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Pediatric Respiratory

Amber M. Richards, MD

 Pediatric respiratory emergency  Foreign body aspiration  Asthma  Epiglottitis
 Bronchiolitis  Pneumonia

 Children with respiratory complaints commonly present to the ED and it is imperative that
physicians be able to promptly recognize and treat these disease processes.
 Maintain a high level of suspicion for foreign body aspiration in patients with good history
even when presenting with normal examination.
 Provide supportive management in epiglottitis without increasing anxiety or agitation and
involve consultants early.
 Bronchiolitis treatment recommendations have changed based on current AAP guide-
lines. Supportive care is the mainstay of current bronchiolitis therapy.

Respiratory emergencies are 1 of the most common reasons parents seek evaluation
for the their children in the emergency department (ED) each year, and respiratory
failure is the most common cause of cardiopulmonary arrest in pediatric patients.
Whereas many respiratory illnesses are mild and self-limiting, others are life threatening
and require prompt diagnosis and management. Therefore, it is imperative that emer-
gency clinicians be able to promptly recognize and manage these illnesses. This article
reviews ED diagnosis and management of foreign body aspiration, asthma exacerba-
tion, epiglottitis, bronchiolitis, community-acquired pneumonia, and pertussis.

Foreign Body Aspiration
Although recognition and management has improved, foreign body aspiration (FBA)
remains common in children. FBA can occur in children of all ages, although most
occurrences are in children younger than 4 years, with a peak incidence between
the first and second birthdays.1 White and colleagues2 reviewed FBA cases from

Disclosure: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medi-
cine, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland, ME 04103, USA
E-mail address:

Emerg Med Clin N Am 34 (2016) 77–96
0733-8627/16/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
78 Richards

1955 to 1960 and compared these with FBA cases from 1999 to 2003. Comparison
revealed similarities in the types of aspirated foreign bodies. Organic foreign bodies
were the most common (Fig. 1).3,4 The type of foreign body aspirated should raise
concern about different airway problems (Box 1).
Clinical presentation
It is important to maintain a high degree of suspicion for FBA. A large number of
patients presenting with a good history and normal examination were found to have
FBA.5 Conversely, one should also be concerned if there is a poor history but good
examination for FBA because approximately half of cases occur without a choking
event having been witnessed.6,7 Clinical symptoms and signs vary based on the loca-
tion of the foreign body and the degree of obstruction (Box 2).
One complicating factor is that the clinical presentation may change over time as a
result of movement of the foreign body within the respiratory tract. It is also important
to remember that an ingested foreign body lodged in the upper thorax may cause
compression or local inflammation leading to respiratory distress that is indistinguish-
able from an aspirated foreign body.
Neck and chest radiographs, including posteroanterior (PA) and lateral views, should
be obtained to evaluate for the presence of a foreign body. Radiopaque foreign bodies
are easily visualized on radiographs, whereas radiolucent foreign bodies pose a
greater challenge. If a foreign body is not radiopaque, the evaluator should look for
secondary signs of FBA such as overinflation, opacification, or atelectasis of the distal
lung (Fig. 2).
Additional radiography views such as inspiratory and expiratory views or lateral
decubitus views may be obtained8 (Fig. 3). Fluoroscopy is also beneficial in the diag-
nosis of FBA, particularly in young patients who cannot cooperate with inspiratory and
expiratory views. Recent studies investigated the use of virtual bronchoscopy
(computerized tomography [CT]) as a noninvasive alternative to diagnose and localize
aspirated foreign bodies (Fig. 4). When obstructive pathology is depicted with virtual
bronchoscopy, a therapeutic bronchoscopy should be performed; however, in cases
where no obstructive pathology is detected, proceeding to rigid bronchoscopy might
not be clinically useful.9

Pen Cap Seeds Tack Safety pin

Jewelry 2%
4% 3% 3% 2%
7% Nuts
PlasƟc 42%
7% Carrots

Fig. 1. Foreign body type. (Data from Tan HK, Brown K, McGill T, et al. Airway foreign
bodies (FB): a 10-year review. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000;56(2):91–9; and Hsu, W,
Sheen TS, Lin CD, et al. Clinical experiences of removing foreign bodies in the airway and
esophagus with a rigid endoscope: a series of 3217 cases from 1970 to 1996. Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 2000;122(3):450–4.)
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 79

