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Anal. Chem.

1981, 53, 88R-142R

(61L) Shimogata, M., Koyama, K., Ueda, K. Nippon Eiselgaku Zasshl(Jpn. Academic Press, New York 1980, pp 227-46.
J . M a . ) 1980. 35(1). 172: Pest. Abstr. 1980. 13. 80-1787. (67L) Wells, D. E. Anal. Chim. Acta 1979, 104(2), 253-66.
(62L) Sligh, J., Cochiane, W: P., Scott, J. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (68L) Wlslowska, E., Kostowska, B. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) 1979, 24(4),
1979, 23(4-5), 470-4. 707-9, Pest. Abstr. 1980, 13, 80-0560.
(63L) Stewart, T. E., Cannizzaro, R. D. Chapt. 20 In "Pesticide Analytical (69L) Wisson, M., van Hoek, C., Sauer, H. H. In Analytical Methods for
Methodology", Harvey, J. Jr. and Zweig, G., Eds., ACS Symp. Ser. 136, PesticMes and Plant Growth Regulators"; Zweig, G., Sherma, J., Eds.; Ac-
American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 1980, 367-88. ademic Press: New York, 1980; Vol. XI, Chapter 8, pp 185-94.
(64L) Tjan, G. H., Jansen, J. T. A. J . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 1979, 62(4), (70L) Woolson, E. A., Aharonson, N. J. Assoc. OM.Anal. Chem. 1980,
769-73. 63(3), 523-6.
(65L) Vasundhara, T. S., Parihar, D. B. Fresenius Z . Anal. Chem. 1979, (71L) Yu, T. C., Johnson, E. R., Montgomery, M. L. J . Agric. Food Chem.
294(5), 408. 1979, 27(6), 1413-4.
(66L) van Rossum, A., de Boer, F. G., Cannizzaro, R. D., van Mwrsehar, R., (72L) Zakkis, L. H. Bull. Envlron. Contam. Toxlcol. 1979, 23(3), 391-7.
Stewart, T. E., de Wilde, P. C. Chapt. 10, in Vol. XI "Analytial Methods for (73L) Zanini, E., Barberis, E., Ronco, C. J . Agric. FoodChsm. 1980, 28(2),
Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators", Zweig, G. and Sherma, J, ds., 464-6.


R. E. Terrell

Gulf Science & Technology Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230

This is the 15th review of analytical chemistry in the pe- methylenetetracosanic acid in the original source material
troleum industry (1A-14A) sponsored by the Division of (56B).
Petroleum Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. It
covers, for the most part, papers abstracted in Chemical
Abstracts, American Petroleum Institute Refining Literature
Vorob'eva and others used GC MS to characterize the
polycyclic Cl4-CZ6naphthenes o f t e 200-420 "C fraction of
Siva crude oil. They also proposed a scheme for the formation
Abstracts, and Analytical Abstracts (London) for the period of these compounds by the conversion of certain aliphatic
July 1978 through June 1980. One area, asphalt, spans a hydrocarbons (88B).
4-year period from July 1976 to June 1980. The format of Grizzle and Coleman have reported a GC analysis for
the previous reviews has been followed in general. An input benzene and toluene in crude oil and other fossil fuels. The
concerning improvin this format or the addition or Aletion method employs two columns in series (OV-1 and TCEP), with
of subsections woulf be greatly appreciated. provisions for back-flushing heavier material. Repeatability
The assistance of D. K. Albert, Standard Oil Co. (Indiana), and accuracy are said to be f2% and f4% of the amount
Amoco Research Center, and C. A. Simpson, Mobil Research present (33B). Vo-Dinh has developed a method using
and Development Corp., in searching the abstracts is greatly room-temperature phosphorimetry for the rapid analysis of
appreciated, as is the additional screening and organization polynuclear aromatic compounds in fossil fuels (87B).
of the 16 authors of the following 11 subsections. The pro- Sultanov and others studied the content and distribution
duction of the review is due to their combined efforts. of nitrogen compounds in Baku crudes. The highest nitrogen
content was found in the asphaltene fraction (76B). Moz-
CRUDE OILS zhelina and co-workers subjected West Surgut crude oil to acid
F. C. Trusell hydrolysis and measured the resulting amino acids. Glycine
Marathon Oil Company, Linleton, Colorado and glutamic acid were the most abundant motein-derived
The trend in this area toward analyses for a specific purpose amin'o acids (55B).
(e.g., spill identification and geochemical studies) rather than Ferguson and Luke carried out a critical appraisal of flame
characterization for its own sake continues unabated. Interest photometric detectors for the determination of sulfur com-
in syncrudes, as indicated by the number of references, is up pounds. They discussed the problems of using a single FPD
sharply. for the auantitative determination of trace level sulfur com-
Hydrocarbons a n d Hetero Compounds. Yashina and pounds in light naphtha, as well as using it for the qualitative
others used proton and 13C NMR techniques to study 22 comparison of the distribution of sulfur compounds in heavier
Soviet crudes of a variety of com ositional types. The n- fractions. Dual FPDs are also discussed (24B). Nuzzi and
alkane content, the degree of alip atic branching, and the
extent of substitution on aromatic compounds were all cal-
Casalini studied the variety of thio henic com ounds in the
maltene fraction of the pentane Jeasphaltearesiduum of
culated. Since the application of NMR is not limited by Kuwait crude (58B).
boilin range, such studies can be carried out on heavy frac- Goncharov and others studied the phenols in eight West
tions (%IB). Hajek and co-workers also studied Soviet crudes Siberian crudes and noted the trends in total phenol con-
by use of 13C NMR (36B). centration and concentrations of individual compounds with
Zhmykhova and Nekhamkina characterized three fractions increasing depth. They were unable to separate the effects
of Marmovichi and Ladushkino crude oils boilin above 350 of age and of temperature on these trends (3UB). Nametkin
OC by mass spectrometry and predicted their ehavior as
feedstocks for various refining processes (94B). Barabadze
E and co-workers determined the nature of the acids of normal
and isoprenoid alkanes in diesel fuels and kerosines from a
characterized the 350-500 OC fraction of Noriyskaya crude number of Baku and Mangyshlak crude oils (57B). Holstein
oil by IR and UV spectroscopy, calculating the contents of
paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatic compounds (6B). Lar-
skaya and others used GC and MS, ;e arately and in com-
and Severin concentrated carbonyl com unds from crude oils
by extracting their complexes with irard-T reagent into
water. The original compounds were recovered by acid hy-
bination, to characterize the 200-500 arfo!(citn of Sokolwa drolysis and were separated by HPLC (44B).
crude oil. They identified nearly 100 individual hydrocarbons Brownrigg and Homing obbned total lurmnescence s
(49B). of six topped crude oils, their vacuum distillates, anc/?i%
Makushina and co-workers found the series o f ' 12- residua and attempted to identify the principal emitting
methylalkanes (Cu-C30) and 13-methylalkanes (C26-C30) to compound classes. They attributed the dominant fluorescence
be unusually abundant in East Siberian crude oils and pro- emissions to indoles and carbazoles, with weaker fluorescence
posed that these hydrocarbons are derived from 12,13- coming from benzocarbazoles and three-ring aromatics. The
88 R 0003-2700/81/0353-88R$06.00/0 0 1981 American Chemical Society

R. E. Terrell is Senior Project Chemist.

group leader 01 the X-ray fluwescence $bo-
ratory 01 the Anaiyiical Technology DBpart-
ment 01 Guit Science and Technology Corn
pany. Pmsburgh. PA. He receive3 his B.S.
degree in chemistry t o m Drexei UnbersW.
Philadelphia, PA. He has had 20 years' ex-
perience wth anaiyiicai meLhcds using X-ray
IiUOreSCenCe speCn0icq)y and 2 years wnh
optical e m i s b n opctroscopy. Rior 10 join-
ing Gull he was a member of me Inhared
Spectroscopy Group 81 Penn %n Chemicals
Research Laboratory, Philadelphia, PA.
F. C. T~uIoII J. D. Beardrley
Marathon Oil Co. The Slandard Oil Co. (Ohio)
Littleton, CO Cleveland. OH

N. H. Fick PI. J. Lubeck C. L. Kibbv

iexaco. 1°C Marathon Od Co Gull Resedrch and Gull Research and
Beacon. NY Littleton. C o Development co. Development Co
Plttsbvrgh. PA Plnsburgh. PA

Byron Sudbir; - A
M. P. T. Bradley J L Fabec
Gulf Research and Research and Oevslopment Spectra-Physics Gull Science and
bvebpment Co Dept , CONOCO Inc. Sanla Clara. CA Technolcgy Co
Pittsburgh, PA Ponca C@. OK

J. W. Loveland .. ... ...

Laramie Energy Technology Sontech, inc. Suntech. Inc.
cenier Newtown Square. PA Newlown Square. PA
Laramie. WY



observed phosphorescence was attributed to naphthalenes determination of benzo[a]pyrene in shale oil. The detection
(11B). limit is approximately 1 ppm (45B).
Filimonova and co-workers have compiled an extensive Selucky and others separated a sample of Cold Lake bitu-
literature review on the resin-asphaltene fraction of crude oils. men into seven fractions by conventional methods and then
A large number of properties were tabulated, and a tentative characterized each of these fractions. They concluded that
scheme for the formation and catagenic conversion of resins this sample resembled Athabasca bitumen but contained more
and asphaltenes was proposed (25B). Gottlieb studied the asphaltenes and less acidic and saturated components (70B).
precipitation of asphaltenes from cyclohexane using n-alkanes Bunger and others compared four bitumens from Utah and
of various chain lengths and in varying proportions to the Alberta. The samples were fractionated by liquid chroma-
cyclohexane. He has developed a stepwise precipitation of tography, and the fractions were analyzed by conventional
asphaltenes accordin to molecular weight (31B). Hajek and methods. Among other things, they reported these samples
co-workers examinecf heavy crude oil residues by 13C Fouri- resembled Wilmin on crude oil in their hydrocarbon/non-
er-transform NMR. The short relaxation time of this nucleus
in such residues permits pulse methods to be used for ob-
hydrocarbon distri ution (12B).
Zelenin and co-workers concentrated the oxygen-containin
taining spectra without the addition of a relaxation reagent compounds from a 350-400 “C cut of shale oil and studie!
(37B). their compositions by elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy
Syncrudes. “Analytical Chemistry of Liquid Fuel Sources. (93B).Borwitzky and Schomberg identified more than 140
Tar Sands, Oil Shale, Coal, and Petroleum.”, is a compilation polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coal tar. They
of 21 pa ers iven a t a symposium durin the Spring 1977 suggest that coal tar is a very inexpensive, and very complete,
NationafAC8 Meeting (80B). Dooley an8 co-workers have mixture of these compounds (IOB).Glajch and others pyro-
published a review paper, with many references, of methods lyzed coal tars and etroleum pitches and characterized the
for characterizing syncrudes from coal (20B). products by packefcolumn GC. They described a compu-
Ulanovskii and others have reviewed various solvent ex- terized data collection system which facilitates comparisons
traction methods for fractionating coal liquids, liquid chro- of samples (29B). Angelova and co-workers removed the
matographic procedures for further separation of the resulting organic matter from bituminous rocks by extraction and by
fractions, and spectroscopic and chromatographic charac- heating. They compared the structures and functional groups
terization of these concentrates (81B).Mair and Spitler have in the products from each method (3B). Urov and Listrem
proposed an improved analytical method for coal liquids. The extracted, and then hydrolyzed, the bitumens from shales of
sample is chromatographically separated into h drocarbon the Pripyat deposit in Belorussia. The hydrolysis products
and nonhydrocarbon fractions, and the hydrocargon portion were studied by GC, TLC, and IR, and the compositions of
is further separated into fractions containing saturates and the hydrocarbons and carboxylic acids obtained are given
aromatics with one, two, three, and four or more rings (53B). (82B).
Paudler and Chepten studied the nitro en bases in solvent Geochemical Studies. Larskaya and others analyzed a
refined coal by GC/MS. They resolvet 150 different com- series of Upper Vendian crude oils and related the differences
pounds and were able to identify 62 of them. They proposed in composition and structure to the composition of the organic
some possible ways of removing some of the highly carcino- matter from which they were formed and to the conditions
genic compounds (61B). occurring during hydrocarbon formation (50B).
Snape and others proposed a scheme for the assignment A study of 60 Paleozoic and Mesozoic oils, concentrating
of 13Cchemical shifts. The scheme was used in the charac- on measuring the steranes and pentacyclic triterpanes, has
terization of the asphaltene and aromatic fractions of a su- been reported. The samples were passed through a Florisil
percritical gas extract of a low rank coal and on the residue column to remove asphaltenes. The compounds of interest
of oils obtained by hydrogenatin these fractions (73B). were further concentrated by silica gel chromatography and
Yokoyama and co-workers anal zecffractions of oil obtained adduction and finally detected b GC/MS. The methods
from coal hydrogenation by 13C&MR, proton NMR, and GC. described can also be applied to se&ment extracts (7B).Bieri
Their interpretations of the 13Cdata were enerally confirmed and others analyzed sediments from the Atlantic outer con-
by results from the other two methods (924).Dorn and others tinental shelf for polynuclear aromatic and polycyclic aliphatic
found that elemental C and H percenta es, as well as ratios hydrocarbons at the ng/g level. They felt the PNAs were the
of atomic ty es for these elements, coufd be determined in result of pyrogenic input. They also discussed the relevance
coal liquids y! 13C FT NMR. Better agreement with con- of (17a)-hopanes as indicators of petroleum (8B). Schaefer
ventional analyses was obtained at 75 “C than at 32 “C, and co-workers have devised a sin le-step analytical procedure
suggesting that certain solutions of coaly matter may be in- for the extraction and analysis ofhydrocarbons in rock sam-
homogeneous (21B). ples. The crushed sample is placed in the flow stream of the
Yan and others re orted that polynuclear aromatic hy- gas chromatograph, where the carrier gas also serves as the
drocar%ons could be letermined in coal liquids and shales stripping gas. Analysis time through C8 is 40 min (67B).
without prior separation b dye laser excitation of Shpol’skii Uspenskii and others evaluated the petroleum producing
effect spectra. Calibration gy standard addition was suggested potential of rocks on the basis of the content and composition
to overcome matrix effects (90B). of their organic matter. The greater the content of lipids, the
Jackson and others compared the compositions of 11shale better their potential as source rocks (83B).
oils obtained by retorting as many different shales from the Schmitter and co-workers used a variety of chromatographic
Green River Basin of Wyoming. The types of basic nitrogen techniques to separate high molecular weight carboxylic acids
varied significantly, but all other pro rties measured showed from crude oils. Analyses were carried out on the resulting
little variation between samples (&By Puxbaum and Leyden concentrates by GC and GC/MS. Particular attention was
reported a simple routine method for the determination of paid to the acids of the hopane series because of their im-
organic and inorganic carbon in oil shale. Small samples (2-4 portance as biological markers in correlation problems (68B).
mg) are heated in oxygen, and the evolved C02 is trapped in McGowan characterized the acids produced by controlled
0.02 M NaOH, where it is measured by conductance. Results potential oxidation of Green River oil shale kerogen with
for a standard shale agreed well Hrlth the certified values (62B). perchloric acid (52B). Robin and Rouxhet investigated the
Cotter and co-workers used the Paraho shale oil plant to carbonyl and carboxyl groups in a series of kerogens from
determine what samples should be taken and what analyses different sources by IR spectroscopy. They described dif-
should be run, to monitor the composition of air, water, ferences in distribution and in total concentration and related
product oil, and solids in, and around, a shale oil plant (17B). them to differences in source material and maturity (65B).
Siggia and co-workers have carried out studies on the Castex analyzed some kerogens recovered from the Atlantic
characterization of shale oils by liquid and as chromatog- Ocean in the course of the deep sea drilling project. From
raphy. These include separation and anafysis of the al- their infrared spectra and their elemental composition he was
kane/alkene, aromatic, and polar classes (18B,22B) and the able to classify them as being from a marine, continental, or
acidic and basic classes of compounds (79B).Rubin and others mixed source (13B).Larter and others examined various
isolated the acidic and basic fractions from shale oils, as well kerogens by pyrolysis-GC/MS and used the results to assess
as from other kinds of fossil-derived liquids, and described the petroleum producing potential of the kerogens (51B).
the similarities and differences observed (66B).Hurtubise Abu-Elgheit and co-workers analyzed a series of crude oils
and co-workers have reported a method for the isolation and for 14 metals by emission spectroscopy. They found that the

total metal content decreased with increasing maturity and niques for these metals and reported the advantages and
that ratios of certain metals were useful for roviding infor- short-comings of each (34B). Sebor and others have proposed
mation on the age and origin of the oil ( I B f : a gel ermeation method for isolating nonporphyrin com-
Strand has roposed a method for the classification of p o u n z of Ni and V (69B), and Stejskal and others have
petroleums anlrock bitumens based on their IR spectra. He developed a thermal diffusion technique for concentrating
demonstrated its utility by matching- petroleums
_ to their compounds of these metals (74B). Raghaven and Agrawal
parent bitumens (75B).- - develo ed a spectrophotometric analysis for V and Ni said
Oil SDills and Identification. Guiees has defined a set to be aEle to reach trace, and ultratrace, levels (63B). Shibata
of specifications for equipment to moni’tor the hydrocarbon and others have described ESR studies of vanadyl complexes
content of water discharged at sea. He has also described the at temperatures up to 435 “C. They were able to calculate
various types of equipment available for this task and exam- the activation energy for the interconversion of the two ob-
ined in detail those instruments which met his criteria (3523). served forms (71B, 72B). Laktos-Szabo described the sepa-
Jones examined in less detail the analytical methods for ration, quantitative determination, and structural identifi-
identifyin the source of petroleum and its products which cation of V and Ni porphyrins from a series of Hungarian
are spillefat sea (4713). crude oils. The contents of these compound classes could be
Higashi and co-workers used GPC with an ultraviolet de- related to the geochemical classification of the oils from which
tector to distinguish between crude oils and several of their they were recovered (48B).
refined products. In cases where the chromatograms at 254 Nonroutine Characterizations. A book,
nm were similar, better differentiation could be obtained at “Chromatography in Petroleum Analysis”, describes the ap-
280 nm (39B). The found that the GPC profiles changed plication of a wide variety of chromato aphic techniques to
very little when cru& oil samples were artifically weathered, the analysis of petroleum and its p r o g c t s (2B).
while the GLC profiles changed markedly due to the loss of Paczynska-Lahme and Neumann investigated the structure
light ends (41B). Ochi and Okaichi, however, found that the of petroleum colloids by ultracentrifugation. They described
GPC profile of weathered crudes differed significantly from the behavior of resins and asphaltenes and the effects of each
the respective unweathered crude, complicating identification upon certain properties of crudes and residues (60B). Weeks
(59B). and McBridge were able to correlate the ease of hydro-
Bonevski and Weber reported that crude oils could be processing of 10 crude oils with the amount of heteroatoms
distinguished from one another by plotting total fluorescences concentrated in the . -
DreciDitates obtained from ultracentri-
vs. temperature, using a 365-nm excitation source. While all fu ation (89B).
oils examined showed a marked decrease in fluorescence above gigashi and Hagiwara studied the effect of the pore size
375 “C, their behavior below that temperature was charac- of the Dolvstvrene eel on the chromatomams of four different
teristic of each oil (9B). Eastwood and co-workers compared crude oils: Differekes in the chromat&gams of the same oil,
results from room-temperature fluorescence with seven other as well as differences between oils, were observed and dis-
fluorescene or low-temperature luminescence methods for cussed (40B). Halasz combined a batch separation with silica
identifying fresh and weathered oil spills. The resultin gel and a column separation on the same absorbent to char-
spectra, and the instruments from which they were obtainel acterize a vacuum residuum (38B).
are discussed (23B). Rho and Stuart described a noncom- Torradas and others described a procedure using distillation
puterized method for producing three-dimensional repre- and column chromatography to obtain fractions from a crude
sentations of fluorescence spectra. Such plots facilitate the oil. These fractions were then analyzed by GC, MS, IR, and
comparison of fluorescence data from two samples (64B). NMR, to characterize the original crude (78B). Greenhow and
Cheder and others discuss the use of organic marker com- Nadjdi described a nonaqueous titration for determining the
pounds, both as internal reference compounds for quantitative acid compounds in strai ht-run and air-blow petroleum bi-
determinations of pollutants and as qualitative indicators of tumens (32B). Csikai and AI-Hobori reported the a plication
certain types of pollution. Examples are given of each use, of an X-ray fluorescence analysis of sulfur and choride in
both for petroleum and for other classes of pollutants (14B). crude oil, despite the fact that the peaks from these two
Frame and co-workers demonstrated the use of a nitrogen elements overlap to a considerable degree (19B).
flame photometric detector in the identification of oil spills. Routine Characterizations. Vercier and Mouton dis-
A concentration procedure, which also eliminates spurious cussed the development and principal technical characteristics
peaks from aliphatic hydrocarbons, was also described (26B). of the new ASTM/CEN (Comite Europeen de Normalisation)
Clark and Jurs described a technique for digitizing gas distillation assay, and some of the controversy over this me-
chromatograms and then using a computerized pattern rec- thod (85B,86B). Mouton and Chelveder described a rapid,
ognition routine to match oils. In a test using 80 chromato- automatic distillation apparatus and compare results from it
grams, 69 were correctly classified (15B). Utashiro and Matsuo with results from conventional distillations (54B).
used a specially designed gas chromatograph with a 0.3 mm Coleman and co-workers have tabulated results from the
X 10 m packed column to analyze the n-paraffins in crude oils analyses of 800 crude oils from U.S. oil fields. Each oil is
and heavy fuel oils recovered from the sea (84B). identified by field, location producing formation and age, and
Higaski and others have described their characterization producing depth (16B).Torradas and Albaiges have reported
of tar balls taken from the ocean using both conventional GC on the composition of Amposta oil, a Spanish offshore crude
and sulfur-selective flame photometric detection (43B). They ( 77B).
studied the effect of weathering on the samples and attempted
to identify the sources of the tar balls (42B). FUELS, GASEOUS AND LIQUID
Trace Elements. Antipenko and co-workers have reviewed J. D. Beardsley
the literature on the occurrences of trace elements in crude The Standard Oil Company (Ohio), Cleveland, Ohio
oil and have given some correlations between the trace element Natural, Refinery, and Manufactured Gases. Kavan
content and certain physiochemical characteristics of the oil (43C) has developed a technique for sampling gases which
and its distillate fractions (4B). They also surveyed the consists of a pressure vessel containing argon. During transfer
published methods for the separation and chracterization of into smaller vessels, no condensation of higher hydrocarbons
petroleum porphyrins (5B). occurred and composition remained unchanged. A review of
Giltrap and others explored spark source mass spectrometry as chromatographic analysis of fuel ases with 29 references
with electrical detection as a technique for the determination Ras been published by KO an and darkacheva (45C). Am-
of Al, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Sn in crude oils. It is less sensitive erkhanov, Lychagin, and lidorova (3C) describe a chroma-
than photoplate recording but is faster and more recise (233). tograph with three columns for the analysis of petroleum and
Gerasimova and co-workers reported that the aBdition of 3% hydrocarbon as mixtures. A patent has been issued to
Tic& to deasphalted crude precipitated the major part of all Burrough (118) for a method and compact analyzer to de-
of the heteroatoms and trace elements except the sulfur termine a selected gas in a gas sample. The apparatus has
compounds. They also noted certain correlations between the a radiation source (e.g., IR) from which a modulated radiation
contents of various elements (27B). (at a first frequence) impinges on a flow-through sample cell.
Studies of vanadium and nickel, and the various forms in Olacsi, Balazs, Hoffer, and Egri (64C) have standardized the
which they occur, still attract considerable attention. Grizzle gas chromatographic analysis of natural gas with thermal
and co-workers made a critical evaluation of four AA tech- conductivity and flame ionization detectors so that C I13

hydrocarbons can be determined. measuring the discharge characteristics of a previously charged

In the separation of isotopic methanes by gas chromatog- sorbent placed in the as being studied. A method and ap-
raphy, Lukac (55C)has modified the surface activity of the
glass capillary column to improve the R2/t ratio (where R is
paratus for continuous y monitoring the moisture content of
natural gas are described by Bozeman (9C). Karl Fischer
the resolution of an isotopic pair and t is the analysis time). reagent is used as a titrant. Moore, Heidemann, and Wichert
After the column was etched, part of the surface was covered (SOC) present a graphical method for estimating the water
with a thin layer of active silica. Nitrogen plus helium were content of sour natural as. The method is based on the Soave
used as the carrier gas. Capezzuto, D'Agostino, Cramarossa modification of the hdiich-Kwong equation of state. Sodium
and Molinari (14C) have studied the oxidation of methane tetrachloroferrate has been used as a dehydratin agent by
with carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen in radio-fre- Saleem, Khan, and Shahid (71C). The compouni was sup-
quency discharges of moderate pressures. The reactor con- ported on Bioglass-2500. When it absorbed water the color
sisted of a quartz tube capacitively coupled with a 35-MHz changed from yellow to brown. Methane in natural gas reacted
radio-frequency generator. with the desiccant.
Mashbits, Okhotnikov, and Khokhlov (58C)have received A water-soluble corrosion inhibitor VI, which is a mixture
a patent on the preparation of a gas sample for the chroma- of sodium salts of fatty acids and alcohols, hydrocarbons, and
tographic analysis of impurities contained in a gas. The nonsaponifiable oxygen-containing compounds, is introduced
process consists of passing the gas sample through a partition into natural gas wells to prevent equi ment corrosion.
chromatogra hic column which sorbed the impurities; the Kurtovaya, Obukhova, and Ul'yanova ( 5 0 8 have determined
c0ncentrateb)impurities were transferred to a carrier gas the content of the inhibitor in condensate water by titration
stream which leads into a chromatographic analyzer. Trace with hydrochloric acid and in mineralized water by treating
impurities in (permanent) gases and in natural gas have been a mixture of the water and natural gas condensate with sodium
determined chromatographically by Okhotnikov, Rotin, chloride, which causes passing of the inhibitor into the hy-
Khokhlov, and Yusfin (63C). An analyzer is described by drocarbon phase, and measuring its abosrbance by photoco-
Kas rowski, Jeziorowski, Adamczyk, Niesporek, and Bytom lorimetry. McSpadden (56C) discussed various aspects and
( 3 4 8 for determining traces of carbon dioxide, carbon mon- methods for detecting and monitoring corrosion in the natural
oxide, and methane in gases. This analyzer is based on the gas industry.
change of an electrolyte resistance in an electrolytic cell with Ragle and Cooper (67C) present methods for improving the
two electrodes. The apparatus and transistorized electronic accuracy of the measurement of excess air in the combustion
accessory are described in detail. Vitenberg and Tsibulskaya of fuels such as natural gas and fuel oil. Users of Orsats,
(82C) have obtained a patent for the determination of trace washed-sample analyzers, and above-dew-point analyzers
impurities of aromatic hydrocarbons in gases by gas chro- require excess air corrections. Shimizu, Yamazoe, and Seiyama
matography. Thompson (80C) discussed the anomalous be- (76C) have obtained unexpectedly high response in the de-
havior of the hydrogen signal during its as chromatographic tection of 0.1-1.5% butylene, isobutane, propane, hydrogen,
determination in gas mixtures using a tierma1 conductivity and carbon monoxide with a calcium oxide stabilized zirconia
detector and helium carrier gas. The direction of the signal sensor. Several Japanese patents have been issued for gas
is dependent on the hydrogen concentration in the carrier. sensors. Ohkuma, Takahashi, Katsura, and Kaneda (62C)
The determination of methanol in natural gas has been ac- have coated a gas sensor element with 1 2 layers of different
com lished by Lakeev and Vyalkina (51C) as follows: catalysts selected from platinum, palladium, and rhodium.
MetRanol was absorbed from natural gas by water and the The use of 2 2 catalysts improves the selectivity of the sensor
methanol content of the aqueous solution was determined by toward the gases to be detected. Tin was used to prepare a
photocolorimetry after treatment of the solution with chro- metal oxide semiconductor type combustible gas sensor by
motropic acid. Kusana i Kawamura, and Akiyama (49C). Katsura, Tak-
A patent has been issued to Bakunin (6C) for the deter- ahashi, kaneda, Hiraki, and Shiratori have obtained eight
mination of trace elements in gases. The determination is patents for the preparation of metal oxide semiconductor type
based on obtaining condensation nuclei, activation of the gas sensor elements which are useful for detecting liquified
nuclei (at 110-120 "C) obtaining a heated development agent petroleum gases. A paste containing platinum and phosphorus
vapor (a-aminovaleric acid), mixing the gas with the devel- is coated on an iron oxide type gas sensor element (38C) and
oping agent, development, and enlarging of the condensation on a tin oxide type (39C); and a slurry of platinum and
nuclei. Mercury in natural gas has been determined by Orrit phosphorus is coated on a zinc oxide type (35C). A paste
(65C) at levels of 1to <lo0 1gHg/m3 gas. The mercury was containing rhodium and phosphorus is coated on a tin oxide
collected on chopped gold wire, digested in fumin nitric acid, type gas sensor element (40C) and on a zine oxide type ( 4 0 0 ;
evaporated on silicon dioxide, and measured y emission and a slurry of rhodium and phosphorus is coated on an iron
oxide type (37C). A paste containing palladium and phos-
spectrometry or X-ray fluorescence. In a method developed
by Below (7C) total sulfur in natural gas is determined con- phorus is coated on a tin oxide type gas sensor element (41C )
tinuously at a level down to 0.5 mg/m3. The as sample
flowing at 1.5 L / h and a t 40 mbar is passed, wit hydrogen
and on a zinc oxide t e (36C). Nitta, Kanefusa, and Hara-
dome (61C) have u s g a propane gas detector consisting of
in a 1:4 vol ratio, over a platinum silica gel catalyst at 700
OC to convert sulfur compounds to ydrogen sulfide and then
into a commercial analyzer whose operating princi le involves
tin(1V) oxide doped with niobium, vanadium, titanium, or
Gasoline. Mose of these references dealt with analysis of
the coloration of lead acetate paper. Analysis o individual
sulfur compounds involves two glass columns, one filled with
gasolines and most of the analyses were gas chromatographic.
Gaspar and Guiochon (26C) describe a computer-controlled
Porapak, the other packed with 30% Triton X305 or Chro-
mosorb W-A-W-DMCS, and flame ionization and flame
photometric detectors operating in parallel. A flame photo-
automatic gas chromatographic system equip ed with a
fluid-logic sampling gate as a sampling device. n example
is given of the analysis of a light gasoline sample on a column
metric detector has been used by Butusova, Beskova, Preo- coated with squalane. Gas chromatography with two columns
brazhenskaya, and Korotkova (12C)for the determination of containing 1,2,3-tris(@-cyanethoxy)propanedeposited on a
total sulfur in air and natural as. Air was analyzed in a glass Spherochrome support and sodium hydroxide-modified 13X
column packed with owderediTeflon and for natural gas the molecular sieves was used by Alekseeva, Shatilova, Slepneva,
column was replacel by a glass mixer.
Yoho (85C)has reported the results of a 36-company survey
on the measurement of the thermal energy of fuel gases. The
and Berezovskaya ( I C ) for determining the h drocarbon
composition of strai ht-run gasolines boiling be ow 180 "C.
Schulz, Gregor et al. f74C) have developed precolumns for the
survey showed that combustion calorimetry is the accepted accurate capillary gas chromatographc anal sis of gasoline-
standard method for determining heating value. range hydrocarbons. The use of a combinedlhydrogenation
An apparatus has been developed by Simanek, Pick, and and adsorption precolumn and of a method for summarizing
Drabek (78C) for the calibration of industrial hygrometers the detailed results is shown for a gasoline containing ap-
used in fuel gas production and transportation. Water is proximately 40% aromatics. The quantitative analysis of
electrolyzed and the hydro en obtained is catalytically burned olefin-containing gasoline by capillary gas chromatography
on a platinum catalyst. #he resulting water is absorbed on in combination with hydrogenation and adsorption preco-
magnesium perchlorate. Yagodin, Rudenko, Ivashchenko, and lumns is discussed by Schulz, Sedighi, Gregor, Van, and Min
Grechishnikov (84C) have determined water in gases by (75C). The German Society for Petroleum Sciences and Coal



Chemistry (27C) describes the use of precolumns for hydro- pentadieny1)manganese has been determined in gasoline by
genation or absorption of olefins in quantitative group analysis Uden, Barnes, and DiSanzo (81C) using gas chromatography
of olefin-containing gasoline. Fadeev, Nazarenko, Afanas'ev, with interfaced direct current argon plasma emission detection.
and Shteingardt (WC)have determined the gasoline content The advantages of the plasma detector are discussed.
of catalyzate from catalytic cracking by gas chromatography. Makabe, Ichikawa, Hashizume, Taira, Yamamoto, and
The chromatographic and distillation methods agreed. Takada (57C) have obtained a patent for the detection of
An automated gas chromatograph is used by Clark (16C) leaded gasoline in unleaded gasoline. A gasoline sample is
for the determination of paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics impregnated upon filter paper, the paper irradiated with UV
in gasoline fractions with a 200 "C FPB. Koci (44C) has light for 3-10 min, a drop of dithizone in chloroform added,
determined the paraffin and cycloparaffin composition of eight and the absorbancy measured at 500 nm. A UV method for
gasolines from typical Albanian petroleum by catalytic deh- the detection of the adulteration of gasolines with kerosines
ydrogenation of the cycloparaffins over Pt-Fe and capillary has been developed by Kapmr, Kumar, Mallik, Chhibber, and
as chromatography on sodium hydroxide-treated 13X mo- Gu ta (33C). A suspect sample had UV absorbances of >200
fecular sieves. A comparison has been made by Lochmueller, an8>20 a t 285 and 319 nm, respectively. A passing sample
Gordon, Lawson, and Mathieu (54C) between two thermal had UV absorbances of 24 and 21 at 285 and 319 nm, re-
conductivity detectors and a flame ionization detector for use spectively. Adulteration by as little as 1% kerosine should
with open tubular columns. Results are resented for analysis be detectable.
of a remium grade gasoline. DiCorcia, ffampri, and Capponi May and Mueller (59C) have made spectroscopic deter-
( 2 1 4 have analyzed premium grade gasoline using a gas minations of the temperature and hydroxyl concentration
chromatogra hy-mass spectrometry technique on 5-m col- distributions in the combustion chambers of spark ignition
umns packef with graphitized carbon black modified with engines. Gaseous emissions, unregulated exhaust components,
2,4,5,7-tetranitrofluorenone.Hydroxide ions generated in a and exhaust particulates were measured by Hare (30C) in
mass spectrometer by the reaction of nitrous oxide with hexane dynamometer tests over eight operating schedules and five
reacted with alkylbenzenes by hydrogen abstraction but not different fuels. A detailed description of the test program and
with saturated hydrocarbons. Sieck, Jennings, and Burke results is given. A simple cryogenic unit for temperature
(77C) discuss use of such a method for distinguishing samples programming from -50 "C is illustrated by deRuwe, Hein,
of liquid fuels (gasolines) from different sources. Cracked Schulting, and van Grondelle (20C). An example of its use
gasolines and naphthas were studied by Sapozhnikova, Abi- for separation of the components in car exhaust ases is given.
dova, Sokol'nikova, Khasanova, Cherdakova, and Nisarbaeva Brown and Kroes (1OC)describe the design a n g o eration of
(73C) using silica gel and gas-liquid chromatography. The metallic oxide semiconductor sensors for combusti&le gas and
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of commercial gasolines vapor monitoring. These sensors have been used in the de-
and stocks for blending was performed by Chachulski, Czamik, termination of 50-100 ppm levels of lead-containing gasoline
and Dettloff (15C) to test the possibility of determining octane in air.
number and fractional composition. Dracheva and Bryan- Distillate Fuels. Simulated distillation by va or-phase
skaya (23C) give an equation for determining the optimum chromatography has been applied to petroleum prducts from
conditions for the gas-liquid chromatographic separation of Cuban refineries by Gonzalez, Ibarra, and Perez ( 2 8 0 .
gasoline. The direct coupling of a liquid chromatograph to Analyses of naphtha, kerosine, jet fuel, diesel fuel, and gas
a continuous flow hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance de- oil are discussed. Sauer, Jadamec, and Sager (72C) have
tector has been accomplished by Haw, Glass, Hausler, Motell, attem ted to fractionate heavy fuel oils by means of re-
and Dorn (31C) for the analysis of petroleum fuels. Dimov versecf phase liquid chromatographic columns at different
and Kovacheva ( 2 2 0 have combined the selectivity of infrared temperatures. A review with 81 references is presented by
spectrometry with the sensitivity of titrimetry and applied Lang, Sebor, Kosina, and Kusta (52C) of nuclear magnetic
it to the determination of aromatic and olefinic compounds resonance analysis of high molecular weight fuel samples.
in gasoline. This same technique was applied to gasoline Altamirano, Cortex, and Cuevas (2C) have developed a twp-
boiling below 315 "C by Kovacheva, Dimov, and Pankova step method for the determination of n-paraffins (CB-C,,) in
( 4 7 0 . Kotova, Loginova, Kastorskaya, and Stryakhileva (46C) kerosine by molecular sieve adsorption and gas chromato -
have determined the antiknock additive (methyl tert-butyl raphy. Jet and diesel fuels which were prepared from oil shafe
ether) in gasoline by titration with Mohr's salt. and coal syncrudes were examined by Antoine (4C) using as
A set of four nomographs is presented by Zanker (86C) to
allow the calculation of the octane number of binary blends.
chromatography. The boiling range distribution was use to
calculate various physical properties. Zrebov, Krasnaya,
Laurgeau, Espian, and Barras (53C) have developed a linear Postnikova, and Kalinin (87C) have evaluated the reliability
algorithm to evaluate the octane number of both clear and of the determination of the aromatic hydrocarbon content of
leaded asolines from their chemical compositions as deter- jet fuels by sulfonation with sulfuric acid. They concluded
mined y gas chromatography. that the method was not reliable because the amount of
sulfonated aromatics depended on the concentration of sulfuric
Potter (66C) has determined copper in gasoline by atomic
absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization and acid. Phenols in kerosine have been separated and identified
by the lengthier spectrophotometric method (IF' 225 71). He by Rossemyr (68C) using si1 lation and gas chromato aphy.
found no significant difference in the results obtaine by each Saint-Just and Larsen ( 7 0 6 have found a re1ationsEp be-
method. Sommer and Ohls (79C) describe a system in which tween refractive index and the nitro en content of the hy-
the effluent from a gas chromatographic column is fed via a drotreated products of a furnace oif from shale oil. Nit-
heated interface directly into an inductively coupled plasma rogenous bases of straight-run and hydrotreated diesel fuels
(ICP) burner for optical emission spectrometric analysis. The from an Arlan crude have been separated and identified by
system has been used to determine tetraethyllead in gasoline. Baikova and Ben'kovskii et al. (5C). The separation was done
A method of calculation is presented by Kaegler, Lehmann, chromatographically, and the compounds were studied by IR,
and Baur (32C) which permits the determination of lead in UV, and mass spectrometry.
gasoline a t a level of about 0.12 g L and involves measuring
the Compton scattering instead o the more conventional use
of an internal standard. Lead in gasoline is determined rapidly
Ward ( 8 3 0 presents a review of the historical development,
performance characteristics, and applications of plasma as an
emission source for inductively coupled argon plasma spec-
b Berenguer, Guinon, and de la Guardia (8C) using atomic troscopy. Examples are given of the multielement spectro-
atsorption spectrometry on an emulsified sample. metric analyses of water, liver, rocks, stainless steel, and re-
A combination of gas chromatography and atomic absorp- sidual fuel oil.
tion spectroscopy has been used by Bye, Paus, Solberg, and A spectrophotometric method using the reagent 2-
Thomassen (13C) for determining tetralkylated compounds methyl-4-(2-thiozolylazo)resorcinolhas been developed by
in gasoline. Both flame and graphite furnaces were used with Gonzalez Dim, Gonzalez h a s , and Garcia Montelongo ( 2 9 0
the same operating conditions of the gas chromatograph. for the determination of vanadium in fuel oil. This method
DuPuis and Hill (24C) have analyzed gasoline for antiknock is considered superior to the ASTM D 1548. Rossemyr (69C)
a ents with a hydrogen atmosphere flame ionization detector has made a study of the cold flow properties and the response
(hAFID) fitted to an Ultrabond 20 packed gas chromatograph. to a cold flow improver of some typical fuel oils. After column
HAFID and FID analyses are compared and optimum oper- chromatogra hic separation, friction and wear reducing ad-
ating conditions are discussed. Tricarbonyl(methylcyc1o- ditives have 8,en determined by Kuehn, Stoecker, and Bor-

