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Austria, Reagan

Mendoza, Sarah

This document contains the following data:

1. Employee Internet-User Agreement (Original Document)

2. Acceptable Use Policy For Students: Grades 5, 6, 7, High 1, 2, 3, 4
 Preamble
 Definition of Terms
 Policy Statement
 Acceptable Use Policy
 Unacceptable Use Policy
 Sanctions
 Declaration of Understanding and Adherence




I, (____________________), an employee of Xavier School, hereby acknowledge, agree, and/or
undertake that:

1. Xavier School owns, maintains and/or operates a computer network, hereinafter referred to as
“Xavier Network”, for the benefit of its personnel.

2. Access to the Xavier Network is a privilege of and co-terminus with my employment at

Xavier School. With this privilege is my responsibility to check in my email the latest memo,
announcement, notice, and other school updates. Xavier School however, at its sole discretion,
may suspend this privilege at any time during the course of my employment.

3. My access to the Xavier Network is through a network account issued by Xavier School. The
use of my network account is strictly exclusive. It cannot be used by third persons unless
authorized in writing by Xavier School. In accessing the Xavier Network, I undertake to use
only the network account issued to me.

4. The password to my network account, whether assigned or otherwise, is strictly confidential.

Under no circumstances shall I disclose my password. In the event the Xavier Network is
accessed by third persons through my network account and password, I shall be solely liable for
any and all damages arising from said access. In encoding my password, I reconfirm my
acknowledgment, agreement and/or undertaking to this User Account Agreement.

5. My use and/or access of my network account, is always subject of the following conditions
which I hereby agree and accept without any reservation:
(a) I shall access the Xavier network for the sole purpose of accomplishing school and office
related tasks and in assuming my responsibility to check the latest memo, announcement, notice
and other school updates in my Xavier email account;

(b) I shall respect the privacy, property rights and copyrights of data and computer programs
belonging to third persons;

(c) I will not attempt to access privilege system files or programs;

(d) I will not allow unauthorized use of my network account or knowingly grant use of my
network account to third parties;

(e) I will not provide any information, in whole or in part, regarding my network account
including my password;

(f) I will respect the rights of all other network users on the Xavier network and will not
download, run, execute or save programs that is disruptive or damaging to the Xavier Network or
any user;

(g) I will not download, run, execute or save programs that contains adult content including but
not limited to pornographic and excessive violent materials.

6. Any abuse of the Xavier Network and/or violation of this User Account Agreement may result
in the loss of access privilege. In the event of loss of access privilege, it is my sole responsibility
to pursue alternative arrangement(s) to accomplish my school and/or office related tasks. The
loss of access privilege herein is without prejudice to other sanctions that Xavier School may
impose, including but not limited to termination from employment.

WHEREFORE, I affix my signature below as proof of my unconditional and full acceptance of

the above terms and conditions.

Signature Over Printed Name


(Grades 5, 6, 7, High 1, 2, 3, 4)

Access to the Internet and Xavier Network, is a privilege that will enable school employees and
students to explore information sources within a learning environment. Along with this privilege
are the risks that face the school’s young learners. As such, Xavier School ultimately believes
that parents, guardians and teachers are responsible for promoting the positive standards
individuals should follow when using information sources.

Definition of Terms:
For the purpose of this policy, the following terms have the following meaning
 Xavier Network refers to all computer and peripherals connected to the network.
 Network account refers to the following accounts issued and/or administered by Xavier
School: XServe, XS ELF, Xavier Wiki, My.XS email, Lotus Notes, and school-related,
student-produced web content (personal learning websites, class websites,
organization/club websites, department/office websites, and social network accounts
related to a class, club or organization).
 Copyright is the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter
and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic work).1
 Xavier e-mail account refers to both XS Lotus Notes and My.XS accounts.
 Network Users are all teachers, staff, administrators, students and other members of the
community who use any computer connected to the Xavier Network.
 Reprimand is a formal letter addressed to the parents of the student to be signed
“Received” by the student and his parents. It informs them that the student has
committed a breach in the discipline of the school, a repetition of which, or a commission
of another offense of similar gravity, may place him under disciplinary status.2
 Disciplinary Status refers to the status given to the student to call his attention to the
gravity of his offense, to let him know that the school is not pleased with his behavior, to
give him time to reflect on his behavior and the precariousness of his situation so he take
positive steps for reformation, to warn his parents and friends of the possibility of getting
separated from the school and to set conditions for his continued stay in the school during
the observation period. The student may either be placed on Disciplinary Warning
Status (DWS) or Disciplinary Probationary Status (DPS). 2

I, _________________, a regular student of Xavier School for the School Year _____________,
hereby acknowledge, agree, and/or undertake that:

Policy Statement:
Xavier School owns, maintains and/or operates a computer network, hereinafter referred to as
“Xavier Network”, for the benefit of its personnel and students.

