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Numerical modeling of liquefaction and

comparison with centrifuge tests
Peter M. Byrne, Sung-Sik Park, Michael Beaty, Michael Sharp, Lenart Gonzalez,
and Tarek Abdoun

Abstract: The prediction of liquefaction and resulting displacements is a major concern for earth structures located in
regions of moderate to high seismicity. Conventional procedures used to assess liquefaction commonly predict the trig-
gering of liquefaction to depths of 50 m or more. Remediation to prevent or curtail liquefaction at these depths can be
very expensive. Field experience during past earthquakes indicates that liquefaction has mainly occurred at depths less
than about 15 m, and some recent dynamic centrifuge model testing initially appeared to confirm a depth or
confining-stress limitation on the occurrence of liquefaction. Such a limitation on liquefaction could greatly reduce
remediation costs. In this paper an effective stress numerical modeling procedure is used to assess these centrifuge
tests. The results indicate that a lack of complete saturation and densification at depth arising from the application of
the high-acceleration field are largely responsible for the apparent limitation on liquefaction at depth observed in some
centrifuge tests.
Key words: liquefaction, dynamic centrifuge modeling, numerical modeling, depth limitation.
Résumé : La prédiction de la liquéfaction et des déplacements qui en résultent est une préoccupation majeure pour les
structures en terre localisées dans des régions de séismicité moyenne à forte. Les procédures conventionnelles utilisées
pour évaluer la liquéfaction prédisent communément le déclenchement de la liquéfaction à des profondeurs de 50 m et
plus. Le confortement pour prévenir ou réduire la liquéfaction à ces profondeurs peut coûter très cher. L’expérience sur
le terrain durant les derniers séismes indique que la liquéfaction s’est produite principalement à des profondeurs infé-
rieures de moins de 15 m, et des essais dynamiques récents sur modèle en centrifuge ont semblé confirmer une limita-
tion de la profondeur ou de la contrainte de confinement pour la génération de la liquéfaction. Une telle limitation sur
la liquéfaction pourrait réduire considérablement les coûts de confortement. Dans cet article, on utilise une procédure
de modélisation numérique en contrainte effective pour évaluer les essais de centrifuge. Les résultats indiquent qu’un
manque de saturation complète de même qu’une densification à une profondeur résultant de l’application du champ des
fortes accélérations sont largement responsables de la limitation apparente sur la liquéfaction en profondeur observée
dans certains essais au centrifuge.
Mots clés : liquéfaction, modélisation dynamique centrifuge, modélisation numérique, limitation de la profondeur.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Byrne et al. 211

Introduction dams where large displacements could lead to overtopping

and sudden release of the reservoir, with life safety con-
The prediction of liquefaction and resulting displacements cerns.
is a major concern for earth structures located in regions of
moderate to high seismicity. This is particularly so for earth The standard procedure used to assess liquefaction com-
monly predicts the triggering of liquefaction to depths of
50 m or more. Remediation to prevent or curtail liquefaction
Received 14 January 2003. Accepted 10 October 2003. at these depths can be very expensive. Field experience dur-
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at ing past earthquakes (Youd et al. 2001) indicates that lique- on 25 March 2004. faction has mainly occurred at depths less than 15 m, and
some recent dynamic centrifuge model testing (Steedman et
P.M. Byrne1 and S.-S. Park. Department of Civil
al. 2000) suggests a depth or confining-stress limitation on
Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2324 Main
Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada. the occurrence of liquefaction. Such a limitation on excess
M. Beaty. California Department of Water Resources, pore pressure development could greatly reduce remediation
P.O. Box 942836, Sacramento, CA 94236, U.S.A. costs, but confirmation requires reliable data and an im-
M. Sharp. Centrifuge Research Center, Engineer Research proved understanding of the liquefaction process through
and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, analysis.
Vicksburg, MS 39180, U.S.A. The seismic behaviour of soil structures to a design earth-
L. Gonzalez and T. Abdoun. Department of Civil quake is generally assessed from a three-stage total stress
Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, analysis involving (i) a dynamic analysis to compute the cy-
NY 12180, U.S.A.
clic stress ratios (CSR) for comparison with the cyclic resis-
Corresponding author (e-mail: tance ratio (CRR) to identify zones that will liquefy; (ii) a

Can. Geotech. J. 41: 193–211 (2004) doi: 10.1139/T03-088 © 2004 NRC Canada
194 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 41, 2004