Box 1
Types of aspirated foreign bodies and resulting airway issues

 Inorganic material such as glass or metal

 Little tissue inflammation
 Direct airway injury if sharp
 Organic material such as nuts
 Significant inflammation
 Formation of granulation tissue
 Button battery

A child who has partial airway obstruction and is breathing spontaneously should be
kept calm and given supplemental oxygen as needed. If the child is in extremis or res-
piratory arrest occurs, immediate airway management should be performed. If respi-
ratory arrest does occur and a foreign body is visible above the vocal cords during
laryngoscopy, an attempt should be made to extract it with Magill forceps. If the
foreign body is below the vocal cords, it is reasonable to attempt to push the foreign
body more distally to reestablish a patent airway. This may allow for rescue oxygen-
ation and ventilation while preparing for more definitive management.
A patient with a highly suggestive clinical picture should undergo diagnostic and
therapeutic endoscopy, even if imaging is negative.6,7,10 Depending on the practice
at individual hospitals, this will include assistance from otolaryngology, pediatric
pulmonology, or pediatric surgery departments. Rigid bronchoscopy has been the
mainstay of retrieval in the past; however, multiple recent investigations have evalu-
ated the use of flexible bronchoscopy for foreign body retrieval. These studies have
shown that, in cases of suspected FBA, rigid bronchoscopy should be performed
when presentation includes asphyxia, radiopaque foreign body on imaging, unilateral
decreased breath sounds, localized wheezing on examination, or obstructive radio-
logical emphysema or atelectasis.11,12 In all other cases, flexible bronchoscopy or
virtual bronchoscopy may be performed first for diagnostic purposes.11,12 If the
obstruction cannot be removed by flexible bronchoscopy, the patient may require rigid

Box 2
Clinical signs and symptoms of foreign body aspiration

 Upper airway foreign body

 Respiratory or cardiopulmonary arrest
 Lower airway foreign body
 Retractions/accessory muscle use
 Decreased breath sounds
80 Richards

Fig. 2. Hyperinflation of left lower lung caused by aspirated peanut husk in a 15-month-old

bronchoscopy. Thus, flexible bronchoscopy should be performed in a setting where

back-up rigid bronchoscopy is available.11 Although adults may tolerate bronchos-
copy under moderate sedation, it is optimal for pediatric bronchoscopy to be per-
formed in an operating room for improved airway control and optimal patient
comfort (Fig. 5).11,12

Asthma is 1 of the most common serious chronic diseases affecting children. It is a
chronic inflammatory process affecting the lower airways. This chronic inflammation
causes episodic wheezing, cough, and shortness of breath. Children between the
ages of 5 and 17 years affected by asthma account for one-third of all asthma-
related ED visits. The annual health care cost including direct and indirect expenses
and lost productivity costs amounts to a total yearly sum of $20.7 billion. Asthma alone
accounts for 14.4 million missed school days per year.13
Clinical presentation
The clinical presentation of patients with an acute asthma exacerbation varies
depending on the baseline severity of the asthma, as well as the severity of the current
episode. Clinicians should evaluate for triggers causing the acute exacerbation to
address any treatable cause in addition to managing the patient’s symptoms (Box 3).
Patients with an acute exacerbation may present complaining of wheezing, cough,
shortness of breath, or chest tightness. Physical examination findings vary depending
on whether a patient is presenting with mild, moderate, or severe exacerbation
(Box 4).
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 81

Fig. 3. Expiratory view with hyperexpansion and hyperlucency in the right lung caused by a
foreign body in the right mainstem. Mediastinal shift toward the left lung. Inspiratory: mod-
erate hyperlucency and hyperexpansion of the right hemithorax. A mild deviation of the
mediastinum toward the left chest is noted. Expiratory: hyperlucency and hyperexpansion
of the right hemithorax. A greater mediastinal shift is noted toward the left lung field.

