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Mrs. Thufailah : Najmi, have you finished washing the dishes?

Najmi : Yes, I have mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Would you like to go to the shop and buy some ketchup? It’s gone.
Najmi : I just brought it last night.
Mrs. Thufailah : I couldn’t find it. Where did you put it?
Najmi : Wait for a minute mom. I am coming down ….. (after a few
minutes). Here you are, mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Oh, you put it there. You should put it at its usual place. Can you
help me to cook?
Najmi : Surely, mom. What do you want me to do now?
Mrs. Thufailah : Get some chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and
wash it, okay?
Najmi : Yes, mum. ….. (after a few minutes)
I am through, mum. Here you are.
Mrs. Thufailah : Could you help me to set the table? Your father may be at home
Najmi : Are we going to have dinner at home? He usually doesn’t.
Mrs. Thufailah : He said he would be home for dinner today.
Najmi : Alright. I’ll do it ….. (the telephone is ringing)
Hello, this is Najmi. Who is calling, please?
Hilal : Don’t you recognize my voice? This is Hilal.
Najmi : Hi, Hilal. What happen?
Hilal : Well, nothing special. Well, actually I want you to go with me to a
book fair.
Najmi : Not at the moment, please. I am now busy helping my mom preparing
for dinner.
Hilal : What a dilligent girl. Okey I understand. How about if we go in this
afternoon at 3 or 4 p.m.?
Najmi : Wait for a moment. I’ll ask my mom first, okay? ….. Mom, can I go
with Hilal to a book fair this afternoon?
Mrs. Thufailah : Don’t you have any lectures?
Najmi : I’m free and have no lecture this afternoon.
Mrs. Thufailah : If so, of course you may go. But, be at home before 7 p.m..
Remember, we’re having dinner together tonight.
Najmi : Thanks mom. Hallo Hilal, are you still there?
Hilal : Does your mom let you go with me?
Najmi : Yes, she does. Can you pick me up?
Hilal : I’ll be there at three, okay?
Najmi : Okey. Don’t be late.
Hilal : Bye.
Najmi : Bye.
Assistant : Good morning, Miss. Can I help you?
Tiara : Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes and also a pair of jeans.
Nana : And I want to buy a hat and dress.
Assistant : Oh….. You can find it there.
Tiara : Nana, come here! What do you think about this pair of jeans?
Nana : I think that it’s suitable for you.
Tiara : But, I don’t like the colour.
Nana : It seems that this one is suitable for you. This is blue! Your favourite colour.
Tiara : Yes, correct. I will take this one. And what about you?
Nana : Wait a moment. I’ll choose one of these hats.
Tiara : What colour do you want?
Nana : I want red colour.
Tiara : What about this red one?
Nana : This is very sweet. I’ll try it first.
Tiara : Where is the sitting room?
Assistant : The fitting room is at the corner.
Nana : Ok. Let’s go there.
(At lunch time, Machiko and Roberto were hungry. They found a restaurant near the
college. The menu looked very good. They chose a table at the salad bowl, sat down,
and read the menu.Then they waited. They waited for a long time. At last the waiter
Waiter : Yes?
Machiko : I’d like salad fruit, please.
Waiter : Cottage cheese, yoghurt, or sherbet?
Machiko : Er, yoghurt, please.
Waiter : Anything else?
Machiko : Yes, I’ll have some bread and a glass of white wine.
Waiter : (to Roberto) and you?
Roberto : The chef’s salad – large, with bread and red wine, please.
(After the waiter left)
Machiko : The waiter was unfriendly, wasn’t he?
Roberto : No, not unfriendly. He was rude.
(Michiko and Roberto waited more than ten minutes. Their food finally arrived.)
Roberto : Large? This is small salad.
Machiko : And this is sherbet instead of yoghurt.
Roberto : The bread is hard.
Machiko : It’s not fresh at all. It’s stale. I can’t eat it.
Roberto : And I can’t drink this wine chilled. It’s warm.
Machiko : Terrible. There’s no butter for the bread, either.
Roberto : Where’s the waiter?
Machiko : I don’t know. He’s probably gone to lunch at another restaurant.
Text 1

(At lunch time, Machiko and Roberto were hungry. They found a restaurant near the college.
The menu looked very good. They chose a table at the salad bowl, sat down, and read the
menu. Then they waited. They waited for a long time. At last the waiter comes.)

Waiter : Yes?

Machiko : I’d like salad fruit, please.

Waiter : Cottage cheese, yoghurt, or sherbet?

Machiko : Er, yoghurt, please.

Waiter : Anything else?

Machiko : Yes, I’ll have some bread and a glass of white wine.

Waiter : (to Roberto) and you?

Roberto : The chef’s salad – large, with bread and red wine, please.

(After the waiter left)

Machiko : The waiter was unfriendly, wasn’t he?

Roberto : No, not unfriendly. He was rude.

(Michiko and Roberto waited more than ten minutes. Their food finally arrived.)

Roberto : Large? This is small salad.

Machiko : And this is sherbet instead of yoghurt.