mann (48C) using infrared spectrometry. Denisov, Kovalev, voltage zone electrophoresis carried out on a silica gel plate
Borisova, Zvereva, Englin, and Slitikova (1912)have deter- to which was applied the zinc-containing oil.
mined antioxidants in hydrocarbon vuels uantitatively. For the characterization of the saturated components of
The sample containing the oxidation inh%itor is oxidized mineral oils Szebenyi et al. (690) employed high- erformance
with air while being heated, and the induction period is liquid chromatography (HPLC) followed by GE) analysis of
measured. The antioxidant concentration is then determined the separated fractions. High accuracy was reported, and only
from a calibration graph. To determine the amount of alu- 30-70 mg of sample is required for the analysis. An HPLC
minum compound present as a lubrication additive in mineral procedure utilizing a dual IR UV detector system was used
oil or diesel fuel. D aev, Lozovaya, and Perveev (I7C) boiled
the sample with p e r s o r i c acid, filtered the solution, and then
by Selucky et al. (570)for stu ying the composition of mineral
oils and petroleum products. Interpretations of HPLC
titrated the diluted filtrate potentiometrically with sodium chromatograms are given. Majors and Johnson (410) reported
hydroxide. A technique in which a vidicon tube is used as on a high-performance exclusion chromatography technique
a detector has been applied by Davis, Stockwell, and Pardue using variable wavelength and refractive index detectors for
(18C) to the identification and determination of quinizarin separating additives of molecular weight less than lo00 from
in the eluant from a liquid chromatographic column. Quin- complex mixtures including lubricating oils. The analysis of
izarin is sometimes added to a gas oil as a marker. engine oils with sizeexclusion chromato aphy was described
in a paper by Wheals and Russell ( 7 6 0 y They included an
LUBRICANTS, OILS AND GREASES illustration of a simple circuit which provides the first-de-
N. H. Flck rivative form of the chromatogram, thus facilitating com-
Texaco Inc., Beacon, New York parison of chromatograms with ill-defined shoulders or in-
Oils. The literature continues to reflect the increasing use flections. The separation and characterization of hi h boiling
of combination analytical techniques to achieve preconcen- and nonboiling mineral oil products were performed %y Halasz
trationlseparation and identification/quantitationof com- (260) using various HPLC techniques. He characterized the
ponents. Use of analytical instrumentation continues to fractions by UV and IR spectroscopy and discussed sources
predominate. of error and methods of preventing errors in liquid chroma-
Spectroscopic Techniques. Trawinski (710) described tography.
infrared (IR) spectroscopic procedures to determine hydro- The application of gel permeation chromatogra hy in re-
carbon composition, content of additives, and thermal-oxi- frigeration oil analysis was the subject of a paper y! Shiono
dation stability of lubricating oils, and also published a review et al. (610),and Shiono (620) re orted on the determination
(700) on use of IR techniques for determining composition of poly(ethy1eneterephthalat.e)oEgomers in refri eration oils
of lubricating oils and additives. Methods for determining by a gel permeation chromatography recedef by an ad-
olymethacrylate and succinimide additives in lubricating oils sorption chromatography cleanup procefure. The evaluation
E y qualitative and uantitative IR spectroscopy were devel-
oped by Vergos an! Stepina (730)
of a refrigerant-refrigerator oil-metal (Fe and Cu) system was
carried out by Enomoto et al. (140) with the aid of HPLC
Belafi-Reth ( 5 0 , 6 0 ) published two papers on determi- and gel permeation techniques. An improved method for
nation of sulfde and thiophene sulfur compounds in lube oils measuring trace amounts of oil in diver's air sup ly was de-
by means of IR and UV spectroscopy. The sulfides were scribed in a pa er by Sewell and Yee (590). T e! variable
determined by IR measurement of the sulfoxides at 1040 cm-' wavelength Ufdetector used with a liquid chromatogra h
after oxidation. An IR spectrometer interfaced to a computer permitted a detection sensitivity of 0.2 pg. Baxa et al. ( 4 9 )
was used by Lynch and Brady (400) to analyze for contam- calibrated a liquid chromatograph with oil fractions of known
inants in complex oil mixtures, and Hannah et al. (270) de- molecular weight and demonstrated the suitability of the
scribed a technique using an IR spectrometer interfaced to procedure for evaluation of the distillation ran e of lubricating
a computer to determine small amounts of additives in lube oil fractions. Murui and Watanabe (430) pullished a review
oils. Preconcentration and se aration steps were described. on the ap lications of HPLC to oils and fats anal sis.
Differences could be observezbetween new and used motor Karleskinfet al. (350) discussed the advantage of graJent
oils. The use of spectral coefficients, ratios between optical elution HPLC on oils and fats analysis. For the determination
absorbances of characteristic IR bands, for calculating the of amine antioxidants in high-temperature jet engine lubri-
contents of resins and paraffins-naphthenes in mineral oils cants Sniegoski (660) developed a uantitative thin-layer
was described in a paper by Shulova (630). chromatographic '(TLC) method. T l e colored spots were
Liquid Chromatography, Amos and Albaugh (10)pub- measured by densitometry, and calibration graphs are given
lished a review of various chromatography techniques em- for additive concentration range up to 1%.
ployed for the determination of additives in lubricating oil, Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Anti-
and Kajdas et al. (330) discussed at length the application oxidant additives in lube oil were anal zed with gas chro-
of modern instrumental methods for determining lubricant matography by Kononyuk et al. (370). %he analysis of syn-
com osition. The identification of amines in alkenylsuccin- thetic pentaerythritol ester oils by gas chromatogra hy-mam
trometry (GC MS) was studied by &man et al. &ID)who
imigs, used as ash-free dispersants in motor oils, was in-
vestigated by Natoli and Peditto (460). Elution chroma-
tography was used for the separation, and the purified cuts
K r m i n e d the atty acid composition of the oils after hy-
drolysis and calculation by computer of the theoretical isomer
were hydrogenated followed by identification by gas chro- distribution of the esterified products. These authors (820)
matography (GC). also analyzed trimethylol ropane-dipentaerythritol ester
Separation and characterization of aromatic hydrocarbons synthetic lubes by GC/Mff b ut reported the separation of
in mineral oils were reported by Mosescu et al. (420) who isomeric trimethylolpropane esters was not successful.
employed elution chromatography followed by UV s ectro- However, after separation by column chromatography, a de-
photometry of separated fractions. Kareher et al. (3407made tailed characterization of the complex ester s stem was pos-
a study to compare methods for determining aromatic and sible by MS. Deo and Howard (120) used &/MS for the
nonaromatic content of mineral oils boiling above 315 O C . The analysis of commercial aryl phosphate oils used as fire-re-
three methods evaluated were ASTM D 2549-68, DIN 51 tardant hydraulic fluids.
38411975,and GUD 472175, each of which is based on elution For the analysis of lube oil fractions Severin (580) discussed
chromatography. The application of several statistical (ndM, photon-impact mass s ectrometry (MS) as an alternative to
ASTM D 2140, and others) and instrumental methods (IR, field ionization MS. h i s paper also covers the use of auto-
UV, NMR) to structural analysis of mineral oil fractions was mated fragmentography for trace impurities analysis of sat-
reported by Grzechowiak and Sztuba (250). A method for urated fractions. Mass spectrometry was combined with N M R
determining the hydrocarbon composition of petroleum oils b Chadha et al. (80) to analyze three white oils obtained by
by combined two-stage liquid chromatography and mass ocum treatment of lubricating oil base stocks.
spectrometry is iven in a paper by Zakupra et al. (790). Oils in t h e Environment. The characterization of pe-
The analysis of alkyl and aryl zinc dithiophosphate lubri- troleum oils by high-speed gel permeation chromatography
cating oil additives was described in a paper by Fodor and with UV detector was the sub'ect of a pa er by Higashi and
Newman (180). Li uid chromatography was combined with
infrared analysis (IF?) to obtain the alkyl to aryl ratio. Jamson
Hagiwara (300). The method was ueefu in identifying the
source of oil spills. These authors (290) also published a
and Hillman (320) performed this analysis by using high- review of gel permeation, gas chromatography, and spectre

metric methods for determining oils in the environment. quantitatively by using a silica gel cleanup procedure followed
Gottardi and Greiderer (240)also studied mineral oils in the by TLC on a silica gel plate. Further analysis of the tri-
environment and reported on a method employing combina- methylsilyl derivative of I by GC MS gave results in good
tion IR and fluorescence spectroscopy. The identification of agreement with those estimated by I;, C. The initial approach
to this analysis by Kawano et al. (360)was different. These
the source of a petroleum spill is based on use of a quotient
(Q) which is specific for a particular substance and is related authors first decomposed the NO - in the cuttin fluid with
to the intensity of fluorescence (equal to the intensity of C-H urea and distilled the solvent under nitrogen. $he mixture
vibration). was then silylated and subjected to GC with FI detector or
Ochi and Okaichi (480)published a paper reporting on the GC/MS.
fluorescence spectrometric determination of oil concentrations The role of spectral selectivity in determining polycyclic
contained in seawater for up to a year after a refinery oil spill. aromatic hydrocarbons in oils by fluorescence detection for
Cook et al. (100)made a comparison of methods for deter- liquid chromatography is discussed in a paper by Ogan et al.
mining traces of oil in water, Included were the EPA reference (490).Their work compared two fluorescence detectors, a
method 625 6-74-003,modifications of the EPA method, and
the Horiba CMa-200 oil monitor (solvent extraction followed
by IR at 3.5 pm). The EPA method gave the highest results
broad-band-pass detector with a 350-nm cutoff filter in the
emission beam with the emission monochromator set to zero
order and a narrow-band-pass detector with the emission
on standards prepared from soluble oil in deionized water over
the range 0-100 mg/L. Frame et al. (200)published an atlas
of gas chromatograms of petroleum and synthetic oils. In-
monochromator used to select specific wavelen hs. The
advantages of each mode are discussed. The an ysis of po-
lychlorinated biphenyls in waste oils by HPLC with a re-
cluded are descriptions of analysis techniques using dual flame concentration step by column chromatography was descriL d
ionization detectors and thermionic nitrogen-phosphorus in a paper by Belliardo et al. (70).
detectors for GC fingerprinting useful in oil pollution studies. Used Oil Analysis. The analysis of used oils for the
A review of fluorescence spectroscopic methods for oil spill purpose of detecting contaminants, determining suitability
source identification, including evaluation of each method’s for continued use, and uncovering potential equipment
utility for this purpose, was published by Frank (210). maintenance problems was the subject of apers by three
Other Analysis Techniques. The active ingredients of authors. Simley’s (640)paper was a broa&r discussion of
sulfonate additives were determined with dialysis techniques rograms primarily for mining machinery, while
by Ifcsics (310)who reported the data agreed well with those f:t%$%ypaper was devoted more toward spectrophoto-
developed by li uid chromatography. Shdiqul Alam et al. metric determination of trace wear metals and threshold
(600) develope! a differential pulse polarographic method concentration limits for given applications. Ohls (500)covered
which was suitable for detecting as little as 50 pM of zinc the use of inductively cou led plasma emission spectrometry,
dialkyl dithiophosphate in commercial lubricant additives. including the rotrode m&, for trace wear metals in used oils.
For the determination of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol in trans- The analyses were carried out on the oils in a direct way as
former oils, Foley and Kimmerle (190)used a method de- well as after ashing, and the results were compared with resulb
veloped by Richards and Evans (510)which utilized pulse obtained by absorption spectrometry.
voltammetry. The method was rapid, accurate to *3% and A description of the ferrographic method for wear particle
sensitive to 10 ppm detection limit. analysis was covered in detail with numerous illustrations in
The determination of total acid number of lubricants and two papers by Rotondi (530,540).This technique for sepa-
additives was the sub’ect of a paper by Fernandez et al. (150). rating and studying particulate matter in used lubricants gives
These authors used a microtitrimetric procedure with a information on the condition of such wear mechanisms as
high-frequency oscillator which was described by them in a aircraft gas turbines, gearboxes, transmissions, engines, and
previous publication (160).They also reported on further hydraulic systems. Ruff (550)used this technique along with
work (170)with this a paratus on determining total base filtration separation in his investi ation of uantitative
number of new and usecflubricating oils. Sharp breaks at the methods in wear debris analysis in whch he injuded simu-
end points were obtained and results were compared with lated wear debris (silica spheres, 3-pm iron particles, and
those obtained potentiometrically. 30-pm nickel particles). His pa r compared chemical analysis
A method for the determination of chromium(V1) in syn- and particulate analysis and Ecussed problems of particle
thetic and mineral emulsifiable oils was developed by Neustadt size resolution, lubricant dilution, particle overlap, and cali-
et al. (470).Separation is by TLC on alumina followed by bration of debris recovery systems.
spectrophotometric determination a t 540 nm on the water Properties of Oils. Sosulina et al. (670)measured the
extracted relevant zone located by UV radiation. Lower limit thermal stability of lubricating oils prepared from penta-
was reported as 0.09 pg/mL. Clark and MacPherson (90) erythritol esters by mass spectrometric determination of the
adapted the Orion NO, gas-sensing electrode to the deter- intensity of oxygen-containing radicals through the degra-
mination of labile NOz- in unused cutting oils with a lower dation of the esters. A thin-film test for measurement of the
detection limit of 15 pg g. The moisture content of antifreezes
and brake fluids was etermined with high precision by Na-
gashima and Hachiya (440)by measuring resistance while
oxidation of ester-type aircraft as turbine lubricants was
developed by Cvitkovic et al. (Id).The procedure requires
only 20-200 pL of sample placed in a depression on a cata-
supplying power with an ac source. For the continuous lytically active steel block heated in a stream of air. Analysis
measurement of residual concentrations (down to 0.5 ppm) by gel permeation chromatography gives information on ad-
of chlorinated solvents used in dewaxing lube oils, Von der ditive depletion and oxidized products formed. Dudukovic
Ohe et al. (750)described a procedure in which the solvents and Pejovic (130)compared an extended version of the
are stripped by passage of air and the vapors are passed to IEC-74 method for testing the chemical stability of trans-
a measuring cell fitted with a flame ionization detector (to former oils and found it gave better precision for uninhibited
measure total hydrocarbons) and a halogen detector. Aru- oils than did the IEC-474 method.
tyunov et al. (20) reported on the determination of water in Bartz and Heckoetter’s (30)investigation of rapid bench
petroleum oils by extracting with ethylene glycol containing tests for estimation of the detergent-dispersant properties of
2-propanol followed by GC analysis for water in the extract. engine oils, including the Wolf test strip, PSW engine heating
Voloshchuk et al. (740)determined mercaptobenzothiazole test, dispersancy bench test, and HD test (Fuhrmann, 1958),
and p-hydroxydiphenylamine additives in synthetic ester oils concluded that these rapid tests did not correlate with engine
as a function of their optical density by photometry at 250-290 tests. The mechanism and activity of deter ents-dispersants,
nm. including succinimides, sulfonates, alkyf salicylates, and
Several investigators gave their attention to detection of sulfurized phenates, was the subject of a paper by Zaslavskii
trace N-nitroso compounds in petroleum metalworking et al. (800) who studied these additives in relation to their
products. Smyth et al. (650)examined metalworking cooling ability to disperse carbon black labeled with ’?I’isotope in
fluids by differential pulse polarography, GC, and thin-layer lubricating oil. Heidemeyer (280) compared numerous
chromatography. They found only fluids formulated to methods for injecting air into water-Containing cutting oils
contain high concentrations of di- and triethanolamines and for the urpose of studying their foaming behavior. Woodle
sodium nitrite contained more than 0.5 pg/mL of N-nitroso (780)Beveloped empirical equations for estimating the
compounds. Williams et al. (770)carried out the analysis of characteristic factor of heavy oils from gravity in combination
cutting fluids to detect N-nitrosodiethanolamine (I) semi- with kinematic viscosity, COC flash point, or aniline point.

The calculations can be easily performed on a hand calculator Khromykh et al. (7E) reported on the filtration properties
having “ln” function. of urea-alkane complexes formed during the dewaxin of
Greases. Fultz (220) presented a paper describing pro- petroleum fractions. In a similar study, the filtration cfar-
cedures using IR and high-speed gel permeation chromatog- acteristics of paraffin suspensions in dewaxing and deoiling
raphy for identifying com onents of lubricating greases and processes was determined by Gryaznov et al. ( 4 E ) .
the MIL specification to wkch they belong. The soap content
of calcium complex greases was determined by a differential ASPHALT
IR spectrometric procedure by Naqvi and Biswas ( 4 5 0 ) . James R. Couper
Kozakova et al. (380)investigated the effects of solvent and Department of Chemical Engineering, Univershy of Arkansas, Fayettevi/k,
heating period on hydrolysis in the determination of free acids Arkansas 72701
and free bases in lubricating grease. Reverse-phase chroma- During the past 4 years, the major part of the research work
tography was the technique employed by Gorodnicheva et al. has been devoted to compositional studies of asphalt. This
(230)to determine the mineral oil content of Li stearate review is arbitrarily divided into subheadings to facilitate the
greases. readability and location of information.
The compatibility of lubricating greases with elastomeric There has been a significant decline in research activity
seals, with attention to analytical tests as methods which during the past 4 years compared to the previous 2-year review
would not be affected by seal variability, was described in a period. Most of the research is now being performed by
pa er by Verdura (720). A system for measuring the color foreign investigators.
of rubricating greases was the subject of Sayles’ (56D)paper.
He adapted a digital-reading reflection densitometer for this CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHODS
purpose and reported on its use in quality control. Before a chromatographic separation can be undertaken,
Stanton (680)reported on two round robin programs to an initial solvent separation or preci itation step is performed.
evaluate test variables with the Falex I ring and block friction Fractions are obtained by various cLomatographic methods,
and wear test machine. Load was found to have the pre- and these fractions may be subjected to further analysis using
dominating effect in the first program, and the second program IR, NMR, and UV spectrometry or X-ray diffraction.
evaluated the effect of load on a variety of E P and non-EP Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). Blanchard et.
greases. al. (6F)obtained 23 fractions by usin a preparation-type GPC
technique from a Canadian asphalt. h e y used vapor pressure
WAX osmometry and NMR for further analysis. NMR analysis of
A. J. Lubeck some of the fractions showed that they were mainly aliphatic.
Marathon Oil Company, Littleton, Colorado The de ee of aromaticity resent in a given fraction, though
slight, c k g e d with the morecular weight of the sample. Brule
Only a few papers were published in the area of petroleum (15F),using GPC followed by differential refractomet and
waxes this review period. Of these, most dealt with finding U V , noted that the polycondensed character of the asphytenes
the most appropriate techniques to characterize waxes for increased with molecule size. Boduszynski (12F) gave special
specific applications. attention to acidic and basic hetero compounds containing
Harmon (5E) used gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) N and 0 in the as haltenes and maltenes, noting especially
and differential scannine calorimetrv to comDare and evaluate the association rog of the compounds in relation to the sta-
waxes used in elastom& compounding. Hk found the data bility of colloidal systems in asphalts.
from these tests were sufficient to enable him to select sat- Kiet, Blanchard, and Malhotra (47)extended the work
isfactory substitutes for waxes used in compounding recipes. reported earlier by Blanchard (6F),finding that aromaticity
Sosa et al. (9E)reported on the GPC characterization of crude and naphthenic C content of fractions with intermediate
paraffin waxes containing different amounts of oil. The weight molecular weights were low, while the paraffinic C content
avera e and number average molecular weights were deter- was maximum. The unit molecular weight of these fractions
minef from a calibration graph for n-alkanes and their ratio was 900, independent of molecular weight, indicating that the
was found to be indicative of the broadness of the molecular fractions are composed of a number of linked unit sheets
weight distribution. An electron microscope was utilized by rather than of a sin le, large pericondensed ring system.
Szergenyi and Baumann ( 1 I E ) to examine macro- and mi- Brule (I6F)used 6 P C to qualitatively and quantitatively
crocrystalline waxes and fractions containing them. They characterize asphalt, asphaltenes, and maltenes. The results
verified the selectivity of molecular sieves in separating n- provide an insight into the nature of associative rocesses
paraffins from both isoparaffins and cycloparaffins. Two involving these materials. Hall and Herron ( 3 7 8 , after a
distillate waxes obtained from Ankleshwar crude oil tank preliminary separation with pentane, subjected each fraction
bottoms were found to be predominantly n-paraffins by from several crudes to a preparative gel permeation chro-
Agrawal and Joshi (1E).Their results based on physical mato aphic technique. A comparison of the molecular size
properties correlation, isothermal gas chromatography, proton distriEtion was made. The found that most Kuwait maltene
NMR, and 13CFourier transform NMR were all consistent molecules were small enou to diffuse into the catalyst pores
with this conclusion. Galdina et al. (3E)used hotoelectro- but that a substantial num%er of Kuwait al haltene molecules
colorimetry and thin-layer chromatography to letermine the were too large. The effects of size distritution on thermal
content of aromatics in oxidized and unoxidized liquid pa- visbreaking and hydroprocessing were also discussed.
raffins separated from petroleum products by urea adduction. Bockrath et al. (7F) characterized coal-derived asphaltenes
Szalka and Szergenyi (IOE)published a review, with 47 ref- by acid-base fractionation followed by GPC. Chromatography
erences, of the methods by which paraffins may be chemically showed a broad distribution of molecular sizes in the solvent
and physically characterized. fractions; oil and asphaltene fractions were clearly distin-
Mineral waxes from nonpetroleum sources were the subject guished despite some overlap. Schwager et al. (77F) separated
of three papers of possible interest to those working with and characterized synthoil asphaltenes by usin GPC and
petroleum waxes. Bel’kevich et al. (2E) reported on the roton NMR spectrometry. A curve was developecfwhich may
composition of the ethanol-insoluble fraction of the tar part e! used to determine approximate molecular weights of coal
of li nite wax. Preliminary separation on alumina forowed liquid products. Boduszynski ( I O F ) used GPC on straight
by 1% and UV characterization established the presence of reduced and air blown asphalt to study the change in mo-
normal and branched aliphatic hydrocarbons and oxygen- lecular size of asphalt components. He found that the for-
containing compounds. Ivanova et al. (6E)separated the acids mation of low-solubilit asphaltene aggregates occurred by
and alcohols formed in the alkaline hydrolysis of gasoline- hydrogen bonding a n i chemical reactions during the air
extracted peat wax on an alumina column. Individual acids blowing.
and alcohols in the fractions were then determined by gas
chromatogra h . The chromium content of montan waxes
contaminate: &ring their bleachin with chromates irl the
Gas Chromatography. Gas chromatograph has been
used to analyze tar phenols, petroleum pitch vo atiles, and
native bitumens. Bermejo et al. ( 5 0 converted the tar phenols
presence of H SO4 was determined f y Maksimikhina et al. to trimethylsilyl ethers before subjecting them to gas chro-
(8E). After t i e wax sample was burned, the product was matography. No column gave complete resolution of the
treated with KC103, reacted with diphenylcarbazide and an- phenol mixtures but nearly all were suitable for analysis of
alyzed photometrically. industrial mixtures. Greinke and Lewis (34F) used a com-

bination of gas chromatography and UV and mass spectros- Boduszynski et al. (12F) used ion-exchange and adsorption
copy to identify volatiles from petroleum pitches in the en- chromatography for the separation of maltenes. Acidic and
vironment, Douglas and Grantham (25F) used fingerprint basic fractions were both concentrated in the polar aromatic
chromatography to identify hydrocarbon constituents of bi- fraction as determined by adsorption chromatography. Ki-
tumens, fossil resins, and asphalts. The fingerprints could selev’s @OF) research was continued with identifyin the acidic
be related to changing depositional environments.
Inverse as chromatography (IGC) was used by Boduszyn~ki
and basic components in petroleum- and coal- erived as-
phaltenes using ion-exchange chromatography. The acidic
et al. (118to study the relation between asphalt group com- fractions had more complex chemical compositions and were
position and the retention volume of standard substances. characterized by using high-resolution mass spectroscopy.
Tokareva et. al. (93F) used IGC to study fractions from a McKay et al. (57F) used an n-C6HI2asphaltene prepared from
Russian petroleum which included the asphaltenes, oil-resi- a California crude, separating it into fraction of acids, bases,
nous fractions, carbenes, and carboids separated from them. neutral compounds, saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons
The presented the coefficients of interaction of the sorbates using ion-exchange, coordination, and adsorption chroma-
u s e l as standards and the analyzed fractions. Refractive tography. The asphaltene is a complex mixture of the most
indexes of the standards are given. He also discussed the polar and highest molecular weight compounds of the crude
differing behavior of the standards and low asphaltenes, oil.
carbenes, and other heavier fractions. Kawahara (44F) used electron capture detection gas chro-
Pyrolysis gas chromatography was performed by Ramljak matography as a fingerprinting technique to identify trace
e t al. (73F) on bitumens. The characteristic ratio of light organic components in spilled asphalts.
unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons in bitumen pyroly- Albau h and Query (IF) used exclusion chromatography
with muftiple detectors to follow com ositional changes of
zate was used to determine the maltene and asphaltene
fractions. A furnace-type microreactor was used for the py-
rolysis. The authors believed that the results obtained by
petroleum residuals during catalytic esulfurization.
Selucky et al. (82F)conducted a detailed analysis on a Cold
pyrolysis for asphaltene content of bitumen gave a more ac- Lake Alberta asphalt using series of chromatographic sepa-
curate analysis than the Institute of Petroleum method. rations followed by IR, UV, NMR, and mass spectrosco y.
Dubonska et al. (29F) used pyrolytic gas chromatographic The composition of Cold Lake bitumen closely resembled tht
of the Athabasca bitumen except that its asphaltene content
techniques to determine minute quantities of bitumen in
geology and mineral processing. Kugucheva et al. (52F) re- is somewhat lower and its acidic and saturated content is
ported the gas chromatographic study of a heavy pyrolysis sli htly hi her.
tar. kalasz f36F) separated vacuum residues from a Kirkuk
Liquid Chromatography. Simple liquid chromatography petroleum using extrographic means. Bockrath et al. (SF)
was used to separate acids from asphalts as reported by characterized asphaltenes isolated from a coal-derived li uid
Ramljak et al. (72F). An Athabascan bitumen was submitted using sequential election by solvent chromatography (SEIC).
to liquid chromatography followed by gas chromatography The characterization study was used to uncover the chemical
or spectroscopy (81F). The net result of this study was a factors that influence analytical determinations.
multitude of fractions. The alkane content of the maltenes
was low, the saturated fraction was about 90% polycyclic NMR, ESR, EPR, AA, UV, IR, AND X-RAY
compound, and the aromatic fraction contained alkyl-, na- METHODS
hthenyl-, and dinaphthenylbenzenes in a 1:1.7:1.3 ratio. Yamada et al. (96F)reported a comparison of various
I;ruwafag and Neumann (6IF)separated a bitumen from the structural analyses for pitch fractions using a combination of
Kirkuk field into alkanes, mono- and bicyclic aromatic, na- NMR and X-ray diffraction methods and checked b a com-
phthenic aromatic, polycyclic aromatic, and heterocyclic puter technique. The results obtained by the comhnation
compounds. The last were separated by ion exchange into method were in good agreement with those obtained by the
acidic, basic, and neutral compounds. The alkanes were computer method. This implies that both methods are
separated with urea, thiourea, and activated charcoal into available for the structural analysis of such carbonaceous
fractions with varying degrees of branching. Vercier et al. materials as pitch and coal extracts. Bartuska et al. (4F)
(94F) developed an analytical chromatographic scheme which developed a sophisticated NMR technique with the goal of
uses either a “slow” or “rapid” separation procedure to sep- providing high-resolution NMR spectra on solids with direct
arate asphaltenes and resins. This scheme is presently used applications to bitumens.
to monitor a pilot operation for upgrading residua oils. Posadov et al. (7OF) used NMR, IR, and UV to study the
Schwa er and Yen (78F) separated and characterized coal- structure of petroleum asphaltenes. Highly substituted two-
derivecf asphaltenes by using a rapid chromatographic method. and three-ring aromatics in naphthenic structure were prom-
The study further used ESR to determine the nature of the inent.
association between asphaltene molecules and concluded that Sebor et al. (79F) used NMR spectroscopy to characterize
if charge-transfer interactions are present, they appear not an asphalt-resin fraction. The aromaticity increased from
to be significant as binding forces between the asphaltene maltenes to asphalt to asphaltenes with increasing fraction
molecules or nuclei. molecular weights. Structural parameters for all fractions were
Selucky et al. @OF) used high-pressure liquid chromatog- tabulated. Hajek et al. (35F)analyzed heavy crude oils using
raphy (HPLC) to se arate Canadian asphalts. The results Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy. They determined the
showed that in Athagasca bitumen, strai ht chained hydro- amounts of aromatic and aliphatic carbon in heavy crude oils
carbons and olefins are virtually absent; Eoaever, n-alkanes containing parama netic ions (e.g., ferric iron). These ions
are present in a Cold Lake bitumen fraction separated by have an effect simifar to the addition of a reducing reagent.
molecular sieve adduction under the same conditions. HPLC Kasahara (4IF) studied the structural deterioration of as-
techniques are particularly suitable for the study of the con- phalt on hot storage using hi h-resolution Nh4R. Condensed
version of residua and tar sands bitumen to useful products, aromatic rings appeared to %e unaffected by hot storage in
according to Drushell (27F). The results of this study are the case of aromatics and resins but the ring number increased
compared with compositions determined b the large scale from 7 to 11in the case of asphaltenes. Takegami et al. (89F)
clay-silica el separation technique. Dark aniMcGough (23F) conducted a structural investi ation of asphalts and their
used HPL!! to study the characterization of asphalt fractions. fractions using proton and carlon-14 NMR spectrometry.
Their results were compared with analyses by GPC. From relative intensities of the peaks.,the -ylene chain in these
Miscellaneous Chromatographic Methods. Gimpelevich samples was deduced to be longer (Le., n > 12) than re orted
and Ilina (33F) used paper chromatography to study the previously. Dereppe et al. (24F) developed a methozusing
aromatic components of bitumens and petroleum. The me- carbon and proton NMR spectroscopy to derive a series of
thod was most effective when used in conjunction with the parameters of an “average molecule” which characterize
spectroscopic identification of aromatic hydrocarbons, espe- complex multicomponent organic mixtures such as asphaltenes
cially the method of quasilinear spectra. and heavy petroleum products. Pearson (67F),using wide line
Bodzek et al. (14F) used laser chromatography followed by NMR to determine proton types in coal tar and petroleum
IR and high-resolution mass spectrometry to identify hete- pitches, reported that the second moment was a measure of
rocompounds present in asphaltenes from various products aromatic protons. High-temperature proton NMR was re-
of coal hydrogenation. ported by Yokono et al. (99F) on ethylene-tar pitch. Pyrolysis

depolymerization and polycondensation can be monitored by including IR, UV, and NMR were used. The S atoms were
the high-temperature technique. Podobaeva et al. (69F) used located in the peripheral parts of the asphaltene molecules
a Samotlor crude in their structure study of asphaltenes. in the cross-linkages between separated fragments. The N
Asphaltene samples were analyzed by a variety of analytical atoms were concentrated in internal parts of the asphaltene
methods, NMR, gel ermeation chromatography, mass molecules.
spectroscopy, and E S 8. Structures for fragments of as- Ramljak et al. (72F) developed a technique for separating
phaltene molecules were proposed. The effect of asphaltenes free fatty acids from asphalts. A solvent-rec cling chroma-
on the conversion of bitumens by hydropyrolysis was reported tographic column was used. Sergienko ( 8 3 4 presented an
by Bunger et al. The primary analytical method to charac- overview of the structure of petroleum resins and asphaltenes
terize the asphaltenes was NMR. in various Russian crudes.
An electron spin resonance (ESR) study of free radicals in Plyusnin et al. (68F) reported a study using titanium tet-
Athabasca asphaltenes was performed by Niizuma et al. ( 6 3 0 . rachloride fractionation of petroleum asphaltene-resins dis-
It was concluded that the temperature dependence of the solved in benzene. The number of Tic& molecules required
absorption is due to stable polycycloaromatic doublet- and to complex each asphaltene molecule varied from one to two
triplet-state radicals. Fuiseth et al. (32F) reported an ESR in the first to 20 in the last fractions. The recipitate fractions
characterization of asphaltenes formed during the aging of differed little in composition and molec& weight was poor,
coal liquids. A mechanism involving condensation of small perhaps because the complexed molecules precipitate im-
heteroatom-rich molecules for insolubles and asphaltenes in mediately, before electron-accepting titanium chloride mol-
the presence of ox gen was proposed. ecules can equilibrate over donor sites with different binding
Chernova and Cgurkerashivli (21F) used an EPR method energies.
for studying asphaltene structure fractions of petroleum as- Oelert and Neumann (64F) re orted a separation and
phaltenes separated with the more polar solvents having higher characterization study of very hig! boiling and nonvolatile
contents of paramagnetic centers. mineral oil products using an anion exchanger activated with
Ma and Presley (56F) studied the vanadium content of NaOH. Their study reported on the roles of the various
asphak using flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy. The fractions in petroleum.
method can also be used for metals other than those (e.g., Cr Steffgen et al. (88F)developed a technique which gives
and Hg) lost in ashing. reproducible results for the determination of asphaltenes in
Felscher ( 3 0 performed a characterization study of aro- fuels from coal hydrogenation. Data are presented for this
matic bitumen fractions with a special application of UV method in which a large excess of entane is added to a slurry
spectrometry. It was possible to calculate the contribution prepared from toluene solubles angtoluene. Smith et al. (84F)
of naphthenic compounds to the monocyclic fraction, as well studied asphaltenes and preasphaltenes se arated from H-coal
as the mean molecular weight of the fraction. vacuum bottoms. The results indicated &at pre-asphaltenes
Infrared spectroscopy was used by Filimonova et al. (31F) consisted of 30-35% of bases stronger than water but a sub-
on the composition and structure studies of petroleum as- stantial part of the nitrogen was in structures of lower basicity.
phaltenes. The asphaltenes were 50-78% aliphatic. The Sulfur concentration was higher in the acidic components than
aromatic portion contained three to four benzenic rings. in the basic or neutral. The pre-asphaltenes appeared to be
Milatovic et al. (58F) analyzed bitumens from Iraq using IR poorer in aliphatic substituents than the asphaltenes. Vymetal
spectroscopy. Their correlation may be used for the paraffin and Kulhankova (95F)separated components of the quinal-
content determination in the bitumens. Kat0 et al. (43F) dine fraction from coal tar by treating with aqueous urea and
compared several structural analysis methods on pitches crystallizing out the clathrate. Rustamov et al. (76F) de-
starting with IR. Structural modes of each sample were veloped a quantitative method of determining of calcium salts
proposed on the basis of struct,ural parameters obtained by of aliphatic sulfuric acids of asphalt. The complexing with
computer calculations. Rentrop ( 7 5 0 performed IR studies titanium tetrachloride to certain synthetic polymers modeling
on bitumens from several countries. His results showed the structural fragments of asphaltenes was reported by Kho-
proportions of C and H in each group. IR spectroscopy was khlova et al. (45F). The molar enthalpies of the quinaldine
used by Speight and Moschopedis (86F)to study quinone-type interaction with coal-derived asphaltenes and heavy oils were
oxy en in petroleum asphaltenes and resins. Kaibara et al. used to characterize coal-liquid fractions as discussed by
( 3 9 b have developed a rapid spectrophotometric method for Tewari et al. (9OF). Calorimetric, NMR, and elemental
determining asphaltenes in residual oils. analysis data were obtained by Tewari and Li (91F) by h
Three papers usin X-ray techniques were published in drogenating a Kentucky coal under different process con&
1979. Yen et al. ( 9 8 8 studied shale oil-derived asphaltenes tions.
combining the results from X-ray diffraction, NMR, and IR Long ( 5 3 0 stated that recent studies of asphaltenes showed
methods. Generally, shale oil as haltene consists of a heavily that asphaltenes are composed mainly of polar aromatics with
substituted linked or kata-congnsed system; the system is appreciable content of naphthene aromatics and traces of
small, and the substituents have an average of two or three saturates. This information and solubility theory suggested
carbons. Schwager and Yen (78F)separated and characterized a new definition of asphaltenes in terms of a plot of polarity
asphaltenes from five U S . coal liquefaction processes using vs. molecular wei ht. Speight and Moschopedis (86F) pres-
X-ray scattering and ESR techniques. The X-ray studies ented a critical c&cussion of structural and compositional
suggested that about four condensed aromatic sheets were studies of asphaltenes. The paper indicates the correct method
stacked on top of each other with ali hatic chains or na- for isolating asphaltene and also the limitations of spectro-
phthenic rings along the edges. The EgR studies indicated scopic, chemical, and X-ray methods of structural analysis.
that charge transfer interactions were not significant binding Yen (97F) discussed the structural differences between pe-
forces between the molecules at room tem erature. Kim and troleum- and coal-derived asphaltenes.
Long (49F) characterized asphaltene coloids in heavy pe- Thermogravimetric Methods. de Camargo and Neu-
troleum residua and liquified coals by X-ray scattering. mann (20F) reported the results of compositional studies on
Apparently the basic unit of the Job0 asphaltene colloids is bitumens using thermogravimetric, differential thermoana-
a macromolecule rather than an aggregate. lytic, and pyrolytic gas chromatographic means. The DTA
curves were characterized by continuously increasing vapor-
MISCELLANEOUS COMPOSITION STUDIES ization and decomposition endothermal effects. The volatility
Chemical Methods. A number of miscellaneous chemical of bitumens was determined by DTA and pyrolytic gas
separation studies were reported. Patwardhan ( 6 5 0 con- chromatography.
ducted a fractionation study using different organic liquids, Primak et al. ( 7 1 0 made a thermogravimetric study of the
e. ., chlorinated hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, etc. Good oxidative polycondensation of vacuum residues. The plateau
sefectivity was obtained only with hexane. In another article on the resulting curves corresponded to the formation of
Patwardhan (66F) described a chemical separation method cross-linked thermostable structures.
in which hexane in the amount of 5-20 times the sample Fluorescence and Photocolorimetric Methods. Jacob
weight was used to separate the asphaltenes. Extension of (38F) through the use of fluorescence techniques obtained
the method to industrial fractionation is discussed. Kam’- information which affords positive identification of the type
yanov et al. ( 4 0 precipitated as haltenes with petroleum of bitumen in rock inclusions. Klink (51F) first separated
ether and they then were ozonized: A variety of techniques hydrocarbon mixtures on a silica gel column using Color

