if you allow total freedom for
its energy -- the bio-energy -- YOU WILL BECOME A RIVER, and you will not feel the
body at all. You will almost feel bodiless.

the body becomes a burden. And carrying your body as a burden, you can never arrive to God.
The body has to become weightless, so that you almost start walking above the earth -- that is
the tantra way to walk. You are so weightless that there is no gravitation, you can simply fly.
But that comes out of great acceptance.

find faults with it. YOU NEVER APPRECIATE, YOU NEVER LOVE IT. And then you want
a miracle: that somebody will come and love your body. You yourself cannot love it, then how
you are going to find somebody else to love your body?

If you yourself cannot love, nobody is going to love your body -- because your vibe will keep
OTHERWISE. The first love is to be toward oneself. Only on that center, can other kinds of
love arise.

YOU DON'T LOVE YOUR BODY -- YOU HIDE IT. In thousand and one ways, you hide
your body: the smell, you hide your body in clothes, you hide your body in ornamentation.
You try to create some beauty that you continuously feel you are missing. And in that very
effort you become artificial.

NOW THINK OF A WOMAN WITH LIPSTICK ON HER LIPS... it is sheer ugliness. Lips
should be red out of aliveness, they should not be painted. They should be alive out of love,
they should be alive because you are alive. Now, just painting the lips... and you think that
you are beautifying.

PARLORS, otherwise there is no need. Do you ever come across a bird which is ugly? Do
you ever come across a deer which is ugly? It never happens. And they don't go to any beauty
parlor, and they don't consult an expert. They simply accept themselves, and they are beautiful
in their acceptance. In that very acceptance, they shower beauty upon themselves.

delighted with your own body, you will delight others also. Many people will fall in love with
you, because you yourself are in love with yourself.

Now you are angry with yourself: YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE UGLY, YOU KNOW
THAT YOU ARE REPULSIVE, HORRIBLE. This idea will repel people. This idea will not
help them to fall in love with you, it will keep them away. Even if they were coming closer to
you, the moment they will feel your vibration, they will move away.

THERE IS NO NEED TO CHASE ANYBODY. The chasing arises only because we have not
been in love with ourselves. Otherwise people come. It becomes almost impossible for them
not to fall in love with you if you are in love with yourself.

Why so many people came to Buddha, and why so many people came to Saraha, and why so
They were in such great love, and they were so delighted with their being, it was natural that
whosoever will pass, will be pulled by themselves; like a magnet, they will pull. They are so
enchanted with their own being, how can you avoid that enchantment? Just being here is such
a great bliss!


befriend your body, revere your body, respect your body, take care of your body -- it is God's
gift. Treat it and it will reveal great mysteries to you. All growth depends how you are related
to your body.

The Tantra Vision
Vol 2, Ch #7: Intelligence is Meditation
am in Buddha Hall

Domuz Gribindeki Büyük Soygun

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 2:00am

Domuz Gribindeki Büyük Soygun.

Mutlaka okuyunuz...
Peru'lu bir hekimin ilginc yaklasimi.... Daha Fazlası...
************ ********* ********* ********
Grip veya asrın soygunu...

Domuz gribi arkasındaki ekonomik çıkarlar neler ?

Dünyada her sene milyonlarca insan malaryadan ölüyor halbuki basit bir tül
sineklik onları koruyabilir. Gazeteler bundan bahsetmiyor !

Dünyada her sene 2 milyon çocuk ishalden ölüyor halbuki 23 sentlik bir serum
onları kurtarabilir. Gazeteler bundan bahsetmiyor !

Kızamık ve zatüreden her sene 10 milyon insan ölüyor. Tüm bu insanlar daha
ucuz ilaçlarla kurtulabilir. Gazeteler bunlardan da bahsetmiyor !

Bundan yaklaşık 10 yıl önce kuş gribi çıktığında bütün gazeteler bizi
bilgiye boğdu: "Bütün diğer salgınlardan daha tehlikeli... Dünyayı tehdit
eden salgın !"... Gazeteler sadece bu tavukların korkunç hastalığından
bahsediyordu. Buna rağmen toplam insan kaybı 10 sene de 250. Yani senede 25.
Normal grip senede yarım milyon can alıyor. 25'e karşı YARIM MİLYON !

Niçin kuş gribinden bu kadar bahsedildi ?

Çünkü bu tavukların arkasında bir "horoz" vardı, büyük ibikli bir horoz:
Uluslararası Roche ilaç grubu.... Bu şirket Asya ülkelerine milyonlarca doz
Tamiflu sattı, Ingiltere 14 milyon doz satın aldı. Kuş gribi sayesinde
Roche, milyarlarca dolar kar ettiler.

