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In this tutoral, Basic Calculator in C#, we will look at creating a basic calculator.

The calculator
will have the following functionality:

• Addition
• Subtraction
• Division
• Multiplication
• Square Root
• Exponents (Power Of)
• Clear Entry
• Clear All

There will be a 2nd tutorial that will cover some more advanced features such as

• Adding a number to memory

• Removing a number from memory
• Calculating with a number in memory
• Entering numbers by typing

The first thing you need to do is create a new project in Visual Studio (or Visual Basic Express
Edition if thats what you use). Once you have created your new project you need to create your
user interface, your user interface should look like this:

Your user interface will consist of

• Buttons 0 through 9
• Buttons for
o Addition

o Subtraction

o Division

o Multiplication

o Exponents (x^)

o Inverse (1/x)

o Square Root (sqrt)

• Decimal
• Equals
• Backspace
• CE (Clear Entry)
• C (Clear All)
• ReadOnly TextBox for input (Make sure TabStop is also set to False)

How you setup your user interface is up to you, but remember people are used to a calculator
looking a certain way so you may wish to follow my example. In this tutorial I will show you
how to code two of the number buttons (since all 10 are the same except the zero button), how to
code the calculations buttons, the clear buttons and the backspace buttons. For two of the buttons
we will need to use built-in math functions in the .Net Framework:

• System.Math.Sqrt Method Used to calculate Square Roots

• System.Math.Pow Method Used to calculate Exponents

For the record there are many more members of the System.Math Class located at the online

Now, in our calculator we need some Global variables to hold different items and states in our
calculator, such as which calculation are we performing, does the input area already have a
decimal, whether we can enter values into the input area and to hold values while we perform
calculations. Add the following code to the top of your code, this is the global variables we need
in our calculator:
//variables to hold operands
private double valHolder1;
private double valHolder2;
//Varible to hold temporary values
private double tmpValue;
//True if "." is use else false
private bool hasDecimal = false;
private bool inputStatus = true;
//variable to hold Operater
private string calcFunc;

These variables will be used through out our program thats why they're globals. Now, before any
calculations can be done, the user needs to be able to enter numbers into the input box, so lets
take a look at how to do that. Since all the number keys in the calculator are the same (except the
0 (zero) key, we'll conver that in a minute) I will code one of the buttons, then you can do the
rest. Lets take a look at the number one key:
private void cmd1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Check the inputStatus
if (inputStatus)
//Its True
//Append values to the value
//in the input box
txtInput.Text += cmd1.Text;
//Value is False
//Set the value to the value of the button
txtInput.Text = cmd1.Text;
//Toggle inputStatus to True
inputStatus = true;

When a user clicks a number button (in this case the number one button) we check the status of
the inputStatus flag. If its true then we know we can just append the next value to the end of
whats currently in the input box, otherwise we just enter the number into the input box. All the
remaining numbers, as stated before, follow this procedure. The zero button slightly different as
we don't want the user to be able to enter zero as the first number (this is covered more in the
decimal button functionality). So lets take a look at how we code the zero button:
private void cmd0_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Check the input status
if (inputStatus)
//If true
//Now check to make sure our
//input box has a value
if (txtInput.Text.Length >= 1)
//Add our zero
txtInput.Text += cmd0.Text;

First we check the status of the inputStatus flag, if its true we know we can enter a number in
the box. Here we do a second check, we make sure the length of the text in the input box is at
least 1 (it has a value), if so we enter the zero into the input box.

For adding a decimal to our input box we need to first make sure our input box doesn't already
contain one, for this we use the hasDecimal global (boolean) variable, then we need to make
sure our input box has a value (don't want the user to be able to enter a decimal as the first
value). Then we make sure the value in the input area isn't 0 (zero), this we will handle later.

If all those are true then we enter the decimal then toggle the hasDecimal to True, so the user
cant enter a 2nd one. Now, if the input area doesn't have a value, we enter 0., as we assume the
user is wanting to work with a decimal value such as 0.5. Lets take a look at the procedure for
doing this:
private void cmdDecimal_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Check for input status (we want true)
if (inputStatus)
//Check if it already has a decimal (if it does then do
if (!hasDecimal)
//Check to make sure the length is > than 1
//Dont want user to add decimal as first character
if (txtInput.Text.Length != 0)
//Make sure 0 isnt the first number
if (txtInput.Text != "0")
//It met all our requirements so add
the zero
txtInput.Text += cmdDecimal.Text;
//Toggle the flag to true (only 1
decimal per calculation)
hasDecimal = true;
//Since the length isnt > 1
//make the text 0.
txtInput.Text = "0.";

As you can see, we check all the items mentioned above, if they're True we add the decimal,
otherwise we add 0. to the input area.