Corrector 50, 1-butylpyrene, and Sudan 111. The saturated complex behavior at low shear rates.
hydrocarbons were eluted first, then the olefins (yellow-green The viscosity of coal liquids correlated with their asphaltene
fluorescence), and then the aromatics (blue fluorescence). content, with the phenol content, and with the average mo-
Brule and Druon (17F) studied the effect of blending tem- lecular weight of the asphaltenes. The viscosity also depended
perature and rate of cooling on the morphology and physical strongly on the intermolecular association of acidic and basic
roperties of bitumen binders. The morphology was examined subfractions, according to Bockrath and Schweighardt (SF).
Ey fluorescence microscopy.
Tirak'yan et al. ( 9 2 0 developed a method for determining ASPHALT PAVING
photocolorimetrically in benzene the composition of as- Kasahara (42F)studied the physical properties and dete-
phaltenes. They reported that analyses took about an hour rioration characteristics on asphalts recovered after serving
and the precision was good. Baranova ( 3 0 proposed a as pavements. Changes in physical properties and composition
qualitative and quantitative luminescence-bituminological during deterioration by the thin f
ib oven test and the rolling
analysis, finding it most suitable for testing carbonaceous thin film oven test were also reported.
substances in rocks. General principles and applications are
discussed. CATALYSTS
Electron Microscope Methods. Donnet and Kennel (260
performed electron microscope studies on the morphology of 1. P. Debies, C. L. Kibby, J. E. Lester, and L. A. Pedersen
two bitumens, representing the sol and gel types. The as- Gulf Research & Development Co., Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania 15230
phaltenes in the sol bitumen formed well-organized isolated The impact of surface science instrumentation on catalyst
agglomerates, whereas the asphaltenes of the second bitumen characterization and research is best exemplified by the ap-
appeared as a continuous, unstructured network. Constan- pearance of reviews such as Somorjai's (153G) on the rela-
tinides et al. (22F) found the structures of heptane-washed tionship of catalysis and surface science and that of Delgass
asphalts were easier to observe when the asphalt had low et al. on the use of modern spectroscopies in catalysis (40G).
paraffin content, a high dispersion coefficient, and low mo- The list of acronyms continues to grow with low-energy
lecular weight ratio of asphaltenes-resins. Kim and Long electron diffraction (LEED),photoelectron spectroscopy ( W S
(48F)reported that they could characterize a heavy residuum or ESCA), ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), and Au er
by a small angle, X-ray scattering technique which showed
that the unit detected was either a basic molecule that did
electron spectrosco y (AES) appearing frequently in stu ies
of catalysts. Cata&tic systems gettin the most attention
not aggregate or that the aggregates did not break up in
solution. Scanning electron microscopy was applied to the
continue to be the hydrotreating ca ysts containing pre-
dominantly Ni, Co, .Mot and/or W, Fischer-Tropsch catalysts,
study of asphaltenes and their thermolysis products by Re- and the perennially mteresting supported noble metal catalysts
bagay and Mori (740. The research indicated that tem- including bimetallics. Because of the profusion of literature
peratures higher than 110 "C may be required for the elim- in this area, this review can only sample the advances in
ination of asphaltenes from coal liquids. catalyst studies rather than give an exhaustive review.
Several tar sands studies were reported. Myers (62F) in Elemental Analysis. Sykora and Dubsky (160G)deter-
a US. Patent has roposed a method to separate the bitumen mined the Pt content of re-forming catalysts by decom osing
from the tar sandy! agitation of the tar sands with a mixture the catalyst at high pressure in a solution of HC1 a n 8 H 2 0 2
of equal parts aqueous tannic acid and 29% aqueous NH40H. at 250 "C for >14 h and then precipitating Pt with 2-
The bitumen recovery rate increased with temperature and mercaptobenzothiazole. To study the Pt-support interaction
the separation was completed at 90-90 O C . Anderson ( Z F ) , in mono- and bimetallic reforming catalysts, Putanov et al.
in another U.S. Patent, described a hydroseparation process (133G) treated the solids with acetylacetone for 6 h and de-
for the aqueous extraction of bitumen from tar sands. termined a Pt-A1203 complex colorimetrically. Zakharov et
Moschopedis et al. ( 6 0 described a flocculation technique al. determined Pt extracted from catalysts by amperometric
for obtaining water-soluble aliphatic acids from Canadian Oil titration of Pt(I1) using 10 mM Cr207- in 6-8 M H2S04 as
Sands. This first step was followed by extraction and me- the titrant and a rotating Pt electrode operated at +0.4 V vs.
thylation. They found it was possible to remove clay from SCE. Ir(II1) and Fe(I1) are the only group 8 metals which
sludge by flocculation. Bunger et al. (19F)performed com- interfere (180G). A technique employing spark-source mass
position and properties studies on both Utah and Athabasca spectroscopy was used to determine Pt (0.37%)and impurities
tar sand bitumens. Thev found that the bitumens differed such as Ti, Si, P, Cr, Mn, Na, and Mg (1ppm to 0.05%) in
significantly. Pt/y-alumina catalysts. The results agree with those found
Molecular Weight Studies. Moschopedis et al. (59F)used by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), X-ray fluorescence
vapor pressure osmometry to determine the molecular weights (XRF), or spectrophotometry (127G).
of asphaltenes. The data are interpreted in terms of asso- Bahr and Jedras reported that 0.1 to 1.0%Re in catalysts
ciation of the asphaltene units in solvents of low dielectric with or without Pt could be determined by forming a stable
constants and dissociation in solvents of high dielectric con- complex of Rerv and thoria which has t, at 390 nm in 4-6
stant. Data derived from viscometry methods yielded in- N HC1 in the presence of excess SnC12 (78). In the presence
consistent results. of Pt, absorbance was measured at 440 nm to avoid inter-
Moschopedis et al. ( 6 0 0 performed a study using cryoscopic ference. AAS was used by Sychra et al. (159G)to determine
methods to determine the molecular weight of asphaltenes. Re in re-forming catalysts. The effect of HC1, Al, and Pt in
The results showed pronounced variations in molecular the AAS determination with a N20-C2Hzflame were dis-
weights dependent upon asphaltene concentration and solvent cussed.
type. Toei et al. (163G) have reported the use of 5-diethyl-
Speight and Moschopedis (85F) in a letter to the editor of amino-2-nitrophenol as complexing reagent in acidic aqueous
Fuel noted that for any one method, the observed molecular solution or CHCl for colorimetric determination of Pd in
weights indicated that the asphaltenes form molecular ag- catalysts. In the choroform solution, most common elements
gregates even in dilute solution, and this association is in- do not interfere at <1 mM except I, Br, PtIV,Zrrv. A gravi-
fluenced by solvent polarity, asphaltene concentrations, and metric dimethylglyoxime method and differential spectro-
the temperature of the determination. photometric I- and dimethylglyoxime methods have been
Kiet et al. (46F)re orted on the effect of molecular weight
and composition on t e glass transition temperature. Masek
(55F)studied the mean molecular weight of petroleum as-
compared for 8.7% Pd. Marczenko and Ransza (104G)found
that the precision of the I- and the gravimetric methods are
almost equal and better than the spectro hotometric deter-
phaltenes by a light scattering technique. The concentration mination with dimethylglyoxime. Lebedko and Tsypylova
of colloidally dispersed components affected the behavior of (9") determined P d in catalysts by a complexometric ti-
heavy fractions during hydrocracking. tration with Complexon 111, in the presence of tartaric acid,
ASPHALT RHEOLOGY NaF, and NaOAc at pH 1.2-2. The excess Complexon was
back-titrated with Bi(N03)3. Pd value was determined with
Marvillet ( 5 4 0 studied the influence of asphalt composition 1.5% standard deviation for 1.0% Pd. An indirect polaro-
on its rheological properties. From the analysis of the con- graphic method was used by Kala urna (81G) to determine
stituent hydrocarbon groups, the soft asphaltene phase shows Pd in hydrogenation catalysts. Pawas chemically displaced
Newtonian behavior, but the nonvolatile maltenes have a by Hg at the dropping-mercury electrode in KC1 solution. For

a 106.3-ppm solution the standard deviation was 0.09 ppm. was found to be quicker than conventional methods. AAS has
Goryunova (67G) measured 0.001-0.01 % Pd on ZrOz using been used to analyze catalysts consisting of Cu, Cr, or Ni (10
arc spectroscopy by comparing the P d and Zr lines produced. to 40% each) as the oxide or hydroxide on silica. An acety-
A rapid radioisotope-excited energy-dispersive X-ray lene-N20 flame was used to measure Si and Cr and air-C2H2
fluorescence method was applied by Labrecque (97G)to de- for Cu and Ni on silica. Coefficient of variation was -1%
termine with no apparent matrix effects 0.3% to 10% Pd in for each component, (79G). Conesa Cegurra and Sorina Ruiz
catalysts. By using a "@mI' source, Pogrebnoi and co-workers (32G) report an electron spin resonance method for nonde-
(125G)determined Ni and Pd in zeolites, Mo in Al-Co-Mo structive determination of paramagnetic species; e.g., Cu(II),
catalysts, and Rh in complex catalysts by X-ray spectrometry. on y-alumina or zeolites. Using double integration of the
Relative errors were 5 and 20% for determining 2-5 and spectra, results agreeing with chemical analysis were obtained
0.2-0.3 wt% of a metal, respectively. for 0.7-2.6% Cu catalysts.
Several authors have dealt with the measurement of P d and Kirkbright and Taddia (90G)discuss the use of masking
P b on autoexhaust catalysts. Minochkina et al. (11OG) re- agents to minimize interferences from Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt in
ported methods for determining the elements by AAS. For the determination of As by AAS. Chlorine in catalysts was
concentration profiles, they mechanically removed thin layers determined by Mansour et al. using energy dispersive X-ray
of the catalyst which were fused with K2S207and then dis- fluorescence (103G). Markova et al. determined Ca in AI/
solved in aqua regia. They found Pb compounds in the upper Ni/Ca catalysts by persulfate fusion followed b spectro-
0.1 mm film of the active layer. Pd was separately extracted photometric determination of the Ca-arsenazo complex P
with 0.01 M phenanthroline in CHCl and the 244.8-nm line
was used to determine 0.037479% P J a t a standard deviation
of 0.0005 to 0.4% with 0.117 to 7.9% Pb. Cairns and Cookson
(105G). Furmins gives a method for determinin extractable
and nonextractab e coke on catalysts (56G). Che%otarev and
Tkachev report a method for determining free and bound
(27G) submitted the catalysts to proton-induced X-ray water in catalysts which takes 1 h compared to the 3-5 h
emission (PIXE) which monitors all the elements including required by the standard method (30G).
impurities within the first few microns of the surface. The Structural Analysis. The section on structural analysis
technique was used in the development of a new series of deal with the use of analytical techniques to determine specific
catalysts bonded to oxidation-resistant Al-containing steel. bulk structure characteristics of different kinds of catalysts.
Potter (129G) used AAS to determine Rh in Rh-Pt loaded Srivastava et al. (157G) made thermomagnetic studies on
automotive catalyst material. The sample was digested in steam-naphtha re-forming catalyst with variations in com-
H 0, H.#04, and HC1 mixture at 100 OC for 72 h. The diluted position and methods of preparation. Activity and ther-
sojutions were atomized in a graphite furnace for 9 s a t 2500 mostability were related to the formation in situ of a well-
"C and analyzed a t 343.5 nm with a deuterium background dispersed solid solution of Ni and Fe. Re-forming catalysts
correction. Peak areas or heights could be used depending with 0.5% Pt and 1% Gd on alumina have been studied by
on whether Pt was present or not. Pierre et al. (124G) used ESR after each stage of preparation by Potapovich et al. The
various polarographic techniques and linear-sweep voltometry Gd ap ears to exchange with some of the alumina hydroxyls
to examine Rh"' from catalysts in 1 M KSCN. Differential i n i t i d , penetrate into the support lattice durin calcination,
pulse polarography was favorable for Rh to 1 FM in the and interact with chloroplatinic species when the bt was added
presence of Pt and Pd, but not Ru". (128G). Pt clusters on Y-zeolite cages have been probed by
Traces of V in catalysts were analyzed by Buenafama and X-ray absorption spectroscopy in Boudart's laboratory (60G).
Lubkowitz (20G) using neutron activation. Sam les con- A shift in the LIII edge position to higher energy and an
taining Mo, Co, and small amounts of Fe, Si, S, ancfNa were increase in the spectral area indicated that the Pt had become
dissolved in H2S04 and 40% HF; Mo was removed by ion more electron deficient. This occured when the clusters were
exchange; and this solution was extracted with 0.02 M N - in the supercage, when the clusters were covered with 0, or
phenylbenzohydroxamic acid in isobutyl methyl ketone. The when multivalent cations were introduced into the zeolite. Via
organic phase was irradiated 5-10 min in a thermal neutron and co-workers ap lied EXAFS to highly dispersed metal
flux N loi2 n cm-2 s-l. NaI(T1) crystals detected the 52Vac-
tivity down to 5 ng. Bocharova and Malakhov (13G) deter-
catalysts (171G). usters of sup orted Os, Ir, and Pt were
found to have a lower average coorkation and higher thermal
mined VIv in Mo-V oxide catalysts by the V02+absorbance disorder. Magnetic susceptibility and ESR studies were made
at 770 nm in 3.5 M H2S04. For 40 mg V"/L a 10-fold excess .to elucidate the formation and concentration of metallic Ni
of Vv or Mom did not interfere a t a precision of 5%. Sembaev in Ni/W on A1203, SO2-A1203,and B203-A1203hydrocrackin
et al. (244G) determined 0.5-80% V20 in catalysts containing catalysts (150G). The extent of formation of metallic Id!
TiOz, V02, and Vz03by use of the IR Land at 1022 cm-' with depended on the support (A > SA > BA) and whether sulfur
a precision of -3%. Astapova et al. (4G) used gas chroma- was present. Unmuth et al. used Mossbauer spectroscopy and
tography to determine Cr in catalysts for CO conversion. The XRD to characterize Fe/Ni/SiO Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
dissolved sample was brought to pH 5 and extracted with before and after reduction (1676).
acetylacetone to remove Al, Zn, and Cu also in the catalyst. ESR and thermal techniques have been used to ascertain
After further treatment the Cr-acetylacetone complex was the structure of chromium oxides supported on alumina.
extracted with toluene and analyzed by GLC. The limit of Segawa, Ishii, and Ueda (142G) studied the ESR spectra of
detection was 1pg of Cr. Gimidzade et al. (62G)report a rapid the oxidized and reduced catalyst combined with the activity
method for determining Mn in aluminosilicate catalysts using for dehydrogenation of isopentane and the adsorption of ox-
carbonate melt fusion and iodate oxidation. Mn was deter- ygen to understand the role of oxygen-deficient sites in the
mined at 528 nm b a calibration graph or the standard ad- activity. They found penta- and trivalent Cr in the spectra
dition technique. &her components in the catalyst did not of the oxidized material but no pentavalent species after
interfere. Garnish and Fazul'zhanova (61G) ive a complex- reduction.
iometric titration method to determine Co in C!oNaY catalysts An IR spectroscopic method was used by Vorob'ev et al.
used for toluene disproportionation. The relative error is 1 4 % (172G) to observe that octahedrally coordinated Mo with Cb
for determining 4-870 Co. EDTA complexes of Ni and Co symmetry formed along with the AI (MOO& phase of Mo on
from hydrodesulfurization catalysts were analyzed spectro- alumina materials. Using diffuse redectance, they studied the
photometrically by Fernandez et al. (54G). They found that, effect of calcination temperature on the structure of the
in catalysts with moderate Ni and -0.05% Co content, 0.05 Mo-A1-0 system. The catal st showed a series of Mo" and
mg of Co can be determined in the presence of 60 times as Mom structures where Movi? was identified by the charge
much Ni with a standard deviation of 10% if adequate reagent
blanks containing Ni were used. The metals in alumina-
supported CoMo catalysts can be successfully analyzed by
transfer band of 02-to Mas+. The catal t contained Mo tetra-
or hexacoordinated to 0 with C4 or 3" symmetry. Csuwas
assigned to A1 (MOOq)g (173G). +he structure ?f the oxidic
X-ray fluorescence if the matrix correction equations of Hulett precursor of C?oMo/alumina hydrodesulfurization catalysts
and co-workers (71G) are employed with low background data has been the subject of study using a variety of techni ues
from a spectrophotometer using A K a excitation and a py- Apecetche and Delmon combined diffuse reflectance a n d b S
rolytic-graphite monochromator. khaudhuri and Sen (29G) to look a t the formation of CoA1204at the expense of the
applied an ion-exchange technique to quantitatively separate CoMo bilayer depending on calcination temperature (3G).
Cu, Fe, and Zn in a low-temperature carbon monoxide con- DeBeer and his co-workers (107G) applied laser Raman
version catalyst; each was titrated with EDTA. This method spectroscopy to get structural information for a series of CO

and/or Mo catalysts with different degree of surface coverage. Co, unlike Ni, stayed e. Crystallinity and
Mo alone exhibited four species depending on loading, while unit cell parameters
Co appeared as Co O4 and CoAlz04. Co with Mo had free ment in oxidation-reduction
Moo3, CoMoO,, and C0Alz04structures. Erofeev et al. (5IG) changed single-crystal zeolites, Hass and Plath (696) studied
applied thermogravimetry, IR and XRD to a A1203-Co0- the transmission spectra with a microscope-spectro hotom-
Moo3 catalyst before and after sulfiding. Signifcant structural
changes were observed after sulfiding. Vanadium on spent
eter. The studies were related to catalytic activlty an Ni sites
in zeolites. According to EPR work by Gull ev et al. (68G)
Co-Mo/y-Alz03 catalyst was studied by NMR and ESR
techniques. The appearance of the three forms of V was
addition of dealuminated zeolite Y to an Al- o-Ni catalyst
produced more MoVand a t least two different Mo"' species
inde endent of feed and the catalyst support type but de- on the surface. Also, Ni reduction to the metal was faster and
p e n g n t on the V concentration. At low levels, V02+ was occurred a t lower temperatures when zeolite was present.
observed. As the level increased, a diamagnetic amorphous Surface Composition. Brinen (19G) applied X-ray pho-
phase was eventually dominated by VzS3-like species when toelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to several catalyst problems
V was greater than 10 wt % (147G). including: the surface chemistry of active HDS catalysts,
Diffuse reflectance was applied by Khasanov et al. (88G) detection of promoter gradients, catalyst deactivation, poi-
to Ni0-Al2O3 catalysts prepared by different methods to soning and metals dis ersion. The applicability of Auger
determine the Ni2+and Ni3 ratio as a function of method electron spectroscopy &ES) and XPS to industrial catalyst
of preparation. Ni0-AIzO3 and NiO-SiOz methanation cat- problem solving was reviewed by Bhasin (IIG). AES was
employed to study lead poisoning of a cop er catalyst and iron
a1 sts were examined with IR by Bradley and Stencel (17G).
Txe spectral characteristics of the Si02 were similar to those
of linear chain silicates while the alumina spectra corresponded
poisoning of a palladium on alumina hy rogenation catalyst.
Scannin Auger (SAM) was employed to clarify the role of
to amorphous materials. Residual Coz- from the reparation coke in h D S catalyst deactivation.
was detected. DTA of sulfided Al-Ni-Mo h y k o enation The application of the surface spectrosco ics to quantitative
catalysts by Irisova et al. revealed S, MoSz, MoS3, h i s , and
Ni3S4 (73G).
analysis is a sign of maturation of the tec niques. Kerkhof
and Mouijn (83G)proposed an XPS method for uantitative
The structural characteristics of unsupported catalysts with
Mo have been determined by XRD, IR, ESR, reflectance, and
analysis of supported catalysts. In general, goo agreement
was found between predicted and measured intensities. The
other techniques. Infrared emission was used by Ueno and method was demonstrated for the RezO /A1203,Pt/Si02, and
Bennett (166G) to study unsupported Moo3 repared b a fluorinated alumina systems. A m e t h d was outlined as well
novel method. Binary oxide systems with Ti, &, Fe, Co, n,
or In combined with Mo at varying ratios have been studied
B for estimating catalyst crystallite sizes. A general expression
relating the observed XPS intensity ratio of the dispersed
with XRD, IR, and electrical conductivity. Defect structures phase to the support with the size of the dispersed particles
assigned to solid solutions with Moo3 were observed for the has been derived by Fung (55G). Particle shape dictates the
transition elements and Sn but not for In (IG, 82G). ESR functional relationship which exists between the observed
si nals were studied for V-Mo catalysts calcined in air a t 50 signal and particle size. Relationships have been derived for
"8 by Sel tin et al. (143G). Two signals were associated with
a solid so ution of Moo3 in V 05 and V02+in V Mo08. Isaev
cubic, spherical, and hemispherical particles. The expression
was used successfull to describe the sintering behavior of a
and Spiridonov (74G) used IR, UV, EPR, and XRD to de- Pt/SiOz Hz reduceicatalyst. Delannay et al. (38G) have
termine the coordination and oxidation states of ions in CoMo employed analytical electron microscopy (AEM) to critically
catalysts with Mg, Bi, Fe, Ni, Cr, or Mn in some ro ortion. assess the meaningfulness of metal dispersion measurements
A coprecipitated Ni-Mo-0 system was examinedgy ganders by XPS. In the case where inhomo eneous repartition of the
by high-resolution electron microscopy before and after sul- active species occurs, the use of X h S intensities to monitor
fiding. Crystal size, shape, and composition and support dispersion becomes questionable. The authors combined
structure were determined. Especially interestin was the AEM and XPS to avoid misinterpretation of the XPS data.
observation that the MoS, was either in a highly fispersed, Model HDS systems were studied during the review period
distorted form of MoSz sheets, or a coating on MoOz or Ni in a number of laboratories using several techniques. Jezio-
sulfide crystals (140G). rowski and Knozinger (78G) combined Raman and UV
A Co-V binary oxide with V/Co = 1was studied by XRD spectroscopies to study the interaction of 1, 3, and 8% mo-
and thermal analysis after calcination temperatures from 300 lybdenum with y-and 7-alumina. The supports were im-
to 800 "C. As the temperature was raised, first C0304and V2OS pregnated with (NH4)6M07024 a t H 6 or 11, a t which pHs
were the main components, then a t 600 "C a mixture of va- molybdenum is in the octahedral M8,0a" form or tetrahedral
nadates with Co3V207as the main component were noted MOO^^- form, respectively. The spectra indicated adsorption
(102G). Kadenatsi et al. made UV and IR spectral studies occurred via the MOO z- ion. Removal of water during drying
of Co-Cr systems used for deep oxidation of hydrocarbons. and calcination cause%polymerization of the tetrahedral Mo
Lattice parameters reflected the change in the ionic character s ecies into a two-dimensional Mo-0-Mo structure. The
of Cr-0 compared to Co-0. Dilution of Co2+with Cr3+in-
creased the ionic nature of Co-0 while Co2+added to Cr3+
2 egree of polymerization is a function of molybdenum con-
centration, heat treatment, and pH. Laser Raman s ec-
decreased that of Cr-0 bonds (80G). IR was used to study troscopy was applied by Cheng and Schrader (3IG) to cEar-
the NiO/Cr203/M A1204catalyst system for S-resistant me- acterize the formation of supported cobalt molybdate by the
thanation catalysts &fore and after pretreatment and reaction. dry impregnation technique. Loading levels, order of im-
The structure of the oxide was described as NiO and MgO pregnation, pH, and calcination conditions were monitored
dispersed in a quasi-tridimensional Cr-0-A1 network. Re- during the study. Dried samples contained aggregated, dis-
duction and sulfidin reordered the network, altered AlO, torted Mo s ecies. Calcination led to Moo3 formation a t high
coordination, and reluced CrV1to Cr"' and Cr". Sulfur a loadings. lddition of cobalt resulted in the formation of
eared to be coordinated with Ni-Cr or Ni-Mg sites (1584; CuMoO4 which su pressed formation of Moo3 until higher
!'he physicochemical properties of Bi-W-oxide catalysts were loadings were reacied. The order of impre nation affected
determined with DTA, IR and XRD. Dehydration and phase the concentration of surface molybdates ancfthe aggregation
transitions were observed for binaries like Bi2(W04j3,BizW06, of surface species.
and Bi WOlz. The latter compound contained high acidity Bancroft and Hardin (8G) reported the results of a quan-
W-0-8 sites (<810 cm-') which are responsible for deep titative XPS analysis of 18 HDS catalysts. Unsatisfactory
oxidation of hydrocarbons. Partial oxidation and oxidative a eement between X P S and bulk chemical composition was
ammonolysis of 1-butene and propylene occurred most readily ogerved for several commercial catalysts. This was attributed
on a low-temperature phase of BizWOs (149G). to variation in preparative methods for commercial and model
Lewis (IOOG)has reported that powder XRD with Cu K a laboratory catalysts. Petrakis et al. (122G) combined ESR
may indicate a lower zeolite content in synthetic zeolites than and XPS to examine the surface composition of calcined
is real. Loss in radiation yield can be avoided by reducing evacuated and reduced 9% molybdenum on 7-alumina. MoJ
the catalyst particle size so that each particle transmits the was not detected before calcination, but it was found after-
X-ray intensity or b using a source like Mo K, with more ward. For calcined and evacuated material, the MoV con-
enetrating power. 8oexchanged zeolites (A, X, and Y)have centration decreased with increased length of treatment, but
L n studied by XRD and ESR. During reduction the metallic it remained constant for reduced catalysts. XPS did not detect

compositional variations caused by length of calcination or dinated ReOi ion which is distorted by the carrier or hydroxyl
evacuation but did find large composition changes between
reduced and oxidized/evacuated sam les. An experimental
method and theoretical model were &scribed by Bouwman
and Toneman (16G) for the determination of radical con- teraction occurs which results in electron density transfer from
centration profiles in spent HDS catalyst pellets by AES. rhenium metal to the alumina; whereas the spectra of Re/SiOz
Ga'ardo et al. (57G) described an apparatus for inert transfer resembled those of the metal. Reduction of Re A1 O3 at
of LDS catalysts from a reactor to an ESR or XPS spec-
trometer. The same authors (58G) combined XPS and diffuse
200-300 "C was more difficult than that of ,,/Si$
resulted in reduction of some Re(VI1) to a lower oxi ation
reflectance spectroscopy with previously reported AEM results state.
(39G)to demonstrate that molybdenum occurs on 7-A1203as Parks et al. (120G) used XRD and XES to determine the
tetrahedral oxidic Mow and as MoV1in multilayers having a passivation mechanism of Phillips' Ni-Sb fluidized cracking
bulklike MOO, or paramolybdate surrounding. Cobalt (15%) catalyst. In the catalyst, an Ni-Sb alloy forms in which an-
alone on y-Al,03 was poorly dispersed and present as Co304. timony segregates to the surface and poisons neighborin
Mo and Co together displayed a synergistic effect which re- nickel atoms for h drogen chemisorption. Nickel is oisoned
sulted in improved dispersion for both elements. As a result by geometric blocling of sites and by alteration of erectronic
of the increased dispersion CoAlzO was formed. The results properties. The tin antimony mixed oxide oxidation catalyst
were explained in terms of a mo%el in which a bilayer of system was reported on by two groups. Cross and Pyke (34G)
Co-Mo is formed or CoAlz04. These same authors (59G) combined XPS and XRD to characterize catalysts containing
characterized a Co-Mo-SiO, catalyst. They found Moo3 0-100% tin calcined a t 300-1000 "C. Above 4 a/o (atomic
interacts with silica as a paramolybdate and that CoMo04 is percent) antimony enrichment was observed. Catalysts con-
formed. Excess cobalt is present as Co304. Cobalt was be- taining up to 60 a/o antimony showed increasing surface
lieved to catalyze the reduction of molybdenum. Delvaux et enrichment with increasing calcination temperature up to lo00
al. (42G) correlated the composition of a sulfided Co-Mo "C where a surface concentration maximum occurred. Further
catalyst with activity for hydrogenolysis, hydro enation, and work suggested that =25 a/o Sb constitutes a critical surface
isomerization reactions. Two concentration c! omains were composition of volatile Sbz04. Arrhenius plots for the tem-
found. For low Co concentrations an increase in the XPS MO perature dependence of the equilibrium surface composition
and S binding energies was observed. For concentrations were developed and heats of segregation derived. Roudeville
where the catalyst exhibited a strong synergy for hydrogen- et al. (15G) used XPS to study the system for oxides con-
olysis and isomerization, the binding energies decreased. taining 1.5-39.7 a/o Sb calcined at 500-1100 "C. The authors
Sulfur content was maximum a t this point. The formation correlated catal ic activity for propylene oxidation and se-
of a reduced species between Mo(1V) and Mo(II1) was pos-
lectivity for acro ein production with surface composition. The
data suggested the selective catalyst consists of an Sbz04phase
ESR was utilized by Khulbe et al. (89G) to determine the lying on a solid solution of antimony(V) in tin oxide.
concentration of electron-accepting centers in a Mo03-A1203 Copper aluminate catalysts, for oxidation and alkane deh-
model HDN system. The concentration of electron acceptors ydrogenation reactions, were studied by Ertl et al. (52G).
increased linearly with Moo3 concentration up to 18 wt 74 Copper enrichment, relative to bulk CuA1204,was observed
but decreased thereafter. A strong MOW)signal was observed. by XPS. A NiO promoter enhanced cop er enrichment.
Oxygen species were detected when a degassed sample was
treated with 0 or air. A mechanism was proposed to account
Reduction in CO and H, at 500 "C leads to r uction of copper
but only artial reduction of NiO. Prereduced catalysts were
for formation of 02-species and the observed reversible be- oxidizedy! NO or 0, at 200 "C. The original spinel structure
havior of 0. The concentration of electron-accepting centers can be re-formed under mild conditions. This is due to the
was correlated with HDN activity. small and highly reactive particles formed durin the redox
Sup orted nickel catalysts have been examined recently by cycle. The low oxidation state of copper seems to %eessential
severa groups. Wu and Hercules (178G) combined ion
scattering spectroscopy (ISS) and XPS to characterize im-
to catalytic activity. Schreifels et al. (141G) employed XPS
to characterize a series of cop er chromite catalysts. The
pregnated nickel on y-alumina and silica catalysts. Nickel precalcined catalyst containel Cu(OH), and CuO. After
showed little interaction with Si02but strong interaction with calcination a t 500 "C only CuO was found. In the absence
Ali03after calcination. Unreduced Ni SiO, contained NiO. of a promoter, chrome was detected as Cr(II1) and Cr(V1). A
At low nickel concentrations on 7 4 2 3, two forms of nickel
which interact with the su port are present. At high nickel
BaO promoter stabilized Cr(V1). The transition-metal oxi-
dation states proved to be a function of the length and tem-
content a third species, Ni6, is present on alumina. Shalvoy perature of calcination.
et al. (145G) also studied the silica-supported nickel s stem Ponec (126G) has discussed the use of AES and thermal
but detected nickel silicate as well as nickel oxide. 'hickei desorption to characterize catalytic alloy surfaces. The cat-
antigorite and nickel-supported catalysts have been charac- alytic systems discussed are Pt-Pd, Pd-Ni, Pt-Au, and Ni-Cu.
terized by Vedrine et al. (170G). Materials characterized Catalytic data together with surface composition data for the
included a lamellar clay of nickel antigorite and Ni(OHI3 Ni-Cu alloys allowed the author to draw general conclusions
impregnated on various supports. XPS showed the ease of with regard to the classification of catalytic reaction and
- -
hydrogen reduction decreased as follows: no support > TiOz
> SiO, AlzO -SiOz A1203> MgO. The Ni(OH), catalyst
showed the higkest binding energy and it was found that the
identification of factors res onsible for catalytic activity.
Rasser et al. (135G) used AE8to gain insight into the factors
involved in the enhancin action of iridium in Pt + Ir/y-AliOs
stronger the interaction of NiO with a support the closer the re-forming catalysts. A%S was em loyed to determine the
energy levels came to Ni(OH)> This result was explained in
terms of modification of the electronic properties of NiO rather
surface composition of various Pt- r alloys before and after
contact with alkanes. The influence of the Ir/Pt ratio was
than compound formation. determined for isomerization, cyclization, and aromatization
XPS and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were selectivities. In the alloys a strong Pt surface enrichment was
utilized by Ott et al. (119G) to study Fischer-Tropsch syn- observed. Iridium appears to function as a carbide sup-
thesis over reduced Fe-Ru alloys. Both techni ues showed pressant.
surface enrichment of iron. The 97 Ru 3 Fe a?loy had un-
usually hi h Cz yield with selectivity to et ylene. This surface
containef50% Fe and its catalytic activity differed greatly
Exchanged Y-Zeolite catalysts continue to be of interest.
Pedersen and Lunsford (121G)studied ruthenium in Zeolite-Y
by XPS after exposure to oxidizing and reducing environ-
from middle alloys whose surface was 8040% Fe. Bonze1 and ments. Ruthenium remained in the zeolite cavities after Hz
Krebs (14G)identified the carbonaceous deposits on Fe (110) reduction or methanation as long as 0 was excluded. At
after CO hydrogenation at atmospheric pressure. AES and elevated temperatures the presence of 6, resulted in RUOZ
formation on the external zeolite surface. Okamoto et al.
XPS distinguished three hases: a CH phase, a carbidic
hydrogen phase, and a graphic carbon. f i e CH, and carbide (117G) found Rh(1) in Zeolite-Y was active for hydrogenation
were active for hydrogenation; whereas the graphitic carbon and the dimerization of ethylene; whereas the metal was active
was inactive. for hydrogenation of acetylene and ethylene. Rh in the zeolites
Kerkhof et al. (84G) found by laser Raman spectroscopy showed considerable migration, clustering, and sintering
that rhenium on alumina is present as a tetrahedrally coor- during the activation process.

Sorption, H drogen chemisorption remains one of the Tournayan et al. (164G) used H-0 titrations to characterize
most widely useBand generally applicable measures of metal PtIr and PtRe on y-A1203,taking advantage of reducibility
surface area, but more situations have been found where it differences for oxygen on Pt vs. oxygen on Ir or Re, and
is low after hi h temperature reductions. Vannice and Garten selective hydrogen sorption on Pt in the PtRe catalysts. They
(169C) and J a i s t n e r et al. (162G) have found that metals found homogeneous compositions of the metal crystallites
supported on slightly reducible oxides such as T i 0 2 exhibit easier to obtain in the PtRe system. Charcosset et al. (28G)
a "stron metal-support interaction" (SMSI) when reduced also measured CO sorption on PtRe/A1203 b IR. The extent
a t 500"6 (considerably higher temperatures are needed to
observe such effects on alumina supported metals).
of alloying depended strongly on details o f trle pretreatment,
especially drying prior to reduction; they concluded that the
With large uncertainties present in most methods of state of PtRe in industrial catalysts cannot be inferred from
characterizing supported metals, and growing interest in bi- data obtained from laboratory scale preparations. Dominguez
metallic catalysts, more than one method is usually required (43G) and Renouprez et al. (136G) used XRD, SAXS, and
to define the metal surfaces. Considerable work is being done X P S , magnetic measurements, and adsorption of CO, H2, and
to compare various techniques; as always, the metal studied O2 to characterize PtNi/A1203 catalysts. Oxygen sor tion
most extensively is platinum. Increased hydrogen uptakes differed from hydrogen and carbon monoxide, especiaYly a t
with successive cycles, in pulsed H-O titrations on su ported 23% Pt where neopentane isomerization activity begins
latinum, was attributed by Prasad et al. (130Gr to H (isomerization/hydrogenolysis selectivity varies from 0 to 1
beeding from the carrier gas purification towers. They noted as Pt increases from 23% to 100%). Both bulk and surface
(131G) that the ratio of hydrogen chemisor tion to oxygen of the PtNi were homogeneous. Isomerization activity was
chemisorption to H-0 titration was 1:1:3, ingpendent of the maximum at P w i composition, hydrogenation at P t l d i
mean Pt crystallite size, if the hydrogen and oxygen chemi- Kharson et al. (86G) found a shift of the IR band of linearg
sorption values were obtained from hydrogen and oxy en bound CO to lower frequencies as P b content increased in
titers. Carballo et al. (24G) also noted that reproducibiyity PtPb/Si02 catalysts. A similar study of PtPd/A1203by Ouiroz
in hydrogen chemisorption on Pt/y-A1203by a flow technique et al. (134G) also showed a shift to lower frequencies of the
depended on thorough degassing of the catalyst with ultrapure IR band for linear Pt-CO and a shift to higher frequency of
argon. Comparing pulsed hydrogen sorption, oxygen sorption, the Pd-CO band with increasing Pd. These data sug est
H-0 titration, and 0-H titration on Pt/Al203 and Pt/Si02, electron donation to Pt in the PtPb and PtPd bimetalkcs.
Castello (26G) concluded that H-0 titration was the most Corro et al. (33G)investigated carbon monoxide chemisor -
accurate. Racaud et al. (6G) found volumetric oxygen (O/Pt tion, oxygen chemisorption, and H-O titrations on PtCo A12&
= 1) or carbon monoxide (CO/Pt = 1) chemisorption to be catalysts. Selective dispersion values could be obtainef; since
most exact for supported platinum if the catalyst is not Co could not be titrated with oxygen while Pt could be ti-
thermally sensitive. trated. Homogeneous clusters were indicated at low Co levels
Turkevich et al. (165G)found good agreement between CS2 (0.1% Co, 0.9% Pt). Selective adsorption of CO on Pt and
pulse poisoning and H2-02 titrations, at low metal concen- NO on Ru, measured by IR, has been used by Gonzalez and
trations, in determinin dispersions of Pt/A1203 catalysts if Ramamoorthy (66G) to distin uish exposed Pt and Ru on
a stoichiometry of S/%t = 1 was assumed. Ducarme and PtRu/Si02 catalysts. They $0 found the CO stretching
Vedrine (44G) used isotopic exchange of ox gen from carbon frequency on Pt to decrease as the concentration of Ru in-
dioxide to characterize Pt/Si02 and Pt/A12 3; agreement was
satisfactory with dispersions from H-O titrations and electron
creased. A Pt&ulo composition dissociated CO at low tem-
perature. Many data are being gathered on chemisorption
microscopy. Comparing hydrogen chemisorption and X-ray using ultra-high-vacuum systems and single crystals. Somorjai
diffraction results for platinum in zeolites, Martynyk et al. and co-workers have tabulated the surface structures of ad-
(106G) estimated the ratio of surface Pt to Pt inside the zeolite sorbed gases on solids, determined by low-ener electron
lattice. Burwell et al. (22G) used both hydrogen chemisorption
and X-ray diffraction line shape analysis to characterize
diffraction (154G),and heats of chemisorption of
N2, and C02 on metals (155G).
Ez, 02,CO,
platinum and palladium on silica and alumina. Dispersions Characterization of supported metal oxides is receiving more
could be altered over a wide range by changing the drying attention. Weller et al. (176G) reported that oxygen chem-
calcination procedure prior to reduction. Buyonova et a l isorption, to determine areas of molybdena on alumina, is more
(23G) found good agreement between hydr en chemisorption accurate at -78 "C than a t -195 "C since the correction for
and oxygen chemisorption on supported ir#ium. They found physisorbed oxygen is much smaller. Vyskocil et al. (174G)
thermal desorption more rapid and sensitive than static or reported a pulse method to determine oxygen chemisorption
pulse methods. Richardson and Crump (137G) measured on Co-Mo-Al203 catalysts and compared it to hydrogenation
nickel size distributions on silica with a magnetic granulometry and hydrodesulfurization activity. Lombardo, Lo Jacano, and
method. Narrow distributions obtained initially were Hall ( I O I G ) measured the effects of poisons such as oxy en,
broadened by thermal treatments. Formation of a log-normal
shape above 450 "C, independent of initial distribution, was
nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide sorption on propy ene
hydrogenation and metathesis. All poisoned hydrogenation
interpreted as due to article migration. Bimodal distributions effectively at levels 100 times lower than the number of mo-
were found a t 600 O 8 , suggesting that the support pore size lybdenum atoms present, but they were relatively ineffective
distribution affects the metal crystallite sizes. in poisoning methathesis. A related IR study by Millman and
Zakumbaeva et al. (181G) reported that increasing dis- Hall (108G) showed that pairs of NO molecules poisoned sites
persion of ruthenium black increased the heat of hydrogen for propylene hydrogenation; it was su gested that the sites
adsorption. Kubicka and Kuznicka (95G) found agreement may be Mo"' centers. Nissenbaum et .a! (113G) showed that
between hydrogen adsorption, oxygen adsor tion, and H-0 higher sorption capacity for CO, relative to C02and H20, was
titration on Ru/A12i03after correcting for aiorption on the related to higher methanol synthesis activity for Cu-ZnO-
support. Koopman et al. (94G) found that high-temperature CaO-Al203 catalysts. A combined oxygen chemisorption-EPR
treatment of RuCl3-impregnated silica with NH3 was su erior study of supported vanadia (V205)catalysts was made b
to calcination as a pretreatment to prevent sintering &ring Khalif et al. (85G). Heats of 0 2 - formation were 20 kcal m o l
reduction. Fagherazzi et al. (53G) used small-angle X-ray those of 0- formation 60 kcal/mol on 1-15% V205/Mgd,and
scattering (SAXS),wide-angle X-ray scattering analysis of line there was a maximum in oxygen sorption with increasing V Ob
broadening (WAXS), and electron microscopy to study ru- On V205/Al203,02- did not form, all sorption heats exceeied
thenium, gold, or palladium on MgO, Si02, and charcoal. 60 kcal/mol, and O2 sorption increased re ularly with V205
SAXS data were not generally in accord with chemisorption concentration. A microcalorimetry study %y Della Gatta et
values for metal dispersion but gave ood values for the al. (41G)of NO sorption on a Cm/Si02 polymerization catalyst
support particle sizes. When SAXS can%, correctly applied, indicated that loss of activity was associated with chan e from
it agrees with the other techniques and gives the metal particle sorption to give a CP(N0)2complex to that giving a &(NO)
size distribution as well as average size. complex. A previously reported determination of cobalt oxide
Several bimetallic catalysts, with Pt as one component, have areas on Co30 / S O z catalysts, by reduction rates in carbon
been studied. Sinfelt and Via (14%') measured h drogen monoxide, has keen extended by Mekhandzhiev and Dyakova
chemisorption and X-ray diffraction lines of PtIr 2 o on
i !$ v d (108C) to include reduction rates in hydrogen.
A1203. Alumina gave higher dispersions. On silica, an in- Surface Acidity. Deeba and Hall (37G) demonstrated that
termediate line position indicates formation of PtIr clusters. n-butylamine titrations of acid catalysts are not reliable for

determinin acid strength distributions, since equilibrium is kinetics of Hz/CO reactions over nickel (168G). Mechanisms
not establisEed, but give the total acidity. They suggest using for the formation of isocyanate, H20,and COz from CO, H2,
irreversible chemisorption of a series of bases with differing and NO on silica-supported Ru were proposed by Davydov
pK,s to obtain the distribution of acid sites of different and Bell (35G) on the basis of IR experiments. Infrared
strengths. Janowski et al. (77G) found that the acidity of spectroscopy was also used by Kharson and Kiperman (87G)
MOO/SOz and W03/SiOz,measured by ammonia adsorption, to study unsaturated surface species on bimetallic catalysts.
correiated well with activity for olefin aromatization. Nondek Amenomiya (2G) showed by IR that surface-bound formates
e t al. (114G) found that basic sites on metal oxides could be are intermediates in the water-gas shift reactions on alumina.
determined by the displacement of adsorbed benzoic acid by A number of studies have been directed toward elucidation
acetic acid. Wierzchowski et al. (177G) measured chroma- of the active sites on metal oxide catalysts. Iwasawa et al.
tographic retention volumes of ammonia and light hydro- investigated the active sites for ethanol oxidation on a Mo/
carbons on faujasites partially exchanged with hydrogen, Si02catalyst by XPS, photoluminescence, diffuse reflectance,
cerium, and cobalt. The steepest adsorption isotherms were and IR s ectroscopy and chemisorption. Coordinatively un-
found with NaX zeolite. Retention volumes for hydrocarbons saturateidioxomolybdenum in a tetrahedral site is found to
decreased linearly with degree of H exchanged for Na. Ex- be the catalytically active species (75G). Similar techniques
change of polyvalent cations increased the retention volumes. applied to an olefin metathesis catalyst also revealed coor-
Brenner and Hucul (18Ga) pointed out that the first-order dinatively unsaturated tetrahedral Mo to be the active site
formalism, commonly used to extract kinetic parameters from (76G). An ESR study of electron transfer reactions between
temperature programmed desorption of gases from catalysts, aromatics and M0-Alz03 surfaces was conducted by Petrakis
is very sensitive to experimental errors even if conditions et al. (123G). Infrared studies by Efremov et al. (47G) on
required for its application are met. They sug est an alter- propylene and allyl bromide on a Ga-Mo oxide catalyst
native technique using initial slopes of isotherm3 desorptions. showed that both are adsorbed as wallylic complexes. They
Infrared spectroscopic investi ations have been most nu- suggest MOOCH CH=CH2 as the precursor of acrolein.
merous in determinations of catafyst acidity, and zeolites are Burrington and erasselli (48G) propose that propylene oxi-
the most PO ular materials for such studies. Auroux et al. dation and ammoxidation occur via an CY-Habstraction with
(5G) studiefthe H-ZSM-5 zeolite’s adsorption of ammonia subsequent 0 or NH insertion. Carboxylate, formate, and
by IR and microcalorimetry. Compared to H-mordenite and carbonate species were also identified. Da dov and Efremov
H-faujasite, H-ZSM-5 has a broader distribution of stron acid (36G) have also studied propylene and ayyl bromide inter-
sites and higher acidities, especially when made by H81 ex- mediates on CuO-MgO where a CuOCH CH-CH interme-
change of Na-ZSM-5 rather than NH4N03 exchange and diate in the formation of acrolein was ogserved. h n a b e et
calcination. The most acidic sites in H-ZSM-5 were not readily al. (161G) used microwave spectroscopy to study exchange
accessible to ammonia or pyridine a t room temperature. reactions of propylene with DzO or Dz over MgO-TiOz mix-
Mirodatos et al. (111G) characterized offretite samples with tures. In the former reaction, .-allyl carbon ion intermediates
varying degrees of exchange of potassium ions by protons. IR were formed on basic sites, in the latter, isoprop 1carbenium
bands at 3550 and 3610 cm-’ grow with exchange. both are ions on acidic sites. Using IR and diffuse reflYection spec-
due to acidic hydroxyl groups, but only the 3610 cm-f hydroxyl troscopy, Przheval‘skaya et al. demonstrated the existence of
is accessible to reactant molecules such as yridine, ammonia, a monomeric .rr-allyl nickel chloride as the active site in an
or light hydrocarbons. Bielanski et al. 5 2 G ) measured 1- olefin oligomerization catalyst (132G).
butene isomerization on NaHY zeolites and correlated it with An IR study of coking on zeolites was reported by Eisenbach
IR measurements of pyridine adsorption. The 3650-cm-’ and Gallei (48G). They studied n-hexane and 1-hexene ad-
hydroxyls were identified as the active centers for isomeri- sorption on Y zeolites. A linear surface species was found a t
zation. Kunath and Moeller (96G) studied ammonia sorption low temperature. Above 400 K, branching takes place and
on calcium and ammonium-exchanged A zeolites. Both am- with further heating “coke” is formed and an IR band appears
monium ions and ammonium coordinated to Ca or hydro- a t 1585 cm-’. Involvement of hydroxyls with frequencies a t
en-bonded to lattice oxygens were observed. Goncharuk 3640 cm-’ was shown. Also, external hydroxyls with fre-
f65G) used pyridine pulsed poisoning of cumene dealkylation
to determine acidities of natural aluminosilicah. The number
quencies a t 3740 cm-’ are active above 500 “C, but the Ca-
(OH)+ hydroxyls (3585 cm-’) do not participate in coking.
of acid centers found was very constant despite large differ- As part of an extensive study of the relationships among
ences in activity. Kitaev et al. (91G) studied pyridine and preparation, morpholo , and activity of su ported Pt cata-
ammonia sorption on boron phosphates. Only Lewis bound
pyridine was found, but both coordinated NH3 and NH4+
lysts, researchers at Nor%western University ave investigated
the isotopic exchange between cyclo entane and D2 on Pt/
formed. Phosphate hydrox 1s with 3600-3700 cm-’ stretching Si0 in which they find mechanistic cianges as the dispersion
frequencies were responsigle for protonation of ammonia. of t i e Pt changes (72G). Another paper in this series reports
Golubev et al. (64G) found that Lewis sites of alumina could that apparent structure sensitivity in methylcyclopropane
be measured by using the EPR spectrum of a substituted hydrogenation over Pt/Si02 is dependent on catal st pre-
piperidine base adsorbed on the alumina surface. Knozinger treatment conditions (118G). Barbier et al. in a studry of the
and Stubner (92G) measured isobutyl alcohol adsorption effect of metal dispersion on ethane hydrogenolysis over
isotherms on alumina. IR showed that a carboxylate species Pt/Alz03found on the kinetic mechanism to be independent
formed irreversibly. Irreversible sorption of coordinatively of dispersion and no correlation between specific activity and
adsorbed isobutyl alcohol also occurred, together with re- crystallite size (9G).Yang et al. on the basis of poisoning
versible sorption of weakly coordinated and hydrogen-bonded studies, conclude that the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane
species. The adsorbed alcohol provided hydroxyls of sufficient proceeds via a dual site mechanism (179G).
acidity to isomerize cyclopropane. The free alumina was Kobayashi (93G) proposed a general rule to estimate re-
inactive for that reaction. action mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysts from the mode
Kinetics, Mechanisms, a n d Active Sites. Somorjai of the transient response curves of products. A method for
(151G) reviews the use of surface spectroscopies coupled with studying the performance of a single spherical particle with
high-pressure reactors to identify catalyticall active sites on nonuniform catalytic activity was reported by Ernst and
metal catal sts. The role of steps, kinks, an coordinatively
unsaturateJsites and carbonaceous overlayers in hydrocarbon
Daugherty (50G). Goerss et al. (63G) disclosed a gas chro-
matographic method to measure changes in catalyst activity
reactions is emphasized (152G). Dwyer et al. (45G, 46G)
showed the im ortance of readsorption and secondary reac-
tions in CO hygogenation on Fe and Rh surfaces usin LEED,
during use. Beskov et al. (IOG) have examined the reliabilit
of determination of the activity of an industrial catalyst batc
by measurement on a single sample.
Au er, and gas chromatography. ESCA studies by arlev et
al. T%G) of the interaction of NO with Ni surfaces reveal one
Thermal Methods. Hi h-pressure DTA was used by
Hisamitsu et al. (70G)to stuiy the reactivity of HDS catalyst
dissociated and two molecular adsorbed states. Ekerdt and containing various promoters toward organic sulfides. Nozawa
Bell (49G) used IR spectroscopy to characterize the inter- and Takayasu have used temperature programmed reduction
mediates in CO/Hz reactions over silica-supported Ru. The to study supported nickel oxide (115G) and nickel oxide-
role of several monolayers of carbon found on the steady-state chromia (116C) catalysts. In both cases the reducibility of
catalyst in hydrocarbon synthesis were discussed. Vannice the catalyst is dependent on the method of preparation.
determined the effect of metal-support interactions on the Brenner and Hucul (18Gb) have used temperature program-

