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Chc ([rrilersity of Clricogo







ELras' I\4opnnN Pnpss,

All rights reserved

_ III _


Iterhaps uo apology is rrccdecl for introtluciug the present n'olk to thc

notice of oriental seholat's irt genct'al ancl Arabic scholat's in particula,r'. I{aving
bccn intet'cstetl fot' many ycars in the Modet'n Arabic of Egypt, the compiler'
rvas struck - as, no doubt, all those wlto ltave studied Modeln Alabic rnust
also have bcerr -by the rvealth of thc language, not ouly irr rvords but in forms
of expression and subile nreauings, and the rnore he studied thc subject, thc
rnole he became convinced of the necessit;, sn{ utility of a dictionary to
iltroduce the foreigner to the still uncomprehended treasuros of Modeln Arabic.
But it rvas not until 1801 that he began to collect his rnaterials. IIis
plarr at first was to compile a siutple book of some two hundred pages, llut
as thc rvork plogresserl he found that it u'as graclually glorving larger until
at last its size as originally contcnrpla,tecl rvas greatly increased, li'inding' tlris
to be the case, the conrpiler decided to give the bool< a wider scope, and for
tlris purposc he irrtroduccd a ltrrgc nunrller of a,dnrinistrative, financial, eugineer-
irrg, ntcchanical aud rnilitary rvolds rvlrich he nret rvith irr his pct'usal of il
nrass of official publications. The idiorns and the slang phrascs were obta,irrerl
not only by rci,rding nlnrost all thc . litclaturc of rvhich l\{odet'n Anlbic call
boast, but by listcning and calofully noting casueli words and ttivial phrases
as thcy rvcrc used in cornnrorr convcrsation.
In the eally patt of tho year this book rvas rcady fol thc press, but it
ntust not fol a uroruent be irnagined that all ihe phrases and characteristic
exprcssious in nse anougst the nativcs of this country havc becn given. No
single conpilel can hope to mal(e an exhaustive collectiorr. Ilut it can be
coufidently stated that the matelial helc collected rcpt'eseuts ellntost all that
a foreigncr rvould nreet with iu convei'satiou rvith thc uatives of Egypt.
Great difficult)' n*'rr ottou trret rvith in ascet'tttining thc prccisc tncauittg
of sontc u,ords. Tho courpiler thon ha,d recoursc to his friends, aucl in certain
instanccs conflictiul3 definitions l,elc giveu. Tho reasou is rrot fal to secl<.
Illodell Alabic not having bcen ivrittcn uutil quitc lcceutly, rvords aro
sontetitlle s usecl as the fancy of the spcal<er clictatcs. Iu these cases, thc
ne anings giv en a,fe thos e m0 st u ltI er sall As legalds the idioru S
v acce p ted.
and th e slang tl
0 c0lll pilel alid his b st to o l) ta ln th e cq uivaleut Itrrrgl ish
idiorns autl l'hcre this was ll0 possiblc, a II ox pres SI 0ll AS ll ca r as pos siblo
the 0t lfl nal \\TA S gi ll
I for hi r'0as0n lll ally of th e Englis h
d 0 ther cxpr e ssl0ll can be irirp roveil u poll bu the student ca n
e assured th at no palns ha ve b eQn spareal to IE der' the book accurate nd
tr,"", I i*:tiJ
_ IITI _ -v-
W5ilc t6e bogh rvrts iu tho prcss objcctit.ttts tt'eLc tttatlu ttt the derivtr'tivcs
scptrrately givcn and to thc tlansliterat'i01. Those experiencctl
in teaching Arabic
io'torcigu;s in Egypt hnorv tlat o,ly a stttall pcrcentage of these shrtly tlte
syntax inil thc g.oititnut ancl that the Egyptiarts thernsches
are given
loss to fincl a rvord in a purely Al'n,bic lexictln wltere the derivatives
thc is concct'tred, the systcrll
olly uniler the root velb. As far as translitet'atiou
adopted is that of the late spitta Bey-pronouttced by scholars to be the most
scicitific*sintplifictl by a disiinguishecl Auterican scholar' It lray perhaps |e Thc erlition of this worl< was of considerable interest to stuclents of
atliled that n0 systcln of transliteration is perfect and, thc acloption of systcrn Modern Arabic in all parts of the rvotld, Ii was the first attempt to
put togetlter,
is a mattet' of taste, not only the vocabulary of the language, but also t'he idioriratic expressiotts

useil by Egyptians of all classes, which form the genius of the lattguagc, and
In conclusiou, the compiler rvishes to cxpress his glateful thauhs to [is publication of ihis work
numergus frientls, both in this countly and abroad, for their kind assistarrce coulcl riot be found i' a'y other worl of the ki'cl. Tlre
Modeln Arabic is ttot a mere
at)d encouragernent rvhich gave him fresh vigour at moments rvhert he folt was perhaps thc first serious attenpt to shorv that
wcary, and enableil him to sumllloll llp coulage to bl'ing his worh to a conclusiott. dialect, but a language in .\,.ry *nr. of the rvorcl, callable of explcssilg all
He rvishes that it wcre possible for hirn to ttame them all, but certain consiclera- t|at a lltodeltr l)lall rvishes to say as pcrfectly as classictt'l Alu'bic 0r a'lly
tiorrs prevclt his doing so. Meltion rnust, horvever, bc ntade of I' G' Mussaq'it' othor highly tlevolopecl foreign language such as English or lr'rerclt
catt do.

Bey, of the Public Works Mirristrl', rvho rcarl a part of thc tttattusct'ipt When the first eflitiou lvas out oI plint I sct to wot'k rervrlite the rvhole
rnaking valuablc suggestiolls. book, In the first place, I clicl away with the translitentiott,
tls I considerctl
that a mau tvho uses the clictiorlaly of a language tltust, tteccssalily, be
able to
Tha'ks are also due to thc plinters for tho diligcrrce arrd skill rvith rvhidt
rcacl it, maintaining only the initial worcls. In the seconcl place I cottsicleretl
tloy have exeouted their difficult aucl cornplicatecl task, submitting io rlulnorous
he not stuclietl its grammar
altefations and cort'ections whilst it was in tlte press' although & man cau reacl Atabic, has probabl;'
sufficiently to be able to look up a, tlcrivative utttler its root-verb'
For tltis
S. S.
putpose i maintainecl under the loot-verb all the clcrived fot'ms ottly, a'rld

pro.oa the nouns aucl acljectives in their plopel places. While in the
( )uiro, Abucrtrbcr,lS0;i
u,litio,r I placecl /rrili6 writer, tnnli/rib letter, rrtalilcrb deslr, nuiltdlib colles-
ponrlent, ctc. u,rcler the loot-verh liutab, in this eclition the stuclcttts fincl thenr
under their ploper places as clistinct wgr'als' thus greatly facilitating the llse
of the dictionaly^
I have also atternpterl tointloclnce in'.this cdition an irlnovzrtiotl itl att
ALabic rvork oI this sort, by giving the etymology of each foreig^n rvortl uscd
in Moclem Arabic, rvhetherl from classical Alabic, Pelsiau, Turhislr, English,
Italian, etc. I arir afraicl it is presurnption on tny part to undertake such a
clifficult task, artcl cctttpetettt schola,rs rvill perhaps tlispute nrany of ny
suggestions in this respect, but this is merely an attenlpt rvhich will bc
inrproveil upol by others rvho havc uratle this subject their particular study.
I rvill, therefole, be glad of 11y corrections, and of strggestions as to rvords
thc olig-in of rvhich l ornitted, for sorne reasol] or otltcr', to irtclicate'
Since the appearance of thc filst eclitiou I have not ceased collectirrg
ntore words and idiourir,tic expressions, not only from the tnoutlts of the public
but also flom the ralridly incleasing number of periodicals anil rvorlrs itt
Modetn Alabic, so t|at t|e plesent edition, notrvithstancling the suppressiott
of the tlansliteration, u,hich fornretl allout oue thirtl of its lolrtret'size) is ttow
considerably larger: thau the plevious edition. It is thus as compreherlsive
as possible, anrl gives almost all that the student hears in his ilaily intelcoursc
with the Egyptiaus, 0r reads in Moderrt Arabio works ancl pelioclicals'
*VII -
To make thc book still ruorc useful to the stutlcnt, er large tlumbcl of
the tnot:c cotuttlotlll' usecl classical rvortls, atttl a' llltlss of
tcchltical telurs PRONUNCIATION,
beett itrcolpolated itt tlris
errrployerl irr l,at'ious tr.atles' irtttl professiolts, has
In couclusion I utnst ttot ourit to expt'ess 4ry thanks to Mr' Itrlias A'
in /rorcle' but slig-htly more ilspiratctl'
tlre uotctl lexicographer', for helping llle to read thc proofs and for rnahing C Il is pt'onotttrcccl as Jr

nrauy valuable suggestiotts.

t'lr itt tlot'/r, or Scotch clt in loch'
S. S,
f /: lit<e Gct'tttatt
Cairo, ltebruu'g 191?3
d S tit e English s/r .in /i's/ring'

r.,P s like English .s, but with a rounding of the lips antl slightly
greatet stress.

r'f cI like Errglish ri uttercrl r,vith a rouncling of thc lips and slightly
grcatcr strcss'

L ! lihe lirglislr- /, but $'itlr a t'otttttlittg of lhc Iips rtrrcl slightly

grentel stress'

p . an explosiv0 altiOulation, ntatlc by conlprcssing thc ait'-passitgcs

dcclt tlolvtt irl tlrt thloai'

catehing (or quick' fjtt::t expulsion) of

the brcath i
g ry in Cairo a
' in other parts of gC'ypt like the English
g itt gourd' but sonres'hat
deePer atlcl strorrger'

t' y like English ee in 's/tcc2, or err in /bar"

q-S v


ABBREVIATIONS I- o, d,, t, i, u, o, (), u, ii.

.s.q. stands for sirrgular

Pl' p) ural L{lif. The filst lctte1 of tlre alphabet.. ,L:'1 ;61;";11, act of keeping at a dis-
Ill(r.s, rrrasculinc As an initial letter, it takes all tance; avoiclingi doparture, absencc;
the vowel sounds. It lePresents in ;o rl^:,'Jl keeping away from
)) ))
f'e nt. )1 )) fentinitre chronoglams the number 1. people, avoicling PeoPle.

dint. )) t) dimirrutive
..,1 Jb, or' ,. i father'; mastet' ; possessor )Q I ibti/o, trial, affliction, trouble,

rni1. nilitary of, p/. '\T* or ;ro-1t ; r;7 ia,itu", act of srvallorving' srval-
)) t)
from father to son, hereditarilY;
'e- dt:l
lorving down.
nTcclt. r', )) mechanical r-i ;e - Gi :^ he inheritecl his
rail. railu'ay fortune from his fatlter, his father CVI
l. ibliluda,joy, cheerfulness, hilarity.
), ))

Lq l-
fi'om his grandfather, ancl so on; he ibtiytlf , act of buyingl purchase'
eltq, engineering
comes of a rich family ' 4-il1 tt'l the
)) ))

i rriy1. ,) )1
i lligatiort Lord's prayer. {4i abgutl,.ancient arrangement of the
alphabet, in which the letters denote
{, ou, the month of August (S.) from 1 to 1000.
-* 9j' nl,n,/, fnture timc, eternity;rr'Jl Jl.
,f '. al,d ( pL of -l ), fathers I rnale
ancestot's. for ever.-1r11 ahvays", ever'r; nevet'o
C. * classical Arabic
not at all; he never clttrc
qo\l iba{ro, act of leyealing, clisclosing a -t'r'iLL r[i)'
Cop, --- Coptic here,G-r, l-eternal, perpetual(P.
secret; urahing lawful ol permissible'
E' ._ English aot of producingl *'tL-I.
{r\,'l "l-rul ;646, -
oburrro, wine used for the sacrament making his remarhs.
li'. -- Ii'renclr
orli pl. il;Lli
For. It'orcig'u
obbAra, neeille-case,
d{ l- iltda", act of originating, inventing;
- (pL ofSLl,),vanities; lies;
G. - Gleelr Jrtli- abdtUI

/]l^tl vanities of the rvorld. J I

{ I itr,tal, .hange, cxcltan ge, substitution
H. - -.the 9

1.t l- nlt.,dyyo, etclniiy, pcrpetuity'

rl.u' I ibtila, beginning, comtlencement.
I. - Italian
)l J\. ibrar, ,rct of shorving oPcnlY'
'lql as a beginning, for a collrmen-
P. - Persia,rr cement. .ril-u:,1 preliminary, intro- procluction, ntanif estation.
tluctory; "original; pertaining to an
P. /.
- Persian tcrtnitt:ltion
,-.ilx, I nKn, court il-tl- il,r'ri,1, act of flashing, glcnrtting,
' early stage; beaming.
S. - Syriac of first instance; .-'lr:, ptimaly
llJ.l" il,r,i,u, act
of making fit'n1 -o
T. - Turkish certificate.
;,l.rat^ll nrahing convcntions, crrlcri ng
T. f. Turhish termination qTo if,at,i., act of originatirrg, inven- into treatY.
- ting I innovation, invention
The asterisk cle notes that the Arabic worrl or thc Errgiish \j.l.l tiltrait111a, tlioccse ol I bishop,

meaning is usccl in cltrssical Alabic only.

l* iblir,i,,r, srnile.1,t*i,J* el smile. Pat'islt, PI, ;tl:Y.i (G')
*2* L' \;
btl 4^rJ I

tr.l -8-
-- v4\ alrgr,r!, rvhite, l'ent' lzlJ , PI'
8 J,l abras.. leper, leptous, /crtt. lc'"1'. 3)\ l. ibl,ig, act of causing to teaclt, r[,r.]* i1,/,,i,,,, arrrLriguity, f itgtlcllcss'
\ " ,^!l o filvour, geuet'ositY I
6'"". attain; .. Jl dl; increasing his tltulub, grcai toe, 21. ,,o!l ;r. ; LiJri'",
PI' -o
- J-i: hc ---
beat's no tnalicc, Itc is
pay to.'i.. 1'-t-- Jl ,,"J1 -. I ultltrilmtlll, one fond of show
oJ.l ib1a, 1ecclle,2l ,J1.! ;"y.'J1.1* needle- blinging thc nratter to
linow' the Li, t, frank, candid ; --i-: Platinurn;
-_ ilon point; ,-.,7'Jl .:'1 (T. ri::,.:l )
worh f rr-r.- ledge of. .. r-e-'Jl;eJl ;Cali 1' ;^"J I ;r;llr-t;
g1 a^*^tlh
,A,l oblnq, dtrppled, piebalcl ( horse ),
4fl ubltahu, pt'iclc, ostentation, PomP' . pui bY for a rainY claY (Prou')'
sPlentlour ;- *-t'" otle fond of
,,.rlyl ibrahllttt, Abraharrr (H ) fem, \aJ:,.p/. 6Jt-i, altYuddng, rvhitish ; fair'
t. strow, ( P. tft iI ) 9\4:l
4l- n6/u/t, stupid, icliot, irnbecile, fent ilrrrlr, Pure golcl (G') t;-"q t,,/. 4j'li ,i" arr, as jT q. o'
I ,rbrr, father'; posscssol' of ; tttastct"
,.t11,1 abr11q, watcr-jtrg, pitclter'
. t\-,x'l io-r-19 qc orre-cYetl;
kettle, pl. ,-rt'i ; ft' tca-Pot
)'!.1 ,,t,lu=,allnvial deposit of thc Nile (G. 1tl
g.\il otaby, o, 6rili'l tlrat is why! for
- ;tr, - loP-earecl; o-!jr - or this reason I J-r L grrtitii that is
(P.\i> .n\l obly.t, the devil, satan, p/. a"J[.|
J"t-big-bellied i ;ir -. be arcled ditl noi come ! I uorv scc
rvhY theY
(L ) .-,'JU ; {lt ,itr4t. - ihp ; :5Xl -- 'wealthY; liberal, ilid not come !
J'.1.1 obru| tlte month of APril will not clestroy his 'ran
rvhY theY
gener'ous -- thai which is
i ,)-i
(.s,1 ,,b;gnL, bucltlc, clasP, Pl'f.il1l
(prou.) (G.?). I i ge:ll .r\i'l a161, house -f urnitttt'e, pl' c,,lltil
rvorth a Piastle - PoPPY;
( P. i-i.l ) o,,\. qlrlta,t, to lamettt ancl praise ;' ,-; gg nnttclropsi.s pcttkryhylliu; (c. ctil)
t^:l nb.sl7f, felloc of a wltccl' p|/' J'^*\''l dead. .r.ii. to be lamcntecl ,:v'-21;-- nastertium i l t;'l'z r4c
'f rL;l of rttahing (orrt') follorv
it1,,j". act
praised. chestnut; -t,f- t*_.
(T..*l ) *
fl.r,bun. ; -
"i"li ; oir verlemous ( another ). 6!-ll act of followirrg ;
J.l ibr, so1, pI. 9r ot t^-i't o, .):ji asaf cetida Plant- :l.2:'\ iol;t
Jq l. aI qdr, 1tl. of ,"1q'v' spicler ; ;b'; ibis,egret ; JrAl
courPlYing with, obcYilg;
- orc-ill- grandson i
Sphinx; J;t-
stolk; CL- - irr compliancc rvith your oLder ; 1t-il
4l- ibf, arntpit, pI. lt'T or Jtll
-.colsin ; 6r g..;.'il
a'il- - ( pl. of !1) follorvers' attentlants'
rveather-coek ; ' .,iri"r buiterflY ;
l* ibt,i, slo'lvness, tat'diness, latencss.
nephew i f'so - an Arab 1;.*. seuvantsl i4ll-- tlte prince's suite'
Egyptianl Cairene t !; Turh 9,.Ii:. - sea-crab I "t\:'a:i - a
tnan of good familY, wag-tail i 3Jl influenza; JYb .il nllil, to furnish a house' c'ili or
JE I tt'tot, act of renclering null and .rt; - * -
lhe grandee' he
birth;".lf l - fellow J, he PlaYs .,.3i;t to be fulnishccl' .,1"i' furnish-
void, annulling; repeal, abt'ogation, man by
I supPression, abolition'
0ne of the fives himself airs ;
i-1U-Jlr Maria- (.C. e;l )
try m an .\J ctt
I Thercsa clollar;
* g* cornet;
religio n artisan ) .l_, =i"3
4l obbo:, to masturbate' Jb
Ltl0,,, father, reverencl i cr:r: b-/.1
,\+l ttrlar, act of tratling' clcaling'
man of eilucation;j--1
rh I ;1,"a,/, act of putting or scndirtg refinecl i intelligent; tactful;
. Ir'ather Geirge. ,,"rilo Pat'ents, trafficliing'
away I exPulsion ; ':)\Jl ge
ort-^'l o-(
he ? 4_L- c4{.) fatltel anil mother' g3!'.1 fatherly, r\+t
f- how old IS
itlilldlt, dircctiort: '\*'J1 '^^ii cltttttgc
: expulsing him from the countrY' he S forty years old
ni', t
of front (rnil')
6-Jq I elr'utll:lla, falm, cstate,
r ut^t
. t. jKy.l nl,,,La Io, or y(r;'l larvyer', aclvo-
-large ,. ' cate, aitorney, counsel, PI. )\41 i1li/rtitl, accot'd' ttttiott, agrcctttcltt'
pI. -rcl,l61 oll.''L'l 4i, lo ,,brrc. a certain disease or ^1(2t
(I. a r.ruoccr 1r.,) collcorcl, harmonl', utia'nirnitvt allia-
ved habit, wherebY & illan __ univeLsal Postal
tVl ib,ln, act of keeping i eontinuance'
an invetelate cra-ring catamite. nss ; ;\Jl c-9'll
1n rrbn, or;iio, to refuse, rcjecf. ,-,i"- iln10n.
,(l il,/.'n, act of tnaking (orrc) rvcep. ,JA,l cbrrti:s, ebony (G.)' refusing, rejecting'.
(1. I eVlilr4S,act of tttahing (one) a lare pl'e-
c/r/inrrr, mute, tlunrb; fen, l.l(3 1*l nl,oiy,t (pI' of 'lt' ), build abgb, the elevcnth month of the
f' pI.r4 cdificcs, .\
Coptic ealendar (Cop.) setto presenting (one) Tith a rarity"
iJti ,. t al t) ,,.
ilsl I LJ\J I

,\il J(:l ;rbat, act of proving, establishing; orLl" ig,t,ln, act of tuahing a thing wcll'
i11;7r6-, uo, of tahing, procuring, ittit at, lrust, conficlcnce, rcliancc I Hl
: .ftI proof, evidence ; confirmation ; rea-
adoPting ; +e2all seizirtg the cj, duKil olt-lr put your tlust irr ojFl ,,tl i.n, leavc. pertnissiott; Icavc of
ion, pl. i:bl^ll ;,ot^;'Jl reTr' svidgngs
opportunity. . God! in support of the charge, witnesses absett ce, p1. i lrt- I t-rf.1"^;* eU6rl c1'
9 o ;

J'l crler, trace, marh; jr9;"t- l. Jil ntl, or .1Jl'1 hmarisk orienta,l. for the prosecutionl ) t1 a,ltera- l,ho allowccl you to alo so'?q-lrrt-
-"1 tions and
collectious, emendations
luo one ooulcl trace hitn, uo one coulcl
.iXl illdl', act of rvasting; spoliation; orclir-rary leave ; trto"^- sick lea'vo'
fincl out what became of hirn ( C.yl ) (in a rvritten PaPer')'
squandeling; cla,magc, injuly, harm, +t;Ll aanr,frr, holtl ort ! (rrnrr1. lerrrr).
lo assas, to furnish a house, e,jii. to
uu,r,,y, as (j q.v. destluction. (1..aggrtunta.)
{ll' be furnished ' 't:"r7- furnishecl'
d1'l tttt.ta", amplencss, extcnt, width, lU'l
' i1,,,,i,,,, act of finishirrg, conrplctirrg Jlfl igbat, compttlsiott, forcc, violcncc,
capacity. porfccting. conclutlirrg. I crso,', to have an effect, mahe all
coelcion. ritt:-"ll obligtttory, com-
j. impression; 4^iiiil [#)K my rvords
dl o/nr', fire I (nr11.) (T,) -XtTl ilrrrisrrr,, trvclve ( C, ,:t bt pulsot'y; ij)t^-l '']L emctgcncy casc'
nadc ott inPression on him, ,-lu is
,J. I atuigg. 0r fircnan, .,Ail ilpcn, two, p/, ol-uil ; ca:i'J! g bc affeoted, impressed'vi:-1" to seize ,-li:-l* igti:irb, act of dt'a,v'ing, at-
stokcr', pL q-^a$l ( T. Monclay ( C, cnll ;. (authority, etc') to the plejuclicc of
O-:il ) rtl*l[-o he assumed tralcting, lcacling to.
sone one else;
,-rLail l/1isci/, bcing cnclorverl rvith accttsatiott, irtrputationl -ii
' itl,at,,,
charge sheet. all the autholitY. ,1i,' touchetl, LLf l icltintdc, gathering. tlssctttbly,
affcctecl, impressed, grievetl. ,-i I
ntecting, P1, "lo\.'-l
JL;'l ;1jt.*,,1, uuion, conncctiou, jLurction; J;ir"9l otontol,lJl' as J;li'9.e1 q.v. tlace, sign, rnalk; relic, montunettt-,
pl.;tii orlol;trl ;1rLl - scar;dll3-.1o* -r\.1:-l- i91tinib, act of alvoicling, sltttrl-
coutirruil,r', pL l'it.=il ; uit-ll
clabling oue to ea,r'n his living. - ijl* ,rto, to cone, arrive; 9lr-i-, ju-l in conscqucnce of that, consequcntly, ingi absteniion.
he brou gh t lne a lctter h e plcs ent.
thercupon; i"Jl ;' oL* hc died
cd nte wt th a letter .r-il; 0gI' L'
6l 6i
>\i-l ;o1i1rrir1' zertl, rliligcncc, cffori,
7!z;l ini,16A, clearncss, rlistinctncss. )!
instantlv. €;l- tt'uttlitionist, achtp-
to happen resul t .)rl, tS$ logist,
cxct'tiott .

lLil ;11;,1,,", ruodesty, hunrility, bascncss

9 w hzl t iviil be rh e resul of .-i[---1" iglldf , harn, damagc, i'jury,
j I asl,* J;l q.v.
9l'r'l n1"46 (pt. ol'7^i), fccs, wrigcs, JT I' I one w ho AIII ves 00m ..Jt as
Itonoraires. -U I act of fntiguing, llcx t, pl &^.ll 4*: ] q-f-J
Ir islrr, sin, crimo, iniquitY p1. ;bT
to rewarcl, pay. ,-oai to lct,
)eilr'i ,uI9o F*as followsi 5
tloublirrg. -J" ooor,
ul esr?c! interval, pct'iod, tinte ol:
g\il\ i11i16u, chl,ncc, coiricidoncc; agrcc-
*'--ri every thirtg cornes to him hire. ,--i; o, ,-l'ut to bc lct, hircrl'

mont, alliance, nuion, 'concord, rvaits; .rf; j)l- to be rnentiorr

duration ofany action;
- I in the ,:-ir-ito tahe on ttiLe.r-1'31o. r1it
hillmorry, p/. oUhit ; dtd.JL o, i;\d hereafter.
course of
-;ii Irtcaltwhilc. in
lei, hilecl. ,r-i^* hired, paicl for.
the mearrtime, during thai timc.
4-i" hilcling, hired labourer, paid
by chtnce, accidenta,lly; by consent O\t'1- it,l,i,,, act of coming, arriving
blinging forlvarcl, nteutionirtg. \ ;r,,o .clsrr, twcl'e. servant, pl. "l-t:-'l. rj:i reconlpunsc'
and understanclingiil!l unanirnity
- rerfard, r:etlibution; wage, salat'y,
of votes. (,;tdl by chancc, accidcntal
5\il' l* isnirr, trvo ; gl.- I{onclay. '
ar,ir, furniturc, 1,1. ollbl
pL ;e-'l . ;r:?l rental,lease I hilc,
+^s\e;l illiS,riqyrlo, agrccmcnt, alliancc, .r,o*., fare ; chatge, I:ate' Pl, *i ;
JFI* as,ir, or ol.rti'l* ( pL of nsyrrr, guilty, culpable, p/. i.-1ll
concorcl; convention, trcaty, contt'act,
of art, reliss; "71 .ij.'ir r11 house to let ; . z'!L'"'lo
' pI, okhl; I
nronurnettts I ig.i6n, answcr', reply, retort ;
hackney carliage ; c-9^ll- postagc;
traces; L-rill ;ilr['Jl* ths all compliance lvith zl recluost, pL
j[i;;l ;1u,i,,, pcrl'ection. rlonurnents.
jl;iJliil-r charge of
-\Ff;.j"';,L1 in reply to. -_porterager
a te)cgrattt ; .12:'-) -:- rent Paid
€b'l atali, skirt of tlrcss (T.) o-,1\i'l* ac[ of raisiug (clust, ctc.)
in advauce i jJ13.-Uefcrreil rent;
exciting, rousirrg (troubles,
'ergdg, native salterl fish. sg, nlFl
eKil iions, eta,).
oF!i .:-i"i! on payment.
itfikct,, act of leaning 0n 0r against, r
I F - 8- -L-l -bl,-l ba,>-