Investigation should include a thorough history of previous exacerbations, including

rapidity of onset, number of episodes in the last year, need for hospitalization, and any
previous intubations. Patients with persistent asthmatic symptoms and previous
severe exacerbations are more likely to experience recurrent severe asthma

Fig. 4. Obstructing peanut husk in the left mainstem bronchus in a 15-month-old patient.
Arrow pointing to obstructing peanut husk.
82 Richards

Asphyxia YES Rigid bronchoscopy

Radiopaque foreign body
Unilaterally decreased
breath sounds
Unilateral CXR findings Virtual bronchoscopy
Flexible bronchoscopy

Fig. 5. Aspirated Foreign Body Algorithm. (Data from Zerella JT, Dimler M, McGill LC, et al.
Foreign body aspiration in children: value of radiography and complications of bronchos-
copy. J Pediatr Surg 1998;33(11):1651–4; and Righini CA, Morel N, Karkas A, et al. What is
the diagnostic value of flexible bronchoscopy in the initial investigation of children with sus-
pected foreign body aspiration? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2007;71:1383–90.)

During severe exacerbations or status asthmaticus, children may become confused

and somnolent. Respiratory fatigue, hypoxia, bradycardia, and absence of wheezing
caused by severe airway obstruction are signs of concern for imminent respiratory

Pulse oximetry should be measured in all children presenting with an asthma exacer-
bation and should be continuously monitored in those with moderate to severe
Laboratory testing and imaging are not mandatory for the diagnosis and manage-
ment of an acute asthma exacerbation. However, depending on preceding history,
testing may be indicated to evaluate for an asthma trigger, rule out an alternate con-
dition, or evaluate for complications associated with asthma.
Peak flow testing before and after bronchodilator therapy is helpful for assessing
response to therapy in older children but is difficult to obtain in younger or uncooper-
ative children. Obtaining an arterial blood gas measurement in severe exacerbations
and status asthmaticus may be useful to assess for respiratory function and response
to therapy.
Several clinical assessment tools exist, including the Pulmonary Index, Pulmonary
Score, Pediatric Asthma Severity Score (PASS), and Pediatric Respiratory Assessment
Measure (PRAM). The PASS and PRAM scores included preschool-age children in their
derivation and both have shown the ability to predict prolonged ED stay or admission.
They are useful tools in the evaluation of asthma exacerbations.15–18

Box 3
Asthma triggers

 Infections (viral or bacterial)

 Environmental allergens
 Changes in weather
 Irritants (smoke exposure, vapors)
 Emotional stressors
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 83

Box 4
Physical examination findings for acute exacerbation

 Diminished breath sounds
 Increased respiratory rate
 Accessory muscle use
 Dyspnea with speaking

Patients should be rapidly assessed, have early initiation of management, and
frequent reassessment while in the ED. Oxygen should be administered if hypoxemia
is present.
Short-acting b-agonist medications are first-line therapy for treating bronchospasm
in acute asthma exacerbations. They may be administered continuously via nebulizer
or intermittently via metered dose inhaler (MDI) with spacer. In mild to moderate
asthma, treatment with an MDI is equivalent to nebulizer administration.19–23 Broncho-
dilators given by MDI have also been shown to be more cost effective compared with
nebulization.24,25 Patient cooperation may be a factor in the choice of nebulizer or MDI
treatment. More severe exacerbations may benefit from continuous medication admin-
istration via nebulizer. Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), when combined with short-
acting b-agonists, has proved beneficial in moderate to severe exacerbations26,27; it
causes smooth muscle relaxation through muscarinic acetylcholine receptor blockade,
resulting in bronchodilation. Ipratropium bromide may be administered by intermittent
MDI or in combined nebulizer treatment with a b-agonist.26,27
Early ED treatment with systemic corticosteroids has been shown to decrease
admission rates and length of hospital stay and should be considered in all asthma ex-
acerbations.28–31 Initiation of corticosteroid treatment in triage has proved benefi-
cial.32 Efficacy of oral versus parenteral administration is equivalent,33 therefore
systemic corticosteroids should be administered orally unless the patient is not toler-
ating administration by mouth. Prednisone or prednisolone over 3 to 5 days has been
the standard therapy. However, research has demonstrated that a single dose or a
2-day course of dexamethasone is as effective and has improved tolerance when
considering rates of nausea and vomiting.34–40 Inhaled corticosteroids do not replace
the need for systemic corticosteroids in acute asthma exacerbations41,42 (Table 1).
In severe or refractory asthma exacerbations, additional therapies may be neces-
sary. Magnesium sulfate has been shown to cause bronchodilation and is safe and
well tolerated. It has not been shown to have any effect in mild to moderate