limit equilibrium analysis to assess post-liquefaction stabil- cess pore pressure during shaking. At that time, a very lim-
ity using residual strengths in the liquefied zones; and, if no ited number of numerical models were successful in accom-
flow slide is predicted, then (iii) a simple dynamic analysis plishing this task.
using the strength of the soil to assess permanent displace- In this paper a numerical procedure is used in which both
ments induced by shaking. The prediction of liquefaction at generation and dissipation of pore fluid pressure are consid-
depth in dynamic analysis occurs largely as a result of the ered. The procedure is applied to predict the results of cen-
reduction in CRR with increasing confining stress, or the Kσ trifuge tests that investigate liquefaction at large depths. The
effect, which is noted in laboratory element tests. characteristic liquefaction behaviour of Nevada sand used in
The aforementioned analyses represent the current state of the models was obtained from undrained cyclic simple shear
practice. Such analyses are not fundamental and are not tests and is the basis for the numerical predictions of the
likely to improve our basic understanding of the liquefaction centrifuge tests. Several factors had to be considered to ac-
process because they do not directly consider pore pressures curately predict the centrifuge results, including the change
in the prediction of liquefaction. Pore pressures are indi- in density caused by the confining stresses induced in the
rectly allowed for in the reduced strength and stiffness val- centrifuge and the effects of degree of saturation.
ues used after liquefaction is triggered. A comparison of predicted and measured centrifuge
Effective stress analyses for assessing liquefaction have model response is presented in this paper. Prior to the pre-
been available for more than 25 years and are more funda- diction, a brief description of the numerical model is pre-
mental. Triggering of liquefaction and post-liquefaction sta- sented. In addition, the effects of saturation and stress
bility and resulting displacements can be considered in a densification on liquefaction response are discussed.
single time domain analysis. Such analyses are generally
based on capturing the element behaviour from laboratory Effective stress numerical modeling of
tests and then considering the soil structure to comprise a
collection of such elements with both generation and dissi- liquefaction
pation of pore water pressure occurring as shaking proceeds. Cyclic shear strains induce plastic volume compaction in
In this way the weaker and (or) more heavily loaded ele- granular soils. Martin et al. (1975) presented quantitative
ments are predicted to liquefy first, and the resulting dis- data in their landmark paper and showed that the amount
placements increase with time in a phenomenon referred to of compaction per cycle is proportional to the cyclic shear
as lateral spreading. If sufficient elements liquefy and their strain amplitude and accumulated volume compaction and is
residual strength is insufficient for static stability, a flow independent of normal effective stress. They also showed
slide will result. Effective stress analyses have the capability that the pore pressure generated per cycle is dependent on
of predicting observed liquefaction response. the plastic volumetric strain, the rebound modulus of the
The validation of effective stress modeling is very impor- soil, and the stiffness of the pore fluid. They integrated these
tant, but it is difficult to achieve from field case histories concepts in a loose-coupled effective stress analysis and suc-
because the soil conditions and input motion are seldom cessfully predicted liquefaction response.
known with sufficient accuracy. The best documented case Fully coupled effective stress approaches that consider
histories are those of the Upper and Lower San Fernando shear-induced pore pressures at each time step rather than at
dams and their responses to the 1971 San Fernando earth- each cycle or half cycle have been developed by many
quake, but even for these cases there is considerable uncer- researchers, including Dafalias (1986), Prevost (1989), Zien-
tainty about conditions and loading. kiewicz et al. (1990), Byrne et al. (1995), Beaty and Byrne
Model tests can be conducted in the laboratory under con- (1998), Elgamal et al. (1999), and Kramer and Arduino
trolled conditions and their response observed. Because soil (1999). The numerical procedure used in this paper is a fully
behaviour is highly stress dependent, however, small models coupled approach called UBCSAND (Puebla et al. 1997;
under a 1g acceleration field are not representative of field Beaty and Byrne 1998). It is based on plasticity theory and
conditions. On the other hand, centrifuge tests that utilize a the characteristic sand behaviour observed in laboratory tests
high acceleration field preserve the stress–strain response of under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions. It is pre-
the prototype soil and can give a more realistic representa- sented briefly in the following sections.
tion of field behaviour. Such models, when subjected to a
controlled base motion, can provide a database for the vali- Elastic response
dation of numerical approaches. The elastic component of response is assumed to be iso-
Although centrifuge testing provides a seemingly ideal tropic and specified by a shear modulus, G e , and a bulk
tool for validating numerical models, its application is not modulus, Be , as follows:
always straightforward. A major validation initiative (Arula- ne
nandan and Scott 1993) using centrifuge tests was carried  σ′ 
out in the 1990s and was termed a mitigated disaster by Pro- [1] G e = KGe Pa  
fessor R. Scott in his oral presentation. Some of the reasons  Pa 
for this assessment were due to aspects of the centrifuge Be = αG e
tests, including the boundary conditions in the centrifuge
box, the use of water as a pore fluid and the resulting high where KGe is a shear modulus number, which depends on the
rate of drainage, and the lack of verification of saturation. density of the sand and varies from about 500 for loose sand
The validation process also showed the necessity of models to 2000 for dense sand; Pa is atmospheric pressure in the
to rationally consider the generation and dissipation of ex- chosen units; σ′ is the mean stress in the plane of loading,

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where σ′ = (σx′ + σy′)/2; ne is an elastic exponent that varies Fig. 1. Yield locus.
between 0.4 and 0.6, or approximately 0.5; and α depends
on the elastic Poisson’s ratio, which is in the range 0.0–0.2
(Hardin 1978), with the result that α varies between 2/3 and
4/3 or is approximately unity.

Plastic response
Plastic strains are controlled by the yield loci, which are
assumed to be radial lines starting at the origin of stress
space as shown in Fig. 1. For first-time shear loading, the
yield locus is controlled by the current stress state, point A
in Fig. 1. As the shear stress increases, the stress ratio
η (= τ/σ′) increases and causes the stress point to move to
point B, where τ and σ′ are the shear and normal effective
stresses, respectively, on the plane of maximum shear
stress. The yield locus is dragged to the new location pass-
ing through point B and the origin. This results in plastic
strains, both shear and volumetric. The plastic shear strain Fig. 2. Plastic strain increment and plastic modulus.
increment, dγ p, is related to the change in shear stress ratio,
dη, as shown in Fig. 2 and can be expressed as
[2] dγ p = dη
G p/ σ′
where G p is the plastic shear modulus and, assuming a hy-
perbolic relationship between η and γ p, is given by
 η 
[3] G p
= Gip 1 − Rf 
 ηf 
where Gi is the plastic modulus at a low stress ratio level
(η = 0); ηf is the stress ratio at failure and equals sin φf ,
where φf is the peak friction angle; and Rf is the failure ratio
used to truncate the best fit hyperbolic relationship and pre-
vent the overprediction of strength at failure. Rf generally
varies between 0.70 and 0.98 and decreases with increasing Fig. 3. Directions of plastic strains (flow rule).
relative density. It has been useful to relate Gip to G e and rel-
ative density Dr through the approximate relationship Gip ≈
3.7(Dr)4G e + Pa .
The associated increment of plastic volumetric strain, dεpv,
is related to the increment of plastic shear strain, dγ p,
through the flow rule as follows:
 τ
[4] dεpv =  sin φcv −  dγ p
 σ′

where φcv is the constant-volume friction angle or phase-

transformation angle. This flow rule can be derived from en-
ergy considerations and is similar to stress dilation theory
(Rowe 1962; Matsuoka and Nakai 1977).
The yield loci and direction of the plastic strains resulting
from the flow rule are shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3 shows that
at low stress ratios, significant shear-induced plastic com-
paction is occurring, whereas no compaction is predicted at loading until the prior maximum value is reached, at which
stress ratios corresponding to φcv. For stress ratios greater point it reverts to first-time loading.
than φcv, shear-induced plastic expansion or dilation is pre- The sign of the stress ratio is controlled by the sign of the
dicted. This simple flow rule is in close agreement with the shear stress on the horizontal plane, and positive and nega-
characteristic behaviour of sand observed in laboratory ele- tive values are tracked separately. This means that the plastic
ment testing. Upon unloading (reducing stress ratio), the hardening includes kinematic rather than simple isotropic
sand is assumed to behave elastically. Upon reloading, the behaviour. The characteristic drained behaviour of sand un-
sand is assumed to behave plastically but with a plastic der cyclic loading observed by Martin et al. (1975), and
modulus that is several times stiffer than that for first-time additional data reported by Byrne (1991) in which plastic

