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The Santa Barbara killings happened in 2014. But it's all the fault of Trump being
president. Got it.?
His is the culture of blame. It's not the white person's fault if they cannot get a
job, the Mexicans "stole" them. It's not men's fault they cannot get laid, because
women are "selfish". It's not his fault if he is aggressive and lashes out, because
people aren't giving him what he wants. You know, the culture of excuses. He may
not be the man responsible, but he presents himself as the figurehead of it, and an
enabler of it.?
You are a liberal accusing Trump of leading a "culture of blame". Priceless.?
Let me correct what Giovanni was trying to say: a culture of blame SHIFTING. If you
are denying that some groups of people have been systematically discriminated
against, then you're one to blame.?
Good observation. Guys that can't get laid have been around for ages. So what
changed? They now have the Internet. Loners are no longer alone. They can share
their grievances with other losers. This reinforces their belief that they are not
to blame; that they are being treated unfairly. They stop looking for other
explanations that would help them solve their problem. They become radicalized, and
then they become violent. This explains why other hate groups have made a comeback
over the last 25 years. Trump has exploited this culture of grievance. So, even
though he didn't create it, he makes it worse.?
Didn't the right spend years to decades saying everything from Rock music, video
games, gay marriage, abortion, and etc was responsible and the cause of mass
shootings, natural disasters, terror attacks and the failure of american society...
but the liberals are the "blaming culture"
its the male feminists that are increls and where do they lie on the political
spectrum, oh yeah, on the left?
Too bad he is going to do what your Obama mongrel could never do: deweaponize North
Korea. But yeah, he won't do anything. Fucking idiot?
Didn't Obummer spend 8 years blaming Bush? Didn't Killary blame Russia for her
loss? Give me a break?
Male feminists are incels...incels, the people who view and talk baout females as
ungrateful whores and teases and who are nothing more than a dick
receptacle...Incels who are shooting/killing women...those are the male
Elliot Roger wasn't an incel. He was a failed PUA that got pissed that it wasn't
working out for him and lashed out by killing women. That in turn is what's made
him popular with incels and why they refer to him as "Saint Elliot".?
So when blacks blame whites for all their problems or women blame men is this not
the same. This started with the left.?
Right how about video games or tv causing rape and promoting rape culture, or
beauty standards, cultural appropriation, or sexist air conditioning. How about
microaggressions, manspreading, and man splaining.?
Absolutely feminists talk of men as simply ape like, rapists, who would do the
world a favor by not existing. They feel entitled to being seen as attractive, they
demand men lower their standards in terms of behavior, appearance, number of
partners, and they demand men do everything they say.?

lose weight, take a bath, brush and floss, work out regularly, get a job you like,
be nice = getting a sexual relationship?
Women aren't vending machines where you put in "niceness" coins and get sexual
I did all those things. But since I'm a woman trying to attract a straight woman,
nothing worked. You're reasoning is flawed. Looks matter.?
Wake up, go to the bathroom, grab a razor, cut off your dick, drink cyanide, die,
and stop trying to run other people's lives. Prostitution should be legal. Some
people have an extremely hard time getting laid.?
If only that were easy. But the reality is this: Be rich (like Mark Zuckerberg
rich) Be hot (Like Brad Pitt) Have a big hot body (like the Rock) Have a badboy
attitude (like rapper Chief Keef) = getting a sexual relationship?
Not only should you get a job, understandable on it's own, but you should like it.
Though job issues can feed into relationship/marriage problems.?
"niceness coins"..I like that lol I don't call it niceness coins or vending
machines. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I call it chemistry!?
You dont have to like your job. Liking your job is great but its rare. If you dont
like your job try and have hobbies you like other than video games.?
Not being nice however is likely to be a barrier to finding a partner. And it is
clear from the items David Steadman listed that he doesn�t think being �nice� is
Niceness is really not the way to go. You just come off as fake, inexperienced or
desperate. Problem is that even the biggest of psychopaths can act nice. You
probably just need to be reasonably well adjusted and there when someone of the
opposite sex decides its time to lower the standards :P And hit at least a few of
their more quantifiable markers. The list above gets you nowhere on its own (though
clearly the opposite of some of those certainly can make things worse for sure)?
I mean, if "get a job you like" is a necessary step of the chain, then I can kinda
see why people would be pissed, given that that's a privilege reserved to probably
what, 20, 30% of the population? The rest have to do shit jobs that no one in their
right mind would like for shit pay that they still need because it's that or
starving. InCels are assholes but the levels of economic inequality and social
segregation that exist today actually contribute in producing these pockets of
complete alienation from social life. Having friends or normal human relationships
is a luxury when your job dries up all of your mental and physical energies.?
I'm a fairly attractive woman and I can't get a man for nothing. Attractive people
have trouble too.?
My friends say I'm "Intimidating" and I'm not like Instagram Model hot but I'm
pretty cute. Idk maybe a guy will appreciate my strength one day.?
Maybe, but with that approach, you might run into the famous "I only meet players"
Lower your standards too.dont want to sound mean but all these incel guys expect to
have sex with girls who are attractive but won�t date a girl that looks like them.?
lower my standards??? Oh no. My standards are fine. I don't ask for much. I handle
my own business. Lol you actually remind me of my sister. She said "just be a
little more dumb, kinda needy and ask for help".... I'm a Leo. That's a NO.?
It's ALL about social skills. Sometimes that takes a lifetime of therapy to
achieve. Humans are basically animals. We're wired to pick men based on primitive
indicators of social status. If a guy doesn't carry himself with his head held
high (literally posture matters), nobody will find him desirable. Confidence takes
emotional health.?
I meant the incel guys lol. They�re just trying to get laid and not really
interested in creating an actual relationship with a person. Standards should be
kept if actually looking for someone in a relationship.?
Also, it is important to mention that being intimidating isn�t the same thing as
being strong. There are strong people that nobody fears to approach. And there are
wimps who nobody wants to start a conversation with. Strength as an atribute is
mostly found to be attractive in men, by both genders. You are right that some men
like a challenge, but it usually means that after they "beat" that challenge, they
just move on to the next one. Generally, nobody wants a relationship to be a
constant battle for dominance.?
"Women aren't vending machines where you put in "niceness" coins and get sexual
relationships." Then women should stop advertising themselves as such.?
I've never read such mindless self serving drivel as I have in the comment section.
If your comment can be summarized as "just do/not do..." then you're probably it
not saying much.?
I just think guys try too hard, girls find that repulsive in a lot of cases. Being
the alpha male doesn't make you the hottest thing in the room. Sexiness comes from
being real.?
BS, if someone is ugly, you still wouldn't want to talk to him, let alone date him,
no matter how "real" he might be. You all never walked a few miles in this guys
shoes so you have no clue what they've been through or still are going through.
It's like billionairs talking about poor people, ignorance at its best.?
Don't think women are property or you're entitled to them.
The guy who ran into people in Toronto was young, slim, and attractive. This goes
deeper than the obvious answers.?
In a nutshell, that's the advice given by Dan from his Savage Love column to a 16-
year old guy years ago. Assuming that advice was fully followed, he'd be one of
those "Chads" the incels hate.?
oh you are so naive. I know a guy who does all those things plus more and can�t get
laid. Women are stuck up cunts who control sex.?
Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive.?
What is "nice". Ive met few guys who think of themselves as a douchebag/asshole
even though many claim it's the "asshole" who gets all the girls. Instead of
worrying about if you are "nice" work on building tangable social skills that make
others want to be around ya. A girl wont wanna be around you no matter how "nice"
you are if you look like you want to slit your wrists. If your saying hey I am not
fat women are just.... for not choosing me,go take a speech or improv class and
improve your social skills and confidence and get some hobbies that do not involve
consuming media. The world is full of of average or below average looking non rich
guys with gf's,yes someone women will only care if you got that 6pack or huge bank
account but the lion's share of them will consider you a dating prospect as long as
you are not obese and can hold a job and a conversation. Also don't take rejection
personal even guys with good looks,high paying jobs and a decent personality won't
appeal to every girl for one reason or another.?
Imagine if 100% of men took Dave Steadmans advice. THERE WOULD STILL BE 80% OF MEN
NOT GETTING LAID!! Look up hypergamy.?
Women are vending machines you put coins in to get a relationship.?
nice guys don't win. Rich, useful, confident or pretty guys do.?
Looks more like they bash women with any defects in the looks department because
they are bitter, not because they wouldn�t have sex with them.?
I think that when you run your car over people just because you can't get laid,
there are some other issues at hand. No pun intended.?
possibly, but hunger and sex are the too irresistible drives that can make every
animal, not just humans, do incredibly stupid violent things. irrationally
suicidally stupid acts driven by sexual hunger (pun intended) are so common it's
mind-boggling. it's also a good thing else we'd be overrun by testosterone-maddened
rapists. see, most of those suicidal acts of violent stupidity end with the actor
wasn't incel. But he was white. Let's do the same to whites. In-whites shoot people
all the time in mass, in schools, in churchs, in shoppings, on the streets...?
Not necessarily. When I was young I was sexually frustrated. Most people, like me,
just deal with it, but a few ones just can't stand it and they lose their shit.?
It's not JUST because they can't get laid. "Incel" culture is the logical
conclusion of Men's Rights Activism. These people see human interaction in terms of
debt, and this is true of catcalling as well. "I gave you a compliment and now you
owe me something in return."?
except the dude didnt write that Incel post that all the news is basing this on.
From nearly everything i have read, the post came AFTER he was arrested. The post
has been completely unverified yet all news outlets are running with it. Incels
suck and shoukd be talked about as potentially dangerous absolutely. But is no one
else comcerned by the way all the media just went " incel. Hate woman losers.
Amazing lets run it" When Alec himself has never stated his motive. The post is
completely unverified on a timestamp that wouldve been hour after his arrest. And
they got it from 4chan is happening to.journalism and truth nowadays.?
Oh yeah, incels have problem - a society that riddicules men that either don't look
for a relationship - or aren't in one. Everyone constantly pesters men about "Why
don't you have a girlfriend?" Blah, Blah, Blah. I for one don't care about sex as
I'm Asexual but this entire situation is bullshit, men don't claim they are
entitled to womens bodies - but when women are constantly offering that, and use it
against men to get what they want, plus like I said, a society that constantly
shames men for being single, while claiming single women are empowered, it's not
like being gay is a choice? So should men be in relationships with each other? Oh
wait, "Bromance" is laughed at too! It's disgusting the attitude in this day and
age towards men. Oh yeah "b-b-b-but patriarchy!" god forbid that men risked their
lives every day for thousands of years to protect women and keep the species going
- god forbit that all they ask for in return is to be in control of the decisions.
Guess what ladies? You want to be "strong and independent" - then stop crying about
"where all the good men are" - I can tell you where they are by the way, they're
all the ones you deem unattractive. 80% of men are rated below average if you
believe the ok-cupid survey, no wonder women file for divorce 80% of the time.
Always think they can do better - and sure, when every guy you see is "below your
standards" as a 3 out of 10 - you must really think "there's always someone out
there. Of course with the amount of messages you get from men because everyone is
single and just having sex all the time - there really is someone new around every
corner. I'll just be over here with my waifu and video games, earning money and
doing what I want - while your hormones drive you crazy, and the future is a
question mark - never knowing if you will have lived the life you wanted. You could
have had it all, a house, a fence, a man that will risk his life to save you - but
you wanted to find something better - you wanted to be a man. Well good job, this
is what you all wanted. (Not all but still, if that wasn't the case we wouldn't be
where we are now) and don't even bother trying to shame me with "Oh, with that
attitude it's no wonder you're single!" - it just proves my point and is a waste of
you need to be put on a watch list, you seem dangerous. Get some therapy and put
down the anime.?
women are often ridiculed for not being in a relationship or not having kids when
they hit 30. Relax, we all get flack everything.?
I never said women didn't get flack, they may be told to have kids too - but they
aren't blamed for it. And for sure, add me to a watch list - it will just waste
everyones time. Could I get welfare too? Put me on house arrest and let me just sit
at home and watch tv all day? Sounds good to me!?
you are living in an entitlement dream word, your mental state is twisted, you need
to seek therapy.?
Right. I'm just a realist. "You aren't giving your life to women to throw away!
Quick, he may influence other men! Send him away!" - Do the world a favor and fuck
off. Your shaming tactics only work on those that give a shit.?
your hatred for 50 percent of the population is not SANE, and you can�t acknowledge
it because your mind is so twisted. You are a danger to society.?
You think this is hatred? You think walking away is hate and I'm the hateful one?
Riiight. You stay over there, and I'll be over here.?
you do know that we are using the internet, this isnt real. I AM LITERALLY OVER
THERE. Seek therapy.?
OBVIOUSLY there's more at hand. Savage just said its about social skills. When
you lack social confidence, you not only fail to attract women, you fail you get
the respect of people in general. When you do poorly socially, it makes it hard to
succeed in life. There are social politics everywhere.?
Nearly everything you complained about here is caused by patriarchy. Single men are
looked down on in a society where men are constantly told by their mentors and
peers that men are supposed to be competitive and assertive about "scoring" women.
The people who uphold independent women do not represent the mainstream view that
has prevailed for thousands of years and has managed to persist in the present; it
is merely a response (mainly from feminists) to said mainstream.?
I don't think you've had a single original thought in your life. And honestly you
aren't worth most women's time. I, a completely average woman have a man 300�
better than you who doesn't sit on his ass obsessing over cartoons . And guess
what, it took next to no searching on my part . You really think you're average and
that women just have to high of standards? Well guess what buddy, you're far below
the average male?
I don't think it's fair to inflict mentally deranged people on sex workers. That's
exactly who they'll be trying to avoid, just like everybody else! Teach them social
skills, basic respect and good hygiene instead.?
But anyone who would be a sex worker has a few screws loose themselves.
a German ex-sex-worker wrote a book to contest the prevailing liberal view of
prostitution as just another job after decriminalisation. One point she made is
that virtually everyone she knew in the business was a drug addict. A part of them
became prostitutes to pay for their drug, others have been drugged forcibly by sex
traders, but still others (like the author herself) turned to drugs to suppress the
fear and depression caused by "clients" (and not just the violent ones).?
So I'm mentally deranged, am I? Well let me try and explain this to the logically
deranged like yourself. It wasn't suggested by the panelist that sex workers should
be made to have sex with people who can't obtain it by normal means, rather it
should be seen as acceptable for people pay for sex. It is still the choice of the
sex worker whether to provide the service or not. Try using whatever little matter
you have between your ears before posting this shit.?
I mean first of all no woman ever slept with a guy for showing her respect.
Secondly the free market tried to address incels like fifteen years ago with the
introduction of the PUA community. However the same people bitching about these
incels bitched about pickup.?
Why avoid? If they pay the money there's no reason to dodge the business. You don't
get standards if you're a sex worker.?
No, sex workers do not avoid these people at all. Their clients are people who are
ugly, fat, old, stupid with no social skills at all. Cool guys do not sleep with
prostitutes. Prostitutes are the people who deal with the trash of this world so
they don't lose their mind over those women who could be your family or friends.
Prostitutes do a great service to society.?
They should legalize it though . You don't have the right to be someone else
personal life. Mind your own business. As long that it is two adults having sex and
they both agree to it then it should be legal.?
Sex workers already encounter scores of dangerous and deranged men, you complete
fucking moron. Incels are not any more "deranged" than the average man who picks up
a prostitute. Also, did it occur to you that maybe if these guys were allowed to
fuck hookers, they'd relax and not be driven so insane by lack of sex in the first
Who is gonna be teaching them social skills? Isn't the reason they are detestable
is their lack of said skills? If they haven't learned them by this point, who is
going to go out of their way to change that? Are you proposing it should be
someone's job to teach the unsociable how to be social? Development occurs during
childhood and early years, and if one misses out on important skills then and
doesn't pick it up a little later, many people see that as a lost cause, and I
don't think it should be anyone else's job to fix a socially difficient
Well, sex workers should be free to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason.
He was mostly arguing for destigmatizing it so that men who can't get laid might
stop feeling so bad about themselves and accept prostitution for what it is.
Something that might help them (maybe a lot in some cases) even though it's not
ideal. Because if they haven't have sex in 10 years or more or something (or ever),
frankly it can start making a guy really weird mentally. And that doesn't help with
trying to get laid at all. And yeah I get that the "incel" mentality is terrible
but not immediately obvious, so yeah I'd be worried for sex workers a bit too lol.
But most guys who can't get laid aren't "incels".?
I'm curious of your age because when I was younger I too thought something similar,
but the older I get, I realize that prostitutes service a plethora of people of all
different backgrounds. Every person isn't a lowlife. Some people might be tired of
the cheating and heartbreak that they receive from women who aren't prostitutes.
Some good law biding people might want to just try something new in Law Vegas...I
myself have yet to be with a prostitute, but I've thought about it?
You think sex workers are in a fair position now with it being illegal and them
under the control of criminals??
These are mostly kids raised by a single mother, living in a feminized world.?
I dont think a prostitute's biggest problem is having to teach her client's social
skills. When you're willing to let someone inside of you for money, helping someone
socially is not degrading. And it's never to late to grow as s person.
Experiencing a woman not reject you, can be therapeutic. #1, its exposure therapy
to a source of anxiety. #2, it hypnotically helps a person believe in his dream to
be accepted intimately.?
you are incorrect. They are from all different types of family situations. The
Texas shooter a few days ago, the two they talk about in the video, are from
families that were together.?
This gets to an interesting question who is going to teach them social skills, also
would you have sex with a virgin, especially a 30 year old+ virgin??
Because the whole pick up artist thing not only fuels the same attitudes about
women as the incel thing, it generally does not work. So the guy's trying these
strategies, they don't work, and they give up. Pick up artists, so called, are
actualy con artists.?
I had sex with a 29-year-old virgin female, so, why not? People bloom at different
Good to know that you think sex workers are too stupid to determine who they want
serve and for how much money.?
Sex workers don't determine their work conditions. Their pimps do.?
you took that rare 5% instance as fact of majority??
I don't think it's fair to the rest of us for sex workers to not redistribute sex,
putting our health and safety at risk.?
Not all sex workers have pimps. Have you known any sex workers? I've known a lot of
them. No, not like that. As friends.They worked independently. No pimps.?
Pickup works. You just don't understand it. Strip away the nerdy jargon and Mystery
Method, for example, is really just a description of how normal people hook up.
Even when it doesn't work, would you rather an awkward guy get out of the house and
attempt to meet women, or stay at home on 4chan??
Better they're inflicted on sex workers who are trained to deal with them than
inflicted on the general public.?

