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1. Cewe 34thn dtg keluhan 2 minggu susah mikir. Menstruasi memanjang 6 bulan.

keluhan lain, gada gejala lain.
Hb 7,5 mcv 63, mch 24 , Rbc 5,16
Tibc 450
A. Chronic disease anemia
B. Iron deficiency anemia

2. 24 year old, female, previous tb treatment, hb 9.2 mcv mch low, what is the cause of her
A.folic acid
B.anemia of chronic disease
D...(maaf lupa pilihannya)

3. 60 y/o male advanced gastric cancer since 3 months. Felt tired and dyspnea if walked around
100 m. Hb level 8.4 g/dl. Blood smear shows pencil cells. What do you give?
A. Folic acid 5mg daily
B. Ferrosulfate 200mg 3 times per day
C. Treat gastric cancer
D. B12 50 mg daily
E. PRC 300 ml

4. 26 yo female came with underweight since childhood. She looked pale. She had no history of
transfusion. Her aunty had history of get frequent transfusion. The hemoglobin is 8 gram/dl. The
blood smear showed target cell. What is her problem?
A. Hemoglobinopathy
B. Alpha major thallasemia
C. Anemia of chronic disease
D. Iron deficient anemia
E. Nutritional anemia

5. Laki2 45 thn demam 2bln abis pulang dr papua. Pale and underweight. Hb 8,2. Urinalisis
Hbnuria. Gimana mekanisme ya bisa kayak gt?

6. 45 year heavy smoker comes to the clinic with dizziness from 2 weeks ago. Hb shows 18,
thrombocytes 425 and spleen at L3. Proliferation of hemostasis is shown in bone marrow. What
investigation is to be done?
A. BCR-Abl
C. Cytology
D. Bone Marrow aspiration
E. Renal Function

8. 54 yo man, COPD dan angina pectoris, trombosit naik, hb naik, jak 2 +

A. Polycytemia gaisbock
B. Polycytemia sekunder
C. Polycytemia vera
D. Essential thrombocytosis

9. 52 year old woman come with history of lost of consciousness. The hemoglobin was 23 g/dl.
Erytropoietin level was decreased. The bone marrow showed increase RBC production. Whats
the emergence treat for her?
A. Aspirin
B. Oxygen
C. Phlebotomy
D. Hydroxyurea
E. Busulfan

10. 45 yo male, night sweat, abdominal fullness, fever. Hb 17,2 lien s7. BM biopsy : reticulin
fiber with fibrosis.
A. Polycitemia vera
B. Hypersplenisme
C. Myelofibrosi
D. Secondary polycitemia

11. 34 th cowo dgn penurunan kesadaran udh 1 minggu. Creatinine 8, hb 6.7, platelet 67.000,
ureum 78. Blood smear schistocyte. What is cause of anemia?

A. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

B. Severe malaria


D. Anemia on chronic disease

E. B 12 deficiency
12. A 45 yr old american alcoholic male comes to the hospital with frequent slept since 5months
ago. Hb 8,6g/dl, MCV 105, MCH 33. peripheral blood smear showed hypersegmented neutrofil.
what is the most possible causes?

a. liver disease

b. folic deficiency anemia

c. myelodysplastic syndrome

d. myelofibrosis

e. toxic poisoning

13. A 35 year old male came with tingling sensation in his finer. No diabetes. Hemoglobion was
12.3 dram/dL. The reticulocyte was decreased. Blood smear hyper-segmented neutrophil. Whas
is his problem?

a. B12 def.
b. Folic acid def.
c. Erythropoietin def.
d. Iron def.
e. Vitamin C def.

14. 56 diabetic parient frequent dialysis. Fatigue terus meski EPO injection. Hb 8.3 MCV 105
MCH 32. Reticulocyte normal. Blood smear no blast

Diagnosi :

A. Hmeolytic Uremic Syndrome

B. Folic acid def

C. Myelodysplastic Syndrome

D. Anemia of chronic disease

E. Iron Deficiency Anemia

15. A 34 yrs old man with orthopneu since 2 weeks. He has tanning in his stools. Hb 5, MCV 67
MCH 21. Feritin 5. Folic acid and B12 are low. Ehat do you do?