,l-?l igrd, act of doing; ngl' .ootu, reason, sahe; cllll l;-l- ii,l,af, act of rendering (arr act) tlpl illtirua,act of holiling, containing
action, exec- &l useless, causing to fail' (within itself).
ution, compliance; bebaviour, cou- for you, for youl sake,
cluct, pI. {ttr..t,i l,r:'i! oJ *:f he c.*)t-l iglds, act of causing to sii clo !-1. itritas, retentioii (of urine) Cl.^-l iftil11dy1, want, necd, necessiiy,
rvrote to laim to comply i l,r')\l for irttligence, P/, oLi^:- I

ctttnpliartce ; g;>\ll l-r-l sgf oI doilg .iy-l aglldl', ( pL ol'A!-)boors, chur

l-l-l* il|tigib, seclnsion, retreat' !L;:-1. il|liytit, caution, precaution'
u'hat is neccssa,'y. iil;:l foniralities l. ihtigag, act of Protesiing; cit'cumspection, p/. c,ttt^:-l ;'i-;'f
JI-I. igldl,act of honouring; exalting
proceedings of thc council; ':>tlal.- in honour protest i pretext, excuse? ir1. aLt-:-l i.;}ll;,\tt,:--Jl he took the necessary
"*#t -
i-;3lU legal procedu'e,
ttt.oro.u.i oUL:'"Jl ,'/lt iLt^:'to
- 1,"-I ihti,'d.t, cautiousness, precaution, ','oor
*lr irt,rra:", cottcurl'eltce' aglccntcttt
l-Fl ngrob, one lvho is suffering flom watch, care, Pl. cit-l-i-l bY way of Precaution. nLL:-lo
'lr'Jl -'" uuanimily of votes. plecautionary, I'eserve) tempolary,
, itch, itchy, ferrr. "lr'r-: ' pl. +"tI Jhl. ig,r.,,i1, act of atliling up; sum
l;ol fttiraq, bunring, combustiou'
provisionall corttingencies ; ;9-"ll*
,J?l* ogrod, hairless; nahecl, bare-; up abtidgeritent, sulnm aIy l1-l iltirdnt, lespect, veneration, contribution of a daY's
without vegctatiort, fe s-,pI . "' r!- Jla 'J!" oi'lh!. ln gcu eral 0ll I utL;'Jl PaY
l'evelence' pl. "[l ;-l ;:lj'J;U t;- t,"s
nt.4 r
torvarcls pension ;riLll-*contribution
'j-*l r,vhole; in
short, itt a
nororrrr, that is whyl for that mauuer'. Jt1'!* suurrnaly; collecti
give my resPects to Your father ! towards pcnsion.
I'eason ! J3ii' iK -t^tl - that rvas
Li'l ;61;,161r, act of rechonittgi calling Jqr-l ihtiudL, artifice, trick, fraud.
why cloor rvas strut t rlrjiJr'l <sl?l agnnby, silar:ge, forcign ; str'
-the one t0 account I valuing, estimating .blo aftal, one) sgme o1e, /enr..g-',J-l
ls-t-; I now see rvhy they went foreignet', p/. -!1 ;*;L'il ;

charging an exPense to a budget

out! ( C.;t J_t s.). foreigners. pl. rt,l i .3s-" elevenl r:-!l ly-*
item. Sunday.
rJ;?l agrtitl,beartlless, hairless. {?l ,,gn,ro, chisel (F'or.)
lLl.i.l ihtiidnt, bashfulness, modesty. .31-r'-l ifttlds, act of p'oducing a ncw
"l7l eg* (pt. of J;!:),palts, port- ,:ta-l ;n7,1,1, '.1 of ovcltaxing (ouo
-b\al illtifdz, act of tahing care of a
thing, creating, inventing.
ions, sections; drugs, cltemicals; strength).
thing, of oue's self. ?-t'l- olttlab, hunchbackecl, ltuntp-
.,h-Cll __ volumes of the book;
t?l uglrar, tlay-blintl.
Jltal illriftl, celemonial; celebration backecl, fern.\'t; PI. -^L
"sheets" of the book (gener:ally of . ;
8 or 16 pagcs). .:[-l Ql. of "r-11)urrits, individ
47,1,; neeting; solemnity, ponp, pl. ,,vlr-l- ilrirz,act of obtaining, acquiring.
Peilsons ; u"Lil - dlo of ihe c
g'ih-:-'l . Jti-t''i celebratecl with
c.f I gl ag=d1111. apotltecat'y, cltctttist,
monality of manhind. dL--l i{rsris, feeling, sensibility, seuti-
solemnity, gala.
clruggist, pt. .{-f;-i i 111;-'Jle-.,*. ment, 7rl. lt-t*.J ; ,.t*-)l 1"-c
school of apothecary (T. t.) at[-l- iftdfut, aat, of surrounrliug,
6 .1Ui;l ;7,1;,r,i., clespise, disclain, con-
insensible i -- J;.:to SL-, scnsiblc
bracing; comprehonclirrg'; d.r tempt.
CLilr-l agzdfidr-ro, pharmacy, clispen- man.
&L;,tl n61i1;.ation was given hi
sary, drugstore I meclicine chest, .jti;l ilriqdn, congestion, pl. olli:,1 ,J[*-l iftsrilr, favour, beneficence, bounty,
p1. ohl-l;'l (P.) writiug' qt\-)tl .P-'r-l- forwa
charitY, p/. it;l*l
f or infornation, .lK:-l ifttikdr, monopoly, pL ol2K.-l
J\\ aggil, to delay, postpone, acljourn,
dLl act of giving in ch *,)-*l afiscut (contp. r.,/g*- ), better,
;7,47,,, K;l ifttilra/,', act of rubbing; fliction
put ott..;fi; or';J1tl to be postponed, committing to the care ; all the bctter
rnore beautiful, nice; !

atljournecl, put off. JJ17 delaycrl., rcfcrelcc; i"(JI ,tre 4:lr-l his
I ittital, occupation; ,11:-'Jl ;l: -d,ll all the better for you !
, - -
-d!-tirll-l I am glad he clicl not'come
postltoncd, adjoulncd, put off. Ji- I
scttt up for tLiaT; iJL'il ,.;G army of occupation.
f ixecl period, appoitrted term; end
mitting judge. = l"rf.yl you had beiter
of life,-cleath, pl.JFi;ir-t t-1i
i/3lirnri, act of gualiling one's self, -';^.9J!
do so ! it would be better for You
,\71 pL of tahilg ' to clo so ! gi-:) because, Iest that
he died,, he " hiched the busket ".
"-1rl n1r;1,66, ( :l:- ), refuge,
f licrrds. ifttimt)l, act of bearing, enclufing, La gI*-'-) because he is hele
J.'Jl d. in
J1T. future time; y1,2o!or{r,'T ,o !
-;(r;>t1L 4r'r g-.! lcst hc shall
suppoLtirrg. tolcratirrgi probability ;
the near futute; ,t *[-l allbdb QI. of ,,-),loving fri J\":-'Jl .1-ti- imp'obablc.
social friends not fincl you,
or later.
i^i-ol -8- cP\a.*l o[i'i"l -9-
ai-.-I ttlsangg n,superiorit5r, preference gl'l a7,r4,r( p/. of t-), mome n | 4tifa, act of hiiling one's sclf, rvorcls with him; a-,*L '(13'Jt':
instartts, times fll*'jl.,e.1 ,; oi b concealment ; disappearance. what pay tloes he get? bt^llc^i'
he marriecl the Pasha's claughter
sotnetintes, occasionallSr, now I i/:ti/a, retirenent, seclusion.

borvels. then, from time to time. dIJ Jrii I r-a: listen ! I

have got
tL-l- i/rsri, cortnting; statistics; census? tl nb, or. eribrothcr ; fellow, pl.;e!:. )tgl i[lilris, embezzlement, fraucl, sorncthing to tell you; o-l*"i.1o"ji
p1. :--1t,"-l i't--'jl ;rlrl thc statistical oI , ;au.j L- di.tournentetr l, p/. ot->{:i1 or c^1.21-r ,.)o -- he assumed the
depaltment. hor se,
v*:| OI g-' (corr t o f c- I ibtitat, act of mixing with responsibilit y ; u3t i3-l *f,rll the
0 ! riry brother. others, intelningling i social inter- ship has sprung a leak I
jr3' [og""
JL'a-l iluldr, act of causing to be present,
tl obLr,(int. of rcgret) alas! ah! course.
hence, therefore. iji to blane,
sencling for, calling, sutnmoning,
- what a devil you
eL. i76161, disagreement, rlifference reproach;;-';-ti L do not blame
ulLU slll - what a pity he clid of opinion, discord, contrast, dis- him ! make allowance for him ! You
J\i-l- ilqdq, aci of establishing (a rightr
! (T.) crepency. p/. ob>{:i I ; ,t'lr-l
tluly anrl fully.
- c}c must excuse himl ijJt. to tahe to
with their different hincls. one's self ; i2t;+"1rs-.61ire clonticile,
tl (int. of plursrrre) good ! deli
+'i-l qheqqlJlla) a better right. "bb, l.
ibtildq, lies, fablication, false- jiti or .r-l til t0 be blamed, reproaclt'
ful ! 4^le
i/r1trinr, act of rnaking
- how nice he is ! I
glad of it ! clelighecl ! (T. al ) hoocl, pl. oli>\:;'l ed. "rult / to be tahen; be frightened;
lK-1. I a9
he fclt hu[i. .r-;l 61
. c
solicl, firm iUilal, u,eakness, clisorcler ; n!*-;; p
; perfcction.
tl tn (nt. of disgrrsl) ugh tgec.;l - jri*act of - taking; tbr buying
lt!"3 pI. ,J.!- ; how dirty you are ! ,r.:.ll or .1iJl'- mental derangement.
-fl ollurnr, red,, fent. -
,Vl* l,u;l iftfindq, chohing, suffocation, and selling, business, comnel'ce.
Sr:, - earntitte i 16 - scar{et ; o16, brotherho ocl, flatelnity,
,)\ to delay' postpone,
aftl-rar, to cituse
,r)trrlt violcrrt 4g;th ;r.-!1, !1}tt 13
shiP. asPhYxia.

in brotcl tlaylight ; lrll A ,1oy atljourn, Put off, heeP back;
,Fl ifibiu, act of infolrning, gi - 111;u6r', choice, option, sclection;
show him your tusk ! show him the intelligence. :JrL= !i, cfo as you plcase.! grl^:Jll tLTt G-!t- my watclt loses tinte.
big stick !
q).il p7r1,*1rter1 oompanion, p/.&le;.li
voluntary, oPtional. ,-lt1itt- tnove backwartls. ,-1i; o,
tl fl thrrtrtir', retluess ; blushing. her sister ; the other one of a l!3'1 itriyrir, agecl, olil;
- .;,
oia ,lb-l to clelay, tarry, remain

o man (T,). behind, be late, be kePt back; go

.l,.lo n{rut.,q, foolish, icliotic, fcm'\a|:- .-'y.t,.-l ibkibdt, ns l9.thl q.v. J-l ata4, ot i-1; s1 i-:;.1* to take; take backwards. clelayed, post-
Pt' O->> ,Li;l ifttibc, act of hiding one's s hold of; receive; tJ.- he caught poneil, adjourned; backwaril, .reltai-
cold; tr_;-l .rf nu y*s attached ning behincl, late,7rl. 4-tltl iG-*c
\:al iftno, we ( C, .ra ) concealment.
with fever; ri-ri'l u-.Jl he had a .r-Lir. his health is batl; 'r:'i:'nlJ1.1--l
Jlr-l alwttl ( pI. of JL ), ,kil il-ttibdr, experience, hnorv
n1j sunstroke i n!"ln g-rrl irj("Jl the his aifairs are 0n the tlecline' -'-il
(-^3 or inexpelicnce.
conditions, circumstancesl JIJ-il - - knife cut off his finger ; nli ;*'l or ,il, other, another, also, f'crrr'
;r;lll the present circumstances, the d;;t ifiLitit,, invention, contri
,9"!-'l pl. 4r1:i; ,o*tlrl, ra hc
pt. rbu-iJ 4lrtfr he was run over by the ''>;l You too !
present statc of affairs ; Jle"Jl ;f tram i ..r-;.1 1.9:ll sleep overcanle too is rich;
horv is the world treaiitrg you ? :V;-l ififisir, brevity, abri him;:Jdr-i ir-! Jrtr, .'r3lt it is end, last, P/';'lel ; J-i'il d or
itt.a:l!lt "-ii g at last, in the
J -rl ,rhruol, cross-e;ecl, squint-eyecl, abbreviation, conciseuess raining harcl; g;r11 o!,:,5 g 'r-li he end,
short, in a word, briefly. olo
fun.)l- pI. JsL ,f\e:Ll
took to his heels; ,.r.r.,jl
- I
- ire entirely, altogether;
i[li9rig, duty, attribution, recited my lesson to him; ",'iqlland so ott, etc. ; L:-tt-g
i1y6, act of bringing to life, giving "rl"b.1o-
"\,-l petence, jurisdiction, pl. al,c he was offended, he felt hurt; at the foot of the class ; il" Jl -
ncw life, animating, reviving.'lJ'-l competent;
( pI. of "v3 ) living (men), the
crt*:i"jl --'t,a - ..L. \:r2 Gorl hatl pity on him, the latter ilays of the wolld'.the
incompetence ; rrl;i'il f ro i -
Cod helpect hirn r.S"rle .tj.t entl of tl,r.. ir-i at last ;- rTl
living i olr")1, t^-)'l tlro living anil petentl ip the I -
"rL.:i'Jl had to tlo rvith hinr, hc banilied at first ancl at last' 'l-1T cncl, pl'
the deacl. authorities. nrl-:;-l*
*10- ,tb ,1 - 11 * d)
d;r LJ)I

manners, well brcd, polite; punished.

,llrl i ;rrYl the end, the result, the ti-rnitb, Erroch (H.). .)rl i,/,lu,,, to call to player ;,>f ,l'r7',
consequence ; the clay of judgment,
/it;-l 9"*9!. ot' -,'r1r-, well-bled, Polite, not eveu if you ring the alarm-bell
the future state, th6 othel worlcl, s|\ obr,brother, pl.filtl or -le-11. "t i civil, coutteous, gentlernanlY, ;r/. (prou.). ( C, ;il ).
beyond the gr:ave. or o t-r hrotherhoocl, fraternity ,4r,":'97 or c4'"rijr-' ' *':l goocl man-
black (horse).
ibr,ig, act of puttilg out or uP'
brotherly, flaternal I sisterlv.
t'rrl uers, politeness, gentlernanly be- flrl ndltott,,
d;l jl9':l ( pI. ,,1' ;l:l ),
bringing out; ,-'-.lill O' c,'ll alr;l ibwdn ( 1,1. nf / ), br haviour, 1l1. glji; rJJi
feigned atkund.t utensils,

disinterrneut. friends, comrades, colleagues. ; insolence' itnper- aliicles ; tools, iustrumets; o'Lf-
jtr;t -;ltj
dftrdnu, the lasi one.;rl.rn^;l_rJr'l
4- J-l ob, t7rr, brotherho od, laternit5'
rrrrrT f
tirtettcc ;'"'Jt.1'U or'9"Jl,t-r" i 1solent.
staiion et'Y.

.rl nbtir,last, hilclmost, p1' u.4;.1)ir:. .-r3.:l crclrib,polite, rvell-breil, pL Ca:lt-l

d fl abras, dumb, fcnt. \-'"1; plsr'"!: ,Ji
irnpcltincnt 1 '11'':-l ,-i bchave
at last, after all, finally, at len yourself t -,.r)l fi-+" literature, tgtl to cause to reach or arrive i
rl;il ;7rs1;, act of mahing (one) ashamed' ultimately. .,r)l 9r'Jl fulfil; pdrfolm; PaY ; n!'":Ytt -
Itelles-Ietlre.s ;
'l^l; o'
.,;o.-l ;7,r, or ooi I fie ! el^b - lie upon i,l,li,
ciischarge (of rluty), fulfilm wisclom by i,he folly of others he acconPlished the mission; -
you ! you ought to be asliamecl of
"l;l learn
paymeni (of debt, etc.). (prou.J .9.111 nroral ; literarY' ;t-:.'Jl he passecl the examination.
yourself ! ( Q. 't*rl ); (pL ,tf r/rl), good
-,lJ a,tat, man j\rl uaofaly, improvistttore of street 6c"'j io give lc4iri oJ- ot c4:',i 'lrl
of o
-1":){l ;ll=
ilr.lci', act subjugating; sub-
,ltyro.r, Pi' J;!-"t
*htljection. literature; contrarY he gave hirir two piastt'es, 01' solllo
morals. noney; -.ifit d he boxed his
+\1>l adabbdnu, PrivY, water-closet, -
,;L\ ut3dar' gl'eelt? verclant,!;i o.llrl irlrira, act of mahilg (a thing) eat's. he slar,PPed his face'
|;!;- ; lr;t .6i.ra ,1. ot;\;Jt-r-l (P.).
pI. young,goose. round i managetneut, d agfi ad!1, bcholil ! there I -lrll -
t9.\L-l itJtdb6(, s1;j,t:;'l the star-fish, adrninistrati on, pL;;,lrl:l i "rlr'Jl ;i\i-9-rl otlgutcrnt, atljutani; Jl-;,'
- there is the letter ! ..;::-l here I an !
octopus (G.). adrninistrative department' "rlr
, adjutant general (8.). ! (C' l'ro )
q^.r.Jl the central department; Jb:l i,4al, act of iniroduoing, ctrusing d.r 91.'t I am going soon
lUil ;116,', notice, lotification, pl.ilrttrl _- boarcl of tlirector''s ; I insertion; irnportation.
to enter ,-,,)l* cdgb, well-btetl; leartted, scholar,

t|JBl act of hicling, - )t' 1,1. L-'lt

i1rS6, concealing; traffic manager; J-t d 611.rl- iirdg, er"ctoI puttitrg ott t'ecord I
lii'Jlii;\b tho cap of invisibility. iraffic manager.
- ;jl1(lt .=l o-L-J puiting his !l* i:, then, sittce, when ; ijl.:-- consc-
,)El i&/a, act of emptying, making nanrc on the list. -. quentlY, therefore.
(9 .:l icltry, aclministrative ;
vacant; beingror becoming emPtY, tr ator
ijlt:l i,l,'aL, act of overtahing, catchirrg l;l i:a, behold'*; if ; l'r-f ;K - if so, in
b e neral order
vacant, void; nj:i---ji he asketl up, reaching ; attaining, realisation; this case ; dbt - if he does not
that he might be released;O' ')i-lj I lrl itldm, any condiment eaten
reaching matutity ; perception, com- .0m.. irl in that case, therefore,
mahe bread savourY.
a-Jr:-ll not holciing him responsible ; prehettsiott, intelligence ; :jlr:'jl ,."ro cortscquerttlY.
j"b discharge (of an employee). ,Jlrl ar/rin, act of calling to pra stupid, dull.
1!l" n:ri, harm, injury, nolestation'
- clawn; ;l:"Jl g' 116 he got uP at trl id,li'o, clain, pretension, presump-
dy;l i/31i.1, canclour, sincerity, devotion. . breah of clawn 1 g. 3l'il ). -+.1!l- i:riba, act of causing to melt'
tion ; asseriion p/. .:Tbil
rrY;l at_rldq ( pI.of .ilLlr ), moral til-ll icLirra, act of maliing(one)
atlgant, piebald, having a pari of ;lf. a.,,ir, the rnonth of tr'Iarch (S')
qualities, morals, character. lending (one) money; cleclaring f'' the body darher than the other 4el!1. izdcr, publication. divulgilg
Jy;I. ifiIal, act of causing clisorder; guilty i culpability. (hoLse).
(news, seerets, etc' ).
disturbance, confusion, infractioni ilrl. adcif, alticle; utensili tool, !rl idftil. act of pointing out ; indi-
{1 *.

rnent, pI. olrrl

41!l' rr:rirr, call to player; notification'
.il'rt violating the right 0f...
-" cation.
.:[.alo ;7trr,6e/, act of putting out (fire).; t/)l* adnlr, to invite to a meal, give ddanr, A,lnro;
.)bil. izcrirr. oberlience. submission.
the revolution. b anquet, sl to grve educa -- - .t.l man. manhincl, Ar\ ornu, to allow, permit. ;"i-l to
'l'j:ll-"suppressing Pl. r;l.t'rThuman being; gentle-
ij;ll nL,rr,/, one who talks through the tcach ruannersi punish. li
1anly, pl. g.:ljl ; grlel grt; respect-
to prayor. ;it;l to take lcave or
.; - nose, /c2r. \tit , pl..u!t-L. riiil to be cducaierl, ta able peoplc (H.). permission..).e.!i,. sllswsal, permitted,
I a
trrl JTJ[;JI
d)l -12- -13-
authorizccl,.ri I leave, pcrntissiorr, 21, V.)* irgd, act of putting off, postponing, l.'rJl ;r':ll ..lo he left him on the
:Jt'^irl itilbdk, conf nsior, perplcxi racljoumirrg. bare grouncl. o;11 pertairlilg to the
t\; j"'l;iro -- order (to the cashier)
to pay, .,narrtlql tlc paientettl iC'-
g!'J trgd, act of malting one return; '
glound i
- -lr) grountl floor;
dltt irtigd11, act of shahirtg, trem ,ls" a,rtichohe.
autholization of paynrcnt ; *'^J aJi restoration ' -
he Paicl to his order:; 'iul;31' God dl - cottcussiou of the brain
.. . .6 1. L;.rl i.d,i, act of rcndering (one) satis-
nrrnb' or CJi to tltttc ( lc{'tcr" ctc')' fiecl, content, pleased, glatified.
, willing I g)!) i,'tiud, act of returning b Ls\
restoratiott. $; or 62\il to be tlatetl. {r'r, or q*:ot\ erdltIJtt, floor of a l'00rll oL a
.jllo nr,,, ear; handle, pl. ;ljl
JFrl. irtigdl, act of extemporisi i'.;ir tlatetl. house; bach-ground; renial of
<9>1 ,ra to clo halm, ittjure, torturc. gt'ound I tlenturrage, fale for rvaLc-
irnprovisatiott. E-,1 irl3d, act of urahing (a thing) loose,
6:i;-t i6 be rlone harm to, injurecl, giving hirn (T. front C. drl)
J[4J1. irtifidl, act of going aw&y on slaclr, flacci,l; Ji:'ll -* lrousing
tortured. .9".ii; 6, d";li is complain, journey, ntigration. (horse) his heacl'
.. Itrl* lr",i,l, act of thuntlerirrg, roaring.
be offended. .9"3i-t-' anuoyed, \? j relaxation, laxity, larr ttrfirtbgl, arc]ripelago (G.)'
glievecl, u;-rt o, n-f"it harm' injut'y,
;y1i116, J:i-,,I. ;rc;l er"arr, of Jollo nervotts" irritablc,
rl-lo.ll ;r1;rLid, act of returning tneasule for cercals (: iurpaiient.
damage, nolestatiott, torture,
21'o!iI *)Jl artlabb,
restoration ; pcrversiolt, apostasy 197.75 cubic litres), p/' e:l1l(Cop') +tbrl urgd(tt, capstan, t'itttllass, pl'
lJ ara ( pl. of e"t.2), opinions, ideas,
L&irl" irliJri, b'ibery (passive). jl9>11 crrduud.z, slate;
slate pen iit\o.rl( T. cti2l fron L arouno)
r\rays of thinhing.
(tr'. ardoise)'
.r^-l;l- ardggf ( pl. of ib.rl ), idle W 2\ i v 7i44,pleasure, satisfaciion.
".2';l* rice'
gbrl- irg,i,,r, act of hurnbling', abasing,
jl\* ory or
l'ullloul's. rP\iJl irli.rii opLiri* act of s humiiiating.