I think media basically tells young men that everybody is having sex all the time
and beautiful women are everywhere. Look at Big Bang Theory show and the nerd who
gets the hot girl. That is just unrealistic, but it's portrayed as real. All part
of the problem.?
because it cater to male fantasy. And these incels cant cope that it isnt real.
Women told they will be discriminated against and will have to work hard to get
ahead, men told they are privileged. They get angry when they are not given what
they thought would be handed to them. All children must be told they need to work
hard to get ahead.?
I think the media is only a small part of it, and indeed there is a failure of
parenting. Incels are an outgrowth of the gamer scene. Socially not merely inept
but totally blind guys who sit home playing all day, view their moms as cash cows,
cheer for whoever promises the highest kill count in a movie, who aren't even aware
that they stink, who don't realise that porn is performance rather than documentary
or how-to manual. They want their sex the way they wanted their gameboy ten years
Nerds are hot, incels are not.?
Funny thing is: you wouldn't fuck Either (unless money is involved).?
and none of that applies to women??
I'm a nerd with a hot girl......some women choose brains over muscles.....rarely
both are available at same time , with me at least.
Like the minority unwrapping the Lexus on Christmas in the snow in front of his
$800,000 home. That commercial must piss off most minorities. Where's mine? Who's
holding me down. Who's fault is it I don't have this? Target marketing id dead.?
Some guys are so good looking that they do get it handed to them. I knew a couple
of guys in high school who had their main girlfriend, but was always cheating on
them, and every female involved knew the situation. They knew the guy was involved
with multiple females, but they didn�t care because he was so handsome that they
would prefer to share him than not have him at all.?
And it is no surprise it is mostly white men/boys who do this. They are catered too
much in the media and society.?
There is alot of things at play with men. Just think about the advent of the
internet. As a teenager you go to school get told sex is evil come home and watch a
treasure hard core porn. A bit confusing to say the least?
the old "I know a guy. .." urban legend. Would you really want to go out anyway
with anyone who is unfaithful? The vast majority of young people are decent and
faithful. Stop fixating on being a rutting stag.?
okay and ? Who cares? Life isn't consistent or fair and we cnt "make" anyone do
anything just because it may conflict with our own morals?
These "incels" are being misled by the media to believe sex is the most important
thing in life. Honestly, I guess it depends on the person. I know some guys say
they gotta have pussy all the time, can't live without it, but for me it's not at
the top of my priorities list.?

Dan Savage totally fails when he thinks the solution is prostitution. Incels are
aware prostitutes would only touch them for the money, and they don't find this
validating enough. Elliot Rodger had written as much in his manifesto. With all the
money he spent on guns and buying lottery tickets he could have seen a prostitute
if he wanted to, but want they want is their fantasy just-out-of-her-teens virginal
submissive gf who'd worship them. Any other woman is a roastie whore to them. Then
they whine about women having standards, LOL.?
You hit the nail on the head. The incels demand that the most popular cheerleaders
voluntarily desire them and want to sleep with them. Nothing less.?
Yes and if these sick perverts got near a woman, they would hurt her.?
exactly, they all themselves as Alpha males and think sex should just be given to
them but in reality they are social inept betas.?
Dan isn't saying prostitutes to be the solution to the incel problem, he's saying
the legalization of prostitution can allow for a change of direction in
misoginistic thought regarding incels. By looking at sex as a healthy commodity and
not a toxic exchange, we might actually get somewhere. Right now, the difference
between incels and human sex traffickers is zero-to-none. That needs to change,
A teenager like the recent Texas school shooter can not afford a prostitute, at
least not a good one. An incel is completely aware that a prostitute does not want
him for anything else that the money, but that casual sex is more than enough to
keep him chilled enough so he doesn't do any nonsense.?
Savage is an untrained idiot and is bound to do a great deal of damage?
Which is why the "huh huh, they just cant get laid" thing is so ridiculous...and
why "forcing sex" hasnt been their outlet (murder has). If it was JUST about sex,
this would play out differently from beginning to end. This is ALSO why the "pull
yourself up by your bootstraps" thing is so insulting. We acknowledge that it
takes two to tango, and the Tinder/choking porn/regret sex = rape generation is
going to have a very hard time making all of this work while making it fulfilling.
This is a humanity issue...not a "beat off more, loser" issue. This panel (and
Bill) were truly disappointing. You cant blame a rape victim in a mini skirt who
took a shortcut down an alley after a night of heavy drinking.....but you can blame
a person with severe anxiety, male pattern baldness, and an IQ of 75 for not
getting "laid enough" or the kind of love that fulfills them? The lack of love
alone can make a monster.....further ridicule and isolation will only make it
worse. They're in a no-win situation and they have the media's scrutiny,
disrespect, and inability to empathize. When that is the story of "disaffected
blacks", we forget about the 60 people shot in Chicago since the beginning of May
and excuse people who will attack others over hearing the word "nigger". Incels,
BY DEFINITION, have no choice in their situation...anymore than you chose being
black or gay in MANY cases. Where's the empathy??
what are you doing here? You make too much sense, for being on the internet.
Empathy? Exists as long as its not mentally, physically or emotionally
He gets a 2 min sound bite... And I thing decriminalizing sex workers was his
agenda tonight. I think given an hour... He would have many more good opinions.?
you need therapy and to be on a watch list, you believe that a ugly guy that cant
get laid is equal to a woman being raped. That is not sane. You don�t deserve
sympathy, you deserve medical attention for you twisted mind.?
and anyway, no male has an automatic right to sex, just as no female has an
automatic right to sex. No one is entitled to demand that sex is supplied to one.
If offering money for a sexual transaction is not considered good enough for these
people, then they should devote some time to learning to be kindly and sociable and
learning some skills in making themselves pleasant to be with. They can better
utilise the time that they spend sitting on hate-filled and violence-stoking incel
moan sessions.?
incels can change their circumstances by stopping feeling sorry for themselves. Try
focusing on doing good in the world. Then you'll be considered a real man (as
opposed to a Chad) and you'll attract a real woman (rather than a Barbie doll).
What incels aspire to is the height of shallow values.?
Your pseudo intellectual comment is painfully stupid. Dan was talking about
legalizing prostitution. He WAS NOT suggesting that people view incels as being on
a moral equivalent with human sex traffickers.
I have no empathy for someone who wants me dead?
And the reason SOME incels think buying sex is beneath them, is because we
stigmatize prostitution. Once we stop telling them, that virgins are at the top of
some imaginary hierarchy, prostitution will be therapeutic. For most men that lack
social skills, it boils down to confidence. Practicing your social skills with a
sex-worker would actually help with anxiety around women. It's a combination of
exposure therapy and hypnosis.?
It's also because : 1) Prostitutes are known for having multiple STDs because the
industry is currently unregulated and therefore extremely unsafe. and 2) Incels
are painfully aware that a prostitute is not CHOOSING to have sex with them (at
least not for their personal, attractive qualities), and therefore the affection or
acceptance of a sex worker does nothin to validate them.?
STD's dont deter men. How rare do you think it is for a man to have sex with
someone he barely knows? If sex work were legalized, it would be regulated. Men
are wired to attract women with money and social status. Why do you think they buy
sports cars? Prostitutes just take it to an extreme.?
If sex work it were legalized, it would be regulated. - I know. I want it
legalized...but in its current state, it is dangerous and the risk of disease does
deter men. STD's dont deter men. - It deterred ME. I lost my virginity at 27, and
I never even considered fucking a hooker for that very reason.?
They're hardly "betas." More like omegas.?
you obviously were an exception to the rule. Many men who aren't even desperate,
contract diseases every day. Men are wired for casual sex. If you use condoms,
and regulate prostitution, it wouldn't be any crazier than tinder. And it would
certainly be healthier than living a life of isolation, in which you fantasize
about claiming women as property. The point was, we need to de-stigmatize and
legalize a valid option for socially challenged men.?
and who is raising these kids that can�t socialize? Cause we know most don�t have
society has turned against men and i'd rather just leave it to metastasize and rot
on its own rather than be a part of an exercise in futility. if by some stroke of
luck a nice woman entered into my life and was interested in me i would be
interested, but i am DONE asking women out on dates. with all this anti-men
propaganda it is too risky these days?
society hates men so much. They would rather take away the right of women to
choose work as sex workers, as long as men don�t get laid! This panel just decided
that women are not capable of deciding if they wanna be sex workers!!!!!!?
Yes. But Dan was arguing that we should make seeing sex workers less stigmatized.
Would that help? For some, probably. For others, probably not.?
How is it the fault of the mother if the father ran out on them??
Van: Extremely easy to get. Guns: Harder, but still easier to get than a
prostitute. Prostitution: All but illegal and hard to procure (at least in Canada)
Duuuuuur... these killers had the money to afford a prostitute, so clearly
prostitution wouldn't have solved the problem. How about just legalizing it.
People are so eager to go the route of "one death is too many, we must ban all
guns" but as soon as the idea is floated of "one death is too many, we must
legalize prostitution" it's all whoooooah now, that's going to far; let's not get
crazy now! EDIT: as an aside, at least prostitution would protect men from the
accusations of RAAAAAAAAPE! Since it would be a paid for service.?
Nah, actually his main point was changing how boys and men are socialized.
People constantly tell Incels to go to prostitutes, and it's obvious that they
don't want to. They want to be loved. There is also this idiotic notion that
they're "entitled". Yes, human beings feel entitled to human connection and food
and shelter.?
You mean to say men are creating an anti men environment because the stereotype is
getting loathsome? Nah...plenty of women out there are looking for great
guys...maybe you just don't want the ones who are sincere and looking for that.?
Right ? They are seriously why I am pro abortion?
I'm sorry but whatever the fuck the excuse is, people who believe that they are
owed sex/physical gratification are toxic to this earth and I will very much need A
LOT of convincing before they receive any sympathy from me. Shits fucking
disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with people ? How the fuck is it anyone else's
problem to care or have "empathy" just because people don't know how to deal with
being alone?
they don't choose their situation ? You're comparing this to racism ? Are you
trolling or are you a disgruntled incel yourself ? Jesus Christ?
well that's a problem. Nobody is entitled to anything from anyone if it conflicts
with bodily autonomy. The guys in this thread are fucking scary?
Um. No. The point is to get these people over the paralyzing notion that sex is
some monumental huge deal, that they have to wait for some "special" dream girl.
It's exactly the stigma Dan Savage is talking about. It's also ONE perfectly
reasonable remedy. No one's suggesting it's THE remedy.?
Roastie is robot/incel slang for women who sleep around a lot. Because their
vaginas look like roast beef sandwiches.?
Right, & forcing women to fuck them would be any better & that's exactly what they
want the government to do.?
Are you fucking serious? Black Americans don't have a choice in their skin color,
but InCels have a choice in their actions. As a woman I can tell you that any man
who feels the Government should "redistribute" sex & force women to have sex with
these type of men, are not going to be men that turn on any woman. They do nothing
but self-fulfillment of their own prophecy. If you think sex should be given to you
without earning the respect & affection of a woman, you're not gonna find a woman
willing to give you any respect or affection. Plain & simple. Maybe if they weren't
such cunts, they'd find someone to fuck.?
Which is why abortion should be legal?
Are you serious? If you're respectful & asking a woman out on a date, it's not
risky. If you say you want to fuck her brains out or insist after you've been
denied, that's crossing the line. Why your mother didn't teach you this, I don't
know. But you need to learn it.?
Actually, women that sleep around alot, their vaginas don't turn into "roast beef"
they were that way from puberty. If guys knew ANYTHING about women, they'd know
this. My husband & I have been married for 10 years & we've had lots of sex.
Everyday most times, but at least every other day. My vagina hasn't changed one
bit, even after 3 kids. So, learn about women's vaginas before you go poking around
in them.?
Your post is contradictory. Incels DON'T have a choice in whether women or men find
them attractive or not. That's the point. Incels are like black people who are
rejected by racists. "As a woman I can tell you that any man who feels the
Government should "redistribute" sex & force women to have sex with these type of
men, are not going to be men that turn on any woman." Who cares? Do you think tax
payers forced to redistribute their wealth are "turned on" by the thought of losing
a chunk of their pay cheque so someone else can get free shoes or health care? It's
not about whether the women enjoy it or not, it's about the good of society. If we
have to pay women to cure the Incel epidemic, then so be it. If I have to pay taxes
so poor people can go to the doctor, I'm happy to pay taxes so Incels can get laid
and not run me down with a van.?
But that's not true. All people receiving redistributed wealth (like universal
health care) are doing so despite it conflicting with bodily autonomy. I hate work.
I especially hate that a chunk of my work is forcibly taken from me to be
redistributed to people. These men are as entitled to sexual intercourse as an
unemployed person is to education or entertainment. Finding women who will have sex
with them in exchange for money, and even be nice to them in exchange for money
isn't hard. There will always be someone willing to do horrible jobs for pay.?
Do they force doctors to treat people? No. They pay them. So the government can pay
prostitutes to have sex with Incels.?
I don't believe it's to be taken literally. It's an insult, because they know women
are insecure about their genitals.?