The first calculation we will look at is addition. The first thing we do here is to make sure the
input box has a value (Length > 1). If it does then we check the calcFunc value. The
calcFunction variable will be used to tell our CalculateTotals procedure which calculation to
perform. Here, if the value is empty (String.Empty) we assign the value of our input box to a
variable, valHolder1, which will hold the first part of all calculations, then clear out the input
box so the user can enter a 2nd number.

If the calcFunc variable isnt empty then we call our CalculateTotals procedure to display a total
to the user. We then assign the value of Add to our variable for the next turn through, then we
toggle the hasDecimal flag to False. Now lets take a look at how we accomplished this:
private void cmdAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Make sure out input box has a value
if (txtInput.Text.Length != 0)
//Check the value of our function flag
if (calcFunc == string.Empty)
//Flag is empty
//Assign the value in our input
//box to our holder
valHolder1 = System.Double.Parse(txtInput.Text);
//Empty the input box
txtInput.Text = string.Empty;
//Flag isnt empty
//Call our calculate totals method
//Assign a value to our calc function flag
calcFunc = "Add";
//Toggle the decimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

Believe it or not, all the other basic calculation buttons are the same as the Add button, with the
exception of what we set calcFunc to. In the other buttons we set this variable to the calculation
we want to perform, Subtract,
Divide, Multiply, and so on, so there really isn't a reason to show how that is done since we did
the Add button and the others are the same.

Even though they are the same I'll show the functionality of one more calculation button. This
time we will look at the code for the subtraction button. The first thing we do here is to make
sure the input box has a value (Length > 1). If it does then we check the calcFunc value. The
calcFunction variable will be used to tell our CalculateTotals procedure which calculation to
perform. Here, if the value is empty (String.Empty) we assign the value of our input box to a
variable, valHolder1, which will hold the first part of all calculations, then clear out the input
box so the user can enter a 2nd number.

If our calcFunction isnt empty then we call our CalculateTotals method to perform the
calculations. We then assign the value of Subtract to our calcFunc variable so the calculations
method will know which calculation to perform. The code for the subtraction button looks like
private void cmdSubtract_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Make sure the input box has a value
if (txtInput.Text.Length != 0)
//Check the valueof our calculate function flag
if (calcFunc == string.Empty)
//Flag is empty
//Assign the value of our input
//box to our holder
valHolder1 = System.Double.Parse(txtInput.Text);
//Empty the input box
txtInput.Text = string.Empty;
//Flag isnt empty
//Call our calculate totals method
//assign a value to our
//calculate function flag
calcFunc = "Subtract";
//Toggle the decimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

Thats how the normal calculation buttons are coded. Now lets say you want to give the user the
option to calculate Exponents, 4^2 for example. To code this button you need a couple of checks
before doing anything. First we need to check and make sure the input area has a value, if it does
then we check to see the value of the calcFunc variable.

If this is empty, we then convert the value of the input area to a Double and assign it to the
valHolder1 variable to hold on to, this will be used for the calculations in the CalculateTotals
procedure and empth the value from the input area.. If its not empty we directly call the
CalculateTotals function as this means the user has already entered 2 numbers.

We then assign the value of PowerOf to our calcFunc variable, this will tell CalculateTotals
what calculation to perform, and toggle the hasDecimal flag to False. Lets take a look at how we
accomplished all of this:
private void cmdPowerOf_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Make sure the input box has a value
if (txtInput.Text.Length != 0)
//Check if the calcFunc flag is empty
if (calcFunc == string.Empty)
//Assign the value of the input box to our variable
valHolder1 = System.Double.Parse(txtInput.Text);
//Empty the input box
//So the user can enter the power of value
txtInput.Text = string.Empty;
//Call the calculate totals method
//Assign our flag the value of "PowerOf"
calcFunc = "PowerOf";
//Reset the decimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

Doing a Square Root is somewhat different as it doesn't take 2 values, just the number you want
the square root of, so some of the checking required in the other calculations isn't required here.
For a Square Root we first check to ensure the input area has a value. If it does have a value we
assign the value of the input area, converted to a Double, to our tmpValue variable.

