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Al-Mabarrat Schools

Educational Institute Board In His Name

Imam Al- Hasan Secondary School
Code : EIB-F127 Ed: 01 Grammar : Simple Tenses

Student’s Name:________________ Date: ____ / _________ / 201_ Academic Year 2018-2019

Class:6 (A . B . C )

Simple Past Tense :

 We use the simple past tense to talk about:
 something that happened
once in the past.
Simple Past
ex: I met my wife in 1983.

 something that happened

again and again in the past. Regular Irregular
ex: When I was a boy I walked verbs verbs
a mile to school every day.

 something that was true for Add -ed to Change the

some time in the past. the verb whole word
ex: I lived abroad for ten years.

 we often use phrases with ex : ex :

ago with the past tense. play --> played meet --> met
ex: I met my wife a long time live --> lived know --> knew

 Rules for adding –ed to regular verbs :

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o Application 1 : Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below in the correct
Repeat Worry Finish refer Phone Call Miss
Marry Listen Cry Play Hate Wash Travel
Arrive Visit Live Tidy stop Decide Plan

-d -ed Cons + y -ied Double cons +-ed

o Application 2 : Complete the sentences with the simple past tense using the
verbs from the box below.

be get up meet have go

run drink sleep swim eat

Yesterday I got up early, at about seven o´clock.

1. I ________________ a shower and some fruit for breakfast.

2. Then I ________ to the sports centre.

3. I ________ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then

4. I ________ 5 kilometers.

5. At lunchtime I ________ my friends in a café.

6. We ________ some pasta and ________ some juice.

7. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired!

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Simple Future Tense :
The simple future tense is used for an action that will occur
in the future.

Example :

o The Moscow State Circus will perform in

Cheltenham next year.
o We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to New

Questions in simple future tense

 Application : Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in simple future tense.

1) I guess I (ride) _______ _______ the bus to save gas.

2) The cookies are all gone. (buy) _______ you _______ some, please?

3) Listen, team: we (win) _______ _______ the trophy this year!

4) Everyone is hungry. I (get) _______ _______ some doughnuts for breakfast.

5) Peter, (fix) _______ you _______ the porch tomorrow?

6) Becky, (go) _______ you _______ to Alaska with us this summer?

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Simple Present Tense :
The simple present tense is a form of the verb that refers to an action or event that is
ongoing or that regularly takes place in present time.
 We use the simple present tense to talk about:

Uses Example
repeated or regular actions in the present o I take the train to the office.
time period. o John sleeps eight hours every night
during the week.
facts. o A dog has four legs.
o We come from Switzerland.
habits. o Carol brushes her teeth twice a day.
o I get up early every day.

 We form the present tense using :

1. the base form of the infinitive (without to)

2. in the third person we add 's or es'

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they speak / learn English at home

he / she / it speaks / learns English at home

 Rules for the 3rd person singular (He/She/It) Subject - Verb Agreement

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 Do or Does ?
Do and does are used when we want to ask yes/no questions.
We use do or does depending on the subject.

o Do : o Does :
We use do when the subject is I, We use does with third person
you, we or they. singular pronouns i.e. when the
subject is he, she or it.
Do I know you?
Does he work with you?
Do you come from England?
Does she have a car?
Do we have to cut the grass?
Does it snow in winter?
Do they want to come with us?

 Application 1 : Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

1. John ______________ (play/plays) soccer.
2. They ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) study after school.
3. We _______________ (take/takes) the metro to the office every day.
4. What ___________ (do/does) you want to study?
5. On Tuesdays, I _________ (go/goes) to the mall.
6. Terry ___________ (play/plays) soccer; he ____________ (practice/practices)
every day.
7. ____________ (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or ___________ (do/does) she
take the bus?
8. On Sunday, he ____________ (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper.

 Application 2 : Make questions with the word groups, using (do) or (does).

1. (Where/she/live) _________________________________________________________?
2. (When/you/play/soccer) ____________________________________________________?
3. (What/he/eat/for/lunch) ____________________________________________________?
4. (When/they/come/home/from/school)_________________________________________?
5. (she/want/to/work/in/the/office) _____________________________________________?
6. (your/mother/take/you/to/school)_____________________________________________?

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