Table 1
Systemic corticosteroids dosing

Prednisone/prednisolone 1–2 mg/kg po daily for 3–5 d (maximum dose 60 mg/d)

Dexamethasone 0.6 mg/kg po daily for 1–2 d
0.6 mg/kg IV/IM for 1 dose (maximum dose 16 mg/d)
84 Richards

exacerbations, but research has demonstrated that its use results in decreased
admission rates in severe asthma exacerbations.43 A single intravenous dose of mag-
nesium sulfate of 25 to 75 mg/kg not exceeding 2 g may be given over 2 hours. Evi-
dence is conflicting regarding the benefits of Heliox, a blend of helium and oxygen,
in asthma exacerbations.44–51 Lack of portability may cause a delay in administration
thus limiting its use in the ED. For intubated patients on mechanical ventilation, Heliox
may assist in lowering peak inspiratory pressure and improving blood gas pH and par-
tial pressure CO2.47
In status asthmaticus and imminent respiratory failure, a trial of noninvasive
positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) may be used in an attempt to avoid intubation.
However, if the patient is unable to tolerate NPPV or continues to deteriorate, endotra-
cheal intubation will be necessary. If intubation is necessary, appropriate ventilator
management is of utmost importance. Permissive hypercapnea, with PCO2 up to
70 mm Hg, has been shown to be beneficial.52 Ventilator settings should be adjusted
to provide prolonged expiratory time allowing for complete exhalation to avoid baro-
trauma and other complications.50,52,53
Indications for admission
 Respiratory distress (grunting, nasal flaring, retractions)
 Little or no response to therapy
 Social concerns (no access to follow-up, transport, and so forth)

Epiglottitis is a severe potentially life-threatening condition in which there is acute inflam-
mation of the epiglottis and surrounding tissues. Inflammation and edema lead to pro-
gressive airway obstruction and can cause respiratory arrest. It is most often caused
by bacterial infection but can also occur as a result of thermal or inhalational injury or
local trauma.54 Before the advent of the Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine,
Haemophilus influenzae caused almost all pediatric cases of epiglottitis, with a peak inci-
dence in children between 2 and 4 years old. Since the development and administration
of this vaccine, epiglottitis has become less common with an incidence of 1.3 cases per
100,000 children.55,56 Currently, the most common causes of epiglottitis are group A
beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Klebsiella sp, and Staphy-
loccocus aureus.57 The shift in pathogens indicates need for adjustment of antibiotic
therapy. As a result of vaccination against Hib and alternative pathogens causing epi-
glottitis, fewer cases have been seen in children of all ages as well as in adults.57
Clinical presentation
The typical presentation for epiglottitis includes abrupt onset of symptoms including
high fever, sore throat, irritability, drooling caused by dysphagia, muffled voice, and pro-
gressive respiratory distress. Onset occurs rapidly without prodromal symptoms. Chil-
dren appear toxic and the respiratory symptoms may contribute to a high level of
anxiety. Because of airway obstruction, patients may prefer resting in the tripod position
(ie, leaning forward with jaw protrusion). Cyanosis and stridor may be present late in the
course or in severe cases and are of concern because of possible respiratory failure.
The most important aspect of evaluation in children with suspected epiglottitis is to
keep the patient calm to avoid worsening respiratory compromise. If possible,
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 85

evaluation of the oropharynx is beneficial because the tip of an enlarged erythematous