A. Folic acid 3x daily

B. B12 3x daily

C. Give packed red cell

D. Ferrous sulphate

E. Washed red blood cell

16. student 23 cowo nose bleed kalo mau ujian, mau cek apa?

a. bleeding test

b. protombin time

c. aptt

d. mixed aptt

e. ecarin coagulatin

17. Women 34 tahun prolonged menstruation sampai 10 days percycle since 5 months ago.

A.imune thrombocytemia

B.vitamin K agonist overdose

C.Scurvy disease

D. Post operation

E. Lupa aduh
18. Dina Laki-laki, ada operasi di cruris, ada fluid leakage. Setelah diperiksa tidak ada
abnormalities dalam aPTT dan PT, bleeding time. Kelainan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh

a. VWF

b. Faktor VII

c. Faktor IX

d. Faktor VIII

e. Faktor XIII

19. 21 yo female punya petechiae, 10 days. Platelet count decrease and in peripheral blood smear
found giant cell. What is your diagnosis?

a. DHF
b. Zika infection
c. Scurvy disease
d. Hereditary thrombocyte disorder
e. ITP

20. Cewe 34 thn, recurrent epistaxis since 2 days ago. Thrombocyte 36000. Blood smear showed
blue plasma lymphocyte. Possible diagnosis?

a. Dengue
b. Zika
c. Scurvy
d. Hereditary platelet defect
e. Immune thrombocytopenia

21. Male 24 years old came with fatigue. Hb 6,4 MCV 73 MCH 19. Apa yang dilakukan untuk
benerin Hb?
A. Packed Red Cell
B. Washed Red Cell
C. Lupa
D. Whole Blood
E. Erythoidforesis
22. 24 years old female came after discharge from hospitalization and brought laboratory result
Hb 8,7 g/dl MCV 84 MCH 28. Serum iron and TIBC decreased, Ferritin 1500. She has on TB
treatment in first month. Blood smear banyak lymphocyte. What do you do with Hb result?
A. Transfuse PRC 300 ml
B. Treat the TB
C. Give sukfat ferrous
D. Repeat Hb in the next 2 weeks
E. Transfuse washed erythrocyte 300ml

23. -

24. 34 years old woman with sign of heart failure. Hb was 6g/dl MCV 82 MCH 28, platelet
340.000 No sign of bleeding. Blood smear: Spherocyte, erythrophagocytosis. What is her
A. Anemia on chronic disease
B. Aplastic anemia
C. Evan syndrome

25. A 28 year old mother came with fatigue since 2 months after delivery. Hb level was 8,2g/dl.
MCV 81. MCH 28 with increased reticulocyte. Positive indirect coombs test. Direct coombs test
was negative with negative IgG, IgM and C3. What could we explain about her condition?
A. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia with warm type
B. Alloimmune hemolytic anemia
C. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia with cold type
D. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
E. Mixed type of warm and cold type

26. 58 year old man has leakage of fluid from surgical site since 1 day. He had a surgery for
cruris fracture 7 days ago. BT, PT, aPTT normal. What is his problem?
A. VWF Disease
B. Hemophilia B
C. Surgical bleeding
D. Liver disease
E. Factor 13 deficiency

27. A 45 years old woman come after total thyroidectomy with prolong of menstruation.
Chovstek sign was positive. Cause of her problem?
A. Hypocalcemia
B. Vitamin K deficiency
C. Vitamin C deficiency
D. Hypocalemia
E. Folic Acid deficiency

28. 34 year olf male come to you with gingival bleeding. Bleeding time normal, INR 5.6, other
within normal limit. What do you give him?
A. Fresh frozen plasma
B. Cryoprecipitate
C. Thrombopheresis
D. Thrombocyte concentrate
E. Vitamin K

29. -

30. Female 56 years old came with bleeding. aPTT increased and there is factor VIII deficiency.
What is the treatment?
A. Fresh frozen plasma
B. Cryoprecipitate
C. Thrombopheresis
D. Thrombocyte concentrate
E. Vitamin K

31. A 67 years old male came with sign of ascites and positive spidar navi. Abdominal
ultrasound showed liver cirrhosis and ascites. He felt tired in the last 2 weeks. Occult blood
positive. Hemoglobin 8.3 g/dl MCV 88 MCH 30. Blood smear showed positive pencil cell and
hypersegmented neutrophil. What is the cause of his tired symptom?
A. Anemia in chronic disease
B. Iron deficiency anemia
C. Variceal bleeding
D. Liver cirrhosis
Myelodysplastic syndrome