Bugün de domuz gribi psikozu başlatıldı. Tüm dünya medyası sadece bundan
bahsediyor. Kuzey Amerikan Gilead Sciences şirketi Tamiflu ilacının patent
sahibi. Bu işletmenin en büyük hissedarıysa Donald Rumsfeld: George Bush
dönemi savunma bakanı, Irak savaşının stratejisti. ..

Gerçek "Pandemie" (dünyayı etkileyen büyük salgın), çıkar salgınıdır, sağlık

paralı askerlerinin çıkarları. Eğer domuz gribi söylendiği gibi gerçekten
dünyayı tehdit eden büyük bir salgınsa (pandemiyse) dünya sağlık örgütü bu
hastalıktan bu kadar tedirgin oluyorsa neden bu hastalığı dünya sağlığını
tehdit eden bir hastalık olarak ilan edip, hastalığa karşı aynı ilacın
jenerik türevlerinin üretilmesini önermiyorlar ? Roche'un haklarının
iptalini isteyip yerine her ülkenin kendi üreteceği jenerik türevlerini
üretmiyorlar ?

Bu haberi mümkün olduğu kadar çok insana anlatınız, herkes bu büyük salgının
arkasındaki gerçeği görsün.

Çünkü medya sadece kendi sponsorlarının haberlerini veriyor.

Dr. Carlos Alberto Morales Paitán, Pérou.

Şartlandırılmış Örnek İnsan Modeli

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on November 28, 2009 at 2:00am

Bizden önce kurulmuş bir dünyada gözlerimizi açıyoruz ve oyunu kurulu düzenin kurallarına
göre oynamaya başlıyoruz.
Bu dünya bizden önceki zamanların, normlarına göre şimdiki zaman "normal"ini belirliyor.Ve
bu normal dünya bir örnek insan modeli yaratıyor.Normal dünya ve örnek insan kalıpları seni
büyük bir yükten kurtarıyor."Düşünmekten ve Hayal etmekten" dolayısı ile özgür değilsin.
Özgür olmak için ayılmak gerekiyor.
Önce farkına varmak ve belki de sonra kendinle yüzleşmek gerekiyor.
Kendimizle gerçekten yüzleşebilir miyiz? Yoksa sürünün bir parçası olarak sözde örnek insan
olmayı mı seçeceğiz?

 Posted by ekin duman on November 26, 2009 at 11:35am

Bayramınız kutlu olsun , yuvanın neşesi içinize dolsun , bolluk ,bereket,sevinç, neşe ve
güzellik SİZsiniz zaten , hat-ir-LA yin sadece eğlenmek için burdayız madem ?

Kaynak: sonsuz
içerik: tanımsız
bağımsız alan -sovereign domain


Secret Space Volume 1

 Added by LovePeaceandHarmony on November 2, 2009 at 1:32am

Nostradamus 2012 End Time

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 2, 2009 at 2:08am

World's Largest Pyramid Discovered, Lost
Mayan City Of Mirador Guatemala
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 5, 2009 at 1:36am

Heal the Healthcare

 Added by Kristina on November 5, 2009 at 2:05pm

Drunvalo Melchizedek: New Message from
the Mayan Elders July 29, 2009
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 6, 2009 at 10:06pm

Ron Paul - What if?

 Added by Trismegistus on November 7, 2009 at 9:32pm

ONE - The Movie

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 12:21am

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 12:34am

2012 - Apocalypse or New Sun ?

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 16, 2009 at 12:52am

OM Namah Shivaya Deva Premal
 Added by Sallyblues on November 17, 2009 at 5:07pm

Angelic Human Race

 Added by Sallyblues on November 17, 2009 at 5:30pm

Secret Garden Silent Wings

 Added by Sallyblues on November 17, 2009 at 5:37pm

Government Admits to Aliens Being Real
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 17, 2009 at 6:22pm

Children Learn Vipassana

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 1:00am

Interstate 60
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on November 18, 2009 at 1:46am

 Added by Tiversonus on November 19, 2009 at 11:29pm

Teyatha Om Bekandze - Mantra-Chanting
with Lalita
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on November 25, 2009 at 2:06pm

The Ripple Effect The Heartbeat to

 Added by Sallyblues on November 25, 2009 at 7:17pm

Crystal Hermitage Gardens

 Added by Sallyblues on November 25, 2009 at 7:29pm

© 2009 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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