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Trade Name: Innovar

Classification: General anesthetic, narcotic analgesic,

neuroleptic analgesic

Use(s): Premedication, adjunct/maintenance of anesthesia,

PHARMOCOLOGY Action: Acts at subcortical levels to reduce motor activity.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, <2 years old.

DRUG CARDS Side Effects: Laryngospasm, bronchospasm, respiratory arrest.

Nursing implications: V/S, LFT, BUN, Creatine, Paco2. After

1st dose of narcotic reduce dosage.

Trade Name: Progesterone Trade Name: Estrogens

Classification: Progesterone, hormone Classification: Estrogen, hormone

Use(s): Contraception, amenorrhea, PMS, abnormal uterine Use(s): Menopause, inoperable breast CA, Prostate CA,
bleeding. osteoporosis

Action: Prevents pituitary release of gonadotrophins, which Action: Inhibits release of pituitary gonadotrophins, inhibits
prevents follicular maturation. ovulation and calcium use in bone.

Contraindications: Breast/Reproductive CA, , cerebral bleeds. Contraindications: Breast/Reproductive CA

Side Effects: Stroke, PE, MI, spontaneous AB Side Effects: Seizures, Stroke, MI

Nursing implications: Weight, B/P, LFT, edema, mental status, Nursing implications: Assess LFT, AST, ALT, bilirubin.
Trade Name: Rocephin (ceftriaxone)
Classification: Broad-Spectrum antibiotic, 3rd generation
Trade Name: Doxycycline
Classification: Antiinfectives
Use(s): Gram-negative bacilli, less effective against gram
Use(s): syphilis, Clap, gonorrhea, rickettsia
Action: Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
Action: Inhibits protein synthesis
Contraindications: to cephalosporins, <1 month old,
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to tetracycline, children
pregnancy, lactation.
<8 years old, pregnancy, lactation.
Side Effects: N/V/D, bleeding, proteinuria, lymphocytosis,
Side Effects: Fever, neutropenia, angioedema, hepatotoxicity
super infection, headache, dizziness, rash
Nursing implications: Assess I&O, allergic Rx, Blood studies,
Nursing implications: Sensitivity to PCN or other
Signs of infection.
cephalosporins. Assess for diarrhea, and blood chemistry
studies, assess for s/s of superifection such as thrush and yeast

Trade Name: Tetracycline Trade Name: Penicillin

Classification: Broad-Spectrum anti-infective Classification: Broad-Spectrum antiinfectives.

Use(s): Syphilis, clap, gonorrhea, rickettsia infections, acne, Use(s): Gram +/- bacilli and cocci.
ophthalmic neonatorum
Action: interferes with cell wall replication, producing inferior
Action: Inhibits protein synthesis cell walls.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to tetracycline, children Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to PCN, neonates.

<8 years old, pregnancy, and lactation. Hypersensitivity to light Sensitivity to cephalosporins

Side Effects: Fever, HA, neutropenia, hemolytic anemia, Side Effects: anemia, increased bleeding time, Oliguria,
angioedema. proteinuria, Hematuria, rash, uticaria, anaphylaxsis

Nursing implications: Signs of anemia, Allergic reactions, Nursing implications: Infection, I&O, liver studies, blood
N/V/D. Store out of heat/light studies, respiratory status.
Trade Name: Acyclovir
Trade Name: Podophyllin
Classification: Antiviral
Classification: Antiviral
Use(s): Herpes zoster, herpes simplex, herpes genitalis
Use(s): Genital wart removal
Action: Interferes with DNA synthesis causing decreased viral
replication. Action: unknown

Contraindications: Contraindications: hypersensitivity; perianal or MM warts.

Side Effects: Tremors, confusion, lethargy, convulsions, acute Side Effects: inflammation, burning
renal failure.
Nursing implications: None noted.
Nursing implications: Signs of infection, I&O ratio, skin
eruptions, allergic Reactions

Trade Name: Flagyl (Metronidazole HCL)

Classification: Antiinfectives Trade Name: Pepcid
Use(s): Intestinal amoeba, bone / joint infections, lower Classification: H2-receptor antagonist.
respiratory infections. Trichomonas vaginalis
Use(s): Duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, GERD
Action: Direct acting amebicide
Action: Competitively inhibits histamine, while pepsin stays at
Contraindications: , renal disease, pregnancy (1st tri), CNS a stable level, inhibits gastric secretions
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, convulsions, Blurred vision,
sore throat, dry mouth. Side Effects: Thrombocytopenia, seizure, bronchospasm,

Nursing implications: Assess for signs of infection. Assess Nursing implications: Blood counts, bleeding
stools, check vision, allergic reactions.
Trade Name: Tobramycin Trade Name: Neomycin
Classification: Antiinfectives-Aminoglycoside Classification: Antiinfectives-Aminoglycoside

Use(s): Severe systemic infections with pseudomonas, E.Coli,

Use(s): Infections of pseudomonas, E.Coli, enterobacter, enterobacter, Proteus.
Action: Interferes with protein synthesis by binding to the 30s
Action: Interferes with protein synthesis, causing an inaccurate subunit, causing an erroneous protein that causes death.
peptide sequence resulting in death.
Contraindications: Bowel obstruction, severe renal disease,
Contraindications: Severe renal disease, hypersensitivity to hypersensitivity, infants, and children.
Side Effects Oliguria, hematuria, renal failure, ototoxicity,
Side Effects Oliguria, hematuria, renal failure, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, & leukopenia.
nephrotoxicity, & leukopenia.
Nursing implications: Assess Weight, I&O, renal impairment,
Nursing implications: Assess weight, I&O, blood studies, dehydration, blood studies, serum levels.
serum levels

Trade/generic: Zinacef (cefuroxime sodium) Trade Name: Claforan

Class: Antibacterial Agents: 2nd gen. Cephalosporin Classification: Broad-spectrum antibiotic-Cephalosporin

Route: IM, IV Use(s): Gram - & gram + organisms

Ind: Gram +/- bacteria, including most staph, gp. A & B Action: Inhibits cell wall synthesis, making cell wall unstable.
Strep, most strep, E. coli, meningitits.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cephalosporins, infants
Action: Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, making the < 1 month.
cell wall unstable.
Side Effects: N/V/D, anaphylaxis, Proteinuria, leukopenia.
Contra: Hypers, seizure disorders.
Nursing implications: Assess for sensitivity to
S/E: Dizziness, headache, fatigue, rash, PCN/Cephalosporins, nephrotoxicity, blood studies, and
nephrotoxicity, renal failure. electrolytes.

