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October 3rd, 2010

Dear Benefis review board,

I would like to start this by saying how offending the words “herd immunity” are. I have always
believed that Benefis treats it's patients and staff as individuals and now we are classified as a “herd”.
It is not always a good thing to be part of a herd. Just as the sheep that followed the first one off a cliff!
Let me remind you of what our government does to “herds”. They secretly infect them with deadly
diseases over the period of decades, just to watch how the disease spreads! If you need proof of that,
take a look at the experiments done at Tuskegee and Guatemala with Syphilis. I wonder what lies they
told those innocent men to get them to willingly sign their own death warrant?

This leads me to my first Bible verse. Acts 5:29 says “we must obey God rather than men”.
Vaccinations made by man alter the immune system and like you stated in your own letter it only
prevents the flu in 70-90% of people and it is far less than effective for chronically ill people. Man is
fallible but God on the other hand has created man “fearfully and wonderfully” as stated in Psalms
139:14. Trusting in a man made vaccination is like saying I don't think that God made me correctly,
when in fact 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells me that “the body is a marvelous work of divine creation to be
reverenced as a temple of God”.

The Bible also commands me in 2 Corinthians 7:1 to “cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh
and spirit” Leviticus 19:18 warns us to not mix animal material together. I take that as not mixing
animal products with my blood. Most vaccines are made with animal ingredients. Luke 13:1-5
reinforces the idea that mixing the blood of different animals makes us sinners. If I am to keep my
body clean then why would I allow ingredients injected into my body that are not clean and have even
been shown to be dangerous?

The ingredients of the flu vaccine are not being released to the public. What is the government trying
to hide? They must be dangerous because people are not allowed to sue the makers of the vaccine if
anything goes wrong! That is against the 7th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States,
which gives people the right to sue for damages.

The controversy and questioning behind the motives of the government and pharmaceutical companies
regarding the mass inoculation of the world gives a person a lot to ponder, whether it be experiments,
population control, or plain old greed. God tells us in Matthew 7:13 “enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many will enter through it”. In
the instance of the Bible it means few will seek and follow Jesus Christ. It can also be applied to the
ways of the world regarding sin, lust, pleasure and now vaccinations. I do not want to be a part of the
“herd” following the path to destruction.

Do we not live in America-the land of the free? In heath care we are required to give informed consent
and obtain such consent from willing individuals for anything from blood transfusions to surgery. Why
now an I being forced to partake in a vaccine against my will and the will of my God? No, I will not
allow Benefis to inject me with chemicals such as Aluminum, Mercury, formaldehyde and animal
products that could cause more harm to my body than good. My body is my temple, not to be
destroyed by man. I believe in the body that God has made for me and it's power to fend off diseases.
The very fact that I even have to present my case for religious exemption borders on illegal in my
opinion. The 1st Amendment grants us the right to free exercise of religion. Now you will have me
pleading my case so you can prove how religious I am. Who gave the committee at Benefis the right to
determine “how religious someone is”? Who gave them the ultimate knowledge of all the religions?
When did the laws change to allow one person or committee to judge the religious beliefs of another?

I will wash my hands diligently, wear a mask if required and stay home if I am sick all in order to
protect my patients. After all, doesn't Benefis promote the usage of good hand hygiene as the #1 way
to prevent disease? I will not allow the bully tactics and fear mongering or the threat of job loss to
interfere with my body's natural immune system or more importantly, my service and faithfulness to
my God!


Melissa McDunn, RN

Since the leader of my church isn't available to sign this ridiculous paper because he is ruling in
Heaven, my evangelist will sign it for me. Obviously my word and the words of my God aren't

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