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 Anatomical means “relating to body structure”. Each system of our body are
interconnected. Each part is dependent but supports one another. Hence people
should know the proper exercise for each body part to help them make useful
movements actions and interactions.

1. ABDUCTION - A movement away from the midline of the body or a limb like spreading the
toes or fingers apart.
2. ADDUCTION- Movements toward the midline of the body, like in bringing the fingers or toes
together. - Remember that ABDUCTION and ADDUCTION always refer to the movements
of the appendicular skeleton.
3. ANGULAR MOTION- Movement two long bones. It can be forward (flexion) or backward
(extension) or movement toward (adduction) and away (abduction) from the midline of
the body.
4. CIRCUMDUCTION- Special type of angular motion described as making circular
movements like moving the are in a loop.
5. DORSIFELXION AND PLANTAR FLEXION- (It refers to the movement for the foot)
 Dorsiflexion- is the movement of the ankle while elevating the sole as if digging in the heel.
 Plantar flexion- It is an apposite movement, extending the ankle and elevating the heels,
as of standing of tiptoes.
6. ELEVATION AND DEPRESSION- Occur when a structure moves in a superior or inferior
direction. For example is the mandible or the lower jaw is depressed when the mouth is
opened and is elevated when the mouth is closed.
7. EXTENSION - occurs in the same plane as flexion excdpt that it increases the angle
between the articulating elements. In fact this is the exact opposite of flexion. Example is
the extending the arms in both sides.
8. FLEXION - The movement in the anterior -posterior plane that reduces the angle between
the articulating elements. One example is bringing the hand towards the chest that is
flexing the intervertebal joint or the arms.
9. GLIDING- Occurs when two opposing surfaces slide pass each other, as between
articulating carpals and tarsals and between the clanvicles and sternum.
10. OPPOSITION - A movement of thumb which enables to grasp and hold objects.
11. REPOSITION - Movements moves the thumb and little finger away from each other.
12. PRONATION AND SUPINATION -Refers to the rotation of the distal end of the radius across
the anterior surface of the ulna. The rotation moves the wrist and hand from palm-facing
front (supination) to palm facing the back called pronation.
13. PROTRACTION- is moving apart of the body interiorly in the horizontal plane, as in jutting
the face forward to gain distance at a finish line.
14. RETRACTION - Reverse movement of protraction as in pulling the jaw back towards the
15. ROTATION - Involves the turning yhe body or a limb around the lonngitudunal axis , as in
rotating the arms to screw in a light bulb.

Group 5
Sameniano , Rica
Samera, Clodeth
Sinag , Chezka
Suan , Angel Hany
Suarez , Sairyl Ruth
Tacloban, Jelamay
Tugano . Kathleen Jane
Vasquez , Yvette
Villacacan , Johanna
Virrey , Danica

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