32.37yo man came with itching and ras all over his legs. He had history of transfusion of packed
red cell because hb was 7gr. What is the mechanism of his problem?
A. Allergic reaction
B. Alloimmune
C. Lysis red blood cell
D. ABO mismatch

33. A 26 year old lady came with dyspnea on effort since 3 days ago. Hb level was 5 g/dl. She
got 750 ml packed red cell. The symptom persists and worsens. The rales increase. What drugs
should be given before to prevent her condition after transfusion?
A. Anti-histamine
B. Steroid
C. Should be given washed red cell
D. Furosemide
E. Red cell apheresis

34. A 25 years old lady come to a clinic for anemia. She was diagnosed with Autoimmune
hemolytic anemia. She have gotten steroid for 2 months. She was cured, but for the last 2 days
her fatigue returns. In laboratory test result, shows Hb 8 gr/dL, MCV 110, MCH 32. What is
happening to her?
A. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia relaps
B. B12 deficiency
C. Folic Acid deficiency
D. Iron deficiency Anemia
E. Adrenal insufficiency

35. 12 yrs old female come with frequent transfusion since childhood. Hb 7, mcv 82 mch 28,
blood smear ovalocyte, what is the patof of the disease?
A. Hemoglobin disorder
B. Ery membrane dis
C. Ery enzyme dis
D. Dna disorder
E. External destruction

37. 55 y/o male diagnosed to have metastasis colon cancer. He underwent full dose
chemotherapy & targeted therapy. What type of receptor play role in metastasis & angiogenesis?
B. CD-20
C. VEGF receptor
D. Her 2 receptor
E. PD-L1

38. Man came with swelling, homan sign positive, pain. Next step?

A. D-dimer
B. Lupa
C. Compression Doppler Ultrasound
D. Filaria
E. Venography

39. 21 y/o female with swelling in right arm, no pain, no edema. What is your next step?
A. D-dimer
B. Venography
C. Ultrasound compression doppler
D. Filaria
E. Lymphography

40. A 45yo man comes with SOB since 5 days ago. His chest Xray shows lung effusion in the
left. He has history of thrombosis in the right leg since 3 days ago. What is your next step
A. BTA sputum
B. Chest CT scan
C. Lateral XRay
D. Venography of lung
E. Blood gas analysis

41. Pasien datang dengan keluhan jaundicendan pale sejak 2 minggu yg lalu. Hb 6.4 g/dl.
Indirect billirubin naik. Direct coombs test positive. Urinalysis normal. What is the mechanism
of her anemia?
A. Destruction of erythrocyte in lien
B. Cytokine action
C. Membrane attack complex
D. Autolysis of RBC
E. Immune to erythrocyte progenitor cell

42.Pria 45 tahun, hb turun, diteliti ada tanda tanda contracted kidney, pada pemeriksaan darah
ditemukan macrocytic anemia. Kenapa pasiennya?

A kebanyakan dialisis
B kurang EPO
C hemolysis
D uremic syndrome
E defisiens nutrisi

44. 32 year old male come with with easily tired since 3 month ago hb 10 g/dl mcv 78 mch 26
chest xray show infiltration in upper lung lobe feritin 1200. Patogenesis?
A. Decrease iron
B. Hemoglobinopathy
C. Enzym defect
D. Hepsidine release
(Makasih viko)

46. 64 y.o model brought general check up result, found leucocyte 34k. From blood smear there
were so many atypical lymphocyte. Lymphocyte was 60% differential count what is the possible
diagnosis ?
E. Hairy cell leukimia

47. A 47 year old female complains of malaise, fatigue, and night sweats since 2 weeks ago.
Hemoglobin is 9.2 mg/dl, leucocytes 24.000, platelets 123.000. Differential count is as follows
0/0/2/52/34/0. What is the possible diagnosis?

A. Acute myeloid leukemia

B. Accelerated phase chronic myeloid leukemia
C. Crisis blast phase chronic myeloid leukemia
D. Chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia
E. Hairy cell leukemia

48. A 54 yo man came with fever of unknown origin since 3 months ago. The leukocyte count
was 45 thousand with differential count : 0/0/14/45/20/0. From the blood smear there were
myeloblast. What is probably diagnosis?