med decomposition of W(CO)6on A1203to elucidate the re- Wagner (23H); it may be used for measuring densities, vapor
versible formation of subcarbonyl species. Decomposition is pressures, and boiling temperatures simultaneously for ure
dependent on the degree of hydroxylation of the surface. substances, includin hydrocarbons and refrigerants. &rit
Moger et al. (112G) have investigated the carbon in regen- and Laupretre (34Hf experimentally determined liquefied
erated Pt catalysts. Additional hydrogen is adsorbed and natural gas component density as a function of temperature
additional desorption peaks appear on catalysts containing and composition (methane, ethane, propane, iso- and n-bu-
C deposits. tane, iso- and n-pentane, and N). They then used their results
A gas chromato aphic technique was used by Rosolovskaya to establish a correlation law to enable calculation of the
et al. (139G) to &ermine diffusion coefficients of hydro- density of liquefied natural gas with a relative error of
carbons in the pores of an aluminasilicate catalyst. Surface when the components are within certain s ecified concen-
diffusion is an im ortant factor. Rogut and Schneider (138.G) tration ranges (33H). Nemkov et al. (31H) puhshed uations
used an expandefVan Deemter treatment to extract effective
diffusivit coefficients from chromatographic measurements. containing 90 wt % propane-butane fraction at various
for calculating the density of a liquefied hydrocar on gas
Lee (99Gy has shown that the single pellet chromatography pressures and temperatures.
method of Smith leads to a direct determination of the dif- The British Standards Institution (6H) has provided
fusivity, porosity and thickness of an impervious layer on the specifications for benzene and for three grades each of toluene
outer surface of a catalyst pellet. Soomro and Hughes (156C) and of xylene; details are given for the measurement of color
measured thermal conductivity of porous catalyst pellets and and of density at 20 "C and for an acid-wash test (indicative
found lower values than theoretically predicted. of the degree of refining), the determination of total S, free
S, H2S, and thiols, a test for neutrality, a determination of
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES residue on evaporation, and establishment of crystallization
Byron Sudbury point. The true densities of asphaltene samples were deter-
Research and Development D8partment, CONOCO Inc., Ponca City, mined by Parkash et al. (35H); macropores and micropores
Oklahoma were recognized and their volumes excluded when the desnities
Durin the past decade the number of literature citations were determined by helium displacement a t 298 K. It was
reviewefin this subsection nearly doubled from 62 to 118. thought that the pore structure is associated with the mo-
This current review notes a substantial decline in the number lecular structure of the as haltenes. Kanevskii et al. (21H)
of references dealing with physical properties. In particular, reported that the standariaddition method can be used for
interest in rheology and in distillation appears to have di- analysis of multicomponent mixtures by measuring the
minished significantly bringin the number of apers included physical properties of the mixtures before and after the ad-
in this review to less than haff the peak n u d e r reported in ditions; examples given include the analysis of binary and
1977. ternary organic mixtures by measuring density, refractive
Rheology. Gyer (18H) reported that Committee D-2, index, and surface tension.
Research and Development Division VII, of ASTM in coop- Distillation and Flash Point. An on-stream computer-
eration with several other groups, are studying factors that controlled gas chromatograph for analysis of interreactor
influence the precision of Brookfield viscometry of automotive catalytic re-former products has been described by Stockinger
lubricant fluids in order to develop a Brookfield viscometer et al. (37H). From the data obtained from this system, cal-
procedure for all automotive lubricants a t low temperature. culation of octane numbers, specific gravities, molecular
Round-robin tests and other information sources provided weights, combined H, and distillation curves can be achieved
data on friction and damping effects inherent in the viscometer [this system, set up to sample at various points in the reactor
design, on thermal conditioning effects, on calibration of the system, was developed to evaluate the performance of ex-
tem erature sensor and control of temperature fluctuations, perimental catalysts].
on tKe effects of test cell design, and on the effects of sample A simple inexpensive ap aratus for determining the flash
rheology on Brookfield precision. The data were analyzed, point (between 20 and 90 O 8 ) of corrosive mixtures employing
and estimations were performed of expected operational errors, a battery-powered ignition source was described by Waring
the precision a t each rotary speed, reproducibility, and re- and Hudson (42H); some values obtained for binary solvent
eatibility. Vidal (40H) determined the effects of initial bath mixtures are compared with those obtained with a Pensky-
Fiquid temperature, soak time, and spindle insulation on
Brookfield viscometer measurements of low-temperature oil
Marten apparatus and with the literature values, and agree-
ment is within f2O. A program developed for Hewlett-
viscosities; the tests showed that in an accurately controlled Packard HP-67 and HP-97 programmable calculators per-
liquid bath, the sample temperature can be maintained during forms flash calculations in 1-5 min for multicomponent
measurements and the soak time can be reduced to 2 h mixtures with up to nine components as described by Man-
(compared to 16 h for air bath) and that field conditions are souri (27H). The equilibrium properties of the mixture are
best simulated by cooling the sample at 1 OC/min. The determined from the flow rate of the feed stream, the mole
kinematic viscosity of crude oils was correlated with the ab- fraction of each component in the feed, and the equilibrium
solute temperature and parameters A and B by Amin and constants for each component at the temperature and pressure
Maddox (1H).A comparison between experimental and in the tank. Newton's iterative method is used to calculate
calculated viscosities for fractions of several crude oils showed the rate at which the resulting vapor is withdrawn based on
that the equation represents the viscosity-temperature be- an estimated rate to start the iteration and a tolerance value
havior of the crude oils with standard percentage errors of for the final rate. The mole fractions in the equilibrium vapor
<3 %, and further tests showed that the correlation represents and liquid phases are then computed. The procedure is il-
the viscosity behavior of the different fractions of the crude lustrated for the flash distillation a t 600 psia and 20 O F of a
oil with average percentage errors of less than half those of natural gas feed flowing at 1000 mol/h.
the API method. W d e (43H) developed empirical e uations Molecular Weight. A new procedure for molecular weight
for estimating the characterization factor of hydr-\on oils determination by vapor-phase osmometry was developed and
from API gravity in combination with kinematic viscosity, reported by Chung et al. (8H);this procedure eliminates the
flash point, or aniline point. The equations are useful for major cause of inconsistent results usually obtained with
checking sets of tests for internal consistency, and the results conventional vapor-phase osmometry techniques for raw fuel
obtained from the equations based on gravity and viscosity materials. Theory and experiments with standard benzil-in-
were comparable with those estimated from Watson-Nelson chloroform solutions showed that vapor-phase osmometry tests
raphs. Tewari et al. (39H) characterized the interaction should be carried out within the rectilinear region on the
getween heavy oil and asphaltene and its acid neutral and
base components in a solvent and hypothesize that hydro-
gen-bonding involving largely phenolic hydroxyl groups is
osmometer readout vs. solute concentration curves to yield
results that are independent of the solvent nature and the test
temperature. The rectilinear region can be found experi-
partly responsible for asphaltene-heavy oil interactions and mentally for both calibration compounds and unknown so-
the viscosity increases of coal liquids. lutes. Procedure validity was demonstrated on 11 model
Density. An apparatus based on a hydrostatic balance was compounds with a variety of functional groups and of
designed for accurate measurement (&0.01% error) of 1-2000 122-1238 molecular weight. Molecular weights of two coal-
kg/m3 densities a t the boiling and dew points (range -200 to derived liquids were also determined. Dryden (12H) further
+200 "C) at up to 150 bar was reported by Kleinrahm and commented on this procedure.

The effect of silylation on the molecular weights of petro- example) for Green River oil shales.
leum- and coal-derived asphaltenes was reported by Gould A high-precision ice calorimetric system for heat capacity
(16H); no significant reduction in molecular weight was ob- measurements near the critical point capable of one part in
served upon silylation, suggesting that hydrogen bonding does 13000 accuracy and 10 ppm precision under calibration con-
not greatly influence the observed molecular weights of the ditions was developed by Gay (15H). Marcu and Segal(28H)
asphaltenes near zero concentrations. Pyridine extractables suggest a method of drawing the thermogram of a sequence
from depolymerized Bruceton coal had a number-average of two consecutive, partially overlapping processes of a given
molecular weight of 400, in agreement with the literature but order, run under nonisothermal conditions. Doulah (1IH)
consisted primarily of colloidal material and polymers having gives equations for calculation of kinetic parameters from
molecular weights >3000 as reported by Larsen and Choud- thermal analytical data; these equations are particularly useful
hury (24H). The colloidal material was removed by ultra- in calculation of the kinetics of thermal decomposition. A
centrifugation and subjected to a second depolymerization, generalized rate equation is also given. A double-beam pho-
to give additional soluble material; low-molecular weight toacoustic spectrometer was designed and constructed to
products were not obtained, so the supposed methylene- permit acquisition of optical, thermal, and dimensional data
aromatic linkages in the coal must be unreactive. The effects from a variety of substances including opaque materials as
of column combinations on the measurement of average reported by Blank and Wakefield (4H); powders, gels, solids,
molecular weights and the molecular weight distribution in and liquids can be analyzed directly with minimal sample
high-performance size-exclusion chromatography were re- preparation.
ported by Mori (30H). In the polystyrenes evaluated, the Miscellaneous. An electron microscopic study on friction
average molecular weights were not affected by the column properties of certain li uid lubricants in relation to their
combination, but the ine ral molecular weight distribution structure was conducte! by Martin et al. (29H). Dwiggins
curves showed definite differences among several column sets (13H) used a Bonse-Hart small-angle X-ray diffractometer
The most probable integral distribution curve will be obtained interfaced to an automated X-ray diffraction system to study
from a column packed with mixed gels of different porosity; the colloidal nature of crude oil; a number of rocedures were
a column combination without a gap in porosity or with many employed to permit detailed study of colloifs and mixtures
different gel porosities is preferable. The column set should of colloids. Kim and Long (22H) used a Kratky small-angle
have an exclusion limit of -10-fold the weight average mo- X-ray scattering apparatus to study the structure of asphaltene
lecular weight for the polymer sample. colloid dispersed in heavy petroleum residua; asphaltenes from
Thermodynamics. The methods for estimating the basic two different crudes and from coal were characterized.
parameter (molecular weight, pseudocritical temperature and Optical microscopy was used by Cornford and Marsh (9H)
pressure, and acentric factor) and their use in predicting the to examine the structure of metallurgical cokes in relation to
thermodynamics, transport, and physical properties are re- their mechanical strength. Griffiths and Marsh (17H) used
viewed by Daubert in “Characterization Parameters for Hy- phase contrast high-resolution electron microscopy in com-
drocarbons for Physical and Thermodynamic Property bination with optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and
Prediction” (1OH). Manelis (26H) edited a volume titled electron diffraction to characterize structure in three heat-
“Chemical Physics of Combustion and Explosion Processes. treatment series of cokes prepared from petroleum pitch,
Kinetics of Chemical Reactions”. gilsonite pitch, and coal extract.
An isothermal titration calorimeter for excess enthalpy Berthold‘s patent (3H) contains information on apparatus
measurements for volatile liquid systems was developed by and methods for determining the size distribution of particles
Hanson (1923; he studied the performance characteristics of suspended in a liquid usin moving sieves and turbidity
a new back-mixed flow vessel suitable for isothermal heat of measurements. Bonczyk ( 5 3 evaluated the measurement of
mixing calorimetry, and criteria were established for checking particulate size by in situ laser-optical methods on a fuel-
the performance and selecting the optimal set of parameters pyrolyzed carbon sample. Berry discusses one manufacturer’s
for a iven experiment. This type of mixing vessel has PO- aser-based particle size monitors currently on the market
tenti3 for rapid and accurate determination of binary heats (2H). Mahajan and Walker (2523) have prepared an extensive
of mixing; a complete binary heat of mixing curve can be review on densities of coals and chars, surface area, and pore
determined in 1day. size distributions. Slettevold et al. (36H) studied the surface
Jamieson (2OH) developed a new equation which correlates area and pore distributions of retorted Colorado oil shale usin
experimental thermal conductivity as a function of temper- N and C 0 2 adsorption and Hg porosimetry. Ternan an
Fuller compared various methods used to measure pore size
ature, from the melting point up to 0.9 of the critical tem-
perature, and as a function of chemical structure, both as in solids (38H). Ca elle (7H) performed measurements of the
individual compounds and as members of a chemical series. interfacial tension getween crude oil and formation water by
The equation permits the values for other liquids of similar the spinning drop technique.
structure to be estimated by interpolation with much better
accuracy than possible with purely predictive equations. HYDROCARBONS
The thermal conductivity of liquid mixtures was determined M. P. T. Bradley
by Gaitonde et al. (14H) for a series of eight alkane/silicone Spectra-Physics, Santa Clara, California
oil systems to investigate the effects of molecular character- As in previous years, the hydrocarbon analysis citations are
istics such as size and shape on thermal conductivity. The characterized by a major emphasis on gas chromatography,
measurements were carried out in a guarded horizontal parallel although much of the reported work is somewhat repetitious.
plate apparatus suitable for tests at 15-70 “C under steady- Other chromatographic techniques, such as high-pressure
state conditions with an accuracy of about fl%; the thermal liquid chromatography and thin-layer chromatography, are
conductivities of the individual liquids were also determined also well represented.
and were in good agreement with published values. The size Several authors reported review articles ranging from a book
of the molecules, as represented b the ratio of their molecular on manual sampling methods for liquid hydrocarbons, pub-
weights, had a significant effect, {ut the shape had very little lished by the British Standards Institute (271) to specific
effect. A modification of the McLaughlin equation to intro- technique reviews. The British Standards manual is complete
duce a single parameter reduces its tendency to positive errors with diagrams of sampling devices and safety precautions for
at hi h mole fractions and negative errors at low mole fractions the sampling of finished products, crude oils, and intermediate
of aliane. products from storage vessels, ships, barges, land vehicles, or
A thermal comparator method was developed to measure pipelines.
thermal conductivity of Green River oil shales by Nottenburg Methods of analysis of gases and light hydrocarbons by gas
et al. (32H); predictive equations showing the variation of chromatographic analysis were reviewed by Saha (1961) and
thermal conductivity with temperature and shale grade are Mindrup (1521). The later review updates the “Atlas of Gas
presented, and a simple model is proposed to explain the Analysis by Gas Chromatography’’with 66 references classified
anisotropic effects observed in the thermal conductivity values and cross-indexed by sample type. Numerous chromatograms,
for heat flowing in directions parallel and perpendicular to with operating conditions, are reproduced.
the shale bedding planes. Wang et al. (41“) presented an Brown and Sear1 (311) reviewed the application of gas
analysis of the trends in the variation of the thermal transport chromatography and UV spectroscopy to the analysis of
parameters with organic content (thermal diffusivity as an polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.

Sovani and Kallyanpur (2231) reviewed thin-layer and than 6 ppb of “ethylene equivalent” in automobile exhaust
column chromatography methods. Analytical methods for gases.
solid hydrocarbon mixtures were reviewed by Kuras (1311). Colmsjo and Stenberg (471) used low-temperature
Ten Noever de Brauw (2321) reviewed GC-MS methods and fluorescence for the analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydro-
Wehry and Mamantov (2491) reviewed the use of matrix carbons previously se arated by high-pressure liquid chro-
isolation techniques for the analysis of individual trace organic
compounds in complex matrices, including coking plant waste
matography. They so (481) examined the effect of tem-
perature on spectral resolution.
water. Brown e t al. (301) used an argon ion laser to excite
As a sign of the interest in the use of noncrude oil sources, fluorescence in organic glasses containin ppb amounts of
Bartle et al. (121) provided an extensive review of paraffinic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. 4 he technique of
fluorescence line narrowing spectroscopy provided linear
hydrocarbons from coal.
calibration curves from 1 ppb to 3 ppm for pyrene and an-
SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS thracene in glycerol-water glasses at 4.2 K by excitation with
Spectroscopic methods of analysis reported covered the full the 364-nm argon ion laser line. Dickinson and Wehry (561)
range from infrared to UV spectroscopy, together with other also used an argon ion laser, coupled with time resolution to
methods such as NMR and mass spectroscopy. determine 2 ng of benzo[a]pyrene in the presence of 1pg of
Hausdorff (1021) described the use of functional group benzo[k] fluoranthene.
specific detectors, Startsev et al. (2251) used IR spectroscopy Gold et al. (901)used the SPECSOLV spectral decomposition
at 2920 cm-’ to determine hydrocarbons in molten sulfur. program to determine binary mixtures whose molecular
Nonlinear absorption spectroscopy was used by Radloff (1851) fluorescence spectra have overlapping bands. Ho et al. (1081)
for the analysis of gas mixtures. Yankov et al. (2621) used used rank annihilation methods of quantitatively determine
IR to determine the composition of the light fraction of heavy one component of known identit in a mixture of unknown
pyrolysis resins. The same technique was applied by Bakulin compounds. Breymann (261) usdchemical techniques using
et al. (71) to the determination of aromatic compounds in electron donors and acceptors to selectively suppress the
reformates, gasolines, and hydrorefied ligroin-. An equation fluorescence of nonalternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
for calculating the aromatic content as a function of the ab- (suppressed by electron donors) and fused benzenoid com-
sorptivity a t 1600 cm-’ is given. Faizullina (701) used IR pounds (suppressed by electron acceptors).
spectroscopy to study the catagenic transformation of organic
matter into petroleum hydrocarbons. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE
The power of computerized techniques of infrared spec- Bartle et al. (111) used NMR to study the structure of
troscopy is amply demonstrated by the work of Koenig and fractions extracted from Turkish lignites by supercritical
Kormos (1241), Von Eijk et al. (2444, Coates (454, and Dupuis toluene. They report that the average structure contains single
et al. (611)). aromatic rings.
Rasmussen et al. (1881) applied principal-component Sat0 et al. (2001) used chlorinated hydrocarbons and the
analysis techniques to the analysis of isomeric xylenes and proton shift caused by the magnetic anisotropic effect to
nonane, decane, dodecane mixtures. determine the aromatic content of kerosines; Yamazaki et al.
Tokousbalides et al. (2351) applied matrix isolation (2571) used pulsed Fourier transform C-13 NMR for the
fluorescence and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spec- analysis of normal alkanes and substituted benzene isomers.
troscopy to the analysis of the structural isomers of polynu- Alger and Pugmire (21) report s in lattice relaxation times
clear hydrocarbons. Hinton et al. (1071) applied matrix iso- and nuclear Overhauser effect &ita for several compounds
lation FTIR to isomeric methylnaphthalenes and methylbi- which must be approximate in order to determine aromatic
phenyls. Microsampling procedures for a matrix isolation compounds in coal-derived liquids. Resing et al. (1911) used
I T I R spectrometer system and its application to determining 13C NMR and magic angle spinning to determine aromatic
spectra of polynuclear hydrocarbons with as little as 50-100 hydrocarbons in oil shale, kerogen, shale oil, and inorganic
ng of material were reported by Hembree et al. (1041). wastes from oil shale processing.
Dagga and Hameed (521) used ultraviolet spectroscopy for
the determination of aromatic compounds in crude oil; Ba- MASS SPECTROSCOPY
lyatinskaya and Babankova (81) used H I* complexes and
ultraviolet spectroscopy at 260-279 nm to cfetermined alkynes Mass spectrometric methods reported ranged from fin-
in the presence of alkenes. Kucherova and Yur’eva (1271) erprinting and partial quantitation of hydrocarbon mixtures
proposed a UV spectroscopic method as an alternative to the
aniline point method for the determination of aromatic hy-
6 y means of chemical ionization mass spectrometry described
by Sieck (2171) who used the cyclohexane ion and photoion-
drocarbons in n-paraffins and recovered raw materials from ization to initiate a cascade of consecutive reactions owing to
sulfonate production. Mosescu et al. (1561) determined mono-, the differing ionization potentials of the hydrocarbons. By
di-, tri-, and tetracyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in heavy oils; early termination of the reaction sequence, the aromatic
Rusin (1941) examined coal extracts and their hydrogenation content of gasolines could be partially quantitated. Niyazov
products. et al. (1631) studies pentacyclic hydrocarbons extracted from
The strong interest in aromatic hydrocarbons has led to petroleums that did not form thiourea adducts by mass
many publications using optical techniques capable of high spectrometry. The compounds were found to be mainly
sensitivity for aromatic hydrocarbons. Giering and Hornig triterpanes. Shushan et al. (2161) distinguished between four
(891) report the use of total luminescence for the identification isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of molecular weight
and determination of hydrocarbon mixtures without prior 228 by mass spectrometric studies of metastable ions. Levsen
separation. Woo et al. (2541) used an X-ray excitation source et al. (1361) used field ionization mass spectrometry to de-
to develop luminescence profiles of polynuclear hydrocarbons termine double bonds in linear alkenes. Yampol’skii (2581)
in coal conversion byproducts and shale and fuel oil bypro- used a pyrolysis technique to eliminate 13C interference and
ducts. Zander (2631) used solid-state photoluminescence at allow the accurate determination of deuterium in hydro-
77 K for the determination of impurities in high-purity po- carbons by mass spectroscopy.
lycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Vo-Dinh (2431) used a syn- Khots et al. (1211, 1221) report procedures for the quan-
chronous luminescence technique where the excitation and titative analysis of organic compounds by correcting for mo-
emission wavelengths are scanned simultaneously with a lecular weight and heteroatoms. Herzschuh and Seidlitz (1051)
constant interval. The synchronously generated spectra is quantitatively measured alkanes by low-voltage electron im-
greatly simplified with, for instance, a single narrow band peak pact excitation. The results of three standard samples agreed
for ethanolic naphthacene, the conventional fixed wavelength close1 with GLC analysis. The quantitative analysis of
emission and excitation spectra show three and four bands, compikx hydrocarbon mixtures containing htereoatoms by
respectively. Some cautionary notes concerning the inter- means of high-resolution mass spectrometry was reported by
pretation of synchronously generated luminescence spectra Polyakova et al. (1791) and Brodskii (281).
are reported by the dialog between Latz et al. (1324 and Lloyd The most powerful applications of mass spectrometry are
(137I). those using mass spectroscopy combined with chromato-
Krieger et al. (126Z) used the chemiluminescence reactions graphic methods of separation. Washida et al. (2481) used
of oxygen atoms with reactive hydrocarbons to determine less GC-MS with photoionization excitation. Although the sen-

sitivity is not as great as that obtained with conventional Several authors (491, 1121, 1181, 1191, 2411) applied this
GC-MS with electron impact excitation, the technique gen- combination for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons
erates only the parent ion and, therefore, is less susceptible from a variet of sources. Hellman (1031) identified that the
to matrix effects and can be made very selective. Francis and fluorescence gehavior of the same polycyclic compounds were
Tande (771) converted alkenes into alkoxyselenium com- quantitatively different on silica el F60, HPTLC material,
pounds which were subsequently determined by GC-MS. and on A1z03-acetylcellulose. &e stability of the model
Randall and Wahrhaftig (1861) used a differentlly pumped compounds was greatest on the third material. Matsushita
supersonic molecular beam interface to couple a mass spec- (1481) used a dual band thin-layer technique for separating
trometer to a gas chromatograph operating with a dense gas and identifying individual polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
(20-250 atm, above but close to the critical temperature). a t trace levels in oils.
Under selected conditions, clustering involving the solute could Armstrong and McNeely (51) used micelles to perform the
be avoided and only the mass spectra of the solute and solvent separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Poly-
were observed. amide-6. Bancroft et al. (90 constructed novel charge-transfer
A newer technique than GC-MS is the coupling of mass polymers, based on a picric acid substituted polyacrylic
spectrometers to high-pressure liquid chromatographs. aciddvin lbenzene resin, for the separation of aromatics from
Takeuchi et al. (2291) used a jet separator as an interface and saturated $drocarbons. The plates offer cost and stor e life
demonstrated the analysis of biphenyl, fluorene, and an- advantages over silver nitrate plates but do not comzetely
thracene separated by a reverse-phase system with 70% resolve complex mixtures.
aqueous acetonitrile as eluant. Blakley et al. (201) used a laser
to evaporate the liquid chromatograph eluant and a cross- CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETECTORS
beam technique to transport and ionize the sample. Aromatic
hydrocarbons were used as test mixtures. As can be expected, there is still considerable interest in
Dark and McFadden (531) used HPLC and a moving belt new detectors for the detection of hydrocarbons followin
interface to a quadro le mass spectrometer. The system was chromatographic separation. Christensen and May (438
used to separate ancharacterize coal liquifaction products. evaluated several commercial HPLC detectors for selectivity
and sensitivity to polynuclear h drocarbons.
CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Farzane et al. (711) used a ra&ocalorimetric detector for
detecting the emittance in the combustion of hydrocarbons
The vast majority of chromatographic references deal with and petroleum fuels.
gas chromatogra hic methods of analysis. However, there is Semiconductor detectors were reported for heavy hydro-
still an appreciatle amount of work carried out by the older carbons by Gugl a et al. (971) and for low molecular weight
techniques of column and thin-layer chromatography. hydrocarbons a n i hydrogen by Hua (2130. Guglya et al. (960
High-pressure liquid chromatography continues to grow in also characterized a lead titanate zirconate pyroelectric de-
use, especially for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic com- tector which is an order of magnitude more sensitive than a
pounds. thermal conductivity detector. A similar semiconductor de-
tector based on Fe 03,A1203,and PdClz was reported by a
Dutkiewica et al. (621) separated polycyclic aromatic com- Lev (1351) reported that a fast response hot filament hy-
pounds from c clohexane extracts by elution from an alumina drocarbon gas detector is suitable for monitoring fluctuating
column with &ethyl ether/cyclohexane mixtures. The de- gas concentrations in dispersing vapor plumes. Proksch et
al. (1820 studied the response of the flame ionization detector
tection limit ranged from 0.1 to 1 pg cm3. Czajkowski et al.
(511) tested several column materi s and determined that
Sephadex LH-20 provided the best results for the separation
to hydrocarbons and perfluorocarbons. The high carbon
number perfluorocarbons showed response values similar to
of oils of 200-250 “C boiling ran e. By elution with methanol, those of the corresponding h drocarbons, with response ratios
complete separation of mono-, 4-, and tricyclic hydrocarbons
was obtained. Rusin et al. (1951) used silica and alumina
close to unity and indepedent of conditions provided that
higher hydrogen flows than usual are employed.
columns for the separation of hydrocarbon fractions into broad Schwartz (2081) quantitatively analyzed hydrocarbons for
groups. hydrogen and perdeuterated hydrocarbons by means of a
Fessler (761) reported on collaborative studies aimed at microwave plasma detector. The minimum detectable level
selecting an alternative silica gel to that used in the fluorescent of hydrogen was 10 pg s-l. Driscoll et al. (591) used a com-
indicator adsorption technique for hydrocarbon group analysis. bination of a photoionization and a flame ionization detector
Grace chromato aphy gel Type 923 was found satisfactory. to elucidate the structure of complex mixtures.
Suggested d e t a i r for optimizing the test are also reported.
Wickramasinghe (2521) used the SARA (saturated-aro- LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY
matic-resin-asphaltene) method of analysis. In order to study High-performance liquid chromatography is increasingly
oil pollution of seawater, it is necessary to understand the becoming the analytical method of choice for the analysis of
behavior of esters in this system. The results show that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons owing to the sensitivity,
esters, as indicated by a model compound [14C]-methylpal- selectivity, and speed of the technique.
mitate, elute with the “oils”, i.e., saturated/aromatic fraction. Youssef and Wall (881) described silica and zirconia based
Schwartz (2071) described a microcolumn containing PdClz els that are modified with quaternary ammonium surfactants.
on silicic acid for absorbing unsaturated hydrocarbons. The
method was used to quantitatively separate the saturated
5 he columns were used for the separation of aromatic hy-
drocarbons. The effects of eluant and surfactant concentra-
components from a mixture. tions on the retention times were discussed. Minarik et al.
(1511) examined the mechanism of separation of 58 com-
THIN-LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY pounds on porous poly(ethanedio1 methacrylate). Gar et al.
Gearin et al. (871) and Dzido and Soczewinski (641) both (841) used silica gel chromatography to separate heavy aro-
examinec f the relationship and application of thin-layer matic and tars in petroleum oils.
chromatography and column chromatography. Both groups Hunt et al. (1111) used HPLC with a variety of column
of authors DroDose that with some limitations the techniques packings and solvent systems for the separation and deter-
are intercliangeable. mination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from a variety
Wernicke and Lassman (2511) used thin-laver chromatog- of sources. Kamata et al. (1171) also analyzed polycyclic
raphy on A1203 to perform a group separation of heavy hy- aromatics, this time on Permaphase E with 1:l methanokwater
drocarbon fractions. They report that the method is more as mobile phase, By use of fluorescence detection, the system
precise and takes only 0.7 h, compared with the standard was particularily suitable for the determination of 3,4-benz-
DIN51384 method which takes 8 h. Fazylov and Narzykolov pyrene.
(721) used preparative thin-layer chromatography for the Bebris et al. (131) modified a macroporous silica and
direct quantitative determination of hydrocarbon classes in Spherisorb S2OW by deposition of carbon formed by the
petroleum fractions. pyrolysis of benzene. Columns packed with this material were
The combination of thin-layer chromatography and evaluated for their selectivity in the separation of homologous
fluorescence detection is a particularily powerful technique. series of alkylbenzens, naphthalenes, phenols, and aromatic



acids and esters. The highest selectivities were obtained with pressure of 140 "C and 10 MPa.
the highest carbon loadings.
Colin et al. (461) also examined pyrocarbon modified silica COMBINED CHROMATOGRAPHY
gels and pyrocarbon modified carbon black. Better selectivity TECHNIQUES
toward polar compounds was shown by nonpolar chemically
bonded phases. It is considered that the nonspecific retention Simon et al. (2181) used subtractive reaction gas chroma-
force on these phases is adsorptive rather than dissolution in tography for the determination of dienes. The chromatogram
the surface phase. Bluemer et al. (231) demonstrated the of the original sample was com ared with that obtained after
improved group separations of polycyclic hydrocarbons from the dienes had been extracted gy ercolation through a silica
heterocyclic N compounds on a Nucleosil-&NO2column. The gel column containing maleic angydride.
samples were taken from coal tar pitch. Mosescu et al. (1571) Ivanenko et al. (1141) concentrated traces of nonhydro-
separated mono-, di-, tri-, and tetracyclic compounds from carbons in an ethylene polymerization solvent on alumina or
mineral oils on alumina. molecular sieve and analyzed the com ounds by gas chro-
Brabcova (251)and Chmielowiec and George (411) evaluated matography after elution from the a i o r b e n t with water.
sorbents for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Beider et al. (151) used silica gel to extract alkanes from
Chernyuk et al. (381) used liquid chromatography on silica gases used in methanol manufacture and, after extraction with
gel with 2-propanol as eluant for the analysis of the conversion methanol-hexane, analyzed them on Apiezon L by gas chro-
products from C8 to cl6 paraffins on spinel catalysts. Takami matography.
et al. (2281) also used silica gel chromatography for the sep- Guzhova and Fadeev (981) used the fluorescent indicator
aration of micro amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorption method to prepare hydrocarbon group fractions
recovered from marine sediments. for capillary gas chromatography.
Parris (1741) described methods of separation of hydro-
phobic compounds on Zorbax ODS by using a low polarity GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY
solvent such as tetrahydrofuran as mobile phase. The method The most widely used technique for hydrocarbon analysis
is a plicable to a wide variety of materials including aliphatic is undoubtably gas chromatography, and therefore references
antaromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic polymers. tend to be repetitious with man similar separations on
Preparative liquid adsorption chromatography was used by identical column systems reported:
Fazylov and NarzyMov (721) for the determination of groups The references cited are therefore a cross-section of ref-
of hydrocarbons from 'et fuel fractions. Radke et al. (1841) erence with emphasis on some of the more unusual systems.
determined the repeataiility of preparative hydrocarbon group
type determinations performed on an automated chromato- LIGHT HYDROCARBONS
Selective separation of unsaturated hydrocarbons, sesqui- Fackrell (691) used a noncolumn technique to determine
terpenes, methyl esters, and polynuclear hydrocarbons was the mean value and instantaneous value of the hydrocarbon
performed by Vonach and Schomberg (2451) using silver ion content of air to be determined. The pulsed sample valve
complexation in the mobile phase. technique enabled a sample to be taken each second. A re-
Charge transfer bonded stationary phases provided suc- finery gas analyzer was reported (331) which allows for the
cessful se aration of noncondensed and condensed aromatic analysis of hydrogen through c6+to be determined in 24 min.
hydrocarfons accordin to Nondek et al. (1641,1651). The analyzer incorporates a patented hydrogen transfer
Mamantov et al. (1448 characterized mixtures of polycyclic system which gives a linear response for hydrogen over the
aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid chromatogra hy and matrix ran e 0.01-100%.
isolation spectroscopy. Bluemer and ZanIer (241) used 8uevas and Guzman (501) developed a method for the
fluorescence quenching with nitromethane as an aid to the analysis of trace amounts of C3-C4 olefins in li uid petroleum
identification of aromatic hvdrocarbons ser>arated bv re- gas using a simple comparison method of csqibration.
versed-phase HPLC. Saha et al. (1971) used a parallel column system of
Chmielowiec and Sawatzky (421) examined the role of OPN/PorasilC and phenyl isocyanate/ParacilC in a dual gas
temperature on the thermodvnamic distribution behavior of chromatograph to provide a generalized method of analysis
polynuclear aromatic hydrbcarbons in a (2-18 reversed- for 16 C1-Cs alkanes and alkenes. Schelner (2041) used ethyl
phase/acetonitrile system. The elution sequences of some 2-oxocyclopentanoate as a stationary phase for the separation
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are reversed by temper- of isomeric butenes.
ature variations, which is ascribed to domination by entropy Saulova and Pankova (2011) determined trace impurities
effects. a t the sub ppm level in ethylene; Seweryniak and Slonka
The use of porous polymer gels both for size exclusion (2121) se arated some alkynes on UCON LB on chromosorb
analysis and conventional reversed-phase systems was reported P and diiutyl phthalate on C-22 firebrick.
by several authors includin Hanai et al. (990, Freeman and Alkadiene and alkynes in C1-C5 fractions were determined
Schran (780, Mori (1550, zaki et al. (1701),and Pop1 et al.
by the use of B,B'-oxydipropionitrile or dimethyl sulfolane
containin aqueous Na2C03as stationary phase (2111).
The new development of open tubular microcapillary liquid The ligBt hydrocarbons evolved in oil shale pyrolysis and
chromatogra hy was demonstrated by the separation of the effect of ox gen on their composition was studied by
aromatic hy&ocarbons (1061). Robillard et al. 6921) using a temperature programmed ap-
proach on Spherocarb.
SUPERCRITICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY A new stationary phase, phenyl glycidyl ether, was reported
Klesper (1231) described the particular characteristics and by Lukac and Nguyen (1391) which is useful for the separation
advantages of this technique which is of particular interest of small amounts of c5 and c6 unsaturated compounds from
in the separation of high molecular weight compounds. Gouw the parent n-alkanes.
e t al. (921) described the use of the technique for the deter-
mination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in automobile UNUSUAL COLUMN CONFIGURATIONS
exhausts and refinery solid wastes. A method of interfacing Rend1 et al. (1091) described the development of a dual
supercritical chromatography to mass spectroscopy is dis- concentric column configuration where the inner column and
cussed. the anular space around it were packed with different ma-
The unusual gas chromatographic behavior of naphthalene, terials. Use of this column system for the se aration of hy-
pyrene, and phenanthrene using pressurized pentane as carrier drocarbon/permanent gas mixtures is detailex. Willis (2531)
gas was reported by Semonian and Rogers (2101). Contrary described the use of a porous polymer and a molecular sieve
to theory, efficiency was independent of pressure, but the column that could be used in a parallel, series, or series bypass
maxima in the graphs of distribution coefficient vs. column configuration in order to separate permanent gases and light
pressure were related to pressure-dependent physical and hydrocarbons.
chemical effects. Bertsch (181) described two-dimensional chromatographic
Ecknig and Polster (651)used supercritical COz carrier gas techniques with particular emphasis on technolo capable
and molecular sieve 5A for the separation of Cg-Cfl-alkanes. of dealing with samples of extreme complexity a n c b s o trace
The alkanes were rapidly eluted at a column temperature and and ultratrace systems.