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volumetric strains accumulate with cycles of load but at a Fig. 4. Element under simple shear loading.
decreasing rate, is well captured by the model.
The response of sand is controlled by the skeleton behav-
iour. A fluid (air–water mix) in the pores of the sand acts as
a volumetric constraint on the skeleton if drainage is cur-
tailed. It is this constraint that causes the pore pressure rise
that can lead to liquefaction. Provided the skeleton or
drained behaviour is appropriately modeled under monotonic
and cyclic loading conditions and the stiffness of the pore
fluid and drainage are accounted for, the liquefaction re-
sponse can be predicted. This is the approach taken here,
and the concepts discussed previously are incorporated in
This model was used with the computer code FLAC (fast
Lagrangian analysis of continua), version 4.0 (Itasca Con-
sulting Group Inc. 2000). This program models the soil mass Fig. 5. Undrained cyclic simple shear response for small strain.
as a collection of grid zones or elements and solves the cou-
pled stress flow problem using an explicit time stepping ap-
proach. The program has a number of built-in stress–strain
models, including an elastic–plastic Mohr–Coulomb model,
and UBCSAND is a variation of this model in which friction
and dilation angles are varied to incorporate the yield loci
and flow rule described earlier. Pore fluid stiffness and
Darcy hydraulic flow are basic to the FLAC program, so
only the skeleton stress–strain relation is needed to simulate
liquefaction. Drained, undrained, or coupled stress flow con-
ditions are specified by the user.
The key elastic and plastic parameters can be expressed in
terms of relative density, Dr, or normalized standard penetra-
tion test values, (N1)60. Initial estimates of these parameters
have been approximated from published data and model cal-
ibrations. The response of sand elements under monotonic
and cyclic loading can then be predicted and the results
compared with laboratory data. In this way, the model can
be made to match the observed response over the range of
relative density or (N1)60 values.

Model simulation of saturated undrained

simple shear
A soil element under simple shear undrained loading con-
ditions is shown in Fig. 4. The predicted response to a cyclic
shear stress of 11 kPa is shown in Fig. 5 for an initial stress
state with σvo′ = 100 kPa, K = 0.5, and density corresponding
to (N1)60 = 8. σvo ′ is the initial vertical effective stress and
K0 ⋅σvo
′ is the initial horizontal effective stress. For strains
less than 0.05%, Fig. 5a shows the predicted stress strain re-
sponse and Fig. 5b shows the rising pore pressure as the
number of cycles and amplitude of strain increase. The pre-
dicted response at large strain is shown in Fig. 6. Figure 6
shows that once the excess pore pressure reaches about 85%
of the initial effective stress, successive dilation and contrac-
tion pulses occur and the stress–strain loops (Fig. 6a) are
much softer and have a different characteristic shape as com-
pared to the pre-liquefaction response.
The predicted effective stress path is shown in Fig. 7. Af- path passes through the origin (zero effective stress). This
ter about five cycles, flow liquefaction occurs with an asso- leads to a very low shear modulus that increases with an
ciated large decrease in effective stress, bringing the stress increase in shear strain as the sample dilates. It is this alter-
state to the phase-transformation line (path A). At this point nating contraction–dilation response of sand that causes the
the element dilates and recovers resistance as shown by path characteristic post-liquefaction behaviour observed in labo-
B in Figs. 6 and 7. Upon subsequent unloading, the stress ratory test elements and predicted by the model.

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Fig. 6. Undrained cyclic simple shear response for large strain. Fig. 8. Comparison of predicted (UBCSAND) and field-observed
(NCEER Chart) liquefaction resistance.

Fig. 9. Stress densification of Nevada sand, one-dimensional data

from Arulmoli et al. (1992) and eq. 5.

Fig. 7. Effective stress path.

15 cycles versus (N1)60 is shown in Fig. 8 along with the

NCEER chart relationship based on field experience. The
model is shown to be in close agreement with the field data.

Centrifuge tests overview

Centrifuge model tests to evaluate liquefaction response at
high confining stress have been carried out at the Engineer
Research and Development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi. The models
comprised a dense sand layer with Dr ≈ 80% overlying a
loose sand layer with Dr ≈ 50%. High confining stresses
The model has also been calibrated to predict liquefaction were achieved by application of a surface layer of lead.
triggering response in terms of normalized standard penetra- Nevada sand was used for the tests. Preliminary centrifuge
tion resistance (N1)60 in agreement with the National Center results were presented by Steedman et al. (2000) and indi-
for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) chart (Youd cated that there is a cutoff confining pressure above which
and Idriss 1997). The predicted CSR to cause liquefaction in liquefaction will not occur. The data suggest this pressure is