RN: Assess for nephrotoxicity, I&O, Blood serum

studies & allergic reactions.
Trade Name: Tazidime Trade Name: Erythromycin
Classification: Broad-Spectrum Antiinfectives-Microlide
Classification: Broad-spectrum antibiotic-Cephalosporin
Use(s): Bacterial infections, Legionaire’s disease,
Use(s): Gram negative and gram positive organisms
Action: Inhibits cell wall synthesis, making cell wall unstable.
Action: Binds to P site of 50s ribosomal subunit, interfereing w/
protein synthesis.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cephalosporins, infants
< 1 month.
Contraindications: Hypersens., cisapride use, astemizole use,
impaired liver function, impaired hearing.
Side Effects: N/V/D, anaphylaxis, Proteinuria, leukopenia.
Side Effects: anaphylaxis, N/V, diarrhea, anorexia, abd pain,
Nursing implications: Assess for sensitivity to
abd cramps, pruritus,
PCN/Cephalosporins, nephrotoxicity, blood studies, and
Nursing implications: observe for allergic reactions,

Trade Name: Ticar (ticarcillin) Trade Name: Ampicillin

Classification: Broad-spectrum Antiinfectives-Penicillin Classification: Broad-Spectrum Antiinfectives-Penicillin

Use(s): Gram +/- cocci, Gram +/- bacilli. Use(s): Gram +/- cocci, Gram +/- bacilli

Action: Interferes with cell wall replication, and causes unstable Action: Interferes with cell wall replication & causes cell walls
cell walls to burst. to
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to PCN
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to PCN
Side Effects: Anemia, increased bleeding time, bone marrow
depression, N/V/D. Side Effects: Rash, anemia, bone marrow depression, coma,
convulsions, and anaphylaxis.
Nursing implications: Assess, I&O, liver studies, blood studies,
lethargy, coma, convulsions. Nursing implications: Assess I&O, liver studies, blood
studies, respiratory and vitals, as well as bowel habits.
Trade Name: Cipro Trade Name: Bactrim
Classification: Antiinfectives-Sulfonamides
Classification: Broad-Spectrum Antiinfectives
Use(s): UTI, Otitis media, and shigellosis
Use(s): Infections caused by susceptible organisms E. Coli,
Proteus, staph.
Action: Bacteriostatic agent that prevents bacterial growth by
Inhibiting folic acid production.
Action: Interferes with conversion of DNA fragments into higher
molecular weight ones. DNA gyrase inhibitors.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides, infants
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to quinolones
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, restlessness, N/V/D.
Side Effects: N/V, diarrhea, joint pain, urticaria, convulsions,
fever, renal failure, leukopenia.
Nursing implications: Assess for CNS symptoms, I&O ratio,
allergic reactions.
Nursing implications: Assess for allergic reactions, kidney
functions, and allergic reactions, maintain adequate fluid inake

Trade Name: Virazole (ribavirin)

Trade Name: Respigam
Classification: Antiviral Agents-ribavirin
Classification: Immune serums
Use(s): Infants and young children w/ lower resp. infections
caused Use(s): Prevention of serious lower respiratory tract infections
By RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) caused by RSV in children <2 years old, with bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, or premature birth.
Action: Inhibits viral RNA and DNA synthesis
Action: Higher titer of neutralizing antibody against RSV.
Contraindications: Pregnant or lactating, COPD, asthma,
ventilation, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to this drug or other
human immunoglobulin preparations.
Side Effects: ↓ resp. function, vent. Dependence,
pneumothorax, apnea, cardiac arrest, HTN, rash, conjunctivitis, Side Effects: Resp distress, hypoxia, fever, HTN, anaphylaxis
erythema of eyelids.
Nursing implications: Assess vital signs, respiratory status,
Nursing implications: Monitor: VS, cardiac status, CBC. Route for
of administration is aerosol inhalation signs of aseptic meningitis.
Trade Name: antimycotic Agents (nystatin,
Trade Name: Synagis clotrimazole, miconazole, fluconizole, etc.)
Classification: monoclonal antibodies Classification: Antifungals

Use(s): Prevention of serious lower respiratory tract disease Use(s): fungal infections: tinea pedis (common) to
caused by RSV in pediatric PT’s. sporotrichosis (rare)

Action: A humanized monoclonal antibody that exhibits Action: ↑ cell wall permeability.Some interfere w/ protein
neutralizing and fusion-inhibitory activity against RSV. synthsis by binding to sterol..

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, adults, and cyanotic Contraindications: Hypersens., Pregnant or Lactating Pts.
congenital heart disease.
Side Effects: Nephrotoxicity, hypokalemia, chills, fever, N/V,
Side Effects: N/V/D, URI, apnea, and rash site injection. muscle & joint pain, HA, anorexia, abd. Pain.

Nursing implications: For presence of RSV infections. Nursing implications: Monitor LFT’s, do not administer w/

Trade Name: Cotazym

Trade Name: Pancreatin
Classification: Digestant
Classification: Digestant
Use(s): Exocrine pancreatic secretion insufficiency, cystic
fibrosis, steatorrhea, and pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Use(s): Exocrine pancreatic secretion insufficiency, cystic
fibrosis (digestive aid)
Action: Pancreatic enzyme needed for breaking down
substances from the pancreas. Action: Pancreatic enzyme needed for breakdown of
substances released from the pancreas.
Contraindications: Allergy to pork, chronic pancreatic disease.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to pork, chronic pancreatic
Side Effects: Anorexia, N/V/D disease.

Nursing implications: Assess for proper development, Side Effects: Anorexia, N/V/D, and rash, hypersensitivity,
administer with meals, I&O ratio, 3 p’s. buccal soreness.

Nursing implications: Assess I&O, for 3 P’s for allergy to

Trade Name: Mucomyst
Trade Name: Pancrease
Classification: Mucolytic; antidote - acetaminophen
Classification: Digestant
Use(s): Bronchitis; pneumonia; CF; emphysema; diagnostic in
Use(s): Exocrine pancreatic secretion insufficiency, cystic lab
fibrosis (digestive aid), and Pancreatic enzyme deficiency. tests.

Action: Pancreatic enzyme needed for breakdown of Action: Decreases viscosity of secretions by breaking disulfide
substances released from the pancreas. links of mucoproteins.

Contraindications: Allergy to pork, chronic pancreatic disease. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity; increased ICP, status
Side Effects: N/V/D
Side Effects: Dizziness; drowsiness, nausea, vomiting,
Nursing implications: Assess for 3 P’s, pork sensitivity, bronchospasm, hemoptysis. stomatitis
appropriate height and weight.
Nursing implications: Assess cough, respiratory status, VS.

Trade Name: Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)

Classification: Skeletal muscle relaxant, central acting. Trade Name: Pulmozyme
Use(s): Adjunct for relief of muscle spasm and pain in muscle Classification: cystic fibrosis agent
Use(s): Management of Cystic fibrosis
Action: Unknown may be related to antidepressant effects.
Action: Breaks down molecules of infected sputum, to help get
Contraindications: Acute recovery from an MI, dysrhythmias, the sputum out.
heart block, CHF, hypersensitivity, child <12 years, thyroid
disease. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Side Effects: Dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and Side Effects: Possible laryngitis, uticaria, rash, chest pain.
Nursing implications: Assess respiratory function, B/P,
Nursing implications: Assess blood studies, LFT’s, ECG in pulse, lung sounds.
epileptic Pt’s., allergic Rx, CNS Depression.
Trade Name: Cromolyn (same as intal)
Trade Name: Robaxin
Classification: Antiasthmatic
Classification: Skeletal muscle relaxant, central acting.
Use(s): Preventive allergic rhinitis, asthma, and bronchial
asthma, exercise induced asthma. Use(s): Adjunct for relief of spasms and pain in muscles,
tetanus management.
Action: Stabilizes the membrane of the senthestized cell,
preventing the release of additional chemical mediators Action: Depresses multisynaptic pathways in the spinal cord,
causing skeletal muscle relaxant.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to this drug or lactose or
status asthmaticus. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, child <12 yr., intermittent
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, urinary frequency, dysuria,
N/V, dry mouth, bitter taste. Side Effects: Dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, seizures, N/V,
Nursing implications: Assess eosinophil count during
treatment, respiratory status. Nursing implications: Assess blood studies, liver function
ECG, allergic RX, CNS depression.