+'-l1l ;1616, act of giving lest. trembling, sltivering, qui o\t-t\ orrdq ( pl. of o')s), proPerties,
eli-rl .,ri,,,t, o, Jrirl organ (rnusical
,J!i5 -- cleliriurl tretnens. lcal estates, instlument). P1. ir;lJl (G.).
o5l-ll ;1;1,1a, rvish, rvill, clesire, intcution;
LWrl irtifd", height, eievation, pitch JLrl irral, act of scrrtling', rlespatclring o\ttl irfaq, act of trttaohing, joirring;
cornmand, manclate, behest. (person or ihing); transmission'
a roof, Pl' i:tLirl acting' gentlY, kintllY towards a
-t3.rl1l artrril', arrorvloot (E.). +^l[*tl i,t'sdlgga, rnission, expediiion;
[ii;'rl i.ti,/,i, ascension, going up, ri pclsOn,
+!111. ;16qo, act of pouring out (fluicl); promotion, aclvattcetnctlt, in alticle ot' articles sent, consigutlent,
J )lo urrrq, iusotnuia, wakefulness.
shedcling (bloocl); L-r-* slaughter. clevelopment. p/. ollrl-",1
brl irr,i, act of corrupting (one) I'iilt .if .lK:t rtrl;i)n
ITarIt, staff (rni/.) i
./!r1. urbdb ( pL of 'u-, ), tnastets, 9K;;l- irtikilt, act of conmittiug ' a bribe. !,t-; staff officer; &re"Jl -
lords i *ii-Ll 1hu artizans; offence or crime. -
-o ' .:\'lrl irdcicl, act of putting (one) in the adjutant rnajor' ; lrlll brigadc'
JlJ.'il capitalists; ilerll
-* ,lKrl irtikdn, reliance. -
-* right rva) i guiclance, inclication, major i
- ,rls ohief of
staff ( I.)'
statesmen; 'r-iJl.1 ..Pll -- the [i'-rl ;11ip16, being throu'tt, cast. ilirection, p/. cibt.:rl l*J;l ;r'1,,,rc/cr, Irelancl. 6-r^l.rl lLish. irl.
a,uthorities; ;i' tl
-. people concer'- l-f.ll irliruri, act of quenching' 131;.UJrl ariimcutclrglg, archpriest, (1.)
neil ; gh:;'Jl
-* people interestecl. thilst ; being satiatecl u'ith tl
g) at'bcf , or c',..)lfour ; n.,r'Jl ,.\o g.." . ctean (G.).
Jr-llo r,.rr.,i/, r'vidorvcr. tt'itlol,
d jlgJl. irtiwdzu(41), artesian r'Ptl nrd, l:urcl, earth, .soil ; grouncl, pl. S-ltt
he walfts on all fours;+.,1'Jl &rj
,.{r; -l nrt.clor, Orthodox. ,p,f"; ) floor; countly ; terrestt'ia,l globe,
ihic[, uoblre. ; C)l ;y. \\'crlnestlay;
pl. o;lrl ; .rJ'il i.2.1 sr ;r'Jl i;"1
r,nJl cty11lep ( Jl ), thc Auncniiltts; r13
retl. taining to the Orihodox Church O..r)l Alneuia. 6,tl Armcnian.
1!e-+ fou,,tee,jnl..: tl f our hurr d

..rU;I. irtigirb, doubt, suspicion.

truffle ;
lrJl nplrl r,!i where is lre 4tsl ayp1a, coat of at'rns. p/. oUJl ( /.
-"1':f i arbu"tdiur, fourteen(C. rri.,2l) now I do you know his rvhereabouts?
arlro ).
C\o ,t. irtigdft, repose !
urJ'il c.4 ..r. qjib you must fincl (or
g41-ll nrbl'yn, fortyi c412'Jl ihe foltieth
clay aftel a death. faction, cheerf ulness. produce) him rvhercver lre rnay be ! t9[jJI arnari[ ( Jl ) or .:rhrl, the Alba-
-ti:iJl irfibdt, attaohnrent, counectiou.
. lt,
&tl- .
irs, inlieritance, helitagc.
+ rt he is still there; ."x-11 nians; !.,[r"Jl ril Albania, ,rtrt;rl
rlr - t

.irl *14- J-rl*l .,-trt

*IC-: L}\E^Pt

Albanian, pI. n1-L1r1( T. -r-rt;rl ) J jl* ,,rril, past eternity. ,-j.,1- etclnal in jlr^-l ;r641y, or jt:r-t elubs (at cartls). Jk^^i*l islibidr, hope, expectation of
r-!Jl a1r,.,1r, [are, rabbit, sg. ta";sl pl. the past. " (T. rr[:--1, L S.pade). good news.

AbJl'*l isbri/yfn, or o*L^l^-l epaulet, .:l*'Ll istlb"rid, remoyal,

+);lo nle\gya, past eternalness. deiluction,
./btl. irhdb, act of frighieuing, !t'Jl^-l or t'>\'-l clepalture ; improbabilitY.
ter- {rjlo a;rra, distress, clisis ; oJL shoulder-stlap, ;r/.
financial crisis.
-* (I. 'spcr1/ina). Jl;ut istisqdl, consiclering heavy or
rifying, tht'eaiening, menacing' insupportable.
lJ-tl iru,d, /\:\ irbri,rit, oL g-;lJ;- sPinach (T'
ttct of satisfyiug one rvith 4jl azntar, Smyrna. J4.11 perta,ining r- jt;t^-l U,r:;l
- [:i:-'i!*
to Smyrna (T.). /i'onr I'. 1L;-l or 611--l ) i.slisrra, exceptionl excep-
tlrink; irrigating.
irba,,yrr, Spain (t. SPagna).
' tionally, as an exceptiott' jt*:- I .
G\21 aryaf ( pl. of jrz), countly, vil- .J:'r-rl rtzntryI, chisel, p/, J-,1;l (tlor.). ItFl
lages ; -llr'Jl tl ..rfL he lives in the J;l'^-l isbitnydl ( Jl ), ttre Spanish,
I s\ azlrur (corrrp.,i/-,^11), rnore bright,
countly. Spaniartls. ir^;t^- I Spanish, Spaniarcl
shining; ,^r'Jl at-!l ttre Azha,r (tr').
pliance with a request.
6, t\' a t' 11 alll' ge'erorls ? Iib eral' o'-r1.rl. mosque or university.f-rajl grailuate o;\*:*l isfigdra, act of imploring hclp.
gcnerosity, liberalitY. of ihe Azhar univelsity. oJ-ul ft-l isltdnydlu window-f astener, pl.

{"tl lotet ! (rnarlrrc ktrnt)' ( I' c'Jr.; t^-l (1. Spaniolclla). ,lr*:-l isficrrir, act of ilrarving glad-
nrycr, $ i\ i"zd.u, hor,v i' el-";l hor,v ilo you clo ? ually, withdrarving; buYing or-t
t;, et-l.;j or l+fg et,; t how clo you oJl+-l isbitdlga, hospital, pl. ol^lL^-"-
arria). l;
"1.ll* 1;6, opposite to, facittg, in
front of, like ihat l' b c.r^ll * Cljl how do you Jt-:j - travelling hospital, field- of
ambulance i ?Y*:*l isilgldb, act blii,ging ;
rris-d-uis. likc this house i'. hospital; il.r;, -
- 'hospital importation.
+-l;l ;;6Ln, act of removing (a thing), ,.1..j\ uru,r, ureau, miser', pl. l;'i'l
e-:i,.ll er inf ectuous ;

*,itJl- Jle*:-l isfighdl, act of consideling

causing (it) to go or cease. lunatic ;rsylum(I. Ospedale)
,.{l ur,myrtle. jryl
(one) ignorant.
-lljl ir,i,', white sharvl worn by native isbirtr.r or i"---, alcohol (I.
,-fr nr, ace (at cards), p/.. otJ (tr'.). spirito). -rl9*i*l isilgLudb, interrogation, exa-
\\rolneu out of cloors, lottg wrapper', mining an accused, etc.
pl. t;l rl3l c,rl iss, origin, source, cause:gtJ,ir l-rJ-j-.o +^ii^-l 615fiagy37a, priori,ty, seniority.
r!l;l ;161o, act of tentoving, causing (a he dicl that at theil instigation. 4tJ*l isbtly[a,;1s rtJL-l q.v. impossibility, absurdity.
thing) to clisappear; ")ttb- easing
[*l a15a, 1s .,.l q.v,
uatnre. r-,"f1 os,ts, founclation of a builtlirrg
Lr,-lr asbti", weeh pl' .
61t-l* \roe:-lo gel r;-l i.sli{rrrirs, caref ulness, cautious-
,weehly; u^o9--l oa1rJ1 weeklY NESS.

9lt1 irrdg, horv !

'*.1*i rvhat shall I base, basis; depot i origin, pI newspaper'.
A\-";;l i.s/ift.sdn, act of cleeming good
rlo ! til horv then I ei"FL -- how iit-t--l . g"\-l funrlamental; iyl,Jl g]*r*t isbycldSl, or C!r:Fr- white or beautifull approval, approbation,
is ii that he did not conte!
,J"t-'Jl ot'gattic law, constitution; ( P.
6J-r^i-l) Praise; aPPlause; el;t*--:-'-1 as You
izcliftdm, ctorvd, Pressure. !
- i; Clji'U*l
lLr;t r'eserved price. please -
ista/i.stgL', staiistics (F.).
f :r;1. iztliutitg, act of tnating together; JiLl 65,11i1( pl. ,f.fij-1), tne
!h-l*,,116r, masterl professor, p/.;ila'l JV*;) islif,;dl, ac{ of acquiring, obtai-
iloubling; ;,h l r-Ll classes, rnob, scutl of rnanhind. ning, procuring ; acquisition.
-ocross-breecling. or +;Ei- 11. h-l fi'om P. .rt:-l )
.:!..:jl ;;.1;04,1, ittcrease, augrnentation. d[*l- iscila, act of causing to J9;\:*l ;f"o-:*l isilftddr, act of causing to be
(rvater', etc.).
istcirrbril, or Je^,k-l 1T.), or present, summoning l preparation.
Jilo ,,.., tvaist; "r1l .r.:,o he helpecl hirn, .-1o tt-"-t1 tr.
) Colstantin o ple.,,j-r; k-|
he encoui'agctl him.
-[i l*l usiinytl (p/. o/ rL* l), 21
pettaining to Constantinople, Tur- ,Ui,;;l isilfiqdr, clespise, disclain, con-
(of things) to autltot's ol reportct's kish; tempt.
,3-sll orroq, blue, fem. V"r'3 pI. O'i:; ploofs.
"j- Turhish frocft-coat.
dLl istibcftir/, absolute power; Jl'i*:*l isfi{rgciq, tlue; merit; pay,
69\a"-azure. otLl 1s6111, offence, p/. j\-l;-'"i tlespotism, tyranny,g, l.r^i- larbitlary. ; falling clue (Paymcnt), p/.
izccig, act of clistutbing, ilnnoying. rudeness, impuclence.
6U;lr I oUti-;j--l;itili-:-'il fl; staff 0l' pay
isribctdl, change, exchange,
lil az"ar, tailless, f'em.l"'-o ) pL ts6\ asdruir ( pl. o!''212-)), bt ' office.
.iua"l *16- ul j,,a:-l
t rl r'..
I E Il
iLK*.;l i.s/i{r/.tinrti/ (pl. of gK*tJ--t) ,-rV;r*'l i.strr/.3tis, act of dcenting ( [,",,:,*l islid"df, consiilering (a person) ly*:-l isli.l.irn, inforrrratiorr, inquily,
thing) cheal). to be weak.; despising (him).
' I,!. sL>\^:j-l ; &Uy^:-'ilf-lj irrquir,y
)t*il isfillla, considcring a pcl'son ol .:1.r-'i-l i.slfrulcir/, act of tahing bacl<; apbi,1. isli{ri"a, power, ability;J$ Je+
a thing sleet, tlice, llleasant or recoYery (of sornething). notL:-"il accordingl to the measure .,r\*;*l i,s1i''ltrir, colonization
r.rl-l;-l isilr:dq, act of tuaking one of one's power and abilitl'' Jtr'll islignrri/, use, emlrlo),urent.
J)t*:-l istih/ci/, act of rnahing ot'deem- living. e)ttl-l- is/iflci', act of ashirrg to be
(- [^^l*l i511'r,ci, caLe, considelation, irtt-
ilg lau'ful. :l"l;*l of ashing to
islir.dcirl zr,ct informed, seelrirrg to obtain irrfot'-

l[*bl is/i/.rnrrint, act of taking a bath' directed in the right roacl, aslrin mation. - ;-^'ruoL he cat'cs for
portance ,
no one) he is indifferent.
for advice, l;l;,1. isli'cida, act of asking for a
l^*;l i:;til11d,act of lestoring or leturn- gation +iU;-I" istigti.scr, act of crying'for help.
ing to life. V-;*1. istirtla, act of seeking to ple subsiitute, exclran ge ot' cotnllett

o.r\,iil istifdra, aot of looking for a or satisfy ; .rtL asking hirn (tol something)' ,-,,1;-l iiligr,ib, surprise, tvonilcr, asto-
overlook an offence, etc,, mahin +il.L^,l 1r11"6no, act of asking for help nishmeni ; exclamation point.
clream, sign or Portent whiclt maY -i"){a
serve as a guide in some business an apology to him. and assistance'
Jlrx.-l istigrdq, being totally Plurrgctl
on hancl. isilrtttllta,oysters(T. !-r,;-l f'onr ,\:^-l i.sli'britl, act of cnslaving (one); (iu a thing,
figuratively), being
isilftb6v, act of seeling for I. oslrit:n). slavclY. rvholly taken up (with it).
-'!;=:*t of
information; enquirY. U*i*l isli.sqa, ilropsy. .-,,i-^:-l isilg1dlt, acl loohing with
JU*-I isfigfdr,act of asking fol pardorr;
1.1-r**1 is/ibrft.inr, act of ernploying; '' :woncler at a thing ; astonishment' apology.
I }-i*l Ieslgn
i.sfis/,:inr, state of bei
' service, employntent.
act of resigning on
self b ccolllt J[*;-l istigldl,lturry, haste ; -d +t J1;:-l istiglal, aet of obttining crop
he wrote him a reminder.
d t;-t ist ibr dg, extraction ; ilistillation. a Moslem. fronr lartds.
,;\i-;;l isilf;fdf, act of mahing light Jt"o*Ut isfishdl, act of con rlu-l isfictldcl, preparation, reacliness ; 4.[i:-l islngrrlrtnrilTri, gatttc of hiclc antl
of ; clisdain, contemPt. . easy. natural disposition, fitness, aptit- scek.
utle, capabilities, pl' illrl-r^:J-l I o'r:'o \:l-l
:Jlr.r:*l isildrdlt, act of overtahing, o-;[.ai-l of asking for
i.slrsdra; act
I r .y'r.lJ ire is subject to lhis
islignir, being trcyontl ncccl ;

reaching I mending; taking Precau- vicel consultation; J^-L cli . - Jl: an able man I independencc.
tions; perception, comPrehension.
- disease i or:.c
surgery ; meclical advice,
lro inaPtitude' o.:Li.l-l isfifdtkt, act of rlcriving a bbncfi!
U"u-l islit/ca, act of calling back, is/isr.dr, act of feeling.
- henefit, profit.
;\^,1^i-l .lli;-l isficzttr, act of asking- to bc
Li.l^ul isliifa, act of seehing cure a excused ; excuse, apology. 4i,i:-l isltrftin, e1 ;lit--l or' .rllt-l or
J!.|;*l istklldl, act of ashing for the recovely from disease. grlr,Ul i.sli"rricl, review, parlrle, pt. uit;r-l Stcphen (C.),
right way i enquiry ; discoverY ; . i,t;lr;-l kjpl ifiiftd, act of consnltirtg rriothcr
g\_;.aul isfiifci, act of ashing (onc)
deduction, P/. c)'Jr:- I
intercede; acting as intercessor. \t;-l ;51p16, 1s1 bf bcggins^, askilg on a legal point.
4-lj*l islirdlla, repose, rest, ease,
rtr,-li-l act of calling for alrus. istiftdft, act of opctting a tlay''s
tranquillity I rost-house.
i'sliJhdd, ( 1L*-l
to evitlence. $itd-l i.s/i"lril, act of seehing for the work ; filst thing done in thc dtr,y,
\^l rp I r rs tra y a, Aus tralia. J j" Au strali an, , favour and kintlncss of anothcr'. first stt'ohc of busirrcss i i-';l
l 1 I I

u\.'e:-l istiE"cib, considering (a - '

p/. qJti-l (E.).
to be hard or difficult. lUd-l isfic;frn, act of consiilering (a
the filst sale of the clay, hantlsel.

C\;-t isfirbcifi, girder, horizontal

,\;;*l isti.lgrir, considering (a
thing) to be great.
d-l,^-t istifrdg1, act of vomiting. ,,

timber, P/. gL!;-l to be small or insignificant. ls ti"fd, l' esl gna tion (frorn offi (e
), ,[*,r.-l istifsdr, act of inquirirrg ,after
Lb;*t isilrgdc,act of recovering, taking ol3a)-l isilqwdb, act of deeming
li.:- J9 he tenderjeel (a person).
his resi gn ation
bach; wifhdrawal. rnatter) right anil proper; app
islic ta
J[;il isfif"dl, tloing; scrlucing.
b eln bd oll a hei tr(' h t, lofty
Itr-t iiliil.tdn,act of irnploling lru,cy, preferettce ; Atl 5a:- I as yo1 Pl
gracc, favour. do what you lihe !
;\ec-l isfifltdrl,,.,inquiry, gueslion,
qJl''f:-l 18- ti;*l dy.J,.''l 10 .!l*l

interro gation, infor.mation,p/. oL [6:-l

fulfilment, accomPlishment.
r[*,lL1 isilngdcl, aci of scehing for Jjl-"1 isldgl, Israel. .1,1""J lsraelito,
i,jp interrogation point. pl itt1fu,61 eijt-l stuffn material P/. i4:l:ill-l (H')'
- Jlji-l isfinzd.I, act of reclucing. di for upholstering furniture (I. stoffa),
dUil.-l- i.sliqrila, resignation, retirement counting.
orrln 4si11'c ( t,I. of :-r" ), couches,
florn office.
-r[*.LLI isfirr.s i6, approval. Jbl ishild, or >i i-l- act of tahing sofas; thrones.
4rUi.l*l isfiqdnto, up.iglrtness, straight- possession of' receivittg' c.s.sis, to found, establish. ,o-i; or
forwardness, integritY, fidelitY, d[.&l.Ll istirrJcig, act of in
tj- l* isly,t, cliscontent, displeasure
;if;! to be founded, establ,isheil.
of Iittggdr, act of taking on hire, o:-!. founded, establishecl.
C#-l isilqbdft, act of considering ol,tii-l iilin[dt1, act interroga
islnbl,'or 5LLJ stable, pl.
unseemly. (a prisoner) ; cross-exaruinati hiring. JrLl
o>t,C- t i ,.t
Jl;l-l istiqbdl, reception, Ievee, p/.
vomiiing. l*j-l ;51u,1ci', 1s l!r3:-l q.v
(1. stabi/c)'
- the royal mews
;'i[^l:-1. 1[LlLl isfin:dr, act of waiting,
l-iiLl istyz,'in, act of asking for or t,L,l ;.51u66o, 6r ,9t-1 or {e:- tow'
irrg I expcctation.
Lrii-t islirTsri, investigation, inquiry. iaking leave.
waste, oakum. i1. ;.r:-1,I. slcrpPa)
g!,i:i-l'irti,,1,i., utility, aclvantage. *isly;ri/,
act of uprooting;
J$t-l isfig/dl, act of consiclering any W-l ex-
4Ut-*l is{ufdn, 3g ;tl:-l q.v.
thin g as little; inclependencel4;2bl
dKLl istinkdf, act of rejecting termination.
- thing, refusing to siooP to anY 4i Jt-, I i* p/. ot; let- I ;
urud,ttu. cyliucler,
Uj*l ;rfy/a, as lie;l q. v.

home rule, self-government.

disdaining. ilJLj tll -' phonograPh record
olr(il isfi/rrri/r, deeming disgusting,
;l-:.i*l is/irrrurirrr, dlcaruing of oiJ-l istgfa, stow ( il'a ship ). ( I'
(P. ir:'l)
loathin$. ' cottttection, Pollntiott noclur stiuare )'
* i*iifa,6s {ie:-l q.v.
., \-i^C I f , di scovely,,p /. ; li tl-(:-
isti lt i d I
having a wet drean. i;s;l istg,jdz, act of wa!.ing,awaken- ^t_&*l
J6:,-l istikntdl, act of completing; 4i
U*l isilhdna, act of co ntentpti lng. Jrt-l crsfril, fleet, p/. J:tt-i (G ).
completion; t.'a"'Jl quolum. esteeming contenrPtiblc. 4**l r,stilt, long rvatoh-chain, ladies as,rt-el q.v.
- snttloir, p/. el^it-l 'f
,p.*\ st1o,
islilrin, act of receiving, talring Jq-l isilhtcir, act of thinhing light watch-chain' 1 .
fy-l .:L*l ;r.6,1, act of mahing (one) to be
possession of. disdain. {i:-Jf)' happy, fortunate.
Uli*l- istilqd, act of lying on one's back. y-l ;s1i11xri, mochery, riclicule,
I )iri-l istylri, as "Je:-l q.v. c!lr*l ;r"41 assistance, help, relicf ,
otl".-l isfim,ira, plinted fornt, blanlt :J>t;t is/iilri/r, act of using up, l islYrrt, stcan (E') subscLiption to a charitable institu-
form, pl. olrt":-l (T. 'rt.^il from I. suming ; aniortization. dLfLl ,islgndf, act of begirtning again, tion, p/. oli[--l ;6'Jll - L:'?
slinrartr). Assislattce Pultlique aid society,
JY,r;l istilildl, beginning; intr lecommencing i aPPeal ;-!U:i-!li"G
. r: .41. L

ntul, oi-j-ti or i-ti-l to grievc

. court of appeal. ;[r:i*l pertaining to -
{..*l istirrrci", act of heariug, listening. tion; appearance of a new moon t)-l'
d[.-l irtirt d.Ia,act" of gaining one's goocl Itf*l of catching
isli/rruci, act.
about, regret, be sorrY for. ;-i:'
will, coaxing. inciting, one to follow his ,fu\ *Taq,Isaac (H.). sorry, grievs6' .j'1 grief, regret,
great regret'
l1- I ' oscd, lion, - "6. with
JIJ*I*l isfimrdro continuation ; ztr;-'J\ p/. .rr-l i .r-*'Jl t* sorlow ;
without ceasing. lr;l being well bookerl;
;51;11,ai, leontiasis.
JLln nrfn/, beueath, lorvcr; bottom ;
I ornr, or
.rLLl ;"1;,,611, act of leaning, relying ness; eventress, uniforpity i I 9:-"J
-ij-t ,-"Ji!-l to take
otr ,-!l -. toe of bank; q[\Jl -.
up0n. the equator. ' capiive o,: Suo"rJj orr*1,-ca,ptivity, the lowest of the low.
o.rLLl islitttira,, act of seeking light; +.i*l isk)ba, n. o^1- I ,1.o. boudagc i ..,i, ' all, thc wholc of, .Jl,i*l asfalt, asphaltum (8. asphalto).
illumination, enlightenment.
islirlric, or 6.!.rri-iag1
, altogether.
islirttitg, act of declucing, infer- e.lrr-l 61
lisrrl', act ei*l ei-01. sponge, sg. +v:-i-|,
6LLl an official on half pay; of hasteriing, accelerating .isfing,
pl. riti*;l (P. E;l from G. ? )
ring I conclusion, result, p/. o!t*-l disponibility. I* isr,l/,
rvaste, wasteful expenrliture

dLl uttryrg, as g.i-.rl q.v. b.r-l isttifii, ot: l-rr-1 conrpl extravagance, prodigality ;'r,,Ll nr1y,t, wedge, pl. +it-l (G.)
(t* )1*l *21 - ,J\ril
li* I -20.-
Li*l irqi, hgt ,of nlaking or letting dliiik.
med anlsm )t- \lt ?4.-/ chief I is,ur,l, blaclr, /errr. l:9!-,p\,:'9- ; -tl-fr-$l iiilrdt, act of siipulating, makilg'
canonical f Ilt ctio nary ln Turkey ,r-l n-l-tl; he bcars nralice, hc is conditions; iondition' agteement,
llri*l ;.t0,i6, act of causing to fall 0r J9-)t*l is/rinlrril, Constan .rr-"Jl gr^ll lr[ contract, stipulation, specification,,
spiteful ; alach-a-day!
dlop do.wn ; subtraction, discou,nt, ,,Jrt. j-lPertaining to Pl. o\bl;jrl
sli*l qs11uf, bishop, pl. .i;t--l l, ,jr-l tinople ( T. ). .lJ*l isituira, braceletl cuff of shir't, p/.
of taking part ; :J1;"ll iitir:dti, act
cpiscopal (G.). ./JLl "ctshib,, method, tnanuer, pl.-;l t\-l participation, association, partuer-
+^iii-l asquftlga, bishopric (l'rom G.) irtul, tuodcl, pattcrn, exarttple ship ; subscription; commutlion' pl.
a,l ir,,,, nane ; noun, p/. dtj'i ort'j--l .itl-or-'Kn1s, like;gti.:-* cqual to

ifK-l is/cril, act of silencing; convincing ' n, Christiarr name ; ,nt-ic -- oKl;:l ;.-. :ll;.:'J! in co-opcratiorr
hy argument. -
pr'oper name i dc iul _- Gotl gu one another, all ttlihe (P.'tJ)' witb. .5i;":l* socialist.
sK*l i.s/,'cira, or .1K glidiron,;Kl ii* 1 tti,on,en'$ tettk) ; t.^;K i tctassa, to be consoled, be o{l;ut 6Lirat,,Jyu ( fent 6f. 511;:l ),
he rnade a pretence of having -o,i,-
(T. .ri-l ) comfortecl, bear patiently'.,'i- ori-i- socialism.
here, i/ a fail acl"e de prise rtcei r^"
06l iskdfu,cobbler'. pl.dKl (c. *lK-l nominally ; d Jr,h. mad'e glief, sot'row. J[*:.ll- iiti,'dl. bunrirrg irrto flarrc,
- \*i\ blazing, combustion.
front P. t(z;f1 namc for himself is.*-.r"|e arva, Asia; 6rull
Asia Minor.
ir/.,irt, act'of mahing one in- worthy of his name ;.1o\i -Pres (I..lsirr) jl'xJl iitigdl, occupaiion,
96l busincss;
habit, cansing to scttlc ; calnrirrg. participle ;Js,i", *past Partioi Asia,tic, pl. qlet*l anxieiy.
$lo"l, the name of Go d
tVl asgd.ut11,

*.1 otrr, captive, slave, Prisoner of JUlil.