epiglottis may be visualized or an alternate condition such as peritonsillar abscess
may be seen. However, use of a tongue depressor or other equipment that may agitate
the patient is discouraged. Laboratory studies are unlikely to be helpful in the acute
management of epiglottitis and intravenous placement or venipuncture should be
postponed until the airway is stable. Radiography may be helpful in evaluation but
should only be performed if it does not distress the patient. The classic finding for epi-
glottitis on lateral neck radiographs is the “thumbprint sign” caused by the thickened
and enlarged epiglottis. The absence of this sign does not rule out epiglottitis. Alterna-
tively, imaging may help diagnose a foreign body, retropharyngeal abscess, or other
cause of respiratory distress. CT may be helpful in diagnosis, but should only be per-
formed in mild cases where lying supine does not cause airway compromise or patient
distress. Ultimately, diagnosis requires direct visualization of the epiglottis using

Airway management is of utmost importance in epiglottitis and care should be taken to
avoid procedures that increase the child’s anxiety until after their airway is secured.
Early otolaryngology and anesthesiology consultation is important because direct
laryngoscopy is definitive for diagnosis, and airway management in a controlled
setting is optimal. Airway management resources and tools should be readily available
for the duration of time the child is present in the ED. If respiratory failure occurs while
in the ED, airway management including intubation should be carried out. Because of
airway inflammation, it is important to remember that an endotracheal tube smaller
than that calculated according to age may be needed.58
Once the airway is secure, appropriate antibiotic treatment should be initiated
(Box 5).
Although no randomized control trials have evaluated the use of steroids in the epi-
glottitis, steroids are commonly used to decrease inflammation in the airway.

Bronchiolitis is a viral infection affecting the lower respiratory tract in children. It is
characterized by acute inflammation of the lower airways and increased mucous pro-
duction.59 Numerous viruses can cause bronchiolitis including, but not limited to, res-
piratory syncytial virus (RSV), human rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus, influenza,

Box 5
Antibiotic coverage for epiglottitis

Antibiotics for epiglottitis

If MRSA is suspected add
Alternative if penicillin or cephalosporin allergy.
86 Richards

and adenovirus. Although bronchiolitis may occur in children of all ages, the most se-
vere presentations occur in children under 2 years as their smaller airways do not
tolerate mucosal edema (Box 6). Bronchiolitis is the most common cause of infant
hospitalizations in the first year of life, accounting for approximately 100,000 admis-
sions in the United States annually at an estimated cost of $1.73 billion.60 Hall and col-
leagues61 performed a prospective analysis of RSV hospitalizations and found that the
hospitalization rate was 5.2 per 1000 children less than 2 years of age, with the highest
rate of hospitalization occurring among infants between 30 and 60 days of age.

Clinical presentation
The goal during the history and physical examination is to distinguish patients with
viral bronchiolitis from those with other diagnoses and to determine the severity of
illness. Signs and symptoms of bronchiolitis include symptoms of upper respiratory
infection such as rhinorrhea and cough, fever, wheezing, respiratory distress, poor
feeding, and apnea. Examination findings vary from mild to severe. Patients may pre-
sent with tachypnea, nasal flaring, grunting, cyanosis, accessory muscle use, retrac-
tions, and diffuse crackles on auscultation.

Bronchiolitis is a clinical diagnosis based on history and physical examination.
No routine laboratory testing or imaging is recommended.59 In instances where
another diagnosis is considered, laboratory tests and imaging may be necessary to
evaluate for an alternative diagnosis. RSV testing is not routinely recommended and
is indicated for epidemiologic purposes only.59 Studies have shown that children
with suspected viral lower respiratory infection who had radiography performed
were more likely to receive antibiotics without change in outcome.62,63 Radiography
should be reserved for patients in whom alternative or complicating diagnoses are

Based on literature review and the new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Bron-
chiolitis Guideline, many treatments previously used in bronchiolitis are no longer rec-
ommended (Box 7).59
In addition, albuterol is not recommended for isolated bronchiolitis.59 However, if
there is evidence of bronchospasm or if the patient has a history of asthma, a trial
of albuterol should be considered. If there is no response after the initial trial of albu-
terol, it should be discontinued.59 Maintenance of hydration and nutrition is important