Hunger et al. (1101) used pulsed gas chromatography on for the calculation of the retention indices of mono- and di-
cobaltsodium Zeolites. An evaluation of the method showed alkylaromatic compounds on stationary phases with polarity
it to be suitable for determining total mass transport resistance between those of squalane and Ucon 50HB-208X.
and the contributions of the two pore sizes to diffusion but Grant and Hollis (931) used a packed, a capillary, and two
that the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on loadin porous layer open tubular columns to verify the accuracy of
could not be determined. Berezkin (161) continued his wort thermodynamically defied retention characteristics in linear
on subtractive gas chromatography with a review of the pro ammed-temperature gas chromatography.
technoloY. Explicit working details are given for a number
of examp es, together with a table listing reagents for the
removal of various components. Osis (1691) studied the
&bivach et al. (1581)-1601) studied the retention indices
of aromatic hydrocarbons on squalane and of paraffinic and
aromatic hydrocarbons on tetracosane, squalane, dotriacon-
structure of the carbon skeleton of nitrogen containing com- tane, and 4,4’-diisopropyldibenzybenzene. Mitra and Bhat-
pounds by a hydrogenation method of reaction gas chroma- tacharya (1531) applied the retention index system to solid
tography. deposits found in a as reforming plant. Dimov and Pa w v a
(581) showed that t i e retention indices of isoalkanes i d not
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC PHASES depend on the McReynolds’ polarity of hydrocarbon and
A great deal of attention has been paid to the use of gra- methyl silicone phases.
phitized thermal black as a chromatographic medium. AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS
Krawiec et al. (1251) studied the chromatogra hic behavior
of 65 linear or branched C2-Clo alkanes ancfalkkenes on The analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons by as chromatog-
carbon black. Kovats indices, their variation with tempera- raphy is getting as much attention as anafysis by liquid
ture, column capacity ratios, and adsorption enthalpies and chromatography.
entropies are reported. Quantitative identification of aromatic hydrocarbons and
Felt1 et al. (751) found the the logarithm of the specific thiophenes in coker gasoline was reported by Hanna et al.
retention volume relative to 1 g of graphitized carbon black (1011). Beernaert (141) reported that as little as 0.5 ppb of
was a rectilinear function of carbon number for both alkanes an aromatic com ound codd be determined by temperature
and alk-1-enes. programmed ana&is on ES-52. The retention indices of many
DiCorcia and Giabbai (541) demonstrated very rapid sep- compounds are also reported.
arations of C6-C9aromatics and C C5 alkanes using acked Chmela et al. (401) used poly-rn-phenyl ether, in both
columns containing fine particles (T85-28 pm) of CarBopack packed and capillary columns for aromatic hydrocarbon
C. Bertoni et al. (171) modified the surface of Carbopack C analysis. Frycka (801) selectively separated high boiling o-
H T with various stationary phases. The systems were used lycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on bentone-34 coated on &s
to separate aromatic hydrocarbons and other samples at the beads. Pesek and Blair (1771) used NJV-bis(2-cyanoet~yl)-
trace level. formamide and a back-flushing technique to determine C8 and
Cicioli et al. (441) applied columns packed with PPE 20 on heavier alkylbenzoates in petroleum naphtha.
gra hitized carbon black to the separation of C4-C4 hydro- Pielichowski et al. (1781) used haloalkylcarbazoles, Saluste
car ons in a single injection.
Engewald et al. (661) determined retention indices and
et al. (1991) used Dexsi 300 and Shlyakov et al. (2151) used
Apiezon L to separate mono- and bicyclic arenes.
homomorphic factors for C9414 alkylbenzenes on graphitized Lee et al. (1331) reported that retention indices calculated
thermal carbon black. for polycyclic aromatic compounds based on cochromato-
Several authors reported on the use of other gas/solid graphed n-alkanes as internal standards were unreliable. The
systems including O’Brien and Grob (1671) who studied metal use of naphthalene, phenanthrene, chrysene, and picene gave
oxides and Snowden and Peake (2211) who used a KNOB- values that remained reproducible over several months of
LiN03-NaN03 eutectic for the rapid separation of saturated extensive column usage with different temperature program
“isoprenoids” and C4-Ca n-alkanes in oil shale. rates. The new indices are reported for 209 compounds.
Frycka (811) used cadmium chloride modified with Car- Schroeder (2061) reviewed retention indices data on squa-
bowax 20M; Smolkova-Keulemansova (2201) studied the re- lane; Welsch et al. (2501)determined the retention behavior
tention behavior of alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, and some of cotynes and octadiynes.
aromatics on a urea-hexadecane inclusion compound.
New, or rediscovered, more conventional stationary phases GENERAL GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY
ranged from asphaltenes (2311) to a series of reactive polar
polymers developed by Lukas et al. (1401-1421). Ravey (1891) Bjorseth and Eklund (191) used capill GC analysis with
introduced the mixed bis-lactam 142-oxo yrrolidin-l-yl- simultaneous FID/EC detection to p r o y e additional iden-
methyl)hexahydroazepin-2-oneand generate: retention data tification evidence of aromatic hydrocarbons by comparin
for 26 hydrocarbons relative to 1,3-butadiene. FID/EC ratio. Blomberg et al. (221) prepared directly bondefi
Parcher et al. (1721) investigated phen lmethyl-silicone phenylsilicone coated lass capillaries for the separation of
stationary phases and their use in mixed ged columns. polycyclic aromatics; Eoretti and Liberti (911) evaluated a
Sakodynskii et al. (1981) developed selective phases based variety of precoat rocedures for gas capillaries.
on phenylquinoxaline and “siloxarophenanthrene” in a
polymeric form. Strand and Andren (2261) synthesized some
liquid crystal phases and compared them to Dexsil 300 for
Johansen (1160 aescribed the use of short lass wall coated
open tubular columns for a variety of n-a1 anes including
pristane and phytane.
the separation of benzo[a]anthracene from chrysene. Vig- Kumar et al. (1301) provided details of the isothermal
dergauz et al. (2421) proposed classifying liquid phases not analysis of naphtha on squalane; Mathews et al. (1461) sep-
only by the Rohrschneider indices but also with an additional arated li ht naphtha com onents on hexadicane and hexa-
factor related to the difference in the logarithm of the re- decane/fielF10157 on so& lime glass.
tention indices of m- and p-xylenes. Nygren (1661) also focused on analyses with short glass
capillaries and materially shortened fast analyses by flow
IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS programming. The separation of Cl0-Cl8 alkanes in 3 min is
cited as an example of the technique.
Jaworski and Herzog (1151) identified cycloalkanes, normal Sojak and Krupcik (2221) used Carbowax 20M lass col-
alkenes, and aromatic hydrocarbons separated on Chromosorb umns in the solid state; Bartle et al. (101) improvefthe sep-
101 by means of Kovats retention indices, temperature aration of mixtures of lacquer solvents on Carbowax 20M-2-
coefficient indices, and the u parameter of the chromato- nitroterephthalic acid.
graphic curve. Tesarik et al. (2341)developed a mixed phase column 17:13
Radecki et al. (1831) derived an equation for predicting the Ucon LB-55OX-tris(2-cyancethoxy)propanefor the separation
retention indices on nematic phases from computable par- of a series of substituted na hthalenes and bi henyls.
amters and the size of molecules of polycyclic aromatic hy- Anoshin et al. (41) and Zawdzik (861) bot[ worked on
drocarbons. micropacked columns.
Nabivach et al. (1601) determined the Kovats retention Many authors (1001,1501,1751,2141,1811) examined the
indices of many hydrocarbons a t 70 O C and 86 OC on a composition of petroleum fractions from pyrolysis gasoline
squalane phase. Tejedor (2301) derived empirical equations and coker gasoline. Vdarov et al. (2380 used tricresyl

phosphate for the separation of monoter enes, Grom et al. cyclic hydrocarbons to aromatics. The catalysts exhibited
(950 analyzed the reaction mducts of Cnabenes with tertiary strong EPR signals.
butyl hydroperoxide.
Matishev (1470, Eppert et al. (671), and Felscher (741) ENVIRONMENTAL
determined n-alkanes. Methods for the evaluation of the
degradation of insulating oils in power transformers based on The special problems inherent in the analysis of hydro-
the determination of C3 and lighter hydrocarbons were de- carbons in the environment, both air and water, were reported
tailed by Rao and Iyer (1871). by several authors. Schneider et al. (2051) used glass capillary
Costello and D’Amato (361) proposed that linear and columns coated with aluminum oxide to determine h dro-
branched chain alkanes could be used as nonpolar reference carbons in air at the arta per 109level. Masumov et al. 645I)
materials in gas chromatography. Kuchhal and Mallik (128Z) described a methof for concentrating hydrocarbons from
used gas chromatography with n-hexane, cyclohexane, cy- oxygen samples. Care must be taken to control the temper-
clohexene, isooctanebenzene, and methanol to study the ature such that condensation of the gaseous oxygen is avoided.
thermodynamics of solution in dipropionitriles. Gamage et al. (831) reported on several new instruments
Lukac (1381) used a parallel column system comparised of and instrumental techniques suitable for the determination
an open tubular Apiezon L column and a packed phenyliso- of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in the work place. The
c anate Porasil C followed b s ualane on Gas Chrom P for techniques reported are suitable for the characterization of
i i
t e sing e run separation of &-810
the as-phase radiolysis of n-pentane.
hydrocarbons formed by pollutants from syn-fuel operations such as tar sand and oil
shale processing.
Chzhkov et al. (391) used a circulation gas chromatograph Carsin (341) described types of sampling probes and in-
with two columns in series for the simultaneous analysis and troduced a new probe designed for sampling surface oil slicks
preparative separation of binary mixtures. They report that from the sea. Experimental details are given for extracting
the columns provide substantially better separation efficiency the oil retained in the probe filter and for its subsequent
than can be obtained with thermal distillation columns of the analysis by infrared spectrophotometry.
same dimensions. Brown et al. (291) used a solvent/slurry extraction proce-
dure to concentrate and extract trace levels of petroleum
MISCELLANEOUS METHODS OF ANALYSIS hydrocarbons from marine sediments.
Drozd and Novak (601)used a head space technique using
Hrubesh nlO91) described a new technique based on mi- the standard addition method to determine benzene in
crowave rotational spectrometry. The computer-controlled aqueous liquid systems. Akulinchev et al. (11) determined
spectrometer can be used for the automated determination the content of phenols and benzene in stratal waters as an
of 10-100 ppm of hydrocarbons in air or vehicle exhaust gases. indicator in prospecting for natural gas. Extreme care in
Tsibul’skaya et al. (2371) demonstrated the ossibility of handling the samples to avoid oxidation by contact with air
determining aromatic hydrocarbons in gases y using the
equilibrium concentration in a volatile solvent under condi-
is required. Kudryavtseva et al. (1291) extended the analysis
of stratal waters by concentrating the hydrocarbons by
tions of changing the distribution coefficients for a microim- chloroform extraction.
purity component. The method was demonstrated to work Middleditch et al. (1491) reported that an impurity in cy-
for benzene, toluene, and rn-xylene in vapor-air mixtures of clohexane, which is the preferred solvent for the extraction
various humidity by determining the saturated equilibrium of normal alkanes from environmental matrices, can lead to
amount of acetic acid absorbed into the vapor mixture by erroneous concentrations of n-tridicane being reported. The
titration with alkali. impurity, bicyclohexyl, is not a factor with analyses at the ppm
Usmani et al. (2391) used oxidation with ammonium hex- level but can interfere at the ppb level if conventional packed
anitratocerate(V1) to determine milligram amounts of poly- column analysis is used.
cyclic hydrocarbons. Phenols, amines, alcohols, and aldehydes The Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical
interfer but benzene is not oxidized. Society (3Z)review several papers presented that refer to the
Kazakova and Vfimtsev (1201) recisely determined ali- analysis of polynuclear aromatic com ounds in food, water,
phatic and aromatic alcohols in hyiocarbons by treating the
sample with 1-7 M HN03 in the presence of A1(N03)3and
and industrial effluents. Fritz (791) 90 described a method
based on extraction and thin-layer chromatography, for the
then titrating the resulting solution with alkali. analysis of polycyclic compounds in food, soil, and water. The
The classical distillation methods are rarely reported in the method allows the detection of 0.01 pg of benzo[a]p ene in
literature; however, Bligh (211) describes an improvement to the presence of other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarEns.
hardware for the separation of natural as com onents by Ogawa (1681) used liquid absorption chromatography on
distillation. Wakselman and Bouget (2478 studiefthe nature silica el as a means for identifying water borne petroleum.
of the interactions between unsaturated hydrocarbons and The efapsed time spent by the oil on the water surface was
polar aprotic solvents. The results may be applied to ex- estimated from the increase in asphalt resin content.
tractive distillation and agree well with observations of polar
Zimina et al. (2651) used thermal diffusion to separate
fractions of lubricating oil for further analvsis. Zhukhovitskii A multiple of methods were used in order to elucidate the
et al. (2641) used chroiadistillation to conienGate impurities. origin of hydrocarbon sources. Calvin (321) evaluated hy-
Pertsovskii and Emel’kin (1761) reported on methods to drocarbon-producing plants and the chemical techniques
increase the accuracy of measurement of the electrophoretic needed for extracting the hydrocarbons. The use of these
transfer of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. The sensi- plants to produce an energy source by photosynthesis is
tivity of the technique could be improved with subsequent discussed in detail.
gas chromatographic analysis. Ernestova (681) proposed a method for extracting hydro-
carbons from free-flowing inorganic materials. Natusch and
CATALYTIC SYSTEMS Tomkins (1611) used a rapid liquid liquid extraction procedure
to isolate hydrocarbon fractions containing specific functional
Greco (941) reported that ethylene feedstocks could be groups from a complex liquid Sam le.
characterized by microscale pyrolysis gas chromatography. Several authors (171I,2591-261~reportedon the compo-
The silica lined Inconel chamber used for the pyrolysis was sition of hydrocarbons extracted from oil shale and used the
closely coupled to the gas chromatographic column. Results composition to interprete the origin of the shale and the
are reported for single components of a typical feedstock. geological stress to which it had been exposed.
Dyer (631) reported on the use of three Zeolite molecular Schaefer et al. (2021,2031) described a technique based on
sieves for the separation and analysis of closely related system, hydrogen stripping followed by capillary gas chromatography
e.g., hydrocarbon isomers. Improved zeolite catalysts for the to detect as little as 0.01 pbb of hydrocarbon in rock samples.
synthesis of gasoline components form hydrogen/carbon The method has been used to correlate crude oil and natural
monoxide feedstocks were described by Chang et al. (371). gas accumulations with the residual hydrocarbon content of
Slinkin et al. (2191) described a new catalyst for hydrocarbon source rocks.
conversion by suspendin H,PtC& on viscose fibers. The Starobenets et al. (2241) examined changes in the compo-
calcined fibers exhibited k g h activity for the conversion of sition of C4+ n- and isoalkanes in natural gas during migration.

The predominant mechanism appears to be a diffusional mass then dissolved in 1% HNO . The method of standard ad-
transfer. Luks et al. (1431) developed a method of mea- ditions is recommended. $he confidence interval is 95%
surement and prediction of the solubility of hydrocarbons in certainty. A rapid technique to determine low ppm levels of
cryogenic natural gas liquids. Cu in petroleum products was presented by Monoiu and
Moldowan and Seifert (1541) identified head-to-head linked Manoliu (434. Samples and standards are diluted with
isoprenoids in crude petroleum. The head-to-head linked white-spirit and analyzed directly by flame AAS. The relative
isoprenoids are present at a substantially higher concentration mean error does not exceed f l % . Whittman (734 deter-
than the head-to-tail counterparts. The same series of mined calcium, magnesium, and zinc in lubricating oils and
head-to-head isoprenoids were discovered in crude oiis and additives by using a mixed solvent system. The sample was
source rock extracts from Canada, Venezuela, the US.and mixed with 20 mL of toluene and diluted to 100 mL with
the U.S.S.R. Lekveishvili et al. (1341) used a photoinitiated anh drous acetic acid. Results obtained by this method, by
condensation with maleic anhydride to separate and identify d i n aqueous solution after ashing, and by other established
phenanthrenes from crude oil. methods for 22 samples were in good agreement. A method
The normal paraffins in petroleum fractions were the independent of particle size to determine molybdenum wear
subject of Belgian (2401) and U S . (2561) patents. Felscher metal in lubricating oils was developed by Saba and Kent
(731) recovered n-parafins from a Romashkino bitumen. (584. The sample is added to a mixture containin H F and
Cracking during distillation was suggested by the data. HNO and shaken for 2 min before dilution wit! MIBK,
The hgh molecular weight fractions of Kuwait crude (1130, Samples containing Mo powder as large as 200 mexh were
Geor ian crude oils (570, and petroleum from the Siva field analyzed with an accuracy of 95.5 f 2.6%. A comparison is
(246a were analyzed by a variety of techniques. made between the results obtained from this procedure and
Rodionova et al. (1931) and Diamante (711) used the other AAS and emission techniques. Cergolj and Kunic (135)
analysis of n-paraffms and the ratio of n-alkanes to na hthenes used AAS to monitor used lubricating oils by analyzing for
to determine the degree of metamorphism of the roc organic
matter and the preservation of the petroleum formations.
ppm levels of Cu, Fe, Pb, Ag, Cr, Zn, and Mg.
Berenguer et al. ( 5 4 developed a new direct ra id method
FUand Phillips (821) described a new technique for de- to determine lead in gasoline by AAS after emuhfying the
termining the diffusivities of volatile hydrocarbons in semisolid sample. The lead is complexed with idoine and emulsified
bitumen. Neumann and Kaschani (1621) reviewed the in HzO with Emulsogen LBH. EtOH in added to suppress
methods of enrichment, separation, isolation, identification, foaming. Stable standard emulsions are prepared by using
and determination of olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous P b (NO,),. The procedure gave a mean deviation
bitumens. Selucky et (2091) used a rapid chromatogrpahic of 0.1-2% and a reed with the gravimetric (PbCrO,) and
procedure for fingerprinting deasphalted bitumens. volumetric (EDTI + xylenol orange) methods. Studies were
conducted by PPG Industries, Inc. (564 to determine Al, Cu,
METALS I N OILS Fe, and P b in glycol formulations.
J. L. Fabec The distribution of trace elements in various solvent-refined
Gult Science and Technology Company
coal fractions as a function of the feed coal was investi ated
by Coleman et al. (174. Solvent-refined coal (SRC! and
An increased interest among investigators during 1980 has tetrahydrofuran soluble and insoluble SRC fractions derived
been directed to the determination of metals in oils by using from five different feed coals were analyzed for 12 elements
inductively coupled argon plasma. In terms of total activity, via flameless AAS. Comparison of these data with previous
as measured by the number of papers in this review, a slight reported metal analyses via energy-dispersive X-ra fluores-
upward trend over recent prior years is apparent. The fol- cence analyses of similar SRC solid products is &cussed.
lowing is a review of the published literature in this area. Three coal liquids were separated according to effective mo-
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). Sesaki et al. lecular size by gel-permeation chromatography, and metal
(604 determined nickel, vanadium, and sodium in crude and analyses were performed on selected fractions. The possibilit
fractionated oils by dissolving the sample in a mixed solvent that some metals may be organically bound is considerei
and analyzing it by flameless AAS. They found (1) the best Szivos et al. (674 studied the effect of HzO, EtOH, PrOH,
solvent for the samples (dissolved at 60 "C) was 50% xylene, MeOAc, EtOAc, and MezCO on the geometry of an C2Hz-air
40% MIBK, and 10% methanol, (2) the mutual interferences flame and on the AAS sensitivity by using solutions of Ag,
of the three metals and other trace metals were eliminated Cu, Fe, and Pb. They found that with organic solvents, the
by the addition of 50-60 mg of iodine per 50 mL of sample rate of entry of elements was higher by the free atoms were
solution, (3) good metals agreement was obtained with the distributed in a large flame volume at the optimum obser-
standard Japan Petroleum Institute method for fuel oil, an vation height. Therefore, the increase of AAS sensitivity was
atmospheric residue, and an Arabian light crude, and (4) the less than expected.
method gave better repeatability at low metals concentration. AAS was used by Bye et al. (114 as a specific as chro-
Ivanov et al. ( 3 0 4 determined vanadium in petroleum and matograph detector. The GLC (column of 20% 8E-52 on
ita products by combining 1 g of sample with carbon powder, Chromosorb W, 125 "C, argon carrier as) effluent was led
heating at 350 "C for 1 h, and adding 20 mg of NaF and a to the atomizer of a three-slot burner kir-acetylene flame)
sufficient amount of carbon powder to make a 1g weight. The or to a graphite furnace. Tetramethyl- and tetraethyllead were
mixture is placed in the cavity of a carbon electrode and determined and results compared to conventional acid ex-
vaporized with a 18-A ac arc. Detection is made with a sin- traction AAS determinations. Results by GLC-AAS were
gle-beam AAS. Aclibration is effected by the addition method 86-92% of those obtained for total lead by the extraction
and results are not affected by the type of vanadium present. method. Detection limits, sensitivity, and advantages of the
After mineralization of petroleum and preparation of synthetic interface between a li uid chromatograph and a flameless AAS
mixtures, Sychra et al. (664 showed that Ni, V, Cu, Na, Ca, detector are describe1 by Vickrey et al. (704. The interface
Mg, and A1 do not interfere with Ni and Fe (5 pg/mL) and device consists of a sampling valve, a dispenser, and a timing
V (50 pg/mL) determinations. Potential interferences were circuit. Coanalyte addition is used. Results using this in-
controlled or eliminated by using proper flame conditons or terface to monitor the separation of several Se compounds (by
by addition of 2 mg mL of K plus 1 mg/mL of Al. They using Ni2+ as coanalyte) are discussed.
confirmed their resu ts with spectrophotometry and s uare
wave polarography. The Japan Petroleum Institute 7314
Yamamoto (754 presented a review with 21 references for
the determination of As, Se, and Sb by AAS. Interferences,
evaluated test results from 34 laboratories on the analysis of a review of 21 references by Mo et al. (494, and interferences
vanadium and nickel in heavy oils. An AAS solvent-dilution and their elimination, a review with 63 references by Chu and
techni ue was compared to the JPI method involving sulfuric Huang (154 are noteworthy of mention.
acid asting and colorimetry. The AAS method showed equal X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. X-ray emission
or better precision for nickel and poorer precision for vana- spectroscopy was used by Yasuda and Kakiyama ( 7 7 4 to
dium than the J P I method. estimate the oxidation state of vanadium in samples of pe-
La Villa and Queraud (404 determined arsenic in catalytic troleum vacuum residue and oil sand bitumen by comparison
re-forming feedstocks by flameless AAS. The sample is treated of certain spectral parameters with those of pure V com-
with 1% iodine solution and then extracted with 1% HN03. pounds. Generally, most of the V was present as V4+,even
Mg(NO& (1%Mg) is added to the extract. It is dried and after heating samples at 450 "C for 2 h in Nz. Further heating

at lo00 "C for 1h showed gradual reduction to V3+by Hz and (HPLC) peaks containing specific elements. Detection limits
H2S produced during pyrolysis. Also, a review with no ref- of 25 elements were evaluated in terms of the minimum de-
erences to determine the state of V in petroleum products was tectable concentration of the element at the chromatographic
presented by Kakiyama (334. peak maximum. ICP is compared to AAS for the detection
Trace amounts of Sb, As, Bi, Cd, Co, Hg, Ni, Pb, Cu, Se, of HPLC peaks of Cu chelates and with UV solution ab-
Sn, and Zn can be determined in various matrices. Iesue and sorption of Cu chelates.
Taroli (284 determined these metals by usin z200 mL of Reednick ( 5 7 4 presents the advantages and capabilities
water solution after (1)treating chemically, (27 forming sul- of the Spectraspan 111,a dc argon plasma (DCP), instrument.
fides, (3) collecting sulfides on cellulose powder, (4) ressing Applications to a variety of sample types to determine ppb
a tablet, and (5) analyzing by X-ray fluorescence. $he cali- levels of elements are also presented. The enhancement of
bration range for each element is 0.1-2 mg and the limit of atom and ion emission in a DCP due to the addition of easily
detection is =1 I.( in the cellulose mixture. The procedure ionized elements was studied by Johnson et al. (32J). Their
should be applica%leto analyzing foods, petroleum d u c t s , observations indicate that the enhancement effect could not
soils, fertilizers, and waters. Trace elements in oi samples
were determined by Kubo et al. (394. They mixed wei hed
be readily explained on the basis of plasma temperature in-
creases or the classical ionization repression mechanism. They
samples with standard solutions of Cr and Rh in H2S8, or sug ested that the enhancement may result from increases
an organorhodium compound in mineral oil. Results for a in tRe population of metastable Ar with coincident increases
NBS fuel oil agreed with certified values. Fe, Ni, Zn, As, and in excitation via collision with this species. This mechanism
Se were determined in shale oil. Giau ue et al. ( 2 4 4 used is circumstantially supported by the present results but must
incoherent scatter Mo K a excitation raliation to determine be regarded as tentative. Atomic emission analytical capa-
trace elements in light element matrices. The method was bilities of a DCP used in combination with an echelle spec-
evaluated by repetitive direct determinations of 22 trace el- trometer were evaluated by Skogerboe and Urasa (644.
ements in NBS coal, orchard leaves and bovine liver, 9 ele- Resolution capabilities, ionization interference effects, and
ments in standard fuel oil, and 6 elements in a shale oil vaporization interference effects are presented. Comparison
standard. Comparisons are made with recommended values of the detection capabilities of the system with those reported
and with neutron activation results. The sensitivity for most for other techniques shows that they are e uivalent or superior
of the elements is 2 ppm or better, and, for an analysis time to those characteristic of flame AAS an% often competitive
of 15 min, results are typically accurate to within &lo%. to ICP.
Impurities in petroleum cokes were analyzed by Avrorina et The oil matrix was shown by Bib1 et al. ( 7 4 to have a
al. ( 3 4 . They determined Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, C1, Ca, Ti, V, considerable effect on Fe determinations in used lubricating
Ni, Fe, Cu, and K in seven Russian and one American pe- oils from aircraft gas-turbine engines when analyzed by
troleum cokes from different refineries. Wildeman and emission spectroscopy. The size of wear particles had little
Heistand (724 studied trace element variations in an oil-shale effect. For accurate analysis, the samples and standards
retorting operation. Seventeen trace elements were deter- should have identical oil matrices. Analysis by AAS, sun les
mined. Concentration ranges for these elements in shale-oil being diluted with MIBK, gave fairly accurate results. i e r -
ranged over a factor of 2, much less than they expected. rography and spectrographic oil analysis enabled Yardley (764
A mathematical linearization procedure using two standards to monitor the performances of three 90KW conveyor gear-
is described by Krishnan (385) to correct for matrix effects boxes. Four failures occurred durin this investigation. All
and nonlinear detector response. This procedure is re rtedly failures were detected by spectrograpkc oil anal is and three
applicable to samples in any matrix. Claisse (16fused a by ferrography. A discussion of results i n c l u g comments
differential delta coefficient method for correction of matrix on the analyses and the basis for failure prediction.
effects by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Unknown samples are Brinkman et al. (IO4 used flame atomic fluorescence/
compared to only one standard of similar type; their com- emission spectrometry to determine trace metals in petroleum,
pounds are calculated from ratios of X-ray line intensities and petroleum products, and alternate fuels. Instrumentation,
equations obtained by derivation of the well-known Lochance sampling, and detection limits for the elements analyzed are
and Traill, Rasberry and Heinrich, and Claisse and Quintin presented. The system was applied to monitoring the loss of
relations. By calculating relative intensities in the calibration various metals during the refining of a used lubricant. Goode
of an X-ray spectrometer, Chamberlain (144 found that ex- (254showed how methods used to obtain a calibration plot
tensive remeasurements on standards are eliminated. This influence chemical analysis by flame atomic emission spec-
procedure is exemplified by the calibration of an instrument trometry. Ex rimental data are treated by several different
for determining Cu, Ba, Zn, and S in oil. Nielson (525) re- methods to o k i n calibration plots, which are then used to
views, with 51 references, matrix correction techniques using determine the accuracy of each method. In general, log-log
scatter radiation in X-ray fluorescence analysis. lots are more accurate than are linear plots especially at the
A review (20 references) by Nagatani (514 includes (1)the Righer analyte concentrations where the emission is no longer
principle and features of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy directly proportional to concentration.
and (2) its applications to quantitative analysis and micro- A mathematical expression was derived by Woodyard et
probe analysis. al. ( 7 4 4 for the emission calibration curve used in optical
Emission Spectroscopy. Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. Employing a two-step preliminary
(ICP) was used by Merryfield and Loyd (484 to simultane- curve method, an approximation of the first derivative of the
ously determine metals in oil to the sub-ppm level. Rapid calibration curve is formed and integrated. Problems of atom
analyses of oils for wear metals, of crudes and feedstocks, and excitation and ionization in arc and spark plasmas, spectral
of process streams were possible. Instrument parameters, a line intensity, detection limits, and entry of Sam le into the
simplified preparation technique, and interferences are dis- excitation source are discussed by Mandelshtam f424. Zim-
cussed. The advantages of this system over other emission mer and Gegus (794 reviewed with 110 references, the role
spectral analysis techniques were presented by Fischer (204. of detection limits in emission spectral analysis. The opti-
Fischer (214 also presented the principles, instrumentation, mization of analytical methods in terms of obtaining error free
and use of ICP. Its application to metal additives in lubri- blackening transformations, matrix effect elimination, and the
cating oil and steel analysis is described. The instrumentation, construction of calibration curves (44references) was discussed
operating arameters, and ap lications of ICP were also by Matherny (444.
presented By Barnes ( 4 4 . AppEcations include the analysis Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Samples of crude
of metals, minerals, blood, oil, refractory oxides, organo- oil, gasoline, and fuel oil were analyzed b Block and Dams
phosphorus compounds, soil effluents, polymers, water, plant (84 by irradiation in thermal, epithermd and fast neutron
tissues, and foods. A total of 337 references were cited. fluxes and counting with a Ge(Lie) detector. Preparation of
Boumans (94reviewed, with 179 references, the present and organic sulfonates in oil base, detection limits and typical
future position of ICP in analytical chemistry. Another review concentration ranges for 23 elements, and rocedures for
with 69 references by Zimmer ( 7 8 4 covered the structure of
s4Cu, 2o Hg, and 27Mgare presented.
avoidin interferences when measuring 80Br, BAs, lnSb, @Zn,
the plasma, injection methods, and applications.
Because of its multielement capability, element specificity, The method, instrumentation, and advantages of neutron
and low detection limits, Fraley et al., (224 evaluated ICP activation analysis of coal, fly ash, and fuel oils for trace
as a detector for high-performance liquid chromatographic elements are described by Weaver (714. Shaw (634 reported

the analysis of trace elements in shale oil and shale oil products The content of Al in (1)aluminum isopropylate dissolved
and the advantages of this technique. The greatest advantages in PrOH and oil and (2) polyaluminostearate or poly-
was no sample preparation which simplifies the process and aluminophenolate dissolved in oil or diesel fuel was obtained
prevents sample contamination. Twenty-three elements were by Dagaev et al. (184 using potentiometric titration of so-
determined. Heft and Koszykowski (274 analyzed oil-shale lutions after boiling for 5 min with 0.5 M aqueous HC104 to
retort and coal gasification products by (absolute instrumental) form Al(C104)3.The solutions studied occur in the preparation
NAA. This procedure depends upon the absolute measure- of polyaluminoxanes, which are the main components of a
ment of the disintegration rates of the nuclides produced by break-in additive used in engine construction, and complex
neutron capture. C6&-EtOH extracts of bitumens from rocks A1 lubricating greases.
of a petroleum-bearing region and the rocks were studied by Kasler and Tierney (345) described a method to determine
Verci and Sajgo (694. The amounts of Cr, Au, Se, Co, Sc, P in organic compounds containing transition metals by using
Mn, and Cu in rock and bitumens are given. Fourier transform 31PNMR. Triphenyl phosphate and Cr
May and Piccot ( 4 5 4 determined As, Cd, Hg, Sb, and Se acetylacetonate are used as standard and relaxing agent, re-
spectively. H2S04/HC104sample di estion is used. The
in synthetic proteins derived from petroleum and intended results are compared to those obtainef by molybdate-vana-
for use in animal feeds. After irradiation, the sample is date spectrophotometric method.
mineralized in HN03-H2S04. Various procedures are then Trace element determinations based on laser ablation and
used to isolate these elements for counting. Levels of the selectivity radiation (TABLASER) were propsed by Measures
elements in the samples tested range from =7 ppb Se to 254 and Kwong ( 4 6 4 as a new and reliable microultratrace
ppb Sb. The method was checked by application to bovine technique. Although the present sensitivity limit is in the pm
A report by Menard ( 4 7 4 summarizes research using
ran e im roved system design could reduce the detection
totk pp! range. An important feature of this technique is
californium-252 as a neutron source to analyze USAF aircraft its relative freedom from chemical matrix effects, which
engine oil samples for 13 elements. The same neutron source suggests the possibility of a universal calibration curve for all
was employed by Lubkowitz et al. ( 4 1 4 to automatically elements regardless of their substrate matrix. Falk ( 1 9 4
analyze petroleum samples for vanadium. The system design reviewed, with 13 references, the physical principles of lasers
and program are described. The unattended system can an- when used for spectrochemical analyses. The detection limits
alyze 48 5-10-g samples in 8 h with a detection limit of 10 ppm of laser sources are compared to AAS, intracavity AAS, res-
f30% and accuracies of 0.2-4%. onance and nonresonance atomic fluorescence, and pho-
Bergerioux and Zikovsky ( 6 4 determined 18 elements in toionization spectrometry. A review, with 219 references, of
crude oil and heating oil from Western Canada and Venezuela atomic emission spectral analysis by using lasers was presented
by Petukh et al. (554.
by using a small (Slowpoke) nuclear reactor. Good agreement Quantitative or anic elemental analysis was reviewed, with
with accepted values was obtained for 11 elements in a NBS 33 references, by Eel'man (234. Cavagnaro (1Wpresented
standard fuel oil. Possible interfering reactions are discussed. a 223-page coverage of chemical analysis techniques to de-
A review with 29 references was presented by Murakami termine trace elements. The techniques of polarography,
(504. The use of radiation from radioisotopes in analytical spectrochemical analysis, gas chromatography, ion exchan e
chemistry and the problems associated with its use are dis- separations, extractions, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and N k
cussed. and applications are covered. The anal ical chemist of (1)
Miscellaneous. Sebor et al. (625) reviewed, with 146
references, the occurrence, isolation, and identification of
arsenic, a review of 224 references by konieczny a n r H a h n
(654, (2) antimon , a review with 165 references by Hahn
nickel and vanadium complexes in relation to the genesis and (264, and (3) molygdenum, a review with 1122 references by
industrial scale processing of petroleum. Parker (545) was presented. They discussed the properties
of each metal res ectively and the methods used to determine
A chromatographic process was used by Amelin et al. (2J) them. Kiba ( 3 5 8 reviewed (29 references) the considerations
to determine V on an organic ion exchanger, desorption with to be taken during sample preparation for trace analysis to
an acid solution, and quantitative determination of V in the prevent sample contamination.
desorbate. The analysis precision is increased by increasing On the basis of the replies obtained from 28 countries to
the degree of extraction of V from the petroleum. This is a questionaire on standard reference materials, the Interna-
accomplished by absorbing it on a complex P- and N-con- tional Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (294 presented
tainingampholyte which contains an aromatic nucleus with a re ort summarizing the materials presently available, the
two phosphono groups, one of which is bound to a N atom nee: for future materials, and the aims for future develop-
through an active methylene group. ments and the suppliers of standard materials classified into
Saint-Just ( 5 9 4 developed a method to determine the the following sections: iron and iron base alloys, nonferrous
vanadium content of hydrotreated petroleum residues by metals and alloys (chip or solid form), gases in metals, bio-
visible spectroscopy. The residues are dissolved in toluene, logical standards, environmental standards, fuels and oils,
cyclohexane, or pyridine and the absorbance of the solution mineral materials and oxides, high-purity substances.
is measured a t 550 nm. Beer's law was obeyed for 0.3-3% A number of techniques to combust or digest organic ma-
(w/w) of residue. The relations between absorbance and trices for trace element determinations were presented.
vanadium were not linear, but the correlation was not distorted (1)Knapp ( 3 7 4 used a combustion chamber attached to
by interactions with the solvents. The simplicity and accuracy a condenser and a reagent flask containing 2 mL of acid. A
of this method makes it suitable for process control applica- conduit is tangentially attached to the combustion chamber
tions although a specific correlation curve must be developed for the introduction of 02,The sample is laced in the com-
for each feedstock analyzed. Tetraethylead in isooctane, bustion chamber and ignited with IR raiation. The com-
gasolines, and naphthas were analyzed by Turgel et al. (684. bustion products are condensed and collected in the reagent
The sample was decomposed with Br, free Pb was reacted with flask by reflux boiling.
dithizone to give red P b dithizonate, and analysis was per- (2) A combustion tube was used by Kirch and Hintzsche
formed with spectroscopy or photocolorimetry. (364 for organic and inorganic substances. The tube consists
of an outer reaction chamber and two inner chambers and was
Metal additives in lubricants were determined in nona- designed to increase the combustion volume, thereby, de-
queous medium by Altman et al. ( 1 4 using complexometric creasing combustion time.
procedures. The conditions necessary for the reaction of (3) Schachter and Boyer (614 described a new method to
additives containing Mg, Ca, Zn, Pb, or Sr (as, e.g., na- destroy organic matrices using 71% HN03 as the oxidizing
phthenates or alkylbenzenesulfonates) with EDTA are de- agent. The apparatus consists of a heated quartz flask, a
scribed. Eriochrome black T was used as indicator to titrate Soxhlet extractor, a device for varying the volume of the
for Mg2+ and Zn2+. Suitable choice of solvents and use of Soxhlet chamber, and a cold-finger reflux consenser. Re-
elevated temperature (60 O F ) to decrease reaction time allowed coveries for several NBS standard reference materials and food
10 samples to be analyzed in 90 min with a standard deviation samples are reported.
of 0.8-1.9%. Problems encountered and use of masking agents (4) h inexpensive wet ashing unit was presented by Oehme
are also discussed. (534. The unit consists of a specially designed aluminum



block placed on a hot plate with a gas manifold and cover to sorption spectrophotometry. An atomic emission plasma
prevent contamination. spectrometer with dc arc source was used by Ellerbracht et
al. (44K) to determine total sulfur in aqueous solutions; the
NONMETAL ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS authors found the same sensitivity for several sulfur species
D. R. Latham and investigated several potential chemical and spectral in-
Laramie Energy Technology Center, Laramie, Wyomhg 82071 terferences.
Chemiluminescence was used for detection of sulfur by two
Jane V. Thomas groups of workers in four pa ers. Alder and Kargosha (3K)
Wyomhg Anaw/ca/ Laboratories, Inc., Laramie, Wyoming 82070 described conditions for the &termination of total sulfur and
disulfide and polysulfide compounds in petroleum products;
SULFUR they reduced the sulfur by heating with sodium or Devarda's
The interest in sulfur in fossil fuels was evident in the large alloy under reflux, and the hydrogen sulfide liberated was
number of papers not only describing methods for the de- swept into a diffusion flame for chemiluminescent measure-
tection of sulfur and its compounds but also determining the ment of the S2emission intensity. Alder and Kargosha ( 4 K )
compounds themselves. Patterson (135K) provided a review also determined sulfur in petroleum products by combustion
with 260 references, discussing methods for the separation and followed by concentration of the sulfur dioxide in sodium
determination of sulfur and sulfur compounds and the ap- tetrachloromercurate solution and detection by cool flame
plication of these methods to analysis of air, gasoline, hy- molecular emission. Traces of total sulfur in benzene were
drocarbons, plants wool, gases, and water. Another review determined by Tsebrii et al. (I65K) using a specially designed
with 42 references was provided by Orr (I30K) on the geo- apparatus for the reaction which liberates hydrogen sulfide;
chemistry of sulfur as it relates to crude oil and other fossil the hydrogen suhide is absorbed and an aliquot of the solution
fuels. Analytical procedures for sulfur in coal desulfurization mixed with tetraacetoxymercurifluorescein,whose lumines-
products were discussed in a review article by Chakrabarti cence is measured. The same Russian workers, Tsebrii et al.
(27K) which also contained many references. (161K),also used the quenching effect of hydrogen sulfide on
Investigators used a wide variety of methods to study sulfur the luminescence of fluorescein mercuric acetate to determine
in fossil fuels and roducts, the most popular being gas total sulfur in benzene and benzene derivatives.
chromatography wit flame photometric detectors and cou-
lometric procedures. Blanco et al. (I6K) used several methods
A photometric procedure which measured the absorbance
of methylene blue was used by Bruk et al. (22K) to determine
to determine the different forms of sulfur in oil shales, com- trace amounts of sulfur in aromatic hydrocarbons. Infrared
pared results, and selected a method published by R. A. Mott spectrometry was used by Beldi and Katalin (I2K) for the
in 1950 for their laboratory determinations because of its determination of sulfide-type com ounds in lubricatin oils;
simplicity and satisfactory results. Bogorodskaya ( I 7K) re- the oil was chromatographed on siica gel and separate8 into
ported on the determination of elementary sulfur in kerogen saturated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons plus sulfur
and rock. A rocedure for the detection of corrosive sulfur compounds.
in petroleum-{ased electrical insulatin oils was published by Sulfides were determined by thin-layer chromato aphy by
the British Standards Institution ( 2 0 k ) ;the procedure uses Macioszczyk and Korczak (99K)following ashing of t r e sample
a well-cleaned cop er strip which is kept in contact with the with metallic sodium and dissolving the residue. Sulfur
oil sample at 140 for 19 h and corrosion of the strip is noted
visually. Crop er (33K) reported on an on-line sulfur analyzer
com ounds in high-boiling petroleum distillates were sepa-
r a d b y TLC on plates coated with silica gel impregnated with
developed at {tandard Oil Co. (Indiana) which used electrical mercuric acetate by Japanese investigators Kaimai and
conductivity and a ratio technique to measure weight percent Matsunaga (7IK);the spots were identified under 254-nm
sulfur; the procedure did not require a density compensation radiation or by spraying with a palladium chloride solution
device since the surfur content was independent of sample and evaluated by densitometry at 380 nm with compensation
size or density. for background a t 600 nm.
Drushel (4IK) determined trace amounts of sulfur in pe- Flame photometric detectors for gas chromatography were
troleum fractions by using a method based on hydrogenolysis used in at least 10 studies of sulfur compounds in fossil fuels
of the sample at 1125 "C and determination of the hydrogen and products. Below (I3K) described an apparatus for the
sulfide formed using a commercially available analyzer; results continuous determination of the sulfur content in natural gas
were comparable to those obtained by a microcoulometric by conversion of the organic sulfur to hydro en sulfide over
method. Russian investigator Efremov (43K) proposed the a special platinum catalyst and detection b 8 C with a flame
use of carbon disulfide instead of sulfur dioxide as a working photometric detector. Bumett et al. (BK) lscussed optimum
as for the isotopic analysis of sulfur using an electron-vi- conditions for the chemiluminescent response of the flame-
[ration spectrographic technique. Middleditch and Basile photometric detector for a group of 11sulfur compounds; the
(109K)used sulfur-34 enriched sulfur as an internal standard authors found that the detector response is proportional to
to determine elemental sulfur in environmental samples by the sulfur concentration raised to the nth power and that the
combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. compound and concentration dependencies are due to vari-
Neavel and Keller (123K) applied several correction factors ations in n for different sulfur compounds. Butusova et al.
to estimate the sulfur content in coal by titration of calorimeter (24K) evaluated the use of a flame photometric detector for
bomb washings; the procedure was recommended as a sub- the GC determination of total sulfur in natural gas and in air
stitute for a separate determination of the total sulfur in coal using a glass mixing chamber in place of a packed column.
samples, especially where coal from a single source is routinely A flame photometric detector for the specific determination
analyzed. The sulfate roduced by a Parr bomb oxidation of sulfur compounds was also described in a patent by Com-
procedure was also usefto determine sulfur in conventional pagnie Francaise de Raffinae S.A. (30K);the sample was f i s t
and shale oil-derived fuels by Mizisin et al. (II2K) using an combusted and a portion of the effluent from the combustion
ion chromato aph; under certain condition other acid-forming chamber carried to the flame photometer. Coke oven as was
elements C O L also
~ be determined at the same time with the analyzed by Demczak et al. (38K) for hydrogen sulfiie, car-
ion chromatograph. A liquid lead amalgam method was de- bonyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon disulfide by GC on
scribed by Yoshimura et al. ( I 7IK) in which they dissolved a glass column using a flame photometric detector.
the sulfur-containing com ounds in 3:l dimethylformamide- In a study of the factors influencin the formation of dia-
benzene, used the liquid Ead amal am to reduce the sulfur tomic sulfur under conditions applicabfe to flame photometric
to hydrogen sulfide, and titrated the yead chloride formed with detection, Fredriksson and Cedergren ( 5 I K ) used high-tem-
a solution of EDTA in DMF; results obtained by this method perature equilibrium calculations to show there is a maximum
were lower than those of the bomb method because sulfate in the formation of diatomic sulfur that is a function of flow
and sulfoxides are not reduced by the amalgam. rate. Gangwal and Wagoner (53K) used a dual-flame pho-
The determination of sulfides in shale oil and distillates tometric detector to relate responses of low-molecular-wei ht
was accomplished by D'Alonzo et al. (36K) by oxidizing the sulfur compounds to area and height of the chromatographc
sulfides to sulfoxides with sodium periodate, reducin the peaks for standard samples and coal gasifier effluent samples.
sodium periodate and precipitating silver iodate, dissofvin Maruyama and Kakemoto (102K) discussed the emission
the precipitate in concentrated ammonium hydroxide, a n i responses of 2 1 sulfur compounds examined with a flame
determining silver in the resulting solution by atomic ab- photometric detector; the authors found that the respose to