I.r,; >U(* I is k tttla ttcld,Scotlan il. g * >{:k
iiti,1rir1, derivaiiott; ciyrnology' for c0mme nclng any kind

Scotch (E.), of a word.

rvork wnl'? PL l"l-l
+;..,r.(,1 is/rarbyrrc, or: o*,( pump of God
L.flrr.syrif, thc towrr of Assiut.
Jb;I ;r'tiu.,ri/, a oomprisiug, comprchon'
. (shoe), p/. oL,*'r(l fi' scarPino). all- m erciful. natiye of Assiut, pl. +LJ-l
ding ; irlclusion '

+(*I-nr7r;1o, sea-port to5'n, p/..f i-1--l; name day

,jl iir', incleed ! de ar me ! (C. 'o' Si ) !^ll i.llina, a longing for', clcsilc, wish.
ladder (T' d*l isnrdc, act of mahing one
-,fl -I. accommodation -,if;ll ;ortt, 'r', being l<nowtt; rrotoricty)
irom .scalc). et* r( pI. of g.- ) uurc. frbl idcirgy, or 9:'21l pointsman,
#r{l is/iumry or SrJ-- tnackercl
J^rLel isntdcgl, or J;.*l Ishmacl (t{, signalman, p/. e.1.;bl (T.)
(T. 6r'ei-l f'onr lror'.)
for, desirc,. Jt iifillaq, a longing
,f I osttl(tt')brown, clark of sign, signal; gestut'c; mat'k;
1.441,1, rvish.
*l^(,l irlourlo, stool, t.,/.o'.,\.f-l (T. front signature, initials; annotation; ad-
I. sgabcllo).
tawny, clushy, sunburnt, fcnr. I

vice; order ; hint, allusiott, pI. 4l'?.il-

aigdn QI. of 6.,ft3 ), griels,
PL cares.
J{;.f*l is/iartlar, Alcxarrtlcr (G.). "17 ; olzi.l'Jl iLr sig111-.tation;
git'l os/l?(rtrf or g^11- Qr 91Lo /l tttark; siglr; put a vis6
ad.iar, to
jtrr,a(-t isrtuttcktrd,tg, pertaining to (tr ). - telegram.
llpon; attnotatc. J:ti or ',-:lil
' Ale,xantlria; obl of rlivrilgiuq, spreading
;36"o, act
- C' bees'
wax. li*l isnd, the town of Esnch. cgj to be marked ; signed ; visid i
news; rumour, pl. lbt-:l
1ru(-l isliirtdiryga, Alexanclria. pertaining to Esneh. annotatecl. ril3. markccl l signed,
.:\;l ;r,,6,1, act of leaning (a J"bl as'ri,lil Qt. of "r[:l), banncrs, flags, annotated.
;,.u("t isl;atullll, sottttdirrg lcatl ancl on another, propping etc. used in native street clccorations
,-ii,jl- iiritf, act of overloohing.
lirrc ( I. scanclaglio). , (in native weddirrgs, etc.).
d'Jf;l iskotcr,shcct of a sailing-ship (I, .-i!-l-
ishrib, prolixity, cletail; .7lt- ffil- isb,i", act of fceclirrg, satiating. ,jl-il iJlrig, as jlr: r1.v.
in detail.
F'l f,itlbcift, beiug entanglecl, confu-
4i1J'il ttirdrla, female slelve who isgiven
i isliortto, cliscount (I. sconlo).
in marriage to a, favourite servattt
"d*1aslcif ( pL of ,;1t; ), ancestors, J\*l is/rcil, dialrhcea, looscness of
secl, involvect.
of her master after having been
boivels. I istiba/r, cloubt, suspicion, ambiguiiy.
pre dcccssot's his concubine ( T. yjlrT from P.
C:*l csrig, Slveeclen, g?vl iifidric/, intensity, severity
;1*l is/,1,n Jl.r.r), Islamism, Moham- . Swedish (Ir'or'.). elrr )
tJtTt *22* J-l C:*l -23-: J>,u*t

:ll;l .-4Jl
* ctigab, grey, white-haired, or JJ,tt to.take firin root, have firrn credit ; - fl^ll the elements of
rsrcili, act of rnaking one a part- science l(t,ts and
foolirrg. J-tl.l" to uproot extit'pate'
ner; polytheism. ' [-l ir,ibo, act of hitting the'rnark snbdivisions ;
12-!;9 - credit anrl
J-"L of good biltb. Jri:' 6ns
€ aiiroy, as ortt.ll Q.v. acouracy ; affliction ; injutlr,
r'vho has
film root. Jitt origin, debit ; cieli.
double entry ( in
olt-l i;r"tLl! -. a case of pltr,gue accouttts ) ; Jr.'it :-- Jo accordilg
|-rjl ctiranl, one who has a split liP, source whence a thing originates,
to rules, duly; u;.ll '-- --'
qJLl- ir,il,,, good jurlgrnent; acting root; principle, P/. Je"l ; njj'i o''

fent. V'":t pL (rt "lo

workmanlike manrrer.,jg.laccording
., ; r,l principal and rtot as representa originally, at fir:st, in the
t)f f ' usrangcql or v:{;-( kincl of .y'Jl ti to law I learned in larv.
rnillet ([ior.)
of any one else; 1!!e +-i:gc dt"" beginning' -- 4J it is founded on -Jt-l a,gt//, 0f noble origin, thoroughbrcd,
d:'Ji .ro
acting for himself ancl man of good birth; p1.J,t-i;-;t*-
-lL;l* f,i'rir, act of notifying I arrlvicc,
the name of his wife.
-;-rld.l ofJ:'.rnoble dcscent,' aristo- horse of pure blootl.

notification, informatiou, p/.olrL:1 .1','Jl qrL}l ida"a, act of losiug, wasting.

. g.olo asba", finger', toe ; inch, p/.g. crat; c",l J"""Jl You are the cause of
JL,nl ;3"61, act of setting file d\;l iQdfa, adcliiion, annexation.
e :tod he is a d-d
jt:i',l i1r. *\e
lightirrg, making a blaze. istirrdf, act of listcling; ea -
dropping. Iar ! J*i1 - the subsidiarY Parts of qVl i4afU, additional, supplerncntarl',
Jl^,ll ;3ga1, act of occupying i engaging auxiliary, extra.
of thc Biblc, a subject; - dAt l)Knonsense,
the atterttiou. C9l nEhatl, chaPter 1r
lies, f abrication ; Jz i'J., -idlAl'"' K-
jlri.rl ;rLt'."1 JJtrl. a(dlgl (pl. uf .^lrrJ;t ), elr.or.s,
story which has no trulh in it,
tbl niqor, or fair-haired, /c2r. errings.
l"!al:, , pl. ,l-t-l i,sr/dr, act of issuing, giving
fiction,_ fable; the original cJL!l ed,t/yo, Anatolia; --jr"J lenrorr,
"Jal" 'i--l dJl -
JK,,ll israt, being or becomirrg confusecli ;lr.ol- 1s141, persistence. surn. lleYer',. all ; not at citron ( T. qlrt t;l /r'orn. G.)
difficulties, conaplications,,p/. s'JKll is[ibil1,first thing happcring --'r.,i" Ll never sawhim, I did not ot[l
C.t-l "1,1,ia, act of lighting, illuminatiorr.
t r{l) iikaruto, rowlock ( I. scarmo ), the rnorning. see him at all. *!-lrl original, funda-
fuental, radicai ; PlinciPal ; real, 6t*l qs16,,;, rveak-sighted,
fent kr; p/.
+Gl itkcurba,ls e;G q.v. J^t-l igabl, as J,t-l q.v.
veritable, genuine. dll ).( c. ur-t;
.i^(nt aikul', sailing-ship, p/. <ifb1(p. ql+t-l' i,glitlcinr, collision. $..'l isla{r, act of oorrecting, rectify- {*Al* adllfil:n, something comical,
st;iff 't ). ;t;t-l i,gfa/rirr, o, ;ti:-l q.v. ing, repairing; amelioration, refor- laughing-stoclr, pl. d,' t;l
mation, inprovement, p/. i:L>|"'l i
.lGl ail;gn, anrblc, arrrbling race (T.).
CL*l isf iftih, idiorn, conveniion al 6^bl a46 QI. of rl-; ), sacrifices;

iechnical expression, p/. gL)it l

.rrjl _- land reclamation ; tt;' --- .r-i">ll r:e tltc feast of sacrificcs,
Jjl* .r.dn//, paralytic. errata. Oourban Bairam.
.t-jL-i idiomatic, conventi
c)J*j1,,,{,ruirrg, .Arrtet'icau cotton plant. {ra)t-l iElahgga (Jt o*-1, reformatory.
technical I o^-ltrl iJ code lalgu fl-'l- iQrdm, act of setting fire.
j;t iittry:dz,avelsion,rlislikc, tlisgust code address. q1 )[.o I cr g1ri n u, ori ginal, f ormer,pl. q;; 1..1, I
-rlp;l- id[irdb, agitaiion, anxicty,
-;le'.o trouble ol mind, confusion, pl. 13,ro, moss (P,) fllt-l iqlinri", act of tnahittg, 0$/ a c b a ld f"u L-L, p C!*
,(' JIIJL;l
.l[,n! ;36 ^r', act of causing to be famousl facturing. n'l'.L'i. altifical. aso lllIil
de &f, surd, f, nl pl.
spreading ne\YS ; declaration, \;1. ;.lg,t, aot of listening, harkcni f-,P
.*t rook, granite, hard stone
,lrL;\. icl(irdr, necessity, compulsion.
publication ; .rl;tl g
- putting up I oqrrd/fu/. of;!l1*),kincls; sorts; .:kbl icltitfi(tt maltreatment, pelsccu-
for auotion. i pale, fent.
-riel asfcu,, yellow I
tion, Pl. il:l1tll
articles;ril:t-;r. of various l<intls ;
-^!n ;lr^ - cholera.
,-1slar'ftab, grey. .r'".r\ ,;lr arlicles tle Prtis. d|o;l ic!'dt', act of weakcning, enfcob.'
,l r;-l isfirdr, yellox,ness, paleness.
J 3,il r,r. lef t-han clc cl, l',m.\ 2t 1rl.J, lt
o 3, r, a f tud n
the town of Assuan ,J t*\ ling.
,jl ,i,al u;fard.ny, ycllou'ish nati vc of As suan
-l1".)l- iclnr,ir, act of entertaining il
t.slnlya, 61 lt-:1 ( 1,1, <t[,pi ) ihirrgs. sccrct thought.
rrqiil (p/. of )Ll), the right thing*
aq;al, to Point out thc -
LL,ll. aslytl" ( pL of e^.t), partisans" J',"1 to clo ; laws, rcgnlutions, principlcs; J 1*-; I i ( m i I,l lil, to)tal clisappearrrn cgf.
followers. trace the oligin; make firm,
*25- 'JJ,l
:o;ttl' '.-'O,l : 'Jl Lt;:'t
olUl ;16,'n, act of causing io fly away. tl-*l atLuar' (pl. nf s:b) ntocles, ev\el- i"ti,lrib, strike (of labourers). -,1\,norlo i"*,lr, whirlwind, pl, a""bl
ners, kinds. Liel rr".l" QL of elao ) members (of
qeUrl" if,i'a, obedience, submission. ,[iol i"tigtirl, belief, conviction, creed, council, etc. t*cl (T. s.q,)
o*l afya, t ( pl. .l
raL) lanclecl e rlogma, pl.olrti:ol ;"r-ti- superstition. botly, )'
;1u'un) power' ability, stlertgth' Itrncled properties, farms, member.
J)Lol. itildl, indisposition, disease.
ltel i'fci, act of giving.
<JUl i1riln, 'act of prolonging, extentling. y.Ll .otunr, thoughtless, frivolous,
.1fcl i"tinr,id, reliance, conficlence, trustl
./-Ul- nf,iy ib ( pI. of --Ll ), the best Utl i"fd, act of excusing, exentpling i
sWl thar. act of producing, showi sanction, approval ; credit ; baptism'
remittance (of taxes, eic.); Ji -
mauifcstation. p/.olrt;cl i;1c irt.:clin reliance upon. j udickdre.
'Wl- afibbcr (pl. of :-ht ), physicians, o:tl
e^rt;ill ge-Jl rtssi'slctrtce
. 1",1,1o, act of repeatingl, ca
Hel i'tin,i, care, attention; - ,K! with
doctors of medecine. )tol i"/ri, act of raisirrg up, elcvating.
to return, reguming, restoringi- great care i v:(Jl tuo"Jl g;1, great
,lll- iltird.l, consectttive and legular reconsideration,'reexamination. yel a"Li, good, excellettt, bcst quality,
successioll ' I r- care must be taken i 4a o'
Ci.:tl' n"r,1,, (1,1. ofl^i-t 1il. ,,f e carelesslY. first rate (T.)'
1i'llayal, deaf,'hartl of hearing, /ern' cnell)les.
.9kcl- i"tindq, act of embracing. f)bl i"/cinr, act of rnaking knorvn ;
lir-b , pI. ,)"rlv;"i1t g;rullg;; dtl' 1",iu,,, act of retarldirrg, hindcli notice, announceneut, communica-
lihe a deaf in a ntusical procession sLrl i"tir7,id, being habituatetl to; habit,
(Plor'') <!tl. ;";1,,, act of maintaining, 'sup 6,i^:oi usual, customarY, tion, cleclaration, p/. &L')'lcl i.ror3-
'oJ-pl a[rirn, j;yt; ing, providing for. juclgment Pronounced bY the oK*
orrlinarY i
as q.v.
+;\cl i",iuo, aid, hclp, assistance I - lb unusual, extlaor- o.^ori
if"arr, act'of feeding' dinary'i' "t^:oi habitually, usually'
lIl vention; subsmiption to a chari ;)tcl i"/rin, act of publishing, malcing
Utl i{fr.i, aat of extiriguishing (fire). purpose, 7r1.
,it;bl iibY in airl 1Vl i" galr, admiration. publicly knorvn ; announcement;
p)ttl- il/ri',
p:\'' e"qam, durnb; rnute, specchless notice, advertisemeni, placard, p/.
> act of causing to be arvale, ,.;[tl i't,iq, act of liberatirrg, c,irn
' (animal). one n'ho does not
v.+l- ol;>\ol i.t)b-- subpcena i V;Ll---
irrforming. C:ti. aci of iaking pating,
speak Arabic well; Persian. declaration of war.
note ; being aware, informecl; stud;'.
1l;tl P1;1,rr, act of regalcling, eonsi
pet'usal ; insight ; f-(lr:i-l'oeyt"it 'r''" ing; resPect, considerafion, este \-r+f u"gitba, wouder, wonclerful ,lfl a"pai, blear-eyecl, rveak in sight;
after reading )'our' letter ; p\b]jl'r:c. thing,.p/. [readY' blinil, fent. \:-J':o , Pt' ;l^!o
inci -1t-1cl
at sight' *-.-t,"J11"'well-infolmed u. irt^t;i beginning from. i!; rliel i"r/d.l, act of preparing,, mahing Cl o",rro, blincl, /rpr. \-!.=, pl' O*!o
ntan, rvell-read rirari;i)ti
- 4i,),o speculative, theoretical. 3l,rrl ;",14,,,, destruction, annihilatiorr; sr ;t-'"o. ; -liJl - igttot'lnt, 'fool,
without the knowleclge of Bo-and-so. l-r.:ol ;"1;,1,i, aggression, tla ' cxecution, capital punisltlttcnt; thoughtless.
J)^tl. illdq, act of setting flee, libela- attack, offence' llaolll.C death sentence.
glyrl qcrurirn @L ,t/fb ) Years' :
tingi applieation, generalizationl Jlrpl i.fitltrl, symrnetry; morler glrol* i"rdbg, nomarl Arab, bcdouin, jl3ol a"ru111t (pI. of j3o), aids, helpers'
iit'Jl.1c. generally, absolutely, lJAl a tenperate state of pl. glrol
- allics.
altogether' ;Jrl--ore1.ors; '^^!l -o l-" thc .ilrol- a"rcicl (p/. of ,i'r:o ), breaclths;
ir,tmosphere ;rt.l l r3-ll
giving (one) a flee hand; r[Jl 'rlirl 7o9 I llent, croolied,
cf ruag, twistetl,,
-* i.tizdr., apology. pI. cl'l2lt:al symptoms ( of a disease ). giJl
d i schatging firc-arnrs iai l'rll 1';n* fent. Voo ,, pL Ltlo; - evil
-.11 G: rcl a"rug1, one who limps, ,lane I
the guns, bombarding ; ;l:Jl
-* ,pl -irl i"firdcl, opposition,
knavc (at calrls), [en. V'"3 , pl.
giving the. horse. his head. .interference, pl. iUl;ol "t /2 )Jel ct"tuat', onc-eyed, /e ln' ll)-' pI ,
(2-o i o29J. ..lo F-ro one with the
.r$l nl/o.r, satin; ailas, p/. Jttl( T. c;lriil i"ilrdf , aclmission otlrcr. I cclibatc. 12!o i 3\A!- u-'.^tt co, )i-:')Jl in thtl
-the blind
gr>\Ll fron l,'or. ) hingdom of one-eYed
- *i foth.t' Yjel n"zab, onc who has no wife,
people are kings i r;^oS-- 2so>tl J3i1
.1U.l^tln i{rrrirrtirr, tranquillity of ntirtcl, )l slol-;"yi26l, act of separating one's 1['lcl* pt41r7,
decimal. he oalls a sPaile a sPade (Prous'l'
. confidence, fecling of sccurity, retircmont from business,
jkl .:l;1 27 rt:i1
26 bt rl
j\^cl ( of c* ), pelsons of ,-fl?l $,"ac.l, act of closing the eye-lids, l,llil- if'df,'gxsss5, excessive use' abuse. |\ril ;p16,rr, act of causittg to uttdcr-
a"s6,, 1tl.
shutting the eYes. I dent'
' stattcl, exPlairring.
note, notables, tlistinguished people; casiing in a rttould I ;.4,t6, act of mahing rich, indepcn- v r)lr ;56E, uct of
i'l aftudg QI' of ct;) contPanics,
one's bcst. d:tV
gt^c)l ol* the senate, ihc house of
crnptyiug., **Ll
lords (T. from C.). --doing paliies, crowcls. i-lr;i* in crowds'
tLl iEw6, act of leading astray ; temp- j\ (Jl)the
bl agd, Turkish country gentleman, ting to sin; setluction. l ofr,,,,tt, or {ri
o\")\. s,1rr66 QI. of "ri ) mouihs.
))it Eoi'ope. u*rii EuroPean;
Agha; eunuch, P/, ol-;i (r.). ! ! Pooh !
libl-, aid, succour. 'Jl uff, oh! fie ugh bothcr !
-a ,i'Jl L:Jl veuercal rliscase (P. lVsil
afot;irto, as eiKll q'v.
- I am tired of
this boy !
Srril altri,L, opium 'Jr^i-Jl ()1 ot \i;'e
l.: -rljll d.
what a trouble this boY is ! t-Jtl ,8. Flarrk).
drbl igriza, grudge, rcvelrg'e) spite, p/.
afransg, tr'renoh (frorn !")' ;r^i'Jl tincture of opium, lauclanum'
o\bbl ; {"; l"\fJf, he did that to o>Ul ;p11a, use, interest, utility, advan- ,jr;l-
spite him. - cotttice, frieze (P. jlJil'l G' ?) d-r*i b, g?s:'l oPiurlt-cater', PI'
.tage, profit; letter, ilespatch, com- 1,.ril ufrgz, J.l rril (p. ;yrrl )
4;l ajbar, clust-coloured, grey, pL obtil ; Js-*t or a-"irii Africa. g:;ii
t)3 pt. "J^!t
l;]!; ' munication.
acknowledgment of recciPt.
Ul ,il ali'ytlr.,
African (L Al'l'rba).
rllil' ;u41,,, dischalge florl office'
,;1Ll o16oa, clarp, grey, /enr' U-'^-;pt. [:il
;/ta, act of giving a legal opinion setting up, raisittg,
sLil i1sad, act of spoiling, corrupting. +olil 1u6,,,,,, act ofresidence,
or rlccision, establishing; sojourn ;

rljiil. igtirdr, self-rleception, presump- U;l- ;Fa, act of revealing, clivulging' i/.il ji^.: performing religious
tion. 7)u;l ;Sr,ru{r, .aci of opening i inaugura' -
q^-k:il aJt[' 7\61 i[sAl.t, act ol' speahing openly,
v 1i1ss; J*r.U)l Place of abodo,
Jl,#l igfisdl, act of washing the bocly.
tion.O.k;l introcluctory; clearly' elocluentlY' adrlress. I saYings'
leading article (in a newsPaPcr)'
.-rLa:ol. igtiqdb, act of seizing wr''ng- a*Wl ufd.alyya, lhe quality of super- pl' of Je;)
J[#l iffil-rdr, pricle, boast. . J,,e\il as6p11I QI. of Jlt:il
fully or violently; act of seducing iority ; Preeminence, Prefernce. goorl
l*$1 ;p;s16, act of ransoming. J\^il. ;u1rri1, arrival, aPProach;
(a girl). g.t.a:il' comPulso'Y.
lVi\ i116,', act of breaking one's fast fortune, felicity, prosperity, success'
ljj.l ifnra, calumny, (during jt*:i I
;[$1. i!1tindnt, act of seizing a prey, slander.
.tW1-iqtibcis, act ol borrowing' deriving;
tahing as a booty i e,arill-" seizing dlJi;1. iftirds, act of clevouring. u"til- nllas,'flat-nosed, broad-nosed' quotation i getJl acquisition of
' the opportunity. ji-si -n
,-plt\;l iftirdcl., supposition, hypothcsis ; ,;\Jl ,,1;,4,, ( Jl), tne Afghans. sciences'
l (P.).
-fl- ilra, act of leacling astray ; incite- .|o suPPosing that'
Afghan I zontal. ll$1. act of folloiving the exam'
ment, instigation. t G.). - ple of another; imitation'
,f\- ,rfurl, horizon, p/. ib-l . g;1. hori-
ol ;il ;piv6q, separation, parting.
&*;l agos(os, the month of August ;q1;drir, ability, capability, powcr;
lbl {ttar, aci of causing io be neecly, ,l$:!l
./t#l ig(dlt,act of provoking to anger, 7-\' ifiilcift, act of disgracing onc's
' impoverishing. _- J:.l an influential illan,
qJL::il ifti"dla, forgery, i'jury .i)Ul ifldt, act of escaping from wealthy man ; ;1'r5\jl **clcaccortling
J\lu-l. ;E161, act of neglecting, forget- detcttion. to one's lileans.
ting, omitting.
!/)lrl iflds, bankruptcy, insolvency; ./1j61 itltirdlt, aPProach. I oLl;;l
,-$l oglab ( comp, of :Jb ) ? more t\;:il i1t4ar, being needy, having
' J.Y:-t ,:/.r-t ne cleclared hirnself frlil-,i,/rird{r, suggestion, proposal, pl'
frequently, probably; the greater of; being poor; povertY. t bankrupt.
part, the majority, most; rrtil ilnarrr, act of silencing in til' i/,,,1, act of destroying, annihilating. 9al;il- iqtirdd, act of borrowing'
- ;ll-1.
most people; laf-t;'Jl most probably
li_,lel iqfiri,c act of voting; ballot.
afl_tdristgga, Eucharist (G.). dj$l-
so; *l;"Jl
;c more usually, more f$l o/nu,/inr, Sir (T.)
generally, for the most part. l+il ;146, act of setting free for a f$l o/oudy, effencli; esquile ; gentle-
g1jil. iqtirdn, union, conjunction; mal'
ri age.
\:El oilolrllga, the greater part, the y'Sl ifra1, acquittal, release. man of education, pl. *-r$l (T.).
majority, most.
t q\*iil ;u1;t6rn, act of diviiling' sharirtg'
:lril ;1i'6,7, r.1 of sepatating, dfc, blight, bane, injury, damage,
\il ii,na, fainting-fit, swooning. asidc. pl. oliT :La!l- iqtiqdd, ecorolll'.
It,a:il' -_2U- JJ6 '-,\'(l
-20- fi
rvest, Tripoli; i,ri-lJl thc rnaxi' to be eaten, eaten up; c"fLli-t;;!t
J\,4j1 iqfiqdr, act of limiting one's self ; ; V(\. il.rdr,act of mahing abuudani or
urum penalty. . rumer0us i being prolix or verbose. the shoe is worn out. &f i act of
avoidingi being brief, brevity.
JLi;l ;o1ri1, act of closing, loohing. lo a/.'s..rr (cont1t. o/l-f)more, mole eating ; food ; dlc - earning one's
Lf\d31,. iqtisdq, act of tahing vengeance, living, means of subsistence, liveli-
punishing. ,9yil iqlaq, act of disturbing, annoying; flequent, more usual ; the majoritY,
part; -l-f"Jl Jo* at most.
loocl ; * ri.:r- eating ancl drinking:
Ujl iqfidd, requirement, necessitY, o,il - disturbing tranquillitY. the most boald. (ts elt - board a,nd
cxigency; t;:;)l {c lvhen necessary' eSl* o,1ly,,t, provitlce, rcgion; clinratc' ;( l* nkro,'yycr, majority, lorlging offi a neal, rcpast, p/.
.-i\h:il. itltiltil', act of gathering, pluch- ' pl.crui (G.). I a/.'/citl, to assure, coitfirttt ; -
ing. +^lil n1o111ya, mi'ority. -,ljl rvarn the boy I ".f U ot -rfiil j)Kl nrr/dn, itching; becl-bugs.