Box 6
Risk factors for severe bronchiolitis

 Age less than 12 weeks

 Cardiac disease
 Pulmonary disease

Data from Subcommittee on Bronchiolitis. Clinical practice guideline: the diagnosis, manage-
ment, and prevention or bronchiolitis. Pediatrics 2014;134:e1474–502; and Ricart S, Marcos
MA, Sarda M, et al. Clinical risk factors are more relevant than respiratory viruses in predicting
bronchiolitis severity. Pediatr Pulmonol 2013;48(5):456–63.
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 87

Box 7
Treatments not indicated for bronchiolitis

 Racemic epinephrine
 Hypertonic saline
 Cool mist
 Chest physiotherapy
 Deep suctioning

in bronchiolitis management. Oral hydration and nutrition are preferable; however,

intravenous fluids may be required when significant dehydration is present or if respi-
ratory distress prevents the child hydrating orally. Supplemental oxygen should be
used to maintain oxygen saturations greater than 90%.59 Variability in clinical appear-
ance may necessitate serial examinations or admission for observation.
Indications for admission59
 Respiratory distress (grunting, nasal flaring, retractions)
 Difficulty feeding or maintaining hydration
 Social concerns (no access to follow-up, transport, and so forth)

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common pediatric respiratory infection
and a leading cause of annual morbidity and mortality. Although CAP can occur at
any age, it is more common in younger children. Pneumonia accounts for 13% of all
infectious illnesses in infants younger than 2 years.64 Widespread use of the heptava-
lent pneumococcal vaccine has reduced the incidence of pneumonia among children
younger than 5 years.65 As use of the 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine
becomes prevalent, the overall rates of pneumonia are anticipated to drop further.
Causative organisms of CAP vary by patient age66–69 (Table 2).

Clinical presentation
Neonates with pneumonia present with fever, irritability, poor feeding, hypoxemia, or
respiratory distress, but rarely cough. Beyond the neonatal period, infants with CAP
may present with cough in addition to the above symptoms. Toddlers and older chil-
dren typically present with fever, upper respiratory congestion, and cough. It should
be noted that fever is common with bacterial pneumonia; however, if the causative
agent is viral, fever may be absent. Decreased activity, decreased appetite and oral
intake, headache, and vague abdominal pain may also be present in children with
pneumonia. Physical examination may be nonspecific and vary based on age and in-
fectious organism involved. Visual inspection of the degree of respiratory effort and
accessory muscle use should be performed to assess for the presence and severity
of respiratory distress (Box 8).
88 Richards

Table 2
Causative organisms of community-acquired pneumonia

Age Organism
Birth–3 wk Group B Streptococcusa
Gram-negative bacteriaa
Listeria monocytogenes
3 wk–3 mo Streptococcus pneumoniae
3 mo–preschool age Viral
S pneumoniaeb
Mycomplasma pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Staphylococcus aureus
School aged and adolescents M pneumoniae
S pneumoniae
Mirror pathogens responsible for neonatal sepsis.
Most prominent bacterial cause in this age range.
Data from Refs.66–69

Auscultation is important in the evaluation of pneumonia but often difficult in

infants and young children because of agitation or crying. The presence of crackles
or rales is a classic indication for pneumonia, although focal crackles are neither
sensitive nor specific for the diagnosis of pneumonia.70–72 The absence of
abnormal breath sounds on auscultation does not rule out the diagnosis of pneu-
monia. Rales and rhonchi are observed much less frequently in infants with pneu-
monia than in older individuals. Asymmetric breath sounds, such as focal wheezing
or decreased breath sounds in 1 lung field, are suggestive of pneumonia. Atypical
bacterial pneumonia and viral pneumonia may present with more diffuse crackles
or wheezing.