Trade Name: Prednisone Trade Name: Valium (diazepam)

Classification: Corticosteroid Classification: Antianxiety, anti-convulsant, skeletal muscle
Use(s): Severe inflammation, immunosuppression, neoplasm’s,
MS, collagen disorders. Use(s): Anxiety, acute ETOH withdrawal, adjunct in seizure
disorders. IV with anesthesia for labor
Action: Decreases inflammation by suppression of migration of
leukocytes and fibroblasts increases capillary permeability and Action: Potentates the action of GABA, especially in the limbic
lysosomal stabilization. system.

Contraindications: Psychosis, hypersensitivity, amebiasis, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines,

fungal infections, child <2 years old, aids, TB. narrow
angle glaucoma, psychosis.
Side Effects: Circulatory collapse, thrombophlebitis, embolism,
GI hemorrhage. Side Effects: Neutropenia, respiratory depression, dizziness
drowsiness, and orthostatic hypotension.
Nursing implications: Assess for N/V, Weight, BP, I&O,
infection, edema, mental status. Nursing implications: Assess B/P, anxiety, for seizure, for
changes in mental status.
Trade Name: Tilade
Trade Name: Indocin
Classification: Antiasthmatic
Classification: NSAID
Use(s): Severe perennial bronchial asthma, prevention of
exercise-induced asthma. Not for treatment of acute
Use(s): Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, closure of patent ductus
asthma attacks.
arteriosus in premature infants.
Action: Stabilizes the membrane of the sensitized mast cell,
Action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, analgesic, anti-
preventing further release of chemical mediators after the initial
inflammatory, antipyretic.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, asthma, severe renal
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to this drug or lactose,
disease, severe renal disease, and severe hepatic disease
Side Effects: N/V/D, ulceration, and perforation, GI bleeds,
hematuria, Oliguria.
Side Effects: Throat irritation, cough, nasal congestion, and
Nursing implications: Assess renal, blood and liver status,
burning eyes, N/V, bitter taste.
eye and ear problems, for confusion.
Nursing implications: Assess pulmonary function test,
respiratory status

Trade Name: Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid ASA)

Trade Name: Intal
Classification: Non-narcotic analgesic, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory, antipyretic, antiplatelet
Classification: Antiasthmatic
Use(s): Mild to moderate pain or fever, prophylaxis of MI,
Use(s): Allergic rhinitis, severe perennial asthma, prevention of
angina & ischemic stroke
exercise induced bronchial asthma, asthma induced by
Action: Blocks pain impulses at the CNS, antipyretic, decreases
platelet aggregation, prolongs bleeding
Action: Stabilizes the membrane of the sensitized mast cell,
preventing further release of chemical mediators.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ASA, yellow #5, GI
bleed, Children <12 years old, children with flu-like symptoms,
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to this drug or lactose,
peptic ulcer.
status asthmaticus
Side Effects: convulsion, GI bleed, hepatitis, and Reye’s
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, neuritis, urinary frequency,
syndrome, decreases hearing acuity, gastric irritation
dysuria, nausea, vomiting.
Nursing implications: Assess Liver function, renal function,
Nursing implications: Assess eosinophil, respiratory status.
blood studies, I&O ratio. Do not give with Ibuprofen, take with
Trade Name: Alupent Trade Name: Solu-Cortef
Classification: Bronchodilator selective B2 agonist
Classification: Corticosteroid
Use(s): Bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm.
Use(s): Severe inflammation, septic shock, adrenal
insufficiency, ulcerative colitis, collagen disorders.
Action: Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by direct action on B2
Adrenergic receptors.
Action: Decreases inflammation by suppression of leukocytes
reverses capillary permeability.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sympathomimetics,
Contraindications: Psychosis, hypersensitivity, idiopathic
angle glaucoma.
thrombocytopenia, fungal infections, bronchial disease, children
<2 years old, aids, TB.
Side Effects: N/V, palpitations, tachycardia, tremors, nausea,
nervousness, headache, and increased bronchospasm, cardiac
Side Effects: Circulatory collapse, thrombophlebitis, and
embolism, thrombocytopenia, GI hemorrhage.
Nursing implications: Assess respiratory function, for
Nursing implications: Assess mental status, weight, B/P,
I&O, infection, edema, hypertension.

Trade Name: Theophylline Trade Name: Proventil/Ventolin

Classification: Spasmolytic, bronchodilator
Classification: Adrenergic B2-agonist, sympathomimetic,
Use(s): Bronchial asthma, broncho-spasm of COPD, chronic
Use(s): Prevention of exercise induced asthma, bronchospasm,
bronchitis, emphysema, or other respiratory diseases.
Action: Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by blocking
Action: Causes bronchodilation by interacting with B2 receptors,
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to xanthine,
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sympathomimetics,
tachydysrhythmias, severe cardiac disease, and heart block.
Side Effects: Convulsions, palpitations, tachycardia, tremors,
nausea, nervousness, and headache,restlessness, irritability,
Side Effects: Palpitations, tachycardia, tremors, nausea,
insomnia, dizziness. Adverse CNS reactions often more severe
nervousness, headache, and increased bronchospasm.
in children
Nursing implications: Assess the need for the drug,
Nursing implications: Assess Theophylline level, heart rate,
respiratory function, ability to self medicate, evidence of
respiratory status, for allergic reactions, monitor blood levels.
allergic Reactions
If dose missed call MD before doubling.
Trade Name: Accutane (isotretirion)
Trade Name: Brethine (terbutaline)
Classification: Antiacne agent
Classification: Selective B2 agonist; Bronchodilator
Use(s): Rarely used for severe recalcitrant acne
Use(s): Bronchospasm, hyperkalemia, and premature labor.
Action: Unknown
Action: Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by acting on B2
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, inflamed skin, pregnancy Adrenergic receptors that relax bronchial smooth muscle.
Side Effects: Pseudotumor cerebri, hyperostosis, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sympathomimetics,
hepatotoxicity, chelitis, dry skin, skin fragility, pruritus, dry narrow
mouth, depression. Fetal abnormalities angle glaucoma, tachydysrhythmias.
Nursing implications: caution if psychiatric disorder. Side Effects: N/V, palpitations, tachycardia, tremors, nausea,
nervousness, headache, and cardiac arrest.