Not to defend these guys(incells), but calling them losers over and over and saying
they deserved to be rejected won't make the problem go away?
I didn't get laid until I was 24, despite knowing that I was the reason why and
even knowing other women were interested in me. Then my pending service in the Army
forced me to actually try wooing a woman to get laid. Within around three years of
that point, I slept with around 20 women, and it was extremely easy to do so. My
point is, Incels are losers, and they themselves are the only ones stopping
themselves from getting laid. Women actually will give men the chance to have sex
with them if the men actually put in some effort to woo them.?
good for you, but you are just one person and not everyone deal with the same
cards than you?
They are losers tho!!?
Single men who have few to no obligations outside of themselves can absolutely
devote time and effort into making themselves more appealing to women. Women are
not commodities, and they expect to be treated like people. The effort that most
women havd to make themselves appealing to men, like makeup, watching weight,
etc... Is far more than any effort a man would ever have to make for a woman
Maybe you shouldn't overplay your hand. What do you bring to the table? Don't be a
5 thinking you deserve a 10. Like Mick Jagger says, "You can't always get what you
want, but if you try some time you just might find, you get what you need."?
"The effort that most women havd to make themselves appealing to (rich)men, like
makeup, watching weight, etc... Is far more than any effort a man would ever have
to make for a woman anyways." Fixed it for you. Women don't have issues getting sex
you dishonest hack and our wallets are not a commodity either. Women don't want to
have a healthy relationship but want to be taken care of. Nope, fuck that noise.?
You're joking, right? Women feel a CONSTANT pressure to cake as much makeup on
their face as they can to meet a standard forced on them by society, to the point
where men like you don't even realize that women without makeup don't look anywhere
near as attractive as you think they do. How is this less challenging than what the
"Incels" claim to struggle with??
Nobody is forcing women to spend money on makeup, nor pink items, nor to wear that
super short skirt, or those high heels. They do it to themselves and to attract
very wealthy males because they again, want to be taken care of via wealth
extraction. The patriarchy is not a thing anymore, dude.?
God this Incel thinking is such bullshit it's ridiculous. You don't even realize
that all women have to wear makeup. Do you really think every woman on this Earth
wants to look like some fake Scottsdale blonde? Women are a pretty diverse group of
people, you know, but what they feel is society cares primarily about how they look
and nothing else. If women only ever cared about gold digging rich men, then why
aren't rich men just polygamist hoarders who just hoard and pay off as many women
they can find? Those women shouldn't care about that at all, according to your
thinking, because they are getting what they want anyways.?
NO THEY DON'T have to wear makeup. Over half the women I interact with are either
free or very minimalist on makeup usage. No, not all women want to be blonds
either, and you need to stop projecting your perceived expectations onto me,
because they are NOT my values. Also, what a ridiculous hyperbolic example. Women
sleep around with rich men for wealth extraction, absolutely. Just look at what
happened with Trump and the payoffs he made.?
And in what context do you interact with these women? Are they romantically
interested in you or anyone around you? Are they just at work, what? Women on dates
almost always wear makeup dude, unless they are so attractive that they don't need
it (this is extremely rare). They wear it because they feel it is expected of them
and that is what men expect them to look like. Trump is a horrible example to use.
You literally cannot use any other example of a wealthy, influential man, like Elon
Musk, Mark Cuban, or even Obama? Did you ever think that maybe Trump is the problem
here, and not the women??
The context doesn't matter. You proclaimed and insinuated they HAVE to use makeup,
FORCED to use makeup to get a man. This is objectively FALSE. I corrected you in
stating that it is only most likely to be true when she is trying to extract wealth
from the partner she is dating. You want examples? Google is your friend: "Sugar
Daddy", "Famous Gold Diggers", etc. The point being is yes it is true women are not
commodities but neither are wallets. This parallel conversation has to be had
because women want the cake and to eat it too. Considering divorce rates and what
happens to men in the family courts, men have no business getting married or having
sex with ANY WOMEN.?
Ever heard of social anxiety? Yeah keep calling them losers idiots?
Not getting laid doesn�t make you a loser, but being an incel does. Don�t confuse
the two. The good thing is you don�t have to be an incel.?
money thing isnt always true. You are using it as an excuse. Ive known a rich guy
and he gets broken up with almost every relationship he has. Chicks arent willin to
put up with his crap for the possibility of marryin money. His crap being that he
hates himself, has no drive, plays video games all day, and gets jealous of men he
sees on tv. No one has time for that nonsense not even for a million $$$?
This is not true. Women put on make up or wear high heels super short skirts for
them self. Not everything a person is doing to attract a partner or a sugar daddy.
Women can work and provide for them self. And they do. Women don�t need men to have
a living. Those times are over.?
I don't know what the solution is, but I know that calling them all sort of names
is not one.?
Would you have sex with a 30 year old or 40 year old virgin woman??
No no no, I'm sure continually shitting on these men will make them realize the
errors of their ways and not turn violent. Look at all the times it's worked in
the past! Like... uhh... hmm... I'll get back to you on this.?
that's about my story too, marine corps got me laid, and once you are able to talk
to girls it's relatively easy granted you are not grossly overweight and maintain
good hygiene?
You don't cater to weirdos because they're violent. We need to accept that we live
in a world with "problems"?
How does calling someone, who most likely has social anxiety, depression, and
possibly ashamed of the fact that they have not sex by lets say the age of 30,
losers help them??
Women today are grown entitled children, hey are sluts, unempathic, self absorbed
whores. mgtow is the way?
So full of shit your eyes are brown. You think every woman just wants money? Guess
what junior YOU ARE WRONG! A lot of women are looking for a decent, nice guy who is
going to treat them nicely. Ie being polite talking to THEM not their tits speak
nicely to them cut the swearing and filthy talk. Wash once in a while, shave, get a
haircut, wash your clothes, keep your living space clean. I would have a take out
burger with a nice guy than go to Paris for a swanky dinner with some guy in a tux.
There are millions of us out there go looking.?
In China, due to the One Child Policy, as soon as they got Ultrasound Machines they
started aborting Female Foetuses to keep the Family Name alive ; so now they have
60 million more 15 to 35 year old Men than they do Women..., and India has an
excess of 30 million young Men for similar reasons (avoiding having a Daughter to
be able to afford to better educate their Sons...) ; conveniently, China & India do
have a Land Border, so those 90-million "In-Cels" will probably have to go and
fight with each other to win Medals ("Cunt-Magnets") in order to get a chance of
having a Fuck when they go home, quivering & twitching & screaming from the PTSD.
Thats no way to get with women man. The army made you do that? They made you be
creepy and entitled. Now I bet you think you deserved all those women because "im
in the military where is my sex?" Thats pathetic?
Yet women put no effort into meeting men, then they complain about gender roles,
and that hello is harassment.?
You're a loser if you don't get laid but approaching women for sex is mysoginistic.
that's bullshit because women simply stand their doing literally nothing to make
things happen, they fully expect you to do everythign they just have to look
pretty, also no risk of them being accused of harassment because they never
approach and two women don't get accused even if they do.?
because you don't actually have to be a decent or intersting woman to get laid, sex
is on tap for women. They experience no scarcity. If all AI had to do to get sex
was paint my face i'd be extatic.?
Women offer their looks because they feel like they shouldn't have to work on their
personalities, they want you ta accept all their neuroses in exchange for some mask
they wear. Also because women want all the gold to themselves.? yet they bitch
insesently about high heels, shut the fuck up you're doing it to yourselves.?
Yeah women care about a stable guy after fucking every good-looking user and abuser
they can find, fuck that die alone.?
Women in western society do a poor job of watching their weight, so that one made
me laugh. Women don't have to have a job, money, anything going for them, can be
short, look average or below, dress bummy, have a crummy personality an still have
guys lining up to bang her. Women have it easy in the dating scene, and yet with
all their options they are clueless on how to pick a good man.?
I think you're underestimating how much of a boost an Army uniform gives you in
that particular field.?
Nah, these are the same people who cry about political correctness but want to be
treated with kid gloves when it comes to themselves (how convenient). They want
some straight talk and people stop being overly sensitive? Well, here it's some
straight talk..... they are losers and they do not have a monopoly on suffering so
stop crying.?
Who are "the same people"? Involuntary celibacy is not a group and there is no
expectation of political correctness. You sound completely silly right now. I'm
starting to wonder if there is some kind of agenda think tank paying people to post
nonsense on incel videos. I mean, that was so ridiculous I have to laugh at that
one, lol.?

Incels don't like Trump. Trump is a "chad". Most incels are apolitical. They have
taken the "black pill" (essentially they opt for nihilism). The ones that are
political are largely Bernie Bro's because a large contingent of Incels are also
NEETs who supported Bernie (or economically left politicians) by necessity.?
"Men are taught that they're en titled to womens bodies" No. Men are literally
taught the exact opposite.?
Then apparently a lot of them weren�t paying attention.?
Exactly. Also, wanting sexual companionship has nothing to do with misogyny or
feeling entitled to sex. Sexual desire is biologically hard-wired and not the mere
product of social constructs. Janice Fiamengo did a nice piece about that
Women feel entitled to good looking men. Just look at their dating profiles. It's a
list of requirements rather than a reflection of their personality.?
Women are cunts today, if a woman wants to date an genuine good guy date a MGTOW
man, that way you know what you are getting.?
The reality is, women are taught they are entitled to men's money, labor and
Are they not, especially with regards to beginning a family??
What colour is the sky in your world? Seriously. You seem to live in a different
world than the rest of us.?
Um...then why do we have these InCels at all? This is nuts. Nobody is entitled to
anybody's body, but the media depicts hot pliable women with ugly men all the
time...making guys feel that's what is normal. The reverse is so ridiculously
rare. So these undesirable guys are upset that they want to chase hot girls and
that the below average girls aren't even being asked out. I have no sympathy for
You've gotta be kidding. And men don't feel entitled to good looking women, right?
I mean even fugly guys think they have a shot at hot's ridiculous.?
Ugly girls don't want ugly guys either, they rather get used by winners then settle
down with a guy in their league.?
no. porn is a bigger problem for guys than depictions of relationships in
mainstream media. these incels have significant social and mental health problems
that would make them undesirable for a relationship; which is what they want in the
first place. they end up socially isolated which is so detrimental to one�s
wellbeing that it is used as a form of punishment. it can be so effective that it
impacts your physical health as well as your mental health. but it�s great that we
have comedians talking about social outcasts they just heard about and calling them
depends on your social circle?
Men always go after c8nty women and the decent women get ignored! and men feel
entitled to an attractive woman?
some women make their own money but men don't like that either!?
I mean, people seem to be quite open about being entitled to my labor (aka my body)
when they talk about UBI, universal health are, public education...?
tough for them?
im taught to respect every one, and added Being a Gentleman towards MY WOMAN , I'm

I have been saying this about school shooters for years . They do it because they
can't get laid and they can't cope with it. This is because they are being told
that love and marriage are men's rights!! They are not!!?
I think that to say it's because they can't get laid is an over-simplification. It
would probably be more accurate to say that they're social outcasts. Not getting
laid is part of that but there's more to it than that.?
It's never the charmer that everyone loves... These people tend to be intensely
disliked and rejected because of the bad vibes they send out. Even if they got sex,
they would still have that deep malevolence because it's them.?
Men are biologically programmed to provide and protect. millions of years of
evolution has been circumvented by feminism and leftist "ideology". Incels don't
just appear out of thin air, they are the result of leftist brainwashing that tells
men to be " nice" and sensitive to get with women, which is nonsense if the woman
doesn't find you attractive BEFORE that. Add on to that anti-depressants and being
raised by a single mother and you get a psychopath. Our liberal, post modernist,
moral relativist, valueless society creates these men. Now Vote Bernie on 2020!
Feel the Bern baby?
so are you saying that women should have to accept a role that they don't find
comfortable so that men can maintain a role that they do find comfortable? Even if
you're right (and I do believe that there is some truth to what you say) the fact
is that we no longer live in a society where men are required to fulfil the
provider and protector role that they once were. If men had to do that in the past
then it made sense that women fulfilled a different role even if they didn't like
it because, if they didn't, there just wouldn't be any children. Nowadays, women
can provide just as well and protection isn't such a personal requirement so women
don't have to put up with a role they find unsatisfying. Men need to come to terms
with that so if they need to evolve to do that then no better time to start than
adapt or die out, that is call evolution, you incel asshole.?
the shooter in Vegas had a live-in, Asian woman.?
No, JK is saying that culture is an interconnected system, where men's and women's
roles are intimately tied together. You can't make a change without affecting the
whole of the system. This is something the left seems only superficially aware of,
because they talk about groups without considering how changing the dynamic of one
group will affect the dynamic of other groups and the system as a whole. So, it's
not that "women need to accept a role that they don't find comfortable". We all
want women and men to be liberated, as much as is possible, but if that process is
as simple as "smash the patriarchy", expect destabalization to a less favorable
state of order.?
The problem is religion. In-religious are taught all the time that they have right
and obligation to a women, so if they have right and obligation, then is society
fault when they don't get his right and fault to his obligation.?
Wrong. Try again. 17 year olds shooting schools because they can't laid? You should
pay more attention.?
Thats what happens when a society preaches "someone for everyone" . Its bullshit.
Young men grow up with the expectation that romance is a fixed point that WILL
HAPPEN in their timescale and lash out when it doesnt. They feel like a promise has
been broken to them, and they feel angry. We need to teach young men the harsh
reality of life. No guarantees, there isnt "someone for everyone" and life is
thank you for ending the human race.
someone doesn't know how evolution works!
"being told that love and marriage are men's rights!!" What absolute derp from the
low IQ?
same could be said to the victims of these shootings. Being a callous asshole isn't
going to stop the problem.?
Women have the same expectations, except literally any woman on earth can get laid
in 20 minutes on tinder.?
I think you are very correct. It is one thing to not be popular, or an athlete but
attach that to not being very social and a virgin... It is a horrible combination.
I wouldn't want to do my life over for no amount of money.?
Since when are they being told love and marriage are men�s rights? And by whom?
That is not the basis of the problem. They experience social isolation FIRST, then
flee to the internet for validation of why they are miserable. In comes the Incel
movement which tells them they are being denied their �rights�. They are ripe
targets. We have to solve the basis of the problem: why do they become socially
isolated? Do they lack social skills? Are they autistic? Are they ugly??
Wrong. Men are not told love and marriage are men's right. It's the complete
opposite. Men are told they must earn it.?
Women are told love and marriage are women's rights too.?
They are most certainly not being told on campus and in media that love and
marriage are rights. There are literally thousands of foundations and charities
that advance, defend, advocate and bankroll a plethora of feel good anti man
causes. Men (especially the colorless) are only being told they are evil beasts who
need to come to heel.?
Actually, that�s what was said back in the 50s and there were no school shootings.
What we tell boys in our feminist society is that the only reason they have
anything is cause they are privileged. And if they have nothing they are complete
losers for being losers when they have it so easy.?
You do realize Sanders would encourage more single mothers. He is a Lefist?
the colorless? You mean white. Just say it?
provide and protect is a social construct, not a biological one. Men cheat more
because of biology(we tend to want to have sex more which was beneficial to the
survival of our species, well all species I guess). You and the 16 people who gave
you the thumbs up really need to take some classes on biology and sociology.
Remember, facts before feelings.?
"Men are not told love and marriage are men's right. It's the complete opposite.
Men are told they must earn it" You are delusional Karen. The only thing young boys
are told they have to do to earn it is show up. Simply do as society says and your
reward is the gorgeous wife. Some of us grow up and realize it takes more than that
to find a healthy relationship, and it usually involves a lot of being shot down
until you finally grow as a person.
If you want to talk basic biology, then let's talk. Women once mated with the
stronger, more capable men to insure their genes survived. That means women are
programmed to go after men who have more physically fit, having more money, and are
all around higher up in the social food chain. Same for most all animals. The
female of the species goes after the alpha male of the species. You men think it's
ok to cheat since it is part your nature but when a woman follows her nature, she
is a horrible person. It's either or neither. Either both sexes can follow the
basic natures or neither can.?
I took sociology and anthropology in college. So I know both sides of the argument?
What an idiot. You honestly think these shootings happen because of pussy?
they're also told that all women are entitled to love and being found beautiful by
feminists why the double standard.?
that role existed for 1000s of yer clearly women are comfortable in it, and still
today women prefer men who make more money than them. Nothing has changed, women
are not feminists in reality.?
No, it's because they're being told BY THE VERY WOMEN WHO REJECT THEM that women
are more mature than guys and that they only want guys who are "nice" and who "make
them laugh" and who are "intellectual" and blah blah blah. No one's telling them
that "love and marriage are men's rights." That's pure feminist fantasy; a
convenient way to sweep these guys under the rug, at least till one of them shoots
his classmates.?
How is it that farfetched of an idea? Men have done the same for far less.?
So you've been stupid for years??
I'm not saying its farfetched. What im getting at is that this woman, the various
commenters and the people in the video are only focusing on one area of why these
shootings happen. Its an identical situation to those who were bullied. Also the
2nd part of her comment is on a whole new level of stupidity.?
I understand bullying all to well. I was 5'9" by 6th grade, towering over all the
girls and all but 3 guys in my grade. I was made fun for it. Girls would pick on me
for my feet, which were the right size for my height. I had guys laugh and call me
a giant. Hell, I had one classmate (male btw) come up to me in 7th grade and said I
had birthing hips. I was not invited to parties. I did not start dating til I was
20. I barely had friends and still struggle with it. But guess what? I went to
therapy to help with my body image issues (not only the height but my weight as I
was 180 lbs at that height). I did not blame all men or society for what I went
through. Sure, I hate my classmates but I did not let it stop me from growing and
meeting new people and eventually finding the man of my dreams. So do not blame
bullying as it is not really that difficult to ask for professional help. And
before anyone says "But you are a woman and everyone cares about women.", you can
take that statement and shove it. No one cared about the crap I was going through
but my parents. So incels need to grow up, stop blaming all of society for their
insecurities and actually work on their issues.?

If they save; $130,000. They could get laid. Right Donny??

No that may only cover a sexual harassment allegation in Hollywood.?
A prostitute is much cheaper than that. Or is it that they want to get laid with a
super model??

Like the great apes, humans learn by imitating. If people don't get any help from
their elders on how to handle themselves, they fumble their way along and get hurt,
grow frustrated, then angry---and that's not usually where "luck" intervenes.?
yes, we are not taught to socialize, in fact we are taught to treat each other as
sub human and put worth on people based on superficial things.?
We now have a dominant political party that is militant and preaches the antisocial
philosophy Ayn Rand. Cooperation has always been the human trait most responsible
for our survival, even with market-based economies, but they want us to be a nasty,
brutal conglomeration of lone wolves.?
"If people don't get any help from their elders on how to handle themselves" But
for the longest time, their "elders" have been giving them some shitty advice, such
as "Treat girls nice, because they love a 'nice' young man", when it's proven women
don't like nice men - they want the "bad boys". Maybe incels should start
(metaphorically) "shitting" on women instead, they swoon for that.?
lol shut up incel, one day when you actually try to talk to women, maybe then you
can have an opinion on them.?
I'm not an incel, but I Do know true female nature?
you have a twisted mind. You hate 50 percent of the population. That is not sane,
you need therapy.?
You mistake Western mal-education of women and men alike for "human nature" (which
no one can define, thank god). The majority of women do not select brutish
assholes, and the ones who do live to regret it.?
So I have come accross three guys so far, who have not yet dived far enough into
the incel void, to be beyond reach. Their mothers were assholes, and they verbally
and mentally abused them. One guy shared that his mother had no clue who his dad
was, and she had been physically abusive, and that she had put all of her attention
towards chasing men who treated her badly. Anyway.... it explains a lot. This
wouldn't be all incels by any means, but this is a logical path, that reasonably
explains, how a person could develop such issues.?
lol, no. Lots of people are abused and dont turn into incel.?
Yes my dear, and not one person claimed differently. I'm not an incel. I was
abused, and my own sexual abuse as a child, was almost entirely the reason that I
lost my viriginity voluntarily when I was still too young to legally consent.
However, I was just explaining what might have caused a lot of incels to become
that way. It is interesting to me that you are so triggered by that.?

