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Design for Bending for Rectangular Sections (Beams: BS

Calculate the value of K from;

K = M/(fcu*b*d2)

Then calculate the limiting value of K, known as K’ from;

K’ = (0.156)


M = design ultimate moment

fcu = characteristic strength of concrete

b = width or effective width of the section

IF K ≤ K’ THEN compression reinforcement is not required.

Calculate the lever arm, z from;

z = MIN{d*[ 0.5 + (0.25 – (K/0.9))0.5 ] ,0.95*d}

Calculate the depth to neutral axis, x from;

x = (d-z)/0.45

The area of tension reinforcement required, As,reqd is then given by;

As,reqd = M/(0.87*fy*z)

IF K > K’ THEN compression reinforcement is required.

The area of compression reinforcement, A’s is then given by;

As’ = (K – K’) fcu*b*d2/ (f’s (d- d’))


As’ = area of compression reinforcement

d' = depth to the c of g of compression reinforcement

f’s = compression stress in steel

= 0.87*fy if d’/d ≤ 0.5*{1 – (fy/800)}

= Es*εc*{1- (2d’/d)} if d’/d > 0.5*{1 – (fy/800)}A

Es = the elastic modulus for steel = 2*105 N/mm2

εc = strain in concrete at the outermost compression fibre = 0.0035

Calculate the lever arm, z from;

z = MIN{d*[0.5 + (0.25 – (K’/0.9))0.5], 0.95*d}

The total area of tension reinforcement required is given by;

As,reqd = (K’*fcu*b*d2) / (0.87*fy*z) + As’

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