V::\l- i,r1i16, act of follorving i imitaiion. ;nr,6", act of persilading, cottvincittg.

to be assur:ed, confirmed, velified I e4(1. akl11rns, clergy (G.).
$;.!l l.: yll g. ascertain this news !
g)$1 ;u1;;6", aot of teating out, uproot-
f:jl atlttr\ttt, person of thc Christian -
gy tYi!. sure, certaiu. {q{ f nt't(ry1ry, clerical, ecclcssistica'l
trinity, pL dBi (G.). ^Y1, " (/ornr G.).
'u;il* t(l- crltzulta,lie, calunny, pl' '.1iKl
;u1;,t6, possession, acquirement' ts\ utttla, u, Iirt q.u. JrKl aklgl, crown; diadcttt, tiara,
d$1. iqtitrd, contentment, satisfaction' l{ il'ra,n, rcspect, regard, clefcrcnce; cornet; marliage ceremolly? pI,
L/gfPl. ttqydnus. ocean, ;rl. ol-r;t^i'i \"t"fifor
conviction. (G,). lrospitality. ihc sahe of ; _ JJKI i ;j - halo.
jl:*il utll|ud'n, crysanthemutrt'
jrr'i out of respect for Yollr nlr,,,r, (ianrl ,f) *otn., fctv;;!r;-
l,Y\ ardbi,' (pI. ol' r::Tl ) gt'ttndocs, -
father, to father. {
P1*il ;,r,14,,t, act of advancingi irrircpi- notables, distinguisheil pcople.
Please Your f.* piastres (C. tr) [ lciion.
' dity, boldness.
1f itrrdlr,aci of forcing, constraining; JKI ilr,,al, act of conpleting; corrrp-
4,-.)Klo akdclentllga, acacleny ( I.
folce, violence, cotnpulsiotl ; 'lrf'J!-
,*,,$1 culclantgtt ( Jl ) the ancients' tlentia).
vl0 lence
I is rvlty, tltcrcforc
.)l il'rttitrtt, thai I

{ir-tJI aqtlamr1 yn, seniority, plecedence. JVI akl;dl,v0tacious, greedyl corrosi CI Itz lJ l?l Qt eczema (!' 1tr3 ,-el- ^:-{j that is rvhy hc lcft
caustic. so soolt !
)l jl i(tt dt, confession, acknowleclg- i/.'sibri.s expless tlain (E )
ment, declaration ; decision; appro-
iktitdb,subscription I onlishnen J"(f a/id/, as Jrrl q o.
pI. o\t::'ft
"\rt-(l Kl' ilrrur, touch-stone ' -^,o
val; rlr;i| o, ;ir(Jl silence is con- -; ,',f"Jl* 'r{ ,rPrr1, certain, srue ; - l)K truc
fession (prou. ). -j;(l n;'to,, (corrrp, ,/+f
)morc, pure golcl, 24-oarat golil
statement, fact i l'lf- is that truc ?
the philosophet's stone.
,iljl- iqrdQ, act of lencling.
frequent, more usual; thc majori -- 4i- authentic news'
the most part ;irLJl -- most ,fl ntnrl, or ;-lf to eat; eat up ; con-
jl;l no.n,, ( pt. ol' i"rj ) collcagucs, - (c. nrt sume, cotrode; .1-; got routld
J{ nktrttt, o, Jrf-l* voracious, groo'
"-5e dy, glutton, Pl. ir?i
cquals. ,.i l,ifl -
;11;rcts, care, anxiety, hin; u"JlJl
- he squandered
\r:il o,rrruo (pt. of near relatives. money, he embezzled the money; J\ d, the; "rjlt tbe boy' -r'J3\ll thc
-1;) -rHfl ir;tisdb, act of gaining, earni the boy is big ; c"i^ll
,{irc he got a hiclilg ;o-|ti,l:.St boys ; af',Ul ther
t -fl aqrut', bolcl, orrc suff erirrg f lom acquiring; gain, Profit; ;tll - daughter; iLJl the girlsi .1^iJl oi1
r-!l tt,. water scouretl the bank;
ri rrgrvorm, lbm.V't'j 1,1.( ii
- g sL- earning one's livittg. .J.UiJ the girl's house,
tcrracc or roof ivhioh has no railing quiretl. {! ,.tt the file cuts ; .Lrr rL *-ir't J'\' aI, to returu, result in, be rcclucccl
rouncl it; t'r:t n-jdL, unripe ji:" he cast him away as soon as
.jtiifi itttiidf, discovery, pl. o\i
to ; g.r'i\ nJl it by
l'atcL-melon. he had no furthel need of him i -. he posscsscs
ctltta' w ho has 0ltc Je!^J.t't^, he is inheritence. J:i. to interpret,
t,oil- ,,/f,i, act of sencling to the utmost dn 0ne oonsuming him-
fent. t]-(

distance. p c.u sclf ;

6lft^'. .r.4:l nry borly itches. explain. .,1t i;- to be intcrpretccl,
,f;1. oqEd (comp, o/ o"\i) tnorc clistant, l;l-fl i/t f,, ha vlng enough JJ-i or' ,fie to fceil; ,.3rf - explained.

uttermost, pL n"lil ; o;'Jl jr:ll*

ment, satisfaction. qJl
o*t'*j feerl the mouth anrl the J 1Al, ta,r.ity, lrinsfolk ; dynasty ;.i-ii-
the far east i ooi'Jl vrJlo the fal r r(l oL't,ibar,thc month of 0ctober eye will be bashful (ttrou.). tst3j expert, experts ; Jill-= or-,,"Lll-
!t --80- IJ ul -31 -
sparkle. .3tl,.. flashirrg, sparkling.
thc inrnates of your house, Youl i[,.J] ilrilal, act of loohing ar'' Ul ilzdnt, act of . forcing, rentlering
family. paying attention i attentioti; lesponsible; compulsion. 4Di
Uill' il,l,i, act of throrving, cttsting ;
Yl- iun, but, cxcept, uu)ess, or else; q,:r $li:ll
comPulsorY. o.t-i;'-*11s1ki1g a speech:Je;^if l-+
look afte t hi l1l
arresting a crintinal.
cjl You;- Ji; care of him trea t hi m with kin Jl al:ant ( comp. o/ ;;! ), mole
- but you, excePt d"il- I find him. alldrug, simple-minded, pl, +,e)\ll
' '!l Crrl hc ilsisted that I should ness ! - ljP inattention ;otii'i1,.. necessary; unless t'r)tJl
go ;"ith hinl{"Ja -d''-j;iKu inattentive. I r:Jl, ready, PrePared, in
ales[a, o1 nil nllah, Goil; how gra,nd! how
lijl - -
nice ! wonderful ! what a shame !
. he could not help striking hirn, the illitlct, meeting, encounter. proper orcler (rrarrl. fcrnr). (T. cl.ll
first thing he ditl was to strike .tUill i11;06f, act of piohing up. from 1. allesld.
what is all that ! goodness gracious !

him ; .J ri-l"r L r^ -- tell me whY 4^lr -- whai a'fine house!-!

ur\.Jl- i/lirnri.s, request, petiiiol. appli
\all ilsiq act of siicking, pasting.
he rlid not go ! .-J L -il - go on ! let us play !1rt__!
tell me now whY You did not come ! tion, pl. lt-\"tl l* al'iiba, plaything, pl. -^c!l =J;-!
you must now go !ef! look
'i-l: otherwise, ol else I, no \dl ikiha, act of -!
- playing, ilgd, aet of cancelling, annulling, sharp, young man!c.,1!-!I wish
sooncr. . . than. otte's self. abolishing' you lvoulcl ! nir gratis, free ; irrcJu'rl
13!l olatu, native musician or singer, u\6)l i11i1',66, inflammation i .ljl l- alif, to accustom one's self to; give him ahns ! ;''r! by Gocl ldllpirr!
. pt. nli"Jt . s1 eile[l quinsy; -l-f !l frequent the society of ; grorv tame. for God's sake ! clo me this favour !
- ;1t to join together, unite; form
9!l aldga, stripetl ma'terial of cotton inflammable.
6lJl allrilrrunrrra, O Gotl ! cxcept that,
uttd silk (T.). \rll- ittnua, ouLvatul'e; sprain. (company, etc.); compose, compile, t on condition that.
-!l- write. .iT or Ulfi; or -.ii:i'l to
olri,r, ttotr', at prcscttt I - ,J'o t'il ) who, ,ttll, who, which ; ,-ibt !r*r' I
Gll' nllot,t (fem. of
"Jl\ I &m glad he did -not cone;

from this moment, hencefot'th, with another, have friendly

" pl. jtrlt ; -, lsl .r'ro aftct a

henceforwarcl ; J)[o till norv, io this communication with.;tl; or Jiil

- go it was theY who said
rleal of trouble antl noise' to be united? come together ; be
moment, hiiherto. (
oYl q.v.
pE:Jl- illi-dnt, being healetl ; iict formed (company, etc.); be com-
C. $-'ll )
;167r, 1s oJ'i
' posed, be compiled, be written.
co,t'ing together; mceting' alirn, to pain, cause pain. |[ or ft;l
eoll ( {i ) gorlcless. il
of ..i11, united, composed, formetl;
dl" o/tni, one who
;147,o l'cm. lisPs' to feel Pain' suffer. f\:' suffering
gYl ol,ty, regiment, p/. cl3"Jl (t,;. compiled, written, tirL. orclinary, from pain. itl pain, ache, p/. g"Jl
"\11- iJno, act of
forcing, oompe
customary. or oL"il
Lrlll ;16'5, act of putting a garment on
dll- illra{,, iusistence' a/f, thousand, p/. j'Jl or jjl jIl
a pelson. ol a/nr,i.z, or ,rllio diamond, sg. .;ill
j\ll- ;166u. act of ailfling, i o\i'il ;jjrl n uny thanks! a pl. ol;til ;-f l" diamond ri'g (G.).
lJiJl crlbtinr, album (Ir''). -rjf
an rlexrng
,ll app0lnting thousand thanks ! .jj)lli "a.
1[-1,1 a {.j[1 at,,ra:yya, kind of native jclly
erl^Jl- iltibds, confusion, want of clear-
official to post; I li IL lll ;l""ll
.he counts (money) by the
(T. 9\ll from C.)
ness, obscurity, ambiguitY. tinuation to. thousand and sleeps on a mat
V:)l* iuigo, as1 of taking shelter' or (prou.). ;\ll. ;1,,,6,,r, knorvledge, cxpcricnce;
L' abb. of.rll Jl and so on, ef ce .l* he l<nows Arabic.
refuge. I c/fa, monitor in ,)r^l\
;Jl-alcrclcl (ron',p. o/ 'r1.rl)more o
class -
Jl*Jl iltilSdq,act of ioining (a party). ifa, company, friendship harmony, jtl ol,,rAn ) ttre Germals. jlli
( Jl
t:!l ,,Idui, one who lisPs, /enr' t;l ;
g\-:Jl ilil.rdm. union, alliance ; a o
accord. German, p/. q:;lll (F. Allemcrnd).
r'.,J tc. ;:Jl ) I
wound's hcaling' el
-alfgyct, a
poem of a
thousand [^j [[l .r1,rr6,rya, Germany (h-. allenrugl ne).

lltl ittitanr, act of tahiiig upott one's .JlJ'il| aldiwan. gl6vs, gauntlet, tlistiches; a Iargc
' (t,;. a_ thousnntl
botile rvhich hokls dl allih, to cleify. {.ti; o, ttiii to b.
solf; neccssity, rcsponsibilitY I con- ch,achurs (g lin okcs),
cession, monopoly I farming (letting
"it;b-,ll p/. gt^ll i haughty, conceitetl. tJj or
rJ-rJl- n/lo.y, who, which, pl. dr,r)t
out a lease) ' .)i a dgify, gocL pl. oA1 ;Alt;*l-i
J,J 9r2s he ate and .riL- 1n-r,11u0, to
-) flash, shine, there is no otlrcr cleity but God'
,j\dJl iki;dt1, being arlherent to. to his heart's content.
32- frli 's-*l'Yl .jKl
4T -33-
rcinforcements,,l-t/. iil''l'r:-"^-l
oAl ; theological.
ll* o"t, either, or' );blJ^"1 imbird!6t', Ertrpet'ot', sultatt' n

dl dlo, tool, instrument, nlachine pt. ."Llrnri. "'rrLlrrl clnptess? 1,1 ttutrtt', to orcler, commaud, ,'ii
-[t (unntu) but, yet. still, as (L imperalore)' to conspire..r.l,t or ,'bi to tYral-
org€In, pl. o)i i ?.tb - musical sultana tL).
- ut.;-:^l,u:r - as for him nize, be irnperious. -rii orcler, colll-
instrutltetlt ;- ott-^l seu'ing-
does not u'attt to go; -Jli- l' ytsb\ {l inbirLi[drg11c, enrpile (frttrtt
nrand, pL ;l at ( Your,
"-,lrl ,r'Jl
ruachine; n-".1i;.
ste&m-eltgine i a man lrJb c..1 lr - what a
bgyl antbti!, as tr:l q'v' etc. ) orcler i qJb - dectee, rescript,
,l - lif ting-machine
leJo6-'-ii:- house this is !-n:l when
- Jif,rl- inrlis:il, ob-edienee, oontpliattce, firnran , $t(-o - army order';
air-pump. o'JTmachinery; C!- til either, or; jl - :ltro [:o
'jt::'l- in obedience to. d the competerrt authority,
submission ;-J -r.'Jl cr^
cutlery ; ol.1'rl9 and appara- here cr there.
-tools (rrreclr')' also, by
inrplication, you yourself,
tus; :'s-!)- Plant e,[,ol ;p614, act of putting to cleath. 4E::"1 imfil1dn, examination, trial, test,
affair, business, matter, Pl.
lIl ;/i 4, u.t of anusing, diverting, P/' it;t-il ""1
o.)Ll 61116i14, sigu, tohen, ,r!.\; -- J-r ,J -,f \; he-thinks
tlistraoting the atteniiou'
pl. olzLi . orL I imar&, slril ;1,,1i,1rir1, prolorrgatiotl, extcttsiolt' o gr.oi cleal of himself i1"1;!t!'l
lSl i1ha,u, inspiration,
clominion, Po\\rel'? imPeriousn f\;'A- intlizdrl, ntixitrg, blcrrding, you are a queel ruan ! ,1.1 on.e who
qil. ilrL
[iyrtt alitntrlngn-, aluminiuu (I' a/hr- comtnattds, gives orders i ,2'l'2
I antalgamation.
rninio). JLI ,,u,nr,il, or J$l of course, ebl im li ltt,g, act of absorbin g, suching, superior and subortlinate officials.
ainly ; (4. then ? olr'lo lnrr.icr, pl. t-j
+^a3ll ih\hgga, tliviniiY'
- who that he9o a,i,ol cnilia QL of Li:'), effects, g00ds, woman?
+J ;-'-1.2L horv is ii wares, chattels, ProPertY.
qrl ahuillcr ( pL of le-j ) flags, stan- )Jt I arr.rad, beardless, sntooth-faccd
tlards, banners ( T. ). not go I ( g. ,r\i Ll ) )til inrlilri, being full, fulness. youth, Pl. it!"
Jl i1n, to ; ulto ; il - till, until that dLl ;11161o, act of causing to
; :J)tll imtildli, act of possessing i
u-lo onrr, yestelday i- Jrl. the day
cr' - until when ? how long l\rl ctttrittt, before, in front of rltr
? proprietorsbiP. before yesterdaY'
' of;' '-rl:ill - ,
Llr"l inttirtd',
ur\*ll i/y,1s, Elias (H.). u :J\*rl
I nra*a,tae abstenance ref usal, ;,r1r4/i, act of hokling fast, abs-
t j)1" o1u1, flientl, comPanion; tame, the bridge ; gb"Jt ,.Jl forward. avoitlance. iaining, restraining one's sclf; abs-


I rlomestic. tttdJn, le ader ln pralrer j[il ;,,,1',,cin, obligation, gratiiude. tinence ; constipation'
t 9 6
lo olllrr',, painful, causing Pain medan chaplain, imAm Pl ,c-.: 4i,rl sn 1.,, or J---^J when ? ,,*-- rvhen .JU*.f inrsdliy!/rr, calendar for thc
fi) ranh or office of an of j\a:,'t
- g" since rvhen
gL-l rrtonth
\' ernrn) to go torvards a Place,
tt will he come ? ?

repair to. .)Ll on-,,i,r, safety, security, Prote .gL g. he rvill not be long Y"\ rttttscft, effacetl, oblitcrated coirr'
nelcy;- melcy ! PiiYl oL'J
coming, he will soon be here ;
gl t,rrnr, mother, p1.ot1}l ; ;ri - that
partlonl A'*'"-o d- l.: g)#l-u. whcn did that happen? 4j-1 antigr, tlte tenih tnonth of thc
rvhich is wortlt a Piastre i J;>\ill li Coptic calendar (CoP.).
- have pity on me t JU'JI ,;:. rl ( c. 6, .91;
balls of mashcd beans friecl in oil; [:"rl ;p,44, act of signing ; signature
me ihat you will rlo me no I I monopoly,
irt'Ltigd:, clistiuction ,
a.J7e comet ; Jy'll pL tila^t or il:t;.i ftincs.
i, Go d g0 wiih y0u concession, rvarrant, pl. ;rl.,1b-l ;
sels; +!l - sePia ;
the road
.t rj
IS safe t !il [^.01* iln"ci(pL irf .r.-r ) bowels, itttcs-
j1l-orvl ; .4^,21e*,, .1 1-centiPeclc, 1\.itJl --'\," copccssiort1crire; .rl.;l^:"1
perf ect seourity. dLl fidelitY, J5-,ll capitulatiorrs. .)l""l- irrrcdn, act of regalding vcrY
small insect saicl to have forty four
fulness, honestY; Protection; ll q,r,r"l ( of ) attentively, giving gleat attcrltion I
I -rltjl - matrix; ;'Cl -
caution-moneY, securitY, Pl'
cou'rp. J--;, most
carefulness, assicluity ; ,li;.ll jt^' lo
weeping-willow; t;-,ll - the caPital ilistinguishecl, very eminent, p/,Jjti
trustworthy ; .5ll cl" t peering into, scrutinizing.
of the world; 4'l Je Jliil. oranges -jr:c->t+a
give me the object
onrc,/, space (of tiure), encl, liurit,
on ihe tree I ul, - Je al,"' he hit rvith pl. sLl (p.) Jj'S:r"l antfgtydtro, as ljtriri;l q.y.
You !

him on the crcrvn olhisheacl;ul d-' o' ilrtc/cic/, heJp. snccour', rclicf supply, .)Kl inkfi11, possitrility, practicability,
6-.rFI int'ltfirifi, YesterclaY ( C' ,
Bey by courtesy.
jl ljl -86-

Power i iKr'jl t$ cI" as far as Pos- AJ I ar.r'llt', prince I conmantler, P

tlrolcss. ;j it; :Jlt^ i(-- if hc rvtrs .-,,1;1 infisdb, being relatcd to; relation;

sible i jK'"jl-rp rvhenever possible; lJ:,1 ;,fi ilt ot,t^ttiJ. -- prince there. tJ. tnot surel;'. qualificatiou.

iK.'rl di: impossible; jK^'Jl 1-rr the royal family; -_Jlr noblent \ utrrt,I; I am, [Pl '':r4l -ll^l.i;l ;1,1,36r, being spread, published;
inrpossibility. proPagation.
gcutloman; ntalt of gleat resP
fgt- inri, vessel, pot, tlish, receptacle,
J.l* nu,n/, or .1J^l to hope. .1-l,i;or ;-li;l oL
bili ty aurl hon ouI' (- ./U-i1 irrlifrib, bcing set ultt'ight' statr'
to look, reflect ilPon ; consiclet', ,u\il irrriba, act of appointing another to
clcr of ihe c ara all of pilgti 1r}S ding uPright; erection, orgastrr'
lle one's locunt tenctts' I kind'
nreditate. .1-1i:, onc rvho hoPes, l\Ieccar, ' q:..itl- comntander of ,Loi1 in/i,gtir, victory, triumPh.
meditates. J.l hope, clesit'e, PI, faithful.;+. princess,'1. .i\if inris ( pI. of 6li), wonen' wornarl-
- -rL:il- irrti-s,if, being divitleil itrto trvo
Jtl ; - ;-:,'Ju he has no hope; larly of great respectability antt ,.;[1* irrdla, act of up' Ikincl'
.lighting erlual parts; ,to ll-the day bcing at
-h-(*tl - A-; he completely our. G4rlo goverutrtental, peltairli
spoilecl the book, he renderecl the to the State, public treasury' fisc. ,rIl* rrn,is (pt. of Jt*Ji.J ), rn'en' man- noontide.
;1si of rvaiting for', cx-
booh useless or uusaleable;g' ;^'Jl Jl+rl tun11rdl, atlttrilal (1". arrrilrr/.1. Jr;[1 anuldl ('Jlri ) lsia Minor, JUiil 1,,1;7,i1,exPectation; 4i
pecting; .jo tlll-
,( r;:- I beg ,of you, . you tlt'e $YlJnrl trnryr crldy, o1 g;tJl.^. gsle1l
Anatolia (T. Jrt\;l fi'om G' ) -
expectetlly' 2t^ll g' "ri ,ilat;'Jl hope
i'equested to I t'J ''.' .1'1 ;JiKu t oia dt!f irr,ila, act of lettirrg a ihing be
not expect such a thing frorn you ! pl. iL"Jl4,l (T.). defetred makes the heart sick
aitaineil. fingers'
;l ; '>,{,1 in the hope of. K-pl n,r,,tr',7lrr, Arncrica (1.). (pL ttl' ij"i ) tips of the
Jr\il- p\til ;,r1;.;rtt, being ranged in ortlct';
){rl irrr/ci, clictation ; olthography. .)K*.1 attr".rllltdn (Jl) ttre Anteri
yt!\i1 rrrrarr,ls, pine-apple, ananas (E')' ' ol',lct', good order, regularil'y, systelrt '
ilisciPline ; .- fre irregularitY'
ln anrin, to be safe; entrust a pel'- gKrriAmelican ; n^; Krr'j I .-r=:llgl"i
a;. spiritual fa'thet', revereud (L')'
son with any thing. giito believe irr,
the United States of !l n,,1,,i,
iirfi"riss, recoveling one's health'
have faith in; be safe. g-11 to con-
(lront L). ,Lil' arrl,ri (1t|. t,[ 'i:-j ), rrlessagesl dtJl being refreshed, revival.
ctntllrydbir or. ;j:l4r ncws, intelligenoe,
fide, entrust I assure otte's safety i -r:;!*.1 ec1
inli 16!, inflation, sivellirtg'
insttle I say t'ametr". U'i:--l or 0':-'i'l tttastel of the horse ( lt. t9:lxl tLr,l irrbi.srjf, joy, giadness, plcasure, {;s\
to consider faithful I tt'ust, etrtrust, cheerfulness; amusement, en j oyment LiUjjl;,,1;11i, act of bristling up (bird)'
fFl n,,,y/y,,, or Enrily ( 1".).
or orl.;i* pipe, tube, pl,
conficle ; ,Jlr,t;'":.ij:i-l he entlusted "1;'i yil- artbib,
etVA\ i"tifa, beiug Lrenelitted I advatt-
-rl,"l nurllrt' safe, secure frottl dart
bcnefit, use.
his for.tlne to him. *rb6!'r,iusured; fa,ithful, loyal, ltottest, -'l;! Profit,
registered. g,!' faithful. g-'"1 safety, lyil a,b,'il, or te"i little (F' tttt lterr)' Ui51* 1,r1;,r,i, aci of chosing, selecting.
security' protection ;1t^tl u,'Jt public _. -, custoclian ,s
supclirrtcntlcttt, _.
*sufe, l<ecper, ;r1. - [:.-. I ] i.rt -_ djl enla, thott; you, rll..i.i I thou; you, .:\ intirltitl, cliticism, pl. i:l-rta;j
security. .rif secure) confident.
of customs;Jj3- director of s . fcnt. J[jiil ;,,1;u41, transport, transfer, romo-
4il* a,,,,,yyc, safety, security, confi-
stot'ekeeper ;1;L;i-Jl
- chief of
) t' Cbl i,,t,iy, act, of blirrgirrg foLth youitg;
val ;- -,.)t.o, transpolt allowance'
clence."4^k'l* rvish, clesire, hope^ p/. alchives ;- ljY=!:!Al Iiblilr.ian producing a oonscquence'
l. intiqdttt, vcngeance' revengc'
tl rrrnnrn, nation, people, pl. ,rl ;
^* - - j.2.r;"Jl - trcasurei'. .4ji anren fFl intibdh, attention, care) wahe- l[,
the Nlohammedans i ..9"J. the j
u,j more safe.
' fulness; or -iij inattention; ..! ,,r,/,,rr," vo,t.
- people. I

Islaelites ; 6't crl; crowcls of .)lo or,,,, to groan. ' .lJ"jl r{,& inattentiye i-lr'} inat- fil. irrtlrrr,i, being related to.
jV'l umntal'tdt (pI. of l) mothersl tentively
\-t l int;1td, entl, tertnination, cxpira-
{ u,r,to draw near; ;l1"Jl;r'[, I uo
l* inli{rdr, suicide.
matrices (in printing). tion, cotnPletion.
the proper time comes. jin
JV,l i^tral, act of glanting a clelay, I irrli/:rib, selectiotr, ehoicci clectiott, j\ inlilfi=,act of sciziug, mahing
deferrin$, postponing ; delay i
tuoment; seasol];. 't-11
- r"9 itt . vote ,7rl. o[\i:;l good use of an oPPoltunitY'
u'ithout clelely, at once. same timc ;i.oL;;\t .r.oltctt jJ!",1- itttihdk, act of abasilgl irr'-*
'lil* inticftib, act of appointing, de-
,il* rrr',rr!1, illiterate, .)l iu, thnt; that; rvhile'; n legating; nandate. .,| outrage to public urorality'
-36- jT jul t .ir
,lt_,,4 1

-t^il crrtn. you (C.