"Men are socialized to think of women as property." By whom? Dan should be a

magician with all the things he's able to pull from his ass.?
That was what I thought too. I mean, who is doing this socialising and how??

If you think Incels are bad research Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW). These guys
are horrible scary woman haters.?
Not really. They have just decided that butt-sluts like you are not worth it.?
like I said. Nasty little insecure men. Thanks for proving my point.?
MGTOW hate the government, not women. Many MGTOW have wonderful loving
relationships with women, they just do not enter into any legal contracts with them
such as marriage because the GOVERNMENT treats men in marriage as if they were
slaves to there wife's. Maybe you should stop being so hatefull towards groups of
people you don't know or understand.?
Why are you guys arguing with a ho, on the internet no less? Have some self
100% true, but I say if they want to go,let them! Who the hell cares??
I agree. I personally do not care but I am also now aware of these angry
misogynistic males who spew hate and blame women for all their issues and bad
decisions. They sit behind their keyboards whining about being oppress and
controlled trying to recruit other men into their sad movement rather than work on
self improvement and finding inner peace. I just want women to know what is out
there. I would not knowingly let someone walk into a minefield. These fake keyboard
alpha males who hide behind the internet to spread hate, name call and degrade
women or other men that challenge this perverted mindset are now lashing out on
society because they cannot get their own way.?
What do they want exactly??
I asked that question to some Incels in another forum and could not get a clear
answer. They just called me names and made up stuff like 80% of women only have sex
with men who have money and can take care of them. If you just read through their
comments the overwhelming theme is, they consider themselves below average looking,
socially awkward and not financially establish. However they feel that should not
disqualify them from having sex with girls they call Stacies (the pretty hot
girl). As one guy stated why should he settle for some fat, Walmart looking bitch
with 3 kids. Which baffle me because they are admitting they are bringing nothing
of significance to the woman but the woman they want should not have any standards.
Or not defend her personal boundaries. They see women as sexual instruments, not
human beings. They feel everyone is out having sex but them for the reasons I
listed. To which I point out they need to stop generalizing cause there are
socially awkward women as well who feel isolated and sometimes you have to take a
look at yourself and fix it. We are not entitled to anyone or guaranteed sex. A lot
of it is self inflicted. Some of the guys are not physically unattractive, I just
think they give off some negative, ugly, creepy vibes that make women pause and
step back. The issue is complex but I also feel they are comfortable playing the
victim and everything is stacked against them mentality. These Incel and MGTOW
groups offer them comfort and belonging. It is scary and sad.?
mgtows are incels in denial?
this is true mgtow is male feminism. feminists are misandrist incels spewing hatred
of men and blaming patriarchy for all their bad decisions. mgtows and feminists
should just fuck already problem solved?
I have heard plenty of crap coming from MGTOW to know they do hate women. They are
just there for sex and then dump her ass.?
I am a short (5�3) male that is pretty ugly. I�ve decided to not go after women
anymore. I don�t hate women at all. I don�t believe women owe me anything. But I�ve
decided to go my own way because anytime I�ve tried to ask women out they make fun
of me or say very hurtful things. I�ve decided only to befriend and not make a move
because I feel like that would be unfair for them. For guys like me who I would
consider a man going my own way(I don�t know if that�s an actual group online like
incells) I don�t think it makes me a scary woman hater. I think it makes me
realistic. I�m not bitter that women don�t like, I honestly get way they don�t. I
don�t feel sorry for myself though, in fact I feel very grateful. I have all my
limbs and sight and have a supportive family and friends and I am always working on
myself to learn new things and be curious about the world but I don�t go after
women because I�ve been told by them I�m unlovable and I wouldn�t want to be a
nuisance. Does that make me a terrible person??
Create a youtube channel where you whine about not getting laid with your nasally
voice to your fellow virgins who then cheer and echo you in bitter comment section
oh I didn�t know their was an actual group thing. I�ve just considered myself a guy
who has gone my own way in the since that I�m focused on myself and improving
myself and I�m not bitter or hate women cause they�ve rejected more that I�ve
accepted it. I�m not saying I�m a victim, I believe I live a nice life and have so
much to be grateful for but every woman I�ve met has rejected me in some form, some
have been really hurtful and mean about it and some have been really nice and I�m
friends with them and I don�t resent they have rejected me cause they don�t owe me
anything . Maybe one day I�ll find a woman who loves me for my curiosity of the
world and maybe not either but either I�m fine with?
great strategy, if they were truly going their own way they shouldn't be involved
sexually with women at all. They're a bunch of hypocrites. Why don't all we women
refuse sex to any guy ( the single gals) this would turn them around fast! Also
they could get sex dolls! Ha!?
With your attitude Jake you could meet the proverbial one today and nothing would
come of it. Attitude adjustment in order?
you don't care but you take the time to mention MGTOW and even leave comments.?
Women thinking they're worth more than the hole between their legs, lol?
And this attitude of yours is why you can't get a woman.
Honey, I'm married. Women around these parts don't go for all that liberal
horseshit you big city yankees fall for.?
Did youu know you can focus on yourself and improve yourself while still having a
girlfriend wife? Having someone who supports you and who you can talk to about your
goals can actually help a lot in pursuing your goals.?
that's funny! I'm not American and I despise Justin Trudeau. I hope your wife
doesn't know how you feel because she would have every right to dump your ass. I'm
guessing you're some batshit crazy fundalmentalist, right? If so gtfo of here?
what�s wrong with my attitude? Seriously, I don�t hate women, I�ve been rejected by
women and that�s all I know so instead of being a prick like Ryan worstell ive
decided to work on myself and try to enjoy my life as much as possible and not be
bitter and if I find someone who appreciates that and can look past my physical
shortcomings than great but if not I�ll be ok too. How in the world is that a bad
Oh, a foreigner. Fuck your opinion, I don't talk to foreigners.?
I'm Canadian stupid, that's hardly a foreigner, btw I hate Americans so screw you.?
wow don�t get me wrong Ryan is a creepy loser but to be honest Marina you�re not
too much better than him. You hate America? Don�t get me wrong trump is a terrible
and vile president but that shouldn�t make you hate America. I�ve met some terrible
and shallow woman but I don�t hate women. You act like you know everything and
you�re on this moral high ground but make no mistake you�re a piece of shit. Not
because you�re a woman, just because you�re a piece of shit and you�re ugly on then
the inside.?
Maybe hate is a strong word, I dislike them because they think they're better than
us and talk shit about our country, I don't hate Trump either but calling me a pos
was not necessary. Don't worry though, I won't step foot in the US, also you guys
can keep your" wonderful health care system" Bahahaha!?
wow who is acting like they are better than everyone else? You do realize that most
Americans want a similar system to Canada right? Our democracy is screwed up
because most our population wants universal healthcare it�s just our electoral
college and Gerry mandering makes it so only conservatives get elected. Maybe have
a little empathy because if you haven�t noticed a lot of Americans are marching and
protesting our current conservative government. You don�t want men to put women
into stereotypes yet here you are doing the exact same thing and being hateful
towards people you don�t even know their past or beliefs. I think you�re Critisism
of America and men is a reflection of your own shortcomings cause you are doing
exactly what you are criticizing men and America of doing?
All MGTOW is are men choosing not to date, marry, or impregnate women, and to
instead live their lives for themselves and their own self-actualization which
every human has the right to do. It's unintelligent thinking to blanketly state
"MGTOW are all women haters!" when in reality this isn't true at all as each person
is an individual with their own set of beliefs. If I said, "all feminists are man
haters" you'd have a shit fit and demand I edit that to say "some". You can't have
it both ways. MGTOW is a reaction to the behavior of the current generation of
women in western society and the government that allows women to behave badly with
virtual impunity. Most of these things are reactions to how women are behaving, but
rather than women taking a second to stop and be introspective and ask "what am I
doing to contribute to these issues?" women continue to take on the false role of
total innocence in everything, and so the cycle continues.?
You have no idea what you're talking about. Please stop speaking on things you
don't know. If you can't see the difference between MGTOW and Feminism, then you
really shouldn't be having this discussion. Modern Feminists mostly fight for the
elimination of minor inconveniences that more reasonable people would just get
over. Modern feminists pressure media and the courts to continue taking more rights
away from men while gaining more rights for themselves in order to have impunity
from their poor choices. MGTOW is about leaving women alone and becoming the best
version of yourself. The two things have no parallels.?
In my personal experience, Americans don't like us , that's the feeling I got when
I used to go there.As for men, I do have issues with them because of childhood
sexual abuse and the horrid treatment by them simply because I'm female and
obviously this attitude has not improved.?
I think right now their is a lot of confusion for both sexes. Men have been told
that masculinity is being tall good looking dominant and muscular and in order to
win a woman�s heat he has to be an �alpha male�. But at the same time we�re
supposed to be nice and agreeable. I don�t think a lot of men know what to do so
instead you have men like Ryan who are bitter and blame everything on woman. Also
women are told that femininity is having a hourglass shape body, big boobs and take
care of the House. Which both aren�t completely true When in reality what men need
to be is learn how to be vulnerable which will lead to them being kind and warm and
empathetic but at the same time confident and assertive and learn that just because
you�re nice to a woman doesn�t mean they owe you sexual favors. I think women are
confused too though. I agree with the me too movement and some feminists if done
correctly, but women have make pathetic male haters too like men have pathetic
women haters. Some women say that if men just as much ask out a women even if done
politely that sexual harassment. So you have bitter groups from both men and women
because they are confused and feel rejected or feel degraded. When in truth
everyone should just work on themselves and learn how to be vulnerable and learn
how to not let bad people or mean rejections or degrading situations define who
they are?
I'm afraid to admit I am kind of clueless about politics. I have been with my
husband for almost 28 years so I really don't know what's going on. I don't
understand why it's so terrible between men and women now, as I have not been
single for years, it wasn't hard back then. Tell me, wtf happened, please I really
don't know......?
please read my post that I responded to all pro. I believe there is a lot of truth
to that. Are their asshole Americans? Absolutely! Are their Americans who think
that America is the only country that matters? For sure. But are all Americans like
that? Absolutely not! Are their creepy men out their who blame women for all their
shortcomings? Yes just look at Ryan and more males on this thread. But are all men
terrible sexual assaulters? Absolutely not. I�m sorry that you�ve had to deal with
sexual assault, I truly am. No one should have to go through that. But that isn�t
an excuse to hate all men. I�ve been called such mean and degrading names from some
women because of my height and my physical appearance, but do I believe all women
are hateful and shallow? Absolutely not! Most people who do this shit are people
who have insecurities or flaws and instead of realizing that everyone has
insecurities and flaws and become comfortable with them and even view it with a
sense of humor we blame other people for our shortcomings or we get bitter when in
reality we need to learn how to because vulnerable with each other because that�s
how you connect with someone, because they too have some form of insecurities or
flaws and that�s what makes us human?
Dear, If I hated all men I wouldn't be married! I don't believe they're all bad, I
am still trying to heal but it's very hard. I just want the truth and no bs but no
one will give me the straight dope, everyone's biased.?
with regards to American politics? A lot of people didn�t like the fact that
barrack obama (who btw wanted to create a universal healthcare system like Canada)
was president for eight years. A lot of people didn�t like that we had a black
president so they voted In trump. Trump would fit right in with incells. He has
bragged about sexually assaulting women ( literally said he just grabs women by the
pussy) and spews out a lot of hateful propaganda. He also is very conservative and
wants to only give tax breaks to the rich while taxing the poor at higher rates. He
is racist and says that all Mexicans are rapists and murders. He calls himself a
�conservative � but has been the most fiscally irresponsible president ever. Our
counties deficit has gone up because he has given huge tax breaks that benefit
mostly only the rich while taking away programs that help people like Medicaid and
has made Obamacare unusable. But him and his cabinet members spend tax payers
money on a unprecedented rate for things like golfing, or his members fly military
style airplanes from short distance like for example from Washington DC to
Philadelphia that costs the American taxpayers millions of dollars when it could
only cost hundreds of dollars?
in response to you trying to heal and that you don�t want any bs. I truly believe
that what I said above about being vulnerable and what true masculinity and
femininity is I truly believe that�s what we need to strive for and that�s how
people get emotionally healthy relationships. People are confused about how to
attract women or how to be a man or vice versa for women and I truly believe that
if you let yourself believe vulnerable that will lead to confidence, warmth, and
assertiveness. That being said it is much easier to be bitter and hateful like Ryan
because you don�t have to take risks and you don�t have to go through some
emotional pain, instead they bottle it up and try to release it by being
misogynistic and being hateful. Being vulnerable takes courage and opens up for
rejection, but the more vulnerable you let yourself become the more real you become
and the more Honest you become and that allows you not to care what assholes think?
Men are lied to. They're told that no matter how you look you should be able to get
a woman, and we all know this is not true. Any man whose spent time on a dating
site knows that's not true and they have also seen the deeply shallow but often
ignored nature of women. Women call men shallow, yet men are far less picky and
will have sex with just about any woman. Women mostly want the top 20% of men even
women who themselves are not that attractive, and this disparity is part of what's
created the wave of male incels. Most people are only hearing about incel now, I
was studying this back in 2008. It amazes me how late to the party the media is
with things and this is one of them. The false media narrative that incels as a
whole are all losers with poor social skills is just another example of how
anything that is male or mostly male is attacked, no attempt to be understood or
helped, but attacked. If involuntary celibacy were mostly a female issue the tone
would be totally different. The media would be crying out for help for these "poor
poor women!" but because it's men, "they're losers! They hate women! They have no
social skills! I hope they all die!" This society hates men and it can it even hide
it anymore. Attacking the afflicted is an example of the moral decay of western
society, and it's also completely foolish. All that will lead to is more violence
because antagonizing the hurting has never led to a solution, it's only led to
violent uprisings. When in reality what men need to be is learn how to be
vulnerable which will lead to them being kind and warm and empathetic. Sorry Jake,
but I know from brutal life experience (and I'm not a young btw), that those things
NEVER get a man laid. They get a man friendzoned. Those are the talking points
women SAY, but women by nature are people of cognitive dissonance. They will tell
you they want the type of guy you mentioned, but they have SEX with the total
opposite. and learn that just because you�re nice to a woman doesn�t mean they owe
you sexual favors. This oversimplifies a point that needs to be better understood.
No man on earth believes that being nice entitles him to sex. That's an idea thrown
on men by women who don't believe there are nice guys. But why do they believe
that? Most women chase the same guys. When you do the same things over and over you
get similar results. As many studies have shown, women chase the top 20% of men and
ignore the remaining 80%. That top 20% of men are generally tall, good-looking, and
can get any woman he wants, so he's not going to settle for most women who come at
him, he bangs them and dumps them. The bottom 80% can never do that, he never even
gets the chance, but because women are mostly going at the top 20% they label ALL
men to be the same as those guys and that's where the idea that there are no nice
guys comes from.?
like I said it�s because we don�t allow ourselves to become vulnerable. Letting
ourselves become vulnerable is scary. And people don�t want to do it. It is soooooo
much easier to be bitter and hateful instead of becoming vulnerable. Think about,
every person has flaws. I don�t care who you are. A man or woman. American or
Canadian. Everyone has insecurities and has flaws. Everyone makes mistakes and
screws up time to time. That is inevitable because we are human. Instead of people
coming to terms with this, they instead blame other people. We have been told at
early ages that we need to be perfect, and if we aren�t perfect than we aren�t
worthwhile. So when we aren�t perfect in regards to our physical nature or our
intelligence or our sometimes clumsiness we get bitter and hate People. When we get
rejected it tells us that we aren�t perfect when in reality it just means that we
aren�t compatible with each other. People need to realize it�s ok to have flaws,
it�s ok to have insecurities. It�s ok to say something stupid or do something
embarrassing time to time or it�s ok that sometimes we say a joke and maybe no one
else finds it funny, it�s ok that not everyone finds us physically attractive
because that is what being human is. Instead of coming to terms with this and
actually connecting with people who go through the same exact things, we put the
blame on other people because it�s much easier to do that and that leads to hate?
why then was it so easy when I was in my 20s ? This was in the 90s btw, I never had
problems getting boyfriends then but all I hear now is just the opposite, something
went horribly wrong with people since then. Personally I think it's the work of
Satan to drive us apart.?
I think you are highly mistaken. Are their shallow women out their? Absolutely! But
believe me when I say this, their are a shit ton of shallow men too. Am I going to
tell you that fairy tales are made for everyone? No. Some people are dealt a worse
card than others. Their may be some men no matter what they do they may never
attract a woman. Their is some ugly truth to that. But their are some women out
their too who may never attract men. As for you saying that what I said and you
responding that it only leads men to the friend zone, I don�t think you know what
vulnerability means. If you�re a pushover who agrees with whatever a girl says that
will probably bet you in the friend zone. But sir being a pushover and agrees with
whatever other people says is not being vulnerable. In fact it�s quite the exact
opposite. That�s called being needy and clingy, and that type of behavior repulses
anyone within 100 miles. Being vulnerable is putting your true self out their. The
needy clingy guys laughs at any joke a girl tells them, the vulnerable man will be
honest and if he doesn�t find a joke or doesn�t agree with the girl who may want to
date he�ll be honest about it. If a girl he is seeing shows up 30 minutes late the
vulnerable man will call her out on her bad behavior while the needy guy will will
not say anything because he�s so desperate for sex. The vulnerable man will ask out
a women and show his true sense of humor while the needy man will not and instead
just befriend them and try to manipulate them into liking them be being �nice� and
agree to whatever she says. Does the vulnerable ever get rejected? Absolutely!
That�s why it�s called being vulnerable. But he�ll realize that it isn�t a
reflection of him but more that it�s a reflection of incompatiblely. And they won�t
take rejection so hard?
"A creepy loser". Young fella, you're what's wrong with this country. Weak little
faggot. Trump 2020.?
just because you are able to get a boyfriend doesn�t mean that you are in a healthy
relationship or that you�ve won. That�s what incells don�t understand either.
People act like getting in a relationship is a competition or that if you have
attracted a mate or have a boyfriend or girlfriend than you�ve �won�. Believe me
when I say this there are some couples who would be better off breaking up and
working on themselves and get their shit together. I know I keep saying
vulnerability attracts people (maybe I should say it attracts healthier
relationships) because when I was in college their were asshole �bad boys� who
could attract women and get laid. But that doesn�t mean those were healthy
functional relationships. �Bad boys� and �nice guys� are the same person. They are
trying to use a form of manipulation to attract women. Bad boys just have a higher
success of getting dates and getting laid but don�t have anymore success of
actually having a healthy relationship because the �bad boy� is just and act. It�s
isn�t honest. They may know some psychological tricks to attract women but it
doesn�t mean their relationship is �easy�. �Nice guys� pretty much do the same
thing only their act is different. Instead they will lie and agree to whatever the
women wants to hear and laugh at their jokes even when it isn�t funny. They�ll not
call the girl out when they are behaving poorly like showing up to a date 30
minuets late, instead they�ll lie and say it doesn�t matter when in reality no one
likes to be treated that way?
thank God I married a good man because I sure as hell wouldn't want to be on the
dating scene again, it sounds like a war zone out there.?
Merania and Allpro, just look at this guy for example. I�m sure this Ryan guy tells
himself that he is completely flawless and whenever a girl rejects him he blames
her and lashes out that she is just a object of his desire. What in reality is he
is saying he is really insecure and can�t deal with it at a healthy emotional level
and instead bottles it up and tries to release it through hate and vulgar. Ryan has
no idea to how be vulnerable and because of that none of his relationships are real
they are based on superficial shit. And of course he is a trump supporter. Look at
trump! He does the exact same thing. He makes rediclous claims that he knows
everything, and he�s a self proclaimed �stable genius� and he�s perfect in reality
trump is very flawed. Trump is physically unattractive, over weight, has a orange
face, has been married three times. His wife won�t even hold his hand. Has had 9 of
his companies declare bankruptcy, doesn�t even know the difference between hiv and
hpv. Does trump deal with his insecurities and flaws by letting himself be
vulnerable? No, Instead he lies and says he�s flawless. But NO ONE is flawless?
it�s a war zone if you make it one. That�s the point. There is nothing wrong with
being single. There is nothing wrong with being in a healthy relationship either.
That�s the point though Is if you want a healthy relationship you first have to be
happy and love yourself when your single. If you can do that then like I said you
allow yourself to become vulnerable and in some aspects letting yourself become
vulnerable then lets you love yourself and can become happy when your single. If
your miserable and hate yourself when your single., that is NOT going to change
even if you get into a relationship. Vulnerability isn�t just putting yourself out
their and trying to find love. Vulnerability is showing your true self even to
people whom you don�t want a sexual relationship with. Incells have a problem with
vulnerability. They stay inside on a Friday night instead of going out because they
are afraid of being rejected, not just by women but even by soiecty. Vulnerable men
will take chances, they�ll go for their career that they want. They�ll go back to
college even if they risk the embarrassment of doing it at an older age. And that
doesn�t mean just because you�re vulnerable every person and thing will work out
perfect. That�s not how life is but it does mean they�ll give themsves more
I am sincerely sorry that is your experience and no it does not make you a horrible
persons. The guys who think all women are the same is my issue. Everybody is
loveable do not buy into that notion. It sounds like a horrible situation. Just
stay strong and continue to concentrate on what makes you happy. A lot of times
people can connect when they are not actively looking for someone.?
Idk, maybe these guys are beyond hope, not you Jake you're alright.?
don�t for a second feel sorry for me. Yes I�ve been rejected by a lot of women. And
I�ve always been single. But I have so much! I have my legs! I have my arms and
hands and sight and hearing! I get to learn new things everyday! I have leaned how
to become vulnerable and show people my flaws and insecurities not in a way to make
people feel sorry for me but in a way that makes me human and instead of being a
prick like these incells I can actually express my emotions in a healthy way. I
know men who have had girlfriends or gotten �laid� who I would never want to trade
positions with them because they don�t know how to be vulnerable instead have a
�bad boy� dishonest act. I�m not a pushover �nice guy� either though. I�m honest.
Not in a trying to break people down sort of way but in a stand up for myself and
tell what I believe and what I stand for even if that means they don�t agree and
may not like me for it?
I think if some of these guys get out of their own way and open their minds they
would have success with the opposite sex and life in general.?
my apology if I offended you. You sound like a good guy. Like all of us if we are
honest we are learning as we go. Life is hard and some are dealt harder hands than
others. It is up to us how we navigate these obstacles. Good luck to you.?
Well it�s interesting to see everyone else�s view point. Good luck to you all! If
you�re a woman or a man just remember we are all flawed, we all have insecurities
at some points and that�s ok! Instead of being so insecure about it and try to hide
it and be bitter and hateful, expose it in a healthy way, remember everyone else is
going through that too, let�s connect ourselves instead of divide ourselves! Men
stop blaming woman for your unhappiness. I�m 29 ive never had a girlfriend or been
kissed, but I�m happy! So can you. It isn�t a woman�s job to make you happy, it�s
your own! Don�t be a �bad boy� or the pushover �nice guy� instead be a real honest
vulnerable man and who knows what you can attract. Peace
They're not as bad as Incels, because, as their name implies, they simply want to
be separatists. Incels are different. They're mad at society and believe it should
pay. MGTOW just don't want to pay taxes because they hate women leeching off of
them. They're usually the opposite of Incels - they're guys who've been through a
divorce and are now convinced any type of romantic interest a woman shows in them
is a ploy to steal their money or ruin their lives.?
basically it's fear driven? Oh great, that's no damn way to live.?
There's No point in arguing with the Women who found out what MGTOWs are and still
resent them. They're just going to be endlessly offended by ANY MAN who figured
out that Women aren't entitled to Attention. Those kinds of women NEVER had any
empathy for Men to begin with or any intentions to EARN attention equally?
I'm a comic in Philly and I remember one guy who wanted me to look at his comedy
sketches and after reading three or four of them, I noticed a pattern: they only
seemed to raise the stakes through anger and women seemed to be little more than
receptacles of the protagonists' rage. So, when the woman on the panel (I don't
know her name and don't feel like checking. I'm sure she's a lovely person) says
that incels see women as receptacles, she's dead on, and she doesn't just mean
Its nice to see that you are willing to judge an entire group of people on the
basis of one personal anecdote. Science and evidence have truly entered the minds
of enlightened people like yourself.?
Treeforged It's not just one person. Look at their website: The entire
site sounds like that.?
This is isn't going to look, assuming he's not a member already. He just wanted to
score argument points. Never mind that he missed the point like a champ.?
Receptacles huh? How's that any different from the large numbers of women who only
see Men as Wallets to take things out of??
Except most women don't because we have the ability to support ourselves

