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%A Few Useful Packages


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\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} %other packages for formatting



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% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **

\usepackage{supertabular} %for Grades

\usepackage{titlesec} %custom \section

%Setup hyperref package, and colours for links



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ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf


%CV Sections inspired by:




%Tweak a bit the top margin


%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''


%-------------WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------






%--------------------BEGIN DOCUMENT----------------------


%WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------

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{\Huge Enter Your Name Here



%Section: Personal Data

\section{Personal Data}


\textsc{Date of Birth:} & DD Month YYYY \\

\textsc{Address:} & Address in One Line \\

\textsc{Phone:} & Phone Number\\

\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:e-mail id}{Enter Your Email ID here}


\section{Career Objective}

\footnotesize{Enter Your Career Objective here}

%Section: Education



\textsc{Current} & Degree \textsc{Department},\\ & \textbf{National Institute Of Technology},


& Major: Specialization\\

& \small Advisor: Dr. Bidyut Kumar \textsc{Patra}\\

&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: CGPA/10 \\ \\

\textsc{Class 12 Garduation Year} & Intermediate in \textsc{Science},\\ & \textbf{School Name}\\

&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: Percentage

\\ \\

\textsc{Graduation Year} & Matriculation ,\\ & \textbf{School Name}\\

&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: Percentage


%section Projects



\textsc{Project Name}&\textsc{Month - Month , Year}\\ &\footnotesize{Brief Description of your

project}\\ \\

\textsc{Project Name}&\textsc{Month - Month , Year}\\ &\footnotesize{Brief Description of your

project}\\ \\



%section Work Experience

\section{Work Experience}

\textsc{Time Period}&\textsc{Position at Company Name, Location}\\ &\footnotesize{Brief


\section{Technical Skills}


General Programming:& \\

Databases:& \\

Frameworks:& \\

Other Software: & \\


\section{Soft Skills}


\textsc{Languages} &Language 1 - Professional Fluency\\&Language 2 - Basic Fluency \\&Language 3 -

Mother Tongue\\ \\

\textsc{Soft Skills} &Skill 1 \\ &Skill 2 \\ & Skill 3\end{tabular}

\section{Extra Curricular Activities}


\textsc{Society 1} & \emph{Position , YYYY - YY}\\&\footnotesize{Brief Description }\\ \\

\textsc{ Society 2} & \emph{Position, YYYY-YY}\\&\emph{Position 2 , YYYY-YY}\\&\footnotesize{Brief

Description}\\ \\

\textsc{Society 3} & \emph{Position, YYYY-YY} \\ &\footnotesize{Brief Description}\\ \\



%\section{Extra Curricular Activities}



%Section: Scholarships and additional info

\section{Scholarships and Certificates}


\textsc{Month} YYYY & Competition Name - Position \normalsize\\


\section{Interests and Activities}






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