selected sulfur compounds was dependent on the number of procedure and titration with barium chloride to determine
sulfur atoms in the molecule and not on its chemical structure sulfur in several organic compounds and metal complexes.
and that it was necessary to monitor hydrocarbons with a The use of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for the determination
flame-ionization detector for accurate measurement of the of sulfur was reported in four studies, one of which described
sulfur compounds. A comparison of quenching effects in single a new analyzer for sulfur in fuel oils. Masuko et al. (103K)
and dual flame photometric detectors was reported by Pat- reported on the development and application of a nondis-
terson (133K) who showed the superiority of dual-flame op- persive X-ray sulfur analyzer developed by the Rigaku Corp.
eration by determinations of sulfur in gasoline. Tsibulskii et that automatically corrects errors which formerly required
al. (163K) used a procedure which included equilibrium time-consuming routines; the analysis of fuel oils was accom-
preconcentration of the benzene and determination plished by using this instrument with calibration standards
of distribution coefficients GC with a flame photometric prepared from white oil plus dibutyl disulfide. The deter-
detector to analyze for sulfur-containing impurities mination of sulfur in coke was reported b Pepenin et al.
in gases. (136K) using XRF and detection by a Si(Lif semiconductor.
Gas chromato raphy was used by Russian investigators Schreiber (149K) reported on improvement of the XRF
Golovnya et al. k 9 K ) to study the additivity of retention analyses of sulfate by enrichment on strongly basic anion
indexes of branched aliphatic sulfides for 25 compounds and exchange resin-loaded fiter paper and conversion of the sulfur
to show that deviations from additivity increase with in- to barium sulfate for analysis by measurement of the higher
creasing polarity of the liquid stationary phase. Gas chro- energy barium L/3 X-ray line instead of the sulfur K lines.
matography was also used by Kudasheva et al. (9OK) to de- Energy dispersive k R F was used by Trovato et al. (160K) to
termine traces of hydrogen sulfide in ethylene by collecting determine sulfur in fuel oils using a procedure that permitted
it on a column cooled with solid carbon dioxide and then the simultaneous determination of sulfur, phosphorus, zinc,
liberating the hydrogen sulfide by immersing the column in barium, calcium, and chlorine.
boiling water and sweeping it into the gas chromatograph with Polr aphic procedures were reported in two investigations,
hydrogen. one of x i c h looked at elemental sulfur the other at troleum
Eight papers reported on the determination of sulfur com- sulfones. Korean investigators Kim and Chang &K) dis-
pounds by using coulometric titration for detection. Akhmetov cussed the fadors influencing the larographic determination
(1K)used direct or indirect coulometric titration with elec- of elemental sulfur in crude oil an$% petrochemical products.
trochemically generated Cr6+to determine S2-,S03az-,and Sz. The composition of four structural group classes of sulfones
A wide-range electrolytic titrator based on transistor elec- obtained from seven diesel oil fractions was studied by Russian
tronics and a coulometric bromine sensing electrode were researchers I lamova and Mazitova (69K) by polarographic
developed by Austin and Moen ( I O K ) to continuously monitor and ESR teciniques.
sulfur content in natural gas well sites, process gas handling, Thiophenic compounds in organic materials were investi-
sewage treatment, and other applications. Sulfur in gra hite gated by four groups of investigators. Escalier et al. ( 4 % )
petroleum coke, or other carbonaceous material was ieter; used liquid and gas chromatography to separate thiophenic
mined by a coulometric procedure and re orted by Benevolski compounds in naphthas; the samples were simplified by
et al. (14K) and Ivanov (70K). A comkhtion-coulometric chromatography on a silica gel column prior to identification
technique for the determination of sulfur in gaseous and liquid by gas chromato aphy/mas spectrometry. The GC retention
organic products was developed by van Grondelle et al. (60K) indexes of thiopfhe derivatives and sulfur-containing furan
using modifications to the Dohrmann microcoulometer pro- and benzene compounds were determined at 130 "C on lass
cedure to improve performance when the sulfur contentration columns b Golovnya et al. (58K), who also discussefthe
is less than 1 ppm. A hydrogenation and coulometric appa- effects of tze interaction of the sulfur-containing compounds
ratus for the determination of microgram and smaller amounts with the stationary phase. Melnikova et al. (107K)described
of sulfur in petroleum products was described by Kiricenkova a study of organceulfur compounds (includin alkylthiophenes,
et al. (80K). Two easily interchangeable microcoulometric alkyl- and cycloalkylbenzothiophenes,and diknzothiophenes)
methods for trace sulfur in hydrocarbons were discussed in separated by silica gel and alumina chromatography and an-
a paper b Moore et al. (113K), who compared the methods alyzed by ultraviolet, infrared, and mass spectroscopy. The
over a wi e range of petroleum refinery samples; one method
was suitable for automated syringe injection, and the other
thiophenic sulfur distribution in petroleum fractions was re-
ported by Wenzel and Aiken (168K) who used gas chroma-
was applicable to refractory samples because it used a high- tography with a flame photometric detector after first sepa-
capacity combustion tube for manual boat-inlet operation. rating the fractions into thiophenes and nonthiophenes by a
Muramatsu et al. (121K) determined total sulfur by decom- catalytic procedure.
posing the sample in a hydrogen stream, converting the sulfur An extraction-combustion method and a vaporization-
to hydrogen sulfide, and coulometrically measuring the combustion method were used by Koshida et al. (85K) to
amount of hydrogen sulfide absorbed. determine free sulfur and thiosulfate. Thiourea, acetylthio-
Titration procedures for the determination of sulfur in urea, and sym-diphenylthiourea were determined gravime-
organic materials are frequently used, since they are easily trically by precipitation of mercuric sulfide from ammoniacal
automated and computerized for rapid routine analysis. For mercuric nitrate solution by Cyganski (34K).
nonroutine use the equipment required is readily available
and inexpensive. Maciak et al. (98K)described an automatic NITROGEN
computerized procedure which consists of combustion, transfer The Dumas and Kjeldahl methods (or their modifications)
of the combustion products to a titration vessel with an au- for nitrogen determination were the the subject of several
tomatic wash, and colorimetric titration with barium per- papers. Brewer (1910 discussed the apparatus, reagents,
chlorate. A potentiometric titration procedure with lead procedure, accuracy, and sources of error in the Merz mod-
nitrate in methanol using a lead-sensitive electrode was dis- ification of the Dumas method in a review paper with four
cussed by Mueller et al. (118K),as was a colorimetric titration references. Hegedus Bartfai (63K) used KCIOl to eliminate
with barium perchlorate in ethanol. Problems in the analysis the interference of fluorine in the Dumas-Pregl method when
of total sulfur in crude oil by combustion and titration were used to analyze for nitrogen in organic compounds containing
discussed in a paper by Nguyen and Tran (125K). Elemental trifluoromethyl grou s. Silica gel was used to concentrate the
sulfur was determined by Puacz and Puacz (141K) by first nitrogen, and an indirect combustion procedure was used to
extracting with DMF and refluxing the extract with sodium optimize conditions for the Dumas method b Kogure et al.
nitrite to oxidize the sulfur to S2OS2-; the pH was adjusted (84K). In the digestion procedure for Kjeldagl nitro en de-
to 5.9 and a known amount of an iodine solution added and termination, Kawawa et al. (74K) reported the use of k&Oa
then titrated with As033- using starch as an indicator to to raise the boiling point and serve as a catalyst for decom-
measure the amount of iodine consumed. Ammonium salts position, eliminatin the need for toxic metal catalysts. Morita
of aryl dithiocarbamates were determined by Sharma and et al. (114K) devefoped a modified Kjeldehl method using
Sharma (152K) using a mercurimetric titration with mercury hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent, decreasing the
chloride and diphenylcarbazone as an indicator. Iodometry amount of sulfuric acid and the time required for digestion
employing o-diacetoxyiodobenzoate was used by Srivastava and eliminating the use of toxic metal catalysts. An indirect
et al. (155K) to determine mercaptans, thioureas, and organic method of determining nitrate nitrogen in organic material
sulfides and disulfides. Tab0 et al. (157K)used a wet oxidation was reported by Vitula (116K);total nitrogen and ammonia

lus organic nitrogen were determined, and the difference nitrogen in petroleum fractions; the nitrogen-containing
etween the two determinations was reported as the nitrate
A review with 16 references by Koyano and Mat-
fractions were oxidized a t 900 "C or greater to produce NO,
which was oxidized to NOz and ozone prior to measurement
susaka (88K) provided a comparison of the Kjeldahl, Dum?, by chemiluminescence.
microcoulometric titration and other methods of analysis. Many investigators developed new instrumentation for the
Japanese workers published two papers on the determi- analysis of nitrogen compounds. Daidoii et al. (35K) developed
nation of nitrogen in coke. Onishi et al. (128K) provided a a NO electrodeless dischar e lamp and used it as a light source
statistical analysis of experimental results obtained from 30 for the determination of B O by molecular absor tion s ec-
laboratories by using identical samples and identical methods trometry. Deptolla and Fabinski (39K) designel a doutle-
for analysis and arrived a t the conclusion that the semimicro beam infrared gas analyzer that used a fiiter to eliminate the
gasification procedure was more accurate than the semimicro interferences of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the
Kjeldahl or instrumental methods. Morita e t al. (116K)re- determination of NO in automobile exhaust gases. Flett (46K)
ported on results obtained from a study of a comparison of described an apparatus for determining the content of dif-
the semimicro Kjeldahl, semimicro gasification, and the au- ferent isotopes of nitrogen in particulate organic matter; the
tomatic Dumas methods to establish optimum conditions for apparatus is made up of a combustion tube connected to a
analysis. nitrogen analyzer and to an emission spectrometer to deter-
The use of silica gel or alumina for chromatographic sep- mine the isotope content of the nitrogen. Automatic micro-
arations was reported by several investigators. Holy and Lin determination of nitrogen in difficult-to-analyze samples was
(66K) used an alumina column to fractionate a hydrogenated accomplished by Larina et al. (93K)with a Rapid N apparatus
coal liquid into a hydrocarbon fraction and two polar fractions that combusts the sample in 1.5 min at lo00 "C and produced
prior to ion-exchange resin chromatography and HPLC results comparable to those obtained with a Coleman Model
analysis of the fractions obtained: all heterocyclic and many 29 instrument. Procter (140K) described an electrochemical
basic nonheterocyclic nitrogen compounds had longer reten- apparatus for determining the concentration of nitrous oxide
tion times in paired-ion chromatographic solutions than in in air or in exhaust from combustion; the gas is dried and
methanol. Silica gel, alumina, magnesia, and filter papers were oxidized, and the NOz content is measured in an electro-
used as adsorbents by Russian investigators Kotova and chemical cell with an active carbon anode and a platinum
Leonov (87K) in the chromatographic separation of nitroge- cathode.
nous concentrates isolated from petroleum products; the au- A comparison of methods of determining nitrogen in min-
thors obtained the best se aration with paper chromatogra- eral oil using three different instruments was made by
phy. Concentration roce&res for small amounts of nitrogen Schuchardt (150K) who showed that the modified Dumas
compounds in petrogum fractions were developed by Morita method of the Carlo Erba ANA 1400 Model gave better results
e t al. (115K);the authors showed that either adsorption on than the Dohrmann Model DNlO or the Antek Model 703/
silica gel a t 0.1:l adsorbate-to-silica ratio or extraction with 720, both of which measure py-roluminescence. Small amounts
sulfuric acid combined with the macro Kjeldahl procedure of nitrogen in organic compounds were determined in an
gave results comparable to microcoulometric analysis results. apparatus described by Toelg and Werner (159K) in which
Nomura et al. (126K) used stepwise gradient elution with the nitrogen converted to NH4+in acid media; the NH4+.was
hexane and solutions of tetrahydrofuran in hexane on a silica then oxidized to N by electrically generated hypobromite ions
gel column to study distribution profiles of nitrogen com- and the amount of current consumed was used as a measure
pounds in petroleum; their investigation demonstrated a of the nitrogen originally present in the sample.
characteristic profile for crude and residual oil that was in- Albert (2K) used a gas chromatograph with a selective
dependent of the geological source of the oil. nitrogen phosphorus thermionic detector (NPTD) in parallel
Ford and Hurtubise (47K)a t the University of Wyoming with a flameionization detector to determine compound types
investigated the room-temperature phosphorescence of ni- (pyridines, uinolines, indoles, and carbazoles) in light catalytic
trogen heterocycles adsorbed on silica gel using luminescence, cycle oil an! light vacuum gas oil; results compared favorably
reflectance, and infrared spectroscopy; they postulated that with those obtained by microcoulometry or elemental anal sis
benzo[flquinoline was adsorbed flatly on the surface of the of fractions. A GC with argon as the carrier gas was usedlby
silica gel and anchored by hydrogen bonding with r electrons. Arimoto (8K)in conjunction with a combustion tube operating
In a study of Athabasca tar sand bitumen and its hydro- a t 800-900 "C to determine nitrogen compounds, detecting
cracked products, Canadian investigators Sawatzky and NO with an argon ionization detector. Rubin and Bayne
Ahmed (148K) used a modified API/US Bureau of Mines (145K)described the detection of small quantities of nitrogen
liquid ion-exchange chromatography technique and infrared compounds in a hydrocarbon matrix by as chromatography
spectrometry to show complete decarboxylation of carboxylic using a rubidium-bean nitrogen-phospgorus detector. Ni-
acids and apparent large increase in carbazoles and indoles trogen oxides in a gas were determined by Shmidel et al.
during hydrocracking. Golovchin et al. (57K) used infrared (153K) by measuring the change in ionization current as the
and ultraviolet spectroscopy to study nitrogen compounds gas passes through an ionization chamber.
separated from a sample of the Bagdanov field petroleum by In a study of the thermal stability of nitrogen compounds,
adsorption with a cation-exchange resin; the compounds Zamulinskii et al. (176K) used a mass spectrometer to analyze
identified were principally alkyl derivatives of pyridine, petroleum fractions that had been decomposed by DTA a t
benzopyridine, dibenzopyridine, and pyrrole. 20-800 OC. Nitrogen compounds in li ht petroleum products
The possible health hazards of exposure to aromatic ni- were enriched by percolation througt a column of a cation
trogen compounds from fossil fuels were investigated by Ho exchanger with subsequent displacement by alcoholic po-
et al. (65K) a t the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, using a tassium hydroxide by investigators Rosset et al. (143K);these
number of different analytical techniques including microbial enriched fractions were then separated by gas chromatogra-
mutagenesis assay, GC/MS, IR, and NMR. phy, the nitrogen compounds detected with a Hall detector,
Four investigators used procedures that involved com- and the individual compounds identified by mass spectrom-
bustion of the sample a t 800-1100 "C followed by chemilu- etry. Zakett et al. (175K) used mass-analyzed ion kinetic
minescence detection of the nitric oxide. Arimoto (6K) sep- energy spectrometry (MIKES) to identify nitrogen compounds
arated a broad spectrum of nitrogen compounds by gas in coal liquids.
chromatography, oxidized at 800-850 "C, used a low-tem-
perature separation technique to remove components other WATER
than nitrogen oxides, reduced NO2 to NO, treated with oxygen The determination of water in petroleum products was the
and measured the chemiluminescence. A chemiluminescence subject of one review paper (with 20 references) by Kosicki
method was developed by Dolle et al. (40K) in which a pro- et al. (86K) in which they compared many diverse methods
grammed combustion at 900 "C was combined with separate of analysis. Six papers described six different procedures for
detection of nitrogen compounds pyrolyzed in helium and the determination of water in a variety of materials. A Karl
oxidized in oxygen. Hardy and Knarr (62K)converted fixed Fischer method was proposed by the British Standards In-
nitrogen species to nitric oxide with a platinum catalyst in stitution (21K)that is applicable to propylene sam les con-
a quartz reactor tube and measured its chemiluminescence. taining 10 ppm water or more. Bjorkquist (15dused a
No interference by sulfur, phosphorus, or chlorine was ob- sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromato-
served by Kurihara et al. (92K) in their determination of graphic method to detect water in both liquid and solid

samples as well as water of crystallization. Measuring the prior to the aqueous extraction to prevent emulsion formation.
mutual dispersion temperature of reagents after mixing a Coulometric titration methods for detection of chlorine and
sample with a standard liquid that is immiscible with the bromine were described in several papers. Chu et al. (29K)
solvent is a technique described by Kurakov and Chegolya described an automatic method for the microdetermination
(91K) to determine water in polar or anic solvents. Manev of chlorine and bromine using a single flask for combustion,
and Zlatilova ( I O I K ) described a metaod to determine 1-105 absorption, and coulometric titration with a silver electrode
ppm water in gases using an electrochemical cell of two system. A scrubber tube packed with cupric oxide wire was
platinum-gauze electrodes separated by a felt wetted with a strategically placed to accelerate combustion of the sample
solution of phosphorus pentoxide. A gas chromatographic and prevent the introduction of phosphorus in a combustion
method to separate water from mixtures was developed by and microcoulometric titration method proposed by Matsu-
Miller and Friedman (IIOK);the method was suggested for zake and Koyano (105K);results compared favorably with
use in the production of gasahol and in enzymatic reactions. those obtained by neutron activation or X-ray fluorescence
Japanese workers Yoshimura and Sakamoto ( I 72K) devised for samples of gasoline, residual fuel oil, used lubricating oils,
a method for analyzing water in organic solvents in which phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, a cutting oil, and an insu-
alumina or silica gel was made hydrophobic and acked in lating oil. Yoshimori et al. (173K) constructed a dc amplifier
a column and the height of sample permeation up tEe column with a photocoupler for the microcoulometric titration of
was compared to standards. chloride using a silver electrode.
A variety of other methods was used for the determination
OXYGEN of halogens, includin TLC and several titration rocedures.
Several widely differing methods were used to determine Franc and Pour (50hdescribed a method for tge simulta-
oxygen in a variety of materials. Delpuech et al. (37K) applied neous detection of nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens in organic
a nuclear magnetic resonance technique to the titration of compounds separated by pa r or thin-layer chromatogra hy;
oxygen in benzene or hexafluorobenzene solutions; the method the sample is hydro e n a t e r a n d halogens are detected gy a
is suggested for a remote control of the oxygen content in blue-to-pink color caange of a strip of filter paper soaked in
organic solvents for oxygen pressures greater than 1 atm. 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenolsolution. Mambetkaziev et
Kirsten ( 8 I K ) described a modification of a Carlo Erba ele- al. (IOOK) determined chloride, bromide, and iodide by am-
mental analyzer and its use in the determination of trace perometric titration with silver nitrate solution. A rapid
amounts of oxygen in organic compounds. spectrophotometric method for the estimation of fluoride was
Dissolved oxygen in li uid hydrocarbons was determined proposed by Padma and Vi'ayalakshmi (131K) that was based
by Khamrakulov and ABramova (75K) by measuring the on the bleaching action of huoride on yellow Ce(1V) solutions
potential between a gold indicator electrode and a cadmium in sulfuric acid. Another rapid method for the estimation of
auxiliary electrode immersed in a supporting electrolyte that chlorine in lubricating oils was discussed by Ro (144K)who
is separated from the sample by an oxygen- ermeable PTFE
membrane; the concentration of dissolvet oxygen was de-
determined the chlorine by pyrolysis at 900 "6, absorption
of the hydrochloric acid formed in aqueous sodium hydroxide
termined by measuring the emf of the cell and comparing the solution, and titration of the amount of base consumed.
results to samples analyzed by another method. y-photon An electrochemical cell for the detection and determination
activation was used by Williams et al. (169K) for the deter- of chlorine in air and gases, described by Tataria et al. (158K),
mination of trace levels of oxygen in a variety of materials; used a gold working electrode and gold or platinum black
procedures for removing contamination and for radiochemial counterelectrode. Valueva et al. (164K) determined trace
separations are given. levels of fluoride in high-octane alkylates by adsorption of HF
The determination of oxygen in gases was the subject of on alumina, pyrolysis, absorption in water, and calorimetric
three papers. Trace amounts of oxygen in gases were de- determination.
termined by Litsov et al. (97K) by a photometric method using
reduced Me viologen (I) adsorbed on Aerosil. Muchkaev et PHOSPHORUS
al. (117K) determined oxygen in gases by isotope exchange The determination of total phosphorus in or anic samples
and emission spectrometry. Neti and Sawa (124K)described was the subject of six papers. Arimoto ( 7 d described a
an amperometric electrochemical measuring probe for de- method in which the phosphorus was reduced to PH a t
termining oxygen in automobile exhaust gases. 600-800 "C and a flame photometric detector was used to
determine phosphorus at ppm to ppb levels. Asthana (9K)
HALOGENS used a decomposition technique with sulfuric acid and po-
Analysis of organic materials for halogens was reported in tassium iodate a t 25 "C to form phosphates that were pre-
more than 2 dozen papers, with the determinations of chlorine cipitated as ammonium molybdophosphate and determined
and fluorine being the most prevalent and potentiometric titrimetrically. A low-temperature ashing method followed
procedures having the largest number of papers published. by spectrophotometric determination of molybdophosphate
Heunish (64K) used a chloride-selective electrode to titrate at 725 nm was used by Narasaki et al. (122K)to determine
chlorine potentiometrically to a sharp endpoint with silver trace levels of phosphorus. Sliepcevic et al. (154K) determined
nitrate in a solution of acetone and dilute nitric acid; the phosphorus in petroleum products by decomposin the sample
method was applied to coal-derived distillates that had been in a special oxygen-filled flask, treating with mol$date-N2H4
decomposed with sodium biphenyl in 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. reagent, and measuring the absorbance of the molybdenum
The Schoeniger combusthion method and potentiometric blue at 830 nm. Vigler et al. (165K) used an electrodeless
titration can be used to determine lower concentrations discharge lamp in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer
(0.02%) chlorine impurities in organic materials, according with a heated-graphite atomizer to determine phosphorus at
213.6 nm. reversed- hase paper chromatogra hy was used
to Calusaru and Domnisteanu (26K). In a study of the effect
on the potential of the fluoride selective electrode of several
solvents in mixtures with water, Gava et al. (55K) showed that
by Yuen et al. ( 1 7 4 d t o separate, identify, an estimate the
amount of a series of neutral organophosphorus compounds.
the direct potentiometric determination of fluoride is possible
in mixtures containing up to 90% methanol, 60% ethanol, MULTIELEMENT
60% acetone, 30% propanol, and 10% dioxane (by volume). Several methods, especially gas chromatography and com-
A procedure for the microdetermination of organic halogens bustion procedures, are particularly applicable to the deter-
developed by Hozumi et al. (68K) consisted of combustion mination of multiple elements in a single sample; five authors
of the sample, absorption in neutral or weak acid solution, discussed these methods for multielement anal sis in review
addition of acetone, and potentiometric titration with silver 2
articles. A review of microcoulometric metho s, apparatus,
nitrate using a sodium-selective glass electrode. A potentio- and techniques for the determination of sulfur, chlorine, ni-
metric technique and a flow cell colorimetric technique were trogen, and individual compounds containing these elements
described by Popp et al. (139K)for determining trace amounts was discussed by Killer (78K), 164 references. Barbelet ( I I K )
of chloride in microsamples using electrodes modified for very provided a bibliographic study of elemental analysis of heavy
small samples. Wilson and Marczewski (I70K) reported high petroleum fractions in a review with 145 references. The
results obtained by a method previously described (Anal. theory, sensitivity, and precision of activation analysis of
Abstr., 27,183, 1974) were due to interference by entrained carbon, nitrogen, and oxy en by photon nuclear reaction was
organic matter and that a cationic surfactant should be added discussed by Kaneko (72fi in a review with 36 references; the

application of this method to analysis of inorganic and organic the latter detector was modified to use a hydrogen-rich flame
materials was also covered. for the determination of NO, NOz, sulfur dioxide, and hy-
A Perkin-Elmer Model 240 elemental analyzer for carbon, drogen sulfide.
hydrogen, and nitrogen was discussed by Cottrell and Cottrell A chromatographic system that consists of a high-per-
(31K) in a review article that covered principles of operation, formance liquid chromatograph for the detection of organo-
description of instrumental components, accuracy, sources of nitro en and organosulfur compounds was described by Fraim
error, and maintenance; 30 references are listed. The same (48& Callen et al. (25K) used gradient elution chromato -
authors, Cottrell and Cottrell (32K), also discussed the raphy, infrared spectrometry, and 13C and proton N M h
modifications of the Perkin-Elmer Model 240 elemental an- techniques to investigate the nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen
alyzer for the determination of oxygen and sulfur in a review compounds of three solvent-refined coals and compared the
article with 11references. The use of the fully automatic Carlo data with similar data obtained from an Arabian li ht vacuum
Erba analyzer for carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen in residuum. Rezl et al. (142K) described a metho8 for deter-
organic compounds is discussed by Howarth (67K) in a review mining carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in liquid organic
with nine references; principles of automation and combustion samples without weighing the sample; the method was used
are covered, as are analytical procedures, sources of error, and to analyze low-boiling liquid hydrocarbons, nitrogen com-
maintenance. pounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and organic sulfides.
The determination of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen using The simultaneous determination of sulfur and halogens in
activation by charged particles was described by Muninov et organic compounds was the sub'ect of three papers. Rudnicki
al. (12OK);analysis time was 1-10 min for this highly selective and Binkowski (146K) descriLed a method in which the
and nondestructive procedure. Six U S . coals were used in sample was burned in a stream of oxygen and the combustion
a study of the determination of oxygen and nitrogen by in- products absorbed in hydrogen peroxide or sodium hydroxide
strumental neutron activation analysis by Hamrin et al. (61K); and the sulfate determined by titration with barium per-
each sample was first submitted to either low-temperature chlorate; chloride and bromide were determined mercurime-
ashing or an acid treatment to obtain organic oxygen and trically. Microgram amounts of the chloride, bromide, or
nitrogen. Nitrogen and oxygen functional groups in coal- iodide and sulfur were determined simultaneously by Maz-
derived asphaltenes were determined by Schwager and Yen zeo-Farina and Mazzeo (106K)by combustion of the sample
(151K) by a variety of methods including silylation and NMR, in a Schoeniger flask, absorption of the product in a solution
conventional elemental analysis, and infrared spectroscopy. of potassium hydroxide and hydrazine hydrate, titration of
An apparatus that measures the difference in moisture level the halides with mercuric perchlorate, and titration of the
or temperature between two sensing elements in two gas sulfate with barium perchlorate. A modified Dumas-Pregl
streams is described by Muggli (119K);a method for deter- apparatus was used by Khanzadyan and Abram an (76K) to
mining low level (<2%) oxygen and hydrogen in gases was simultaneously determine nitrogen, fluorine, anihalogens in
also described. Chand (28K) described an apparatus for the organic compounds, using aliquots from a solution containing
electrochemical analysis of gases that was used to detect ni- the absorbed products of combustion of the sample.
trogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide, Automatic methods for multielement analysis were reported
formaldehyde, and ethanol. by many manufacturers and researchers. Kirsten (82K) de-
Gas chromatogra hy employing both flame ionization and scribed an automatic method for the simultaneous determi-
flame hotometric Xetectors was used by Ogata and Miyake nation of carbon, h drogen, nitrogen, and sulfur and for sulfur
(127Keto analyze sea sediments for n-paraffins and sulfur alone; the methoBis based on combustion of the sample,
compounds. A simple chromatographic determination of followed by reduction over copper or cuprous oxide at 700-800
carbon, h dro en, and nitrogen in organic compounds was "C and gas chromatographic separation and measurement of
describedxy &shiev et al. (111K);the gaseous, liquid, or solid the products. Merz (108K) developed automated rapid
sample was oxidized in a steel tube reactor at 800-900"C and methods for the determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
the products were analyzed on a 3-m by 4-mm column packed oxygen, halogens, and sulfur in organic compounds using
with Polysorb-1 a t 56 "C, usin helium as the carrier gas. combustion combined with titration or gas volumetric mea-
Krylov et al. (89K) described atigh-vacuum gas chromato- surements; a description of the apparatus and modifications
graph that used a second high-vacuum column connected to are given. An automatic carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
the main column to improve absorption of the gases in the microanalyzer that employed a vertical reactor, an automatic
anal sis of gas mixtures; the instrument em loyed a thermal sample feeder, a collecting tube, and measurement of carbon
con&ctivity detector. The simultaneous Xetermination of dioxide, water, and nitrogen by a thermal conductivity cell
a mixture of low-boiling gases was accomplished by Karagezov was described by Fraisse et al. (49K). Kobylinska-Mazurek
et al. (73K) using gas chromatography a t ambient tempera- and Kozlowski (83K) simultaneously determined carbon,
tures on a system combining two columns and a steel spiral hydrogen, and sulfur by automated gravimetry by using
and using a thermal conductivity detector; the system was used combustion mineralization in a vertical apparatus and ab-
to separate carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, nitrogen, sorbing the combusting products on either magnesium per-
and ethylene. Fujii (52K) reported the conditions for the chlorate, manganese dioxide, or Ascarite. An automatic an-
single-column simultaneous separation by temperature-pro- alyzer was also used by Pella and Colombo (135K) to si-
grammed GC of a difficultly separable mixture of nitrogen-, multaneously determine carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur
sulfur-, and oxygen-containing gases; a molecular sieve trap by combustion and gas chromatography; a thin layer of sil-
was used to eliminate impurities in the carrier gas prior to ver-coated copper selectively eliminated halogens from in-
introduction into the gas chromatograph. A procedure for the terfering. Improvements in the reduction train of an F&M
simultaneous GC determination of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen analyzer that allowed for regen-
monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, eration of aged copper while the analyzer is operating were
methane, ethylene, and ethane at the ppm level was reported discussed by Ono et al. (129K). Cabon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
by Duerbeck and Niehaus (42K) who used a gas-splitting oxygen, and selected heteroatoms were determined simulta-
device and two different molecular sieve columns with ul- neously by Liebman and Levy (96K)using a modular or anic
trasonic detectors for the analysis. Andrawes and Gibson (5K)
also used two gas chromatographic columns with a single
analysis system incorporating gas chromato raphy an mi-
crochemical and Fourier transform infraref spectrometry.
detector for the simultaneous determination of trace amounts Multicomponent gas mixtures were analyzed by Bogustavskii
of several gases; the columns were designed to avoid overlap et al. (18K) by a spectrometric-chromatographic procedure
of the eluting gases in the detector. that consists of pulse-charging samples into the carrier gas
Detectors for gas chromatographic applications were devised stream, chromatographic separation of the components, and
by three groups of investigators. Lasa et al. (94K) developed measuring the intensities of the emission lines produced in
an electron capture detector applicable to trace analysis of a superhigh-frequency discharge. Carbon, hydrogen, sulfur,
electronegative compounds such as those containing chlorine, phosphorus, halo ens, nitrogen, oxygen, and metals can be
fluorine, and oxygen; it contains a radioactive source of 10 or
20 mCi. Patterson (134K)described a glow-ionization detector
determined in vo atile organic compounds by an apparatus
described by Liddle (95K) which uses an optical emission
for nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing compounds. Several spectrograph and a microwave-generated helium plasma.
commercial flame ionization detectors were com ared to one Mass spectrometry was used for the multielement analysis
constructed by Rusev et al. (147K) and the resuks reported; of organic materials by four research groups. Polyakova et

al. (138K) developed a method for the quantitative analysis refs). Trusell(158L) discussed the application of GC to middle
of aromatic hydrocarbons and sulfur-containing compounds and heavy distillates, including detn. of paraffins, isoprenoids,
by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Khots et al. (77K) stearanes, triterpanes, S compds., N compds., HC types, and
compiled a program for the interpretation of mass spectra of used lube oils (38 refs). Suatoni (152L) reviewed the analysis
petroleum products and derived algorithms for calculation of of asoline, 190-360 OC petroleum fraction, aromatic rings,
the monoisotopic mass spectra of complex mixtures of hy- an8 pre arative sepns. using high-performance LC (13 refs).
drocarbons and compounds containing one nitrogen atom or Adlard f i L ) reviewed the analysis of heavy distillate residues
up to two oxygen or sulfur atoms. The German Society for and crudes by GC. He also discussed the identification of oil
Petroleum Sciences and Coal Chemistry (56K) published an spills by GC (29 refs). Gallegos (44L) reviewed the use of
article on the determination of heterocyclic nitrogen and pyrolysis GC for use in analysis of HCs, petroleum residues,
oxygen compounds and hydrocarbons in high-boiling petro- coal, shale, and recent sediments (31refs). Amos (7L) reviewed
leum fractions by negative ion mass spectrometry and high- the analysis of heavy distillates, residues and crudes by LC
resolution mass spectrometry. A static mass spectrometric and supercritical fluid chromatographic techniques (29 refs).
method was developed by Gardiner and Pillinger (54K) for Fisk et al. (40L) surveyed ma’or IR spectra data base
the determination of active gases, and suggestions were made collections (including the Texas d&M University Thermo-
for the possible application of the method. dynamic Research Center/API Project 44, which lists 3545
spectra of petroleum HCs and N- S-conts. compds.), various
MISCELLANEOUS computer search systems that may be used with these col-
An automatic potentiometric titration method was de- lections, and the disadvantages of these systems, i.e., the only
scribed by Matsumura and Takashi (104K)for the titration spectral feature that can be searched is the band position (29
of quinone in carbon black with sodium borohydride and refs).
iodine. Pink and Schaefer (137K) described a thermionic Gerhards (49L) analyzed sources of errors in quantitative
detector for detecting organic compounds containing het- evaluation of 13C NMR spectra of petroleum and coal prod-
eroatoms. A high-pressure liquid chromatography method ucts. Riepe (128L) described the scope of the Institut fuer
for the separation of sulfonated and carboxylated aromatic Spektrochemie & Angewandte Spectroscopie e. V’s work in
compounds was discussed by Streule and Von Wattenwyl analysis, which includes basic research, data compilation,
(156K);silica gel was used as the stationary phase, and the consultation and assistance for industrial and university
mobile phase was a mixture of water, ethanol, and butanol. laboratories, and training. This state-supported institute has
A carbon monoxide detector was described by Watanabe compiled an atlas of Raman and IR spectra of about 900
(167K)that measured the rise in temperature resulting from substances, developed a method for purifying reference sub-
combustion of carbon monoxide in nickel oxide and selected stances, and participated in specific projects for characterizing
other metal oxides. petroleum fractions.
White et al. (16%) present a review on the chromatography
ANALYTICAL AND PROCESS of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins and covers PC, TLC,
INSTRUMENTATION LC, and GC methods. There are 145 references given.
Process Analyzer. Several reviews and surveys summarize
J. W. Loveland and C. N. White various uses of analyzers and their employment with micro-
Suntech, Inc .( Newtown Square Pennsylvania

processors and in computer-controlled processes. The authors

In this year’s review, we have modified somewhat the section see a momentum toward increased use of analyzers in the
headings from those used in 1979s review (93L). For example, future particularly with microprocessor-based control units
we have lumped elemental analysis in with specific compounds where greater reliability and less maintenance are distinct
and compound types. advantages.
Because of the frequent reference to familiar techniques Jutila (7615) covered a wide variety of analyzers, such as,
and terminology, we are again using abbreviations to aid the GC, LC, MS, UV, IR, AA, X-ray, neutron activation, and wet
reader in his perusal of the text. Abbreviations recommended chemical analysis. The more difficult techniques to be applied
by Chemical Abstracts will be used and are not itemized here. to on-line analysis are AA, neutron activation, and wet
Other abbreviations are as follows: AA, atomic absor tion; chemical methods. In this survey, the advantages of incor-
IR, infrared; W, ultraviolet; MS, mass spectrometry; G8, LC, poratin analyzers into process control loops or using them
PC, TLC, gas, liquid, a er, and thin-layer chromatography, for profuct or effluent monitoring are discussed. The oper-
respectively; GCD, G 8 Jstillation; XRA, XRD, XRF, X-ray ating principles, sensitivities, detection methods, sampling and
absorption, diffraction, and fluorescence, respectively; NMR, conditioning needs, and limitation of the various systems are
nuclear magnetic resonance; TC, thermal conductivity (de- outlined.
tector); FID, flame ionization detector, FPD, flame photo- Narraway (11OL)points out that the growth rate of the
metric detector; pP, microprocessor; std. dev., standard de- analyzer market is one of the highest in the process control
viation; vis., viscosity; psig, pounds per square inch gauge; o.d., instrumentation field. This is particularly true of the pe-
i.d., outer and inner diameter; in., inch; and HC, hydro- trochemical industry and pollution and boiler water analysis.
carbon(s); st. st., stainless steel. An example of the savings possible is given for a specific
In preparation of this review, increased activity was noted application where an accurate thermometric method for
in some areas and less activity in others. In the area of lab- monitoring sulfate produced in a neutralization reaction of
oratory analysis, GC is the most widely reported analytical an effluent permitted the use of less expensive lime and
technique, followed by LC. No other analytical technique minimized the use of caustic.
accounted for very many papers. There was a notable lack Welfare (166L)reported on the increased expenditures on
of papers on elemental analysis and computer applications. process analyzers in Western Europe which grew from about
In the process instrumentation area, there is an increasing use $37 million in 1966 to $95 million in 1978 with the predom-
of microprocessors and minicomputers for automatic control inant growth in the petroleum and petrochemical industries.
of process GCs, MS, and other analyzers. Instrumentation Reasons for this growth were a t least twofold, namely, the
aimed at energy savings is very a parent. increased availability of old and new types of analyzers and
The following are recommendeafor a general reading and the increased reliability of analyzers for both gaseous and
cover a broad spectrum of techniques and/or applications. aqueous streams. Another aspect which has helped is the total
systems capability that many manufacturers now provide. A
BROAD REVIEWS typical analyzer package is illustrated for an eth lene oxide
Laboratory. A series of reviews appeared on the appli-
and related sampling equipment.
plant which consists of five O2 analyzers, two G s, two I&,
cation of various types of chromatography to the analysis of
various petroleum fractions and whole crudes. Camin (24L) Bailey (15L) surveyed analyzers which are pP based and
discussed the history of GC, LC, TLC, and PC in petroleum in use by large chemical and petrochemical firms. Several
analysis (79 refs). Harvey (64L) reviewed gas analysis in the analyzers discussed are Beckman Instruments’ Model 6750
petroleum industry (59 refs). Whittemore (169L) discussed GC using either FID or TC detection, Applied Automation’s
the use of high-resolution GC for analysis of gasolines and Optichrom 2100 used for on-line BTU measurement as well
naphthas (11 refs). Butler (23L) discussed the theory, as composition of natural gas streams for pipeline custody
methods, and applications of GCD in petroleum analysis (20 transfer, Foxboro’s Arcas 81-P Octane Analyzer cool flame



thermal oxidation technique whose peak temperature is re- methyl derivative, i.e., dibutyl methylphosphate and butyl
lated to Octane Number, EG&G’s Model 911 digital humidity dimethylphosphate prior to injection on a Carbowax 20M
analyzer, General Eastern’s (PACER) dew-/frost-point hy- column. The std. dev. for 10 ppm quantities were f1.4 and
grometer, CVC’s time-of-flight MS for stack and automobile f1.2 ppm, respectively.
exhaust analysis, the Thermox Air-Mizer which conserves fuel Aue and Flinn (12L) discuss results obtained with a flame
by maintaining a safe excess air level, and Houston Atlas’ photometric tin detector for GCs wherein or anotin compds.,
“Photorateometer” for fast readout of low levels of H2S via
optoelectronic reaction rate sensing.
phenanthrene, and other compds. were use as carbon stds.
to define selectivity. Due to column type and detector con-
Several other articles have appeared which review various ditions, response attributed to phenanthrene was found to be
analyzers and their applications. Fuhrmann (4215) discusses due in part to contaminants eluting close to the phenanthrene
the use of GCs and optical instruments in the analysis of std. and gave strong response with the FPD. The contami-
chemical products and waste gases. Mukharamov et al. (106~5) nants are believed to be sulfur-containin and are in concns.
gives the technical characteristics for instruments used in less than 1% . Similar contamination was found in anthracene,
monitoring and control applications. Among those covered pyrene, and other higher mol. wt. derivatives.
are an interferometric gas analyzer for rapid detn. of C H2, Koizumi and Suzuki (85L) used a new Schiff-base-type
and CO, strong acid analyzers, and a salt (NaC1) in trine liquid crystal as the stationary phase to separate disubstituted
analyzer. Magnetooptical converters and thermostats are also benzene derivatives. The nematic phase, 4-butyl-N-[4-(4-
described. Gregorowicz (51L)reviews the objectives and tasks methylbenzyloxy)benzylidene]aniline (I) provided excellent
of the technical analyst in the control of modern roduction separation of 0 - , m-,and p-chlorotoluene, m- and p-meth-
processes and the need for developing test m e t h d s based on oxytoluene, and m-and p-dichlorobenzene. The m.p. of I is
selected chemical and physical properties and their application 131 “C and the transition temp. (nematic-liq.) is 147 “C. The
for monitoring the chemical process. separations were performed a t 180 “C on 20% of I on Celite
Bailey (14L)reviews the use of several analyzer systems in 545 HMDS.
use for both ener y and ecology reasons. Microprocessing Ohzeki and Kambara (115L)present preliminary GC data
units are discussetwith regards to the desi n, operation, and obtained on a cation exchange resin loaded with various
special features of Beckman’s Model 6750 6 C which handles quaternary ammonium ions. Resins containing benzyltri-
up to 6 GCs. Other systems discussed are Teledynes’ Model methyl-, benzyltriethyl-, benzyldimethyltetradecyl-, and
9300 IR flue gas CO and O2 analyzer which is generally in- methyltrioctylammonium ions were compared for the sepa-
sensitive to spectral interference or thermal effects, the ration of the lower aliphatic HCs, benzene, toluene, and xylene.
PROMASS MS of Extranuclear Lab for fact analysis of The separation efficiencies were found to be less than those
multicom onent streams spch as ethylene feed stocks, the of conventional GC columns and the HETP valves for a 2-m
Houston /%as Model 856 total sulfur analyzer for HC streams column ranged from 0.14 to 0.15 cm.
which depends on complete hydrodesulfurization of sulfur Afanas’ev et al. (315)report on the use of modified porous
compds. to H2S, Foxboro’s MIRAN 801 pP based ambient air polymer absorbents for the separation of polar and corrosive
monitor for plant personnel safety, Taylor Instruments GC compds. from C2 to C HCs. Polysorb 1 was treated with an
with pressure controlled column flow switching which elim- antistatic preparation based on Sterox 920 coated with silicone
inates the need for internal switching valves, Uniloc’s twewire oil, phosphate ester, polyethylene glycol 2000, and poly-
transmitter which modulates power current for signals, and ethylene glycol adipate. These stationary phases showed
Magna Instruments’ Model 400 corrosimeter which uses re- shorter retention times for HCs with only a slight increase
sistance measurements. in retention times and improved peak symmetry for polar
compds. Separations of NH3, H2S, and SO2 from water were
TYPES . Specific Compounds-Other Laboratory Techniques.
This section is divided between specific compds. and type Tomkins e t al. (156L) determined benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in
com ds., although it is recognized that there will be some petroleum substitutes by using a combination of techniques
over apping, since some specific com ounds enter into types
and vise versa. However, for the reafer, we try here to make
and were able to unambiguously detn. the compd. in the range
of 10-2-10-3 pg/g with a precision of >lo%. Ste s in the
a distinction which we hope will be helpful. A few papers on
elemental analysis are also covered. No discussion on ana-
procedure involve pretreatment to remove asp altenes,R
acid/base extraction, MezSO partition, Fluorisil column
lyzers appears in this section but will be covered under the cleanup, LC on an acetylated cellulose column and detection
heading of Improved Instrumentation and Techniques. of the BaP by GC, HPLC with UV detection, and fluorescence
Specific Compounds-Laboratory GC Methods. Brown analysis. Carbon-14 tracer techniques were used to document
(20L),using a GC, developed a new parameter for assessing recoveries.
column efficiency called “the mean specific plate number”, Raverdino and Sassetti (127L) used a combination of GC
which is based on the arithmetical mean rather than the and MS to identify the positional and geometrical isomers
geometric mean of the number of theoretical plates. The basis from Ca to C13 n-alkene mixtures from the “Olex” process.
for the parameter and its application to sup ort coated (SC- Both capillary GC and GC-MS methods were developed for
OT) and wall-coated columns are discussed: Values of the analyzing structures with and without prior separation of the
arameter are given for some n-alkanes on SE30 and squalane mixture into cis-, trans-, and a-isomer fractions on a column
ECOT columns.
Volkov et al. (164L) report that programming the flow rate
of alumina treated with AgN03. St. st. capillary columns (100
m X 0.25 mm) coated with DC-550 were used with a FID.
of the carrier gas produces less stationary bleeding and imposes Some portions of the isomer fractims were chlorinated before
less strin ent requirements on thermal stability of the sta- GC analysis for further confirmation. Direct GC without
tionary pEase than does temp. programming. Steam can be derivative formation is recommended for detng. @ isomers and
used as a carrier gas and the separation of n-alkanes is given direct IR for a and gcometric isomers. About 80% of the
as an exam le. components of the mixturz can be identified by GC after
Mutton 80915)used a lass column (25 m x 0.27 mm) chlorination of the alkenes and 95% by GC of the derivatives
coated with OV-17 or 06-275 with temp. programming of the products of oxidn. with Os04.
(60-160 “C a t 2 “C min-’, to separate naphthalene, 10 ime- Montheard et al. (103L)determined acetylenes (alk-1-pes)
thylnaphthalenes (DMN), biphenyl, fluorene, and other aro- in acetic acid medium by treating the solution with ethanolic
matics. An FID was used. The OV-275 column was consid- AgNO in excess. Thesppt. formed is removed and titrated
ered to be potentially more useful for separation of the DMNs, with dH4SCN with Fe as indicator until a stable red color
articularly the less volatile ones. A mixture of OV-275 and is produced. The following compds. were detnd: hex-1-yne,
bentone 34 looked promising in separating 1,6-from 1.7-DMN. hept-1-yne, oct-1-yne, non-1-yne, and ethynylbenzene.
Butyl and dibutyl hosphates in tribut 1 phosphate-ke- Several papers dealt with the use of HPLC for detection
rosene mixtures were &ermined by Lee anJTing (89L)using and detn. of specific compds. Johnson et al. (74L) reports on
solvent extraction followed by GC. The mono- and dibutyl the sepn. of several fluorenes substituted with mainly N-
phosphates are extracted with 1 M NaOH; the extract was containing grou s at two or three different positions. Normal-
acidified with 2 M HCl and then extracted into amyl alcohol. and reversed-$ase HPLC was used on columns of Partisil
The two components are then treated to convert them to the 10 with detection a t 254 nm. Column and elution conditions