My access to the Xavier Network is through a network account issued by Xavier School. The
use of my network account is strictly exclusive. It cannot be used by third persons unless
authorized in writing by Xavier School. In accessing the Xavier Network, I undertake to use
only the network account issued to me.

The password to my network account, whether assigned or otherwise, is strictly confidential.

Under no circumstances shall I disclose my password. In the event the Xavier Network is
accessed by third persons through my network account and password, I shall be solely liable for
any and all damages arising from said access. In encoding my password, I reconfirm my
acknowledgment, agreement and/or undertaking to this User Account Agreement.

Use Policy
The following actions, which are not exhaustive, constitute the acceptable and unacceptable uses
of the Internet. My use and/or access of my network account, is always subject of the following
conditions which I hereby agree and accept without any reservation:

Acceptable Use
 I shall access the Xavier network for the sole purpose of accomplishing school related
tasks and in assuming my responsibility to check the latest announcements, notice and
other school updates in my Xavier email account;
 I shall respect the privacy, property rights and copyrights of data and computer programs
belonging to third persons;
 I will respect the rights of all other network users on the Xavier network and will not
download, run, execute or save programs that are disruptive or damaging to the Xavier
Network or any user.
 I will use real-time messaging and online chat ONLY with the permission of the teacher
or program manager.
 I will honor all copyright rules and not plagiarize or use copyrighted information without

Unacceptable Use
 I will not attempt to access privilege system files or programs;
 I will not allow unauthorized use of my network account or knowingly grant use of my
network account to third parties;
 I will not provide any information, in whole or in part, regarding my network account
including my password;
 I will not download, run, execute or save programs that contains adult content including
but not limited to pornographic and excessive violent materials;
 I will not deliberately attempt to disrupt system performance or interfere with the work of
other users.
 I will not use impolite, abusive, or otherwise objectionable language in either public or
private messages.

Any abuse of the Xavier Network and/or violation of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in
the loss of access privilege. In the event of loss of access privilege, it is my sole responsibility to
pursue alternative arrangement(s) to accomplish my school and/or office related tasks. The loss
of access privilege herein is without prejudice to other sanctions that Xavier School may impose,
including but not limited to the following:
First Offense: One week suspension from using any computer, connected or not, to the
Xavier Network while inside the campus. A student shall receive a Reprimand from the
Office of the Disciplinary Service.
Second Offense: Suspension from school. Student shall be placed under Disciplinary
Warning Status.
Third Offense: Suspension from school. Student shall be placed under Disciplinary
Probationary Status.

The Unit Disciplinary Board shall investigate, deliberate and review all cases relating to abuse of
the Xavier Network and/or violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.

WHEREFORE, I affix my signature below as proof of my unconditional and full acceptance of

the above terms and conditions.




I, the parent or guardian of ____________________________________ (student's name),

the minor student who has signed, along with me, this acceptable use policy, understand
that my son must adhere to the terms of this policy. I understand that access to the Xavier
Network is designed for educational purposes but will also allow my son access to external
computer databases, networks, etc. that are not controlled by Xavier School. I also
understand that some materials available through these external sources may be
inappropriate and objectionable; however, I acknowledge that it is impossible for Xavier
School to screen or review all of the materials available through these sources. I accept
responsibility to set and convey standards for appropriate and acceptable use to my son
when he is using the Xavier Network or any other electronic media or communications
associated with Xavier School.3

Parent or Guardian Name

(PLEASE PRINT)Parent or Guardian Signature

1. Copyright. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved August 13, 2010,

2. Xavier High School Student Handbook (rev. ed.). (2006). San Juan City: Xavier School.
3. Fairfax County Public Schools. (n.d.). Acceptable use policy for network access. Retrieved August 13, 2010, from

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