Roberto : The bread is hard.

Machiko : It’s not fresh at all. It’s stale. I can’t eat it.

Roberto : And I can’t drink this wine chilled. It’s warm.

Machiko : Terrible. There’s no butter for the bread, either.

Roberto : Where’s the waiter?

Machiko : I don’t know. He’s probably gone to lunch at another restaurant.

Text 2

Paul : Have you read today’s newspaper?

James : Not yet. Is it interesting?

Paul : Yes, the apology from the company. Take a look. The paper is over there.

James : Picking up the newspaper and starting to read it. Is that all?

Paul : Yes.

James : This is not enough. I’m not satisfied yet. The size of the ads should have been half of
the page. Besides, the company only apologized but they didn’t mention what they
would do.

Paul : Oh, come on. The point is not the matter of the size, but the company sincere to

James : Still it’s not satisfying.

Paul : I think they have already shown their good will. It’s more than enough.

Text 3

Robert : How do you feel about this food?

Tery : Wow….. I am very satisfied. It’s very delicious.

Robert : Yes, you are right. Would you have anymore?

Tery : Yes, of course.

Robert : I will take some for my younger sister. She’ll be very happy.

Tery : Yeah and I will take for my mom at home.

Robert : OK. Let’s go home. I never feel satisfied before.

Tery : So am I.

K:Assalamualaikum adi, good afternoon(assalamualaikum adi,selamat siang)

A:Waalaikum salam,good afternoon adi(waalaikum salam,selamat siang david)
K:how about our team homework ?(bagaimana pr kelompok kita?)
A:Oh yeah.Biology homework about global warming right.(oh iya,pr biologi tentang
pemanasan global benar)
K:We must make a wallpaper about global warming and finished that next week(kita harus
membuat wallpaper tentang pemanasan global kan)
A: What you have an idea for this homework?(apa kamu punya ide untuk pr ini?)
K:Mmmmm…..I was thinking it,a big globe of earth……with the factories,the junk,and
pollution around us it will be awesome(mmmm….aku sudah memikirkannya.Globe bumi
yang besarr…dengan pabrik-pabrik,sampah,dan polusi di sekeliling kita)
A:I agree with you,maybe we can adding flood in Jakarta,the bald forest in borneo,and
damaged north pole (saya setuju dengan mu,mungking kita bisa menambahkan banjir di
jakarta,hutan gundul di kalimantan,dan kerusakan kutub utara)
K:We must have a good picture to edited,maybe I can get it from Google Earth.(kita harus
punya gambar yang bagus untuk diedit,mungkin saya bisa mendapatkannya di google earth)
A:I agree,they have a good point of view for our earth.(Saya setuju,mereka punya sudut
pandang yang baik untuk bumi)
K:Can we do this homework tomorrow?(bisa kita mengerjakan pr ini besok?)
A:I am sorry I can’t(maaf saya tidak bisa)
A:I must go to matos,looking for my new notebook.You have advise?(saya harus pergi ke
matos untuk,mencari notebook ku yang baru,Kamu punya nasihat?)
K:I must be disagree with you.It is better for you looking for computer stuff in Matahari
Pasar Besar.In third floor especially.You can get the same notebook cheaper than you buy in
matos.(aku tidak stuju dengan kamu,lebih baik kamu mencari barang komputer di matahari
pasar besar.Terutama di lantai 3,Kamu bisa mendaptkan notebook yang sama dengan harga
yang lebih murah daripada kamu beli di matos)
A:Thank for the advise.What do you need for edited that picture?(terimakasih buat
nasihatmu,Apa yang kamu butuhkan untuk mengedit gambarnya)
K:Photoshop,corel draw,irfan view,and…..
A: And what?(dan apa?)
K:I forgot the name……(aku lupa namanya…).
A:Microsoft office,gimp,artiser,macromedia flash….
K:That is it,I need macromedia flash….(itu dia,aku butuh macromedia flash)
A: Ok.I will bring it for you…(berjalan keluar) bye bye(ok aku akan membawanya
K:Wait…when we do this homework??(tunggu ….kapan kita kerjakan pr ini)
A:At Friday,agree?(Hari jumat,setuju)
K:I agree.I free that day(saya setuju,saya bebas hari itu)
K:wa alaikum salam
Zumri : Let's get a little more complete. We can definitely reach the finish!
Esty : Ouch! My legs hurt.
Harri : What's happening?
Esty : My legs cramps. I can't walk again.
Isa : It's just your suggestion. C'mon you can do this.
Zumri : Isa, would you like to help esty to bring her bag?
Isa : Okay.
Esty : Thank you.
Harri : We can take a rest in here.
Esty : Phew!
Isa : This is a drink for you.
Harri : Okay. Thank's God
Zumri : Do not drink lots of water.
Isa : Okay.
Harri : Okay let's go.

A few moments later.

Isa : You can see, there's finish.