are detailed, and relevant capacity ratios are provided for each unimpeded and thermally desorbed later for capillary sepn.
separation. Small branched olefins require the lowest adsor tion temp.,
Murakami (107L)determined the retention behavior of 14
benzene derivatives using microscale HPLC on PTFE columns
Le., C5 olefins are completely adsorbed at -75 "8, while long
chain n-alkenes are most strongly bound, with 1-octene, for
(80 m X 0.5 mm) packed with LiChrosorb RP-18, RP-8, Nu- example, requiring 200 "C or more for desorption. Olefin
cleosil C18, and Permaphase ODS at 30 atm. The benzene HCs recoveries, except terminal olefins having branched vinyl C
were dissolved in methanol and 0.1 pL (50 pg of solute) applied atoms which undergo double bond displacement, are close to
to the column. Samples were eluted with water mixtures 100%.
(30-90%) of methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, dioxane, or ace- Other work on olefin separations was reported by Lukac
tonitrile at rates of 4 pL min-' and compds. detected by UV. and Nguyen (94L)where the C5 and c6 unsaturated compds.
The effect of varying eluent composition and column packing were separated from their parent satd. compds. A stationary
on capacity factor was studied. It was observed that a rela- phase of phenyl glycidyl ether was used and the retention
tionship existed between lo capacity factor and log molarity indices of the C5olefins and two of the dienes were calculated.
of organic solvent in the efuant. Sandra et al. (135L)shows the versatility of glass ca illary
Dimitrova (32L) used HPLC to separate cis-trans isomers columns in which the stationary phases were polyox et!ylene
of unsaturated HCs using a A NO3-impregnatedsilica gel (10 2.
glycols with mol. wt. ranging from 1 X lo5to 5 X 10 Normal
pm). A 40 cm X 0.3-0.4 cm i.d column of Li Chrosorb Si 100 sepns. are obtained with the more common classes of organic
with a 10% loading of A NO give complete resolution of compds. with little tailing. Sepns. are made with high effi-
cis-trans isomers of C to 8 afkenes. The mobile phase was
a 0.5% solution of MkK idkeptane. Some isomers of alka-
ciency and over a wide temp. range of 50-300 "C. The columns
have been used to separate various compds. in the classes of
dienes and trienes were also separated. alkanes, amines, fatty acid methyl esters, organochlorine in-
Specific Compounds-Metals/Laboratory Methods. secticides, and other type compds.
Koizumi et al. (84L)used a combination of techniques, HPLC, Poznyak et al. (121L)used a flow-through UV detector for
high-temp. furnace, and a Zeeman AA spectrometer for an- detecting olefins eminating from GC columns. The method
al zing organometallic compds. The method was applied to depended on the measurement of excess O3 at 254 nm after
T 6 L in NBS petroleum stds. with a recovery of 97.6% bein reaction with the olefin. Reliable detection depends on
obtained at a 190-ng level and eliminated interference in P i maximum conversion of olefins to ozonides. Conditions which
and Cd detns. in the presence of the chlorides of Mg, Cu, and gave good results were: sample volume, 3 pL; reaction cell
Ca. The general technique is to take fractions obtained by length, 2.5 cm; flow rate of O& mixture (25 pM O&, 1.5 mL
HPLC and decompose them in a special furnace using a min-'; and carrier flow rate, 1.5 mL min-'.
tantalum sample cup. The atomized metal and vapors are Dahlmann et al. (3015)determined retention indices for a
swept into the spectrophotometer by a stream of Ar. series of compds. in five classes of compds. including: + m e a ,
Windsor and Denton ( I 71L) used an inductively coupled alkenes, aromatics, alcohols, and esters. Three different
plasma detector for the elemental analysis of GC effluents and columns (2 m X 2.7 mm) were used: (1)1.5% Apiezon L on
compared the response to other type detectors. In general, Chromosorb G AW-DMCS (80-100 mesh); (2) 5% OV-25 on
detection'limits, linear dynamic range and selectivity were Gas Chrom Q (100-120 mesh); (3) 5% of Silar 5 CP on Gas
comparable to FPD, argon, and low-pressure He microwave- Chrm Q (100-120 mesh). Columns were temp. programmed
excited plasma detectors. The detector was used for detng. from 25 to 250 "C at 10 OC min-' with Nz as carrier, and
tetramethyltin in a mixture containing benzene, toluene, and detection was by FID. Correlation between several physical
p-xylene. properties such as b.p., mol. wt., density, and retention indices
Bertrand et al. (16L) discussed the detn. of Pb in lube oils were made. Use of the best combinations permitted calcu-
down to 5 ng of Pb with an accuracy of *6%. The Pb is lations close to observed retention indices.
present as Pb naphthenate enriched in various natural isotopes Carson et al. (26L) determined the GC relative molar re-
of Pb. The sample is di ested in acid. Pb from the resulting sponse (RMR) of C5-C8paraffins on a 10 ft. X 0.25 in. column
aq. soln. is electroplatefonto a Pt anode, and the Pb on the acked with 10% Carbowax 20M on 60 80 mesh Chromosorb
anode surface determined by means of second ion MS using
an ion microprobe mass analyzer. This p r o x e s data on the
! i
at 125 "C with a TC detector. Two b ends, each containin
68 components were added to benzene which was also use!
relative amount of each mass number component in the as the standard. The data showed that within the aliphatic
sample. Quantitation is obtained by adding to the sample a and cyclic HCs there exists a fixed RMR unit difference of
known amount of a std. Pb compd. with an isotopic compo- about 16 RMR units in a homologous series. It is to be ex-
sition different from that of the sample. pected that a similar unit difference in RMR will be found
Type Compounds-Laboratory GC Methods. Sojak et for other homologous series.
al. (14.55) used GC studies on the retention characteristics of Type Compounds-Other Laboratory Methods. Several
various unsaturated HCs to determine the effect of slight publications reported on the use of HPLC methods for the
structural differences. Data obtained from five classes of sepn. of com ound types. Ageev et al. (4L) used columns of
unsaturated aliphatic and substituted aromatics and other hydroxylatecfsilica gel to separate monoalkf and plymethyl
compds. containing 0 and C1 led to the conclusion that re- derivatives of benzene with hexane as t e mo ile phase.
tention anomalies are associated with molecular structures Retention results were studied as a function of mol. structure
on which the possibility of a ring conformation exists between and the free energy of adsorption. Retention times increased
a propyl group and the *-electron system of the remainder with the no. of methyl groups and they decreased with the
of the molecule. The propyl grou anomaly is evident from length of the alkyl chains.
a lower retention index, a low PO arity, and a lower b.p.
Johansen (76L) reports on an improved GC analysis of
Selucky et al. (140L)used HPLC as a means to fingerprint
crudes and etroleum products. The system used silica gel
a-olefins. He used an all-glass system including columns packing ancfheptane as eluant with UV and RI as detectors
coated with OS 138 rather than st. st. columns to obtain to determine HC com d. classes in crudes, their relative
improved separation. Still better separation of a-olefins was distributions, and the !.p. distribution of the saturates in
obtained with glass open-tubular columns coated with nitro- 10-12 min. Heavy crudes took about 18 min. to complete. A
terephthalic acid-modified Carbowax 20M stationary phase. combination of GC and HPLC on mixtures of aromatics in-
Polynuclear aromatics (PNA) separations were reviewed dicate that mono- and diaromatics and often di- and tri-
by Zielinski and Janini (174L). While it is impossible to cover aromatics can be differentiated from alk 1 and cyclo alkyl-
all oints of a review article, it should be pointed out that these
aut\ors felt that improved separation of PNAs usin nematic
aromatics, The combination of GC and PLC wag used to
fingerprint samples of automotive and aviation gasohm, lube
liquid crystal as the stationary phase is possible.. owever,
some precautions must be observed to provide good results.
oils, and other refinery stream products.
Parris (I17L) used IR to detect LC eluants in separating
Schulz (138L)describes the development of GC methods saturated triglycerides, . k e a ((26 thro h c ), and 5 alkenes
for improved sepn. of gasoline components, particularly
asolines contg. olefins where capillary columns and preco-
(Clothrough C1J. Studes were performa wig a st. st. column
(25 cm X 4.6 mm) packed with Zorbax ODS with a DuPont
Pumns for the reaction of reversible or irreversible sepn. of
groups are used. Olefins and aromatics are absorbed b om-
IR detector and a 254-nm fixed-wavelength photometer.
Mobile phases used were mixtures of acetonitrile, tetra-
plexation with AgN03 on Sterchamol while satd. H d are hydrofuran, and CHZCl2.The system's sensitivity with glycerol

tributyrate was -200 ng. Good separations are obtained by and other solvents showed good agreement with lit. values.
matching the IR absorbance of the initial and final mobile In the first of two papers, van Kasteren and Zeldenrust
phase solvents. (159L)discussed the design and evaluation of a flow colo-
Colin and Guiochon (28L) performed reversed-phase LC rimeter which can measure enthalpy-temp. relationships for
to determine selectivity for homologous series of n-alkanes, small amounts of condensable gase at 100-300 K and up to
n-alkylbenzenes, and n-methyl esters. Columns were packed 70 bars with an accuracy of about 1% . This device can also
with LiChrosorb R P 8, R P 18, pyrocarbon (Spherosil XOB), handle two-phase gas/liquid systems and operates a t a con-
and Partisil ODs. Column peak capacity was found to be stant pressure over the entire temp. range independently of
pro ortional to the resolution. Separations obtained mainly the vapor pressure of the gas mixt. Performance was tested
wit{ branched chained alcohol series indicate that carbon on pure CH4 under supercritical and critical conditions. In
adsorbants are more selective than chemically bonded phases. the second paper, van Kasteren and Zeldenrust (160L)com-
The correlations may be useful for predicting retention se- piled exptl. results by using their flow colorimeter and com-
quence. pared these with predictions based on a modified Redlich-
Antipenko et al. (IOL)by selective bromination of por- Kwong (MRK) equation of state. The heat capacities and
phyrins with HBr indicate the method’s use for direct de- enthalpies of the pure forms of the ma’or components u s u d
termination of the open positions in por hyrins. By MS occurring in natural gas (CH4,CzH6,C3k8,N2)were measured:
analysis of the brominated products of vana&lporphyrin (VP), These exptl. data were used to improve the predictions of an
concentrates from two crudes showed that 57-70% of the MRK-based computer program. Cooling curves of binary
porphyrins contained one to three bromine atoms, which mixts.of these components and of two multicomponent mixts.
corresponds to nonsubstituted P-position in the pyrrolic rings of Nz with C1-C5 and C1-C3 alkanes a t 110-270 K were then
of the original VPs. Compounds with zero, one, or two open determined with the computer program. The predicted data
positions in pyrrolic rings formed continuous homologous were in fair agreement with exptl. except for the liquid-phase
series. heat capacities of the CzHs/Nzand C3H*/N2 binaries, which
Schmitter et al. (137L) analyzed for carboxylic acids in were much lower than exptl., roably because of a liquid-liquid
crudes by a combination of techniques including GC, LC, phase sepn. at low temps. #mall amounts of He (0.3%) in-
electron impact MS, and chemical ionization MS. The acids creased the liquid-phase heat capacity of a multicomponent
were extracted from the crude on a column of KOH treated mixt. but not that of pure CH., or Nz. Karaiskakis et al. (77L)
silica gel and then converted to their methyl esters and pu- used GC to determine the enthalpy and entropy of adsorption
rified on a similar column followed by thin-layer chroma- of pentane, hexane, heptane, cyclo ntane, cyclohexane, and
tography and urea-adduct methods. Fractions were obtained cycloheptane on Al 0 modified witr4-20% of an alkali halide
containing straight chain, branched chain, and cyclic esters. (five chlorides a n d d a F , NaBr, and NaI). The entropy and
The straight chain esters were further separated by GC on
a column (18 m X 0.5 mm) coated with OV-101 and temp.
programmed (4 “C min-’) from 100 to 300 “C. The other
enthalpy varied widely. Two new parameters calculated in
terms of the thermodynamic compensation effect, ~LT,
L, provided a better characterization of adsorption t an en-
fractions were separated and identified by GC-MS methods. thalpy and entropy. The only necessary condition for a
Grushova et al. (57L) used the relative chromatographic compensation effect to occur is that the mean values of he
polarity parameter (P)as a tool for the rapid evaluation of coordinates for the various intersection points of the relevant
the extraction characteristics of binary solvent mixtures. straight line lies within a small range. Disking et al. (33L)
Ethylene glycols or sulfolane were mixed in varyin propor- developed criteria for evaluating the thermal oxidative stability
tions with N-methylcaprolactam, N-methylpyrrolifone, me- of oils using chromatography, differential thermal analysis,
thylcellosolve cyanoethylate, or tetrahydrofurfuryl cyano- and differential thermo avimetric analysis. Unfortunately,
ethylate and then used as the stationary phases in GC sepa- only the title of this articg was translated for the abstract used
ration of a std. 1:l benzeneln-hexane mix a t 30 “C. The as B basis for this review.
calculated P valves were correlated with extraction selectivity Process Analyzers. Many of the following physical
coef. (p) and the distribution coef. ( K )of the solvent mixtures property analyzers have been discussed in previous reviews
measured in direct extraction experiments. As P increased and will be mentioned briefly here to update applications and
for the solvents, p increased linearly while K decreased. High improve instrumentation. In one article (124L),the Totco
extraction efficiencies were observed when P > 80% while purity analyzer is discussed. This analyzer determines purity
when P was between 70 and 80%, the combination of selec- based on freezing point determinations for liquids freezin
tivity and solvent power was maximized. between -40 and 100 “C. The analysis cycle of 12-18 min s t d
Gallegos (43L)analyzed organic mixtures by metastable ion permits continuous open or closed-loop monitoring of pro-
methods using a double-focusing MS. Metastable transition cesses and has been used in US., Europe, and Japan. Com-
s ectra can be used in two ways by MS; one uses a single ion mon chemicals which are monitored are p-xylene, styrene,
gtection while the second uses mass ratio and intensity in- benzene, p-dichlorobenzene, phenol, and acetic acid. Another
formation. The latter approach was used to analyze alkane, device designed to continuously monitor jet fuel freeze points
alkene, and cycloalkane isomers as well as HC mixtures. is the Totco freeze point analyzer. The unit operates over the
range of -65 to -15 “C and is used on distillation columns or
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES blenders to keep the product within specification.
Laboratory. Stuckey (15115)used two different approaches The Home Instruments’ Distillar on-line analyzer (125L)
to obtain wt. response factors of GC detectors for GC carries out a standard distillation test in 20 min and follows
“simulated” distn. (GCD) of crudes (TCD) and refined pe- the ASTM D-86 test closely. It w i l l record on a re
k t
troleum streamsT(FID), basedEon the chemical $ nature of $the a chosen
? distillation! point normally S tested by A
samples. Am empirical approach was used with crudes and methods. The basic components of the analyzer are: flask,
a statistical approach was applied to the refined petroleum heater, condenser, calibrated receiver of st. st., temperatures
streams. Results showed that a common response factor sensing element, a 100-mL charge burette, and electrical and
should not be applied; response factors are needed for each pneumatic components for automatic operation including
data point or temp. An equation was developed which relates .
filling, flushing, and drainin The analyzer is air purged. Six
the response factor to the UOP characterization factor and models are available depensing on requirements of the user.
the GCD data can be converted to wt. % and/or vol. % Walko (16.55) discusses a new gas and liquid densitometer
by using response factors. GCD can be used as a quality of the insertion type useful on process fluids, slurries, and
control method and as an inexpensive crude assay tool and LNG. The vibration-element sensor is enclosed in a
provides a rapid method of defining product distribution on “Minitube” and the coils are arranged outside the tube and
a very small sam le. enclosed. Floating faces on the transducer act as axial loading
da Silva et al. 6 I L ) described the use of GC to determine plates and compensate for the liquid pressure inside the tube.
the solubility of gases in liquids a t ressures from 760 mm The system can be used a t cryrogenic or high temp., but pH
to 10-20 mm. The gas is equilibrate! with the solvent at the should be above 5 in pipelines and tanks. Prototypes were
desired temp. and pressure for 24 h in a cell consisting of two accurate to within 0.1% in LNG tests. Other uses are to detect
connecting vessels with a volume ratio of 5:1000, and a GC oil-water interfaces and determine oil-water ratios. Solartron
analysis of the liquid is then carried out. Method precision also makes a version that when calibrated with Argon w i l l give
is 3%. The solubility of 0 2 and NO in n-hexane, acetonitrile, ethylene density to within 0.2 % .

Williams (170~5) also discusses a density analyzer, but the data that can be analyzed by decorrelation techniques into
principle is based on the adsorption of high-energy y-rays. separate chromato rams. The basic theory and exptl. pro-
The same unit can be used for level measurement as well as grams are discusse! and illustrated by sepns. of the compo-
the density of liquids or the amount of solids in slurries. The nents of propane-butane mixts.
Paper provides tips on nuclear gauging including: safety, A number of papers appeared on GC columns and column
icensing, source decay, and factors affecting density gauging, techniques. Rooney (131L)discussed the advantages of glass
such as: stratification, air bubbles, vibration, corrosion, and capillary columns in the analysis of petroleum products on
temp. These and other factors to be considered in applying a 60-m column coated with SP-2100 with flame ionization
the technique to slurries, sewage sludge, interface detection, detection. Hz, He, and N2 carrier gases were compared. The
and level auging are also discussed. lower vis. of H resulted in shorter analysis times. Brander
Morris &04L) has collected comments from manufacturers (19L)describe8 a new glass capillary system for the Varian
of prolems encountered with sensing interface levels and Model 3700 GC. The use of glass inserts in the capillary
whether CLP provides possibilities for improved measurement. injector permits direct, split, and splitless modes of operation
Emulsion layers usually provide problems for most interface without removal of the capillary column. Branching of the
levels, as do interfaces with motion. Several other aspects of column is facilitated by using ferrules. Good retention time
sensing interface levels are discussed too numerous to mention repeatability is obtained because of the thermostated pneu-
here. matic system and precise column oven tem . control. The
system was tested on a mixt. of Cllto CS H&. Anderson et
IMPROVED INSTRUMENTS AND al. (8L) described a novel dual glass-capillary system. The
TECHNIQUES two columns, each in its own oven, are connected by a heated
Laboratory-GC Methods. About half of all references transfer l i e , permitting the use of optimum stationary phase
in this section deal with some aspect of gas chromatography. polarity, thus improving selectivity. The use of flow circuits
Soroka (147L) used a statistical techni ue known as target allows changes in the direction of the column effluent. The
factor analysis (TFA) to study the fo(howing: gas-liquid transfer line can serve as an intermediate trap. The design
chromatography data matrix involving 49 solvents (alkanes, and modification of the system are described and operatin
alkenes, alkyl halides, monomeric solvents); 6 matrices from parameters are discussed. Chromatograms of standarf
McReynolds' compilation (ketones, aldehydes, carbonyls, and arylalkane mix$. are given to illustrate possible sepns. Evrard
mixed functions1 grou 9); gas-solid chromatographic data et al. (37L)described a sampling system using heated sample
involving retention in&xes (alkyl and aromatic solutes and phials and a packed precolumn for high-temp. isothermal
ionic forms of Amberlite A 15 and Chromosorb P); and the capillary GC. The sample is diluted with 0.1 or 0.2 mL of
analysis of an ion exchan e problem. A com uter program volatile solvent placed in the phial and the phial placed in
(FACTANAL)facilitates appfication of TFA to tiese problems a loading chamber. N2 is used to purge the system, the phial
Hirsch et al. (68L)used correspondence factor analysis (CFA) is heated, and the vapors are condensed on a precolumn
to identify the major influences on the behavior of satd. and packed with OV-1 (1-12%) on Gas-Chrom Q (80-100 mesh)
unsatd. HCs in gas-solid chromatography on ion exchangers and operated in the back-flush mode. The substances to be
in different cationic forms, using stationary phases prepared analyzed are then transferred via a wall-coated capillary trap
from sulfonated Porapak Q ethylvinylbenzene/divinylbenzene to a capillary column for analysis. The device is controlled
copolymer. CFA shows that ion exchangers in the Ag', Nil+, by a programmable electromechanical processor. Mixts. of
Zn2+,and Cd2+forms have different selectivities for unsatd. n-alkanes (C14-CM)have been analyzed with a precolumn (at
HCs. Steric hindrance of this selectivity occurs with the larger 100 "C) contg. 12% OV-1 and a 25-m analytical column (at
cations, such as Ag+. The H', K', Na+, and T1+ forms are 242 "C) wall-coated with OV-101. Blanks are free of ghost
practically nonselective relative to the unsulfonated copolymer peaks when thermally prestripped phials are used.
matrix. Sharp (143L)presented a practical guide to the use of
Gangwal et al. (46L)discussed the reliability and limitations wall-coated open-tubular glass capillary columns in lab GC
of pulse chromatography in evaluatin properties of flow which should facilitate setup and operation of such columns
systems. They used theor. analysis an8 adsorption experi- by ersons unfamiliar with their use. Sample introduction
ments with pulses of CHI and C2HG on silica gel to evaluate anfdetection (FID) are discussed, and the prepn. and in-
the technique for determining the axial dispersion coefficient, stallation of com. lass capillaries are described in detail.
adsorption equil. constant, chemisorption rate constant, mass Applications descri%edbriefly include the analysis of petro-
transfer coefficients, effective and surface diffusivity, reaction leum fractions. Grob et al. (55L) discussed the principles and
rate constants and the Kubin-Kucera adsorption model. basic techni ue of deactivating glass capillary columns by
Experimental reproducibility was good. The validity of the silylation. T%e glass is leached with HC1 and pure si1 latin
model was confirmed by the agreement between experimental agent (hexamethyldisilamne or tetramethyldiphenyldisiLe7
and predicted effects of velocity, particle size, temp., and bed drawn into the column to about 7% of its total length and
length on model parameters. Results on pore diffusivity and flushed through the column with carrier gas. When the liquid
adsorption equil. constant were in good agreement with lit- has been displaced, the column is evacuated, sealed, heated
erature values obtained by other techniques. Pulse chroma- slowly to 400 OC, and held at this temp. for about 3 h. The
tography was unsuitable for determining the rate constant of column is then cooled and flushed successively with CBHBCH3,
physisorption and the mass transfer coefficient. A total of CH30H, and E g o . The column may then be coated with an
50 references are given. appropriate stationary phase. Factors influencing column
Norris (113L)discussed the applications of analytical performance are discussed. The sepn. of test mixts. of HCs,
chromatography in petroleum technology and lubrication. The carboxylic acids, and drugs is illustrated. Badings et al. (13L)
first of two papers cover history, theory, columns, and packings described the prepn. of wall-coated open-tubular capillary
for adsorption, partition, and exclusion systems, prepn. of columns after surface roughening using amorphous silica. The
samples, control of conditions, and the hydrocarbon skeletons capillary is leached and treated with a plug of dil. sodium
of interest in petroleum chemistry. Also discussed were PC silicate soln. to deposit a small amount of amorphous silica
and TLC and their applications in the analysis of additives even1 on the inner surface, and finally b a stream of HC1
in lube oils and greases. In the second paper, Norris (114L) K
gas. detailed procedure is given for stab&ing deactivating,
and finally coating the roughened surface. Performance data
continues his discussion, covering the behavior of H2 in GC
columns, sepn. of wide-boiling range samples, programmed are iven for several columns so prepared, including sepns.
temp. GC, the capillary column, and automatic GC analysis. of afkanes on Carbowax 20M.
Also discussed is the application of GC to use! engine oil anal., Toth (157L) compared the sepn. efficiency of packed steel
detg. oil vis., gasoline analysis, and identification of ur.knowns or glass capillary GC columns having roughened or smooth
from a library of reference spectra. The article also dlscusses internal surfaces with different stationary phases at 50 and
the development of high-performance of LC, reversed hase 100 "C for various paraffinic and aromatic HC mixtures.
chromatography, and size-exclusion chromatography. &am- Important parameters are peak resolution per unit lenkth,
p l e ~of applications of LC to motor oils and gasolines are given. effective number of plates per unit length, rate of formatlons
Laurgeau and Barras (88L) showed that two samples in- of effective plate number, type of column, the stationary phase,
'ected simultaneously into a GC column is pseudorandom and the partition ratio. A total of 19 references are given.
Binary sequence from different sampling devices yield output Orav et al. (116L)studied the GC sepn. of Clo to Clz alkene

cis-trans isomers at 60 to 80 "C on st. st. capillary columns Chromosorb at 100 OC gave complete reduction of very small
(0.25 mm x 100 m) coated with 1,2,3-tris(2-cyanoethoxy)- samples (0.02 HL)with no side reactions; 10 mg of catalyst
propane. The retention indexes and their temp. increments gave partial hydrogenation and double bond migration (1pL
and structural increments were correlated with the structure sample).
of the isomers. Results were compared with those obtained Gaspar et al. (47L) described a computer-controlled auto-
on columns coated with less polar stationary phases. Galli matic GC which used a fluid logic gate as the sampling device
et al. (45L) described an efficiently cooled on-column injector for introducing the sample as a narrow band a few ms wide.
which isolates the end of the column from the oven temper- Difficult sepns. (e.g., a light asoline) can be made in a few
ature, eliminating "discrimination" of compounds in a given seconds using short open-tub& columns (< 1m) with narrow
sample. Coolin is achieved by a stream of air entering the i.d. (< 100 km).
area of the capi lary fitting and flowing alon the outside of
the capillary into the oven. Problems cause by insufficient
Ferguson and Luke (39L) gave a critical appraisal of the
FPD in petroleum analysis. Experience was summarized
cooling are discussed, and the efficiency of the s stem is under the headin s inequality of response, quenching of S
illustrated by using test mixtures of alkanes (C18-8a). No
band broadening occurs because of the cold spot at the column
response and lac of sensitivity and under three topics:
analysis of individual S compds. in the 15" to 65 "C cut of
inlet. crude oils, the S fingerprint of crude oils, the evaluation of
Lafosse and Durand (87L) studied squalane, 1,3,5-tri- a dual-flame detector. Wenzel(167L) summarized questions
cyanopentane and mixts. of these two compds. as stationary and answers (discussed at ACS short courses) concerning the
phases on Gas-Chrom Q (80-100 mesh) in st. st. columns (0.125 Melpar FPD GC detector. These include causes for a decrease
in. outside diam.) for GC separation of compds. having widely in sensitivity for S, deterioration of the photomultiplier tube
different polarity such as HCs, alcohols, haloalkanes, nitro- as a cause of loss of sensitivity with time, prevention of FPD
alkanes, heterocyclics, etc. The mixed supports were prepared solvent flame-out, and prevention of S chemiluminescence
by either by coating the support with a mixed soln. of the two quenching by eluting HCs.
phases or by mixing supports coated with the single phase. Stockwell (149L) described automatic analysis by using
The two methods of preparing mixed phases gave equivalent hybrid chromatographic systems to provide unique identifi-
results. Separation was carried out a t 60 "C with N as a cation of certain components. Such systems include GC-co-
carrier gas and FID. Retention vols. are tabulated and con- lorimetry, N-selective detectors, chemiluminescence detectors
clusions drawn about the interaction of the solutes with the linked to specific catalytic reactors, and vidicon or linear-
nitrile groups as an aid in selecting stationary phases for GC. diodearray spectrometers used with LC. Applications include
Nawrocki et al. (111L)studied the sepn. properties of poly- detn. of components of gas oil. Phillips and Goldan (119L)
[Cu(II) di-n-hexylphosphinate] as a GC column packing for discussed the enhancement of electron capture detector (ECD)
homologous series, isomers, and compds. with close The sensitivity to nonelectron-attaching compds. by addn. of N2O
sepn. of impurities in a-methylstyrene was used as an example to the carrier gas. In the GC se n. of H2, COz, and CHI on
of contamination analysis. Pscheidl et al. (126L)discussed Porapak Q and Mol Sieve 5Ae!t addn. of N20 to the N2
elimination of the effects of the solid sup ort (Porolith) on carrier gas produced a large increase in the sensitivity of the
the GC stationary solvent phase. A Cu capiary tube was used ECD to these compds. with no detectable change in peak
without a solid support, and the support was treated in various width, eak shape, or retention time. This enhanced response
ways to eliminate its effect. The stationary liquid hase used is attriEuted to the reaction of these compds. with 0- to form
was 1,l-diphenylethane, and the sepn. was Carrie out using
cyclohexane, cyclohexene, and CsH6. The analysis is related
stable negative ions, which interrupts the normal steady-state
reaction sequence. At a signal to noise ratio of 2, the minimum
to the hydrogenation of cyclohexene. detectable limits of these compds. is about 1X molecules.
Blyuss et al. (17L) showed that the se n. efficiency of GC The as-yet-unpublished detn. of pg quantities of C2H,through
systems with parallel multiple columns is getter than for those C6H14 and other org. compds. is noted.
systems using sequential operation of columns. Examples are Schwarz et al. (139L) described on oscillating slit mechanism
iven with Polysorb and mol. sieve columns for the sepn. of for detg. H isoto ratios in a microwave induced plasma. HCs
f I 2 , 0 2 , N2, CH?, C02, and C2H6. Pretorius et al. (122L) (nondeuteraterperdeuterated, or partially deuterated)
discussed optimization of GC resolution of multicomponent emerging from a GC (using He carrier gas) were subjected to
mixts, using temp. variation of series-coupled columns. One a low-pressure microwave discharge, which fragmented the
column was packed with Chromosorb coated with 4% of compds. and generated intense atomic emissions. These
OV-101, the other with Chromosorb coated with 4% of Silar signals were led to a monochromator provided with an os-
5. Each column was placed in a separate oven, and the col- cillating exit slit so that the H and 2H signals passed alter-
umns were connected in series, N2 carrier gas was used with nately to the photomultiplier, the output of which was resolved
FID. A mixture of acetophenone, benzyl alcohol, and dode- by two lock-in amplifiers. The ratio of the two signals and
cane was used. The temp. of the OV-101 column was held H/2H in the mixts. was rectilinear over more than 1 order of
a t 80 "C and the temp. of the other column was varied. The magnitude. The method was also applied to isoto e diln.
relative retention values of the solutes can be dramatically analysis, where perdeuterated naphthalene was adfed to a
changed and elution order can be reversed. water sample cont traces of naphthalene and benzene and
Zhukhovitskii et al. (173L) described the technique of the HCs were e x t t into an org. solvent for analysis. Hen-
"limiting chromadistillation". In this technique, before sepn. neberg et al. (65L) described an open-split interface for
is carried out, the GC column is wetted with a component of high-performance GC-MS which has a glass restriction and
volatility significantly greater than that of the sam le com- is provided with a flow of scaven er gas. With a small sca-
ponents. The technique is illustrated by data on tRe sepn. venger flow, dead-volume tailing of%rge peaks is avoided; with
of a mixt. of C6 to C9 alkanes, using a column (100 cm X 0.3 a large flow, peaks that would otherwise be too large are
cm) filled with glass spheres (0.7 mm) and operated a t 21 "C diluted. The system was tested for alkanes and various polar
with He as a carrier (flow rate at column exit = 18 mL/min). mixts. and was found to have no effect on the quality of the
Matsuoka et al. (97L)described the use of short precolumns chromatogram. At higher temps., adsorption was a limitin
contg. hydrogenation catalysts in a GC between the injector factor. Pt capillaries were inferior to glass. D'Orazio (34157
and a squalane-coated capillary column using H as a carrier used a Raman multichannel spectrometer as a detector for
gas. A com lete hydrogenation catalyst was used to establish a GC using a column (0.25 mm X 15 m) coated with OV-101.
the skeletafstructures of C to C8 HCs, and an intermediate The GC effluent was passed through the focus of an Ar+ laser
catalyst was used to cause double-bond migration in unsatd. beam in a Raman spectrometer system and the beam was
compds. This technique ermitted detn. of retention times directed to the entrance slit of a single grating monochromator
of several unsatd. compg. with the use of only a few std. and via an objective to a 500-channel array detector. Con-
samples. Variation in the precolumn temp. gave the ther- ditions for detg. benzene were established and the detection
modynamically predicted changes in the ratio of hydrogenated limit for toluene in acetone was detd. The sepn. efficiency
and nonhydrogenated products. Thus 0.5% Pd on A1203a t for fractions of cyclohexane and benzene was measured, and
180 "C gave complete hydrogenation, and at 270 "C and above 0-and m-xylene in a mixt. with toluene, benzene, and acetone,
six-membered rings were increasingly dehydrogenated to yield were readily identified.
the corresponding aromatic compds., but aliphatic corn ds. Ecknig and Polster (355) studied the elution of n- and
remained in the reduced form. A 250-mg sample of P l o n isoalkanes from mol. sieve 5A with supercritical C02 as a

mobile phase, in the ranges from 0.5 to 20 MPa and from room Liquid Chromatography. A number of papers were
temp. to 200 "C. n-Alkanes up to Cl4 can be sepd. individually published in the field of LC. Hirata and Novotny (67L)found
and those up to Cm as a group from isoalkanes by appropriate that packed capillary columns of the reversed-phase type for
selection of temp. and pressure. LC provide the high efficiencies needed to resolve complex
Several pa ers dealt with sam le introduction into the GC. mixts. Small volume samplin and detection are design
Kennard ancfLaskowski (80L) Bescribed the use of a hot air problems that must be solved. direct method of sampling
to heat samples in a Hewlett-Packard 7671 A autosampler. is demonstrated that compares favorably with splitting in-
g e gun is fitted to the sampler tray to heat samples awaiting jection. Two step-wise gradient elution techniques were de-
injection. This permits injection of waxy or viscous samples veloped for these columns. With small volume UV and
with the instrument in the automatic mode. The s stem spectrofluorometric detectors, a standard mixt. of toluene,
incorporates a device to prevent overheating. Grog and naphthalene, fluorene, anthracene, pyrene, chrysene, and
Heukom (56L) discussed the influence of the syringe needle benzo[e]pyrene was separated. The method was then applied
on the precision and accuracy of vaporizing GC injections, to polyaromatic fractions from coal tar.
usin a C9-C4 alkane test mixt. and stream splitting on a Freeman and Schram (4115) derived in numerical form a
capiflary column. The discrimination of the high boiling sin le expression relating liquid gel permeation with alkane
components in the injector is mainly due to a selective elution mo!. size (L) including the conformational coefficient (ZJ.
of the sample out of the syringe needle. Different methods L = 3.26 + 0.0358MW - 0.202i. The value Z i is constant
of handling the syringe needle were tested, and the discrim- for each structural isomer group. Values of Zi for the following
ination is uantitated and correlated with the material left alkane series are tabulated n-alkane, 2-Me, 3-Me, 4-Me, 3-Et,
in the neehe. The Sam le should be pulled back into the 4-Et, 2,2-Me22,3-Mez 3,3-Mez. Hennion et al. (66L)studied
barrel of the syringe a n f t h e needle allowed to warm up in the influence of the number and length of alkyl chains on
the injector before the sample is transferred into it. Solvent chromato raphic roperties of hydrocarbonaceous bonded
flush may be preferred for com onents sensitive to the hot phases. {arious Jkyltrichlorosilanes (C Cl8) were bonded
metal surface of the needle. fonchik and Walker (146L) to porous silica and the products were s f r y packed in LC
described an inlet (for capillary GC for trace analyses) con- columns (4.8 mm X 15 cm). For octodecyltrichlorosilane at
sisting of an 11.4 cm long glass-lined st. st. tube for direct 111"C, 18 h were required to achieve max. C content in the
injection of the sample without purging on venting into a packing. Higher temps. gave greater loading more ra idly.
Varian 3700 GC. n-Hexane (99% pure) analyzed on a Capacity factors for a series of polycyclic aromatic H d and
Squalane support-coated o en tubular (SCOT) column gave henols increased exponentially with the C content of the C18
a 1 ppm cyclopentane pea!. Analysis of a C -c13 mixt. of rionded phase up to 15%. The selectivity factors also in-
n-alkanes on an OV-l7/SCOT column with the Jirect in'ection creased with C content and column efficiency was max. at
inlet and with a com. available splitter inlet showed little about 14.5% C. For bonded phases with different alkyl chain
difference in column efficiency between the two inlets. The lengths, the capacity factor for hydrocarbons increased ex-
direct inlet is also useful for wide-boiling range mixts. and ponentially with chain length; for phenols this increase was
thermally labile compds. since a high injection port temp. is rectilinear. Increasing the polarity of the mobile phase (0 to
not required. A c,-c16 n-alkane mixt. was sepd. with an 30% H 2 0 in CHBOH) increased exponentially the capacity
in'ection port temp. of 150-250 "C, compared with the 300 ratios for the HCs and the selectivity factors. For best results,
"dinlet temp. required with a splitter inlet. Tejedor (154L) a Clgbonded phase with a coverage of about 2 pmol m-3 should
also described direct injection into capillary columns for trace be used.
analysis using identification by MS. No resolution loss or Hammers et al. (61L)discussed the standarization and
excessive loss of peak symmetry was observed, and the method determination of selectivity of octadecylsilylsilica in LC. The
can be used routinely without column deterioration or effi- adsorbent was prepared by treating Merckosorb Si 60 with
ciency loss. The method was studied by using a st. st. column trichlorooctadecylsilane (surface coverage 1.64 pmol m-2 and
(0.25 mm X 50 m) wit UCON 50 HB2000 to separate a mixt. was acked into a column (2.1 mm X 25 cm). Retention data
of n-hexane, methylcyclohexane, cyclohexane, iso-PrOAc,
2-pentanone, and 4-Me-2-pentanone in CSz soln. Kitamura
on t e column were measured for a range of mono- and di-
substituted benzenes, polycyclic aromatic HCs, and substi-
and Seko (82L)also discussed GC trace analysis for separating tuted hexanes and cyclohexanes. The eluents were hexane,
a trace component which appears as a shoulder on the tail of hexane-CH Clz (137), and CH C12. Factors affectin retention
the main sample component peak. A dual-column system was were consi8ered mathematicdl , Ageev et al. (5Lf prepared
used and the sample contg. the impurity was injected into one columns for LC with sepn. efgciencies of 20000 to 40000
column, a reference being injected into the second column theoretical lates/m (chromatograph Tsvet 304). The ad-
under conditions so that the tail of the reference peak coin- sorbents (siica gel S-3, Silochrome S-80 and S-120, were
cides with the tail of the principal component peak. A timin fractionated by sedimentation in HzO. The construction of
device is used to permit the reference material to be injecte
at a fixed time after the injection of the sam le so that peak
d the fillin device and the method of filling the column was
describecf The efficiency was tested by using mixts. of c6&,
time-matching can be achieved. By use of a Zifference signal phenanthrene, PhN02,and Ph NH. Tables give the number
from the detector, only the impurity peak will appear in the of theoretical plates for the sorbents, their different particle
chromatogram. By use of a 2-m sample column of P6-15008 sizes, and application procedures for different samples.
and a 1.5-m reference column packed with DNP and C H8 as Hammers et al. (62L)investigated the adsorptive ro erties
reference, benzene contg. 1 ppm PhMe was separates. of N-2-cyanoethyl-N-methylaminosilica (CNA-&car for a
large number of mono- and disubstituted benzenes and some
Andersson and Ericsson (9L) determined the mean time-
temp. rofile in a sample subjected to pyrolysis GC in order unsubstituted polycyclic aromatic HCs when CNA-silica was
to estatlish whether it is ossible to equate the temp. of the used for LC with hexane, CHzCl , or he~ane-CH~C!~ (13:7)
pyrolyzer with that of t e sample being pyrolyzed. The
degradation of cis-1,4-polybutadienewas studied by sequential
as mobile phase at 25 and 43.5 "6 The results are discussed
in relation to the adsorption mechanism and are compared
pyrolysis. By use of measured rates of degradation for dif- with those obtained on ODS-silica.
ferent amounts of sample, determination of the temp. de- Kostyla et al. (86L)used chemically modified solid poly-
pendence of the degradation rate from an Arrhenius plot, and meric supports contg. specific functional groups for the sepn.
combination of exptl. results with theor. derived expressions, v d or concn. and detection of selective classes of org. com ds.
the time-temp. profiles of different amts. of sample could be via LC, Pyrrolidone on vinyl modified silica was u s e l to
calculated. Choosing the a propriate pyrolysis conditions of separate aromatic compds., an organomercurial group on
sample thickness, time, anftemp. of the sample is nearly the agarose to separate mercaptans, and the diazonium func-
same as that of the pyrolyzer. Zizin and Makov (175L) de- tionality on a solid supporting resin for separating phenols
signed two units for the thermochromatographic (Tg) variant and arom. amines. Use of the supports for chromatographic
of GC analysis using water as heat exchange medium. Temp. sepn. was discussed.
ranges of 0-100 "C or 0-150 "C (under higher pressure) are Halasz (6015)described a procedure for fractionating vac-
available. The method changes the temp. gradient of the uum residues from several crude oils (Boscan, Safaniya) by
column and ives better sepn. coefficients than conventional LC. The following were discussed briefly: nature and pre-
methods as femonstrated by sepn. of aromatic HCs. The TG treatment of column packing, water content of heptane,
effect and the effect of temp. programming are discussed. eluting solvents, column capacity, accuracy, and repeatability