Pulse oximetry should be performed in all children with respiratory symptoms to
evaluate for hypoxemia. The presence of hypoxemia should guide decisions regarding

Box 8
Signs of respiratory distress

 Tachypnea (breaths/min)a
 Age 0 to 2 months greater than 60
 Age 2 to 12 months greater than 50
 Age 1 to 5 years greater than 40
 Age greater than 5 years greater than 20
 Retractions (suprasternal, intercostal, subcostal)
 Nasal flaring
 Lethargy/altered mental status
 Pulse oximetry measuring less than 90%
Adapted from World Health Organization criteria.
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 89

further diagnostic testing and patient disposition.73 Routine measurement of the com-
plete blood cell count is not necessary in children with suspected CAP who may be
managed in the outpatient setting. However, in those with more serious disease, it
may provide useful information when combined with clinical examination and other
laboratory and imaging studies. Acute-phase reactants, such as erythrocyte sedimen-
tation rate, C-reactive protein, or serum procalcitonin concentration, cannot be used
as the sole determinant to distinguish between viral and bacterial causes. They do not
provide additional value in well-appearing children with CAP receiving outpatient man-
agement. Acute-phase reactants may provide helpful information regarding response
to therapy in patients with severe disease requiring hospitalization.73 Blood cultures
should not be routinely performed in nontoxic children with CAP. They should be ob-
tained in patients who appear toxic or who fail to demonstrate clinical improvement
despite appropriate therapy.73 Several studies have shown that clinical diagnosis
based on physical examination alone has limited predictive power.74,75 Chest radiog-
raphy is easily obtainable and has been used as a standard for diagnosing pneumonia
in the ED. Despite being commonly used, chest radiography lacks sensitivity for diag-
nosis and specificity in differentiating typical bacterial, atypical bacterial, and viral
pneumonia. Variability among guidelines regarding the necessity for chest radiog-
raphy exists, therefore chest radiography is not mandatory for evaluation but should
be considered in febrile children with respiratory distress and hypoxemia in whom
pneumonia or other respiratory process is suspected. Children who are dehydrated
may not have an infiltrate on initial radiography.76 Ultrasonography has emerged as
another valuable tool in the evaluation of pneumonia. In addition to the obvious advan-
tages of point of care accessibility, rapid performance, and avoidance of radiation,
recent studies suggest that ultrasonography has higher sensitivity than chest radiog-
raphy.77,78 and high specificity.79 In addition, ultrasonography compared favorably
with CT in the diagnosis of pneumonia and its complications.78 ED physicians should
be aware of the evolving role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of children with res-
piratory distress.80

Treatment of children with CAP depends on the severity of illness and the age of
the child. One must also take into account local antibiotic resistance patterns. If
aspiration is suspected, anaerobic coverage should be added. Oral antibiotics
should be considered when bioavailability of the antibiotic is equivalent and the pa-
tient is tolerating treatment by mouth. In patients with mild CAP, short-course treat-
ment regimens have been shown to have equal efficacy compared with traditional
treatment durations.81,82 Supportive care includes supplemental oxygen to main-
tain oxygen saturations greater than 92%. Intravenous hydration may be required
for patients with poor oral intake, dehydration, and increased insensible losses.
Bronchodilators may be given as indicated based on concerns for reactive airway
disease or history of asthma. NPPV support or intubation may be indicated in pa-
tients with respiratory failure, although this is rare in the pediatric population. The
disposition of the patient depends on age, overall appearance, comorbidity, and
severity of illness. For patients who are appear well and are deemed appropriate
for outpatient management, follow-up in 24 to 48 hours is recommended (Tables
3 and 4).
Admission should be considered in children with underlying cardiac or pulmonary
disease, or children who are immunocompromised. Children with a comorbid condi-
tion and preceding influenza infection are more likely to require hospitalization than
otherwise healthy children.83,84
90 Richards

Table 3
Management of children with community-acquired pneumonia

Age Outpatient Inpatient

Neonate Admit patient Ampicillin plus cefotaxime
Ampicillin plus gentamycin
If HSV likely, add acyclovir
1–3 mo Amoxicillin Cefotaxime
Clarithromycina Cefuroxime
If MRSA suspected add 1
3 mo–5 y Amoxicillin Ceftriaxone
If atypical likely Cefotaxime
Azithromycin Cefuroxime
Clarithromycin If S pneumoniae likely add
Alternatives Ampicillin
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid If severely ill add 1
Cefuroxime Vancomycin
If atypical suspected add
Macrolide IV or poa
5–18 y Azithromycin Ceftriaxone
If S pneumoniae likely Cefuroxime
Amoxicillin If S pneumoniae likely add
Alternatives Ampicillin
Doxycyclineb If severely ill add 1
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid Vancomycin
Cefuroxime Clindamycin
Levofloxacinc If atypical suspected add
Moxifloxacinc Macrolide IV or po