Once we have the value, we call the System.Math.Sqrt Method to perform the calculations on the
tmpValue variable. Once this is complete we assign the resulting value to our input area, then
toggle the hasDecimal flag to False. Lets take a look at how this is done:

The Equals button is quite simple. Here, we first check to make sure our input area has a value
and that our valHolder1 variable isn't a zero (Divide by 0 is a bad thing). If both of these are true
we call the CalculateTotals procedure to perform our calculations based on the value of the
calcFunc flag. We then clear the value of calcFunc and toggle the hasDecimal flag to False.
This is done like this:
private void cmdSqrRoot_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Make sure the input box has a value
if (txtInput.Text.Length != 0)
//Assign our variable the value in the input box
tmpValue = System.Double.Parse(txtInput.Text);
//Perform the square root
tmpValue = System.Math.Sqrt(tmpValue);
//Display the results in the input box
txtInput.Text = tmpValue.ToString();
//Clear the decimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

In the last 2 buttons we have looked at how you use the two System.Math Members I mentioned
earlier, pretty simple isnt it.

We have 3 more buttons to look at before we look at the CalculateTotals procedure. First we'll
look at the backspace button.For the backspace, first we need to make sure the input are has a
value. If it does then we retrieve the next to last character and see if its a decimal, if it is we
toggle the hasDecimal flag to False. Next we create an Integer variable (loc) to hold the length
of the contents in the input area. From there we use Remove, along with loc to remove the last
character of the string for each time the user clicks the backspace button.
private void cmdBackspace_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Declare locals needed
string str;
int loc;
//Make sure the text length is > 1
if (txtInput.Text.Length > 0)
//Get the next to last character
str = txtInput.Text.Substring(txtInput.Text.Length - 1);
//Check if its a decimal
if (str == ".")
//If it is toggle the hasDecimal flag
hasDecimal = false;
//Get the length of the string
loc = txtInput.Text.Length;
//Remove the last character, incrementing by 1
txtInput.Text = txtInput.Text.Remove(loc - 1, 1);

The last 2 buttons I'm going to demonstrate are the CE (Clear entry) and C (Clear all) buttons.
These are very simple. First the clear entry button. What we do here is set the value in the input
area to empty (String.Empty), and the hasDecimal flag to false.
private void cmdClearEntry_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Empty the input box
txtInput.Text = string.Empty;
//Toggle the decimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

The clear all button required a bit more code as we do more with this button. Here we set our 2
holder variables, valHolder1 and valHolder2 to 0 (zero), we then set the calcFunc flag to
String.Empty and the hasDecimal flag to False, like this:
private void cmdClearAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Empty the text in the input box
txtInput.Text = string.Empty;
//Clear out both temp values
valHolder1 = 0;
valHolder2 = 0;
//Set the calc switch to empty
calcFunc = string.Empty;
//Toggle the hasDecimal flag
hasDecimal = false;

Those are the buttons you need for a Basic calculator. The final thing we're going to look at is
the procedure that actually does the calculations, CalculateTotals. Here the first thing we do is
set our variable valHolder2 to the current value of the input area.

We then do a switch(calcFunc) on the value of calcFunc so we know which calculations to

perform. We perform our calculations (add, subtract, divide, multiply, exponent, etc) and set the
results to the input area so the user can see their results. Finally we set the inputEntry flag to
False. This is what this procedure looks like:
private void CalculateTotals()
valHolder2 = System.Double.Parse(txtInput.Text);
//determine which calculation we're going to execute
//by checking the value of calcFunc
switch (calcFunc)
case "Add":
valHolder1 = valHolder1 + valHolder2;
case "Subtract":
valHolder1 = valHolder1 - valHolder2;
case "Divide":
valHolder1 = valHolder1 / valHolder2;
case "Multiply":
valHolder1 = valHolder1 * valHolder2;
//exponents (power of)
case "PowerOf":
valHolder1 = System.Math.Pow(valHolder1, valHolder2);
//set our input area to the value of the calculation
txtInput.Text = valHolder1.ToString();
inputStatus = false;
NOTE: For the Exponents (Power Of) we use the System.Math.Pow Method for calculating the

There are two more buttons in this calculator that we didn't cover, basically due to the length of
the tutorial. Those buttons are included in the sample project I'm attaching to this tutorial.

Thats it, thats how you create a basic calculator in C#. I hope you find this tutorial helpful. I am
including the project file with this tutorial, but remember this solution is under the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE so you may not remove the header from the files or turn this
project in as your homework assignment.

I know I am forced to go with the honor system in this, but if you do just turn this in as your
assignment not only will you be cheating, but you will learn nothing, and subsequently wont
know enough to become a programmer once you get out of school.

I will be doing a 2nd part to this tutorial where I look at adding more advanced functionality to
this calculator, such
as adding a number to memory, removing a number from memory, calculations with a number in
memory and more.

Thank you for reading!

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