Nursing implications: Assess respiratory function, vitals,

and tolerance to treatment, monitor FHT’s, uterine activity

Trade Name: Azulfidine (sulfasalazine) Trade Name: Aminophylline

Classification: Anti-inflammatory Classification: Spasmolytic

Use(s): Ulcerative colitis, used for rheumatoid arthritis in pt’s Use(s): Bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm, Cheyne-Stokes
who are unresponsive to or intolerant to NSAIDS. respiration. wheezing

Action: anti-inflammatory in connective tissue. A prodrug that Action: Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, and produces
delivers sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicylic acid to the colon. bronchodilation.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides or Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to xanthines,

salicylates, pregnancy @ term, child <2 years old, tachydysrhythmias
intestinal/urinary obstruction.
Side Effects: N/V, palpitations, tachycardia, tremors, nausea,
Side Effects: Anaphylaxis, N/V/D, abdominal pain, hepatitis, nervousness, headache, tachypnea.
convulsions, skin and urine discoloration may occur
Nursing implications: Assess: Theophylline levels,
Nursing implications: Assess kidney function studies, for respiratory
blood dyscrasis, allergic reaction. Administer after meals status, allergic reactions.
Trade Name: Nix (permethrin) Trade Name: Kwell (lindane)
Classification: Antiparasitic-Pediculicide
Classification: Scabicide, pediculicide.
Use(s): Lice, ticks, nits, flea nits
Use(s): Scabies, Lice, nits.
Action: disrupts parasitic nerve cells.
Action: Stimulates the nervous system of arthropods, causing
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, seizures and death of organism.

Side Effects: Burning, pruritus, erythema, numbness, tingling. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity; premature neonate; pt’s
with seizure disorders, inflammation of skin, or breaks in skin.
Nursing implications: Assess for signs of infection. Identify
sources of infection. Side Effects: Pruritis, rash, irritation, contact dermatitis,
aplastic anemia, seizures

Nursing implications: Assess for organisms prior to/after

treatment. Identify sources of infection.

Trade Name: Urecholine (bethanechol)

Classification: Cholinergic stimulant.
Trade Name: Norplant
Use(s): Urinary retention (postoperative, postpartum);
Classification: Contraceptive system neurogenic
atony of the bladder with retention.
Use(s): Prevention of pregnancy for 5 years.
Action: Stimulates the muscarinc Ach receptors directly;
Action: Progestin that inhibits secretion of gonadotropins & mimics parasympathetic NS stimulation, stimulates GI
prohibits follicular maturation. motility/Micturition.

Contraindications: , pregnancy, and liver disease/tumors, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, severe Bradycardia,

breast carcinoma. asthma,
hypotension, PUD, CAD, COPD.
Side Effects: dizziness, HA, nervousness, vaginitis.
Side Effects: Rash, N/V/Bloody diarrhea, Cardiac arrest,
Nursing implications: Assess for jaundice, acne, and circulatory
menstrual irregularities. collapse, acute asthma, dyspnea, bronchoconstriction.

Nursing implications: Assess vitals, I&O, Assess for

HR/Rhythm and respiratory issues D/C if develop. Give on an
empty stomach
Trade Name(s) Xylocaine
Trade Name: Danocrine (danazol)
Classification: Anesthetics local
Classification: androgen
Use(s): Nerve block for pain
Use(s): endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and
Action: Inhibits conduction of nerve impulses from sensory prevention of heredity angioedema.
Action: Decreases FSH, LH which leads to amenorrhea /
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, application to large areas anovulation.
Side Effects: Rash, irritation, and sensitization Contraindications: Severe renal/cardiac/hepatic disease, ,
Nursing implications: Assess pain, assess for any infection,
evaluate response, redness, swelling, pain. Side Effects: Rash, acne, dizziness, mood change, cramps, ↑BP

Nursing implications: Assess K+, mental status,


Trade Name(s) Duramorph Trade Name(s) Novocain

Classification: Local anesthetic
Classification: Anesthetics: Opiate analgesic Use(s): Spinal, epidermal, periph. nerve block, & perineum,
Use(s): Severe pain lower extremities, infiltration.
Action: Depresses pain impulse transmission at the spinal Action: Completes w/ Ca+ for sites in nerve membrane that
cord level by interacting with opioid receptors. controls Na+ transport across the cell membrane;
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, addiction, hemorrhage, decreases rise of depolarization phase of action
bronchial asthma, increased intracranial pressure. potential.
Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, Contraindications: Hypersens., children ↓12, severe liver
sedation, euphoria, palpitations, bradycardia, change in disease.
B/P, n/v, rash, respiratory depression. Side Effects: Palpatations, tachycardia, tremors, nausea,
Nursing implications: Assess: nervousness, & HA.
Pain Nursing implications:
Bowel status Assess: VS, HFT if used during labor, allergic reactions, rash
I&O urticaria, itching, as well as cardiac status.
Vitals Administer: Only clear drugs, only with resuscitative equipment
CNS nearby, only use drugs w/o preservatives for epidural
Respiratory depression or caudal anesthesia.
Allergic reactions
Trade Name(s) Marcaine
Trade Name(s) Nesacaine
Classification: Local anesthetic
Classification: Local anesthetic
Use(s): Epidural, peripheral block, caudal anesthesia, &
Use(s): Epidural, peripheral block, caudal anesthesia, & Infiltration, block
infiltration block.
Action: Block nerve impulses at the point of contact in all kinds
Action: Competes with calcium for sites in the nerve membrane of nerves.
that control sodium transport. Thus slowing the
depolarization phase of the action potential. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, children <12 years, severe Side Effects: Anxiety, dizziness, HA, restlessness, tremor, HTN
liver disease. palpitations, tachycardia, anginal pain.

Side Effects: Seizures, loss of consciousness, myocardial Nursing implications: Monitor for cyanosis, angina
depression, arrest, dysrhythmias, status asthmaticus,
respiratory arrest, anaphylaxis.
Nursing implications: VS, √ FHT’s. Look for allergic reactions.

Trade Name(s) Demerol (meperidine hydrochloride)

Trade Name: Vitamin K (aqua mephyton) Classification: Opiate analgesic. Narcotic analgesic

Classification: Vitamin K, Fat-soluble vitamin Use(s): Pain control

Use(s): Vitamin K malabsorption, to prevent hemorrhage, Action: Depresses pain impulse transmission at the spinal cord
prevents hemorrhagic disease level by interacting with opioid receptors.

Action: Needed for adequate blood clotting, factors 2, 7, 9, 10 Contraindications:: Hypersensitivity, addiction.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, severe hepatic disease, Side Effects: Increased ICP, seizures, respiratory depression,
last few weeks of pregnancy. drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, sedation, &
Side Effects: HA, brain damage, hemolytic anemia,
hemoglobinuria Nursing implications: Assess pain, renal function, I&O,
& hyperbilirubinemia. constipation, allergic reaction, respiratory rate, in labor
do not
Nursing implications: Assess for bleeding (emesis, stools, urine) give if delivery is expected within 2-4 hours
Check PTT, nutritional status (is K intake adequate?)
Trade Name(s): Stadol (butorphanol)
Trade Name(s): Nubain
Classification: Narcotic analgesic, opiate analgesic
Classification: Opioid analgesic
Use(s): Moderate to severe pain.
Use(s): Moderate to severe pain
Action: Decreases pain impulse at the spinal cord level by
interacting with opioid receptors. Action: Depresses pain impulse transmission at the spinal cord
level by interacting with opioid receptors.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, addiction, CHF, myocardial
infarction Contraindications: Hypersensitivity and addiction.

Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, confusion, Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, HA, sedation,
sedation, euphoria, n/v, anorexia, constipation, cramps. Respiratory euphoria, N/V, anorexia, constipation, and cramps.
depression, pulmonary HTN.
Nursing implications: I&O, CNS changes, dizziness, need for
Nursing implications: Assess pain, decreased output, CNS medication, allergic reactions.
changes, allergic Rx and respiratory dysfunction.

Trade Name(s): Narcan (naloxone)

Trade Name: Morphine Sulfate
Classification: Opioid antagonist
Classification: Opiate analgesic
Use(s): Reverses narcotics, treat respiratory depression
Use(s): Severe pain
caused by narcotics and narcotic overdose
Action: Depress pain impulse transmission at the spinal cord
Action: Competes with opioids at opiate receptor sites.
level by interacting with opioid receptors
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, addiction, hemorrhage,
bronchial asthma, increase ICP.
Side Effects: Drowsiness, nervousness, Rapid pulse, V-Tach,
Side Effects:
Nursing implications: Withdrawal symptoms, respiratory &
Nursing implications: Assess need for pain medication,
respiratory depression, and allergic reactions. Antidote is
status, pain.
Trade Name: Versed (midazolam) Trade Name: Sublimaze
Classification: Sedative, hypnotic Classification: Narcotic analgesic

Use(s): Pre-op, general induction, sedation for procedures. Use(s): Pre-op, post-op, adjunct to general anesthetic

Action: Binds to Benzodiazepine receptors, induces amnesia Action: Inhibits ascending pain pathways

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, shock, coma, Etoh Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to opiates, myasthenia

ingestion, acute narrow angle glaucoma. gravis

Side Effects: Apnea, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, retrograde Side Effects: Bradycardia, arrest, respiratory depression,
amnesia respiratory arrest.

Nursing implications: injection site, vital signs, and signs of Nursing implications: Vital signs

Trade Name: Erythromycin ophthalmic

ointment Trade Name: Achromycin ophthalmic ointment
Classification: Antibacterial
Classification: Antibacterial
Use(s): prevention of gonococal conjunctivitis and chiamydial
Use(s): prevents neisseria gonorrhea, ophthalmic neonatorium
Action bacteriostatic
Action bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal based on concentration
and target organism
Contraindications: none
Contraindications: none
Side Effects: chemical conjunctivitis
Side Effects: chemical conjunctivitis
Nursing implications: place ½ in. ribbon of ointment in the
lower conjunctival sac within 1 hour of delivery
Nursing implications: place ½ in. ribbon of ointment in the
lower conjunctival sac within 1 hour of delivery
Trade Name: Toradol (ketorolac)

Trade Name: Hepatitis B Vaccine Classification: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory/nonopioid

Classification: Immune Globulin
Use(s): Mild to moderate pain.
Use(s): Prevention of Hepatitis B virus in exposed patients
Action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, analgesic, anti-
Action: Provides passive immunity to Hepatitis B inflammatory

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to immune globulins, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, asthma, renal disease,

coagulation disorders PUD, lactation, CV bleed.

Side Effects: Soreness at injection site, angioedema, Side Effects: Gi Bleeds, perforation, Dysuria, Hematuria
Nursing implications: For ASA sensitivity, pain
Nursing implications: For history of anaphylaxis to vaccines. characteristics, bleeding time, tinnitus.

Trade Name: chlorpropamide (Glucamide)

Trade/Generic Name: Motrin/Advil/Ibuprofen Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-1st Generation
Classificationn: NSAID
Use(s): Hyperglycemia, Adjunct to diet, exercise to ↓ glucose
Use(s): Fever, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, levels
musculoskeletal disorders w/ Mild to mod.Type 2 DM.

Action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, analgesic, and anti- Action: Unk., probably stimulates insulin release from the
inflammatory, antipyretic. pancreas.
↑ peripheral sensitivity to insulin. Potentiates ADH.
Contraindications: PUD, asthma, and severe renal/hepatic
disease. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonylureas, juvenile
Side Effects: N/V/D, dizziness, light-headedness, fatigue brittle diabetes, pregnancy, lactation, pregnancy.

Nursing implications: For pain, fever/temp, and for a history Side Effects: parasthesia, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, malaise,
of contraindications. HA, tinnitus, N/V, heartburn, epigastric distress, rash, urticaria.

Nursing implications: caution w/ renal failure, elderly,

malnourished, allergy to. Monitor S/S of hypoglycemia.
Trade Name: acetohexamide (Dymelor)
Trade Name: tolbutamide (Orinase)
100-1,000mg/day Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-1st Generation
Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-1st Generation Sulfonureas
Use(s): Hyperglycemia, Adjunct to diet, exercise to ↓ glucose
Use(s): Hyperglycemia, Adjunct to diet, exercise to ↓ glucose levels
levels w/ w/ Mild to mod.Type 2 DM.
Mild to mod.Type 2 DM.
Action: Unk., probably stimulates insulin release from the
Action: Unk., probably stimulates insulin release from the pancreas.
pancreas. ↑ peripheral sensitivity to insulin. ↑ peripheral sensitivity to insulin. Potentiates ADH.

Contraindications: Hypersens., sole agent for Type 1, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonylureas, juvenile
pregnant or lactating, DKA. or
brittle diabetes, pregnancy, lactation.
Side Effects: Hypoglycemia, N/V, cholestasis, rash, pruritis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Side Effects: Hypoglycemia, N/V, cholestasis, rash, pruritis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Nursing implications: caution w/ renal failure, elderly,
malnourished, allergy to. Monitor S/S of hypoglycemia. Nursing implications: caution w/ renal failure, elderly,
malnourished, allergy to. Monitor S/S of hypoglycemia.

Trade Name: tolazamide (Tolinase) Trade Name: glipizide (Glucatrol)

Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-1st Generation Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-2nd Generation
Sulfonureas Sulfonureas

Use(s): Hyperglycemia, Adjunct to diet, exercise to ↓ glucose Use(s): Stable adult onset DM type II, NIDDM.
levels w/
Mild to mod.Type 2 DM. Action: Causes functioning pancreas cells to release insulin.