Constructed from the 2011 IDSA Pneumonia guideline endorsed by AAP.73

Abbreviations: HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous; MRSA, methicillin-resistant S aureus;
po, by mouth.
Not approved by the US FDA in this age group. Safety and effectiveness not established for age
less than 6 months.
Avoid age less than 8 years because of effects on dentition.
Use only if growth plates closed.

Pertussis is an acute respiratory infection caused by Bordatella pertussis. After the
advent of the pertussis vaccine, pertussis infections reached an all-time low; however,
in the last decade there has been a relative increase in documented cases of pertussis
as well as infant mortality caused by pertussis.85–89

Clinical Presentation
There are 3 phases of pertussis that are clinically relevant. The catarrhal phase occurs
first and is characterized by cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza. It may last for 1 to
2 weeks. The catarrhal phase is followed by the paroxysmal phase, which lasts for
2 to 4 weeks. During this phase the cough worsens and becomes spasmodic in nature.
There is a characteristic “whoop” caused by sudden inflow of air with inspiration be-
tween paroxysms of cough. The characteristic “whoop” may not be present in infants;
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies 91

Table 4
Admission and outpatient management

Admission Age <1 mo

Oxygen requirement (room air oxygen <92%)
Respiratory distress
Toxic appearing
Signs of sepsis
Failure of outpatient therapy
Complicated pneumonia on radiographya
Unreliable caregiver or follow-up
Outpatient management Well-appearing
Uncomplicated pneumonia
Adequate oxygenation
Well hydrated/tolerating po
Reliable caregiver and follow-up

Constructed from the 2011 IDSA Pneumonia guideline endorsed by AAP.73

Effusion, empyema, pneumatocele, necrosis, lung abscess.

a staccato cough and apneic episodes have been described as characteristic in in-
fants. The convalescent phase follows the paroxysmal phase and this is characterized
by a chronic cough that may last several weeks.

Whereas culture of the gram-negative B pertussis bacteria is considered the gold
standard, polymerase chain reaction testing of nasopharyngeal specimens is widely
available and the most accessible means of testing and diagnosis. Leukocytosis
with lymphocytic predominance is commonly found but may be absent in children
less than 6 months of age. Chest radiographs are typically normal but may reveal a
ragged right heart border. The presence of leukocytosis with lymphocytic predomi-
nance coupled with pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiography denotes a poor prog-
nosis in infants.86,87

Box 9
Criteria for admission in patients with pertussis

 Intractable nausea and vomiting

 Failure to thrive
 Apneic spells
Consider admission
 Infants younger than 3 months
 Premature infants
 Underlying pulmonary disease
 Underlying cardiac disease
 Underlying neuromuscular disease
92 Richards

Once the patient has entered the paroxysmal phase, treatment is of minimal benefit to
the patient and supportive in nature. Treatment is aimed at decreased dissemination
of the disease. Macrolide therapy initiated within 3 to 4 weeks may decrease dissem-
ination of the disease. For patients allergic to macrolides, trimethoprim-sulbactam is
recommended. Patients with pertussis should be placed in isolation and prophylaxis
is recommended for contacts regardless of vaccination status. In addition, maximal
nutrition, hydration, and supplemental oxygen should be provided as needed. Infants
should be closely monitored for apnea, cyanosis, or hypoxia. The use of corticoste-
roids and albuterol is not supported by controlled prospective data. Pneumonia is
the most common complication of pertussis occurring in up to 20% of cases.
Concomitant pneumonia is attributed to 90% of deaths from pertussis.86 Close
follow-up for repeat evaluation of hydration and nutrition status and evaluation for
complications is crucial (Box 9).


Pediatric respiratory illnesses are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.

Children with respiratory complaints commonly present to the ED and it is impera-
tive that physicians are able to promptly recognize and treat these disease


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