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Modal Verbs


Express shares Does not comply They have no

Express past when present or future when with the rule of the infinitive,
Act as auxiliaries in
followed by "have + changed to a verb in a "s" for the third participle or
the prayers simple way (infinitive
past participle" person singular gerund
without to)


Can - Could May - Might Would Should Must

Use Use Use Use Use

Express physical ability Indicates what Expresses necessity, duty,

Indicate possibility and When is followed by obligation, and deduction.
and mental capacity
are more formal in its a verb infinitive should be done. In Equals: debo, debes,
use. without "to" the its context is deben, to express
Puedo, puede, pueden
May: Puedo, puedes, conditional form translated: debe, obligation in the past,
Could: future, or perfect tense.
pueden acquire the
Podía, pude, pudiste
Might: Podría, Podrían
debes, deberías, Must is equivalent to:
Indicate potential determination “ría” deberiamos have to
Involves measuring, itemizing, clarifying and Is performed when the decisión is made to build
organizing something
Is tipically performed in preparation for some Involves imagining and specifying some creation
other activity, such as decisión or a design that fits some requirements.
The analysis of the performance of the car is either The design for a car isn’t right or wrong, it’s good
right or wrong, never good or bad or bad
En el documento “Codd´s rules”, identifique la utilización de verbos modales.
Extraiga diez (10) oraciones que incluyan estos verbos auxiliares e indique las
variaciones correctas que podrían tener utilizando otros verbos modales y los
verbos modales que no deberían utilizarse ya que cambiarían el sentido de
estas reglas.

Codd’s rules

10 Sentences which include modal verbs:

1) All data must be accesible

2) It says that every Individual scalar value in the database must be
logically addressable by specifying the name of the containing table, the
name of the containing column and the primary key value of the
containing row.
3) The DBMS must allow each field to remain null (or empty)
4) It must support a representation of “missing information and inaplicable
information” that is systematic, distinct from all regular values (for
example, “distinct from zero or any other number”, in the case of numeric
values), and independent of data type.
5) It is also implied that such representations must be manipulated by the
DBMS in a systematic way.
6) The system must support an online, inline, relational catalog that is
accesible to authorized users by means of their regular query language.
7) That is, users must be able to Access the database’s structure (catalog)
using the same query language that they use to Access the database’s
8) It Can be used both interactively and withing application programs.
9) All views that are theoretically updatable must be updatable by system.
10) Existing application should continue to opérate successfully:.

The sentences include the modal verbs "must" can be replaced by "should",
as well as the sentences containing the modal verb "should", can be replaced
by "must", and would not change anything in the meaning of the sentence.
Should not the verbs must be replaced and should by: "might", because in this
way if you change the whole meaning of the sentence, since it would be an
obligation to a possibility.
De los dos documentos mencionados extraer veinte (20) nuevos términos
técnicos encontrados y construir el glosario correspondiente.

Application: A computer program or piece of software designed to perform a

specific task

Budget: A plan specifying how resources, especially time or money, will be

allocated or spent during a particular period

Chart: A diagram or table displaying detailed information

Data: Information, numbers, text, images, and sounds, in a form that is suitable
for storage in or processing by a computer

Database: A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so

that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated

Delete: To erase or remove something from a computer file or disk

Develop: To change and become larger, stronger, or more impressive,

successful, or advanced, or cause somebody or something to change in this

Diagram: A chart or graph that illustrates something such as a statistical trend

Feasibility: The degree to which something can be achieved or put into effect
(often used before a noun)

examining the feasibility of the proposed merger

Insert: To add new material to the body of something, especially a text

Management system: A system for gathering the financial, production, and

other information that managers need to operate a business, especially a
system that is computerized

Model: An interpretation of a theory arrived at by assigning referents in such a

way as to make the theory true

Primary key: A field in a database record that uniquely identifies that record

Procedure: A sequence of programming statements that performs a single task

and can be used repeatedly

Research: Methodical investigation into a subject in order to discover facts, to

establish or revise a theory, or to develop a plan of action based on the facts
Staff: A graduated rod used for testing or measuring something

Support: To be designed to allow something, e.g. a specific type of software,

computer device, or programming language, to operate with it

This card cannot support parallel and serial ports.

Table: An arrangement of information or data into columns and rows or a

condensed list

Trade: The activity of buying and selling, or sometimes bartering, goods

a suspension of trade between the two countries

Update: The latest available information or more recent information

Application: Aplicativo
Budget: Presupuesto Limitado
Chart: Gráfico
Data: Dato
Database: Base de Datos
Delete: Borrar, Eliminar
Develop: Desarrollo
Diagram: Diagrama, Grafico
Feasibility: Estudio de Viabilidad
Insert: Insertar
Management system: Administrador de Sistema
Model: Modelo
Primary key: Llave Primaria
Procedure: Procedimiento
Researches: Investigación
Staff: empleados
Support: Soporte
Table: Tabla
Trade: Comerciar
Update: Versión Actualizada

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