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about 300 kPa, and Steedman et al. contend that field evi- Stress densification
dence supports this finding. If this is the case, then huge
savings in retrofit costs for many existing dams and bridges The sand in the centrifuge model is first placed in the test
are possible, since present analyses procedures indicate that box under a 1g acceleration field at a specific void ratio or
treatment to curtail or prevent liquefaction is often necessary density. At this stage the stresses in the model are very low
to depths where pressures are well in excess of 300 kPa. and the densities are as placed. Upon spin-up to 100g, the
To verify such a cutoff, additional centrifuge tests were stresses increase 100-fold, with high stresses at the base and
carried out at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) (Gonza- low stresses at the surface. These stresses induce compaction
lez et al. 2002). These tests indicated no cutoff confining in the model, causing a significant increase in density at the
stress for stresses up to 380 kPa but did show trends in the base and little change at the surface. This density change can
development of pore pressure and liquefaction which were curtail liquefaction in the high-stress region near the base of
not consistent with state of practice or with state-of-the-art the model and can be responsible for unexpected liquefac-
liquefaction analysis. tion response if it is not taken into account. For example,
consider a uniform sand layer with the water table at the sur-
There are a number of possible reasons for the differences
face subjected to base motion causing little or no amplifica-
between the two sets of centrifuge data and current analysis
tion. Current analysis procedures would predict liquefaction
procedures, including (i) characteristics of the centrifuge
to occur first at the base and perhaps base isolate the upper
model containment box, (ii) saturation of the model and pore
layers. Yet, under these conditions in the centrifuge when
fluid stiffness, and (iii) stress densification effects. These
the initial sand density is uniform, liquefaction always oc-
possibilities are briefly discussed in the following sections,
curs at the surface first. This unexpected result is likely
followed by a more detailed discussion of stress densifi-
caused by stress densification.
cation and pore fluid stiffness.
The amount of stress densification depends on the
compressibility of the soil and can be estimated from one-
Characteristics of the containment box dimensional compression tests. The results of such compres-
In both ERDC and RPI tests a laminar box comprised of sion tests on Nevada sand are shown in Fig. 9. The increase
rings allowing lateral shear movements (lateral strain in the in relative density, Dr, is approximately proportional to the
long direction of the box, parallel to shaking) was used. The square root of vertical effective stress. It also depends on the
ERDC box had a stiff sealant between rings, whereas in the placement density, with higher placement densities having
RPI box the rings were separated by linear roller bearings less subsequent stress densification.
(free to slide laterally). Therefore, upon liquefaction, the Examination of compression data on a number of sands
ERDC box could offer significant lateral resistance that (Park and Byrne 2004) indicates that all sands examined
could influence the dynamic response of the model and the seem to behave in a similar manner and that the stress densi-
measured accelerations. fication effect can be expressed by
 σ′ 
Model saturation [5] Dr = Dr 0 + α  v 

The RPI models were saturated using a process that in-  Pa 
volved replacement of air with carbon dioxide gas and then
displacement and dissolving of the gas by the introduction where Dr 0 is the initial relative density at 0 kPa; σv′ is the
of high-viscosity water under vacuum. In the ERDC tests, vertical effective stress; and
the viscous fluid was introduced at the base of the sample
 (1 + emax)  2 (1.5 − Dr 0)
without prior removal of air by carbon dioxide or application α= − Dr 0 
of vacuum. In neither case was the degree of saturation or  emax − emin  C
stiffness of the pore fluid evaluated by measurement of the
compression wave or other means. in which emax and emin are the maximum and minimum void
ratio, respectively; and C is a sand stiffness number that is
independent of void ratio.
Stress densification
The range in sand stiffness number C for a few sands is
The density of the sand in the model will change with shown in Table 1. The results indicate that Nevada sand has
stress. The authors believe that at high confining stress such a stiffness number in the middle range of the data for other
changes could be quite significant and impact the numerical sands and thus is moderately sensitive to stress densification
modeling of the soil response. The stress densification of effects. It may be of interest to note that Marcuson and
sands is discussed in more detail later in this paper. Bieganousky (1977) did consider stress densification effects
in their large-scale chamber tests when evaluating stress and
Purpose of numerical analyses density effects on penetration resistance.
The purpose of the effective stress analysis carried out
here is to obtain a measure of understanding of the impor- Effect of pore fluid stiffness on generated
tance of various aspects of the testing, including the charac- pore pressures
teristics of the box, the degree of saturation of the pore fluid,
and stress densification effects. Prior to examining the cen- The pore pressures of concern for liquefaction are those
trifuge data and the results of the analyses, the effect of generated by plastic volumetric strain. Pore pressures may
stress densification and pore fluid stiffness are addressed. also be generated by transient changes in total stress, but

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Table 1. Material properties and sand stiffness number C.

Sand Gs (mm) Cu emax emin C
Brasted sand (BS) 2.68 0.25 2.42 0.790 0.480 500
Ottawa sand (OS) 2.67 0.40 1.54 0.820 0.500 370
Toyoura sand (TS) 2.65 0.19 1.24 0.963 0.605 300
Nevada sand (NS) 2.67 0.17 2.00 0.887 0.511 220
Fraser River sand (FRS) 2.72 0.30 1.56 1.000 0.680 270
Volcanic sand (VS) 2.44 0.17 2.38 1.810 0.970 105
Mine tailing sand (MTS) 2.68 0.40 1.67 1.060 0.690 150
Quiou sand (QS) 2.71 0.70 4.50 1.200 0.780 100
Note: Cu is the coefficient of uniformity; D50 is the mean grain size; Gs is the specific gravity.

Fig. 10. Variation of fluid stiffness with initial saturation for var- Fig. 12. Cyclic resistance of Nevada sand (Arulmoli et al. 1992;
ious current absolute (abs) pressures (p). Kammerer et al. 2000). Ncyc, number of cycles to liquefaction.