Why did they have to create a new name for themselves when we already have a
perfectly good one?�s that simple....?
I suppose this is a subgroup of losers. Like you can be a loser for other
categories, but not necessarily be an incel.?
The key to have a date is to increase your social skills. There are great videos
here, in you tube, that could help.?
They go by MGTOW aka LOSERS!?
The term is used to make themselves victims, they like to say what they experience
is equal to being raped because it is involuntary, they have a warped mind.?
Incels may not be getting laid, but Doug's wife is probably getting railed while he
is working to pay for her nice things.?
it�s just a total absence of character...weak, pathetic, �victims� who won�t take
responsibility for their situation. When you think of the generations past who
lived through depressions, wars and poverty, these snowflakes are just so
disgusting with their miserable self centred outlook on life!?
where the fuck did that come from? Are you an incel envious of normal people or
just a cunt??
Why shame guys who are unsuccessful with women? Most of them have mental health
issues or disabilities. The "incel" mentality is fairly rare.?
I don't think you understand how much these guys HATE women. They are scary, and
they will kill more women, I guarantee.?
That name's not quite specific enough. For instance, Doug M is a loser, but he
probably has had his tiny little dick sucked a few times.?
who the fuck are you calling a loser you little cunt? I�m a married man with two
adult children...where do you get off criticising me? These pathetic little twats
need to stop wetting their beds and grow up and start treating women with a bit of
fucking respect and maybe then they�ll get some recognition in return. Don�t have
a fucking go at me!?
When your mental illness is such that you join these groups or possibly think of
hurting someone else, you are OBLIGATED to get help. With all of the literature
and awareness available now, it's inexcusable. It is YOUR responsibility to make
the effort to get your problem manageable.?
Of course, the mainstream society of BIGOTS and XENOPHOBES that ostracizes all
people who are different, never has any obligations to correct its own behavior.
You morally bankrupt monsters can be as bad as you want to be. You are brainwashed
by your corporate masters into believing that the mainstream culture is above
reproach. It is NEVER YOUR FAULT. It is ALWAYS the fault of the oppressed and
excluded. That attitude is the reason why there is a revolution in this country
right now.?
I am one who suffers from anxiety and has taken a lot to get back
into life as best I can. A ton of hard work. These so called incels choose to
follow a radicalized so called movement. When you feel that women should be handed
to you. ..that some girl should die because she wasn't interested, that some guy
needs to die because he is more successful sexually, you are obligated to get help.
..not only for the safety of others, but yourself too. Who wants to live like
that, and than you are suckered in by a radicalized group (and NEVER lump anxiety
and depression together with a radicalized group...EVER). Get help!?
You have disposed of quite a few strawmen there so nice job. But what about the 99%
of incels out there who simply want women to base their romantic interests on
something other than status, power, and social popularity?? Is asking people to
re-examine their values when it comes to dating and romance so innately evil? Of
course not. You just enjoy making excuses for the mainstream because the
television tells you that there is no other way to think.?
People like you are a big part of the problem.?
can you recommend any? Because a lot of them are bullshite put up by somebody who
is selling something.?
A lot of Incels have social anxiety, having social anxiety doesn't make you a
loser. A lot of Incels, if not a majority of them are not angry at women, or in
the case of Incel women, not angry at men. They are frustrated and ashamed of the
fact that they lack sexual or romantic relationships.?
Lets say they did take responsibility for their situations, how many men and women,
including yourself, would go on a date with someone who is a virgin older than the
age of 30 or 40??
I would. And I don't think I'm alone. Years back, dear abby ran an add from a
woman, age 66, She said that her boyfriend, age 70, wanted to have sex with her,
but she, a virgin, did not believe in sex before marriage and was unsure what to
do. Who knows how it played out. But the guy was willing to give it a try.?
Your probably no better than these "losers" You probably lure girls to have sex
with them in the presence of alcohol. And then you call it "social skills"?
are you talking to me? I�m a 54 year old married man with adult offspring! This
�victim� culture is crippling the Western world, people need to take responsibility
for their lives and stop blaming everyone else!?
"who the fuck are you calling a loser you little cunt?" - For someone who started a
thread chastising incels, you sure are misogynistic.
do you even know what misogynistic means??
They didn't create it. A feminist did. Not to label them either. It was a self
descriptor. Incels appropriated it from her.?
Yeah that's the ticket.... Show them how little empathy Society in general has for
anyone in their situation!...that won't Backfire in any possible way once they get
ahold of some Guns. Good Idea Stupid!?

If the government provided prostitutes to incels, all we'd get is a lot more dead
Why? They don't hate women in that way. They hate rejection and alienation. Like
most humans. They just don't understand WHY they are rejected (or in some cases,
they do know, and they know they are powerless to do anything about it). If the
government provided prostitutes, it wouldn't matter anyway. Incels are constantly
told by other groups (like the Alt-Right) to shut up and get a prostitute, but what
the Incel seeks is social validation. In short - they want to be liked.?
If you are unlikeable,you can do something about it.?

I also think the problem is though it's not just men with this issue, women have it
at a much harsher level where alot of women refuse to trust men from their own
horrid experiences or feel nervous about falling in love . Id say alot of social
skills for women are also falling behind where they have issues with expressing
themselves alot similar to men?
they are not mass murdering people.?
nobody is saying anything about mass murder first off. What I'm trying to highlight
is actually the hardships women also face when dealing with love and affection.
It's always about how men feel and yes this 17 year old moron hasn't a clue how
women are. It's really sad in general to be Frank and actually this highlights just
how badly the gender gap has been widening?
it's just sad no one discusses the issues women go through in this struggle?
of course, and imagine if women were committing mass murder because of it. Would
people be asking for sympathy for women if they were murdering. Lol never.?
my advice for everyone is just to let this period pass and focus on building a
career and moving forward. Sitting here worrying about whether you trust the
opposite sex or not wastes time and resources. You could be working out, learning a
technical trade or skill and working towards the business of your dreams. If you're
from an upper middle class family then you have the advantage of building your
dreams that most dont?
that is all well and good but radical ideology is being spread on the internet,
this needs to be stopped?
Women do not owe you sex, pervert.?
nobody even said that, clearly you're just making random comments?
radicalism always spreads but worrying about what's on the internet has no
productivity. It just turns you more into the introvert with no social skills like
Maher explained. In my opinion this should be the era of true happiness not the era
of virtual misery. My work as a jeweler gives me true happiness everyday. In time
you will see what I mean?
the other thing I want to say by building yourself and placing yourself in the
positive light of people around you alot of the anger and negativity on the
internet will keep receding. People love to help and love people who bring
positivity into their lives. I do my part with understanding and giving love to
others and in return even the ones who failed to give it back make me learn the
reasons why loved ones who've hurt me in the past have hurt me. People love to use
politics as just a barrier to keep people out of their hearts?
"they are not mass murdering" Sure they are it's called abortion?
It won't go away if you ignore it. Ignoring it is why it spreading like a virus.?
the internet is full of those nut jobs who don't think they have to work for
anything dating takes alot of work so does building a life. These people will die
off eventually as they age into rotten pieces of shit. Those who fix their internal
problems will go on but we can't waste our time fighting with them because we
literally waste our time which means they are dragging us down and not allowing us
to thrive and build our lives?
They murder dozens of people. It's well worth the time and energy to prevent this.?
if you feel so then you should do it, I only commented because I was upset no one
discussed the hardships these highschool girls face as well did you know this
psychopath murdered a girl he kept trying to date but she said no he even did it in
front of people to bully her and when she still said no she was the first one he
killed. I hope they give him the chair. I wish you luck on your work.
I'd hope the police is spending money on preventing this. It's their job. My taxes
pay for it.?
The term Incel, as a self descriptor, was coined by a woman. It gained popularity
with men many years later. Now there is a rift - Incels constantly yell at women in
their own communities that they don't belong, because they believe it's impossible
for a woman to be an Incel.?
bill Maher took the words right out of my mouth whatever happened to trying to
build a business or joining a band??

Haha, very funny. It's not about "running a few laps, brush your teeth and then get
out there". It's not about lacking social skills. It's about life long rejection
for not being handsome enough. Quite simple, really.?
No it isn't. I know lots of married men who are ugly, but they made an effort.?
There are guys with no legs or arms or blind that are married. The truth is they
want the hot girl not average Mary. I have ventured into chat rooms with incels to
understand their thought process. They act like victims. They are angry and believe
they are entitled to any woman they desire. However the woman is not supposed to
have any standards. When you ask what are they bringing to the table since they
want the Barbie submissive Stepford wife they rather call me a feminist cunt than
answer. However by their own admission they don't have the looks or personality or
social skills needed to attract women. They rather talk to guys who think like them
hate and marinate in self pity rather try to fix themselves. The other subgroup
worst than Incel is Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW). They are horrible women
no its about the way they view the world. they see them selves as alpha males and
think that sex is a right that belongs to them and it should be given to them from
any woman they want. that's why they don't get any because they are just flat out
crazy people.?
That's bs. As long as a man is competent in something and makes an effort to make a
woman feel desired, there will always be someone willing to fuck him. Problem is,
incels expect some sort of virginal, submissive supermodel that will worship at
their feet. They're insane.?
Those guys with no arms or legs are generally married to religious women who
believe god will bless her for being kind enough to settle down with a freakshow.
Also, if these people are 30+ years or older, they grew up in a different time
period. This discussion is about late milenials who are growing up with technology
and media that plasters hot men everywhere.?
This is a logical fallacy. There are aesthetic standards that are requirements for
male and female in order to find a partner. And you already agree with that
statement. It's the reason you(a straight woman) are not dating a woman or even an
animal, like a dog. There are certain aesthetic standards that must be met for
relationships. Fact?
believe me...ugly incels do not see themselves as alpha males...they are well aware
of their low status.?
Preposterous generalisation.?
I still dont quite get that. Like someone else said plenty of not great looking men
and women are married. If they have a skill in life and put themselves out in the
world and get exposed to people someone is going to notice of they are funny,
smart, or kind. Meeting people at work may be better for these guys as they need
repeated exposure to the same people. A man may not be that attractive at first but
it takes time for some ladies to see a bit deeper. Have skills, some personality,
be clean. Unless you have to get dirty at work but you still look good because at
least you have a job.?
If that's true why can I see dozens and hundreds of unattractive couples everytime
I go into public??
If you inflict pain on others because of your own losses, you're a shitty person
not sure meeting people at work is as viable an option now as it was before. There
are stigmas against flirting with co-workers on top of potential sexual harassment
It�s a self fulfilling prophecy. If you see yourself as �unworthy�, you will act in
such a way, and that will absolutely turn women off. If you are confident, decently
attractive, are a respectable person, and do not have any weird self-confidence
issues, getting laid is trivially easy. It really is.?