B. Accelerated phase CML
C. Crisis blast phase CML
D. Chronic phase CML
E. Hair cell leukemia

49. A 37 year old man dtg dgn keluhan fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Pd pemeriksaan fisik
ditemukan splenomegaly S4. Hb 11, leukocytes 23.000, platelets 231.000. Bone marrow
ditemukan all stage development of leukocytes and myeloblast 8%. What is the possible
A. Acute myeloid leukemia
B. Accelerated phase CML
C. Crisis blast phase CML
D. Chronic phase CML
E. Hairy cell leukemia

51. Male 34 thn, fever, night sweat, recurrent infections, hb 10.2 g/dl, leukosit dan trombosit
normal. Diff count (0/0/024/53/0).Penyakitnya apa?
A. Hogdkin
B. Non Hogdkin
C. Multiple Myeloma
D. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
E. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

52. Cowo 34 th dgn keluhan unknown fever since 4 bln. Pf ada lymphnode membesar di cervical
region around 3cm. Lab na normal. Ditanya plan na apa?
A. Biopsi lymphnode
B. Bone marrow aspirasion
C. Bone marrow biopsi
D. Consult to ENT
E. Observasi

53. A 35 y.o woman, enlarged axilla lymph nodes. Breast normal. Biopsy lymph nya ada RS
A. Hodgkin
B. Non hodgkin
C. Multiple myeloma

54. A 41 years old man come with mass in inguinal with diameter 5 cm. the biospy of the nodes
show small lymphocytic with CD20 cell. What is the appropiate diagnosis?
A. Hodgkin lymphoma wiht nodular sclerosis
B. Diffuse large b cell lymphoma
C. Multiple myeloma
D. Acute lymphocytic leukemia
E. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

55.A 56 year old male has gastritis since 2 weeks his HB 8 g/dl platelet MCV 110 MCH 33
blood smear shows hypersegmented neutrofil
A.Autoimmune hemolytic
B.Myelodisplastic Syndrome
C.Occult blood
D.B12 deficiency
E.Folate deficiency

56. A 45 year old female complains of fatigue for 4 months. Her Hb is 6, Leukocyte 2.400,
Platelet 123.000, increased Reticulocytes. Hepatitis B (+), liver cirrhosis (+).
What is the cause of her fatigue?

A. Decreased RBC
B. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
C. Thrombosis of iliac vein
D. Nutrient deficiency
E. Occult bleeding
57. A 60 year old male has fatigue since 2 weeks. His Hb 9.2 g/dL, platelet 92000, peripheral
blood smear show positive blast, with reticulocyte production increase
A. Autoimmune hemolytic
B. Myelodysplastic syndrome
C. Occult blood
D. B12 deficiency
E. Folate deficiency

58. 45 year old woman come with fatigue and athralgia since 2 weeks ago. Hb count 7.3 gr/dl.
Platelet 234000. Direct coombs test positive for IgG and C3. What is your diagnosis?
A. Multiple Myeloma
B. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
C. Hepatitis B infection
D. Evans Syndrome
E. Lupa

59. Wanita 56 tahun. Fatigue 6 minggu, anemia normocytic normochrome, ad rouleux formation,
Answer : Multiple myeloma

60. 18 year old guy. Fever 4 months, fatigue, nose bleed

Hb 10
Wbc 28.000
Platelet 100.000
Blood smear : lymphoblast
Next to do?
A. Refer to surgery oncologist
B. Refer to radiation oncologist
C. Bone marrow
D. Reticulocyte count
E. Lupaa

61.Hiensss maaf i forgot lengkapnya the question, mine was no. 61, but it was something like di
smear ditemuin banyak sel gitu yg belakangnya -cytes semua, then pilihannya:
A. t(9;22)
B. t(9;12)
C. t(7;14)
D. t(13;27)
E. t(18;21)

62. Myeloblast 34%. Suggestion to patient?

63. 59 years old patient unconscious for 2 days. Head CT scan normal with 9.3 gr/dl hemoglobin.
Bone marrow aspiration shows increase plasma cells
A. Hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte depletion
B. Small lymphocytic lymphoma
C. Multiple myeloma
D. L2 acute lymphoblastic leukemia
E. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Biner B

64.pria 49 thn dtg dgn keluhan perbesaran lymph node sejak 4 bln yg lalu.treatment:

65. Cowo 45 th, fatigue, night sweat, tired sejak 5 bulan. Lien S5, Hb 9.2 g/dl, leukosit 34000,
platelet 540.000. Blood smear terlihat teardrop. Diagnosis?

a. MDS
b. ET
c. CML
d. Myelofibrosis
e. Hairy cell leukemia

66. A 52 yo female with repeated headache. Hb 15, Leu 12000, plat 1.2 million. Enlarged spleen.
B. Myelofibrosis
D. Reactive thrombocytosis
E. Hypercoagulable state

67. Radiosensitive; fase apa?

68. A person treated with gamma knife. Sori bgt lupa pertanyaan nya kaya apa tp jawabannya
A. Cobalt 60
B. iradium...
C. Iodine...
D. Cesium
E. linear acceleration (?)

69. 56 yo female locally advance cervical ca di chemo 2 tahun. Complain: bloody stool 2 bulan,
no change bowel habit, fever, abdomen non tender, no loss weight, pemeriksaan ginekologi
normal dan tidak ada rectal mass. Diagnosis:
A.radiology proctitis
B. Disentri
C. Hemoroid
D. Rectal ca
E. Relaps cervical ca


73. 50 yrs old, right breast cancer, which receptor plays a role in sustaining proliferative
signaling in breast cancer
A. Her 1
B. Her 2
C. VEGF Receptor
D. Tyrosine kinase receptor
E. CD20

71. 45 year old woman come to the out patient clinic with complain of lump in her left breast.
She has no family history of breast cancer, no medical hormonal treatment, never done any
screening before. PF are all normal except lump in her left breast. the mass is 2x2 cm, mobile,
sharp border, no pain. There are no lymph enlargement in axilla, infraclavicular and
supraclavicular. What is your next step management?
a. Breast MRI
c. USG breast
d. Mammography and USG
e. Chest CT
Jwb: jeni jawab D soalnya kan uda 45--> uda boleh d mammo. knp cm d usg karna sharp border,
immobile, no pain--> no malignant

72. 50yo out patient lump at her left breast. No fam hist of breast ca, no meds of hormonal
therapy and had no routine ca screening.
Pf: lump on her left breast 2x2 mobile, sharp border and no pain. No lymph node enlarged on
axila, infraclavicula, supraclavicula. What is the next management:
A. Breast mri
B. Pet-ct scan
C. Breast usg
D. Mammo and usg
E. Chest ct scan

73. 50 year old lady to OPD with right breast cancer. What receptor plays a role in sustaining
proliferative signaling in breast cancer? A. Her 1 B. Her 2 C. VEGF receptor D. CD 20

75. Perempuan 18 tahun, angkatan pertama di uph. Dtg ke klinik untuk screening cancer. G ada
history sexual intercourse, merokok dan menggunakan obat2an. No fam history of ca.
A. Nothing
B. Hidup sehat
C. Cek breast sendiri (SADARI)

76. A 34 years old healthy man came to the clinic and was concerned with his family history of
colon cancer. His brother was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 50. His other brothers
are fine. His parents did not die of cancer. He asked for a colonoscopy. What would you do?

A. Do colonoscopy now
B. Do colonoscopy at 40
C. Do at 50
D. Do at 55
E. Decline colonoscopy, just do fecal occult blood test

Jwb: b

77. 50 yo woman. History of breast cancer. Come with sob. On pe, jvp increase. On chest x ray
pulmonary edema and kerley b line was seen. She was previously treated with radical
masectomy, chemo with cyclophosphamide, taxane, doxorubicin, radiotherapy and endocrine
therapy. What causes her sob?
A. Radiotherapy
B. Endocrine therapy
C. Taxane
D. Cyclophosphamide
E. Doxorubicin

80. Cowo tua gitu lupa usia keluhannya mual muntah ama kulitnya kuning. Dia tukang minum
gitu. Trus di physical examination livernya gede dan ada nodul. Labnya ada hb, wbc, platelet,
sgot, sgpt, albumin , creatinine tapi gw lupa nilainya. Managment selanjutnya apa ?
A. AFP and CT
C. Liver biopsy
E. Gastroscopy

A 39 year old man come to the clinic with urinary tract symptoms. An DRE was performed and
shows multinodule, hard, immobile and painless nodule. The psa score shows 21. What will u do
A. Mri pelvic
B. Prostate usg
C. Transurethral biopsy
D. Fnb
E. Prostatectomy

81. 45 yo come because abnormal vaginal bleeding and vaginal discharge.