these lead to small changes in effective stress unless the soil

is partially saturated. An applied load increment will induce
a total volumetric strain increment, dεv, that is the sum of
the elastic and plastic increments, dεev and dεpv, respectively.
Fig. 11. Hydraulic conductivity of Nevada sand (Arulmoli et al. For undrained conditions the resulting change in pore pres-
1992). sure, du, is
[6] du = dεv

where Bf is the bulk stiffness of the pore fluid, and n is the

porosity. The corresponding change in effective mean stress,
dσ′, to an increment of volumetric strain is
[7] dσ′ = B e dεev
The increment of total mean stress, dσ, is equal to the in-
crements of effective mean stress and pore pressure. If, for
simplicity, we assume dσ = 0, then du = −dσ′. Substituting
from eqs. [6] and [7] gives
[8] du = dεpv = BSkempton B e dεpv
Bf / n

where BSkempton is the Skempton value commonly used to as-

sess the saturation of samples in the laboratory. It is clear

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200 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 41, 2004

that the ratio of the skeleton stiffness to pore fluid stiffness, The liquefaction response of Nevada sand was based on
B e /Bf , is a major factor in pore pressure response. cyclic simple shear tests carried out for the VELACS project
From Boyle’s law, and assuming the same pressure in (Arulmoli et al. 1992) and tests carried out at the University
both water and air, Bf is found to be a function of p, the cur- of California at Berkeley (Kammerer et al. 2000). The re-
rent absolute pressure of the fluid, and Sr0, the saturation at sults of these tests are shown in Fig. 12 in terms of CSR ver-
zero gauge pressure (p = 100 kPa), as given by sus number of cycles to liquefaction for a range of relative
densities. The predicted liquefaction response of the sand
[9] Bf ≅ < 2 × 106 kPa from the numerical model for a fully saturated state is shown
(1 − Sr 0)Pa by the lines in Fig. 12, which capture the data quite well.
For both the laboratory tests and the numerical model, lique-
Sr0 approximates the initial saturation in a centrifuge faction was assumed to occur when the cyclic strain ampli-
model prior to spin-up. If the pores are completely filled tude reached 3.75%.
with water, then Bf = 2 × 106 kPa, the bulk stiffness of water.
If Be = 6 × 104 kPa and n = 1/3, then BSkempton = 0.99 and
du = 0.99Be dεpv. But if the degree of saturation were reduced RPI test results and analysis
to Sr0 = 0.98, then Bf drops to 5000 kPa at p = 100 kPa, with Three centrifuge model tests conducted at the RPI centri-
BSkempton = 0.2 and du = 0.2Be dεpv. fuge facility were examined in detail. The models used Ne-
Poor saturation at low pore pressure will lead to a reduced vada sand and simulate level ground conditions subjected to
pore pressure response to load. This is particularly so if the a harmonic base input motion. The frequency of the input
skeleton stiffness is high. This may occur in a centrifuge motion was selected to reduce the potential for amplification
model near the water table when it is at depth or when a sur- in the model. The conditions for the three models are listed
face load is applied. For a water table at the surface and no in Table 2 and are described in the following sections.
surface load, BSkempton may still be high, as the skeleton stiff-
ness will be low. Centrifuge model 1
If the water pressure p in the soil increases, as it would Model 1 is comprised of a uniform sand layer with a
during spin-up, then water will flow into the voids, compress placed relative density of Dr = 55%. It was subjected to an
the air, and increase Bf. This increase in fluid stiffness with acceleration field of 120g, and the fluid viscosity was 60
an increase in pressure is included in eq. [9] and the subse- times that of water. The fluid table is at the surface of the
quent numerical simulations. The fluid stiffness, Bf, for a model. No surcharge was applied at the surface, and the
range of initial saturation and pressure conditions is shown maximum initial effective stress at the base was 380 kPa.
in Fig. 10. The initial degrees of saturation in excess of
99.9% are required to obtain Bf > 5 × 105 kPa for pore pres- Centrifuge model 2
sures less than 100 kPa gauge. Such values of Bf will gener- Model 2 is comprised of a uniform sand layer with a
ally produce a liquefaction response similar to that of a fully placed relative density of Dr = 55% but with a surcharge
saturated condition. Initial saturation is seen to be very im- load that resulted in a pressure of 140 kPa at the applied 80g
portant and can have a very large effect on pore pressure rise acceleration field. The surcharge load simulates a sand col-
and liquefaction response, which varies with depth in the umn above the fluid table. This condition also gave an effec-
model. tive stress at the base of 380 kPa.

Properties of Nevada sand Centrifuge model 3

Model 3 is comprised of a dense layer (Dr = 75%) overly-
The hydraulic conductivity and liquefaction resistance of ing a looser layer (Dr = 55%). It was subjected to an acceler-
Nevada sand used in the centrifuge tests and the modeling ation field of 80g and had a surface load of 140 kPa. This
are as follows. condition also gave an effective stress at the base of
The hydraulic conductivity, k, used in the analyses is 380 kPa.
based on constant-head permeability tests carried out for the
VELACS program (Arulmoli et al. 1992). The results are Numerical models
shown in Fig. 11, where k varies between 6.6 × 10–5 m/s at The centrifuge models were analyzed with a single
low relative density to 2.3 × 10–5 m/s at high relative density. column of elements. This one-dimensional representation is
The values shown are for water as a pore fluid under a 1g equivalent to assuming the stresses and strains in the centri-
field. For centrifuge tests in an acceleration field N times fuge model are uniform across any horizontal plane. Bound-
greater than gravity, the effective k will be N times greater. If ary constraints were placed on the model so that the top of
the viscosity of the fluid is M times greater than water, as it each soil element remained horizontal during loading and
may be for the centrifuge tests, then k would reduce by a the width of the model remained virtually constant. This al-
factor M. Thus, lowed each element to compress or expand in a vertical
N direction and to experience shearing deformations due to
[10] k* = k horizontal shear stresses. Secondary response modes, such
as rocking, were not represented.
where k* is the effective hydraulic conductivity in the centri- The only other effect of the containment box considered
fuge, and k is the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in a 1g in the analysis was its tendency to limit vertical deforma-
environment using water as a pore fluid. tions of the sand through frictional resistance. This effect

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Table 2. Centrifuge model tests.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 ERDC, model 5a
Centrifuge acceleration (g) 120 80 80 50
Fluid viscosity, µ w 60 40 40 50
Prototype soil depth (m) 38.0 24.0 24.0 26.3
Surcharge load (kPa) 0 140 140 580
Max σv′ (kPa) 380 380 380 836
Relative density, Dr (%) 55 55 75 (top 16 m); 72 (top 18 m);
55 (bottom 8 m) 51 (bottom 8 m)

Table 3. Key input of model 1 in numerical analysis.