ii ) JIJ/f irltirdl', act of turning fronr ion i
become polite i enquilc ittto.
.llt;l in[ibiq, exactly fitting ovcl irr
- -. I
4a7ul antyl;c, or Ki:
I ancicirt, altiquc;
deflection, cleviation; 6l;ll er9ii, f6 rvhich one is accttstonlccl, shape ancl sizc; bc applicd.
-- clung to. .rji affabllity, sociability,'
antiquity, curio, ;r/. oli.i;l; inclisposition. Lit;l ;,,1ip, being extinguished, put out;
- J:.1 -o politcness, cheerfulness. ,.lil toun,
old-fashioned man (I. arr/ica).
L4l- inhisrS:n, being cut thlough ol extinction.
dI+;i;n I ant!]llJrirta .rdEf,i 1,n,,r.o,, decidecl. rnaukincl; Lrltr ,*i\l man ancl the I in[iliu1, act of going arvay i
(r.t.). being gcnii. .rji pertaining to rttankintl
lVll irrhi.grir', rcstt'ictctl (
(as distinguishecl from ghosts),human.
or,r,n.r, to put into the feminine action, number, ctc,); dJb I cnfrirr, Antholy (L.).
gender I make efferninate. ,:;i;.1e
,lLil ;r,t6tt, ntan, huntan being; gentle- }\-;1. irr"riz, being irt heat ancl scxually
efferninate d.
!U4i. inbi[dt, decline, dcgrada r)ran yrl, ,.1; or ,"t;i' i [^ sontc
- exciled I ercction, orgaslll.
falling of price. o,rr.'n; Ui gerrtlcrvonrau,lady. 9U.l
.,j l- rrrrsa, felralc, p/. cLi ; cl;i, .rrfi' humatl. gU I o-1.[;l
ip"tirrr, o,' favour, bcncfac-
malc and fgnalc. J>\11 i,,tlrtat, dissolutiou, ncakrr
a^;U l in.srinyl/(, hunranity,, tion, pI. oLi;l
y'?l inqr)h, act of causirrg to sueccccl. - ;l!l clisbantling thc arrny.
\:41 in/rirr,i, being bent ; cro
affabiiity, courtesy; i-;U'Jl r-1.K Jl;;1 ;;1';;41, being separaietl, sct :lpartj
>Vl f,rgart,act of holping. talh to him politely ! clon't be rude i solation.
declinc ; culye.
jVl ingd:, 'fulfilmcrrt of a plonrisc I g-ro or
to him !
- -iit-; incivility, dU^jl" irr''ilti/, bcirrg inclinetl, tul'ltcd in
completion, termination. lsll' i,',1.irfti", being clccaivcd, cltc inhurnanitY' a different clirection.
./ I
-l *l ir,gi:ri 6, being at tr.actccl ; attractio ,,,l-j I insi/}ib,beilg retircd; retirenent. .:lii; I ;r,.;04 tI, act of assembling, mccting.
,-p\;/l inftifdct, deplcssion, abascm
,+l oronr, copper-plaie. 7r1.r1t;l (P,). subsidence. 51.uj ;1,r;,ftid, bcing closed, blockecl up, dG I in'l/ids, reversion, rcflexiott,
sl-#l i,,ginir', being dlarvn ol draggcr) ,"rlr$ | anclctrdus, Anclrcw (G.).
?KJ nsl/Lrib, being pourerl out
i ;
along. g-b"rr l ;t,.1;p", being pushed au'ay, flowing or runuiug of watel, dt-\ irt"iwti1y, croohedncss, coutortiou.
*.slrll inqirdrllya, towage I alscrral. pclled I rush.
+iT- iil* qrlif, to despise, clisrlain' ;;i:-l to
6,,;.rn. niss, damscl.
\{l ingrla, appealing' .i.or, bright, ull,A$ | intlihdi, being astonishcd; Iecommence, rcsutne; appeal against
[dl irr*;, act of mahing, cousit'uctiug, the judgment of a lower court
manifest ; manifestation.
building I r'vliting, composition, style, of justice. .,ji:*^ appealerl against.
| |,,11 iuoilterra, or l;K-;i En*lunr1 ,1"L1 ;p;;1, notification, rvauringi diction.
-,;T* precerling; ,I,iJl the
ritnatrd, p/. i:1.,1'i;-l lL{il ;,36,7, act of leciting pociry. -.
.Inghilterra). itlolcgoirrg'.i;: T.fornt clly, prcviously.
4!/l irtgtihtz ( Jl ) or;-K;i tle English; Jln-$l. inzihdl, astonishruent, lr
Pl. jeii; ni;'J irr* in
Cr-,' irrJirrifr, gladuess, gaicty,
;rl{)l r>t, England.,g;:l*jEnglish, derment. ,)jl* 11pl:, ttose,
(L j\ iuzal, act of spite of him, in older to vex arjcl
.Englishman Inglese). J\ lowering, I ins4dq, discord, clissensiol, pL rnortify him.
rl..*l uiginrrirl, being frozen, coagulated, down, rcdncing,
gtili$l !\ril 1. ;r,p", aci of senclittg, causing to
6! il iuri'rig, clisturbance, alalnr.
I qrrs,tr penetrate i executiort (of an order).
QL of ,"\; ) hclpers. assist-
,j{l angut, gospel, p/. J-,1H . J-r{l lsJl i,rriru,i, a retiring to, being ants ittfdt1, act of spencling away.
. evangelical, p/. q;L+l (G,). letireur cn t.
I insri/, justicc, sense of justice,
6Lu;1 infitdfi, being open I
"Vl* enl.6 ( pL of 3-t ) direciions, .rJ cit,it, to be sociahlc, c ' equity
regions, quarters. pl easan tlv see, percci ve
lIl SI b db, bein br) p oured 011 thc
,l--l- iu[igtit', cxplosion ; eruption.
c*l*l inlibds, restriction, retention. you have 6;iven us the pleasure florving o f a strcarn. inliftg,tbe angle's being obtuse;
youl conpany ! we are glad to drr,
jl=41 in\igi:, bcingprevcntcd, helrl rip. you ! o-li, to keep company, be iuqirdf, departule, clisnrissai. the clisis being at an end.
^,-i'Jl -
,t+at infiicldr, act of descending ; slope, companion of a lonely persorl li n{irnctm, being adclerl ; act of
;1r; I ;p6r6r1, solitude, isolatiol ; .ro\j aK
inolination, declivity, or ,.irii oroii:-lto he was sitting by himself ;
have a c
- Jo
jl 39- il"1
Jl*J t
-88 d1
expect, act deliberatelY. .rit-i to l;^l iliird, being worn out, in rags,
e.Kdl,l Ji;l
-,,!ca word privatelY.
.9 ", I rvarlt to tell
Lt!,' tlq if dc being cu off, lll terruptc wait, cxPect ; L^ .tii-l rvait for irr pieces.
terruption cessation dis c0ll
hinr here ! ji:, deliberate, careful. jl.rnl
JL; t inlisri/, sepalatiott, clivision ; uation; _-.jrr'. without interru il'trizdz, shaking, vibration,
leaving an office (either by resigna- ung, or - 2n\ rvhic| ? nt.; 'u;1 ol'
uninterruptedly; J*ll Oe
- a
fAl a/r/arrr, tootltless, /crrr. \"o p/. ,.-"1
tion, dismissal or aPPoiniment to from rvork. -J.n:l which't fem.;-gri or -r-llj I

someihing else)i bargaining.

..r)6 Iinqildb, being reversed; cha
wlfch ? p/. ;-d:^' rvhich is Your
- f\.rl illintdnt, cale, anxiety, forc-
inftldfi, being disgraced; dis- house ? thought, solicitude.
d6l ovelthrow, revolution.
grace, infanry, ignorninY. I arrU.r, sociablc, affable, 7r1, u1-^;l
;7,,16, act of guiding I offeling,
;\i; l" intligid, subrnission, obedi presenting ; dedication.
&\b";)l iufir!a,!, dispersiou, dismissal ;
'too insubordination' irylo crttTstirl, attise, aniseecl (T.)'
utll __ olose of the sitting. -f r.ilr^l' i/rrciq, effusion, shedcling of bloocl.
I i,,/.,ir, clenial, negatiott. , chaltning, clcgattt, beautiful,
-,K .:.jl'
vn qn!l,l
JL;1 ;1p"61, vexation, rage, ;-r1. o'JLi;l quairtt (thirrg). ;lrol ;1r4nr (p/. of ("^ ) pylamids.
,L( I
jt-i; _ emotiou.
frr/.'iscir, clefeat,
atraemia (1. nnenritl). Jrl* oLl,n/, to render fit for. .1-i^L 61
La( l-.jln o,ryttryc,
iJKi; I inlikdk, being separated, discon- C 1
irrlcidri/,being unveilcd,uttcove
.1-lr;i 19 get 1iar1ied. Job-i to cle-
g^,jl* nnyrr, groaning, moaning.
nccted, sevetecl' dislocated. l;(:1 inkiltcrra, s1s l;l4l q.v. serve, melit, be worth; rilc Ja{:; 1a
ljrW I influenzd., influenza (E.). a|f ,),,!ltt ( pl o/ 'li; vessels, Pttts, he ought to get a hidingi Joi-:-i
JK\r inkilyz, as ;Ja-l q,v. pans, dishes, etc., pl, il3l that serves you right ! you have
a,e,\' unafd, sense of honour ; disdain,
.'K I irr/tim,i.d. shlinhage. yourself to blame ! {-iri Jok4 it is
contemPt. i an,O! oh! cl^" -- how you ruake
lii- 1,,,,16, act of making grow, in me suffer ! .-r-i jtrl J how I rvorth a piastre.Joi:, marriecl.Je^L*
JJ'F.. I anftJt1dtrt), 0r'Jy[^i-i.i anphi-
ing in size, develoPittg. - o
or JoT inhalrited, peopletl. Joh*.
tlreatre (I. anfiteatro). wish he would give me a piastre !

deserving, meriting, worth. .1-'^i tit

.-3il gii;. /r,-aunorl, to do a thing \il 1,,,r,,,,,o (;i and L ) but only. ,jtol a/rrily QI. of J^i ), ttatives, in-
for, worthy of ; a man's family;
-with care, be particular (about one's ta, - the natives of
habitants i
cutntttzrtg, ot 6-!eio . cxant parents ;
inhabitants of a place,
clress, etc.); +J;3;i:1. he is Par-
Ci;l- Egypt, the natives of Cairo, Egyp-
utoclel, sPecimett (P' ':ri ) people, p/. Jt^l i c.1Jl- t1e inna-
ticular about his dress, he dresses tians, Cairenes i *-l.2"ll
- villagers;
tes of the house ; wife, family ;
i(-l i,,h,i, aPPlicaiion, Petition'
11,i6h fffifs. j;i:.* one who always r'J.2)l the boy's parents
seeks the best. of terniinating, fini
- ;
"-r-n:-i - expert, experts; J^ll
"lnl* 1,,7,4, act - i-.,,r,. private school.
the town folk, the natives ; irl
.:\-.a;1. inqd.z, act of saving, delivering; I ihd,ra,insult, offence, cont-empt, -
.rfrl- inhdQ, act of causing ono to the people of God.
rescue) deliverartcc. up on his feet rousing, s I '' affront, maltreatment, pL it; lol i )tol o61ar,, ot \r--,
-- welcone
..rtii I
irrq,i.s, act of lessening, reducing. ting. c"l.o, he was insultecl.
r €L
- fou are welcome !

gi,\i\ ,^r;.1Q\. of .rii) ruins, rubbish, l'r'nl ;,,7,;,ftinr, demolition' ahhab, to equip, get one reacly.
u-6 b tO gei ready, be prepaled, be
:JI^l ilt,fL, act of destroying.
ll jr\ iulriranr, defeat, rout' reacly, prepared, J^l a/r137, pertaining to the {anrily;
&tp I I constipa-
inqibdQ, cottractiort .
f Y; ll h itldnt dig e stion I
t;i'Jl =iL- " 'native, national, intlieine; tame,
tion; 6'i-Jl -_ low spirits, ill- equipped.

humour, I tion.
digestible t\h; 'jt"tL
al'tbal, silly, simpleton, idiot, domestic; c;o'il cl:^ll the
iJ l*.,^ I " in/r irrrtt/r', entirely clevoting barrlr.
,i\rfrl* {nr1irdd, being extinct i extinc' self to indulgence.
/elr; )t^o p/.- J.-'^ ori)lir.j^ o,tj ,\;j^
I lnrlistim, being clivicled into palts; u/rbc, preparations for a journeyl U^l a/,/yyo, fitness, aptitucle, capacity,
;L; 77\ ctnhu, as ji q.o. .- efficiency, worthinessl family, rela-
rlivision ; discorcl; gk',rl Jli"divisi- ready to start, on the
ble; gt;;"Jl Jt[ +i indivisible. fj' J! I
orlollyltl, anottytuous (cottt of "fc"
going alvay
- rio fit, flpt, worthy;
(l'. ctrtottYme), caP:rble' g"ro* inaPtitgclc;
[a;]1. inqidd, end, expiration of any
lidd, act of fintlirrg thc right wa,y, -
thcy arc rclatives.
term or: period. dl - ,riii /n-o,,n, or ,rjiii to
t\.^1 -40-
4e rl
l*t 9l
*41 .1. I

(in hospitat);.:Lt-'J I

JlFl inu,,il, neglect, negligence, care-

o;-rll -ward gl uu,lllrr, ot oi;1 ounce,' pl l:l ,:i [ i d nlt di'ct,c0r.por.irl] p /. a^.:, t.; el ;--.1fi
accident rooml .r;,ll - court
,-! 9

lessttess, otnission.
" n, 3l;l or otJr;, 1G.1. 'lattce-corPoral 1f. olLl ;el )
chambcrs (T. ^trl )

f' pt. f2t or rllft


at'loLott,,lryya' ittterest, intpoltancc j \,tsl (L Europa).

drolrlrn, Europe
1 r)/.ra, handle for a door, bell-prrll,
o-91 ."-1iio
-call out oh t
lu-a,,,rnlr to feel pain, groan,
(1. 1recchio) ."5i:1- one rvho lnoans;
- Jjo setious, imPortant' O!sl 6robl',r1, or' $r!;l European, rnoaning. .r] ilterjectiol of. pain,
*C:^l aluuag, impatient, ltast;', raslt,
c{:l.l:l or qts\stl (fi'olr I.) Jtl ututil, first, beginiring, p1. .1'lrl i astonishment, clisgust (C. "l:l )
llerv0us. 'Jl\- as soon as, ploportionatelY,
-!;^l-o/,yo/, thin, slencler of waist, /cnr.
6> ts\ 6rrlll, arny corps ; cantp (
successively, d fur et i ntesurc i
{":1 heur or borcler of garment,

h.o ; ;ro'Jl golcl coin, "ycllorv boY" rr.rl ) . -CllV - as sooll as he goes ; soam; rtative lace (T. Lel )
ttrrtilg ttt, Jet'usalcnt'
'31 ,rrr, eithel, or, unlesfr ltf * l''f- fi.brrl (.,rt1.1-' ihc der,y befole yestertlay i Sg gl ,,yo,r, A girlne, play, pl. il;3"e1(T.).
either this or that' 4-12|i nrsa, going neat'the wittd,
I, orsc).
Lrt:,I - ---_ three tlays ago i--;V Fl- ntl, ihat is to say, i. e., viz.;F-.
( last year'; ,ft - the Year be-
yes, celtainly;-Jl is to say,
,il9l ,,u,6.7.,ir ( p/. of ) last or latter
":l * i & ssl 6rtn, battalion, lore last i gta -'tt thc first place;
- thati' what'i gJ
portions; encls; ,7il1 aboutthe squarlron I ntetru. -- wlto'i which
entl of the month. lrll 1 r. t;rrt ;
,i] go --snlire)y. altogether ;J:)f,- is that so i' really l'j

L-l tl. crrurisif ( pL of L-tl ) middle 4 rrl rrrnrjft, blank form, printecl or J3"Jt Sj as bcfole i$ Jr'Jt ;K tl rrrTrirr. pat'1iclc joinetl to thc pct'sottal
sample, pattern, model, 1.,1. el.;l he rvits folntelly riclt;Jr'il g' frotn o
parts ; il"ril -" central Africa. prn,ro,,u ; :)Ll bc careful of ! bc on
dttll iype-section ( T. d.l,trl the first, flottr thc btiginniltg .
your gnartl against ! sce tlrat you
jlgl *Jl - 6 in
aructlr, tinre, seasou; - again, afresh ;
Je'Jt .itjl
,J irt clayJ
the grape season ;';lel Jy orrilsl;'t-
;9\"' atuizz, geese, s.{. ojgl
ancient, precedent, attterior,
tlo not.. I ,.oli eri:llthe same peoplc.
of olcl. - the people you know.
pr:emature. €t^*:l dsilrgy, as !r1;-l q.v. Jlqrri.")r1 at filst, firstl;',
-lo.i ;rfji'r'etu11
fent. ..,,[-1" iya6. retulrr;
o*L:l tl aludrltlgy, adventurer, cheat, !.;-rl dslergct, Austlia (I.) in the first place. .Jii prinitive, -;
' pL a^-L;lel (I. ruilft T. i,). original, Pt'eliminarY,
nstuttg, or. 6{-'t
+t; l9l qwdnta, aclventure I cheating, d-llinstrumeut ti!Jl n,,,rn1,i,,u, filst, fortttet, primi- oy,i,', the urontlt of NIay (S.).
i compass-box, d.ra -,!,1
swindling; adveuturer, cheatl set, p/. oi-ri-1l'( T. {::-l fru tive, original' pl, cn';)91 ,J!.ll iyaln, province, Pr:in cipality,
-Ji2 (I.

l- J--;-l cheating, swinrlling e-l ) -Jll- ,i/,, (pt. of s), possessors) masters; r.Jt,t 1r.y.
aoettturu). L-91 austf, middle, middlemosti . ,. ,.'i1 --o the rniers, the authorities. Ul*l iytalVrr, as lJl,tll q.y.
S\iarua-il QI' of Jrl ) first or forner clling, mecliutn, mean, /ettt. 3lat l,,u,yya, superiority in aclvanta,- .-iyjl. iutitdf, , friendship, hat'mony,
parts; beginnings. trt- )l 'J the bes things geousness? preferableness.
acco t'd.
the lne di um va rieti e S thereof
J'\rl' ii6ri,4 ( pl. of ,-?tt) rabblc' low crrla, better, best I more fit, cleser-
,,lSl iyty,nrirr, act of confirling irr att--
people.. (P. il.i ) ubsl rrsfc, or*,t-i master of a ving, preferabte ; J:Y\rvith greatcr
other, entrusting.
loreman ; cook; coachman Ieas0n.
1.91 6bera,opera ; opera-house (1.).
olet-l ; )r'lll - ergine-dri Jl- rirurilrii/r (pl. of:Jl. ), those.
iggdlt^ affirnratiol ;
-,[4-:J! -,Li- -
i Ji i Arct, as J"ijo q.v, \;-l from P. "rh-l ) he repliecl in the g.\{i-
t* lcrrrr.,r,/,ir, (pI. ,[
J1y'y':l t)tottutltgl, or J;:e'jii motor +,b2l r;4n,1s .r.,1 q.v.
Jrj ), those rvho affirmative, positive.
'are first;
' car (Ir. tlulontohile). the ancients;..i.J;.'il1qlr"il >\Al i,,n6,1, ut, of finrlirrg; crcatiorr
GVsl orr6f bL ctf u;t) the ancients ancl the moderns. I

or9l .idn, o, o*5\ room, pl. t's\ or' for religious or edlcational Pur
production, inventiott. :

oti- autwtluqu, priority, plececlence,

glrll i g2i bed-room i
- estates in mortntain. sQl iygdr, ground rent, hit'e" l'easc, 7rl,,
- suPcLiority; axionr p1. ;Llrl . c,tJll iil)\/.t i ,l4->tt ;ll house to lct.
- waiting-room, +iyl oqqqj or &l or.1;:i ohe, ttt'st clcrrrents
; r.udirncnts. t,, lii;
anteroomi ;.s:b
- clrarving-rooln, pountl (being equul to2'r/n
rl ontttqb
t.l .,yy1,1, strengthen, corrfirm.'
guest-r'oon I .rrb .i; jl orgil oroUr oi i:lirl (T. t\s, omnibus (8.) o1 r_i,iii 1o bc strcrrgtlrcrrcrl, c0ri.*
- sitting-room;

+2- -rarl
{t J"{,r -43-
he dispairs of his iife, he rislrs
.6-l j.irb what clo you want?
firrned. J,i. ot i1i, slrsngthened,
Ji.l'oglirl, tho rnonth of September (S')' i/,, what?
life. what is the matter with
You rvant ? ! .)o
IA,l avh\ta, title-deecl' -'dULwhat ilo
{ll iycl, or i-:11anil; hanclle, pl, gr,-r,l .4.1o .,y.rnt, left sirle .(as opposeil you ?
or 6.,!i ; +\,- '..1! t. it caunot be I'ight), f'nr, s"!--'- !cl' iullrri, act of mal<ing a sigrt, becl<ott- what for ? whY r f,'t;g'- what a
_- hoiv are you ittg, hinting, alluding to' t
hclpecl; \tl.r o^ h-r'l g' irt a laP- ..,4.1 it.i, rvhat ? dI,lL crowd I dc";l attentl to
9'i', -
belief, faith, creed; eitL:ll
Itazarrl rvay, carelessly; n;Kgr'ilt-ll J..r:c-11,111 have you got ? t:u Jli ;k,1 iynrdrr, this important matter first i')l ;.1!
what dicl he tell you ? (C. '93 $ gta'Jl o. cleanliness is trext to god-
J'rJ;o you had a lrno'n'ledge of ihe oh ! you rogue ! (C) .'.e | )
liness (7rror'')'
rvhole matter; -r^ll ; g, oli-*ll Uris J[--l-, act of causing to +{ nll
,rUrrralr, rightrside ( as opposed to aya,velse of a book; miracle, pl'
nratter can be easily settled ) )c 1tt join, attain to. re ceipt, p/.o'J g{l-
-* left), /ettt' qi-'-1 iyha,,r, ambiguity, misleading'
.1ro:llJ.rJgo to the left ! g.r1l l: -r:(ll l,a.t,l iuro, o1 o:*-;-3 hoist arvay ! f\r,.1.
4.ila-ilrrrra ( pt oflLj )'teaders, cltiefsi
o|:r: this bo* is iurlisPensable up ! (t. is.srr).
l j,l \l (t'"t- fJ,. every Other
,r!Jru,,, yes !
to tne ; 6*"1 c"l ro he is under ttlY \b.t,l" e7dan, also, lil<ervise. lvltere froni i' from ilay I I'r-f- that is so ! that is
orders, he is my subordinate; tll tn, where? -'r better !
:Jr,! gli s1 jh,l g;Ll you are right ! 7\,br-l i11iJLdl1. cxplanation, elucidatio rvhence ? Jl to what Place ?
- iyrudrr, hall, saloon, porch, pl'
:i.ri, -ri! h.; mlf Gocl help you O-t;,_l cxplarratory 1,hele to ? .f, C:,".ri ,o ltow catl o1*l
hc be Your relative ? ot;l4l (P.).
o.r'11 they are of o1e acco*d; Uh.l ;fatyn, or [^tl:,i Iraly (I. I/alio
- u.fajJ-r,ldo l..rl'n,7l,crtt,t (u.l ond L), rvhetcvct',
.r.l'ilr lot rely upon hirn ! ouyri6, Job (tt.).
4$tll or it^tL, or i
i[ul11drt ( Jl ), evcry where.
J.r,l g, you ale the cause ! you arc
rhe Italians. jtJtt,iItalian (L).
to blame ! it is your' own fault !
Jellai ;, hl I am not your servant ! instigation; 1t.'i,o at the
/ ltza -/i't - Jtw
i!.1. iy',ir,
do you taho me for Your selrant ! tancg of. L):b
go oa,l fr he appropliatecl, he took E,l.iula, ulfilment, settlement; pa

pottu.sion of ; l'r-f.1.iC'l lg';-.r4l,'

)Q.l'iygrt,/, act of lightirrg. sctting fire
I defy you to clo the same ! nj.=t- - Bt, The second letter of the Porte; elJl lre t":fl bear that in-
pen-holtler ; t6'igl2*;L ultl "r')l -b\-b.l-;u,t,it, act of rvaking up, ro
- Alplrabet. As a numeral,it itstancls
has miurl ! &l - .1o J;'2 a Pool lnan'-
kiss the hand that you cannot bite ;
4,,1. tlqd', act of causing to fall ; -the value of 2. Irt clates, man in the hanrls of Gorl;&l-.1o'rt'J -
,.iJl ro.rC.r^tl.f-ti ottl posscssion * for the month of ::.r ' It has the
rnony of sounds. carelepsly clressecl ; i\ttl '''l-'ll o'-
bcgets satiety ' ;ii'ai [' ''r'l3ll -r''Jl !-v alue of b. In rvords atloPted from ivithout pt'ovocation, point blanh ; -
sit.e'.l- iyqdf, act ol causing to
orre hanil cannot applaud lltrous.). - European languages it sometimes l\^:-'Jl-,). by way of precaution"i-
giving into trnst in
act of committirtg to keep - Iepresents the letter u as in 91k ' a sepatate house, indepen- -
e!{l'iycLi', UflJl r- - stay of procee vcal (1. uitelb).
n1! g' c"1q
safely, depositing in trust. i.a:ll stay of execution, dent house, house rvith a separate-
J.l ir, the male organ of generation, - .s

bi, for, by, at, in, r'ith ; way, manner ; entrance ; ir^Jl anus ; ,t-i1'tt
' oLii,-1. iyqan, being perfectly sure.
bY God ! - --
PI' sr.'l is\l-i1qirp4l as r;ei q.v.
-!-,tr fot a piastreilr! -reoli -
the cobbler's wife is always
>lJ,l iqt'arl, act of putting forwarcl, acl- l.l!. .:,4 I met him at nightlellli"eKL the worst shod; {Jl c,rjll/ ulll "t^}l -
(a income, reve' l-the - they eat it with salt. lt is also usecl whiclt -
ducing saying).
nue; supply of a canal, p/. ol:1.;l
o7K-t iyl.,ipg y,seconil ; g'J
*to indicate the present tense;''ft^' {i-ls it'- close the tloor from
regiment; ftiJl su5'chief of iotnes the draught and be tranqnil -
jl.;..1 iUrau,Persia;- qro qJ:r Imperial office (
- 'he cats ; lj^J-r ihey play limit of a cal--
T..1 (prous.). n1\ term,
Persian governnent. ;t,'J Persian, ivlaur, act of giving a feast i Irdlr,door; wa)ri chapter ; subject, oulation I r;
jll '-
ir' house -
(P.). ing pain, tormenting. Pl. 919.\ or *r,.1 61;\^r".lJ;.tt|€sP- worth not more than a tltousand '-
_pi. 'r:;l.r.l -
ambassarlor (T.). main door; dt.ll -,t,ll the $ublime pounds ( P. \: )
.r4,1 agit, to clispair of' risk i'r?Sc-5o ,5,7\-l alsy,
tI {t,\, * ,P\
:-i/ J )
44 t,
: il+i! " bizittgldtt,;1s ;t-:il q.v.--. jal :\: bd.rontit.r, barometer (lr.). d\.t,a,1, chief, heatl; -iK--.1.tiuf clcrk;
!! bal,o, papa, father; the Pope, pl.
, glllr! . gr$r or q9e1! papal (L papa). ,\ /,,ir, to be spoilt, useless, left on otte 6t\r barrY, creator (God)'
secretary general i i..,,"-u*'
- chief --''
- - chief
engineel ; inspector 1
bdbautllga, popery (fLorn I.). hancls. 2"91 to spoil, cause .to "iii.
""y!! Paris. es-b\ Parisian (tl').
- chief -.-
useless, leave ou one's hands' t sdt! \ol chief eunuch ;
- '6.\ IrjDn, the second nonth of the - ";*7
process-selv er,cl'te f lru i ssicr;iUF-
Coptic calendar (Cop.). t\ l,ar, bar, ch'inhing-shop, p/. -lt\(E +"1\,. bdrya, rnallet. pl, i:!r! (Frrr.). sergeant-majot; g jr: bashibozok
'-- :Cl.! b(rbiro, slipper', p/. pqr\ barbi)nr1 ( et.- ), the recl j\t bd:, or .'Jili fa,lcon, hawk, 7r1. oll[ (r ). - -
Esll(T. ..-l-X\.

front P. Cr,tj ) (L burbone). - (P.j\ ) l,l[ btisa, Pasha, pl. ol;b! (T. bt front '--,
tom-torn. (For.)
P. .b! ) -/
- Jl.!
bdbir, as le1le Q.v' 47r\- b:iri11a, frigaie. tuan-of-wat, p )\,blz,
- i"\ idbi,,t,ig, camomile ( P. *:r\ ) 6rl1' ; ptk-l -* .ttti..i', scout -rl1\, 6(t76v, rn:rrl<et; bargaini--"!l J'f,| trrb!. lcisrirrii, as "irrl q.v. -
u'ith ltim ! settle the price
- if \i bat, to pass the night in a placc
ltart'ct, fntnt G.') bargain
q:b\ bdidwllga. Pasha's rank or title e
+--r\* bdrily (Jl), yesterclay ; n-rt^ll - with him ! (P.). (from T.) J
he slept at our house.c-J1,.
- to pass the nigirt, ctlllsc to pass
the day before )'esterdaY. 6)\ bdzu, as j\ q.v ul^lt basti,i, learl-stall, pI. 3tll.r (T)--
-- the nighi. -rr\ brilid, colil to the touclr ; .s 6ds, to ki
I, J;-SS
q-! lre ki sserl
' nilcl tob to llorv to
ts!\ bri.dy, chief ;- f,f' chief nteclicarl-
- J)j'! l,dlrtd,t, cofflc-tlartt tlior")' pl.',s-'2\ hitit oll he cheek ar rttetlical -
ct tt,
-;b.r officcr' ;"il!l
rlull, disagreeable, sl kiss, hiss rcPeatedlY. r-*t;l to be
- 4Li! bdtista,cambric-musliu (I' Lrrlisla)' - C--1 officer of the rinry (T.)' , --
nlan ; of a folbidtling (front P. ;"r'-e1)
,r.-1. l,ririr, orre l'lro loohs, pI' q-'\,1
kissecl. L/t,:'kistt,1
-.4:ji'\: bdtittla, ns etrtl 11.y
position; llill ; -1 t bd.s, harm, distress, nisfot'tune ;
-phlegmatic c,f\ l,citlal, to lay eggs;.tll__Oo-
j\, bdtingdn, 0r jtz'.i, o1' ;14r! or uttpleasant taik I'd^lc'r:\6:"|r'a 1 - ':l or _- r;,ci L no |arm ! I do -c.;1,
- itar!.
egg-plant, atbelg^inc, ,s(/. I am glarl to sce You do it ! -r -< not mind ! I lrave lto objcction o;ill p havc you found a fortttrrc'i--

-- ct*:"!pl. ol;[ll! i - J:.1 an icliot rttol'c coltl.