Action: Unk., probably stimulates insulin release from the Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonylureas, juvenile
pancreas. ↑ peripheral sensitivity to insulin. Potentiates ADH. or
brittle Diabetes.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonylureas, juvenile
or brittle diabetes, pregnancy, lactation, pregnancy Side Effects: N/V/D, headache, dizziness, hepatotoxicity,
leukopenia, hemolytic anemia.
Side Effects: Hypoglycemia, N/V, cholestasis, rash, pruritis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Nursing implications: Assess for hypo/hyperglycemic
Nursing implications: caution w/ renal failure, elderly, that can occur soon after a meal. Assess blood and urine
malnourished, allergy to. Monitor S/S of hypoglycemia. glucose levels after treatment.
Trade Name: Pioglitazone hydrochloride (NDH)
Trade Name: glyburide (Diabeta,Micronase)
Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-NEW
Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-2nd Generation
Sulfonureas Use(s): Stable adult onset DM
Use(s): Stable adult onset DM (NIDDM)
Action: ↑ insulin sensitivity by hepatic glucose metabolism
Action: Causes functioning Beta cells in the pancreas to release
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Thiazolidinedione,
children, DKA,
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to sulfonylureas, juvenile
or brittle Diabetes
Side Effects: Hypoglycemia, aggravated DM, URTI, Pharyngitis,
Side Effects: Headache, weakness, N/V/D, Rash, Hypoglycemia
edema, ↑ HDL.
Nursing implications: Assess for hypo/hyperglycemic
reaction that can occur after meals. Nursing implications: Assess for Hypo/hyperglycemic
Monitor CBG’s, LFT’s, CBC. Caution w/ CHF.

Trade Name:
insulin: Lispro / Lente / Regular/
Trade Name: metformin (Glucophage) Semilente/ NPH / Ultralente /70-30
Classification: Insulins
Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-Biguanides
Use(s): DM type I ,ketoacidosis in DM type I & II, PTs. on TPN or
Use(s): Stable adult onset diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
tube feeding. See pharm book for peak, onset and
duration times
Action: Inhibits hepatic glucose production and increases
sensitivity of insulin dependent cells.
Action: ↓ blood sugar by facilitating the uptake & metabolism if
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, hepatic, renal disease, glucose by insulin dependent cells. Also inhibits hepatic glucose
alcoholism, cardiopulmonary disease, history of lactic acidosis. production & the breakdown of glycogen, protein & fat, while it
promotes the formation of glycogen, protein & triglycerides.
Side Effects: N/V/D, rash, headache, weakness, dizziness.
Contraindications: Hypersensitive to protamine,
Nursing implications: Assess for hypo/hyperglycemic Hypoglycemia,
reaction, assess CBC, for lactic acidosis. NPO status,

Side Effects: Hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis, hepatotoxicity.

Nursing implications: √ CBG’s (fasting & during treatment),
rotate injection sites, Monitor signs of hypoglycemia. Peak
Trade Name: Estrogen/Progesterone (comb.)
Trade Name: rosiglitazone maleate (NDH) (Avandia)
Classification: Contraceptives
Classification: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents-NEW
Use(s): Birth Control.
Use(s): Stable adult onset DM, NIDDM.
Action: ↓ the release of FSH & LH.
Action: Improves insulin resistance by hepatic glucose
Contraindications: Pregnancy, thrombophlebitis,
thromboembolic disorders, estrogen dependent CA of the breast
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Thiazolidinediones
or reproductive organs.
Side Effects: Hypo/hyperglycemia, fatigue, Headache
Side Effects: Fluid retention, N/V, cramping, constipation,
Nursing implications: Assess for hypo/hyperglycemic hyperpigmentation, HTN, ↑ risk of MI,
reactions, blood studies
Nursing implications: Monitor for adverse reactions.

Trade Name: glucagon Trade Name: Progesterone only

Classification: Oral hyperglycemic agent (occurs naturally in Classification: Progesterone
body also)
Use(s): Contraception, amenorrhea, PMS, abnormal uterine
Use(s): Sever hypoglycemia, insulin antagonist bleeding.

Action: Converts hepatic glycogen to glucose. Action: Inhibits secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, which
prevents follicular maturation.
Contraindications: hypoglycemia,
Contraindications: Breast CA, pregnancy, thrombolytic
Side Effects: Hypersens., Pt. W/ pheochromocytoma, disorders.
hyperglycemia, hypotension, N/V, urticaria, resp. distress.
Side Effects: Dizziness, HA, migraine, fatigue, depression,
Nursing implications: Monitor CBG’s, VS, S/S of stroke, embolism, MI, spontaneous Abortion
hyperglycemia. Initial dose is IM effect in 5-20 minutes. IV for
severe hypoglycemia. Destroyed by the GI tract. Nursing implications: Assess Weight, B/P, I&O, edema, HTN.
Trade Name: Ergotrate Maleate
Trade Name: Depo-Provera
Classification: Oxytocic
Classification: Antineoplastic, hormone
Use(s): Postpartum or postabortion hemorrhage
Use(s): Uterine bleeding, endometrial / renal cancer, and
secondary amenorrhea Action: Stimulates uterine contractions and vascular smooth
muscle, decreases bleeding.
Action: Inhibits secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, which
prevents maturation and ovulation. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ergot medications,
augmentation of labor, before delivery of placenta, threatened
Contraindications: Breast/reproductive CA, , pregnancy, AB
thrombolytic disorders.
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, fainting, HTN, Chest pain,
Side Effects: Stroke, PE, MI, N/V, spontaneous AB. N/V

Nursing implications: Assess Weight, B/P, I&O, edema, HTN. Nursing implications: Assess for ergotism, vitals, and fundal

Trade Name: Norplant (559-560)

Trade Name: Nupercainal Ointment

Trade Name: RU486 (mifepristone)
Classification: Topical anesthetics
Classification: Contraceptives
Dose: 600 mg PO Use(s): Minor external irritation
Use(s): Early Pregnancy Termination
Action: Inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses from sensory
Action: Inhibits progesterone receptors. nerves

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, ectopic preg., IUD use, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, large areas, Less than 1
anticoagulants, cortico-steriods, chronic adrenal failure, year old.
bleeding disorder.
Side Effects: Rash, irritation, and sensitization
Side Effects: Incomplete abortion, hemorrhage fetal
malformation, vag. Bleeding, abd cramps, abd pain, N/V, HA, Nursing implications: Assess pain, do not use until infection
is treated, remove any scales or crust before applying
Nursing implications: Monitor for adverse reactions. medication
Trade/generic: Methergine (methylergonovine maleate) Trade Name: Epifoam
Class: Oxytocic, Uterine Motility Agent: Ergot Alkaloid Classification: Topical Glucocorticoids

Ind: Treatment of PPH or postabortion, ↑ uterine contractions, Use(s): Contact dermatitis

uterine atont
Action: Antipruritic, anti-inflammatory
Route: PO, IM, PR
Action: Stimulates uterine, vascular, smooth muscle, causing Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, viral and fungal
contractions & ↓ bleeding infections.

Contra: Hypersensitivity to ergot preparations, in labor, Side Effects: Acne, atrophy, epidermal thinning, purpura, and
before delivery of placenta, hypertension, PID,. striae.

S/E: N/V, HA, dizziness, dyspnea, cramping, chest pain, Nursing implications: Assess for a temperature, and for
hypertension & dysrhythmias systemic absorption leading to a temperature.

RN: monitor vitals, character & amt. of vag.bdg & watch

for hemorrhage.