Relative density, Dr (%)
Initial Bf after
saturation, spin-up Permeability,
Layer Sr0 (%) (kPa) k (m/s) Placed Spin-up
Top 98.5 0.2×105 8.2×10–5 55 55
Middle 98.5 0.6×105 8.2×10–5 55 61
Bottom 98.5 1.2×105 8.2×10–5 55 63

Table 4. Key input of model 2 in numerical analysis.

Relative density, Dr (%)
Initial Bf after
saturation, spin-up Permeability,
Layer Sr0 (%) (kPa) k (m/s) Placed Spin-up
Top 99.0 1.3×104 5.5×10–5 55 60
Middle 98.5 2.4×104 5.5×10–5 55 62
Bottom 98.0 3.2×104 5.5×10–5 55 63

Table 5. Key input of model 3 in numerical analysis.

Relative density, Dr (%)
Initial Bf after
saturation, spin-up Permeability,
Layer Sr0 (%) (kPa) k (m/s) Placed Spin-up
4 –5
Top 99.0 2.5×10 3.1×10 75 79
Middle 98.5 4.0×104 3.1×10–5 75 81
Bottom 98.0 3.5×104 5.5×10–5 55 63

was only evaluated in ERDC test model 5a discussed after tal stress, can also change during model shaking because of
the RPI tests. The interface shear stresses on the boundary changes in horizontal stress and pore pressures.
change the total stresses experienced by the sand. This ef- Initial saturation was not measured in any of the three
fect, known as the silo effect, is a concern in centrifuge models. An assumption of 100% saturation led to predic-
modeling due to the large increase in total stresses that oc- tions of excess pore pressure rise that were significantly
curs after placement of the sand in the box. This effect was faster than those observed. Assumed saturation values of
approximately modeled by including interface elements on about 98.5% before spin-up were found to give the best
each side of the sand column and assigning an interface fric- agreement with the measurements for the three RPI models.
tion angle of 25°. Spin-up of the centrifuge was modeled by The precise values used are listed in Tables 3–5.
gradually increasing the gravitational force. The resulting
stresses and strains in the sand elements were a function of Results for RPI model 1
both the induced gravitational load and the resisting inter- A cross section of model 1, showing the locations of the
face stresses. These interface stresses, and their effect on to- pore pressure transducers and accelerations, and the FLAC

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202 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 41, 2004

Fig. 13. (a) Centrifuge model 1 setup and instrument locations. (b) FLAC model 1 measurement locations.

Fig. 14. Base input motions of model 1.

simulation model are shown in Fig. 13. The input motion Fig. 15. Placed density and increased density of model 1.
comprised 50 cycles of 0.2g at 1.5 Hz prototype scale. The
actual input motion amplitude varied somewhat with time,
as shown in Fig. 14, and this was accounted for in the FLAC
simulation. The effect of stress densification on relative den-
sity Dr was estimated from eq. [5] and is shown in Fig. 15.
This relationship indicates that Dr has increased from 55%
to about 63% near the base of the layer.
The measured and predicted acceleration and excess pore
water pressure time histories at prototype depths of 1.3, 6.3,
13.1, 24.8, 30.8, and 37.0 m are shown in Figs. 16a and 16b.
Apart from the 30.8 m depth, the patterns of predicted accel-
erations in Fig. 16b are in good agreement with the measure-
ments. It is apparent from the large reduction in acceleration
amplitude with time that liquefaction has occurred first at or
near the surface and worked its way downward. Figure 16b
shows that the predicted excess pore pressures are in good
agreement with the measured values. At a depth of 13.1 m
the excess pore water pressure has reached the initial vertical
effective stress corresponding to 100% pore pressure rise at
a time of 6 s, indicating liquefaction. This time is in good
agreement with the change in acceleration pattern.
The time to reach 100% pore pressure rise increases with
depth, indicating that liquefaction occurs first near the sur- are about the same at all depths, perhaps somewhat higher at
face and works its way downward. This is a somewhat sur- depth. This leads to a constant applied stress ratio, and, if Dr
prising result, as the accelerations in the initial time phase were constant, standard practice would suggest that liquefac-

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Fig. 16. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 1. (b) Comparison between measured and predicted
excess pore pressures of model 1.

tion should be triggered at the base first due to the Kσ effect. placement Dr = 55% and a surface load is applied. The ap-
When the numerical simulation was carried out assuming plied base motion is shown in Fig. 18. The estimated effect
constant Dr with depth, the liquefaction did occur first at the of stress densification on relative density is shown in Fig. 19
base and then worked its way upward. Only when increased and indicates that Dr has increased from 55% to 60% near
density at depth in accordance with stress densification was the surface and 63% near the bottom layer.
considered did the analysis predict the observed pore pres- The predicted and measured acceleration and excess pore
sure pattern. water pressure at prototype depths ranging from 0.7 to
The rate of excess pore pressure buildup was sometimes 22.3 m are shown in Figs. 20a and 20b, respectively. The
observed to change with time. An example is shown in predicted and measured acceleration responses are in reason-
Fig. 16b for a time of 4 s and a depth of 30.8 m. The rate of able agreement, although the predicted accelerations in the
pore pressure buildup is a function of the applied cyclic upper 7 m decrease more quickly than the measured values.
stress at the depth in question. This stress, in turn, is the The measured excess pore water pressures indicate that
summation of the mass times the acceleration of all overly- liquefaction again occurs first at or near the surface and
ing masses. Hence, as the acceleration patterns change in the works its way downward. In contrast, the predictions show
overlying soil due to pore pressure changes, the rate of pore liquefaction occurring first at some depth between 3.9 and
pressure rise at the depth in question will also change. Dif- 13.0 m, with no subsequent liquefaction near the surface.
fering patterns of excess pore pressure rise with depth and The predicted pore water pressures below this depth are in
time are to be expected and are seen in both the measure- reasonable agreement with the measurements but show a
ments and predictions. faster initial rise.
Figure 16b also shows that the measured cyclic pore pres- Predicted pore pressures at depth 7.4 m are shown in
sure spikes after liquefaction are significantly larger than Fig. 20b, but no measured pore pressures are available for
predicted. These spikes result from dilation, and the lower comparison. Liquefaction is predicted to occur first at a time
predicted values may be a result of assuming a rate of dila- of 4 s at this depth. This has the effect of decoupling the pre-
tion at failure that was independent of effective stress level. dicted accelerations above this depth, as shown in Fig. 20a.
Dilation is higher at the very low effective stresses that oc- Once liquefaction occurs at any depth in this one-
cur at liquefaction, and this effect was not modeled. dimensional model, it causes a base isolation effect that re-
sults in decoupling the accelerations at all depths above the
Results for RPI model 2 zone of liquefaction. The predicted excess pore pressures
A cross section of model 2, showing the locations of the above the depth of liquefaction may be quite low, yet the
pore pressure transducers and accelerometers, and the FLAC accelerations at these depths still show a large reduction in
simulation model are shown in Fig. 17. In this model, the response due to base isolation from the lower liquefied layer.