4l, 'i J:t a good fellorv, not a
- ftdlorv. .r-f to whiten; rvlritervaslr ; tin-
- (T. ;tfrlr s1' ;l*^lt! f',,nr P',-'K'\) cotll'ag^e, bolclness, coohing-utensilsl copy-fair i J'-'
it['o /,,i,'i., plojecting, prontinent'.-
plo\\css. -''
,\ t(tt ). {J-rll 1s typent'ite. ,.^'ito become -
7\ t a4, io clivulge a secret, publish.
briri', excelling, superior', p/
.-.- C\lto allow, tleclate lawftrl.l!y per-
Lr\: l9.L[, It ciscrbo rt, passport, //';[, t-! white. ;J-ri or ;''rilto be whitenecl-
:Jr\, 6,;,,17,', one who is hneeling .ri'
rvhiter,vashecl; copiecl. or ue;1:r r
missible, allowable ;- Je;'rll free f*\ basnecir, ship-lamp (port and
pl. .lfr! ivhiteneri; n'hitewashecl ;'tinnecl;'-'
adrnittarrce. starhoard lights). (For.1.
- to bc stalc,
*,t! .bdrtlittu, tos for
- a\, bdb, r'otteu.
speecl (I. borchetla').
6rislrr, rrracat'oni paste pusk).
-LL. f,if, armpit, p1. olt! i gL\ c-/ lr f)Kll
* or!\ o bLSiro, steanrer, 1,!. ,, bcisif, onc rvlro sp'cads, strctclres you cannot teach your grandmollter
":l 1t\ lr,irirrr, oue who is going
c4t-! to suck eggs i tzrll, ql! he has ttot -
- r[t bticl, to become extiuct, pelish. rLi* out, p/.
J:.2 man of the u'orlcl, a pertlty? he has nothing he call "
to destroy, a,nnihilate. -
common sense? m:Itr of experiert \ b,irt,;r,, as irt-r call his ou,n; -.!l J; lte rvrestlecl-
- ,-rPr\ Itddingdrt, s1s .Jt.:i! q.v. or! bdrut, pal'a (l/40th part of o
lr,irirn, srniling , with hirn; L\"lli'-e''o boil which-
piastre), pl, lllL (1'. .rli, 7'rou, counienauce.
- "tio a srniling
9r! bdclg, o+e rvho begius, begittner, grows in the almpit i
- i;t fruit'/
- -.-..- One going forth,p/. q.r! lrf-iJl 6rt^ll )JJ! bdrrirl, gunpowcler (T' or)\ ) bdsiir, pile, hemorlhoiclsi tnurour, of o kinrl of sYcatnore
'tree (not-
'- afore-meutionecl, above referr'ed to ; dllrgl[, brirricll-rdttcr, porvder-mill ulcer', pl, 4-ly. good io eat;. (C. t'i )
,,)l -rj at first, at the start; +;L g1;L ) btts11lg, as (.v. Jt!. rafil, false, fttlsehoocl, vain, nselcss; -
.,flL.tOr\i]l tlrc first to begin (injnsticc)
JllJ! -r,l he borc false rvitness' '
, . is'rirost guilty (prou). cgrii rlrore {tr\l ltdriln,a lucky coin, thing '
to soak, nrclt, ,-il1 to causo
urgent, requisite. to bring good luck soalr, melt. ;,b\ trailu, inner, internal; hiclclen i 'pI.
dr:I"I *46- {:JI l*, t dt--l
rlistinct, clear, pl. c1111;;l cck'lp- -
- the secret of the
-. s,bl3t, '.r.'Jl {u bcilry, one wlio weeps ; lnourner, a.rl, bd^gn, gutnbo, okra;
" cuckolcl (T. f'om G.). - J-i2 he loohs ill; .JF 4:/l- ci' there\
-, case ' ,-.-itt the sole of the foot. .Jr-l
- t,
are no inclioations as to when hc"
'- ig\ internally, secretly ' irotbe - pt. € ItdntLtnynr, pantominre (F'').
$. Ourruo, arcacle, viacluct, ,il, will be here ; l'r-f
,- seoretly and openly' 9t[. intelnal; (c. .1--r\ ) ppear be seen ol J t, j. j\i.,
0 t bd
II, to bnbuid1,, or ;tia, s1 'ti,o parrot,
utb;lr..l internal diseases'
- J[.. t al, or Ji or J]ri to rnicturate. to cause to app e al' show ll dicate,
pl. ot;ti., (T. ;tU or ;blt! fron't
* 4L.t! bilinta,61 cii! bill of healthr - clemonstratA. 0;:i or gi;t to be
professional tax, liceuce, patettto
J!. fat, tlought, rnild; ,Jtl[ ,j b P. b^, )
- gi1:' one tvho is ,i,"
cleat, evitlent. to be-
warrant (L ltatentc'). bear that il nrlntl! *li,.lorLl it .
bdtt, to cut off ; ilecicle. o1;lo
red to nty mincl; l, J:Jl ,i - showing himself i - Jlt mall of cut off ; tlecitleil' lie!^r" 6'
'-1}'!'- '
- -bq bdz, to be spoilecl, clelapidated, do you rettretrtber '.-- note, nau of mark' g-l*-l' shown,
this cut off ; tlecicleil. L-:1* act of cutting
. - obliteratefl; useless. 1"3, to spoil, .',h(il the book y0u indicated. t (P.).
d-t dllt, .Jll off;ileciiling. n:r* or niJl'not at all..-
i\ tta" (Jlrt:), bean-oil Plant, willow .t, biU ( t.onf. o/-i1), daughter, girl. -
._ clelapidate, obliterate; aunul; cause
tbe book in question ; g' dUrr
-'-to be out of ot'der I e'i'll -- eo hs l.r .lt-Ll looh well at this rj! ban*o, pansy (Ir' pensee),
_ cleflowered t[e maiden. !"_e..spoilcil, rrti r.L g C, Jlr I was thinhing Lq bitd', of, the ploperty of ; objcct.-
delapitlated; becone uscless (T';r:) lauy, builcler, founcler, Pl. c4;t'
- something else; Jt' .1c ;' t;l I f\ tlrilg, /cnr.- +ol:a , pI. Ls;li OcL, l'r-
.l[. l,ar, fire-bar, p/. otL\ bdnuo, bath ( l. bagrto)' that is mine ;
(For.). not care I ic nt'crt ficlrct
-Sc 1,.,tu, -:(Jlhis bool<s;'

o:'i L rvait until I come bach

! .)a! Driftit, facling; pa,le, p/. cn:at' ;;1Jl - J'Jl the man rvho sells -
F\ Ira', to sell;'rtb- he tlitl not oblige
hrearl;io;ll mouth of the-
-hin. g!,loto purchase' /:: to cause br)lturko, or 1(i>\ tackle 6ri/rir, bli54ht, beautiful, blilliant. -eit fill the
"(Vtparranco), canal;';; .git 1l--dry should'
Jo sell. g!-;l to be sold' $^:' solcl. $.t\. bdlriz, excessive I give you a piastt.l)1-;t - the-
bd', fathom, ihe lerrgth to which the F\, balb, or jLq overcoat, pl. ol bdlt11, beautil'ul, gl0r'i0us. uei* sexual orga,n in the rnale i'irll-_--
-- d.. (Ir'. palclol). \.
ttvo arms can stretch' P/' ':UL;.1 p more beautiful, glorious. the sexual organ in the female (C'
. able I gtf l a'o;* incompetent r-Nl. t,atiE, orte rvlto at'r'ivcs to ; t Itdgit, et,
i -- atJt lris ohicci ; atltountitlg to i one who passes the night, )
(P. ;\ ) ..l'l\ ; 1l stays for the night, p1.c6,I i o-ltQ ltalafi)ra,6r ..zeilLi .davit, pL-
matuLe, of fLrll age, Pl. -.llo r
bread, breacl left over night ol.,rlh, (1. metla fuori ).

&[.- bri'i.s, one rllto settcls.
- cause, rJtr sovero wouttds.
-. .-. ntotive, p/.ool1 ; '-,,^t-:il ',:ct'llo
the (T.;!t, ) Jq
matle of Indian cord
.- A\, t a?u, o, 1j[, clauce, ball, pl.
m'otive for thc ivriting of this letter. biuih, one rvho pronulgates a flour (eaten by the Peasants), s9-
(I. bnllo). t
secret, pI, q1-\, o1k, ;r/. llrk,
-SL\. 66Eo, tortoise-shell (T. +r ) ,1..1[[. ratto,r, or J-itt ball'oon, pl.
-t - o bdyift, stale, rotten; jfi batbYl, rvhirlPool, Pl. ;^'L' -
- d !.. 1r,i,14, bouquet; p/. i\i!;.rrJ t, ta."!.,f *l[.raln, hale (of goorls), pl.r'l\(t. -ffnonsense.
ospray. bdyrr, left unrlisposed of, remaining -\* batar,.to cut off, amputate. .r-tj'.*---
buttol-hole ; ;il:[;ti,".29^;- q.\,.*
-)1. uatlu, as 1[], unsold; ;ir an olcl rnaicl. amputation.
J\, t aql,remaining, permanent, durable,
p/. .lrtt ; o;i.ll the Eternal. - r'em-
,-r-)1. uatrir, penis. - briyii, soakecl, melted. J ::\bitr,;I, petroleum (F. PetroleJ-
ob-)|.t atrirc, ot obrl, hinil' of bat', powct; help.-
- aittder, rest, balatlce, pl. flel . ;3i jelly; paste (P. "-d\ )
bdyid, rvhich lays eggs.
-- more durable, Iasting. btiyiz, spoiledi obliterated; uselessl ./i eltx or 3j:-i vcal I -
bitello, sl.' +['
- f V,' briltir, iomorro',u ; early.irf[,oearly 4"-t! brilri"a, sewer, clrain, pl c"il calf-skin leather (I. uilc/lo).
; *f11, maiclen rvho was
J in the morning. i-)1. t,att,;n, as ,reu\ q.v.-- d
) bttlum,lvhole, entire;- cn:pt- two-
yit, seller, venclgr, p/. ' frll hours (T. J:i )
--{ l,6cilro, pachet, pl, iL5! (L ltuclrcttt) 4\.- batr, threadbare, worn out.--' .4^,1, 01' crt,*

4l'34 bitingdn, as ;td\ q.v, _

- orr(1r,. Itjktire, first fruit, pl, olsr{\, c^l\ bdlcina, whalebone (L bal
Uttt) appai'ent, plain, cvidcnt,
Li 48 6*1 ,S* -4e- .ll+
iuvestigate, o-t'to
tg*1, bihAru, pertaining to a lahe or to ]/
a"21111i11g' bifiUt, miser, avaricious, stingy, p/.
.-{jl Itittugu, cask, hogshead, p1' it-tl
\ (P. j:1 )
lvith another' e'-l^; ore'-l"il to the province oI "* t:{ . J;c.i.ore avaricious, stingy.
cuss together. al-j search,
&, * io diffuse, spreacl. g^: lo to be /. t,uLb, to spout forth, squirt. "g--, n.t +- s"tso batltlacl, to clisperse, sguan.
* a/+ miuation, invcstigation, inquirl', v
diffusetl, splead. 'i9l^' ol' &1-:-e
stll of spouting forth, squirting. i;-:l der, dissipate. ,\;. to be clispersecl,
rliffusecl, spread.
'a-11. aci of diffus- ern cjection, effusion, pI, ;,lz. squandered, dissipateil. .r.i-l*" to be
/ s1, lxl1l1ur, to go northl'at'd I
ing, spreading; divulgatiotr. arbitrary. r\1,. dispersed, sclu:In'
hersell in ttativc dancing ( ,V. t,uftir, vapour, steam ; exhalatiorr,
vA baga', switlts? storks' s{/. *-^{. pL
\\roman ). t1.'lr to sail on the
dered, dissipated.
2tl. 'r1.1,S.rt{ pertaining to stearn;
,J-"i or' ,J.Jl f6 gs tleep into ( steamboat, steamer.
"l. bicft/, wish, desire; S { I rvish, I
- =f",
J'... b|gllrl, to honottt', venerate'JlTtio sciettce, etc.). ,i.^' olle who ;,? Italt,luck, fortunei good luck, good desire; le-trY porr they wish to go i
to be honoured' veneLated' J-7'-' going north; northwat'd1 ,r-il u fortune i destiny, pI. J-f. 61 lt3.l ;
e,l i.r, whs,f is it you Want? .-[(Jl
honouretl, veneratecl. warcl. ,J--1' sea; the Nile, c[i;1 ch3. l.: 6]:l buy this for good d !.r,nfl tbe booh you wish to have;
bagam, sintPleton, stuPid' Itrrge cattal, pl, y1 or 1\4.o s1 ,4 or bad ! el:3.! how lucky you are ! fot sure, certainly, by all
11 - '(;r,(
;^"il Jz.ll s1 t-9:11.r-^ll i1 ;-9Jl , (P.). means C. "rrt ).
it+ baguntin, trough, pl.t\t t"4.11to'1
the Mctliter:raltca'll ; rt'J lr*Jllhs
4=it q* u,wooil-coclr, f i g-pecher
Itug a fu g
selr ; r-2-Yl ,tJl ths Blach
;e. -..i{;-;'. tabuf,tar, to swagger, strut.
{ brrt/t/, escapc;
- 'J no oseape, ot
graceful, conceitecl gait course? necessarily; ;(p
lL ltecca/iro).
!^Jl ,*-ll or i[.lLJl t]re Oc -! hu is
) btith. to cause to be ltoarse ; be - fntnt P.'1.
sule to write i o.o
- \l or l1^ i
tlre Atlarltic i L j- tlto Deacl -tnust
hoarse' lv'r-1 to loosen; cause (one) i1 l,nl:bar, to perfunte with incensc ; inevitable; oier ge "j ho
'J it- must be so ;
4 J.
r.,rJl the Jourula,n I |
clie; l-rf
to enjo;' himself . g:; I to be ltoarse' -
trbroad, Joreign countries
"-l f uniigate.rJzy perfumed; fumigatetl.
well;-Yr .l g;
g:z:i or g:':il to be loosend; erljoY the sea ; ,tll j in the co u*l' 6n7tot, to injure, treat unjustly, -'jJ,il not so
CJt:, hoarse. e':2:' or
one's self. - .rr:l drinli defraud. uJ*!,- defective measure,
not so very rieh.
of tltc clay; ,.^ll U.
e-5o 6acl, beginning,
e:-f, loose ; enjoYing one's self ;
the sea ! clo it arrtl he d low price, fraud (P. ir:-4. ). commencemen t
"- ij: a, libcral rvcight' q-zi'
,ibt' et.^4, ,-^ll e\ rl hc carr tip, - Jrl- or - !9111* at first, first
hoatseuess, rouglt voice.
J#.. baft,iii, to malre a present
of all.
you round his little finger (from P.)
/, thelc is ttortc ! tto tttorc. ! all
bnhlr, (Abys.). tl+ Itctdn, er.l.r:rl or l.r-Ll to. begin
\- gone I Iirrishel! (bul't1s tall,:) it *, babiautdn 11,garclener, 7rl, ll s:3,
11 6n1rrrir7n, pond, srnall lahe, commence; ",t(il ,p he began
(T. ;l.,*at, ;.
writing. elJ'rr begun, commencecl.
-)l taTtiat'). sealnan? sailor, rrt:trincr, ol,lr4.
boatnran, pl. '2\1. i ,9rl!*--1 rril-- utrl4- baftigi, present, gratuity, tip, .cl.r-: beginning, commencement.
water-wlteel which telhes its I'ater $14 bnlu,,'17, pertaining to the p/. ;ptr. (p.).
nolth, nolthrvarrrl; Nilotic ; iL l-\,* Irorln, to appear, beconre eviclent.
rlirectly frorrr the l\ile. bibil, to be miserly, avaricious;
Egypt i c9-,*Jl3ctrlti 1tn is t1o ,.9r!. to show open hostility. car1t"
e,>.^1, bal.tba{ra, act of loosening; enjoy-
the grandee. 6r-tfrnaritime, ua -tl(l[ he refusecl mc the to sholr,., make plain, ipj.l--
rnent, pleasure? spree. -
bo-ok, he grndged me the book.
ntaliue, nautical. a1'-2-nl )
he expressed an opinion.
T lrafibifi. otte fotrtl of pleasttt'e,
.,.r*.)l ;19,.r the adrnilalty. d-*-l avance, sylglness.
happy-go-lucky f ellow.
,ll"l. /,ic/dt, instead of, in the place of ;

i'l lrafttur, or il.* to sczr,tter, clisperse, ,)l bal4ktq, to open the eyes - (,.;J tahuf;naq, as .iq q.v. dlll4 instead of yoq, in your. place I
bulrir, incense or any substance be b instead of all that,
squander. j*:i to be scattered, .il-" lvide oPen (eYes)
stat'e. -
act of opening the eyes usctl for furrrigationl6r. cyclamen- Jl-1.. Irn,Lla1, grocer.
dispersecl, j.r. scatterecl, dispersed.
staring. Plant, the plant sow- bread.
.j4. clissipation, prodigality. dl-ru. 6o4461n, syphon, aquecluet, ;i/.
D-f1, belliya, la1e, pI. o1:44.; ; y.l li, bulj[t)la,squilt, syringe, pl.>l*-2,
eL, baftas, to seek, sealch, loolr for ; thc Bchera Proyince
..-do- + l{ -61 - J,J,

baza, abusiv'eness, scurrilitY'
y'1. barall, opelr. spa,ce;
- ,r) free
exchanged substitutecl J.'t^:i l\* land, waste land'
4Alr, b(ddfto; or a6r5. improvisntion' r0ca mutual J-"|-i exch allge, SU
:, {
/ut:nr, to sow seecls. ,""; or' ,*.r,i
irrtuitive knowledge.. stitute, barter; instead of, in ',i,o
' 5l;. barlricl, fittet, pl. cl-t|1.. 'slr-! file-
o, -rt.;l to dissipate, squantler, clust, raspings.
t' l.tu. birlaya, beginning, commencencnt' place of f :j t.- instead of
disPerse. I
seed, grain, Pl. ,lJ'
scatter, tlisperse, squan-
- n-l"ri-
tlavelling allowance' li'a j: €t -r. lx t r'
g,tn aker oI d onkey'saddlcs,
.1-\. Itadar, to de i -6C -
0l' Jl
pI. +.osl1,(C.
dePlucetnent uc3ly. [t';omP.).
clcr. .;rl1* to hasten, run tolt'at'ds'
allorvance ; lifi Inznt, io give abundantly, bestow
-- norse allowance )4. du
sl J. ar r d cl y ct, w ater- cooler, p /, olrl v.
, ,--r, to be earlY; 'rGt^i!l 9 ;"';; 11'J profusely ; spend, exPend ;o:9et-io
b 11

get up eally to-nrorrow'

'l\- -
exchange'in lieu of Pen ' birdz, 6r lllrntl .tlrll* fecal matter;;
,tttust or .rr: -"
5. rlicl his best. J;i-.o 3lr1.*
to antici- human excrement, sewage.jl l.*,duel'
Jr:'.j" t0 hasten up ; stlive . given ar,vay, spent. J'i-1'-act of giving
patc. ,r.:tl t0 be scatteled, dispersecl'
abuntlantly ; genelous gift; r{l'l-* Jljl-y. bird:r1l ( Jl i)t'. ), Blezil.
JJ+' s0att6red' clisper- Brezilian (Ir.)
squq'nclerecl' substitute for' act of doing one's bcst.
seil,'squantterecl' )or!'' act of
<Jtr barl/tr, oomplete suit of clothes, bu:r1, obsce ue, bord.srtr11, clover-seller, pL +.-11,
scattering, clispersing, scluanclering' dl" foul-mouthed, €lt.
" vituPerative.
or"'r-li a shower (of money, etc'), p/' J-r-1 or ;'J'r' 19' di1)' +cl 1, bard' n. excellence, perfection,'merit

il;.r1 (C. 2j1). in the -- )"":r." Ltcu'rur, to ploclaim ittnocent,

gl1. blavo ! well
4^l { baclalyrlrr, substitute' J, hirdfo, bravo; +lo -
justified' r;r.righteousiless; kinilness;
;.\. badr, full moon, Pl. 25tt,' of; r;9Jl -- corv6e done ! capital.! (F.)

morrey i n:r('--
charity; - ;!'/L he is no good ! $1.1. bnrrdtl, .shining, glittering'
o;r{ 6ru/rn, Powder fot the face ( I' Purchase
' podt rc). fr;om ruilitarY set'vice' 1. burr, shore; mainl and, pI'25t.;1t$l - pl. oLlv.
gl.rr. bildrn, earthenware pot,
badtrrt, bodY, tt'uttk h Syria i ta - Egypt ; J;;t;'il
d:t{ baclrdtt,basement, story (of h-ouse) i{
- bardrt't11lgg, cask'maker, pl.
' uniler gtountl level, p/'itr9r'r' (!-or')' bodY; short tunic without Asia-Minor ; ,l\ or all ;o foY l1n4; q.\*l -r,
e.*l^.1y. (T. /.).
6sls. baclrg,, early; c"ijl or * rJ pl. ;1-r,l . ;-^:. corPeral' rll tt lF ,l,' :6 he shall not bring the
- *3-\. bicLi, act of beginning, matter to a successful is.ue. Itr,* gjl1, bandtLy, external, outsider, stran-
it ,J' l-r'fql Jeii1.;"J oK
is early;-:'have by lantl. f"r{ pertaining to land ; ger, pL ,a;11.;- djjt counterfeit
you shoultt' told me that cing.
wikl (animal); 017. ,ft*o lanil forces.
befslg. o-:1r'ri early morning ; r.JF :{ bicln, beclouins, noma'ls' 's(/' SJ bardtrll[11, hat-maker (ftom l.).
o1* bur, ot iJ, reoovery, .cule. *rl t.
'' - ipL he comti to me in the early
' i ' moi'ning. C e-\ my stical wortl
Itocl nh, ori1, bordctrsr bl-ll acqu-
pl' ctll'l' written und el' the address J barcd to acq uit, declare I nn0cen t -innocence,
' ,.^-',.1 more carly. ii161; a,.ill freerlom flom obliga-
letters, antl sometimes t 0l' 4:> t- he was acquitted -
tion, responsibility or guilt.-vizirinl
?4 birlda','to make or say wonderful by its comPonent letters 'lr.ln to heal, cure. 'lri orl'";l to
A.\tY, as an invocation of its , be acquitted, decl,ared innocent.;, letter; pateut,r iliploma, plr oli;r.;
':' tltings. L*i- to excel in cloing a
'invent. J;o^ill
-'- exequatur of a consul.
', thinb. ,g:,1n toor'iginate, arrival. 9,1 g. c.i'r^;l
[;l I repucliatecl my son. :i\
nS.4l' acquitted, declared innocent' os\' 1, burbrirrr, boiled wheat eaten with
novelty, originality, si n gularity; P{ batlY" sPlentliil, wonilerful, -
mannerism. iiLr. an innovation,
m agnificent burra, outside;
to nishing :] pcople
: helesY; chism, PI: {+', Jtft IAIE ln bea uty 4a J-r
' owe rne moneyi -ir.:li
i.:.C, he went /.1 lxd,ul, water-c0nduit, eathcn-pipc,
novel ty str enge OT wonclerful
off straight to his destination; culvert, pl. d:.i iT- r'egulating
J{ I,a,lat; or Jr1-l to change, exchan-
pl. clrr m0re -
ge,: substitute." J'{t io make o*-
ej-iJ -!"r o;^Jl ,it*L clo not mention culvert.
magnificen t, excellent. this to any one 1..1.lturbar, or piJ. or pLr. io mutter to

ottung. with another, barter' J:'r1

- one's self ; glumble. oJ.J. act of
a6.-\. bndYlrct, as tnl-r'. q'v' Itcu'dtykcr pr atique (qf ship)
to qhange .one after 15t o1hs1' J"til
' ut
I, pratica
). msttgringl. grumlling:
o, J1;i or 'l"a:il to be changed, q1J",. bulYltY, self-evidcnt'
cljl, Itt, tVJ,
JJ -62 -o'1-
t'i to rnake cool I robuke, give
l!1. burlcint' or jl'l'-r-l.o rivets;' wafersl )L1. Itariial, to edge off. ,Jav. aot of
;t,1. barltar, barbarians, €t,J, Nubiano
rebuff, put to shame. rii or r caohets, sg. ut:r-|, ;r/. oLt-:y. edging off.
Berbereen ; savage' pl.'y.l;r i' ;.|;1llri' ;