Esty : It's great.
Zumri : Wow! It's big!
Harri : Whew!
Esty : Finally we've arrived.
Harri : We did it!
Esty : Horray!
Weekend Accident
One day, Fachry jogging in the park. Suddenly, Fachry collided with the mysterious
?Mysterious Man? : Ouch!, it’s really hurt...
Fachry : Oh, I’m Sorry, i don’t mean like this
?Mysterious Man? : Well, that’s okay. By the Way, Who are you?
Fachry : Ok, My name is Fachry, and you?
?Mysterious Man? : Fantastic, It’s very nice name i think, my name is Fadhil
Fachry : oh, thank you. Nice to meet you Fadhil. But, what about your wound?
Fadhil : Oh well, i feel this still hurt, ah!
Fachry : Oh, i’m so sorry, i will bring you to my friends house, it’s not far from here
Fadhil : It sounds good, Ok i will go with you
Fachry and Fadhil go to Fachry’s friend house. When they got there....
Fachry : ok, we arrived. At Inarsih , my friend’s house. It’s a big and Fantastic house, isn’t it?
Fadhil : Yes, I think so
Inarsih : Hey Fachry!, what are you doing here?
Fachry : Oh, Hey. I’m going to here because of him. I think he wounded after collided with
me, can you help him?
Inarsih : yes Of Course, ok, come in first to my house.
At living room....
Inarsih: Ok, take him to sit here. ( whispering to Fachry : Fachry, Can you introduce him to
me please ? )
Fachry : Ok Very Well. He is Fadhil
Inarsih : ok, first, drink this tea. I think you will get better after drink this tea
Fadhil : Oh, It's very relaxing. Thanks
Fachry : But, How about your wound?
Fadhil : it still hurt, ouch......
Inarsih Mother ( Gita ) : what happen in here. My daughter? Oh, there is Fachry and...... who
is him? Is he your new friends my daughter ? Or maybe your new boyfriend?
Inarsih : Oh, Mom this is Fadhil. he got wounded after collided with Fachry in park. Until
now he still feel hurt, can Mom help him?
Inarsih Mother ( Gita ) : ok, i will help him.
After Inarsih Mother ( Gita ) help the boy...
Fadhil : Oh, that's a relief, Thanks God!.
Inarsih Mother ( Gita ) : What do you feel now?
Fadhil : I feel Great, Thanks a lot.
Inarsih Mother ( Gita ) : you’re welcome.

======================= The End ==========================

Explanation : The word with blue color, is the expression about Pain, Relief, and Pleasure

The groups : Fachry Achmad Faisal (5)

Gita Safitri (8)
Inarsih Meutia (11)
M. Fadhil Amrullah (17)

On the Sunday morning, Aulia, Nurul, Amar, and Panji were jogging in the park.

Aulia : Hey guys, do you know Zulfa?

Nurul : Zulfa? The number one?
Aulia : Yes, yesterday, I heard that Zulfa was sick and her parents took her to the hospital.
Amar : Really? I feel sorry for her.
Panji : Me, too.

When Aulia was talking with her friends, unfortunately, her leg was twisted.

Aulia : Ouch!! My leg!!

Panji : What's happened?
Aulia : My leg is twisted!!
Nurul : We must take a rest for a while.
Amar : Are you okay Aulia?
Aulia : A little, but the pain is getting worse.
Panji : Well, I will help you.
Aulia : Thank you

After that, Panji massaged Aulia's leg.

Aulia : Oh, that's a relief. It's very relaxing.

Nurul : Thanks God! by the way, do you want some drinks?
Aulia : Great!
Nurul : Okay, I will buy some drinks for you guys. Wait a minute.
Aulia, Amar, Panji : Okay, thank you, Nurul!
(Mengungkapkan permintaan, memberi dan memberikan ijin)

Study the following dialogue.

Jane : Is it a new car John?

John : Yes, it is a brand new Peugeut 307. Is it all right if I park my car here?

Jane : I’m sorry that’s not allowed. It is too close to the intersection. The car on the right
side can not see it.

John : Over there, I think. There, it will not disturb the traffic.

Jane : Yes, that’s fine. It is behind my house. What brings you here?

John : I remember you bought a Nikon camera long time ago.

Jane : Oh, my old camera. Yes, I did. Why?

John : Do you mind if I borrow that camera for a few days?

Jane : Sure, John, but are you kidding? You drive an expensive car but you don’t have a

John : it is urgent. I don’t know where mine is. My friend from British Consulate called
me last week. I have to take pictures of Queen Elizabeth at the Buckingham
palace next week. Her photos will be exhibited in Time magazine next month.

Jane : Wow! Congratulations, John.

John : Thank you, Jane.

Expressing feeling of relief, pain and pleasure

Mala : hello ardina, how are you today?

Ardina : hello, i’m fine thank you, how about you?

Mala : i also fine , how about your presentation yesterday?

: oh, i’m glad its done. I hopethey liked my design

: of course i think so, cause i like all about your fashion design

: really? Oh thank you very much, that’t all right then

: wich design you present?

: i’m present casual dress or autumn

: believe me! Your dress will definitely sell in the market, like last year, good for you

: i’m very pleased with my succes last year , it turn

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