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204 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 41, 2004

Fig. 17. (a) Centrifuge model 2 setup and instrument locations. (b) FLAC model 2 measurement locations.

Fig. 18. Base input motions of model 2.

This is the case at 3.9 m depth, as shown in Fig. 20. Here Fig. 19. Placed density and increased density of model 2.
liquefaction is predicted to occur at depth 7.4 m, causing de-
coupling at 7.4 and 3.9 m depths, even though liquefaction
is not predicted at the 3.9 m depth.
The effect of the surface load in model 2 is to increase the
applied cyclic stress ratio (CSR) with depth, making lique-
faction more likely to occur first at depth rather than at the
surface. The CSR for model 2 can be approximated by
a max σv0 a max 140 + (γh)
[11] CSR = =
g σv′ 0 g 140 + (γ − γ w) h
where amax is the cyclic acceleration amplitude, g is the
applied acceleration field, 140 is the applied surface load
in kPa, h is the depth below the ground surface, γ is the unit
weight of soil, and γw is the unit weight of water. Assuming
amax is constant with depth prior to liquefaction, which was
the intent of the experiments, CSR will increase with depth,
varying from amax/g at the soil surface to about 1.6amax/g at
a depth of 20 m. Triggering of liquefaction also depends on
relative density, which will increase with depth due to stress
densification. Hence, the location of first liquefaction de-
pends on the importance of the CSR variation compared
to the relative density variation. The decoupling of both 7 and 4 s, respectively. The measured excess pore pressure
measured and predicted acceleration and the measured and also shows liquefaction occurring at depth 3.9 m, whereas
predicted excess pore pressures (Fig. 20) suggest that lique- the predicted pore pressures are significantly lower at this
faction is first occurring at a depth of about 7 m at times of depth. It is possible that the higher measured pore pressures

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Fig. 20. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 2. (b) Comparison between measured and predicted
excess pore pressures of model 2.

Fig. 21. (a) Centrifuge model 3 setup and instrument locations. (b) FLAC model 3 measurement locations.

near the surface may result from impeded drainage resulting ing rather than being induced by shear. This is indicated
from the presence of the lead surface load. from a comparison of measured pore pressure responses at
Significant cyclic pore pressures are predicted prior to liq- transducers P5 and P6 located at depth 3.9 m, but left and
uefaction in Fig. 20b for model 2. This is somewhat surpris- right of centreline as shown in Fig. 17. The comparison
ing, as dilation effects would not be significant prior to showed pore pressure spikes that were 180° out of phase,
liquefaction. Such pore pressure spikes were far less signifi- i.e., the P5 positive spike occurred at the same time as the
cant in Fig. 16b for model 1 where no surface load was ap- P6 negative spike. In the FLAC analysis the left and right
plied. The cyclic pore pressures observed in model 2 are boundaries were forced to have the same horizontal and ver-
likely due to changes in total mean stress arising from rock- tical displacements. This precluded any rocking effects and

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Fig. 22. Base input motions of model 3.

likely accounts for the difference in measured and predicted Fig. 23. Placed density and increased density of model 3.
pore pressure response.

Results for RPI model 3

A cross section of model 3, showing the locations of the
pore pressure transducers and accelerometers, and the FLAC
simulation model are shown in Fig. 21. In this model the
lower portion was placed at Dr = 55% and the upper at Dr =
75% and a surface load was applied. The applied base mo-
tion is shown in Fig. 22. The effect of stress densification on
relative density Dr is shown in Fig. 23 and indicates that Dr
has increased from 75% to 81% in the dense layer and from
55% to 63% in the bottom loose layer.
The predicted and measured accelerations and excess pore
water pressures at prototype depths ranging from 0.6 to
22.8 m are shown in Figs. 24a and 24b, respectively. Apart
from at the depth of 13.4 m, the predicted and measured ac-
celeration responses are in general agreement. The predicted
initial accelerations are significantly higher than the mea-
sured values in the first few seconds at the shallower depths,
The predicted and measured excess pore pressures are during the time period 0–20 s. The abrupt reduction in rate
also in reasonably good agreement except for at the depth of of pore pressure generation at depth 19.3 m (Fig. 24b) after
19.3 m, where the predicted responses are too rapid com- about 3 s indicates an abrupt reduction in CSR occurred at
pared with the measured values. Although the denser upper this time. This could have been brought about by liquefac-
layers generate significant pore water pressure, they do not tion occurring near the top of the loose layer at a time of
liquefy. about 3 s, in agreement with expected and predicted re-
The predicted accelerations in Fig. 24a indicate decoup- sponses.
ling is occurring at about 4 s at depths above 13.4 m. The Both the measured and predicted pore pressures show that
predicted pore pressures in Fig. 24b indicate high pore pres- liquefaction did not occur in the denser sand above a depth
sures occurred at depth 19.3 m after about 4 s, with Ru = of 7.4 m. Liquefaction did occur in the denser sand at depth
70%, where Ru is the ratio of excess pore pressure to initial 13.4 m after 30 s due to upward drainage from the looser
vertical effective stress. This is not enough to base isolate layer below 15 m. Liquefaction also occurred in the looser
and cause decoupling. So why the decoupling at 4 s? The sand below a depth of 15 m at the two measurement loca-
looser sand begins at depth 15 m and it is likely that lique- tions after about 20 s.
faction would first occur at or close to this depth. An exami- Pore pressure spikes are much more noticeable in models
nation of predicted response at depths in addition to the 2 and 3, which include a surcharge load, and may arise from
observed points shows that liquefaction, with Ru = 100%, induced rocking that was not modeled in the numerical anal-
first occurred at a depth of 15 m at a time of 4 s, and this ex- ysis.
plains the predicted response.
The measured response of model 3 is more difficult to ex- ERDC centrifuge tests
plain. The measured pore pressures in Fig. 24b show a 100%
pore pressure rise at depth 19.3 m after 20 s. This should A number of centrifuge tests simulating earthquake load-
have caused decoupling of accelerations at all depths above ing under level ground conditions were conducted at ERDC,
19.3 m after 20 s. Instead, the measured accelerations indi- Vicksburg, Mississippi, and these have been described by
cate a gradual decoupling occurring above a depth of 7.4 m Steedman et al. (2000). The main purpose of these tests was