Nubia; "1,11.ot\. it rainetl cats

to be cooled. -'rt^l 16 behave colclly a-,rir r.t.l;r. consecrated wafer (S.). )L1. bu'gul, boiletl corn drietl and
.r"r-1' cold; t; -rjlthe weather is coarsely gt'ountl (T. .2.rr\ ) '
- V 1, IturidntrTST; rivetter, pL +rll-) s.
and dogs; r'y.v;ll-i brutal severity'
i1 barod, to fit with a file. :+l to b ('r.r.)' JsLS, barjit, or' $tLJ." flea, PI.
j.1, Iiirbir, young chicken, pl'
fittetl. rl+r fiffsfl. -:'r-:1 aot of
1 biriil (.r,: ), soft-boiled eggs (P. s^i11, i
a-111. shrimps, pl'awnsi
1!1, barbaq, to oPen the eYes wide, )1" baratl, hail, hail-stones. ,::.j,-f )' c-Jl g,.-ily small confits.
stare l Plaster a wall. *t"1J1 act of PI' vtlt. (T'
the eYes wide' stariug i jlsJ lrarrtdLr, one who is cold, pl' c4;ls 1, bru'iiut, to rivetl close an envelope.
buruu, screw-nail,
opening' "!1, sL-tsi)
Plastering. 3 ;ai or'a:/l to bc rivetted; closed.
J,i,3. pl. &l'u'r'. (P' 7>J,bardab, to Polish, burnish' .1r., rivetted i closed.
e.:.1. act of $1, baraq, or. i.l.i* to shine, glitter,
barabr-urcl, scroen,
or fail to be Polished, i'ivcttingl closing (f'orrr S'). flash; ,3o1t^;-rll it lightens, i"r-11
, )
polished, burnished. a:'s23 lightning; gleam, flash; gold fringe
*.J.l>irba, anciettt or ruined temple' p/'
i+. bariud, clods of earth.
of polishing, burnishing (T. el-t' ) to native necklaces, small tliscs
4.t1. (Cop.). aotJ, btu'tle'a, dotthey-saddle, pl. 3l /rrtr.g, house-lizard, PI. sel1.l of gold or silver sewn to the
l!.J. burbiir, soft lllucus of the nose, pl' (C. oir. front.P), .y, Itcu'aE, leProsY upper part of the grjl u* un
oruatnent, pI. iu.. 0y. pertaining
1r,l t, ti sitS. barrluqoi, ol ui'2i:"' 1 bur[dl, porter, carrier (I. portarc). to lightning; telegraphicl ejv. dl-r*
Jl'--t (Jl :>lt), I'ortugal' J\i;v.
btu'tu(sdl urarjora,m (C. .-}i;.2' ftonr
Portuguese, P/. +Jt$r. (F'')'
1 borlai, to clatter in walhing rvith telegram.
,-?:(J).,'). old rhoo" or slippers ; be abuntlant .t'is.; t0 veil hcrsclf.
.,'lW-1. burtuqd.n, oranges) s.g'
dtil.l , p/' o 6rrru/c, cloak or mantle wortt (in market, etc.) ; n'lc g":tY. l;l I CJ. - !611t111'q1ct"trl,

him with contempt, +:'b1.act r.i1r vsilsfl, wearing a veil. Cr-:

ottt.y. ; nj,'l - blood oranges; native women of the peasant treatedl
veil which covers the faee from
jtrv. ;"t) orange-colour (T')' pL t$1. of clattering ; abunclance'
the head downwardsl curtain, pI Cll.
barly/c, .a Iot of goods; match' rS)1, Inrdg, ot 1, bar[rf, to gallop, run, go about;
- t'rll. reed
enjoy one's sglf. a^tr, gallop, run. Oyl. barqtitl, plumsn pl'unes, s9.&t;t,
game, rubber (1' Trcllilrr)' (P. g;rv. ? ).
bar[al, to bribe, ;t-"; or
JLr^tl to Pl. !6t;t.
(J, bnrg, tower ; bower ; constellation *,,>1. barclgyc, cold, fever aucl ague
i ll-> - be bribed. JL-n. bribed. c,tL;. act of
!-1. bareilt, to hneel Aown. if to cause
of the zodiac, Pl' CrY. ao!J.. berzct'cr, ilonkeY-saddle, bdbing. to kneel down. ij.r\ to bless; con-
dove-cot'tr C': d:t I
cu. (P.) bar[unt, as Jl. q.v. gratulate, e[^i 3rt^, h, Gotl bless
it. *u* maddenetl,he was infuriateil'
)J ba ruz to pr0ject, ISSUe c0me you ! d :)rk t;.1 we went to con-
+-F-r birgdsa, courtesan, cocttlte, pl' barlcuttd.n, as ;l-tr. q.1'

gLb:.(P. ,:V:.9).
ppear )i
to prod u0e,
bar[irz, forecastle ;e,.p*Jl men)s
glatulate him.:lrt-i 0r :lrtil to be
il.r*u,I. :J'-d o,' l'rit to 'ffio. u
1.,t1" to fight a duel with. quarters (For.).
or 26'. .nair of blessirg. jrt-* or iJl4' blessed;
-- bargal, or
]7.s. ,Y1. to fig'ht a duel with one an
3. bcrfiiJa, old shoe or slipper,
compasses, Pl' Pl7. ; --lt-s - tis.. barzalJ, isthmus, pl. /i11. I congratulate you l{-t:r, a blessing,
proportional c0mpasses;ft".- spring Gbt:. pL tV.y.i {1'tlsl-i 6.,,t1t,..r
J;r).' benediction,
conrpasses (T. JKl. front P' 2{1) EgYPtian clovcr; t9j
bar[unt, beam of timber; pontoon,
God bless you ! '- s1- &11 thank
fltly. ( t. fiontone).
6.-l.brr":synr, GocM am so glad ! latrl ntitrtt,r
gJ. barilrnr as ./.r. q.v. ' holy hay. !

barfyl, bribe, 7rl. J;Lly. F olt - I am so glail he oamc !

CJ, baruh, to dePat't, leave, Pass; tj,l - rl;l inbnrai, to squat
[:r g. 1tl move awaY ! move on ! down, lie flat. .irr' or .i
sclf bcrrr', to excel, sul.pass others o-:')'t oK;r, nanf tha,nks ! rnuch
obliged | (T, Oe-t.t {t.)
t1, birid, to feel oold, become cold ; squattecl clown, lYing flat' 'j knowledge, etc.
) et. to give
, make a donation. -sV1, birkdr, as J11 q.v.
r-i; g- he felt ashametl of himself. rough native ma\, Pl. ,i'lt.l
d.:-l ')t t,
5b- trf,t
JY:. -b+
ague. the colour of his money.j=1women's
o.t!;i. brfrcrrrdrr, sailor''s hammock
)V1. birttAt"canbric muslin (F'. Trcrcrrlc). to frame a Picture' 1r4;' breast; knot (in rvootl, etc. ), 7rl'
l,rrrrrrln), )tt, borui:, jli. or jli"l ; 4:i r. ,ii news
€tVs,birk(twr1, pertaining to a or to be framed';r4'
lahe. framed.
-t bcrnas, to Put between -
sd .)eJ.act of flaming (from P.). from an auihentic soulce; ,'ll .1t"'Ji
iVs. burltd:"t, volcauo, pI. d4'flr. (t.). thosis. rjrll act of putting be suckling (P. "i. ).
parenthesis (for'.)' btirttz, act of coming forthi appear-
{1, bfrkn,lake, pool, marshy gtouncl, )tt, Jlj' bizd,l, saliva, sPittle.
PL ')'-'. gJ-i. bru'rrrrs, ntatltle, cloak' cloak
j[y. barlarnrin, palliament, p/. it;[r'. a hood, 7r1. (G'). l*3-7, brt\surr, Prussia ( I' ). jLJ: Itazbu:, sPout;.taP, PI. illli.
"*rll. jVll. (fiunr I')'
(tr.). grJ;. brrilr.s, Prince, P/. it*; brus11drt11, Prussian
Jf, ltuzur, to sow seeds. ,'i. to genn-
Gil1. birlanfy, brilliants (1. brilkurfc). Princess, pf it-,.JY (t'') ul 1. berdi, brooch, 7rl.l\:17.(Ir"
broclrc ) inate, prohuce seeds. .2';-1 seedb,
Itarcurt,to twist; go rouncl; ramble &it. i31, beri)fa, trial, try-on i proof-sheet' grains, s(/. Pt. tlst.;r5t;f-
lJ, burnl[o, hatn cap, pI.Lrtl1,l
here and there i ;l-fl J:L he
g-"' o\rt top hati r-rr;'- straw pL t\t.(|. Proun). linsectl t o' pipless t utill ;.2i.
- 4e(P')'
moves about the whole claY' i":t +.1 lamp-shade (I. btrattu) ,) c r l)urfil;, act of reclining with the cotton seed.
to twist rePeatecllY ; ciluse to go foldetl untlel' one, l<neeling. t;":J ltu:rcLtt'tyt, one whose parents
4b;t burhdlt, pLoof, evidence, argum
round. g...i* to consoliclate; -o pI. qd1.(P. jtau,). jJi, Irtru,rt, bronze (Ir'')' are tot of the same nationalitY or
he entered into a treaty' l-ril to be breed, cross-breed, mongrel, hY-
g$;i. borlran, to Prove; e'l')lf,.Y e
pl. iJ15l'
3.1, bartott, Soap-r'elllllant, britl (ti'or'.).
twistecl. g94' twisterl; rounil-shaped'
plove what You say ! goli s1 031 beritutt, prow of a ship (I. prrrrr)
,it3. act of twisting i
going round' ? s. l',ct:ag, to begirt to rise, peep tolth
to be proved. .r^-l' Provecl'
*"; a round, turn I walk, journeY,
act of proving (from P.). I)uru, to cut or mend a Pen (sun)'
PL c,V1, 6r[,* to vie, imitate, compete with' r37 lru:tu1, to spit. "rj. to spit much.
4s-1.o lturluL, momeut, short spacc
cs?J, Irurnlagul ot {"t. , effeminate; r.9a;l to be cut, mended' 4;ztrio to vie, o'j1,, act of spitiing. d";-1 a sPit,
" titne, ittterval, P1. itol. with one artother. 194'
procule r, Pl' Y4 t. or 'SllY. compete sparvl, Pl. tEi.
5b1 ltarhg;, cliet, regimen of an cut, mendecl. g 23. act of cutting,
$a 1, bctrmaq, balustet', spohe of a rvheel, " Lt:i bi=ug, rising of ihe sun 0rnl00n.
tf'. i:^r. ). mending. *.ti'. a cut, PI. o!rr. (P.
PI. ;;'lY. (T. i'.t.\' j1. huru, as'J. q.v. ) tlS lta:ttruatrtl, pinrp, pandcr (T.
4n-1, burntcr, earthenware pot, saucepall,
4;21. lt'om P. elui;^' )
)lsS birwd.z, picture-frame P/. l.bargror r.t*ll -- innocent, free,
Itl' ( t'. (r, /r'on P.).
4n1. Itunna ( .lL-), screw-tlail (T' *ll.)
exempt, pI. '\s.l fl brrs.s, only I enough, sufficient; that
&;j'*;9J. berdtistant (Jl ), ttre
postal service. 6.111." by
bcu'gcl, is all ! -_ .4:?i only two Piastres;
-r\6o3, baranthdt, 616 o:3r-'tlte Tth and
' ii, -:- that will do ! enough ! stoP !
arits. 6:i-i1r'. Protestalt (E'). post (P. ir-r. ) .
8ih months of the CoPtic salendar hold I .r*
- let hiniI'r-f-
onlY come !
biry[dny, Britisb. a; [t, y. Britaini
(cop.). F t-1. Iteritisto, legal Protest, as soolt as he comes ; that
J, Irnr,rryl, cask, bauel, Pl.J^^lY.; r'1rc iit:j9;,. i Ir. Protestetl s&^ll- Great8ritain (L Brettagna)
- J-P . is all ! is that all ? -5 pi he is
,l^..,;r. tumbrel (T. J.211funr
F' bcrrll) bcrrunra, colk-sclerv, boring-tool,
more than rich;
- Jli ll ''r: he
rable, teturtt, prog- f :s. baril|ant, Progt'amnie, auger, pl. otry. (C. 94 ). drank to his heart's conte[t;
- 1,.
birndt"nig1, ll
ramme, catalogue (P' +t;r!)' i[lr7ey ( Ii'.). binggct,desert, wilderness, pI,tt j :. l.rf ol Jj t.ll him that only !
tlo not tell him anY thing else ! (P.
{J, I',urrut{ln(Jj ot i{s. or,!{1, gaaze, €:s.burirg11, as g:r)t q'v' brri'r'r;, what a horror ! o dear !

crape (T..3*rrY.)'
d-r )
. >91 birurl, colclness, coolness i rcn's lrr1L). (T. .y. )
the filst gr*) biss, be off ! (to cat)'
ut1.ltirin11y, first ; ,5'il -_ shame..rJ r.colcln ess ;-lill - ' to project, spout out, spring i
j-ll of the
rcgiment; - the first al::J. biritlygu, coldness, fever ./t ,-i+: L :^ hc cloes not show tlQ bi.sarya, small fry (G,)'
class (T.)
IU -56- € ^t!

buira, piece of good news, pl. so-attrl-so, ancl so forth. ,Jo1io or

![*l carpet, pl ittt-r or nt-ll ; f*l listrr, {or' ,."'[1 in tlte rtamc $/.
- ' ,o^\-'," to consider, examine. s!a.3.
erJl pall, clrap-tnortucrrrc; ""t-1::'- ".r.'jlr
:/'Jl - in thc naue of .r.\t;
sight, faculty of sight, pl. lto'l ;
corriclor carPet
l'ather and Son. b/. bairurl, blocks or lumps of mud. 1[-t'Jl go .,b he disappearecl from
+LLl 6at61a, simplicity, artlessness' {*,1! bisysa, native srveet macle ,.lt bnsrJa', to horrify I cause to be sight
buttel and hone;' ; jl fl it ' hitlcous. fi;! hirlcous, ugly. ,.-ii $ay" baqacl, to spit.
dU;! 6rr.s/citt, gat'delt, orcltat'cl, t)l' -
and was broken to atoms. more hicleous, ugly.
.e\+ . j\:--i garilener (P. ;u- {-911)
J*' Irasel, onions, sg, 4:*3,pL o)i-1i
t*r i,oru1, simple, single, uncom ag.,L\ Itaiqo, other, anotlter, different (T.)
,);^t 7rot7i1, to twit. d-l; to be trvittcd' decl l naive, artless ;
,oJl il-1 bulb ; ,.rl,l - asphoclel;
d:j act of twitting. - l)|tr
talk; \-at! n.ij-tetl hirn pla
) Jfrl
ba.d/cru', long oven-hook, 7rl..,f [' ol-t ;ilr-t L Jj:t nran rvho is rtot

a(4 b,,ltr1/t', towcl, napkin, serviettc, worth his salt; c*4; q*1.
i9^*l ltastrtn, Piston (E') t-ii-ot. simple. -
six of the one and half a tlozen
(i' pl.,ft: (T. :{-, 1i'on P. aC11)
p1y'*l basfdrry, spatle (cl ccu'cls)' to receive with u$!.baJJ, of the other; ;r.rrq.Jlii"4 an onion
#r: ltailantllt, thick stick or lash;
smile to one. ui,f:' to soaft. .;fl$ rvith a friend is a (roastetl ) lanib
t*) 6nr,,6, to spread out, stretch out, be soaked, ,-i$f. soahed.
(prous.) .

extend; exPlain I Please, cheer' d.,L! brr.irrrrrla, as d.:. q.v,

bnsonr, to make an impression,
orQ biidra, goocl ne\\,s; tip w I^at
-t-51 to stretch one's self out, be 'tg,r.l) ba.drur.s, the ninth ntonth of the imprint, stamp. to bo implintecl,
the beater of gootl news ,oa,il
extended ; be Pleased, be cheet'ful, Coptic calender (.op ). stamped. l9^a:, implinted, stamped ;
enjoy one's self ; b;tr-lJlr. -he was pI. 1\:' ; .rk!l .r.c feast of
pleased rvith this m&n: he liked Annunciation. .j-4 - ;::ri laboirr aq) ot .;*r;l or O.:1. ie-.ll bearing
the impression

this man. l9-Y spread out, exten- e,.llr.*1 bnsala, affability, cheerful
.;oi or .3:i^il to rluffle onc's head, of my seal. q.-.a-1 act of tal<ing an
{i::l or d,iLt?, act of muffling ouc's impressionl impressionl pr'intccl
rled ; cheerful, in good sPirits ol' tenancc.
lread (C. O'.1 lfutm P. ert.). goocls, chintz (T. n.-! ).
health. t:j pleasure, gaiety' u1{ bnJbiic, act of soaking.
enjoyment. &-r a pleasure, enjoY- A baifii, affable,pl; r+irl1 gT4 busntogy, one wlto seals; figure-
ment. 4o\.1 baici'c, hideousness, ugliness. gently (C. ,p:l head, p/. a-..*1 (T. g: *.l1 ).
A biiruds3, slordy,
.t*": basf ( ru;, reed pen. .).,Ll brrsrf, passive sodourite (P .'gt) V, brrssn, a live coal, p/. otl-: iC.
o bnigrrbearer of good news, pl. t2-r.),
1r\t4 bas[dtu11yu, whole piece of {;;-r|'.l"! boitafttu, small chcst of
cloth, pl. r:!;tL4(T. :t:-t,fi'orrr For.). lrrt 4e: basyr,one rvho sees, sharp-sighted;
toilet-table, pI. ot-:*::1 (T.
u!*t 6asry', hideous, ugly. intelligent, discenting, pl.l 1o'i,' 4*!r.
bastarnm, jerked beef, hung lfunr P.' ) insight' intelligence, penetration,
beef tT. -1e-l' ). basg,to look. ,c.-1 to court, flirt,
,:), baiar, to paro, peel, scrape.
make love, liire de I'a'il,u^2^i or
rnental perccption, pI. 1-l-,.; O:f:l
+t*t 6o11o, step of a staircase, to give good news. ,:\ to
out.ii "44i tlc so that he may know lvltat
undertake. t-"t1 to rejoice ,r" fs spy act of looking.
itLr he is ahout.
j-.J-*: basldrt, or irt-lt ,:ri I fo be pared, peeled,
bnssris, deteotive, secret-service ao\.b" 1,u46'rr, goocls, melchanclise, stock
p/. ot;eL-r (I. bnslbrrc). ,:^ii 1s be hopeful, expeot man, /)/. ,5rt-, gl'no[-t*t
in trade, pL C,l iqcE-Jl J:[ J:.r
news. 19lY pared, peeled, busfu1, saliva, spittle. ignoramus, half-scholar.
J"K4 ltaskaLuyt, biscuits, s(/. t:,2(-t
act of 'paring, peeling, bosbrrsc, act of courting, flirting, ( badclu', to nrahe pulchases.
pl. i,V, e(-t ( I, biscolto). "ll.Jl malring love,lhire de I"uil,
A baiar, man", mankind'''; bid', o, o^!b-lo some, felv,
&t bisilla, Ir'rench peas I [or.:i,-peas * Clu
in pods (P. d;-: L piselli)' ,:rll 6t manhind. ."3-!2" ; 1l I ilo
/o,.io absar, to see
I<now lshat ! God -knows !
c!"b" budala, itliot, sinrpleton (1. 'Jl.:r,)
$"alt- human, mortal.
irt lrtbrt'ssitttt, or
i-ril or ,";'i- l'r" -..-- such and suoh a thing, L, b.Jt. batbal, to play n'ith lyater,
' -
to smile. &:i\. buicu'di, or ,-lerl!
L, 58- J4 rb,
U, -50 ,f4
Pugilist, 1tI. a^*-L'. (T' t') repeal, abolish l render useless, .. sent for him. c,.^;l to be seut' 9.9'^'
splash water. -tlt1 to flatten, crush'
tnbu';..'!/', or' .rlhl
nullifY. sent.,c,j.i act of sending.
u!^i or !l4it to be flattenecl, ,Li - "\.: to
IL, Itrfial,bt'ave man, hero, coulageotts' brL'tar, or -L1oto 'scatter' ilisperse,
crusherl.l1Lr. flat. discontenteci, ungrateful' rL^:'4
chamPion, p/. JtL,l squandel. "5J.-11 act of scattering'
contented, ungrateful.,r-1L-11
L: balf, duehs, s9. olt;1 P/' ;1[Lr i
tentntent, ingratitude. clispersin g, squanderin g.
t1t'll e^i'r' l6n1 o[ tlative sr'r'ing ,ilt, brr{lrirr, being'null and void, bcing
clisconteutecl, ungra
' tancelled or abrogated, being dis- 41^ro [4'56, mission, expedition, pl. o\:',
(P. q )' dl-rL l,,,fr,itt,
used, neglecied; lies; nullitY.
pl. q;lrt' o -L^r bi'irl, to bc fnr, go far; y'll-6s6
4 butt, boat ( E.) ,,L, ltrttttt, to be hidden, secLet. glLi
e -hl bttfrtr.s, Peter (G.)' forbitt l (womert's talk)' ^:i or
*L-,o bnt, or !t1 slowness;"trlo slorvly' ',' ,o line a rlress. glt'; o, glt^il to bu to cause to go fat, remove to a
,yrb. ba[rcLi11n, or JP-,L1 robe -r."i
,Ui iL,l. ol,f,i, o, itt-;- to litrgct', be by Priests rvhen officitr'titig' - tin.a. glt* iineA. oiu-r stontach,
distance. r.i'l to go far', clePart,
- - abdomen, belly ; interior, PL o gL'. i
1o1g. it^i-I. to considct'
slow, be (G ). quit. -rct-i to be far from eaQh other.
- Ot"ll eh. 1is .upon you ! gtrl\ useless,
imPaiient. ! pt natr,,/i, or' ;,-rL, o, lt-tLt Pa -r.^i-l to consider far; regard as
'-= worthless ; g'rill - sole of the foot;
baldrifi, roe ol spawn of fish' ilarch, {r\L' (G' and L') improbable ; cleduct. "r-i^-l' distance,
alh 11.
. JrJl - calf of the leg; {'lt :
; r;'-,t^'o K- tit-tt rvhich has {.p, p inierval, pl. .rt''l ; :L'1 climensions'
botargo d bu t ikbcinu pa triarchate thc hokl of a shiPl n:'L' g' -'Jlr-1i
r( -.r-Lj. after ; -J'r^' or-d].r after
I Oe. rialch's official resideuce, p
\; \i
. he sublet the house ;ct' 6n l't 1>(tl -
+,1\Ll bafaryrTrr, battel:y, p/. l!.ltt' 1I' iT. +;\;(.ltr ) these words are his own' you;-+:;^l L-
after I hael seen him ;
batteria). p a triar-ch
ranh brrfri, 2s c-tr q.v. . t6r.).J ancl then, afterwards; - tj
v(-bt bu frult U ll( t *t latei' on, aftelwarcls, in ihe future;
$\1, fafaf(r) 0r oJI- -- srveet potaioes offi ce patria clt olfi cial reside
,r!-1 buttt, slow in motiott, dilatory, 7ri.
( I. Pcrlata )' (['om G.), " d4:& . iL' I more slow. . -l.r-f-;ti, L nothing can be better!
o-t\t' d:-hl ba(rdnu, ProPrietress, (or worse); L'i- now to to
.rtEf bnfrif is, potatoes, 'sg' pL
4,*2') Ixt !1 b, \'va ter-melon s9 *:Lt pl.
-\ or^t 'il oli "iPass
c,t-t\tr (E.) (I' Palrottn). oul subject I
bugr1q, ot !J.rLr, as
jrLl q'o.
\..Lr 4pJ /J cz-bt p0nlm el ot a
a matchless horse;-'r(-the daY
oJrq baftffira, 6s 'rrik' 4]t,
i j;-e1\d'[L' jt-
tlonhey's sadrlle
after to-morror'v ;-"r( - after
do riot be uneasy ! dorntcz slrr lros -
JQ totfat, bad;itlle, Pl.+l\t1 ;d\L' 'ir' rit,- l,afci, to seize violentlY, tlrree tlaYs (ft'onr to-daY).
throw one uPon his face i
q:i deur: orcille.s !
prostitute; -' '):'c inferior cluality'
be bu[irt11, glutton, pl. q^i^t' r.J-l.* ba'rlcrt, later on, by and by, after-
altL- holitlay, vacation ; iclleness' he ilevourecl him. ;L,;lto
warcls (C. jl 'r^1 )
d\L br,l,inrr, lining of chess; p/' 4tL' upon one's face. ;Jt';* buz:, to spout out, ooze, squirt..l;-11
violence. riti an assault, to cause to spoui out; "ri^o d-h\lr5* -11 ba'r', globular dung of oattle,
pl' ol';tL' seizule, fall orl the ground I shall put out his eyes ! I shall Pellets, s9. or',,, PI.. ul.t':
{U.l bnttanyya' blanket' mal<e him suffer'!
one's face. D)3Jl ba'riru, young camel, pI. Qlstru.
or qttLl
Jq bi!il, to be idle, brr'rid, distance, intelval.
oL,.j,,. 6ilIrafa, act of playirrg with water'
repealed, abolishecl;
g,.lLr o.l, I lle
bu'bu", bogie, ghost, pl.
t) S2 - Ira'zuq, to scatter'
splashing water. dLl ' dispelse. j.;.1 or to be
the use of his hand . to
balaft,to wountl the heacl' 3Ll to tickle thc hinrl parts ;
brr'6ng, scattered, squanderetl, dispersed.
eLl continue, cause to be iclle ; a
to be rvounded' CsL;' woundecl' i:lt, w r;ill ql tr::l he put a spoke in his j;.^, 5s3i1.tecl, squandered. ^i3!''3.
repe al, cancet
of wounding'n'J-L' n wound u p w riting we do not write
whecl. , act of scaitering, squandering,
tt e heacl, Pl. ot-L1 i ul.,
il"iiact ulll m0re .1..ltr ),{ the scho ol ba'bris, finger; unlucky affait',
"5o a" spokc in one's rvheel, intligue, ;
\6la o*1.- he who has a wouncl in clo sed o he g0t the ,pl. !i*r !a'd, some, Palt certain;
ttt. tt.ort will touch it rvith each other, together;u"trll --
(Potu')' of lil0, [,e 00m pet ed
, ,o,O

against me, ;t'J to bo'cr, or 4,.-11n to send ; -= he some people;iti9"Jl sometimes,

,€?ob, br(rl3gY, ring-leader, bullY' ^l -

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