The incels are an offshoot of the men's rights groups. The incels are upset that
the "negging" and other abusive ways that the MRA folks teach them to treat women
don't work, and they really resist knowing that. That women have more choices is
a big frustration to the incels, because it means that they have to have something
to offer and they have to COMPROMISE, rather than just make demands and expect to
be obeyed.?
"negging" is just a nerdy way of saying teasing. It's how normal men & women flirt.
And people who get out of the house and at least try to meet women are far better
off than those who stay home and post on 4chan.
You know what's abuse? The constant ridicule they take from ironically heartless
ignoramuses like you.?
just having a dick is not enough! Haha! Dummies.?
Wrong. Your information is very bad. Incels are ANTI-men's rights groups
(ESPECIALLY Pick Up Artists - their saint Elliot Rodgers wrote and whined about
this at length). Incels are also not exclusively male and began as a feminist
movement. It was co-opted by men much later, and they purged the women, with the
oft repeated notion that it's "impossible" for women (or "roasties") to be Incels.
Regardless, they are still flooded with women who crave and enjoy the attention
from members of the incel community known as "orbiters" (this sub-section is much
loathed by most Incels, who see them as traitors and fools). You're
mischaracterization, perhaps misunderstanding of Incels is demonstrated at the end
- they are not angry at women, or even particularly give a shit about patriarchal
values. The type of misogyny you're talking about is something that Incels
themselves complain about endlessly. They believe/know they are unable to be
"Chads" and have relationships in that manner. One of the things that drives them
mad is the hypocrisy they perceive when women like yourself make these statements,
but OTHER women do not remotely live up to the principles you put forward. They are
seemingly unable to process society as a group of individuals who behave
differently. They think in uniformity. "If one woman says x is bad, then all women
should think x is bad, but I see those women doing x - society is out to get me!"?
You're confusing MRA with PUA. They hate each other, PUA are the ones who "neg" and
all that lark. MRAs are the ones who want their foreskins back.?

INcEL sounds like Mgtow. It would be true torture to be forced to be alone with
these unbalanced 'people '. Please stand against these groups,Bill?
not really, MGTOW are people who have been scorned by woman (their words) while
incels are people that can't make it to first base with a girl?
No. Incels are obsessed with having girlfriends. MGTOWs don't like women and strive
to avoid them.?
MGTOW are the only people more despicable than incels.?
feminism is cancer and that is why incels exist?
MGTOW want Nothing to do with females. If Alek Minassian was a MGTOW, ten people in
Toronto would still be alive today.?
Why are MGTPOW despicable? They hurt no one as far as I know.?
mgtows are incels in denial?
Incel is the opposite of MGTOW. Incels try and fail to find human connections. They
put romantic and sexual relationships at the very top of the achievement ladder.
MGTOW believe every single romantic or sexual relationship is secretly a woman
plotting to steal from them. Stanley Kubrick perfectly encapsulated the typical
MGTOW (except most MGTOW are divorced)
incels are below average looking guys who don't receive attention from women
because women only chase the top 20% of guys. it's very simple. they are unwanted
physically, but their biological urges are telling them to procreate. so it is
ruining causing them great distress?
why are they more despicable? how does them not wanting a gf or wife have any
effect on your life. stop worrying about them they want to be left alone.?

Listening to Bill and reading the comments, I see a lot of people who will never
understand incels because they are simply too smug and stupid to bother.?
incels exist because some men don't love women.?
both of you lasses just prove my point. thanks.
I stated just the opposite of your point. Logic isn't your forte.?
i meant both asses just prove my point. netiquette is not your forte?
Love and lust are not the same thing. Men lust women more than women lust men.?
yes men lust women more than vice versa because men are "trained" by society and
biology to be that way AND men still LOVE women more than vice versa. Let me know
when there is a rebuttal to happy wife happy life, or make sure you buy dinner for
your girlfriend on valentine's day or else you may not get any.?
incels are trying to kill women! Funny way of showing love! "Men" and "women" are
not monolithic structures that have equal amounts so everyone can have a
relationship! What if the only ones available for older women? Bet those incels
would get pissed off too! Stop blaming women for literally everything! We are all
people with different mindsets and lives. Do YOU base all your decisions on the
bigger picture? Did you give up your prolific job position so a woman can be in it
instead so we "can all be equal"? NO! No one has to sacrifice their will just to
please the other gender. I'm not going to leave the furniture construction, the
money making and the financial skills to my husband just to make his penis feel
better about itself. And he shouldn't leave the childcare to me alone just to make
me feel feminine. Do grow up. If you don't like someone, then you don't. No one
should be forced to be with someone they don't give a shit about. Why don't you go
to South Korea and marry one of their older single women they have so many of? But
no you won't, because you'd rather fuck a young dumb cheerleader.?
haha incels are trying to kill women..stop blaming women for everything..both false
statements. apparently you are not educated enough to know about incels and the
general nature of men and women or societal expectations and realities. do some
research and get back to me.?
love has zero to do with it.?

Interestingly, not all incels are slovenly neck-beards. There has been a weird
confluence of incels and right-wing gym bros in the last few years. There are at
least a dozen of them who are regulars at my gym. They are obsessed with becoming
as physically massive as possible because they are infatuated with bodybuilders
like Jay Cutler. They preen and primp and obsess over every aspect of their
appearance, including the socks they wear. Yet, they all look ridiculous--like
puffy, human water balloons. Then, when they don't get laid (because the vast
majority of women find that look repulsive), they rant and rave about how women
have become obsessed with tiny "beta" males. In reality, women have always been
attracted to men with aesthetically pleasing, tone bodies. Nothing has ever
changed. But, because the incel philosophy evolved to act as a mental crutch to
allow losers to blame their failures on others and avoid any kind of meaningful
self-improvement, incels are incapable of recognizing their errors or improving
their lives. They have voluntarily trapped themselves in a mental prison of
failure, loneliness, and anger.?
You speak about incels like they are a monolithic group, you sound like a right
wing looser who is explaining the problem with black people making less money.
There just blaming some other people for there problems and using it as an excuses
to avoid any kind of meaningful self-improvement. The truth is you know nothing
about these people and you are probably lying about the bodybuilders you are
speaking about.?
You may want to actually read my comment there, champ. I am doing the exact
opposite of alleging incels are monolithic by describing a sub-group of incels.?
They aren't Incels. They Gymcels. Some people argue narcissim is present in both,
but with Gymcels it's different - they don't want women to fill emotional or sexual
needs, as Incels do, the Gymcel wants to be admired. Women mean as much to him as
likes on social media. They even have their own favorite movie - Teddy Bear, about
a hulking European bodybuilder whose mother wants him to settle down, get married
and get a real job. He finally meets a middle aged South East Asian woman who loves
him for who he is and allows him to continue is asocial hobby without expectations
of normalcy.?

McMullin is right... This president made it alright to blame others for your own
failure in personal and public life. This is how handmaid tale shit starts... One
group of people think they have a right to another human being. If we continue to
take away women's control to their own body, slavery of women will happen.?
Trump wasn�t president when Rogers shot a whole bunch of girls. Stop with this crap
you demented fool!! And stop watching too much tv. It�s not real, just because left
wing jackass tell you a story doesn�t mean it�s going to happen. Unless your very
stupid. Lastly isn�t that what people who never take responsibility for their
lives? Go to any jail and listen to all the innocent people locked up for nothing.
No one has a right to another human being, I�m a Christian and that�s fundamental
in my teaching and faith. So please be more careful in your statements.?
Joy McMullin isn't a liberal, he's a Republican. He just despises Trump. I also
feel you're missing his point. Which is that Trump is a president who never takes
responsibility for anything bad that happens. Remember the failed raid in Yemen? He
blamed that in his generals. When he couldn't get the ACA overturned he blamed
other Republicans. It's always someone elses fault. So he's saying that such an
attitude is going to rub off on some people. "Oh I can't get laid? That's not my
fault. It's those fucking women who're doing this to me!". Since you're a
Christian, the bible certainly does teach you that women are the "weaker vessel"
and that they should submit to their husbands. It should be no surprise that
Christianity fosters some rather questionably ideals when it comes to the treatment
of women and sex. Just look at the uber creepy purity movement among Christian
fathers with their daughters.?
well depending on where you get your information from the raid in Yemen had its ups
and downs. But can I ask you why USA are in the Middle East in the first place?
Wasn�t Obama�s who won�t the peace prize and started another war in Syria ????. I
have no idea where your reading your information as a seminary grad. I can tell you
the scripture make no mention to that. Are women weaker than men, of course
physically speaking are you going to sit behind your screen and actually tell me
that women are just as physically strong as men? The scriptures make a point about
submission as a proper way of order. That the man submit him self to God then the
wife submit herself to the husband and children submit themselves to the parents.
Again if you think that is troubling to you. Then I guess your just used to the new
age way of thinking about roles and responsibilities. Of course you read the
scriptures because it would be too hard to see, theirs more pressure put on men to
do right than the women. How can a wife submit herself to her husband if the
husband hasn�t submitted himself to God? People who don�t follow through on the
requirements of marriage will fail and will answer to God. Lastly I�m not Trumps
Judge, I�m not Trumps mother or father, and neither are you. I find it troubling by
your attempts to know what he thinks or does. No man is free of consequences,
maybe you don�t believe that but I do. I don�t have hate in my heart for anyone, I
try to live peaceably. Lastly this generation and your generation I say this to
you. You guys are in for a worse things to come upon you. Now I see how this world
leader is going to easily deceive and lead people like you straight to hell. It�s
because you no core hope or belief, this is why the anger on the left is so higher
than any other president. A generation that worship man, rather than God. Theirs a
leader coming who will lead this world, hates God, gay, brings peace to Middle
East. And the world will love this man. Why because he�s not Trump. But he�s going
to bath this world with blood and sorrow! He�s going to make world war 2 look like
video game. Because you can pretty much do anything and get away with anything if
you think like the rest of global world. You are in the majority enjoy your time,
Christians had their time and blew it!! So I wait to see what a godless group of
social justice, capitalist hatting world view will create on this world. A group
that doesn�t believe in any kind of morality roles. Either it�s going be better
than what we have now or worse. I wish you the best!!?
McMullin is utterly clueless. Trump is everything Incels hate. Incels don't think
they have a right to anything. They're nihilisitic because they don't believe they
can ever be accepted into human society. Incels have no interest in enslaving
women. That's ALSO why Dan Savage is wrong, and why the problem is more complicated
than people realize - it's not about getting laid. They want acceptance. You have
to remember that Incels target males just as much as women. Their patron saint,
Elliot Rodgers, killed MORE men than women - why? Because they are "Chads"
essentially "Normies". They view normie society as having rejected them, and want
revenge (the ones that become violent).?

I don�t have sympathy for these incels, but discrediting them all as �losers� isn�t
going to stop these heinous acts from occurring?
No, this is Not gonna stop. Elliot Rodger was just the beginning. "Virgin" is the
new Terrorist. "Incels" is the new ISIS.And they will kill - Not for God, but for
their own personal God: the Vagina.?
No, but hopefully it will deprive them of their power and impact. That�s one of the
functions of comedy, to take scary things and deflate them a bit.?
Right. You can't really complain about societal attitudes towards sex, and the
damage thus caused, and then make glib virgin jokes.?
ugly virgins not only have trouble finding girls to be in relationships, but now
they're all powerful and scary? what in the ever living fuck are you going on

I dont think laughing at this problem is going to make it better. These people may
need help, and just leaving it to fester will result in some other dude mowing
people down. Its not just about sex, its about having a connection/relationship
with someone.?
The panel was really ignorant on the subject. Incels are constantly told by other
fringe groups they associate with to shut up and go to prostitutes, but that's not
what they're after. The people here are really hung up on the specific male/female
issues here - but any Incel community is rife with a much larger problem of social
alienation. Many Incels are also NEETs, who feel completely cut off from society.
You could give them prostitutes, but this isn't going to change anything. They want
human connection/acceptance.?

If you see women as prey instead of as human beings that have families that love
them, that have hopes, dreams, careers, friends, and are worthy of respect, then
why should they have any interest in you??
There is no reason to believe that these men do not think of women as human beings.
You are just telling yourself that because you do not want to accept the reality
that some human beings will not be accepted by society at large or women no matter
what they do.?
Except for the fact that want the government to distribute girlfriends/wives like
property and support acts of violence against women for the �crime� of denying them
sex. Those are pretty strong indicators that they don�t see women as human.?
Instead of being a self-pitying fool, change your ways. "No matter what they do" is
a cop out. I know from my own experience that someone can become more socially
skilled. The first step is taking your attention off yourself (being less self-
conscious) and turning it towards being sensitive to the feelings and needs of
others--male or female. Be helpful. Be sympathetic. Be a friend. The world owes you
nothing, but if you are giving, it will give back.?
i know when im on the prowl i start off by telling her i respect her as a human
being, that I recognise she has family and friends who love her, that she has hopes
and dreams and is worthy of the utmost respect. When that does not work i look at
her like a piece of meat and if she too is looking at me like a piece of meat
(misandrist!) we gon get down. its almost like nature or something. fuck your
disney feminist shite welcome to the real world?
Except for the fact that want the government to distribute girlfriends/wives like
property and support acts of violence against women for the �crime� of denying them
sex. Ive trolled many incel/mgtow circlejerks and have to say ive never heard a
concept even remotely similar mentioned. is there not enough wrong with these mgtow
martians that you need to make up obvious shit about them? they whine that they
cant get laid all day while at same time telling us they dont care, start there.?
They literally call women subhuman and trash.?
Then you were blinded to them. Because is full of those ideas.?
link me to just one please i smell bullshit?
I linked the site. I'm not going back to that site. Do some research yourself?
you linked me to a page where an anti rape guy asks incels if they think rape
should legalized and it got a resounding no bar a couple obvious trolls. like i
said, dont make shit up it is redundant. tell it like it is, theyre a bunch of
crybaby legjiggling virgins. sad enough i reckon?
If you see men are oppressors, rapists, and abusers.?
yeah and leftists want to distribute peoples wealth and they can't fathom the
I've been on their boards. Incel and misogynist are basically the same word now
days. They mostly believe women are none sentient creatures that have no right to
make their own decisions and most want a society where women are given to men as
prizes. They don't think women are people like them.
They don't see women as prey. They see women (and men - the dreaded "chad") as
people with hopes, dreams, careers, friends and being worthy of respect - and
themselves as hideous monstrosities that will never have that. They DON'T expect
women (or society, or employers) to take any interest in them. That's where the
rage comes from.?
99% of incels do not believe this shit idiot?