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Fig. 24. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 3. (b) Comparison between measured and predicted
excess pore pressures of model 3.

Fig. 25. (a) Centrifuge model 5a setup and instrument locations. (b) FLAC model 5a measurement locations.

to investigate liquefaction response at high overburden pres- Typical tests in each category were numerically modeled
sures. The tests were conducted under a range of conditions and the results compared with the test data (Byrne et al.
and can be broadly grouped into three categories: (1) uni- 2001). The comparison showed that the predicted and mea-
form loose sand, (2) dense over loose sand, and (3) dense sured accelerations and pore pressures were in reasonable
over loose sand with a lead surface load. agreement for categories 1 and 2, provided allowance was

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Fig. 26. Base input motions of model 5a.

Fig. 27. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 5a. Sr0 = 98% without densification. (b) Comparison
between measured and predicted excess pore pressures of model 5a. Sr0 = 98% without densification.

made for lack of saturation. The placed saturation was esti- 25.3 m are shown in Figs. 27a and 27b, respectively. The
mated at about 98% to get best overall agreement. For cate- predicted pore pressures are significantly higher than the
gory 3 tests with lead loading, however, the agreement was measured values, and the predicted accelerations are higher
not good, as shown in the next section for model 5a. than the measured values for an initial saturation of Sr0 =
Model 5a An initial Sr0 = 97% results in significantly lower pore
A cross section of model 5a, showing the locations of the pressures that are in reasonable agreement with the measure-
pore pressure transducers and accelerometers and the FLAC ments (Fig. 28b), but the predicted accelerations are higher
simulation model, is shown in Fig. 25. In this model the than the measured values (Fig. 28a). When stress den-
lower portion was placed at Dr = 51% and the upper at Dr = sification is considered, the predicted pore pressures are sig-
72% and a surface load of 580 kPa was applied. The applied nificantly lower than the measured values in the loose layer
base motion is shown in Fig. 26. Results from the FLAC at depth, as shown in Fig. 29b. Figures 27–29 clearly dem-
simulation are shown for two different assumptions for ini- onstrate the importance of both initial saturation and stress
tial saturation: 98% (Fig. 27) and 97% (Figs. 28, 29). densification.
The predicted and measured accelerations and excess pore Side friction in the ERDC box is a possibility and could
water pressures at prototype depths ranging from 5.5 to lead to significantly lower stresses, both total and effective,
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Byrne et al. 209

Fig. 28. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% without densification. (b) Comparison
between measured and predicted excess pore pressures of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% without densification.

Fig. 29. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% with densification. (b) Comparison be-
tween measured and predicted excess pore pressures of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% with densification.

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Fig. 30. (a) Comparison between measured and predicted accelerations of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% with densification and silo effect.
(b) Comparison between measured and predicted excess pore pressures of model 5a. Sr0 = 97% with densification and silo effect.

particularly near the base of the box, as discussed earlier. liquefaction occurred at considerable depths (corresponding
The predicted acceleration and pore pressure responses for to an overburden stress of 300 kPa or more) in loose or
an angle of wall friction of 25° and Sr0 = 97% considering medium-dense sand strata. In centrifuge models where lique-
stress densification are shown in Figs. 30a and 30b, respec- faction occurred at large depths, the models did show trends
tively. The predicted pore pressures are in reasonable agree- in the development of pore pressure and liquefaction that
ment with the measurements, although the predicted were not consistent with state of practice or with state-
accelerations are high. It is possible that the curtailment and of-the-art liquefaction analysis. Numerical analyses were
flattening off of the observed pore pressures could in fact be performed that indicate the centrifuge findings can be ex-
a liquefaction response resulting from lower than expected plained in terms of the densification that occurs when high
total stresses due to side friction or the silo effect. Liquefac- confining stresses are imposed. Thus a sand that was placed
tion was not predicted in the model, as the silo effect re- at Dr = 55% densifies to Dr = 63% at an applied confining
duced with shaking, in agreement with the observation of stress of 380 kPa. This change in density can explain the de-
Whitman and Lambe (1986). velopment of liquefaction at the ground surface first, with
later propagation downward through the rest of the model.
Summary Some ERDC centrifuge tests simulating the response of a
level ground sand system to seismic loading indicated that
Conventional liquefaction assessment procedures indicate liquefaction was curtailed at high confining stress in the
that liquefaction can occur to considerable depths in loose to 300 kPa region. Thus the results of these centrifuge tests ap-
medium-dense sand strata. This is based on dynamic analy- peared to be in conflict with both standard procedure and
sis and the results of element tests showing that the liquefac- RPI centrifuge tests. Numerical analyses indicate that these
tion resistance ratio reduces with an increase in confining centrifuge findings can be explained in terms of stress den-
stress, the Kσ effect. Pore pressure measurements in better sification, lack of saturation, and (or) the possibility that liq-
saturated centrifuge models conducted at RPI indicate that uefaction is occurring at pore pressures significantly below
© 2004 NRC Canada
Byrne et al. 211

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© 2004 NRC Canada

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