of the method. The method does not apply to gas oil and other Mills et al. (IO1L) described the use of a general purpose
light petroleum fractions since 90% of these oils eluted in the microcomputer for flexible automation of LC. Hardware was
first two fractions. constructed from a set of ready-made circuit boards. Control
Semonian et al. (141L)described the use of positive pressure programs were written in assembly language and the data-
columns for solvent cleanu or LC. The formation of gas handling program in CORAL 66. The system had facilities for
bubbles, the loss of solvent gy evaporation and the contam- automatic repetitive sampling (coeff. of variation of 1%) and
ination by H 0 vapor that occurs when gravity-feed columns means for implementing rinse and purge routines. A data-
are used can 'be minimized by using a closed system in which processing algorithm ensured quantitative results even for
the solvent itself provides a protective gas cover. A column poorly resolved peaks. Chromato ams for six arom. HCs are
of silica gel having a stopcock (at its lower end) leading to a f
given. Majors (96L)discussed app 'cation of the Varian Model
5000 (microprocewor-based LC with CRT display) to the sepn.
receiver was connected a t its upper end to the solvent res-
ervoir. The reservoir was connected via a T to a vent and to of polystyrene oligomers, using the 3-solvent capabilities of
a mercury vessel for regulating the pressure. The equipment the unit. The advantage of the units' automatic loop valve
was used to purify pentdne. in monitoring the course of a chemical reaction is also dis-
Joecker and Smink (72L) discussed the selection of the cussed.
optimum system and detectors for the detection of aromatic In addition to GC and LC, a number of other analytical
substances via LC. Schick and Huber (136L) techniques were covered. Adrian (2L) reviewed the prepn.
amperometric sensor for LC using metal oxide hydroxide of samples for IR spectroscopy by means of suspension in
electrodes. The working electrode consists of a transition- paraffin oils and their derivatives. Miyashita et al. (102L)
metal substrate having a surface layer of a multivalent ox- developed an automated quant. IR system by coupling an IR
idelhydroxide of the metal in which the anionic vacancies in spectrophotometer and an on-line minicomputer. A least-
the coating are partially filled with halide or sulfide ions. squares polynominal of degree two was used to calculate the
Applications include the detn. of mono- and polyhydroxy smoothed transmittance in real time. After a sample was
aliphatic and aromatic compds., aromatic and aliphatic amines measured, solvent com ensated transmittance data for
and thiols, and H 2 0 Lower detection limits for glucose at quantitative detn. were oEtained. This system is suitable for
a Cu oxide-hydroxi%e working electtode were 100-500 pg. programmed wavenumber scanning control because of the high
Vidrine and Mattson (163L)described a practical real-time wavenumber reproducibility of the spectrophotometer. Three
Fourier transform IR detector for LC. Sample flow cell de- isomeric xylenes were detd. precisely with this system.
tection with automatic solvent subtraction is used and de- Grasselli (5015) described the development of analytical
tection of 500 ng of injected paraffin oil was demonstrated. methodology and the application of various analytical tech-
Results from LC runs were used to illustrate system capability. niques to analyze a deposit in a gasoline tank truck (IR
IR s ectra can be acquired simultaneously. Vidrine (162L) spectroscopy), structural analysis of a Co molybdate-on-alu-
use subtractive techniques in interpreting on-line Fourier-
transfor IR spectra of LC column eluates to permit the
mina hydrodesulfuriation catalyst (Raman spectroscopy), and
an engine valve deposit that was suspected of being a motor
identification of o-xylene in a chromatographically incomplete oil additive (complex IR spectroscopic scheme).
sepn. of a com. rn-xylene contg. small amounts of p - and Kekedy and Kormos (79L) reviewed the roperties and
o-xylene and the identification of CC14 and toluene as con-
taminants in an incompletely resolved chromatogram of
a plications of a semiconductor electrode base on SnOz. This
e6ctrode consists of a layer (1-2 pm) of SnO, coated on glass,
polystyrene. which has high conductance. Electrochemically it behaves
Li and Arrington (9OL) used a dual-wavelength spectro- similarly to a Pt electrode but can be used over a wider po-
photometer as a high-resolution, high-precision, high-selec- tential range (2300 mV). This electrode has been used as the
tivity detector to overcome peak overlapping and provide working electrode in potentiometry, chronopotentiometry,
quantitative sepn. of a mixt. of polycyclic HCs via LC. The coulometry, and stripping anal sis. I t also forms the basis
sepn. was carried out by using a column packed with of electrochemical sensors for 60,0, acetone, or HCs.
pBondapak CI8 at 37 "C with 74% CH30H as the mobile Kawala et al. (7815)discussed the use of molecular distn.
phase. Positive identification of the HCs was assisted by (1) for analytical and preparative sepn. of high-boiling petroleum
computer-simulated chromatograms from chromatographic fractions. Preliminary single-stage sepn. of less volatile com-
and spectral data obtained under different conditions and (2) ponents and further sepn. of more volatile components into
use of equations derived from the transient absorbance during narrow-boiling fractions using a multistage unit were used to
elution and from the difference in absorbance a t the two separate the atm. residue of Romashkino oil. Zygmunt and
wavelengths. Stoveken and Vitali (150L)discussed in detail Staszewski ( I 16L) described the use of Na 4-chloromercuri-
the general principles of LC with a spectroscopic detector and benzenesulfonate (I) in ethanediol-H20 (1:l)to extract and
applications to HC sepns. They used Perkin-Elmer's Series concentrate RSH from petroleum HCs. In the extn., I forms
2 and Series 3 LC with: (1) the Model LC-55 variable- mercaptides with RSH; the extracted mercaptides are then
wavelength UV detector fitted with an accessory for recording regenerated by treating the extract with aq. 3.8% thioacet-
the spectra, (2) the Model Lc-15 fixed wavelength UV de- amide and are removed by extn. with hexane or hexane-
tector, (3) the Model LC-lo00 fluorescence detector. Examples benzene (91)with recoveries from 96 to 99%. This procedure
of spectra include tert-butylbenzene, benzene, toluene, might be used as a preliminary to the GC detn. of individual
ethylbenzene, and isopropylbenzene. thiols in gasoline cuts.
Colin et al. (29L)described the construction and perform- Jenkins (71L)discussed the use of XRF (energy-or
ance of an improved differential refractometer detector for wavelength-dispersive) to provide a reasonably complete
LC. Design modifications over conventional RI detectors elemental analysis which in turn is used to greatly simplify
include the following: (1)symmetrical design and small focal phase analysis by powder XRD. Computer 'search-matchin
lengths; (2) placing the double prism in a parallel li ht beam of data can be improved considerably where both positive an8
making it less sensitive to vibrations; (3) a cod-source
light-emitting diode (G& TIL 31) emitting at about 940 nm
negative elemental information are available. Application of
combined XRD-XRF for routine phase analysis of leaded
with a bandwidth of 45 nm minimizes base-line shift by re- asoline engine deposits and airborne particulates is described.
ducing differential heating of the two cells by the source; (4)
designing the cell block for easy removal and thus simpler
Instrumentation is discussed.
Arkenbout (11L) reviewed the advantages of continuous
maintenance; (5) small cell volume which reduces band fractional crystallization for the sepn. and purification of org.
broadening. The detector has a time constant of 24 ms and compds. from theor. and ractical standpoints. Applications
a linear dynamic range of 27 OOO. The equipment is compared include the sepn. of xyEne isomers and thiophene from
with a Waters R 401 detector. Under optimum conditions benzene and the purification of benzene. Several lab-scale
1 pm of benzene in heptane can be detected. devices are described and scale-up to pilot plant scale is
Fallick and Rausch (38L)described the radial compression mentioned.
technique for packing LC columns with small particle size Nechitailo (I12L) described the development of thermal
packings which permits the reproducible formation of a ho- analysis (TA) and its application to petroleum chemistr
mogeneous bed and eliminates wall effects. Performance of characterized Soviet and foreign TA equipment, and m a l l
this packing technique and the LC system thus obtained is an extensive lit. review. Potential a plications and results
illustrated with the sepn. of arom. HCs and other org. compds. of TA analysis were discussed for H8compos. of crude oils,

melting temps. and purity of HCs, phase diagrams of mixts. Samples contg. no V were doped with a vanadyl porphyrin
of n-paraffins, thermal stability and structure of adducts of complex to 300 ppm V. The temp. of appearance of isotropic
urea and thiourea with n-paraffins and isoprenoid HCs, ESR spectra of VCs was used to classify the samples into two
characteristics of lubricants and mechanism of their oxidation, groups. This classification was completely consistent with
various synthetic lube additives, greases and soap thickeners, classificationsbased on the activation energies for VC rotations
petroleum asphaltenes and resins, prepn., compos., and props. and on the properties of the mesophase structures of cokes
of catalysts, and physical and chem. processes in polymers, derived from the samples.
108 references. Process Analyzers: GC. The use of pP or computer
Tittarelli (155L) reported on recent trends, developments, controlled GCs is now well documented as one of the most
and Petroleum Industry applications in flameless AA spec- highly used on-line analyzers in the petroleum and petro-
troscopy, as given in the jointly held 20th Colloquim S ec- chemical industry. A pP based GC can usually handle from
troscopicum Internationale and the 7th International 8on- one to four or six GCs and several streams per GC simulta-
ference on AA (Prague 8-30 to 9-3-77). The following are neously. A com uter-controlled system may handle four to
discussed: mechanisms of atomization and of the loss of sixteen GCs wit! each GC handling several streams. There
atomic vapor in the atomizers; results of de Galen’s study of is, however, a limit on the total combination of compounds,
the Perkin-Elmer HGA-2100 and Varian-Techtron CRA-90 streams, and GCs. Whether one uses a pP GC system or the
atomizers which showed that current efficiencies and sensi- larger computer system is a decision that must be made on
tivities could be improved considerably; methods of correcting the basis of the needs of the user.
for background absorption (including FM continuous light Systems now available because of their computing and
and echelle-grating monochromators) to permit the analysis memory capabilities not only provide composition information
of concentrated solns. and eliminate noise from the light source as did the analogue type GCs but now can provide gravity,
and flame. Also discussed extensively is a U S . oil company as well as BTU outputs, thus providing the equivalent of three
trace metals project (Anal. Chem. 1974) which described analyzers in one.
methods for Mn, Hg, Cd, and Be in petroleum products. McCoy (99L)discusses the added capabilities of pP-based
Lukasiewicz (95L)described the use of relatively transparent programmers. Among those mentioned are control of multiple
flames produced with N20/H2in AA for direct analysis of analyzers, time-based scheduling of events, self-diagnostics
petrochemical and petroleum products for trace nonrefractory and alarming, stored program$, and arithmatical computations
elements without prior sample diln. The analysis of gasoline with printout capabilities. The use of such a system on a
indicated that litle N 2 0 band absorption remains when mass natural gas pipe-line is described where the programmer
transport of organic solvent to the flame is high. Correlations controlled two GCs, calculated composition, BTU, specific
between the decrease in absorption of N20/H2flame at 205.2 gravity and sulfur content, and running averages and printed
nm and the following were found: (1)the amount of C de- out the results on two printers.
livered to the flame gasoline, isooctane, acetone, methyl iso- Gay (48L)surveyed process GCs controlled by microcom-
butyl ketone, and 2-propanol; (2) the product of the b.p. and puters for interfacing with the main process control loop of
heat of vaporization at the b.p. for relatively nonpolar solvents a plant. This England based survey covered units supplied
such as isooctane, cyclohexane, benzene, acetone, toluene, by Foxboro-Arcas, Applied Automation, Beckman, Pye Un-
methyl isobutyl ketone, xylene, and several alcohols and n- icam, and Taylor Servormex. Stockinger et al. (148L)de-
alkanes. Robinson (129L)discussed the potential difficulties veloped an on-line computer-controlled GC for observing
in using carbon atomizers in AA, includin factors affecting composition changes in a catalytic re-former pilot plant to
the rate of atomization and background a%sorption and de- evaluate catalysts. The chromatographic system consisted
tection and correction. Detection limits for 34 elements are of four high-resolution columns in two temperature zones and
given. The use of gas ((20,)lasers in studying volatile organic two FIDs. Temp. and flow programming were used to op-
compds. is also considered, and applications are discussed. timize peak resolution. Up to 280 compds. were identified
Detection limits with a prototype instrument are <1pg for in some wide boiling range products. Properties, such as Oct.
vinyl chloride, ethylene, and propylene, 16 references. No. sp. gr., mol. wt., and v.p. were calculated.
Severin (142L) studied existing MS methods and the de- Griffin and Webb (52L, 53L) indicate the usefulness of
velopment of new methods for the analysis of complex mixts. process GCs with other instrumentation including computers
Electron impact spectra were obtained for model compds. in as a means for optimizing the balance between energy input
the aromatic, naphthenic-aromatic, naphthenic, and paraffinic and process yield and product quality. Processes, such as
compd. classes and for cyclic 0-,and N- and S-compds. and distillation, catalytic cracking, ammonia, and ethylene pro-
were used to develop “clastograms”. The latter showed that duction are covered.
ionization potential differences can be used to determine Other Analyzers: LC, MS, IR. LC as a process analyzer
quantitatively traces of heterocompds. in sat. fractions. Ap- is in its early stages of application. There will no doubt be
plication of the photon impact method to a satd. lube oil further development work in this area where other techniques
fraction (up to 500 mol. wt.) showed many fewer fragment ions cannot be used successfully. Mowery (105L),for example,
than did the electron impact method. Photon impact should reports on preliminary laboratory studies aimed a t process
provide an alternative to field ionization. The photon spectra control applications. In most cases, these studies are on
of C4-CI4 n-alkanes at 50-500 “C showed a temp.-dependent streams containing unstable or reactive compounds and
behavior favorable to analysis. An analytical MS was modified phenolic type materials. Examples are given on the use of
to permit simultaneous use of both the electron and photon silica gel column with aqueous mobile phases.
methods, including interfacing a computer to the MS. Albers Poddar et al. (12OL)relates an LC application that auto-
(6L)used high-resolution MS to determine N- and 0-contg. matically samples a batch process for making butadiene-
heterocom ds. in high-boiling petroleum fractions, using a styrene rubber. The analyzer calculates mol. wt. distribution
Varian MifT 731. Preliminary measurements of vacuum in 20 min compared with 3.5 h by manual methods. Other
distillates gave a resolution of m / A m = 35000 sufficient to uses include detn. of ethyl derivatives of toluene for distillation
distinguish heterocompds. with one or two N and 0 atoms control, analyzing chlorinated phenols, acetophenone, catechol,
from each other and from HCs but not for distinguishing S hydroquinone, and measuring antioxidant levels in several
compds. Spectra of the basis fraction of a Kurkuk vacuum products.
distillate showed the presence of mainly HCs, compds. with An article (7015)describes a pP controlled DuPont Model
one N and compds. with one N plus one 0 atom. The degree 850 with precise pumping rates, crude elution gradient ca-
of condensation approximated that of pyrene. A small amt. pability, and programmed control of solvent composition,
of alkyl-substituted pyridines appeared among the N compds. analysis time, column temperature, and detector sensitivity.
which had degrees of condensation of acridine or higher. The reproducibility is about 0.3%, includin separations with
Shibata (144L)described an ESR study of vanadyl com- E
complex gradients. Detection limits are t e range of nano-
to picograms. The pP keyboard permits change of operating
lexes (VC) in various carbonaceous materials up to 435 OC.
!‘he ESR spectra were clearly correlated with the charac- parameters without interrupting the analysis.
teristics of mesophase formation during carbonization of such On-line MS has only recently become a commercially viable
materials as petroleum residue from Vanezuelan (650 ppm technique. This is due primarily to cost reductions and
V), Wafra (120 ppm V) and Taching reduced crudes, various availability of the minicomputer for handling the lar e amount
coal-tar pitches, a hydrogenated coal oil, and Gilsonite pitches. of data involved. I believe it can be said that MS d continue

to increase in use because of its fast response and capability contribution to the energy goals. Buford et al. (22L)discusses
to handle many compds. simultaneously and its ability to cover the instrumentation of 16 fractionation towers in which a
the ppm range and, in some cases, ppb range. Even though computer-operated GC system was used as part of a digital
its cost is still relatively high compared to GC and other control system. The system included 27 analyzers sampling
analyzers, its versatility is such that it can and will replace 33 streams. Preliminary finding indicated savings of close to
some of the more conventional analyzers in the near future. $460000 on steam alone. Other information pertinent to the
Rothstein (133L)covers the basic functions and components success of the s stem was discussed, such as: training of
of an on-line MS, the ionization process, interpretation of the personnel, t r e n i displays of process variables, and other
spectral data to obtain concentrations directly for each com- control-related items.
ponent in the sample, and the calibration of the MS. Hachmuth and Griffin (59L)cover the use of control sys-
Tailliez (153L) discusses the use of a time-of-flight MS tems including analyzers and computers to im rove gas plant
which permits simultaneous determination of up to 16 com- energy efficiency for maximum recovery of and C3 while
pounds or se uentially a much greater number of compounds. producing on-spec. liquids and residue gas. On-line analysis
Accuracy is h o u t f 2 % with less than 1s response time over of the demethanizer product by GC provides a C1/Cp ratio
the concentration range of 5 ppm to 100% in gas mixtures. output which is used to adjust the temperature set point. Acid
With some decrease in accuracy the response time can be content of the feed gas is analyzed and the output used to
reduced to 0.01 s. Sampling rates as low as 0.0001 cm3/s can adjust the flow of amine used to remove the acid gases.
be used. An obvious advantage is to detn. unstable inter- Griffin et al. (54L) look to be 1980s for highly efficient
mediates in process reactions. process heaters, propose computer control of flue gas 02,
Zamaria (172L) describes the “PROMASS” on-line MS control of flux densities, hence flame patterns, and control
which is a computer-controlled quadrupole MS designed as of SO3 dew point. The trend will be toward large single
a rugged, automatic multicomponent gas analyzer. Program- burners with mechanical draft equipment and com uterized
ming permits the system to search and measure specific flame failure s stems to monitor safe start up and sRutdown.
compounds for a given gas stream. It provides automatic An interrupteipilot and a UV detector will be needed for gas
calibration, pushbutton startup and shutdown, status warning, fuel and an intermittent pilot which with two IR detectors
and disorder indicators. Detection ranges for most gases is for the main burner and pilot flame.
lo00 ppm to 100%. A five-component sample of roughly equal A total energy measurement system is described by Rosko
concentrations with normalization requires 0.2 s. One par- and Haas (132L) that provides both energy content as well
ticular use has been in ethylene oxide production where the as total flow and energy as primary outputs and real specific
MS determines C2, 02,HC1, and C12 u to 500 ppm silulta- gravity, gas composition, and flow and energy as secondary
neously and quickly. Generally, two G8s are needed for this outputs. The ENCAL I1 system combines three subsystems,
analysis. namely, flow measurement by orifice technique, a process GC
Other MS applications have been reported (2%). Both Dow for composition, and a microcomputer for system control and
Chemical Co. and Perkin-Elmer Corp. are using a prototype
single MGA-1200-PDP 11/40 combination in closed-loop
control of six reactors. Results by the MGA-1200 kept the
calculations. Other features include complete power fail
automatic recovery, autodiagnostics, self-calibration of G 4
every 24 h or a t operator’s selected interval, summation of up
carbon balance between 99.5 and 100.5% with readings in 25 to 6 m with flow switching to optimize flow measurement, and
s. Over 9 months, only four calibrations were required. By capacity for digital transmission of results to a host computer.
GC and O2analyzers, the carbon balance ranged from 98 to Kennedy (81L)outlines the instrumentation and process
102% and required 6 min. control principles in the design of a new petroleum refinery.
Kocak and Wilks (83L) gives a review of IR analyzers for Examples of analyzers used to optimize operations are octane
on-line streams in process industries. A flow-through IR analyzer for reformate, GC for distillation, and a multistream
reflectance sample cell for concentrations of 0.1-100% is O2 analyzer for fuel-air ration control.
considered using a single-beam with a dual filter differential Analyzers: Techniques, Sampling, Sensors. A new
method to counter background interferences. Another ap- DuPont Model 560 moisture analyzer was used (123L)to solve
proach is the MIR or multiple internal reflection technique an analyzer chloride corrosion problem on the H2 recycle
in which the IR radiation is reflected inside the crystal and stream of a catalytic re-former. The newer model, while still
refracted partly back to the sample. As a result, as the sample using the same basic vibrational fre uency change of a hy-
flows past the crystal it absorbs IR energy proportional to the groscopically sensitized quartz c r y s d as in the older model,
concentration and barring interferences greater sensitivities provides a longer drying cycle to reduce corrosion. In addition,
can be expected. Lositskii and Rylov (91L)present a review the wet and dr samples are alternately passed through the
covering single-beam and double-beam IR and opticoacoustic sensor while d e reference crystal remains sealed. A p P
analyzers for gases and air. Muraki et al. (108L) have de- processes data and provides a digital display and output
veloped a modified IR gas analyzer that uses two beams from compatible with computer processing.
a single sourve, one passes through a reference circuit, the McWhorter (IOOL)emphasizes the need for proper heat
other through a test circuit and both are alternately inter- tracing of analyzer sample lines particularly on those va or
rupted by a chopper. In the path of one beam are a concave samples having dew points above ambient temperature. o n e
mirror, a temp. compensating cell, the sample cell, a second recommendation is to use prefabricated steam-traced bundles
concave mirror, a wavelength band filter, and one side of a with special attention to steam pressure, tubing bundle, slope
detector. In the other beam are a concave mirror, an aperture, of lines, steam traps placements, steam supply points, and
an airtight interference cell with adjustable length for cali- maintenance. Nothing is proposed on the use of electrical heat
bration, a second concave mirror, a filter wavelength band trace which, while more expensive, have some advantages over
which includes most of the transmitted wavelen h band of steam tracing.
the fiist filter, and the other side of the detector. he N-fiied
detector is temp. controlled and has a window for each en-
Lovelace (92L)addresses the design considerations of
sampling systems and provides a checklist of hazards (toxic,
tering beam and a common light sensor. The test and ref- flammable, etc.), physical conditions, materials of construction
erence beams each alternately entering the detector provides and installation procedures to be considered. Also covered
a signal. An example of an application is having C2H4in the are sample enclosures, and shielding for operations. The
compensating cell when NO is detd. in the test gas. o ration and advantages of indirect line sampler devices are
Jones and Reed (75L) have used a near-IR analyzer to
analyze for ppm to percentage concns. of H20in ethylene
E considered. Types of systems discussed are sampling pl
double three-port valves, piston ram-t e valves, S a m 3
dichloride. The optical system uses a quartz-iodine source
lamp for 1000-3000-nm emission, a collimating lens, sample
syringes, and sample chambers, along wit commercial sam-
pling devices.
cell, rotating disk with interference filters for two different Hara (63L) discusses the manufacture of a special semi-
wavelengths, and a detector. The system is used also for detng. conductor gas sensor element prepared from SiOz and metal
acetic acid in esterification batch operations. Productivity oxide semiconductor particles. The sensor showed good mech.
was increased by 6% while saving on steam. strength, long service life, and high sensitivity for hydrocarbon
Process Analyzers: Process Energy Conservation. As gases, such as propane. The element has two Pt electrodes
part of the overall energy conservation program of industry, imbedded in the sensor and when a potential is applied be-
analyzers along with the use of computers make a substantial tween the electrodes, the potential changes as the resistance

changes due to the presence of the gas. May (98L) provides a listing of several applications of
Patrushev et al. (118L)present a review of work done in neutron activation analysis in chemical and pollution fields.
an experimental lab in East Europe on the development and Examples are given, such as: analysis of precious metals,
use of solid-electrolyte gas analyzers of the electrochemical nuclear graphite and hydrocarbons, control of pollution of
type for gases, air and waste water. water and seawater, analysis of food, hair, and atmospheric
Bond (18L)presents a discussion on the use of fiber optics dust.
as an alternative to convential wire cables for transmission Rutherford et al. (134L) describes an "in vitro" enzyme
of control and measurement signals and data within process inhibition method for screening petroleum effluents. The
plants. Advantages are very wide band width, immunity from extent of inhibition by a simulated petroleum effluent con-
electromagnetic disturbance, and safety in hazardous areas taining expected contaminants at the maxium level was de-
and small chance of tapping. Uses are given of purely optical termined. A preincubation mixture containing 10 pL of glu-
transducers for measuring levels, flow rate, temperature, cose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (I) and 1mL of the simulated
pressure, and strain. The application of one such optic system effluent made from 10 mg of NH4C1, 0.25 mg of KzCrO 10
in a major oil company is used, as an example, where pulses mg of No. 2 fuel oil, 0.1 mg of phenol, 0.17 mg of Na2S.9&0,
are transmitted up to 150 m and all electronics are outside 20 mg of Kaolinite, and 1 L of HzO (soln A) was kept a t 23
the hazardous area. We see the use of fiber optics as a new "C for 30 min. To a 10-pL aliquot of solution A was added
and useful tool in the near future as costs are reduced and 1mL of solution I reaction mixture containing 1mM NADP'
installation and patching procedures are simplified. and 1mM glucose 6-phos hate in 0.05 M Tris-HC1 buffer (pH
On a more state-of-the art level, one article (27L) describes 8.1),and the rate of pro&ction of NADPH (11) a t 23 "C was
the use of Analog Devices Inc's desktop Macsym I1 computer determination spectrophotometrically. Comparison of the rate
for collecting rocess signals, such as come from thermocou- of formation of I1 between soln A and no soln A gave the
ples, flow antpressure transducers, and GCs. The system percentage inhibition. The main thrust here is that enzyme
uses a version of the BASIC computer language and is de- inhibition may be a useful screening tool for degree of con-
signed for pilot plant use but can be extended to entire process tamination of refinin effluents.
plants. The system monitors and controls several operations Imamura and Fu'ii 69L) determined toluene, ethylbenzene,
through keyboard instruction and presents data as graphs or and xylenes a t ppb levels in ambient air by GC/MS tech-
stores it for later review. Both analog and digital signals from niques. Samples were injected directly by means of a PTFE
sensors can be handled via card-type modules. sample loop onto a glass column (1.5 m X o mm) packed with
Pollution Analysis and Instrumentation. The literature 10% of Bentone 34-DDP (1:l)on Chromosorb W AW (60-80
is replete with papers dealing with pollution methods ermane mesh) and operated at 50-60 "C with He as carrier gas (30
to the petroleum and related industries. It woulf be im- mL min-'). The effluent was coupled directly to a MS op-
possible to discuss all such methods many of which would be erated a t 70 eV. The mass fragments were continuously
covered in reviews on air pollution and water analysis in this monitored at mle 91. Detection limits observed were 2-4 ppb.
journal. For this review we will mention some work done with
methods and techniques not routinely used. No references
to process analyzers will be made in this section. INTRODOCTION
Guillemin et al. (58L) describe a GC technique for ppm (1A) Fraser, J. M., Anal. Chem., 51, 211R (1979).
pollutants in which the carrier gas is a mixture of steam and (2A) IbM., 49, 231R (1977).
(3A) IbM., 47, 169R (1975).
N2. An FID is used, and columns are packed with various (4A) Grambrill, C. M., IbM., 35, l l l R (1963).
grades of spherosil. Good separations were obtained with (5A) IbM., 37, 143R (1965).
symmetrical peaks for mixtures of C1-C4 alkanes and alkenes, (6A) King, R. W., IbM., 43, 162R (1971).
C1-C6 alcohols, and various ketones plus a mixture of several (7A) IbM., 45, 170R (1973).
chlorinated HCs at ppm levels. The detection limit for vinyl (EA) LeTournequ, R. ., IbM., 29, 684 (1957).
(9AI IbM.. 31. 730 (1959).
chloride was 5 ppb. The particular advantage we see in the (lOA) I b i . , 33, 92d (1962).
method as described is that it can be used directly on water (11A) Levin, H. L., lbM., 25. 47 (1953).
samples as well as air and process samples. (12A) IbM., 27, 599 (1955).
Etz and Blaha (36L)discussed critical measurement aspects (13A) Tuemmier, F. D., lbM., 39, 157R (1987).
of Raman microprobe analysis, including instrument design (14A) IbM., 41, 152R (1969).
and s atial resolution, laser-induced sample heating and CRUDE OILS
optidbreakdown, effects due to the chem. chemical reactivity (16) AbuIlgheit, M., Khalll, S. O., Barakat, A. O., Am. Chem. Soc.,Dlv.
of microparticles, laser-induced fluorescence, and low-signal Petrol. Chem., Prepr., 24, 793 (1979).
measurements. Limitations and counterremedies are de- (28) Altgek, K. H., Gouw, T. H., Eds., "Chromatography in Petroleum
scribed. Spectra given include polynuclear aromatic HCs and Analysis", Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1979).
(38) Angelova, G., Petrova, R., Minkova, V., Todorova, M., Nett. Vugllshtna
various microparticles and airborne dusts. G d . , 9 , 55 (1978); C . A . , 90, 1893762 (1979).
Brown et al. (21L) report on the development of a rapid (48) Antipnko, V. R., Melkov, V. N., Titov, V. I. Neftekhlmlya, 19, 723
field test for detectin oil in sediments. The sample, mixed (1979).
with NaZSO4,is stirref with hexane, the extract concentrated, (58) Antipenko, V. R., Serebrennikova, 0. V., Tttov, V. I., Nettekhlm/ya, 19,
and an aliquot placed on a strip of Gelman ITLC SA paper. 323 (1979).
(66) Barabadze, Sh. Sh., Izv. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, Ser. Khlm., 4 , 283
A chromatogram is developed via the ascending technique for (1978); C . A . , 90, 124211X (1979).
2.5 cm with a benzene-light naphtha mix. After drying, the (78) Ber.-Dtsch. Ges. Mlneraloelwlss. Kohlechem., 1977, 123, 14p.
chromatogram is viewed under UV radiation and compared (86) Blerl, R. H., Cueman, M. K., Smith, C. L., Su, ClhCWu, Int. J . Envlron.
with a standard. A ositive indication is a bright blue Anal. Chem., 5 , 293 (1978).
fluorescence and the,d%ection limit is 2 pg of oil. (96) Bonevski, R., Weber, K., Erdoel Kohle Erdgas Petrochem., 3 1 , 372
van Loon (161L)used a combination of GC separation and (106) Borwitzky, H., Schomburg, G., J . Chromatogr., 170, 99 (1979).
AA detection for monitoring metals in the environment and (116) Brownrigg, J. T., Hornig, A. W., Report 1978, BETC/RI-78/13, 79 pp.
roducts. For example, Zn alkyls and ar 1 compds. in lu- Avail. NTIS. From Energy Res. Absfr. 1979, 4 (1). Abstr. No. 279.
Ericating oils, Pb alkyls in gasoline and air, 8 r in liquified coal (126) Bunger, J. W., Thomas, K. P., Dorrence, S. M., Fuel, 58, 183 (1979).
and shale, and Mn as the cyclopentadienyl Mn tricarbonyl (138) Castex, H., Oceanol. Acta, 2, 33 (1979).
(148) Chesier, S. N., Hertz, H. S., May, W. E., Wise, S. A,, Guenther, F. R.,
were determined by GC/AA. Much of the study dealt with Int. J . Envlron. Anal. Chem., 5 , 259 (1978).
techniques for interfacing the AA as a detector to the GC (156) Clerk, H. A., Jurs, P. C., Anal. Chem., 5 1 , 616 (1979).
columns under different analysis conditions. (166) Coleman, H. F., Shekon, E. M., Nichols, D. T., Thompson, C. J., Report
Rohbock and Mueller (13015)describe an apparatus for the 1978, BEtC/R1-78/14, 451 pp. Avail. NTIS. From Energy Res. Absb.
7979, 4 (lo), Abstr. No. 25463.
measurement of alkyl-lead compounds in air. The air sample (176) Cotter, J. E., Prien, C. H., Schmidt-Collerus, J. J., Powell, D. J., Sung,
passes through a glass fiber filter. Then the TEL is concen- R., Repod 1978, EPA/600/7-78/065, pp. 83. Avail. NTIS. From Gov.
trated by adsorption on a 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W Rep. Announce. Index ( U . S . ) 1978, 78 (23), 129.
AW in a st. st. U-tube at -193 "C. Upon heating of the U-tube (186) Crowley, R. J., Slggle, S., Uden, P. C., Anal. Chem., 52, 1224 (1980).
to 130 "C, the TEL is desorbed and determination by AA with (196) Cslkai, J., AMoboroi, S. M., J. Radioenal. Chem., 53, 225 (1979).
the use of raphite furnace at 2400 "C. For a 200-L sample (208) Dooley, J. E., Thompson, C. J., Scheppeie, S. E., In "Anal. Methods
Coal Coal Prod.", Carr, C., Jr., Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1978,
of air, the fetection limit for P b is 1ng m-3 and relative error VOl. 1, PP. 467-98.
is about 10%. (218) Dorn, H. C., Taylor, L. T., Glass, T., Anal. Chem., 51, 947 (1979).



(228) DiSanzo, F. P., Univ. Mass. Diss. (1979), 203P. (838) Uspenskii, V. A., Radchenko, 0. A., Bulanova, N. F., Smirnova, N. E.,
(238) Eastwood, D., Fortier, S., Hendrick, M. S., Int. Lab., 1978 (Jul-Aug), Tr. Vses. Nen. Nauchno-Issled. Geobgorazved. Inst., 395, 104 (1977);
51. C . A . , 9 0 , 2 5 6 6 9 ~(1979).
(248) Ferguson, D. A,, Luke, L. A,, Chromatographia, 72, 197 (1979). (848) Utashho, S., Matsua, H.. Kale Uoan Daigakko Kenkyu Hokoku. Dai-2-
(258) Filimonova, T. A., Kryazhev, Yu. G., KaAyanov, V. F., Neftekhimiya, Bu, 24(1), 23 (1978); C . A . , 9 0 , 124146e (1979).
79, 696 (1979). (858) Vercier, P., Mouton, M., Natl. Pet. Reffners Assoc. Annu. Meet. (S8n
(268) Frame, G. M., 11, Flanigan, G. A,, Carmody, D. C., J. Chromatogr., Antonio 3125-271 79) Pap. #AM-79-53:24.
766, 365 (1979). (868) Vercler, P., Mouton, M., OilGas J., 77(38), 121 (1979).
(278) Gerasimova, N. N., Nesterenko, V. I.,Neftekhimiya, 79, 738 (1979). (878) Vo-Dinh, T., Reporl 7978, CONF-781150-1, 11 pp. Avail. NTIS.
(288) GiRrap, J. W., Mapper, D., Farren, J., U. K. At. €nergy Res. Estabi., From Energy Res. Abstr. 7979, 4 (9), Abstr. No. 24065.
Rep., AERE R-8866, 7978, 20p. (888) Vorob'eva, N. S., Zernskova, 2 . K., Petrov, AI. A,, Neffekhlmlya, 78,
(298) Glajch, J. L., Lubkowitz, J. A., Rogers, L. E., J. Chromatogr., 768, 855 (1978).
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(338) Qizzle, P. L., Coleman, H. J., Anal. Chem., 57, 602 (1979). 79, 7 (1979).
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(368) Hajek, M., Sebor, G., Lang, I., Starcuk, Z.,Weisser, O., Vcdicka, L., (948) Zhmykhova, N. M., Nekhamkina, L. G., Neftekhimiya, 19, 684 (1979).
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(378) Hajek, M., Sklemr, V., Sebor, G., Lang, I., Weisser, O., Anal. Chem., FUELS, GASEOUS AND LIOUID
5 0 , 773 (1978).
(1C) Alekseeva, A. V., Shatilova, L. A,, Slepneva, A. T., Berezovskaya, E.
(388) Halasz, I., Erdoei Khole, Erdgas Petrochem., Brennst.-Chem., 37, N., Khim. Tekhnol. Top/. Mssel(6).31 (1979).
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Pharmaceuticals and Related Drugs

R. K. Gllpln’

Department of Chemistry, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242

L. A. Pachla‘ and J. S. Ranweiler

Research Division, McNeil Pharmaceutical, Spring House, Pennsylvania 19477

The current review surveys pharmaceutical analysis and attention. Liquid chromatography has been used to separate
related methodology that has appeared in Analytical Ab- 16 compounds from 8 different groups (1A). Additionally, the
stracts or Chemical Abstracts from July 1978 to June 1980. solvent composition effect of various water/methanol systems
Although an excess of 800 entries have been cited, these cover on the reversed-phase selectivity of several alkaloids has been
only a small percentage of the work reported during the time studied (10A). Development of a capacitance-conductance
period of the review. An attempt has been made to report detector and its application to HPLC analysis have been
only those references that have appeared to be significant and described (3A). Postcolumn derivatization for the improved
have been published in easily accessible journals. detection of alkaloids in normal-phase liquid chromatography
The past format of the review has been modified in ac- has been discussed (6A). Also, various as ects of thin-la er
cordance with the comments received during the Analytical chromatography have been considered. Tfese have incluJed
Chemistry Reader Survey conducted in 1979. Changes which the use of optical brighteners for detection enhancement (4A),
have been made include a reduction in the number of refer- extraction of solutes from plates using supercritical gases
ences cited, addition of a narrative section, and elimination (12A),separation of toxic alkaloids on metal-salt-impregnated
of potential overlaps between this review and the Clinical plates (9A),and a review on identifyin narcotic drugs (11A).
Chemistry Review by not citing articles which have dealth with The separation of some pharmaceutic&y important alkaloids
the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in biological ma- using zirconium antimonate impregnated paper has been
trices. reported (7A). In addition, nonchromatographic procedures
The review has been divided into 10 major sections: Gen- have received attention. General aspects of colorimetric
eral, Alkaloids, Antibiotics, Inorganics, Nitrogen- and Oxy- analysis using several metallic acids for the determination of
gen-Containing Compounds, Steroids, Sulfur-Containing important alkaloids have been discussed @A). Kinetic energy
Compounds, Vitamins, Techniques, and Miscellaneous. Most spectrometry has been used for the direct quantitation of
of the major sections have been divided further into subsec- alkaloids in whole plant materials (5A). Various alkaloids have
tions. been determined by enzymic inhibition enthalpimetry (2A).
Cinchona. A modified nonaqueous titration procedure has
GENERAL been com ared with the USP nonaqueous titration procedure
Subjects for books and reviews have included: current and founa to be comparable in specificity and reliability for
aspects of pharmaceutical analysis ( I , 7), Vol. 8 of a collective the determination of quinidine sulfate in tablets. However,
series concerned with individual compounds and their ana- the USP method has shown greater variability (13A). A rapid
lytical profiles ( 2 ) ,and a comprehensive semiannual report liquid chromatographic estimation of dihydroquinidine con-
which contained over 1800 references ( 3 ) . During this time, tamination in quinidine raw materials has been published
“The International Pharmacopoeia” (12) and a pocket text- (14A).
book of pharmaceutical analysis arranged by subject have been Ergot. HPLC methods for the analysis of various ergot
published (13). The topic of “com uter assisted synthetic alkaloids using an NH2 column (26A) and columns packed
analysis” also has been consideref ( 4 . -In addition, the with porous polystyrene modified with hydroxymethyl groups
analytical methods found in the European Pharmacopoeia I11 (27A) have been reported. Ergot alkaloids have been sepa-
and the German Pharmacopoeia 8 have been compared (5). rated by using both silica and CIScolumns (25A). Irradiation
Other reviews have been concerned with glycosides and al- of the HPLC effluent with a high-pressure lamp has been
kaloids (6) and illicit drugs (8). Summaries of papers pres- employed to identify ergot compounds by monitoring de-
ented at general meetings (IO,11)and a brief paper dealing creases in their fluorescence (22A). The linear relationship
with the analytical characteristics of several drugs (9) also have between fluorodensitometric signal and concentration has been
been published. examined. Theoretical vs. experimental data for far vs. near
In the preparation of the current manuscript general papers side TLC scanning have been reported for several ergot al-
and reviews directed toward individual classes of compounds kaloids (21A). An automated fluorometric ion-pair method
have been listed and discussed under one of the remaining which permits 20 determinations/h has been developed (17A).
sections by subject. The physical properties as well as chemic4 stability of various
hydrated ergot alkaloid preparations have been studied (15A).
ALKALOIDS Analytical procedures have been reviewed for the determi-
During the period of this review, many aspects of the nation of bromocriptine methanesulfonate (16A). A method
analysis of alkaloids have been considered. Topics of sepa-
ration and detection enhancement have received considerable
based upon classical column chromato raphy with fluoro-
metric detection has been reported for t e determination of
methyler onovine and ergonovine maleate in tablets and in-
jectables (%A). Ergonovine also has been quantitated by using
Current address: Warner-Lambert Co., Ann Arbor, MI. reversed-phase HPLC conditions (23A). Solvent-dependent
142 R 0003-2700/81/0353-142R$06.00/0 0 1981 American Chemical Society

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