The Tone deafness on this issue is blinding. Its like ya are running with the whole
incel usage on social media that you dont understand that is about more than just
sex. I cant believe people are so blind that they haven't been paying attention to
what is going on in the culture regarding how gynocentric and misandrist the
culture is to men and yet everyone is a damn expert on the subject. Even to the
point of talking about creating watch list. Freaking morans.?
shut up incel piece of shit, you dont deserve sympathy because women would rather
fuck something better.?
hear, hear the pot calling the kettle black?
shut up you ugly incel, no one believes this deranged shit but you fuggly losers?
happily married, 35 years old and semi-retired, investments booming, set foot on
every continent. Hardly the picture of an �incel� How you doing by the way??
lolololololololololololololololololololololololl sure buddy. You are.?
you can �lol� all you want. Doesn�t change the facts. By the way I know of a
wonderful therapist who may be of great help to you in dealing with your anger
issues. Life is beautiful, enjoy it. Peace brother?
when I call out incels they always post the same as what you did. SAD?
might be worth while to click on said person avatar and see if it's a new channel.
Notice when you look on their accounts, it was just started. Would be surprised if
this was a troll or bot saying stuff just to get a rise out of people.
Culture has always been phallocentric and misogynistic to women, though. But who
could expect an incel to have empathy for women??
I am a real person that thinks your garbage propaganda you are spreading is
they see women as holding all the power, so online they bitch and moan to try to
get this group of losers to promote their disgusting propaganda. In real life the
only women they talk to are family members. Now their sickness is spilling into
reality where the most demented are committing mass murder.?
Holy fuck Incel thinking like this is pathetic. The Culture is mysandrist and
gynocentric? What evidence do you even have to back that up, other than the fact
you and other incels personally can't get laid??
Good point Jerome! i have been married once and had plenty of sex and relationships
with women but even with that i can see a common message through all of them and
that is women seem to think you should let them treat you like shit because you can
be replaced in a NYC minute. Even when I have tried to have relationships with
women that are considered to be less attractive i found this mind set. As I have
always said I'm not try to pick on the ladies here just sharing the facts that I
have gathered in my 50+ years of try to be a better man. Killing others because you
are frustrated with women is wrong and solves nothing trying to understand both men
and women and the issues they face in the search for a partner is the evolved way
to help.?
The only thing disgusting is your posts and the ass hole for a brain you have!
Maybe the cock sucker you use to spout this bull shit too!!?
ya man 50 percent of the population is wrong and has a problem. IT CANT BE YOUR
FAULT that women dont want you.?
The panel were utterly clueless on the subject - you've got Dan Savage talking
about prostitutes (something incels are repulsed by), and McMullin talking about
Trump and misogyny (something else incels are repulsed by).?

Most of these incels are people with mental issues. Celibacy is the symptom of
those issues. But men's mental health is ignored.?
I am not mentally Ill and I am an incel. There is no evidence that me or men like
me are mentally ill. Believe it or not, it is possible to be unattractive without
being disabled.?
I didn't say all. But Elliot Rogers and the other guy clearly had issues. And
there's no such thing as atractive and unatractive men. Only rich or poor men.?
Autism is a mental illness.?
no celibacy is the cause, not the symptom. not getting interest from women causes
their mental issues and frustration. no other reason.?

They made fun of incels but they didn�t discuss a remedy for the people like
Toronto killer.?

There is a connection between sexual repression and terrorism. And pedophilia.?

This guest totally misses the point about 'incels' i.e your average male who can't
get laid. The reason why it's unfair is because of the 80-20 rule that the
mainstream tries to hide and women fail to acknowledge. You know that saying ' Walk
a thousand miles in a person's shoes before you judge them'. Women only go after
the top 10% in terms of looks/money/status, nothing wrong with that but that
creates a large population of men who can't even turn to paid sex as it's a crime
so they're left feeling frustrated and isolated and the feeling of unfairness is
inevitable because it's been proven that even fat women can have as many as 100+
sexual partners without any effort than your average male who can't even get a
decent female let alone an attractive one. If this equation was flipped on women ,
they would go insane.?
look at the CDC and America government own study. About 20% have multiple kids with
multiple women. The data shows in America more than half of men are not having
kids, this leads to idea that the 20% of men who are having kids are men who are
well off nor have access to multiple women to have children with. Again 80% of
women in America will have a child, this isn�t a mysterious, it�s simple math. The
real question is why? Why is it that a small amount of men, have access to larger
group of women in America? I live in America but I wasn�t raised here I am a virgin
by choice. Me personally don�t have time for dating I work hard and study hard. I�m
in my 30�s and I prefer mylife this way. Guys like me in America don�t get women
because their focus isn�t on women. Women lie to themselves and wonder why they
will get knocked up by a man who has other kids with other women. And they will
dismiss this, and blame all men. I truly believe unless your part of that 20% of
men in America. Your better off looking elsewhere for relationships.?
And those guys in the 9 to 10 range have hot girlfriends, but they cheat a lot with
girls in the 7 to 8 range, but these guys would never actually make these 7-8 girls
their girlfriends. The result, though, is that these 7-8 girls feel like they�re
entitled to the highest tier guys, and they pass up many decent looking guys who,
while still being pretty handsome, are not in the upper tier. And that�s why you
have 30 year old single women whose biological clocks are ticking down lamenting,
�where are all the good men�??
she�ll get pregnant by the top guy, and remain single.That�s how you get men in the
20% who have multiple kids with multiple women. Just works like that! In the
western world!?
What an otter load of bullshit! I have never been high income, I'm average looking,
(on a good day and from the right angle), a big guy, a bit muscular but definetly
overweight, I'm more shy than the average, but I still manage have partners "above
my range", simply because I'm a nice and caring person. I've f***ed up a few
relationships on the way, and been in one where it was the other way around!
There's A LOT more to the game than income and looks! But sure, if that's the
mindset you run around with, then you will probably fail! Get some life experience,
learn to talk about emotions, show you care about them - women don't want someone
who hasn't been doing much else than playing computer all of their life and who
spends the day brainwashing themselves on forums for PIA, MGTOW, MRA, Incel, "anti-
feminists" etc forums where the majority of time is spend bashing women.....?
I�m talking genetic pass downs not random hookups. Anyone can get laid, but not
every man is going to have a women or a family or children?
I'm not talking about random hook-ups, I do get that it's not just about getting
laid! No, I'm talking about relationships! Women in general want more in a partner
than just looks and income. As I said, I'm not high-income, and I'm definitely not
a "Chad"(???) And honestly, I don't really get what any woman see in me! I'm a
mental mess due to having PTSD after being through all kinds of shit, in the
military and in civil life until I finally got diagnosed and got help, (and being
diagnosed with ADHD late in life doesn't help either)! But I have shitloads of life
experiences, good, bad and truly disturbing - and I have a genuine curiosity about
other people! Guess that must be my "secret superpower", I give them genuine
attention - I am trustworthy and reliable, and they know I'm the kind of person who
has the strength to be there if SHTF.... I've chosen a line of work, in healthcare,
that nourish me mentally over having higher income! But it hasn't really made me
less "attractive".... I honestly think that to many of you younger men, who have
difficulties with establishing long term relationships, are trying to be somebody
else than yourselves - and from what I've seen from some of the forums some
"Incels" spend time on, some of you are slowly but steady self-radicalizing into
being somebody who most women, attractive or not, will find less desirable....?
I�m 34 and a virgin I�m not angry because I don�t come from America. I don�t have
anything against people in the USA but it�s too hyper sexual for me. I�m attracted
to the women here, the fact that hooking up is easy. And these women have about 40
sexual partners before they want to settle. Divorce rate is high, why would I want
to marry or date any women in the USA with this mentality or notion? When a woman
doesn�t need a man in America she�s helped by the federal government. Again most
men who are not like me, because I�m happy in life. I work government job I work as
technicians for computer companies on the side. I�m finishing my bachelors. I don�t
have time to date women or focus on them. Now I�ve already excepted that I probably
won�t get married by 40 or find any women until I�m way in to my 50�s. But that�s
the choice I�ve made. Most guys will be angry that their are virgins at 50 years
old. I�m not that�s the hand I�m dwelt. Most guys don�t realize the beauty it is
learning to love yourself. I cook I clean, I can do everything on my own.But we are
created to be social creatures, so we desire to be with someone. This is why I say
have lots of friends that are women if you can�t find a relationship. Most of my
friends are women the more I speak to them the more I�m so happy I�m not in a
relationship!! But that�s just me!!?
you do know these stats don't mean what you think they mean, right? 1) Is there a
statistic that correlates bearing children with sexual attractiveness/# of sexual
encounters. If not, all you've gathered is data about the amount of men who are
fathers and those who (chose) not to be. 2) Does this data account for the fact
that men are more likely to ve in the army, work overseas, be in prison, etc and
thus have a valid reason for why they don't have children with a spouse? 3) Unless
that data explicitly backs you up, where I come from the type of men who have
multiple baby mamas/wives are far from the best of the best. Im from Kentucky so I
know men with 10-12 kids and those men are not anything special.?
it�s does take account into health and occupation. But no one can say for sure,
again why do some men have kids with multiple women? Maybe it�s the sex appeal
maybe it�s something else. Who knows! If your lucky enough to have kids good for
their was a guy in Texas or one of the southern state a few years back he fathered
72 children with 23 women. He was arrested and ordered by the court be vasectomy.
Again some men have the appeal some men don�t! It�s just nature men shouldn�t be
angry! This is why prostitution should be legal! Some men will die a virgin! Other
men will have more sex and more partners than other men! It�s the way of the
Have you heard of birth control? Having children is as much about sex appeal as it
is about deciding to wear a condom/ make sure your partner also utilizes birth
control. Yes, some men will never have sex. Yes some men will have sex with many
wonen. But, you still have not proven that only a small percentage of men have sex
with most of the women. Your data doesn't back that up. It only discusses men who
have kids.?
that�s because theirs no data that supports casual sex. But theirs very much data
supporting kids because of genes and blood testing. We know most girls according to
the CDC has stated that most women in America study shows out of 20 girls 16 of
them by age 20 will have 11 sexual partners. And that just the conservative
estimates , with the revelation of high stds now found on 14 year olds. Just read
what the CDC is doing about the out break of HIV and syphilis our break in
Milwaukee a month ago. Where 100 kids in 4 different middle and high schools tested
positive to HIV and syphilis, a child was born with an STI. That�s just in 4
schools, on the east coast of America, according to job core government programs,
90% of applicants are HIV positive. That�s from D.C to New York to Maryland.
Virginia area. Again it�s not crazy to see who or where the problem is. My solution
is yes better plans, and better accounting for kids. Yes data shows less teen
pregnancy that�s because of abortion counts for the deaths of 1.4 million abortions
every year in the US.?
you can go to any college or high school and find out who�s having sex and who�s
not, I�m very sure if people will answer truthfully you�ll see in a school setting
or social settings, the upper popular kids are more having more sex than the social
out cast. This is just common sense, but if the numbers pan out have to take a look
at how many guys are actually having sex if it�s the upper physical appearance and
superficial aspect I grantee in a average class fewer than 20% of the guys are
getting laid. But I grantee for girls and women, 70% of them would have tried some
form of sexual encounter.?
I'm not saying I completely agree with what Henry said but you can start by looking
at dating websites.?

Juliana says " adapt or die out" very convincing argument , I have changed my
mind. This is biological, it's not as simple as "adapting " psychologically. To
abruptly end the provider/protector role for men has nasty side effects. Just
imagine how women will feel when the artificial womb technology is available and
their role as mothers is taken from them abruptly. It will be a disaster. Try
some critical thinking here. Understanding can go a long way. Liberal ad hominem
attacks accomplish nothing.?
stop buying into evolutionary myths and sort out your own mind. Even when we were
hunter gatherers, women provided more of the food we ate (80%) since hunting was
not so reliable. Is the only way for men to provide and protect is to keep women
from having their own lives? It might blow your mind, but most men nowadays expect
women to earn money as well, we feel the stress of providing too. Men expect to be
involved in child-rearing as well, and get paid paternal leave in EVIL FEMUNIST
countries. Try some critical thinking as well, most of your beliefs are outdated.?
Takes more than a womb to be a mother.?
Brilliant and accurate rebuttal!!! :)?
Citation needed. I think the statistic you are misinterpreting is that roughly 80%
of our food came from gathering, not from women, and 20% from hunting. What you
neglected to mention was that the majority of the people gathering the food were
men. Nobody said anything about preventing women from having lives, that is just a
strawman that you have pulled from nowhere. Nowadays most women still exact the men
there with to earn more money then them and that they will take the majority of the
financial burden during pregnancy. Most men will not take paternity leave because
all of the evidence shows that your career will be irreparably damaged by take such
a long time off work and because men are still valued by how much money they make,
men cannot afford to take the time off that women can. Men do not expect to be
involved in child-rearing because the majority of children are being raised by
single mothers who do not allow equal parenting time to the fathers and the legal
system systemically disadvantages men in child custody cases. Try some critical
thinking as well and stop getting all of your information from political propaganda
on the internet.?
I love when logic defeats emotions...?
You're both wrong. Which sex was responsible for bringing in whatever ratio of food
depended entirely on which culture and environment that hunter-gatherer group was
in. Eskimos obviously forage very different than the Hadza. This Incel debate has
nothing to do with Hunter-Gatherers.?
Ironically for one who demands citations, you just made several massive that
definitely need citation to be believed.?

SO 2 Incel attacks and liberals want to label Incels a " movement" But after
thousands of Islamic Muslim attacks all we hear from the liberals is "they aren't
all like that".?
Incels are a much smaller community there aren't billions of self identifying
Incels. Plus if you actually read about what Muslims communities feel about
terrorism. You'll see Muslims marching in protest and solidarity against the
attacks, raising thousands of pounds for the victims, hundreds of mosque leaders
refusing to give funerals to the culprits. And most of all preventing the attacks
by alerting the authorities on radicalized family members or friends (bdw most
attacks are prevented BECAUSE of this,and even in attack that did happen sometimes
a Muslim had alerted the police prior to it happening). While I routinely browse
the (now heavenly moderated) Incels subreddit and it is full of people finding
excuses and justifications for violent attacks against innocent people who's only
fault was having had sex and I see zero Incels marches against Incels terrorists or
even a for the victims.?
You aren't comparing a huge traditional religion with a self-professed ideological
support group, aren't you??
and like when Christians kill and other Christians say " he isn't a real Christian
Not all muslims are isis, just like not all virgins are incels. Incels are a group
of hateful assholes that hate 50 percent of the pop, think that all their rights
should be taken away and turned into sex slaves, also they want those slaves to be
no older than 22. They are extremists like isis.?
Incels hate women and have sites where they share hatred. Islam actively opposes
violence. I'm guessing you are an incel.?
71% of terror attacks in the USA are by right-wing terrorists. Only a small
fraction are by Muslims, and certainly not thousands. You're so deluded and so
scared of a miniscule threat, terrorism certainly works on you.?
First something doesn't have to actually kill something in order to be a movement.
Second, when you make your strawman argument about liberals supposedly saying "they
aren't all like that".? Who is the "they" according to you? If you mean "muslims"
without any kind of qualification then you're a bigot who is trying to typecast all
muslims. If you mean just simply those specific Islamic Terrorists then Liberals
certainly have acknowledged that Islamic Terrorists are "like" that where the
"like" means like "terrorists". Also notice that Savage made it a point to
distinguish between virgins and incels. He made it a point to say not all virgins
are that way. Of course I think its fair to say that maybe incels aren't all
monolithic either(I don't hang around there forums so I'm not sure what % of these
incels really do harbor these kinds of violent thoughts against women) so to the
extent that is true, maybe savage should have been careful not to pain with a big
How the fuck are Muslims equivalent to Incels? Muslims are literally over a billion
people who have a huge variety of interests. Incels have only one interest in mind,
and they connect to each other only using the Internet.?
Equating all Muslims with terrorists is like equating all men with incels. All men
are not like that. There have been more terrorist attacks by white, right-wing
extremists in this country than by Muslims. Further, the reason why Middle Eastern
terrorists attacked us is because we have been bombing their countries and killing
them by the hundreds of thousands. The reason why there has been some domestic
terrorist attacks by Muslims in recent years is that people like you make them feel
like their religion is under attack. Critical thinking is not your forte.?
"71% of terrorist attacks are by right wingers".... LOLOLOLOLOLOL?
It's more than 2 attacks. There would be no school shootings if every guy got
laid. It's simplistic but it's true. The psychos that shoot up schools were
incels before the term came about.?
incels are involuntarily celibate persons whether they self identify as such or
All the people on here defending Islam yet don�t realize what they truly believe
unbelievable. But delusional people don want to se the truth. To the uniformed
asshole that said in America right wing people commit more terrorized crimes, yes
can you proved the numbers to terrorist attacks?? How many of you jackass have read
the social study, that it�s only 20% of men in America have will get access to 80%
of women. Genetics don�t lie and it�s prove-able that the men who are passing down
their genes are not the majority for men in America. So the question should be,
why are their many guys who will never get laid, pass down their genes, or get
married? Until America get those questions answered theirs no hope for the majority
of men in the USA. And it�s not Trumps fault, it�s the fault of Americans for
generations who thought sexual revolution would bring equality and didn�t. Now your
daughters are objectified and your sons are attacked for being men. Good luck ?? In
Muslim country that your defending women their don�t have the same rights they are
property and play their role. But that�s assuming most you have even studied
Karen Carpenter you are so clueless. You could have looked it up. To be precise,
that figure is actually the ratio of killings by right-wingers among all killings
by extremists in the US in the decade 2008-2017 (the ratio of
incidents/perpetrators would be even higher). Islamists committed 26%, and left-
wing extremists 3%. Of course Faux News watchers won't learn about the majority of
those killings by right-wing extremists.?
learn to write properly and learn to do your own damn research before calling
anyone uninformed. If you had done your homework, you'd know that the 80/20 rule
didn't originate in any genuine research, but a misogynist essay whose anonymous
author just assumed that the Pareto Principle applies to the sexual marketplace.
Then you idiots kept copying the figure from each other on-line, without ever
bothering to spend time digging up any real sources. An actual 2010 study using
actual CDC data (I'm not linking it, again, learn to do your own research!) shows
that the Pareto Principle doesn't apply, because only a minority of both men and
women are very promiscuous (90% of women and 83% of men have at most one partner
per year, while you could say that 30% of men get a dozen or more among 10% of
women and vice versa). And virgins are a very small proportion of adults (both
among men and women).?
are you implying there are over a billion incels? in order for your comment to be
buoyant in any fashion, you'd have to have a number of incels as close to the
number of Muslims. the truth is, you are such an idiot, you don't think about
things like that. *over a billion Muslims"?
Veronica - The reason why you see zero incel marches against incel terrorism is
because they are ashamed of being an incel and they don't want people to know they
are an incel. Think of it like being a homosexual in the 50's or 60's and you have
some homosexuals committing terrorism, do you really think in the 50's or 60's you
would see homosexuals purposely outing themselves in public in the 50's or 60's to
protest against a fellow homosexual committing terrorism??
would you say that the majority of virgins, especially older virgins, are virgins
by choice? if not then they are Incels, do you honestly think the majority of 25+
year old virgins who are incels are hateful assholes? Do you honestly think this
Incel is a hateful asshole?

