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1. Sodium carbonate solution is added to dilute ethanoic acid. It is observed that

(a) The mixture becomes warm (b) A solid settles at the bottom
(c) A gas evolves (d) The colour of the mixture
Answer: (c) A gas evolves
2. Which among the following contains triple bond:
(a) C₂H₆ (b) C₂H₄ (c) C₃H₄ (d) C₂H₂
Answer: (d) C₂H₂
3. On adding NaHCO₃ to acetic acid, a gas is evolved which turns lime water milky due to
the formation of:
(a) Calcium Acetate (b) Calcium bicarbonate
(c) Calcium Carbonate (d) Calcium Hydroxide
Answer: (c) Calcium Carbonate
4. 100% pure ethanol is called
(a) Power alcohol (b) Rectified spirit
(c) Absolute alcohol (d) Denatured alcohol
Answer: (c) Absolute alcohol
5. 2ml of acetic acid is added to 5ml of water and was shaken up for 1 minute, it was
noticed that:
(a) A pink and clear solution is formed
(b) The acid formed a separate layer on the top of water
(c) Water formed a separate layer on the top of the acid
(d) A clear and homogeneous solution is formed
Answer: (c) Water formed a separate layer on the top of the acid
6. Carboxylic acid containing one carbon atom is
(a) Formic acid (b) Citric acid (c) Butyric Acid (d) Acetic acid
Answer: (d) Acetic acid
7. The odour of acetic acid resembles that of:
(a) Tomato (b) Vinegar (c) Lemon juice (d) Kerosene
Answer: (b) Vinegar
8. Ethanol is also known as which of these?
a. Formic acid
b. Ethyl alcohol
c. Ethane
d. Acetaldehyde
Answer: (b) Ethyl alcohol
9. Ethanoic acid is also known as which of these?
a. Acetic acid
b. Formic acid
c. Citric acid
d. Nitric acid
Answer: (a) Acetic acid
Short Answer:
1. Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction?


Since the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid involves the addition of oxygen to ethanol,
it is an oxidation reaction.

2. How would you distinguish experimentally between an alcohol and a

carboxylic acid?

We can distinguish between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid on the basis of their reaction
with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates. Acid reacts with carbonate and hydrogen
carbonate to evolve CO2 gas that turns lime water milky.

Alcohols, on the other hand, do not react with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates.

3. What are oxidising agents?

Some substances such as alkaline potassium permanganate and acidified potassium
dichromate are capable of adding oxygen to others. These are known as oxidizing agents.

4. Why acetic acid is known as glacial acetic acid?

Because it freezes during winter or under cold climate conditions

5. State the Properties of Ethanol.

i. Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature
ii. Its melting point is 156K and boiling point is 351k.
iii. Ethanol is also soluble in water in all proportions.
6. Write short notes about Ethanol.
i. Ethanol is commonly called alcohol and is the active ingredient of all alcoholic
ii. Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature.
iii. Its melting point is 156K and boiling point is 351K.
iv. Ethanol is also soluble in water in all proportions.
v. it is a good solvent.
vi. it is also used in medicines such as tincture iodine, cough syrups, and many
vii. Consumption of small quantities of dilute ethanol causes drunkenness.
viii. However, intake of even a small quantity of pure ethanol (called absolute
alcohol) can be lethal.
ix. Also, long-term consumption of alcohol leads to many health problems.

7. Write short notes about Reactions of Ethanol.

(i) Reaction with sodium:

2Na + 2CH3CH2OH → 2CH3CH2O–Na+ + H2

(Sodium ethoxide)
When Alcohols react with sodium, hydrogen gas is evolved and the other product is
sodium ethoxide.

(ii) Reaction to give unsaturated hydrocarbon:

Heating ethanol at 443 K with excess concentrated sulphuric acid results in the
dehydration of ethanol to give ethane.

The concentrated sulphuric acid can be regarded as a dehydrating agent which removes
water from ethanol.

8. How ethanol is produced?

Ethanol is produced from sugarcane by fermentation process. Sugarcane plants are one
of the most efficient convertors of sunlight into chemical energy. Sugarcane juice can
be used to prepare molasses which is fermented to give alcohol (ethanol).

9. State the Properties of Ethanoic Acid.

i. Ethanoic Acid is a liquid at room temperature
ii. Its melting point is 290K and boiling point is 391k.
iii. Ethanoic Acid is also soluble in water in all proportions. 5-8% solution of
acetic acid in water is called vinegar.
iv. unlike mineral acids like HCl, carboxylic acids are weak acids.

10. Write short notes about Ethanoic Acid

i. Ethanoic Acid is a liquid at room temperature
ii. Its melting point is 290K and and hence it often freezes during winter in
cold climates. Hence it is called as glacial acetic acid.
iii. Its boiling point is 391k.
iv. Ethanoic acid is commonly called acetic acid and belongs to a group of
acids called carboxylic acids.
v. Ethanoic acid is also soluble in water in all proportions. 5-8% solution of
acetic acid in water is called vinegar. It is widely used as a preservative in
vi. Unlike mineral acids like HCl, carboxylic acids are weak acids.

11. Write short notes about Reactions of Ethanoic Acid.

(i) Esterification reaction: Esters are most commonly formed by reaction of an acid and
an alcohol.
Ethanoic acid reacts with absolute ethanol in the presence of an acid catalyst to give an

Esters are sweet-smelling substances. These are used in making perfumes and as
flavouring agents.

(ii) Reaction with a base: Like mineral acids, ethanoic acid reacts with a base such as
sodium hydroxide to give a salt (sodium ethanoate or commonly called sodium acetate)
and water:

(Sodium ethanoate or
Sodium acetate)

(iii) Reaction with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates: Ethanoic acid reacts with
carbonates and hydrogen carbonates to give rise to a salt, carbon dioxide and water.
The salt produced is commonly called Sodium ethanoate or Sodium acetate.

12. What is saponification reaction?

When esters react with sodium hydroxide an alkali, the esters are converted again back
into alcohol and sodium salt of carboxylic acid. This reaction is known as saponification
because it is used in the preparation of soap.

Ester Ethanol Sodium ethanoate

13. Two compounds A and B react with each other in the presence of a dehydrating agent to
produce an ester. Both react with Na to evolve hydrogen gas. On reaction with Na2CO3 only A
evolves CO2. Identify the functional groups present in A and B giving reason for your answer.

Answer: Compound A contains –COOH group while compound B contains –OH group.
Since carboxylic acids and alcohols react with each other to form an ester, out of A and B, one is
an alcohol and the other is a carboxylic acid. This is further strengthened by reaction of both
with Na to evolve hydrogen gas.

Only carboxylic acids react with Na2CO3 to evolve CO2, A contains –COOH group while B
contains –OH group.
14. An organic compound 'X' is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular
formula C2H2O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet smelling compound ‘Y'.
a. Identify the compound ‘X’
b. Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound ‘Y’.
c. How can we get compound ‘X’ back from ‘Y’?
d. Name the process and write corresponding chemical equation.
e. Which gas is produced when compound ‘X’ reacts with washing soda? Write the chemical
a. Compound X is ethanoic acid which gives and ester (Y) when reacts with ethanol.
c. Esters give back alcohol and carboxylic acid in the presence of acid or base.
d. CH3COOC2H5 ---NaOH → C2H5OH + CH3COOH
e. CO2 gas is released.
CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2

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