History of multiple sex partners, heavy smoker.
Wht's your recommendation this moment?
A. Vaginal culture
B. Ct scan abdomen
C. Usg gynecology
D. Hpv vaccination
E. Pap smear

83. 41 yo female came to out patient clinic due to lump on her left breast measured 2x3 cm. Her
breast was big enough compared to others. The mammography showed no multifocality or
multicentricity. The core biopsy confirmed lump was malignancy. CXR, abdomen USG, bone
scan in normal limit. Option?
A. Excision
B. Wide excision
C. Wide excision + axillary lymph node dossection
D. Simple mastectomy
E. Modified radical mastectomy

86. 55 year old man diagnosed with colorectal cancer. He underwent surgery resection,
chemotherapy & Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy regiments are- 5-fluorouracil, oxaloplatin and
leucovorin. 5-fluorouracil works at what stage of cell cycle?
A. Non cell cycle dependent
B. S
C. S and G2
D. M
E. G1

87. 55 years old male had been diagnosed as metastatic colorectal cancer. He underwent full
dose chemotherapy and targeted therapy. What receptor play a role in metastatic and
B. CD-20
C. VEGF Receptor
D. Her-2 Receptor
E. PD-L1 Receptor

88. Tumor marker Ca ovarium

A. Ca 19-9
B. Ca 125
C. cyra 21
D. cea
89. A 2 years old girl after her routine blood transfusion fot thalassemia. Her parents realized that
she get darker skin despite good response for her disease. What iron storage can cause this
A. Ferritin
B. Hemosiderin
C. Transferrin

90. 10 thn demam & batuk. Leukosit 15000. Diff count : lupa. Sitokin apa yg berperan?
A. IL 2
B. IL 3
C. IL 6
D. IL 8

91. Female 20 y.o come with gum bleeding 2 hours ago. She has petheciae at both of her leg.
Platelet count 98.000. Wich binding protein mediate platelet agregation ?

92. 14 tahun cowo dengan keluhan bruise pada lututnya, tidak pernah ada bleeding sebelumnya,
great grandparentsnya punya masalah yang sama dengan anak ini, initial exam?

93. 40 years female with painless breast lump diberi methrotexate. Cara kerjanya:
A. Alkylating agent
B. Antimetabolit
C. Microtubule
D. ?

94. Laki", 60thn, diare 1 bln. Sering datang ke dokter dengan keluhan serupa. Kakeknya
mengalami hal serupa dan meninggal karena colon ca. Dilakukan pemeriksaan CEA. Apakah
fungsi pemeriksaan tersebut?
a. Diagnostik
B. Screening
C. Prognostik
D. Respon terapi

95. A 54 y.o man came with blood in urine and urination problems. You diagnose him with
prostate cancer stage decided to give him hormonal therapy and continue with radical
radiotherapy.what is the purpose of hormonal therapy?
A. Make tumor resectable
B. Make tumor curable
C. Reduce tumor size
D. Downstaging the tumor

96. 56 y/o woman came w/ painless cervical mass. The patient said that this mass is getting
bigget from 3cm to 8cm in diameter within 3 months. He also said there's occasional fever, night
sweat, fatigue, loss of appatite and weight loss. Cervical biopsy was done and reed-sternberg cell
was found. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Lymphadenitis TB
B. Carcinoma nasopharynx
C. Lymphoma
D. Lymphoma maligna Non-Hodgkin
E. Lymphoma maligna Hodgkin

97. A Breast biopsy done to check the ER and PR Status. What is the purpose of doing ER PR

a. Response to chemotheraphy
b. Immunological response of cancer cell
c. To check familial risk if breast cancer
d. To assess tumor size
e. To check metastasize

98. The histopathology of the biopsy taken from a breast mass of a 25 year old female reveals
ductal cell carcinoma. The family history shows that her sister was recently diagnosed with
ovarian cancer and in 3 years earlier her maternal aunt had a mastectomy for a ductal carcinoma
of the breast. The gene that affected the neoplasm process must likely is:
A. C-erb-(beta)2
B. C-myc
D. Rb1
E. Estrogen receptor gene
99. Which of the following diagnostic screening technology commonly used in health care which
has had great reduction in cervical cancer death?
Jawabannya kayaknya papsmear tp gtau deh