Trade Name: Syntocinon Nasal Spray

Trade Name: Colace
Classification: Oxytocic
Classification: Laxative, emollient
Use(s): Stimulation or induction of labor; missed or incomplete
abortion; postpartum bleeding. Use(s): To soften stools

Action: Acts directly on myofibrils, producing uterine Action: Increases water and fat penetration in the intestine;
contractions; stimulates milk ejection by the breast. allows for easier passage of the stool

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, serum toxicity, fetal Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, obstruction, fecal

distress, and hypertonic uterus. impaction, and nausea/vomiting.

Side Effects: convulsions, tetanic contractions. Hypo/Hyper- Side Effects: Nausea, cramps, diarrhea, rash, bitter taste,
tension, Brady/tachy-cardia, abruptio placenta, decreased throat irritation.
uterine blood flow.
Nursing implications: Causes of constipation, bleeding, N/V
Nursing implications: I&O, respiration, B/P and pulse (watch
for hemorrhage) Length of contractions.
Trade Name: Proctofoam
Trade Name: Surfak
Classification: Topical anesthetics
Classification: Laxative, emollient
Use(s): Rectal pain and itching, post partum hemorrhoids
Use(s): To soften stools
Action: Inhibits conduction of nerve impulses
Action: Increases water and fat penetration in the intestine;
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, infants less than 1 year of allows for easier passage of the stool
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, obstruction, fecal
Side Effects: Rash, irritation, and sensitization. impaction, and nausea/vomiting.

Nursing implications: Assess for pain and infection. Side Effects: Nausea, cramps, diarrhea, rash, bitter taste,
throat irritation.

Nursing implications: Causes of constipation, bleeding, N/V.

Trade Name: Zantac

Trade Name: Rubella Vaccine
Classification: H2-histamine receptor antagonist
Classification: Vaccines & toxoids
Use(s): Duodenal ulcer, H. Pylori, ERD
Use(s): Rubella immunization
Action: Inhibits histamine sites, which ceases acid production
Action: Promotes immunity by causing antibodies to be
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity produced.

Side Effects: HA, Sleeplessness, confusion, hepatotoxicity. Contraindications: immunosuppressed, CA, blood dyscrasia,
GG disorders, TB, do not get pregnant for 3 months
Nursing implications: I&O, Bun, Creatine, mental status, GI
complaints. Side Effects: HA, malaise, rash, pain, erythema, sore throat,

Nursing implications: Watch for anaphylaxis. Give SQ

Trade Name(s): Yutopar ( ritodrine)
Trade Name: Dulcolax
Class: Tocolytic, uterine relaxant.
Classification: Laxative, stimulant
Ind: Management of premature labor.
Use(s): Short term treatment of constipation, bowel or rectal
preparation for surgery/examination Route: PO, IV

Action: Acts directly on the intestines by increasing motor Action: ↓ frequency & intensity of uterine contractions
activity by stimulating beta-2 receptors in uterine smooth muscle.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, rectal problems, N/V, Contra: hypersens, eclampsia, HTN, dysrhythmias, before
acute abdomen, obstruction 20th week of pregnancy, bronchial asthma.

Side Effects: muscle weakness, N/V, cramps S/E: Erythema, rash, dyspnea, hyperventilation, glycosuria,
lactic acidosis, hyperglycemia, Hypokalemia,
Nursing implications: Assess cause of constipation, monitor nervousness, tremors.
blood/urine/electrolytes if used often by the patient. Assess
for cramping or rectal bleeding. RN: Maternal & FHT, EKG, intensity & length of contractions,
fluid intake.

Trade/generic: Pitocin (oxytocin) Syntocinon

Trade Name: RhoGAM
Class: Oxytocic
Classification: Immunizing agent
Route: IM, IV, spray
Use(s): Prevention of isoimmunization in Rh negative women
who are given Rh positive blood after abortions, miscarriages, Ind: Stimulates or induces labor; for missed or incomplete
and amniocentesis Abortion, PPH, preeclampsia, eclampsia, PROM.
Suppress active antibiody response and formation of anti-Rh(D)
in Rh negative clients exposed to Rh positive blood, promotes Action: Acts directly on myofibrils, producing uterine
destruction of Rh positive fetal cells contractions; stimulates milk ejection by the breast.

Action: Suppress the immune response of non-sensitized Rh Contra: Hypers., serum toxemia, fetal distress, hypert. uterus,
cells, to sensitized cells, , blocks maternal antibody prodction PPH, GI disturbance, diapheresis, HA, dizziness.

Contraindications: Previous immunization with the drug S/E: Convulsions, tetanic contractions, abruptio placenta,
↓ uterine blood flow
Side Effects: Irritation at injection site, fever, lethargy, myalgia
RN: I&O, VS, FHT’s
Nursing implications: For allergic reactions,
Trade Name(s): Magnesium Sulfate Trade Name: MMR vaccine

Classification: Electrolyte, anticonvulsant Classification: vaccine

Use(s): Smooth muscle relaxant, inhibit or prevent pre-term labor Use(s): prevention of measles, mumps, and rubella
,uterine hyperstimulation, anticonvulsant
Action: produces antibodies to measles, mumps and rubella
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, anemia, active infection,
Contraindications: allergy to eggs/chickens, pregnancy, febrile illness.
Side Effects: Muscle weakness, flushing, sweating, confusion, Side Effects: anaphylaxis, subacute sclerosing
sedation, depressed reflexes, flaccidity, paralysis, panencephalitis, and blindness associated with optic neuritis
hypothermia, nausea, vomiting, cramps, hypotension,
heart block, circulatory collapse. Nursing implications: Watch for skin reactions and
anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, inability to breathe, must dilute
Nursing implications: Assess for magnesium toxicity, cramping, with specific diluent that comes with the medication. Instruct
bleeding. In PIH prevents seizures. Calcium gluconate is the female patients not to get pregnant for 3 months

Trade Name(s): Prostaglandin

Classification: hormone Gen./Trade Name: Vitamins A, D, E, K
Classification: fat soluble
Use(s): To maintain patent ductus arteriosus
Use(s): A-night blindness, D-maintains Ca & P homeostasis, E-
Action: Relaxes the smooth muscle of the ductus arteriosus; antioxidant ↓ platelet aggregation, K-clotting factors.
this results in increased o2 content in the body
Action: Catalysts for biochemical and metabolic reactions.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, respiratory distress
syndrome. Contraindications:

Side Effects: Sepsis, peritonitis, apnea, bradycardia, wheezing, Side Effects: Anaphylaxis, N/V, fatigue, weakness, HA. dizziness,
respiratory depression, DIC, cerebral bleed, lethargy.
Nursing implications: monitor bilirubin, hypersensitivity, bleeding,
Nursing implications: ABG’s, apnea, bradycardia PT times.
Trade Name: DPT vaccine Trade Name: Iron
Classification: Vaccine, toxoid Classification: Vitamin

Use(s): Prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Use(s): To prevent maternal deficiency.