Thats shyness + they want the hot blonde + loneliness?

no. it's just stupid ugly (as in their personalities) overgrown infants who care
only about their own pleasure. it's no wonder they can't find willing sexual
partners. they already loathe themselves. how could anyone else not loathe them
No, plenty of people cannot get into relationships, such as disabled people and
people with problems such as autism as mentioned by Dan. Your ill formed equation
is ignorant.?
Please understand. If you're short and ugly like me, there's almost no girls that
will even consider me. I am not an overgrown infant. I am a 22 yr old electrical
engineer with a 79k salary. i have my shit together in that regard. but the pool of
girls that will even consider me is so slim that it's like a needle in a hay stack.
That's the problem.?

Maybe if they weren't such detestable little creeps, they might actually get a
date. Call me old fashioned, but I find women tend to be a little more receptive
when you treat them like humans. But then again, I am not sure what we're to expect
from a society run by a man who considered women to be trophies.?
When you believe that all women secretly want to be gang banged by 'genetically
superior' men, is it any wonder you can't get laid. Make some changes, incels. Do a
pushup. Run a lap. Lay off the Pizza Hut pizza wrapped in bacon. Work on your
hygiene. How much ya wanna bet that many of these incels neglect their hygiene cuz
they are binge playing the latest who gives a shit video game. And, lastly, don't
be an asshole. Treat women with respect. Your incel and alt-right friends will
think you're a 'cuck,' but do you want to get laid or not.?
Or maybe if they had gotten a date and some affection, they wouldn't have become
"such detestable little creeps"??
An unattractive man myself, I have been treated degradingly and been ignored by
women. I just ignored the hell out of them and gave them the wrong answers to the
homework when they asked for it. Women and incels are both narcissistic and crazy.?
Women are narcissistic and crazy. Can't go wrong with that attitude.?
BTW, I love this notion that incels wouldn't be creepy if they had ever been shown
affection by a woman. Fucking nauseating. Man up, look at yourself, work on
yourself and get in the game. When I was a teenager, I had trouble getting dates.
Why. It wasn't the fault of women. I couldn't talk, literally could not form words
around women. So I worked on overcoming my anxiety. As a result, had much better
success in my 20s. If ya wanna get laid, the first thing incels need to do is drop
the pathetic victim shtick. Whining ain't gonna get you laid.?
LITERALLY can not watch this - Im a 48 year old single guy with no money and I do
JUST FINE! Im polite, respectful, friendly, chatty and half the time I dont even
hate ASK for the telephone number its offered. INCEL - look in the fucking mirror -
THATS where the problem is you pathetic worm.?
Exactly. Be respectful. Don't be an asshole, incels. I know the go to move in the
incel/alt-right community is misogyny, but try not being an asshole. You're gonna
have to leave your tiresome, misogynistic politics at home, if you wanna get laid.
And try self-deprecation. That's one of the keys I discovered years ago. It's not
just women who find that appealing, people find self-deprecation appealing. Those
are the sorts of people I prefer hanging out with, those who make fun of
Yes because assholes don't get laid right? Smh?
genius-level advice! It's not like they said that in the program already?
There are no incels reading the Comments but fantastic suggestions everyone!
As an ugly undateable guy myself, Ive never felt the need to lash out at people or
blame women. Some guys arent cut out to date, thats fine. Theres more to life than
dating and sex anyway. We push this "someone for everyone" narrative and then guys
feel lied to when they have no romantic success. We need to encourage incels to
make peace with not dating and find hobbies/other purposes in life which dont
involve intimacy?
Jesus ask a woman to name a man they would fuck in a heartbeat then look up the
names and their general isn't hard to see the parallels?
old fashioned would be treating women not like humans actually?
You hit the nail on the head. Did these "Incels" ever once consider that maybe most
men they deem "Chads" are successful because they actually try to please women and
actually offer women something? Incels could do both of these things really easily
if they wanted to.?
You become detestable creeps when you're treated like one for not feeling the need
to dominate everyone around you like a caricature of an alpha male would. They're
not getting rejected because they're bitter. They're bitter because they get
rejected because women are wired to desire the alpha male.?
Holy fuck man REJECTION IS A PART OF LIFE. Everyone one of these so called "Alpha
Chads" you have some dysfunctional view of have all been rejected by women MULTIPLE
times. Rejection in dating always happens for a million damn reasons. What you do
is you just learn from the rejection and keep going. Why are you Incels just so
afraid of rejection??
I didn�t mention fear. I said they�d get bitter if they�re getting rejected. I�m
just pointing out reality. I have sex occasionally and I�m not stud but honestly
women and unjust rejection aren�t worth it the time. The more ridiculous their
standards get, the more men are gonna check out of this. Either that or just
conform to treating them like sex objects.?
Also there�s nothing to learn from certain forms of rejection. Depends on the
woman�s reasoning.?
There is always something to learn from any event in your life. In the case if a
woman rejecting you, it could be something about you she doesn't like, or it could
be some other event. Stop playing the victim in this scenario of rejection, try to
understand what happened, improve, move on. It really is not that difficult.?
100% agree - I probably get rejected 20 times a day? I dont know - i dont cont - im
not interested in whio says NO only in who says YES.?
That�s not always true. Lots of people get rejected for no reason. People can have
bad reasons for rejecting someone. I got rejected plenty for being short. It�s a
shallow reason. I don�t hate them or anything but they�re wrong for that kind of
rejection. Most of the time it�s shallow women. Men will try and entertain
something before rejecting.?
Men treat women like trophies because women act like they're trophies. Plus,
douchebags and creeps get laid way more than "nice guy's".?
NO they dont - Im an Empath and i get shit loads - "douchebags and creeps" TELL
everyone they get laid way more than nice guys OR ill grant this one - they have
way LOWER standards.?
Both wrong. And you�re an empath? LOOOOL. What a loon.?
OH - your that whiny little prick - look, women reject 99% of all advances - get
over it and ask the 100th - youll get laid OK.?
How in the name of FUCK do you even now WHY you were rejected?? Why were you
hanging around LONG enough to find out - I must have been rejected literally 1000's
of times and i have NO IDEA why - if a girl is not interested i respect that and
fuck off. I leave her alone. Every thought that your height may be the easy letdown
and your creepy wont fuck off and leave them alone behavior may be the REAL
reason????? EDIT - Im 5'7" for the record.?
Here are the facts. Most Women want dominant assholes without a moral compass. If I
see that that�s what they want from me then I treat them without respect and that�s
justified. As for the loose babble, no it�s because I�m short, I�m socially aware
and pretty charming and well spoken so it�s not me coming off as creepy. It�s just
they�re shallow ????and I�ll treat them badly based on that, one because it�s
warranted and two because they might change their mind given the realty that they
like being treated this way.?

If they knew how crazy women are. Especially when you're in a relationship they
would count their lucky stars. Women are addictive. Once you fall under the spell
of one. Your entire life is focused on "The Woman". Getting a great education. To
get a great job. To buy a great house, kids etc. Be grateful you didn't fall victim
like the rest of us.?

LOL, this can't be real. How can you not get laid especially nowadays where
standards and morals are out the window. I think it is harder to be a voluntary
celibate today and the stigma associated with it.?
Nah that's BS. It's actually harder to get laid nowadays if you're an ugly man. But
yes, if you're above average you can get laid pretty easily as a man nowadays using
Oh look, an attractive woman who is living in a bubble in La-La-Land thinks that
it's easier nowadays for a man to get laid, who would've thought? Jesus Christ,
just shut the hell up! You are clearly talking out of your ass.?
As a 35 year old virgin. It actually turns women off when I tell them that. I
hardly ever get 2nd dates. So now I'm saving up for the sex robot. I want the
deluxe model that talks back to you and blinks her eyes. When I lose my virginity
to a robot I might not go back but I will have to see if I like it.?
Because incels don't simply want to get laid. They want a very specific type of
woman. They want someone who looks like Emma Watson. But she can't actually be Emma
because she's a feminist and isn't going to obey their every word. They also want
someone who is "pure", or at the very least hasn't had much sex in their life. So
they want someone who incredibly attractive, who basically can't think for
themselves and will obey every word that the man says, and who hasn't had much or
any sex in their lives. That's why Dan's theory on prostitutes wouldn't solve
anything. Prostitutes are dirty in the eyes of incels because of the amount of sex
they've had.?
why are you telling women you're a virgin dummy? Just lie.?
That's what feminists want a servile man who is under their complete control and
doesn't have any standards. Incels just want to be loved.?
80 percent of the women go for 20% of the men the rest fight for the scraps of the
top men.?
I will feel physically sick to my stomach lying to a woman. And that's a Big lie I
wouldn't want to start off a relationship based on a lie. I've seen how that ends
It's not about sex with Incels. It's about social acceptance.?

This idiot talks about scapegoating people, and he scapegoats president Trump. And
then he'll wonder why he can't get elected.?
A scapegoat is innocent, Trump isn't. Slight difference.
what's the crime? Not what you think, not what someone else believes...what's the
crime? That he beat the worst candidate ever for president? That he says harsh
things that are the truth? Help me out here, what crime has he commited? I can show
you plenty of actual crimes committed by Hillary, and with the Obama
administrations spying on the trump campaign we might have a crime committed by
them. But I'm still waiting on a crime, not hurt feelings. So please tell me what
crime you are referring to??
No you cannot you retarded worthless ignorant uneducated brainwashed braindead
kidfucking degenerate racist pos treasonous scumbag. Hillary Clinton is not a
criminal. Tell it to law enforcement
Trump is a white collar criminal and that is a fact. Settling matters out of court
and NDA doesn't change that?
blah blah blah, one crime coward one crime. Hillary, destroying subpoenaed evidence
i.e. their phones, and I can keep going. You list one jackass, but you can't.
That's why you lose, and will continue to lose, the midterms are coming, and trumps
winning #MAGA?

I agree with the topic about sexual workers. But, That's not the problem of this
kind of people. Incel are misogunistic violent and racist guys, the problem it is
not their social skills, the problem is their sociopath behaviour.?

I consider myself an incel. But I do not need to enslave a woman for the purposes
of sex. I do not believe a woman is a sex toy. I haven't been with a woman since
about 2007 and I am totally comfortable with it. I do not blame women for not
being able to make love.?
Then you're not an incel. Incel is an ideology, and your comment suggests that your
mentality is in stark contrast to the entitlement ideology of incels.?
No involutarily celibate. That's not ideology mate. That is a particular
situation I am in. I have no problem getting together with another woman in a
relationship or a mutual sexual experience. Just not having any luck (for almost
11 years now).?

This is where natural selection comes in. I have no pity for these types. I put
them just a few notches below Pedophile in my list of groups I could give two shits
about. It would be less cruel if people told them they are worth nothing instead of
pretending they'll get a women by brushing their teeth and running a few laps. They
are bitter uninteresting men angry that woman don't want them for the bitter
uninteresting men that they are.?

Just watch porn and jerk off ?? Sexually frustrated men have been doing that

I've been celibate by choice & circumstance. I raised a kid by myself who is
disabled. I've turned down some opportunities & been turned down once or twice now
that my kid is grown. Masturbation is very satisfying lol.. I'm just turned off
not desperate lol?
Everyone has their own yardstick. Thanks for the reply. I have been in long very
satisfying relationships in the past. I've raised my son ,& have simply not met
anyone with whom I could fall in love. Everyone must do what's best for them.?

Dating and marriage are the same thing. Guys are buying booty.?

I played in a band for 20 years, and it's true... I did so much better for someone
of average looks ( in both quantity and quality) However, learning an instrument
takes time and incels don't seem to have the patience for it.?

I don't give a fluff about any of this,white people are Soo... Inadequate!!!?
whites control our lives, oppress us, subordinate us. they are also inadequate.
hmmm now i gotta go whine for a handout from those white devils because me and my
collective race are so pathetic cant even be independent?
You mean the same inadequate people who contributed to the technology that you used
to type that message??

America is coming to acc3ept the banality of evil... i think it's about time to

Men aren�t entitled to sex anymore than women are entitled to sympathy & special
treatment or a man paying for everything. But many women would probably disagree
with the second part because the dating game is ultimately rigged against men and
full of double standards.?

They can't get laid for a reason. Their genes are not destined to continue.?

What's funny is when the incels make this case, the feminists start making
arguments in favor of capitalism. "I have a right to my body". True, but then why
doesn't a man have the right to his body, aka his labor??

This is nuts. I was a virgin until I was about 25 and didn't blame anything except
my karma. Once I lost it, I was on and off--mostly off--for almost a decade until I
got married. We were together for 25 years and, like most married couples, the sex
declined because we got older and family moved in with us. My wife had a heart
attack when I was almost 60, and since then I have NOT blamed Dubbya or Comrade
Tramp or Tommy Chong or anything but The Way Things Are. These guys need to CHILL

It sounds like a few pathetic people who can't wrap their heads around or keep up
with sexual selection or survival of the fittest, thought that internet was gonna
give them a "voice" and get their wishes fulfilled without having to work or think
for it.?

I Know I�m gonna get comments on this but: the old social contract in which every
man married one woman, and they stayed together for life, and it was taboo that any
one of them committed adultery guaranteed that most every man got laid. When all
the most desirable men (the 9s and 10s) get taken, women had to settle with guys
who were a little farther down the line because it was unthinkable to desire a
married man and everyone was expected to get married, so they had to go with
whoever was available. Yes, you can criticize this system, but it made sure that
everyone had a mate. In today�s market place system, a small percentage of men are
able to get multiple partners throughout their lifetime, while most guys are lucky
if they get one.?

In short, our society is truly a hot mess... We bully and trash prostitutes who
really do a service to sexually frustrated men everywhere, and we also trash and
bully the men who need said help, thus creating incels. People seem to forget that
a single act of kindness can go a long way.?

Misogyny is what attracts a lot of women. It is an atavistic primal inclination to

masculine power.?

This advice is rubbish. They are just uncomfortable with the truth that some people
are just too ugly to get laid. It's a fact and it makes them squirm. This is why
they spew nonsense like "Just take a shower bruh..." or "Just brush your teeth
bruh..." or "You need some more confidence bruh..." This nonsensical advice helps
no one because it doesn't acknowledge the elephant in the room. The fact of the
matter is that it doesn't matter how socially adept, clean, or fit you are. If you
are ugly, you will have to pay to get laid. End of story.?
Nothing like a gay guy explaining how heterosexual males think and feel.?

FAR LEFT LOON BLAMES TRUMP FOR INCELS!!!! And they wonder why we call them LOONY

As long as Icels think they are entitled that other people owe them something, they
are trapped. You can�t expect other people to like and find you attractive when you
see them as property or slaves or inferior or whatever... Just be kind. To
yourself, to others and don�t expect a reward for simple human decency.?

Man, I've known about this term for many years now and having to explain this to
people like my normie family members made them look at me awkwardly when they
realized I already knew so much about Incels before all this mainstream news about

Capitalist Society - have one for free - even your own words - there isnt something
for that. You have Yoga teachers, spiritual teachers, educational teachers - why
not sex teachers.....the simple act of getting laid...or - not being a twat1.01?

Hell I was a nerdy geek when I was younger and I managed to get laid more than few
times. But I had good social skills and could make girls laugh which helped
immensely. I also knew enough not to go after the super hot girls who were out of
my league. So I dated just the cute girl next door types. In my opinion the
Incels are just a bunch of social misfits who have no social skills and probably
lack good hygiene & manners and yet wonder why girls don't like them. Duhh.?

What about inum, the involuntary unemployed? Or inshorts, involuntary short

people? Do they all get labels to justify why they might commit a murder? No. The
common denominator is they are just crazy people who want to kill people.?

As is so often the case, the word misogyny is being completely misused here. How do
you make the logical leap that a man feeling despair over not being able to get
laid means he hates women? These men feel entitled to a woman? Their despair is
based in a recognition that they do not have a right to a woman.?

As is so often the case, the word misogyny is being completely misused here. How do
you make the logical leap that a man feeling despair over not being able to get
laid means he hates women? These men feel entitled to a woman? Their despair is
based in a recognition that they do not have a right to a woman.?

Libtards are still butthurt about the election lmao?

A movement? Some people just needs to learn how to treat the gender they're
attracted to nice and with respect so they can find someone who will have sex with
them .?

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