100. The cytologic examination of a 55 year old male who has blood noticeable in his urine
reveals malignant uroepithelial cells. The examination of excised specimen shows transitional
carcinoma grade III. Which of the following statement regarding those findings is the most
A. His neoplasm is primary
B. His neoplasm is a secondary tumor
C. His neoplasm is carcinoma in situ
D. He has a paraneoplatic syndrome

101. Serum chemistry panel of 61 y/o man shows alkaline phosphatase 290 U/I with no other
abnormalities. He then goes needle biopsy. Most proper method of biopsy?
A. Transurethral
B. Transrectal
C. Open surgery
D. Fine needle biopsy
E. Liquid biopsy

103. 56 y/o man presents with swelling of the right leg. Doppler compression ultrasound found
thrombus at the femoral vein. Previously diagnosed with lung cancer. Appropriate treatment?
C. Warfarin
D. Rivaroxaban
E. Dabigatran

110. 34 y/o man with thrombosis at popliteal vein on enoxaparin treatment. After 2 weeks of
usage, gingival bleeding. What to monitor?
A. Check PT
B. Check aPTT
C. Anti Xa
D. Check INR
E. Check for ecari clotting test
113. 45 year old man with metaplastic lung cancer to vertebrae T12. Felt painful with VAS 9.
What do you do?
A. Check for bone mineral density
B. Give paracetamol and NSAID for analgesic
C. Radiotherapy primary tumor
D. Give biphosphonate
E. Refer to psychiatrist

118. 54 y/o male smoker cones referred to stop smoking. What is your advice?
A. Smoking increases risk of bone cancer
B. With alcohol consumption increases risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
C. He should check for chest x-ray
D. With HPV infection could increase risk of basal skin carcinoma
E. With stop smoking he will never get cancer in the future

119. A 67 y/o man with metastatic lung cancer brought with his child to get further treatment.
Performance status 20-30%. What is your advice for the family?
A. Single agent chemotherapy
B. Curative radiotherapy
C. Suggest to thoracic surgeon
D. Hospice
E. Chemo neoadjuvant for down-staging

120. 45 th cewe kena stage 2 breast cancer. Trus dia dtg ke RS buat nanya advice klo dia mo
pegy dgn pesawat kira2 7 jam. Apa yg kmu berikan?
A. Travelling dgn cancer aman
B. Slesein treatment dlu bru boleh pegy
C. Ksi vik.k
D. Ksi hormon terapi
E. Pke stocking trus apa gtu lupa
Yg tidak ada nomor
A. Cowo umur 36 thn. Punya brother kena colon cancer.. Pasien minta colonoscopy..
Rekomendasi apa yg akan anda berikan?
b) colonoscopy umur 40
c) colonoscopy umur 50
d) colonoscopy umur 55
e) do not need colonoscopy, do fecal occult blood test

B. Colon CA itu pathway apa yg kerja? Jawabannya K-ras

C. Hubungan P53 dalam hallmark cancer? Jawabannya resisting cell death

D. Ada orang mau datang dengan riwayat bonyoknya meninggal karena colon ca, advise buat
orang itu? Mungkin dia punya riwayat hereditary non polyposis colon ca

E. Ada orang dengan stage 2 breat ca mau travelling minimal 7 jam by plane, advise buat dia?
Minimal mobile movement sama pakai stocking ketat (kata dr andree tp gw ga ngerti kenapa)

F. Ada orang terkena bladder cancer, statement yg berhubungan dengan kondisi cancernya? His
neoplasm is primary tumor (ini persis soal OSPE PA)

G. Ada orang punya tumor di daerah hidung, kenapa sebabnya? Jawabannya beef bacon asap.
Pilihan lain HPV, HTLV, yg lain lupa

H. Ada orang mau datang screening tp dia ga punya risk factor sama sekali, advise buat dia?
Healthy eating

I. Ada male 36 thn punya riwayat bapaknya meninggal karena colon ca. Brothernya di diagnosis
colon ca umur 50. Pasiennya mau dia di colonoscopy skrg. Advice?
A. Cek fecal occult blood
B. Colonoscopy 40 thn
C. Colonoscopy 50 thn
D. Colonoscopy 55 thn
E. No need

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