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Unit 1 : Diversity in Living World

Chapter 1
1. The scientific name of organisms should be written as
a. Genus species
b. Species genus
c. Subspecies species
d. Species subspecies
2. In which organism protoplasm and cellular structure is absent
a. Algae
b. Virus
c. Fungi
d. Bacteria

3. Triticumaestivum belong to the family

a. Muscidae
b. Poaceae
c. Hominidae
d. Anacardiaceae

4. Which genus has large number of closely related species

a. Falidae
b. Fabacea
c. Convolvulaceae
d. Solanum

5. Each statement in the key is called

a. Couplet
b. Manuals
c. Lead
d. Monographs
6. The first step in taxonomy is
a. Naming
b. Classification
c. Description
d. Identification

7. Living organism show internal growth due to addition of materials and formation of cells inside
the body. Such a method is called
a. Totipotancy
b. Accretion
c. Degrwoth
d. Intussusception
8. What is the difference between the taxonomic categories of division and phylum?
a. Division is same as kingdom while phylum is more exclusive than division.
b. Division is more inclusive category.
c. Division refers to plants whereas phylum refers to animals
d. Phylum is more inclusive category.
9. Carolus Linnaeus is associated with
a. Binomial nomenclature
b. Inheritance of acquired character
c. Law of limiting factor
d. Origin of species
10. Which contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given area?
a. Monographs
b. Catalogues
c. Flora
d. Manuals
11. Hierarchical classification refers to
a. To divide classes into orders
b. To rank one above the other
c. To divide division into classes
d. To divide orders into families
12. Example of interspecific hybrid is
a. Liger and dog
b. Tigon and tiger
c. Cat and lion
d. Tigon and liger

13. The housefly belong to order

a. Poales
b. Sapindales
c. Primata
d. Diptera

14. The first Biosphere Reserve established in India is

a. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
b. Sunderbans Biosphere Reserve
c. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
d. Manas Biosphere Reserve
15. Which of the following statement is correct with respect to nomenclature?
a. Scientific names should be printed in italics.
b. Scientific name when typed or handwritten should be underlined
c. Generic name always begin with capital letters whereas specific name begin with small
d. All of the above
16. Choose the correct sequence of taxonomic categories in descending order
a. Division-Family- Class-Order-Genus-Species
b. Division -Order-Family- Class -Genus-Species
c. Division- Class-Order- Genus-Family- Species
d. Division- Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species
17. Which is the scientific name for wheat?
a. Homo sapiens
b. Triticumaestivum
c. Musca domestica
d. Mangiferaindica

18. Preservative liquid used for storing fleshy organs is

a. FAA
b. Ethyl alcohol
c. Acetic acid
d. Formalin
19. In a scientific name, the name of the author is printed in
a. Abbreviated
b. Capital letters
c. Bold
d. Italics

20. The highest categories of classification is

a. Family
b. Order
c. Kingdom
d. Class
21. The taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals based on the
similarities and dissimilarities
a. Museum
b. Key
c. Park
d. Zoo
22. A group of closely related classes is
a. Genus
b. Phylum
c. Family
d. Order
23. Full form of ICBN is
a. International Code of botanical nomenclature
b. Indian Code for botanical nomenclature
c. International Class for botanical nomenclature
d. International Code of biological nomenclature
24. Herbarium is
a. Collection of living plants for reference
b. Chemical to kill plants
c. Collection of dried plant specimens
d. Collection of preserved plant and animal specimen

25. In five kingdom system the main basis of classification is

a. Structure of cell wall
b. Nutrition
c. Structure of nucleus
d. Asexual reproduction
26. The basic unit of classification is
a. Species
b. Phylum
c. Genus
d. Family

27. National Botanical Research institute is situated at

a. Chennai
b. Hyderabad
c. Dehradun
d. Lucknow
28. A binomial nomenclature has _____________ words
a. Two
b. Five
c. Three
d. Four
The first word in the biological word represents the genus while second component denotes
the specific epithet.
29. Related genera belongs to same
a. Family
b. Species
c. Variety
d. Breed
30. In MagniferaindicaLinn, ‘Linn’ denotes
a. The name of the author who described the species
b. Species
c. Subspecies
d. None of these
31. In hierarchical system of classification of plants, which of the following taxonomic rank ends in
a. Class
b. Order
c. Family
d. Genus
32. The five kingdom of classification was proposed by
a. Hutchison
b. Bentham and Hooker
c. Engler and Pranti
d. Whittaker
33. Which among the five kingdom does not possess nuclear membrane?
a. Kingdom of Monera
b. Kingdom of Plantae
c. Kingdom of Fungi
d. Kingdom of protista
34. Free living nitrogen-fixing bacteria are found in
a. Air
b. Soil
c. Root nodules
d. None of above
35. The main difference between gram Å and gram Q resides in the composition of
a. Cilia
b. Cell-wall
c. Cell-membrane
d. Cytoplasm
36. Antibiotics are mostly obtained from
a. Bacteria
b. Viruses
c. Angiosperms
d. Fungi
37. When milk is heated at 620C for 30 minute and then cooled the process is called
a. Sterilisation
b. Pasteurization
c. Nitrification
d. Freezing
38. Pure culture of bacteria was first obtained by
a. R. Koch
b. L.Pasture
c. A. Leeuwenhock
d. J.Lister
39. Antibiotics cure disease by
a. Competitive Inhibition
b. Fighting with the disease causing organism
c. Turning the pathogen out of the body
d. Removing the pain
40. Which one of the following fixes CO2 in to carbohydrates
a. Rhizobium
b. Nitrobactor
c. Bacillus
d. Rhodospirillum
41. Wine turns sour becasue of
a. Heat
b. Aerobic bacteria
c. An aerobic bacteria
d. Exposure to the light
42. A free living anaerobic bacterium capable of fixing nitrogen is
a. Azotobacter
b. Rhizobium
c. Clostridum
d. Streptococcus
43. Plasmid are
a. Virus
b. New types of micro organism
c. Extra chromosomal genetic material of bacteria
d. Essential bacterial genetic materials
44. Site of respiration in bacteria is
a. Episome
b. Microsome
c. Ribosome
d. Mesosome
45. Which bacteria are utilized in Gober gas plant :-
a. Methanogens
b. Nitrifying bacteria
c. Ammonifying bacteria
d. Denitrifying bacteria
46. Organisms which obtain energy by the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds are called
a. Photo autotrophs
b. Chemo autotrophs
c. Saprozoic
d. Coproheterotrophs
47. Which of the following is an exception of monera kingdom -
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Cyanobacteria
d. Mycoplasma
48. Bacterial chromosome is
a. single stranded and circular
b. double stranded and circular
c. single stranded and linear
d. double stranded and linear
49. Which of the following structure is not found in prokaryotic cells :-
a. Plasma membrane
b. Ribosomes
c. Nuclear membrane and membranous cell
d. organelles Hereditary substance
50. Which of the following connet the primary and secondary processes of photosynthesis?
b. ATP and NADPH2
c. ATP
d. Ferridoxins

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