Action: Provides immunity by stimulating antibody/antitoxin Action: Replaces iron stores needed for RBC development
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, active infection,
immunosuppression, and febrile illness Side Effects: N/V/D, constipation, black or red tarry stools,
epigastric pain.
Side Effects: seizures, N/V, anaphylaxis, encephalopathy
Nursing implications: Liquid forms should be diluted to
Nursing implications: for skin reactions, inability to breath, prevent discoloration of teeth.

Gen./Trade Name: bile salts (Bilron)

Classification: Digestive agents Trade Name: Reglan
Use(s): Initiate bile flow from the liver. Once used to treat pts. Classification: cholinergic
w/ biliary fistula & resection of the ileum. Used infrequently
today. Use(s): prevention of nausea and vomiting.
Action: Bile salts are converted to cholic acid & Action: blocks dopamine in the chemoreceptor trigger zone
chenodeoxycholic acid. They conjugate w/ glycerine & taurine to
form bile acids. Then the salts of the bile acids are secreted in Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to this drug or
the bile. procainamide, seizure disorders, breast cancer
Contraindications: Hepatic dysfunction, obstruction, N/V, abd. Side Effects: Sedation, fatigue, restlessness, neutropenia,
pain. leukopenia.
Side Effects: Abd. cramping, diarrhea, ↓ MM resistance to acid, Nursing implications: Mental status, GI complaints.
colic, HCl can damage tooth enamel

RN implications: Monitor for abd pain, colic.

Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3, (niacin), B6
Trade Name: Zofran (ondansetron)
(pyridoxine), nicotinamide, C (ascorbic acid) Classification: Antiemetic

Classification: Water Soluble Use(s): Prevention of N/V

Use(s): B1 -beriberi, B2 -skin, eyes, B3-pellagra, B6 seizures, Action: Blocks serotonin

Action: Catalysts for biochemical and metabolic reactions. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Contraindications: Side Effects: Diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue.

Nursing implications: For hypersensitivity

Side Effects: Generally water soluble vitamins are nontoxic
b/c excesses are excreted in urine.

Nursing implications: Monitor for S/S of allergic reactions

to parenteral thiamine.

Trade Name: Folic Acid Trade Name: Atropine Sulfate

Classification: Vitamin Classification: Antidysrhythmic, anticholinergic,
Use(s): To assist with a normal pregnancy.
Use(s): Bradycardias, blocks vagal response, pre-surgery to
Action: decrease secretions, increase heart rate and dilate pupils

Contraindications: Action: Blocks ACH at parasympathetic receptors, decreases

oral and respiratory secretions, muscarinic antagonist drug
Side Effects: Allergic bronchospasm, rash, Pruritis, Erythema,
malaise. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to belladonna alkaloids,
tachycardia, GI obstruction, closed angle glaucoma, paralytic
Nursing implications: A client trying to get pregnant should ileus
take folic acid 3-6 months before conception.
Side Effects: Dry mouth, n/v tachycardia, blurred vision,
decrease perspiration, constipation, urinary retention

Nursing implications: I&O, EKG, respiratory status

Trade Name: Riopan
Classification: Antacid

Use(s): Antacid, PUD, gastric ulcers, indigestion.

Trade Name: Calcium
Action: Neutralizes gastric acidity.
Classification: Electrolyte
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to this drug or aluminum
Use(s): To manage hypocalcemia, to prevent deficits.
Side Effects: Constipation, diarrhea, hypermagnesemia
Nursing implications: GI status, Serum MG++ Levels if
Contraindications: Hypercalcemia, renal calculi, dig toxicity, decreased liver function. Give after meals and atbedtime

Side Effects: N/V, pain, constipation, drowsiness, muscle

weakness, HA.

Nursing implications: Assess the need for Calcium intake.

Trade Name: Antivert (meclizine)

Classification: Antiemetic, antihistamine, anticholinergic Trade Name: Anectine
Use(s): Vertigo, motion sickness Classification: Neuromuscular blocker

Action: Acts by blocking the chemoreceptor trigger zone Use(s): Skeletal muscle relaxant

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cyclizines, shock. Action: Inhibits transmission of nerve impulses

Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, Malignant hypothermia,

penetrating eye injuries.
Nursing implications: V/S, signs of toxicity
Side Effects: Sinus arrest, dysrhythmias, prolonged apnea,

Nursing implications: Electrolyte imbalances, I&O ratio,

allergic reactions.
Trade Name: Inapsine Trade Name: Tagamet
Classification: neuroleptic Classification: H2-histamine receptor antagonist

Use(s): postoperatively for N/V Use(s): Short term treatment of GERD, duodenal and gastric
Action: Acts on CNS at subcortical level, produces,
tranquilization, sleep, Antiemetic. Action: Inhibits histamine at the gastric acid site which inhibits
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, child <2 years old,
pregnancy, lactation. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Side Effects: Laryngospasm, bronchospasm, Tachycardia, Side Effects: Convulsions, paralytic ileus, jaundice,
hypotension. neutropenia, increased PTT.

Nursing implications: Vital signs. Nursing implications: Assess I&O, bun, Creatine, and a CBC
with differential monthly.

Trade Name: Robinul (glycopyrrolate)

Trade Name: Kytril (granisetron)
Classification: Cholinergic blocker, anticholinergic
Classification: Antiemetic
Use(s): decreases secretions before surgery, PUD, Irritable
Use(s): Prevention of N/V bowel, reduces gastric secretions

Action: Blocks serotonin Action: Inhibits Ach in the autonomic nervous system

Contraindications: hypersensitivity Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, narrow angle glaucoma,

child <3 Y.O., MI.
Side Effects: HA, anxiety, bronchospasm, leukopenia
Side Effects: Dry mouth, constipation.
Nursing implications: For Hypersensitivity reactions
Nursing implications: I&O, constipation, mental status.
Trade Name: RID

Trade Name: Gelsolin
Side Effects:
Nursing implications:

Side Effects:

Nursing implications:

Trade Name: Triple Dye

Trade Name: DNase
Use(s): Prevent infection of umbilical cord and promotes
Classification: drying of the cord

Use(s): Action

Action: Contraindications:

Contraindications: Side Effects:

Side Effects: Nursing implications:

Nursing implications:
Trade Name: Silver nitrate Solution
Trade Name: Multi-Vitamins
Classification: Vitamins
Use(s): To prevent birth defects
Side Effects:
Side Effects:
Nursing implications:
Nursing implications:

Trade Name: Dermoplast

Trade Name: Bicitra
Classification: OTC
Treating metabolic acidosis and certain kidney problems Action:
(eg, kidney stones). Contraindications:
Side Effects:
Nursing implications:
Diarrhea; loose stools; nausea; upset
Side Effects:
stomach; vomiting
Nursing implications:
Trade Name: Americain Spray Trade Name: Masse Cream
Classification: OTC
Classification: OTC
Side Effects:
Side Effects:
Nursing implications:
Nursing implications:

Trade Name: Tucks Trade Name: Witch Hazel

Classification: Astringents-OTC Classification: Astringents-OTC

Use(s): Use(s):

Action: Action:

Contraindications: Contraindications:

Side Effects: Side Effects:

Nursing implications: Nursing implications:

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