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Matilda Lockhart Primary Source Investigation 4. Why do you think the Comanche did this?

Matilda Lockhart’s testimony after her return to the Texians included a tale 5. Can you understand the perspective of the Comanche? Why or why not?
of Comanche women abusing her in many ways, including burning the
bottoms of her feet.
6. What does this tell us about Matilda’s IDENTITY?

7. Complete the hashtag based on this image:


Your Answers
Take a close look:

What is happening?
Who is portrayed?
What is said about them?
Does it tell the whole story?
Is there any information about who
created it, or when and where it was

Caption, date, or publisher?
If not, examine content for clues. What
is the context of this image? What was
going on at the time?
What was the purpose of this image?
Who was this source meant for? What
events, conditions or grievances might

have inspired the creation of your
How are these things portrayed? What
does your source have to say about the
context in which it was created?
1. How do you think this abuse affected Matilda? Does the source present a fair depiction
of people, events or conditions?
Or does it mislead by presenting false
or exaggerated information? Do you

think the source represents the views of

2. How is this different from what you know about the Comanche? a majority of people – or the views and
attitudes of a smaller group?
Does it mislead people in any way?
Does it glorify a particular leader while
3. How is this the same from what you know about the Comanche? ignoring their faults or failures?

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